#but I still find myself wishing the bell keeper got more screen time
the-irken-pony · 8 months
Hilda season 2: This mysterious man is a recluse in a hoodie who prefers to avoid social interaction. He's more fond of trolls than he is of most of the kids in Trolberg, just like Hilda. He dislikes Mayor Alberg out of a sense of distrust in response to having his knowledge on trolls undermined, just like Hilda. He likes cucumber sandwiches, just like Hilda. Much like Hilda, he wishes not to use bells to repel trolls and strives to change an oppressive system, even if that means breaking into places he's not supposed to be in. Did you notice that despite his reclusive nature and implicit dislike of children it doesn't take him long to connect with Hilda? Hilda never learns his name and only knows him by his title at the end of the season, much like Kaisa, whose name we only learned a season after her introduction.
Hilda season 3: This is Hilda's dad his name is Anders Whatshisfuck McGee and he sucks at everything. Hilda still doesn't know that other guy's name.
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thatasianstereotype · 4 years
Father, This Is Your Future Son-In-Law.
A short little side companion fic to my Adrien x Damian series. 
First: Fuck. I’m Gay. 
Second: Damn, You’re Looking Fine. 
Third: Shit. I Got To Deal With This Bitch (Again).
I’m still working on the fourth and final part of the series (it won’t be as long of a wait as Part 3). But I wanted to write how the Batfam reacted to their youngest suddenly getting a boyfriend while abroad. 
Creative liberties were taken. Also, this is a crack writing. 
The Demon Spawn who has gotten better at not attacking people at first sight but still just tolerates people. And his holier-than-thou attitude is still there with his love for throwing insults around like free candy. 
This is the kid that manages to snag a pure cinnamon roll sunshine as a boyfriend?
This angry grumpy child? 
Needless to say, the Batfam is in disbelief.
“What?” Bruce thought that the Teen Titans mission in Europe was done. “Why do you want to stay in Paris longer? Is something wrong?”
“No Father. I have simply found someone I wish to court. I will be spending time in Paris to see how best to present myself as an exceptional suitor that is all. Give my regards to Grayson that I will be missing Family Night but that I will make it up by introducing him to his future brother-in-law soon.” 
Bruce was too much in shock to answer when Damian hung up. 
“I think it’s cute that Dami is getting a boyfriend.” 
“Dick, you oblivious and naive child, you are completely missing the point.” 
Dick rolled his eyes. “Look, I’m pretty sure Damian isn’t actually going to marry someone right now.”
“He said ‘future brother-in-law’ inferring that this courtship he wants to initiate will end in a wedding.” 
“I think you are reading too much into this, B.” 
“And you are not reading enough. Have I taught you nothing at all?
“You taught me paranoia.” 
“I taught you to be prepared for every kind of situation.”
“Pretty sure the possibility of your 17-year-old son getting hitched in Paris can be ruled out.” 
“Where did I go wrong with you?” 
And Dick rolled his eyes once again at Bruce’s dramatic-ness. This. This is where Damian gets it from. 
Ever the peace keeper in this dysfunctional trainwreck of a family, Dick managed to stop Bruce from flying to Paris. But much to their frustrations (even Dick’s who wanted to know who captured his baby bro’s heart), Damian did not tell them the name of his potential boyfriend. 
All in all, Damian spent about two months and a half in Paris before coming back home to Gotham. And the Batfam could see a difference right away. 
Damian was happy. He smiled (it was a little one but it had Dick squealing in joy) more and he was more tolerate of his brothers and schoolmates. 
“We should’ve shipped him off to Paris earlier if he comes back like this.” 
Tim was still staring at Damian like he was an alien. The demon spawn still insulted him every other day but hasn’t threatened to kill him at all since he came back. No ripping out his intestines to feed to the vultures or throwing him off a building for the rats to feast on. It was nice. Although a little part of him felt slightly unnerving. He doesn’t have any contingency plans involving a Nice!Damian. 
Dick shook his head fondly at his little brother, taking away his coffee full of too much caffeine and replacing it with decaf. He has truly ascended to motherhood. “Well, I think it’s nice that Little D found love.”
