#but I had this moment where Chloe was like
chloe-caulfield94 · 16 hours
The theme of sexual violence in Life is Strange S1
A very important theme of Season 1, present in the Dark Room plot, is the theme of sexual violence and of women being objectified, turned into inanimate objects by cruel men. This is what Jefferson and Nathan did to their victims - quite literally deprived them of all agency and posed their bodies for their own pleasure.
Chloe was also a victim of the Dark Room. Nathan lured her into his dorm, slipped her date rape drugs and attempted to assault her. She barely escaped before he began his photo session of her, which likely would've ended the same way as it did for Rachel, with Nathan overdosing his model.
By the way, this shows that the remorse expressed by Nathan over Rachel’s death and his complicity in Jefferson’s crimes in his voice mail to Max was completely phoney. Because after he had already murdered Rachel with an overdose, he attempted to perform a “photo session” on Chloe, clearly not minding the possibility of overdosing yet another girl. But why would he mind it? This time it wouldn’t be a friend of his, just some “whore”.
Nathan: “That whore in the bathroom!”
Chloe: “He dosed my drink with some shit ...”
Chloe: “I know I passed out on the floor. I woke up and that perv was smiling, crawling towards me with a camera ...”
When you first heard Chloe describe her encounter with Nathan, how he invited her to his dorm room and roofied her, how he stood over her with a camera when she regained consciousness, what was your reaction? What did you assume Nathan wanted to do to Chloe?
Kate: “I swear to God I had one sip of red wine. I remember ... I remember getting sick and dizzy ... Then Nathan Prescott said he would take me to the hospital ... All I recall is driving for a long time ... then I woke up in a room ... I don't know what happened ... I woke up outside my dorm room the next day. I felt gross”.
When you first heard Kate describe her encounter with Nathan, how she immediately felt drowsy after tasting her drink, how Nathan removed her from the party under the pretext of helping her but instead he took her to some secluded place where he did something to her, what was your reaction?
At that point, was there any reasonable explanation for Nathan’s behaviour apart from him being a date rapist? Spiking a girl’s drink, removing her from the party to a secluded place, taking pictures to keep as souvenirs and to blackmail the victim into silence – that’s textbook date rapist MO.
The sexual undertone of the violence perpetrated by Jefferson and Nathan against their unwilling models is obvious. Explaining his “art” to Max, Jefferson said he’s obsessed with “the moment innocence turns into corruption”. He also said that all his models have “the same doe-eyed look” once they realize what is about to happen to them.
Jefferson: “I’m obsessed with the idea of capturing that moment innocence evolves into corruption”.
Jefferson: “You all have the same doe-eyed look when you wake up here, replaced by fear as you realize what’s about to happen”.
But Jefferson’s usual MO didn’t involve him murdering his victims. He murdered Chloe and possibly Victoria as well as attempted to murder Max, because they were witnesses that needed to be removed. He usually dumped his unconscious victims somewhere after performing a photo session on them, still alive. So if the thing that made his victims supposedly lose innocence wasn’t impending death, what was it? Mark Jefferson strikes me as the kind of person who holds the reprehensible belief that being subjected to certain kinds of violence can cause a person to lose their innocence and become “corrupted”. That is of course not true. The only way a person can become corrupted is by embracing evil with their heart. Suffering violence at someone else’s hands can never deprive you of your innocence or corrupt you. But it seems that obvious truth was lost on Mark Jefferson.
When you first heard Chloe and Kate describe their encounters with Nathan, when you first heard Jefferson, a grown man, talk how he is obsessed with taking away the innocence and corrupting the teenage girls he kidnaps, weren’t the implications of what they did to their victims obvious? I think the writers wanted to leave what exactly happened to victims of the Dark Room ambiguous, but when all the voice lines for Episode 5 had already been recorded, they realized that the fate of the victims was anything but ambiguous, so they decided to add a newspaper clipping Max can find in the San Fransisco timeline, which states that no signs of violence going beyond drugging, kidnapping and posing of the victims was found. I am deeply grateful that they decided to add this bit of information, because I am very fond of all the characters who had the misfortune to be subjected to Jefferson’s and Nathan’s violence – Rachel, Kate, Chloe, Max. But even after we learn that the perpetrators “only” posed their victims and took their pictures, I still maintain that what Jefferson and Nathan did was sexual assault. They drugged their victims unconscious. They at least partially undressed them. On the pictures Max finds in the Dark Room, Rachel is missing her shoes and Kate is missing her black jacket, which they would've been wearing the moment they were kidnapped. And those were just the first photos in their respective albums. Thankfully, we weren’t shown the rest. Jefferson and Nathan exercised complete control over their victims’ limp bodies, posing them in ways they found pleasing.
In her diary, Max describes that some of the photographs of Kate and Rachel she saw in the Dark Room portrayed them posed with Nathan. Rachel’s photographs depicted her “all over” Nathan. This goes to show that the photo sessions done by Jefferson and Nathan involved a lot more physical contact than simply needed to pose the unconscious models and that Nathan got particularly handsy with his victims, both during photo sessions he performed with Jefferson and during those he performed alone.
And why did they only target pretty teenage girls? If Jefferson and Nathan wanted to capture the moment “innocence turns into corruption”, why not target young boys as well? Why go through all the trouble of kidnapping students from an expensive private school that would be searched for if they went missing? Why not target people that nobody would come looking for, like the homeless, or truckers on long hauls? Because they lusted for a very specific type of innocence and a very specific type of corruption. Finally, notice how they talked about their victims. Nathan kept calling Chloe a “whore”.
When Max lamented Chloe’s murder, Jefferson responded by saying she had to be silenced because she knew too much but he wasn’t interested in Chloe as a model because he’d already had his fill of faux punk sluts like that in his Seattle days.
Jefferson: “And don’t get me started on your late partner. I had enough of those faux punk sluts in my Seattle days”.
This is such a bizarre answer. Jefferson, when accused of murdering Chloe, felt the need to clarify that he was not interested in her, because he’d already had numerous flings with girls similar to her in the past. Why say that? If his lack of interest in Chloe stemmed from the fact that he’d had relations with similar girls in the past, then that clearly implies that the interest in his models was at least partially sexual in nature, even if he “only” satiated his desire by taking photographs. Talking about his “art”, Jefferson felt the need to bring up his taste in girls, explaining that he’d had enough of sluts and he was now after pure girls from good homes that he could corrupt to his evil heart’s desire.
Later, Jefferson said that Rachel and Chloe are fucking in heaven.
Max: “Chloe and Rachel! You killed both of them!”
Jefferson: “They’re fucking together in heaven right now. Is that what you want to hear?”
This is a grown man talking about high school kids using language like that – sluts, fucking. All that proves that Jefferson’s and Nathan’s disgusting crimes had a sexual dimension to them.
Look at it from Chloe’s perspective. Nathan lured her into a secluded location and slipped her date rape drugs. She barely escaped whatever he wanted to do to her. If this happened to you or someone you cared about, what would you assume? The only reasonable assumption would be that it was an attempted date rape. And the reality of Nathan’s photo sessions, seeing how they sometimes ended with the model suffering a deadly overdose, while different, was no better than that.
Chloe knew she would never get justice by going to the cops. Her word against the word of the local oligarch’s son? The Arcadia Bay Police Department was so notoriously corrupt that its members would openly admit to taking bribes from the Prescotts to teenage girls they just met for the first time.
Max: “I heard a rumour you were working for the Prescott family on the side”.
ABPD cop: “Look, sometimes I check up on the Prescott family to make sure they’re doing alright. Nathan included”.
Chloe figured that the only way for her to get any semblance of justice was to confront the boy who attempted to assault her and demand compensation. Now, riddle me this. Which ending concludes the theme of sexual violence and objectification of women in a better way? The victim being murdered by her would-be assaulter upon confronting him? Or the victim getting away alive? Murder is the ultimate form of objectification. It turns you into an inanimate object, forever. Should the story of the Dark Room end with it claiming one more victim, objectified irreversibly? Or with the victim reclaiming her agency, breaking free from the objectification and remaining animated?
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chloepleasestopdying · 11 months
thoughts on amber-price?
Ahhh anon why are you trying to get me in trouble???
I don’t like it.
Or well I like it in a ‘we were what the other needed at a fucked up moment in our lives but we can’t stay together forever’ kinda way. I think Rachel did save Chloe in multiple ways. She was a teenage girl dealing with the death of her father, her mother prioritizing herself of her daughter, an abusive step father and the loss of her best friend; Rachel was the only one that helped.
But I don’t think it was healthy by the end of their relationship. I personally think that Chloe’s anger and her inability to take Rachel off that whole ‘Rachel Amber TM’ pedestal mixed with Rachel’s own inability to be open with anyone and her desperation to leave Arcadia Bay and it just poisoned both of them.
I just can’t see them working passed teenagers/maybe young adults. They feed the bad parts of each other, even if they have a lot of fun together.
It’s by no means a bad ship. I just personally like nice fluffy ships for them instead.
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girltomripley · 3 months
This is literally the best song ever
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hydrachea · 2 years
The amount of people who say not to watch Prisma Illya ever because lolis bad are honestly missing out on how unbelievably funny the series is, up until it suddenly isn't and you wonder at which point exactly it ripped your heart out.
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copdog1234 · 11 months
Man, I was watching the movie and the entire time I was thinking "Wow. This would've been so much more satisfying in the show" because the show has earned it. The show's writing is far from perfect, it has many, many flaws, but my god is it far better than Miraculous Awakening will ever be. And I'll tell you why.
I will preface by saying, yes, an hour and a half movie has way less time than a TV show with several episodes to build up characters and relationships, so time constraints will make it so we may not get as much depth in the on-screen relationships.
You know what, though? The time they spent playing mediocre songs could've been used better to show us all the things the songs had to outright tell us. Cause that was the problem.
The movie sure liked telling us how the characters were feeling. It rarely showed it. Like could you tell me why movie Marinette liked Adrien? Because I couldn't. What did he do to earn her affection beside look pretty? Why did we only get a montage of them getting closer instead of actually seeing it? Or how we never really see much of Gabriel and Adrien's struggles with the loss of Emilie, we simply get glimpses. How am I supposed to feel anything when Gabriel stops being Hawk Moth when this movie showed us literally nothing of their strained relationship? And then there's Gabriel's claim that he did absolutely everything to get Emilie back. No he didn't. He did actually nothing. He freed a couple of criminals and then akumatized himself. That's it. That's all he did.
Could you tell me why Alya decided to befriend Marinette? Could you tell me why Adrien "who decided not to get close to anyone" was friends with Nino? Could you tell me why Chloe was so confident Adrien had any interest in her when they never actually interacted?
And then there wasnt enough explanation on how anything that we should've been told worked. Could anyone really tell me how these versions of the miraculous work? Or why Master Fu was in possession of them? Or why they really chose their holders? Could you tell me if the kwami had much personality and were necessary?
Like, I will say, there were funny moments, the animation was nice, and there were cool set pieces, but where was the substance?? It was nonexistent. If you don't watch the show, would you know or feel anything for what was going on in this movie?
Cause even for me, who does watch the show, I didn't.
Think about this. The show has even faked out multiple reveals to me and every time I was hyped and screaming, I have read fanfiction of these same to characters falling in love and confessing every which way and I've swooned, but we get reveals and love confessions that are real and permanent in this movie and I felt. Nothing.
It's okay if yall disagree with me, but I just needed to get this off my chest. I'm hard on this movie because I wanted it to be good because I love the characters and story from the show.
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libraryofloveletters · 5 months
Choo Choo Trains
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Lance Stroll  x Fem!Reader
Warnings: lance is an uncle!! (chloe and scotty have a kid in this lmao), he's got some rizz as the kids say, sweetness all around, frantic lance for a moment there.
Word Count: 537
Author's Note: sorry for the wait, these have been all over the place lately lmao
Uncle Lance promised his nephew a toy train and when he remembers, he scrabbles last minute to find something.
Toy stores are a popular place all season around but especially during the holidays.
Seeing that you are one of the only toy stores in town, you tend to work longer hours than most. It was nearly 10 and you were just about to lock the doors, making sure to put the last set of boxes on the shelf.
The bell rings above the door, you groan internally as you step out of the aisle. There's a man, fluffy brown hair on his head, he brushes the snow out of his hair as he looks around, the panic on his face was evident.
"Sir, we're closed," you tell him, glancing at your watch just to make sure of the time. "It's 10:06, we closed 6 minutes ago."
"Please," he huffs, passing a hand through his thick hair. "I won't take much of your time, just let me grab one thing."
You sigh, not having the heart to kick the man out. "Is there something in particular that you're looking for?"
"Uh," he starts, feeling a bit bad that he rushed in, despite you being closed, and still not having a clue what he was gonna get. "I'm not sure."
"Who are you buying a gift for?"
"My nephew."
"How old is he?"
"3," the man smiles and you nod. "Well, from my experience, most boys that are three tend to leant towards superheroes or trains."
The man's eyes light up, "trains! He loves trains!"
You nod, smiling as you lead him through the aisles to the back where you had a massive display with different types of trains. "I don't have time to go through all of these, because I'm sooo late for dinner and you're closed but uh.." He looks at the different boxes and picks up the biggest one, "yeah, this'll do."
Unable to contain your laugh, your hand covers your mouth. "Is that all?"
His brows furrow. "Do you think I should get more?"
"No," you shook your head. "I just meant, like do you wanna get anything else?"
"Oh!" he laughs, shaking his head. "No, this is good."
He follows you to the front to cash out, "want me to wrap it?" You asked, already setting the box on the green wrapping paper. He nods, glancing at your name tag. "Thank you, y/n."
"You're welcome.." You trailed off and he caught on. A hand pressed to his chest. "Lance." You nodded, "you're welcome, Lance."
After wrapping the box up, you stuck a bow on it and handed it over to Lance. "I hope your nephew likes it and that you aren;t in too much trouble for being late to dinner."
Lance smiles, "thank you, for everything."
You were tossing out the scraps of wrapping paper when you heard Lance call for you. "Are you open tomorrow?"
"We are, from 8am to 10pm. Are you bringing your nephew back?"
"Maybe," he smiles, "but either way I'll be back."
"Toy shopping for yourself, Lance?" You smiled, chuckling.
"No," he smiles too. "I'll be back to ask you out, y/n. Have a good night." He waves to you with a smile, heading out the doors and leaving you with very red cheeks.
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egcdeath · 1 year
spectator sport
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pairing: joel miller x reader
summary: you and joel are the most competitive parents in your daughters’ soccer league. as it turns out, it’s not so easy being enemies when your daughters become best friends.
word count: 4.8k
warnings: canon divergent (no apocalypse yay!), rivals(?) to lovers, they don’t really like each other at the start but they also kinda do?, fluff, realizing feelings, domestic moments, yearning, allusions to a divorce 
author’s note: tlou is an angsty masterpiece, but sometimes all i want is a little lighthearted fun. is this the most in character thing?? no! is it more fun to imagine malewife joel in a world without cordyceps? well… you tell me ;) 
part two / series masterlist
“You got it, Chlo,” you cheered from behind a spray painted white line on a cleat-beaten grassy field. You balled your fists as you anxiously watched your daughter chase after the ball with a ferocity, herding it closer and closer towards the goal.
Your daughter had always had a passion for soccer, having watched professional matches with her father since the moment she could comprehend the game, and playing as soon as she could walk. Chloe had leaned even further into the sport following you and your ex-husband’s somewhat messy divorce, which left you in charge of bringing her to practices on Tuesdays, and games on Thursdays. It wasn’t like you minded much, you were always happy to support your daughter in whatever brought her joy. 
“Pass it! Pass it!” a loud, masculine voice interjected as the man next to you shouted at your daughter. 
Joel was not exactly your favorite parent on the team. While most of the parents enjoyed his presence, with his oddly wise advice for the girls and vocal support of the team (it also helped that he was quite easy on the eyes), something about the man had always thrown you off. Maybe it was his stubborn demeanor, or the way that he found a way to argue with you during every single game, without fail. 
Now, as far as soccer parents went, you weren’t the worst. You had your moments of snapping at a shitty referee after a particularly rough week at work, or possibly being a little too enthusiastic when something bad happened to the opposing team, but somehow Joel always managed to do or say something that provoked you just enough to go back and forth with him.
Chloe glanced over in his direction, briefly losing her footing in perfect time for a member of the opposing team to snatch the ball right out from under her. 
There was a collective groan from some of the more intense parents on your side, and you openly glared at them for indicating their disappointment with your daughter’s performance. But this wasn’t their fault. It was Joel’s.
“Great call out there,” you spat, shooting daggers in Joel’s direction as you took a few steps closer to where he was standing.
“Oh please,” you could practically hear the roll of his eyes in his words as he prepared to defend himself from your vitriol. “You think I wanted that to happen? I’m rooting for the whole team, not just my child.”
“I am not just rooting for my kid,” you delivered the statement a little too genuinely considering that the truth was probably closer to the opposite. “But you’re acting like you wouldn’t have felt the same way if it was your daughter.”
“I wouldn’t, ‘cause I understand that we’re probably gonna win,” Joel responded casually with a shrug of his shoulders. 
“Well, we would’ve had a much better shot at that if you weren’t so dead set on yelling shitty directions at the girls. Maybe leave that to their coach?”
“Hey, don’t curse! You’re forgetting there are kids around,” one of the fathers interjected, sounding far more offended than he needed to be. 
“Shut up, Mark,” you and Joel said at almost the same time, voices overlapping. Your little spats were yours and yours only, and you’d thought it was common knowledge by now not to interfere when any of the parents were getting into it—but especially with you two. 
As usual, your little back and forth seemed to go on and on. It had reached the point where you weren’t even really sure it had anything to do with the game as much as it had to do with the text you’d received from your ex just a few hours before the game, and whatever bullshit Joel had going on in his own life.
As much as you’d like to say you had self awareness, week after week the other parents shared knowing looks and snickered at your spectacle, yet being the laughing stock of the game didn’t deter either of you. 
This week’s argument was no different. 
To be quite honest, you hadn’t ever really paid attention to those who treated your spats as their mid-game entertainment. Right now, all you could think about was stupid Joel, shouting something stupid at your daughter, making her lose her focus, and miss out on a moment. 
Well, maybe you two had too much tunnel vision, as an uproar of cheers from your side pulled both of your attention from each other, and to the celebrating team on the field. Particularly, Chloe and Sarah high-fiving as they jogged away from the goal. 
Awkwardly the two of you clapped, cheering the names of your respective children. You didn’t miss the slight flush of red on Joel’s cheeks after missing the sight of his daughter working with yours to score, but you would be a liar if you didn’t admit that you felt the slightest hint of embarrassment too.
The game wrapped up soon after, with a quick discussion with the coach before the children were dismissed back to their families. As you waited for Chloe, you didn’t miss the newfound camaraderie between herself and Sarah, with the girls seemingly laughing at something as they made their way over to you. 
Despite whatever negative feelings you may have had towards Joel, you were always happy to see your daughter happy, and if that meant you may have to tolerate the father of her friend, maybe, just maybe, you would stop treating her games as an arena for your shouting matches.
As an involved parent, you were no stranger to school fundraisers. For the most part, you would enter a raffle and sit through a catered dinner as the school choir butchered school-appropriate songs, or purchase a handful of chocolate bars from whatever kid was knocking at your door. However, for this fundraiser, Chloe insisted that you volunteer. 
It was a simple bake sale occurring during school hours, and you had the day off. How bad could it really be?
Apparently, really bad. 
Just minutes after you arrived and began to set out the cash box and assorted baked goods, an unwelcome presence joined you, immediately bringing an uncomfortable tension into the atmosphere. If you knew when you signed up for this event that you would be working with Joel Miller, you could guarantee you wouldn’t have been so eager to register.
“Oh, hey,” you tensely acknowledged after a moment, glancing up at the man who was joining you, then back down at the bagged brownies in front of you.
“Hey,” he responded just a second too quickly, then went silent as he seemed to feel out the awkward tension in the room. After a few seconds of heavy silence that felt closer to an hour, he finally added, “Any ways can I help out?” 
Joel gestured to the table where you’d been organizing some of the baked goods. “Is there a method to your madness? Or just…” he trailed off awkwardly. 
It was obvious that he hadn’t expected to be working with you, likely not enthused to be spending a good portion of the day in such close proximity with someone he clearly did not like being around. The situation was almost comical—spending hours in a school with someone that you weren’t sure you could spend five minutes with without breaking into explicit argument. Obviously it would be inappropriate to argue with him in this setting, so you reasoned that for the duration of your shift, you could at least attempt to be cordial.
“Uh, they just want us to keep twenty items out at a time,” you shrugged. You could be cordial. You could just give Joel instructions, then only interact with him when need be. “And to keep gluten free items in this basket. Other than that, everything is set up. The first lunch period’s in about a half hour, so we won’t have much to do until then.”
“Got it,” Joel nodded, pulling out a rather squeaky chair before taking a seat next to you. 
The following few minutes could only be described as painfully awkward. You could cut the tension with a knife as you attempted to scroll nonchalantly on your phone, and Joel uncomfortably rubbed his hands on his jeans. This was going to be a long afternoon.
“So, what made you decide to help out today?” he asked out of the blue, drawing your attention away from your phone and over to his face.
Okay, you could handle small talk without getting into an argument. Besides, it’s not like you had anything to argue about. And to be frank, were your arguments really ever anything of substance? Sure, sometimes you both had done something slightly annoying or antagonistic, but your arguments never really felt that serious. 
“Chloe knew I had the day off and pretty enthusiastically suggested I come help,” you shrugged as almost a means to shake some of your nerves out. “How about you?”
“Pretty similar on my end. Sarah thought it would be a great idea for me to come in today and help out.” Joel looked at you, then back down at his watch, as if he didn’t want to maintain eye contact for too long. 
What a strange coincidence. Both of your daughters suggest you come to their school and work together on something.
You bit back whatever emotion it was involuntarily forming on your lips as it occurred to you that there was not a chance in Hell that this was accidental. Sarah and Chloe seemed to be quite close—you rarely heard a story that didn’t involve Sarah these days—and it was not unlike your daughter to plot schemes to try to fix relationships, a trait you and your ex-husband know a little too well. Clever, clever girls.
“What are the odds this was on purpose?” you asked, finally not restraining your entertainment by this whole situation. How ridiculous. And ironic. How ridiculously ironic. 
“I’m gonna go out on a limb and say quite high,” Joel pressed his lips together and shook his head to himself. 
And while you’d rather have your child just communicate to you that you’re embarrassing her at games, or that she would prefer you to be at the very least amicable with her new best friend’s father, at the end of the day you couldn’t really blame her for pulling off an elaborate plot. Besides, your feud with Joel was silly and unnecessary, and part of you had always wondered if you hadn’t spent so much time arguing with him, if you two would actually get along. 
“If they did plan this, which they most certainly did, we have some smart kids,” you chuckled softly. “And maybe for the sake of them, we can attempt to be… friendly?”
Joel nodded slowly, “I can do friendly.”
A truce. Although the tension between you could still be cut with a knife, it felt nice to agree at the very least not to start a war at the little table. 
”Can we really blame them for setting us up?” you pondered aloud, “I mean, who would want their best friend’s parents to be enemies?”
“We’re enemies?” Joel asked with a lift of his brow.
“Well,” you paused. You weren’t really enemies. Despite all of the heated arguments, more times than not, Joel provided you a pretty safe outlet to vent your feelings without many repercussions. “Maybe… rivals?”
Joel shrugged, “Maybe. I know for certain I don’t see you as an enemy. Although, I apologize if I ever made you feel that way.”
Was Joel… apologizing? First, working together with the man, and now an apology. Maybe you should’ve gone and visited your psychic after all, with the unpredictable way your week was turning out. 
“I’m sorry,” he admitted, sounding quite genuine. You still weren’t completely sure that this was some weird joke, or that you’d woken up in a parallel dimension. “For always stirring the pot during games. It’s really quite-“
“Joel, it’s really not an issue,” earnestly and without a thought you interrupted the apologetic man, not wanting him to feel the guilt of being solely responsible for your little tussles. “I don’t take anything you say during games seriously. But I also want to apologize. It’s probably not the best to find little things to argue about every week.”
“I just wanted to be clear that I don’t hate you or anything,” he emphasized.
“Well I don’t want you to think I hate you either. If we’re being honest, it’s been pretty nice to be able to inconsequentially blow off steam every now and then. If anything, you’re doing me a favor.”
The corners of his lips turned up and into the slightest smile at your admission, and suddenly it had felt as if a weight had lifted off of your shoulders, and a bit more of the tension had dissolved in the room. 
“No hard feelings?” he offered. 
“None. Maybe the opposite,” you teased.
“Well, you know what they say about love and hate…”
“Now that may be a step too far.”
As it turned out, you and Joel made a pretty efficient bake sale team. Joel helped the kids pick out their baked goods, and you cashed the kids out. Sure, it wasn’t the most complex operation, but it felt nice to be in such a comfortable rhythm, especially considering the majority of your professional work you did alone. 
By the end of your shift, you were far less displeased with your situation. In fact, one might even say that you enjoyed spending your afternoon at the sale with your daughter’s best friend’s father. Maybe Chloe and Sarah’s plot to force you together wasn’t so terrible after all. 
Maybe Joel wasn’t so terrible after all.
Every year, Autumn means one thing in your town: the annual fall festival.
It was honestly impressive the way that the entire community would go all out to put on such a large event in order to adequately honor the season, although part of you was convinced that the whole weekend-long event was an excuse for kids and adults alike to indulge in candy apples and Oreo turkeys and show off unnaturally large pumpkins. 
This year was no different, and as tradition, you and Chloe hauled yourselves down to the festival. It just happened to be your luck that as you were exiting the car, a pickup truck pulling into a parking space caught Chloe’s attention. 
“It’s Sarah!” your daughter informed you, practically skipping over to the vehicle. You followed after your daughter (who just so happened to be much faster than you) as she pulled her friend into a hug the very moment she popped out of the car. 
Joel hopped out as well, glancing at your children who already seemed to be walking off towards the fair, then back to you.
“How are you?” he asked, fidgeting with his keys as he put them into his pocket. It was clear that despite deciding not to feud anymore, things were still a little fresh and weird between you two. 
“Good, good,” you trailed off, nodding slowly as you slipped your hands into your own pockets and began to follow the two girls. Somehow, Joel ended up walking next to you as you trailed behind your daughters, and a light tension filled the air. 
Despite feeling slightly more comfortable with him after your shift together at the bake sale, it was clear that there was still some strange awkward energy between you two. After all, you had only made amends around a week ago, and prior to that, the majority of your interactions had included some sort of verbal altercation.
Walking into the fair, you maintained a less-than-comfortable silence as your daughters chatted and led the way to the field, filled with booths and stations as far as your eye could see. 
After a bit of aimless walking around, Chloe suggested a stop at a cornhole station. Watching your respective children play from the sidelines, you couldn’t help but crack a smile at the pure, unadulterated joy coming from your daughter as her and Sarah bantered with each other and tossed little bean bags. After ending with a tie, the pair began to walk away from where they were standing before pausing in front of you and Joel.
“You guys should play!” Sarah suggested enthusiastically, looking up at her father with an animated look in her eyes. 
“Oh, I don’t know about that,” Joel trailed off and glanced at you as if he wanted to check how you were feeling on the matter. 
Sure, you didn’t have the upper body strength of someone who did construction for a living, but you were confident in your ability to kick some ass at corn hole. 
“C’mon, mom. And you too, Joel. It’s fun! It’ll be fun!” Chloe, ever the instigator, egged you on. 
“Alright, alright, since you insist,” you played up your reluctance, but happily accepted the red beanbags your daughter offered you. “It’s on, Miller,” you said as you approached the boards. 
“Just you wait,” he shot back, matching the overconfident, cocky persona you’d seemed to put on. “Before I embarrass you, I’ll be polite and let you go first.”
“How kind,” you playfully rolled your eyes, but focused long enough to toss the pack not too hard and not too light, and it slid on the board before landing in the hole. “What was that about embarrassing myself?”
Heckling Joel was unsurprisingly quite easy, considering the majority of your interactions prior to the past week had consisted of taking blows at each other. What you didn’t expect was how naturally the banter between you flowed when both of you were able to acknowledge that what you were saying really wasn’t serious at all.
“I think that was called luck. You still have plenty of time to embarrass yourself,” Joel didn’t even miss a beat as he tossed his bean bag with ease, landing right into the hole.
You’d be lying if you said you weren’t impressed by his aim, and that your confidence hadn’t slightly faltered. For once in your life, it was possible that a man wasn’t over exaggerating his capabilities.
“Not bad, Joel,” you brushed his accomplishment off as you went to toss your next bag. This time, you weren’t so lucky, and your turn ended with your beanbag on the side of the board.
Chloe and Sarah dramatically reacted from the side, cheering or whooping whenever they saw fit. In a weird way, it was like your roles had been reversed. You and Joel were no longer the overenthusiastic spectators.
“What did I say? Luck,” Joel tutted. “Look, girls. I’ll show you how a real expert does it.”
Turning his back to you and the board, Joel attempted to toss his bag through the board, yet as he turned back around, he found it in the grass between your two boards. 
