#but I don't wanna upset anybody soooooo
im-no-jedi · 1 year
alright ok serious question
will people get mad at me if I change my icon to a big spoiler from the Ahsoka show?
cause idk how much longer I can wait to change it alskdjfglfdkjs
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cmbdragon98 · 6 months
Please tell us more about how your wife tricked you into dating her
So, setup, details all under cut, cuz it's a bit lengthy. Fun story though!
Tumblr circa 2015. Junior year of high school. I've convinced myself that dating is NOT for me, and that I should just wait until college to fuck around and find out. Just gone through a nasty little emotional breakup where in the near future, I'll wish that thar 2nd ever relationship was simply, entirely expunged from my life.
Paige, known as benedict-cutiebatch here, makes a post about being bored and wanting asks sent her way. Send your best pickup line. This was back when people sent eachother asks willy-nilly. I think, "Oh, sure, I've seen this person around, she seems alright. I'll send something funny and stupid, maybe make her laugh."
Send the "hot leg, hot hot leg" poem thing. She is so amused by it, she asks for my hand in marriage. Yaddayaddayadda, back and forth of just playing around pretend times. I have a lot of lighthearted fun. Cue the interaction ending, and us doing our separate things again. A week or so passes, and I've been specifically checking her blog. I don't do that with anybody else. This is a new habit I've picked up, because I loved the silly fake marriage tee hee haha joke.
Send an ask saying as such. She expresses similar sorta thing on her end. And we start talking again. Talking waaaayyy mooorree.
We talk fully through the night. No sleep. We talk fully through that next day. Eventually we exchange Skypes, because that's what everyone did in 2015. Flirting through the roof. Terribly blatant. Oml. But we're not dating, we're just. Completely all up in eachother. And I'm perfectly convinced that this girl probably just wants to enjoy the fun of somebody being bluntly into her, but not actually follow through further then that, and we'd just remain terribly forward friends with eachother, and that's how life goes sometimes.
Until I recieve an anon ask, that basically asks if me and her are dating and how c u t e we both seem to be, and I Assume that this is an unrelated third party, because, again. It was just waaay more common to recieve asks like that, back when I was a teenager. I respond to it all...
"L o l, naaahh.... b u t... It's not a Bad Idea.... 👀"
Anon sends another ask all... You should! You should try asking!
I think nothing of it, I take it as quite genuine advice that I do frankly agree with. And so. That's what my ass did. Asked Paige out in the most goofy, awkward way, after sending her screenshots of the anons, all "Haha, omgg, isn't this just sOoOoOo CrazyYyYy?? How Silly, hahaha.......... Unless.....?"
Fast forward like 2 years later into us being together, she's visiting me while I'm at college, we've Been seeing eachother, we've been having fun! So much fun!
She's sat on my lap while we're waiting on a ride back to my home, outside at a table and chairs; my ass fucking commuted. It's winter, and terribly cold in NY. I'm holding her close, and she starts saying something like... "Hey, you wanna hear something kinda fucked up...?"
I'm intrigued, of course, I'm like. Shoot, okay! I'm all ears.
Tells me that She was the one who sent those anons, and that she had a feeling I wouldn't Just Ask without being prompted. She, as she put it herself, lied to and tricked me. And she's clearly all broken up over it a bit, because she's sounding so hesitant as she tells me it.
I just sigh, hug her tighter, and I'm honest. Recalling best I can, I think it was something along the lines of...
"Thank goodness you did that, because you were totally right. I was too nervous otherwise, to just do that myself. And I would've kept on thinking you only wanted somebody to flirt with. I liked you too much. I didn't want to accidentally ruin anything between us."
Poor thing starts crying. So I just keep holding her, and telling her I love her, and that I'm r e a l l y not upset, after she says she was so worried that I would be, that I'd hate her, or think our relationship was built on a lie. I just see it as a perfectly reasonable thing to do, when someone too stuck in not doing the wrong thing, is too afraid to just ask for what she wants.
So yeah, basically, I got led into a relationship with a carrot and then a box slammed down around me, and I was completely chill with it the entire time. I truly was just having a blast.
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lostkrbkaccount · 3 years
Married krbk (Kiko is 13)
Kiko: *enters house*
Baku: *cooking* hey kid, how was school? Kick anybody's ass?
Kiko: *runs to her room crying*
Kiri: what the hell is that about?
