#but actually the detail that made me make this post is ‘when they meet blackwall they clock that he’s lying within a single conversation’
riftsmagic · 2 years
reading thru my old notes and im not even ashamed that my warden is being the main character of the entire universe. just self indulgent “they come to skyhold for reasons and here’s how they interact with every companion” like im 13 again and putting my ocs in high school w all my favorite characters. i unironically love all of it
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a-byronic-heroine · 3 years
Kly as an in-game companion
• She can be found in the jail beneath the Chantry in a cell after the “Wrath of Heaven” quest and title card. The first conversation occurs when the Inquisitor finds her. They discuss her presence, how she got there and who she is. The Inquisitor can continually approach her for conversation.
• After “Champions of the Just”, Kly is very angry and pacing. She warns the Inquisitor of the consequences of this. If the Inquisitor is dismissive, Kly warns them of the consequences of their actions. If the Inquisitor investigates, they learn more of Kly’s backstory. If they agree or remain neutral, Kly warns them they’ve made enemies and to watch their back.
• After “In Hushed Whispers”, if approached in her cell, Kly asks about the future the Inquisitor saw, and offers her sincere gratitude as well as appearing pensive and uneasy. The Inquisitor has the option to investigate and learn more of Kly’s backstory.
• At Skyhold, she is a subject of a Judgement. The Inquisitor can to give her to the Chantry and Orlais in an act of diplomacy, make her an agent of the Inquisition and companion, or give her to the Templars as executing her in Skyhold itself is deemed too risky without a greater templar presence. If she isn’t recruited, a War Table mission becomes available saying she has escaped custody and fled. She joins Corypheus along with the Underground without the positive influence of the Inquisitor and becomes an enemy.
• Kly can be found in the infirmary area of Skyhold as a companion. Ambient NPCs will occasionally mention “the blood mage” healing them or curing ailments.
Hostile greetings:
“You again?”
“What now?”
“Do you ever leave?”
Hostile farewells:
“And a merry fuck off to you too.”
Neutral greetings:
“Ah, Inquisitor.”
“Are you here for healing?”
Neutral farewells:
“Good day, Inquisitor.”
“Farewell, Inquisitor.”
“So long.”
Warm greetings:
“Ah, hello.”
“It’s good to see you.”
“All is well, I trust?”
Warm farewells:
“I quite enjoy these talks.”
“Come see me again soon.”
“Be well, my friend.”
Romanced greetings:
“So forward.”
“Yes, dear?”
“You look particularly lovely today.”
Romanced farewells:
“I’ll meet you in your rooms later.”
“What? No goodbye kiss?”
“I already miss you.”
• She greatly approves of helping Ferelden citizens, killing templars and siding with mages. If she goes to Ferelden, she’ll sometimes give little tidbits of information like the origin of the mabari, the Blight’s affect on the land, history, noble houses, etc.
• She greatly disapproves of conscripting the mages or siding with/aiding any Templar forces. She only disapproves of disbanding and conscripting Templars.
• She approves of talking with spirits and demons, including the demon Imshael, instead of just immediately attacking them. Though she greatly disagrees with any deals made with them.
• She cannot be taken as a companion to Val Royeaux, as she’s considered a terrorist. During “Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts”, Kly can actually be found there, tough she is in disguise. If spoken to, she’ll say she’s there for “no reason” and cannot be spoken to again.
• She greatly disapproves of Vivienne’s recruitment. Anytime they’re in the same party, they’re particularly malicious with each other. She usually doesn’t even use her name when asked about her. She’ll call her Vivisection, Vasectomy or Venereal when asked about her. Kly will say “she was hot until she opened her mouth”.
• She distrusts Blackwall because “no one is that nice naturally” but otherwise gets along with him. She approves of his recruitment, and after his betrayal will disapprove of him becoming a warden. She is neutral towards romances with Blackwall. Pre-Ranier she’ll say “I guess it works. No pregnancy, limited number of years available for them to betray you. Quite the neat package”. Post-Rainer, she’ll say “It’s noble to forgive him for what he did. I only wish others could be as forgiving with me.”
• She approves of recruiting Dorian. She also approves of romances with Dorian. When they’re in the same party, they usually talk about how ridiculous they think Andrastianism is. If Dorian is romanced she’ll say it’s “nice not everyone hates mages”.
• She approves of recruiting Cole. She’s neutral to whether he becomes more or less spirit-like. She treats Cole a lot like a child when they’re in the same party, so she’s extremely gentle and patient with him even when he does “that mind thing I told you not to do”.
• She gets along well with Solas. If they’re in the same party, they’ll often discuss magical theory and what Solas has seen in the Fade. She approves of romances with Solas. If he romances the Inquisitor, she will mention it in party and say “I understand why you only like elf girls. I quite like them, myself. First crush I ever had was on a Dalish girl”.
• She disapproves of recruiting Iron Bull because he follows the Qun which is just as bad if not worse than the Chantry in her mind. If he becomes Tal Vashoth, she gets along well with him. If Bull romances the Inquisitor and he’s Tal Vashoth, Kly approves, mentioning the forgiveness thing she does with Blackwall’s romance post-Ranier. If Bull is still Ben Hasraath during a romance, Kly will warn the Inquisitor to watch their back. If they’re a mage, Kly will take them aside to try and dissuade them. In parties, Bull usually jokes about blood magic with her, claiming it will do fantastical things, and she’ll usually laugh and correct him.
