#but I guess my mom figured I’d be a menace to the Christians
shenanigans 24-karat Harrison will do:
- steal a man’s moped
- sleep in a church
- chase after a man he thinks might be lonan
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prettyyoungandbored · 4 years
Becoming Mrs. Wayne [The Dark Knight] Seven
Pairing: Christian Bale!Bruce Wayne x OC
Summary: Demetria Gallagher knew her cozy life would change the second she became engaged to Bruce Wayne. But what she doesn’t know is she’s getting more than what she agreed to. (I am trash at summaries.)
Warning: This chapter contains description of a heavy panic attack. Please read at your own risk.
Taglist: dragonballluver, disgraceful-marvel-trash, barikawho (Let me know if you want to be tagged in this!)
Author’s Note: A chunk of dialogue in this chapter comes from the movie and has been expanded on to fit the storyline. 
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“And when exactly is your mother planning to visit us?” Monsignor O’Malley inquired as he followed Demetria. 
Demetria snapped a photo of the hallway before looking over her shoulder. “Most likely next month. Once I send her the photos , she’ll work on drafts and whenever she comes, we can all sit down and discuss how to go about the process.” She snapped her fingers. “You know what, I have her business card with me because she sometimes does work in Gotham City.” 
She pulled out her wallet from her purse and handed Monsignor O’Malley the thing off white card. “She’ll be happy to answer any of your questions and or concerns.” 
He smiled as he took the card. “This is awfully generous of you, Ms. Gallagher. We can’t tell you how grateful we are.” 
“It’s the least I can do,” she waved her hand. “Both Bruce and I want to make sure you, the sisters, and the boys are taken care of with whatever you need.” She paused. “How are the boys doing?” 
“They’re wonderful.” 
“Oh good! I was actually wondering if I could go say ‘hi’ or-.” 
“Unfortunately the boys are on a field trip with the sisters.”
Demetria nodded understandingly, trying to hide her disappointment. “Absolutely.” Then an idea hit her. “Do the nuns teach the boys?” 
“Some do. We’ve been thinking about incorporating more schooling into the boys schedules, but we’re a little short staffed and not all the nuns feel comfortable teaching certain subjects.” 
“I’d love to step in,” Demetria offered. 
Monsignor O’Malley raised an eyebrow. “Oh? What is it you would teach?” 
“I’m excellent at English. All levels. I was a TA my senior year of high school. I even minored in it in college.” 
Monsignor O’Malley nodded his head, impressed. “Well, if it doesn’t interfere with your schedule-.” 
“I don’t have one,” she laughed. 
He chuckled. “Then I suppose it’s something we can try out. Are you free next week?”
Her eyes lit up. “Absolutely!’ I would love that!”
Before she could say more, the sound of her phone ringing cut her off. She gave Monsignor O’Malley an apologetic smile as she dug into her bag. “Excuse me one second.” 
She glanced down to see it was a reminder that she had to start getting ready for the fundraiser. 
“Please excuse me, but I’ve got to head out,” Demetria said. “Remember, if you have any questions, you have my number as well as my mom’s.” 
“Of course. I also look forward to discussing you working here.” 
“I do as well.” 
The two shook hands and Demetria headed out of the orphanage.
She had taken Bruce’s Cadillac XLR, seeing as it was the only semi-low-key-looking car he owned and the only one she didn’t get anxious driving. She wished he had owned something a little less glamorous for trips like this, hating how it made her look, but it was what it was.
As she she opened the driver’s side door, she noticed a photographer snapping her from the distance. The two stared at each for a moment, acknowledging just what was going on. She exhaled softly, mentally reminding herself to keep it together.
Since her essay was published, the media outlets had backed off a bit. The Gotham Times were still insistent of doing a piece on her and published one on her, but it turned out to be a dud as no one close to her would speak to them with the exception of her former News Director and the Head Booker, her other boss. It also helped that a local mob boss was mysteriously killed and the news decided to fixate on that. 
She gave him a quick, tired smile before she slid inside and closed the door, driving off.
Back at the Wayne Penthouse, Bruce adjusted the cuffs of his pristine white dress shirt as he made his way down the stairs. 
Alfred wrapped up his conversation with the party planners and turned his attention to Bruce. 
“I think your fundraiser will be a great success,” Alfred remarked. 
“Why do you think I want to hold a party for Harvey Dent?” Bruce questioned, almost annoyed at the thought of it. 
