#but I'm tagging the warning jic
pyr0peyt · 11 months
They're getting a little spooky with it
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hexastitchimera · 2 months
Taking today off to take care of myself before the rest of this week turns hellish feels like I'm an ant with a toothpick eating some delicious crumbs while Godzilla is hovering his foot over me.
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howfarwillitcarryyou · 10 months
okay so change of plans—i won't be putting "as far as it takes" on ao3 anymore, it'll be on squidgeworld instead
so here's the new link
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madameminor · 6 months
Fox Fire - Commander Fox x f!reader - Chapter 1
Summary: In an effort to forget your on-again-off-again, you head out with your friends - and they're determined for you to meet one Commander Fox. After all, the quickest way to get over someone is to get under someone else.
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Commander Fox x f!reader
Tags: Smutty mcsmutterson. 18+. NSFW. "Basically, all the good stuff."
Warnings: Nothing this round. Just build up.
Notes: Ok hi! Dunno why I wanted to do this, but I did. I'm excited for the story. Post-war, everyone's ok, that sort of thing. Thank you so much to @dumfanting and @rains-on-kamino for beta-ing and keeping my creative juices flowing. I've tagged all the people on my IMWTO list, JIC you're interested in following this story too. If you are, comment. If you don't, I'll remove you for next chapter. Thank yoooou. Let's get this party started!
You have to hand it to Chrisa. If her significant other didn’t work here, you would never have thought of coming to the Clone Bar for your night out - but it is PERFECT for what you need.
All the clones made it easy to clock strangers.
The entire vibe of the place is all about coming in and forgetting the world outside.
None of your or Marco’s mutuals would EVER just happen to be here.
You have a bartender on your side, so if anyone gets too handsy or in your face - insta-boot.
The anger from earlier has simmered into resolve, and any excess is going to be worked out on the dance floor. You’d had enough to drink before coming out to loosen you up, but not to spiral you down. You. Look. FAN-TASTIC. Nothing pumps you up like looking your absolute best - and knowing it.
Damn right. It was time to have some fucking fun.
Your gaggle stride up to the front doors, Chrisa flashing the front doorman a smile and a kiss on the cheek before sliding on in. The thick togruta grins as he waves you all in, the lively music thrumming up through your shoes. OOooooo YES! Here we GO!
Lights, bass, people, ALL of it. You’ve missed it. Your spirits lift at the beautiful sight of fun.
Chrisa leads you past the first few bars, piled up with people, making her way towards a third bar closer to the back. You all follow, chatting away excitedly and looking out over the writhing sea of people. Your smile is genuine. You missed this. You missed them. 
“Baaaaaabyyyyy!” your friend croons, leaning over the somewhat busy bar to kiss the bartender. The rest of you sidle up to the 3 empty seats between two groups of clones, offering your hellos.
“Well, look at this attractive group coming up to my bar,” the bartender, Ceese, says with a grin. Their eyes land on you. “Heard we’re celebrating tonight,” they say with a wink. “So let’s get you all started off on the right foot.”
Your girls cheer and you grin as Ceese sets out 6 double shots, filling them to the brim with your favorite alcohol. You laugh as each of your friends and Ceese all take a shot glass, gathering in close around you. 
“To taking out ta poodoo!” Lehla toasts, holding out her shot.
“KRIFF TA POODOO!” Five clinks as you all cheers and down your shots. The liquid comfort slithers through your body, and you breathe a bit easier. THIS is fun. You’re safe here. You slink your arms around Freen and Sizie and hug them close. They smile and hold you tight while Ceese pours out your drinks.
“There you are, drinks are up, get out there!”
You all cheer and grab your drinks, Chrisa leaning up to kiss them thanks for all of you as your crew saunters off to the dance floor. 
Lehla dives right into the center, turning to all of you, and, holding up her drink, proclaims with the gravity of a general headed into battle “Behbies, lets DANCE!!”
Pulsing, beating, swaying, living. You laugh and twirl and thoroughly lose yourself in the pleasure of being out with your friends. This was amazing. This was life as it ought to be. 
Only exhaustion and the need for another drink eventually pulls you off the floor, plunking you and your friends down into an open booth.
“More drinks, more drinks!” Sizie chants.
“Oh gods I can’t MOVE,” Freen whines as she leans back. She makes begging eyes at Lehla. Well, the Rodian equivalent. “Lehlaaaaa…”
Lehla good naturedly rolls her eyes. “ALright, alright. Chrisa, that's you and me. Lets go get the goods.” 
