#alistair goes to skyhold and this character could not be stopped from going with him by any force in the universe
riftsmagic · 2 years
reading thru my old notes and im not even ashamed that my warden is being the main character of the entire universe. just self indulgent “they come to skyhold for reasons and here’s how they interact with every companion” like im 13 again and putting my ocs in high school w all my favorite characters. i unironically love all of it
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kita-lavellan · 4 years
Beyond The Veil Discord OC-Asks
We have an OC-Question-Time channel on our Beyond The Veil Discord, and I keep forgetting to Copy/Paste my answers from there to here, so I’m about to do a single large post! To those of you still waiting on answers from my Ask Box, I’ll get to them I promise ^_^
Q. Why might someone dislike them? For kita -- From @rivainisomniari A. She's stubborn. She knows she's stubborn, but Kita doesn't often realise when she's crossing the line from stubborn to just being bull-headed. Nel, her sister, is often the one to call her on this behavior and force her to back down.
Q. What Hogwarts House would they be in? -- From @rivainisomniari A. Kita would be a Ravenclaw
Q. When bored, how do they pass time? For Kita -- From @rivainisomniari A. Running. Kita loves running. As a child she would spend hours running through the forests and wilds with Nel. She misses it while at Haven, but once they reach Skyhold she often runs around the battlements, people getting out of her way with the assumption she is rushing to speak to an advisor.
Q. When publishing a book it is wise to make comparisons with well known published works, to help a publisher see your understanding of the market, and also to help them decide on the best way to market your manuscript. So, that thought in mind, whom can you compare (from other popular media) your OCs too? -- From @mrstethras A. Oh nice question!! Kita is a cross between Elsa from Frozen, Loki (Marvel) and someone I'd LIKE to be :D ... Ghilana Mahariel, my Warden, is a bit of a blend with Natasha Romanova (Black Widow from Marvel), and Rupunzel from Disney's Tangled...  Malia Hawke is a Self Insert, but with a dash of Killian Jones from Once Upon A Time for some sassy Hawke-Sarcasm
Q. What do they value most in others? -- From @noire-pandora A. Honesty! Kita would rather you outright tell her you don't want to speak about something than LIE about it.
Q. Who is your inquisitor's best friend in the Inquisition?  -- From @rivainisomniari A. Kita's favourite people are Dorian, Leliana and Varric. Dorian wormed his way into her heart very quickly by being so protective of her during the Redcliff mission. She found it amusing, but also sweet and endearing, and the whole mission was a fast-bonding experience for the pair. Watching Leliana be willing to die for her to, washed away the wariness and caution Kita had carried for the inquisition up until that point, but especially for Leli when the woman was so clear in telling her she would do it again, once they're back in their proper time. Varric was the first person, after her sister, to ask how SHE was, which made a soft spot for him, and honestly, who can't like Varric eventually?
Q. Is there any situation in which they would make a deal with a demon? -- From @noire-pandora A. Tough one! Kita has always been very connected to the Fade and the spirits within! She would probably barter and/or bargain with a spirit, because she is familiar with in her interactions with them, demons are still spirits but corrupted, so she would probably either avoid them or try to help them, especially after she learns more about spirits and the Fade from Solas throughout the Inquisition timeline.
Q. Name one big flaw for your ocs? -- From @mrstethras A. Kita is slow to trust others, especially humans. She is aware that she distrusts people outside of her clan, but Kita doesn’t see it as a flaw, simply being cautious. Sometimes overly cautious, but she tries to balance her distrust with logic where she can. Ghilana's automatic response to someone showing any interest in her is to be abrasive, abrupt, and rude. She doesn't give people the benefit of the doubt, or chances, if they want her companionship they need to work at it and/or earn it. She comes across as a cold-hearted bitch, but if you persevere and crack that outershell she's a marshmallow. Malia's flaw is thinking she could have stopped or prevented anything and everything that goes wrong around her. Usually something Lydia has done, that she feels she could have predicted and avoided.
Q. Do they have any family? -- From @rivainisomniari A. Kita has her sister, Nel (@mrstethras‘ Character) and their grandmother, Deshana, other than that, no. their father died when they were young, and their mother died during the War Table mission/attack on wycomb. Ghilana doesn't have any family that she knows of. Her father was killed by humans and city elves, and her mother wandered into the forest never to return when she was a baby. Ashalle raised her, and she considers the woman family, but she's not blood family. Malia has her older sister, @mrstethras‘ Hawke, Lydia. There's also her brother Carver and her sister Bethany, both of whom survive the trip to Kirkwall.
Q. Are they close to their family? -- From @randomfallout4posts A. Kita is VERY close to Nel. She was fairly close to Deshana, but felt like she had to keep some of her magical talents hidden from the woman, because they weren't strictly "normal". Once she was able to be more free with herself with the Inquisition, and with Solas and Nel in particular away from the Clan, she began to feel less close to her grandmother and more judged for the ease with which she communed with spirits. Ghilana is not particularly close with her family. She struggles with the idea that Ashalle is not her "real" mother, and feels guilty for thinking like that. Tamlen was the closest thing she had to a 'real' family in her mind, and she had to abandon him, it took her a long time to begin to trust Briar and Alistair and instantly latched onto the first elf she saw with tattoo's (Zevran). He becomes her family, and as soon as the Darkspawn Threat is under control, she follows him to Antiva to kick his ass for being gone for so long. Malia... *sigh* She is SUPER close with Lydia, and despite being the younger of the two, she feels responsible for the other girl, especially since Lydia  struggles with their father's death the most. Having no one older to share her magical talents with was difficult too and so Malia did her best to support and back up Lydia as much as she could. She struggled to connect with Carver, and they disagree on a lot of things, but they love each other despite it and they bond particularly closely during the battle of Ostagar, helping each other survive what was otherwise a slaughter of epic proportions. Malia adores Bethany, and coddles the younger girl, giving her anything and everything she can. She picked up pick-pocketing to buy Bethany birthday presents, and it's how she fond her way to learning a rogue's skill set. Malia does not get on with her mother, and often goes out of her way to annoy the woman so that Leandra will aim her vitriol at Malia instead of Lydia.
Q. Where's their favourite place to be kissed? -- From @mrstethras A. Kita loves the tips of her ears being nibbled on, and the junction where neck becomes shoulder. Ghilana loves the back of her neck being kissed, especially once her hair grows out and Zev has to push it out of the way to reach it. Also kisses trailing down her spine. Malia ends up a shivering wreck if her hips and thighs get kissed, but also the palm of her hand while her eyes are locked with her lovers.
Q. Your OC’s favourite pastimes when they're not gallivanting, murdering or hunting Dread Wolves? -- From @mrstethras A. For Kita; Running, Reading, and/or singing. Post Trespasser she's learning how to control using a god damned foci, and pretending to be dead, but that's an essay for another time Ghilana's favourite pastime used to be huntng... until she had to spend the whole blight hunting for their party since no one else knew how. How her favourite pastime is annoying Brair, and sitting quietly/stargazing, while Zev braids and/or plays with her hair. Malia's favourite pastime used to be pick pocketing the Templars and Chantry Sisters and redistributing the wealth amongst the citizens of Lothering. Once they reached Kirkwall, she enjoyed hanging out with her friends, and helping them with what they were doing, when she had time. Keeping the patients at Anders clinic entertained until he could see them. Helping Merrill go shopping. Helping Fenris rearrange the furniture in the mansion etc.
Q. Name one regret of your OC’s?  -- From @mrstethras A. Kita: Not going to Wycome herself and keeping her mother safe. Also, for not doing/saying/being enough so that Solas could feel he could trust her. Ghilana: Not insisting that she search for Tamlen. Ghilana regrets letting Duncan talk her into leaving with him immediately. Malia has lots of regrets, but the biggest one is that she didn't push Anders for more answers, when she knew the ingredients he'd collected were intrinsic components for an explosive.
Q. Are they tall or short or somewhere in between? -- From @randomfallout4posts​ and @silvanils​ A. For a modern Elf, Kita is Tall. She's on the upper end of the height range for MALE elves at 5'8.... having said that, it's one of the first things that draws her attention about Solas, he's one of the only elves she's ever met taller than her, and he's taller than her by a fair margin. // Kita is tall for a modern elf. Tall for a MALE modern elf. Ghilana is small, around 5'1 and slight. She can, almost literally, hide behind a tree. It helps with her stealth abilities, and her speed, but it's why she focused mainly on a bow to keep a distance from stronger opponents. Zev fixes that, telling her she needs to know how to defend herself, and teacher her to dual weild daggers.  // Ghilana is average for a female modern elf, but she comes across as looking smaller because she's slight as well. Malia is average, around 5'6/7. A little taller than her older sister, but not by much. // Malia is average for a human female.
