#but I am in kakaobi hell so a kakaobi post it is
huskymaine · 2 years
Just imagine if obito and Rin were gender swapped and female obito later posed as male Tobi and Madara somehow ,so nobody suspected them as obito then mask broke in war and surprise fake madara is a women and kakashi old "dead" friend ,war is same but fem obito somehow survives and later married kakashi and boruto there is a kid of kakashi and obito a hatake with sharingan.🌸If even half of this was canon I think kakaobi would have been more popular what are your thoughts?
Hmmm, KakaObi is already so popular you know. It's like second most popular Kakashi pairing after KakaIru on AO3, and in Chinese fandom, KakaObi is one of the "Holy Trinity" Naruto ship, the other two is NaruSasu and HashiMada. Visit Bilibili or lofter, you can find many top-tier KakaObi contents or DM/Ask me anytime if you want recommendation of good KakaObi AMV on bilibili or fanarts on Lofter. They're mostly ObiKaka though, a.k.a Kakashi is the "bottom" when it comes to sexual stuff.
But, if you mean that KakaObi would have been more popular than KakaIru (since it's the other Kakashi ship that was more popular than KakaObi), then I doubt that a het ship that was fully developed on Part 2 can override the already long established KakaIru ship. Although I admit I don't really understand why KakaIru is so massively popular compared to other Kakashi ships, so I don't know what will make it "less popular" either.
As for your gender-swap scenario, sadly I only can see bad things will happen because of that Anon...
Male Rin will be ridiculed to hell and back. There are already many critics on Rin character who let herself kidnapped twice and every rescue attempts on her brought grievance consequences, and it will be so much worse if Rin is a boy, especially in the eyes of those dudebros on Reddit. "How pathetic is he, a girl sacrificed herself for him but then he let himself be kidnapped again and the said girl destroyed the world for him?" those kind of comments perhaps will appear in the Naruto fandom if Rin is a male.
Female Obito can look like interesting badass female character, but then like a huge bitch for marrying Kakashi in the end. Female Obito can look like brought her pardon with her seduction to Kakashi and it will paint Obito's character in a very bad light.
I doubt Kakashi can and will marry Obito post-war, regardless of gender. Although many fans sympathize with him, including me, in-universe hundreds of shinobis in 4th war hunted for his blood. Tsunade stopped them out of respect for Kakashi and Minato, but she definitely will not let Obito go freely and neither Kakashi nor Minato will want to stop her. If the marriage is an attempt for Obito's surveillance like Oro's constant surveillance, then the pairing will have a huge imbalance of power which is frankly I am not a fan. I ship canon KakaObi, but if KakaObi turned into like that, I'll not ship them anymore.
Personally, I don't think Kakashi loves Obito romantically. Of course I ship them, but honestly I can't see it becomes canon. The interaction between Kakashi and Obito is never painted on romantic light (actually, none of Kakashi's interaction with anyone is painted in a romantic light) and despite Kakashi's adoration to Obito, he's not exactly soft with him too. Kakashi called Obito worse than worse than trash, and tried to kill him twice. Or the lava scene, Kakashi carried Sakura yet only pinned Obito's hand with kunai. If Obito is a female, brrr, I can imagine the nasty discussion that would be created from it.
Again, personally, Kakashi having a kid will not benefited or bring nothing new to Kakashi's character. Kakashi is an already adult character who was tasked to take care of kids, guide him and stuff. The appeal of "having kids" prompt (apart from satisfying shipper) is to see how the characters whom we adored take care of mini size of them. But Kakashi is already having character parallel with Sasuke, and Obito got paralleled with Naruto. So if there's a question "How Kakashi will handle a child of himself and Obito"? Then I'll answer "Well, he'll handle them just like he handled Naruto and Sasuke". Also the Kakashi's sharingan kid will take some of spotlight from Sarada, and I am not looking forward for the chaos that will be created from it.
So yeah, that's my thoughts anon, hope you're not disappointed. My general opinion is that scenario will frankly made KakaObi worse than canon. But that scenario quite intrigued me so if you have interesting idea of a fic with that premise, feel free to discuss it some more with me.