“In the city of love. Is no one paying attention to that part?” Jason munched on one of Alfred’s cookies. “Cause I think that’s hilarious. I thought Baby Bat would’ve choked on all the happiness and bright clean air there.”
Dick whacked his arm. “Stop being mean to Dami.”
“But Dickie. It’s how I show affection.” 
Adrien Agreste was the son of the supervillain Hawk Moth that have terrorizing Paris for the last 3 years. Batman was not at all pleased to hear that the Parisian heroes called for help and the Justice League turned them away. People have paid for that. Dearly. 
“So his mom’s dead and his dad’s a criminal?” Jason looked over Bruce’s shoulder at the BatComputer. “Kid’ll fit right in with our family. Demon sure knows how to pick them.”
“Hnn.” Bruce grunted. 
“I mean with you dating Selina, a notorious thief and doing the thing with Talia, a very dangerously lethal assassin, it’s no wonder where your son got his taste from.” 
“Jason.” Bruce grunted in a warning tone. 
“I mean when I’m right, I’m right.”
“Ok.” Tim started off tonight’s Family Meeting (excluding Damian), the topic being one certain ex-assassin’s love interest. “Looking further into the Agreste kid shows he clearly did not take after his villainous dad. He is one of Paris’ teenage models and have a huge fanbase dedicated to how pure and sweet he is. He is a literal walking ray of sunshine.” 
“How the fuck did that sunshine child tame our literal feral demon brother?” Jason said. Always the VIP asking the important questions here.
Tim actually had an answer for that. He pulled out several charts and data on his laptop and showed it to the others. “Looking further into Adrien, I have found evidence that he is the cat-themed superhero Chat Noir. Being a loveable and touch-starved kitten appealed to the demon brat’s almost non-existent affections.” 
“Timmy, Dami is capable of love.” Dick said in a disappointed voice. 
“I said almost non-existent, didn’t I?” Tim waved the Mom’s disappointment away. “But you guys have got to see this.” 
He pulled up a video of Chat Noir and Ladybug on the big screen. They watched him using his signature move: cataclysm. No one spoke for a few minutes as they processed the sheer destructive powers of the hero.
“You know what.” Jason broke the silence. “I have no more questions. I can kind of see how Agreste is the demon’s type.” 
What baby assassin wouldn’t be turned on by the literal godly destructive powers the baby kitten held in his hands? 
Dick, the only one wanting to keep things semi-PG here, smacked the back of his head. 
“Baby brother.” Cass greeted. She is back home from her Hong Kong trip and heard all about the famous Adrien Agreste. She thought it was adorable and that Adrien and Damian made a cute couple. 
“Hello, Cassandra.” 
She peered down at the list he was currently making. She gestured towards it with a confused look. 
“I am compiling a list of tasks that needs to be done before my Chaton and new sister-in-law come to Gotham. Only the best for them after all. 
Her eyes lit up. “New sister?”
“Yes. My mon amour’s sister will be our new one.” He pulled out a picture of her on his phone for Cass to see. “Her name is Marinette and she will be a fine addition to the family.” 
“Baby sister.” Cass said happily. She was always up for new family members. 
“Yes. I imagine you two will get along the best.” 
But she couldn’t help but notice that with all the preparations he is making, even if it is for his boyfriend and new sister, is a bit —how would Steph say it?— overkill. 
Her coal black eyes were sharp as she observed his body language. “You very serious on this. Why?” 
He can never hide anything from his sister. “I wish for them to have a good impression of our family so that their family will not be disincline to reject my proposal for marriage.”
“Marriage?” She was still quite unfamiliar with some words in English. 
“It means that you will be getting another brother too.” 
“We will wed.” 
Dick hasn’t even finished his cereal yet. He looked over at Damian’s serious expression. “Did you even ask him yet?” 
“I will present myself as an extraordinary suitor that he will be more inclined to say yes when I ask.” 
“At least you’re treating your man right.”
Damian took offense. “Why wouldn’t I treat my mon amour with anything but the upmost respect and love?”
