#but also genuinely idk when this will get done bc the outline + 10% written is um. 10k words.
wonder what will happen first. me finishing the (first) teshes fic and publishing it, or tapas reaching That Chapter.
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yenneferw · 7 years
1, 3, 4, 5, 7, 8, 10, 12, 15, 20, 27, 28, 30, 36, 39, 40, 42,46, 50, 51, 54 (sorry for all the questions 😓😓I'm just really curios about your writing!
woot no it’s okay i love talking about it!! also thank you so much!!!!! :-)
also i’ll just skip past the ones i’ve already answered 
1. Favorite place to write? 
this is a lame boring answer but just my desk. i’m very comfortable at it as long as my dog isn’t asking to be in my lap bc then i can’t focus
3. Least favorite part of writing?
the writing,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, but no probably writer’s block. like even when i’ve done other productive things i don’t feel productive unless i’ve written so i hate being writer’s block
4. Do you have writing habits or rituals? 
when i’m really really really stuck i’ll try to talk to my friend ash about the parts i’m most excited about to get myself pumped back up for it 
5. Books or authors that influenced your style the most?
i’m sure there are some bc i’m so easily influenced but i can’t pick them out necessarily. probably partly the song of achilles bc i loved that book so much and i loved the style but i can’t tell for sure
8. Favorite trope to write?
idk power couple? i love having natalia and rosie from my novel be equally badass together. also heterobaiting bc for a hot second i made it seem like it was gonna be natalia and their friend elias but haha nope. i don’t know tropes well enough to say for certain but these are some of the things i like about my own novel
10. Pick a writer to co-write a book with and tell us what you’d write about.
madeline miller and i are gonna write some more killer gay greek rewriters like a love story between icarus and apollo or some shit
12. How do you deal with self-doubts? 
i reread my favorite parts sometimes and i’m like wow,,,, goddamn,,, did i write that for real?? or i just say “fuck it fuck it FUCK IT i’ll rewrite it later” and try to power through 
15. Where does your inspiration come from?
it depends on what i’m writing. for things like fanfic it comes from the fact that i love hearing back from people like everybody does but genuinely i just love hearing that someone else’s day was made bc they read my work. i love hearing that they think i got the characterization of something right. it makes me so happy. for my novel i’m working on rn, it at first came from the fact that i love 3 things a lot: queer rep, magic, and knights. so i put all that in a book and rolled with it. now it’s because rosalind is my heart and soul and i love writing about her so much that i just wanna keep going
20. Post a snippet of a WIP you’re working on.
i already did this but fuck it i’ll do more of this one. i wanted to do a fic but i don’t have anything started on my fic sdjfsljdfl 
Rosalind woke up to Natalia crawling into her bed and planting herself on top of her legs, and then saying, “Rosieeeeeeeeeeee,” until Rosalind found the energy to swat at her. Her curtains were already drawn, and when she lifted her head to look around, she saw that breakfast was waiting for her at her table. She wondered where Jenna was and why she hadn’t woken her up. Natalia started her whining again, so she groaned and shoved her off of her legs. “Finally!”
“Where is Jenna?” she asked instead of answering Natalia’s impatience. “Why are you waking me up?”
“Why can’t I just wake up my best friend on this fine morning?” Natalia said, with no small amount of grandeur in a gesture toward the window. “The birds are singing, the sun is shining, there is a gentle breeze.”
(followed later by:)
She was holding her head up high like she knew what it was that she was doing out here, but really she was just desperate and scared. But the birds were singing, the sun was shining, and there was a gentle breeze. And above all else, Natalia was a spark of life all around her.
anyway i just love showcasing how much rosalind loves natalia
27. Do you share rough drafts or do you wait until it’s polished?
it really depends on the case but i share rough drafts sometimes
28. Who do you share them with?
well currently i have my doc shared with @the-voice-of-night-vale and @kiss-my-asthma-bitch
30. Favorite line you’ve ever written?
I can’t remember but I really fucking like “She had gone to everything that she had never thought of before except in passing, with a tightness in her chest and a voice screaming, Do not break this. Do not break something so priceless as us.”
36. A spoiler for story: 
well for my novel a spoiler is that rosalind defects from her country later on although no one but ash and sarah will get that
a spoiler for the fic i’m gonna write is idfk bc i haven’t planned it yet someone needs to hold me accountable for this shit asjdklfjd
39. Do you base your characters off real people or not? 
I don’t think I do really. I might because I’m like that but I don’t notice it if I do
40. Original fiction or fanfiction, and why?
a month ago i would have only said original fiction but i’ve gotten back into fanfiction recently. both have their perks i mean original fiction is completely mine and i can do with it what i want without worrying about canon or aus or characterization and i can be proud of every single aspect since it’s all original, but fanfiction is a lot more interactive and gives validation a lot easier and quicker, which i like lol but also it’s easier to get around to people and i like to see how my writing affects other people so that’s important to me
42. How do you figure out your character’s looks, personality, etc?
looks: i base them off of real people sort of bc i fucking suck at appearances (rosalind looks like janelle monae). personality: i fucking wing it. i do a skeleton of the character and let them figure out who they are themselves as i write it
46. What would your story ____ look like as a tv show or movie?
my novel would be hella fucking cool, it would look probably a bit like merlin bc it’s a castle with magic but it would be very colorful and a lot more diverse and everything is very aesthetic hopefully and janelle monae herself is my girl rosalind,,,,,,,,,,,, in a perfect world at least
51. Describe the aesthetic of your story __ in five sentences.
my novel is: pink flowers. bright flames. the top of a castle against a cloudy sky. the way brown eyes look golden in the sunshine. a sword surrounded by vines. 
that sounds really fucking extra but that’s how i think of it at least. with emphasis on the pink flowers bc that’s for rosalind and she’s the mc 
54. Any writing advice?
love your main character. whatever you do, fall in love with them. that’s what’s gotten me through. also OUTLINE!!!! but even with an outline, if you don’t love your main character i don’t think you can keep going. if they’re not a good person, love the idea of them. love writing them. i wouldn’t be able to keep writing if i didn’t have all these emotions about rosalind. and know them. even i, who is the shittiest character builder in the world, have found that writing is so much easier when i can spend hours pacing up and down my room thinking about who rosalind is on the inside, and what she would be in modern times (she’d own a lesbian blog, 10% bc she likes lesbian positivity and 90% bc she likes to gush about natalia) 
thank you for all these!!!! this is fun
send me sleepvoer asks?/asks to keep me motivated?
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