#but also i don't have a choice ok at this point its just a soup of feelings
the problem with starting an alt blog bc you have watched every single christmas rom com on netflix and have to vent your feelings about them is that you have watched every single christmas rom com on netflix so you cannot remember any significant plot points and mix them all up in your head. it's rough out here.
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Eternal Love of Dream - Chapter Next 5
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(Image Source: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/131730357839252427/)
It was the most exciting time of the year in Quinqui. It was time for harvest festival. This was a 7 day long festival with parades, performances from acrobats and a grand fair. Every year anyone related to Quinqui, no matter how far from home he might be, would make it a point to come. Even visitors from all over would gather here.
Bai Xian, the crown prince Ye Hua and their little son Ah-Li had also come to the fox den for this celebration. Ah-Li and Gungun were both super excited to go to the fair. Chong Lin was trying to keep them interested in other things long enough so that they could go only after the sun would go down a little. Bai Xian was so not wanting to walk around in the hot sun and had tasked Chong Lin with this duty.
She herself had come to Xiaobai's room and was helping her bathe and get dressed. Xiaobai had recovered quite a lot, but her wound still hurt if she tried to move quickly or even tried to comb her long hair. So Bai Xian had taken it upon herself to look after her favorite niece.
Dijun had ventured to the kitchen asking his mother-in-law's help to cook something tasty and nutritious for his wife. His mother-in-law was only too happy to oblige. Finding not much else to do by himself Ye Hua had joined in too. They all chatted and cooked away a whole feast with sweet and sour fish, noodle soup, congee and various types of cakes. All of them were feeling very accomplished. Dijun and Ye Hua loaded two trays with all the food and decided to go to Xiaobai's room so they all could eat together.
When the two reached Xiaobai's room, she had finished bathing and getting dressed. Bai Xian was combing her hair and they were chatting. "Please don't tell whatever I am about to say, to Dijun. I don't want him to feel any more guilty than what he is already feeling.", Fengjiu was saying. Dijun signalled to Ye Hua to stop and not enter the room. They both placed the food trays on a nearby table and waited. Ye Hua signalled to Dijun that he will be back soon and left in search of their sons.
"Ye Hua is a true gentleman!", mused Dijun and continued to eavesdrop. His wife was about to tell something to her aunt that she thought would make him feel guilty. So? It wasn't going to be pretty. But he was quite thick skinned and he could handle it. At least that's what he told himself at that time.
Fengjiu continued reminiscing and talking to her aunt. She was talking about some of the hardest days of her life and it wasn't easy for her. But this was her aunt and she was one person Fengjiu did not mind being herself with.
"I waited for Dijun for 73 days. Each day was harder than the one before, but I waited. Everyone told me he had chosen to go to demon realm with Ji Heng. I chose not to believe them.  I went to demon realm with Chong Lin to look for Dijun. There they told me he had been with Ji Heng. I was heartbroken.
I returned home here and was crying inconsolably in my room when medicine god Zhe Yan walked in. He sensed something off with me, checked my pulse and told me that I was pregnant. That moment! It changed my whole life.
I remember that night I did not sleep at all. But by the time morning came, I had made up my mind. God Zhe Yan  had left me two pills - one that would abort and another that would preserve the baby. He also left a note saying he would support me no matter what I picked.
This was my baby. Mine and Dijun's. The only man I have ever loved. This baby was symbol of my unconditional love for Dijun. I knew he had loved me sincerely too. May be after seeing Ji Heng in trouble, he had decided to spend the rest of his life with her. But I knew when he had told me he loved me, he had meant it. I would keep this baby and live for the baby. This baby would be my whole universe from then on.  I ate the pill that would preserve my baby.
Then I packed a few clothes, supplies to hide my birthmark, dress up as a man etc and left Quinqui. First I went to Sky Kingdom. Something in my heart was still not ready to let him go. I hoped to see him one last time. If he wanted to be with Ji Heng, all he had to do was tell me. I would get out of his way. But I didn't find him there. I knew I needed to be strong  for this baby. Especially since I would be his only parent. So I let go of everything and left sky kingdom.
From there I went to Nether world, and checked up on Ye Quingti. I knew I would pay his debt no matter what. I left a trinket with Lord Xie Gu so he could reach me when he needed me to wake Quingti up. And then i went to mortal realm and stayed there until... "
"Why mortal realm? Didn't you know you would be all alone and you wouldn't be able to use your magic either? How could you have acted so foolishly, Fengjiu?", scolded Bai Xian.
