#but actually i want famous to be a lance type of character (a very strong and proactive pokemon champion)
just-absolutely-super · 11 months
Pokemon crack
(we can make our own frontier brains if you like?)
Lan reaches the 21st battle, and almost loses. But thanks to Sneasel's speed they were able to win
Mega: "thank god you won, it would be a pain to go through that again!"
Lan: the frontier brain is up next, this will be tougher
Mega: "don't lose!"
Lan: I am not trying to
Mega: "I was talking to the Pokemons"
Lan: gee, thanks
(I think I have an idea of how I want to do the Brains)
Lan: Alright, battle 21. Let's go!
Referee: Introducing the Frontier Brain of the Battle Factory: Factory Head Tora
Tora: Sup? So you're the next challenger huh?
Lan: ......
Tora: What? So impressed by seeing the Factory Head himself you're speechless?
Tora, Mega, and the Referee: *falls forward*
Lan: 14!
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afterglowlws · 4 years
I know that despite Supergirl ending next season, a lot of us will probably still stick around for a long time. But over time we will find new interests to latch on to, so I thought it would be a good idea to highlight some sapphic ships/shows that are actually very respectful to their LGBT audience. A lot of these shows are fighting for more seasons, so check them out! They’re full of amazing cast and crew who do a lot for the community!
Motherland: Fort Salem: This show is about witches, and the gender reversal of female witches being drafted to the war upon turning 18. It encourages challenging gender roles, open and fluid sexuality, female empowerment through sexuality, and so much more. The best part is that Raelle and Scylla are the main couple and get amazing screen time! So much of the story revolves around their relationship.
Atypical: This show revolves around Sam, an autistic teen, and his family. Sam has an older sister named Casey who loves to give him a hard time. She starts out getting a boyfriend in season 1, but by season 2 she meets her new best friend Izzie and starts to question everything. By season 3, they’re a couple! It’s an amazing slow burn. They have one more season coming out on Netflix in 2021.
Teenage Bounty Hunters: This show centers around a set of twins named Sterling and Blair who go to an elite southern (and religious) high school. They find themselves taking up the unlikely career of bounty hunting. As if juggling all that wasn’t enough, Sterling finds herself catching feelings for her ex-frenemy April. They must now navigate that journey in a place that they don’t feel will be very accepting, so lots of angst ensues!
DC’s Legends of Tomorrow: If you’ve seen The Arrow then you know Sara Lances long and tragic backstory. She now leads a team of time traveling superhero’s called the Legends. The show starts out more serious, but over time becomes really silly, fun, and crazy. Sara becomes captain of the time ship and proceeds to hook up with random women throughout history. Until season 3 when she meets Ava, who becomes her girlfriend. They’re the main couple and you get to see a real and natural progression of their relationship.
Legacies: This series is the spin-off of The Originals, which is the spinoff of The Vampire Diaries (you shouldn’t really be confused if you didn’t watch those first though). It revolves around the children of TO and TVD characters, they go to a school for the supernatural and each week there is always a new monster for them to fight. One of the main characters, Josie, is bisexual. The show kicks off showing drama between Josie and her ex girlfriend Penelope. Penelope did leave the show, but last season they teased a possible romance between Josie and Jade (a new character).
Wynonna Earp: This show is about Wynonna and Waverly, the grandchildren of the famous gunslinger Wyatt Earp. You don’t have to be a history buff or even into the Wild West type genre to fall in love with this show. Waverly starts out with a boyfriend, but one visit from a ginger cop (Nicole) has her questioning everything. They become the main (and at times only) couple on the show, and it’s actually the most adorable thing you’ve ever seen. The actresses are both queer in real life and the cast is made up of amazing actors and crew members who love the LGBT community. So out of all shows to support, this is the one!! They’re fighting for a fifth season! #FiveForWynonna
Riverdale: I don’t think I have to explain that Riverdale is essentially just a bunch of oversexualized and traumatized high schoolers who very much need therapy. It’s a shitshow at this point. But one of the main couples, Cheryl and Toni, are actually very cute. The actresses are best friends in real life so it translates really well on screen. Their journey starts in season 2.
The Bold Type: This show revolves around a trio of best friends Kat, Sutton, and Jane who all work for a womens magazine. You get to see very strong and empowered women navigate their way through love, life, and their careers. Kat meets Adena, and quickly realizes she likes women. So she must go on a journey of realization and acceptance that is very relatable for a lot of WLW audiences, as both women are WOC.
Killing Eve: If you aren’t watching this already, watch it now!! The show revolves around a cat and mouse game between two women, Villanelle and Eve. Villanelle is a psychopathic Russian assassin with a tragic backstory. And Eve works for British Intelligence and lives a seemingly, nauseatingly boring life married to a bland white man. But the catch? She’s into female assassins. Both V & E become weirdly obsessed with each other very quickly, and it turns Eve’s entire life upside down as she starts to realize her feelings for Villanelle. Their relationship is so intoxicating to watch.
Euphoria: This show is not for the weak of heart. I can’t explain much without giving huge spoilers, but it tackles a lot of super heavy issues so read up on the trigger warnings first, especially if you’re sensitive to things like pedophilia, rape, drugs, bullying, etc. The main character Rue develops feelings for her new best friend Jules, and a lot of drama follows. The end of the season left it very unclear as to whether they will be endgame or not. So be warned with this one.