Baku: I dunno but she's been doing that every time she sees me- oh god! I haven't say anything to upset her, have I? *turns off stove*
Kiri: I don't know, babe.
Baku: I'm such a bad father..
Kiri: no don't say that! You should probably go talk to her..
Baku: talk to her?
Kiri: yeah
Baku: oh god you know how much I hate doing that- you know I'm not good with words or feelings!
Kiri: I know but she's our daughter!
Baku: *sighs* fine, come with me for emotional support?
Kiri: anything for you, baby
Baku: thanks *kiss* I owe you one
Baku: *knocks on her door*
Kiko: come in I guess..
Baku: heyyy kiddo
Kiko: not now papa
Kiri: what's wrong babe?
Kiko: nothing..
Baku: we can't help you if you don't tell us
Kiko: okay fine
Kiri: what's up?
Kiko: all the girls in my grade have bigger boobs than me and their calling me flat and it's making me feel insecure..
Baku: but you have a beautiful body
Kiko: papa even you have bigger boobs than Me!
Kiri: to be fair he has bigger boobs than most people
Baku: okay now
Kiri: probably even the girls in your grade- they're massive
Baku: enough, Eiji
Kiri: right sorry Katsu
Kiko: thanks but do you think they'll grow?
Baku: maybe but it's not a bad thing if they don't..
Kiri: you aren't worry about this for a guy you like, right?
Kiko: ew no boys are gross
Baku: that's fair
Kiri: hey someday you might have an interest in boys!
Kiko: I doubt that..
Baku: what?
Kiko: what?
Baku: what do you mean by that?
Kiri: sweetie, is there something else you wanna tell us?
Kiko: I'm *mumbles*
Baku: damnit don't mumble!
Kiri: don't yell at her!
Baku: sorry, it's reminds me of Deku
Kiri: I know, baby
Baku: I hate him
Kiri: I know it's okay, what were you saying Kiko?
Baku: and speak clearly..
Kiko: I said I'm lesbian..
Kiri: really?
Baku: oh
Kiri: like for real?
Baku: my god
Kiko: yes.
Kiri: oh honey that's amazing!
Kiko: really?
Kiri: are you kidding? We love lesbians!
Baku: we worship them
Kiri: you get to tell us about cute girls you Like!
Baku: no unwanted pregnancy!
Kiri: and best of all its gay!
Baku: we're all about gay!
Kiko: that amazing! I'm so glad you're okay with it!
Kiri: *hugs* we love you no matter what, sweetie.
Baku: you could never disappoint us
Kiri: soooooo
Kiko: so what?
Kiri: you like anyone?
Kiko: well
Baku: spill!
Kiko: there's is this one girl in my class, she's so nice and pretty!
Kiri: what's her name?
Kiko: Rini Todoroki
Baku: wait a sec isn't that Deku's kid? Deku and IcyHot?
Kiri: yes..
Kiko: what's wrong?
Baku: no nothing! I'm happy for you- I'm gonna need a moment- *stumbles to the kitchen* Eiji where did you put my gin?
Kiri: 3rd cabinet, top shelf-
Baku: thank you, dear..
Kiri: you're welcome, honey!
Kiko: daddy, is papa?
Kiri: he'll be fine with it, he just needs some time.
Kiko: so if I asked her out?
Kiri: he'd support you 100%- we both would. We love you.
Kiko: I love you guys too.
Kiko: is papa-
Kiri: he's fine, stay here I got this! *leaves* Katsuki! No! Put the wooden spoon down! It's our only good one left! My mother got me that for Christmas! Katsuki!
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reddie-steady-go · 7 years
Hi! For the prompt thing do you think you could do 24 and 30 for reddie? As much as I love angst do you think it could have a happy ending? I wanna suffer but I don't wanna die lmao. Thank you so much:)
This is soooooo beyond late I’m actually so so sorry please forgive me. But uh..yeah here it FINALLY is! Thank you soo much for the request! You’re speaking my language here because I can’t for the life of me write angst with a sad ending. In any case, I got really carried away and added a little platonic Eddie x Beverly because I think they would be amazing friends! Also yeah this is really cliche and cheesy but I think Eddie would get real cheesy for Richie. In any case, I realllllly hope you like it! I almost split it in two parts but ended up not. promise its got a happy ending! The only warning is swearing, but there’s not too much. @reddie-to-go thank you for helping me brainstorm!!!! And @stnbrough, you were super awesome and helpful too, so thank you!!
