#but a holy shit he has a ptsd because of what has happened in s1
meadowsofmay · 1 year
there's really something indescribably compelling about 'good omens' — being a show that deals with serious situations in a comedic way — to have a dark undertone. the undertone that brings up the possibility of torture, both physical and emotional and from the hands of both heaven and hell. just thinking about all the possible scenarios gives the story a completely different feel, creating the world where between absolutely unhinged, genuinely funny episodes there were moments of excruciating pain. and i find that beautiful.
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thegeminisage · 7 months
star trek update time! last night we watched ds9's "vortex" and "battle lines." mwah. every day i wish tng's pussy could pop like ds9's does.
vortex (ds9):
ANOTHER ODO EPISODE! was i not JUST saying i wish he had more to do
i really really really liked this one...i love that odo has such a strong sense of right and wrong. it would be wrong to take this's guy stone. it would be wrong to release a prisoner he was duty-bound to transport. it would also be wrong to orphan this man's daughter. he has a strict moral code, but it's his own moral code, not starfleet's.
AND it affects the people around him. that guy was totally gonna leave odo for dead and then changed his mind. LOVE that <3
obviously it's sad that this guy is lying, but it's only season 1...AND we got an official species name and a semi-alive stone odo can call "cousin" which is both sad and kind of funny
i liked how when odo wanted answers he went to quark and was threatening and quark was like brushing him off like girl i don't know ANYTHING til he saw odo was serious and then he also got serious. quark isn't always my favorite character bc i dont like the ferengi BUT i DO really like the way he can shift his energy to match the situation instead of remaining rigid - like getting scared when finding out his friends were his game pieces.
some of the alien's digs were sooo mean. my favorite was "THEY (the other changelings) don't keep a humanoid form." really speaks to odo feeling outside of his own community...which means now of course that he's my favoritest specialest little guy. where's that post about star trek characters with autism...he can join the autism gang with spock and data. i think when we get to the end of s1 i'll be ready to do a character rank.
battle lines (ds9):
THIS ONE FUCKED! before getting into the big obvious stuff i actually liked the minor character work it did for bashir - he volunteers to go because "its a slow day 😇" and then proves useful at both flying and repairing the ship, and EVEN got a few rare noncomedic moments in. as much as i love to giggle at this guy i really appreciate they gave him some serious stuff - both wondering if it was ethical to help these people die and then being absolutely disgusted when the folks in question wanted to turn his idea into a weapon for slaughter.
talking to these people is like TALKING TO A WALL. no wonder kira wanted to distance herself from them...and no wonder she recognized herself in them. this whole sitch was practically designed to trigger her ptsd. i love what a great actress she is - she wasn't just crying on cue, she was sobbing with like spit and everything, which is gross, but god damn
more o'brien this episode though imho still not enough. i wanted him to have more stuff to do on ds9. give him something to do!!!
i really really like kai opaka...i'm glad she's not Dead dead but she might as well be. i feel like she's the only kind of person who could get through to those people.
i like where they rolled credits bc it made both of us go DAMN HOLY SHIT aloud but i also wonder what will happen when they go back without the prophet...feels like there'll be hell to pay
TONIGHT, hopefully: tng's "the chase" and ds9's "the storyteller"
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roachemoji · 1 year
NEW ST LIVE BLOGGING bc i lost my old thread lmao S1 06-08 (but not really i need to rewatch the end again)
Episode 6
OKAY im starting like halfway through ep 6 again
the AUTISM in the first 30 seconds of this episode starting up again lmao EL calling him a mouth breather because its the first insult she fucking hears??? Yea YEAH
GOD JOYCE IN A TURTLE NECK <- my mom (hold oni have to jump back up here because I completetly skipped the part about Jane and her mom and the connection to El and i feel like its a little too on the nose that thats who El is given how much ive seen and read about the fuckery and connections in this show so im waiting on that - unless it is just... that. AKJHD)
hes SO smart holy shit i mean they all are but his interpersonal skills are so JUST YEAH CALL THEM OUT CALL THEM OUT also his quiet "ok" when he pushes that theyre all his best friends UGH
is this the scene is this the i think im about to watch the thing i just OH MAN HE JUST CLOCKED HIM WHO STRADDLES A MAN LIKE THAT WHEN YORUE FIGHTING HELLO
anyway sorry Johnathan and Nancy Platonic Soulmates Best Friends Forever im making them bracelets !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
oh man i was gonna mention the van that Lucas saw but i forgot also GOD DUSTIN IS THE ONLY ONE WITH FUCKIGN SENSE I LOVE HIM SO MUCH boys boys boys boys boys
JUST PISS YOUR PANTS???? oh he okay yeah i though the was actually asking him to just piss his fucking pants
SO what would happen if Mike had like died what would happen if those kids had caused his death like wouold they have just ran and left Dustin or pushed him off or what like AKJSHDSKAJHD
El exxperiencing PTSD so vividly breaks my fucking heart like girlie i understand i understan di do i reall really do god im so sorry BABY GIRL ITS OKAY AOOIASUDSKAH SHE OPENED THE GATE DAMN gonna like swaddle her or something god
im sorry the squad of white vans going to kidnap children is a little too on the fucking nose for me
Episode 7
real talk could El not just explode them what if El just exploded them i mean obviously theres OTHER consequences like... killing people BUt i mean.