Chrisa laughs and loops arms with hers, the two heading back to the bar.
You fan yourself, glancing over your two friends as they gab away with each other, taking a second to get your bearings. The anger is burning off now, leaving just the sadness, the hurt… but its nice to remember everything you gain by… well, by things changing. Change is good. You take a deep breath, letting the comfort settle back in.
“Why do they keep looking over here?” Sizie’s voice cuts through, curious.
You look over towards the bar and see Chrisa and Lehla chatting with Ceese and a few troopers - commanders by their pauldrons. Of course Chrisa knew the regulars, probably catching up. And, uh, they all keep looking over. At you. Specifically at you.
Uh oh. “Oh Mother, what are they up to…”
Freen laughs. “Knowing them, something AMAZING.”
Chrisa and Lehla hurry over, both with a mysterious glint in their eye. Chrisa plops down next to you while Lehla leans in with a smirk, hand on the table.
“Soooooo,” Chris says with a sly grin, “do you think that clones are attractive?”
You side-eye her suspiciously. “Why?”
“Weeeeell,” Chrisa tilts her head to the side, letting you see past her, “one of my ‘friends’ over there happens to be Commander Fox of the Coruscant Guard.”
Your stomach tightens with regret.
You sigh, your forehead in your hand. “Chris, you know I don’t-”
She waves her hand at you. “-get on with law enforcement, I know I know. BUT,” she grins, holding a finger up to halt interruptions, “that’s long term. Fox is usually super busy, so he doesn’t really have much time for women in his life. Like, EVER.” She smirks with a small eye roll. “His team almost has to blackmail him to go out with them and relax - and that almost NEVER involves a woman. But that doesn't mean he hasn’t had off-ers,” she says in a sing-song voice. The others giggle as they glance off towards where the Commander sits.
Chris continues. “SO. It wouldn’t be for long- a fling, a jaunt, a roll in the hay, something cas-u-al-and-FUN!” She emphasizes each syllable to get her point across. “You need this. Something different to show you that you can actually be HAPPY in bed, with someone who actually CARES.” 
You raise an eyebrow. “How the heck do you know he ‘cares’?”
She grins again. “I’ve known him for a loooong time. And on the rare occasion that he’s drunk enough to loosen up and actually go home with someone, they ALWAYS come in again talking about how GOOD he is.”
You blink in surprise, and a little shock. “People talk about that?
She shrugs good-naturedly. “Bunker bunnies do. No judgement, they just like to try ‘all the clone flavors’.” She winks. “And I love to hear the gos about the regulars.”
You smirk as the others laugh. Trust Chrisa to be the bar gossip gatherer.
“So, what, you want me to hope he gets drunk, present myself to him and say ‘hi, my ex is an ass and I broke up with him today. Wanna fuck?’”
“Oh NO,” Chrisa pulls a face, “I wouldn’t suggest it if it was that impersonal. See, apparently…” she leans her cheek on one hand, grin glistening with mischief. “He’s been looking over at you all night.”
You blink. You try to sneak a look over to the bar to try and catch a glimpse of this Commander Fox. Two of the red and white clad clones start waving and pointing excitedly between them at the seated one beside them, facing away with what looks like his forehead in his hand. You’re sad you can’t see his face, but you can’t help but smile to yourself. You kind of know how he feels.
“And he’s… cute?” You say hesitantly.
Chrisa perks up and grins. “Oh YEAH. I’ve definitely glanced at him a time or two, don’t tell Ceese.”
“And… safe?” 
“YES,” Chris almost huffs a whine in exasperation. “Who do you think I am??”
It’s not what you normally do…
…but you ARE trying to do things differently this time…
Just one conversation? You didn’t even have to say yes…
He could be cute…
You look around at your friends' faces. Are any of them unsure about this? Would any advise you that this wasn’t a good idea?
Nope. All of their eyes are excited, almost pleading.
“...ok. I’ll at least talk to him.”
You friends all burst out with a “YES!” You smirk and shake your head. Jeez, you didn’t think you needed it THAT bad.
Chrisa stands and gives a thumbs up to the two clones waiting at the bar. They both pump fists in the air before leaning down to talk to the hunched Commander- who simply punches one of them in the arm without looking over at him. You laugh to yourself. Yeah, you definitely know THAT feeling. The poor guy.
