#but also let me pretend nobody can see what i’m saying cmon guys …
pervybutch · 3 months
asking for tickles and being told “only if you do [insert humiliating thing]” only for them to tickle u after and say “i would have tickled you either way, i just wanted to see if you’d do it”
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enginequirks · 3 years
sk8 characters + the music they listen to!!
this is a pretty long list so. headcannons under the cut <3
paramore is his favorite. no i do not take constructive criticism
seriously. all i wanted and i’m not angry anymore are both still in the top 10 songs on his spotify wrapped because of how often he listened to them after adam moved to america
also really likes gorillaz
has a soft spot for the 1975 bc joe introduced their music to him when they were in LA but he’d never admit it because he knows joe will be like “aww he likes the music i showed him🥺🥺”
reki is really surprised by his music taste bc. i mean look at him he looks like he listens to classical but NOPE cmon did you SEE what he looked like in high school?? he may have ditched the piercings but the little punk inside of cherry never left
here we go
he’s one of those motherfuckers thats like “oh yeah i listen to pretty much anything” but if anything comes on that he doesnt like the complains instantly
he serenades cherry to leave the door open by bruno mars when its just them in sia la luce and cherry has to pretend he hates it
did i mention that this boy can sing like an ANGEL?? he belts like it’s nobody’s business
every friend group has one person that will play wap and know all of the words. that person is joe.
as soon as sia la luce closes and its just him you know hes blasting music constantly. pretty much any time hes cooking alone or the only other ppl in the restaurant are the rest of the guys he’s blasting his faves. if anyone (most likely shadow or miya) complains about his weird music taste he’s like “my restaurant my playlist bitch”
had an emo phase in high school because of cherry. he collected mostly cds during that time so if he’s feeling nostalgic he’ll take them out and play them on his ancient barely working cd player
guilty pleasure? country.
tldr joe’s favorites are the 1975, doja cat, bad suns, lana del rey, and bruno mars
he listens to like. really oddly obscure indie/folk bands that no one on the face of the earth has ever heard of before
he also likes paramore. he bonds with cherry over their music all the time and reki is like “what the fuck are you talking about”. cherry would never admit it but langa is his favorite because of it.
he loves showing reki his playlists and lending him records
the only one that never complains about joe’s music taste. when he says he’ll listen to pretty much anything he means it.
he and his parents would go to a bunch of concerts together all the time
now he goes to concerts with reki :)
yknow how i said theres always someone who knows the words to wap? theres also always someone who has never heard any super popular song ever. that is mr. langa hasegawa
oh reki. sweet reki
he falls into the tyler the creator/rex orange county/frank ocean type but also really shitty early 2000’s pop and alternative
absolutely cries to teenage dirtbag while thinking about langa
he actually really likes bts but if anyone is like “omg yeah reki you like bts right” he gets weird and defensive about it (langa thinks its cute)
he will defend his music taste until the day he dies
he also really likes showing off his playlists, mainly to langa and joe
he’s the only person besides joe who’s allowed to take over the speakers in sia la luce, partially because hes the only one with a music taste thats slightly tolerable by everyone else and partially because joe has a soft spot for reki and he exploits the hell out of that fact
knows a lot of bad jpop because of his sisters
hyperpop and video game soundtracks.
thats it. thats all i got. i dont think i need to explain
he’s not much of a music guy really.
he only really listens to music in the car, and even then it’s always either on the main pop station or a classic rock station
u KNOW he listens to like. msi and icp exclusively when he’s in his shadow get up
he doesnt have time to listen to music on his own so he really only listens to whatever adam has on, but let me tell you this:
tadashi is the personification of a mitski song. i think its the perpetually somber energy
if he had the time he’d love listening to mitski, he’d really connect with a lot of her songs
it ties in a lot with my interpretation of his character so that might not make a ton of sense to everyone else
he makes me so sad i love him so much :(
seriously. listen to ‘a burning hill’ by mitski and think about tadashi and i guarantee you will cry
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mendesblurb · 3 years
Shawn Mendes x female reader
Warning: fluff, maybe grammar error and maybe some punctuation errors and maybe typos
GIF Credits to owner and maker @tannerandthesociety-backup
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It felt like it was just yesterday when you were a new transfer student entering a high school in Toronto.
You were forced to relocate to another country because your dad was offered a promotion at work. You were so happy when he conveyed the news even though you were a little sad that you had to move to another country.
First day of school was tough as nobody wanted to get to know the new kid. You were about to give up when a group of guys asked whether they could sit with you during lunch.
Because you were lonely and desperate for friends you said yes. Those guys were Shawn,Brian and Connor. Soon the four of you became inseparable, you see the thing is for other people at the school they were the three weirdos and now you were their newest member.
The three of you were there from the beginning of Shawn's music career. You were there when his vine blew up and you were all so proud when stitches went trending.
Fast forward to now, you are currently on a summer break from university and what better way to spend your break than joining your best friend’s world tour.
Today you were off to the land of the rising sun aka Japan. As soon as you reach your seat, all you want you to do is take a nap. But unfortunately that was just impossible as you were sitting in next to Brian and Connor.
��Guys please let me sleep.” You whinnied
“Nope, Y/N you're so busy with boring University assignments and now we can finally catch up with each other .” Brian said
“Hey Y/N, what’s stopping you two?” Connor asked
“What do you mean?” You said in lazy tone and eyes still closed
“Let me rephrase it for you my dear, do you or do you not still have feelings for Shawn?” Connor said cheekily
You opened your eyes immediately and said, “Connor wtf?” You said while elbowing him
“Owww, but seriously that sounds like a yes to me, right Brian?” Connor said
“Uhm without a doubt.” Brian nod his head
“Look Y/N, all I’m saying is It will be a dream come true if you and Shawn finally decide to take your friendship to the next level.” Connor said
“What are you trying to say Con, stop giving me riddles.” You whined
“All I’m saying is I know our Shawnie like you too and I have a plan to make him confess his feelings to you.” Connor said
“Whatever brilliant plan you think you have, I don’t want to know because whatever feelings I have towards him will just ruin our friendship.” You replied
“Cmon Y/N, please!” He said while giving you his puppy eyes
“I just don’t want to ruin our friendship, Con.” you said
“I pinky promise, your friendship won’t be ruined.” He said
“Fine, tell me your so-called amazing plan” you replied
“Brian, will you do the honours of explaining the plan to this amazing lady here.” Connor said
“ it would be my pleasure.” He said while giggling
The next few hours flew by and soon you were arriving at theHaneda Airport. Upon arriving the four of you and all the crew rushed to the hotel.
————The next morning———————————-
“Good morning Y/N and Con.” Shawn said in a clearly still sleepy face
Shawn was sleepy but not blind as he saw his 2 best friends standing rather close to each other. Connor’s hand was wrapped around your waist and his face was buried in your neck.
“Oh hey Shawn, didn’t see you there.” You said and immediately you turned your attention back to Connor and he whispered to your ear,”pretend I said something funny and you loved it.” In response you just giggled and Completely ignored Shawn.
Shawn felt annoyed and decided to go and find Brian. After spotting Brian, Shawn decided to approach his table.
Shawn plopped on the seat next to
Brian, resting his head in one of his hands while the other aggressively stabbed the watermelon in his bowl with a fork.
“Dude, don’t blame the watermelon when you have a jetlag!” Brian said
"I am not jetlag" Shawn mumbled through gritted teeth and annoyed expression, lifting his eyes to look at you again, gripping the fork tighter when he saw who you were with.
Brian followed his friend's eyes, and he was crossing his fingers and hoping his plan worked when his eyes landed on you. But for now he just sighed and put his hand on Shawn’s shoulder, to somehow give him support over the image of his two best friends acting all flirty toward one another.
You made your way through the hotel restaurant to find Brian’s table while holding Connor’s hand. This was part of the whole plan, you and Connor had to act all flirty with each other during breakfast.
Hey guys" You playfully greeted, reaching the table, a big smile on your face as you sat across from them.
Before Connor could sit down next yo you, he got a phone call from Andrew saying that he needs to finish editing the video now so he excused himself and went back to his room.
"Hi Y/n" Brian happily replied, lightly nudging Shawn’s elbow when he didn't say anything.
Your smile instantly replaced by a frown, when you noticed Shawn was just focused on his watermelon , avoiding your gaze. By now you wonder, whether the plan actually worked because the last thing you want is to ruin your friendship.