“I assumed it was your usual reason for socializing beyond myself and the scum of Gotham’s underbelly to try to impress Miss Gallagher.” 
“Very droll, very wrong,” Bruce responded, glancing up for a brief moment. 
Alfred looked over his shoulder for a moment, noticing the party planners were not in the room. “Have you considered telling Miss Gallagher what it is you’re doing at night?” Alfred inquired in a voice low enough for Bruce to hear him. 
Bruce glanced up. It wasn’t the first time this conversation came up between the two. “Soon.” 
“Before or after you say ‘I do’?” 
“When the time is right.” 
“Perhaps she should truly know what she’s getting herself into.” 
Bruce stopped in his tracks. “What are you implying, Alfred?” 
“Miss Gallagher has given you every ounce of herself.” 
“Who says I-.” 
Bruce’s attention was caught by the low sound of the television. He looked over to find GCN airing what appeared to be a figure of Batman, hanging with a rope around it’s neck on a building.  The lower third read “BATMAN DEAD?”
Demetria walked down the stairs and into the living room, tightening the belt on her cozy white bathrobe when she saw Bruce and Alfred staring at the tv. Curious, her eyes darted to the tv when she saw the lower third. 
Her blood ran cold with disbelief and shock, heart dropping into her stomach. 
The camera cut back to GCN anchor, Mike Engel. 
“Be aware, the image is disturbing,” he warned. 
The camera then cut to a man dressed in a cheap Batman getup, his plump cheeks spilling out of the cowl. He was sat on the floor of what looked like the back kitchen area of a butcher shop with a silver cart and a large pieces of animal meat hanging behind the victim. He had his hands tied behind them, his face lowered to the game. 
“Tell them your name,” the camera man said in a menacing, sing-song voice. 
“Brian Douglas,” the fake Batman answered weakly.
“Are you the real Batman?” There was a childish, teasing tone in the voice behind the camera to a point where it was menacing. It was almost as if whoever it was took immense pleasure in this man’s torture. 
“No.” Brian was barely hanging on. 
“No?” the voice repeated back, almost in a whine to mimic Brian’s pain. 
“No?” The voice giggled. An arm reached over and pulled the cowl off Brian. “Then why do you dress up like him?” The camera pulled back, the arm dangling the cowl in front of Brian. The voice laughed a stomach curdling “Woo-hoo-hoo-hoo!”
“Because he’s a symbol...that we don't have to be afraid of scum like you,” Brian retorted with a slight bit of courage in his weak tone. 
“Yeah. You do, Brian.” The hand grabbed the side of Brian’s face, the camera coming in close. “You really do.”
The hand pulled the top of Brian’s head as the man whimpered. The hand turned back and stroked Brian’s cheek. “Oh, shh shh shh.” 
Demetria shook her head, her stomach growing weak. Bruce’s eyes fixated on the TV, his expression stone cold with eyes colored in disbelief. 
“So,” the voice continued on, “you think the Batman's helped Gotham? Hmm?”
Brian didn’t respond. 
The roaring voice caused Demetria to jump back, her hand slapping on her mouth. 
The camera swung around to reveal the person behind the voice, the sight causing Demetria to yelp, “Jesus Christ!” 
The red smeared smile was complimented by his chalk-white foundation and accentuated the long scars on the sides of his face. Two lazily painted black eyeshadow covered his eyes and he revealed his dark yellow teeth. 
“You see, this is how crazy Batman's made Gotham. You want order in Gotham, Batman must take off his mask, and turn himself in.”
It was something behind the clown that Demetria recognized. A memory popped up in her mind, her jaw dropping at the realization. 
“Oh, and everyday he doesn’t, people will die. Starting tonight. I’m a man of my word.”
As the camera switched around, the man let out a menacing cackle as Brian screamed in the background. Demetria, overcome with her realization and the man’s grim promise, hurried up the stairs, Bruce and Alfred watching her. Bruce turned off the television and glanced at Alfred who shot him a look. He gave the old man a nod, indicating the message was received.
In their bedroom, Demetria grabbed a notebook from her nightstand as well as a pen. She began writing hurriedly, her cursive handwriting slightly smudged from the pen. Upon finishing, she ripped the page from her notebook and folded it. She reached back into the drawer, grabbing an empty envelope and shoving the folded paper in there. She licked the envelope, sealing tightly with her fingers and placed it back into the drawer. 