Dickinson: This show is about the famous poet Emily Dickinson, so it’s set in the 1800’s. It shows Emily’s struggle of dealing with a patriarchal world where she is not allowed to be herself. She fell in love with her best friend Sue, who is supposed to marry her brother out of necessity. It’s heart wrenching to watch Emily and Sue navigate that situation, so get your tissues ready! And beware it’s possible they won’t be endgame, as it is set in a very unacepting time period. But I could be very wrong. It’s been renewed for a season 2, so we’ll see!
If you want everything Supergirl would never give us.. Killing Eve, Wynonna Earp, and Motherland Fort Salem are exactly what you’re looking for. It’s full of cast and crew who embrace the community and give amazing representation. This list just highlights the ones I’m currently into so please add on more if you know of any!!
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nobaettadr · 4 years
on leif’s skill ranks, boons, and banes. you asked for this months ago @boundlesshart so here you go KJHKSJDH
sword ( boon. )
lance ( boon. )
faith ( bane. )
authority ( bane. | budding talent » boon. )
heavy armor ( boon. )
— SWORD. part of this being a boon has to do with it being the weapon that leif has the most experience fighting with. he inherits his light brand — his signature weapon — from his mother, ethlyn, and it’s the only personal thing he has of his parents. it’s pretty much like a third arm to him at this point, and he’s just about never seen without it. it’s always going to be his main weapon in battle.
if he hadn’t been using the light brand since he first learned how to fight, he probably wouldn’t have specialized in swords and would have focused more on spears and lances like all leonster knights ( and to be more like his father ). but years of familiarity have made it one of his strong points.
edit: in addition, his minor baldr blood from his mom’s side also helps give him inherited proficiency with swords naturally as well. thank you bren i deadass always forget he has minor baldr.
— LANCE. wielding a lance is in leif’s blood more than it is in the blood of almost any other gen 2 kid since he’s the prince of leonster, home of the lanze ritter, leonster’s famous lance knights. every well known name from leonster has been a lance knight, from finn to his father and his father’s father before him, etc. they fly the standard of the gae bolg, after all, and i hc that noba herself was also a lance knight.
it’s also the weapon he received the most training with along with his sword, and has the most experience training against, as finn was in charge of much of his upbringing and taught him most of the combat maneuvers that he knows. leif has extensive experience with lance and spear fighting, even if it’s not his go-to on the battlefield.
— AXE. the first time leif learned how to use an axe was when he arrived in fiana. i have about 300 headcanons on his bromance with othin and havan ( HIS FIGHTER BROOOOS ) but essentially after the initial mutual huffing and puffing and general horsing around and hazing that dudes do to each other when they’re teenagers, they developed a lot of respect for each other and the brothers became like family to leif as he grew attached to the community he had found in fiana and especially within the fiana freeblades.
it’s from primarily othin and havan that leif learned the axe part of training to become a master knight, and he finds that he enjoys the style. parts of it fit his kind of fighting better — as much as finn tried to teach him proper form, proper footwork, and clean maneuvers, leif largely learned how to fight by... well, being forced to for his life. and sometimes it feels nice to just grab an axe and start raging.
— BOW. i actually headcanon that the bow is one of the last things leif learned how to use in his desire to become proficient with every weapon. he picked up magic early, so for a long time he felt that was enough to handle ranged attacks. his exposure to the bow was largely a clutch one, i think — probably some battle where they needed to open fire on a distant enemy unit and he didn’t have a tome on him, so he kind of fished around for a fallen soldier’s bow, joined the archer unit taking aim, and did his best to emulate what he’d seen others do before. every little bit helped, after all. prior to that, he’d likely used a bow here and there before, mostly in his younger years and in fiana for hunting, but this was likely the first time he’d used it in combat.
he’s since taken to it, but doesn’t get the chance to use it much for the above reasons, so his skill with it comes and goes and he gets rusty. if he were to commit himself to training with one though, i think leif would be pretty decent at it. not enough for it to be a boon or a particular talent, but he’s stockily built and has the shoulder and arm span to make a good archer.
— GAUNTLET. brand new to leif! he’s engaged in hand to hand combat before, but obviously gauntlets are not a weapon in jugdral, and he’s eager to try out this new style of fighting. i think leif would probably be pretty good at it; he’s a brawling type of kid, doesn’t mind getting in the mud and tripping his opponents and scratching eyes if that’s what it takes to survive. despite being essentially raised by a knight. i don’t think he’d necessarily use them very often, and the knightly types common across jugdral aren’t likely going to be very open about what they’d see as a pretty barbaric way of fighting, but i think leif would enjoy learning yet another new style and seeing that traveling around means there’s plenty more different kinds of weapons he can pick up.