Pausing to say something actually: How child abuse is depicted so far in the show is very scary to me in how real it feels. To be a kid in those situations, to not understand the power you weild because an adult as manipulated you into believing that you're helpless? That the only person you can rely on is them, even as they're actively harming you? Brenner being aware of the harm that El can cause him but believing so strongly in the hold he has on her and therefore he is above consequence, above harm? fucking yucky The scene of him giving her the potted flower made my stomach sink. Felt a little too close to home I know that themes of abuse are really prevelant in this show and Its really interesting to see how it affects people different but especially El, someone who'se pretty fucking clearly autistic and shows a lot of the same symptoms that i did post abuse? I thought i had more to say on it and maybei will as time goes on i just!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ough okay moving on --
i cant wait to get to the part where i understand who you (POINTS AT EM) believe she is and fully feel whatever i should feel about her and what shes done or about to do or going to do in multiple timelines or what have YOU
Mikes dad makes me want to ram my head into a wall
Joyce is just :3c she just!! she <3
she can.... make you fly....... and...... piss yourself
the two super powers
the Byers,,,,,,,,,, seemed so distant before like they didnt know each other or cared but god theyre so close theyre so so close and i feel that i get that
MIKES DAD AGAIN I WANT TO HES SO FUCKING STUPID if i were locked in a room with him id put on cocomelon
HOPPER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! <3
El is just trying so fucking hard god the liek desperation and fear or failure and guilt that she just keeps carrying itS JUST!!!!
MR CLARKS LIL DATE NIGHT!!!!!!!!!!! do you ever use your teacher's autism against him and force him to info dump in the same of science.
watching them setting up the pool and knowing they probably just told them to figure it out while they filmed it <3 ALSO MIKE REALIZING HIS SISTER IS ACTUALLY COOL idk need more siblings being siblings
JOYCE IS MY MOM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
someone giving El the option to say no? to back out? to FEEL SAFE??? im going to lose my mind im gonan scREAM and cry and throw up!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i am BANGING MY FISTS On the TABLE
genuinely WAHT did barb do to deserve this WHAT DID SHE DO SHE WAS SUCH A GOOD FRIEND OH MY GOD
joyce joyc ejoCYCE JOYCE JOYCE fuck all yall shes my favorite character im in love with her
Do episodes that end in the upside down also not end with music @ em i cant remember this happening before bc i didnt write it down <3
Episode 8
LAST EPISIDE OF THE SEASON i went to get popcorn for this to pay full attention or as much as i could im goingin an dout of dissociating so bare with me i feel like im gonna have to rewatch the entire first season again bc i missed a lot but we'll get there in due time anyway onward and upward boys
Hopper <333333
Johnathan and Nancy are my favorite best friends theyre jUST like GUNG FUCKING HO i love it
IM OAIUSDKAJHD NANCY AND HOPPER GOING FUCKING IN WHAT DO YOU MEAN ITS NOT GONNA HAPPEN yall keep underesitimating these people because you got your fancy suits and you think ou have control of the situation and then you get your ass handed to you SO IM waiting for his ass to be handed to him
if i have to watch people cut their palms to get blood one more time im gonna STOP STOP IT STOP IT STOP oh my GOD LIKE... BAK O FYOU HAND? YOUR ARM? GIRL.