You, Sarah, and Chloe erupted into laughter at the irony of it all, so much so that Joel couldn’t even help but to join in. 
“Great job, ‘real expert’. Can you teach me your ways?”
You were somewhat stunned with the speed at which the ice had broken between you and Joel. Just a few minutes ago walking into the fair, you were nervous that the evening would be tense and awkward, yet here you were, teasing and laughing right along with each other.
Once your laughter subsided, you both tossed your last bags, with you making it in and Joel missing. After a gratuitous moment of celebration, Joel walked over to you and extended his hand for a handshake. You took up his offer, and firmly shook his hand. 
“Good job out there. You were a worthy opponent.”
“Thank you, Joel. I could say the same, but I won’t. Y’know, since you lost.”
This received a giggle from your kids as Joel abruptly dropped your hand, feigning offense. Maybe it had just been a long time since you’d received any physical affection at all, but the loss of his brief grip stirred something strange deep inside of you. 
Ew. No. 
You could barely tolerate this man a week ago. Sure, he wasn’t terrible to look at, and your daughter had seemed to take a liking to him, but you’d be remiss if you hadn’t thought about all of those charged arguments you’d had during soccer games. You had only just recently considered him to be anything more than a nuisance. 
“Where to next?” Joel asked, pulling you out of your head as the girls began to chatter and move in the direction of whatever booth had caught their eyes. 
That was a train of thought for another time. Maybe you’d let yourself think about it tonight night, as you attempt to fall asleep in a bed that’s far too big for one person and far too cold without someone else there. But not here, where the situation felt like a live wire, and a little too real for your liking. 
For the most part, Chloe’s soccer hobby took up more time than it gave you. The time it took going to practices, games, and tournaments quickly added up, on top of working an absurd amount to make sure that you could pay the mortgage and club fees on time and keep your child happy. The one exception to this general rule were team dinner nights—a night where you didn’t have to worry about spending an hour or two in the kitchen, giving you far more free time to do whatever you wanted.
This time around, Joel was hosting the dinner at his place. Clearly, Chloe was excited to be spending the evening at her closest friend’s home, and you’d be lying if you said you weren’t the slightest bit curious to see what his place looked like.
And maybe, just maybe, you were the slightest bit excited to see Joel again. 
“Can we just go over early?” she requested as you checked the nearly done cookies in the oven. “Can I go over early to hang out with Sarah? Please?”
You practically could hear the puppy dog eyes in her voice, and when you looked over to her, she was indeed looking at you with a somewhat convincing sense of desperation. It was never easy for you to say no to your daughter, which she unfortunately knew. This time was no different. 
Sighing softly, you conceded, “have Sarah ask her dad if you can come by.”
Chloe cheered as she dashed off to the other room, seemingly reaching out to her friend who very quickly responded, as your daughter was back in just a few minutes with confirmation that she could come by any time. 
Quickly pulling the cookies out from the oven and throwing them into a container, you packed Chloe into the car, and hauled her over to her friend’s house. 
Chloe grabbed your Tupperware and skipped to the door, politely knocking and waiting patiently as you stayed seated in your car, just to make sure your daughter got in okay. As if she was awaiting Chloe’s arrival (and she most definitely was), Sarah pulled open the door the moment Chloe had put her knuckles to the door and welcomed her friend in. 
A somewhat muffled voice from inside called something out, leaving Sarah to relay it back to you: “Before you go, my dad wanted to know if you wanted to stop in for a drink?” she called out, just loud enough for you to hear from your open window.
Any other day, you would’ve said no. But for some reason, coming in and checking in just felt right today—so that was exactly what you did. It wasn’t like you and Joel weren’t in friendship territory with each other. 
While the girls ran off upstairs, you made your way to the kitchen to find a very stressed-looking Joel. He was in complete disarray as he checked the oven twice, then the fridge for something, then stirred something in a pot.
“Hey, you alright?” you asked right off the bat, setting down the container of cookies your daughter had given back to you onto his countertop. 
“Yeah, fine. Just didn’t think about how I was gonna cook all of this in time,” he moved away from the stovetop and towards a cupboard to grab you a glass. “Now what would you like to drink? I’ve got some coke, some juice, something a little stronger…?”
“Just water is fine,” you hummed, awkwardly standing by the counter. “Joel, do you want some help? You know, four hands are better than two. And I’m pretty competent when it comes to reading and following a recipe.”
“Please,” he barely let you finish speaking before he spoke, and desperation was practically dripping off his tone as he passed you a glass of water.
You weren’t sure you expected him to say yes, but you were somewhat surprised when he agreed anyway. He didn’t exactly seem like the type to accept help, let alone ask for it. Joel must’ve been even more stressed than you initially picked up on. 
“Of course. What would you like me to do?”
“Uh, if you could just cut up some of the fruit that would be great,” the man ran his hands through his hair as he approached the fridge once more.
You nodded and walked over to the cutting board where it was clear that Joel had begun to attempt cutting some fruit up, but had been interrupted by one of the many pots on the stovetop or dishes in the oven.
Although you didn’t necessarily envision your evening being spent in a frantic Joel Miller’s kitchen, you weren’t particularly mad at it. It didn’t take long for you two to fall into that easy collaborative rhythm that you seemed to always have when it came to working together. Maybe you weren’t too bad of a team after all. 
By the time the doorbell rang with the first family, you and Joel had just finished up, and your daughters had just about finished setting up the table in the dining room and on the patio. Taking you by surprise, Joel reached out for a high-five, which gave you a hearty laugh as the two of you tapped hands.
“I appreciate your help,” he remarked. “You saved my ass tonight.”
By all means, dinner was a success. Parents and children raved about how good everything was, and conversing with Joel and the other parents was surprisingly easy—despite you not noticing the knowing looks that a few of the more gossipy moms frequently shot each other. 
Luckily, a few families assisted in cleaning things up after dinner before heading out, cutting the time you’d need to spend helping with cleaning pretty significantly. As the night wound down, it came as no surprise when Chloe asked if she and Sarah could hang out for just a bit longer. It’s not like an extra hour would kill you, especially not when Joel was pulling out a bottle of white wine and suggesting sitting out on the patio in the pleasant Austin autumn weather. 
As you got settled into your seat, Joel poured you out a glass before pouring himself some. You sighed contentedly, happy with a rather pleasant evening, but tired from the stress of the day. 
“Thank you for helping me out. There’s no way in hell I could’ve done this without you,” he confessed, peering deeply into your eyes. He looked at you for just a moment too long, the attention bringing a warmth to your face.
“I’m always happy to help anyone,” you smiled shyly under the pressure of his intense look before taking a sip of your drink. “Well, maybe I wouldn’t be happy to help Amy. But I’m always happy to help you.”
“Well, I appreciate you,” Joel paused as he drank. “And I wouldn’t help Amy either.”
The two of you shared a little laugh before a rather comfortable silence filled the air. The two of you looked up at the sky, gazing at the stars that seemed to be shining a little more bright than usual.
“I’d like to repay you somehow,” Joel said, breaking the silence as he continued to keep his eyes fixed on the sky. 
“Mm, that’s not necessary,” you hummed. “Dinner was plenty. It was great, and Chloe and I will definitely be enjoying our leftovers.”
“It’s necessary to me,” Joel paused as if he was contemplating even saying the next words. “Would you let me take you out sometime?” 
It was clear that he was looking right at you, nervously anticipating your answer. 
You cracked a slight smile as you turned your head towards him, “That would be nice,” you nodded. “I think that would be really nice.”
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atticrissfinch · 7 months
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No Soul to Sell (dark!joel miller x reader) (18+) (oneshot)
pairing: dark!ex-boyfriend’s dad!joel miller x fem!reader summary: divorced joel is fucking his way through his newly acquired bachelor status, when he remembers you—the (recent) ex-girlfriend of his son—are now an option for him.  CAUTION: DEAD DOVE DO NOT EAT. NONCON WARNING.   Warnings/tags: [18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT] Joel POV, misogynist!joel, slut!joel, general evil menace!joel, dubcon that devolves into explicit noncon mid-act, age gap (unspecified, but joel is old enough to be reader’s father), mentions of infidelity (joel is a lying cheater, reader has been cheated on previously—not by joel), little/no prep, coerced unprotected piv, noncon creampie, lying/manipulation, sexist and derogatory/degrading language  word count: ~2.8K | ao3  a/n: here’s my contribution to @chloeangelic’s divorced!slut!joel challenge. It was supposed to be 1.5k or less, but daddy chloe gave me special permission to go over. she also convinced me to write a fucked up alternate ending to this already fucked up fic, and I’ll provide the warnings for that before the alt ending, below the initial fic.  Masterlist | Kofi A little post-fic drabble for those interested :)
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Joel was acutely aware of his perpetual need to keep his dick wet. Hell, it’s the primary reason his wife left him in the first place. 
Whenever the old bitch went frigid, he was forced to dip his wick elsewhere. Preferably somewhere young and pretty. If you put a gun to his head, he would admit that the papers weren’t a shock. He wasn’t exactly the most diligent at covering his tracks, and his wife wasn’t that stupid. So she had them drawn up the day she discovered he had been stepping out. 
He shrugged it off, said some less-than-polite words, and—after some nauseating mediation proceedings—signed the fuckers. Packed his shit and went on his way to his recently secured apartment. 
It wasn’t until after about a week of being by himself that he came to terms with how shitty being alone really was. Having to actually put in work to get sex again was a chore. When he was married, if he’d wanted it badly enough, his wife would usually give it up one way or another. But now he was severely lacking in a live-in cock warmer, and he needed it. He needed a warm hole to fuck, or he felt like he was going to shrivel up and turn to dust. After a few days without one, he would start getting jittery, and no amount of coming in a tube sock would satiate his carnal, irrepressible need for pussy. Any pussy. 
And now, three months into his bachelor lifestyle, he’s already worked his way through most of his ex-wife’s (less loyal) friends, and all available female acquaintances that he could reasonably plow into. He’s run dry to the point where he’s started fucking the better pussies a second time. Since the divorce, Joel has learned that he really doesn’t like repeats anymore. He likes the thrill of sinking into a new hole, the challenge of what makes them tick. As soon as he cracks the code, the mystery is gone. 
One evening, he’s lazily scrolling through the contacts on his phone, his dick once again fueling his decisions, when he comes across you. 
Of course. It’s so obvious, he’s frustrated he hasn’t thought of you before. He knew you’d always had a thing for him. He had for you as well. The moment the two of you met, there was an energy between you. Purely sexual. He saw it in your eyes, he felt it in his dick. You had wanted him. And he had wanted to give it to you. But both of you were well aware that the other was off-limits, especially with your respective partners at each other’s sides. One of those partners being his own son. 
A son he never truly connected with. A mama’s boy through and through. Sensitive and soft like her, but selfish and surly like him. 
And ultimately, to Joel, a disappointment. 
But now. Now that his wife is out of the picture. Now that Preston is out of your picture…
Joel: Hey you. Would you mind if I stopped by tonight? I think we’re overdue for a talk. 
Not even an hour later, Joel is knocking at your door. 
You open it, and you’re nothing short of a fuckable vision, clad in your black cotton leggings and your tank top, hands glistening and damp from what he parses is water from the dishes you’re in the middle of doing. 
“Sorry, just finishing up,” You pardon yourself, bending at the waist like a fucking siren beckoning him as you pull up the door on your dishwasher to latch it shut and start the cycle.  
He can’t resist it. Not for another second. He can hear, feel your breath hitch as he presses dangerously close against your back, your stomach hitting the lip of the counter as his breath fans out over your neck. 
“Joel…” You start to object as he slides his hands down your torso, landing on your hips and rolling his own into yours to show you just how quickly you’re getting him where he desperately craves to be. “What are you doing?”
“What we’ve both wanted to do since we first laid eyes on each other,” Joel replies huskily, ghosting his lips over your ear to nip at your earlobe. 
You half-heartedly attempt to bring your shoulder to your ear to nudge him away, but he just gives a small chuckle. “Am I wrong about that?” He bites kisses down the expanse of your neck, flexing his fingers around your hips. “Have you not been fuckin’ me with those beautiful eyes since we met?”
“We can’t do this,” You puff out, your breath already shallow with your own desire. 
Joel’s fingers squeeze heavily at your hips as his fully hard cock grinds between your asscheeks in those sinful leggings, resulting in your head lulling back on your shoulders with a moan. 
“We’re both single,” Joel counters, “We can do whatever the fuck we want.”
And then Joel is spinning you around, crashing your lips together in a hungry, brutal kiss. His tongue doesn’t request entry, it just takes it, filling the expanse of your mouth for his own exploration and pleasure and tasting of his filthiest dreams. His hands rake up your tank top over your tits for his mouth to devour, your head falling back again as obscene noises spill out of it. 
Joel hitches your leg at his hip and drags his cock up your cunt, pulling a whimper from you that has him feeling feral, crazed enough to want to rip right through your clothes. 
“Wait, wait, wait,” You pant out, shoving some space between the two of you in a way that makes Joel want to show you exactly what he thinks of that little move at this current juncture. But he huffs a sigh, caging you in with his hands gripping the counter at your back, but leaving precious inches of atmosphere between you. 
“I don’t wanna wait,” Joel growls out, grinding his teeth. 
“Look, I just need to know something, okay?”
Joel struggles not to roll his eyes in impatience, forcing himself into some semblance of concern. “Alright. What do you need to know, darlin’?”
Your eyes flutter momentarily at the name, but you push through. “When Preston told me about you and your wife—”
“Ex,” He corrects with gusto. 
“Right, sorry, ex-wife. Well, he made it sound like she left you…” You hesitate a moment before exhaling, “Because you cheated.”
And Joel isn’t daft, so he slides his hands around you and nuzzles at your nose with his own. “Darlin’, that’s the opposite of what happened. She cheated on me.”
It’s as easy as breathing. 
He can feel the tension sapping from your body at the words, so he continues. “And maybe it makes me a bad man, but all I’ve had the strength to do lately is try to fuck her, and her unfaithfulness, out of my system.”
“I get that,” You reply softly, your fingers creeping up to lock into his flannel and your eyes meeting his with only slight trepidation. 
Once he sees he has you reeled in, he goes for the kill. “And could you think of any tastier revenge for what he did to you? For takin’ after his mama like that? Steppin’ out on you?”
A rattled shame shimmers in your eyes as he abruptly brings your reality to light. “Joel—”
“I know. I know all about it. His mama told me before we split.”
Your eyes dip down, fighting back the tears that threaten to spill. 
“Hey,” Joel coaxes, tipping your chin back up to look at him. “Wouldn’t you like to get back at them? Cause I can’t think of a better way. You get to fuck the older, more mature version of him. The man who brought that cheating motherfucker into this world. And I get to slide into someone so much fuckin’ tighter and younger and cuter than her. It’s a win-win.”
“I don’t know…”
“Yes, you do,” Joel whispers, and determines that you have had quite enough conversation, silencing you with his mouth on yours again. This time you melt into him, clutching his flannel as hard as he hopes your pussy will be on his cock in a few blistering moments. 
You’re face down on your mattress in record time, Joel wrenching off your leggings and underwear and shoving his own bottom half free of clothing before pulling your now bare hips into his throbbing cock. 
“C-condoms in the nightstand,” You stutter out. 
He groans. “Don’t make me, darlin’. Wanna feel you.”
“Joel,” You protest again, and he’s starting to really fucking hate how his name sounds on your tongue when you’re reprimanding him like that. It reminds him of his ex-wife, every fucking time he did something she didn’t like. 
Joel, stop tracking mud on the hardwood. 
Joel, stop shoving things in the closet. 
Joel, stop trying to put it in my ass. 
Just non-stop nagging, nagging, nagging. 
Joel shakes his mind clear and refocuses on the delicious, plump ass raised in the air for him. 
“Aren’t you on birth control, darlin’?”
“Yes, but—”
“Then that’s all we need. How about you just trust me and we’ll have some fun, huh?”
“Okay,” He hears you mutter into your arm. “Just pull out, please. I still don’t wanna risk—” Your words are cut off by an almost shrieking moan of your own making as Joel fucks into you without warning, your insides clenching around him like a fucking vice. 
Joel’s own moan rings out loud, animal, as your slick insides open up around him, parting easily as he starts to fuck you with abandon. “So fuckin’ tight, darlin’. Squeezin’ this cock just right. So fuckin’ good.”
You mewl into the sheets, wrinkling them with your fingers as he ravages your insides with ferocity. 
“Knew this pussy would be good to me. Open up so easy for this big cock. You openin’ up easy for me, darlin’?”
You whine, lost for speech as his fingers bruise at your hips, smooth down your spine under your shirt to keep you pressed into the bed for him. 
The sound of your skin slapping together penetrates the room, and Joel is getting tired of only hearing his own voice. He likes when they talk him up, tell him how good he feels, how much better he is than their husbands or boyfriends. He prods at you between breaths, “C’mon, talk to me, sweetheart. Been fuckin’ a lot of bitches like you since my split, you really gonna let them show you up? You don’t wanna go down in my little black book as a boring piece of ass, do ya? Keep it interestin' for me.”
He thinks he hears you whine mutedly, “‘S good.”
But that’s it. Just more of Joel’s grunts, more skin-on-skin, more of your shitty bed frame squeaking. 
Boring, boring, boring. 
Joel feels his façade sloughing off of him in sheets as your pussy grips him, taking him all the way in and soaking him an amount that he thinks you should probably be embarrassed about, with how desperate you are for him and how little you’re showing it. 
“Just a piece of fuckin’ meat for me, huh? Nothin’ to say. No brains, no nothin’. Just a fucked-out little cocksleeve whore.”
He hears you make a weird noise beneath him and then your voice finally rising and skipping with the tempo of his harsh thrusts, “Joel…I’m not sure I like this.”
He knew this was coming. He just laughs it off, redoubling his imprints on your hips. “Oh, you don’t like this, huh? What don’t you like?”
“I-I don’t think I—”
“No, lemme just stop you there, sweetheart,” Joel growls out, halting his thrusts when he’s pressed balls deep inside you, holding you flush against his hips.  “Lemme stop you, ‘cause I already know you don’t think. You’re a fuckin’ woman.”
You squeak below him as he picks his pace right back up, punishing your cervix for the sins of your protests as he blabbers on, “You were created to be a vessel for cock. Holes to fuck. Everything else is secondary. This is what you were made for. This doesn’t make you happy?”
“I’m really not having fun anymore, Joel! Please stop!” You plead, lashing out a hand to push against his hip, only to be slapped away. Joel’s face turns vengeful as he secures a hand around the back of your neck and forces your hips down onto the bed, pinning you with his full body weight and knocking the air out of your chest as his cock continues to split you open. 
“Well, lucky for me, I’m having enough fun for the both of us right now. I’d say that’s all that matters.”
“I said stop!” You let out a violent sob, using all your strength to buck up against him to no avail. 
Joel scoffs, bringing a hand around to shove four thick fingers into your incessant mouth, cutting off any comprehensible dissent from you. “Shut the fuck up, bitch. I’m gettin’ what I came for.”
Your muffled screams propel him forward into your trembling wet heat, grunting when your walls clutch him as if your life, your sanity depends on it. And shit if that doesn’t make him that much harder.  
“Oh, fuck yeah, keep squeezin’ me like that baby, just like that. Don’t wanna hear a goddamn word about you not droolin’ for this cock, darlin’. Cause I can fuckin’ feel it. Droolin’ from your mouth and your pussy.”
Somewhere in the back of his mind he registers that you’re biting into his fingers as you scream over them, but for reasons foreign to him prior to this point, the pain spurs him on. Your saliva drips down his fingers, flowing in rivulets down his wrist as he hammers into your cunt. 
“Not sure why you’re fightin’ me, when I gave you the chance to speak the fuck up. The one time I don’t want a bitch to shut her goddamn trap and you refused to do it. ‘F you’re not gonna make it worth my while, I’ll do it my damn self,” He grunts, holding open your jaw with his crooked fingers and railing into you with every ounce of resentment he has for his ex, for his son, and for every cunt who dared not impress him. 
Joel feels his release building, his cock twitching inside you as he fucks your tightening hole, but he begs his body to hold out just a little longer. He pistons his hips in shallower thrusts as he levels with your ear, speaking over your whimpers, “I got a little confession, sweetheart. I lied. I did cheat on my wife.”
You whine, sob around his fingers, bending your knees against the mattress as you try and get leverage, but Joel’s smart enough to know you’re no match for his strength. The new position you’ve ended up in has Joel fucking even deeper into you, your keening growing more unhinged as Joel takes and takes and takes. 
“Yeah, I cheated on that bitch over and over and over,” He spits, punctuating each repetition with a relentless slam of his hips into your ass. “And now that I’ve been where he’s been, felt what you got to offer, I can see why my son cheated on you, too.” He thrusts into you one last, brutal time, looping his free arm your neck to hold you in place as your sobs go quiet, more like resignation. Like defeat. 
Joel’s forehead presses into the back of your neck as his cock pulses inside you, filling you with his load and claiming you for himself. He grunts out, “I know you wanted me to pull out, but…well, shit, I didn’t wanna. Want you to remember this.”
You finally go limp underneath him, and Joel hums a rumbling sound of approval. “That’s right. Just let it happen. All filled up with me now. What would Preston say? Spreadin’ your legs for his father, wringin’ his cock dry for his come?”
His fingers slip out of your mouth, drenched and a little pruned with purpling divots from your teeth adorning them. You just sniffle, your head collapsing into the sheets upon Joel relinquishing his hold. 
“You stupid bitches never learn,” He mutters, groaning as his cock slips free of your clutches and lifting his weight off of you. He watches you take your first full-chested breath since he pinned you down, and it looks a little pathetic to him. When you don’t make an effort to move, Joel just goes about pulling himself back together. He leans against your bedroom door frame, studying the rise and fall of your body with each breath, his come leaking out of your spent cunt, the spots on your hip where he guarantees color will bloom where his fingers had been. 
“All the same,” He mumbles. “All of ya. You’re nothin’ but fodder. Spread you out, devour you bit by bit.”
You lay silent, but he knows you hear him. 
“And if there ain’t nothin’ left of ya when I’m finished,” He says, shrugging a little as he turns to leave, “far as I’m concerned, that’s when I know I done my job right.”
Post-fic drabble
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Alternate Ending
Further warnings/tags: noncon piss!kink (f receiving), disrespect/violation of someone in a presumed catatonic or dissociative state
word count: ~500
a/n: Chloeangelic is 100% to blame for this. I was fully content with the original ending, and then she said “but what about piss kink?? Maybe??” and I’m nothing if not a subby little bitch for her, so here it is. 
“You stupid bitches never learn,” He mutters, groaning as his cock slips free of your clutches and lifting his weight off of you. He watches you take your first full-chested breath since he pinned you down, and it looks a little pathetic to him. When you don’t make an effort to move, Joel just goes about pulling himself back together.
But he stops. Takes in the sight of you. You look so goddamn helpless. 
“Hey,” He prompts, shaking your foot in search of a response from you. You don’t budge. You don’t speak. The only signs of life are your tear-filled, periodically blinking eyes and the undulation of your breathing. 
He thinks you may be in shock or something. Typical woman. 
Something about that pisses him off. Deep inside the darkest recesses of his psyche, he craves a response from you. And you’re not giving it. 
As he ponders how to earn that response, nature poses its own suggestion for him. He bats the idea around in his head. His gaze lingers on your bare ass, your exposed back, your overall catatonic state. He thinks about his wife—ex-wife—and every time she complained that he was too rough with her, that he asked too much of her, that it seemed like he didn’t care about her. 
Well, fuck her, maybe he fucking didn’t. 
Rage flares up inside him again, staring at your pitiful, fucked out body. And he decides to just release it. 
Propped up on his knees between your spread thighs, flaccid cock in hand, he expels a cathartic sigh as he starts to relieve himself. 
He expects you to bolt up the second the hot, wet pressure hits your back, but you are surprisingly unphased. He cocks his head to the side as his piss soaks the back of your rucked-up shirt, darkening the white and bleeding up the ribbed fabric. 
He tilts the head of his cock down, his piss shooting against the globes of your ass and splashing back a little on impact. His eyes go dark as he aims for the crack of your ass, devouring the sight of it seeping down to the creampie he made of your sorry cunt. The substances intermingle on the wet spot directly below the opening of your pussy where you’d already made a mess on the sheets with your combined fluids. Something about adding one more to the mix has him transfixed. Less upset at your lack of reaction. 
He’s actually disappointed when he feels his cock emptying, sputtering out the final remnants of his piss directly toward your creamy slit. 
Satisfaction settles in his chest for the first time in a long while…maybe since before his divorce. Seeing a woman totally destroyed by his own hands, his own dick. A phantom shiver vibrates down his spine at the magnitude of this self-discovery, and he rolls his neck in a circle as he stuffs himself back into his pants. 
He flicks off the lights, leaving you reeking in a puddle of his come and piss, and contemplating whether he should call his son to come find you. 
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woso-dreamzzz · 6 months
Travel Day II
Wonze x Child!Reader
England Lionesses x Wonze!Reader
Summary: A normal day with you is fairly stressful
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You run around a lot with Ella and Lessi as soon as Mummy lets you go but you get bored of them quite easily. You wander over to Beth, whom you haven't seen in a while.
Usually, there's another little girl with her and your brow furrows when you don't find your friend.
"Erm...Beth...where's-where's..." You can't really remember her name but you know that she's got a nickname like you. "Where's liefje?"
Beth laughs slightly. "Sorry, peanut. She's gone with Viv to the Netherlands camp this time."
You huff. "Why?"
"Well, Viv wanted to show her what it's like in the Netherlands."
"But why?"
"Well, Viv's her mother too. Sometimes they like to do stuff like that together."
"Does it make you sad? My Mum might be sad if I spent all my time with Mummy."
"No." Beth shakes her head. "She's only had Viv for a little while. You've had your Mum and Mummy all your life."
You kind of get it so you nod. "Can I play with liefje next time then?"
"Next time," Beth agrees and you hurry off.
Your next targets are huddled in the corner and you barrel over, climbing up onto Hempo's lap before she realises what you're doing.
Chloe laughs at Hempo's shocked face as you wiggle your way onto her lap. Hempo's doing Lego again but it's just the beginning of it right now so you're not too sure what it is just yet.
"Hi, peanut," Chloe says in greeting," I haven't seen you in a while."
"I'm in Spain," You reply, reaching out for the little instruction booklet that you can't read but can inspect the pictures," With Mum and Mummy there."
"Yeah," Chloe says, glancing around before sliding her plate of snacks closer to you," Are you enjoying it there?"
"It's hot," You reply, biting down on a chocolate biscuit," And makes Mum sweaty so I don't like her hugging me."
Chloe laughs just as Hempo moves to help you click a piece into place and fish out a new one.
"Mummy can hug me though," You continue," She's friends with Aitana. Aitana's nice. Mum's friends with Mapi'. Mummy says it's because they're both children."
Both Chloe and Hempo laugh now and you beam at them, not really getting the joke but not wanting to be left out.
Mummy approaches you a few moments later, taking your hand gently and guiding you to the toilet before practice.
"I don' need the potty," You try to tell her.
"Well, let's just try," Mummy says," Just have a try for me."
You don't like the way she seems to know your body better than you do because you do end up going to the toilet and, when you leave your stall, she's still in her own.
You don't really like the toilets (they always smell a little strange) so you scamper outside to wait for Mummy there.
You know that after the toilet break, Mummy will take you upstairs to get changed and then maybe try to send you to sleep so you'll be out cold when she and Mum bring you to practice.
You don't want to do either and take your brief respite from being supervised to bolt.
You know your way around St George's Park like you know your way around Camp Nou and you pick through the hallways with ease. Sometimes, you and Beth's liefje run around together through these same corridors so you take a sharp left through a heavy fire door and creep into a meeting room, poking your head around the doorframe.
Sarina's there. She's Mum and Mummy's boss sometimes, like how Jonatan is their boss in Spain too.
She's looking through paperwork at her desk, looking incredibly bored so it's no wonder that she spots you easily.
"Hello." She gets up from her seat, ushering you inside and glancing around. "Where is Keira and Lucy?"
"Mummy's in the toilet. Dunno where Mum is. What are you doing?"
Sarina lets out a little huff of amusement and guides you further inside. "Just some paperwork," She says," Do you want a snack?"
She pulls open a drawer and lets you peer inside. You take a packet of chocolate, sitting down at Sarina's feet to start eating.
You sit at Mum's feet sometimes and crawl under tables at Barcelona when it gets a bit too loud so this is somewhat second nature.
You don't know how long you sit there but soon Sarina's getting you to your feet and holding your hand so you don't run off again.
There's a certain energy in the air as you head out onto the pitch. Some of the girls are milling around anxiously, calling out things as they look around the barriers.
"What has gotten into them?" Sarina mutters under her breath.
"I think they're looking for the little one," The silly social media man says as he films your and Sarina's arrival," Keira lost her."
"Did not lose!" You say, stamping your foot," Mummy was in the toilet!"
"Regardless," Mum's familiar voice says behind you," You had us all worried, peanut."