Whatever they say to him, it apparently seems to work. He begrudgingly turns around on his stool and stands, grabbing his helmet. One of his men claps him on the shoulder, which he pushes off angrily before taking a deep breath, turning, and starting his way over to where you and your friends sit. 
You feel your breath catch a bit in your chest, something your girls notice with a smirk. He’s GORGEOUS. His hair isn’t standard clone cut - its a bit longer on top and down the back, the sides cropped short. You can see whisps of gray at the side of his temples, almost looking like highlights, making him seem more mature. He has a scar across one cheekbone adding to an authoritative air - but not oppressive or dismissive. His eyes are a beautiful amber brown, serious, but not cynical. And, you notice with a small smile, right now he looks just a little bit… sheepish. 
A man like this has been watching you? A trooper who doesn’t normally take girls home had seen you and not been able to disguise it from his overeager companions? You feel yourself preen internally as he finishes making his way over. 
“Commander Fox, meet the rest of my besties - Freen (she waves), Sizie (a nod and smile), and of course, The-woman-you’ve-been-staring-at-all-night.”
He glances at her with annoyance as your friends laugh. You extend a hand out to shake his hand with your introduction.
“Its… very nice to meet you.” He nods, resigning to the awkwardness of being caught.
“Well, we’ll get out of your hair so you two can get acquainted,” Chrisa simpers. You give her a ‘stop that’ look as she and the girls all file out with winks and excited grins. Sizie even seems to shake little pom poms, mouthing “go, girl, go!”
You play a bit with one earring as you look back at him.
“Sorry about them,” you smile. “Teasing is their love language.”
He snorts with a glance back at them, relaxing a bit. “I know the feeling.”
You chuckle despite yourself. He seems to relax a bit, a smirk playing on his authoritative features.
“Would you care to step into my office, Mr. Fox?” 
He chuckles this time, giving you a quick appreciative glance before sitting down across from you, placing his helmet by his side.
“Excuse me.” A service droid waddles up with two drinks - one your usual, the other looks like a whisky neat for him. You look at it, confused, while it sets them on the table.
“Compliments of the bartender, with the accompanying message-” says the matter of fact tinny voice. “‘-Make out already-’.”  You look up to the crowd of onlookers from the bar giving you both a thumbs up. 
You show them a different finger. 
They all burst out laughing, but get the hint and go back to each other.
You turn back, catching an impressed smirk while he gazes at you.
“You sure showed them.”
 You chuckle while you take a sip of your drink.
“So,” you smile, “come here often?”
He snorts an appreciative chuckle before shaking his head and indicating the two Corries at the bar. “Enough. Though not as much as my men would like.”
You chuckle, glancing over at the excited huddle. “I didn’t know the men of the Coruscant guard were so invested in their Commander’s R&R.”
A sigh and an eye roll, another sip of his drink. “Apparently getting away from work is ‘necessary’ for a healthy, ungrumpy lifestyle.” You nod sagely, indicating you see the sarcasm. “Just my luck to have the subordinates that actually care about my work-life balance.”
“Luck seldom has anything to do with things like that,” you smile, leaning your cheek on your hand. You know what garners unerring loyalty and hard work. You know the kind of leader it takes to make men march into danger- just to drag that S.O. to the bar afterwards - the kind who men take care of, because he took care of his men. “You must be a great commander if they worry about you so much.” And smart, and firm, but kind under it all, and… hoo, slow down honey. 
For some reason, looking at him, knowing what it takes to be a leader, to be someone who watches out for others, you feel compelled to say something you’ve never said before.
“Thank you. For your service.”
His head quirks to the side, eyes interested as they take you in. “I can’t really take much credit for that… it wasn’t entirely my choice, you know.”
You chuckle. “Perhaps not. But I’ve heard of clones who have sought other lives now that the war is over and your rights have been won - can’t blame them at all. I understand not wanting to do what you’re ‘born for’.” You unconsciously watch the bubbles in your drink for a moment before realizing your thoughts are straying, looking back into his intrigued eyes. “So you did have a choice. And you chose to help the people of Coruscant.” You smile, and shrug.  “So, for whatever it's worth, thank you.”
“Hm.” He smiles thoughtfully, regarding you for a moment while he takes a sip of his drink. “Actually, coming from you, it means a lot more,” his eyes take you in again, admiring, intrigued, inviting.
It sends a happy warmth through your insides.
He sets his drink down again, folding his arms and leaning in on his elbows. “So. Born for, huh? Tell me, what were you ‘born for’?”