STEEVEEEEEEEEE are the lights gonna start blinking girl please pleas eplease srteve please can he help kill please bro Im HIS big brown eyes hello hwa the fuck
Tumblr media
SO Tumblr deleted... everything after this and im kinda upset man i got like 20 minutes left in the episode not even and it just wiped out 90% of me going balls to the fuck wall about El exploding people's brains and how much i love Joyce Byers and how they gotta stopputting me through so much emotional turmoil when it comes to Hopper and his flash backs
I think im gonna rewatch the last episode to give a better genuine reaction bc i kinda spaced out at the end and dont super know whats going on now askdhj
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velkynkarma · 5 years
Hey, I've been re-watching VLD S1, and now I'm wondering something! As much as I enjoyed the first few episodes, conflict with Sendak in 4 & 5 are what really buckled me in for the ride, and then "Crystal Venom" built more on that... So what I'm wondering is, what did you think of Sendak as a character in those first two seasons? Did you ever have any plot hopes - or ideas of your own - involving him?
Oooh, interesting question!
I always figured Sendak couldn’t have been dead in S1. The “Crystal Venom” eject by Shiro was just too good a setup for the return. 
I always found him fascinating in S1, because he breaks a lot of the traditional trope norms you usually get in a series like this. Sendak is physically enormous and gifted in combat. ‘Trope’ laws usually dictate a character like this introduced as early as the first episode needs to be dumber than a sack of bricks to compensate, because Zarkon has to be the REAL villain, right? 
But Sendak was terrifying not just because he was big and skilled physically, but because he was also really fucking smart. Look at how early he captured the Castle of Lions and Voltron. The fourth episode of the FIRST season! He has only one other living soldier and a handful of broken sentries and he still manages to circumvent an entire team of paladins, Allura and Coran, seriously injure at least one of their number, capture another, and he almost manages to leave with the Castle and all of the Lions. The only reason they even beat him in the first episode is because he wasn’t expecting them to be able to form Voltron, and as soon as he knew it was possible, he immediately created a strategy that prevented them from using the Lions at all and forced them to fight him on even terms. He’s not afraid to fight ruthlessly and to fight dirty, but he’s also not all talk, and isn’t afraid to deal with the situation himself. Sendak is an end-game style opponent, the type you normally see that’s like...the boss before the final boss in a video game. I remember thinking in S1, ‘holy shit, I can’t believe they’re opening with a plot line like this!’  
In short, I loved Sendak as a villain in S1. He was great. He flipped trope norms on their head, made an interesting challenge for the team that was just starting to figure out how to be a team, and was genuinely scary because he was a threat you weren’t sure they could beat.
I guess my read of his character wasn’t technically wrong, since he is, in fact, the boss before the final boss in the series. But I found his canonical return to be a bit disappointing in the long run. There were some interesting hints that he might have been a prototype for the clone project, what with Haggar continually insisting he was the ‘purest of the Galra,’ and Sendak talking about ‘spending time with the druids...they do love their experiments.’ He talks so much about he and Shiro being alike when he torments Shiro (assuming that was, in fact, Sendak, and not a product of Shiro’s own PTSD), that there are definitely parallels between the two. But he just ended up as a maniacal villain killing time until Honerva set up her weird final plans and that kind of fell flat. 
Back in S1, I never really had any plot hopes for Sendak beyond ‘man, they gotta bring him back, it would be a waste not to.’ But since they did, and I hated how they did it...looking back, I’d shake up a few things. 
I’d love to dig further into that ‘clone prototype’ or ‘purest Galra’ story more, maybe even to continue the Kuron story and explain why that had even happened. I’d love to learn about the origin of his (first) mechanical arm and what the druids had been doing, what their goals were. I’d love to see why he’s so incredibly loyal to Zarkon, why Zarkon would have trusted him to hold on to the Red Lion, why Zarkon would fully trust him to capture all of the Lions and bring them back to him without a thought of betrayal. I’d love to see a Sendak so fiercely loyal to his Emperor that he doesn’t form his own splinter faction, but instead protects his Emperor when he’s down, who strives to revive him or find (or force) a way to heal him, and who is ruthless about killing traitors and those who caused Zarkon to fall. I’d love to use all of those things as parallels for a story for Shiro, who is very afraid of becoming that sort of person, and using those plot elements to learn he has control over himself and chooses to be whatever he wants. 
