#but I’m not anti Gwynriel I swear
ataraxiasflame · 2 months
Ok, I don’t want to stir the pot here, but I was having a conversation with my sister (who is in no way connected to the online fandom or under any ‘ship’ influence at all) and we had some very interesting discussions because of her lack of ‘influence’. It was really refreshing to hear opinions from someone who is (for the sake of this point) 100% ‘neutral’.
Though there were several interesting points in our conversation, there was one I HAD to share because as soon as the point came up, it made my mind go into overdrive.
Those of us who have read the CC series from the start….do you all remember after book 1, the Ruhn fans (those of us who loved him before Ch 3 of HOSAB) were very much pro-Ruhn-Hypaxia because of all the subtle clues in HOEAB. There was a lot of admiration and appreciation of Hypaxia from Ruhn, dare I say, very similar to Azriel’s appreciation of Gwyn in ACOSF?
And what happened in the next book? Hypaxia/Ruhn was a smokescreen for the real endgame which was Ruhn and Lidia, a character who was already introduced in book 1 though there were zero clues that she would be important to the rest of the series.
So what’s my point? I don’t really have any investment in Gwynriel (I think they’d make a cute couple but I won’t lose sleep over it), but given that SJM has proven in the past few books she’s released that she’s not above an unpredictable plot twist (even ones that don’t make sense), I think it’s not entirely impossible that Gwyn could have a different LI, maybe one who has already been introduced but without any clear reason why….say a Balthazar for instance?
I’m not trying to discredit any ships at all (if you come for me, I’ll just point out that Gwynriel would support my own ship)…what my sister and I did realise is that SJMs writing has changed since her ToG days and this kind of manoeuvre does feel like a possibility now.
(Now, logically, I know that the infamous bonus chapter might seem pointless then, and the argument that Azriel is hinted at getting a book, therefore who is his love interest if not Gwyn, and to that I say, you’re probably right. But could it be a smokescreen just like Hypaxia was?)
My point is just that SJM has developed a taste for throwing curve balls (Ahem…the million involving Danika come to mind) and I think it would actually be hilarious if after all these years and the insane ship wars over Azriel, if he doesn’t end up with Elain OR Gwyn.
(Also, I can laugh at this because I’m not an Azriel fan, but if you don’t see the humor in this, I apologize 😅)
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nikethestatue · 4 months
Just seen a post that absolutely SENT me. “Dagger and the fawn or fox and the fawn” and it was tagged pro GA anti elriel ewriel pro Lucien whatever nonsense
And I’m just like??? Do people not READ?
Fire lord and bird of flame.
Things she did NOT say:
Squealing priestess and silent spymaster
pirate and flower
IS THIS A JOKE?? I swear to god every day I am losing it with these people? Like it is genuinely frustrating to deal with them because they just spread misinformation and don’t even read any other book than the bonus chapter (also wtf how are they just having such an online presence when not even reading the books??)
You can’t even tell them they are wrong because that’s “bullying” and telling them what’s canon and what’s not is “don’t comment if you know this content isn’t for you it’s sick” like huh??
I don’t care if your blog is “gwynselfinsert”, if you sit here and post that Gwyn is perfect for Az because she is going to save Illyria and his shadows protect her and she will do freaky sex stuff with azriel… IM GOING TO TELL YOU THATS INSANE??
Like I saw a post that said Gwyn was gonna tie up azriel w the ribbon and they were gonna f*ck and I was just like HUH?? The ribbon that represents her overcoming her trauma?? She gonna do what with that??
This has to be a social experiment. Honestly. Because how the hell are these people claiming they have 16 books of evidence (I don’t even know what that means) when Gwyn is BARELY in one book. Like are they really using throne of glass books as canon evidence for GWYNRIEL??
Is that not batshit crazy?? That’s like if I saw vlog of a celebrity TikTok and decided - omg I have the exact same napkin from the chinese takeout place they went to!! I MUST BE DESTINED FOR FAME TOO
I am going crazy can Sarah please put an end to this madness
That's why, whenever anyone asks me at this point 'have you heard of (insert crazy Gwynriel theory)?" I PROBABLY have, but I pay them exactly zero attention. I don't engage either. Because this whole thing has jumped the shark so badly that there is no coming back from it.
The disconnect between their fantasies and reality is entirely too great. It can't be bridged at this point.
We just have to sit back, wait for the next book to come and hope it will end the mind boggling insanity that is this fandom.
It's embarrassing. Can't even tell RL people that I read and like SJM. because I dont want them to look into this and then ask me, are you okay?
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gojosatorurailmepls · 3 years
This is not funny. Those assholes really stole my crackship. How dare you.
Now y’all act as if you’ve always shipped Gwyn with Tarquin when you were screaming that no one should draw her with another man because she’s not comfortable around them. If you think that way, you either don’t draw Gwyn with another man or you shut up.
All of this is a proof that you’re only shipping her with Tarquin to get her out of your E*wriel ship🙃
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katrinegrey · 3 years
**Rant about current drama contained below. It contains no pertinent information. Just a way to vent. Please scroll on. Thank you.**
**I will probably delete this in the morning after I’ve slept, the anger has worn off, and I’ve come to my senses. Until then though...
**Trigger warning : lots and lots of swearing
Why can't any of y'all just ship your shit without the fighting?
Why does there always, no matter who it is, have to be some cosmic battle about characters in these damned books?
I will raise my hand now for joining back in the day in debating in the grand pro vs anti Nesta drama before ACOSF! I am guilty too, to a point. But y'all-
It has gotten so far out of hand this time! It has gone so far that I have had to block every single tag I could think of related to ACOTAR. I can't even read fanfic anymore without running into the drama while trying to leave a nice coment for the author.
Before anyone tries to ask me "Well, where do you stand then? You must obviously be a (insert ship here)-er then."
No. No I'm fucking not. I don't care at all if it's Gwynriel or Elriel or Elucien or Vassien or any other goddamn ship potentially canon or crack!ship or otherwise. I don't give a flying fuck! Not at all. In any capacity. And I like to think the silent majority dont either.
I'm here to have a good time. I'm here to enjoy my time on this site with other humans who like the same thing and absorb some peace since the world still absolutely sucks massive burning dicks from hell. I'm here to enjoy fun headcanons and fanfics and fanarts no matter who is in them. For god's sake!
No one but Sarah knows what exactly is going to happen. No one but Sarah needs to know at this point. We Will all find out together. And you know what? If you don't like the canon and don't want to accept it? You don't have to! That's what fan fiction was born for! But you also don't have to be mean to other people.
I know some of you quiet ones out there are too. And I know some of you who have posted on this left it alone until you just had enough. But I am literally begging the universe for a ceasefire! Please!
People are still dying. Terrible things are still happening. Disease is still crazy, countries are falling, natural disasters abound and it really seems like there's no peace. So can we make some of our own? Thanks!
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snelbz · 3 years
"For someone who isnt anti Elucien or Gwynriel, youve been sharing a lot Elriel content"
That literally makes zero since. Like I dont dislike Nesta but I adore Feyre so that's who I post about? I swear some people are just dying to start a problems🙄
Right? I don’t even get it. I’m over it all. Love the ship you love and let others love theirs. Stay in your lane. No need to attack the other ships.
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