"Aunt, I chose mortal realm because I did not want anyone to find me. I knew if any of you had learned that I was pregnant, you would confront Dijun and make him take responsibility for me and the baby. I knew what it was like, to stay away from the one I loved, I could never wish that for him.", Fengjiu explained.
Bai Xian rolled her eyes indignantly and continued with the questions. "How did you manage your pregnancy? Going into labor? The delivery? Did you take care of yourself properly at all?". She was seriously concerned.
"I did the best I could. I went to mortal realm and worked as a cook in a restaurant at that time. It was really hard work all day long. My body ached all the time and I was exhausted. But at least the owner who was an old lady, was kind to me. She let me eat leftovers  and also let me take breaks often in my last month of pregnancy. She even revived me when I passed out from 3 days of labor pains and she helped me deliver Gungun safely. I am so grateful to her.
I was really sad when her son showed up 3 months later and wanted to force himself on me. I fought him, made him unconscious and ran away with Gungun. I did suffer physically and I was also very sad to leave the old lady to look after herself. But, I had no choice, so I did what I could.", Fengju tried in vain to make light of it. Bai Xian was appalled at what she heard.
And so was Dijun. He felt he had been too naive in thinking he could handle whatever he heard about her days in mortal realm. He had really underestimated her hardships.
Her days had been hard. When she had given him up, she had also given up her family and friends. All because of him. He knew he could never repay her for the things he had put her through.
"You are a Princess of Quinqui. You are the Monarch of this kingdom. You are the Empress of one of the most prestigious, powerful and revered god in the Sky Kingdom. Yet you had to work in restaurant and pass out from labor pains with no one to look after you. That's just so ...... ", Bai Xian was so furious, so flabbergasted that she could not find the right words at all.
"How can you love someone so much? How can you love him so much?", she asked incredulously to Fengjiu.
"Love is mysterious in its ways.", Fengjiu replied with a faint smile.
She knew her aunt was very angry. So Fengjiu reached for her aunt's hand. She hugged her aunt and wiped her aunt’s tears smilingly. Bai Xian's anger melted away. No one could stay angry at Fengjiu for long. With more tears in her eyes, Bai Xian planted a kiss on Fengjiu's head and held her close.
Dijun decided it was about time the ladies were interrupted. He wasn't sure he could bear to know any more of the hardships this delicate woman had toughed out because of him. He wasn't that thick skinned after all. He picked up the tray of food that had gone cold and heated everything back up with magic. He saw Ye Hua return with both the kids and together they walked in.
They sat in a circle and ate together. Both guys were pretty happy seeing their wives eat and praise the food they had prepared.
Dijun kept stealing weird glances at Xiaobai. She could sense something off about him. Was he worried about something? Was he about to go away soon and leave her for long time again? That thought scared her and made her very sad. But watching him smile at Gungun, she reasoned with herself that that must not be the case. She would have to ask him later when they were alone, she decided.
And she did get a chance to be alone with him soon. After the food was all gobbled up, Ah-Li reminded everyone that they had to go to the fair after lunch. So Gungun, Ah-Li, Bai Xian and Ye Hua all got ready to go.
“I will bring you sugar paintings, mom. Tell me what kind you want?”, Gungun said.
“Bring me back one dragon and one fox.”, she replied and exchanged a meaningful look with Dijun. That did bring back fond memories and a smile to Dijun’s face. She was happy to see her trick had worked to lighten his mood.
After they were all gone, Dijun closed the door behind them. He came back to her and helped her walk to the window. Although it was quite bright and sunny outside, the glorious willow tree in the yard provided just enough shade on the window seat. They both sat there with Dijun wrapping his arms around Xiaobai.
“What’s going on, Dijun? What’s been worrying you? Please tell me. And please be completely honest with me, ok? No matter how bad whatever that is, I want to know. And I want to work together with you to make it better. So tell me why you are so sad, so worried?” Xiaobai said looking into his eyes with  sincerity.
“Xiaobai, I overheard what you were telling your aunt about the time of Gungun’s birth. I am feeling so guilty about that. As a husband I have failed you. Miserably failed you. I am so very sorry.”, Dijun’s voice cracked.
Xiaobai let out a long sigh and took his hands in hers. She looked at him, quite relieved that the worry wasn't anything about their future. She began to talk. “Dijun, what has passed is gone by. No matter what, we can never change it. So please let it all go. I do feel guilty about misunderstanding you, about talking to you coldly last time we met in the Sky Kingdom and keeping your son away from you for so long. But I am learning from it and learning to let it go. Let’s promise to always be completely honest with each other. Let’s start over, ok?”