“I didn’t mean it like that, Little D. I’m just glad you’re in a good relationship and from what I can see, Adrien adores you very much.”
Damian smiled. “I adore my Chaton a great deal as well. Would you like to come with me to pick out a ring?
Dick could just hear Bruce’s voice in his head saying he shouldn’t be encouraging this. But come on, this was his baby brother who grew up learning how to hurt people finding a precious loving relationship for himself and he will be damned if he doesn’t support this. 
“Of course. I’ll be honored to help.”
His baby brother brightened before he launched into a rant. 
“I’m having trouble finding the perfect gem to complement his eyes. They are a certain shade of forest green you see. And many jewelry stores do me a great disservice by not having that certain shade or having utterly appalling quality for what my Chaton deserves.” 
@iglowinggemma28 @iz-bell-saiah @nach0ava @roselynfey @mochinek0 @wannajointhecrabcult
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fairydust-stuff · 5 years
Ode to Hannah Annafellows
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I noticed Hannah doesn’t get as much attention as Alois or Claude. I know a lot of her writing makes no sense half the time but lets be honest Alois and Claude suffered from inconsistencies as well. What we do have is fairly interesting though, so I wanted to write an piece that gives attention to my favorite Demon Lady.
Hannah the Demon Hannah used to be just like Sebastian and Claude for filling contracts for a quick meal. She was board and just killing time until she met Luka and fulfilled his wish to slaughter everyone who was mean to him and his big brother. “That is the first time anyone ever thanked Me." at first glance it seems like Hannah went from sinner to saint however a closer look reveals. Hannah is still a demon regardless of her newfound humanity; her true nature makes her a dangerous foe. 
Here's the thing Hannah isn't a good person but she's, not a completely evil like bad fanfic's portrays her as, and not without kindness but she's still a viper. Hannah would gladly tattle on Claude to Alois, she would never keep the spiders confidence. In fact she'd use the opportunity to try and get a heartbroken Alois to listen to her. Hannah has shown herself to be very manipulative and sneaky. She spent her whole time at Trancy manor patiently waiting for Claude to screw up so she could step in. Outside of Alois and Luka she's not exactly warm hearted people forget this is the women who was fine turning everyone into zombies and watching them tear each other apart on Alois's orders. She had every intention of hurting Sebastian in that fight. She's probly killed others off screen too and the stuff with Ciel which I’ll get to later. This reflects that although Hannah is capable of love, humanity with the exception of Alois and Luka are still basically insects to her.
Hannah and Alois Everyone seems to forget especially Claude x Hannah shippers is Hannah is Alois's creature even more so then Claude. In fact they have certain traits in common. Both of them are protective of those they love, (Alois luka and Claude, Hannah Alois, luka) forgiving of trespasses by dear ones, (Alois forgave Claude, Hannah forgave Alois) can be incredibly vindictive if crossed, (Just look at how they got Sebastian and Ciel good) know how to manipulate and trick people in order to get what they want. They both can keep up a charade for a fairly long time. (Hannah everyone, Alois lord trancy) Hannah is both the tinker bell and Wendy to Alois's peter pan. (Without the romantic feelings)
This is why oc x Claude fics annoy me so much. (Seriously, Claude couldn't keep a human female alive around those two. Alois would go sobbing to Hannah and she would cut the girls throat for being in the way of her highnesse's happiness. Also Hannah would never aid a random person unless that girl meant something to Alois. So any oc finance of Ciel's would be screwed in that situation. I strongly think her attack on Ciel was a direct retaliation for him stabbing Alois as well as to help Alois seize Ciel's body. However the fact of the matter is their relationship is troubling, manipulations by Claude and the fact both of them are socially impaired creates miscommunication about the others intentions. One being a demon that’s not used to looking after an abused human, and one being a mentally ill abused child.