She takes you from Sarina, holding you securely on her hip as she hurriedly sprints towards the rest of the girls. As soon as she gets close, she lifts you up like you're Simba (something that she always does at home when you're watching Lion King).
"I've got her! I've got her!"
Mummy come rushing over, checking you over for injuries.
"God," Auntie Georgia says as she jogs closer," You had us all worried there, peanut. You've got to stop wandering off."
You roll your eyes. "Just having fun."
"You can have fun with Mum and Mummy, peanut," Mum says sternly," No wandering when we're here."
"What about with Auntie Georgia?"
"Yes, with Auntie Georgia," Mummy replies.
"And Lessi and Tooney?" You continue.
"Yes with them too."
You give her a suspicious look. "And Hempo? And Alex?"
"Yes, them as well."
"Then not just have fun with Mum and Mummy," You say and Mummy sighs deeply.
Mum stifles her laugh, ruffling your hair. "Alright, peanut," She says," Now's not the time to make a point. You're lucky no one took you."
You give her a patronising look. "You say to bite people if they try to take me somewhere I don't want to go."
"Lucy! Is that why she bit Paños last week?!"
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xxbimbobunnyxx · 5 months
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The First Time I Saw You
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Summary: You and your girlfriend have some fun with Eddie in his van after one of Corroded Coffins shows. (This is the prequel to my fic See You Again, it can be read as a standalone and it doesn’t really matter what order you read them in if you do want to read both.)Wk:6.5k
Warnings: M/F/F threesome, oral (m&f receiving), fingering, hand job, like one use of “sir”, a little spanking, reader is in an established queer relationship with my OC, Dom/sub dynamics, switch!eddie, sub!reader, Dom!OC, choking, spit kink, hair pulling, van sex.18+MNDI!!
A/N: Omg okay, I finally finished this. I’ve had it half done for like 5 months and today I got this random spark to get it done!! Thank you to my beloved @babygorewhore @bimbobaggins69 & @reidsbtch for beta reading this baby for me. Divider is @firefly-graphics. Moodboard.
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“I’m just going to go ask him if he wants to.” Chloe has a determined look in her eyes as she looks at the metal head across the bar having an after show drink with his friends.
“Chloe! You can’t just walk up to him and ask him if he wants to fool around with us. What if he thinks we’re creepy?”
“Baby…” She grabs your face in her hands, her blue eyes are filled with soft reassurance but also authority. “He is not going to think that. If two hot babes walked up to you and just straight up asked you if you were down to fuck what would you do?”
Your eyebrows shoot up and your eyes widen as you imagine yourself in that scenario.
“Damn… I guess you’re right, I’d go crazy if that happened to me…” You bit your lip, your eyes glazing over as you imagined yourself and Chloe with another woman. Or even two.
“I’m always right.” Her voice snapped you out of your slight trance. “I’m going to talk to him, do you want to stay here or do you want to come with me?”
She gave you the option, knowing how nervous you can be sometimes, letting you know without saying it that she understands if you want to wait here for her.
“I feel like it would look kinda weird if I just sat over here… I’ll go with you.” You shrugged, letting her pull you up by your hand and guide you across the bar to the table where he and his friends sat.
When you approached they all stopped talking at once, surprise evident on their faces.
“Hello boys. Eddie, may we have a word?” She barely even spared his bandmates a glance as she stared directly at him.
“Uh- Yeah, totally.” His voice shook a little as he spoke, like he was nervous.
“Cool.” She smiled at him before turning on her heel and walking towards the back door of the bar where they had a small smoking area. Her hand is still in yours, pulling you behind her.
Eddie stares after you in shock for a moment, shaking his head to make sure he isn’t dreaming. He takes a deep breath before getting up from the table to follow you outside.
Chloe leans against the wall, pulling her packs of cigarettes out of her purse and lighting one. Seconds later Eddie comes walking out the door, looking a little flustered.
“Want one?” Chloe shook her pack at him with a smirk.
“Yeah, thanks.” He went to grab one but she pulled it back before he could. Taking one from the pack herself and holding it up to his lips expectantly. He obliges, taking the stick between his lips, shivering at the feeling of her soft fingers against his skin.
She pulls the lighter from her back pocket, holding it up to his cigarette to light it. When he inhales his cheeks hallow a bit and you could just barely make out a dust of pink across them. You wanted to lick his face, if you were being honest with yourself. You couldn’t stop thinking about how good he might taste, probably salty from sweating on stage, the thought made your thighs clench.
Chloe throws her arm around your shoulder, drawing you close to her side with Eddie less than a foot in front of you.
“How did you know my name?” He asked curiously, not necessarily addressing either one of you but looking between you both.
“You only yell it every time you play a show.” Chloe chuckled, playfully rolling her eyes.
“Damn. I guess you’re right. I don’t know your names though…”
“I’m Chloe… and this is my Angel of a girlfriend.” She says your name so sweetly, like you’re her grandest prize.
“I’ve uh- seen you guys around at a few shows, I’ve been meaning to introduce myself and thank you guys for always coming out. I really appreciate it.”
“Of course Eddie, I really do like your guys’ music, I remember the first show I came to a few months back I was blown away by your covers but when you played that first original song? The one with all the D&D references? I was shocked that you weren’t already famous. It was almost like it was a whole campaign worth of story packed into a few minutes.”
You spoke for the first time and Eddie almost pinched himself. You, the girl he’s been trying to find the courage to talk to for weeks are not only talking to him but you’re talking about music. His music and how you understood it. He didn’t even feel bad in that moment for trying to think of any possible way he could steal you from your girlfriend. He was pretty sure he was in love with you now.
“Wow. You really noticed that? I don’t think anyone outside of my friend group has really picked up on that, and if they have, they didn’t say anything. That’s awesome, thank you…” He was fully blushing now and he tried to hide it with a drag off his cigarette.
“She’s very observant, aren’t you baby? Especially if there’s a hot boy involved.”
Eddie stood there trying to formulate a response with eyes the size of saucers.
He looks between you and Chloe, her with a Cheshire Cat grin and you with a giggly nervous one. He was trying to wrap his mind around why you were talking to him, where you fucking with him?
“Don’t look so surprised honey, you’re hot, beautiful even.” Chloe’s voice is saccharine and dripping with lust. The compliment isn’t even directed at you and she still manages to make you feel flustered.
“Me?” He points both pointer fingers towards himself, as if there’s anyone else out there besides the three of you.
“Yeah, you. Who else?” You look at him, biting your lip to hold in a laugh.
“Oh! Well thank you… You’re uh - you’re really beautiful too, both of you.” He takes the final drag of his cigarette with shaky hands, stomping it out with his boot.
“You’re really cute when you’re nervous, did you know that?” Your girlfriend’s icy blue eyes drink Eddie in hungrily, her tongue running along her plush bottom lip.
“I have a question, well, we have a question for you.” Chloe’s boldness has always been a turn on for you, the way she sees something she wants and always gets it, drives you crazy. If it were up to you, you’d both be staring at Eddie from across the bar still. She really does complete you, in every way.
“Yeah you can uh, you can ask me anything.” His voice sounded breathless already and all you’ve done is give him a few base level compliments. You couldn’t believe you built him up to be this untouchable sex god and here he is adorably fumbling over his words.
“You wanna fool around with us? In your van maybe?” She said it like it was the most casual question in the world.
“Wha-? Do I wanna - What? Are you serious?”
“As a heart attack, sweetie.”
She smirked at him as she approached him, closing the distance between them.
Eddie’s eyes went wide and his breathing picked up. His heart was beating so fast he was scared you could hear it from a few feet away. Chloe brings her hand up to cup his cheek, running her thumb along his bottom lip, spreading the spit around that had collected there from him nervously licking it.
She was pleasantly surprised when he took the digit into his mouth, wrapping his lips around it and swirling his tongue.
“Oh yeah, this is gonna be fun.”
That’s how you found yourself giggling with your girlfriend and Eddie Munson as you climbed into the back of his 1971 Chevrolet Beauville. It was surprisingly clean, which you assumed was partly due to the fact that all the gear he must normally store back here was all still inside. There were a few pillows and blankets stacked in one corner and he hastily spread them out for you.
As soon as he sat down next to you Chloe was crawling into his lap, straddling him.
“You gonna be a good boy for me? I’ll only let you play with my girl if you’re good.” She snakes both of her hands into his hair and tugs, causing him to let out a groan that went straight between your legs.
“Yeah I’ll uh - I’ll be good, promise.” He nodded the best he could with your girlfriend's hands still tangled in his hair and you felt the wetness in your panties grow as you watched him submit to her so easily.
“Good. Kiss her.” Chloe uses her grip on his hair to turn his head toward you before releasing it.
You turn your head to meet his and eagerly smash your lips together. His lips are soft and he tastes like the cigarette he just smoked and the beer he was drinking earlier but there was something else there that was just him and you wanted more. You turn your body towards him so you can throw your leg over Chloe’s and press your pussy against his thigh. Your hand comes up between them to rest on his chest and you subconsciously start to grind against him. His tongue swipes along your bottom lip and you immediately grant him access, the taste of him enhancing tenfold.
“Baby.” Your girlfriend’s voice causes you to break the kiss and look at her immediately, always eager to please her, always her girl good. “Why don’t you take your panties off and sit on Eddie’s lap?”
Eddie’s eyes roll back and he nearly chokes at the thought of you in his lap. You nod eagerly and Chloe slides off of him so you can switch places with her. You crawl into his lap, your wet pussy pressing directly against his hard cock causing you to let out a breathy moan.
“Hi Eddie.” You look at him almost innocently but your hips grind down on him sinfully and he wants to fucking eat you alive. But he also wants to be respectful of the dynamic you have with your girl. He wanted to be good for her, wanted to hear her say those two words again… good boy. He never thought he would be into something like that but the way Chloe looks at him and talks to him makes him want to do whatever she says.
“Hey princess, you’re so pretty.” He brings his hands up to cup your face, running his thumbs along your cheeks as he looks at you almost lovingly and it makes your head spin.
Before you have time to process his gentleness you feel Chloe’s hand wrap around your throat from behind, pulling your head back towards her.
“Now, I didn’t give you permission to kiss him, did I baby?” Her voice is almost a growl and makes you subconsciously grind down on Eddie again, causing him to throw his head back and moan.
“No - no - you didn’t. I’m sorry.” You whimpered, feeling your head starting to go fuzzy for her already.
“That’s okay, I’ll let it slide just this once, because I know you're excited. Now be a good girl for me and bend over.” She releases your neck, pushing you by your back so your chest is flush against Eddie and your ass is in the air. She lands a harsh smack on your left cheek causing you to jerk forward and yelp.
Her fingers easily sliding through your slick lips and over your already sensitive clit.
“Mmm baby girl, you’re so wet for us already, you’re practically dripping and we’ve barely even started. This slutty little pussy is just so desperate huh?” Without warning she shoves two fingers knuckle deep inside you, they slip in and she hooks her fingers, finding that spot inside you that makes you go crazy with ease.
You push back against her fingers, your bare clit rubbing against the rough material of Eddie’s jeans causing you to let out a moan that makes him feel like he’s going to bust before he even has his cock out.
“Can I kiss Eddie now, please please? I promise I’ll be sooo mmmm - so good. FUCK!” Chloe’s fingers pick up speed, your hips meeting every thrust and your clit dragging deliciously against the metal head underneath you. You feel yourself getting close already, your hips subconsciously grind back, fucking yourself harder against her fingers. You're about to tip over the edge when she pulls her fingers from you, causing you to whine at the loss.
“Don’t be greedy, baby. I’m gonna let you cum. Eventually.” Her hand comes down on your ass again and you full on moan this time, desperate for anything. “Why don’t you scoot down and suck Eddie off while I eat this pretty pussy? Bet you’d like that huh?”
“Uh huh - yes please…” you lift your head from Eddie’s chest so you can look into his big brown eyes. He’s giving you this look like he wants to eat you alive but there’s a hint of nervousness underlying there and you want to wash it away. “Would you like that Eddie? Want me to suck you off?”
“You have no fucking idea how badly I want that, sweetheart…” He bites his lip, his eyes roaming your face, tits, neck. He wants to mark you all over. He wants to bend you over and rail you into the floor of his van but he also wants to be respectful of the dynamic you have with your girlfriend. He’s never done this with two girls before and he really doesn’t want to fuck it up.
You pull your shirt over your head, tossing it somewhere in the van behind you. Eddie’s eyes look like they’re literally going to pop out of his head when he sees that you aren’t wearing a bra, your bare tits now on display. He just wants to latch onto a nipple and never stop sucking.
“Take this stuff off, I wanna see you…” You tug on his jacket and battle vest, then pull on the front of his band tee. A pout set on your lips. You don’t have time to enjoy the show though because you’re being pulled by your ankles down Eddie’s body. Your bare nipples rub against the rough denim of his jeans and you moan at the feeling.Chloe tugs on you until your face level with the metal heads crotch, and then she grabs you by the hips, hiking your ass in the air. You barely have time to process her movements before she licks from your clit and up your slit, slipping her tongue between your wet folds.
“Oh fuuuuck.” You moan as you look up Eddie, his top half is now bare. He has tattoos on his chest, black ink against alabaster skin, his hair is already a slight mess, and he’s panting as he watches your girlfriend devour you from behind. Your fingers reach for his belt buckle, undoing it with ease, then you make quick work of his button and zipper. You tug on his waistband and he helps you pull his pants over his ass by lifting his hips. When his cock springs free it hits his bare stomach and you can’t hold in your gasp at the sight of him.
He’s huge. Thick and long. There’s a bead of precum dripping from his tip and he’s so hard it almost looks painful. You hold eye contact with him while you spit on your hand before taking his shaft in your now slick palm. You stroke him gently a few times before taking his head in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it. The moan that leaves him is one of the hottest things you’ve ever heard and you want to hear him do it again and again so you take more of him in your mouth, still using your hand to stroke what isn’t being devoured by your lips and tongue.
Chloe takes your clit in her mouth and sucks hard, her tongue flicking against the bud. You feel two of her fingers circle your entrance before she’s inserting them back inside you, pulling a loud moan from you. Eddie throws his head back at the feeling of your mouth vibrating around him. You take the rest of him in your mouth, your nose nestled against the patch of coarse hair at the base of his cock.
“Oh fuck - fuck - sweetheart, oh god.” He throws his head back against the back of the driver's seat, exposing the long expanse of his neck. You want to cover him in bruises so he won’t be able to forget about you for weeks.
He glances down at you. Drool is dripping from the sides of your mouth and onto his balls and you’re looking up at him through your lashes. You aren’t moving your head but you’re swirling your tongue around his shaft and he swears If you don’t let him breathe in a second he’s going to bust down your throat. You pull off of him with a pop, much to his relief.
“Oh shit, I’m gonna - fucking cum.” Eddie watches as your eyes roll in the back of your head before your face falls forward onto his bare stomach. Your hands grab onto his sides, your nails digging into his skin deliciously. He looks up at Chloe and she’s already staring at him with a glint in her eyes. Her face is still buried in between your legs and she’s sucking on your clit like her life depends on it. She curls her fingers just right and that’s all it takes. She feels your walls tighten around her digits and a loud moan leaves your lips. You shove your hips against her face as hard as you can, chasing every last second of your high. He’s pretty sure he could cum just fucking watching this.
“Good fucking girl, that’s my good girl.” She sits up, rubbing her hand over the globes of your ass, soothing you as you come back down to earth. She leans over you and brings the fingers that were inside you to Eddie’s lips. “Open up, pretty boy.”
You raise your head just in time to watch him take her fingers into her mouth, his plush pink lips wrapping around her slender slick covered digits. He moans at the taste of you and it causes you to whimper. God they’re both so hot.
You feel her weight lift off of you and raise your head from Eddie’s stomach, looking over your shoulder at her. You watch her crawl forward and snake her fingers into Eddie’s curly mane, pulling his lips to hers in a bruising kiss. You watch the way his thick ringed fingers wrap around her plush hips through her ripped jean shorts and it makes you clench your thighs. She’s wearing too many clothes for your liking. Chloe is always first and foremost a giver, to the point that she often forgets about herself. But you never forget.
You push yourself up on your knees so you can come up behind her and rest your hands on top of Eddie’s. You push her cherry red hair to the side and place sloppy wet kisses along the column of her throat. You hear gaspy little muffled moans leaving her lips as Eddie continues to devour her mouth with his own. You snake your hands around her waist, reaching for her studded belt, you unbuckle it as your kisses start to travel down her tank top strap covered shoulder. You undo her shorts the rest of the way so you can shove your hand down the front of them, your fingers easily finding her slick lips. You gather her wetness before bringing the tips of your digits to her clit, circling it.
“Oh my god, baby girl, yes.” She throws her head back against your shoulder as you insert two fingers inside her, your palm grinding down on her clit as you thrust them inside her.
Eddie pushes her cut up band tee over her chest, revealing her also braless tits. God, you guys were going to fucking kill him. They were so nice it took him a second to do more than stare. You couldn’t blame him, your girlfriend's tits were one of your favorite parts of her. Chloe has big tits, there’s no other way to say it. They’re supple and she has great nipples and you could suck on them for hours. After a second he breaks from his trance, roughly taking them in his large hands. He pinches her already hard nipples between his fingers and it causes her to whine. One of your favorite sounds.
“Spit.” She holds her hand in front of your mouth and you oblige, letting a string of spit fall into her palm. She brings it to Eddie’s cock, immediately jerking him off hard and fast. A loud groan rips through him as he leans forward and takes one of her nipples in his mouth.
You shove her shorts down her hips and she helps you kick them off her boot covered feet. Your hand finds her center again, plunging two fingers deep inside her while your palm continues its assault on her clit. She’s still jerking Eddie off and he’s mouthing all over her tits, leaving them covered in his spit. It’s one of the hottest things you’ve ever seen. You curl your fingers against her g-spot and bring your lips to suck on that spot on her neck you know drives her crazy.
“Fuck- oh my fucking goddd! Yeah, you guys are so good for me, you’re gonna make me fucking cum.” Chloe pants and her hips start to move in tandem with your hand, the hand she’s jerking Eddie off with is merely holding onto his shaft now and you can feel her walls clench around you.
“Please cum for me, I’ll be so so good for you, I just want you to cum. You’re so pretty when you cum.” You’re pathetically begging for her to fall apart for you but you don’t even care, you just want to make her feel good.
“Ohmyfuckinggod - I’m cumming!!” Her hips pick up speed and her arm shoots out behind her to grab onto your hair, pulling it while her walls spasm around your fingers. You fuck them into her until she grabs your wrist and uses it to pull your fingers from her core. Eddie reaches over to grab your hand, greedily sucking her juices from you. “I think I wanna ride you now, pretty boy. What do you say?”
“Oh god, fucking yes please.” His voice is needy and desperate and you want to bottle it up and listen to it on repeat on a rainy day.
You watch as Chloe throws her leg over his thighs so she can straddle his lap, her bare cunt making contact with his shaft. They both moan in unison at the feeling, her hips move back and forth to glide her slick lips along his cock. You watch as she raises up to her knees, she takes him in her hand and lines him up with her entrance. Chloe isn’t one to be slow, with anything really, so she immediately slams all the way down on his cock. Grinding her hips flush against him.
“Holy fucking shit, oh my god - fuck - you feel so good.” He grabs handfuls of her thick ass as she grinds down on him, her tits swaying deliciously in his face. Then she starts bouncing, hard and fast. You watch the way her pussy sucks him in over and over again, and whimper at the sight. You can see a milky ring of your girlfriend’s arousal around the base of Eddie’s cock and you find yourself wanting to lick it. But his jeans are in the way, so you make quick work of his boots, pulling them off along with his jeans.
“Shit - thank you sweetheart - ohmyfuck!” Eddie lets out a loud moan when you lean forward and lick across his balls. You take one into your mouth, swirling your tongue around it before repeating the action on the other side. You swirl your tongue along his sack before licking up to where him and Chloe are connected. Both their moans increase when they feel your tongue wrap around the back of Eddie’s shaft, licking at your girlfriend’s milky cum.
“Oh baby girl, fuck that feels so good.” Chloe moans when you slip your tongue inside her along Eddie’s cock, fucking it into her a few times. “Come up here though, wanna see your pretty face when I cum.”
You crawl over to her, sitting on your knees beside her. She takes your face in her hands, kissing you roughly, moaning at the taste of herself on your tongue.
“Give Eddie a kiss too baby.” She grabs the hair at the nape of your neck, using her grip to turn your face toward Eddie. He grabs your face in his hands, slamming his lips against yours. He immediately swipes his tongue against your bottom lip and you intertwine it with yours. Chloe is still riding him like her life depends on it, causing him to moan into your mouth. “You should choke her Eddie, you can be rough with her if you want, that’s okay with me.”
If that wasn’t music to his fucking ears. He’s wanted to just grab you and fucking take you this entire time, your submissive demeanor was driving him insane. He wasn’t sure how to bring it up, but now that he didn’t have to? Fuck. He was going to wreck you.
“You want that baby? Want me to be rough with you?” He grabs your jaw in his hand, pinching your cheeks together. The look in his eyes was different now, more feral.
“God, yes.” He takes the chance immediately, the hand on your jaw coming down to squeeze your throat just right. “I want you to use me Eddie.”
“That’s so fucking hot.” Chloe moans, picking up the pace of her thrusts on Eddie’s cock.
“I still haven’t gotten my hands on this pussy, take your skirt off for me, princess.” He groans when he feels Chloe’s pussy clench around him, releasing your throat so you can throw off your skirt and shoes. When you return to his side his fingers glide down your body, between your tits, over your mound. He slides them between your legs, gathering your wetness.
“Fuck, you’re so wet for us. I wanna make you cum.” He cups your pussy, thrusting his palm against your clit. The tips of his fingers dip into your dripping hole every few thrusts but never go fully inside you. You're so wet his hand is practically gliding against you and it’s making noises you’d be embarrassed of if you weren’t so turned on. “You want my fingers baby?”
“Uh huh - yeah please, sir.” Your eyes are wide and glassy, the name slipping out of you almost subconsciously. Eddie nearly cums at the sound. Chloe is still riding him like it’s her job, one of her hands in his hair, tugging it deliciously. Her other hand reaches out to replace Eddie’s around your throat and your eyes roll back.
“I think you can cum like this though, don’t you? I think I want the next thing inside you to be my cock.” His palm speeds up against your pussy, determined to pull an orgasm from you and Chloe both. He hopes he isn’t talking out of his ass though, because he’s honestly trying so hard not to bust his load right now.
“I think he’s right baby, I think you’re such a desperate little slut you can get off just from grinding on Eddie’s palm.” Chloe uses her grip on your throat to pull your face close to hers, her signature Cheshire grin painted across her lips.
Eddie plants his feet on the floor of the van, using his free hand to grip onto Chloe’s ass as he starts to meet her erratic thrusts. You can tell she’s getting close when her mouth falls open and her eyes roll back. Her grip on her throat tightens and she’s letting out those whiny moans that she only lets slip when she’s about to cum. You bring your hand between their bodies so you can rub circles on her clit. It only takes a few seconds before she’s tipping over the edge. Her walls clench around Eddie’s cock, her hand on your throat still cutting off your air supply in the most perfectly delicious way. Eddie’s using every ounce of strength he has not to cum right now, his hand still thrusting in tandem with your hips. He leans forward and bites into your shoulder and the feeling sends you over the edge. Your whole body tenses, your legs clamping shut on his hand and you reach out to grab onto his forearm so you don’t fall over.
“Oh fuck - I’m gonna-“ Eddie can’t hold it anymore, everything feels so good, you’re both so fucking hot he’s felt like he was going to bust since you first walked up to him in the bar. But then suddenly Chloe is pulling off of him. His cock slips from her warm walls and his release is taken with it.
“Not yet, pretty boy. Don’t you wanna fuck my girls pretty little pussy too? She’s so desperate for it. Look at her.” Chloe grabs your jaw roughly and you whimper, you still have Eddie’s hand clamped between your legs and there’s drool dripping from the side of your mouth. Your chest rises and falls rapidly and your lips are kiss swollen, your mascara running lightly. Eddie wanted to fucking ruin you.
“Fuck, you know I do. You want that, angel face? Want me to fuck you?” He teases your entrance with his fingers again, dipping his fingertips just barely inside before pulling his hand away entirely.
“Please.” You whimper.
“Be a good girl for us and get on your hands and knees.” Chloe squishes your cheeks together, shaking your head from side to side before releasing you from her grip. Eddie grabs one of the pillows and drops in in front of you, the sweet gesture despite the fact that you know he’s about to fucking rail the shit out of you warms your insides in a different way. You place your knees on the pillow, resting your hands on the blanket underneath you. You arch your back so your ass is in the air and you hear two seperate groans behind you.
“I’m going to fuck the shit out of you.” Eddie growls, coming up behind you on his knees and roughly grabbing your hips in his big hands.
“Baby, come lay in front of me, I wanna taste you.” You whine, patting the space in front of you on the ground. Chloe chuckles at your neediness, coming around to lay on her back in front of you. She spreads her legs and it’s your turn to groan. She’s so wet, the moonlight shining through the dusty van windows makes it glisten. Eddie runs his cock through your folds as you lean down to place wet kisses on her inner thighs. You lay your lower half down flat so you can hook your arms around her legs. You look into her blue eyes as you spit on her pussy, sticking your tongue out to lick a stripe up her slit before swirling it around her clit.
“Fuck yes baby.” She groans, her fingers lace through your hair and tug your face closer to her so she can grind against your outstretched tongue.
Eddie pushes the head of his cock inside of you and pulls it out a few times, teasing you. You push your hips back against him and are met with a harsh smack on your ass. The metal of his rings stings in the best way and you moan into Chloe’s pussy, the vibrations sending her eyes to the back of her head.
“I was trying to take my time a little, but since you wanna be greedy about it…” He shoves his cock all the way inside you in one rough thrust. He grabs onto your ass, grinding his hips against your own while he is nestled deep inside you. The stretch felt so good, you’re so wet and needy it almost felt like your pussy was sucking him in. He pulls out slowly before slamming back into you roughly, and then he does it again, and again, and again. Each thrust nearly knocks the wind out of you, you whimper and moan against your girlfriend’s wet cunt, driving her insane.
“Oh fuuuuuck, your pussy is sucking me in baby girl. You feel so fucking good.” He picks up speed then, his hips smack against yours and your pussy is so wet you can hear his cock slipping in and out of you. It feels so fucking good you can hardly focus on eating Chloe out anymore. Your tongue is hanging from your mouth while she uses your hair as leverage to thrust against it.
“Yeah baby, keep your tongue out for me. Let us use you.” She pulls your hair harder, her hips eagerly rutting against your mouth.
One of Eddie’s hands snakes between your legs to find your clit, rubbing it in time with his thrusts. He’s fucking you so fast and deep, hitting your g-spot over and over again.
“I’m gonna fucking - shit - I’m gonna fucking cum ohmygod.” Chloe’s thrusts against your face become erratic and you know what she needs, even in your fucked our state. You wrap your lips around her clit and suck as she continues to grind against you, it only takes a few seconds for her back to be arching off the ground, her legs clamping shut around your head. She whines as she humps against your face, riding out her high. She pushes your head off of her when it becomes too much. “Okay, fuck sensitive.”
You release her clit from your lips, pushing up on your hands again while Eddie continues to fuck you like a man possessed. He gathers your hair in his hand, turning it into a makeshift ponytail and using it to pull your back flush against his chest.
“Oh fuck fuck fuck, oh god, Eddie! You’re so deep, feels so - so good.” Eddie can tell you’re getting close by the way you’re babbling and your pussy is clenching around him. “Choke me Eddie.”
He releases the grip on your hair to grab onto your throat instead, applying the perfect amount of pressure that has your vision just the right amount of hazy. He’s still fucking you so hard that you wouldn’t be surprised if the slapping of your hips was echoing through the entire parking lot.
“You guys look so fucking sexy, damn.” Chloe is propped up on her elbows now, watching as Eddie pushes you closer to the edge on his cock. She comes over to you, taking your face in her hands and kissing you passionately. She kisses down your jaw, stopping to run her tongue along Eddie’s fingers that are around your throat, she kisses all over your tits, licking and sucking your nipples. She continues her descent down your body, before leaning down to take your clit into her mouth. She swirls her tongue at the exact time that Eddie hits that perfect spot inside you and it has you seeing stars.
“I’m cumming! I’m fucking cumming!” Your body shakes in Eddie’s hold and your pussy is gripping him so tight he can’t take it anymore, cumming right along with you. He pumps into you while you both ride out your highs, filling you with his cum.
He pulls out of you slowly, holding onto your hips so you don’t fall forward.
“Jesus fucking Christ.” You let out a deep breath, letting yourself fall onto the blanket on your back.
“Yeah. Holy shit.” Eddie chuckles as he lowers himself down beside you.
“Jesus fucking Christ, holy shit, is right. That was amazing.” Chloe beams, laying down on her side facing you. She cups your jaw in her hand, leaning down to kiss you gently. “You did so good baby, you were such a good girl for us. Was it all you dreamed of?”