@thecastlebyers, @fucking-reddie, @booksmusiclaughsandsadness, tagged as requested! If you wanna be tagged let me know and I’ll be sure to do it!
without further ado, I present Made To Be Together!!!
24: You need to leave, 30: So that’s it, its over?
The rational side of Eddie’s brainknew that he had no reason to be jealous. The rational side of Eddie knew thatRichie loved him. Every kiss, every night spent wrapped up together in Eddie’s too-small bed, every afternoonspent holding hands, every note left in his locker, and every dance held in hisroom to music only they could hear, was confirmation of this.
But the way she talked to Richie, gaze lingering too long onhis boy’s lips, the way she battedher eyelashes, the way she laughed at all of Richie’s stupid jokes, the way she smiled at him, bright andalluring, nagged at the back of his mind, sharp and painful like a dozen shardsof glass. And the way he laughed back! God, the way he laughed back set emberssmouldering within him. Embers that roared into a blaze when she would lean sovery close and ask him to do his Voices. A blaze that consumed him when heshrugged and complied. The rational side of Eddie’s brainknew that he had no reason to be jealous.
But it wasn’t therational side that was winning out.
Eddie sat on Richie’shaphazardly made bed, trying his hardest to make his displeasure apparent.Richie rambled rapidly to his right, infuriatingly oblivious of Eddie’s anger. It only made Eddie angrier.Richie had been spending a lot of time talking to a girl from their Englishclass named Sarah, and Eddie would be lying if he said he wasn’t bothered by it. She was obviously flirting with him. And to makematters worse, he seemed to be flirting back! Today the two had seemedespecially flirtatious. It made Eddie’s bloodboil.
“Its weird, don’t you think, Eds?” Richie’svoice, now directly addressing him, yanked Eddie out of his stewing thoughts.
“My name isn’t Eds,” hemumbled irritably, refusing to look at Richie.
“But don’t you think its weird, how much Mr.Thayer talks with Maggie?” Richiecontinued, his apparent dismissal of Eddie’sirritation causing him to bristle.
“Why don’t you ask Sarah. I’m sure she’d love to hearall about it,” Eddie hissed, willing everyounce of his frustration to poison his words. He knew as soon as he said itthat he was starting a fight. But he didn’t care.A part of him wanted the fight. Andanother part needed the fight. All his frustration, all his insecurity, it satuneasily within him like a rock, weighing him down. He needed to get it out.
“What? Why would I tell Sarahabout this?” Richie gave Eddie a puzzledlook, his brow furrowed in confusion.
“Are you serious?!” Eddie almost wanted to laugh.Almost. “Maybe because she can’t stop flirting with you? Maybebecause you can’t seem to stop yourself fromflirting back?” A humourless sneer stretchedacross Eddie’s face, dripping with anger.
“Eds I am not flirting with Sarah, she’s justa fun person to talk to,” Richieshrugged nonchalantly.
“Well, she’d definitely flirting with you, andit looks a lot like you flirt with her,” Eddiegrumbled. The rational part of his mind knew he was being ridiculous;unfortunately, the rational part wasn’t incontrol.
“Eddie spaghetti, you’re jealous. Well, I can promise youthat you don’t have to worry about Sarah.Or any girl. Except for your mom, of course,” Richietossed his head back and laughed, his messy curls flying through the air.
Eddie’s eyesblazed to life. Did Richie really justlaugh?! Could he not tell how obviously upset he was?! Eddie’s cheeks flushed crimson, his facecontorting into a mask of rage.
“Richiejust shut up! Shut up! Glad you thinkthat the way I feel is funny!” Eddiespat venomously, jumping off Richie’s bedto stand in front of his stunned boyfriend, his frame taut with outrage.
“Eds, I’m sorry, just chill out a bit I didn’t –”Richie didn’t get far before Eddie’s voice cut through his own.
“Don’t tell me to chill out!” Eddie cried, his voice shrill andindignant. “I tried to tell you how Ifeel, and you laughed at me! Obviously, you don’t care!” Richie’s eyeshardened as Eddie spoke, regarding him angrily.
“That isso unfair, of course I care!” Richieyanked himself off his bed, his voice combative. “It’s not my fault you were beingridiculous!”