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sweet-sammy-kisses · 3 years
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Anyone else beside me so tired of the hellers and their never ending drama? Their hate against Jared because he liked the finale episode? Their lies that they sell over and over until they believe it is true like Jensen hating the finale episode but ignoring that it was the one before the world went into lockdown? The bullying/stalking/death threats? The claims that Dean was suicidal when he wasn't? The claims that they can openly harass Jensen at the cons once they start up again about Destiel?
The fact that Supernatural is over and they still are causing drama?
I love Supernatural. I love Sam and Dean 😍. They will always have a special place in my heart one that can never be replaced. I will keep writing and reading fics about Sam and Dean. I refuse to let spoiled brats take that away from me.
What I will be doing because I am done with the drama and hate is blocking all hellers, Jared haters, Jensen haters, "we are reclaiming Sam" people, Wincest haters who post in the tag or on Wincest posts and Misha cult members who can't use their brains and think.
If you are one of the above people and respond or reblog this post with your hate you will be blocked. I am done with you.
Sincerely a tired Supernatural fan.
113 notes • Posted 2021-04-11 19:53:39 GMT
If your response to Jared and Jensen answer that SPN is and never was about romance is to threaten them or declare they are homophobic please step away from SM and find something positive to do with your life other than threaten people over a fandom ship.
SPN is about the unbreakable love between Sam and Dean who are platonic soulmates, who chose one another above everyone and everything. Who defied Heaven and Hell plans.
J2 said nothing but the truth and I'm sorry that you can't handle having your fanon ship sinking again but it has been almost a year it is time to stop blaming Jared and Jensen for your ship never happening it never was. Jensen has said time and time and time again Dean is straight and Destiel was never going to be.
It has been almost a year and still hellers/minions take every chance to blame/hate Jared and to a smaller degree Jensen. To call them homophobic the moment they deny Destiel.
SPN was never going to be a love story it was always going to be about the bond between Sam and Dean and it is time the hellers realized this.
134 notes • Posted 2021-10-17 04:39:48 GMT
Dear cult like Hellers, 
Jensen is not your Ken doll.
Jensen is not here to be a part of your fetish.
Jensen is far more than one half of your fictional ship, there is no Destiel connection to everything Jensen does. 
Jensen did not write any Destiel songs for the new album. 
Jensen has said time and time again Dean is straight and Destiel does not exist. You refused to believe him when he said that many times, going as far as to label him homophobic and now that SPN is done you still refuse to stop. 
No one was silent. Jensen did not sign a NDA. Jared did not use the final episode to prompt Walker. Jared being shirtless for one final scene of Sam did not prompt Walker or stop making your fanon ship from happening because it was never going to happen.
Dean is straight in canon and he will always be straight everyone from Jensen to Kirpke has said so. And I am bi so you can’t call me homophobic. 
The colour of wall, of light, of what shirt Dean wears or what he eats and listen to doesn’t make him bi. 
The show is over and you still refuse to stop, you refuse to see how toxic you are. The fact that you claim that bullying and death threats is okay. That telling people to die over what they ship because it is you who can not separate fiction from reality and that you put a fictional character above everyone even the actor who plays them shows how harmful the way of thinking you have. 
I know cult like behaviour and you all share the mindset of one. One of the popular blogs post something another one backs up that theory and suddenly you are all prompting it as truth without stopping to think for yourselves. 
And stop treating Jensen like he is yours to do with what you want or that he is supposed to act/think/behave the way you want him to be and then lash out at him when he doesn’t. Treat him with respect and acknowledge that he is his own person and not your doll. 
Signed a tired Jensen Ackles fan
146 notes • Posted 2021-05-08 02:04:55 GMT
Incest is horrible to “ship” and you’re a disgusting person for doing so🤢
MNM I just love the idea of Thor being possessive over Loki. Leaving marks allover his baby brother. Loki loves to tease Thor until his brother has enough and with a growl takes Loki anywhere anyplace to remind Loki and all who are watching that Loki is his. Loki sitting on Thor's massive thighs on the throne of Asgard where everyone can see the King massive fingers opening Loki up until Loki has enough and takes control and starts riding Thor in view of everyone.
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And Sam teasing Dean with coy looks and knowing smiles as someone flirts with him, his smile growing as Dean jaw clench and his eyes darken with lust and possessiveness until he finally snaps and spreads Sam over the hood of the Impala taking him hard and fast marking Sam as his. Then when he has Sam spread out beneath him in the backseat of the Impala and teases him open until Sam is begging for more.