A deep sigh left Dijun’s mouth as relief washed over him. His Xiaobai was still willing to give him another chance. She was asking to start afresh with him.
“When did my silly little fox become so wise?”, he chuckled and petted her nose. Hugging her, he let out a long sigh. She shifted to be more closer to him.
He pulled her close and said, “Are you tired, Xiaobai? Sleep a little if you are tired.” He planted a soft kiss on her hair, “Be a good girl and take rest for a while. We can take a small walk outside later if you feel better.”
“Hhmm..”, she said. Then she  sunk her head on his chest and closed her eyes contentedly.
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garagnon-gallery · 3 years
Guide to Food photography
from culinary nutrition----
by Anna Pelzer
The Best Food Photography Settings Ever
Awesome Cookery Recipes for Your Next Project
Do you want to photograph your recipes but aren’t sure where to begin? Food photography opens the door to so many possibilities, such as Instagramming, writing e-books, product photography and more! It’s also a creative outlet and a fun way to work with color and express your own style. As a food photographer, I’m often asked for tips about how to take great photos. Let’s get started with this introduction to food photography!
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First up, you need a camera! If you are just starting out, you may want to begin with a point-and-shoot because of its low cost and its ease of use. You can learn the basic functions of a point-and-shoot in a few minutes. (Like the name says, you just point and shoot.)
A DSLR is steeper both in price and in learning curve. I won’t get too technical, but DSLR stands for ‘digital single lens reflex’. This means when you take a picture, the camera opens up its shutter, the image reflects on to the camera’s internal mirror, and then on to the sensor. I started out using a point-and-shoot, but switching to a DSLR made a world of difference in clarity and color representation. A DSLR also gives you much more control in different light situations. For me, the price difference was worth it. If you have someone in your life who is really good at finding deals online, this may be a great way to find a used DSLR.
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However, whether you are using a point-and-shoot, DSLR, or a phone camera, the basic principles of composition are the same.
Creating Bright Images
Shutter speed, aperture, and ISO are the three elements that affect the brightness of your images. Let’s talk about them in a little more detail.
Shutter Speed
The speed at which the shutter opens can be slowed down to allow more light to hit the sensor in low light situations. I do this on dark, gloomy days or in the fall when it gets dark early. However, with the shutter being open longer, there can be more blur and therefore you might need a tripod. As a rule of thumb, I shoot handheld at 1/125th of a second – you may have a steadier hand than I, but below 1/100th of a second, I use a tripod to avoid camera shake (this results in blurry images).
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Aperture refers to the width of the opening of your lens. Opening up the aperture lets in more light and also creates a shallow depth of field, resulting in more background blur. This effect allows you to draw the viewer’s eye to where the camera focus is. The lower the number, the wider the aperture. Thus, if you want a sharp focus in one area with a lot of background blur, you may choose a lower number such as 3.2 or 3.5. If you want background objects to be more in focus – a wider depth of field – you may choose a higher number, for example, 11 or 14 (remembering that this won’t let in as much light and you will need to adjust shutter speed or ISO).
ISO refers to your camera’s sensitivity to light. It is the element I would adjust last, after shutter speed and aperture, because having a high ISO can affect the quality of your image, creating “noise” especially in the darker areas of the photo. I try to keep ISO below 500, but in a dark situation, if I don’t have a tripod and my aperture is already wide open, I will go higher.
Using Light in Food Photography
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My preference is to use natural light whenever possible. Professional lights are available however, I would recommend getting familiar with your camera and using natural light before making that investment.
The most important thing is to avoid, as far as lighting goes, indoor kitchen lighting as it casts a yellow glow on your food. If, however, you have food that you want to photograph and it’s 5 pm on a rainy day in November, and you have no choice but to use your indoor lighting, turn your white balance to the Tungsten setting. This will add more blue to your shot and neutralize the yellow.
Another thing to consider is which direction you want the light to come from. Back lighting is the technique I use most. I usually prefer to stand facing my subject on a table with a window on the other side of the table. I find the way the light hits the subject to be the most pleasing to my eye. But try letting the light hit from the front and the side and see what you prefer most! Depending on the weather and the type of dish I am photographing, my preference will sometimes change.
On a dark day, if using back lighting, you may need to bounce some light back at your subject to reduce shadows on your food. You can purchase reflectors designed for this purpose from photography stores. You could also use foam core, poster board, or anything on hand that is white. In a pinch, I have even used napkins and a roll of paper towel!