"So how did you guys sleep?" You awkwardly asked, focusing your curious eyes on Brian, waiting for him to tell you what was going on with Shawn.
“Uh ... not much but managed to get 6 hours" Brian said. "So, when did you get all lovey dovey with Connor?" He asked to take the attention away from Shawn, but he mentally he knew that's probably the last thing Shawn wants to hear right now.
"Oh last night Connor confessed his feelings and I said I felt the same" You smiled back again, meanwhile Shawn just choked at his glass of milk.
By now Shawn was coughing and you quickly asked, “ Shawn you okay, here have my water.”
“I’m good Y/N, thanks.” Shawn replied but still avoiding your meet your eye
“He confessed his feelings and now you guys are showing all the PDA" He teased in a mocking tone making you frown for the second time, because it wasn't a sarcastic mocking tone, it was a mean mocking tone.
"I mean he is proud to say that He has feelings for me and now he just wants other people to know about our love too so I will say it’s a sweet gesture he likes and I really enjoy it too" You defended yourself, and Shawn just chuckled.
"I'm pretty sure that's just a rebound,I mean we're talking about Connor, He makes everyone think he has moved on from his ex and Y/n, I'm sure he just wants to have a tour fling to show his ex." Shawn proudly said
"So you're saying I'm just some fling for him?" You asked, ignoring the way your heart ached from Shawn who was thinking so low of your other best friend.
"What I'm saying is the guy still constantly talks about his ex , so my advice is you shouldn't be that excited about your new relationship status because he'll just end up going back to his ex.” He stated while obviously still clouded by jealousy.
"Seriously why can’t you be happy that I end up with Connor, Mendes" You painfully said, before getting up from the table and leaving your bowl of cereal behind and you went back to your room.
Jealousy could trigger many things and you certainly didn’t expect Shawn would say that about Connor.
“Mendes, when was the last time she called you that?” Brian said
Mendes, you only call him that whenever you are upset with him. And now he realised that he too was blinded by the jealousy that he didn’t monitor all the words coming out of his mouth.
“ You know what I still can’t believe, I am still surprised that a guy like you could write so many songs but can never truly say anything to the person who inspired all the songs.” Brian shook his head in disapproval and left Shawn all alone at the hotel restaurant.
…………………….Later at rehearsal…………………..
Part B of the plan was for you and Connor to arrive together at the rehearsal but also you need to arrive a little late to build some type of tension, at least this theory was stated by Brian.
“Okay everyone let’s take 5, before we start.” Shawn said to the band, “Brian where‘s Y/N?” He asked
“I don’t know probably, with Connor.” Brian replied
After rehearsing for 2 songs you finally arrived at the venue with Connor.
Usually during all rehearsals or concerts you will give your full attention to Shawn and after every song you would give him a thumbs up and clap for him.
Today however it was different as he looked across the stage he saw you sitting in Connor’s lap and giggling at his cheesy jokes.
Shawn felt heartbroken when he saw you, his girl, well not exactly, his girl that isn't his but is his ... the girl he loved forever... anyway, when he saw you laugh with someone that wasn't him his heart instantly dropped.
Especially when that someone was Connor Brashier, I mean he knew that Connor was aware of his feelings toward you and he didn’t expect this type of betrayal from Connor of all people.
———- The day of the concert——————————
Today was the big day, usually Shawn felt excited because he was about to meet all his fans but today he couldn’t concentrate, he kept thinking whether things could turn out differently if he confessed his feelings sooner. Would you feel the same? One thing for sure is he would be on cloud nine if you felt the same way he did.
“Shawn, you ready?” Andrew asked
“Yeah, yeah sure.” He said clearly distracted
“Hey.” You said entering the dressing room
“Y/N, what are you doing here?” Shawn asked
“Am I not allowed to wish my best friend a goodluck?” You asked.
“Whatever Y/N just go and be with Connor.” He said
“Look Shawn I think there’s something you should know.”
“Look Y/N, I need to focus on rehearsing my lyrics so please don’t distract me.”
“Shawn I’m sorry if I ever was a distraction, I’ll be outside if you need me.” You said trying to hold back your tears
“Y/N wait! I’m sorry I didn’t mean that it’s just you’re a distraction because dammit I am in love with you and I understand that you’re with Connor now and I just think you should know how I feel about you .” He said
“Shawn I’m not with Connor, I mean the whole thing was them trying to prove to me that I wasn’t the only one who felt that way towards you… the truth is I have loved you since high school if I’m being honest.” You confessed
The next few minutes was a blur as Shawn got up from his seat to kiss you…. what you didn’t know was that the dressing room door was open and Connor and Brian were standing there.
Seeing that Brian grabbed the door handle and closed the door.
Standing at the side stage, Connor happily said, “we did it bro.”
“Damn right we did.” Brian sighed happily and they fist bumped each other.
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harrysgoldenline · 4 years
can i get a harry one shot where you are really insecure about the whole album/ camille thing and u talk to sarah about it and ur crying and harry notices and comes over but u run away and sarah tells him everything and he comes to find you but you pretend like ur fine but he sees through it and he goes off on this lone speech about how much he loves you and how ur the only person he will ever love and u both are just happy it’s out and the open and a happy ending ?
OMG MY FIRST REQUEST!! YES OF COURSE! I REALLY REALLY REALLY HOPE YOU LIKE IT ! and if anyone else has any requests, send them my way!!! :)
My Muse
Y/N was distraught.
She loved Harry, his music, his career and could not be more proud of him, his success and who he has become.
Although, she was struggling.
This whole album has been about Harry discovering himself, who he is... but also about his ex-girlfriend Camille.
Y/N knew about Harry everything he went through after their relationship ended, he was struggling greatly. They met around half a year after the break up, but she could see Harry was still struggling. She could see how he would keep to himself around new people, especially out in public. He was quite and wouldn’t speak out much, very different then how their mutual friend, Sarah had always described him.
Sarah has always talked highly of him, being in his band they grew very close and she often got to see how he went through his different writing processes. She saw him before and after shows and she knew him before and after Camille. Something Y/N could not relate to.
As time passed, the two got together, forming what their friends called a power couple. Harry and Y/N were completely inseparable, growing closer and closer as each day passed.
Harry opened up to her a few months into the relationship, sitting her down and letting her know exactly what happened in the relationship and why it was so difficult for him when it ended. He told her that since it was a huge part of the album, he might have to talk about it a bit, without saying names of course but she knew that everyone else already knew who he was going to be talking about.
“It’s okay, Harry. I totally understand. Don’t worry about it.” She would always say, giving him a smile and a soft kiss onto his jawline.
Y/N wasn’t lying, she did understand why and she didn’t want him to worry about her, not now. Not when his second album is taking off, hitting the top of the charts in preorder alone.
She did enjoy the majority of interviews. Hearing him tell funny stories of the writing process, or always getting emotional as he opens up about finding himself, his true sound and how he doesn’t feel like he needs to hold back anymore. But interview after interview, it got harder. Hearing him talk about the love he felt and then the unbearable pain after it was gone. She felt inadequate. Wondering if nothing went wrong, where would she be? Would Harry still fall for her when Sarah introduced him like he said he did?
Although, Y/N never brought up these concerns to him. Especially after the album drop he was on top of the world, explaining how he has never felt happier and more free, but she couldn’t help thinking if he would be happier with her by his side instead.
“Y/N, are you alright?” A voice brings her out, looking up and seeing Sarah standing there at the door, offering her a soft smile.
“Oh hi! Yeah, I’m totally fine don’t worry about me.” She nodded, looking back at the monitor, watching Harry messing around on stage with Mitch after finishing up a soundcheck nearly a minute ago. They often liked to stay for a while, messing around on stage, this often gave Sarah and Y/N sometime to catch up as their boys hung out together.
“Are you sure, sweetheart?” She asked, eyebrows furrowing as she sat next to her on the couch, “Cmon (Y/N), you know you can trust me with anything.”
“How’d Harry do?” She asked, trying to ease in, hearing Harry strum in the background to Cherry, causing Y/N to bite her bottom lip.
“Good... was just a sound check. Everything running fine- seriously what’s going on?” Sarah insisted, interrupting herself.
“What was he like? With her?”