You smirk, waving a hand in dismissal. Definitely a cop. “Nothing that I’m doing. But I’m an event planner.” You shrug, knowing it doesn’t sound like much to someone who regularly risks their life.
“Hm,” he answers, intrigued. Like actually intrigued. “Can’t say I’ve ever met someone in that field before. What’s your favorite part of the job?”
Hm. You can’t help your smile. No one ever really cares to hear about this part. “Well,” you think, having a genuine look at your chosen profession, “I meet a fair amount of different, interesting people. I'm more active and involved than other jobs, I get to create something, after a fashion, get to create beauty and harmony for people to celebrate or commemorate something.” And you do it well, you know you do. You’re proud of the work you do. “Its satisfying. Like I’m doing good in my own way.”
He smiles at that. 
“‘Interesting people’, huh? Have any good stories?”
“Hah,” you chuckle. “Oh do I.” You perk up, leaning in conspiratorially. “And in your line of work, you probably know some of the main antagonists.” 
His eyes definitely light up with interest. 
Pulling no punches, you dive into tales about Senators, big wigs, their staff, their relatives, the drama before, during, and after. His laughter is all the more hearty knowing who you're talking about. He even thanks you once for making him laugh so hard he cries about a particular Senator from Naboo and a Jedi getting told off for inappropriate use of an ice sculpture.
Knowing you know the main players, he pays you back 10 fold with his own stories- ridiculous requests, entitled children put in their place, the shenanigans his men pull when they think he isn't aware. You swap stories back and forth, relaxing in each others company, unwittingly moving closer together.
He’s nice, you keep thinking. He’s cute. He’s serious, but can laugh. You wonder… what he’s like when he’s alone, in the dark, laying in his own bed...
You only realize how long its been when you take a sip of your drink only to find the cold, watery dregs of melted ice. As you glance into your glass, with a small curse, you hear him say quietly, almost like he’s talking to himself:
“How anyone could do something stupid enough to lose a woman like you is beyond me.” He says quietly, almost to himself. You duck your head, a bit bashful, but keep your eyes up. So he’s feeling it too. He still wants you. He… he likes you. 
Maybe its knowing that, or maybe its the drinks. Or both. But suddenly you feel… sexier.
You look up at him through your eye lashes. 
“Is it alright if I… get more comfortable?”
His eyes spark with excitement and intrigue. “Of course,” he says quietly.
You close the small distance and slide into his lap, your back to the (you are totally sure) excited onlookers. 
You feel your heart pounding at the closeness, skin electric at your own daring.
“Is this alright?”
“Yes.” His voice is much deeper than it was. “More than alright.”
“Good,” you smile, one hand tracing behind his neck, lightly trailing through his curls. He gently places his hand on your leg, his coarse gloves ticking along your thigh, bewitched eyes starting to turn ravenous. 
‘You are absolutely stunning,” he breathes, voice low and serious.
You smile bashfully. “Thank you, its true.”
He lifts his hand and cups your neck, thumb tracing the length of your throat.
“I definitely, definitely want to kiss you right now.”
You place a finger against his lips. He smirks, slowly opening his mouth to lightly bite your fingertip. You breath catches at the small, sensual gesture. His eyes darken at the sound, his teeth releasing you.
“Kriff, mesh’la. I’m going to take such good care of you tonight.”
He kisses you. 
It's like a fire has started in your blood, burning away anything that isn’t this moment right here. You want him. You want him so badly, with his locks between your fingers and his teeth on your throat and his cock in your-
And you can. Because there is absolutely nothing holding you back.
You pull away just enough that your words ghost against his lips. “Do you want to get out of here… Commander?
His kiss is more insistent this time, ending with a small bite pulling your lower lip.
“More than anything.”
You slide off of him before taking him by the hand. He barely looks away from you as he grabs his helmet and dutifully follows you out of the club.