“Oh, sonow I’m the one being ridiculous?!Well at least I’m not an annoying asshole whocan’t take anything seriously! I swearsometimes I can’t stand you!” It wassomething Eddie would have never even thought about Richie. Let alone say to him. Yet here he was, shouting it atthe person he loved most, not even stopping to think how deep his words mightcut.
“Whatthe fuck, Eddie,” Richie hissed softly, hisvoice raw and thick with hurt. It was all he could seem to say. His headreeled, filled with a mix of outrage, disbelief, and above it all, hurt. Itwould sting coming from anybody. But to hear that from Eddie? From his Eddie? Richie wasn’t sure he’d ever felt so much pain.
“Fuck,Richie –” Eddie began, the harshnessof his words becoming suddenly apparent to him with garish clarity.
“No, youknow what, get out,” Richie interrupted, fixing asteely gaze on Eddie. His heart pounded rhythmically in his ears, the sound ofit almost jarring. He was sure Eddie could hear the thumping. If he could, hemade no indication
“Wait –”
“I said GETOUT!” Richie’s voice thundered through the room,making Eddie jolt involuntarily. He jabbed a finger savagely in the directionof the door. “And you know what? Don’t bother coming back! I guess now Iknow how you really see me! So, I won’t annoy you anymore. We’re through!”
Eddie’s blood turned to ice in his veins. “You can’t meanthat.” His heart skipped severalbeats.
“You maythink I don’t take anything seriously,but this time I am. I’m done.We’re done. You need to leave,” Richiespoke softly, his chest feeling hollow.
“So that’s it? It’s over?” Eddie fumbled over his words,feeling suddenly unsteady. Unconsciously, he found himself reaching for hisaspirator. Richie turned away, blinking back tears he hoped to God wouldn’t come spilling out now.
Eddie had no such luck. Tearsflowed freely from his eyes, staining his cheeks and falling to the ground inthick droplets. He stumbled for the door, his body feeling weightless andsurreal.
Richie held his composure untilhe heard dull thud of his front door. Then he all but fell apart. He sank tothe ground, back against his bed, and let his tears cascade freely from hiseyes. His breath came in hot, ragged heaves that seemed to force themselvesfrom his body. He ran his fingers roughly through his hair, the action almostmanic with it’s repetition. In his head,the same phrase echoed, playing like a scratched record, haunting, tormentinghim. I’m done. We’redone. He could almost feel the weight of the words, heavy and oppressive asthey settled on him. They were the last words he heard before drifting into acomfortless and uneasy sleep.
Eddie woke the next morning tofind himself no better off than the day before. In fact, he felt worse. It tookevery ounce of his strength to pull himself from his bed. He shuffled into hisbathroom and looked into the mirror above his sink, groaning at the figure thatstared back. His eyes were red and puffy, and dark bags hung low under them,despite the excessive amount of sleep he had gotten the night before.
His less-than-ideal appearancehowever, was little more than a shallow reflection of the way Eddie felt inside.Pangs of guilt shot through him second-by-second like jolts of electricity,each one seemingly stronger than the last. The horrible things he had said thenight before ran through his head; he felt like vomiting. He hadn’t really said that, had he? Hegroaned again and turned on the shower that stood in one end of his bathroom.
Once ready, he stepped in and letthe nearly scalding water wash over his exposed skin, hissing slightly at thesudden change in temperature. He watched the excess water stream across theshower floor before swirling down the drain that waited at the end; a part ofhim wished that he could be whisked away so effortlessly. How was he supposedto go to school and face any of the losers? How was he supposed to face Richie,especially after what he had said? He didn’t blameRichie for ending things with him; the more he thought about it, the more hewas sure he deserved it. Eddie felt fresh tears well in his eyes beforeescaping to mingle with the water that rained down onto his face from theshowerhead above. This was not going to be an easy day.
“Kaspbrak,what the absolute hell happened lastnight?” Beverly’s face was etched with equal partsirritation and concern. She walked resolutely beside Eddie, cornering him onhis walk home despite his tireless efforts to avoid all the losers. Thankfully,or maybe not so thankfully, Richie hadn’t shownup today. Eddie found himself relieved that he didn’t yet have to face him, but his heart panged with alonging to just be with Richie again.
“What doyou mean?” Eddie tried feebly, kickinga pebble with one sneakered foot as he walked.