But most of all, I’d want Sendak to be a real challenge villain. None of that ‘apocalyptic times, trying to keep Earth from being blown up’ story. Sendak is scary because he’s clever and knows how to use his brute force to his advantage; he doesn’t need a mustache-twirling blowing-up-the-earth evil villain plot-line to accomplish this. I’d want a story where the paladins figure out his clever plot and finally prove that, unlike their S1 versions, they can defeat it. I’d want a plot where they have to do that without the Lions, to parallel their first encounter with him and prove that they really have matured on their own, and not through having to rely on giant robot cats. And I’d want a climactic final showdown between Shiro and Sendak that Shiro wins on his own, that culminates in Shiro proving once and for all that he’s not and never will be another Sendak. That he can fight just as brutally and as hard as Sendak can, but his values and his love and loyalty to his friends and family are what set him apart and make him stronger than Sendak ever could be.
I want Sendak to be the second-to-endgame villain that’s difficult as hell, but a clear measuring stick of just how far the paladins have come to get to the point when they can beat him. 
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Spartacus: Vengeance Rewatch - Episode 1: Fugitivus
Sex Scene: All of them. They went to a whorehouse.
“Cock”: 4
“Cunt”: 2
“Kill Them All”: 0 (I wonder if this is said at all in S2 or 3)
“Fucking Gaul”: 3
Slow motion Face Punch:0
Episode Name Dropped by: Aurelia
Memorable Death:  Aurelia
Favourite Line: “We must stand as one, or fall divided.”
- This is the greatest way they could have introduced the new Spartacus actor. It was amazing.
- Spartacus facing down that horse is beautiful.
- AGRON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- DONAR!! =]
- He’s still throwing his bloody sword.
- I love that Donar has this axe thing, it’s awesome and sets him apart from the other gladiators.
- This beginning fight scene is so well done.
- Agron oh gosh. He’s so angry, so crazed by his grief. Everyone is so wary of him, but like he lost his brother. My poor baby.
-  “I believe the man dead.” – the moment I fell in love with Donar and his bromance with Agron.
- I can always rely on Agron to say “cock”
-  Spartacus has never really been a savage until right now when he carves a message into a dead guy’s chest. Seriously, wtf. 
- I’m so in love with Agron’s necklace.
- Ha! Rome, it looks like it’s still being built. That’s hilarious.
- Pompey mention!
- What is with all those masks?! How fucking creepy.
- “Where youth plummets, maturity may soar.”
- As someone who hasn’t ever paid any interest in wars, all this undoubtedly historically accurate war talk is super boring.
- Everyone under the sun is named Marcus
- Varinius!! BAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh man, seriously. Just, Brett Tucker is an Aussie actor that has been in basically everything! I can’t take him seriously.
- Seriously this triangle between Ilithyia, Varinius, and Glaber is basically the entire subplot of S2.
- The one thing I get super bored of in Spartacus is men and their egos.
- Mira is literally in the sewers and she’s still a queen.
- Oh hey, the Veteran!
- The kid that says “I will kill many Romans” looks like Tyler Lockwood from Vampire Diaries.
- You can actually see Mira’s face fall when Aurelia comes into view. Like she knows that when Aurelia is around Spartacus can see no one else. It’s not a romantic thing, it’s a Varro thing.
- Agron and Donar bromance, I love it. Almost makes up for Duro’s death, almost.
- The Gauls are mostly comprised of New Zealanders – just an observation.
- I sometimes can’t believe that the gladiators treat the house slaves so poorly and sometimes don’t seem to give a fuck about any slaves still in chains.
- “Rabbits” - I still don’t understand this.
-  Oh, Acer.
-  Yessss Mira!!!!!
- Oh the showdown between the Gauls and the rest of the slaves is so intense and beautifully done.
- I really like that even with the new actor they still put all the same scars on him. Good job.
- Oh gosh. Mira loves Spartacus so much…..and S2 Spartacus clearly cares for her way more than he did in S1, but still. She deserves better.
- “I have proven troublesome to kill.”
- Gah, the thing with Spartacus in S2 is he cares more about killing Romans than protecting the other slaves. At least Mira and even Agron are there to pick up the slack.
- “I hear you wish to command my men.” – when I first heard this I thought it very antagonistic, like the fractions were splitting apart. But it’s more of Spartacus being the head honcho, and Crixus being a General that leads his own fraction but still reports to Spartacus. Warfare is not my thing but I’m learning.