Just-this-once taglist:
@ladykatakuri @ben-is-a-hoe @klay97 @kaitou2417 @dumfanting @kuromisheart @koifish08 @echo-is-worth-more-than-2000 @badbatch-simp24 @pointy-sharp @rainytears2 @gabile18 @nedxwynert @chopper-witch @nexxxxxxxxx @nightscissor @corona-one @babypandasugar22 @pumpkinkpatch @oohyesplease @princessclaire2 @just-a-shit-ton-of-trama @badbatch-simp24 @foreverhockeytrash @unholy-t-rin-ity @reeny26 @smurderous @xxeiraxx @discarded-beskar @just-an-anxious-ball-of-flesh @mybigfatspoonielife @whore4rex @andyoufollowyourheart @lokigirlszendaya @captain-splock-you @darkangel4121
@gluwu @stormweather99 @redpool @mysanityleaving @alwayssnivellus @chickentenderx @scioness-7 @moniicarlo @nekotaetae @cjoftheriver @ladykagewaki @charlie-boo @aconstructofamind @pb-jellybeans @burningfieldof-clover @thegirlwholovedblackholes
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atthebell-moved · 1 year
okay yayyy zoo photos time!! big warning up top for snakes jic anyone doesnt have the tag blocked. there are lots of snake images on this post! putting everything under a readmore bc of that. hope you enjoy looking at the creatures i saw today!!
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koala!!! this one was actually pretty active, usually theyre asleep when i'm there but this guy was munching
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west african gaboon viper!! this is hands down one of my favorite snake species, they're so shaped and their patterning is gorgeous
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don't remember the exact name but this guy is some kind of monitor lizard. eepy!!
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banded king cobra & angolan python-- both beautiful snakes! the former is actually not a true cobra, which refers to the genus Naja, although there are many snakes referred to colloquially as cobras outside that genus. and the angolan python is, as you might be able to tell from its patterning, closely related to the ball python, although far less common in captivity.
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timber rattlesnake & leucistic monocellate cobra!
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shingleback skinks! if it's hard to tell what might be the head and what might be the tail, that's the point-- like many lizards, they can grow back their tails, so it's beneficial to confuse predators from knowing which side to bite.
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and finally, my second favorite snake (after boa constrictors), the green anaconda. this snake is almost always lying in the water like this with her head peeking out. looks like she might be in blue, meaning she should be shedding soon.
another favorite of mine from the reptile house is the boelen's python, although it's very hard to get a photo of because the exhibit is very dark and humid. here's a photo of the two that were in the exhibit previously; i'm not sure if they're still the ones there now:
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[PC: Jpogi] absolutely gorgeous-- if you look closely, you can see that their scales are actually iridescent. these guys are so pretty!
okay thus concludes animal autism hours from bell hope you enjoyed
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Word of warning to anyone who follows me and hasn't seen it, I would suggest blocking Across the Spider-Verse, and it's subsequent related tags. I will be tagging everything as spoilers, but jic. Cause I'm about to be insufferable about this movie. I held my tongue about ITSV on here but there's just SO MUCH in ATSV that i need to gush about both in personal posts and in the tags (mostly in the tags). So I'm giving fair warning.
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augustheart · 5 years
cliff steele has been in over 500 issues and his only non-retconned love interest was a trans woman and the knowledge that nobody gives enough of a shit to ever mention that or bring her back regardless of how cool of a character she is in her own right makes me feel like i’m going to go absolutely ballistic. like the least you could do is respect her for being a love interest if you refuse to see her as important otherwise. that’s the least you can do! 
like, kate was the first trans superhero and she was created by a trans writer who wanted other people like her to have a g-ddamn superhero like them and doom patrol fans have paid her and her creator like dirt. she’s not even credited for contributions on dcuniverse’s doom patrol the way that the other writers are and you can’t say that oh, no, it’s because she hasn’t had her ideas used yet on the show, so they haven’t needed to credit her because can you look me in the eyes and tell me that geoff johns should be credited over somebody who actually wrote for the damn comic? no! you can’t! she deserves to be credited! i’m going to flip a table if i don’t see some damn respect for rachel pollack and kate godwin in five damn seconds i swear to g-d--
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bpd-seishi · 5 years
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but heaven is harsh, a fire unfaithful, like a bird that you hold in your palm - a himuro nico playlist 
listen on youtube -> ♬
listen on 8tracks -> ♬
content warnings: references to injury, mental health issues, references to drug/alcohol abuse (track four), references to murder/death and strangulation, as well as references to world events and abuse maybe?? idk track seven gets a bit heavy just so you know 
there she goes - sixpence none the richer // broken - belly // lonely hearts club - marina and the diamonds // delilah - florence + the machine // nobody puts baby in the corner - fall out boy // panic switch - silversun pickups // consequence of sound - regina spektor // please don’t tell me to do the math(s) - los campesinos! 
lyric breakdown/annotations under the cut! 