Q. Has Varric given them a nickname? If yes what is it and how did they get it? -- From @this-basic-mage​ A. Varric HAS given Kita a Nickname ^_^ It's Satina! She's a night owl, and so often wanders Skyhold late. Plus her whole colour's/aesthetics are blues and silvers.... Satina is, also, canonically the name of Thedas' moon. Malia finds it hilarious the Varric calls her sister simply "Hawke" and it annoys Lydia no end when he starts giving Malia the nickname "Copper". She's considered a bit of a "bad penny" by many, especially whenshe spends a lot of her time in Darktown, and is known to be a prolific pickpocket, but Varric also chose the name because of the burnished copper undertones to her otherwise dark brown hair.
Q. Pick any god from greek/norse pantheons for your o.c to "be" -- From @rivainisomniari​ A. I'm not sure I know enough about mythology off the top of my head to say for most of them. Kita has some Loki in her, with her playfulness and love of wolves (even before the whole Fen'Harel reveal, she's always admired the Emerald Knights) Ghilana would be Athena, goddess of the hunt. Owls for nightime and stargazing, and the stealth aspects of her character etc. Not sure who Malia would be. Is there a mythological god or goddess of chaos and disaster OTHER than Loki?
Q. Since the game has them: A tarot card for your o.cs. -- From @rivainisomniari​ A. After some research, I think Kita would be the High Priestess, meaning Intuitive, unconscious inner voice. Ghilana would be the Hierophant Reversed, meaning Rebellion, subversivness and new approaches. Malia would be the Tower, meaning sudden upheaval, broken pride, and disaster. Research Source: https://labyrinthos.co/blogs/tarot-card-meanings-list
Q. What is it that drew y'all's OC’s to their LIs? -- From @bratwurstprophecy​ A. Tough one because it was me drawn to Solas before Kita was. I think it was the way Solas almost immediately told Cassandra that Kita couldn't have opened the breach. She read it as an elf defending an elf, a mage defending a mage, and it made her respect him very quickly. His opinions on the Dalish were painful but didn't surprise her. At the Keeper's first she's been to the meetings of the clans and knew how unwelcoming some of the other clans were towards outsiders, but it made her want to show him not all Dalish were like that... then she began talking magic and the fade and spirits with him, and a lot of his opinions on those aligned with what she'd always felt but had been told was wrong, and that was it, she was basically a goner. Ghilana was drawn to Zev, despite the fact he tried to kill her, because he was the first elf she'd seen since leaving her clan, and she figured he might be useful, help her hunt for the party (Ahahahhahaha). His warmth and easy going attitude though is what endeared him to her, he easily let her abrasiveness roll off him, and that was something she'd encountered only rarely and valued highly. Malia saw a lot of her sisters in Anders, a mage run ragged hiding from the Chantry, but still a kind soul wanting to help. She wanted to help him, to find a way to separate him from Justice so neither of them became corrupted in spite of their mutual good intentions. She can often seen the glimpses of the man he was before he merged with Justice, and while she loves him as he is, she wishes she could see more of the lighthearted and playful man he was before because it's those glimpses of gentle care and humor that draw her in like a moth to a flame.
Q. What's your OC's favorite food? -- From @randomfallout4posts​ A. For Kita Lavellan, an Elfroot based stew her mother used to make, and Lemon flavored frilly cakes from Val Royeux For Malia Hawke , she never thought she's miss it, but a simple ferelden vegetable pie brings back happier memories of family meals with her siblings and both her parents in their cosy kitchen in Lothering. Ghilana Mahariel used to love roasted rabbit, but she hunted and cooked so many of them during the 5th blight she now can't stomach the sight of them. She loves exploring antivan spices, and the different flavors they can make when being mixed together in different combinations, and on different meats, so although it's not a "food", Antivan Spices would be her answer.
Q. CAFFEINE. I must know what your ocs first reaction to coffee was. For inquisitors, their first taste was likely when Bull offers it in the Storm Coast, unless they came from noble roots and got lucky. -- From @lacrymosa-of-lavellan​ A. Kita firmly believes that coffee is a creation of the gods. Perhaps Ghilan'nain. It finally means she can stay awake long enough to get through the stacks of paperwork that Josephine keeps leaving on her desk, and still have enough energy to go and fall asleep read a book on Solas' couch. Ghilana doesn't drink it, unless Zevran serves it up with a metric tonne of sugar, and at least half the cup being made up of milk. Malia Hawke takes coffee as part of her regular morning ritual, but only if she makes it herself. Too many times has she picked up her sister, Lydia’s, coffee, only to splutter on the strong taste of whiskey or rum that's been added to it.
Q. If you could use a song (or entire album if you like) to sum up one of your OCs in terms of personality and whatnot, or even just similar vibes, what would it be? -- From @bratwurstprophecy​ A. Kita Lavellan would get the Frozen 2 Soundtrack, but specifically "Into The Unknown" or "Show Yourself"
Q. The most important oc / otp question: Who shares their thinmints and who tells the other to go heck off? -- From @lacrymosa-of-lavellan​ A. Kita would share, and Solas would not. We know he has a sweet tooth! Between Malia and Anders, I think both of them would share. They both know what it's like to go without, and how a little treat can bring someone's mood up. As for Ghilana, Zev would spoil her with all sorts of exotic foods and sweet treats, and Ghilana would not share them (even if he asked) ;-)
Q. If your oc was in a modern time (or if they're brave as heck in da times) do they have any (non-vallaslin) tats or piercings, and if so, where? -- From @lacrymosa-of-lavellan​ A. Kita would not have a tattoo. Apart from the fact her mother really doesn't like them, Pre-Crestwood her Vallaslin are important and meaningful and she wouldn't want to take away from their importance by getting just 'another tattoo'. Post-Crestwood, when she knows that the Vallaslin were slave markings, she wouldn't want to be permanently marked in that way again. Ghilana does have other tattoo's besides her Vallaslin, all of which were done by Zevran. He has given her a vine that wraps around her ankle and curls up her leg with little symbols hanging from it, like charms, each charm marking an important event in their life together. Zev has also tattooed matching bands on their ring fingers, instead of wearing rings. Ghilana also has one ear pierced, to wear the earring Zev gave her during the 5th blight. It's the only piece of jewellery she regularly wears. Malia Hawke does not have any tattoo's or piercings. Her philosophy is that she does through enough pain without subjecting herself to more of it willingly.
Q. Wood smoke or ocean breeze? -- From @lacrymosa-of-lavellan​ A. Kita hates the smell of the ocean. She got seasick on her way from the Freemarches to Ferelden, and the salt air always makes her feel a little queasy now. Woodsmoke on the other hand is food, and warmth and comfort and she misses the perfume of crackling pinewood. Ghilana has always loved woodsmoke smell, but when she travels with Zev and on her Grey Warden duties, she learns to love the smell of the ocean. Malia Hawke can take or leave woodsmoke. It's not terrible but after fleeing Lothering with the village burning behind her it has some difficult memories attached to the scent. Living in Kirkwall though, the fresh sea air waking her every morning was something she grew to love.
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lvllns · 5 years
5 questions for writers!
i was tagged by @goblin-deity​!! thank you so much owen!!!
i’ll tag: @allisondraste​ @serbarris​ @arlathen​ @trvelyans​ @lavellane​ and i am probably missing a few writers so if you wanna do this, consider yourself tagged!!
some of this is under a cut bc it got long since i am incapable of picking “short” things that i like oops
1. Do you have a favorite character to write? Who and why? Oh Isseya for sure. A lot of it is because I have her so fucking fleshed out after writing so much of her. I know her like the back of my hands and she is so damn easy to slip into and write. I did really enjoy writing Solas as well, that was a whole experience.
2. Do you have a favorite trope to write? Or one you want to write? Friends to lovers is so good and is my absolute favorite. Tending wounds is another good one. FOUND FAMILY, give me that good good slow burn friends to lovers with a side of found family actually.