Just as she went to close the drawer, she heard the door unlock and grabbed her anti-anxiety meds.
Bruce entered the room.
“Everything ok?” he asked, gentle concern laced in his tone.
She waved her hand. “Yeah, yeah. Just that video was, uh, pretty overwhelming to watch. I’ll be fine in a few minutes.” 
He eyed the pilll bottle in her hand. “You know you should probably put that in the medicine cabinet in the bathroom.”
She chuckled. “You’re right. I’m just used to putting them in nightstand drawer. But considering we’re having a bunch of random people over, I guess you’re right.” She paused, a smirk playing on her lips. “Should I leave some viagra in a little bowl for our older guests trying to impress their much younger dates?”
He sat beside her on the bed, smirking at her. “I don’t have any because I don’t need it.”
She hummed, patting his leg. “I wouldn’t say that.”
He pulled her close, his breath hitting her lips. “Not funny.” 
“Oh, but it is. It really is.”
She gave him a chaste kiss, nuzzling her nose against his. “You think maybe we should cancel this party? I mean, I don’t think it’s safe.” 
“We’re going to be fine,” Bruce reassured. 
She sighed, realizing there was no point in changing his mind. “Then I guess I better continue getting ready.” 
He chuckled. “Well, don’t get too excited, sweetheart.” 
“It’s just...” she stepped back, “I don’t know.” Her fingers toyed the robed belt. “I figured you’d cancel the party and we could spend the night in here...” She continued to move back toward the bathroom area, throwing off the robe to reveal her naked body to him. “And I’d let you do whatever you want to me. But since you won’t cancel it...” She shrugged. “Oh well.” 
Bruce could feel his pants grow a little tight and he was ready to have her pay the price. His hungry eyes stayed on her, like a lion ready to pounce on it’s prey. “You get back here. Right. Now.” 
She shook her head. “I have to get ready.” She pointed to the tent in his pants. “I suggest you take care of that situation before you leave this room.” 
She grabbed the robe from the floor and closed the door behind her, locking it so Bruce wouldn’t try anything. 
She exhaled and ran a hand through her damp hair. She wasn’t sure how long this party would last, but she had to make sure Batman got her letter. 
Bruce waited outside near the helicopter landing pad, his hands in his pockets. He watched as the navy blue sky took over the sunset, but once he turned his head, his breath was taken away by an even more beautiful sight. 
Demetria walked out on to the helicopter landing pad, her black hair in an updo with long, curled strands of hair framing her face. Her navy blue gown was strapless with a subtle reverse sweetheart neckline, and hugged her small curves just right before flowing out on to the floor.  Her makeup stayed on the subtle side with her eyeliner and mascara accentuating her warm, emerald green eyes and her Goldilocks lips were the perfect shade of pink. 
“Is it too much?” she asked, stopping in her tracks. She put a hand on her stomach, feeling the knot inside tightening. Her face fell into a panic. “Oh shit, it is, isn’t it?” 
He shook his head, his thumb grazing her cheek as he smiled at her adoringly. “You look incredible, sweetheart.”
Color filled her cheeks as her pink lips curved into a bashful smile. “You don’t look so bad yourself, Wayne.” 
His lips gently crashed on to hers as he cradled the side of her face. For a moment, as they relished in their kiss, the world was still and time froze. Neither of them could remember the last time they shared such a moment, but they truly savored it while they still could. 
Bruce pulled back, resting his forehead against hers, his lips hovering over hers. “For the record, you still owe me from before.” 
She hummed against his lips. “I’ll take it into consideration.” 
He smirked at her. “You’re lucky I like you. C’mon, let’s go.”
He took her hand in his, leading her onto the helicopter. The pilot helped her up first, Bruce following right after. As the two sat in the back, Demetria turned to him.  “What’s the point of doing this again?”  
He took her hand once again. “Grand entrances are fun. Plus, wait til’ you see the view from above.” 
He felt her latch on to his arm as the sound of the choppers roared in. Soon enough, the helicopter began rising, the weight of the ground lifting. As it took off into Gotham City, Demetria watched the twinkling city below her.
As childish as it seemed, Demetria felt like Jasmine did on that magic carpet with Aladdin. Seeing Gotham from a bird’s eye view, the city looked beautiful and peaceful. 
Bruce relished in watching his fiancé’s amazement, hoping he could make her feel this way for the rest of their lives. 
She looked over at him. “You were right. This is incredible.” 