• Kly dislikes Varric because he “asks too many questions” at first, though her relationship becomes more amicable the more they interact. His nickname for her is usually “paper cut”. In parties, he’ll ask her things like what she did in Kirkwall, where in Ferelden she’s from, etc. Kly will usually be truthful, but when he gets too close to an uncomfortable subject, she’ll just say “no, nope, not telling. New question!”.
• She’s neutral towards Sera, though Sera will disapprove of her recruitment. Sera’s relationship with Solas is similar to the one she has with Kly. Sera will tell Kly her magic is gross, Kly will offer her situations where it’s saved lives and Sera will blow her off, that kind of thing. Kly actually appreciates Sera’s pranks, even when played on her. She says they remind her of a simpler time though she never elaborates. Kly is neutral on romances with Sera. She’ll say “She’s certainly cute, but when she speaks, I can rarely keep up. It’s exhausting”.
• For obvious reasons Kly and Cassandra don’t get along. They often bicker about issues of religion and the Chantry when in the same party. Kly will bring up the times the Chantry uses blood magic or has committed mass murder and Cassandra will bring up blood mage crimes, even hinting at the one involving her family. Kly will take the Inquisitor aside if they’re a mage and pursue a relationship with Cassandra to try and dissuade them. She’ll usually remark “how does that work with that stick always up her arse?”.
•Josephine reminds Kly of her mother in many ways, she’ll say as much. She’ll also say she find’s Josephine’s attempts at peaceful approaches to situations refreshing after all the war she’s seen. Kly will approve of a romance with her. She’ll say “I hope you’re ready for the most ridiculously lavish engagement parties you’ve ever seen”.
• In her opinion, Sister Nightingale has always had her fingers on the big moments in history. She’ll wonder aloud if that’s a good or a bad thing given these turns of events. If a Cousland was the Hero of Ferelden, Kly will remark on the relationship she had with her sibling whether it was friendly or romantic. If Leliana was killed in DA:O, Kly will not mention her.
•She’ll say she “knew of” Cullen at Kirkwall as he was rather notorious. If asked about Kinloch, she’ll say she has no idea if he was there during her tenure there. She will say he’s changed his tune, but she will still doubt his sincerity on the matter. If Cullen comes off lyrium, she’ll occasionally mention his blood feels like he’s not a Templar though she will not investigate the matter. If the Inquisitor is a mage, Kly will take them aside if they pursue a relationship with him and will try to dissuade them.
• Kly’s first actual companion cutscene is at Skyhold. Just after her Judgement. She can be found doing blood magic to transfuse blood between soldiers. She is glaring at a very conspicuous Templar watching her. She asks if he’s a necessary precaution; the Inquisitor in some way reminds her she’s on thin ice. Kly says nothing would ever absolve her in the Maker’s or Chantry’s eyes before asking if the Inquisitor believes in the Chantry after what Corypheus said. 
• After “Here Lies the Abyss”, Kly asks the Inquisitor how they’re faring. She does a check up and talks about what she was doing during the last Blight and admits she’s sympathetic to the Wardens’ original intentions. If a Cousland was the Warden, Kly mentions it and her family can be further inquired about. A WT quest opens up with Fergus Cousland inquiring about rumors relating to his sister. The Inquisitor can send a missive being honest about her presence (Josephine) or they can lie to keep Kly’s presence secret (Leliana).
•After “Wicked Eyes and Wicked Hearts”, the Inquisitor asks what Kly was doing in Orlais at the ball. Kly speaks vaguely about a job for someone. It’s implied this is the Mage Underground. There are no approval changes. A WT mission opens about a string of dead nobles and Chantry officials in Orlais. Leliana’s spies know it was Kly. Leliana mentions many of the assassinations were helpful. The Inquisitor can send money to the families and Chantry with anonymous donations (Josephine), can put allies in the positions that need to be filled (Leliana), or a detail can be assigned to keep an eye on Kly to see if she tries anything else (Cullen).
• Kly’s companion quest starts with Kly mentioning she received a missive from an acquaintance and asks the Inquisitor to come with her to Redcliffe. The cutscene goes to the docks where a Tranquil mage is waiting. Kly speaks with the Tranquil, asking if they remember her and “the pact”. The Tranquil will mention they had been waiting for her. Then she will kill the Tranquil. The Inquisitor will be stunned and ask why Kly killed them. Kly will explain that this was an agent for the Underground and they fought during the war together. She talks about the promise they made to kill each other if one ever became Tranquil. If the Inquisitor disapproves, Kly will tell them she trusted them with this but was wrong to do so and she will greatly disapprove. If the Inquisitor approves, Kly thanks them for their understanding and asks if they can help bury them.
• Back at Skyhold, Kly will barge into a meeting of the Inquisitor and their advisors saying they have a problem. Kly shows them a missive explaining that the Underground has allied secretly with Corypheus. She’s been given orders to murder the Inquisitor. Kly has decided the Underground is no longer the force for good it originally was. There is an option to remove her as a companion. If this is done, she just disappears somewhere in Ferelden. If the Inquisitor is supportive of Kly, a War Table mission for Leliana opens to purge the Inquisition of Underground loyalists with Kly’s help.
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bigfan-fanfic · 4 years
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Heskan Aeducan as a Companion
(Face Claim: Can Yaman) - Okay, I really wanted to do this because Heskan is basically the hot romanceable dwarf we’d all deserve in Inquisition. He uses the Dwarf Noble Origin and has the Spirit Warrior specialization, using it as an archer.
Hope y’all like him! Feel free to romance him, haha!