3. Share your favorite description you’ve written? from rare is this love.
This is what they are. Protectors that are forgotten about until they’re needed to stop the world ending and even then, when they fall nobody notices unless they take an archdemon with them. Nobody will remember Riordan. Nobody will talk of how he flung himself at a fucking archdemon and wounded it enough to ground it so the two of them could have a chance. Isseya knows, she knows, she will spend the rest of her life talking about him but it will not matter because only the name of one of the last two Grey Wardens of Ferelden will be spoken in taverns after the sun has gone down.
also this from ritl:
Isseya moves, stands on the handles of her daggers and leaps. Comes straight down with her longsword and uses her momentum to bury it deep into the skull of the archdemon. It sinks in cleanly, but slowly, so slowly. Her arms shake.
There’s a blast of heat and light. Bright and hot. She closes her eyes, looks to the side and holds steady pressure. Forces the blade to stay deep in the beast. The leather of her gloves starts to smoke a little, her hands begin to ache and it’s too much. It’s too much and her arms hurt, her eyes hurt even though they’re closed. Her right foot slips off the pommel of the dagger that she’s using as a foothold, and she swears.
The archdemon is thrashing around, screaming and bellowing and twitching. Its massive body rolls around, knocks soldiers and dwarves and mages and elves around. Sends them flying and Isseya knows death throes when she sees them but she hurts all over. Her body slams against its neck as her other foot slips off the dagger and she clings to the longsword, desperate to end this.
And right when she thinks she is going to have to let go if she wants to keep her hands, the dragon falls to the ground with a deafening thud.
Everything goes silent and dark and the heat recedes. Isseya lets go and falls to the ground. Lands in a heap and curls into a ball. Her head knocks against the stone and isn’t that just great. Every single part of her aches and has a heartbeat. She flexes her hands, winces when the leather gloves crack and she tries to pull them off but she is shaking so bad she can’t get a good grip so she gives up.
The sounds of battle still ring out around her. No doubt the last few darkspawn getting their heads removed. She reaches to her belt and pulls a thick, red elfroot potion free. Pops it open and swallows it down without even a grimace. It won’t heal her, not even close, but it numbs everything enough that she can climb to her feet. She braces herself on the shoulder of the archdemon. Dips her head low and takes a few deep breaths before she steps away.
Her knees knock together, legs shaking from sheer exhaustion, but she takes another step. And another. Gets herself to where she can see the fighting. Where she can see the darkspawn retreating and soldiers cheering and there is so much blood everywhere.
Isseya looks around and finds herself locking eyes with Alistair. He’s a mess. His gauntlets are gone, his shield is dented and his hair is stuck to his head. Blood and ash and sweat streak his face, deep cuts that will scar mar his skin but —
But he’s alive.
And so is she.
Isseya laughs, high and strained and pushes herself into an unsteady, limping run. Thinks that when this is all done, she is never running again.
Alistair drops his sword and catches her when she leaps at him. She throws her arms around his neck, legs around his waist, and laughs into his hair. Laughs and cries and kisses the top of his head. The metal of his armor is uncomfortable where it pushes against her but she does not care.
They’re alive.
4. Share your favorite dialogue you’ve written? This is from salt.
He startles. Jumps and sends an apple flying through the air. She catches it easily and her brows turn down as she looks at him.
“I am —”
“You went somewhere and it didn’t look very nice,” a small smile as she hands the fruit back to him. Her fingers brush his and he barely keeps his body from blowing apart.
He shakes his head violently.
“Memories,” his smile is more teeth than anything. It only makes her look more concerned. “They return in pieces. Sometimes I find myself swept away,” his fingers drum against the table to the beat of an old song that he has not heard since a party at Dirthamen’s many years ago.
She hums before setting to work peeling the orange. “My name’s Abigail, by the way.”
He thinks he has never been so off in his entire life. “Ah, please pardon my inability to remember how one handles a conversation.”
Abigail snorts. “‘Handles a conversation?’ It’s just talking Solas,” she waves an orange segment around as she speaks. “Handling implies that it’s uncomfortable,” a blink as she leans across the table. “Are you uncomfortable?”
“I — No?”
“You sure about that?”
He takes a bite of the apple and leans back in his chair. Wills his heart to stop trying to beat right out his throat. Is this really all it takes, to catch him so flat-footed? A nice conversation? Pretty eyes? He rolls his shoulders and flops his arm over his face.
“Yeah, you look like you’re having a blast over there.”
and this bit from rare is this love:
“Zevran” her voice is barely above a whisper and holds his gaze until he looks at the door. “This seems...like it is very important to you.”
“Don’t get the wrong idea about it,” there he goes. Walls and bricks and stones to hide behind. “You killed Taliesen. As far as the Crows will be concerned, I died with him. That means I’m free, at least for now,” his body is tense, like a trap ready to spring and she is reaching right for the trigger. “Feel free to sell it, or wear it...or whatever you’d like. It’s really the least I could give you in return.”
Something odd nudges in her chest. At the spot where that plant took root so many months ago.
She turns the earring over in her hand.
“So...not a token of affection, then?” She tries to keep her voice light but immediately he freezes. Amber eyes wide like a spooked halla.
Somewhere in the back of her skull, glass shatters.
“I...look, just...just take it,” he stands now, runs a shaky hand through his hair. “It’s meant a lot to me, but so have...so has what you’ve done. Please, take it.”
He’s pleading with her to take this earring and ah, that’s it. There’s fear laced throughout. Fear and nerves and he is looking at her like she is on the verge of tearing his heart from his chest.
“I - Zev, vhenan,” he flinches and she holds the earring out toward him. “Please believe me when I say I want to take it but...I can’t,” shaky hands pluck the gold earring from her fingers and she watches as he chases every emotion from his face and oh how it hurts to be closed off from him so suddenly after all this time. “I think...I think it means something more to you and I won’t take it until you can be honest about what it means first.”
“You are a very frustrating woman to deal with, do you know that?” The words are sharp and he takes another step away. “We pick up every other bit of treasure we come across, but not this,” he opens his mouth. Shuts it. Shakes his head. “You don’t want the earring? You don’t get the earring. Very simple.”
“You’re being childish,” gold eyes narrow and he snorts. “You are! Zev, we have to communicate, to talk about things,” her voice softens. “This doesn’t, Creators guide me, I care about you Zevran. I love you and whatever you need to work through, I’m here for you but you need to let me know what's going on. I'm not, fuck, I know there are things that will take time, on both our ends, but I can’t accept this when it is clearly more than just the pretty earring you’re trying to pass it off as.”
He says nothing. Hands scrub over his face before he pinches the bridge of his nose.
“I - Give me a few days, please,” twists the leather around his wrist, eyes flicking to her own and he looks terrified.
She takes a step closer, just enough so she can touch his arm briefly.
“You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?” Her head tilts as she wraps her arms around herself. “This won’t...what we have, it will not work if we don't communicate with each other.”
“I know. And I promise I will tell you, I just…” a heavy sigh, a hand through his messy hair. “A few days Isseya. Please.”
“Whatever you need, it’s yours.”
She watches his face crumble, a hand covering his eyes for a moment before he dips his head and quickly leaves the room.
5. Scene you haven’t written, but want to?: SO MANY. I have a ridiculously large modern au plotted out and I want to write Isseya/Zev meeting there so badly. Also really want to write Penelope/Fen in that au bc oh BOY that’s good stuff. I also have an Alistair/Hawke thing that’s been rattling around my skull and I so desperately want to write them meeting up at Skyhold after everything that’s happened since the Blight.
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Dragon Age Question Meme
thanks for the tag @bitchesofostwick! too fun not to do! :)
tagging @solverne-02  @bearly-tolerable @aurianavaloria @laraslandlockedblues @ladymdc @galadrieljones @thevikingwoman @idrelle-miocovani 
01) favorite game of the series? I think Origins is the best in terms of gaming while 2 has the best story.I’m most attached to Inquisition and Origins equally when you boil down to it, I played both a lot and both were huge comforts.
02) how did you discover Dragon Age? All the way in 2009 the game came out to glowing reviews and my interest piqued. During Valentines day 2010 my dad got me a game stop gift card and I bought it. (my parents rock lol.) anyway I played it but it went horribly, I missed leliana and sten in lothering...accidentally killed Irving so sided with the templars...zev betrayed me...it was a mess. It wasn’t until a third play through that I began to love the game.
03) how many times you’ve played the games? Origins: gosh I’ve gotten to the end at least 5 times, but made a lot of characters. 2: probably 3 times with a female hawke and once with a male (for some reason that’s the only game I’ve played as a male as to the end...he romanced merrill.) Inquisition: once again, at least 5.
