#but alas i am screaming from rooftops
thedarkmistress16 · 1 year
My pitch for a future Sims game (5, 6, whatever) that is a proper sequel to 3 but better
or, what sims 4 should have done logically, if I want to be petty about it this is a long ride buckle the fuck in
Simply take what 3 did for base game and condense it a bit, but add more mechanics in other areas for a more well-rounded base game that is a clear love letter to Sims 3, with a focus on the optimization of gameplay.
Talkin' open world, but keep it mostly the same. Have decent gameplay for babies and toddlers, alongside pools, hot tubs, and other basic things that sims 4 did not include on launch but every other Sims game beforehand did in THEIR base (yes I will always hold this against them).
Include seasons, pets, occult sims (aliens, ghosts, zombies, and vampires), a very vanilla high school and community college system, and one vacation/travel lot AT LEAST. Have these features with extremely basic systems that work fine as is, and leave the more in-depth features for future expansions that justify the price point. Do not replace those systems upon said expansion, but rather build upon them further in a meaningful way and add new features that complement the pack's focus.
Example: Make an education pack that focuses on not just including forms of higher degree types like masters, doctorates, and certifications with an importance for major and minor declaration for a new university world, but also creating a preschool and/or kindergarten system, and a middle/junior school one. Maybe have them act as rabbit holes that family members or guardians need to drop the youngins at and have them learn additional skills, make friends, or improve their mood while they're there like a regular, older Sim does at school. Maybe the kids can bring things for a "show and tell" assignment one day and bring home pictures they've drawn or a toy they've swiped on others (for the klepto enthusiasts). Have public and private schools (elementary and up) differ in discipline methods, event messages, and usage of uniforms. Also include a homeschooling option and, in general, have the institutions declare a "wacky hat day" or "wear this color day" to just make things more lively.
For careers, let Sims have internships either offered by an institution they attend or the career path/field they're in or apply for. Varieties on payment, scheduling, and location can make each field's internship more diverse, especially so when based around the current Sim applicant's qualifications of skill level, income, scheduling, and traits. Would be neat to have jobs that may ask a Sim to relocate, not unlike WA's traveling opportunities. Thinking for Fashion, Business, and Reviewer careers to name a few.
Have birds and rabbits behave like cats and dogs mainly do now for pet expansions- to have four main and common household pet options (instead of two or three) that have the ability to be trained and interacted with more in general (I understand horses may not be included ever again and I love them in 3 but I am fine with not having them here despite that horses are fucking great-). Depending on the pet's personality traits, they can react very differently to other animal species in the same household, such as giving a cat a predator trait living with a bird and causing the feline to act more hostile and aggressively toward said bird when in close proximity. Maybe have traits that pit cats and dogs against each other as well, such as dogs having a moodlet to "chase a cat up a tree" or something to that effect. Even further, perhaps include special traits like Sims 4's aspiration traits in CAS but for specific breeds in this Sims 3 sequel like a history of hunters or intelligence or show business. And if creating a custom breed of animal, you have the freedom to choose that special trait for yourself and start a new breed heritage of that pet.
STORY MODE. You're a liar if you don't miss the hell and chaos that is playing through the first Sims games like Sims 1, Bustin Out, Urbz, 2, and Sims 2 Castaway on console and the Sims 2 Stories and Sims Medieval on PC. Simply having the option for story mode makes a Sims game feel more robust and complete, giving players more to do after fucking around in freeplay for a while or are lost amiss the abundance of features at their disposal. Catching a robber then unlocking their career was so fucking cool. Traveling to various lots and getting to know existing Sim relationships, personal journeys, and plights helps get the creative juices flowing for freeplay, too. Trying to juggle a job, numerous relationships, skills, and needs was fucking hell in early Sim game story modes (without cheats. otherwise, what's the point?), but so fucking rewarding when you do complete it. Bonus points for including Sim family mainstays like the Landgrabbs or Goths, even for a small cameo.
Bring back the color wheel OR use a single color for each channel and edit that with tone/saturation/transparency sliders. THERE IS NO ACCEPTABLE IN-BETWEEN HERE SO GET THOSE DEMON SWATCHES OUT OF MY FACE (wheel for pet CAS, swatches and sliders for CAS but only swatches for build/buy mode? wtf EA pick one. no wonder S4 is such a nightmare).