Inquisitor’s Name: Heskan “Hess” Aeducan
Race, Class, & Specialization: Dwarf Archer Warrior (Spirit Warrior)
Varric’s Nickname for them: Feathers
Default Tarot Card: The Chariot
How they are recruited: He joins automatically if you talk to him at the gate leading to the bridge in Skyhold; a cutscene triggers where he and Leliana are speaking and she vouches for his skill and he offers aid to the Inquisition.
Where they are in Skyhold: Aiming his bow over the battlements, taking potshots at trees in the distance.
Things they Generally Approve of: Pragmatic options, manipulating nobles, recruiting prisoners
Things they Generally Disapprove of: Letting prisoners go, executing them, dismissing Sera from the Inquisition, hitting Solas or Dorian
Mages, Templars, Other?: Heskan comes from Orzammar, and is really tired of having to deal with this whole surface conflict, especially as darkspawn get closer and closer to overrunning his people. That said, he prefers the mages. Templars he doesn’t trust.
Romanceable?: Yes, by any gender or race.
Friends in the Inquisition: Cole, Vivienne, and Iron Bull - Heskan and Varric have a not-quite-friendly rivalry.
Small side mission: Run around Skyhold collecting a stray arrow each time you return to Skyhold. 9 arrows altogether, every 3 arrows earns you a Heskan Greatly Approves.
Companion quest: Heskan wants to know if he is accessing the Fade through his Spirit Warrior specialization and asks the Inquisitor and Cole to help him, sleeping in front of them so they can test it. Cole mentions that Heskan is actually afraid of finding out the truth. After he wakes up, the Inquisitor has two options. Neither option impacts the ability to romance him.
Option 1: Lie and say no. This will net Disapproval from Solas and Approval from Cole and Heskan. Heskan seems relieved to learn that he is not upending all the rules for dwarfs and talking to him later reveals he is a little concerned because he’s been getting fragments of dreams, but nothing else comes of this. 
Option 2: Tell the truth. This will net Slight Disapproval from Cole and Great Approval from Heskan. Heskan admits that the idea of breaking all the rules for dwarfs and magic is frightening, but he is thrilled to consider this (if a Dwarven Inquisitor replies they feel the same way, they can earn extra approval). Talking to him later reveals that he has come to terms with accessing the Fade and he wants to attempt speaking with the spirit he has bonded with.
Tarot card change
Option 1: The Chariot (reversed)
Option 2: Knight of Pentacles
Cole’s reflection on their thoughts: “The smile should not have to be my mask, but it serves its purpose, bright and blinding as I bleed from the wounds in my back.”
Comment(s) on Mages: “Poor sods. I’d be pretty tired too if someone shut me up in a tower all my life and didn’t let me breathe wrong.”
Comment(s) on Templars: “We trade these people lyrium and we don’t care where it goes... but seeing what happens to them... I wonder if it’s worth it.”
When looking for something: “Did somebody hear that?”
When finding a campsite: “Care to kick up your feet for a while, Inquisitor?”
When the Inquisitor Falls: “Hurry, save the Inquisitor!”
When they are low on Health: “Hello? Archer needing help over here?”
When they see a Dragon: “You’re gonna go fight that thing, aren’t you?
Default saying: “Sort of brisk out here, isn’t it?”
Travel Banter with Canon Companions of your choice:
Heskan: So, Varric. Varric: (Sighs) Hello, Feathers. Heskan: You don’t like me much, do you? Varric: One handsome dwarf archer is enough for a good story. You’re a bit superfluous. Heskan: Don’t spare my feelings or anything...
Vivienne: Tell me, Prince Aeducan. What are you doing on the surface? Heskan: Madame Vivienne, please. You may call me Prince Heskan. Varric (if present): (Disgusted noise.) Vivienne: That wasn’t an answer, Prince Heskan. Heskan: No... no it wasn’t.
Heskan: Varric? Varric: (Sighs) What is it, Feathers? Heskan: Oh, I apologize. You must be trying to find a way to describe me other than “exceptionally ugly.” Varric: So you read The Tale of the Champion, huh? Heskan: If anything, I’d say that only one of us uses chest hair to distract from our sorry faces. Varric: “Hideously ugly and arrogant” it is, then. Heskan: Lazy writing!
Cole (after Heskan’s personal quest is complete and he is told the truth): She says hello. Heskan: She? She who? Cole: I don’t know... she’s you. (if made more human) I used to see her better. Heskan: Oh. Could you... could you tell her thank you? Cole: She knows. Heskan: Thank you, Cole.
Friendship?: “Hello there, love. Miss me?”
Leaving the Inquisition: “I’m not fond of the way you’re running things here. If you don’t shape up, I’d rather be sucked up into the Fade than hang around here.”
The Fade
How they react: “Well... this is different. Not sure I should really be here, actually.” Their Tombstone: Betrayal What the Fears look like: His dead brother Trian What the Nightmare says: “Ah, the murderer-Prince of Orzammar. Have they forgiven you for killing your brother yet? Or do you think they’re waiting for the right time to strike?” Their reflection about the Fade: "Yeah, I’m not so sure I enjoyed that.” Hawke or Warden: Has worked with both, Disapproves if Hawke or Alistair is left behind. Greatly Approves if Loghain is left behind. Approves if Stroud is left behind.