04) favorite race to play as? Just so happens to turn out my favorite backstories and origins are the human ones, though I tried to make elves. I just couldn’t come up with a character I gravitated toward.
05) favorite class? Story wise: mage, fun to play as and personal enjoyment: rogue.
06) do you play through the games differently or do you make the same decisions each time? Make the same decisions because it feels weird if I don’t, lol. Especially with romances...I get so loyal I can’t romance anyone else. I do though sometimes change up classes for variety.
07) go-to adventuring group? I tend to shuffle a lot, but my most common groups are in DAO: Alistair, Leliana/Zev and Morrigan/Wynne but I love them all and tend to shuffle. DA2: Fenris, Anders, Varric and in DAI: Sera, Vivienne, Cassandra (though again I do a lot of shuffling for variety.)
08) which of your characters did you put the most thought into? Lydia Trevelyan, no question. I wanted to write her story and romance, so I did. :3 
09) favorite romance? DAO: Alistair, DA2: Fenris. DAI and overall: Cullen. 
10) have you read any of the comics/books? Nope.
11) if you read them, which was your favorite book? honestly I have no plans to read any *sorry.*
12) favorite DLCs? Hmmm...The Stone Prisoner in Origins, and Jaws of Hakkon! Of course Tresspasser too.
13) things that annoy you. Most are fandom related...not going to lie. But in game I wish Inquisition had more ambient music as you explored, and that missions actually meant something to the war effort other than racking in points. I wish Cullen’s trauma at the winter palace was treated more thoughtfully, and I hate, hate, hate how the inquisitor has to kneel down and loot because it takes FOREVER. I also wish DA2 had a longer development cycle because the game could have been so much more.
Oh I also wish vital story info wasn’t in books/DLCs.
14) Orlais or Ferelden? Aesthetically I like elements of Orlais, I have to pick Ferelden though.
15) templars or mages? Much like bitchesofostwick, all my OCs have, when the games pit one against the other, sided with the mages, but I think the chantry is so bad both groups need reform. (Circles need to function like schools rather than prisons, templars need to know magical defense but serve as protectors and move away from the chantry.) 
That being said Lydia is actually kind of pro templar, more than one may think anyway...in the sense that she thinks they can do better.
16) if you have multiple characters, are they in different/parallel universes or in the same one?In Origins I played through different origins for variety, but I can’t make multiple characters for one game, lol. I find making OCs so fun but time consuming and I love doting all the attention to select few, lol.
17) what did you name your pets? (mabari, summoned animals, mounts, etc) Miranda Cousland’s mabari is Hal after a prince in a book. Rhine Hawke? honestly never given much thought, lol. Probably something simple like Spot (Carver would point out constantly he has no spots and she would say something witty back, ha.) Lydia’s horse is named Pepper. Her and cullen’s mabari is named Cleo.
18) have you installed any mods? i bought inquisition on PC just to use mods and I havent figured it out yet, lol.
19) did your Warden want to become a Grey Warden? NO! In fact she resented it big time because she saw her duty as taking revenge, and Duncan basically gave her a death sentence in her eye. Eventually she kind of succumbs to her duty but if she had things her way, she would never have become a warden. 
20) hawke’s personality? she started off a good purple/blue. In Inquisition she became red.
21) did you make matching armor for your companions in Inquisition? No but maybe I should, lol.
22) if your character(s) could go back in time to change one thing, what would they change?  Miranda would make sure Howe never did what he did. Rhine would stop Meredith sooner. Lydia would make sure (SPOILER) her ex boyfriend Asher never became a red templar.
23) do you have any headcanons about your character(s) that go against canon?Miranda meets Lydia at Skyhold and is the Warden contact. there’s a big party at skyhold and lydia makes an epic speech. this is a big one: Rhine loves Fenris, but he leaves like he always does, and she knows Anders loves her to death so she gets with him. Ultimately though they have a mutual break up, and she goes back to fenris a month later. (they’re endgame) this makes her feel extra responsible for the chantry explosion. (She approves of sending the message...just not that way lol.)
24) are any of your character(s) based on someone? Well Lydia is the most like me, but the more time I have spent with her the less I find us identical. I made Mira/Rhine as different as I could, but none are really based on anyone. Maybe parts of Lydia are based on Lauren Bacall/Vivien Leigh, more old hollywood ladies <3 
25) who did you leave in the Fade? In game always Stroud. Or sometimes Hawke. In my story it’s Hawke :( sorry all i thrived on the drama.
26) favorite mount? the war nug!
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mercysought · 6 years
📜 pls
📜 for plots! (ACCEPTING) // @cantoinmaschera​
Gaia I’m never going to leave…… this is going to be long. I’m  also going to add some npcs that I might use usually with my ocs, simply because I can and nobody is here to stop me.
For Gereon Alexius, was thinking maybe Valens for before his allegiances with the Venatori became obvious? Not have him as a pupil but maybe as the pupil of someone that works closely with him? Maybe even know each other because Alexius knew Faustus? In the same vein, maybe with Maxima? After he’s brought to the gallows of Skyhold during one of her stays? Maybe talk about the future and what the Inquisitor is going to do with him. This considering that Maxima doesn’t agree that the inquisitor should be the one dispensing justice when Alexius is a Tevinter citizen. Aus ahoy? Maybe, who knows!
In the same vein still, Ruber Sanguis I know nothing about him but please let me love him. Maybe Valens’ mentor? A family friend? Someone that is studying/helping with Felix and Caius? Tell me all about him please and thank
Please give me Fabien and Maxima. Still when she was Daphné? Only as Maxima? I don’t care. Have him invite her to Serault, add an assassination attempt and we have already something cooking. Or have her invite him to Tevinter since he is the scholarly type and since Maxima eventually opens a sort of theater/opera house, he would likely be among the guests.
Also with Fabien, have him be friends with Abel and Émilie? Maybe childhood friends so that they were to meet long before Émilie was even taken to the circle and both of them still had dreams of becoming chevaliers? Have them meet after everything goes down? So with Abel before the war of the lions but after the fall of the circle. With Émilie after the war of the lions? Have her go to Serault and talk to him and with some help she remembers who she is? Or maybe an au where her plan and the rest of the mages actually works and she escapes and heads to serault? Idk this is rambly but haVE IT 
The Architect and Loane only because that would high key make her shit her pants. Low key asking if he’s also gonna open a hole in the sky and have more demons spitting out, we already have one crazed darkspawn doing some serious bs on wardens we don’t need 2 pls Architect…….. pls
Clarel and Loane, because one is a warden commander and while Loane is one of the headscouts she also probably gets on Clarel’s nerves. Either that or Clarel finds her endearing. One of the two. Clarel was either one of the people that Loane had to basically badger to let her become a warden or she badgered so many people and annoyed them to no end that it would have eventually gotten back to Clarel that a dwarf from the north really wants to become a warden.
Pietrus and Loane something something related to being casteless? Well, Loane was never casteless but she has the brands tattooed on her hands. The only time she had to deal with the carta was probably when some dwarfs were brought to the wardens. Still feel like they could have some common ground? And talk?
On the other hand Bhelen and Loane. Maybe she was asked to go down to orzammar to deal with some darkspawn bs and Loane probably absolutely hates it. 1. because her grandparents left for a reason. 2. caves. 3. her grandparents left for a reason. It would definitely be the first time that she would be around ‘real’ dwarves and the culture around it and it would probably give her the biggest hives. Both of them somehow get stuck in the deep roads? Everyone’s worst nightmare? y/y?
Clarimond and Loane on their way to Skyhold to pass on judgement to Erimond? This because Skyhold is in actual Orlesian territory and who better to help out than a scout? Also slowly realising about the false calling and shit hitting the fan?
I was going to say Clarimond and Anora but realistically, she is married with Alistair (not happy), her father has been conscripted (more happy than if he was dead) and if she finds out about the dark ritual she will likely have a flat out aneurism. Not sure if this would work well or if it would just be a collection of ‘anora is fucking silentely fuming again’. BUT seeing how she is, I feel that Anora would actually like her a lot. Or depending on this quietly respect and be annoyed by her.
