#but aNYWAY.
orangelemonart · 5 months
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somethin on your mind?
It really sounds like that in the dub when he calls him Cook
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cuntbrow · 9 months
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i'm sorry
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haunted-xander · 11 months
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No like literally why does Urianger know this. Why the hell would he memorize all those people. Urianger. I want to study you
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angelsdean · 5 months
i think we all need to remember spn is not a christian show. it was created by a jewish man and many creatives involved were also jewish. "fake bible passages" ?? yea, it's a jewish show. not being 100% faithful to the christian bible and taking creative liberties with passages is not shocking. also the bible is literally a fiction open to interpretation
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kawuli · 5 days
so, my parents and I came halfway across the country to take care of my nephew while my sister and brother in law have a long weekend in New Orleans for his 40th birthday.
my dad went to urgent care this morning for what we thought was a stomach bug. Instead he's having his gallbladder removed tomorrow.
and the thing h that's been running through my head all day (other than shit I'm responsible for a 2yo now) is "thank God he's over 65 and on Medicare"
because if he was on private insurance my mom would have had to call around to figure out if there even IS an in-network hospital and if his insurance would cover emergency surgery in a different state. They might well have had to book a flight home to go to the ER there.
a couple decades ago, when my dad would have asthma attacks and need to go to the ER, mom would drive him half an hour to get to the in-network hospital because of they went to the one a couple miles away they'd end up owing maybe thousands of dollars in copays.
when I was living in the Netherlands people would ask me about this stuff - I was there during the years when the Republicans kept shutting down the government and trying to repeal Obamacare - and they were shocked that yes, it really is that bad. People can just die because they can't afford medical care.
which is insane! objectively nuts! there is no excuse for that in a country that spends hundreds of billions of dollars on weapons.
but here we are.
and thank God my dad is old enough to be on Medicare.
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starswallowingsea · 10 months
"I can't just post into the void on tumblr like I can on twitter" you can it's called making an untagged text post
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pilferingapples · 1 year
I was talking with @everyonewasabird about Cosette’s situation towards the end of the book, and realized that,from Cosette’s POV:
-Marius told her he was going to need to miss seeing her for an evening; that meant two days. He refuses to tell her why, and he gives her Courfeyrac’s address. (4.8.6) He makes vague allusions to some men he knows, and gives her Courfeyrac’s name and address, because something might happen, one never knows” .   When he is convincing her of the need for him to leave for an evening, he tells her, in doing this , “ "Let us sacrifice one day in order to gain our whole lives, perhaps."
-the day after Marius and Cosette skip their nightly meeting for the first time ever, the June Revolt happens. 
- the day after that, Jean Valjean is also gone , the whole day and until early the next morning. There is absolutely no way Cosette doesn’t know he’s gone. But she’s used to her dad disappearing for a day or two, she might not think too much about it....
- except Cosette learns after the revolt that Marius was severely wounded on the barricades.  She pretty much has to learn this from her father; no one else she knows even knows who Marius is!
- after Marius wakes up, everyone, including Cosette, reasonably now assumes him to be a srs bsns republican revolutionary. She also must learn that Courfeyrac, and all Marius’ other friends, have died in pursuit of that revolution.
-the only thing Valjean and Marius really talk about to any degree is politics. (5.5.7)
-Hugo notes several times that Marius and Valjean have an obvious air of two men with a secret between them. (5.5.7, 5.7.1). Cosette has gathered enough to believe the things they won’t talk to her about are political (5.7.1).
-Valjean does his best to convince Cosette that all his strange behavior after his confession, and even the condition of their meeting room, and the short time they meet, is his doing and according to his wishes entirely.  He won’t elaborate. He’s just. Meeting his daughter. In near-secret.  and refusing to meet her any other way.
Under a name Cosette doesn’t know. 
- What I’m saying is, it would be completely and entirely fair for Cosette to think that her (known revolutionary!!)  husband and her (always mysterious!) dad are involved in political conspiracy  that they are refusing to tell her about for all the usual reasons people might keep a political conspiracy secret.  It would even be very reasonable for her to conclude they met through the uprising. 