A silence fills the room until Sarah let’s out a sigh, muttering a soft ‘oh honey’ before scooting closer, arms going around her friend protectively. Sarah knew she was struggling, but with it being such a difficult subject, she didn’t want to pry too much. She wanted to wait until Y/N was ready to confide in her, but instead she bottled it up.
“Fuck, sorry I shouldn’t have asked thats... sorry it’s none of my business.” Y/N quickly says, forcing a laugh and wiping her eyes, standing up quickly and going to look for her purse.
“You have nothing to apologize for. I know how hard this has been for you.” Her friend agrees, standing and following her, “have you and Harry talked about it? Talked about how this has been for you?”
Y/N shook her head, biting her lip hard as her eyes were squeezed shut, knowing if she spoke a word she would break down, she had been holding it in for too long.
“Do you wanna talk about it with him?”
She shrugged at this, honestly not knowing the answer. If she did, she didn’t know if Harry would stop all together, making his album less authentic or If he would be upset she held it in, or even said anything about it at all. But she genuinely didn’t know if she could hold it in any longer.
“You can tell me.” Sarah nodded, hugging her tightly, “let it out.”
“It hurts” Y/N breaks, letting out a sob, “it seems like- like all he talks about is her! And I know he wrote this whole thing before we met and- do you think he still loves her?”
“Y/N, no.” She says, pulling her back and wiping the tears from her friends face, “I’ve seen this man before, during and after both of you, and I have never seen him this happy. Ever”
She shakes her head, not believing her. “It can’t be me. It’s the album, the success! He’s himself now, so that’s what’s making him happy. I didn’t help him- she did.”
“Y/N stop” Sarah demanded, grabbing her shoulders and moving her hair out of her face, “Harry is in love with you! I remember him coming to me, asking me for advice when you went out on your first date.”
She shakes her head, disbelief and doubt being pumped through her veins, “it just doesn’t make sense! Look at her and then look at me. Who would you choose?”
“Stop.” She argues, rolling her eyes, “she’s skinnier and prettier and older! She’s way older than me, way older than him. Is that what he wants? I’m younger than him, Sarah. Young enough where there’s a million articles about it.”
“You’re going to make yourself sick if you don’t calm down.” Sarah demands, “please? Just calm down and we can talk about this. What does your age have to do with anything? You’re so beautiful, Y/N.”
“No, I should stop. Mitch and Harry will be back any second.” She sniffles, looking at herself in the mirror and sighing, dabbing at the skin around her eyes to try and depuff them.
“You can’t hold this in.” Sarah whispers, hugging her friend again, “please? Talk to me?”
“I love him and it’s scary because I don’t know-“ Y/N begins but quickly stops, hearing her boyfriends loud laughter, soon getting louder as he opened the door.
Y/N shoots Sarah a sympathetic look, silently begging her to remain quiet and not say a word, which she nods, giving Mitch and Harry a smile as they walk in the door, each boy going to each of them.
“Hey babe!” Harry smirks, kissing her before pulling back, eyebrows furrowing together and he lowers his voice, “are you alright? You look like you’ve been crying.”
“I’m okay!” She smiles, “poked my eye when I was fixing my makeup. Anyways, what are you guys up to?”
“We were gonna go grab some food before the show! Where do you wanna go?” He asks, hands going around her waist.
“Oh I’m not hungry.” She quickly responds, “been feeling a bit off all day so I might stay behind. I wanna feel better for your show.”
Harry frowns, pulling her closer to him before leading her out of the lounge room, leaving Mitch and Sarah as they continue their own conversation. Harry leads her off to his private dressing room.
“What’s up?” He frowns, lifting his hand to her face and rubbing her cheek softly, “what happened?”
“Nothing, Harry.” She smiles, her heart growing at his concern. Yet, she knows she can’t tell him. Not now, hours before his mini Fine Line show in London. The last thing she wants to be is a distraction, “don’t worry about me, really! And I feel like I’ve been budging in too much, go bond with the band!”
“You’re not interrupting anything. I want you here.”
“I know and I appreciate that, really, love being around you and everybody.” She giggles, “but I’m not gonna be there the whole tour and I gotta get used to that.”
“I wish you could be.” He frowns, pulling her right against his chest, “always want you next to me.... or below me.”
“Harry!” She laughed, pulling back and playfully pushing him, “you’re crazy.”
“Crazy for you, my love.” He dopily smirks, kissing her, softly.
She giggled against his lips, pulling him closer for another, each kiss making her worries drift further and further away. Mind reeling as his hands fall down her waist, gripping her bum as he pushes her closer, his lips falling down to her neck.
“Hey man, Sar-“ Mitchs voice causing them to jump away from each other, the three of them turning red as he clears his throat, “Um- sorry. I was just saying that Sarah said she’s gonna take a nap before the show too so I think it’s just just gonna be us and the other guys.”
“Sounds good!” He smirks, feeling a bit smug after what Mitch just walked in on, he turns back to Y/N, tucking a hair behind her ear, “you can stay in here if you want, lock the door and take a nap or whatever you need. Nobody should bother you and I’ll be back before you know it. Okay?”
She nodded, thanking him before pressing a kiss to his lips, “I love you, Harry.”
“I love you more, babygirl.” He smiles, kissing the top of her head before waving goodbye, following Mitch out.
She sighs, falling back on the couch and closing her eyes, mind muddled with confusion. Moments like that make her feel so silly, wondering why she ever worried in the first place. She does trust Harry, she doesn’t worry about him going out to try and find someone else, but she always wonders if he prefers to be with her, just has Y/N because he doesn’t have that option anymore.
She can’t help but lay awake, spending many sleepless nights just comparing herself to her. Camille was beautiful, and nobody could deny that. She had such grace and Y/N felt like her French accent and demeanor made her much more interesting then her own plain American ways. She wonders if Harry wishes Y/N was older, rather than being multiple years younger. She wondered if it annoyed him, bothered him that she had a great lack of experience. Harry was all she’d ever known and all she wants forever.
But did he feel the same? Did he actually love her? Does he actually find her as beautiful as he said? She found it hard to believe, especially seeing all he has had in the past. It makes her feel guilty, guilty for feeling so upset and hurt by seeing and hearing about people he was with prior, even though they’d never met at the time.
The door swings open, startling her and causing her to jump and heart to pound as she prepared what she would say next to Sarah, but it wasn’t her, it was Harry.
“What? What are you doing here?” She rushes, clutching her chest to try and calm her racing heart, I thought you were going to get food? Did you forget something?”
“Yes.” He mumbles, sinking down onto the couch next to her and holding her face in his hands, “I forgot to tell you how important you are to me. More than any album, place on the charts, anything.”
“W-what? Where is this coming from, Bubs?”
“Sarah told me what you said to her.” He frowns, eyes sparkling, “and I’m the biggest fucking arsehole I didn’t stop to talk to you about it once. To stop and actually ask you about it.”
“Harry, really, I’m just being-“
“Y/N listen, you are the best thing to ever happen to me. You’re my person. You’re it for me.” He whispers, leaning his forehead against her, tears forming in her eyes as she’s filled with so many emotions, “you gotta believe me, lovie.”
“I love you, Harry.” She sniffles, “I believe you, I’m sorry.”
“Don’t apologize, you didn’t do anything wrong. This is all my fault. I should’ve talked to you more, I didn’t even think about how hard this would be for you, I’m so sorry.” He rambles, “you are the love of my life Y/N. Yes, I was in love before but this? With you? It’s so strong and real and terrifying. I’ve never felt this before. I want to be with you. Forever. Nobody else. And I cannot begin to tell you how sorry I am to not have made that clear.”
“I should’ve told you from the beginning how I felt.” She admits, “I don’t want you to stop talking about it in interviews if that’s what you want to say, you should say it. It’s just really hard to hear you talk about her all the time.”
“I’m sorry my love. I don’t deserve you, don’t deserve your support.” He whispers, kissing her hands, “I am so beyond lucky to have you. You are the most beautiful, kind, considerate woman in the whole world. I don’t know how I got you.”
“Stop it.” She blushes, bringing her hands away from his lips and up to his face, shaking her head in disbelief, wondering how he even existed, “you are truly the most perfect man.”
“Now you stop.” He chuckles, cheeks turning pink, “I’m praising you here... really though love. You are my muse. I have millions of songs written about you.”
“Really?” She whispers, eyes wide, “you’re not just saying that?”
“What do you think Mitch and I are doing all the time?” He laughs, “we make Sarah go because we know she’d tell!”