Bhelen and Anora could also be a thing. Not sure what thing, but maybe Anora coming to visit? Not sure if Bhelen would leave Orzammar considering the culture implications that it has. Maybe to talk about the possible invasion of Orlais if Gaspard becomes the Emperor? This depends how their relationship would be, of course, only if they were in friendly terms in order for him to understand ‘her plight’ would she talk about this. Considering he’s ‘underground’ he might as well see it as ‘surfacer problems…. anyway….’
Thrask and Maxima. THRASK AND MAXIMA. tHRASK. AND MAXIMA. He’s the closest to a father figure she has gotten and to have an actual templar treat her like a living breathing person? A concept that gives her hope to the world and an order that often feels just full of drones. In that one verse where you splash me full of pain (you know the one, don’t even try me) or just in one that he realises that Maxima lies. a lot™. Just give it to me. Thrask and Adeleide (Émilie and Abel’s mom) could also be interesting. Both of them lost their children and Adeleide grows very bitter about the chantry and everything related to it, especially when the Montsimmard circle allows for mages to be let out while she can’t see her daughter since she was nothing but a girl. Could also put Émilie into the picture, either during one of his visits to the White Spire or after. Maybe both!
Feynriel with Maxima? Probably as a friend of Valens to be introduced. I just find it interesting because of the obvious: both being elf-blooded though his status is out there and hers isn’t. It could be interesting to see how that affects his stay in tevinter and what doors are closed to him/slowly open and what Maxima could do to help him and actually slowly gain hope for elf-blooded people in the world. Actually see that people like them have a place in the world.
Keeper Zathrian and the priestess; maybe when she’s looking for people for the Faithful? Maybe when she’s with the Inquisition? Anyway I think it would be fun, two old people being old and annoyed together. Also he could definitely help her fill in the gaps and she could, in exchange, provide him knowledge that she hasn’t given anyone (she would likely do it begrudgingly but… you know)
I honestly didn’t say anything about Gaius because I haven’t read the comics yet, I should but I haven’t so…. I also wanted to think about things for the rest of your characters but nothing too clear came up and also….This got… really long.I’m not even sorry, sue me.
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cwnannwn · 7 years
For the headcanon ask game: carmilla, laura, leliana, and sera
So, I took forever to answer this, and it ended up being way too big. It was very good to write tho, I love thinking about headcanons for my fave characters!
For this Headcanons post.
Headcanon A: what I think realistically: As much as canon likes to ignore its own lore, Carmilla is a very powerful vampire. It’s not an easy thing, living for more than 3 centuries, especially with a creator like Lilita around. I headcanon each of the dean’s children developed a particular ability more than others, and for Carmilla, that is shape-shifting. Her panther form is her favorite, but turning into mist has proven advantageous more than once. That last one is an exercise in self-control, becoming another state of matter entirely is glaring proof of how well Carmilla has mastered her abilities.
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious: Talking about that panther form, it’s terrifying. Far larger than a normal leopard, with teeth and claws that are sharper than scalpels. And she acts like the laziest house cat around Laura. Sleeping away the day on Laura’s bed, leaving a veritable heap of cat hair, purring louder than a truck when Laura scratches between her ears, and of course, sitting in front of Laura’s computer when she wants attention (and to be a little shit). Laura’s favorite is when she can cuddle with the giant black cat, who’s far warmer than an undead creature of the night should be.
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends: Against the dean’s advice/orders, and under a bit of well-intentioned mockery from Mattie, Carmilla kept an eye on her mortal family through the ages. Most of them perished the same night Carmilla died, but one of her younger brothers had been sent for fosterage with some relatives. The servants under her power reported he grew up to be a kind man, very different from their father. To the Carmilla of those early years, reveling in bloodlust and excess, it shouldn’t have mattered at all. But somehow, it did. So the years passed, and she kept tabs his descendants. His daughter was smart, his son excellent with a blade, and so on. The coffin put an end to it, as it did to many things. After she got back in contact with Mattie, she learned the last of her kin, a boy no older than 17, disappeared in the Carpathians during one of the many disastrous offensives of Austria in the first world war. It shouldn’t matter, but that severing of the last real connection she had to mortal life hurt more than she could have expected.
Headcanon D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway: This is actually a bunch of headcanons rolled into one, but Carmilla was well aware of the various confronts Mattie and the Dean had. In fact, Mattie asked Carmilla to join her in at least a few of them (both because she truly trusts Carmilla, and because, as said on headcanon A, Carmilla is no weakling). She never accepted the offer, first because she was too taken with the lavish life style Lilita offered, and later because she did not want to be interred again. The important thing is, tho both her and Mattie would desperately like to believe the Dean was dead, they would both know she is very very hard to kill, and would realize she was still around about, oh, five minutes into Mattie’s appearance in s2. Laura would have noticed the many glaring signs pointing to that too, and this all leads to many headcanons where s2 went completely different and so did s3.
For a shorter headcanon, Carmilla continues to be a vampire, and she and Mattie actually get to have revenge against Lilita over her literal millennia of abuse.
Headcanon A: what I think realistically: Whether Laura becomes a journalist or a professor, she never loses her knack for getting into supernatural trouble. One year she unveils a trafficking scheme focused on bringing fresh blood to vampires in Paris, in another a group of werecats shows up on her and Carmilla’s doorstep, asking Laura to investigate a rival colony and their recruitment methods, and so on. By this point, Carmilla just sees Laura off with a kiss and a promise to call if she needs any help.
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious: More cute than hilarious, but Laura is really ticklish around her ribs. Carmilla takes every opportunity to use this to her advantage, including to get Laura’s attention. It doesn’t annoy Laura, because the smile on Carmilla’s face whenever she hears Laura laugh is a beautiful thing indeed.
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends: Laura has suffered enough, so I don’t like thinking about more bad stuff happening to her. That said, among the few headcanons I have about who Laura’s other parent would have been, I have one that fits here. Laura’s mother left her and her father when Laura was around 12 years old. No real explanation given. One day she was there, and the next her wardrobe was empty, her car gone, and only a note saying she was done left behind. Neither Laura nor her dad recuperated from that entirely. She never told anyone about her mother leaving. So when Carmilla left in s2, that brought back a lot of bad memories that were never really put to rest, only buried. In the library, in the dark and with Laura’s conscience eating away at her for all the mistakes she’d made, she told Carmilla about it. Carmilla listened to her, quiet and attentive, offering silent support. It didn't make everything better, but it was a start.
Headcanon D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway: Laura is wolfblooded. Either a werewolf or something close to it. She’s the kind that is born a lycanthrope, but her father isn’t one. Thus, one more reason for him being so overprotective of her. Laura doesn’t know much, or anything at all really, about her heritage. She only knows that once every week, she has to run around as a wolf, and it’s best she doesn’t let anyone see her. When she arrives at Silas, the woods around the campus prove perfect for that purpose. Strangely, she keeps catching glimpses of some kind of big cat walking around the forest too.
Headcanon A: what I think realistically: Leliana will be remembered as a pivotal historical figure, whether she’s Divine or not. She will be know as a skilled bard, a formidable warrior, and one of the main fighters for the better treatment of elves and mages. She’ll have an amazing legacy even by herself, but when the tales tell of her adventures with her lady Warden, both during the Blight and after, it’s the kind of stuff that legends are made of.
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious: Whenever she and Zevran were on guard duty together, they’d pass the time by telling every dirty joke in their native languages they could think of. Even tho Leliana took a little while to trust him, these nights made a strong friendship begin between them.
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends: Nope, canon has fucked Leliana over more than enough, as far as I’m concerned, she’s living happily with her lovely warden and their army of nug children.
Headcanon D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway: It would totally work with canon, but Bioware would never do it. One of Leliana’s parents, probably her mother, was an elf. Both she and Alistair can see ridiculously well in the dark, for a human, and this gives Zevran and an elf Warden pause. My Tabris brings it up during one of their shared nights on guard, and Leliana confirms it to her. After they get together, and after the Blight is dealt with, Tabris takes Leliana to the Alienage often, and there Leliana learns more about a side of her family she would never have really know otherwise.
Headcanon A: what I think realistically: Sera and Leliana have an informal archery contest going on. Whenever Leliana has some free time, and is in the mood to train her archery skills, Sera finds her and they get to shooting some targets together. They both give pointers and advice to the other, and that’s how their friendship starts. I really like the idea of Leliana and Sera becoming friends.