Please for the love of everything make an Island Paradise pack work with the hotels, scuba diving, and mermaids with better houseboat placement and optimization. Bonus fun thing: Add some Atlantis or any lost underwater city lore for high-level divers to find in the most dangerous diving locations. maybe have them swim into a pocket of water filled with ancient relics or creatures that existed years ago like narwhales or make llama/unicorn seahorses, i dunno. Maybe a nod to the lore in Sims 2 Castaway or Sims 2 Castaway Stories. Something fun and ocean-themed to add onto the fun of exploring in the pack. And adding more lore never hurts.
For Sim birthdays, let's make their likes and dislikes, and favorite things they enjoy have more meaning than just a description in their bio or briefly mentioned in the message/notif box during convos. Have a variety of different cake flavors, colors, and candle toppers to choose from, as well as decorate the home with streamers, balloons, and banners. Have these be various color schemes and designs, but also of themes like royalty, galaxy, dinos, gaming, mythical creatures/magic, aliens, wild west, carnival, pirates, superhero, underwater, vehicles, gothic, seasons, holidays (for the "my birthday lands next to/on a holiday" peeps), and some sim mascots like freezer bunny and tragic clown, to name a few. Have Sims be able to pick their favorite and disliked or hated things, either discovered through gameplay or chosen in CAS. And have objects that are meant to be gifted to the birthday Sim have choices in wrapping color, designs, and extravagance (simple. plain wrapping, themed, with all the bells and whistles). Have the option to gift coupons and gift cards too, lol. This would give players the opportunity to make each birthday of a Sim be either their best day ever, surrounded by their favorite things and feeling loved, or the absolute worst one of their lives and planned utterly and completely wrong (having an upset or angry moodlet, depending on their traits). Even if there's little to sparse decorating or the cake is the only thing they like, they can still have a tiny moodlet boost for the ones that don't like big celebrations on their birthday but can still get something nice out of it. Grant them a greater moodlet bonus when they partake in things they enjoy or hate doing on their birthday (in Sims 3 terms, like an additional +5 or +10 increase to a base reaction to something they already like doing or hate, such as enjoying being alone even more than normal or hating the outdoors would worsen their mood when they stay outside longer that day). If too robust to code, acceptable to make into a pack that expands upon families or as a smaller pack with just this birthday mechanic in place as the selling point but a basic likes and dislikes system in place for base game. Birthdays functioning akin to a Sims 2 PC event or as a candle interaction with optional party set-up in Sims 3/4 would depend on the coding requirements.
Other Fun Packs to Include:
A Wild West/Cowboy/Native American expansion pack. I haven't seen this theme done since Sims 2 console and a bit of SIms 3 (but in Pets it's more ranch than anything) and I wanna see more of it. Give me a world with a dedicated museum, historical plots of land, a cheesy Indian-themed casino, some colonial aesthetics, and half-de-commissioned, worn railroad tracks placed somewhere in the map. Gives me an excuse to see a dumb Woody costume in there, too. Maybe add horses here! A southern style of architecture on the buildings and homes would be neat to see here, too.
Make a Superhero pack. Maybe combine it with an "Into the Future-esque" pack or something where a sim's genetics can be altered to have superpowers like increased strength = faster athletic/gymnastics skill build rate or crazier muscle definition. Or higher stamina = less energy depletion. Just simple things that the reward system does for achievements. Oh and not to mention the ability to fly, shapeshift, and control elements!!!?!!?? Like regular occult such as vampires already and have been doing for years?? How have superpowers not been a pack yet?!? (Movie Stuff doesn't count) Perhaps include a heroic and villainous progression system/tree that grants certain rewards when deeds of a good or bad alignment have been done, making evil and good trait Sims more important and possibly affecting the time stream as well if still merged with a time-jumping pack. By extension, throw in angels and demons as llamas because of the alignment scale PLUS the canon of Sims praying to or being derived from llama people will never NOT be the funniest Sim lore I have ever encountered and it would be really fun to see at like, high superhero levels a Sim can achieve. Would give a chance to poke at the player for being god or something too, like Medivial does. I want some actual Sim mutants in my game, not just cosmetic look-alikes, lol.