— REASON. while not necessarily a mage as his go-to and on the whole much more comfortable with physical weapons, leif has a reasonable foundation for magic given that his mother had a lot of magic in her blood. he can definitely cast well, though will probably never be fully comfortable handling high level tomes, preferring to leave those to the Real Mages who are much more skilled and qualified to be slinging those around. but anything C-rank and below, he’s happy to use.
leif took to magic largely for practical reasons: having range on the battlefield without having to rely solely on his light brand. the sword, which gives him some good range option, isn’t always enough to cut it, and sometimes he just needs more firepower. as with much of the rest of the weapon types he learned, he was tutored in magic rather informally by his peers: asvel and, later, sety, were his primary teachers in wind magic, and, combined with some of the other mages in the army, later fire magic as well. i headcanon that olwen was his primary tutor in thunder magic, and she was a strict teacher who taught him according to a long and proud freege tradition.
leif’s never going to rely too much on magic, but he can sling around an elfire or two with the best of them.
— FAITH. strangely, despite leif often being shown with his light brand and a stave ( courtesy of his first appearance outside of his home game being as a trickster in awakening’s lost bloodlines dlc ), i think that light magic is actually the hardest spellcasting for him to master. in jugdral, as in many other fe titles, light magic is its own category of magic separate from the anima trinity, which is reflected in a lot of jugdral’s stave users also being light magic users, or mages’ weapon ranks often prioritizing either anima or light magic.
whatever it is about light magic that makes it different, it causes leif a lot of difficulty. i think that, though he’s passable with it, he struggles to control it, and struggles to be able to summon up and cast the spells as easily as he can the others, even with a tome. this is reflected in leif’s weapon ranks as a master knight, where light magic is at C while he has A rank in everything else.
additionally, while leif is handy with a stave and definitely likes having one or two on him at all times in order to help out an ally whenever it’s needed, i have a headcanon that he’s on the whole more comfortable with support staves than he is with healing ones. he can handle a basic live / heal and even a relive / mend well enough, but anything higher than that and he’ll try to push it off onto a more qualified healer. this comes from a longstanding hc that a soldier under his care died of severe loptyr magic injuries — in terrible pain and just all around horrible to witness — despite leif’s best efforts with a restore stave, and the experience affected him deeply.
in terms of learning staves, of course i think nanna was the forerunner in helping him, but there were many others who would have been able to help tutor him as well: tina, linoan, sara, safy, to name a few.
— AUTHORITY. authority is both leif’s achilles heel and also one of his best points i think, hence it being down as a budding talent bane that, with time, turns into a boon. i think this most aptly reflects his character growth in both coming into the role he’s always been told he has to take, as well as his own growth as a person who struggles with feeling confident in said role.
it’s worth noting that in fe5, leif promotes from prince » lord, and then in fe4, from lord » master knight; i’ve long run with the theory that in fe5, leif is actually in a kind of like ‘ trainee ’ class stage, and this is actually why he’s such a lackluster unit in that game while he becomes one of fe4′s best gen2 units. and i think this has something to do with it.
leif has grown up knowing he’s the rightful heir to leonster and being groomed by everyone around him for the day he’s going to take back the throne. however, prior to the war actually starting, he has no experience leading. he’s been protected by finn and the various people who’ve agreed to hide him, and he’s just spent his life on the run. he has no leadership experience, any idea how to rally morale from a disheartened and hopeless population ( more than one NPC in fe5 is less than enthused about leif’s army coming in to ‘ make things worse for them ’, essentially ), or any idea how to be a prince. august and dorias are making pretty much all the plans and decisions for him, and he’s, in many ways, a figurehead who’s good at running into battle.
it’s not that leif doesn’t want to lead and be inspiring, but he doesn’t know how. he doesn’t have the scaffolding. finn was a knight, not a captain or a general, so he didn’t know how to teach him, either.
so, classically, leif goes a long time without knowing how to make decisions on his own. he knows what he wants to do, but the execution is planned by his advisers. i hc that the first time leif realizes he really has to lead is after dorias dies. because of his own poor leadership skill. his bad judgment costs him the life of not only one of his army’s leaders but also a very close father figure. after this, leif is forced to figure out how to be more proactive in taking command. and it’s one of the hardest things he’s ever had to do, because not only does he have little idea how to go about it, but he’s also already experienced a major failure.
of course, others help him a lot. august, selfina, xavier, linoan, olwen: people who are experienced in leadership positions. without each one of these people, leif would have floundered. as fe5 moves into fe4, he gains even more people to learn from and also picks it up from watching others like his cousin. he tries to contribute more to war meetings, tries to think more critically, learns from what others are saying and how they’re thinking.
and he continues to make mistakes. thankfully, none as big as the one that cost him dorias and nearly cost him the newly-reclaimed leonster castle, but he continues to do the wrong things sometimes. most of those times, there’s someone else there to check him. and each time, he feels the setback, he feels ashamed in himself, he questions whether he just isn’t good enough, will never be like celice and aless and the others. often, he considers just giving up. half the time, the only thing that stops him is that there straight up isn’t a ‘ give up ’ option; no one else can rule leonster.
but leif also has some qualities of a natural — and fantastic — leader. he never considers himself above anyone else, or more important than anyone else. he naturally wants to get to know everyone possible; he’s the ‘ everyman ’ king; he’s personable and selfless. people rally under him because he’s also their friend, and he’ll throw himself into ballista fire in order to buy time for them to escape a locked fortress without a second thought. he will never, ever leave a single ally behind. that’s the kind of person leif is; he’s not charismatic in the same way as sigurd, but he makes people want to follow him for a different reason.
for this, and because he works so hard to try and become even a fraction of what the people of new thracia need, authority is his budding talent, and eventually becomes a boon.