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If you were to draw two vertical lines and two horizontal lines evenly across your image, dividing it into nine squares, then having the point of focus at one of the intersections adds compositional interest to the photo. This is known as the rule of thirds and is why you may see this on your camera or photo editing software.
One possibility would be to place your main subject near the front and have other blurred out subjects behind, to lead the viewer’s eye through the photo.
Vertical or Horizontal Photos?
Try getting one good shot of each. Vertical works well for Instagram and Pinterest, while horizontal is ideal for blogs, banners and Facebook.
There are a few common angles you can use to successfully photograph food:
A 45 degree angle shows food as if you were sitting down to eat it. This is one of my favorite angles, as it shows a beautiful texture. There will usually be more focus towards the front of the dish.
Shooting from top down (directly overhead) can show the entire dish in even focus (if everything is the same height), but you lose some of the texture.
A straight on angle can be used to show height if, for example, you are showing a stacked sandwich or a drink.
A crucial point to food photography is to have your food looking its best. I like to add some raw vegetables or herbs alongside cooked foods to add more freshness to the dish, especially if the meal is brown, such as chili. I soak herbs and greens in cold water for about 30 minutes before using and remove any wilted ones. I add garnishes for color and interest, preferably ones that show something that went into the dish – such as a basil leaf in a pesto.
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If you are making steaks and one is perfectly browned and looks better than the others, put that one in front or on top and make it your camera focus.
In food photography, full bowls are desirable. Even if your normal serving of soup only fills up half the bowl, fill it up for the photo! I stop before it reaches the point of overflowing, although you may want to experiment with drips – many people make that part of their style. It can be helpful to use smaller plates, bowls and other serving pieces in food photography, as large ones can overwhelm the food and make it more difficult to make those full bowls. sauces can soak into the food
When you are setting up your shot, reserve some sauce to add once you figure out your perfect angle. I always take a few shots before adding dressing to a salad because the leaves can start to wilt quickly from the oil and acid.
Best Food Photography Props
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Use neutral props that keep the focus on the food. Avoid busy, distracting patterns on plates as the food can become lost in the photo. My favorite dishes are gray or white and matte, so there is no glare shining back at the camera and the food is what stands out.
Another thing I highly recommend using is a wooden background board, which you can purchase from Etsy, My favorite board was made from an old barn door! With wooden boards, I again look for a matte finish to reduce glare, as well as interesting textures.
I prefer to use clean backgrounds so the focus is entirely on my dish. However, you may want to display some of the ingredients around the food to show part of the cooking process. Other options for adding interest include colorful napkins, flowers or unique serving utensils. Check out secondhand shops for some great vintage finds.
Also try using a hand model to show interaction with the food!
5 Suggested Props for Beginners
Wood background board or large cutting board
Monotone plate and bowl
Vintage cutlery (check out thrift shops)
Cloth napkin or a dish towel
Stemless wine glass or Mason jars for smoothies or parfaits
Do not let a lack of props or a hand-me-down camera stop you from creating. You can create amazing art on a plate just by having fresh and colorful food displayed in your own unique style. Remember that good food photography takes time to master and it’s OK if you don’t love your photos right away. Practice as much as you can and enjoy the process!
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fencer-x · 6 years
Do you have any Drarry fic recs? I don't generally read much fics but I sometimes get a craving for a Good ship fic and u seem like someone who knows their stuff 👀 (Btw, and I know you said not to ask abt manga updates so feel free to ignore this if you don't want to answer, but I've been DYING waiting for the next chapter of Omairi and was wondering how long it'll be until it's out? I want to brace myself in case the wait is several months 😂)
First off, I’ve already recommended a few here and here. But it’s been a while, so let’s see if I can add some more...
(note: these are all explicit fics, and they’re all also quite long [20k or more words], because that’s what I pretty much exclusively read these days XD I want something I can really sink my teeth into with a little bit [or a lottle bit] of porny pay-off!)
