#but Elvis was the cutest
doll-elvis · 1 year
there’s really nothing cuter in this world than Elvis interacting with babies 😭
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footage from “Elvis on Tour”
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jhoneybees · 5 months
How could you not find him attractive in his later years?
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Look at that smile🥺
Alright, if you all know what this post is going to be about then that's great, for those who don't then you may scroll past or keep reading.
I definitely don't want my blog to become ranting about drama and disagreements or anything, I'm just willing to share my opinion on this matter.
Please just ignore if I don't make sense but there has been something going on about sexualizing Elvis in his later years, some people don't like him in his 'fatter' stage which is fine, understandable, not your type, but to go tell people that it's disgusting and disrespectful to sexualize him.
One thing, those people you're saying that to they love him in so many ways than one. Definitely not just because of his looks and two it's not just Elvis that gets sexualized.
For those who like him for his looks, that's great, I think he's a sexy, breedable, adorable, sweet man as well.
Anyways, it's not very respectful for you to force something like this on others. If you don't agree with what we're doing then sorry to be the break of bad news but that's just too bad.
I don't know about others but I really do think for us to love him even in his later years, it would make him so happy and loved. I've read somewhere he's had a face lift and you know why? Of course, it's to keep being good looking on screen and pictures but it's also because he was insecure.
Now just think about that, would you like it if people are laughing and calling you names for your weight and figure even though your mind is already filled with terrible self doubting thoughts and not only that but having awful, energy draining health conditions?
And how about even after you pass there are people, forty odd years into the future, doing the same thing? Saying that you 'lost your good looks' because of your growing, wider figure?
Would you like that?
To me it seems like you're just being disrespectful.
I just think we gotta support each other with what we like, love and enjoy and I really do think Elvis would think the same.
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ximoshi · 3 months
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[ dear theodosia.. ]
happy EXTREMELY... LATE! father's day to the bestest daddy ever ♡
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suraemoon · 1 year
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Elvis recording at RCA Studio 1, July 2, 1956
Photographed by Alfred Wertheimer
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vintagepresley · 8 months
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Smiling little baby.
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vintageshanny · 11 months
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I love this story from George Klein. It’s just adorable how excited Elvis would get about things. ❤️ Also, I would absolutely love a rolling bookcase. Monogrammed with EP. 😍
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velvetprvsley · 1 year
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“it’s a real horse tail,” he said. He lifted it up high and looked at the back of my neck. “Yeah it’s a real horse tail, all right.”
I blushed the color of a ripe tomato. Elvis saw me blush and he laughed with childish delight. “Look at Arlene blush,” he said. Bobby made some comment about it in one of his funny voices and Elvis laughed even harder.
He lifted up my pony tail again. “Please, Elvis,” i said, trying to smile but afraid i was going to start crying. I knew he could be embarrassed easily. So i decided to get even with him.
When he got up to go in to the pool room with Bobby, I called out, “Oh, Elvis.” He turned around and looked at me. “Yeah?” I smiled. “I really like those tight black pants. There’s something in the way you fill them out in the rear. Especially when you walk away from us. You’ve got the cutest butt i ever saw.”
He frowned and blushed deep. “Arlene, cut that out,” he said. “Let us see it again, Elvis,” I said. He said “that’s enough, Arlene.” He looked really uncomfortable. And his blush was even deeper. He turned and walked out of the room as straight as you please.
- “Elvis, this one’s for you” By Arlene Cogan
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bigdaddyelvislover · 9 months
He is so cute and so beautiful❤️❤️❤️
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I wanna nuzzle his cute face🥺❤️
@mercsandmonsters you see this?🥺
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robinismywife · 1 year
okay but I just want to grab Elvis, wrap him in a warm blanket, hug him, pat his cute lil' head and tell him that everything's alright. That's all I want.
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I MEAN just look at this precious boy! I just want to be there for him and comfort him when he's having a bad day 🥺 😭
(i found the pic on pinterest! I do not own it!)
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doll-elvis · 1 year
“child actress Pam Ogles is only three, but she knows what she wants—Elvis—and she knows how to get him. She thinks nothing of saying, ‘I love you Elvis,’ and cuddling him and falling asleep in his arms”
the feminine urge to love Elvis Presley >>
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hooked-on-elvis · 7 months
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Rusty Martin: When I get married, I want a little white house with a tree in the front yard. A real kind of tree, with green leaves... Lucky Jackson: Oh, that! When I get the money, we can have a hundred trees... and a big white house, with a four-car garage and everything. Because then, I'll be the champ. Rusty Martin: I don't want you to be champ! Look, don't you think I know that every single cent than you get your hands on you go to gamble away? Because of that motor you want? The Grand Prix, any race? Any fool would know you won't change. Not for anybody... not for anybody.
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Although Lucky had been living the speed racer life previous to meeting Rusty, and certainly she had no right telling him how to run his life and she knew that very well, considering she did not asked him to change his ways, the woman was extremely uneasy thinking his life wasn't on the right track - it was not something she could bear with if remaining by his side, at least. She felt Lucky and herself could never work out as she expected. His dangerous job and easy ways to get money by gambling certainly wouldn't do for her. Hopeless on her relationship with Lucky succeeding, Rusty storms out, not even giving the man enough time to say anything. She goes back to her home, alone.
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A few moments later, the doorbell rings. The lady is still upset. She figures it can be Lucky at her front door, meaning to tell her something that she would take as small talk anyway. She's sure he will never give up on being a speed racer just because of her, therefore she was all about not seeing him anymore at this point. She asks he father to answer the door, adamantly stating she doesn't want to see anybody at all. Soon her father tells her to come by the door because there's something there for her - the sender is the only person that was in Rusty's mind. Grudgingly, still certain nothing Lucky can say or even give to her would change her mind about the two of them not being a perfect match, she walks towards the door.
She melts away the minute she realizes what is there: A tree. Just like the one she mentioned to Lucky as being a part of her dreams for a future home and a married life. Rusty immediately regrets being so harsh on Lucky. She decides to go after him to apologize.
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Viva Las Vegas (1964) | Directed by George Sidney
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againstthegrainphoto · 6 months
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This is the best goalie mask in the nhl. Change my mind.💁🏻‍♀️
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peaceloveelvis · 1 year
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I can't help but picture this reading this story! I love this beautiful dork so much! Except I'd be in Heaven having Elvis and 8 dogs in the car! 🤣🥰
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vintagepresley · 1 year
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Seeing his smile is always the best part of my day. 🥺
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inhidingxoxo3637 · 1 year
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Acosta is the sylvanian family mole
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THE MOLE FAMILY ARE CALLED THE MCBURROWS 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
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hauntedrose555 · 2 months
I’m looking at pictures of me when I was 5 and I’m feeling so nostalgic 🥹
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