“Don’t even try that with me, Eddie.Richie called me last night. He was crying so hard I could barely understandanything he said. He just kept saying something about him being too annoyingfor you,” Eddie flinched, the pit ofguilt in him deepening further. Beverly stared down at Eddie with knowing eyesthat welled with a surprising glint of concern. She reached out, placing onering laden hand on Eddie’sshoulder.
“He andI, we uh,” Eddie paused. We broke up, his mind screamed at him. “We had a fight,” Eddie sighed, unable to speak thehideous truth that glared in his head. For maybe the fifteenth time that day,Eddie felt tears welling in his eyes again. Beverly felt a sinking feeling inher chest, a knowing dread that began to creep icily around her heart.
“It wasmore than just a fight, wasn’t it?” Beverly said softly, her handgripping Eddie’s shoulder more tightly.Eddie’s mouth hung open, unable tofind any words to speak.
“We broke up, Bev. I said terrible thingsand we broke up,” Eddie sobbed freely, unableto hold himself back any longer. His breath came in choked heaves, tearsflowing hotly down his freckle-spattered cheeks.
“Oh,Eddie,” Beverly halted Eddie andwrapped him in a tight hug. Eddie pressed his face wordlessly against thefabric of her blouse, weeping steadily into her shoulder. The unconventionalduo stood along the sidewalk, Beverly wrapping her arms almost protectivelyaround Eddie until he regained his composure enough to speak.
“Bev, Isaid horrible things I was jealous,and I was awful. He was right to end things with me. He deserves better thanme, but it still hurts so much,” Eddie sniffled, a few rogue tearsrolling down his cheek. Beverly gazed down at Eddie, her face etched withsympathy.
“Eddie,listen to me. Richie loves you. And you love him. Everybody fights but you canfix it,” Beverly put on her mostreassuring smile, hoping that it would have some effect on Eddie.
“You don’t understand. How could I even facehim after what I said? He probably hates me. He should hate me,” Eddie mumbled, his shoulders saggingunder the unseen weight of his guilt.
“AlrightKaspbrak, listen up. You fucked up. Everybody does. But I promise Richie willnever hate you. If his phone call last night is any indication, he’s every bit as torn up as you are. Doyou love him?” Beverly spoke caringly yetfirmly, her face a bizarre mixture of compassion and directness.
“Yeah,of course I do. More than anything,” Eddielooked up at Beverly taken aback by her sudden directness. “But –”
Beverly silenced Eddie with afinger. “No buts. You said it yourselfyou love him more than anything. So, don’t letthis get in your way. Yeah, you fucked up and said some shitty things, but weboth know you didn’t mean it. Go tell him.Richie loves you to an almost scary degree I promise he’ll forgive you. You can fix this. Go win your boy back,”
The corners of Eddie’s mouth lifted into the barest hintof a smile. Slowly, Eddie began to feel some hopeful warmth within him. It didn’t banish the weight of his guilt. No,that was something he would have to do himself. But it did lessen it.
“Youreally think I can?” Eddie looked hopefully atBeverly, his voice soft and fragile
“Definitely.I swear, it’s ridiculous that neither ofyou realise how in love you are,”Beverly snorted, laying two reassuring hands on Eddie’s slender shoulders.
“I havean idea,” Eddie said suddenly,throwing his arms around Beverly in a thank-you hug before turning andsprinting towards his house. “Thankyou, Beverly! So much!”
Beverly watched Eddie’s small frame barrel it’s way towards his house at adeceptively fast speed, chuckling to herself. It was ridiculous that they didn’t realise how in love they were, butit was sweet too.
Almost a full hour later, Eddiefound himself barrelling towards Richie’shouse, the weight of the boombox that poked awkwardly out of his backpack doingnothing to diminish his speed. He buzzed with nervous energy, feeling as if hemight start vibrating at any moment. In his pocket two cassette tapes clatterednoisily with each bounding step, help in the pocket only by Eddie’s hand.
“I’m coming, Richie,” He huffed to himself. He only hopedhe wasn’t too late.
The only reason that Richie hadeven gotten dressed today was because his mother had insisted. If it had beenup to him he would have spent the next three weeks hiding under his bedcoversin his boxers. As it was, he draped himself across the top of his bed,absentmindedly flicking through comics, several of which sported blotted tearstains. It seemed the only reason he was not crying now was because he had nomore tears to shed. He should never have broken up with Eddie. He may have beenpissed at him but he didn’tactually want to break up with him!