“Well you’re right, because she told you what I said after I told her not too.” She blushes, looking down at her lap.
“Oh stop that you know she did the right thing.” He laughs, dragging her a bit closer to him so her legs lay over his lap, “Honestly, I was scared to show you them, thought I was open before wait till you hear these.”
“Can I? Can I hear them? Please?”
“I guess since you have good manners.” He smirks, pulling her on top of him. She giggles and he pulls her onto his lap, “you can hear ‘em all. Don’t know what I was waiting for... guess I was just scared?”
“Of what, Bubby?” She frowns, arms resting around his shoulders as she looks up at him.
“I don’t know... I just... I know you’re the one, so it’s kinda scary I guess...not knowing if you feel the same.”
“I do.” She squeaks, “I love you so much- wanna be with you forever.”
“Yeah?” He smirks, squeezing her hips tight causing her to squeal, falling into him, “I’ve been yours since the day we met. You inspire me, Y/N. You are my muse. I’d choose you over anyone. You are my priority.”
He leans in, kissing her softly, almost as if he was afraid of breaking her in two. His lips fell to her neck, sucking on her favorite spot and her grip tightened on him, head falling to the side a bit and she lets out a soft whimper.
“Harry, please...” she squeaked, hips pressing down into him involuntarily.
“I’m gonna take care of you.” He whispers lowly, pulling up the bottom of her dress and over her head, “gonna take care of you until the day I die, my love.”
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imperiusv · 5 years
IV - Raging, This is the End
I loved that vacation on the sea just you and me, i always wanted to go to that place with someone since I was a child, it was really special to me and i loved that you enjoyed it , food was shit tho and it wasn’t as good as I remembered, but well worth it with you. After/before that i quit my job to study for the exams, i knew shitty days were coming and they were, but I had to do that, there was no other way, that job was a dead-end , draining my energy and abilities and opportunities, I had to graduate, I knew this would fuck us money wise and relationship wise, I would be way more needy,angry and would probably lead  straight down the rabbit hole , but I had to do it. In those days it was really hard for me, as you weren’t understanding at all , showed zero patience towards me and generally made me feel ever worse, that’s how i knew you weren’t the right for me , you just weren’t there for me, like you kept doubting me for everything, like doing business or having kids, that time when your period was really late, this drove me so far away from you, i was really disappointed and stopped loving you so much, i think that was the moment i started losing you for real, step by step,slowly over the course of an year. We went to Hamburg to visit my family that was nice , really thoughtful of you, I will go soon again, as i haven’t seen them ever since. Rome was good too, just that thing with the black guys was horrible, at that moment i didn’t realize what had happened, I was just so disgusted that i wanted to get away from them, I didn’t see that you got hurt or felt like that and do regret it to this day, its one of the things i really messed up.There we had a good time , we should have done more fun stuff, but i guess i was in a different mentality back then.That surprise i made for your birthday , i really put so much effort into it, I was thinking like stuff from our shared past and to make a trip down memory lane, i hope you didn’t sell the necklace, i see that you still wear the bracelet, I am happy that you do. The weekend getaway for our anniversary was nice, we should have done that way more often, i kinda regret now that i didn’t get my shit together to get a driving license, but i was just fucking worried how am i gonna cope with money and having a car, again the fucking money thing, i realize now how much of a problem not having enough money is , it gives you stress, makes you worry about a lot of stuff, stops you from doing things and prevents you from enjoying yourself, which adds up slowly over time and generates even more shit ,arguments and bad vibes. Slowly i was getting my shit together, i had graduated , my fucking internship was almost over , i was going to job interviews, which were all really bad,it was really draining on and when i finally thought i was gonna get shit done for good, like get a good law job,getting a driving license, fix my relationship with you, at which time it was already apparent to me that there was a problem i had been ignoring for quite some time and we were slipping   and finally  do what i thought i wanted to do and be happy,of course not even one of those things came to fruition ,everything came crashing down again .The whole driving test was rigged, they fucked me in the ass for money, over complicating absolutely everything, you being less and less understanding,cold and distant and increasingly more toxic and what hit the worse was the realization of post graduate life  that, you wont make any money and your life will be shit, thank you for studying for 6 long years , here is less money than a fucking cleaning lady, but yeah it says MR LAW in front of your name, shit i was gonna even be a detective, good thing i didn’t go down that path or how you were telling me to go for lawyer and we will manage with your salary and scraps from my dad, fuck what a shit show that would have been. You have no idea how shitty it was looking for a job and getting shit from interviewers and going on about ridiculous  job offers, because you and my dad were pressuring me, praise the Emperor I didn’t let that shit get to me, which was the difference between us , that i never listened to my parents, even though you always  made fun of me about being a little bitch and listening to my dad, nope, I am not you and I really really really hated how dependent on your parents opinions you were , how you made so much efforts to please them , although you thought you didn’t , you did a lot. Every time you went there for the holidays i would get pissed, because i wanted quality time with you, not to go to my fucking town and listen to my dad and his dumb as wife bullshits , it just drained me so much, being away from you, I should have embraced it and be happy for the alone time, but instead i missed you, which only shows how much I truly loved you. Standing in the cold in the frozen wind I’m leaving you behind but it’s not the end No, no, no Walking on a plane as I hold my breath It’s gonna be weeks till I breathe again How can someone not get depressed after so much shit coming their way, now when i look back I can’t blame myself that much for being like that, I mean i still blame me of course, I should have handled it better, but definitely i look with more kindness on myself going back over this period of my life, Nobody , literally nobody understood me, not even my dad, brother, friends , not even you, it was horrible , funny thing is now my friends are going through the same shit and my brother kinda is as well and they see , but back then no one even tried or made an effort, it was just nagging and bullshit and putting more and more pressure on me in a moment that i needed support and understanding.So in this shitstorm a trip with your parents was the last thing on my mind, but i could not go, you would go crazy and they would be offended, probably it would have been way better if i had not came. I really tried with them, I still can’t figure out why they never liked me. Maybe they knew i was a bad match for you and you had to keep it up with me or God knows why, it doesn’t even matter anymore of course, like most things.I was annoyed by them in that moment,but i was annoyed by everyone and everything you knew that and i still kept face and behaved, I helped them, i was useful and nice, except for groping your ass and fucking you like crazy, but WTF you were my girl, of course i would do that, Jesus fucking Christ, this was/is so  fucking ridiculous.Slowly over those months i could feel you slipping completely, you started to disrespect me a lot  and slowly  i went from your top priority, lol like that ever was true, to bottom line priority, you would prioritize time with your dumb ass bitch friends than spend time with me,the most absurd thing was that we would have fights that we don’t do anything and go anything, but so convenient, you would work on the weekends, the next one you would have lectures, the third one you would go see your mamma, and the 4th one in the month , you would be meh, lets go eat pizza, I’m tired and i wanna rest, which for me was okay , i loved taking you to restaurants, not the same five places of course, we could have tried more stuff, but every week we went out , the problem was you were bitching we don’t do shit and it was your fucking fault and i don’t blame you, i was bad company at the time , its normal to not wanting to spend time together, sadly i needed time alone, we should have split then, until i figure my shit out, that was the only way , but i was too weak to leave you, too desperate to hold on to our dying toxic relationship ,but If i had left you back then , we would still be together, how paradoxical that is, but it is God honest truth, but I’m glad that did not happen, because we would end up having kids or getting married and one day i would