— HEAVY ARMOR. as mentioned on his doss. page, fandom likes to portray leif as small and slight, but i’ve headcanoned him as quite the opposite. both fe5 and fe4′s growths write him as more defensively oriented than speed-oriented. he has high bulk growths and middling-average speed growths. i headcanon him with a strong constitution: the kid’s stocky and it takes a lot to bring him down. he’s healthy, with a strong body; he withstood near-death by debilitating loptyr magic more than once.
his fighting style thus favors bulk. he’ll take hits so he can dish them back out just as hard or harder, and he’s as tenacious as a bulldog. he goes down and keeps getting back up, again and again. i keep talking about the ballista stunt until the day i die but that’s another example of Leif Being Leif TM.
he’d have a strong proclivity for heavy armor, i think, if he tried it, or at least fighting with a shield. i tend to imagine him on the battlefield with more armor than his official art shows him wearing, and it would certainly suit his preference of being at the head of the charge, taking hits for the rest of his allies.
— RIDING. i debated for a loooong time on whether to make this a boon as well, but aside from feeling like it was bad taste to give him essentially 5 boons and only 1 bane, i eventually decided not to because, despite his lineage, leif himself is surprisingly more fond of fighting on foot.
it’s incongruous. he’s descended from lance knights in a continent that’s so balls huge that pretty much everyone worth their salt is a mounted unit just so they can get places. both his parents were mounted units ( lance knight and troubadour ), both the people who raised him were mounted units ( lance knight and master knight ) and most of those closest to him are mounted units. leif does know how to fight on horseback ( hence promoting into master knight ), but i don’t think he has the natural inclination for it that one would expect.
i imagine that leif probably took to horseback fighting because a.) it was practical, especially if he wanted to stay at the front of the formation and b.) it’s what he’s expected to do as the prince of leonster and future commander of the lanze ritter. but beyond that, i headcanon that he’s more comfortable actually jumping off his horse in the midst of the fray after the initial charge and engaging the enemy on foot where possible. he feels more in control that way, and it’s just what he’s used to.
— FLYING. i also debated for a while on whether to make this a bane ahaha but in the end i decided not because i couldn’t think of much of a reason why it would be other than ‘ he’s not used to it ’. in jugdral, obviously only women are able to be pegasus knights ( and all from silesse, so unless you’re silesian, you just... don’t know what a pegasus is, i presume ), and wyvern riders are all from south thracia and leif is no way getting on a wyvern cause uh. those things killed his family and tyrannized him his whole life. no thanks. you’re lucky enough if he gets close to one and doesn’t immediately take out his sword.
so leif has never had any reason to be airborne. i think it’d probably freak him out a little bit; he’s too used to having two feet firmly on the ground and losing that solid control would spook him. i don’t think he’d really like fighting from the air or flying very much for that reason — not a fear of heights, since he doesn’t mind being in high places, but just... not his thing. but hey, the boy will try anything once and he might surprise me, so who knows.
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starsweepersold · 5 years
platonic and romantic !!!  most of these are ship suggestions but also just some regular plots too for most muses!
babysitters/nannies for dawn that become one of her bestest friends in life other than storm and her family because cat and scott need help around the house so they hire someone to help!
older muses who need some cheering up so little dawn is their spot of sunshine
superhero muses saving little dawn from being kidnapped.  maybe in her daughter of superhero scott verse so she was being used against her dad and the other muse helps
teen dawn with people who need love.  girls who hide behind badassery but just want something soft, boys who need help stepping back in line, sad people, whoever.  let her love.
royalty dawn being nudged to perhaps marry a prince of a kingdom but falling in love with the guard/brother/sister/servant or something instead.
someone adopting abandoned dawn ( see verses )
angel dawn saving someone!  growing up their friend and little guardian angel!
dragonborn dawn with other magical creatures or dragons!
miraculous dawn, pirate-mermaid, hogwarts, or pokemon dawn aus!
laila with other rich/famous people going out and living it up.  maybe having some friends with benefits moments... maybe more ( for males, at least, sorry womens but laila has a type fjasklda )
laila and super close girl friends just living it up too, though, being amazing and supporting each other in life and relationships and laila making sure her friends are treated like the queens they are
laila being corrupted by bad boys
android laila falling in love but knowing it’s not right for someone to be with her because she’s not human
junior is killed au where laila is the complete opposite of who she is normally.  paranoid and sad and restrained and a bit overly serious, needing love and distractions from the truth and the two hells she endured
elf-unicorn, hogwarts, and werewolf laila aus
faith is popular, give her lots of biffles.  baking friends, cheerleading friends, classmates, wHATEVER.  let them see how overworked she is and how little sleep but her putting them first if they’re having any problems and just not cARING.
muses lost in the forest and running into her forest spirit verse
i LOVE WEREWOLF FAITH COME PLAY WITH THE CUTE FLOOF, let her show your muse her magical world if they’re also magic or maybe accidentally!
famous singer, princess, and pokemon also could be fun !!!