Star Quality by who_la_hoop - [Two years after the war, and Harry’s content with his life. OK, so it’s a little annoying that he keeps winning Witch Weekly’s Most Eligible Bachelor award, and he’s really not looking forward to the unveiling of an enormous gold statue of himself, but he loves his friends, and he loves being an Auror. And if he yearns for something more, something he can barely bring himself to think about, well, he’ll probably get over it. No one’s happy all the time, are they? But then everything changes, and Harry’s thrown into a new and dazzling world he’s not sure he can actually escape from. And as time goes on, he starts to wonder: does he actually want to?] - My thoughts: I love this setup XD Essentially, Harry makes a wish on a falling star to be Not Famous. His wish comes true--he wakes up in a world where he’s a normal Muggle, working at a convenience store (though he still has all of his memories of the wizarding world). All of his friends still exist, but they aren’t his friends--they’re total strangers who have never known any life but this. Making matters even more complicated is that, in this new world, Draco Malfoy is an international pop star. And the cherry on top: he also remembers Harry and the wizarding world, so Harry has to convince him to give up all the fame and stardom to help Harry get them back to their real lives. It’s terribly fun, and if you’ve ever had a fantasy about dating some hot member of a boy band, then this is the fic for you XD
Soup-pocalypse and the Great Curry Cataclysm by SquadofCats - [Eleven years after the war, Draco Malfoy leads a quiet, boring, and perfectly respectable life, thanks very much. Or, at least he does, until a sudden and very unexpected veela awakening causes him to throw soup all over Harry Potter in the middle of the Ministry cafeteria.] My thoughts:  This fic is SUCH FUN. It’s sweet, it’s hilarious, it’s got Veela!Draco, it’s everything! Even if you’re not partial to veela fic, trust you’ll enjoy this one (as the veela stuff is more of an aside than the point of the fic).
The If Sieve by cest_what - [An If Sieve lets you see how things would have unfolded if somebody had made a different decision at a particular time.] My thoughts: pretty much what it says on the tin! Draco gets hold of an If Sieve, and things go about how you’d expect as he dives down the rabbit hole of how his life might have changed if he’d made different choices at crucial points along the way.
Nearly Lost Things, Carefully Tended by SquadofCats (again...) - [Three years after the war, Harry is lost, drifting, and feeling left behind. In an effort to get control of his life, he commits to cleaning out Grimmauld Place top-to-bottom and forcing it to be a home, whether it likes it or not. The rotten old house is stuffed full of antiques, and Harry is shocked to discover none other than Draco Malfoy running the local antique shop. Malfoy is polite -- too polite, and Harry soon finds himself with a mission: to annoy and bother Malfoy with the most hideous, absurd antiques he can find. But along the way, Harry comes to appreciate Draco, his work, and the power of connecting to the people who came before him. It's a hard lesson, but Harry learns that if he wants to build a future, he has to reconnect to his past, and Draco might just be the one to help him do it.] My thoughts: This is delightful. I mean, who doesn’t love a good ‘X bothers Y’ fic?? I know I can’t get enough of them, especially with such great fun banter as shall be found herein XD
And...of course, I can’t resist a shameless self-plug:
Men Who Love Dragons Too Much by me :D - [(Extensive re-telling of Deathly Hallows) As in Half-blood Prince, Draco is charged by Voldemort with killing Dumbledore—only instead of trying to do his best with the challenge, he realizes he’s been set a futile task and focuses on finding a way to save both himself and his parents. He eventually decides to spend his sixth year studying Animagecraft, convinced it's his best shot at escaping the impossible situation he's found himself in. But just his luck, his Animagus form turns out to be a dragon, and a rather randy juvenile at that, intent on finding its mate: one Harry James Potter.] My thoughts: It’s Animagus fic! It’s a series rewrite! It’s plotty and porny at once! It’s long as hell! It’s slow-burny as fuck! It’s what book 7 should have been, let’s just agree.
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saviormysticmeme · 8 years
ummmm..... I LOOOVE YOUR WORK (≧∇≦) YOU ARE SERIOUSLY SUPER TALENTED! Are YOU A GENIUS???? Sorry for caps...(´-`)If you don't mind, may I request an hc about the RFA + minor trio mistaking mc's twin for mc? Maybe they see her twin with another guy, so they ask mc about it or something... I just love love love your writtiiinngg~~~ I can write whole page! It's all so good that I they're all my favorite! (´Д` ) Sorry if its unclear/bad grammar... Bye(・◇・)/~~~
RFA + MTrio React to Mistaking CM for MC
Omg pls you guys are feeding my ego so muchAnd don’t worry about your grammar!! Grammar is the hardest part of any language, I cry when I speak anything other than English cause “How do say this” 
Ok anyways
Some of these are going to be those totally cliché “Secret Twin” scenarios that are kind of angsty but I’m gonna try some more lighthearted ones too because I feel like the “I SAW YOU WITH ANOTHER MAN IM LEAVING YOU!!!1!1!” “Babe thats my twin” scenarios have been used quite a bit and I don’t want to pump out something that’s already out here
If you decide you want those scenarios instead though then let me know! Because if you just happen to reallllly like that specific case then I’ll do a short drabble focusing on that
Also sorry in advance for the Choi twin ones, I just feel like they would know about MC’s twin and I the writing for them isn’t up to par with the others but I didn’t want to postpone posting for much longer because of it.