She scooted closer to him, leaning back on his shoulder as she continued to look out the window. Bruce pressed a kiss to her temple, reaching his hand over to hers on her lap, clasping them. 
Both stayed in the moment, wishing they could stay like this forever. 
But once the helicopter scoured every inch part of Gotham, it was time to descend back onto the landing pad. 
Bruce helped Demetria off the helicopter. Her eyes shifted to the once empty ballroom which was now filled with a large crowd inside staring at her. Her chest grew heavy, palms sweating.
“They’re staring at us,” she told Bruce. 
He took her hand. “They see how you beautiful you look”. He gave it squeeze. “Remember, I’ve got you.” 
She nodded and exhaled softly as the two made their way inside. 
She followed him as the door opened to the gala room. All eyes stayed on them. She flashed a closed mouth smile at partygoers until her eyes met Harvey’s. It wasn’t until his familiar, warm smile that hers became more genuine and honest. 
“Sorry we’re late,” Bruce announced. “Glad you started without us!” He let go of Demetria’s hand, clapping his together. “Where's Rachel?!”
Demetria eye’s turned to Rachel, who cringed slightly. 
Bruce motioned to her. “Rachel Dawes- my oldest friend. When she told me she was dating Harvey Dent, I had one thing to say... ‘the guy from those god-awful campaign commercials? 'I Believe in Harvey Dent?' Nice slogan, Harvey.” 
As the crowd chuckled, Demetria’s smile faltered even more. She was thrown off by the Bruce that was speaking. It was like the second his hand left hers, he’d become another man. He’d become like everyone else in the crowd - pompous and slightly arrogance.
He’s putting on a show for them, she thought to herself. This is not the real him.
“Certainly caught Rachel's attention,” Bruce went on. “But then I started paying attention to Harvey, and all he's been doing as our new D.A., and you know what? I believe in Harvey Dent. On his watch, Gotham can feel a little safer. A little more optimistic. But what he’s done for Gotham isn’t just the only good thing Harvey Dent has done.”
He then shifted his tone and his gaze, now looking at Demetria who’s heart dropped to her stomach. 
“Harvey convinced his good friend from college, Demetria Gallagher, to move to Gotham,” Bruce continued, smiling at her. “It’s because of Harvey and Rachel that I was introduced to the love of my life.” 
The crowd let out a collective “aw” as Demetria gave him a small smile.
“I spent years thinking I’d never find the ‘one’.” He turned back to the crowd. “I figured if I’m never gonna find her, why not have some fun? And I did.”
The crowd laughed. Demetria rolled her eyes, shaking her head.
“Then I ran into Rachel having a lunch with this beautiful woman and I couldn’t help myself. I asked her three times to have dinner with me.” Bruce shifted his attention to Demetria, taking her hand in his. “While I will never know who or what convinced you to say ‘yes’, all I know is that from the moment I left that dinner, I knew this witty, kind, beautiful woman was who I was going to spend the rest of my life with. Demetria, to say you are my heart and my soul is simply not enough. There will never be enough words or adjectives or uses of symbolism to describe how much you mean to me and how happy you make me. I love you more than anything.”
The crowd, once again, “awed” as he pecked Demetria’s cheek. He then grabbed two glasses of champagne off the server’s tray, handing one to Demetria. He then  turned back to the crowd, raising his glass. “To-.” 
“I just want to say something really quickly,” Demetria spoke up, putting a hand on Bruce’s shoulder. “If that’s, ok?”
Bruce smiled, her sudden burst of confidence bringing him pride. “By all means.”
She turned to the crowd. “You all know Harvey as your DA, but I know him as  my confidant, my greatest friend, and above all, my family. He’s also my get out of jail free card, but that’s neither here nor there.”
Everyone laughed as Harvey shook his head. Demetria turned to her best friend, her smile fading a bit. 
“Harvey, you’re selflessness and dedication to making Gotham City a safer one for its citizens is not just admirable, but also inspirational. You fight for the voiceless, the scared, and for those who want to make their home a better place. You’re one of the reasons Gotham has a brighter future.”
“So get out your checkbooks and let's make sure that he stays right where all of Gotham wants him,” Bruce toasted. “All except Gotham's criminals, of course. To the face of Gotham's bright future- Harvey Dent.” 
Everyone toasted and took a sip of their champagne.
As the crowd went back to their party, Bruce turned to Demetria.