“Wait!” Eddie’s head whips towards you, his eyes wide. “You dreamed about this?”
“Oh pretty boy, you have no idea how long we’ve been fantasizing about you. Her longer than me. She’s been rubbing it out to the thought of you since the first time she saw you.” Chloe chuckles and you playfully smack her arm.
“Chloe! Shut up!!!” You feel your insides warm with embarrassment.
“Honestly? That’s so fucking hot, angel face, and pretty funny too. Considering I’ve been jerking off to the thought of you too.” He gives you this goofiest lopsided smile that calms your nerves. “I honestly felt like a little bit of a creep. Especially once you started bringing Chloe around, I felt like a perverted douche thinking about you guys together.”
“Psh!! If you’re a perv then so are we! We’ve literally talked about you while we were fucking, you’re good.” You giggle.
“Yeah, well I guess we are just a bunch of pervs then.” Eddie giggles along with you and Chloe smiles. She thinks you guys are cute, really cute. She kind of wants to keep Eddie around.
“Hey pretty boy, do you think we could see you again sometime?” She smirks at him, hopeful.
“Fuck. You know I’d say yes in an instant… but I’m actually leaving next week, this was our last show before our first tour. We got signed!” Eddie never thought he would be sad about that fact, until this moment.
“Oh Eddie!! That’s so awesome!! I’m so proud of you guys! I knew you could do it!” You give him that sweet smile that melts his heart, and he can’t help but lean in and kiss you. You return it happily.
“That’s fucking dope dude, you guys deserve that shit!” Chloe raises her hand to high five him, he returns it happily before grabbing her hand and kissing the back of it.
“Thanks, pretty girl.” He smirks at her, and she blushes. She tries to cover it up with a scoff and a roll of her eyes, but you saw it.
“Wanna get a celebratory breakfast with us at least? There’s a 24 hour diner around the corner.” You smile at him hopefully.
“I’d love to, my lady.” He smiles at you sweetly, and your heart melts.
The three of you spend hours at the diner, laughing and talking, getting to know each other. It’s almost bittersweet how well you all get along. It makes you wish you had spoken to him sooner. But who knows, maybe one day when Eddie Munson is rich and famous, you’ll see him again.
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Tag list: @taintedcigs @nailbatanddungeon @melodymunson @sunnythespookyghost @keeksandgigz @tlclick73 @eddiesxangel @imyourdaninow @gravedigginbbydoll @take-everything-you-can
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hotxcheeto · 9 months
WOWOWOWOW REQS R OPEN AGAIN !!!!! 💘 could i get a top!chloe price x bottom!fem reader where chloe is just pussy starved and literally begs the reader to let her hit after weeks ? i'm bad at requesting stuff so sorry if this makes zero sense 😭
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𝙥𝙖𝙞𝙧𝙞𝙣𝙜(𝙨) - Chloe Price x Fem!Reader
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 - smut, oral, v fingering, kissing? i don't remember, fluff, cursing, yahooooooooooooo
𝙥𝙧𝙤𝙤𝙛𝙧𝙚𝙖𝙙 ? - Yeah/Nope
𝙖𝙪𝙩𝙝𝙤𝙧'𝙨 𝙣𝙤𝙩𝙚 - it made sense i promise!! ty <3
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The past month had been quite the predicament.
For Chloe that is.
First, you were sick.
Laying in bed for a week and a half with Chloe doting on you hand and foot. Cuddling you and not caring if she herself caught your horrible bug.
Second, she got sick.
It only lasted a few days compared to your own sickness. But you did the same care for her now that you were healthy. Waiting on her and snuggling her back to an okay state. Though, she complained a lot more than you did, which is to be expected when you're dealing with her.
Third, you were always working.
To be fair, one of you had to leave the house to make the money. Chloe usually worked out of the driveway repairing any sort of vehicle she could get her hands on to earn bank. But that meant she got to stay home, you didn't, usually.
Fourth... fuck she couldn't remember the fourth reason.
Laying here, Chloe stared up at the ceiling with tired and droopy eyes while focusing on her calculations of how long she'd been abstinent. Her head tilting up to then focus on your body that was sat just to the upper right of her.
You were on your phone, which she expected, but it still looked boring as hell. Internally in that moment, she groaned, rolling her eyes on the outside. Which, unfortunately, she realized too quickly you seen.
"What's wrong, baby?" You asked both sincerely and not.
Sadly, when she glanced up at you again, you were focused on the screen as you asked her. A huff of air passing her lips and making a strand of her hair bounce off her face and hover above for a split second.
"I miss you." She said blandly, tapping her blue nail on the back of her other hand.
"I'm right here, Chloe."
"I feel like a virgin!"
Your lines overlapped, laughter escaping your throat at her puff and groan of annoyance just below. Her body beginning to roll until she was in the position to climb up and get closer to you.
"Most people can wait until marriage." You raised your eyebrow at her, taking your focus away from your phone. "That's years Chlo, your two weeks is nothing, I promise." She wasn't having none of this though, grabbing your thigh dramatically in response.
"I'm not waiting for marriage though, I just wanna fuck." You sighed at her words, going back to your phone. "You know better than to ask like that."
Yes she did.
"Oh c'mon, please Y/n."
That was better, but still not enough. She knew it too because not even five seconds passed before she followed up with,
"Please let me fuck you."
That's also was got you into your predicament.
Her head between your legs, and her mouth latched to your cunt with an unrelenting pace that made you feel as though you may explode. Like she was starved, and in her reality, she was.
Her grip dug into your skin and her tongue into your hole, your third orgasm creeping around the corner and causing you to shake in her hold. Strands of her faded aqua dye looped around your fingers and was sure to need detangled later on, the knots already beginning between each of your knuckles.
"Fuck- oh fuck, that's my girl..." You whispered, whining a bit between the words while trying not to run from her face. Chloe's cheeks burning from the praise despite her claims to not have a praise kink.
"So good Chloe... you're so fucking good..."
Chloe couldn't respond even if she wanted to, her face was forced into your wetness. Not that she had much argument against it, she was right where she wanted to be, but more flustered then she imagined.
This was her heaven.
"Oh my God Chloe-" Her tongue moved in a way that was written as pure desperation. Your heels digging into the mattress so hard it began to make them hurt, not that you cared.
You were close, griding against her face for more. Her lips pressing harsh kisses to your clit each time you pushed against her.
"Fucking hell Chloe..." She muttered something, looking up bashfully to see your water covered eyes. "What was that pretty girl?" You tugged her back, wanting to hear what she had to say.
"You taste really fucking good."
Your grin made her heart jump, breath held.
"Is that so?"
Chloe continued tongue fucking you as you loosened your grip. Another ripple of pleasure clawing through your body as you moaned.
"I see why you were so damn desperate now."
But that was when her fingers dug in and you realized you had no more control. Legs shaking as she took over your entire being,
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lisired · 3 months
little do you know
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pairing: taeyong x (f) reader
genre/warnings: smut, angst, bffs to fwb to lovers, cheating, unprotected sex (don’t be silly, wrap your willy!)
summary: After three years away from Miami, Taeyong is finally ready to return to the city. He left a world behind here, but most importantly, he left you. And being invited on a friendly get-together trip to a beach resort gives him a little too much time to resume unfinished business between you both.
word count: 14.9k
a/n: loosely inspired by don’t make it harder on me by chloe x halle. as always, feedback is appreciated!
Your heart beat for Jung Jaehyun. 
That was what you told yourself, over and over again. You wanted to convince yourself that at some point, you would believe it. After all, how could you not? He was everything any woman could have dreamed of in a man. Handsome, sensual, humorous and vulnerable. 
But he wasn’t Taeyong. 
Darn Taeyong. He left you. For good reason, but that was no excuse for you to linger around. Especially not when you were in a commited relationship with his friend. 
The moment you made it to your room after checking into the seaside resort, you immediately flopped onto the bed. A very large chunk of you wanted to draw away and hide, but you knew better. And an even larger chunk of you wanted to see Taeyong. 
Three years. That was how long you’d waited. If you were being honest, your heart couldn’t take anymore. You missed your best friend. 
Jaehyun came out of the bathroom, half-naked, one might add, and had a good laugh at the sight of you sulking on the bed. “Rise and shine, sleepyhead. We have a long day ahead of us.”
You made a noise of protest and wrapped your arms around one of the pillows tightly. You had little to no problem sharing a bed with Jaehyun. As expected, given you were a couple, though you slept in your own more often than not. 
Even though you had been together for nearly three years, Jaehyun hadn’t moved in with you or vice versa. It would seem that you and Jaehyun were very compatible. For one, both of you made your preference to take things slow very clear. Neither of you had been in a rush to move in with each other. Regardless, you’d slept in the same bed before, because you were comfortable. But you knew you weren’t ready for the next step, and Jaehyun never pushed you, because frankly, neither was he. 
Deep in your heart, you knew Jaehyun was more like a good friend to you than a lover. 
You heaved out a breath. “Do I have to?”
“Yes. Everyone will be expecting you. This is one of those rare moments where everyone will be together in one place. Do you know how hard it is to get Ten to stop moving?” Jaehyun joked, moving other to the bed to separate you from the pillow, much to your discontent. 
But you didn’t argue, because he was right and you knew it. You gave a wistful smile. Aging came with a vicious price, and for your friends, time was the luxury you couldn’t afford. Each of you had lives of your own, but no matter where you were, your friendship still stood strong. 
“Fine,” you grumbled, rolling out of bed and fishing through your suitcase. It contained a week’s worth of clothes - including swimsuits. 
Jaehyun snickered and slithered back into the bathroom to give you some privacy. In spite of the many, many times you'd seen each other naked. 
You threw on a bikini and styled yourself a little. Definitely not to impress anyone. Then, you heaved a sigh and let Jaehyun know that you were ready. Maybe even he could tell that you were far from. 
The entire elevator ride downstairs, you could feel your heart pound faster as you watched the numbers drop, indicating what floor you were on. It dinged and opened once you arrived at your destination, and Jaehyun held your hand in his, leading you outside. 
The sweet gesture made it a little easier to breathe, but you were still uneasy. What the hell were you even so scared of? It wasn’t like Taeyong had completely ghosted the hell out of you. The distance made it harder to keep in contact, but he made every effort to talk to you. You were still best friends and no amount of miles between you would change that. 
You just couldn’t get him out of your mind, no matter how hard you tried. No matter how much time had passed, you couldn’t forget the way it felt to be by his side, and you longed to feel that way again. 
No, you hissed to yourself. Taeyong is just your friend. Jaehyun is your boyfriend. You love him. 
And you truly did. But not the way you loved Taeyong. A love like that was irreplicable. 
The moon was on display in the evening sky, bright and full. It mirrored in the water. Strings of neon lights irradiated the beach for miles. There was a large pool squarely between the ocean and the resort and an array of chairs stretched across the sand underneath your feet. 
You were walking towards the group of people surrounding a bonfire at the beach, until you heard someone scream from behind you, “Boo!” 
Jaehyun jumped, your hand still in his, but you screamed as if you wanted your cries to be heard from the opposite end of the ocean. Behind you, the culprit was no other than Rosé. 
Rosé pointed her finger and laughed. “Works like a charm every time.”
You rolled your eyes and pulled her in for a hug. “What happened to saying ‘hi,’ or ‘hello,’” you complained, patting her back. 
She pouted. “I’m sorry, guys.” Then, released you promptly once she’d had her fill to give Jaehyun a turn. 
“What are your plans for the week?” Jaehyun asked, smiling sheepishly.
“Just checking in with my friends and family. As you would expect,” Rosé replied in her familiar aussie accent. Then, she turned to you. “Speaking of which, Taeyong is looking for you.”
You blinked. “Really?”
“Absolutely. He’s over there, all sullen and morose. You should go talk to him.”
Turning to take a peek, you spotted Taeyong by his lonesome at the water. He stood there, simply staring into the distance. Very much sullen and morose. 
Because of me. You bade the thought away with a tiny shake of your head. 
“Will you be okay?” you asked, shifting your glance to Jaehyun. 
Jaehyun didn’t tie you down. “Go. He’s your best friend and it’s been three years. Besides, Rosé and I have a lot to catch up on anyways.”
Rosé gave you an encouraging nod. You gave her one final hug and your boyfriend a brief kiss to cheek before they sent you off. And you blew out a heavy breath as you marched his way. 
It was no secret that when Taeyong left, your relationship - or lack of thereof - was on shaky ground. Neither of you ever explained what was happening between you, but even a blind man could tell you were sleeping with each other.
You had wanted more, but Taeyong loathed labels and despised commitment. Frankly, you couldn’t blame him. He watched his parents' marriage crumble before his eyes. He gave his heart to someone and they shattered it into pieces. That was why you never bothered to try to make him yours. You feared rejection like it haunted you every night in your nightmares. 
Foolishly, you had believed the feelings would eventually fade in his absence. But they only grew. No matter who tried to take his place in your heart. 
You slipped beside Taeyong with heavy breath. The air was fresh, but it hardly touched your lungs. He could see your reflection in the water, and turned around to face you before you could get a word in. “Hey.”
“Hi,” you croaked, chiding your heart to calm herself down. 
Taeyong smiled. You saw his eyes twinkle in the moonlight. “Long time no see.”
“Relax. I’ve seen you perfectly fine over FaceTime,” you joked. 
Taeyong rolled his eyes, but smiled and said, “You know it’s not the same. Come here.” 
You immediately crashed into his arms like you couldn’t bear the wait any longer. He was right - it wasn’t the same. You missed the way his embrace warmed you to the core. Taeyong's arms were always where you felt safest. As if no harm could reach you as long as he was there. 
Peering up against his chest, you finally got a good look at him. Was it possible that he looked even better than the last time you saw him three years ago? 
Moonlight nuzzled his skin, making him look even more breathtaking. Its beam lit his sharp features and blond hair. The last time you'd seen it in person, it was black with blue streaks. Keeping Taeyong away from his dye was a Sisyphean task.  
Taeyong - arms in a loop around your waist - asked, “You know what else is different?” 
“I couldn't do this.” 
He offered little to no preparation before you were being tickled mercilessly, sent into a fit of involuntary giggling. Given most of your body was exposed, you were ultimately rendered helpless against his nimble fingers. 
Fighting your way out of his clasp was mission impossible. Taeyong always had ample strength over you, biceps taut with muscle. You could only arduously plead for him to stop, but to no avail, nearly on the verge of tears of laughter. 
Taeyong heaved a pleased sigh and smirked. Needlessly to say, he missed this. “What’s the magic word?”
“Please,” you rasped, fighting for breath. And freedom.
“What’s that?” Taeyong mocked, molding his features as if he sincerely misheard you. “I can’t hear you. You’re laughing too hard.”
Louder, you begged, “Please!”
Taeyong dithered, but ultimately released you from his clutches. You heaved for breath, laughter fading into a smile on your lips as your ribs tensed with every inhale. Playfulness had always been an element of Taeyong’s nature, under the layer of his sober demeanor. Old habits die hard, you thought, melancholy. 
“Too much?” Taeyong asked. 
You shook your head, beaming. “I’m fine. Just out of breath.” 
Taeyong snickered. Of course, you were. Leave it to him to milk your lungs - and stamina - for all that they were worth. 
Taeyong gave you a once-over. With your body so close to his, he couldn’t ignore the way your warmth felt against his bare flesh. And promptly, his eyes fell on your figure. You were still beautiful. Some people deteriorated with age, but never you. It was like you could only become more gorgeous as the days passed. 
You looked the same, but still so different all at once. Perhaps most notably was your eyes. They gleamed, a little sadder than before. He couldn’t help but think that that was because of him. 
Then his eyes fell lower. The bikini you wore complemented your frame a little too goddamn well. Once upon a time, he owned your body. He recalled all those times he made you scream his name for the world to hear. 
Taeyong swiftly swept those memories away. Like hell he would catch a boner at the beach, which would definitely happen the longer he thought about the way you felt around him. Besides, your body didn’t belong to him anymore. And neither did your heart. 
Your heart beat for Jaehyun. 
You cleared your throat. “So, uh - how have you been?”
“I can’t complain,” Taeyong replied, nodding his head. “My grandmother is doing a whole lot better than she was three years ago. The meds have been a great help. As you can see, she’s well enough to go without me again.”
“That’s wonderful news.” You always adored Mrs. Lee. The moment you discovered the ailing condition she was in, your heart hurt for her. 
Taeyong smiled thinly. “It is. It hurt seeing her like that everyday. I was so scared of losing her.”
You nodded in understanding. Above all, you knew that was Taeyong’s greatest fear in general - losing someone he treasured. He had a heart too big for his body. When he received the call from the hospital about his grandmother, Taeyong didn’t hesitate to travel across the globe to take care of her. Even on such short notice. 
The entire trajectory of his life changed with one phone call. He had to drop everything to be there for her. The life he had made for himself here. Even if she didn’t make it, Taeyong knew he had to be there for her in her final moments. 
You both respected and understood the rationale behind his abrupt withdrawal - which Taeyong was endlessly grateful for - but watching him leave wounded you like nothing else. 
You endeavored to fill the void in his absence. That was where Jaehyun came in. You started seeing each other only a few months after Taeyong left for Seoul and began dating not too long after. You liked Jaehyun, but it wasn’t the same. And it wasn’t him; it was you. Regardless of how good a man was to you, none of that mattered if he wasn’t Taeyong. 
Desperately did you want to forget about Taeyong and the way he made you feel. It would have been no use waiting around for him in the first place. He would never let you in. He never did. 
None of that ever happened. When Jaehyun made love to you, you thought of Taeyong. The way his calloused hands felt on your body. How he strung you to orgasm time after time without fail. When Jaehyun took you out on dates, you imagined it was Taeyong spoiling you. You couldn’t shake the thought of him; couldn’t shake the feelings you had for your best friend. 
They said time was the best healer, but you were still head over heels in love with a boy that was too scared to love you back. 
“I missed you, Taeyong,” you admitted in a soft voice. 
Taeyong avoided your eyes, facing the ocean. You did, too. “I missed you, too. It wasn’t easy, you know. Leaving. I’m sorry.” 
“Don’t you dare apologize for doing what you needed to do,” you chastised. “I understand. We would have all done the same thing if we were you. Don’t sweat it.”
“Thank you. I needed to hear that.”
You nudged his side a little. “What are best friends for?” 
That stung like hell. What if he told you that he wanted more than that? 
The two of you talked for a little on the shore, feet dug in the wet sand. You watched the moon wallow in the glistening waters. It served as a rough reminder to you. The way it felt when your body was in one place with one man, but your heart was across the pacific ocean with another. 
Above all, you wished he would have never stolen it from you. 
It became too much after a while and Taeyong made an excuse about neglecting the rest of friends to avoid spending further one-on-one time with you. No one interrupted. Unsurprisingly. The two of you had been closer than ever. They knew better. 
You were a bit hurt, but more so relieved. You felt like you couldn’t breathe next to Taeyong. Joining the rest of your friends felt like a breath of fresh air. 
The ten of you gathered around the bonfire, chatting and catching up. Taeyong wasn't the only one that had come from abroad. Lisa was visiting from Thailand, Rosé had returned from New Zealand, and Ten was… everywhere. A successful career in modeling would do that to you. 
Miami was the heart of your friendship. It was where you had met and where you would always meet again. Most of you were from different places, but it would always be a special spot for your group of friends. And no matter where you were, as long as you were together, you were home. 
After a while, you slipped away to grab a drink from the bar hut. From the distance, you could see Taeyong laughing.
You had gotten so used to loving him from afar. Even when he wasn’t across the ocean, he was still a world away. 
Rosé stole a seat at the barstool beside you, following your gaze. “You missed him, huh?”
For a brief second, your head snapped in her direction. You would never forget what a great friend she was. Easy to confide in, capable of garnering all your secrets in her palm. But this was different. “Of course. I missed you all,” you replied, deliberately straying away from the narrow path she was leading you down. 
Rosé gave you an unconvinced look. “Uh huh. And it has nothing to do with the two of you sleeping with each other?” 
You were borderline affronted she would even ask you that. You glanced away. “That didn’t mean anything. We were just a pair of horny fucks. Taeyong didn’t want anything serious anyways.”
“But did you?” 
You bristled. Curse her. Even in high school, she could always see dead through you. “No,” you lied through your teeth. “Besides, it wouldn’t matter if I did. That was three years ago. I have Jaehyun now.” 
“Love has no expiration date,” Rosé told you, unsparing. You sensed no foul intentions from her, but something about it made you dangerously uneasy. “Some people spend their whole lives hopelessly in love with the same person.”
Your brows furrowed. That’s odd, you thought to yourself. Why was she hell-bent on trying to convince you to admit you had feelings for Taeyong? 
Maybe it was nothing. You and Rosé went way back, as did the rest of the group. There wasn’t a mean bone in her body. 
You’re just overthinking it, you reasoned. Taeyong coming back has you overwhelmed with emotions. 
“I guess,” you said half-heartedly, downing another shot. You’d be damned if you somehow managed to get through the night sober. 
Rosé discerned that you wouldn’t give an inch and stood to her feet, smiling and patting your back gently before she left to regroup with the others. You followed suit. 
For the rest of the evening, you tried your best to stick close to your boyfriend. And away from Taeyong. More than anything, you needed a distraction. The closer you were to him, the more thoughts of your best friend ran rampant in your mind. 
You wanted to forgo every thought of him, but it was significantly easier said than done. It was like everything stopped then suddenly hit you all at once now that he had returned, and you didn’t know how to cope. 
Alcohol had the opposite of the intended effect. You were hyper focused on every tiny detail, noticing even the most mundane things about him. You could have paid your bills with your raw love for Taeyong, but under the influence, it was worth its weight in gold. 
“I’m tired,” you whispered to Jaehyun, patting his arm. “I’m going back to the room. Come back when you’re ready.”
Jaehyun nodded and gave you a swift kiss to the cheek. “Don’t wait up.”
You smiled, bid mostly everyone goodnight, and went on your way. Strangely enough, Taeyong had disappeared in the millisecond that you’d glanced away. 
You wrapped a towel around your body. When you were finally inside of the resort, you were relieved by the warm indoor air. It wasn’t exactly true that you were tired, but you needed a breather. Another second and it was guaranteed that you would lose whatever bit of mind you still had. 
Ironically, when the elevator opened, Taeyong glanced up from his phone and faced you. He cocked a brow. “And where do you think you’re sneaking off to?” 
“Upstairs,” you stammered, and promptly scolding yourself for doing so. “I’m spent and decided to call it a night.”
Taeyong bobbed his head and wondered if he had anything to do with it. You weren’t subtle in the slightest earlier, sneaking glances at him. Sneaking wasn’t an apt term. 
“Would it be weird if I walked you to your room?” 
You swallowed thickly. You had made so many memories with Taeyong in a single lifetime that every tiny thing reminded you of him. You remembered those days when he would walk you home, especially at night. Like hell he would let you walk home by yourself after dark. 
Every now and then in high school, he would walk you to and from class, and to your front doorstep after school. You would chat incessantly in the meantime, squeezing as much conversation between classes as possible. 
Everyone knew you were best friends. To see you two in the halls together, it was merely just another day. On more than one occasion, your teachers would ask you where he was on the days that you came to class alone. 
You heard your name being called and reeled out of your musing. 
“Sorry. I spaced out,” you said, flushing. “What did you say?” 
“I said - would it be weird if I walked you to your room?” 
“Of course not,” you replied, swallowing once more. You wanted to chide yourself for your lack of self-control. When it came to Taeyong, you just couldn’t say no. 
Taeyong smiled. He let you inside the elevator and moved his hand out of the way so that it would finally close. You punched in your floor number and let the elevator lift you there.
He slipped his hands into his pockets. “How’s Neon?” 
Neon was your pet cat. She was an adorable fat gray cat with vibrantly orange eyes. And the love of your life. After Taeyong, of course. “She’s living the life. Eating a lot, as usual. Ten’s friend Yangyang is cat-sitting her as well as Leon and Louis.”
Taeyong snickered. “Oh boy. He’s in for one hell of a ride.” 
“You bet,” you chortled. “I’m expecting a call demanding we pick them up early any moment now. You know how those three get when they’re together.” 
The elevator chimed and opened and Taeyong let you out. “Ladies first,” he said with a smile, all gentleman-like. “And I’m assuming they’re chaotic as ever.”
“You assume correctly,” you replied, wishing you had your phone. “Yangyang’s totally chill, though. He takes their tomfoolery in stride and even sends us pictures. They toppled over a Cheerios box and somehow Neon wore it on her head.”
“I just got a mental picture of that and it’s absolutely hilarious.” 
You laughed. 
Now you were thinking about who Taeyong saw when he came home. You already knew the answer, but you still asked, “I know you’ve been taking care of your grandmother, but have you not been seeing anyone since you left?” 
“Nope. I never had the time or energy to invest.” 
“But you have it now.” 
“I guess I do,” Taeyong replied with a shrug. “But it won’t change much. It’s too late.” 
Your brows furrowed. “What do you mean, it’s too late?”
Rosé had told you that love had no expiration date. Now Taeyong had said he was too late. Did Taeyong love someone? 
Your heart was shedding tears of blood. 
Taeyong offered you a harmless smile but didn’t elaborate very much. You had already arrived at your hotel room. “I’ll tell you someday. I promise,” he swore. “Goodnight.”
“Goodnight, Taeyong.” 
Taeyong did a one-eighty and began to walk in the direction he had come. Your eyes followed him, stinging. It always hurt to watch him leave. 
It hurt him to walk away. Little did you know, he had spent every day thinking about you. What could have been. When the news broke out about your relationship with Jaehyun shortly after his departure, Taeyong wanted to be happy for you, but nothing but pain and regret and longing plagued his chest. 
The worst part was that he had nobody to blame but himself. He dithered too long and let another man take his place. It was unfair for him to expect you to sit around and stay. Even when he was by your side, you were still waiting for him to decide when he would be ready to let somebody inside his heart again. 
Coward, Taeyong scolded himself. He wanted to love you, but he was too scared and too selfish. Every time, he chose himself over you. And now that you had chosen someone else over him too, he would have to live with that. 
You both would. 
You took a shower and crawled into bed. Jaehyun was beside you when you woke in the afternoon, sleeping like a rock. You took a picture for the group chat and had a good laugh while you still could, knowing he would inevitably seek vengeance. At least somebody was going to milk the absolute hell out of this vacation. 
you: good morning
haechan: it’s 2pm
you: not for this guy
you: [one attachment]
ten: oh you are so, so wrong 
jennie: sleeping beauty? 
johnny: that’s the beast 
mark: lmfaoooo 
lisa laughed at “that’s the beast”
rosé: wipe the corners of his mouth plz 
taeyong: he’s gonna be so mad when he sees this 
you: teehee
you: beach day?
“Sleep with one eye open,” Jaehyun warned lightheartedly when you both arrived back at the beach. 
You giggled. No matter what age, you and your friends would always love a great prank. The war was officially on. 
Looking around for the others, your eyes fell on Taeyong. And Lord have mercy, he was mouthwatering. Had he found the time to work out? Light sheened his sun-kissed skin, dancing on his abs and shoulders. It was no wonder why you started sleeping with this man. 
You saw another woman approach him and immediately frowned. As expected, it was no other than Jennie. Let there be no misunderstanding, neither of you had any bad blood or ill feeling. You simply had a lot of common interests.
And the greatest common denominator was Taeyong. 
Your heart sprained in your chest viciously, taut with envy. A girl as beautiful as Jennie got everything and everyone she ever wanted. She always did. Except for Taeyong. But maybe now he would fall for her charms. 
His words rang in your head. It’s too late. You didn’t know what he meant by that and it was killing you. 
Taeyong glanced in your direction and your gaze instantly shifted elsewhere. You could not do this for another six days. 
Time passed in a blur. You had fun and pushed him into the back of your head. Mark, Haechan and Johnny decided it would be fun to spray you and Jaehyun with water guns, which culminated in one huge water gun battle. 
By the end of it, you were drenched. You draped yourself in a towel whilst the gang slowly disintegrated until only you and Taeyong remained. 
Dammit, you hissed when you noticed him approaching you. Where the hell did everybody go? 
From the staid look on his face, you had a feeling you would not be fond of whatever he was preparing to say. “We need to talk,” Taeyong said, humorless and stony-faced. 
Your eyes flickered. “Now?”
“How much longer do you want to pretend that everything is peachy between us?” Taeyong asked you unsparingly. Which made you flinch. You weren’t used to him being so stern. “I keep seeing you look at me, and I know you see me looking at you. Why are we holding back?”
Because all I know how to do is pretend, you thought somberly. But even you got tired of playing make-believe. 
Taeyong softened and asked, “Walk the shore with me?”
Finding no protest, you agreed. There was a chance this would abate your misery. Or intensify it. There was no in between. 
You abandoned your towel at one of the beach chairs and began to walk side by side with Taeyong. For a while, it was quiet. The silence only pervaded your chest with dread. 
Little did you know, Taeyong was at war with himself. His heart was on one side, but his mind was on the other, and he teetered between them both with every passing second. He opened his mouth to ask, “Do you remember what happened before I left?” 