wake up and be like what the fuck is going on with my life and why am I with this women, who is clearly not worthy of me, as cmon you never were, not just looks and intelligence, but also your behavior , character and vibe, you are unstable , unreliable and untrustworthy and very volatile ,not someone who would want to have kids and build a future together for sure, good for some time,yes you were not right for me at all , but let me get that CRYSTAL CLEAR that doesn’t change the FACT that i loved you more than anything. Everybody around you was hating me , of course you would start to do the same ,for their own selfish reasons, your boss, he was jealous of me, the fat fucker, that i would get that ass every night and he can’t see his dick from his fat belly, but i didn’t give a damn about that porker, i have no idea why you thought i was jealous of him or whatever, an absurd notion. Back then i didn’t think you could fall so low like you are now, but to be honest you always had an affinity for gross disgusting guys , e.g Romane, Lazslo , that guy you used to date before, most of your male friends, I do believe they made you feel better and more secure, because you felt better than them and you did not have to put so much effort in it or worry about it , or feel bad and be willing to work for it. I saw that pattern even back then and from your conversations with your mom , I think you were raised like that as well, to be mediocre and settle for less , just so you don’t get burned by the fire, which is really sad, but hey , its only your life choices, so who cares. My step brother’s prom came and it was like a really weird spin of fate, two years before that was my brother’s prom and we were so happy ,not pretending, this time around,  we just looked happy in the photos and were pretending that everything was okay, which all my family noticed, sadly except for me , but to be honest i knew where we were headed , I just didn’t want to accept it , I used to talk with my dumb ass friend from my town over the phone, going on at great length , how much you are not for me and how much better it would be if we split, but i still had hope that we might get over this and things will be different , that you are different and I am not right, its only a temporary thing and so on and so on, what a fool for you and your love I was. After that your behavior grew increasingly erratic, you would pick fights with me for the slightest of things, complain about everything, nag and blab all the time. I was so worried at that time for securing employment and my upcoming last exam , that i scarcely took notice of said behavior  , which for the time was the exact thing i should have done, but as my mind cleared i focused on the things you were saying and complaining about, which was my complete downfall, trying logic and reason with you, when obviously you were doing it on purpose or perhaps you weren’t ,but it came from your deep underneath your  consciousness, in a way to force me to leave you , because you could not do it yourself. Those last months were horrible, constant bickering and fighting , i was gonna give you a meme - toxic is good , toxic is great , but we split before i managed to send it. This was quite visible and from the time we spend together or more correctly we did not, you would be at work or drinking with your slut friends , who more than anything wanted you to be single, it’s not normal for your girlfriend to get drunk, especially when she know she has a drinking problem, lol that was joke. But yeah it wasn’t normal that you would go out at noon to drink with you friends and come home at ten , knowing that this is our only free day we should rather spend it together doing something just the two us or with other people,but us together, that was my problem, not you drinking with your friends or in generally getting wasted, problem at the time of course, as I needed you, now if i was in the same situation it wouldn’t be a problem , i would just do the same with my friends or dump your disrespectful ass, you have no idea how low my tolerance for bullshit has become, if you think i was bad before, you should look at me now, I am perfectly aware of who I am, my self worth and self imagine, I am not gonna let anyone, let one some dumb ass bitch fuck with me or walk over me, its either my way or the fucking highway, you wanna be part of my life, my good vibes and self amusement mindset, have a good time, then you must contribute , you must bring something good to the table as well, if not , okay , good luck out there and hope you find what you are looking for. This has been my mindset lately and it has worked wonders for my mental state and happiness. No one cares about that tho , so lets move on  to the action part-  APOCALYPSE  Ever since i started working ,I was hoping things were gonna go improve and we might pull through , but nah, you were already set on breaking up and looking for another guy , that better looking guy from your work that split with his girl didn’t go for you, because he probably saw what you were and you took a liking into gorrila joe , he does look like a monkey to be honest or Mr. disgusting like we like to call him, he was giving you free attention, validating you and boosting your fragile ego and you decided why would you bother with me when you can have this wimp in your legs and walk over him , why try hard when you can go easy and let go of yourself and just give him the only thing you had of value, hidden between your legs. I remember when i met him for the first time, how he looked frightened, we were still together, he knew i knew what was up, but i did not believe you would fall so low and just disregarded him , i mean cmon this guy was so fucking disgusting, how could you even... Just before the end you would go into the most ridiculously arguments , like why i don’t want friends, it was none of your business and i have friends, i just didn’t seem them because of you , you would bitch and moan if I did and generally hated them and other stupid things you would fight with me, i knew the end was coming, as this shit has happened before with another , just a short explanation here, the moment we split she started writing me , sending me cringy snapchats videos of her, for the sole reason i can’t record them or SS , with stupid quesitons how are you doing and so on , my friends said i should fuck her to make you feel bad, but that whore was absolutely disgusting to me, i only entertained the idea of talking with her to get the old photos that got deleted, THAT WAS THE ONLY REASON, she was so insignificant and inconsequential to me that i wouldn’t even care if she would come butt ass naked to my doorstep begging for cock, i would laugh and go to the gym, she appeared again in this story 6 months later, but thats or the last chapter, if  she is reading this by any chance , just fuck off, you are a bad memory i erased long ago, like some dumb school project that you did ages ago, exactly can’t remember, doesn’t matter fuck off. But let’s not get too far ahead of ourselves, we went to that nice Italian restaurant  and the whole time you were complaining and bitching about stuff , you made an effort not to agree with anything , i don’t want here i don’t want there, stupidity and disrespected pilled up with shit. I finally decided to act, so when we went home i confronted you and asked whats up, you were afraid again to tell me, didn’t have the courage to step up and say the truth , so you gave me the bullshit idk if we should be together, this was the defining moment , I showed you the door and told you to fuck off, you started crying and this was my biggest failure and mistake, that i thought you were different, i felt really bad and sorry for you and said to myself this is my girl i should try to fix it, but no dumbass , it was already unfixable and way too broken for me to repair, the only way this shit was gonna go down my way was if i had dumped you as i first told you to pack you stuff and leave,but my feelings for you again got the better of me . You picked the perfect moment for that of course, i was sick and was feverish , I couldn’t think straight at all , if i was okay , things would have been different and i wouldn’t have been that broken, but yeah my mistake again for putting my faith in you. You lied to me that you love me and said we will work things out, a blatant lie , knowing that you were gonna pack your shit and vanish the day after that , as you do best. And the most disgusting thing was that you were still making plans with me to go to Greece and on a holiday, using for the last time, before we go our separate ways, maybe your guilt got in the way or me pushing you too hard, otherwise you would have stayed for longer with me and God forbid , if we stayed together until the winter, stop me from coming here or we could have pushed through and made it ,who knows, Praise the Emperor that things went the way the did, for me to see you as the person you really are, not that perfect image i had of you.
We finally arrive to that day 29 of August, from the morning i knew something wasn’t right I could sense you, even thought , the last night we slept together i just knew this was it, I could feel it , i asked to leave work earlier and headed home ,but it was already too late as i entered the door my heart fell andwhat happened after that I will cover in the last chapter of your story.