give gray some fans :D  or fellow actors.  or people who look up to him because his story made the news and he’s trying his best ( tm ) and he just wants to support others who are going through hell and need to know they can have a future.
i want gray to stumble around pretty girls.  pretty normal girls or pretty magic girls...  whether he’s normal or prince him.  ommmmg prince him needs a soft girl to help him out so much.
werewolf gray threads!
season three red being a little troublemaker and pranking others but also having people just adopt her other than lance because she’s such a precious soul deep down.
same with modern red.  and older modern red being the strange, pretty homeless girl who no one knows how she’s getting by because she’s become such a talented thief, maybe stealing from a muse taking her in only to realize she actually likes them and returns the things later because she values their friendship or the like more.
i also made a version of red as a werewolf.  it’s MY version buuuut 8D
i don’t really have aus for piper i need an excuse to make more!
give her pretty girls !!!  she is so weak for tough, strong characters but she also would be down for tender and emotional and just.  will make herself stronger to support them yES.
older brother relationships, she needs someone to look up to and to protect her and care for her and love her.  i have no idea yet how she’ll feel about guys so maybe but !!!  regardless they could be so close!
be her neighbor post movie and earn her affection with yarn balls and tuna.
help molly learn about the world again!  someone she can spat with or who will help her and guide her!!
nerd out with brent!  or your muse in trouble and him panicking because he’s been working out so much to be strong enough to be useful when others are in danger but still feeling so useless.
a muse taking the place of junior?  so they were the child growing up with lady.  awwww maybe an older lady, tired with age just still loving on her bby.
always here for mira being soothed from her anger and just adopted and bring out the sweet, kitten side of her.  ooooor be the opposite and fuel her anger, help her find the last murderer to kILL HIM.
nothing specific currently, so open to thoughts!  these muses have been very lax lately and have just done calmer threads.  still available for plotting however :D
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bae-leth · 5 years
FE3H x LoZ
Hey, I saw that you enjoyed my Zelda AU so I decided to expand upon it! This includes eight students for each house, and even strengths based on the Three Houses weapon types. Also for convenience all of the students are Hylian/Gerudo/basically human.
To set the scene, the Gerudo Empire is in the desert to the west, the Kingdom of Hyrule is in the north and east, and the Ordon Alliance is in the forests to the south. The main religion is the Church of Hylia, and the Officer’s Academy is still in the center of the continent because the name sounds generic enough. The curse of Demise exists, but records of it have been lost to time and none of the students are aware of it (cue emotional revelations and plot twists).
Since there are so few Gerudo characters of actual plot relevance, I decided to include Ganon’s other allies from across the series, plus a few wild cards.
Ganondorf - house leader. Heir to the Gerudo Empire. Strong and very physically capable, as well as a firm leader. Strengths: Lance, Brawl, Reason, Authority
Ghirahim - Ganondorf’s cunning retainer. Only really ever thinks about himself and his master. Strengths: Sword, Reason
Cia - used to be a warm, angelic girl when she was little, but has become the opposite since then. She idolizes Ganondorf, but also admires Link from afar. Strengths: Faith, Authority, Flying
Lorenz Zant - a foreign exchange student from Twili, a faraway archipelago. Only friends with the people in his class, and hates everyone else. Especially despises Midna. Strengths: Brawl, Reason, Flying
Urbosa - probably the nicest person in the class. Has a motherly attitude. Very strong and protective of her allies. Strengths: Sword, Bow
Astrid - a quiet girl who is almost always studying. Also has an obsession with fortune telling. Strengths: Faith, Reason
Onox - son of an imperial general. Large and built, and loves training. Always agrees with Ganondorf. Strengths: Axe, Brawl, Heavy Armor
Ruto - daughter of a wealthy noble from Hyrule who became close to the emperor, but she does not always approve of the Empire’s methods. Very flirty, and has many admirers. Strengths: Lance, Riding
These characters are all either Sages, Champions, or Resistance members.
Zelda - house leader. Crown princess of the Kingdom of Hyrule. Extremely smart, and though usually kind, can be cold and relentless on the battlefield. Strengths: Bow, Reason, Riding, Authority
Impa - rescued by Zelda during the Tragedy of Sheikah and has become her faithful retainer since then. Often found accompanying Zelda or praying. Strengths: Sword, Lance, Faith
Revali - son of a renowned warrior in the Kingdom. Thinks very highly of himself and looks down on those who are physically weaker than him. Often trains to the point of intense fatigue. Strengths: Bow, Flying
Mipha - a shy, quiet girl who mostly keeps to her room. Dotes on those who are injured despite her introverted nature. Strengths: Lance, Brawl, Faith
Medli - daughter of a famous musician. Incredibly skilled at playing the harp and dreams of becoming a star as well. Kind to everyone she meets, but has a reputation for being clumsy. Strengths: Axe, Flying, Authority
Byrne - A quiet student who often goes unnoticed. However, he is immensely skilled in battle, which tends to surprise people given how often he disappears during training. Strengths: Sword, Brawl, Heavy Armor
Shad - a scholarly student who is extremely interested in history. Will approach any random student to help him with his research. Unlikely friend to Ashei. Strengths: Faith, Reason
Ashei - the daughter of a noble, but she would rather be a knight than an heiress. Blunt and sometimes downright undignified. Unlikely friend to Shad. Strengths: Sword, Axe, Riding
These characters are Link’s friends and companions from throughout the series. 