It was impossible to forget. Before he left, before he got the call. You broke things off, explaining that you didn’t want to sleep with him anymore. Taeyong panicked. He wondered what he had done wrong. But it wasn’t his fault - it was yours.
You winced your eyes shut. Everything was too deep, too intimate, and you didn’t know how to handle yourself. Every time you were with him, you were on the verge of doing or saying something you would regret. 
Things became a little strained, and for the first time, awkward. You had no time to fix it before he was taking the next flight to Seoul. 
You eventually got over it by simply never addressing what went wrong. But there was a sneaking question still gnawing at his heart. 
You heaved a sigh. “We already resolved this, Taeyong.”
“No, we didn’t. We ignored the problem. As usual,” Taeyong corrected. You bit your lip, but didn’t argue. No argument could be made. “You never told me why.” 
“It wasn’t your fault.” 
“I know that,” Taeyong replied, brusque. “But that’s not an answer.”
You fought a nervous laugh. How were you supposed to explain that the reason you stopped sleeping with him was because it made you fall for him even more? 
Taeyong pressed, “Was it because you had feelings for Jaehyun?”
You blinked. He was so hot but so cold all at once.
It would have been the easier answer. You could have lied and easily gave him all the closure he needed then and there. “No,” you said instead, honest. “I had no romantic interest in him at the time.” 
That allowed Taeyong to breathe easier, but he was still adamant. “Then, why?” 
Your pulse quickened. You felt like you were being put on the spot. Every gear in your brain grinded against asphalt to a complete halt. 
You contemplated straying from the truth, but you had lived a lie long enough. Taeyong would surely be able to sense you were bluffing. “Because I wanted more,” you whispered, your voice barely above the rushing shore. “And I knew that you didn’t.”
Taeyong stopped dead in his tracks, footsteps coming to an end as he riveted in place. He spluttered, “What?” 
“I can’t do this,” you said, shaking your head. It was your turn to be a coward and run. 
Taeyong called after you and began to pursue you, but you had an advantage. You were barefooted. It was not easy to run in the sand while wearing flip-flops. 
You hid somewhere along the shore, sinking your feet into the water. Tears stung your eyes, the only reason you noticed they were trickling warmly down your cheeks. How could you love someone that didn’t love you so intensely? 
It wasn’t fair. Your heart was ripped to tatters and yet he had no idea of your pain. Three years and the wound was still fresh, dampened by your salty tears. It stung like nothing else. 
You remembered how it felt to be underneath Taeyong. How hard it was to look into his eyes. Nevertheless, he would demand you made eye contact with him. And you would obey, because when you were aroused, Taeyong owned every piece of you.
You feared how much control he had over you in that state. Not only your body, but your mind. You knew that whatever you said or did under his spell and in his trance went beyond conscious control but couldn’t be taken back. And whenever Taeyong strung you to climax, you wanted to profess your love for him at the very top of your lungs. 
A noise sounded from behind you, and you whirled around to be met face to face with Taeyong. “I followed your footsteps,” he explained. You nodded with a sigh and turned back around. Taeyong slipped beside you and asked, “Why are you crying?” 
“I’m not.”
Taeyong fought a roll of his eyes and wiped your cheeks with his thumb. “Tell me what’s wrong,” he whispered, tender. “So I can make it better.”
“You can’t make it better,” you whimpered, shutting your eyes. It’s too late. You almost said those words, but you caught yourself when you remembered where you’d heard them before. 
Taeyong studied you. His eyes were warm, gentle. Why was he looking at you like that? Like you had spawned the earth with your bare hands. 
“Do you…,” Taeyong hesitated, turning melancholy. “Do you still want me?” 
He coaxed, “Tell me the truth.” 
“What if I do?” you snapped. “What if it’s my boyfriend’s friend that I’ve wanted this entire time? Then what?” 
Taeyong enveloped your lips in a kiss and your fears promptly vanished. For a moment, you were stunned, but you kissed him back because your body had already been so accustomed to the way his lips felt on yours. 
You melted into his touch. It was definitely wrong, but it felt right. Every rational thought subsided with your fear and you subconsciously strung your fingers through his hair, running on instinct. Memories worked against you. You recalled all those times you made out with your best friend, under the sun or in the moonlight or in the comfort of his bedroom. 
Tasting him on your tongue, you remember exactly how much you liked kissing Taeyong. He always kissed you like there was no tomorrow, holding you tight and sucking harshly on your tongue. 
Taeyong pulled away, rasping, and said, “I just kissed my friend’s girlfriend. I guess we’re both in hot water.”
Your heart exploded with a million emotions. For the love of Christ, he had just kissed you in public. Fortunately, there was nobody around when you looked. He was so stupid, but you loved his stupid little face. 
“You’re crazy,” you replied, stepping away to put some distance between you both. 
Taeyong snickered. “I owe it all to you.”
Fuck. What were you doing? You were a taken woman. As much as you wanted to, you didn’t feel very guilty. 
You felt aroused. 
It was impossible to kiss Taeyong and not become aroused all at once. For him, it was like second nature to turn you on. A nibble here and a growl there and you were sold.
Frightened by your own lack of self-restraint, you ran again. You didn’t know what all would happen if you stayed and you didn’t want to find out, either. 
Instead of chasing you again, Taeyong watched you and chuckled because he knew why you were running this time, and you were a mess. What was he thinking - kissing you? He was out of his goddamn mind, but he was out of his goddamn mind in love with you. 
You rushed into your hotel room and didn’t breathe until your back was squarely against the door. It was safe to say that you were positively doomed. 
Traces of Jaehyun remained scattered around the room, but he was nowhere to be found. You remembered that he mentioned he would be having lunch with Johnny and Rosé. 
That only allowed for more time for you to think about Taeyong. Your body burned with arousal. You were content to feel him simply because it was him, but it helped that he was good at what he did. His touch lingered on your body and you savored the taste of his tongue on yours, craving it all over again. 
But you snapped out of your trance and halted. You had been so caught up in the pleasure of Taeyong kissing you that you hardly realized the weight of that action. Did that mean Taeyong wanted you, too? 
And for your heart, or for your body?
Meanwhile Taeyong was still standing by the ocean, thoughts of you plaguing his mind. He wanted to kiss you again so badly. He wished you would break up with Jaehyun and realize you were meant for him. 
He wasn’t scared anymore. He wasn’t the boy that ran away. It took him some time, but he knew now that he wanted you more than anything. And he was ready to risk it all to get you. 
You spent the rest of the day crammed in your room, afraid you would run into Taeyong and do something stupid. Jaehyun came back eventually and fell asleep beside you. You had officially survived two of seven days, though barely. Tomorrow might have been your breaking point. 
A little after two in the morning, you woke to use the bathroom. When you came back, you noticed your phone screen lit with a text message. 
From Taeyong. It read, You up? 
You hesitated, but ultimately typed back a response. Barely. What’s up? 
The typing bubble popped up at the bottom of the screen and you watched and waited for him to type a response. Meet me in the lobby in 10?
That was dangerous. You glanced up from your phone, looking at your boyfriend. Jaehyun was dead asleep. For certain he could sleep through a natural disaster.
Give me 5, you replied. Temptation got the best of you. 
You washed your face, slipped on your shoes, then crept out the door, careful not to wake Jaehyun. You made a beeline for the elevator. 
Waiting for you in the lobby stood no other than the love of your life. Literally. For as long as you could remember, you loved Taeyong. 
You saw his face before you even saw his face. Those images had been bouncing around in your brain for the entire day, asserting dominance and assuring you that they were there to stay. You were perpetually doomed. 
You raised your brow when you saw him, a ball of energy. Much unlike you, but seeing him gave you your second wind. “You do realize that it’s two in the morning, right?” 
“Jet lag,” Taeyong explained, amused. “Miami is fourteen hours behind Seoul.”
Like you weren’t convinced, you added, “Mm-hm. And running around in the sun didn’t exhaust you for a day?”
Taeyong lifted his arms in surrender. “You caught me,” he said, before briefly changing the subject. He couldn’t sleep because every time he closed his eyes, he saw you. Thoughts of you kept him up at night more often than not. “Wanna go somewhere special?” 
“Like what?” you asked curiously. Come to think of it, you had hardly left the hotel since you arrived. 
Taeyong said nothing, merely smirking with mischief and leading you to the parking lot with your fingers between his. 
Oh, god. Taeyong was nothing if not trouble. 
A brief car ride consisting of both of you singing horribly and off-key to whatever song blared on the radio brought you to a very familiar place. One you hadn’t been to since the beginning of college. 
Taeyong opened the door for you and led you to a chained fence. Obviously, you could not go through it. Meaning you would have to climb over it.
“Ladies first,” Taeyong insisted, wanting to be on this side in case you needed help climbing over. 
“This is literally trespassing.”
Taeyong countered smartly, “It’s not trespassing unless you get caught.”
“If I go to jail…,” you hissed. 
Taeyong didn’t flinch. “Relax. Don’t you see this pretty face? I’ve talked a lady out of giving me a speeding ticket before.”
“Aren’t you Prince Charming,” you sneered, but moved towards the fence to clamber above. You had done it a million times before. Granted, you were a reckless teenager at the time, but memory was all the skill you needed. 
“Watch your step!” Taeyong called out. 
You called back, “I know what I’m doing, Taeyong.” 
Taeyong snickered. It took everything for you to concentrate on anything that wasn’t the sound of his laughter so that you wouldn’t trip and get a concussion. 
The moment you were safely on the other end, Taeyong followed after you, skillfully climbing over the fence like he had done a number of times in the distant past. 
“I still got it,” he said unabashedly once he was beside you again. 
“You’re a grown adult man.”
Taeyong argued, “I’m a boy wonder.”
You shook your head. Sometimes you couldn’t believe that this was the man you loved with your whole mind, heart and soul. 
Soon enough, you were at the edge of a building, sitting comfortably on the rooftop and watching the city buzz with life even at the late hour. Miami never slept. Many things changed, but that fact wasn’t one of them. 
A shroud of darkness swept over the town, combated by glimmering lights in sky-scraping structures. Cars honked faintly in the distance, a sign of life. You smiled at the familiarity. Once upon a time, you and Taeyong would sneak off to this exact place, a safe haven from your crazy lives. 
Though you found that any place you were together was a refuge. As long as you had each other, you were safe. 
“Taeyong,” you called, cutting through the silence. 
“Why did you kiss me?” 
Your voice dripped with emotion. He met your eyes, and they were sad. You had been asking yourself that question the entire day, but to no avail. 
“Because…” Taeyong hesitated. “Because I’ve been waiting to kiss you again for the past three years.” 
Your eyes flickered. You had no idea he felt that way, and you were in a bit of denial. How could he go from being scared shitless of the thought of love to being in love with you? 
There was a tug at your heart, but you tried your best to ignore it. You decided to put him to the test. “Do you want back what we had?” 
“No,” Taeyong replied, honest. His eyes were big and doe-like. “You were wrong earlier. I did want more. I still do.” 
You swallowed harshly. He wanted more this whole time, but had been running away from you. Like you were armed and dangerous. Little did he know, his warmth and tenderness disarmed you completely. You were weak and defenseless. “I don’t want to be just sex to you,” you said, voice barely above a whisper. 
But Taeyong heard you, lurching and asking, “Is that what you thought you were?”
“What else was I supposed to think?” you asked, shrugging and blinking away tears. You weren’t strong enough for this. That was why you had derailed this conversation for so long. You knew full well it would break you. 
Taeyong was full of regret. “Would you believe me if I said I’ve wanted you my whole life?” 
You blinked. Your heart felt so heavy in your chest. All these years of longing for Taeyong’s heart, only to find that you already had it. It was too much. 
“I was just too scared. The wound was still fresh. I was in a dark place and somehow convinced myself that the whole world was against me. If I let you in, you had my heart at your disposal, and that was too much for me. The last time I let someone that close, they broke me.” 
“I would never do that to you, Taeyong,” you whispered sincerely, reaching for his hand. “You have to trust me. Your heart is precious to me.” 
“I just wish I would have known that before,” Taeyong blew out a sigh, wistful. “It took me almost losing my grandmother to realize that before anything else, I’m afraid of lost. I didn’t want to lose you. But then you got with Jaehyun…”
You finished, “And you felt like you’d already lost me.”
Taeyong nodded. “I was too late. That was what I meant the other day. I thought your heart already belonged to somebody else and I started to think that maybe I never really had a chance.”
The past three years had been hard on Taeyong. He tried to make sense of his life, to pull together any explanation so that he could better rationalize it, even if it wasn’t true. 
He was overwhelmed. All of these emotions were resurfacing, banding together against him and slapping him across the face. It felt like being jolted awake by a bucket of cold water. Nostalgia ran its course with him, but so did regret. And the pining and love for you that made his chest swell hotly. He was angry with himself. For being such a big baby, for not noticing that you had wanted him, too. 
“Taeyong…” you called out.
Taeyong shook his head and stood to his feet, pacing around the rooftop. “This is all my fault. If I would have never been such a coward, if I would have just told you how I felt from the beginning, none of this would have happened. You wouldn’t have tried to fill the void with Jaehyun.”
“You can’t keep blaming yourself for this,” you said gently, following him. “I made that decision. I didn’t know how to cope without you and so I did something really, really stupid.”
“But you wouldn’t have made it if it wasn’t for me,” Taeyong said, too out of it and too in his head. He was crumbling before your eyes. Torn asunder and ruptured beyond reclaim.
Frustrated, you ran a hand through your hair and called his name again. “You don’t know that. I ended our friends with benefits relationship, remember? I would have done anything to distract myself from my feelings for you.” 
To no avail. Taeyong wanted to crawl back inside his shell and hide. This world was too big and he felt as if he had no place in it. Not for any good reason, at least. 
What good was he? He broke your heart, because he was too scared of you breaking his. 
And you wound up breaking each other. 
As a last resort, you leaned on your toes and pressed your lips to his. Just like that, he was at ease again. You yelped when Taeyong hauled you into his arms and pressed you against the nearest wall, kissing you fiercely as if you’d stirred up a monster inside him. It was wide awake and ready to raise hell. 
For a moment, you both forgot about the rest of the world. You forgot about Jaehyun. He forgot that you weren’t his. It was just the two of you, two true lovers making out beneath the moonlight, making up for the time you’d lost when you could have been together. 
Nothing else mattered. You were content to simply be in each other’s arms. 
Taeyong dug you into the wall harder, resting all of his weight on you. It felt like the wind was knocked out of you, but you could hardly breathe before then. Taeyong took your breath away and left you begging for more. 
You moaned into his mouth, pleased as you threaded your fingers through his hair. Taeyong was bent on making a mess of you, reducing you to nothing but love and lust. Warmth coursed through your bodies, scorching hot flares of heat and energy. 
You pulled away first this time, eager to catch your breath. And Taeyong simply stared at you like he had never seen anything or anyone more beautiful, sated. 
“None of this is your fault, Taeyong,” you reassured him, your voice breathy for obvious reasons. “We’ll figure something out.” 
Now, Taeyong was convinced. As long as you had him and he had you, everything would work out. Love would always find a way. 
Taeyong already knew the answer, but he needed to hear you say it. Like it would quell all his worries once and for all. “Do you love him?” 
“I love Jay,” you replied solemnly. “But I’m in love with you.”
That was all Taeyong needed to hear before he was sweeping you into his arms again, smashing his lips to yours. 
You continued to make noises, little groans and growls on his end and a plethora of tiny smothered moans on yours. And god, were they hot as hell. They brought back memories of when you two would fuck until you had depleted every last bit of your stamina. 
It got to the point where Taeyong had to pull away from you, half-hard and afraid of getting too turned on. When you two were together - and alone - it was very, very dangerous. 
“Mm, we can’t,” Taeyong hummed, calling time-out. “I’m definitely a piece of shit, but I’m not that much of a piece of shit.”
You sighed. He was right. This was going too far too fast. You needed to breathe and slow down. 
Easier said than done. You obviously couldn’t control yourself around each other. 
“Let’s regroup tomorrow,” you suggested. “Today technically, but you know what I mean.” 
Taeyong snickered. “Yeah. I know what you mean.” 
The two of you ditched the rooftop and climbed back over the fence, though in no particular rush to get back to his car. You wanted to stay. You wanted to spend every moment of your life with Taeyong, but things were, needless to say, complicated. Life simply didn’t work in your favor. 
Much to your dismay, Jaehyun was wide awake when you came back to your joint room. You felt like a deer caught in headlights when you met his perturbed eyes. 
“Where have you been?” Jaehyun asked. There was no hostility in his voice; only consternation. 
You felt no need to lie. Jaehyun may have been your boyfriend, but he was also your friend. No matter what it came down to, you would never betray his trust by lying to his face. “I was with Taeyong.” 
Jaehyun cocked a brow. “At four in the morning?” 
You blinked. You hadn’t realized that it had been that long. 
Jaehyun added, “You didn’t pick up your phone. I was worried.”
“I haven't checked it. I’m sorry for worrying you,” you said, approaching him and wrapping your arms around his neck. He was sitting at the edge of the bed. “I didn’t want to wake you. You looked so peaceful.”
“It’s okay,” Jaehyun murmured, voice half-muffled into the crook of your neck. “Just don’t do it again.”
You chuckled, but for the first time, you felt ashamed. Jaehyun didn’t deserve you. He deserved better. A tear nearly slipped down your cheek, but you fought it back with everything you had. You had no right to cry. 
Never did you want to love Taeyong. Love was not a choice. If you could have taken your heart back from his clutches, you would have. But your heart was under tyranny. Love was too powerful. Every beat was for him and him alone. 
Anger presented itself as spasms of heat in your chest, completely directed at yourself. Why couldn’t you love Jaehyun? That would have made everything a hell of a lot easier. He had never wronged you as your friend or as your boyfriend. He took you on romantic dates and he sang to you to cheer you up after a long day and he was always there to show you love. 
Jaehyun is a great guy, you thought. But he’s not the guy for me. 
You knew what you needed to do. Jaehyun might have resented you for ruining what was seemingly a perfectly healthy and happy relationship, especially with no warning, but you couldn’t keep his heart chained away any longer. Somewhere in this world, you knew there was a girl for him that could love him in all the ways you couldn’t. 
As you drifted back to sleep that night, there was a weight on your chest. Before this trip was over, you needed to find the strength to break Jaehyun’s heart. 
Little did you know, Jaehyun sat thoughtfully awake as you slept beside him, already aware that this relationship was bound to end for some time. 
The third day was eventful and a breath of fresh air. You had girl time with the ladies and left the guys to fend for themselves. 
You pressed a kiss to the corner of Jaehyun’s lips then looked amongst the string of guys beside him and said, “Be good. Don’t blow anything up.” 
The guys laughed. Most of them. 
Ten winked and said, “No promises.” He, Mark, Haechan, and Johnny looked full of mischief. 
When your eyes met Taeyong’s, he was watching you. You stepped away from Jaehyun and cleared your throat. 
“Have a good time,” Jaehyun told you.
You forced a smile. “You, too.”
It was a relief when you managed to escape. For the entire day, you were for once able to shake the thoughts of Taeyong and the rack and ruin of your relationship with Jaehyun. 
A spa day with the girls was exactly what you needed to palliate your sadness. And a fun couple of hours of spending way too much money at the shopping center. You wore a constant smile on your face. It reminded you of old times. It would be a while before all of you could gather together like this again, and you wanted to make every minute count. 
No boy business. Although, you were very intrigued about their love lives. Grown women had crushes, too. 
Eventually, you all went for dinner and drinks at a nice pub, laughing over a meal and reminiscing fondly. 
“I need to slow down,” you said, shaking your head once you caught notice of how many drinks you’d chugged. 
Lisa snickered. “Yeah, you do. Just in case you accidentally trip into a chocolate fountain again.”
Rosé and Jennie laughed. 
You rolled your eyes. “I was nineteen and blackout drunk. Give me some credit.” 
You were the laughing stock of the group, but only for a couple of days, because everyone moved on when Mark did something three times more funny and embarrassing. That was how the cycle went in your group. 
That night wasn’t all that bad. Taeyong had a laugh at your expense for sure, but he helped you clean yourself up. And when he thought nobody was looking, kissed some of the chocolate off of the corner of your lips. 
Don’t you dare go there. You aren’t supposed to be thinking about Taeyong, you scolded yourself. 
“Remember that time we caught you and Taeyong practically fucking in the pool?” Rosé asked, heavily amused by the memory. 
You flushed. And wanted to sink into the ground. Ever since you started hooking up, it had been hard for you and Taeyong to keep it in your pants around each other. Especially when alcohol was involved. 
Lisa grimaced in disgust. “Ugh. I wanted to gouge my eyes out.”
“And they had the audacity to think nobody knew they were hooking up,” Jennie said, shaking your head. “Speaking of which - how was it?” 
“I have a boyfriend. I am not going to think about another man’s penis,” you retorted, but it was too late for you. You were thinking about another man’s penis. And god, Taeyong always felt nice and snug inside you. 
Not to mention, he was skilled with more than just his dick. The amount of times he had made you cum with his mouth or on his fingers was ungodly. 
Jennie begged, “Please? I’ve wanted to jump his bones my whole life.”
Lisa laughed in surprise. “Jesus.”
“Fine,” you grumbled, displeased. “He’s good. To say the least.”
Jennie was unimpressed. “Well, duh. You kept coming back to him for some reason.” 
The girls chortled.
She continued, “How big is it? Does it have a little curve? Does it lean or does it hang? Is it trimmed?” 
You waved your hand for a waiter. “Check, please!” 
Way too drunk, the four of you called an Uber. On the way home, Lisa started talking about a girl she’d met at the beach that was totally trying to get in her pants. Lisa, ever a tease, was delaying the inevitable. 
You all laughed and prayed for that poor girl. She was in for a ride. Though Lisa definitely wanted her back, that much was clear. Otherwise she would have never spared her a second of time.
Jaehyun was in the room when you got there, evidently no less drunk than you. And when Jaehyun was drunk, he got touchy. He pulled you into his lap, and you wondered exactly what all those six had done. Jaehyun very rarely made moves on you. 
To be frank, you never minded having sex with Jaehyun. It was unforced. You saw him as everything Taeyong should have been to you, but wasn’t. For some reason, things never worked that way. Your feelings and sex were too completely different aspects, but this and your relationship with Taeyong could never have that in common. 
Exhausted, you decided not to have sex with him and he didn’t push, but you instead foolishly opened a bottle of wine he’d brought along and chatted incessantly, recounting the days events. 
Your heart was sad. When you broke up with him - and you would - you hoped it wouldn’t tarnish the beautiful friendship you had. 
It was late when you both finally decided to call it a night. A couple of unread messages sat untouched on your phone screen, but you noticed Taeyong’s first. From two hours ago. 
I miss you. 
Your heart fluttered. Taeyong was thinking about you. 
Guilt made its way into your chest. You felt bad for responding so late. Aside from your little rooftop encounter, you had barely spoken to Taeyong at all today. 
Sorry. I’m with Jay. He wants to spend the night with me, you replied. That was very true. Jaehyun had no intention of leaving this room until tomorrow and he didn’t want to be alone. It was a bonus that he enjoyed your company.
The ‘delivered’ noticon changed to ‘read’ almost instantly, like Taeyong had been waiting by his phone. It’s fine. See you tomorrow. 
You frowned. You could feel his pain through the phone. It wasn’t your intention to blow him off, but your hands were tied. And every time you were with Taeyong, you felt more and more ashamed of yourself. 
Not to mention, you were drunk out of your mind. You didn’t trust yourself to be around Taeyong, but you especially didn’t trust your intoxicated self. 
Goodnight, Taeyong. 
Taeyong flopped backwards on his bed and sighed. All he wanted was you, but you weren’t his. And a part of him feared that you never would be. 
Jaehyun hadn’t been subtle earlier this evening. He left with every intention of getting some, a testament to his insobriety. Taeyong wondered if he was touching you in all the places he once did, if you’d given Jaehyun your body like you had given it to him. 
He couldn’t stomach it. The thought of you below another man, calling Jaehyun’s name. Fuck, could he even please you the way Taeyong could? Did he know your body the way Taeyong did? 
Maybe he truly was replaceable. You made him doubt whether he had ever been good enough for you. What if you decided last-minute that you didn’t want him - that you didn’t love him? 
I’m in love with you. That was what you said, but did you mean it? Did you really love him?
A girl had lied to him in the past. He was backstabbed and betrayed. But you weren’t her and she wasn’t you. Taeyong had faith that something more could blossom between the two of you, beyond the skin of friendship. 
Taeyong tossed and turned and struggled to fall asleep, staving off his demons. Meanwhile, you were in Jaehyun’s arms, safe and sound. 
Taeyong saw you the next day and the day after that, but you barely spoke. A word was exchanged here and there, but you made no move to engage in conversation with him and he found it difficult to steal you away. 
His fear was unabating. Had he said something wrong? A day or two ago, you had been seemingly fine. And now it felt more like you were avoiding him. 
To make matters worse, he was forced to watch you smile and laugh with Jaehyun. The two of you obviously hadn’t broken up yet. He thought you would have before the trip was over, and there were merely two days left. 
A bitter feeling scorched in Taeyong’s chest. 
Meanwhile, beneath the facade of a radiant girl in a happy relationship, you were shattering. Time was running out. It felt like the walls were slowly but steadily closing in on you. 
You knew you needed to do something, but you had no strength. You were terrified of how Jaehyun would respond. Would he be understanding? Would he resent you for breaking his heart on such short notice and getting with Taeyong even sooner? 
Guilt was crippling. You hadn’t felt it before, but it was merciless to you now. Everything was so heat of the moment with Taeyong and a test of your self-control. 
A knock from the door made both you and Jaehyun pause your conversation. No one announced themselves, thus you figured it wasn’t the hotel staff. And it was well past midnight. 
Jaehyun went to open the door and you followed suit. And your heart promptly sank when you realized who was there. 
“Hey,” Taeyong said stiffly, hands in his pockets. He nodded his head in your direction. “I know it’s late, but can I talk to you?” 
“Yeah. Sure,” you replied, sliding on your shoes. You were not eager, but you needed to get him away from Jaehyun. Your heart was being rapidly in your chest, twisting with fear. 
Taeyong knew it was a foolish idea to show up unannounced, in the middle of the night no less, but his restraint had depleted. He was worn and battered. And he needed his best friend. 
You gave Jaehyun a reassuring smile and said, “I’ll  be back, babe. Don’t wait up.”
Jaehyun was unperturbed and gave you a little nod, smiling back. “Keep her safe,” he told Taeyong. 
Your fragile heart broke. Why did love have to be so complicated? 
As soon as Jaehyun was out of earshot, you whispered to Taeyong, “Are you out of your goddamn mind?” 
“Yes,” was Taeyong’s wry response.
His lack of somberness made you bristle. “We have to be subtle. You looked mighty suspicious popping up after midnight. Jaehyun is…” 
Taeyong interjected bleakly, all of the humor in his tone absent, “You haven’t told him yet.”
You stepped inside his hotel room and blinked. “No. I haven’t.” 
Taeyong shut the door behind himself then flopped on his bed with a sigh, patting the spot next to him. You were reluctant, but ultimately took a seat. A storm of emotion raised hell inside your chest. How could he have been so close to you, but so far away?
You looked into his eyes and knew something - if not everything - was wrong. Taeyong wore his heart on his sleeve. He was sensitive and tender. His vulnerability was a blessing and a curse, something he'd come to hate and you'd come to adore. 
“Tell me what’s wrong,” you sang, rubbing his arm. “I can’t read your mind, Taeyong. You have to let me in.” 
Taeyong decided to be frank. “Have you been avoiding me?”
Your eyes flickered, and you responded by instinct, “I was trying to balance my time. I didn’t want him to become suspicious.”
“That called for a ‘yes’ or a ‘no.’” 
You heaved a breath. “Yes, I have been avoiding you.”
Taeyong said nothing. As much as it pained him, he understood. He knew what it was like to be in a relationship with someone, but long for somebody else. 
Though that never eased the sting of betrayal. It wounded him like nothing else. It was a scar he would carry for the rest of his life. 
“I want you,” Taeyong whispered. Even in the dark room, you could see how his eyes glimmered with sadness. “Every moment I’m away from you, I only want you even more.”
You exhaled, “Taeyong…”
“I’m not finished,” Taeyong said brusquely. “Even when I was with her, I was thinking about you. I was thinking, ‘is this really how love is supposed to be?’ And I wondered if it would be different with you.”
You just listened to the sound of your heart swelling with every passing word. 
“I think part of me knew it would be. Because you had already loved me better without being in a relationship with me.”
“I…,” you searched tirelessly for words, but came short of them. “I don’t know what to say.”
Taeyong was swift. “Say you love me.”
“I love you,” you told him sincerely. You lied next to him and made him look you in the eyes. “You know, I tried to move on. That’s why I got with Jaehyun. I thought that with you on the other side of the world, and another man on my hands, I would forget how it felt to love you. But I never did.”
Taeyong leaned in to kiss you, and as much as you wanted to, you couldn’t let him. You jerked away and stood to your feet. 
You shook your head, tears threatening to break through the dam. “I can’t do this.”
Taeyong rose after you. “Why can’t you?”