Have a Master Suite pack combined with Wicked Whims, lol. But seriously, give us more juicy, dramatic, and sweet interactions that Sims can do with others romantically like polygamy relationships, an escort career system, periods and ovulations, couple therapy sessions, more sex skills, etc. Let a Sim's orientation, sexuality, and preferences affect how other Sims engage with them like how compatible and incompatible traits react upon discovery, on top of including them in general. Let me see the chaos or harmony a Sim polycule will bring. Or an anime-inspired harem ripe with jealousy. Make the SIms adult again guys tf, lol.
Do a Fast Lane pack but INCLUDE A RACECAR DRIVER CAREER plus an auto mechanic/detailing/manufacturing, tow truck driver, and delivery driver (warehouse or fast food) careers and part-time jobs. Would or would not lead to Sims dying more race-wise but this franchise is all about wacky deaths so might as well (that was a wacky races reference btw). Damn hold up we've had helicopters and yachts for cutscenes and rabbit hole travel since Sims 1 and 2 and Urbz and Castaway and like, none after that? Fuck include skydivers, pilots, stewardesses, security detail, luggage carriers, flight instructors as job titles in the plane field, and actual airports while we're at it. Taxi to that airport and then rabbit hole to your destination. This could've easily been an expansion pack istg-
How about more rollercoasters? And water parks and carnivals and state fairs and big tops? Do a whole pack about this theme park aesthetic and give adrenaline junkie or fear of heights and from funnel cake to BBQ lover or sensitive stomach traits. How about being able to take pictures of little kids on the slow spinning rides for the family members and include the long wait time and rigged game negative moodlets and the worth the wait and exhilarating ride positive ones. Let Sims gorge on peanuts under the big top and see the elephants or have a clown completely ruin their day at the theme park because they have a hate clowns trait or a prior nightmare experience. Have their level of activeness-laziness and playfulness-seriousness affect how they react to riding a coaster of different twists, turns, loops, and speeds, if possible.
(Not a pack but an extension of the above with coasters used as an example:) Also include the possibility to die on a coaster or other event, or perhaps let certain memories stick with Sims like next to someone who died or survived a crash and have that prevent that sim from autonomously doing and refusing to go on any roller coaster again or a specific coaster/action forever or for a really long time, having that lessened with optional and continuous therapy sessions. Give my Sims traumatic experiences that block them from doing certain actions and, when cheated to do them or have their memory intensity lessened enough to do that action again, have a higher risk of actually having that fear come true, greatly decreasing the effect the memory has on them, or completely getting over their fear depending on the level of intensity the traumatic memory has on that Sim at that time, on top of personality traits like Un/Lucky and general world chance variables within the world's coding.
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dimplesandfierceeyes · 10 months
bad buddy fandom getting-to-know-you meme!
Another tag game I finally managed to get to! Thank you to @tiistirtipii, @dudeyuri, @feralmuskyscentedhoepran, @softpran, @dancing-out-in-space, and of course, @fiercynn for tagging me in this one!
name and whatever you want to share about yourself
Hello, I’m Kayla! I’m, as probably noticeable by my spelling, not American haha. Yeah I guess that’s it. I’ve never been good at talking about myself.
when did you watch bad buddy/join the fandom?
I watched it from the start, but somewhere around episode 3 I started actively looking into the fandom and by the end of ep4 I was already in a discord group and writing my first fanfiction. The rest, as they say, is history XD
favourite ship(s)
I am a PatPran, InkPa enthusiast although I did also like the LouisSafe idea which is why i wrote a whole fic about them haha
favourite character(s)
Beyond Pat and Pran, Pa, Korn and Ink will always be in my heart
favourite episode(s)
As much as I love episode 5, episode 3 is probably the episode I’ve watched the most haha I just love watching Pran coming out of his shell (even if he does get crushed in the very next episode T-T)
favourite scene(s)
The Rooftop comes in at number 1 every time, but also the fight in front of the apartment block just before it, the bus stop scene and guitar scene in ep3, the balcony scene in ep8, the bedroom scene in ep9, so many scenes in ep11, and everything after Pran turns up at the apartment in ep12. Serotonin factories every one. 
one thing you would change about the show if you could
I’d have liked Pat’s anger in episode 7 to have been dealt with a bit more definitely but they pulled it back by giving it proper consideration in episode 11.  Honestly I would have also loved more flashbacks to their pre-transfer era as well as a little more on Icy Pat, but I understand why we didn’t get them. 
what are your some of your favourite fanworks made by other people?