Headcanon B: what I think is fucking hilarious: I can’t beat Sera and her bees here, but I like the headcanon she sometimes joins forces with Leliana to prank everyone in Skyhold. They are an unbeatable team together, as Cullen learns after he asks his creepy questions about a mage warden to Leliana. Sera doesn’t feel sorry for him at all.
Headcanon C: what is heart-crushing and awful but fun to inflict on friends: I feel bad even thinking about it, cause Sera deserves nothing more than good things in her life. If a romanced Inquisitor dies because of the Anchor, Sera goes into a spiral that’s very hard to come back from. It’s only her desire for vengeance on Solas that keeps her going after it.
Headcanon D: what would never work with canon but the canon is shit so I believe it anyway: Again, this should be canon. Sera and the Inquisitor have the best fucking wedding ever. None of that crappy, half-assed cutscene we got. It’s a big party, where many of the companions helped make the food and preparations, Blackwall was the best man for Sera, Cassandra and Iron Bull cried, Vivienne has an amused, is also somewhat bittersweet, smile through it all, Dorian was ridiculously proud and happy for both of them, Varric though it was the best kind of wedding he’d ever seen, Cole couldn’t stop smiling because he was overwhelmed with all the love he could feel from Sera and the Inquisitor, and even Solas had to agree it was a very nice party. Leliana and Josephine helped with the planning, and honestly both cried a lot during it too. There was food laid out in big dining tables, everyone could take as much as they wanted, and no one was made to serve anyone else. There were so many red jennys there, and the family of the Inquisitor, whatever their background, came in full force. It was one of the best days in both of their lives.
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teiranlavellan · 7 years
My Writing Master Post
These one-shots skip around chronologically and mainly give me a break from my main writing.
Each title is a link, Click it for the whole post.  These are all written as answered prompts for the Dragon Age Drunk Writing Circle.
My first drabble for DA drunk writing circle.  (Prompt: Walking on ice). Teenage Teiran Lavellan showing off her archery skills and her older brother Ivun.
She launched herself as far as she could onto the lake, letting her feet slide under her, completely focused on keeping her balance.  When she could direct her gaze somewhere besides her feet, Teiran realized she had slid farther to the left than she had intended, but was only a handful of yards from her goal.  Emboldened as only a young adult could be, Teiran began to walk on the ice.  Halfway through her second stride, she slipped, landing on her elbow and shoulder.
Karissa Trevisan’s first drabble, introducing her as a character.  The mystery of the appearance of lilacs within the Inquisitor’s bed chambers and who could have been the one to send them.
Karissa smiled lightly, “Good night, Lady Montilyet.”  Karissa tucked the new scrolls into her messenger bag, placing them in the central pocket with those lacking the Inquisitor’s signature. “Could it be Lady Montilyet?  She was kind enough to send the flowers, but if it was her she seems like the type to leave a note.”  Karissa argued with herself.  
Her waist-long braid hit her stomach as she turned for the door and left the cozy office.
A moment from an early-relationship Iron Bull and Dorian.  Nothing explicit, but suggestive.  Dorian trying to keep his distance from a real relationship.
Dorian smiled charmingly, “Oh, don’t tell me this is the part where we cuddle and declare our undying love for each other?”
The Iron Bull wasn’t fazed by the rebuff; he continued in the same light tone, “Ha.  All I’m sayin is you can stay a minute.  Catch your breath.  After all, wouldn’t want anyone to see you so …” He ran his eye over Dorian’s flushed cheeks, “Sparkly.”
Abandoned Home
Post-Trespasser moment in Skyhold.  Former Inquisitor Lavellan coming to accept her new life after all the changes that have happened in the past couple of years.  She’s been depressed for awhile at this point and is finally starting to recover.
Teiran resumed her slow march towards the throne at the end of the hall.  The voices and memories spun endlessly through her mind with each step: laughter, the soft buzz of many voices, the rustle of fabric overhead, the constant movement of couriers, the weighty feeling that the world was changing with every step; it was all gone.
A squeak pierced Teiran’s nostalgia. Morrigan was grooming her face by the door to the forge; she rose onto her hind legs and squeaked again.
A Quiet Sigh
My Cullen POV.  Post-game, but pre-Trespasser.  This is a piece that goes with my “Quest for Drunkeness” idea that has yet to be written.
The Iron Bull crossed one arm across his wide chest and gestured with the other, “There you go!  Let it out Red.  Get it off your chest.”
Cullen watched in horror as a dagger flashed across the room aimed at the Iron Bull’s left side, missing Josephine completely. Reflexively, Cullen dashed to defend the target when he heard the “plink” of metal on stone.  The Commander slowed then stopped as he realized the Iron Bull had dodged the attack and Leliana’s knife lay harmlessly in the corner. The Iron Bull’s roaring laugh stood in stark contrast to Josephine’s stunned expression.
Mother’s Never Get A Break
Morrigan POV; Post-Well of Sorrows.  Trying to pull clothes over damp skin.  Poor Karissa just trying to do her job.
Morrigan sensed rather than heard the light step of her son in the distance, but approaching.  Cursing the end of her seldom minutes alone that is the bane of motherhood, Morrigan stood, threw the bucket of clean water over her head and rushed for her towel. Now she could hear the pattern of his speech, he was pelting someone with questions.  “Fantastic! We have guests.” Morrigan bemoaned, knowing she didn’t have time to arrange her usual outfit and calculating what would be easiest to throw on.
About mid-way through the game in the Exhalted Plains, Iron Bull and Inquisitor Teiran Lavellan become injured.  Showing the team working together.  Iron Bull and Dorian showing off some relationship-growth.
The momentum of Bull’s movement caused the assassin’s knife to sink into the Qunari’s shoulder.   Then, Iron Bull fell forward pushing Teiran under him and to the ground.  
The assailant only had a moment to savor the heady satisfaction of vengeance for the deaths of their comrades.  One after another, arrows and bolts sunk into their body from adjacent angles.  The vengeful rouge swayed as each arrow pierced his flesh.
The air shook with the sound of all three bodies clattering against the wooden planks.  Everyone ran, racing towards Bull and Teiran from their various locations.
Breaking the Kiss
A bit of Solavellan fluff on their way to Crestwood.  A sweet moment before the disaster that follows.
She answered teasingly, running a soft hand across the hard planes of his face, “Well, if I found it in my heart to forgive everyone else’s crimes, I suppose I could grant you this pardon.”  
Solas closed his eyes and took her hand from his face, bringing it to his lips.  He kissed her palm gently, his eyes still closed.  “You are most merciful, Inquisitor Lavellan.”
Leliana’s Scouts VS Cullen’s Soldiers
This is a running game I imagined taking place throughout Thedas to compensate for the boredom that must ensue when following around the Inner Circle collecting extra resources that they leave to be sent back to Skyhold.  Josephine is not amused.
Commander Cullen appeared in her office, closing the door gently behind him.  “Ah, we’re all here.  Good.”  Cullen observed awkwardly, still standing in the entryway.
Josephine sighed and beckoned him, “Please, have a seat Commander.  Leliana?”  She arched an eyebrow at her friend, warning her away from thoughts bent towards pilfering her messages. 
Cullen x Karissa Fluff
After the Arbor Wilds campaign, Karissa waits in Cullen’s room for him to come home.  Established relationship.
Cullen jumped up from the bed with a hand to his forehead, “Oh! I-I have something for you!  Seeds and clippings from the Arbor Wilds for your garden.  I left them downstairs!  I-I didn’t know I would be seeing you tonight.”  He glanced at her, searching her face for offense, “Not that I didn’t want to see you tonight.  Of course.  Unless you want to leave that is.  I mean—” Karissa put a hand to his lips, silencing his nervous babbling.
Introducing Aedan Cousland 
Being a rogue, Cousland is carried away within the Fade from one scene to another.  Snippets of his background through a dream-fogged lens.
Two daggers are in Aedan’s hands, familiar streaks of silver meeting the wooden shield Fergus pulls between them.  The brothers mock glare at each other as they spar, neither interested in the outcome. No matter who wins this encounter, Fergus Cousland would be Teyrn and then his son after him, carrying the line away from Aedan.  Destined to be a footnote in the Cousland legacy, Aedan halfheartedly bounces his attack off the shield’s heraldry.
Breakfast at Skyhold
A typical morning for the Inquisition’s Inner Circle and Advisors sitting down to their morning meal before setting out to quest around Thedas.
“Hey!  Quizzy!” Sera called, swooping across the table to swipe a biscuit off of Jaq’s plate.  The archer reared back and launched her attack, biscuit sailing through the air and towards the oblivious Inquisitor.