I've noticed Hannah wears the same maid uniform that the maids that prepared Alois for Trancy wore, despite her good intentions Hannah comes across as predatory. Her eyes glow red and she slowly licks her fingers like a snake. There are scenes where she's crouched over or straddling Alois's unconscious body in an awkward position. Her biggest problem is unlike Claude who doesn’t care and can calmly make observations and cool headed decisions. Hannah's sincere love may cause her to be over zealous and over stepping into the comfort zone of a young boy who is wary of adults and their desire to be close to him. (Not that this excuses his behavior) Yet it can be argued Alois is as dependent on her as he is with Claude. When Claude hurts Alois emotionally Hannah is the one he goes to either to take his frustrations out on her, or to simply cry his eyes out. She is the one he gets to take him to ciels manor so he can warn him about Claude and later Alois relies on her to help him carry out his plans in the maze. This suggests even in earlier episodes she held some importance to him even when he didn't trust her.
Claude and Hannah The two of them have a very interesting dynamic. Claude is the beloved cherished servant Alois constantly showers with compliments and as a result of his affections, Claude has the kid wrapped around his finger. “My heart is trapped in your spider webs, I love you my highness." Alois declares in the last episode. In contrast Hannah gets all the abuse Alois even rips her eye out for looking at him wrong. “She creeps me out" Alois sincerely tells Sebastian in his introduction episode. Claude yet both of them are attracted to Alois's fiery soul. “I do so love your passion." Claude thinks near the end of Spiders Intention “As do I." Hannah adds. However as the two dominant figures in Alois's life they are at odds with each other. And although I’ve heard different takes on Claude and Hannah's relationship some suggesting love or sexual intimacy.
I tend to view them as enemies who dislike each other greatly, but see the benefit in an alliance against greater threats. Although I don't doubt a sexual relationship is possible, I think it would be purely for physical and manipulative purposes. I know some fans are convinced Claude is gay or a pedophile but honestly Claude is a demon therefore he most likely has no limits to what he will and won't screw. 
Claude although incapable of love himself is possessive he views Alois as his property bought and paid for by their contract, fated to be eaten when Claude grows tired of him. He is suspicious of Hannah and doesn’t want her to steal his meal but also regards her as his toy or as he so crudely put “Hole for my sheath." referring both to the fact she is the keeper of an actual sword and perhaps making a sexual reference. He even protects her from Sebastian at one point, yet Claude himself treats both of his so called possessions like trash. Hannah gets it the worst he throws her around hits her and constantly pulls a painful sword out of her body. Yet he's also dependent on her, as shown in spider’s intention Claude makes the triplets and Hannah do the actual work.
Although he insists the work is beneath him, I’d argue Claude is too proud to admit Hannah is better at pleasing Alois then he is. As shown when she suggests bluebells in Alois's room in contrast to the roses Claude wanted. Hannah seems to dislike Claude she is jealous of the love Alois has for him and angry at how false he is. “You don't deserve to be at his side, the only one who does is Luka Macken" she states. Later she seems to display open hatred for Claude instead of simple distaste Suggesting Alois use his wish to bind Claude to him forever and saying that she would happily break Claude’s legs for him. Most likely retaliation for his murder and betrayal of Alois himself. However later she does except Claude into her family and take him to limbo on Alois's behest while his soul is in side of her. Suggesting she has the ability to forgive and forget. Anti-Hero Hannah I know fans praise Ciel and Sebastian as an anti-heroes but no their villain protagonists. Both Ciel and Sebastian are obsessed with their goals which are purely selfish. In contrast Hannah is the closest thing this series has to a hero. So anti-hero I guess just to be fair. Her whole goal is to save Alois and his brother she even saves Claude from dying permanently and she kills herself to free their souls on the off chance they can all go to Nervinna. Think about her whole role taking abuse, saving children and forgiving her abusers and helping them too find a kind of peace. Even Ciel is able to relax as a demon knowing Sebastian won't munch on his soul.
She also goes through a huge change in her attitude from careless predator to someone who's starting to figure out she is capable of emotions like love and caring. But Why is she so understanding of Alois's abuse how can she love him? I’ve wondered this myself I know it was because she swallowed his brother, but I think their might be a deeper reason. I think Hannah gets Alois Trancy more than anyone else. (Not that it’s saying much everyone else in Alois life except Luka was extremely self-absorbed) She's a demon a demon who felt lonely and board and did horrible things that's what demon do lash out at the world because they've been rejected by heaven. So when Alois lashes out because he's scared or hurting Hannah can’t hate him, because I think she's been there many times and done far worse crimes then the human before her. She's had centuries to do things like start wars and topple empires. So when Alois hurts her Hannah can’t help but understand and relate to him. Which is what makes Hannah so fascinating she's a demon who can be nasty but still manages to be kind, understanding, and embrace penance, and forgiveness.