This is a difficult one for me! So I actually did a list of my favourite bad buddy edits here and also fanfics here and here plus I’m pretty sure I did another, but can I find them? No. So I’m gonna add to this by saying also anything by @miscellar (aworkingprinter on AO3).
(if you create fanworks) what are your favourite fanworks that you’ve made?
Some of my own favourites? Well, that’s trickier haha! Probably A Fine Line Between Hormones and Home, The Space Pirate and the Officer of the Law and, just because it was my first fanfic in the fandom, He’s No Romeo.
a song that makes you think of bbs (the ones in the show don’t count lol)
Pancakes for Dinner by Lizzy McAlpine always makes me think of pining Pran, Heather by Conan Gray also gives huge Pran in episode 4/5 vibes. Alas I can’t think of one that screams Pat though I know I have thought that about songs before. No doubt I’ll be listening to a playlist tomorrow and be like “oh yeah, this one!”
idk anything else you want us to know?
So out of the 494,256 words I’ve written on AO3 over an 11 year period, 426,682 of them were written in the last 3 years and all for the Bad Buddy fandom. If that doesn’t encapsulate both my obsession and love of this show, I don’t know what does haha
Now who to tag?! I can't tag everyone so going with people I'm not sure if I've seen do this yet, though no pressure for anyone! @lurkingteapot @galauvant @snimeat @loveongsa
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bestshipsmackdown · 1 year
Hey, so what I’m not going to do is be posting messages on here about why XYZ creator is problematic. Especially when I know for a fact that the entire team working on XYZ project have been doxxed and harassed. I absolutely am refusing to add to it.
If you don’t like XYZ or ABC that I post about, you are more than welcome to unfollow. But assume that I do have eyes and ears and am far too aware of exactly what people do behind the scenes. Unless XYZ creators are inciting violence and/or cruelty towards a minority, I cannot in good conscience sic mindless classless cancel culture minions to harass them. Not that that tactic even works. But that’s a whole other topic.
Unfortunately, putting up socially relevant materials about anything these days will incite violence by people who think that they are on a pedestal for being “morally more correct” than the people they are attempting to destroy. And I simply do not want any part of contributing to that mentality. And since the influx of twitter users coming back to tumblr, the toxic fandom mentality has risen back to what it was before those same people left tumblr during the mass adult content ban.
If this was back in 2013 I might have posted the message that caused this PSA, but alas, I’m not a middle schooler anymore. And I’m far too old to placate and/or prove how woke I am to anons.
The anon was polite in wording which is the only reason I thought about responding to it. However, as the rules state: internet etiquette. “curate your own experience.” I curate my internet experience to be mostly Ao3 centered. I do not center my internet experience around lambasting creators for every single one of their flaws. That sounds absolutely exhausting and I have such a low tolerance for seeing just how ugly this world is. There’s some creators you can’t avoid how nasty they are, because they scream it from the rooftops, so the best you can do is report them or block them.
Being socially conscious in this world means realizing that not a single person in this world does everything correctly. Not a single person is good. Not a single person is evil. Not a single person is worth supporting or believing in. Not a single person is worth wasting time on. Everyone is bad. And not one person can be redeemed without having everything they’ve ever done wrong being thrown back into their face. Everything is owned by a corporation. Corporations keep people in poverty whether it be their workers, their consumers, or the people they exploit to get materials from.
You will never see me saying that a creator of anything is good or should be supported. Because I cannot. Because I will always be wrong if I do. That’s the bleak reality. And that’s why the toxic nature of the internet and its ideas on morality make being alive in this time such a pain in the ass.