Mid-air, Cassandra reached for the projectile, catching it with ease and annoyance.  Cassandra’s movement startling her, Teiran jumped back from her thoughts.  Her journal snapping closed as she steadied herself back into a sitting position at the table.  Teiran exhaled in a sharp sigh as she realized the situation, frowning at the biscuit in Cassandra’s hand.  Sera stuck her tongue out at the Seeker’s reproachful glare.
A Trip to Castle Cousland
Arl Aedan Cousland, mourning the loss of his love and adjusting to his life post-Archdemon, returns to his home to check in on his older brother Fergus who is acting a bit strange lately.
Alistair severed Loghain’s head from his body and the headless corpse bled silently.  Alistair approached him, bloody sword still in hand, “Why?”
Aedan swallowed, “I could not.  If I had then I could not be with. . .”  The shadows congealed around a striking, wild, dark haired woman with piercing golden eyes who remained just out of sight.  Aedan half-turned towards the new ghost, “Such as with you, she would not have been satisfied with that life.  You both want to be free-wheeling heroes, not etiquette-bound rulers.”  Aedan smiled fondly at Alistair, who had regained his typical genial manner and held a hand out to shake his hand.
Before the two friend’s hands could meet, a fireball engulfed Alistair and another fiery spell preceded Morrigan’s arrival.  Aedan stumbled back, propelled by the heat.
Apples and Arrows
This is a combination of prompts: a high stakes archery contest, Dagna & Sera, and one watching another practice their skills.  So, Sera gets to show off some archery skills with the enthusiastic dwarf watching.
Blackwall put aside his carving knife and watched Sera approach with an animated bounce in her step. He braced himself for whatever mischief was headed his way.Teiran glanced down at the note again: a mock-formal invitation penned by Varric. Curious, she stepped out Skyhold’s main entrance towards the Herald’s Rest. An energized crowd encircled the outside of the tavern, weaving around Cassandra’s slashed dummies and standing on tiptoe to gain a better view.
Taking a Sick Day
The prompt asked for Inquisitor Teiran Lavellan for 99.9% Immunity (meaning that they don’t get sick often, which unfortunately is not true for the isolated Dalish who is now traipsing around Thedas).  So, I modified it so that it’s Teiran who has taken down her more immunity-gifted companions.
Varric met Cassandra’s stunned expression and chuckled, “Who knew a mage with a cold could be so dangerous?”
“That is not true of all mages, Varric.”  Vivienne answered vehemently from her cot beside Cassandra’s.
“Please.  Not now.”  Teiran’s hoarse whisper floated from the back of the room, followed by a series of coughs from the elven Inquisitor.
“Loner! You’re awake.”  Varric commented dryly.“Unfortunately.” Teiran replied, holding a hand to her eyes to block out any flicker of light that would add to her migraine.
Compassion and the Lady of Iron
Vivienne de Fer attempts to have a vulnerable, private moment.  Cole attempts to help.  The result is. . .less than desirable.
Caught in her moment of vulnerability and sensing a demon in their midst, a stray thought of “Am I in the Fade?” passed through Vivienne’s mind before the blow. Lightening arcing from her palm, she struck above her with the speed and grace of a snake.  Throwing her bedroll aside, Vivienne twisted away from the demon and stood, tears fresh on her face and her finely shaved head brushing the top of the tent’s canvas and pole.
Two screams registered on Vivienne’s right, one following the other.  The mage glanced over and froze in shock.  Sera was hysterical, jumping around like a rabbit caught in a snare.  Teiran’s back was to the enchanter, but the gleam of steel and a knife’s handle protruded grotesquely from the elf’s side.  The horror on Cassandra’s face and the blood on the Seeker’s hands as she held the Inquisitor in place made Vivienne feel as if she had been the one struck by lightning.
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galadrieljones · 7 years
Morrigan and Warden Matthew Cousland: excerpts
Snippets on the doomed love story of Morrigan and Matthew Cousland.
For @cristofalina​ who asked if I’d written anything about my Morrigan and Warden romance. These are all excerpts from my Solavellan work The Dead Season. Spoiler free, for all intents and purposes. <3
i. From Chapter 29: Soft, Softer, Softest
Morrigan watched from the altar, bait, it seemed. As she always had been. A tool, a pawn. When she was a child, she had liked to escape, take the shapes of crows and watch lovers kissing from the tops of high trees. She had been a romantic girl, and she liked lilies and those great big shells that you could hold at your ear to hear the sounds of the sea. Her favorite color had always been purple, like a heart, but darker, the color her fingers got when she'd go blackberry picking in the early morning sun. There was only one person she had ever told any of this, and he was dead now. But that is a story for another day.
ii. From Chapter 36: Hey, Morrigan. Spin me a tale.
“Mother?” said Kieran.
They were sitting in the back of a covered wagon, on their way to the Emprise du Lion. Morrigan was knitting by the light of an oil lamp. Kieran leaned against her, holding a red ball of yarn.
“Yes, Kieran.”
“Tell me a story,” he said.
Morrigan was knitting a pair of red gloves, for Solas. “What kind of story?” she said.
“One of your Well stories, please. One I have not heard before.”
It was chilly in the wagon. Morrigan reached across Kieran and pulled a wool blanket over them both. “Once upon a time,” she said, “there was an empress in search of a champion.”
"Is this about father?”
“No,” said Morrigan. “Tis a Well story, as requested. Your father was not the only champion in the world."
Kieran smiled. “You are right, mother. Of course. Please go on.”
iii. From Chapter 37: Entropy (edited for length and spoilers)
“Once, he feigned support for a wild merchant who was asking too much of the refugees in Lothering,” said Morrigan. “He pissed off a sister, and then, once she was gone, he killed that merchant for his hubris. He was a brash man in his prime. It could be unsettling, though I saw the soft of his heart. There were moments, of course. And he saw mine as well. His parents had both died in a single act of traitorous violence and he was pitched full force into the life of of an orphan, complete with both reluctant heroics and ample, daily risk. In the end, he was twenty-three years old and searching, desperately, for meaning. I suppose that, for a little while, I provided that for him.”
Sene and Morrigan were out in the courtyard, making their way through the clusters of people and the merchant carts. It was a colorful evening, with lanterns hanging from steel wires overhead. Sene had decided to take a break, with Morrigan, and somehow, they had gotten on the subject of Kieran’s father, Matthew Cousland—prodigal son of Highever, Hero of Ferelden, and the Gray Warden who, just ten years back, had sacrificed his life to saved the world.
“How old were you?” said Sene. She stopped at one of the merchant carts to put her hand on a large pumpkin.
“I was twenty-two,” said Morrigan. “My life, up until that point, had been a complicated task of balancing my mother’s treacherous demands with my desires to…experience the world without her.”
"The world is a different place than I thought it would be,” said Sene, thinking. “You say he was brash, your Matthew?”
A group of children rushed by. One of them was holding a small bell and rang it repeatedly, reminding Sene of Crestwood. The other was holding a red balloon and let it go into the air.
“He was a rich boy with a bandit’s heart,” said Morrigan. “He did not care for small talk. He was disarming, to say the least, a little like your Solas. Who he chose to comfort and who he chose to threaten could seem unpredictable to most. He’d cut down a priest to save a whore. Alistair, of course, found this distasteful. Matthew threatened his faithful Chantry charm. I, however, found it intriguing. One might think a veritable witch of the wilds has lived a life full of tales worth telling, but in reality, Sene, I was just like you: twenty-two years old, a book smart backwater girl with very little knowledge of the world outside my own narrow existence. I mean no offense, of course, Inquisitor, only that I understand what it is to be drawn to a man whose darkness makes you reexamine your own.”
“Darkness?” said Sene. She stopped to look at Morrigan. Morrigan wore high-heeled boots that day, which put the two of them almost eye-to-eye. “What do you mean?”
iv. From Chapter 38: Assassins
Suddenly, then, Mythal stood up and put the hair behind Morrigan’s ear. Like in a trance. Morrigan stumbled backward. “You are not him,” she said, more to herself than anything. “He is gone.”
“You still pine for him,” said Mythal. “Your Matthew?"