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blufics · 7 years
Title: Departure
Pairing: Ladybug/Adrien
Syn: After finding him alone and unconscious on the street, Ladybug takes a tired, drunken Adrien home. When he begs her to stay with him, she finds herself conflicted, to say the least.
He was completely out.
Alone and nearly anonymous, Adrien Agreste was collapsed and unconscious in the streets of Paris. Ladybug observed in wonder and concern, bells of alarm ringing in her head.
She knelt down to check his pulse. Normal. Thank god.
“Adrien,” she called, her voice clear and startling in the otherwise quiet alley. “Adrien, can you hear me?”
His eyes fluttered for a moment, but didn’t open completely. His corners of his lips turned upwards dreamily as he took her hand.
“Marinette,” he murmured, and then knocked right out again. Ladybug nearly dropped him in shock.
“Are you- you’re not awake, are you?”
No response. His hand had fallen limp, as well.
Partly anxious and partly relieved, Ladybug sighed, “Let’s get you home, then,” slung him over her shoulder, and tossed her yoyo out, gripping its line in preparation.
Luckily for her, his window happened to be open. She hoped he didn’t make it a habit to leave it that way, but was thankful, nonetheless.
She was placing him in his bed as gently as possible when his eyes opened, once more. Every inch of her body was paralyzed.
“Y-yes,” she answered. “Hey. Hi. You alright?”
He nodded, smiling. “I’m fine. Thank you.”
“Are you sure? I found you passed out on the street, so-”
His hand grabbed ahold of hers. Her skin jolted, and though his grip was loose, she didn’t make a move to free herself.
“I’ve had a bad night,” he murmured. “Bad, bad night.”
Ladybug then realized that he wasn’t entirely coherent. As a matter of fact, now that she thought about it, he had been within walking distance from the nearest club.
Well, that explained it.
Her attitude shifting, she held his hand in both of hers. “Well, you’re safe now,” she told him. She began to move away. “Get some rest, okay?”
“No.” His grip tightened.
She turned back to look at him, blinking in surprise. “Did you need something else?”
And gently, but definitely, he began to pull her toward him. She obliged, and found herself mere inches from his face. He held her cheek with his free hand, his eyes burning.
“Don’t leave me,” he whispered, his voice thickening. “Please, don’t leave me alone.”
And, though she wanted so badly to give him the answer he desired, Ladybug’s morality trumped her empathy.
“I really have to go, Adrien,” she said.
“No, no,” he begged, “please. Don’t leave me alone, like she did. I just need someone.”
“I had a bad night.” His eyes reddened; she was sure he was going to cry, now. “I just wanted to stay home, and then Nino came and made me go, and it was too loud and Chloe told me to swallow this pill-thing, and now I keep having weird spasms in my head, and I can’t be by myself, ‘cause I’ll go crazy.”
She wished he hadn’t told her that.
Ladybug sighed, taking a seat near the foot of the bed. “I can stay for a little while.” She hoped to god he’d fall asleep again.
“Can you lay down with me?” he asked. She glanced away.
“I don’t think that would be appropriate-”
God, that word. He said it with eyes that could melt.
“Okay,” she surrendered, if only for the fact that she knew she’d have to be gone in a few minutes’ time. With caution, she moved to the head of the bed and lay on her side, facing him. The smile she received as a result was more than worth it.
“Thank you.”
“It’s no problem.”
“I love you.”
She froze.
Then, after a moment, relaxed, shaking her head. “I think you need some sleep,” she told him.
“I’m not tired,” he insisted. “You’re beautiful.”
She resisted the urge to laugh. “And you’re high and drunk at once. Try to go to sleep, Adrien.”