While everyone in this world is flawed and immoral, you have to stop finding the things to hate in everyone. You will always find things that people have done wrong. That they shouldn’t have done. That are not okay. And if all you can see is the worst things people have done, you will never see the good things.
And sure. There are some people who do things that are so far beyond wrong that they cannot be looked at without that standing out as the most important thing about them. Their failures as a human outweigh any good that has or could ever come from them. But often times, the world just isn’t that black and white. If you ignore the shades of grey, you will never see what color you really are. You will become exactly the evil that you believed you were stopping.
Anyways I don’t know if that all makes sense. But I’m just so tired of people. The more energy you spend on things like this, the less you have to fight actual oppressors. The focus should be on taking down the infrastructure. And you need the shades of grey to be on the correct side in order to battle true evil.
Being kind and compassionate and aware of people is important. Reflecting on yourself and trying to be a better person than you were yesterday is important. And everyone should be doing that. But the fact is, not everyone will. And they are far less likely to when they know that the only thing they will ever be seen for is each of their missteps. That if they make any new mistakes, it will all be linked back to their previous ones.
And idk about the rest of you, but I just don’t have the mentality to keep a mental list of just how good or bad each and every person on this planet is. I’m just here to make two or three or four or more characters kiss each other, because I’m a romantic. And sometimes making a few dudes kiss is just enough to pretend the real world doesn’t exist. That everyone, I’m trapped on this earth with, aren’t horrible in one way or another.
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onehunnit · 3 months
March Comebacks/Debuts that I Caught!* *in no particular order, non-exhaustive, and all songs were released between March 1st and March 30th.
Lighthouse by Tempest: At first I was like 'ugh, boring bg song tomato tomato" but I listened to it when I was not exhausted and I actually really enjoy it? Like its charming and has personality. To be clear my frame of reference for Tempest is Hyeongseop falling off his chair when meeting Taemin and Vroom Vroom. But this is so fucking cute I love it. More concepts like this actually…. BUT DONE WELL! However, this song is very forgettable…..
Body by Highlight: they said "SHAKE YOU BODY YOU BODY YOUR BODY YOUR BODY RIGHT" and I DID! I like this song it feels like summer. However. The whistling in the chorus makes me wanna rip my hair out. I fr thought we left that back in the 2010s, alas.
Do Doom Chit by VVUP: do doom chit is actually a bit of a banger… ngl at first I was like "what." but she grew on me and with a QUICKNESS.
FRI(END)S by V: V come through w/ the vocals king!!!! This song is so cute and should have been a valentines day release. It's short, yes, but I don't think it needs to be more than it is. I do wish this wasn't a single though… this belongs as an interlude on a full length album sry!!!! Also reminds me of the 70s pop that spencer sutherland has on his music. Heyuyyy what a thought
HEYDAY by XODIAC: this would've gone triple platinum in my room circa 2017… Like with Lighthouse we need more of this concept well-executed. And for my ballad lovers out there WONDERFUL TONIGHT off the same mini is for you!!!!
Fresh by Daniel Jikal: Wish there were more variation his his flow and wasn't so predictable. There's nothing special here but there is always way to improve. This feels very… the mediocre 2018 rappers who were popping up all over the place. And that's okay!
Lucky by Hori7on: These nugu groups be working their asses off and when they do they make absolute bangers like this. I am not a fan of whistling but it actually accompanies the production well. Lucky and Body are brothers in arms fr. THE CHORUS BANGS SO HARD I CAN'T LIEEE. Even the chant hook is nice like, the composers/producers/arrangers were in their bag man. I can get over the whistles fr. This is like AJU NICE but for 5th gen.
Nectar by THE BOYZ: Boy groups this month decided to give us soft nostalgia pop BANGERS and ofc THE BOYZ did not disappoint. I love this trend, MORE PLEASE!!! Btw if you like this song you'll like HEYDAY and Lighthouse for sure….
BBB by Purple Kiss: The girls will always slay with their vocals and songs, but that chorus is… not it madames. Catchy as hell but man, when you got a song like Sweet Juice it's really fucking hard to keep it up. unfortunately this was a miss from them….
Rooftop by YooA: Yeah… she slayed. I know nothing about YooA or much about OH MY GIRL but she came out and did her little thing with this one. It's not a song i'll be playlisting but she did do her thing fr.