The Wardens
Their feelings: Respects the Wardens, being a veteran of the Fifth Blight and working with the Hero.  Exile or Allies?: Allies
The Ball
How they feel: “Smile, love. We’ve got a role to play here, so stay guarded.” Where they linger: Outside the door to Gaspard’s balcony Are they good at the Game?: Very much so. What people say about them: “Oh, that dwarven Prince is such a good dancer!” “Tall for a dwarf, isn’t he?” Gaspard, Briala, or Celene?: Prefers Briala through Gaspard
Temple of Mythal
Rituals or Hole?: Hole Agree with the Elves’ bargain?: Agree. Morrigan or Inquisitor for the Well?: Morrigan
Comments on Canon Romance
Cassandra: “Personally, the Seeker frightens me. But if you’ve chosen each other, I can tell she’ll be true.” Dorian: “Treat him well, Inquisitor. He’s been through enough in his life, I can tell.” Sera: “Hah, fun for all, eh? She’s a firecracker, she is.”  Iron Bull: “Heh, he’s a fun one. If you two weren’t together...” Josephine: “Ah, Lady Montilyet. A fine woman indeed. You’re lucky, Inquisitor. They don’t come much sharper than her.” Cullen: “Ah, I’ve met Cullen a few times before. He’s... he’s a better man than I once knew, I’ll say that.” Blackwall: “I’m definitely not qualified to judge. But he’ll treat you right, Inquisitor.” Solas: “Well, to each their own.”
Sexual/Racial preference: Panromantic. Any race.
Nickname for PC: My sweet
Romance only mission: Heskan asks the Inquisitor to accompany him to Valammar, where he has heard rumors of trouble brewing. The party is ambushed by Endrin loyalists who want Heskan dead for the alleged killing of his brother ten years ago. Afterwards, Heskan explains the details of his murky past, including why he killed his brother, and how he has always had to look over his shoulder. Choosing the dialogue response “Maybe I could look for you” locks in the romance, and Heskan expresses awe and joy that their casual flirting actually meant something.
Dialog to being asked for a kiss: “How could I refuse you, my sweet?”
Halamshiral dialog: “Just keep up that pretty smile of yours, my sweet. I promise I’ll put a real one on your face once the party’s over.”
Being asked to dance during mission: “As much as you want. Once this business with the Empress is over, of course.”
Asking to dance post-mission: “Come here... you’ve done so well tonight. If I can help you relax... I am honored.”
What Cole says about companion to PC: “The smile... it used to be false. Fake, fleeting, like feathers in the wind. But now... he is safe, secure...his sweet is here.”
Who is concerned about the relationship?: Varric, Cullen
Who supports the relationship?: Josephine, Leliana, Vivienne, Dorian
Who had a bet running on it?: Blackwall, Iron Bull, Sera
Banter(between NPCs):
Varric: So... you and the Inquisitor? Heskan: Ha, I never figured you for the jealous type, Varric. Varric: I - that’s... ugh.
Vivienne: A well-made match, my dear Prince. I congratulate you. Heskan: For once, Madame, I was not considering politics. Vivienne: Nonsense. Matters of the heart are just as political as anything else. Heskan: (chuckles) I suppose that on that count, we agree.
Iron Bull: So, are you a one-lover dwarf, or can I expect you again? Heskan: Why, Bull, you know I’ll never forget that magical night... Sera (if present): Ewww! How would that... oh. Fingers. Heskan: BUt in any event, you’d have to ask my sweet one. (The Inquisitor can respond favorably or unfavorably) Favorably Inquisitor: You could... if you don’t mind my presence. Iron Bull: The more the merrier! Heskan: My sweet, the Bull makes an excellent footrest. I’ll have to show you... Unfavorably Inquisitor: Sorry, Bull. He’s mine. Heskan: And I need no other lover. 
Flirt options: Upon meeting (gains Slight Disapproval from Varric), and at almost every interaction. Flirting with him enough unlocks his romance quest without needing to gain higher approval
Break up dialog:
If PC breaks it off: “I understand. It was fun while it lasted, though, eh? I’ll see you around, my - er, Inquisitor.”
If NPC breaks it off(and why): “I... I can’t condone what you’re doing, my sweet. I wish it could be different. I wish I could help you... but I cannot.” (Low Approval breaks off the romance)
Love confession: Heskan takes the Inquisitor walking along the battlements. “I... I never really thought I would find anyone who truly cared... but with you... I feel safe. I feel like... I could be happy.” The Inquisitor can flirt with him, which leads to a sex scene and lazy kissing in the Inquisitor’s bedroom, or say they love him, which leads to him pulling them to him with his bow string and kissing them deeply. “Then I am yours as long as you will have me, my sweet.” In either event, the Inquisitor can ask for a kiss or ask to “take a long walk,” which will result in a brief implied sex cutscene with a shirtless Heskan leaning over to kiss the Inquisitor in their bed.
Romanced tarot card: King of Pentacles
End game dialog: “You’ve done it. Beaten the villain, slain the dragon. I wish I could tell you it gets easier from here... but no matter what, I will be at your side, my sweet. Always.”
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the-lightning-mage · 3 years
Inquisition OC as a Companion
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I’ve already made a post about some stuff about Holly, but I love the format @little-lightning-lavellan​ made, and it really made me think. The picture is my best attempt at making her on artbreeder. 
You have selected Holly Trevelyan to join your party!
Race: Human
Gender: Female
Class: Mage
Specialization: Rift mage
Holly Trevelyan is the second youngest of seven children born to Bann and Lady Trevelyan. Born in 9:12 Dragon, she is also the only mage of the family. She came into her magic when she was 12, and thus spent most of her life in the Circle. Due to the more lax nature of the Ostwick Circle, and her being from a noble family, she was able to regularly send and receive letters. The only person she ever really got letters from is her younger sibling. This caused them to be incredibly close despite the distance.