Link - house leader. Future leader of the Ordon Alliance, though born a commoner. Kind and genuine, as well as very charismatic, but hides insecurities. Strengths: Sword, Faith, Riding, Authority
Ravio - son of a merchant family. Very close to Link, almost like a brother. Quite lazy, and would rather scam people than study. Strengths: Axe, Bow, Flying
Midna - the princess of Twili, who came to the Academy as a foreign exchange student. Admired by many for her beauty and charm. Incredibly snarky and mischievous, and often gets into trouble. Strengths: Lance, Reason, Flying
Saria - the youngest student at the Academy. A sweet and charitable girl who loves animals and feels at home around nature. Strengths: Bow, Faith
Daruk - a noble who dreams of becoming an accomplished knight. Very friendly and outgoing, but has a fear of dogs. Strengths: Brawl, Heavy Armor, Authority
Fi - a girl who is very religious and is usually found praying. Very analytical and excels in her studies. Often responds to her peers without emotion, and many have never seen her smile. Strengths: Sword, Flying
Groose - Link’s self-proclaimed rival. Always trying to one-up Link, much to Link’s exasperation. Has a massive crush on Zelda, and is willing to join the Azure Owls for free. Strengths: Axe, Lance, Brawl
Malon - a farmer girl from the Ordonian countryside. Works extremely hard, as it took a lot for her father to send her to the Academy. Known for her distinct singing voice. Strengths: Bow, Reason, Riding
Despite moving some things around, such as their locations on the map and certain events like the Tragedy of Sheikah (Duscur), the nations here are loosely based on those in Three Houses: Hyrule = Adrestia, Gerudo = Faerghus, and Ordon = Leicester. (oh and Twili = Brigid)
Though Hyrule is a KINGDOM and Gerudo is an EMPIRE, Hyrule is larger because Gerudo is still growing and expanding. However by the timeskip Gerudo won’t have grown much because of Hyrule’s declaration of war.
The Tragedy of Sheikah basically went as follows: the people of the Sheikah region were close allies of the royal family, but were then blamed for the mass assassination of several nobles, including the queen. In retaliation, Hyrule massacred the people of Sheikah.
Since elements were pulled from many LoZ games, the three house leaders aren’t based on any specific incarnation. However, if I had to pick, Ganondorf would be from Ocarina of Time, Zelda would be from Breath of the Wild, and Link would be from Twilight Princess.
I haven’t really thought of who would be the leader of the church, or the faculty, or the equivalent of Byleth, but then again it’s not like this has to be an exact copy of Three Houses anyway. However I do think that Telma would make a wonderful stand-in for Manuela.
There are still cats in the Monastery (speaking of the monastery, I don’t have a name for it). Link and Saria give them the most attention.
I hope you enjoyed this!
this is so well thought out im going to cry. instead, I am just going to go through everything in order (prob not ) and scream at things i want to point out
'no one knows about the curse of Demise until later' IM BWUBWUWBWUBBWUB NOO.... NOOO..... THIS IS GOING TO TEAR APART FRIENDSHIPS..... i NEED to see the confrontations after this, because.... that's so heartbreaking and I don't want to imagine it... but i Need to see it :((
i AdOre how you incorporate characters from across the games, too. seeing chars like Byrne, Onox and Astrid make my lil Zelda heart happy...
and speaking of the characters, I love the strengths you gavce them!!! and the backstories... because this REALLy makes me want to see their supports. can you imagine.... Midna and Zant, Ravio and Revali, Groose and Zelda, Groose and everyone, Link and Ghirahim trying to hold a friendly conversation (which. oh dear. doesn’t work)... there is SO MUCH POTENTIAL and i can only IMAGINE!!
if you have any story details sketched out, I NEED to know!! i esp liked how you adapted the tragedy of Duscur to the tragedy of Sheikah, since there’s already hints of hostility towards the Sheikah in 10,000yrs ago-BotW, so it’s definitely not remiss that they wouldn’t be blamed ;; and this also makes me intrigued about Zelda’s motives!! Why does Hyrule declare war? because of her own personal reasons pertaining to the tragedy? in response to the Empire? something else entirely??
same with Ganondorf.... WHAT makes him declare war.... because I don’t think it’s just a case of conquer n conquer..... eyes emoji....
(and ofc our boy Lonk. with the best team, imo.... I Love the Verdant Wolves. would join them ASAP. they look like the house with the most Chaos but ALSO a lot of POWER...)
ESSENTIALLY I JUST NEED STORY DETAILS and house leader interactions!!! because, pre-timeskip, the triforce trio are friendly?? Yes??? And then it all falls apart??? Yes???????
TELMA AS MANUELA. PLEASE. PLEEEEEEAAASE..... she’d be absolutely fantastic!!! I also think we could have Kaepora Gaebora in replace of the white owl at the bulletin boards. Just for some friendly little advice...
and of course!! Link and Saria give the cats the most attention!! Saria plays the ocarina for them, and Link canonically picks them and runs around while giving them cuddles.... EXCELLENT....