Ok I talk too much lets go
He’s walking by a cafe near campus when he sees you sitting across from another guy
He stops dead in the side walk and stares in the window
At first he thought you were maybe just..discussing something? With some guy? Who you never told him about…?
No he didn’t think that at all his brain went straight to the worst but he couldn’t bare to think it so he came up with every excuse in the book.
MC’s a spy and they have to kill this guy
He’s a new RFA recruit???
He’s a dealer and MC’s buying drugs
MC is secretly a vampire and just trying to eat this guy
Every thought bubble he had was popped when you leaned over the table and planted a kiss on the mans cheek
Yoosung heard his heart-
rrrng rrrrng rrrrng rrrng
He was going to say breaking but apparently his heart rings when broken?
He looked at his phone and your Caller ID was up
“Huh?” He looked from his phone to the window, where ‘you’ were still sitting and talking with the strange man
He answers the phone, voice a little shakey “H-Hello?”
“Yoosung? Hey! Sorry to call but on your way home can you grab soup. I’m feeling like soup for dinner tonight.”
“MC…how are you doing this?”
“…Doing what Yoosung?”
“Are you a vantrilaquist?”
“Yoosung pls just what the fuck are you talking about”
“I’m staring at you through a window having coffee with another man…but you’re on the phone with me.”
“1. Yoosung that’s creepy that you’re staring at two strangers 2…”
His phone beeped and he looked down to see you sent him a picture of you sitting on the couch with a controller in hand, soda on the table, blankly staring at the camera.
He snapped a picture of the ‘you’ in the window and sent it back
“Yoosung that’s my sister and her boyfriend you egg”
“Your sister???? What???”
“I told you I had a sister!”
“I assumed when you met her you’d be with me…not that this would happen. This is some TV style mess.” You chuckled, feeling a little guilty. Reflecting on it, you probably would have been upset too if you thought a look a like Yoosung was putting the moves on someone else “So……soup?”
“Yeah babe of course, what do you want?”
She was at the cafe making -cue Savior Meme going and making a post about Jaehee owning a musical theatre instead- a new brew when you walked in
She sees you and casts a warm smile and a “Hey Honey”
The person Jaehee thought to be MC cocks their head, slightly confused, but brushes it off as Jaehee being a very friendly Barista
The copy cat you stands at the counter, waiting about a minute before Jaehee realizes their presence at the spot
“Dear, what are you doing?”
The customer furrows their brows and responds slowly, somewhat confused “Ordering coffee…”
Jaehee chuckles, amused at you playing customer. She just shakes her head and walks over to the register
“Alright, what’ll you have?”
“I’ll have an iced Mocha with extra cream no sugar.”
Jaehee scribbles it on a cup and gets to work making the drink “Weird choice for you. Didn’t think you were a fan of  mocha, you always seem to prefer vanilla”
“I do?” 
“Yes silly, you always ask for French vanilla flavoring.”
“I ne-” Before your clone can respond though, Jaehee has finished up the drink and handing it over
As ‘You’ take the drink, Jaehee leans over the counter and plops a quick kiss on your cheek
‘You’ are frozen on the spot
Jaehee opens her eyes to see why you’re suddenly so frigid towards her, but when she opens them she can’t help but glance behind you and see…YOU??
“MC?” Jaehee jumped back looking between you and your look a like.
“MC?” Your twin turns to you, face still flushed from their sudden kiss. “Is this the surprise you had for me??? A super friendly barista??”
“Surprise???” Jaehee exclaimed, still looking between the two of you. “Wait you’re not MC???”
Finally you stepped in to clear the confusion
“Jaehee! This is my twin …. CM. CM, this is my new Cafe that I run with my girlfriend!”
“Girl..friend.” CM turns to look at Jaehee, at the same time the two of them realize everything that just happened concerning the confusion.
“I am so so so so so so so so so sorry” Jaehee can not stop apologizing no matter how many times CM says it’s ok.
It was  opening night for his new show
He was pumped
Sure because of the show, but also because you had shot him a text earlier that day that you were going to bring your sibling. 
Zen had yet to meet anyone in your family, so he was excited that you were going to start introducing him to them. It showed how ready you were to spend your life with him and that just made him giddy.
