#but I ultimately feel like “needs constant reassurance and takes small things personally” is sooo mike wheeler
rotisseries · 1 year
max mayfield and mike wheeler same person but the difference is an avoidant attachment style vs an anxious one
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slashersrus · 5 years
Jerome Valeska x Male Reader - Sociopath
AN - I made this one shot based on another book I'm writing called Insanity. I used the character of Kai Parker from The Vampire Diaries. You don't need to read the other book because this one shot does not connect to it in any way. If you enjoy the characters though, be sure to check it out.
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The smell of burning flesh filled his nostrils, breathing it in with a smirk, he watched his childhood home become encased in the blood red flames. The feeling of freedom rushed through his veins like a drug, a pleased sigh passing through his lips, the fire dancing in his dark eyes.
Hearing sirens in the distance, he dropped the smile, pulling his denim jacket further around him and sniffling. A blanket was soon placed over his shoulders, a cop whispering reassuring words in his ear as he was dragged from the crime scene, pitying looks being sent his way as his family burned alive.
"Do you have any other family?" The question came the next day, when the fire had been declared an accident and he had been put into the care of the police. Being only 16 and under the age of 18, he had to be relocated to any remaining family he had or the foster system until he was a legal adult.
Mischief lit up inside him as he spoke two words, "my uncle."
Gotham here he comes.
"Come on, son, we gotta go to GCPD to meet your uncle." Harvey sat up from his ratty couch, pulling his uniform on as he spoke to the brunette who was currently staying with him. His uncle had decided to go to the circus with is girlfriend meaning Kai had nowhere else to go other than Harveys for the night as his uncle didn't trust him to be left by himself. Kai glared as he opened his eyes from where he had been resting on the hard floor, his glare settling on the ceiling before Harvey stepped into his line of sight.
"Come on, up." Harvey nudged him in the side of his rib cage with his foot, in that moment Kai conserved removing that foot from Harveys body but ultimately decided against it. He had a plan, he needed to stick to it.  He was turning 18 in a couple of days and when that happened he would leave Gotham, not before killing his uncle and the detective that stuck to his side like a rat. Originally, he had thought Gotham would be a fun place to be, he had heard many rumours of the violence of the city, but they all turned out to be disappointing. After nearly two years in the city, he was about ready to claw his own brains out in boredom. His uncle kept him locked up, away from the fun and criminals in Gotham and due to the constant watch he as under, he couldn't go out to create his own fun. Kai was a lot of things, but dumb was not one of them. He knew that if he killed his uncle now, then he would be immediately arrested, if he waited till he could legally leave, he could leave straight after. He had tried to run away multiple times, broke a police mans wrist once when he tried to keep him in the house, and according to his psychiatrist he had ptsd and intense anxiety from the trauma of losing his family. Kai merely laughed at this, the notion that he was sad over his family's death was hilarious to him, however his uncle decided that he needed to be under constant supervision for his own safety and mental health state.
It was a little while later, he was sitting outside the room where his uncle was currently interrogating someone, apparently there was a murder at the circus. Given murder investigations are the only remotely fun thing to happen, Kai opted to sit outside and listen in.
"Sex is a healthy human activity." Hearing a timid voice speak these words, Kai snorted as he pictured his uncle's startled face.
"Malachai!" Gordon spun around at the noise, his eyes angry as Kai leaned his head into the door frame to peek inside, his head tilting as he saw the red headed boy, something was off about him.
"Yes?" Putting on his most innocent face, he stood leaning on the door frame confidently, his lip twitching as he tried not to grin.
"I told you to stop listening in on interrogations." Gordon shot an apologetic look at the red head whose eyes were analysing the new person in the room.
"Not to. But I'm bored. Oh right, manners,, I'm Kai." Darting forwards into the room, kai held his hand out to the boy in greeting.
"I'm Jerome." The handshake was tight, neither of the two wanting to back down from the strong grip. Narrowing his eyes at the ginger, Kai saw a mix of curiosity and amusement in his eyes. Raising an eyebrow, he let go of Jerome's hand, turning to his uncle when he next spoke.
"So, he the killer?" The straight to the point question shocked Jerome slightly and Gordon seemed taken aback.
"No Malachai, he's the victims son. Now please, you're not a detective, I could get you arrested for being in here."
"Don't call me that." Kai's fist clenched, glaring daggers at the sound of his full name.
"Well, nice meeting you Jerome, see you later." Rolling his eyes, he went to walk out of the room, feeling two pair of eyes watching him leave.
"Pleasure to meet you, Malachai." Jerome's words seemed innocent enough to Gordon, but they caused Kai to freeze, he could hear the malice in the words, he knew that the ginger was purposely accenting his full name to annoy him.
"I hope we meet again, mommy's boy." Gordon turned around to scold him, not seeing the dangerous glare Jerome sent Kai or the hearing the threat within Kai's words.
After finding out that Jerome had been called back to the GCPD under the suspicion that he had murdered his mother, Kai waited till he was in the interrogation room alone before slipping in, a small knife hidden up his sleeve.
"So... you murdered your mommy." Kai drawled, strolling over to sit on the opposite side of the table to a startled Jerome.
"I don't know what-"
"You don't need to pretend, don't worry, nobody is behind there." Kai cut him off, jerking his head towards the one way mirror.
"Well you know what mothers are like, she just wouldn't stop nagging. And I'm like fine mom, be a whore, be a drunken whore even, but don't be a nagging, drunken, whore. Ya know?" Jerome burst into sinister laughter.
"You're crazy, shocking." Kai mockingly rolled his eyes with a smirk once Jerome finished laughing.
"You're as crazy as I am, Malachai." Jerome placed his hands on the table, leaning forwards with a huge grin on his face.
"No, I'm a sociopath." Kai growled annoyed, moving quickly and stabbing the knife into Jerome's hand. As the blade went into his hand, Jerome looked at it wide eyed before giggling manically.
"And I don't like being called Malachai." The look Kai gave Jerome could cause any grown man flee in fear, but Jerome simply laughed louder.
"So, who'd you kill?" Jerome spoke with humour, no trace of pain on his face as he sat back, his hand still pinned to the table.
"My family, I tied them all up and burnt them all alive." Kai grinned, looking into the distance as he remembered the night.
"Ooooh" Jerome visibly lit up, his grin widening to an impossible size.
"I was always the abomination of the family, the bad son. Hey they treated me like a monster, I simply acted like they wanted." Kai shrugged, "who names a kid Malachai? It's like they expected me to be evil."
"You gonna let me outta here? We could have sooo much fun together."
"Where's the fun in letting you escape? You'll get sent to Arkham, come find me when you get out, ginger. I've heard great things about Arkham, you'll fit right in." Kai grinned, getting up to leave when Jerome sarcastically called his name.
"I think you forgot something." He tilted his head at the knife in his hand, yanking t out without flinching and handing it over to Kai.
"I'll find you when I get out, Kai. It's gonna be so fun." Jerome grinned darkly, his voice taking on a threatening edge as he giggled.
"I look forward to it." Slamming the door behind him, Kai walked out of the GCPD, feeling entertained for the first time in two years.
He would see Jerome again, he knew it.
Whistling a tune cheerily, he walked down the street as he made a decision.
Maybe he would stay in Gotham for awhile longer.
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