“Because I’m not yours!” you whisper-yelled, trying to be mindful of his most likely resting neighbors. “And you’re not mine!”
“Just let him down gently,” Taeyong sighed. 
You bristled. “Do you really think it’s that easy?” 
“If you love me, then yes.”
That shredded your heart and filled you with ire altogether, but because you didn’t want to fight, you turned around and chose flight. 
Taeyong - hot on your heels - chose to fight. He wanted to fight for you and everything you had together. He incredulously trailed behind you, wanting to put the pieces together again instead of leaving them damaged and broken. 
“Where are you going?” he called from behind you, speeding up his pace to match yours. 
You continued to stomp away lividly, not turning sparing him a glance. “Away from you,” you replied coldly. 
“No, you're not,” Taeyong growled, grabbing your arm and forcing you to look at him. He was fuming, eyes narrowed and his aura the most vicious you'd ever seen. “You can’t run away. You can’t hide from me.”
That was rich. You chuckled sourly. “Oh, but you can?” 
“No,” Taeyong snapped harshly. His grip on your arm was firm, but cautious. “Neither of us. If this is going to work, if we’re going to be together, then we need to learn how to face confrontation.”
Breaking loose from his grasp, you shouted, “I wish I didn’t love you!”
Taeyong riveted in place. “You don’t mean that.”
“I do,” you said ruthlessly, trying to prevent your voice from cracking. “Do you think I’ve been miserable for the past three years out of choice? If I could stop loving you, I fucking would!” 
“Baby, calm down,” Taeyong whispered, trying to placate you. His eyes scanned the area for onlookers, and though there weren’t many at this hour, there were quite a few. 
You didn’t listen, taking steps further away with every step he took closer to you. This was mentally - and emotionally - wearing you down. “Don’t you feel anything? Even a goddamn ounce of guilt?” 
“So then, break up!”
Shaking your head, you bitterly accepted that he would never understand. And you made a beeline for one of the doors on his floor, well aware of who was on the other side. 
You pounded on the door relentlessly. “Come on, come on,” you chanted to yourself. Any second now, Taeyong would catch up to you. You wished he would leave you alone. You wanted him to get out of your head. You hated that you needed him even though you didn’t want to. 
Rosé opened the door with a bemused expression on her face. 
You begged her, “Please, let me in and lock the door.” 
Rosé didn’t hesitate to sweep you inside, locking the door behind you. She glimpsed outside the blinds, trying to find what in the hell had you so distressed. “What the hell happened?” 
“You were right,” you said, collapsing in a mess on the floor. You were giving away, coming apart at the seams. “I loved Taeyong. I still do.”
Rosé was tempted to make a snarky remark about how she already knew, but she understood that wasn’t what you needed. She held her arms wide open for you to crawl into. 
You sobbed on her shoulder. You cried until you had no more tears left. Surprisingly, she never judged you. Your friend simply held you in her embrace and gave you a reassuring pat on the back, singing her consoles softly. 
You were so overwhelmed. You had no strength against your emotions. They got the best of and vanquished you. 
I hate Taeyong, you thought bitterly. No you don’t. You hate the way he makes you feel. You hate that you can’t undo everything you’ve said and done to each other. You hate that no matter what happens, you’ll always love him. 
It seemed so simple. If you broke up with Jaehyun, you could finally have the man of your dreams, but at what cost? Being the object of Jaehyun’s acrimony? Your peace of mind? 
No matter what option you choose, your heart was at stake. 
A little refreshed, you eventually pulled away from Rosé. Though she had no issue with being there for you, she was still curious. “Want to tell me what’s going on?”
You explained everything. How you fell in love with Taeyong a long, long time ago. How you gave away your heart in exchange for sex with him. How you tried to get over him by getting under Jaehyun. How none of it worked, and you came to discover Taeyong had feelings for you, too. 
These were secrets you'd kept buried under the surface for years now, and to your surprise, you felt relieved of the burden once they were all out there. 
“I’ve spent an eternity pretending. I’m exhausted, Rosie,” you confessed. 
Rosé bobbed her head understandingly. “What’s stopping you from breaking up with Jaehyun?” 
“I don’t want to keep his heart locked away anymore. He deserves someone better than me,” you began, staring at the floor. “I don’t want to hurt him. I don’t want to get with Taeyong and make Jaehyun feel like he never meant anything to me. But I guess I’m just delaying the inevitable.”
Rosé chuckled lightly. “You are. It’s selfish to wait when he could already be trying to move on and find the girl meant for him. And who knows - maybe he already knows this moment is coming sooner or later.” 
You blinked. “I guess that’s true.”
“You already told me yourself that you’re tired of pretending. Why pretend, then? What if he’s pretending as well? As long as you’re living a lie, you’ll never move on or know peace.”
You frowned. 
“Look. I understand why you’re doing this,” Rosé started, reaching for your hand. “But that doesn’t make it right or healthy. You have to set Jaehyun free.” 
Your eyes burned with tears again. “What if he hates me?”
“He won’t,” Rosé told you sternly, as if she knew it for a fact. “Jaehyun is your friend before anything. I think you’d have to slap his mother for him to hate you.”
You chuckled. Jaehyun was a Mama’s boy. 
“Do the right thing,” she told you. 
“I will,” you sighed. “But can I stay here for the night?”
Rosé nudged you. “Of course. But don’t avoid Taeyong for too long. You need to apologize for what you said.”
You nodded. Tomorrow you would make everything right. You owed it to everyone around you. 
Literally. You and Taeyong made quite the commotion earlier. It seemed that raising hell was one of your strengths. 
In the morning, you arranged a spot for you and Jaehyun to meet and gave him a call. Last night you texted him last-minute to notify him that you’d be spending the night with Rosé. 
It didn’t take a genius to put together what you had in mind, and you didn’t know whether that was a negative or positive thing. 
Waiting for Jaehyun made you dangerously antsy. You silently hoped the ocean would sweep you under and swallow you whole, never to be seen again. Last night had given you the final push to do what was necessary, but that made it no simpler a task. You were a bundle of nerves, sweat beading at your forehead. 
Thank God, you thought when you saw Jaehyun finally turning the corner. Any longer and you would faint. 
“Good morning,” Jaehyun greeted, casting you a curious look. 
“Good morning. Your favorite,” you said, handing him a cup of coffee made exactly the way he liked it. 
Jaehyun grabbed the cup graciously. “Thank you. You said there’s something you wanted to talk to me about?”
“Um, yeah,” you said, rubbing your neck. “You might want to sit down.”
Jaehyun looked and sounded completely indifferent when he said, “You’re breaking up with me.”
Your eyes flickered with surprise, but you stammered, “Yeah, I… I am. Listen, Jaehyun. You’re a great guy, but I’d be lying if I said my heart wasn’t in a different place.”
“I know.” 
“And I know this is sudden, but…,” you trailed off, processing what he had said. “You know?” 
It alarmed you that Jaehyun was completely chill. You half expected him to snap at any given moment. “You have always felt more like a friend to me than a girlfriend. I have known for some time that there was something missing in our relationship. It’s not hard to tell that we’re both thinking about different people when we make love to each other.”
Now you were completely confused. “Both?” 
Perfectly on cue, no other than Rosé waltzed up to you, smiling innocently. Your jaw nearly hit the floor as you put the pieces together. 
All of the signs had been there. In hindsight, given the amount of time the pair spent together, neither of them were exactly subtle. But you were too engrossed in your Taeyong fiasco to notice what was happening squarely under your nose. 
You scrambled for words. “You…”
Rosé smiled sheepishly. “Sorry, hon. Don’t be too mad. We did nothing you and Taeyong already haven’t.”
It ended up being you that needed to sit down. You shook your head, in disbelief. You weren’t hurt, but you were in shock. “How?” 
“Well, like I said, I already knew something was missing in our relationship. A couple years ago, I started talking to Rosé. We agreed not to let things get too serious until you and I broke up,” Jaehyun explained. 
No wonder Rosé had been trying to pry you off of Jaehyun and into Taeyong’s arms. She wanted him for herself. Everything she told you last night was because she already knew that Jaehyun had found another girl and was expecting your relationship to fall apart any moment now.
Love has no expiration date. Some people spend their whole lives hopelessly in love with the same person. Had she been talking about herself?
Figuring you had nothing to add, Jaehyun diplomatically added, “I don’t want this to put a dent in either of our friendships.”
You peered up at him, brow cocked. “Are you kidding? I shouldn’t be this happy that my boyfriend has been talking to my friend behind my back but I am. I was afraid you were going to despise me indefinitely.” 
“You aren’t exactly a saint either,” Rosé said lightheartedly. 
“I know,” you sighed, then turned back to Jaehyun. “I’m sorry.”
Jaehyun was unbothered and gave you a playful nudge. “Let’s call it even.” 
You smiled. With that burden out of the way, you could breathe a little easier. But your eyes grew wide as you remembered you had one more person you needed to talk to. 
“Do either of you know where Taeyong is?” 
“He’s where you would find any other crabby Cancer,” Rosé replied, totally amused. 
You bid Rosé and Jaehyun goodbye and made a beeline for the beach. 
Spotting Taeyong took no time at all. He stood at the shore with his feet smothered in the sand. His body faced the ocean, but you could recognize that back anywhere. Your fingernails had become very familiar with it as well. 
Abandoning your shoes by a beach chair, you began to chase after him, bare feet roaming hot sand. “Taeyong!” 
Taeyong knew the sound of your voice and warmth spread through his chest when he heard it. He turned around, met with the sight of you looking ready to pounce on him. 
“Walk the shore with me?” you asked, chest heaving for breath. 
His voice was small. “Sure.”
The two of you walked in deafening silence. You nervously wracked your brain, searching for the right words to say. They never came. Your mouth had so much to say last night and now you were running on empty. 
Deciding to go with the flow, you inhaled and exhaled. “I broke up with Jaehyun.”
Taeyong stiffened. “How did it go?” 
“Very amicably,” you replied, recalling the unbelievable scenario that had taken place merely moments ago. “Apparently, he and Rosé have been talking.”
Seeing as Taeyong had no comment, silence fell over you both again. 
“I owe you an apology,” you added a couple moments later. 
Taeyong folded his arms over his chest. “I’m waiting.”
Your breath got shaky. “I’m sorry for what I said last night. It was cruel and you didn’t deserve any of that. I love you, Taeyong. That’s all I want to do. And if there’s anything I can do to make it better, let me know.”
“Be mine.”
You slipped your finger through his. “I am yours. Every part of me. My heart beats for you, Taeyong.”
Taeyong couldn’t control himself for another second and leaned over to kiss you. You didn’t hesitate to kiss him back, in front of the whole world, where almost anyone and everyone could see you. Not that either of you seemed to care. You wanted the entire universe to know that you belonged to each other. 
Noting that you weren't trying to shy away, Taeyong kissed you even harder. You moaned into his mouth, a noise that drove him positively insane. 
Your now-boyfriend was high on the realization that he could now kiss you whenever he wanted, wherever he wanted. You were his, and he would make sure no one ever forgot. It caught you completely off guard when Taeyong attached his lips to your neck, and you sucked in a gasp, numb as his tongue warmed your weak spot. 
Taeyong smirked. He still remembered where it was. You used to go through hell and back to cover the marks he left on your neck and collarbone, though now you had nothing to hide. 
Before it got too far, you pulled away and said, “Mm, let’s not get banned from the resort. Can I come to your room tonight?”
Taeyong knew what that meant. “You know the way.”
For the rest of the day, you had an indestructible smile on your face. You had made out with Taeyong for all to see before noon, no less - and it was incredible. 
And when night fell, surely enough, you were at his door. 
Taeyong wasted no time in sweeping you inside, shutting the door and pressing your back into the surface. You gasped, and had a split second to react before he smashed his lips against yours. You combed your fingers through his hair, closing your eyes and letting love and lust aid you. 
Your body burned with want. Never had you needed anything so desperately. You wanted Taeyong and you wanted him now. 
“Fuck,” you moaned when Taeyong raked his teeth over your neck. “Fuck me.”
You both raced to the bed, shredding each other of your clothes messily. They were a mess in his room when you were finished, not even in a heap on the floor, but carelessly tossed and scattered across his room to never be seen again. The air was chill, but it was a perfect contrast to your bodies, scorching with arousal. 
Wanting to see your face while he was inside you, Taeyong made you lay on your back before he fucked you. 
Taeyong cursed himself when he realized he had no condoms. Needless to say, he wasn’t expecting at all to fuck his best friend turned girlfriend. 
“You don’t need a condom, baby. Just fuck me,” you purred, spreading your legs as if to entice him further. 
Your boyfriend was half a second away from becoming a ferocious animal. The mere thought of fucking you full of his cum again was enough to deplete his sanity. “Did you let Jay fuck you raw?” he growled, needing to know. 
You shook your head. “Never. Only you.”
Satisfied, Taeyong inched between your parted legs, mouth watering at how eager you were for him and the sight of your wet cunt on display for his eyes alone. He wanted to destroy you, but that was if you didn’t leave him in ruins first. 
Taeyong glided his cock to and fro on your folds, coating himself in your arousal. Your teeth clamped onto your bottom lip every time he brushed your clit, sensitive and tender, and at one point you determined the teasing had to be deliberate. 
You sucked in a gasp when he finally began to push inside, teeth clamping harder. Any moment now, they would be damp with blood. Your eyes rolled to the back of your skull as soon as you were filled to the core, every inch of him swallowed by your non-loosening cunt. The grip was deathly, as if you refused to let him go. It tore a mean growl out of him that only made you clamp around him even tighter. 
Taeyong set a hurried rhythm that made the bed tremble with his movements. He wanted to be slow, wanted to draw it out, but the way you gripped him so warmly and tight said otherwise. His body was on autopilot, driven by impulse and desire. 
Every time he thrusted in, you whimpered. You had been counting down the hours until you could finally have him, scrambling for distraction after distraction, and it was so worth it. 
“God,” you whimpered, standing at the threshold of insanity. 
Taeyong was right behind you. Wherever you went, he was hot on your heels. Under your spell, he would follow you into a ring of fire. 
Metaphorically speaking, he was already balls deep inside one. 
Heat split you right down the middle. Nothing less than earth-shattering. It was a prominent fact that Taeyong had enjoyed both inflicting and watching you come apart under his heel. You were stranded at the very eye of a pleasure-induced vortex, with no top and no bottom. No start and no finish.
Just never-ending pleasure.
“I missed this,” Taeyong growled, making your breath crawl in your throat. “I missed you.”
You searched tirelessly for the strength to speak. “Me, too,” you croaked. 
A sigh of pleasure parted your lips as Taeyong continued to rock inside you. You were in disbelief that you could have ever given this up - given him up. Surely, you had to have been out of your mind. 
Taeyong knew your body like nobody else. Every scar, every strength, every weakness - the knowledge lay awake in the palms of his hands. You had been ignorant of how intimate it was until you fell for him, and now it was unignorable. The depths of the power he had over you. 
Little did you know, you had the same power over him. His fate lied in your hands. He was vulnerable to you in ways the rest of the world would never see. 
In the same way that he owned you, you owned him. 
“God, you’re amazing,” Taeyong moaned, every piece of his self-control floating in the ocean somewhere. As was yours. 
Tears of pleasure welled in your eyes. You were being reduced to tears. To be under Taeyong again, it felt natural and whole. Like this was how it was meant to be. 
Your noises were spiraling out of control. Taeyong made it all too easy to forget that other people existed in this great, huge world. In your mind, it was only you and him. 
Taeyong clamped a palm over your mouth and shushed you. “Quiet, baby. You’ll make somebody mad.”
He was making you mad. 
You clenched the sheets in your fists to anchor yourself, but even the bed was giving way to his lack of mercy. Your sounds were smothered by his palm, but you were crying out his name and he could tell. 
Taeyong proudly watched the sight of you convulsing beneath him, breasts bouncing and your skin beading with glimmering sweat. In the same vein, sweat gathered at his forehead and his chest heaved. You were making a mess of the sheets - making a mess of each other. 
“I’m gonna cum,” you warned, pulse speeding as you neared release. 
However close you were, Taeyong was likely even closer, and he stuffed a hand between your warm legs, toying with your clit. Your response was instant, legs instinctively trying to close, but Taeyong moved his hand that was clamped over your mouth and gripped your thighs tightly. You watched his biceps seal your movement, taut with muscle. 
You could merely squirm, unable to remain still. Taeyong knew exactly which buttons to mash. You were going to fall apart in record time. 
“Let go with me,” Taeyong pleaded, endeavoring to coax you into an orgasm. “Please, baby.” 
You were so lost, so tangled in his web. Like a fly to a spider. You knew you were doomed then, but you had no room to desire actual release; only the kind that set your soul free.
And a billion emotions with it.
Your bodies moved in league with one another, you arching into him. You were nothing short of restless. Orgasm was calling your name in a chant, sweet and honey-like. It was impossible to ignore what your entire body yearned for. 
You surrendered, shuddering with climax. Taeyong had to lock his palm over your mouth again, smothering the scream you made as orgasm reduced you to only ecstasy. Your eyes closed as your lips tore open, your heart thumping mightily in your chest. You were scorching all over, skin on fire. 
Taeyong came not a moment later, cock twitching with climax. His teeth clamped into his bottom lip, and the growl that slipped between made you feel as if you could cum again on command. He anchored himself with his hands on your waist as his orgasm tore something absolutely inhuman out of him. 
The feeling of his cum stuffing you full made you moan. It made you feel whole and complete. You were limp against the mattress, lips parted in shallow breaths as you tried desperately to catch your breath. Taeyong slackened, collapsing at your side once sated. Meanwhile, you fought a smile as you felt his release trickling warmly down your legs and thighs. 
Taeyong’s first instinct was to check up on you, eyes big and starry as he asked, “Are you okay?“
You sighed, “Dunno. I think you broke me.”
His face tensed with concern and you busted into laughter. 
“I’m kidding,” you said, pressing a brief but reassuring kiss to the corner of his mouth. “I’m all good, baby.”
Taeyong smiled softly. A moment of silence passed, but it was pleasant. You listened to the sounds of each other’s breath, comforted because it was proof that you were there. Neither of you wanted to move or leave, content to merely be in the presence of one another.
Taeyong had you and you had Taeyong. That was all you needed. 
“Tell me you’ll stay,” Taeyong said, breaking the silence first. 
“I’ll stay.” 
Like he was unsatisfied, Taeyong added, “Tell me you’ll never leave.”
“I’ll never, ever leave you. You have my word on that,” you promised solemnly. “I don’t want to pretend anymore, Taeyong. I love you.” 
Taeyong’s heart pounded with both awe and ache. His fingers laced through yours and squeezed comfortably. “You don’t have to pretend with me. I promise.”
You both lay comfortably in each other’s embrace, your head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat spelling your name. 
The morning you all had to check out of the hotel, you leaned your back against your car, facing the resort fondly. It had been one hell of a week here, but you were appreciative. 
As always, Taeyong was right at your side. 
“What have we both learned from this trip?” 
“We both run from our issues like cowards,” Taeyong drawled, a wry smile on his face. 
“Mm. How compatible are we,” you deadpanned. 
Taeyong stole a quick kiss and snickered. “Very.” 
Yesterday you announced to your mutual group of friends that you were dating, as well as the fact that Rosé and Jaehyun were dating now. Which - as expected - garnered a handful of mixed responses. It would definitely take some time to get used to. 
Not like you cared. For once you were contentedly in love. No more dwelling on the days of the past, wondering what could have and should have been if you would have done this or that. 
Taeyong seemed to have the same idea. His heartache finally subsided after years. It was him that had left, but you were the one that got away. 
“I love you,” you whispered, wrapping your arms around his body and resting your head on his chest. “I need you to know that.”
Taeyong was beaming. Never had he been more in love. You were his first, his last, and his everything in between. 
“I know,” Taeyong replied. His heart was at ease at last. “I will never forget it, baby.”
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chaoticforever · 19 days
Misinterpreted Intentions | Lucifer Morningstar x Male! Reader
Summary: When faced with danger, unforeseen complications can always arise. However, not only do unforeseen complications happen in the middle of danger — but also behind closed doors. Y/n and Lucifer learn that the hard way.
A/n: Guess who’s back?
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A ripple of tension coursed through his jaw, the muscles flexing with restrained intensity. The man's hands curled into a clenched fist, an outward manifestation of the anger that was stirring inside him.
The air in the precinct was tense as Lucifer Morningstar and Chloe Decker delved into their latest case. They were at Chloe's desk, sifting through piles of evidence and discussing possible leads. As they engaged in their detective work, Lucifer's piercing gaze, however, strayed from the files and landed on a sight that provoked a spark of jealousy inside him. 
Across the space, Y/n, his boyfriend and fellow detective was standing at his own desk, immersed in conversation with an Officer. The Devil's eyes trailed over the curve of Y/n's smile and the playful glint in his eye. His eyes narrowed, looking at Y/n's body language and the way he had leaned closer to the man. They’re flirting.
Their laughter echoed through the room, and Lucifer couldn't help but feel a knot tighten in his stomach. He just couldn’t believe that his boyfriend would flirt with someone else when he had Lucifer. His mind raced with doubts and insecurities, clouding his normally razor-sharp focus. Lucifer found it increasingly challenging to concentrate on the case at hand from watching the man who had captured his heart like no other flirt with another man.
And what ignited a primal fire inside him is when Lucifer witnessed Y/n sensually rubbing the officer's well-defined biceps. 
Lucifer gritted his teeth. 
Chloe shot him a concerned glance, her brows furrowing. "Lucifer, are you okay?" 
Without providing an explanation, The Devil strode across the room, his steps filled with an uncharacteristic urgency. Each click of his polished shoes against the floor made the anger inside him boil.
In his haste, he reached into his pocket and retrieved a small silver whistle that he had used for devilish amusement on a previous occasion. Stopping in front of the pair, Lucifer blew the whistle with a sharp, piercing sound that reverberated throughout the room without a thought. 
The unexpected interruption caused Y/n and the officer's conversation to cease, their eyes widening in surprise. Lucifer stood before them, a suave smile firmly plastered on his face to hide his feelings.
Y/n's eyes locked onto his. "Oh, hi, Luci."
"Y/n." Lucifer's voice carried a subtle yet unmistakable undercurrent of tension. "I couldn't help but notice your... display of affection towards Officer Biceps. Do you wanna tell me why you were doing that?"
"Oh, I wanted to know where Jason was feeling sore after his intense workout at the gym yesterday," The man in question explained, his e/c eyes scanning Jason's physique appreciatively. "And it appears  that the gym has worked wonders since he looks like a God with those muscles; I suppose the pain is a small price to pay." 
A rosy hue tainted Jason's cheeks as his friend's words echoed in the station, but he instinctively took a step back when he was met with Lucifer's heated glare. Y/n's gaze drifted between the two men. 
"Lucifer, are you alright?" Y/n's voice was filled with genuine concern as he placed a comforting hand on Lucifer's shoulder.
A flicker of annoyance crossed Lucifer's eyes. How could Y/n seriously have the audacity to ask if he was alright while shamelessly flirting with another man right in front of him? Did Y/n not value their relationship? Did he not take their relationship seriously? Lucifer knew he couldn't let these doubts consume him, but he realized that he had to confront the issue head-on, right at that moment. 
Before any further conversation could unfold, however, Chloe's voice rang out, cutting through the tension in the room like a sharp blade. "Lucifer, Y/n, we have a situation," she said urgently, holding up her phone to display the breaking news. "There was a murder downtown and the Captain wants us three to head out now."
The weight of the murder investigation hung heavily in the air, extinguishing any opportunity for Lucifer to confront Y/n. now. The pressing urgency of their duty took precedence over personal matters. 
Reluctantly, Lucifer tore his gaze away from Y/n, his mind churning with a mix of jealousy and unanswered questions. "Seems the universe has other plans," he said, disappointment evident in his tone. 
Lucifer followed Chloe's lead, his steps heavy with a mix of emotions with Y/n, walking beside him. He cast a lingering glance at his lover, who wore a mixture of confusion and concern. He would be sure to address this issue at a later time.
The case demanded their attention now. 
Lucifer, Chloe, and Y/n finally arrived at the crime scene, greeted by the flashing lights of police cars and the murmur of curious onlookers. The three detectives stepped out of their sleek black car and made their way toward the yellow police tape that marked the perimeter of the crime scene and onlookers before them. 
As they entered the dimly lit warehouse, the scent of death hung heavy in the air. The victim, a young man, lay motionless on the ground floor. Ella — the forensics expert — was busily capturing images of the dead guy, so the trio approached her. 
"Hi, Ella, can you tell us about what has happened here so far?” Chloe asked, her eyes raking over the deceased individual.
"Someone did a real number on this guy. The victim's name is Samuel Anderson. Thirty-two. There are red marks around his neck to indicate that he was choked before being shot three times —  once in the shoulder and twice in the forehead. Oh! And there's another peculiar detail — the number three is carved into the back of his neck... along with some writing on the wall in his own blood," Ella explained, capturing another snapshot of the dead.
"Looks like someone wanted to exercise their creative side." The Devil remarked, eyes peering closely at the lifeless body. Despite his feelings regarding Y/n at the time, Lucifer maintained his composure, his sharp wit and dry humor fully intact. 
Chloe rolled her eyes at Lucifer's flippant remarks. "Are there any witnesses?" The blonde detective asked, hoping for leads.
Ella pointed to the left, where a man, tall and muscular, stood. "That guy standing over there, Benjamin Young, was the one to call the police and discover the body."
Y/n's gaze lifted from the lifeless body after hearing that name, a name he was familiar with. A friend from his past. The male followed Ella's pointing finger and, without a doubt, saw his old friend there.
The h/c haired male walked over to him. 
"Well, if it isn't Benny Young himself," Y/n remarked, shooing the officer away but keeping his gaze fixed on his old friend. Once alone, he added, "It seems trouble has a knack for finding you, doesn't it?"
Benny chuckled, giving Y/n a once-over. "Looks like you've fulfilled your dream of becoming the hottest male detective in Los Angeles, Y/n L/n," he noted before addressing Y/n's remark. "And spot on, trouble has a way of gravitating towards me. But you know what they say, trouble loves good company, and I can’t help but notice that you're always nearby. Maybe, just maybe, you've got a taste for it too."
Y/n hummed in contemplation, stroking his chin in fake seriousness. "You might be onto something there. We should talk about your little fetish over drinks later?"
Benny smirked. "Sounds like a plan."
Chloe, watching the two friends interact, couldn't help but roll her eyes. She was used to Y/n’s flirtatious nature, but at a crime scene, it was highly inappropriate. 
Lucifer could not contain his discomfort either. The devil crossed his arms, a hint of jealousy creeping into his expression. He discreetly moved closer, pretending to examine a piece of evidence nearby. 
Clearing his throat, Lucifer interrupted Benny and Y/n’s conversation. "Ahem," Lucifer coughed, drawing their attention. "Y/n, I see you have found yourself quite the captivating conversation partner, but you need to focus on the investigation, not engaging in personal conversations."
Y/n turned towards Lucifer, momentarily taken aback by his reprimand. Normally, they were the ones cracking jokes and goofing off, but now Lucifer was calling him out. He opened his mouth to speak but caught Chloe's disapproving glance. He nodded in acknowledgment instead.
"Right, sorry," Y/n apologized, expression turning serious, "Benny, this is Detective Decker and Lucifer Morningstar. Do you mind if they ask you certain questions?"
"Ask away."
Chloe took charge, probing Benny about how he stumbled upon the body. Benny explained he was heading to the coffee shop nearby when he heard gunshots from this nearby warehouse. Spotting a figure fleeing, he entered the warehouse and found the victim dead on the ground.
While Chloe questioned Benny further, Lucifer scrutinized him. Though tall, well-built, and somewhat charismatic — three qualities that would attract Y/n — Benny paled in comparison to Lucifer. And this thought brought a smirk to Lucifer's lips.
As Chloe listened to Benny's statement, Benny eventually asked if he could leave and Lucifer noticed his fidgety behavior.
The Devil's eyes narrowed again.
"What's the hurry, Mr. Young?" He asked, accusation present in his tone of voice. "Maybe you were the one who killed this guy or knows someone who could have."
"Lucifer, Benny just said that he has no connection to the victim," Y/n reminded him, but Lucifer disregarded his words. Instead, he leaned in real close to Benny, maintaining strong eye contact with him.
"Tell me, Benjamin, what is it you desire?"
Y/n sighed as he and Chloe watched as Lucifer's mojo took effect on Benny fast. "I... I want to spend time alone with Y/n."
Upon hearing Benny utter his true desire, a frown etched itself onto Lucifer's face. Y/n, on the other hand, grinned brightly at his old friend. "Oh, Benny, you always know how to tug at my heartstrings," Y/n draped his arm around Benny's shoulder. "How about you and I spend some time together now that doesn't involve a dead body lying in the middle of the ground?"
"Y/n, we have a case to do," the blonde added in, giving the man a pointed look.
"Don't worry, Detective. I'm sure you and Lucifer can handle the case without me," Y/n reassured Chloe. "Besides, Benny is our only witness, so he'll need someone to keep him safe. It's the right job for me."