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flamebrain · 5 years
mattfoggy hcs, straight from the bastard empire sorry these all read like shitepostes(L O N G post under cut you’ve been warned)
WTNV au:
nightvale is just populated by like. vigilantes and other poewered people and foggy shoes up one day like. hey anyone need a lawyer? and the whole town falls in love w him
matt does radio and talks about foggys perfect hair and perfect teeth and foggy calls in like "heh, thanks dude, but aren't you like blind?" and matt shuts the call off immediatley
everybody knows matt is daredevil because he makes wink wink nudge nudge comments about it like 'ah. it appears that an entity has appeared near the dog park. castle appears to be on the scene now, and...ok, he's got a gun. i cant do anything about that, but my pal (noises of him scrambling and obviously knocking things over) daredevil might be able OKHERESTHEWEATHER" and it cuts off and like. he shows up 5 seconds later to kick frank in the face for using lethal measures AGAIN
EVERY TIME IT CUTS TO THE WEATHER AND THEN CUS BACK AND THE PROBLEM HAS BEEN SOLVED ITS JUST MATT. like. breathing just a little heavier than normal into the mic like. 'so it appears uh. the issue has been resolved thanks again to daredevil and his pal moon knight. such a shame i had to cower under my desk while the weather was on. ok goodnight'
the funky thing abt nightvale in this au is that it's basically just like. new york from 616 but foggy's like. from our earth so he's like HWAT THE FUCK AND AHIT IS GOING ON IN HERE ON THIS DAY AND WHY CANT I LEAVE he gets kidnapped by super villains on like his second day in town and immediatley regrets every life choice he's ever made
matt works at nightvale radio by day and conviently cuts to the weather every time something comes up so sometimes there's like. 7 half hour weather broadcasts a day and the townspeople just. humor him
foggy falls in love with matt after figuring out after .5 seconds that he's daredevil and he saved him from a bunch of baddies on like his second day and matt compliments him on the radio like every day and yeah they're fuckin good ok assorted stupid college hcs: matt and foggy like to chill in each other's beds. foggy doesn't notice that often because matt moves back b4 he gets back and matt pretends not to notice but  like. he can smell foggy was there. foggy. stop napping in this bed you're making my sheets smell like you, foggy, i KNOW they're silk and i know you think you're getting away with it but you're NOT,
matt, coming back into the dorm after being out for the day: foggy are you laying on my bed foggy, sitting up straight: nah pal. just sitting on the end for a minute hehe. just had to rest the old joints matt, knowing DAMN well that he was lying down a second ago and he's obviously lying but not being able to say anything; haha ok. move
hrnnn matt knows foggy is gay long before he tells him because he catches him in a lie about who he was out with but he can't say anything and like. he knows foggy is scared to tell him but he doesn't know how to bring it up and he's like. i want him to know he can trust me but i don't know how to tell him i know please foggy
foggys heart goes a mile a minute anytime the subject of being gay comes up around matt and matt wants to yell at him that it's OK and he doesn't care but his hints that he's fine with it seem to fly right over foggys head and so one day he gets so fed up with trying to convince foggy he's chill with gay people he just kisses him. wig
hrnnn. matt doesn't like the snow because it messes with his senses and he can't see but he can't say that to foggy so he just says he doesn't like the cold and foggys like "yeah doofus you weigh like three pounds you're skin and bone compared to me smh" and insists on cuddling him every time he sees matt get like That bc he thinks he's just chilly and it's. oddly comforting to matt because yeah. nobody really Holds him like that, and he Is Cold, and foggy is Warm,
matt gets Very touchey around people he's close with and so when he gets close with foggy he puts his arm around him a lot, rests his head on his shoulder, holds his arm even when they're not going anywhere, etc. foggys heart speeds up every time but matt just assumes that's what people hearts do when that happens because he doesn't really do that with anyone else and hey, he's happy when he does it and his heart maybe spikes a little too, but then he gets someone else's arm to lead him when foggys sick one week and their heart stays the exact same, what's up with that? so then he starts paying attention to all the people on campus, and the touching doesn't usually make the hearts go wild, but, well. matt 'sees' it happens and he's like HaHa, See, This is A Thing, and then he realizes that the people that have it happen to them? they're couples. and he just. freezes because first of all, Foggy- and at him- an- and second, his heart ALSO does a thing, so-
heres a rEALLY stupid unrelated au/hc i got after hearing a friends disater story hfdjhskja matt goes on a blind (hehe) date with a girl and it's pretty much a disaster, it turns out she brought her friend who is also meeting a guy at the same place, and like. she's obviously incredibly wack she says blind people are god's mistake and stupid shit like that so matt gets up halfway through their meal to go sit in the bathroom for 20 minutes while he thinks of an excuse to leave? and eventually a guy comes in and he's like 'uh hey, dude, you in here? your date grabbed her friend and left so we're both dateless now, thats a relief for me and unless you're just having incredibly bad bowel movements i think it's pobably one for you since you Have been in here for like half an hour uh im foggy by the way' and then they go back out and sit together and talk about how wack that fuckin was and like. inadvertent date
hey i can talk a lot of shit about how matt falls asleep on foggy but. sometimes foggy falls asleep on or next to or with matt and matt goes !!!! and he does not move and then he eventually falls asleep with foggy head on his shoulder and his head on foggys and when FOGGY wakes up and realizes matts still there and is ALSO asleep he doesn't move and eventually falls back asleep and then it's just like. waiting until the time aligns that they're both awake at the same time because neither wants to move and wake the other send tweet
foggy looks up from his college bed, sees matt, and suddenly EVERYTHING is fucking rainbow and he's like 'oh fuck. oh shit. wait. this is a dude' and matt's like 'is everything ok my guy?' because foggy's like. >:O and of course he has no idea because he's blind but foggy doesnt realise this and for a hot minute he;s like "OH FUCK. ITS ONE OF THOSE RARE OCASIONS WHERE HES PERFECT FOR ME BUT I'M NOT FOR HIM," and is about to s o b before he's like wait a fucking minute
yknow the au where like. the first words you hear from your soulmate are marked on your skin at birth? foggy's are 'excuse me', absolutley common, a chance meeting, and he stops jumping every single time he hears them after age 8 when he realises just how many times that phrase is said. matt's are 'yeah, who're you looking for,'  but he doesnt remember that, there's no constant reminder of it since he's blind, the nuns wouldn't tell him, the kids made up childish shit like 'poopoo', and stick DEFINITLEY wouldnt fucking tell him because hes stick and hes an asshead and eventually matt stops asking and caring. it takes WEEKS for after they meet for foggy to ask matt about his words and matt just says 'oh yeah, i dont remember. here" and shows foggy and when he sees them he's like. 'hm. sounds familiar' and forgets about it untill like two years later theyre drunk and talking about the first time they met and matt's like 'yeah you asked like 'who'm i looking for and then panicked because i was blind' and foggy's brain just like. short circuits for a whole ass minute and then when it clicks he just goes. "yOU"
matt realises when he's still in the orphanage that mayhaps he hates being not a dude and haha! hes not gonna fucking come out to catholics he knows about That. he tries to tell stick, around the time their closest, and FUCK STICK he refuses to call him anything else or support him becaise stick is a peace of fuck shit FUCK STICK so that scars matt from coming out for a DAMN while so like. when he goes to college he introduces himself to everyone as matt and emails his proffesors like. 'hello please my name is redacted on your forms please call me matt its uh. a nickname' and he's not like. out to anyone but matt is close enought to his deadname that most people don't question it. foggy does, though, a little while after they meet, and matt is so fed up with not telling people and being called the wrong pronouns he just goes 'i want to be a guy ok' and goes absolutley APESHIT when foggy's like 'oh, cool. do you want me to use he pronouns for you' because wait. people are...ok sometimes? and matt's like. about to cry 
 alternatley: matt says "I don't wanna be a girl." and foggy goes "oh hey are you trans? same hat!" and then foggy tells matt like. binding tips and shit and theyre Good ok
deadpool kills transphobes, sm n dd just fucking beat the SHIT out of them in a back alley and like. they let DP know where they are but whatever happens happens :D
elektra, impaling two transphobes onto the side of a building with her knives: matthew, i know you can hear me, why
one day elektra sees matt has dumped a guy on her roof and just. sighs and goes back inside and matt waits for like 15 minutes before halfheartedly picking up the dude and dropping him off at franks.
matt dropped them off at nats One Time and she went apeshit and hunted down like 20 more of them.
foggy, holding a bat: cmon matt let me kill ONE matt: 'fine but if you get caught im not going to be your lawyer.'
earth 14512/TRN700 (peni parker’s universe) matt murdock has a robot seeing eye dog who's also a vigilante
hddjdsjdhdn they all show up to earth 6's foggy and he just. sighs and all the devils start crying because He Is Here
hmm ok. canonically we know nothing about miles's matt but we know he exists and is known figure because miles knows of him but doesn't know he's daredevil i'm Prefty Sure so like. i'm gonna say he's just a successful lawyer who has radarsense but never got yoinked away from the orphanage by stick and never got training so like. hemndhdjsjnow the QUESTION is who finds that matt because there's a Very Different outcome depending on if like. murderdock meets him first or the matt from hobopeters universe does
hmm. murderdock comes in first like gwen does but doesn't out himself as competent w like swords and shit. but he OH HES THE OPPOSING FORCE FOR UH A COURT CASE MATT IS IN AND MATT HAS NO IFEA HOW SIMILAR THEY LOOK BECAUSE HES BLIND HRNNNNNHSHDHDHDJ and then matt from HP's universe comes in like HEY YOURE ME RIGHT. what the FUCK i need the laws in this dimension STAT and murderdock ':"sees" him and is like ah fuck. my goose may be uhhh cooked
ok mileses matt is like 'so what brought y'all here??? hhh????  and murderdock sighs and goes well my boss who's not really my boss from MY universe is doing something stupid here and opened a dimensional portal and it could maybe tear the multiverse apart which i guess i'm not stoked about' and matt's like 'who's your boss?' and murderdock begrudgingly says 'wilson fisk' and matt immediatley goes >:O because he's CONSTANTLY defending people who were injured as a result of what fisk and his company do
anyways. matt immediatley rushes to foggys because "foggys my partner, he's helped me deal with fisk, he knows him, he can help," and he swings open the door and like. one of two things happens actually either A: foggy is like matt. MAATT. AHAT IS GOING ON WH. WHY IS THERE A TALKING DEER WEARNING SPANDEX WHO CLIMBED THROIGH MY WINDOW MATT PLEASE HE SAYS HES Y O U or like. matt walks in and deerdevil is playing pattycake with robodog and daredevil noir is incessantly flirting with foggy and when matt comes in foggys like 'hey. i don't know what's going on but i think i'm trading my best friend'
murderdock is like...the cool college student who tells freshies about weed murderdock: so, you don't know how to fight right  matt: no??? i'm blind??? md: but you can kinda see right. matt: yeah like a radar kinda md: normal blind people can't do that you know matt: they wHAT md: you can listen to heartbeats if you try hard enough. you can tell when people are lying matt: i can W H A T md: yeah. what me to teach you how to kill a man matt: W H AT NO IM A L A W Y E R WH
hrnnn the matts in this universe push our matt away to stay with foggy because he doesn't deserve 2 die and you KNOW every matt pushes people away but foggy is like. matt i know you tried it's ok i lov you buddy and he's like HRGGHHHH FUNCK YOU and makes foggy tell him stories untill he can distinguish lies and hide in a place around their office untill matt can like. find him instantly and training montage shit you feel me and he rolls up to the collider in his black pjs like "hello my fellow devil men. i hear you all have no plan. well. i don't either but i'm here" and one matt is like. how did you go-OH YOU DID IT and all the mats high five and cry a littlethey're still reluctant to let matt come help but they're all like. "we're all depressed and suicidal anyways we all have big guilt and if we didn't let him i lnOW he's gonna have big guilt forever he can stay"
foggy is a private eye, kinda depressed a lil bit, and he works w his secretary karen who helps him with tech and stuff because he is god awful at all that 
"mike whatevermaggiesmaidennameis" is an occult specialist from dark matters agency assigned by an agent natasha of dark matters to help him with his current case. 