Fuego by THE NEW SIX: She had to grow on me. She is still trying to grow on me. She is not growing much admittedly. The rap after the first chorus barely salvages it for me. I think I've just listened too much to songs like this before and I'm tired of it. By no means is it bad just not for me, and that's okay.
12. Smoothie by NCT Dream: this song is just uh… very…. well 🤷🏾‍♀️ They did release it as their title!
Superwoman by UNIS: You know what? Solid debut. The afrobeats trend is not leaving for a bit i fear… And
Neuron by J.Hope ft Gaeko, yoonmirae: I will always be a fan on boom bap in kpop and by god did they boom and man did they bap. J-hope will forever be serving us good ass hiphop. BUT MOST OF ALL YOONMIRAE ON THIS TRACK I SAW AND I SCREAMED FR! man. i fucking love yoonmirae this feature took the cake for me.
Birth by ARTMS : I need this song tattooed on my brain this is the vibe i was expecting w/ NCT Dream's new release….. if i dare say it. But she is genuinely too short… PLEASE GIVE HER MORE TIME TO SLAY. What a wonderful ARTMS debut the loona girlies WILL keep killing it (and me)
Broken Hearts by AMPER&ONE: This is fun! But like with Fuego, she has a lot to do to grow on me.
Baddest Behavior by Tempest (jp debut): four minutes i crode 😭🙌🏾, i liked it enough to listen, but I'm more impressed at how they were able to make a 4 minute song so strong without making it feel like filler.
Wish You Hell by WENDY: She's a good song,,,, but is this a WENDY song? Think about that for me. I mean I still love it but this is WENDY we're talking about.
EENIE MEENIE by Chungha ft Hongjoong: MOTHER IS BACK!!!!! Chungha did NOT have to kill us with I'm Ready and she did not have to bury us in the grave with EENIE MEENIE not only is the song catchy as fuck w/ fun production omfg…. the hongjoong feature set it from awesome to SPECTACULAR bc that rap is soooo mind melting in how good it is delivered and 2 the flow is insane.
Good Girl by Candy Shop: The beat switch in at the end of the pre-choruses should have been kept for the chorus but they didn't?!?! literally why and what the fuck it would have ELEVATED the song so much. But this is classic alt/contemporary rnb. The modulation in the song is well-done and keeps it interesting but and they finally kept the beat for the end, at least. But why give us a taste of heaven to just go back into the regular chorus ahhhhhh.
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yeeggbenny · 1 year
I'm feeling.
just feeling.
thinking about volunteering with my local youth LGBTQIA+ community services. wanting to do more with my community and, as a byproduct, hopefully gain some gay adult friends. I'm the only outwardly gay person in my job location (at STARBUCKS of all the god damn places) and I feel like I'm losing parts of me I felt so much in my last city, even though this place is so much more mentally better for me. being on testosterone being the biggest contributor to this gain.
i moved into a place on my Own for the first time at 31 two months ago (still renting, alas) and I've been overthinking my whole life in that time, as one does.
one of my co-workers last day was yesterday and she kept it on the downlow, she was partner of the week without me knowing and I had to erase her for the new partner today and someone said "awe, that's sad, erased for the last time" and I damn near cried.
I left my water bottle in my managers car, went home a few hours later, having set my mind that okay, I'll use a new cup, it'll be fine. found my water bottle on my doorstep. did cry this time.
sitting on my porch across from a river and realizing how lucky I am to hear the crickets and frogs, even though there's a busy street in between.
I love opening my windows and having summer air, having moved coincide with the release of seasonal depression, my season, someone who thrives in the heat and this past winter was the longest, coldest winter of my memory. feeling poetic about nature and singing more.
thinking about how I used to be a shitty person? I've been working on redirecting my thoughts and being able to just say fuck off and distract myself instead makes me cry about the progress I've made in my mental health.
and I've been biting back my lip for days, how I used to scorn at people's "it gets better" posts and now I want to scream it from the rooftops, shove it down your throats and promise you that. the bitter irony.
if you've followed me long enough y'know I'm not usually posting personal rants but I needed to tell the void this one.
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