Suddenly, he became aware ofmusic being played. It sounded like it was coming…fromoutside his window? Unable to suppress his curiosity, he shuffled to thewindow, hunting for the source of the music. The image that greeted him wasalmost enough to convince himself he was dreaming.
There, in the middle of theTozier yard, boombox beside him, stood a wild-eyed Eddie Kaspbrak.
Richie’s head spun with a mixture of elation, confusion, andwariness. Gingerly, Richie pushed open his window, leaning out to see Eddiebetter.
“RichieTozier, I love you more than anything in the world, And I want you to know thatI am so sorry!” Eddie shouted over theblaring notes of Air Supply’s All Out of Love. “I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me!”
“Eds –” Richie began, a wide grin spreadingacross his face, before he was interrupted.
“I’M ALL OUT OF LOVE, I’M SO LOST WITHOUT YOUUUUU!” Eddie wailed awkwardly along withthe song that thundered from his boombox, his cheeks blazing crimson. “I CAN’T BETOO LATE TO SAY I WAS SOOO WRONG!”
Despite everything, Richie foundhimself laughing. “Jesus Eds you’re going to shatter my windows! I’ll be right out!” Richie whirled around and sprinteddown his stairs to his front lawn, neglecting shoes as he beelined for the boywho waited outside. He stopped a few feet from him, giggling as he realisedwhat song Eddie had switched to while he had made his way outside.
“IT’S GONNA TAKE A LOT TO DRAG ME AWAYFROM YOUUUUUUUUUUU! THERE’SNOTHING THAT A HUNDRED MEN OR MORE COULD EVER DOOOOOOOO!!” Eddie’s faceglowed red, his eyes shut tightly as he haphazardly belted lyrics into the air.
“Holyshit Eds, the whole neighbourhood can hear you,” Richiecouldn’t help but chuckle. Eddiestopped singing and regarded the boy nervously.
“That’s kind of the point,” he said sheepishly. “I wanted everyone to know how much Iscrewed up and how much I love you.” Richieface turned a light shade of pink, his stomach fluttering as Eddie spoke.
“Eds I –”
“RichieI’m so so sorry. Please I never meantany of what I said I was being stupid and jealous and I’m so sorry and I understand if you can’t forgive me and you want to staybroken up, but I just want you to know you’venever been annoying to me, and you deserve so much better than me. I’m so sorry,” Eddie spilled out the words he had rehearsed again andagain on his way here, his heart pounding in his chest.
Richie stood silently for whatfelt like an eternity. Eddie began shifting from foot to foot, searchingdesperately for some response.
“Chee, I–” Eddie’s wordscame to a muffled halt as Richie crashed his lips passionately against Eddie’s. Richie’s body thrummed with energy, his skin tingling and hotwherever he and Eddie came into contact. Slowly, Eddie wrapped his arms aroundRichie’s neck, deepening the kiss.Richie leaned farther into the kiss, causing Eddie to bend slightly backwardsto accommodate. He could feel Eddie melt into the kiss, until soon the onlything that kept Eddie from falling flat on his back was Richie, his armscradling Eddie passionately.
“Ishouldn’t have broken up with you,” Richie spoke when they finallyseparated. “I was mad, but now I justwant you back,”
“I wantyou back too,” Eddie grinned up at Richie,fighting the urge to kiss him again as the sun glinted off his perfectly messychocolate curls. Instead, he settled on a hug, throwing his arms around Richieand clinging onto him as if he might disappear at any second. “I should never have gotten so jealousit was so stupid, I was being such an idiot,”
“Yeah,it was, and yeah, you were,” Richiechuckled, and pressed a kiss to Eddie’scheek. “But you’re my idiot, and I wouldn’t trade that for a million dollars,” Eddie’s mouthlifted into a wide grin, his eyes shining with elation.
“So, we’re not broken up?” Eddie asked hopefully.
“Ofcourse not,” Richie wrapped his armsaround Eddie, pressing a kiss onto his forehead. “We weremade to be together,”
Eddie closed his eyes, a sense ofperfect calm washing over him as he felt Richie’s heartbeating in time with his own. Eddie seemed to fit perfectly in Richie’s arms, as if that is where he was meantto be. In that moment, wrapped up in Richie, the two boys swaying gently out inthe yard for the world to see, a forgotten boombox still playing behind them, Eddieknew the truth: he and Richie were made to be together.
And he would never take that forgranted again.
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