foggy does NOT want to do this with any damn occultist or whatever the hell but before he can escape mike shows up and god DAMN is he charming and catches him before he can climb out the window, so. that's that for introductions. anyways, hijinks, elektra is cassandra, if you care listen to the murderous mask, anyhoo foggy stars to notice something is kinda weird about matt but brushes it off. they finish investigating and retrieve an important artifact.
it's cold, mike says. sorry dude, all the places near here are closed, foggy says. is your place? mike asks. oh, says foggy they go back to foggys place and maybe make out a little bit, but foggy realizes oh shit, mike just tried to steal the keys to my safe where i stored the artifact, shit, and plaxces him under arrest before he can do anything, and calls the cop cops.
they come to take mike away, and minutes later foggy finds a note, scrawled INCREDIVLY messily, in his pocket. "sorry," it says, "i wasn't tricking you about anything i said, and i meant everything i did. -matt murdock ps. check around, say, X avenue. you may have to do a bit of cleanup." when foggy checks cameras that overview there, he find the officers that took murdock from his apartment hogtied together, and sees their clothes strewn on the ground - forming letters - with love. their car is gone. PODCAST AU:
matt listens to podcasts a lot right and so foggy is like hmm mayhaps this is a good idea. but the type of podcasts they listen to differs so incredibly like matt listens to serial and the wildest one he listens to is probably judge john hodgman whereas foggy listens to shitpost podcasts like mbmbam and can i pet your dog foggy keeps referencing mbmbam around matt because he just assumes that he listens to it and matt is so confused every time and one day foggy says "damn matt you're really horny for this one huh" and matt just snaps and says FOGGY WHAT DO YOU M E AN
so then they are like oh shit you're not listening to the good ones. no YOURE not listening to the good ones. solution?  listen together which means sharing earbuds which means sitting next to eachother on small college bed which means????? cuddling
also eventually they decide fuck it. let's make our own podcast and they combine the mbmbam and jjh format so they get questions and do goofs and stuff and then give actual legal advice but sometimes foggy will be like "ok. here's what you do. you need a cat? go into the pet shelter and take one. what are the gonna do beat you up with their cat toys? didn't think so." and matt starts crying because "Fo g g y WE ARE LAWYERS I KNOW YOURE GOOFING BUT THATS ILLEGAL FOGGY YOI CANT TELL OUR LISTENERS TO GO DO CRIME"
matt has a caffeine addiction and constantly comes to foggys coffee shop and orders one black coffee every morning and foggy eventually is like. hey buddy. do you EVER drink ANYTHING F U N EVER
matts like...no...i need coffee as strong and dark as my soul... and foggys like ok edglelord. wait up i'm about to change your life
foggy makes him a latte that's just a little bit caramelly but not too sweet and he's like here. drink this. no charge you deserve to live a little. also here's your boring edgy coffee you still have to pay me for that one. matt tries it and he's like hmm. not bad, but just not. Good and foggy is like wow fuck you. i'm going to find a good drink for you that isn't this hell water so every morning matt comes in and foggy gives him a black coffee and a free Fun and Cool coffee on the house
matt always is polite even when foggy can tell he DESPISES what foggy made but he's not going to stop untill he finds something god damn it matt
ok anyways they start meeting up more. matt starts taking his breaks in the coffee shop and and foggy hmmm...always seems to have a shift off when matt comes down..hmm. coincidence....hmmm....theo suffers for him by covering all his shifts when matt comes in and he's like well, actually fuck work
eventually foggy is like hey dude. do you wanna test my drinks before they go on the menu or help me perfect my recipes and shit you have a good toungie right (matt goes apeshit, because fuckin FOGGY YOU CABT SAY THAT) but he's like haha yeah. that'd be fun. haha
and then foggy finds out matt is INCREDIBLE at baking when he hands him a cookie and matt goes. hmm. too much flour add a fourth a cup less and a pinch more of saltand he's like??? bitch. i'd like to see you do better. and then matt does
so basically every day foggy closes up a little earlier and lets matt in and they dick around in the kitchen and bake and make coffee and foggys shop gets more and more popular because hey this already really good joint just started selling the most BALLER carrot cAke waht the fucké
anyways fall comes around and foggy is like GUES WHATT ITS TIME FOR WHITE GIRL DRINKS TRY THIS and he gives matt a pumpkin spice latte and matt is like. •.• THIS IS IT. THATS THE ONE
he bullies foggy into keeping the latte on the menu by threatening to stop helping him bake and foggy is SO OFFENDED, on behalf of good taste everywhere, matt, please,
anyways foggy continues rags on matt for only liking the shittiest fucking drink god damn it matthew fucking hell i make you 3 billion and THIS is the one you pick you disaster and matt is like haha shut up. stoopid
foggy doesn't, and you can guess where this be headed because i'm gay and soft,
matt kisses him and foggys like. ?????????? and matt goes AH FUCK. I COULDNT THINK OF A BETTER WAY TO GET YOU TO SHUT YOUR MOUTH SORRY. GUESS ILL GO and foggy throws cookie dough at him and drags him back over because he's not leaving fuck that. fuck you. and then they're happy and domestic the end
wait i lied matt opens a pro-bono firm in the back of foggy's shop and he gives all his clients freshly baked dessert and coffee and he's so good at being a lawyer and foggy becomes so good @ running his shop that customers keep coming and they're the Cute Gay Couple everyone knows abt and loves
SO. there are so many god damn moments foggy nearly fucking breaks and smooches matt out of sheer unbridled uwu soft feelings. SO MANY. when they win their first mock trial together and matt looks so FUCKING happy and he tells foggy how good they work as a team and foggy is about to lose his mind but he just goes. 'haha yeah' and gives matt a fist bump they finish taking the bar: matt's had to take it in a seperate room, stupid blind accommodations. he finishes first because OF COURSE HE DOES HE'S MATT MURDOCK and the second foggy finishes and leaves the room he sees matt there and he's filled with so many emotions he's about to go apeshit but he manages to contain them JUST enough not to make out with matt on the spot but gives him the tightest fucking hug and matt's like "ok buddy! love you too! please dont break my ribs!" and foggys too happy to notice matt forgot to flinch like he didnt know foggy was coming
Foggy gets the sign to matt and he can tell how fuckin stoked matt is and all he can think about is how grateful he is that the two of them get to work together and fucking do GOOD together and he's trying to express that in his awkward foggy way and he's GOING to kiss him right then and there!! hes about to do it look out world!!! and then matt says "you're NOT going to kiss me" and foggy realises haha YEAH THATD BE A BAD IDEA HUH and jokes it off and gives matt another hug - "i'll be careful not to break the ribs this time, buddy, seems like you've been falling over and hurting yourself enough recently,"-
foggy almost kisses matt out of anger when he finds out he's daredevil, when he won't shut up about how this city needs him and foggy would have done the same and blah, blah, bullshit because maybe then he'd FUCKING listen to him, or at least it'd shut him up, but the honest betrayal he feels - at matt for not telling him and at himself for STILL having a part of him that wants to kiss matt - is enough to get him just to leave : ^)
alright. the gang is watching fisk get carted away and see that SHIT, he's broken out, of course it wasnt going to be this easy. matt puts karen in a taxi goes to run off and foggy grabs him by his coat because MATT. you're not going to go fight fisk in your god damn pajamas right now it's too dangerous you're going to die you stupid son of a bitch idiot
and of course matt doesn't listen, he tells foggy to get back into the car with karen, go to his place, they'll be safe there, and grabs his own taxi