 I also think Ravio would be a very good replacement for Anna. y’know, just to get the best bargains for the Wolves.... maybe steal for them a house, too.....
also? Groose joining the Owls without any recruitment requirements??? I. Groose ily but shUT UP STOP THAT!!! LINK Probably just facepalms mournfully.... who else is going to play around with the Groosenator with him :((
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paladin-andric · 5 years
The Lethal Tag
Tagged by @corishadowfang! Thanks, I enjoy doing these.
Rules: Answer these five questions for whatever characters you want, then tag some people.
I suppose I’ll be doing Blackheart, since nothing else I have on my mind is really tangible at the moment...
(Long post, so answers below!)
1) What is your OCs’ favorite weapon type (and if they don’t have one, then just answer hypothetically, and that goes for the rest of the Qs)
Alexander: Despite spending the entire story using a sword, it’s actually not his go-to! A sword and shield may be his primary pick on the ground, but he’s usually atop his horse (he doesn’t bring her to the infested city due to terrain, cavalry charges aren’t exactly effective in an urban enviornment). As a heavy cavalry knight, Alexander’s usually using a lance. The might of a lance charge atop his steed, Dragon, can fell even the toughest warriors in a single hit. Cavalry supremacy is the way the Geralthin army fights, and it’s led them to victory against foes on all sides.
Senci: He uses a longsword, though being a kobold, his size means he has to use it like a greatsword. He’s really good with it though, and becomes quite experienced in the art of combat during his journey!
Leianna: A spiked mace is her trademark. Though she’s a cleric, she uses it out of personal preference. Cracking skulls is just her style. She also uses a shield with it as well. She’s a pretty balanced warrior, though at times reckless.
Lexius: A short sword and small, wooden shield. Very plain and simple.
Razorwing: The great hero, a famous archer! He uses a longbow, it’s his staple! He also has a dagger as an emergency fallback, though as one of the avian koutu, his maneuverability means he shouldn’t really ever need to use it.
Paul: He’s a bounty hunter kitted out for any engagement. His primary weapons are his miniature crossbows. He also has a broadsword and daggers in case he needs to fight up close. He’s known to use tricky support weapons like smoke bombs and nets as well.
Wurie: The wolfman, and Captain of the Guard Wurie uses an arming sword, and nothing else! He’s spent plenty of time mastering its use, though. The same, old but maintained blade has brought him through many years of service, from his start as a caravan mercenary, through the height of his career as the founder and leader of a mercenary company, and finally to his years as a guard for the city of Palethorn.
Andric: A claymore! He’s strong enough to use it with one hand, though he tends to use both anyway. Having a free offhand is helpful with casting his holy magic though, being a paladin and all.
Tourthun: He’s a red, firebreathing dragon! Soooo...claws and fire.
Charles: Half-human, half-dragon, all magician! He doesn’t use any weapons at all! Not physical anyway, as he has an array of spells to choose from. If for some reason he couldn’t use any magic, he’d probably just use his claws.
2) Do they own such a weapon? How does it look like? (Add drawings or pictures pls!)
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I guess? That’s the closest I can think of a picture to his “weapons”. (He’s actually really nice though so don’t worry, he’s not actually plundering gold or frying people)
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3) How did it come into their possession?
Alexander: He commissioned a renowned blacksmith and armorer to forge his equipment.
Senci: A gift from his tutor and foster father, Andric!
Leianna: Granted to her by the Order of God, the religious order she serves.
Lexius: The monk scraped together the tiny bit of personal wealth he had and got his sword, shield and chainmail quickly made by a nameless blacksmith, hence their dubious quality.
Razorwing: After becoming a very skilled bowman, he put in a lot of time learning to how both make and maintain bows and arrows. His current longbow is one he made himself!
Paul: He was careful to have his armaments made by well-established blacksmiths with reputations for high-quality, reliable merchandise. Can’t have a breakage or malfunction in the middle of an important mission, after all.
Wurie: Part of a dual deal, actually. When deciding to become a mercenary, he mentioned his lack of armaments to the caravan company he wanted to sign up with. The head merchant actually pointed him to a company blacksmith, offering a moderate discount. This was to hopefully foster some loyalty so that Wurie would stay on with them for future trips. The wolfman did indeed stick around with them for a long time.
Andric: Meticulously crafted by a master blacksmith, and then enchanted by himself. The top quality steel is deadly and reliable, and the paladin’s own blessing makes the claymore tear through the scales and flesh of demons and evil monsters with ease.
Tourthun: All dragons are born with their claws and breath powers.
Charles: Everyone’s born with magic already innately inside of them. It’s simply a matter of training to draw it out and learn to use and control it...
4) Who taught them to use it?
Alexander: That would be Sir Gabriel Winthorperry! A knight that arrived to the house of Angelus to serve Alexander’s father, he took on the role of tutor when Alexander expressed interest in becoming a knight. He trained the child for many years in the use of knightly weapons, combat and conduct, until Alexander was finally able to set off as an knight on his own. He’s become a great tactician from his time commanding armies as well.