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156 notes • Posted 2021-06-29 03:30:01 GMT
Happy international women day. Here are my top 10 female characters 😍
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Evie O'Connell
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425 notes • Posted 2021-03-08 02:32:41 GMT
Get your Tumblr 2021 Year in Review →
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shalala-sayonara · 7 years
Dear Naruto Fandom
I’m tired of this shit. I tell myself to not create a lot of drama on my blog, but I am an impatient bitch and I had reached my limit. I don’t care if I lose followers. It’s either you like it or you don’t. If my mutuals truly think of me as a friend, then I hoped they would understand my point of view.
There is something that I saw going on after Naruto ended, and it’s not FUCKING OKAY.
There’s a difference between saying “I don’t really like it when the author wrote this character like this. He should have writes this character better” 
“The author is a pig for doing this!!! SCUMM!! Homophobic!! Sexist!”
Does any of you actually know the author personally in real life for you to throw every single insult to make him looks bad? 
I am not a mangaka, and I won’t dare to compare myself to one. But in the artistic world, they are fellow artists. Judging them by throwing personal attack because they didn’t write the characters that you like in the way you wanted is the same thing as insulting an artist/writers because you didn’t like their styles.
You don’t like it when people insult you personally because of your fanfics and your imaginations, right? You sure as hell won’t like it if people insult you for going against canon storyline and create an AU that your imagination created, right? After all, you are a writer/artists, and you demand criticism, not insults about you personally since people don’t even know who you are. So what gave you the rights to curse on an artist that created your fandom? When did you forget that the author is a human, a working man, who tried his best to bring you entertainment and breathing just like you?
Whether they are doing it for money or not, they are still doing it as a career for their income and living, and they are creating the series that you fandom loved so much. They are human, just like you. Yet, I don’t see a single ounce of respect for the author from the fandom.
Kishimoto had spent 15 restless years of his life creating a series for millions of fan to enjoy. The man can’t please everyone. He wrote some good things and some bad things. He made good and bad choices sometimes. But that’s how being an artist is. Kishimoto came from a different culture and he probably doesn’t even have a clue that this was going to be famous worldwide. He could have failed the series, but he didn’t. Audiences in Japan will no doubt have different opinions than the US. So if you think your opinions about his work is the absolute best way and proceed to insult him, you are no better than any hateful people out there who had free time to shit on people’s artworks and fanfics.
Calling Kishimoto a sexist or homophobic because your favorite female character was badly written or SNS didn’t come true is no different than calling an artist a rapist for drawing nude arts. I’m sorry if the author didn’t do what you would want him to do, but why the insults? You could have totally ditched the insult and created fanfiction...just like KakaYama fandom and KakaObi fandom. I don’t see they give a shit much, they just write what they love.
I don’t like Ikemoto’s art style or the Boruto series that he is planning. And I had criticized his series, but never once I opened my mouth to say shit about the man personally.  
Oh, don’t even try to argue with me “Fanfic writers aren’t doing it for money and they are doing better” bullshit. All writers/artist had to spend time on their works. Do you think some artists on Tumblr are doing it for free? Do you insult them too if they don’t draw your fanart like the way you wanted? 
A fandom is a place where you express your support for the series, shared your imaginative works, fanart, theories and discuss what you love. It’s not a place for you to pour your bitterness by insulting the author. It’s not doing you anything, and it’s not going to change the series for you. Reality rests its case. Opinion about the series is bias, but I am not going to stop you from doing it. But a hateful remark on the author is just simply hating another human being. If you do that, you are just ugly to me.
This fandom is a disappointment. You know why some people are boring? Because they stopped enjoy things, they condemned things. And this is ANIME we are talking about. It’s not supposed to be controversial. It’s supposed to be for fun, a source of entertainment. It’s a form of luxury that some people don’t have. So instead of being grateful and showed a bit respect for the author, people continued to shit on it because they didn’t get what they wanted, occasionally ruined it for others to enjoy the fandom.
I missed the fandom back in 2015 and before that (before Naruto ended). Less toxic shit going on, and people were actually discussing theories about the series, rather than shitting on the author because the series ended with remarks that they didn’t like. 
