seaside-solitude · 7 years
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seaside-solitude · 7 years
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Save the bees. I love honey. We should care about our world, animals, forests, oceans, and well being of our planet.
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seaside-solitude · 7 years
i don’t mean to be political, but what if everyone had basic human rights
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seaside-solitude · 9 years
!!!! My portfolio is almost finished! So, new poems! Kind of. Three out of five are just rewrites. But still. Writing! Poetry!
I hate editing my own stuff!
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seaside-solitude · 9 years
2/26/15 At seventeen, the hardest choice you should have to make is what clothes you want to wear, or what food you want to eat; not sitting at the edge of your bed at four in the morning considering whether or not your existence matters in this world. (A.)
(via halluzinogen)
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seaside-solitude · 9 years
Re-draft: Late Night Love
It is midnight
And I cannot stop giggling over how beautiful your name sounds.
You are asleep
But I am kept awake at the thought of your mouth, your lips,
Those arms that I so desperately want wrapped around me.
It is one o clock,             
And I am kept awake thinking of how our hands fit together
Like the missing puzzle pieces that complete the final picture,
And how we always manage to walk in step,
Like a mini marching band parading around town.
It is two o clock,
And I debate about calling you,
Leaving a slurred voice mail you probably won’t be able to understand
Because I’ll be speaking in words that only make sense in my head.
Two thirty I talk myself out of this
But begin writing you the sappiest of sweet messages I can muster,
Beginning with “O magnificent muse!”
And never actually ending,
As I can never put you into words.
It is three o clock,
And I decide it is best to keep this hidden,
Keep this golden secret to myself.
I let the nighttime hear my whispered dream as I slowly drift off to sleep
With the thought of you floating through my mind.
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seaside-solitude · 9 years
A short poem about someone important
Sometimes someone pops into your life
And suddenly all those everyday occurences ring a reminder of their eyes
Or their lips
Or the way their voice sounds at 1 am as they croon out covers to a half empty pub and dedicate your favorite song to “that American girl”.
Sometimes they have a smile that can cure that overcast gloom that seemed to follow you around
And a laugh that sounds like happiness.
Sometimes someone pops into your life
And nothing seems the same.
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seaside-solitude · 9 years
Never apologize for burning too brightly or collapsing into yourself every night. That is how galaxies are made.
Tyler Kent White  (via blissfvlcity)
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seaside-solitude · 10 years
glamorize going to bed early, like, 8pm early
instead of making high stress levels a competition, brag about feeling whole and at peace.
make it cool as hell to take 2pm naps and go on mindful walks by yourself.
talk about mental health and normalize visits to counselors or support systems
teach kids that being different is beautiful and that it’s healthy to love what makes us who we are.
make #selflove and #selfcare the most common hashtags
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seaside-solitude · 10 years
It’s 1:21 at my mum’s house red red wine it’s 1:51 at my mum’s house everything is fine i need to get sleep it’s the second time this week why do i even try all the pain and suffering will eventually subside we’ll eventually subside it’s 10am at my mum’s house i’m trying to be quiet as a mouse it’s 10am at my mum’s house why the fuck did i drink that much don’t have a job don’t have a wallet some body stole it don’t have a job don’t have a wallet cos some body stole it
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seaside-solitude · 10 years
Young Magic
This backyard used to be my personal kingdom,
A place where I was free and had control.
I used to swing higher than birds,
Hair flying past me in gentle gusts
As I propelled myself back and forth,
Growing closer and closer to the sky.
I could have touched the stars if I had wanted to,
A simple task for the girl with tangled hair and crooked grin.
Mom’s garden was filled with spices and herbs,
Millions of recipes for an aspiring young witch
Waiting for her Hogwarts letter to arrive.
Those hands picked each ingredient with care.
But the magic faded with each passing year,
Less time to explore the shrinking outdoors.
Now there is no flying or harvesting
And the sky seems farther than it ever has.
Send my regards by owl;
Let them know my letter was lost in the post.
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seaside-solitude · 10 years
Yesterday I went on an adventure and today I was productive and currently I’m holding a ukulele and these are the things that are important to me right now.
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seaside-solitude · 10 years
Just a reminder
Bi girls aren’t secretly straight
Bi guys aren’t secretly gay
Pansexuals aren’t attracted to everyone
Nor are they attracted to pans
Bi and pans don’t all want a threesome
Bi and pans are not more likely to cheat
Asexuality is not celibacy
Nor are asexuals plants
Aromantics don’t need to be fixed
The ‘a’ in LGBTQA stands for asexual not ally
Demisexuals and polysexuals exist
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seaside-solitude · 10 years
Rock n Roll At Dusk (working title)
There is a sea swirling on the dancefloor
Where the waves churn and turn,
Pulsing and jumping to the beat.
A disco ball hovers above,
Bathing the room in flecks of neon lights
Like stars in this electric galaxy.
Thump Thump, Thump Thump.
There is a bass drum inside of your chest
And a guitar thrums through your brain
While you can feel the bass line moving your feet for you.
Suddenly, you are floating on the sea,
Swept off your feet as you glide along the surface.
There is chaos moving through the air,
Happy shrieks and out of key singing that
Swells and wanes with the rhythm of the music.
The ebb and flow of the tide is guided by the song
That hangs in the air,
And this is where you come to realize
Life is simple here in the moonlight.
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seaside-solitude · 10 years
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seaside-solitude · 10 years
Goals before the semester ends: write and perform a slam poem because I really need to improve on that aspect.
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seaside-solitude · 10 years
Falling in love with yourself first doesn’t make you vain or selfish, it makes you indestructible.
— Things I’ll teach my children. (via guy)
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