Morrigan stiffened up after this, like a tough, beautiful column. She became defensive. “And I suppose you're so different," she said. “At least the man I pine for is dead. I send my love into the void with no hope for its return. It is an act of coping. But the man you pine for is not dead. He just doesn’t want you. He wants someone else. This is not a game, Mythal.”
v. From Chapter 39: There Goes the Redhead
Solas turned his head, eyes narrowed. He was a big man there beside her. Bigger than Matthew had been in both stature and demeanor, but the two of them were such similar specimens with the heroics and the pride, that the more time she spent with Solas, the more she began to realize exactly what it was to deal with men of such considerable stoicism.
You mother them.
vi. From Chapter 42: When We Get Back to Skyhold, Pt. 2
Morrigan had only ever loved once, and it had not been for a very long time. She had been young, barely two years older than Sene when she became pregnant with Kieran and lost his father to what she now knew as the bullshit scourge of duty and sacrifice. How she hated it, and this was not the life she wanted. Matthew had been no god, but he was like Solas in that he had been similarly charming and territorial with Morrigan during their relationship, and as a clueless virgin to whom men had previously been a game of cat and mouse, she’d put up a marvelous front. She dealt with him and for a time even had him convinced that she was far more experienced and worldly than she actually was. She put him in his place. She had seen Sene “deal” with Solas in similar ways, and though they were her own, they were familiar. Sene was brash and honest where Morrigan had been measured and boastful, but it was all just a means of tricking arrogant men into showing their vulnerabilities.
vii. From Chapter 44: Dream Symbols
Sene looked up at the pretty insides of that willow tree. There were doves somewhere, mourning in time with the winter. “What was it like?” she said to Morrigan. “When you found out [you were pregnant]?”
“I did not find out until I was on my hands and knees, throwing up into a mass of blackberry bramble somewhere in the Exalted Planes,” said Morrigan. “Months along. Matthew was already gone.”
Sene swallowed hard. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean—”
“That is the past,” said Morrigan. “This is the present. Do not apologize for what has already come and gone.”
Morrigan and Kieran are central characters in The Dead Season. 
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Dragon Age OC’s!
Vanessa Clérisseau is a black half elf. She’s a mage within the Circle of Magi and usually likes making staffs with sharp blades at the end. She is shorter than the average human height, her ears are slightly pointed and she’s easily recognised by her thick, uncontrollabe curly hair. She’s known to be bubbly, creative, and sarcastic. She prefers being called “Nessie” rather than Vanessa. She has velvet eyes, pointed cheekbones and a round face. She has a birthmark across her hip, in the shape of a sunken star. She likes befriending people and giving them nicknames.
Colette Amell is a mage within the circle of magi. She is best friends with both Nessie and Jowan. She always has books tied around her waist, as she prefers books over socialising. But that didn’t stop Jowan from talking to her and Nessie dragging her into messes. She hardly speaks and wishies she could do something with her life... *Cough cough, warden* Nessie calls her “Lotte” 
Charlotte, a templar within the circle of magi, has a super crush on Nessie and often speaks with Cullen about their crushes. They are similar and often struggle to even speak to them without stuttering. Charlotte is genderfluid, and asks that Cullen and Nessie call her Charlie. She’s a tall, pale ginger with freckles that scatter across her whole face. 
Nessie becomes a warden, along with Lotte because they both helped Jowan escape - even though Lotte reported Jowan to Irving before hand. Nessie ends up falling in love with Leliana. Lotte falls in love with Alistair who eventually becomes king... but decides it would be best if they didn’t stay together. Although 
Wren Mahariel, is a red-headed elf who falls in love with Zevran. He’s very selfless and tries to help everyone out. He writes the names of the people who have died or he couldn’t save into his book. Even though Nessie struck the killing blow against the Archdemon, she made Alistair give the title of ‘Hero of Fereldan’ to Wren. After the events of Origins Wren becomes the Warden Commander, Nessie stays with him to get rid of the darkspawn, befriends Anders etc and adopts Anders cat until he finds Anders again. Lotte goes looking for Morrigan and goes through the mirror with her to help raise her son{Yes, I know you need to romance Morrigan to go through the eluvian, but Lotte is stubborn and Morrigan didn’t turn her away from going through with her} 
Amethera Tabris, after the murder of her arranged husband - she didn’t mind being in an arranged marriage if it could help her family and if her partner was good person. Upon meeting him she knew they could at least be friends, but after what happened upon her wedding day she lost trust with shems with similar traits as those who destroyed her wedding day and damaged her cousin. She uses the word humans for humans she trusts and shems for those she doesn’t. She doesn’t fall in love with anyone, but does bond with Sten often and they both plan how to be increasingly violent towards shems. She ends up travelling with Sten/Wynne/Shale after the events of Origins{She’s basically apart of the book called Asunder and befriends Cole}. 
Hawke Age{DA2}: 
Garrett Hawke is a mage who is very kind and always puts effort into everything he does. He falls for Fenris. 
Rena Hawke is the twin of Garrett, she’s naturally sarcastic and prefers being payed for helping people rather than doing it for free. She falls in love with Merrill. 
Colette “Lotte” Amell comes to Kirkwall, in disguise, and helps her cousins with whatever she can. She teaches Garrett how to shapeshift, just like Morrigan taught her. 
Reid Lavellan is a mage who enjoys doing the opposite of what the keeper demands of her. She meets an elf called Silas who befriends her. He and Reid end up together, eventually Reid gets pregnant just before she becomes twenty. Sadly, an incident happens which leads Reid into despair. She only has Ghilan to keep her going, and when she reaches the conclave... well, I wonder what’s going to happen then? 
Lotte unfortunately died trying to kill Corypheus when he arrived to take the wardens. Nessie, Wren, Zevran, Oghren, Dexter{Nessie’s dog companion}, Ser Pounce-A-Lot and Nathaniel were on a exhibition with other wardens, to get them used to the deep roads, but upon returning to their keep to find wardens missing or dead, broke the small amount of wardens. That’s when they decided to do what they can to help the wardens. 
Amethera stays with Cole at this point, with Shale following her around but Cole makes anyone forget if they have seen Shale. Amethera calls Cole a friend, Shale can never forget Cole - despite sometimes wanting to - and Ame doesn’t try to change Cole, she says it’s up to him what he becomes. 
Reid Lavellan becomes inquisitor, and takes Ghilan after she arrives at Skyhold, as she doesn’t want to be seperated from him. She is the most unique elf most people meet - other than Sera, of course. 
Amethera arrives with Shale and Cole when Haven is under attack. Leliana is very happy to see her and Shale, and when Cullen tries to point his sword at Cullen she warns him if he does it again she doesn’t mind beating him up (which Cullen doesn’t approve of but Shale does, Cole just thanks her). The odd trio run about rescuing the people that Reid and her party can’t get to. 
Nessie arrives in skyhold, in disguise as a scout as she is trying to help save as many wardens as she can, she’s made sure to disguise some of the wardens that came with her and rescue any that Corypheus had. Wren, Zevran and Ser Pounce-A-Lot are on a journey to find a cure for the Calling. Nathaniel has stayed with Nessie and Dexter. Oghren decided to stay with his family from now on - instead of coming and going every few months. Garrett decides to arrive in skyhold with her and her wardens, secretely. Eventually Garrett and Nessie, along with the other wardens reveal themselves. (SCENE: Leliana has a crow on her arm when she walks into the war room - which confuses the other members - but Leliana explains the bird won’t let the letter go. When Leliana finally joins in a discussion with the rest of them, she rests her arm on the war table, when POOF - Nessie has a wide grin with a small parchment that says ‘LELIANA IS SO BEAUTIFUL’.)
DAI; Trespasser:
Reid, Thom and Ghilan become a proper family, before the final decision to decide whether or not the Inquisition should be disbanded or not, Reid finds out she’s pregnant, before Thom becomes a Grey Warden {OF COURSE, NO FIONA-PREGNANCIES LOL}. 
Amethera reveals she’s been romancing Sten/Arishok??{I can’t remember what he’s called now lol}. She decides to travel with Sten, Shale, Cole and The bard{Forgot her name}. 
Nessie and Leliana get married. All the couples get married apart from Reid and Thom, since Reid doesn’t really care about marriage and Cole {obviously}.
Charlotte, the templar from the circle joins to held persuade Fen’Harel to not blow up the world. And maybe falls in love with Krem or Cullen? {Meh, shrug, I dunno}. 
If any of you wish to roleplay with any of these characters just message me ro tag me in an open roleplay you’ve opened. ^^ If you have any questions about these characters also feel free to ask. 
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