In her early years she spent most of her time studying healing magic in hopes it would help let her get out of the circle. After lots of discouragement, she ended up giving up on that dream. Instead she focused her studies on storm based magic, as she had always found rain and thunder comforting.
After reading several books, and hearing several accounts as to how much more advanced Tevinter magic could be in certain areas, she had a new goal. She decided to try to harness electrical based magic so that it could be used as an energy source. This path has led to her becoming one of the most powerful storm based mages in Thedas.
When the talks of rebellion began, she was a part of them. She hated being cooped up all the time, and she had heard horror stories of how other mages were treated. When the rebellion began, she was not so involved. She was horrified by the levels of wrathful violence some of her peers employed. She spent a lot of time helping people escape. When she herself did, she knew that the entirety of the rebellion could not be like that, and she seriously considered joining them. Instead she decided to go find her younger sibling. That choice only solidified when she heard of what happened to the Conclave.
She becomes a rift mage because that is what either a. Killed her sibling or b. Almost killed them.
Dragon Age: Inquisition
She arrives in Haven shortly before the party leaves to address the Chantry in Val Royeaux. She shows up not to necessarily join the Inquisition, but in an attempt to find out what happened to her sibling. She can be found just outside the gates near the stables arguing with Cullen, demanding information.
If the Inquisitor is human, and thus her sibling, the conversation to recruit her flows a lot more smoothly. She will then ask to be part of the Inquisition, saying she damn near had a heart attack when she thought they had died, and that they had been apart for far, far too long. If she is refused, the Inquisitor will tell her to go home. There will be a war table mission to ensure she gets there safely. If she is accepted, she rises through the ranks rather quickly due to her skill. Solas will accuse the Inquisitor of nepotism.
If the inquisitor is not human, she will get emtional, wanting to know where her sibling is. She will demand to join the Inquisition to get justice for her fallen sibling. If denied, she will join the rebel mages instead. If they are sided with, she will technically be part of the Inquisition, but not as a companion. If not, she discovers Dorian, gives him what info she has, and flees. If she is accepted, there will be a war table mission to find her sibling’s remains or something they had on them.
In Haven, she can be found near the Inquisitor’s cabin. In Skyhold she can be found in one of the unused towers near Cullen’s office. It will have fancy looking equipment for her experiments.
She can be used to gather rebel mage support.
Approval and Romance
As they are siblings, human Inquisitors will have an easier time gaining approval, but for certain situations, they will face greater disapproval than non-humans. For example, non-humans will get “Holly disapproves” if they conscript the mages instead of treating them as allies, but humans will get “Holly greatly disapproves.”
When it comes to the big decisions, like what to do with the Wardens, who goes into the Well of Sorrows, etc. She tends to take in all of the “what ifs?” and bases her own opinions on that rather than her own morals. She may not like a decision, but if she thinks it will ultimately have the best out come, that is the one she goes with.
She likes to view most things from every angle she can. She prefers more merciful forms of justice, and can tend to be very forgiving. She likes it when the Inquisitor tries their best to understand others, while not necessarily condoning their actions. She likes it when they help those in need, though not as much as Cole does.
She can only be romanced by non human Inquisitors for obvious reasons, and she can be romanced by both men and women. If neither she or Cullen are romanced, they will end up in a relationship together. Instead of having a big romance scene, at high levels of approval, human Inquisitors will get an emotional scene where she tells them just how much she was worried about them.
Her personal quest involves her closest friend from the Circle. He sends her a letter telling her that he alive, and would love to catch up. It turns out to be a ploy, as he betrays her. He can be killed or talked down and shown mercy.
Her romance quest involves taking her to a few different locations throughout Orlais and Ferelden.
High Approval: She stayed with the Inquisition over the last to years as their advisor on matters of the Arcane. She presents them a unique weapon she had been working on in free time. Romance does not change this.
Low Approval if Cullen was romanced: She spent the last two years traveling. Seeing the world she never could see before. She helps and sends word back to the Inquisition when need be.
Low Approval if Cullen was not romanced: She remains with the Inquisition, helping where she can. She spends a lot of time helping Cullen figure out how to best utilize the mages.
Post trespasser: She spends much of her time working, and when she is able to get a working prototype she presents it to whatever Mage authority there is, and gets funding. It helps propel mages into good opinion. Details about her relationship are shared.
Combat Comments
Killing an enemy:
“Block this!”
“Eat ash!”
“You shouldn’t have underestimated me!”
Low health:
“Do we have another healer?”
“Armor failed me.”
Low health Inquisitor and Companions:
“I’m on my way Dorian.”
“Maker, someone help the Seeker.”
“I’ve got you, Varric.”
“Shit... Bull!”
“Cole’s down!”
Approaching camp: “I’ve always want to go camping.” “I’m not expert, but this seems like a lovely place to stop?”
Approaching a High Dragon: “Are they really that big?”
Using an ocularum for the first time: “Are you sure you don’t want me to examine it first?”
Picking up shards after finding the temple: “What are these doing all the way out here?”
Location Comments
Arbor Wilds: “It’s a shame we have to fight here.”
Old Crestwood: “No wonder they’re having problems with undead. Look at all the spirits.” “I think I’m going to be sick.”