So after the show was over he couldn’t wait to find you
He scanned the crowd and eventually spotted you in the crowd with a bouquet of roses
MC is so sweet he hummed to himself
That was his sole moment of calmness before the storm
He watched as his coworker walked up to you and started chatting you up. Zen was on the other side of the auditorium, trying to push his way through the flock of people set on congratulating him, so he couldn’t run to your rescue as fast as he liked.
He was frustrated but he knew you could handle yourself
At least that’s what he thought until his fellow actor’s hand found it’s way to your hand, where the thumb gently brushed back and forth. 
Zen’s face turned red, and the shade only grew deeper when he saw his douche bag scene mate’s mouth turn into a cocky looking smirk.
He found superhuman speed and agility to push through the crowd and end up right behind you, where he wrapped his arms around you tightly and pressed a long kiss to your cheek
“Honey, there you are.” Zen sounded so sweet while his blazing red eyes stared daggers into the green ones of his coworker.
“Zen? This is your girlfriend?”
“Yes, this is my girlfriend MC.” Zen squinted at the guy. How dare he pretend not to know, Zen only pointed out MC every time she came to a show. Every time she picked him up from rehearsal. Every time-
“You said your name was CM” The Actor turned a confused stare to the person in Zen’s arms
“I-” They tried to say but
“CM?” Zen questioned, he spun them around only to realize “You’re not MC.”
“No I’m” Cm tried to say
“Zen!” You interjected as you ran over to the 3. “Sorry, I had to run to the bathroom. CM thanks for holding the flowers. Speaking of which, Zen I see you’ve met my twin”
Zen’s face turned bright red with blush this time
He turned to his fellow actor and CM and started apologizing profusely 
He knew you had a brother….or…a sister? …or both?
He lied he had no clue, he just knew you had some sort of sibling.
He was unaware it was a twin
A twin who worked as an assistant for a company but was looking to switch, so when they saw C&R was hiring a new chief assistant, they threw an application in
So here is Jumin, just sorting through some applications when he sees
“CM PlayerPants” 
He smirks at the paper, seeing all the information filled out is yours. Your home address, the general store you lived near, your school, graduation, etc.
Your picture was even you, just you in a suit and looking very hot professional
Now lets face it you and Jumin did some kinky shit sometimes
Sometimes your love life together involved role playing
Jumin was surprised at how much effort you put into this, but he wasn’t going to spoil it. 
He types in the phone number, it’s not your usual cell number, what did you get a prepaid phone just for this?
He was in awe with your dedication
Rrrng rrrng rrrng
“Hello?” Your voice answered
He couldn’t hide the smirk on his face “Hello there, Kitten.”
“I-I’m sorry?”
“Oh my bad” He corrected himself “Hello there, Ms. Playerpants. This is Jumin Han from C&R calling about your application”
“Oh! Uh, Hello! Yes, what can I do for you? Does it need any clarification?”
“Oh no no no, I think I read you loud and clear.” He lazily flipped through the pages of the resume in front of him
“Oh..ok. Is this about the position then?”
“Yes” A smirk found it’s way to his lips “Speaking of which, what is your favorite position?”
“Excuse me? I don’t think I understand?” The voice on the end was clearly taken aback. Damn, you were making him work for this.
“Well I figured I’d give you a say in the matter tonight since you put sooo much work into this. So Kitten, tell me, what would you like to do tonight? Maybe I’ll buy some toys on the way home an-”
Jumin just stared at the phone confused. He shrugged it off because his desk phone went off, and when he answered it was his father calling him to a meeting. Jumin resolved to just handle whatever happened with you when he got home
After a long work day he came in the door to see you waiting for him. “Hello Kitten.”
“Hey Babe, how was work?”
“Good, aside from this strange phone call I made today” A small grin on his face
“Oh?” You cocked an eyebrow.
“Yes,” He purred as he walked over and started rubbing your shoulders “I thought I had found a new assistant”
“OH!” You exclaim, jumping up and remembering something “I forgot to tell you this morning! My twin is applying for the chief assistant job, it completely slipped my mind.”
“Your…twin?” Jumin cocked his brows now
“Yes! CM!”
“C….M” Jumin was quick to catch on to his mistake “Oh my god”
Lets face it
You guys may be sick of hearing this but 
He knew
Of course he knew
He stalked the ever-loving-shit out of you
He saw photos of the two of you together
He insists on you and your twin joining him and Saeran out for lunch all the time
You guys have the certified Twin Club in his brain
The 4 of you spend so much time together Seven can tell the slight difference between your hair and your twins. How your twin is about a centimeter taller. Your eyes are a little more wide.  He knows. 