- Yeah, because a curtain is going to give you so much privacy. Everyone can still hear you guys.
- “Did his blood bear fruit?”
- Trebius! Ah!
- Arena games!!! Oh how I miss you!
- Seppia really freaking frustrates me. She is so childish and has no idea the kinds of games she’s playing. She’s a fool.
- Seppius and Seppia are fucking right? That’s what they’re implying? A whole bunch of incest? I wanna hate it but I can see it.
- I don’t understand how the gladiator fights could be boring? Or how Batiatus’ gladiators could have made it more entertaining? You’re still watching two dudes kill each other.
- I haven’t even watch Star Wars but Oenomaus in that cloak gives me Jedi vibes.
- That guy in the alley gives me Pirates of The Caribbean vibes.
-  On one hand whenever I see Oenomaus I’m like “Don’t hurt this precious baby.” But then again “Hell yes baby you kick their asses!”
- Holy shit!!!!!!!!!!! Arm bone through the skin!!!!!!! Shit! Knife through the eye!!!!! Ah! Right through the jaw!!!!! Oenomaus is such a badass!
- Aurelia talking about how much she wants to go back to Janis. Well, you shouldn’t have left him in the first place! Her pride was as foolish as any man’s.
- “That lopsided grin. Eye’s promising mischief. I’ve seen in many times, upon his father.” –seriously my shipper heart. Spartacus loved Varro, it’s canon.
- “I fell to love the crooked bend of Varro's lips long before the man himself.” “As did I.” – IT’S MOTHERFLIPPING CANON I TELL YOU.
- I mean Spartacus can be a kind man when he wants to. He’s just very single minded.
- Gotta give their art department props. Having a fake pregnant woman be naked, and it look real….like damn, they deserve a pat on the back.
- I am loving Ilithyia’s purple gown thing though, wowzah.
- Marcus Crassus mention again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- “She was a fucking bitch” – I find that fucking hilarious.
- Agron said bleat! Goat reference! My shipper heart!
- Wow, Spartacus said “whores” somehow that’s more shocking than anything else on this show.
- I love Agron’s loyalty to Spartacus but I wish Spartacus would see it too. In this season and the next he kind of treats Agron like crap.
- “You had me at whores.” – I love Donar.
- “Avoid unnecessary risk.” Sparty, baby, do you realise who you talking to?!
- Loving the idea of Mira, Donar, and Agron planning behind Spartacus’ back. These are the people who want to protect the other slaves, not spend every day covered in Roman blood.
- “As are all things, in pursuit of a woman.” Gotta love the salty gay trope. Agron pulls it off swimmingly.
- “I will tell Janis of you. Of the man who loved his father above all others.” CANON. I really didn’t ship Spartacus and Varro this much the first time around.
- “I gave my word. Blood and Honour. It yet speaks to the man.” as said in S1.
- Gladiators in hoods is everything!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Woman with a massive dildo fucking a dude. Yep.
- Oh! I think this is the first penis shots we’ve had in a while.
- Guy on Guy sex. Well then. So much gay sex in this series, it’s glorious.
- The four guys throwing the girl around makes me super fucking uncomfortable, especially when you can hear her. She is so not enjoying this.
- Another memorable death = dude jerking off and just as he’s about to finish, gets a sword through his throat.
- It’s gotta suck so bad for all these guys that are dying with their dicks out. Especially that guy that got a sword right between the legs. Ouch.
- Never noticed but there’s a very very large woman in the whorehouse and a skinny guy on all fours in front of her. I’m so curious about what’s happening there.
- How many innocent body slaves died in this attack???
- Poor boy with cum all over his face.
- Trebius is so fucking disgusting. Peeing all over that girl.
- I get that this girl is probably horrendously traumatized but she really have to go and kill the only lead they had to Naevia.
- I seriously hate Spartacus in this scene and it kind of tainted him for me. He’s telling Agron that he can’t kill Trebius as revenge for Duro, BUT THIS IS EXACTLY WHAT SPARTACUS IS DOING WITH GLABER! He’s such a fucking hypocrite!
- Crixus sticking his hand inside Trebius’ gut is so gross.
-  I get that Glaber is angry at Ilithyia but she clearly has some PTSD that is triggered by that house and he’s forcing her to stay there. Not cool.