Emerald Graves: “Am I the only one who thinks this place is beautiful?” “Wow....”
Emprise du Lion: “This... this is why I wear a cloak.” “I should summon some lightning. Start a fire and destroy the red lyrium. Two birds with one stone.”
Exalted Plains: “They really could not think of a worse name.” “A place that is a monument to humanity’s evil taken over by demons. Ironic.”
The Fallow Mire: “Ugh.” “I think I saw a bug the size of my hand.” “I love nature, but I hate this place.”
Forbidden Oasis: “This place would be nice if it weren’t for the Venatori... and the giant.” “I’m confused. Why is they’re a temple here? Who built it?”
Hinterlands: “Can we visit Redcliffe?” “So much chaos....” “We can help the people here, right?”
Hissing Wastes: “How do I have sand in my armor?” “Dwarven ruins on the surface? This is a dream come true.” “Great. Venatori.”
Storm Coast: “Crossing the Waking Sea was my favorite part of getting here.” “I actually quite like the weather.” “I wonder... is this place more prone to lightning storms?”
Western Approach: “Talk about a wasteland.” “Poison hot springs and chasms into the Deep Roads? At least there are ruins.” “I suppose this is a good place for nefarious deeds.”
Advisor and Companion comments
Blackwall: “She’s very dedicated and has a good heart. She’s what people should think of when they hear “mage.””
Cassandra: “She is very dedicated to the cause, though I worry she might set fire to Skyhold with one of her... experiments.”
Cole: “Trapped. Walled in. Caged like a fancy bird. Not anymore, but she stays because she wants to help. Is helping. She’s good, like her healing spells.”
Cullen: “She’s dedicated, clever, and very, very persistent. She’s been a great help with the mages.”
If in a relationship with her: “She’s... amazing, isn’t she? I’m not sure what she sees in me.”
Dorian: “You don’t find many people so open to new ideas, or people that are that accepting. She is excellent company.”
Iron Bull: “She’s different from the other mages. Too entrenched in her work to boast about it. Way more practical. I have a lot of respect for what she’s trying to do.”
Josephine: “Though I wish we could make better use of her noble ties. She is invaluable, and holds great conversations.”
Leliana: “It’s not often you meet someone who has truly nothing to hide.”
Sera: “I dunno. She makes too much sense for a mage, ya know? At least she’s pretty.”
Solas: “Holly? Ah. We don’t particularly get along, but I approve of what she is trying to do, and has accomplished.”
Varric: “You wouldn’t guess it, but Bookworm is just as good in battle as she is in that tower of hers. Thank the maker it takes a lot to piss her off. I don’t want to be on the receiving end of one of her lightning bolts.”
Vivienne: “I’ll be honest, I do not agree with her on everything, but at least she is loyal. Her work ethic is to be admired as well. She dresses rather simply though.”
At first, everyone thinks Holly is the nickname Varric gave her. It doesn’t match her personality.
While she may not believe Dorian about the time magic, she immediately believes him and Felix about the Venatori. She had heard rumors about them before the events of Hushed Whispers, but nothing concrete enough to tell anyone.
Her relationship with Cullen starts with him asking her if she can soothe headaches. She has somewhat of a reputation for her healing magic, even if she doesn’t use it much.
She is an excellent singer.
Like Solas and Varric, she acts like a parent towards Cole.
If the Inquisitor is a human man who romances Dorian, she’ll tease him for having a type.
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a-gay-bloodmage · 5 years
About the Character: Kiora Trevelyan
Tagged by: @red-wardens ((and here’s the post!))
Tagging: @thedisc0panda and @zeesqueere and anyone who sees this! Tag me if you do it so I can see!
― your muse’s name:
Kiora Trevelyan
―  a favorite picture / faceclaim of your muse:
Tumblr media
— More under the cut! —
― two headcanons you have for your muse:
Kiora is the closest thing to a demonologist that Southern Thedas has to offer. Her “profession” isn’t approved by the Chantry, of course, but she’s far more knowledgeable about the inner workings of the Fade than most Circle mages, as she’s not only spent far more time asleep and observing the dream world than most, but she wasn’t shy in approaching spirits. Where most mages try to avoid spirits in the Fade—as they may be demons—Kiora wasn’t scared to introduce herself. She’s been possessed a few times, but not only was she able to distract the more hostile demons long enough to exorcise them, but she was often pleasant enough to convince them to leave before they turned her into an abomination. 
She’s well-versed in the world of elfroot. Kiora loves almost nothing more than relaxing with a good elfroot cigar, a cat, and a horror novel. She managed to convince the Templars of the Ostwick Circle to let the mages grow elfroot inside the Tower, lowering the conflict considerably. Mages, when they’re just giggling and sleeping, require a lot less discipline—just more corralling. 
― three things that your muse likes doing in their free time:
Smoking: Kiora loves smoking. Loves it. Despite already being a very calm person, she finds elfroot smoking relaxing, and loves the steady rhythm of inhaling and exhaling and feeling the warm smoke curl around her lungs. Smoking was one of the few things in the Circle she could count on to be non-stressful. Having another person to smoke with only makes it better. 
Cuddling with her cats: Kiora loves her cats! So much! Socks, Duke, Duchess, Spook, Miss Match, and Patches all hold a special place in her heart. Trevelyan castle had no shortage of fluffy, pampered housecats, and the Ostwick Circle had the cutest little mousers. Her magic is infectious, and if she spends enough time with a cat, she can meet up with their spirits in the Fade, granted that they’re sleeping. Whether it be in the waking world or in the Fade, Kiora is always happy to have a sleepy black cat in her arms. 