“I’m going to go outside for a bit,” he told her, pecking her cheek. “Make yourself comfortable.” 
She opened her mouth to protest but it was too late - he’d wandered off. She sighed, wondering how he could he just leave her to fend for herself at their first gala together. She took a sip of her champagne, giving up and giving in to the situation at hand.  
“You’re a very lucky woman,” an elderly woman marveled. “And quite adorable. I bet Martha would’ve loved you.”
“Thank you, that’s so kind,” Demetria remarked. “Were you a friend of hers?”
“We were both on the chair for many charities. Such a wonderful woman. If you’re interested, I would love to bring you aboard some of them and get you acquainted.”
“I would love that! I’m actually working with the boy’s home and helping them with renovations and whatnot.”
“How wonderful!”
“I’ve also expressed interest in helping them with schooling and whatnot.” 
The gleam in the woman’s eyes softened. “Oh...really, now?” 
“Yeah, I would love to do some teaching.” 
“She’s going to do a fantastic job,” Harvey remarked, chiming in. He threw his hand around Demetria’s shoulders. “Those kids are going to be well looked after thanks to her.”
“I don’t doubt that,” the woman agreed before walking off. 
Demetria turned to Harvey. “I think she realized I wasn’t one of them.” 
“Who cares?” he shrugged. “But forgetting that, you’re seriously going to become a teacher?” 
“I brought it up to Monsignor O’Malley about the possibility of teaching English. Besides, it would give me something to do that I actually like. You know, talking to them about novels and what it means to express yourself in your writing.” 
“That’s fantastic!” Harvey remarked. “You would be perfect for that.” 
“I hope so. How are you handling this...whatever it is?” 
He sighed. “I’m...just here. How about you?” 
“I wanna go into my bedroom and go under the covers and wait til’ everyone leaves.” 
“Well for what it’s worth, you look beautiful tonight.” 
“I’m working with what I’ve got.”
“Bruce is very lucky.”
“Yeah, he should be. But he decided to give up on the party.” 
Harvey furrowed his eyebrows as Demetria motioned her head to the outside. He then turned his head, the two watching Bruce and Rachel engage in what appeared to be an intense conversation. 
“What do you think they’re talking about?” Demetria wondered aloud. 
He quickly glanced over and took a look sip of his champagne. “Probably nothing.”
Her lips curved into a smirk as she eyed Harvey. “Don’t be jealous.”
“I’m not.”
“You’re getting defensive.”
“And you’re annoying me.”
“After that heartfelt speech I gave, that’s the thanks I get?” 
“It was alright.” 
She punched him in the shoulder, causing him to cringe. “Asshole. I gave a beautiful speech.”
He rubbed his shoulder. “Well, hopefully it will be just a nice ad one you’ll give at my wedding.” 
Her eyes widened. “Shut the fuck up. You proposed to Rachel?” 
“Not yet. I’m planning to.” 
Her mouth hung open as she leaned in close. “Holy shit, dude! When?!” 
“Well first there are some things I gotta-.”
“So you two are friends, yes?” another female guest inquired, cutting him off. Her arm was linked with a man who looked at least 20 years older than she did.
Harvey and Demetria turned to her. “We most certainly are,” Demetria agreed, pinching his cheek. 
“So how long ago did you two date?” one man remarked, chuckling. 
Harvey and Demetria’s eyes went wide.
“We never have,” Harvey answered.
The man elbowed Harvey, laughing. “Aw, c’mon son. It’s alright.” 
“He’s basically my brother,” Demetria said. 
The man shook his head as he and his concerned date turned away. Demetria and Harvey turned to each other.
“Oh my god these people suck,” she giggled to Harvey. “At least they’ll fund you.”
“Yeah, I could give a shit,” he retorted. 
“Mind if I steal him for a bit?” Rachel asked, chiming in. 
“By all means,” Demetria motioned. 
Harvey and Rachel went off when Demetria  noticed Bruce still standing outside. She made her way out.
“Doing ok there?”
Bruce turned to her, smiling. “So far, so good.” 
“I love you but you’re not the best liar,” she chuckled, her fingers gently combing his hair. “Babe, if you want to leave, say the word and we’ll sneak out. We can go anywhere.” 
“Tempting,” he remarked, smirking. “Where do you propose we go?” 
She cocked her head back, shoulders shrugging. “Anywhere. We could literally get in a car and go anywhere we want.” She paused. “Anywhere you want.” 