"I'm not sure that's a good idea." Don't go anywhere with this man. Stay here and help me solve this case, Lucifer thought.
"Well, I think it's a perfect idea," the h/c haired male countered, gently squeezing Benny's arm. "Let's catch up, old friend." Then, Y/n and Benny left the warehouse.
A fist formed in Lucifer's hands. He had the burning desire to bring Y/n back to his side to keep him away from that guy. Watching his lover flirt with his friends was already bad enough, but seeing Y/n leave with one of them? It didn't sit well with him. He hated that. Lucifer moved forward, attempting to follow after Y/n and remind him who he belongs to, who he'll always belong to when the blonde's voice snapped him out of his thoughts.
"You know, jealousy isn't a good color on you. Y/n is just reconnecting with an old friend, so there's no need to be jealous. You know he loves and cares about you."
The Devil was uncertain about whether to believe the detective's words. He had witnessed much today that contradicted the statement, and actions spoke louder than words. Nevertheless, he had a duty to fulfill. He planned to address Y/n's behavior later that night. Straightening himself up, he forced a smile at Chloe, temporarily setting aside his emotions.
"On with the case, Detective!"
Later in the night, once the sun retreated and the moon took its place in the dark sky, casting a soft, gentle glow upon the city, Lucifer stood inside his penthouse, drink in hand, phone in the other, looking out the window. The night sky, adorned with twinkling stars, stretched endlessly across the horizon. All comforting vibes.
Finishing the last sip of his drink, Lucifer acknowledged the beauty and solace of the outside view, yet couldn't extend the same sentiment to inside the penthouse.
Because Y/n was conspicuously absent.
Lucifer had been calling and texting him ever since he returned to the penthouse, but every single call went to voicemail, and his messages were left on delivered.
He forced himself to inhale and exhale so he wouldn't unleash hell on Earth, but the thought grew increasingly tempting. The man who had promised to be his is out with another man somewhere, doing who knows what with that muscular guy.
Lucifer's frustration peaked as he dialed Y/n's number again — only to be greeted by the unwelcome voice of voicemail. In a surge of anger, he clenched that phone tightly, feeling its fragile frame give way in his hand. With a resounding crack, the device shattered, its pieces crumbling in his grasp before tumbling to the ground.
And then, Lucifer's clenched fist collided with the windows, shattering the pristine glass into many shimmering fragments. The shards of broken glass mirrored the shattered pieces of his own uncertainty.
The dark-haired devil headed over to the mini-bar, pouring himself another drink and downing it in one swift motion. The doors to the elevator suddenly slid open and out stepped Y/n L/n, a radiant smile gracing his features. He was oblivious to the storm brewing beneath the surface.
"Hey, Luci," Y/n walked over to Lucifer. and placed a hand on his shoulder, but Lucifer quickly shrugged off the gesture, rejecting the touch and Y/n's expression twisted in confusion at the unexpected coldness. "What's wrong? Are you okay?"
Darkness clouded Lucifer's gaze. "Am I okay? Really? After your behavior today, how can you even ask me that question?"
Y/n's confusion deepened. "What do—"
"So, tell me Y/n, how was your date with your old friend? Did you enjoy your time bonding over shared memories, holding hands like some love-struck teenagers?"
Y/n blinked twice, his gaze lingering on his boyfriend. "Uh, yeah, Benny and I had a good time, and he shared information that could help with the case," he shared, his words punctuated by a pause before he broached a delicate question. "Um, is everything okay?" Y/n's words carried an undertone of both concern and curiosity.
"No, everything is not okay, Y/n."
"What's wrong?" Y/n inquired worriedly.
"What's wrong," the devil's voice crackled throughout the room, his tone carrying a sinister edge as he clenched the glass in his hand until it shattered. "is that you're out there, flirting with other guys in front of me, touching them, staring at them as if you want to be with them and not me. What do you have to say for yourself?"
Y/n shrugged, failing to grasp the gravity of the situation and Lucifer's feelings. "I love to playfully flirt with my friends. It's all harmless fun. It's really not a big deal."
"The big deal is that you should not be flirting with anyone on this earth but me."
"Well, as I said, it's all just harmless fun. You, of all people, can understand that."
Lucifer tilted his head, stepping closer to Y/n. "And what's that supposed to mean?"
Y/n stood his ground, mirroring Lucifer's steps and closing the distance between them. "You know what I mean. You used to flirt with others all the time, but when I do it with my dear friends, it's an issue?"
"Yes, it's an issue because you're flirting with others when you're in a committed relationship.  Since we've been together, I haven't flirted with anyone else and you need to stop flirting with people as well."
"No," Y/n shook his head, dismissing the brown-haired man's explanation, despite acknowledging a kernel of truth within it. "I'm not changing how I interact with my friends just to meet your expectations."
Lucifer couldn't believe what Y/n said. How could he justify flirting with others, even in a friendship context, while being in a relationship with him? It seemed like Y/n lacked genuine commitment to their relationship and failed to recognize how this particular problem affected Lucifer.
"Well, then maybe you should go be with Benny Young or Officer Biceps since you clearly want to be with them and not me."
"You know what? Maybe I will."
Y/n didn't even hesitate for a moment as he pivoted and stepped into the awaiting elevator, leaving Lucifer there — all alone.
The Devil released a heavy sigh, feeling disheartened by the turn of events. This was not the resolution he had hoped for. He wanted to address the issue with Y/n, to find a way to reconcile, but instead, it appeared as though Y/n was slipping further away with each passing moment.
"Dammit!" Lucifer lashed out at the nearest thing within reach — his beloved piano that now lay in ruins under his feet.
It was the same piano where Lucifer and the h/c haired man had shared their first kiss together. Y/n had sat beside Lucifer, listening as the dark-haired man sang to him. Their hands had intertwined on the keys, and in that moment, their eyes met one another. They couldn't resist sharing a passionate kiss. It was a scene etched into Lucifer's heart. The piano had once symbolized the love and bond they had.
Now, the piano lay shattered, its once seamless surface split in two, mirroring the fractured state of their relationship.
Lucifer couldn’t sleep.  
His mind raced, thinking about what had transpired today and his argument with Y/n. His hand instinctively reached over; Lucifer usually wrapped his arm around Y/n and pulled him closer, but there was no one to pull closer. He was alone. The bed felt considerably cold without Y/n.
The Devil got to his feet and walked over to the bar filled with alcoholic drinks. He sank onto a barstool and poured himself a drink, letting the alcohol flow down his trachea. It was going to be a long night.
In the past, when Lucifer sometimes felt hurt or confused, he'd find somebody to or both, he would find someone to have sex with as a means of relief. A thought came into his mind at that very second.
The dark-haired guy considered going to his club to find someone to have a good time with tonight, knowing that he easily attracts both men and women. However, he dismissed the thought from his mind as quickly as it came. He wouldn't cheat on Y/n because they were still together.
So, alcohol was his only companion now.
Lucifer downed one glass, then another, and then another. He sometimes mixed different alcohols or drank straight from the bottle, liquor burning down his throat.
As the night wore on, the sun had finally ascended, casting a warm glow through the window, but Lucifer paid it no mind. The Devil walked across the room and looked at himself in the nearby mirror.
And there it was:
The telltale signs of a drunk night.
His skin was pale and his eyes were bloodshot, with dark circles underneath that made him look like a zombie from a scary film. His hair was a mess, sticking up in all directions, and his stubble only added to his disreputable appearance, making him look like he had just rolled out of his bed after a week-long bender. He looked a mess, and it was Y/n's fault.
Glancing at the clock, Lucifer realized he was late for work. He put his suit jacket on and left the penthouse, unconcerned with his disheveled state. Upon arriving at the precinct, Lucifer's feet carried him to the board room, where he saw Chloe looking over the evidence on the board.
"Hello, Detective."
"It’s about time you showed up, Lucifer. You’re very late," Chloe's gaze traveled to the man in question, and she took in his disheveled state. "And you look like hell."
A mixture of a snicker and a chuckle left his lips. "I haven’t heard that one before."
The blonde squinted. "Are you drunk?"
"Only slightly drunk, unfortunately. This supernatural metabolism keeps getting in the way. Still doesn't stop me from trying, though." Lucifer reached into his jacket and retrieved his silver flask — he raised it to his mouth and a long swig.
"No, Lucifer!" Chloe took the flask from Lucifer, "No, drinking on the job. We have a case to solve, and Dan and Y/n should be here any second with information for us. I need you to be focused, not drunk."
Right at that very moment, Y/n and Dan walked into the boardroom, and, as if on cue, they both looked straight at Lucifer. Since Lucifer usually takes great care to seem well-groomed, except today, Y/n's eyes widened as he examined Lucifer as if he had never seen him in such a state.
Which, to be fair, he hasn't.
"Well, speak of the devil's boyfriend," he muttered under his breath, eyes fixed on Y/n. "Though I don't know if that title still applies after your little cheating scandal."
Y/n let out a sigh, e/c eyes meeting his. "Luci, can we talk about this in private?"
"There's nothing to talk about, Y/n. We have a case to solve, not to discuss the relationship problems you caused. So what information do you have for us?"
Chloe and Dan exchanged a little glance, feeling the tension in the room between the two men but staying quiet. Y/n rolled his eyes but recognized that this wasn't the time for that personal conversation.
Dan cleared his throat, bringing the focus back to the case. "Well, Y/n and I think we have a lead. Benjamin sat down with the sketch artist and identified the man he saw leaving the scene: Thomas Wilson, a criminal with history of running an illegal drug operation in Los Angeles. He had been convicted and sentenced to life in prison without parole for drugs and being a child killer two years ago."
Y/n handed Chloe a file and she opened it, scanning the contents inside. Lucifer leaned over to get a look at the criminal. He was tall, with a buzz cut, brown eyes, and pale skin tone. A scar above his left eyebrow added a touch of menace to his features, complemented by a blue tattoo of a snake featured on his right forearm.
"That's one way to get a lifetime supply of free room and board," Lucifer quipped, his tone laced with sarcasm. "But what does his biography have to do with this?"
"The victim, Samuel Anderson, was the third juror to convict him," Y/n explained, "And there have been two similar cases like this weeks ago. The victims were a young female named Jane Smythe and an older man named Jackson Williams. They were the first two people to convict Thomas, with the numbers one and two carved into the back of their neck. Their blood was used to write on the wall too."
Chloe nodded, looking up from the file. "So, Thomas is seeking revenge on the ones who convicted him. That's a clear motive. But you said he was in jail, Dan."
Dan shook his head. "He was. According to the Beverly Hills Police Department, it was said that Thomas killed himself two days before the murders. Hung himself."
"How convenient," Lucifer said.
Y/n voiced his own theory. "Honestly, I believe he faked his death to avoid being a prime suspect. Dan and I are heading to the morgue to see if he's dead or not."
Chloe nodded in agreement. "Good idea. Lucifer, you're with me. We'll head to the prison and see if we can find any clues."
Lucifer raised an eyebrow. "Do you think that's necessary, Detective? I mean, if Y/n's theory is right, Thomas is long gone, and there won't be any clues left behind."
"We cannot rule out certain possibilities. Someone who works there could give us some insight into Thomas' state of mind or any allies he might've had. Now, let's go." The blonde female left out the door.
Lucifer's brown eyes narrowed, his gaze following Y/n and Dan as they prepared to leave. A sense of unease settled into his stomach at the thought of Y/n being alone with Daniel, especially since they needed to talk after their argument last night. Betrayal still lingered heavily and the alcohol did little to ease his worries. With a sigh, Lucifer followed Chloe out the door, feet dragging against the floor.
Under a sky where only a few fluffy clouds lazily drifted by, Dan and Y/n cruised down the open road, windows rolled down, the calming breeze hitting their faces. Dan cast a quick glance at Y/n, seated in the passenger seat, before returning his focus to the road ahead.
The silence between the two detectives was comfortable, but Dan decided to ask Y/n something that had been on his mind. "So, what’s going on with you and Lucifer, Y/n?" Dan broke the silence, his foot pressing the brake. The light's red.
Y/n's gaze drifted from the window. "Nothing. Lucifer’s just being dramatic."
"Dramatic? How so?"
"Okay, so you know how I like to playfully flirt with some friends? Well, Lucifer got upset last night because of some playful banter between me and Benny. He blew it out of proportion. Can you believe it?"
The brown-haired guy nodded slowly, his eyes back on the road as the light turned green. "I can believe it." Y/n looked up at him, surprised by his partner’s lack of agreement. Dan continued, "It is kind of disrespectful to flirt with others when you’re in a committed relationship."
Not understanding Dan's point of view, Y/n frowned. After all, the casual flirting was completely lighthearted and strictly platonic. Besides, he would never cheat on Lucifer, so why are people attempting to make it become something it's not?
"It’s harmless flirting. It’s not a big deal." 
"It may not be a big deal to you, Y/n, but Lucifer sees it differently. As his partner, you need to consider his feelings. How would you feel if Lucifer started flirting with others right in front of your face?"
Y/n fell silent, considering Dan's words. In all honesty, if Lucifer were to flirt with people in front of him, he would not like it because he would only want Lucifer to have eyes for him. Furthermore, it would only make him think that he wasn’t good enough for Lucifer if he had to resort to flirting with someone who wasn't Y/n.
"I wouldn’t like it at all." He murmured. 
"Exactly," Dan said, his voice gentle. "And that's how Lucifer feels. It's important to consider his feelings and make an effort to respect his boundaries, too. After all, relationships are about compromise and understanding. So, after we wrap up this case, you need to apologize to him and make an effort to stop that flirting, too."
Y/n nodded his head, feeling remorseful for his actions. Perhaps, Dan and Lucifer were right. He liked his playful side and had thought that it was an aspect of his personality that made Y/n... well...Y/n.
But Y/n was willing to change that part of himself to help save his relationship. And the first step in doing that was to apologize to Lucifer whenever he could.
"You’re right. I’ll fix it." He leaned back in his seat, grateful for Dan’s perspective. "Since when did you get philosophical?"
Dan shrugged as he pulled into the morgue parking lot. "Since Trixie makes me read philosophical books to her." He put the car in park and faced Y/n. "Now, are you ready to see if Michael Myers is really dead or if he's a walking zombie?"
"As ready as I'll ever be."
The two detectives exited the car and entered the morgue. Rachel Walker, a medical examiner, looked up from her paperwork as they walked in. "Hello, gentlemen. What can I do for you?"
The h/c haired guy detective flashed his badge,  "I'm Detective L/n, and this is my partner, Detective Espinosa. We're here to examine the body of Thomas Wilson. We understand that he was brought here after his supposed suicide in prison, yes?"
Y/n ended his statement in an accusing manner and Rachel's eyebrows furrowed slightly, as if she sensed the skepticism in Y/n's tone. "Yes, his body was brought in a day after his death. The authorities suspected foul play, so they wanted an autopsy performed to determine if his cause of death was really suicide or not."
"And what were your findings, exactly?" Dan asked, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of the body in question.
"Follow me, and I'll show you," Rachel led the guys deeper into the morgue. They passed rows of stainless steel drawers, each one containing the remains of a person whose life had ended too soon.
Finally, they stopped in front of a drawer with a plate that read "Thomas Wilson." Rachel pulled the drawer open, revealing the man whose face matched Thomas Wilson. His skin was pale and waxy, his eyes closed, and his lips pulled back into a grimace, revealing yellowed teeth. A deep purple bruise encircled his neck, a testament to the method of his suicide.
Dan and Y/n carefully inspected the dead body before them. The face was without a doubt Thomas Wilson but as Dan looked over at his facial features, he noticed that there wasn’t a scar present above Thomas’ eyebrow. And Y/n noted that the snake tattoo wasn’t on his right arm like the file, but was on his left arm.
The two detectives shared a look with each other. It was clear that something wasn’t right here and they were going to find out what was wrong. Additionally, if Thomas was truly dead, then who was killing the jurors? And for what reason?
Suddenly, a thought came to Y/n's mind. 
"Rachel," he turned to face the specialist. "we need your expertise. I have a theory that I'd like to run by you if that's okay."
"Oh, I love a good theory. Ask away."
"Well, I was thinking," Y/n began, "What if Thomas Wilson had an identical twin?"
Rachel's eyes widened. "A twin? That's certainly an interesting theory. Go on."
"We checked the file on Thomas Wilson, and there are some discrepancies," Dan explained. "The file we had describes a scar above his left eyebrow and a snake tattoo on his right arm. However, when we just examined the body, there was no scar, and the tattoo was on his left arm."
"Hmm, that is odd," Rachel pursed her lips in concentration. "Identical twins do tend to have minor physical differences, but a missing scar and a reversed tattoo are certainly significant discrepancies."
"So, could this body be Thomas Wilson's twin, and Thomas himself is still alive?"
"It's a plausible theory. Identical twins do share many physical characteristics, but their DNA isn't always exactly the same. Even identical twins can have variations."
"So, it's possible that if we ran a DNA test on the body, it could come back as a match for Thomas Wilson, even if it's actually his twin?" Dan asked. "And is it possible that a standard DNA test might not be able to distinguish between them?"
"Technically, yes," Rachel confirmed. "Especially if the twins are monozygotic, which means they develop from a single fertilized egg that splits into two. In that case, their DNA would be very similar and it could be very difficult to tell them apart genetically," She paused to inhale and exhale, "As for your second question detective, it is possible. Especially if the test is searching for a limited number of genetic markers. More advanced tests could detect the subtle differences, but those aren't typically used in a standard forensic analysis. If you two would like, I’d be happy to run any tests you need. This case is quite fascinating to me."
"That’d be great, thank you," Y/n reached into his jacket and gave her a small card with his contact information on it. He asked her to call him when she had the results before leaving the place with Dan.
When they arrived back at the car, Dan turned to his right to face Y/n. "Do you really think this Thomas guy has a twin?"
"I'm not that sure, but him having a twin makes a hell of a lot of sense. It’s either that or we have a copycat on our hands."
The sudden ringing of Y/n's phone reverberated across the car. Y/n took out his phone and noticed that Chloe was calling. He answered the call and put it on speaker so that Dan could hear.
"Hey, Chloe. Any updates from the police station?" Y/n's question came out fast.
"Not much new information," she replied, her voice carrying a note of frustration. "The warden said he was a problematic inmate, always causing disruptions and getting into fights. And one day, he was discovered hanging in his cell during a routine check — information we already knew." There was a slight pause on the other end of the line. "Did you and Dan find anything out about Thomas's body?"
"Well, there's a body in the morgue that's labeled as Thomas Wilson, and the face matches the description we have, but—"
"—you don't think it's him, do you?" Chloe finished the sentence for Y/n, hearing the way his tone of voice sounded.
Y/n shook his head, not that Chloe could see him through the phone. "No, I don't. I think we're dealing with twins. There are some physical discrepancies that don't match. I think that Thomas is still alive and is posing as his twin brother, while his twin brother's body is taking the fall."
"Hm, well, from a criminal's perspective, that'd be a genius plan," Chloe was silent for a moment and Y/n could hear sirens blaring in the background. "I hope you're right because we have another problem."
"What problem?"
"Another murder. Downtown. Her name is Elizabeth Taylor. The same MO as the other victims, with blood writing on the wall and a number carved right into her neck. This time, it was the number four."
Elizabeth Taylor. The name rang a bell, but Y/n couldn't quite place it. He turned to Dan. "Do we know an Elizabeth Taylor?"
Dan's eyebrows furrowed in concentration as he reached into the glove compartment, pulling out a piece of paper. Dan's eyes scanned the page, his finger sliding down the list of names. "We do. Elizabeth Taylor was one of the jurors in the Thomas Wilson case. She was the fourth person to convict him."
"Crap, who's the fifth person on that list?"
Dan's eyes continued to scan the page. "Ethan Miller," he pulled out his phone to do further research on their next victim. "He's the CEO of CYLO, a popular video game company. They're launching a new game tonight at seven before he heads off on a business trip to New York City."
"Thomas will definitely show up there," Y/n concluded. "We need to get there and stop him before he strikes again."
"Send me the address," the blonde said. "Lucifer and I will meet you guys there."
Chloe hung up the phone. Dan started up the car and pulled out of the parking lot, onto the proceeding road. This case just got very interesting very fast.
The sun was a molten orange as it sank below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the building where the launch party was in full swing. Dan and Y/n were in their unmarked car, their eyes scanning the arriving guests with a critical eye.
Finally, Ethan Miller, the guest of honor, arrived in a sleek black limousine and he was flanked by security. He stepped out, his tall frame clad in a perfectly tailored black suit, his eyes hidden behind a pair of stylish sunglasses. Tons of fans were taking pictures and video recording him.
As people filtered into the building, Dan and Y/n maintained their vigilant watch. Then, Y/n's phone rang. He glanced at the screen and saw it was an unfamiliar number. He answered, asking who was calling and the female voice introduced herself as the medical examiner, Rachel, whom he had spoken to earlier. She said she had the results that Y/n requested.  
"What are the results?"
"Your theory was correct, Detective L/n," Rachel said. "The body in the morgue is not that of Thomas Wilson. The genetic makeup is very similar, indicating that he does have an identical twin brother, and the one here in the morgue is that twin."
"Are you sure?" Y/n needed confirmation.
"Positive," she confirmed. "I compared the samples from the body to the DNA on file for Thomas Wilson, and while the fingerprints were similar, they were not an exact match. This misidentification occurred due to switched dental records."
"Thanks, Rachel. Your help is invaluable."
As Y/n hung up the phone, he turned to Dan, who was looking at him. "We were right. The dead body in the morgue isn't Wilson, which means he's still out there."
Dan nodded. "And that means he's here tonight. Let's go." Dan grabbed his gun and the two detectives left the car and entered the party, which was crowded.
Y/n and Dan made their way through the crowd and spotted Chloe and Lucifer near the food table, their eyes alert and watchful, and having a discussion. Y/n's gaze lingered on his boyfriend, who held a plate with a slice of devil's food cake.
An ironic choice.
The four detectives huddled together, sharing their findings and formulating a plan. They decided to split up, each pair taking one side of the room to quickly find Thomas and anyone who could be working with him. Dan and Y/n took the left side of the room, Lucifer and Chloe took the right side. Y/n thought that was a good idea. And after this case is over, he could focus on fixing his relationship. One step at a time, he reminded himself.
Y/n moved through the crowd, his eyes scanning the room for any signs of their suspect. Ethan Miller took the stage to give a speech and announce the release of his new game, "Metro Rush." As Ethan spoke, Y/n's attention drifted to a man in glasses and a Nike baseball cap. He did not look suspicious at first glance, but there was something about him that set off alarm bells in Y/n's head. Just wrong.
Y/n tapped his earpiece. "Dan, look to your right. There's a guy in glasses, Nike cap, black T-shirt. Keep your eye on him. Something about him doesn't feel right."
"Copy that," Dan replied, his gaze locking onto the man in question.
Y/n continued to observe the man  As Ethan Miller concluded his speech and prepared to demonstrate his new game, the man with glasses pulled out a gun.
Then, the man raised his gun, pointing it in Miller's direction and pulled the trigger just as Dan tackled the assailant to the floor. Ethan had been hit in the shoulder, falling backward from the impact as screams rang throughout the crowd and people started running towards the exit. 
Chloe and Lucifer came rushing over to the commotion, with Chloe's gun drawn. Chloe's gaze landed on the gunman and she immediately raised her gun at him.
"LAPD, put your hands in the air!"
Surprisingly, the man complied, and Dan quickly cuffed his hands. Meanwhile, up on the balcony, Thomas Wilson watched through his sniper scope as one of his men was apprehended. Thomas turned his sniper rifle onto the blonde female, his finger tightening on the trigger point.
But before he could pull the shot, he felt the cold press of a gun barrel against his temple. Y/n's voice was steady as he spoke. "Nice try, Wilson. But your games over. Put your hands behind your back. You are under arrest for the murders of Jackson Williams, Jane Smythe, Samuel Anderson, and Elizabeth Taylor as well."
Reluctantly, Wilson complied, placing his hands behind his back. Y/n cuffed him, taking him downstairs to join the others.
Lucifer watched as Y/n descended the stairs, Thomas in tow. Despite Lucifer’s feelings regarding Y/n, he could say in his mind that he was impressed with Y/n’s intelligent mindset and being able to get the culprit. Lucifer hoped that now, with the case resolved, they could focus on repairing their fractured relationship.
However, the unexpected happened.
Another gunshot rang out.
Lucifer felt his blood run cold as he saw Y/n stumble and fall, his body crumpling to the ground. A red stain spread across Y/n's shirt, and Lucifer's heart stopped as he realized his lover had been shot.
His beloved had been shot from behind, and the sight of Y/n's blood staining the floor was more than Lucifer could bear.
At that moment, all Lucifer saw was red.
The world around him faded to black. All he could see was red— the color of rage, of anger, of the deepest, darkest corners of Hell. Lucifer's eyes flared red, and for a fleeting moment, he allowed his true devil face to emerge. It was a terrifying sight, and the gunman who had shot Y/n cowered in fear, scrambling backward.
With a single punch, Lucifer knocked the gunman unconscious. The true Devil in him was unleashed at this very moment and nothing would stand in Lucifer's way.
He turned to see Dan handling the other perpetrators outside, as Chloe applied pressure to Y/n's wound. Lucifer rushed over, his heart pounding in his chest. He gently took Y/n into his arms, his voice shaking as he tried to reassure him and Chloe went to secure the unconscious.
Y/n whimpered, "L-Lucifer…"
"Shh, it's alright," Lucifer soothed softly as he attempted to remain calm for his sake. "You are going to be fine, Y/n. The ambulance should be here any second."
"I-I hope so..." Y/n's breath hitched, and their hand reached out weakly to grasp Lucifer's shirt. "I'm so tired, so sleepy..."
"Stay awake," Lucifer's tone was soft and firm at the same time. He was not going to lose Y/n yet, especially not like this. It wasn’t his time yet. His next words were a quiet whisper, blinking away a certain action that attempted to leave his eyes. "Don’t even think about leaving me, Y/n."
Y/n nodded, his eyelids growing heavy as he struggled to stay conscious. A dry cough escaped his lips as he started to fall in and out of consciousness. Lucifer noticed his lover's eyes flutter open and closed, and Lucifer felt a twinge of fear.
After some time, the ambulance arrived, and Y/n was carefully loaded inside the vehicle. Lucifer stayed right with him as the two paramedics tried their best to stop the bleeding and keep Y/n awake.
"You are going to be fine, Y/n. I promise."
For the universe’s sake, Y/n better be. 
Y/n woke up in the hospital, feeling very groggy and disoriented. The room was dimly lit, the soft glow of the overhead light providing just enough illumination for the e/c-eyed male to see. He blinked a few times, trying to clear the fuzziness from his vision, and slowly sat up in bed, wincing as pain shot through his chest. Y/n quickly became aware of the steady beeping of the heart monitor next to him and the IV lines hooked up to his arm. 
His eyes landed on the figure sitting in the chair next to the bed. It was Lucifer, his eyes closed as he leaned back, his arms crossed over his chest. He looked like he was sleeping, but Y/n knew that he was awake and watching over him.
"Lucifer?" Y/n's voice was hoarse, and he cleared his throat, trying to moisten it.
Upon hearing the sound of Y/n's voice, Lucifer's eyes snapped open, and he sat up straighter, a look of concern crossing his face. "Y/n, you're awake. How're you feeling?" He stood up and moved closer to the bed, his dark eyes looking at Y/n's face for any signs of pain or discomfort.
Y/n’s throat was so dry and he licked his lips. "Like I got shot," he shot him a weak grin before the memory of the shooting came back to him fast. "What happened to Thomas? And what happened to me?"
"It's okay," Lucifer reassured, reaching out to take Y/n's hand in his, letting his thumb rub gently over the back of Y/n's hand. "We got him. Wilson is in custody, along with his accomplices. You were shot by one of them at the launch party. Thankfully, the bullet missed any vital organs, but you still lost a lot of blood. You've been unconscious for two days."
Two days? Y/n's been out for that long. His eyes widened at hearing this. Guess he was out longer than he thought. Y/n nodded, his eyes closing as exhaustion washed over him. He felt Lucifer's hand squeeze his, and he re-opened his eyes since he wanted — no needed — to say something to his boyfriend. "Lucifer, I—"
"Shh," The dark-haired devil interrupted, placing a finger on Y/n's lips. "Now isn't the time for apologies or explanations."
"Yes, it is," Y/n insisted firmly. "I have to apologize to you for what happened. I'm really sorry for flirting with other people and making you feel like I was cheating on you. I should have taken your feelings into consideration — and I didn’t, and for that, I’m sorry. It will not happen again."
Lucifer's heart twisted at the sincerity in Y/n's eyes. "I appreciate that, Y/n. And I'm sorry, too. I should not have reacted that way to your playful banter with your friends.  I know that it's just your nature, and I shouldn't have taken it personally." 
"No, Lucifer," Y/n shook his head. "You have nothing to apologize  for." Y/n may have felt tired and weak in this moment but he was going to make Lucifer see that he wasn’t at fault for the altercation they had. "I am completely in the wrong. I know that now, and I want you to know that I'll never act like that again, and to be more considerate of your feelings."