Reading horror novels: Even if her sweet personality convinces most people that Kiora is simply an innocent girl with an affinity for black and violet, her more Gothic appearance actually does reflect quite a bit of her innermost being. She loves to sit and relax with a good horror novel, enjoying the gory, graphic ones the most. She’s so passive and soft-spoken she just needs to read about a horrific murderer every once in a while...
― seven people your muse loves / likes:
Sera: Kiora is in love with Sera. So much. She could rattle on for ages about how much she loves her hair and her voice and her energy and her smile and her everything. Her and Sera’s relationship is an “opposites-attract” one to most looking on—what with their polar opposite looks, dress, energy levels, etc—but they’re actually quite similar, and agree on the fact that everybody deserves a chance to live free as themselves. And that nobles are annoying. 
Anders: Kiora has a love for Anders that most non-mages could never even hope to understand. She was terrified of the idea of being free from the Circle at first, as she had no idea how to survive outside thick stone walls, but as soon as she got her first taste of freedom, she couldn’t have been more grateful. No more long nights consoling abused mages and shooing away all the persistent demons that dwelled in the Tower. She longs to meet him one day, to finally be able to thank the man that made it possible for her to breathe fresh air and fall in love. She knows she’d never be able to express her love and gratitude, but she would love to try. 
Cole: Kiora loves Cole and Cole loves Kiora. She all but adopted him as her weird little spirit son the second she saw him, and he immediately grew to like her. She may not be stupid, but her thoughts are quiet and gentle, and he appreciates hearing the memories of a kindhearted stoner than some of the more... intense companions. Her cats love him, and they help ground him to reality when he gets too lost in the loud thoughts of the tavern patrons. Once he becomes more human and starts sleeping, she visits him whenever she can to talk to him in the Fade. Her and Cole are close enough to force Sera to interact with him, and, with enough time, even Sera came around to liking him. Even if he is a little creepy. 
The Iron Bull and Blackwall : Kiora adores Bull and Blackwall the same! They’re so sweet to her, and despite the two of them being so different, they both care for her like a kinda simple, sweet little lesbian daughter. Kiora loves cozying up on Bull’s giant lap, and she loves sitting in the stables and watching/listening to Blackwall whittle. Sometimes, she’ll drink and play cards with Bull and the Chargers, and other times, she’ll paint the toys Blackwall makes. She’s got very delicate hands that are quite good at detailed little hobbies. 
The Warden (Redren): Kiora, when first hearing about the Warden, was utterly terrified of him. An apostate mage who could rip darkspawn apart with a wave of a staff, known for being aggressive and unfeeling, getting into bloody conflicts with Templars, and who maybe killed the King of Ferelden? The eleven-year-old Kiora was utterly terrified of ever meeting such a man. However, as she got older, and especially once she got shipped to the Circle at fourteen, she came to appreciate the Warden more. How was it possible for a mage to stand up for himself like that? When she became Inquisitor, her respect for the Warden doubled. Leading an organization was stressful, it was a wonder he hadn’t gone mad...! 
Dorian: Kiora loves Dorian very much. Of course, learning he was from Tevinter made her nervous—as such a fact makes most in the South nervous—but once she got to know him, she came to really like him. Of course, he can be a little too confrontational for her at times, but for the most part, he’s fun to be around. He’s certainly more flamboyant than her, but they both share a love for eye-catching fashion. As a very empathetic person, she could relate to being a family outcast, and took Dorian in with open and squishy arms. 
Vivienne: She and Vivienne may disagree on Circle politics, but Kiora really enjoys the presence of another Circle-raised mage. They were both well-respected in the Circles, and they’re both willing to agree to disagree. They appreciate fine clothing, intricate magic, and a nice glass of red wine. Not to mention, Kiora’s cats love curling around Vivienne’s waist, and no amount of white clothing can keep those cats from cuddling a mage. 
― a phobia your muse has:
Kiora’s incredibly terrified of being useless. She’s spent her entire mage-existence being used by others, and she’s been so indoctrinated into the fact the usefulness equals the right to exist, and being tossed aside because nobody needs her is a terrifying concept. Mages that weren’t useful were Tranquil. Kiora helps keep her fears at bay by not only throwing herself into situations where she could be used to help, but by making sure that she’s always taking care of her cats and making herself useful to them. Constant reaffirmation is the best way to keep her from doubting herself, whether that be through thanks, smiles, or happy little purrs. 
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missblue664 · 7 years
Moving Day - The Iron Bull POV
I found writing prompts, write about a character moving to a new city in 3rd person then rewrite the it in 1st person. If you read the first half, you know what happened, but this is just from Bulls POV. It's also much longer.  NSFW, because Bull is a horn dog. 
I think it all started after we Killed that damned Darkspawn asshole, how I went from having a home, to not, to finding it again. Dorian was here for a while, said he wasn't ready to go back to Tavinter. And I, being an idiot thought he'd never go back. Well, that's a lie, I knew he'd go back, always knew, I just lied to myself, let myself believe that he'd always choose me. 
So when the letters came, telling him of his father's death and his appointment to the magisterium, he knew it was time. When it finally happened we bickered, I might have pouted at him. Which didn't get the result I was hoping for, he gave me this look between amusement and sadness. And fuck if I didn't feel like a massive tit for it.