The amount of blacklist and unfollow no longer work for me. The posts will appear in different tags, sometimes they don’t even tag it. Tumblr, the place that I once love, became a hell hole where people just...stop enjoy things. There is nothing positive anymore. Everything is hateful, even a simple fucking anime. Here I am, stressing out af about my future, some people waste their breaths insulting an artist they don’t even know personally (just how I waste my breath making this post). I just want to come home, be on the damn website and enjoy some posts. And it’s not even fucking happening anymore. Oh, on mobile, there is no blacklist. 
I am so fucking glad still that I decided to stay focus solely on Kakashi fandom and his character, rather than the entire fucking fandom. It’s toxic.
Don’t even come to me with the damn sentence “If you don’t like Tumblr then just quit”. People said this shit to me before. I have plans with people on here and I like to post my arts on here. So besides the fandom, I have other purposes on here.
Same goes to you. If you hated Naruto for the way it is and hated the author, then quit the damn fandom. Leave spaces for people who actually enjoy the series and able to bring some positivity and proper criticism.
This, of course, can also be applied to various of fandom, not just Naruto. Consider they called the author of Tokyo Ghoul “homophobic” for putting the main male and female character together and Attack on Titan is a “Nazi Propaganda”?????
Like wtf? When is anime some politic shit?
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sixteenthbuny · 7 years
Fanfiction Questions
Fandom Questions
1. What was the first fandom you got involved in? warrior cats
2. What is your latest fandom? Doctor Who
3. What is the best fandom you’ve ever been involved in? BBC Sherlock
4. Do you regret getting involved in any fandoms? no??? but wc is tough to cope with tbh-
5. Which fandoms have your written fanfiction for? YGO, Assassin’s Creed, Warrior Cats, Naruto, Bleach, Noragami, D. Gray-Man, Supernatural, BBC Sherlock, Doctor Who, Avengers, Hobbit? etc.
6. List your OTP from each fandom you’ve been involved in. YamiYugi, Yullen, Destiel, Sam/Gabriel, Tony/Gabriel, Johnlock, Sheriarty, MinaKushi, NaruSasu, TenRose, human!Smaug/Bilbo (LMAO), KakaObi, KakaNaru, Desmond/Altair
7. List your NoTPs from each fandom you’ve been in. i’ve only felt the NoTP for Sherlolly tbh-
8. How did you get involved in your latest fandom? BBC One
9. What are the best things about your current fandom? the amount of debates on tjlc and theories tbh, it get hilarious and ridiculous, and mofftiss is probably having as much fun as i am watching everyone
10. Is there a fandom you read fic from but don’t write in? no, not really
Ship Questions for your Current Fandom
11. Who is your current OTP? Johnlock, Sheriarty
12. Who is your current OT3? don’t got one but i’d read a good threeway anyday
14. Go on, who are your BroTPs? tbh, Sherstrade
15. Is there an obscure ship which you love? LMAO MYSTRADE-
16. Are their any popular ships in your fandom which you dislike? S H ERLOCLLY
17. Who was your first OTP and are they still your favourite? Johnlock, and i love them because their chemistry echoes from hell and back in all 200+ SH adaptations
18. What ship have you written the most about? ObiKaka
19. Is there a ship which you wished you could get behind, but you just don’t feel them? i don’t think so
20. Any ships which you surprised yourself by liking? Sheriarty, Mystrade, human!Smaug/Bilbo and Twelara
Author Questions
21. What was the first fanfic you ever wrote? oh god.. idk? warrior cats, definitely :) such old times, i miss those days
22. Is there anything you regret writing? um yuri licking a knife fic lmao
23. Name a fic you’ve written that you’re especially fond of & explain why you like it. i’ve got a few, and one of them is “sherlock in the vignette” because it fits my short attention span and it allowed me to cover a female-genderqueer!Sherlock falling in love with a male!John because i don’t see those often. it’s also tragic in some ways and it gave me stress-free flexibility to allow johnlock biological child happen without any scientific probability complications that fucks me over like it has been for the past four years lmao.