Bruce’s body turned to face her, giving her his full undivided attention. She set her glass down on the railing. 
“While I think it’s sweet that you threw this for Harvey, I don’t want to be alone in a room with people I don’t know let alone give a shit about. I would rather be with you in the middle of nowhere where we don’t have to pretend we’re people that we’re not.”
His smile faltered, his eyes going to the ground. Demeteria shoulders tightened, fear creeping into her now uneasy stomach.
“What’s the matter?” she asked.
“There’s something I have to tell you.”
She tried to swallow the lump in her throat. “What did I do?” 
He shook his head. “No, you did nothing wrong. It’s...” He sighed. “I never want to keep anything from you.” 
“What have you been keeping from me?” she questioned, her voice low 
He scanned the area as well as the inside of the ballroom. Realizing he wasn’t the safest, let alone most secure place, he leaned closer toward her. “I’ll go in the bedroom and grab a couple things. Go tell Alfred we’re heading out. We’ll meet at the elevator, alright?” 
He kissed her cheek and made his way inside. Bruce pushed through the crowd, fielding attempts of conversation from partygoers. She threw her hands up in defeat as an annoyed exhale left her mouth. 
“At least we’re leaving,” she muttered under her breath.
In their bedroom, Bruce grabbed a set of keys for one of the cars from his safe in their closet. Realizing it was probably best to bring her anxiety med, he went into the medicine cabinet only to find it wasn’t there. 
He then remembered her saying she always kept it in the drawer in her nightside table. 
Figuring she put it back, he went over to it and opened the drawer and there it was. When he pulled it out, he noticed an envelope underneath with ‘For Batman’ written on it. 
He quickly glanced back at the door to make sure the door was closed. He then set down the bag and opened the envelope to find a handwritten letter.
My Night Friend ,
There’s something you need to know about that viral video of the copycat. 
I recognize the kitchen in the video. It’s the Fatted Calf on East 28th. A guy I briefly saw in college worked there and I hung out with him in the kitchen while he was closing up the shop. 
What people don’t know is that there’s a secret room. The guy told me the owner had it made to be used as a bomb shelter back in the day. It’s located right beside the freezer. If you can get into the boss’ office, there’s a special key inside a safe that can open the door. The Joker may be taking shelter in there. 
Take what you will with this information. I hope it serves you well.
Your Rooftop Friend 
Bruce’s couldn’t believe what he was reading. His fiancé, the love of his life, was helping the Batman. The severity of the situation as well as time the huge piece of information made him realize he needed to get both of them out of the penthouse and into the Batcave. He could explain everything to her there. 
Shoving the letter into the bag, he zipped it up and made his way to the door when something on the security camera screen made him stop. 
It was The Joker followed by some henchmen. 
He threw the bag in the closet hurriedly, closing the door, and made his way to the party. Seeing Harvey Dent close by talking to Rachel, he figured he’d had enough time to get Harvey to safety and then grab Demetria. 
He came up behind Harvey, putting Harvey in a headlock as Rachel’s eyes widened in fear. 
“What the hell are you doing?!” she exclaimed. 
“They’re coming for him,” Bruce said, using his Batman voice. “Go grab her and get yourselves to safety.”
Demetria spotted Alfred near the wall area. She made her way over, catching the old man’s attention. 
“There you Miss Gallagher,” he greeted. “Are you having fun?”
“I feel like a zoo animal. I’ve had more people stare at me than actually talk to me. Anyway, Bruce and I are heading out.” 
Alfred chuckled. “You and Master Wayne are a truly perfect fit.” 
She eyed the room before leaning closer toward Alfred. “Alfred, he said he had something he’d been meaning to tell me. Any idea what it could be?” 
Just then, the sound of a single gunshot silence the room. Everyone turned, including Demetria and Alfred, to see The Joker, the man from the video, enter the ballroom with his posse of men behind him wearing clown masks. 
“Good evening ladies and gentlemen,” he greeted in a sing-song voice. 
His posse pointed guns at the crowd, a silent order to step back. The crowd formed a circle around The Joker. 
Alfred, who was a few rows behind the crowd, stood in front of Demetria. 
“Stay behind me,” he whispered to her. 
She watched from behind his shoulder. 
The sound of tray hitting the ground, broke the silence. The Joker looked back for a moment before turning back to the crowd. 
“We are...tonight’s entertainment.” He grabbed a piece of shrimp from a table, stuffing it into his mouth. He looked around. “Only one question - where is Harvey Dent?”