- OVER THE CLIFF!! Yes Ilithyia!
- There’s no logical reason for that mask to be there, except to provoke memories.
- Flashback penis.
-  I never noticed but Ilithyia has a really big mouth.
- I honestly thought the figure was gonna be Spartacus, I was so surprised to see Lucretia.
- Lucretia being out of her freaking mind is magical. All the props to the actress.
- “What fragments her shattered mind yet holds.”
- Seriously, the male ego.
- Old woman slave = headcanon that she ran the whole Battiatus household. Also, that young boy slave is super attractive, how has Agron not noticed this?!?
- “Grab your fucking cock.” – oh wait, maybe he has! Ha!
- Foreshadow of Agron not thinking house/body salves are worth much. Ahhhhhhh how wrong he shall be ;)
- Angry little lost boy. Agron is my fave if you can’t already tell.
-  “That is no longer my title.” – poor baby.
- “There is but one place for an animal without honour.”
- Singleminded Spartacus is one of my least faves.
- I love how they take Lucretia way back to the drought, to before Spartacus killed Theokoles.
- I really love how in this show they show woman with pubic hair, COS IT’S FUCKING NATURAL and women shouldn’t have to shave because society tells them to.
- “Smashed upon the cliffs.” – foreshadowing!
- Argh! This leaning back shit women do during sex scenes on tv annoys the hell outta me. That move is done purely for the male viewers. For the women doing it, it’s really fucking awkward.
-  “You bark as a dominus.” “Sheep stand idle if not prodded by snapping jaw.” – I love Agron and Donar moments.
- “Let us compare teeth and have answer.” – they are basically talking about comparing dick sizes right?????
- Lucretia with dark hair and wearing a purple dress. Goddess.
- “Do not shed fucking tear.”
- Fucking love that Lucretia is the one to spot Spartacus.
- Seppius rolling his eyes at Glaber. Me too, bro, me too.
- Ah the foreshadow of Glaber and Seppia. Yuck.
- The rebels coming to Spartacus’ aid. I love their loyalty.
- Seriously Donar and his axe.
- Agron picking up Aurelia and throwing her over his shoulder. It’s hilarious because she is so freaking tiny compared to him, and also cos he’s super gay and doesn’t understand females at all.
- Lucretia and Crixus seeing each other again is super powerful.
- MIRA with a “fucking Gauls.” Did not see that coming.
-  “Do any of us hold fucking worth to you?”
- Mira’s little rant to Spartacus is all well and good, but did she have to be mean to Agron.
- The Spartacus and Crixus bromance is strong in S2.
- Agron looks so little, so small and young. My baby.
- I still fucking hate Aurelia.
- I do love that Agron was willing to go and fight Glaber because of Aurelia, someone he didn’t even seem to like at all.Baby’s got a heart.
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ahnminhyk · 7 years
okay, so i have a lot of thoughts about william magnusson, as most of you are very well aware, and while i have been somewhat dormant on the subject of his character due to the unfortunate circumstances of him not being on skam anymore, recent events have led me to feel a need to flesh out my thoughts on his character and what i think people don’t seem to get about him, reducing him to a fuckboy and an asshole when really, his character is so much more complex than that.
i’m gonna put this under read more so as not to clog anyone’s dash, but i really want people to read this and try and understand this character better, so feel free to add onto this if you’d like or think i missed something
(disclaimer: this post isn’t meant to excuse or defend whatever mistakes he’s done. he’s done shit. they all have. it happens sometimes)
let’s start with his childhood and upbringing, shall we? so obviously we know that it wasn’t all that easy, though it could’ve been worse ofc. the most prominent point here has to be the accident that killed his sister. now, nico was 11 when he drove his stepdad’s car off a cliff with william and amalie in it. she was around 8 y/o if i’m not mistaken, that would make william about 9/10-ish. can you imagine what that must’ve been like? it’s really not that farfetched to assume that he has some degree of ptsd, survivor’s guilt or something similar. and even if he doesn’t, he could’ve died as well. at the hands of his brother. true, he was 11 at the time, just a kid, didn’t really know the magnitude of what he was doing. but we also see what kind of hold nico has over william. william knows what his brother is capable of. he knows what he can do. that makes him extremely vulnerable to nico’s exploits.