Senci: Sir Andric, the paladin and one who raised Senci! He drilled Senci vigorously. At first he didn’t want to, but Senci begged and pleaded, wanting to become a hero like him. He made sure the kobold would be strong and skilled enough to survive out in the harsh world that Senci still sees as a dreamland.
Leianna: She began training to become a cleric as she reached maturity. As a child, she had to run away from home for reasons. A priest found her out in the forest crying, and took her back to the monastery. There she grew up learning about the holy scriptures, church tradition, and God. After they accepted her request, she started training, and became proficient at channeling holy magic and using blunt instruments.
Lexius: No one! He has absolutely no combat experience or training! He’s totally out of his league...though he IS very skilled at healing magic, and has quite a bit of potential that will become apparent later down the line...
Razorwing: An archery tutor who turned out to be a pretty nasty man, actually. He started a toxic, abusive relationship with Razorwing while he was young and naive. A traveling human helped him break free from that, and Razorwing began training himself after that. He quickly rose to become a master archer in due time. and is pretty famous as an adventuring hero now.
Paul: Self-taught. He started small, but his natural combat awareness, sharp senses and streetwise nature helped him stay alive long enough to become VERY good at what he does.
Wurie: Trained by a barbarian tribe as a warrior at first. He ran away and fled to Geralthin, where he became a mercenary. He got a lot of training and firsthand experience with kobold raids on the caravans he protected. After becoming the head of his own company he set off on many missions against all kinds of monsters. By the time he became a city guard he was a seasoned veteran of war. In that time he became skilled in the art of mediation and diffusing volatile situations as well, since the job required it.
Andric: Trained by the church, and forged in the crucible of war. He’s spend decades fighting cults, monsters, and even slaying dragons. He’s one of the most battle-hardened and highly-skilled paladins in the world at the moment, and his mere presence can turn the tide of war.
Tourthun: He doesn’t fight, nor was he trained. He’s borderline pacifist, though certain events will force a change soon enough. As a great, mighty dragon though anyone but a great wizard or hero would be hard-pressed to defeat him if they wanted to...not that most would. He’s developed a fiercely protective attitude towards humanity, and wishes to defend them from other, more evil dragons.
Charles: He went to college for the magical arts. He’s still young, but his natural ability, great mind, and fast learning along the powerful desire to become better means it won’t be long before he’s a master sorcerer.
5) Does your OCs’ have a special boss-killer move? What is it?
I like to imagine this question as making a “Finisher” or “Ultimate” move from a videogame, so I’ll try my best to use that as inspiration.
Alexander: He’s just a knight. A good one, but still a knight, having no magic or superhuman abilities. I’d imagine his ultimate move would be him using a rallying horn, and an army of knights appearing and running down his foe in a crushing cavalry charge full of lances.
Senci: Some sort of reckless and wild flurry of swings, ending with a front-flip cleave.
Leianna: Beating the stuffing out of her enemy, knocking them over, and slamming her mace into their skull.
Lexius: The spell Destroy Evil! I’ve written some lore on magic before, so here’s an excerpt about the spell:
“Caster creates an aura around them of pure good, destroying anything evil, both physical and in concept. This will spell destroys not only beings born of evil, like demons, and tears the corruption from tainted objects, but also seeks out and destroys evil within normal beings. Selfishness, hatred, greed and jealously are burned away from people in the aura. This process is extremely painful, amplified by how “bad” of a person the target is. Even good people will feel great pain, but the truly wicked will be wracked with such horrific suffering that they will likely die of shock before the process is complete. Once these thoughts of darkness and wickedness are burned away, those affected will feel different, calm and at peace with themselves. They might no longer feel temptation to do bad, or may begin to see the faults with their old ways. Stripping away free will is a huge taboo in human society, so this spell is generally only cast on either the willing, on defiled objects, or in groups where demons are suspected to be hiding in human disguises, the holy person gauging the reactions of those affected. Demons will screech in horror before burning away completely. Sometimes used by holy men and women to purify themselves of temptation and sin. An extremely difficult spell to cast.”
Razorwing: A flurry of arrows fired while he’s flying in the air, followed up by a cinematic headshot.
Paul: A smoke bomb and him dancing around the enemy unseen, landing hit after hit, ended with a shot to the back while the enemy’s trying to find him.
Wurie: Rallying the Silver Shields, his mercenary company, to come in and overwhelm the enemy!
Andric: Calling down a pillar of pure divine energy, smiting his opponent and enveloping them in holy flames.
Tourthun: His *SPOILERS* appears and the pair drown the enemy in a sea of flames.
Charles: Probably the spell Ritual of Pain. Here’s a description from the lore excerpts again:
“The caster, before casting this spell, must draw blood. The more blood, the more powerful the spell. Generally, the sorcerer will stab their hand or arm with a knife, dig into the wound to let blood pour freely, and then hold up their hand and cast the spell. A torrent of acidic blood will pour from the caster towards the intended target, drowning the victim in boiling acid. This extraordinarily powerful spell costs the caster dearly, who will be terribly wounded afterwards. Anyone casting this spell is either desperate enough to risk death, or has a healer handy. Use of this spell is frowned upon in many places, though in antiquity it was one of the powerful death spells used to defeat the dragons.”
Tagging @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword and @sheralynnramsey!
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