He eyed around, pointing the gun at a group of women before ripping one of their glasses of champagne from their hands and taking a swig of it. He set back on the table and began questioning those he passed, occasionally grabbing at them. 
“You know where Harvey is? Do you know who he is?”
He squeezed one guy’s cheek. “Do you know where Harvey is? I need to talk to him about something. Something little.” 
He went up to an old white man. “You know I’ll settle for his loved ones.” 
Meanwhile, Demetria felt someone grab her hand. She turned to find Rachel. 
“We need to get you out of here,” Rachel whispered. 
Demetria went to follow Rachel when she felt someone grab her hand. 
“Where the hell do you think you’re going, sweetcheeks?” one of the masked men retorted. 
He grabbed Demetria, despite her attempts to break free. Her heart rate quickened, stomach growing weak as the man pushed her in front of the crowd. 
“Hey boss!” He called out. “It’s her!”
The Joker turned to her, his fixation on her making her blood run cold. She stood frozen and helpless. He got into her face. “So this is the future Mrs. Wayne. You’re also Harvey Dent’s best friend.” 
He grabbed Demetria’s face, cradling it forcefully. 
“Harvey is your best friend, isn’t he? Your buddy ol pal?” He let out a vicious cackle. “Possibly an old lover? An unrequited love? Either way, you’re somewhat of an asset to him.”
She moved her eyes, looking around as the crowd watched her in fear.
“C'mere, look at me.” 
She whimpered, closing her eyes. 
He tightened his grip on her hair “LOOK AT ME!” 
She yelped, opening her eyes as tears filled to the brim.
“Please,” she begged, her voice barely above a whisper.
“Oh shh, shh, shh,” he hushed her teasingly. “Well you look upset.” He asked, pointing to scars on his mouth with his knife. “Is it these? Is it the scars? You wanna know how I got ‘em?”
She didn’t have time to answer, at least he didn’t bother to give her a chance to. She went to move her head when he grabbed her again. “Hey, look at me.”
She stopped moving, her eyes on him. “So, I had a wife, who was beautiful...like you, who tells me I worry too much, who tells me I oughta smile more, who gambles and gets in deep with the sharks.” 
She squirmed when The Joker pulled her back. “One day they carve her face. And we got no money for surgeries. She can't take it. I just want to see her smile again. Hmm? I just wanted to let her know that I don't care about the scars. So, I stick a razor in my mouth and do this to myself. ”
She squeaked, frightened as he put the knife to his scars. 
“And you know what? She can't stand the sight of me! She leaves! Now I see the funny side. Now, I'm always smiling!” 
He pulled her back, took the knife, and slashed her forearm, the sharp stinging, sensation causing her to let out a blood curdling scream.  She collapsed onto the ground, blood spilling down her arm and onto the marble floor. 
Demetria couldn’t move, her body frozen, mind unable to process what had just happened. She opened her mouth to speak, her chest stinging in pain and her head growing lightheaded as the Joker stepped on her bleeding arm.
“Please help me,” she begged in between her hyperventilating. “Please...I’m...I can’t...help!”
“Why doesn’t Harvey Dent come save his best friend?!” The Joker called out.
“Let her go!”
Rachel made her way. The Joker stomped on Demetria’s arm one last time.
Alfred rushed to her side. “Deep breaths, Miss,” he whispered. “Deep breaths.” 
“Alfred...I’m gonna....don’t let me...” 
“You’re going to be alright.” 
“Step back!” one of the masked henchman ordered, pointing a gun at Alfred. 
Alfred held up his hands stepping back from Demetria. The henchman walked away as Demetria continued to hyperventilate. 
She was going to die in front of everyone. Her vision became blurry, her breath uncontrollable. She watched in what she thought would be her final moments Batman attack The Joker. 
In and out of blackness, she heard glass shatter followed by footsteps. 
Tears strolled down her face as she struggled to breathe, trying to hold on to whatever breath she had left, her body shivering. Alfred rushed to her once again.
“Don’t just stand there!” he cried out. “Someone call a bloody ambulance!” 
He gave Demetria his hand, which she held onto tightly. 
“Stay with me,” he told her. “Stay with me.” 
But she wasn’t sure how long she could last. Between the chest pains and the pains from her wound and the light-headedness, she was barely holding on. 
How badly she wanted to see Bruce....and how could he leave her like this?
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