Which is why he isn’t caught off guard when your twin and you show up in the same room
He’s not confused when he sees CM out kissing someone 
He knows
He loves it
His eyesight is so bad he has mini heart attacks once a week thinking he sees you out in public holding hands with someone else
Over time he stops freaking out, he starts to recognize you easier, which means he can play ‘Spot the Blurry Difference’ a little better when you two aren’t together
Until one day he’s on set doing a photo shoot for a Modeling company that requested his help
And he sees…MC? With a headset on ordering some people around to do this and that.
The voice is the same. He knows MC’s voice damn well. 
And that is MC
“MC..” V quietly calls out but with no answer.
‘MC’ Disappears into the crowd of models
What the fuck. How could you not tell him? He was a little hurt you never shared your work life with him. Was this where you were when the two of you weren’t together? Did you think he wouldn’t be impressed because he usually focuses on more artsy photography??? Did he say something??? MC please why don’t you love hi-
“Hey Hun!” 
MC!? V whirled around to see you, but you were talking to one of the models, very flirtatiously he may add. Your hand on their arm and a sweet, sweet smile on your face as you looked at them. He could see that much.
He felt his heart break a bit, how could you pretend not to even see him?
No. No this couldn’t be you. 
Jihyun Kim trusts and loves you and refuses to believe you’d be evil *cough*LikeHowHeTrustedSnakeBitch*cough* 
He marches well marches as good as you can while visually impaired up to ‘MC’ and taps them on the arm.
MC turns “Can I help you?”
“I’m sorry, but you look extremely like a friend of mine. Her name is MC-”
The set director in front of him suddenly seems much more friendly “Oh! That’s my twin! Wait, are you V?? MC mentioned they were dating a photographer I didn’t realize it was the one we hired for today! Oh, I’m sorry, Hello I’m CM!”
Relief. So much fucking relief on V’s heart.
Neither you nor Vanderwood were aware that Seven was being devious today
He had been scarce all day, leaving the two of you to go through the day in overall peacefulness. You guys had spent a bit of time together, but eventually you got up to start cleaning and doing some chores.
Yep that’s all normal
Until you suddenly walk in the door you did not leave out of
“MC?” Vandy stared at you as you looked at him, then walked straight back out the door you just came in
Then you walked in the door he thought you originally left from.
You crossed the room and into the hall, out of site. He was left a little slackjawed and confused
Then you entered from the door he just saw you enter from. Wait what
“MC how-”
You giggled and ran out another door
Only to come back from the hall
His outburst made you jump
“Vanderwood wha-”
Two doors behind you silently opened, and two almost carbon copies of you peaked their heads through and shushed Vanderwood
He was speechless and just violently pointed trying to get you to turn around, but by the time you did the copies of you were gone
“What in the fuck-”
“Vanderwood what is-”
“Yeah Vanderwood why-” An MC copy asked running in from the hall
“What’s going on?” Another one said coming in from a room
“What the” You looked around and Vanderwood was rubbing his eyes like crazy trying to get whatever form of psycho out of them. 
Upon further inspection, you realized one of your clones didn’t look like you aside from the fact they were wearing your clothes and had on a wig that looked like your hair “Seven?”
“You got me! Lucky~~Aha~!” Seven cheered pulling the wig off
“So who is-” Vanderwood looked to the last copy
“Oh, I’m CM! I’m MC’s twin. 707 asked if I would help him out with a little prank and I couldn’t say no” Cm giggled.
You all had a good laugh
Except Vanderwood
Ok, you guys might hate me for this one
I feel like he also knows
I feel like Seven has told him, and dragged him out on the #TwinClubDates
There’s no way Seven wouldn’t constantly talk about you 4 being goals
He takes group pictures of you guys all the time
He shows Saeran photos of CM constantly asking if he and Saeran look more alike than MC and CM
Even though Saeran knows, he’s totally fucked up before
I bet he’s accidentally kissed CM before when MC’s in a spot then leaves only for CM to be left standing somewhere close to where Saeran last saw MC
He’s definitely had to play the “Which one am I dating” game when you two first started going out. And he has failed and accidentally grabbed Cm’s hands, causing you two to giggle despite Saeran’s obvious saltiness
I’m sorry. This one is really weak but I don’t really have any ideas for it because I feel like Saeran wouldn’t make a big slip up since he’d know MC had a twin cause of Seven. 
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