let’s also not forget his parents. not exactly stellar figures. that is one of the main things he has in common with noora and probably something that made him feel connected to her: he wasn’t the only one whose parents didn’t really want him. i’m not saying that it’s healthy or whatever, latching onto someone for that, but it’s perfectly possible and understandable. and the first thing that he tells her when he learns about her parents is that he can’t imagine anyone not loving her. now, i can imagine that he would’ve needed to hear that about him, too. bc really, who ever really loved him? his brother was manipulative and erratic; his mom pretended nothing was wrong and popped pills to help forget it was; his dad was off in london working all the time without a second thought about his son; his sister was dead. the only people i can think of that might’ve made him feel slightly wanted are the penetrators, but it’s not the same, is it?
anyway, this brings me to a point most william haters have been bringing up recently and that is that william shut noora out when he found out about her and nico. let me ask you something now: do you really think that his brother, the person who’s made his life hell since he can remember, who is manipulative and knows how to make people see what he wants them to see -- the same person who made noora believe he was off fucking some other girl while she was trying to figure out where she stood on their relationship -- would tell william that he might’ve raped his girlfriend? really??? i mean, just as he made noora believe william didn’t care about her, he probably made william think the same about her. we know he has abandonment issues. we know that he’s constantly afraid of the people he loves leaving. i speak from experience, it really wouldn’t be that hard convincing him of it. am i saying this is right or healthy? no, it isn’t. but it’s real. and in many ways, william is probably one of the realest characters on this show. he’s complex, he has problems. god forbid he feels insecure after a lifetime of never being wanted.
one of the things that never ceases to amaze me is how people say he’s abusive to noora. how? when? i can’t remember one single instance when he was ever abusive to noora. honestly, do you really think that sana of all people would support and urge noora to save her relationship with him if he was abusive? i mean, really. william loves noora so much. he respected her wish to keep their relationship a secret. he respected her decision not to have sex. he respected her when she asked him for space (and don’t say he pushed her when they were separated bc i KNOW you’d feel the exact same if you were in his shoes and the girl you love shuts you out). 
another thing i wanna bring up is that scene in 2x10 when william helps noora through her panic attack. i’ve mentioned it before but i’ll talk about it again bc to me, it’s one of the most real, raw scenes on the show and, when properly analysed, tells us so much about william as a person. so noora is having a panic attack, she feels smothered by the pressure of everything in her life at the moment. in comes william, and at first he thinks that the reason why she’s shutting him out is because she doesn’t want to be with him at all anymore (hello, abandonment issues again). but as soon as it becomes evident that that’s not it, he lets go of all his own insecurities and problems for a while to help her through it. now, imagine for a second this: william himself, growing up, alone and unloved, after the death of his sister which he was there for and saw happen, going through his own panic attacks. alone. with no one to help him. it’s not that farfetched to imagine. i mean, after everything that’s happened to him, it’d be weird not to have some sort of mental consequence (i mentioned the possible ptsd, but we have no evidence of that, so i’ll leave it to headcanon terf). he knows what to do bc it’s what he needed someone to do for him. he tells her that she doesn’t have to do anything she doesn’t want to do. he holds her and promises her it’s gonna be okay, that she isn’t going to die. she falls asleep and he lets her sleep. he finishes her essay for her. he does everything he knows he can to help her feel more at ease. now, he doesn’t know all of what’s bothering her, but he doesn’t push for information. and when she wakes up, instead of letting her stay in and sulk, he urges her to go to her friends who he knows make her happy and can help her through whatever she’s going through. this is william in a completely selfless moment. he knows what she needs bc it’s what he needed, too. 
