#but I love crow brain MC / sharing their little treasures!
l3viat8an · 10 months
So I just remembered a thing
So what if
MC just. Collects small things. They are theirs now. Rocks, feathers, ribbons, anything interesting
I have wayyy too many rocks , dice sets, Lego figures, etc.. I am Crow Brain Mentality as some friends would say
So imagine if MC just. Has a shelf of Collected Things in the HOL and they get upset or angy if their Collected Things are touched bc THAT'S THEIRSSS :(.
Now remember how I said feathers & shiny things?
What if MC sometimes just finds fallen feathers / scales / whatever in one of the brother's rooms & just. Takes it. Theirs now. Lucifer's feathers, Leviathan's scales if they can come off individualy, hell if the brothers can shed their horns like deer then MC would take them too
Now what if said MC also has a tendency to give small shiny things to people bc "ooo cool, (person) will like it" , so the brothers end up with like. A vaguely cool rock , a button, whatever, that MC found, bc MC thought they'd like it :>
ALSO the Crow Brain Mentality gave me another idea abt this. What if Mammon does something similar bc of his greed or something idk. So he has hidden collections of thingz too.
But now, would Mammon collect things FROM MC's collection if he does, or would he leave it alone 🤔
Bc it doesn't matter how much I love you, I will fight you if you take my Cool Things- those are mineee
Gonna start with crow brain Mammon is vv canon to me!!! <3 especially after the beach event where he spent hours looking for the perfect sea shell for MC!!!- crow brained ‘n gift giving he’s so fuckin’ sweet jsjsjsj
I can’t imagine the brothers messing with MC’s treasure shelf too much- besides looking at stuff or asking MC where they found a rock or what kind of feathers they have etc-
But Mammon would move stuff around to look at it better, tho he’d never take something of MC’s without asking (they are the only person he wouldn’t steal from after all lolol)
Ooooh!!! Adding to the part where MC finds stuff around the house and collects it!!- yk how in the surprise guest the boys can give you raven feathers?- same goes for the boys just giving MC scales ‘n their feathers!!- because the boys know Mc will treasure it just like the rest of their collection!!!
Anything MC gives to the brothers is getting treated like it’s made of gold even if it’s a silly stick or rock lolol
Like Lucifer keeps whatever they give him in a little trinket bowl on his desk, Mammon already has a box or place he keeps his stuff but MC’s gifts would get put on his nightstand so he can see them as soon as he wakes up and right before he goes to bed. Levi mixes MC’s little trinket gifts into on oh his display shelves right with the anime figures lmao
Satan would probably keep a little jar for anything MC gives him so he can keep it all together! Same for Asmo or a whole little drawer on his vanity that’s just full of little things MC gave him!!
Beel and Belphie are like Mammon- they keep a few of the gifts on their nightstands and/or a box under the bed so it’s like a secret stash!!
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leko-meko · 3 years
if it's too much you don't have to do it but yksgshs i love your writing have a nice day and drink some water <3
OF COURSE I WOULD LOVE TO!!! i love your writing too!! and you better drink some water or im stealing your cat >:(( AND TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF!! 
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You knew not to carelessly pick up any book that lived in this magical house of demons-- especially when the chances of being cursed increased dramatically. But were you ever the type of person to prioritize your life above all else? The chances of survival would be higher if you were obedient, but that’s no fun. Curiosity always did wonders to your little crow brain-- the urge to inspect every shiny and intriguing object in your sight triumphed over the growing boredom that was doing nothing in your room. 
Although hesitantly, you managed to determine that the book in your hand will, in fact, not endanger your life. But when opening to see what this book was all about, you weren’t sure if it was a better idea to think this was a cursed spellbook.
Keep this in mind when you have a picnic date on a windy day. Don’t want them to get cold and for our food to fly away.
They also have the same habit… Wished the author wrote a little more about how adorable it is when they pout right after.
God, I wish that was me.
Are you reading… a romance novel?
The number of annotations that decorated throughout the pages of this book should’ve surprised you more than it should, but a part of your brain was distracted by how... familiar it felt to you. You definitely never read this book before (and you had to admit, this is pretty good for a romance), yet you feel like you know the love interest in real life.
Closing the book, you decided to push the thought to the back of your head. It must be your imagination, and the task of finding the owner of this book is more important. The weathered pages and bent spine were more than enough evidence of how well treated and well-used it was. 
As if on cue, a note fluttered out of the pages. The paper swayed and floated until it landed right next to your feet. "For you to keep," it said, "I have no use for it anymore. -S"
As though you were holding treasure in your own hands, the worn-out book was placed on your nightstand. Questions and assumptions rampaged around your mind, the thought of who this mystery person S could be. Solomon, Simeon, or perhaps Satan? All of them fit the qualifications of reading books and sharing the same letter as Person S. Wait… what are even the chances of it being someone outside of the three?
The next day you found a little note taped on your textbook. 
“Love looks not with the eyes, but with the mind,
And therefore is winged Cupid painted blind.”
And another.
“Love is that condition in which the happiness of another person is essential to your own.”
And another.
“If I had a flower for every time I thought of you...I could walk through my garden forever.”
Quotes you recognized in the human world-- your home-- yet you found yourself feeling safe in a world filled with the unknown. There was no need for you to guess who the sender was. 
And the last book you had found laid on your bed as if it belonged there. Unlike the others, it was clean and polished, and the pages were white from how new it was. It was akin to a feather falling out of the sky. It felt just right for no reason at all but still somewhat troubling. A confusing yet satisfying answer.
"Lucifer?" You said, chasing after the man in front of you. You just happened to meet him when returning to your room. It took you a little leg work to catch up to the demon, the hallway too long for your own good. "Do you happen to know where... Satan is?"
"No, I have not seen him this morning." He brought his hand up to stroke his chin as he thought. "But he tends to linger at the library after school. I'll be going now. Good luck on finding him." And with a polite smile, Lucifer continued to walk down the hallway. 
Your eyes brightened at the newfound information as you quickly went back to your room to grab the first gift you got from him. A worn-out book, now even more frayed, from all the nights you had spent reading every letter and every word. 
Every step closer to the library, the heart in your chest thumped. Every thump, the second you were living in felt a little longer. A little too long of a second for you. 
Knocking on the door, Satan appeared, unaware of the turmoil within your heart. "Oh, hello. I'm assuming you were looking for my presence?" Satan said with a tilt of his head, an innocent smile on his face. He knew. 
"You were the one... right?" You clenched the book closer to your chest, nervousness washing over you. A hundred-percent sure it was him, you knew it, he even signed it. Yet, why are you still so timid?
"Yeah. Took you long enough." 
“The real lover is the man who can thrill you by kissing your forehead or smiling into your eyes or just staring into space.” 
From Satan
Soft lips greeted your forehead, the touch as delicate as a feather. 
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