So he left, but not before giving me a very special gift, a sending stone. We could talk at least. It was something. For a while, our room in Skyhold didn't feel wrong, still felt like home. While his staff wasn't by the door, or his robes folded neatly beside my, ‘horrid’ pants, his mark was still there. I could hold his pillow and bask in his smell. Imagine for a moment his long and lean form molded against my blind side, feel his hands run along my stomach, man always did like my stomach. I could almost feel the tickle of his mustache on my peck, chased by a ghosts kiss as he feel asleep. But then me and the boys headed out for a couple jobs in Navara and into the Free Marches. We were gone months, apparently dragons like nesting in some mine near Kirkwall and Varric needed a Dragon killing expert. Which, is me. The boys hated it! But, we were able to make Krem new armor with the hide. Varric pays well as the new Viscount, still feel guilty about taking his money though.
Then, we came back to Skyhold, when I walked into our room, it was cold. Everything had a fine layer of dust and I remember getting a crawling feeling over my back. The kind I used to get in Seheron when something wasn't quite right, I didn't have long to think on it because the Boss had asked us to head back down the Frost backs to deal with some wondering Giants. It was an amazing fight, Rocky blasted the damn things leg right off and then I finished it with my axe to its temple. Fuck it was amazing, except when we realized the blast kicked up a dust cloud and Krem got hit by the leg and he ended up with a busted arm.
The bastard was stubborn and wouldn't let us cart him back to Skyhold in a cart. But once Stitches got him sequestered in the dorms there was no way Krem was getting back out. Poor fuck, and they call me a mother hen. Fuck, I was so glad no permanent damage had been caused to Krem, that I'd forgotten about my unease in our room. So, I head up to the room, my harness half way off, Dorians name on my lips, and when I opened the door it was like walking through the veil back to the Fade. Everything felt wrong. I grabbed a few of my belongings and headed down to the stables, I took up residence where Blackwall used to stay. He was busy banging Boss, so he slept cozy in the highest tower. I have never felt envy before, but knowing that he had is Kadan within spitting distance made me want to strangle him.
I went to bathe and then settled in for the night. It was a cold night, nothing worse than Seheron when I had to camp there without a fire, but it was made so much better when I felt the crystal vibrate against my chest. His name like a prayer on my lips when I felt the connection take, his voice was distorted by the magic, but only slightly, but I could still make out the smile from his tone as he called me Amatus. We discussed the mundane, but something about his tone told me he was holding back, I could almost see the upturned tilt of his mouth as he tried to school his face to one of impasse, not wanting to give away that he had a secret. I finally asked, and he laughed before he started rambling. Telling me all about this villa he'd found, how perfect it was and that we could meet there. It was far away from the capital that it would be safe for him, and just on the border so I would be safe. Then he said that the magisterium had taken a three week recess and if I could make it to the villa, we could spend a week or two together.
I almost rode out of Skyhold that night, but he wanted to talk, so I laid there to listen. I don't remember falling asleep, but I did and had to call him back to get directions. I gathered our stuff from the room, and had the stable hand get my horse ready. Then I had to go talk to my boys. They weren't happy, mainly that I was going so close to Tavinter without them, but I told them that there was another job lined up in Navarra in a few weeks time and I would meet them there. I put Krem in charge and headed out. I rode hard, eagerness eating at my soul, I called him each night. We'd teased each other, I'd describe in explicit detail exactly what I'd do to him, how I'd eat I'm out, fuck him with my fingers while sucking him off, or how I'd fuck him out side so I could watch him bounce on my cock under the moonlight. Each fantasy would have him moaning my name, ‘Bull!’ He gets this lilt with the ‘u’ that's adorable. He likes to pretend his fingers are me, and I pretend my fist is him, and fuck it's not the same, but it's normally enough, but these nights neither got any real satisfaction.
I'd be lying if I said I was nervous when I got close to the Navarran border with Tavinter, slavers are notorious for trying to capture an ‘oxman’ for their sales. A broken, beaten Qunari makes for a wonderful decoration in some Magisters home. But thankfully I didn't run into any fights, and when I found the villa, I almost turned around. It was nothing like I had imagined. When Dorian had said Villa I had imagined this grand building, stately and pristine, something that wa uniquely him. But this, it was run down, I could tell that the siding was going to have to be replaced, it was rotting in some places and with Ivy all over the north wall, there was no telling how bad that wall was. The roof looked, adequate, although I was sure that one good storm would have it toppling down on our heads. The porch roof looked worse, it sagged between the posts and as I climbed the stairs they groaned under my weight. As I regarded the front door I realized that it would never fit me, at least not going in like a normal person, I'd have to shimmy in from the side to avoid hitting my horns on the frames. I barely noticed the front door opening as my eye traveled up to see that the porch roof had actually started to pull away from the main body of the house.
Dorian voice pulled me back to the present and I was struck. I felt like my body was on fire and alternatively freezing. My breath had caught in my throat as I watched him smile. His hair was longer, still with the same undercut he loved, his mustache looked fuller, his skin darker and he'd kill me if I told him that he had more laugh lines around his eyes. He looked radiant, it was enough to believe that maybe this Maker did exist and put this beautiful, wonderful man on Thedas just for me. Just as suddenly as I had been worried about the roof falling on my head, I understood. We were going to build something, we were going to make this place ours. Much like that little room in Skyhold had been a beginning, this was going to be our finish, our complete story. It was going to be everything we needed. I sucked in a breath and caught him in my arms and pulled him close. Dorian was good at finding things I didn't know I wanted until he laid them at my feet. I was home. We were home.
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