#but I think despite his flaws Nate is someone Eliot is PROUD to have worked for
firebirdsdaughter · 2 years
Ya know…
… Now that I’m rewatching Leverage (the original, not the new one, I can’t watch the new one)…
I set Leverage apart from most of my Found Family Crime Etc. shows bc it’s much more… Heavily team-focused. While the others may feature a team, what I consider the officially ‘family’/the ‘main focus’ is usually at most three people. Leverage balances between five quite well and keeps up strong family ties and unique relationships between all of them that I don’t feel like it fits in the same class as the others, it’s got so much variety.
But more to the point, the relationship I find myself being particularly fascinated by on this go through is actually Nate and Eliot?? Like… Eliot’s loyalty to Nate and the different ways it manifests. You’ve got stuff like in the wedding episode, when Nate tells him to put the money into a different trunk than they planned, Eliot just double checks that he’s sure and then does it. Then you’ve got the moments where Eliot calls Nate out for stuff, or councils w/ Sophie about Nate’s behaviour, or how he’s the one that steps in when Nate and Sophie aren’t around. In the ep where Maggie’s arrested, he runs the rescue seamlessly and is the absolute picture of the competent, reliable lieutenant. Even just the way he’s often seen standing at Nate’s shoulder, as early as when they first pick up Sophie. Being the last to leave at the end of the ep w/ all the flashbacks about the dagger. Eliot used guns and killed for him and the rest of the team, and the fact that Nate’s the only one who knows and he keeps it a secret. Eliot being willing to kill again to keep Nate from doing it. Walks away from a football game to go help Parker bc Nate asked him to, right now. Eliot being the one to prompt Parker, then Hardison to go when Nate turns himself in.
Eliot is consistently portrayed as a very interesting, complex character w/ a checkered past who has an extensive reputation for being extensively dangerous. He doesn’t seem to have worked very long for anyone besides Moreau, some of them are even out for his blood. All in all not the kinda person that’s going to give out not just trust but loyalty easily—but he gives it to Nate (and yes, the whole team, but I’m being focused here); even after Nate hits his button of conning his team (though that’s probably foreshadowed by his eventually forgiving Sophie for the same), even when Nate’s being destructive. Eliot chains himself to Nate’s corner. And that’s just so interesting to me??
#Leverage#Eliot's loyalty is def something that's hard to come by#and so I just find their relationship really interesting#Eliot's absolutely the big brother the 'lieutenant'#besides Sophie he's Nate's other closest confidant#and I dunno they just feel so understated???#and like it's usually Eliot and Sophie talking quietly about Nate being self destructive#it's them standing up to him that actually like#I dunno it holds a certain amount of weight#like absolutely Parker and Hardison disagree all the time but there's just a different tone#I dunno if I'm talking to myself here but it's just fascinating to me#like I don't exactly wonder 'why' I think events over the course of the series#and their respective natures explain it pretty well#Nate and the team provide Eliot w/ a noble purpose again something he never thought he could have back#I think he also relates to Nate since they both have self loathing issues#Moreau was someone Eliot is now ashamed to have worked for#but I think despite his flaws Nate is someone Eliot is PROUD to have worked for#it's not one of the relationships that gets MUCH focus but it's gotten more interesting to me#not to say it doesn't get focus the show was pretty damn good at spreading focus but it#it was one of the slight let less focused on ones#Eliot is often looked at through the lens of his relationship w/ Parker and Hardison#which I also love and I love how protective he is of them as well sibling soulmate whatever relationships get me okay#but also just… his and Nate's relationship is fascinating#it's one of trust and loyalty that get battered and shaken but never falls#Eliot is Nate's lieutenant/enforcer until he passes the torch to Parker#and even then#that loyalty doesn't go away#if Nate called him he'd come#I should give this show a tag too#Things You Didn't Know Fire Was Into
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