A household with Political Conspiracy happening would even fit in comfortably with Hugo’s own life experiences!--his mom and her lover had plotted against Napoleon, without him knowing. 
What does this change? I don’t know. Nothing, necessarily?  but Hugo doesn’t really consider Cosette’s  POV and interiority at all here, so I want to do it more, and that led me here, and now you too. 
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yohankang · 1 year
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Random gifs of Father Kim 1/?
The Fiery Priest (2019)
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emblazons · 1 year
“El cares about Mike so much, she thinks about him always and needed his love to win” and meanwhile El literally heard in the void that 1) Mike, Will and Jonathan had not been heard from for DAYS despite the desperate Hawkins group trying to reach out + that the things happening in Hawkins were connected to Lenora’s silence—and still didn’t even attempt to look for them, because he is not who is ever on her mind.
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Like. Nancy does say “vecna can’t hurt them if he’s dead” which leads into the weak-at-best plan they concoct (something I’d be more worried about too), but.
This isn not the energy of a girl who wants, needs, or cares about a love confession from a boy she won't even check up on who is also very clearly hinted at being in mortal, supernatural-tangential danger.
She doesn’t care about him even half as much as she cares about Max, and he can feel her lack of give-a-damn from an entire state away. I said what I said.
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joemerl · 11 months
Betelgeuse has suddenly become 50% brighter, leading some to believe that it's about to go supernova.
I'm tempted to say its name three times at the night sky and see what happens.
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viky-somebody · 6 months
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guy is going through it
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bylertruther · 1 year
some byIers be like "well, yeah everyone in hawkins from kids to teens to adults knew that will was gay and called him all sorts of slurs and made fun of his clothes and laughed at him but that's just because they had secret knowledge bestowed upon them by a higher power or something about him being gay. clearly it wasn't because will is visibly gay and does not act like other boys (aka is gnc) or fit in with them aside from his party who are also outcasts for different reasons. everyone knew that he was gay even though will has never tried or done anything with another boy, and it has NOTHING to do with how we're told in many ways that he does not act like, dress like, or like the same things as everyone else in literally under the first twenty minutes of this show. will is our conforming #hypermasc king who isn't ever scared of anything, has never needed to be saved (and definitely not repeatedly), never cries, never gets called slurs aimed at feminine men, is on par with hopper when it comes to being a manly macho all american man, and would fight anyone and everyone with pure ice in his veins. fuck you if you call him sensitive or acknowledge that he runs away and hides when confronted with danger bc obviously being scared and fighting in any not offensive&aggressive way is Bad and Emasculating and something to be Ashamed of. embracing will's canon traits is Bad and instead acting exactly like lonnie does is Good and makes you an exemplary ally btw. so is taking everything about will and plastering it onto mike instead somehow for mental gymnastics reasons that i will never explain to you bc i know it's dumb."
and somehow..... i'm supposed to respect some of u and ur opinions? 🤨
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izzyspussy · 8 months
the fact that parker and hardison are consistently having kiss-tension and not kissing in this episode really like. evens it out, that parker and eliot and eliot and hardison also have kiss-tension and don't kiss. it's equality (except for the one kiss parker and hardison do finally have at the end. but you get the point). like, that's exactly how i would have done it if i was running a show and i wanted the ot3 to be canon but i was censored.
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marymagdalenegf · 8 months
Shana tovah !!! may your new year be filled with light 🪬
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yamameta-inc · 2 months
i think more people should use vampires as a device for rearranging their blorbus (blorbo corpus)
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elvisabutler · 1 year
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those quiet on the set vibes or how a princess and a crawdad fall in and out of love.
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There’s very few things Elvis has found himself incredibly sure of since his mama died. One was that he made the right choice with Binder filming his special and singing “If I Can Dream”, another was allowing himself to fall head over heels for Catherine and the final thing is that more than anything- and anyone in the world other than his mama- he misses her.
whispers i am spoiling @powerofelvis, this is what happens when i slide into dms. i scream and then i do whatever you ask of me.
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