Lucifer nodded, feeling a weight lift from his shoulders. He was grateful that Y/n understood his perspective, but he was curious about what had prompted this change of heart. "You're forgiven, Y/n. But what made you realize all of this?"
"I had a conversation with Dan at the morgue. He helped me see things from another perspective — your perspective."
A ghost of a smile appeared on Lucifer's face. "Daniel, huh? I didn't think he had it in him to give such wise advice. Though even a broken clock is right twice a day. I’ll have to do something nice for him."
"Maybe you can start by not stealing his pudding at work." Y/n chuckled softly.
"Oh, I’m never going to stop doing that."
The two men shared a laugh as Lucifer’s thumb continued its gentle caress on Y/n's hand. So much has happened these past few days, but he was happy that he and Y/n were able to work things out for the sake of their relationship. And most importantly, he was happy that Y/n was still alive and on the road to recovery. 
Lucifer leaned forward and placed a soft kiss on Y/n's forehead. "I love you, Y/n. More than ever. And I'm not letting you go anytime soon." He whispered gently.
The h/c haired male smiled brightly.
"Good, because I love you too."
176 notes · View notes
goldsainz · 9 months
AUGUST — one shot.
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pairing: daniel ricciardo x reader
taglist: @lorarri @lpab @whatthefuckerr @noncannonships @lunnnix @elliegrey2803 @schumacheer @saintslewis @leoramage @ellswilliams @toomuchdelusion @anthonykatebridgerton @enhacolor @gulabjamoon @woweewoowa @forza55 @ihrtdan @ravisinghs-wife @alearicci
request: “gotta keep the theme going here 🤭 Taylor's August and Danny Ric?” by @percervall
NOTE: so august really did slip away into a moment in time… this was supposed to be posted like way back in august but here we are😭 i’ve had some creatively rough few weeks so i hope that this is good/enjoyable!! also changed out a little bit of the layout, im feeling the whole aesthetic a lot more… but pls tell me if you like it
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liked by danielricciardo, madisonbeer and 1,973,642 others
yourusername cheers to a good august
view all 29,604 comments
danielfan1 i love daniel’s crush on her
ynfan1 first post as a single woman🙌
⤷ danielfan2 DANIEL IT’S YOUR TIME
ynfan2 literally the loml
ynfan3 i need m*n to say far far away from her
user1 i loved her with austin but she’s glowing now that she’s single
ynfan4 mother is mothering SO HARD‼️
danielfan3 we all understand you daniel bc she’s perfect
⤷ user2 most beautiful woman alive fr
ynfan5 thank god that horrendous man is out of her life
ynfan6 i want her so badddd
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liked by maxverstappen1, yourusername and 489,160 others
daniel3.jpg 🥂 to August
view all 7,381 comments
⤷ danielfan22 not after he’s soft-launching someone😭
ynfan21 not my two world colliding?!?!
user21 it’s not silly season… it’s couple season
danielfan23 being a daniel fan rn is NOT for the weak
lando.jpg Didn’t know that when you made a jpg account it would be where you would drop couple content
⤷ daniel3.jpg Gotta keep everyone on their feet
⤷ scottyjames31 Especially your friends… Who you apparently don’t tell things to anymore
⤷ daniel3.jpg I’m in my secretive era🙄 Let me be
ynfan22 need to know rn why mother is in his likes
danielfan24 august ft daniel ricciardo coming soon???
danielfan25 crying throwing up he’s not single anymore💔
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danielricciardo and yourinstagram posted an instagram story!
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liked by anyataylorjoy, karolg and 2,075,948 others
yourusername mid-august recap ☀️
view all 31,049 comments
ynfan31 queen what happened to hot girl summer??
danielfan31 no daniel/couple content… i fear pop base may have been right😭
ynfan32 literal light of my life
ynfan33 searching how to be a bike rn
chloestroll Summer looks perfect on you!
liked by yourusername and 72,563 others
danielfan32 no daniel interaction but chloe stroll comments… is this indirect confirmation?!
⤷ user31 who’s chloe?
⤷ danielfan32 she’s the wife of scotty james who’s daniel best friend, but also the sister of f1 driver lance stroll!
ynfan34 ignoring the dating rumours as she should😌
ynfan35 the y/n community is in shambles and she’s just riding her silly bike around
danielfan33 so can she be consider a wag or…
ynfan36 she’s not single bc she’s with me!!!!!!
⤷ user32 babes i hate to tell you this😔
⤷ ynfan36 then don’t😍
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danielricciardo posted an instagram story!
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744 notes · View notes
hockeyshmockey · 8 months
Lance Stroll- Biggest Champion
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summary: a moment between the oldest wolff and lance after some scary moments in Qatar. lance stroll x wolff reader
warnings: talk about the medical issues in qatar!
wc: 1.1k
“Papa,” you said worriedly as you say next to Toto in the Mercedes garage in Qatar. Since you had begun seeing Lance, throughout this season, the set up usually was you watching your boyfriend and friends race from the Mercedes garage and stepping out to see Lance pre and post race. Unless Chloe was in town where the two of you could be found giggling in the Aston garage, this seemed to work for the two of you.
That day in Qatar had been otherworldly hot. Lance had not been having the greatest weekend, taking ice baths every hour it seemed like and spending a lot of time in his drivers room trying to work through his frustrations. You had joined him some of the time, offering him silent comfort which seemed to be what he needed with all the pressure sitting on his shoulders.
As you and Toto stared at the screens showing several onboards and now sharing Logan’s voluntary retirement, your worry crept up for not only Lance, but your friends as well. A hand fell on your shoulder, squeezing to offer support as Lewis joined your little group. Carmen was standing off to the side with George’s trainer, chewing on her nail as she shared similar worries about her boy in the drivers seat.
“I really can’t believe this,” Lewis shook his head as Logan was wheeled into the Williams garage. “This is so dangerous. The FIA can't let this happen again.”
The group all watched as more and more drivers chimed in over the radios about not feeling well. Alonso pretty much asking his team to throw water over him on his last pit, which they couldn’t do. After another round of Max crossing the line first, finally some relief hit as the groups shoulders lifted knowing their final driver and friends would be getting out of the cars soon.
Watching the other team onboards which your father kept on a separate screen for your benefit, you winced as you watched Alex have to be assisted out of his car. Switching over to Lances, you watched as he sat in his car for a minute before trying to haul himself out. You felt slight relief as he made it from the car, leaning over by the tire for a second. But that relief was short lived.
As you saw him stumble, you gasped, hand covering your mouth as your father frowned, the two of you watching as Lance’s knees buckled and sent him fumbling into the door of the ambulance. Toto put a hand on your back as you both watched medical personnel approach the driver, before the feed was cut.
“Go,” Toto nodded as you looked on helplessly, taking no time before hightailing it from the Mercedes garage to the Aston Martin one down the row.
“Is he ok?” You asked breathlessly as you saw Lawrence and Lance's Engineer standing together with matching frowns.
“He had some trouble with the heat,” Lawrence said as he put a hand on your shoulder in sympathy. “He didn’t look too good getting out of the car but they took him right to the medical center.”
“Will they let us in?” You immediately asked.
“I’ve got to wait for Fernando,” Lawrence sighed, looking over at Ben and Henry. “I think they’ll let Henry in, you want to go with him and work that charm? Check on our boy?”
“I’m on it,” you smiled weakly as Henry nodded, leading you out of the garage to where he grabbed an Aston golf cart and drove you over to the medical center. Considering the state of the drivers, the usually calm area was a mad house with other team members, drivers, and some partners as well.
You followed Henry’s lead as he walked up to one of the track workers. The two spoke for a moment, Henry gesturing over his shoulder to you. As the worker saw you wringing your hands and the clear worry on your face, her own expression softened and she nodded before pointing down the hall.
You hurried after Henry, keeping up with his long strides as the two of you approached a curtained off area. Henry peeked his head in before pulling back the sheets, showing your boyfriend sitting on the bed in no shirt and just his fire proof bottoms.
“Hey mate,” Henry said as he approached the bed, clapping Lances shoulder as the boy smiled up at him tiredly. “Boss man couldn’t get away but wanted us to make sure to come check on ya.”
“I’m alright,” Lance said, his words slightly slurred with exhaustion as he looked past Henry towards you. He reached out a hand, you immediately rushing over to grab it in both of yours. “Just exhausted. They’ve got me on some fluids right now.”
“Some good rest and food will get you right,” Henry squeezed his shoulder before looking back at you. “We’ll I’ll leave you and report back to Lawrence. You both should be able to get back to the garage but if not give me a shout, I’ll come get you.”
“Thank you Henry,” you said softly as he smiled at the both of you before heading back out the way he came. You took a long second now that you were alone to let your eyes take in all of Lance’s face- skin sweaty, eyes tired.
“I really am ok,” he murmured, cupping your cheek as he saw the unshed tears on your lash line. You nuzzled in to his touch, letting out a sigh as you felt some of the weight on your shoulders lift just having him in front of you.
“I’m glad, it was scary out there,” you rasped out, looking at him once more. “A few other guys apparently passed out in the mc post race.”
“God this should’ve never happened,” Lance shook his head. Any further talking was put on pause as a nurse shuffled in, taking stock of Lances IV drip and telling him he would still be here for another hour or so for observation.
“I know I wasn’t at my best this weekend,” Lance admitted thickly. “And I’ve got some apologies to make. But being in the car, feeling like I could’ve gone off at any moment. All I could think about was getting back to you. And telling you how much I adore you, and that I don’t say it enough, but I’m really thankful for you and everything you do for me.”
“Oh schatz,” you said as you leaned in teary eyed again, pressing a soft kiss to his forehead. “You’re doing your best. Your frustration is something everyone understands, we just need to find better ways for you to express it. There is nothing I would change about you. I love you and I love being your biggest champion. There’s no getting rid of me.”
“I love you,” he smiled tiredly, pursing his lips with a pout till you rolled your eyes and leaned down to press a kiss to his lips.
410 notes · View notes
chlorinecake · 2 months
i need (politely) more fics like the one with wonbin where they fuck while being high, yk? with whoever you want, i’m down for everything. i need it for my soul and for my well being LOVE U CHLOE
grapefruit diet | s. es
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𓂋 stoner boyfriend!eunseok x fem!reader, body image themes, pda, some car action (ykyk), giggly high sex with a mix of praise and body worship, lots of kissing and swearing as always, 3.7k wc
author’s note 𓂋 this is part of my unofficial Euphoria x Riize series where each member is assigned a song from the show and a stoner trope, so feel free to comment who you’d like to see next!
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“BABE, WE JUST bought a two-pound bag of grapefruits last week… there’s no way you’re out of ‘em already,” Eunseok said from behind you, voice low and a bit gravelly from his lengthy smoke session earlier.
You could never smell the herb in his clothes, but it usually lingered in his breath for a bit, making you crave a few blows yourself just from kissing him.
Cravings… the word meddled in your mind for a moment until you realized Eunseok was still waiting on your reply.
“I’ve been having one for every meal, though, so I’ll need more for next week…” you replied, sentence coming out more like a mumble towards the end as you leaned down to examine the fruit before you, trying to find the perfect bag.
Perfectionism… another word you aspired to mirror someday, despite how much it pained you.
“Are you on some sort of diet I should know about?”
It’s no secret that you struggle with body image from time to time, and Eunseok’s always been concerned for your health, taking mental notes and observations on both your behavioral and physical changes.
He’d never say anything to your face, though.
He’s respectful enough to keep his thoughts concerning you to himself...
“One you should know about? Not exactly… but I’m sure you’ll be pleased with the results if I stay on tract this time…” you smiled softly, tossing the bag of grapefruit in the shopping cart and taking a few steps away.
The sound of the basket’s slightly rusted wheel’s squeaked behind you as Eunseok followed your short path.
“I won’t say anything against your choice because I trust you’ll be careful, but just know that I’m in love with you either way, ____.”
You suddenly went quiet on him, feeling your breathing pattern change from his choice of words.
Trust… Careful… Love...
“Either wayyy, alright?” He pressed, looking into your eyes for confirmation before giving your shoulder a playful shake and placing a tender kiss on the corner of your mouth.
“I’m in love with you too, baby,” you said, wiping his kiss off with your thumb and dragging it across his lower lip, eyes meeting his intensely, “sort of.”
“Cute,” Eunseok smiled, pretty teeth coming into view with his laughter before he gripped the shopping cart handle and tilted his head at you, “Now get in, will ya?”
Letting out a sigh and playfully rolling your eyes, you climbed into the shopping basket, sitting against the back end so you could face him as he pushed you around the grocery aisles.
You two were always that one couple who proudly displayed affection for each other in public.
Whether that be with his hand tucked into your back jean pocket while strolling through the library, or baby-talking to each other while hugging outside his workplace, you two had to be touching... one way or another.
And these clingy tendencies were only amplified whenever you two were buzzed...
Your fingers grazed over his knuckles as he pushed the basket, peppering them with kisses as he looked down at you, moving the hand that wasn't occupied by your lips to pat your head slightly.
“Want anything else before we go? You know how we can sometimes get the munchies after smoking,” Eunseok started, eyes now scanning over the aisle signs as he continued walking at a steady pace.
Humming tiredly at his proposal, you thought in your mind how badly you'd been wanting to sink your teeth into something that wasn't another bitter grapefruit or the flesh of Eunseok's wrist while cuddling in bed.
But you were so proud of yourself for staying committed to your diet over the past week... you don't get why you decided to smoke with him earlier, knowing that it'd only make it harder for you to control your now salivating tongue.
“Ranch-style chicken sub with bacon, lettuce, and tomato,” your boyfriend read from the label of a tightly wrapped deli item, “looks good to me.”
“You know I won’t eat all of that, Eunseok,” you replied, hands now sitting in your lap as you fidgeted with your chipped nail polish.
Why was he even tempting you right now?
He knows how important it is to you to stay in shape-
“Then we'll split it... and if I'm still hungry, I'll eat whatever you leave behind,” he said, interrupting your thoughts while grabbing a bag of Cheetoes from the nearby chip rack, “deal?”
Your stomach grumbled, the pain in your head started to throb and you couldn't tell if it was because of the weed or your hunger.
Reaching from the basket, you gently took the wrapped sub from his grasp, turning it over to analyze the nutritional facts label, reading 560 calories, 24g fat, 51g carbs, and 38g protein.
It was definitely a lot more calorie-dense than the usual half a grapefruit you ate for lunch every day, but it would definitely stop you from feeling nauseous right now.
Besides, you knew he wouldn't let you say no, and he was nice enough to agree to split it instead of buying you a whole one, “Fine.”
SITTING IN THE passenger seat of Eunseok's car, he passed you a water bottle to help wash your food down, happy in your heart that you decided to go ahead and eat with him even though he bought a whole sub for himself yet still ate the rest of what you didn’t want like he promised.
You were now just a few minutes from home, a Dean song playing faintly in the background as you couldn't get over how hot your boyfriend looked while driving.
“You're staring at me,” he started, eyes training on the road ahead as the red light switched to green, “why?”
“Because we decided to smoke pot together instead of fucking like we really wanted to,” you answered shamelessly, feeling warm in your stomach now that you'd actually said it.
“Just got your energy back, and you're already thinking of ways to use it all up again,” he replied, driving with only one hand on the steering wheel as he relaxed into a manspreading position in his seat, knowing that it'd only drive you crazy.
You couldn't believe this guy, not sure if his comment was one of rejection or an invitation, but you just took it as the later.
Looking in the glove department, you pulled out a sleek box mod, only to put it back once you noticed it wasn't fully charged.
You instead reached for the fresh blunt that was stuffed in your bra from earlier, heating it with your hot pink pocket lighter before guiding it to your lips and giving it an inhale.
“What's the point of saving energy anyway if we're just gonna be boring with it?,” you offered, watching him glance at you through the corner of his eye before you guided the blunt to his lips as he kept driving.
Gently holding his face in place, you let him inhale a puff of his own, cloudy smoke swiveling in pretty shapes around you both before dissolving in the air around his lips.
“Thanks, princess,” he said in a now low voice, the sound of the ignition ascending over the music as he sped along the highway, “now sit back down and put your seatbelt on…”
There he goes again… telling you what to do like he always did.
Leaning away from him, you sat back down properly this time, reaching for your seatbelt and fastening it with a subtle click, “You’re bossy as hell, y’know that?”
“Yup. And disobeying me seems to be a great motivator for you,” he went on, letting out a breath as he felt your eyes on his lap, your hands creeping closer to him, “don’t touch me while I’m driving.”
“I was only looking—”
“I’m serious, ____,” he interrupted your sentence, voice sounding like a mix of strained and stern emotions.
You watched his Adam’s apple bob in his throat with a swallow… he always had a habit of doing that whenever he was turned on…
Your dry lips met the joint once again, letting it's fumes fill your chest with another fast-inducing hit of whatever psychedelic mix Eunseok initially rolled it with a few hours ago.
With this, you decided to take your chance, creeping a finger up his thigh closest to you and letting your hand massage into his bulge.
The car suddenly jolted forward, his foot having slammed on the breaks at your actions, “Are you out of your mind?!”
“Maybe a little,” you replied seductively, now unbuckling his belt and zipping down his pants, “just keep your eyes on the road and let me please you…”
He let out a sigh at your words, followed by a hiss as your hand returned to stroking him through his boxers, a small smile poking at the corner of your lips at the feeling of him hardening beneath your touch.
His free hand took to blunt from your idle grasp, giving it another long puff before placing it down to sizzle out on the dashboard.
“Fine… but since you really wanna play that game, don’t keep me waiting,” he said with a heavy voice, hand finding your head in an almost petting manner as you leaned over the seat, face hovering over where he wanted you most.
But you had no intention of using your mouth for him, wanting to make him crave you even more to the point where he’d have no other choice but to fuck you once you two got home…
By now, the music in the background was drowned out by the sound of faint groans thrumming from his mouth, eyes falling lazy as it became harder for him to concentrate on the road with the way you were stroking him.
You let a wad of spit dribble from your lips and onto his tip, his dick twitching a bit in your hand at the sudden feeling.
“Fuck,” he groaned with a raspy voice as your grip around him intensified with your speed, “your hands are so cold…”
You almost couldn’t hide the giggle that came out of you at his words, “Well I’m not using my mouth, so get over it…”
“Why not, pretty? Don’t feel like swallowing?,” he teased, gripping a handful of your hair and forcing you to look up at him, a weak whine stuck in your dry throat.
“It’s not that,” you whispered weakly, dragging out the strokes of your hand around his dick while looking into his glossy eyes, “I just know that you won’t kiss me afterwards if I suck you off...”
He let out an amused snicker, his next sentence being broken off by the feeling of your spit coating his tip once again.
As good as your hand felt wrapped around him right now, he couldn’t help but crave the warmth of your pussy, slamming his foot on the gas to get you both home sooner.
Besides, he’d had enough of your teasing, and it was only getting harder for him to hold back the longer he sat there, hands bound either to the steering wheel or the nape of your neck.
So lost in the pleasure, you're not sure if he even noticed it when your free hand slipped between your legs, teasing the throbbing ache growing at your core.
It didn't take long for you two to arrive, Eunseok trying his best to still park the car in the driveway neatly, despite how he'd just did pot a few minutes ago with your needy hands never ceasing to pump him...
He gave you a non-verbal cue to stop touching him by gently guiding your shoulder away from him.
He fought his hardest to hide the way his thighs were trembling, even though it was obvious all over his flushed face how needy you were making him feel.
You crawled even closer to him, letting the weight of your hand push into his thigh as you braced yourself to meet his lips in a desperate kiss, “I'm so nice for not making you cum all in your pants, huh?”
“Not like you wouldn't have cleaned me up anyways,” he replied with almost mumbled words, the mix of weed and lust in his system right now making him feel dizzy.
That's when you saw his hand reach into the glove department, pulling out a pack of baby wipes and handing you one, “For your hand...”
It was funny how meticulous he could be with staying neat sometimes. Almost as meticulous as you could be when it came to your appearance.
“My hand's are fine, Eunseok, I just jerked you off,” you said, holding the wipe in your palm until he took your hand by the wrist, wiping each individual finger for you.
“The other hand, please,” he continued, your arm obediently giving him your hand to wipe the slick spread all over your fingers, “can't believe you couldn't wait for me to please you, ____... did your pathetic little fingers feel any good?”
“Not as good as yours,” you smirked, crawling backwards and out of the car, both of your movements rushed yet lazy as you made it to the front door together, wrapping yourself around your boyfriend's arm.
“Just try not to fall over because I'm not sure I'll be able to catch you right now,” he teased, twisting the front door knob with one hand as his tingly arm tried bracing you with the other.
Neither of you are sure if it was the free slick meddling between both your legs or the burnt weed coursing through your bloodstream making you feel more dizzy.
Eunseok gave the house a quick scan in his mind as he tried contemplating on the safest place for you high fools to have a quick fuck, his head tilting toward the ceiling with closed eyes.
He could hear you lock the front door from behind him, humming at the proceeding feeling of you sliding his jacket from his shoulders and hanging it on the wall rack.
“God, you're in such a hurry today, baby, gimme a sec,” he chuckled, watching as you started to work on taking his belt off, using the buckle to hold him in place as your lips met his.
Thirsty, yet somehow sloppily.
“You've kept me waiting long enough already,” you exhaled breathlessly, palming him through his jeans as you felt his teeth barely snug at your lower lip, his cold grip finding your warm waist.
“Just settle down, mhm?” he growled lowly with a sly look on his sharp feature, “daddy's gonna take good care of you...”
You rolled your eyes at his words, playfully smacking him on the chest before your scoffs turned into yelps, his arms lifting you from the ground and wrapping your legs around him.
“Eun- Eunseok, you kinky bastard, r-release me!,” you squirmed, watching over his shoulder as you suddenly made it from the front door to your shared bedroom.
He plopped you on the mattress, letting out one of the most attractive sighs you'd ever heard before guiding your hands back to his belt buckle.
“Finish taking it off for me, and I might forgive you for calling me a name...”
You looked at him with baby-doll eyes, which were painfully stained a light shade of red from the weed you smoked earlier, “Sorry,” you said sarcastically softly, leaning forward to free the leather belt from his hips with your hands, “You know I was only messing with you... daddy...”
All he did was stroke your hair in response, the shadow of a smile on his face at your sense of humor.
In a strange way, your playful demeanor only turned him on even more, and he simply couldn't get over how pretty you looked from this angle.
Hair slightly disheveled, your once sharp black eyeliner smudged into a grey blur over your eyelids, and your lips a bit more plush than usual from his teeth nipping at them...
What Eunseok was feeling right now was different from any craving he'd ever felt before... a yearning he'd only ever felt for you.
The same word that meddled relentlessly in the back of your mind, stacked at the very top of your own impossible standards for yourself was the very word on the tip of his tongue right now...
And you were just that in every sense of the word.
The space between you two was warm right now, the mere clothes on your back feeling a bit excessive as your hearts continued to race, despite your minds being still as stone.
“You're absolutely gorgeous,” your boyfriend nearly blurted out, making your hands halt as his sudden words.
“Stop it, Eunseok...,” your voice fell gently to an almost inaudible whisper, gaze falling down to the ground only for his loving hand to guide your chin back up to face him.
“Stop what, darling?”
You let out a breath, struggling to keep eye contact as you started to feel embarrassed, “...Trying to make me feel better about myself...”
“Baby,” he started with a sigh, sitting down beside you on the bed and stroking your slouched shoulder, “these aren't just empty words of mine... you seriously are the most beautiful girl in the world to me, and I wish you could see that, ____...”
It was almost enough to make you cry once he slowly slide you hoodie off and started peppering kisses from your wrist and up to your collarbone.
“I wish I could see that, too,” you admitted, finding comfort in the way his lips made love to you, even at the seemingly neglected areas like behind your ear, where he happily nibbled in his fit of praise.
“Then allow me to remind you how beautiful you are to me,” he whispered, turning your face to his as he finally met your lips again in a sweet embrace, which soon escalated as his tongue went to tangle with yours.
“My needy girl,” he smiled after pulling down your jeans single-handedly, his straight fingers sliding over the paper-thin panties you wore, evidently soaked with yoru slick from how long you'd been waiting for this, “you're honestly the prettiest when the only thought on your mind is my cock...”
“Wanna bet I'd look even prettier once you're actually inside me?,” you asked teasingly, not even realizing that you were slowly rutting against his fingers as he slid them over your folds.
“Oh? And where has this sudden confidence come from?”
You bunched up a bit of his shirt in your fists before pulling him back close to you, feeling even more hungry for the sensation of his mouth against yours.
“Maybe because I'm finally getting what I want,” you answered, just as a weak moan cracked from your throat when he angled your head up by the jaw with his hand, kissing down your neck desperately.
He really didn't have any more time to waste, and it only benefited his stamina even more now that the effects of the weed were starting to settle in for him...
Not fully kick in, but settle...
His warmth left your body for a moment as he stood up to take off his shirt before leaning back down, his hands groping one of your tits as he shimmied his pants the rest of the way down with his free hand, the under-side of his tongue salivating at the sight of your erect nipples.
“How blank is your mind right now?” He asked, letting his shaft slap on your clit as he slid it down to poke at your entrance.
“Just foggy,” you said with a dry swallow, feeling yourself grow even more dumb with lust as he teased your hole with just the tip.
He hummed at your words, barely thrusting his head in before your legs started to shake, “Well you can trust that I'll be careful with you unless you want me to go harder... Is that a deal, love?”
Trust… Careful… Love...
The last word you remember saying was a cheeky “Deal” in return before he pushed himself all the way in, thrusting through your tightness as you eventually warmed up to his size.
Needless to say, a bit of the herbal effects still lingered in your system as he kept rutting into your heat as if half of his mind wasn't wandering on cloud 9 right now.
His eyes blinked with flutters before sealing shut with a hum at the feeling of your walls clenching around him, waves of pleasure bouncing through both your bodies as his sweaty forehead came into contact with yours, his thrusts only getting faster and faster.
Not in a rough way, but with passion.
That was up until you kept arching your back off of the mattress, his strong hand having to push you down so he could fuck into you properly.
You always liked it whenever you two fucked after smoking... the way he'd kiss you all hot and heavy while murmuring the dirtiest of things into the crook of your neck, and the way he'd look into your eyes while high on two different chemicals, wanting nothing more but to bring you over the edge with him and fall into each other's pleasure.
“Fuck, baby, you're doing so good for me- shit, feels so good, princess,” he panted on top of you, his own mind starting to mirror the fog meddling in yours, especially with the way your tits were bouncing right now.
Your body and of course everything else about you was quite literally like a wet dream to him, and if he had the choice, he'd never wanna wake up from it.
By now though, he could tell that you were way into it just from the way your breath wobbled like it waswalking along a tightrope, incoherent whimpers of yes, please, and mmm's bouncing off the bedroom walls.
He felt his hips stutter just as a loud curse escaped his mouth, his slimy thickness pulling out of you as spurts of his cum coated your throbbing pussy, feeling especially warm against your sweaty skin.
Everything in his body wanted to fuck his release back into you, but he knew it was best not to, especially with the way your body was contracting from your orgasm.
He leaned down for the last time to leave tender kisses all over your chest and face, whispering sweet I love you's into the sensual air flowing between you.
He gave both of your tired muscles a moment to calm down before rolling on his back, your chests still heaving as little sighs passed through your swollen lips, the taste of each other pretty evident on both your tongues.
“Was that worth the wait, baby?” He asked first, an obvious smile on his face once he saw you get up in his peripheral vision, legs still wobbly as you crawled over to straddle him, twitching from how sensitive you felt right now.
“Almost... but it definitely could've lasted a bit longer,” you teased, letting your hands roam over his toned abs as you slowly rocked your hips against him, letting your core coat him all over again with your wetness.
You felt his touch travel from your goosebump-stained thighs and all the way up to your lower back, where he guided you to let him back inside.
Both of your energy levels were near completely spent right now, and that was just from your first round taking him.
Even so, if there's one thing about you two as a couple, it's that your clingy tendencies only heighten whenever you're buzzed, and with the look on your faces in this moment, he didn't plan on putting that fact to rest.
“I suppose another round wouldn't hurt,” he smirked, watching as you slid down his length while biting your lip, more than ready to use the last of your energy to ride out another high...
As the narrator, I would love to end the story here, but in favor of the over-thinkers, I should clarify that you and Eunseok ended up forgetting the grapefruits in his car trunk by accident...
Not that either of you cared, though... with the way your night ended, it was totally worth the wasted three dollars and some change on a bag of bitter fruit and future hunger-pains...
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🛒 personal note to the original anon: Hopefully this fic did your soul some justice :'] and TYSM for requesting this!! Apologies for taking so long to get to your ask, but either way, I think it's super sweet how much you enjoy my stoner!tropes, and I look forward to writing more for you in the near future ~
🛒 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦 𝐭𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭 ( 𝐨𝐩𝐞𝐧 ) @squoxle @wonbinisbabygurl @ashgonedash @yourmomscuntis2tighy @addictedtohobi @ot7sevenlvr + the link to my riize master list ! ! !
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