(this gets its own bullet point bc holy hell) when people say he manipulated her into going on a date with him i literally lose my shit. i mean, did we watch the same show? noora used his clear attraction to her to make him do something she wanted, and promised him a date in return. honestly, it’s really not even that strange a thing. he delivered on his end. and he didn’t ask her to be his girlfriend. he didn’t ask her to fall madly in love with him on the spot. no, he asked her for one date. ONE. and after that, he wouldn’t bother her again if that’s what she wanted. and in regards to the whole using vilde thing, that’s a mess tbh and it was fucked up and i’m not saying it’s right. but i mean, the “deal” happened in december (s1 finale). s2 starts in march or smth and she still hasn’t gone on that date. now, don’t tell me that she wasn’t interested bc if you still think that then you didn’t watch the same show i did. i mean, that look across the room? that’s not a look you give someone you’re not attracted to or dislike. at the very least, noora was mildly intrigued by william. and no one can tell me that if she had outright said she didn’t wanna go on a date with him seriously, he wouldn’t have backed off. which means (this is pure headcanon territory, but i’ll maintain it to my deathbed) that she kept him going, she let him hang onto that date until she was ready to do it. and ofc, he was getting tired of waiting; wouldn’t you? so he tried to force her hand. and that moment, she could’ve shut him down. he’d go on with his partying life, she’d go on with hers, end of story. she could’ve said ‘no, i won’t go on a date with you, stop trying to make me’. and another thing, you can’t tell me that noora, self proclaimed feminist who’d roasted his ass before, wouldn’t have put him in his place if she thought he was manipulating her or her friends. now that would be ooc (since some haters are so fond of saying noora being in love with william is so ooc for her)
now, i wanna talk about this whole london mess. first of all, what kind of a fucked resolution to this glued-together-with-spit plotline. mind you, i get why they had to do something bc of the whole thomas issue, but come on. anyway, let’s get into that for a second. noora went to oslo to testify against nico, but she couldn’t do it. understandable, nothing against her, i totally get it. but when she got back to london, she lied and said that everything went well at the trial. i get that she didn’t want to disappoint him or whatever (??) but you can’t come here and tell me that if she had told him the truth right away he wouldn’t have understood. i will refer you back to my first two points. william knows the kind of impact and influence nico can exercise on someone. he’s been dealing with this guy for twenty years, he knows. he would’ve supported noora in her inability to face him and testify. he WOULD. nothing can convince me otherwise. even noora says that when he found out the truth, he understood why she couldn’t, and i believe it. i believe that what upset him was the fact that she felt like she needed to lie to him about it. that she lied to him about the very real (and then realised) possibility of nico walking free. i mean, this is his kryptonite. his brother is his weakest spot. his biggest vulnerability. of course he’s gonna be upset about it. i would be too if i were in his position. so would everyone else, no doubt. i mean, is it really that hard to get his side? 
so he needed some distance, some time to process. just like noora did after he smashed that bottle on the guy’s head. he’d given it to her then, he expected her to do the same for him now. he understood that she’d been upset then, so he expected her to understand him now. he didn’t ask for space, but he clearly needed it. again, i speak as someone who has the exact same coping mechanism, sometimes you need to distance yourself from the people who hurt you or upset you. noora upset william by lying, not by not being able to testify. i mean, come on. but she couldn’t understand that he needed time and space to process, so she left. without a word. just left. now, let’s go back to william’s abandonment issues for a second. his dad left to work. he lost his sister when he was as kid. his mother left and remarried, got a new family. he’s been mostly alone all his life. he latched onto noora because he loved her and she loved him back, and he needed that. he’d made it somewhat evident before that he was so afraid of her leaving him out of the blue. and now she has. can you imagine how much that must’ve hurt? imagine coming home one night, expecting to find the girl you love, slowly coming to terms with something that rattled you greatly, and finding her gone, just like that? idk about y’all, but i would just be devastated. his biggest fear came true, and he must’ve just been beating himself up thinking he’d been a fool to think it wasn’t gonna happen this time.
and now we’re here. noora hasn’t even reached out to him for months. i’m sorry, but is it crazy to think that maybe william hasn’t reached out bc he thinks she doesn’t want anything to do with him anymore, bc he thinks that she left never to come back, that she doesn’t love him anymore? no, it isn’t. if it were me, i definitely wouldn’t even think about reaching out first. and we know that william isn’t the most open of people. he has walls up, walls that he tore down brick by brick for noora, and now they’re back up again. but you bet your ass he’s still in london thinking about her, loving her, thinking she doesn’t love him back. honestly, this is such a messed up situation and they’re both just a mess at communicating. it’s not the first time we’ve seen this kind of miscommunication with them or on skam in general.
there are probably a lot more things to be said, but this is all i can think of right now. again, feel free to add to this if you’d like. the point is, william is not some monstrous person who manipulates people and is a complete asshole just for the hell of it. he’s complex, he has problems just like every other character on the show, he was a teenager and he’s human. please, for the love of god, stop crucifying him for having emotions and feeling hurt or upset and dealing. make an effort to understand him, bc he’s such an interesting character tbh and i honestly feel really sad whenever i see people reducing him to his mistakes.
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