1. There She Goes - Sixpence None the Richer 
There she goes // There she goes again // Racing through my brain // And I just can't contain // This feeling that remains 
2. Broken - Belly 
Broken eyes in your head // Broken arms at your side // Broken bird on a string // Shake it till she sings // And you reel that sucker in // By that broken baby wing // And you shake her till she sings // And you shake her till she sings 
3. Lonely Hearts Club - Marina and the Diamonds 
I feel like if I’m too kind // Then you will only change your mind // Take advantage of my heart and I’ll go back into the dark // Love will never be forever, feelings are just like the weather // January to December, do you want to be a member? 
4. Delilah - Florence + the Machine 
It's a different kind of danger // And the bells are ringing out // And I'm calling for my mother // As I pull the pillars down // It's a different kind of danger // And my feet are spinning around // Never knew I was a dancer // 'Till Delilah showed me how 
5. Nobody Puts Baby In the Corner - Fall Out Boy 
I'll be your best kept secret and your biggest mistake // The hand behind this pen relives a failure every day … So wear me like a locket around your throat // I'll weigh you down // I'll watch you choke // You look so good in blue // You look so good in blue 
6. Panic Switch - Silversun Pickups 
When you see yourself in a crowded room // Do your fingers itch? Are you pistol-whipped? // Will you step in line or release the glitch? // Do you think she'll sleep with a panic?
7. consequence of sound - Regina Spektor 
My brain and tongue just met // And they ain't friends, so far // My words don't travel far // They tangle in my hair // And tend to go nowhere // They go right back inside // Right past my brain and eyes // Into my stomach juice // Where they don't serve me use // All melted calories // Nutrition values // And I absorb back in // The words right through my skin // They sit there festering inside my bowels // The consonants and vowels // The consequence of sounds 
8. Please Don't Tell Me to Do the Math(s) - Los Campesinos! 
Tonight we're gonna smash this place up // And then we're gonna deck it out with fairy lights till // We are content! // And then we'll maybe drown in Dewey decimals // But leave our shoes off at the door 'cause // That was the point! // All of us at home with the moon // Pouring through the curtains // Working on our attitude…
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absul · 3 years
what a shitball morning
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I'm Here
I'm Here by vantrums
With the light the lamp provides, it's easier for Izuku to forget the nuances of his latest nightmare as he leans heavily against the unyielding surface of the desk. Breathing shakily, he folds his arms on the empty space and rests his head in his cupped hands, fingers burying in his hair.
He knows he's alone, that no one's in the room with him, but the paranoia that someone's there, watching, lingers like an unwanted visitor, making it nigh impossible for him to relax. If only Hitoshi were here. He'd know what to do, what to say, to assure Izuku that he's safe and out of reach of malevolent hands.
A thought occurs to him, and Izuku turns his head enough to see the face of the clock. 03:24.
Bottom lip trembling in warning of tears yet to come, Izuku reaches a shaky hand over to pick up his phone and dial Hitoshi's number.
Words: 1540, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 2 of Sleepless Nights
Fandoms: 僕のヒーローアカデミア | Boku no Hero Academia | My Hero Academia
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence
Categories: M/M
Characters: Midoriya Izuku, Shinsou Hitoshi
Relationships: Midoriya Izuku/Shinsou Hitoshi
Additional Tags: Established Relationship, Nightmares, Paranoia, Mild Angst, ends with fluff, The mentioned violence doesn't last long but tagged jic, Not Beta Read
Read Here: http://archiveofourown.org/works/20304889
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fictivecanoncalls · 7 years
Hello, I'm Angela Ziegler from Overwatch and I'm looking for really anyone to talk to! The system's body is 27, so I would prefer no minors please. Anyone is welcome, including doubles- I'm just quite lonely! :) I don't have many memories & I'm not looking for anything romantic jic that's a concern! If you'd like to contact me, my blog is "witchdoesntburn", though just to warn I don't tag much/I do rb ship art of relationships I'm not necessarily in/didn't have back home (though I tag nsfw jic).
calling all fictives (NOT fiction.kin) that match the above criteria
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g0dtier · 7 years
Hey, I feel like I have to warn you jic they stir trouble again, but that one tigerself guy is back again under a new account. I know you were one of the people who they pestered constantly, so if you see a blog that looks like them that's cause it is. They weren't on the tag too long ago. I'm keeping them on scopes for now.
Thank you!! He always comes back tbh but leaves soon enough again. Im sure he'll be gone again in no time
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