24. What fic do you desperately need to rewrite or edit? Live in the Moment. a plotty naruto mess fic..
25. What’s your most popular fanfic? um. probably Disturbed w/ 44k reads, 120+ favs and 100+ follows, and Ephemeral with ~10k reads, 130+ favs and 190+ follows (both on ff.net)
26. How do you come up with your fanfic titles? sometimes they embody the main plot point or the whole point of the story or a simple characteristic or they’re just punny and random
27. What do you hate more: Coming up with titles or writing summaries? SU MMARIAES SKSJNXBFK
28. If someone were to draw a piece of fanart for your story, which story would it be and what would the picture be of? um.. i’m not sure; either Disturbed, Ephemeral or The One Who Is Bound; they were liked and they would probably be something action-based, or a character?
29. Do you have a beta reader? Why/Why not? no, i usually am the beta reader and i am my own beta reader
30. What inspires you to write? my muse and thoughts and fascination with the concept of fandom
31. What’s the nicest thing someone has ever said about your writing? “it’s brilliant, i love it, you do amazing with your plots and word choices,” kind of complements. they’re really nice and i feel really appreciated and loved when people say those things to me
32. Do you listen to music when you write or does music inspire you? If so, which band or genre of music does it for you? i always listen to music. it’s like an addiction tbh, and i listen to varying things from chilltrap to epic steampunk mixes. doesn’t inspire me for sHIT tho lmaoo
33. Do you write oneshots, multi-chapter fics or huuuuuge epics? all of them on a good muse :) but mostly huge epics because i do not have chapter tolerance
34. What’s the word count on your longest fic? um ??? 50k? or 80k. somewhere in between, but i’ve written up to 100k words before dividing it into two stories that never made it because the decision may or may not have been a bit premature asdjkijhahn
35. Do you write drabbles? If so, what do you normally write them about? no, i usually try but they tend to fail
36. What’s your favourite genre to write? angst, hurt/comfort, family, romance, action, adventure, drama and suspense
37. First person or third person - what do you write in and why? third person present or pst tense, depending on the story. i don’t do first pov unless i’m r e a l l y feeling it lol
38. Do you use established canon characters or do you create OCs? i don’t use ocs as often but they have come across my stories multiple times
39. What is you greatest strength as a writer? i’m not sure. my craftiness for a plot, i guess.
40. What do you struggle the most with in your writing? staying with it. so basically what everyone else suffers from LOL
Fanfiction Questions
41. List and link to 5 fanfics you are currently reading: The Loss of Flesh and Soul on AO3 (Sherlock/Silence of the Lambs) http://archiveofourown.org/works/387339 and that is literally it :(
42. List and link to 5 fanfiction authors who are amazing: @vitruvianwatson tammy hybrid (already tagged) @blackkatmagic @highfunctioninggaybaby i haven’t really got anyone else on my tumblr that i read.. not off the top of my head at least, but they're all so much fun to follow and read!
43. Is there anyone in your fandom who really inspires you? Sherlock and Minato tbh, their minds, priorities and moralities are inspiring
44. What ship do you feel needs more attention? um mystrade lmao especially in canon
45. What is your all time favourite fanfic shit, i’m not sure. i’ve got a lot, but i really like reverse and backslide :) they were so original and golden for me, thanks to kat for blessing fanfiction.net with that lol
46. If someone was to read one of your fanfics, which fic would you recommend to them and why? probably Disturbed, The One Who is Bound, The One Who is Free and maybe Son of Pseudo Gods ??? only two of them are finished tho
47. Archive Of Our Own, Fanfiction.net or Tumblr - where do you prefer to post and why? all three of them, everyone’s stories on here are fantastical whenever i run into them and i need some more on my timeline
48. Do you leave reviews when you read fanfiction? Why/Why not? yes, sometimes. it depends on the amounts of reviews already received/types of criticism. and my energy to actually write one beyond saying (contextually) “I LOVE IT I NEED MORE AAAAA”
49. Do you care if people comment/reblog your writing? Why/why not? DEFINITELY! i would recommend everyone at least give some feedback or love, especially to new authors. criticism is vv important :^)
50. How did you get into reading and/or writing fanfiction? i started by writing my own at the age of 8 thinking “omggggg no one else has EVER DONE THIS! I WILL BE THE FIRST!” and then discovering many other authors..
51. Rant or Gush about one thing you love or hate in the world of fanfiction! Go!
and the lack of recognition is kind of ridiculous. i’m talking like professional recognition because i have read fucking. fanficjtions that harare better than actual fucking bookks fjosbfknd
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