“I can’t sleep. That’s why I need you right now.”
“Sometimes, sleep comes easier than you think it will. Just relax. I’m not going anywhere.”
Then, quietly, he said, “Yes, you are.”
“I’m not.”
“You’re going to leave, just like she did.”
“Who is she?”
“The minute I fall asleep, you’ll be gone.”
Ladybug exhaled. “No, I won’t. I promise.”
“Then just let me tell you how I feel. If you’re going to leave.”
“Adrien, I swear, I’m not go-”
His lips were pressed against hers. Her heart leaped into her throat.
He continued to kiss her, and once her initial shock passed, she found herself kissing him back.
His skin growing hot, Adrien shifted his torso so Ladybug lay beneath him, his elbows resting on the bed on either side of her. Her hands gripped his hair as he rubbed his thumb across the skin behind her ear, his heart pounding.
Finally, after some time, he pulled away, resting his head on her shoulder.
“I love you, and you’re beautiful,” he told her.
“And I shouldn’t have done that,” she replied, squeezing her eyes shut. Something like guilt panged in her chest, while something like thrill sang in her skin. She stroked his hair, curling her lips in regret. “I really should go, now.”
“Please, just stay with me.”
“I can’t, Adrien,” she sighed. “As much as I want to.”
“I’ll go crazy if I’m alone.” He began to pull back, to look her in the eyes. “I need you…..Marinette?”
Oh. No.
With an increasing surge of panic, Marinette touched her face. No mask. She pinched the hem of her shirt. Cotton.
“I really, really have to go,” she said, scrambling out from under him.
She darted away, out of his bedroom, down the fire escape, and into the night.
Adrien, alone in his bed, stared after her. He then looked at his window- open, as always.
Maybe I do need sleep.
And he collapsed, heavy eyelids finally closing, once more.
Adrien? Dude, I am so sorry! I never meant to leave you alone with Chloe, man. And, you know, you were right, and I should have listened to you. I shouldn’t have made you go out with us. I just thought maybe you needed some fun, maybe a drink or two, to get your mind off of it all. But it turned out to be a total disaster, and I get it if you’re mad. I would be, too.
On the bright side, though, you got a personal escort from Ladybug! Talk about lucky!
Anyway, I’m glad you got home safe. Call me whenever you feel like. Hope your dad’s not mad.
Bye, dude.
Adrien appreciated that- Call me whenever you feel like. If nothing else, Nino knew his habits.
And, though that fact may have warranted more resentment than usual, Adrien found that he was mad with his friend at all. As a matter of fact, he was kind of thankful. As he’d mentioned, he’d gotten an escort home from Ladybug. Best compensation gift a guy could get, in his book.
Now, as for how that escort had gone. He wasn’t entirely sure. Even if his head weren’t still spinning from the aftermath of whatever it was Chloe had fed him, the memories themselves were hazy, and a couple of them were downright unrealistic- possible hallucinations, he assumed.
Most clearly, however, he recalled his pathetic pleas. His continuous cries of, don’t leave me.
He also remembered that, at least for a short while, she’d humored him, though he didn’t remember the attitude surrounding said humor. He cringed to think of her response. He must have made a complete idiot of himself.
But, all in all, she’d saved him. He smiled to himself; he could almost hear his mother saying, she’s a keeper.
He wondered if she could see him now- at least on this day, wherever she might have been. The anniversary of her departure, if nothing else, had to have some meaning, he surmised. If she couldn’t see him any other time, they had to let her see him then.
“I hope you like her, Mom,” he said aloud, hoping she was there to hear him in some way. “I wish you could meet her.”
His phone rang, startling him out of his daydreams. The screen read, Father.
He sighed. Time to get on with the day, he supposed.
AN: Clearly, in an AU where they’re all older. Or maybe, Chloe’s just got connections. Idk. You decide. 
And I heard it’s Miraculous Fluff Month? Since I’m on a writing kick, why not contribute? Though this isn’t quite as fluffy as I might’ve hoped...forgive me. Maybe more, later. Idk.
Hope you enjoyed! Feel free to reblog and reply, if you’d like!
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