and foggy's left to sit there with karen in the cab as it drives Oh Too Fucking Slowly to matt's, and he's mumbling curses all the way and karen is trying to calm him down, he doesnt know why he's so worried, and all foggy can think about is what if matt dies because i didnt stop him and what if karen never gets to hear it from him and about 10 billion what-ifs that wont leave him the FUCK alone, and he sits next to the windowsill he knows matt comes in through and waits, not even wanting to look at the tv because what if he sees worse news Hrgh
matt beats up fisk and he barely even waits for the cops to get there, he gets one look and confirms 'yup, that's mahoney,' and fucking BOOKS it to his apartment, he climbs through the window and foggy's just sitting there waiting, karens in the next room watching the broadcast at a 3 minute delay on her phone, matt doesnt have a tv hes BLIND >:,\
and when matt comes in, bloody and beaten up and doing That Panting Thing He Does, but definitley alive, foggy just fucking. grabs him by the shoulders and kisses him because HE IS A L I V E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! and matt is suprised but he doesnt even try to protest because he's still riding the adrenaline from the fight
anyways. foggy pulls away for air and says 'you're so fucking stupid and i hate you' and then matt kisses hIM because uhh, thats FOGGY
and it's a minute later that matt senses another heartbeat and realizes karen's standing in the doorway, and she raises an eyebrow and obviously trying not to panic asks 'uh, foggy, pray tell, buddy, why you're making out with the devil in matt's bedroom' and foggy goes apeshit and tries to think of an excuse that doesn't invole 'uh thats matt' but it just kinda comes out as some stupid shit like 'i,,, uh,,,,, secret,...affair,,?i',m....gay." and matt just sighs and pulls off his helmet like "hey karen. it's me. hey karen whats poppin its me blind matt murdock" and needless to say they all have a Lot to talk abt
so like. the first year they're together matt and foggy go out a lot, and it's mostly foggy dragging matt places and matt reluctantly coming because A) if someone doesnt watch foggy this idiot is going to puke and pass out in a ditch and B) he really like his company shh. no telling because that gay
anyways matt usually only drinks a little but foggy is mad lightweight right. he doesn't get shitfaced too often, usually only after exams or when he knows he has no classes the next day. when he does get shitfaced though he absolutley loses his shit and becomes even more touchy than usual, which is VERY TOUCHY because fuck you its my au and i get to choose the default affection levels
so basically. once foggy starts hugging matt and leaning on him and whining into his shirt about the 'hot girls' and 'killer nachos' at the party matt knows it's time to head home and foggy is too busy wrapping his arms around matt to notice he's being dragged out untill its too late
and y'know, thats fine, that's usual, all normal friend stuff, except what foggy also has a tendancy to do when he's drunk is kiss matt. sometimes its on his cheeks, or his forehead, or his shirt?? matt doesnt get that one??? and sometimes foggy even tries to go for the lips when hes particularly wilde. matt knows to expect this by the third time they go out, but it's still always a suprise when it happens, because sometimes it'll be out of nowhere when theyre walking back, or foggy'll stop matt and grab his cheeks and kiss him? sometimes they'll get all the way back to the dorm and matt will make foggy lie down and foggy will grab his shirt and pull him close enough to give him a quick peck before rolling over and promptly beggining to snore
which, y'know, is absolutley great for a maybe-gay-for-his-best-friend-catholic. what's also great is that foggy never seems to remember the fact he kissed matt the night before, and if he does, he definitley does NOT bring it up
so that's fine. whatever. thats life and matt will pretend like he doesnt care when foggy gives him a smooch because hes straight and loves girls and jesus christ, no homo, amen
but THEN. . then matt and foggy have been studying for exams for weEKS and theyre FINALLY DONE, FINALLY, and they are both going to get wasted out of their mINDS you better BELIEVE IT
so they do! and eventually they stumble back to their dorm together and sit together on the floor with a half-downed bottle of tequila and matt decides fuck it. he tells foggy he's never kissed a guy and foggy is like "haha cool. i have." matt's like "haha was it good" and foggys like "hell yeah man better than girls" so matts like hmm. "foggy i think i want to kiss a guy" and you can guess where this is goin
foggy is an oblivious little shit and just thinks matt's having a gay awakening so he's like "oh cool" and matt starts vibrating at inhuman frequency because FOGGY THIS IS THE ONE TIME I"M BASICALLY ASKING YOU TO DRUNK KISS ME AND YOU D O N T" so he just goes "haha yeah." and foggy's like "haha yeah"
and then matt chugs the bottle of tequila and says "foggy i think i wanna kiss you" and then he does but he's a good christian and also stupid so he just like. goes mwah on foggy's cheek
and foggy stares at him for like 15 seconds before basiclly challenging him to 'kiss him like a man, murdock, how are you supposed to get the gay experience if you dont go all in' and then they make out for like 20 minutes and life is good
(they both wake up w the worst fucking hangovers and theyre passed out on the floor and matt's like "foggy....im gay..." and foggys like "haha do you remember i kissed you" and matts like "????foggy i kissed YOU" and foggys like "oh yeah you did. you should have done that earlier" and matts says "????you were too busy trying to kiss me" and foggy goes "oh haha i was. cool" and then they fall back asleep...then they.....boyfriend.s)
so. matt is a florist and he runs a little shop across the street from an empty piece of real estate. a tiny place that used to be a deli but had just the WORST sandwiches, it was no wonder they closed down, god damn. anways. matt runs his shop with his best friends kirsten and karen who have IMPECCABLE taste in flowers and less impeccable taste in impulse control and not being huge lesbians.
one day this dude pulls up into matt's shop. his request is maybe the strangest matt's ever heard - 'can you get me two bouquets of like, the most metal flowers you have? like, ones that just look super cool but also, yknow, smell super good and sick and shit?' 
matt laughs, and tells the guy that yeah, he can't help with the looks part, but he'll make sure to get him some that smell 'quote' sick and shit, come back tomorrow morning and they'll have some ideas-hey, what are these for anyways?
and the guy tells him, oh, hah, i'm moving in across the street, opening a little tattoo place? wanted some flowers to make it seem more, uhh....welcoming. matt laughs and says yeah, sure, cool, and tells him if he has anymore questions to call the store and ask for matt. the guy tells him if he ever wants a tattoo just cross the street and ask for foggy and unless the flowers matt gives him really suck he won't do him dirty and tattoo a dick on him
so anyways, they have a couple meetings, foggy decides on the flowers he wants and thanks matt and tells him hey, he should come check out the shop, it's opening tomorrow, and foggy wants to be able to point to the guy who did the sick florals. matt doesnt have anything better to do and he likes the sound of this guy's voice so hell, he might as well
when he goes over matt realizes oh shit. he really is out of his element here, but he asks the guy at the counter for 'foggy' and is led over to  a corner where foggy's sitting and tattooing...himself? and matt realizes hey. i kind of have no idea what this dude looks like
so he sorta. sits there awkwardly untill he asks like. 'uh. i cant actually see what youre doing' and foggy goes OH IM SO FUCKING STUPID. i'm. man, saying this out loud seems kinda really stupid and cheesy i cant believe i have to do this...i'm....it's one of the flowers in the bouquet you made me....i just thought it looked really neat and smelled good and it....kinda reminds me of you and OK i KNOW that sounds really weird we met like 4 days ago BUT you seem super cool and i kinda hope we can maybe like. be friends or hang out or something,
and matt's like. o//////o yeah okay. uh. thats cool. thats cool uh im sure the flower is really pretty haha i love that type haha UH DO YOU WANT TO GET LUNCH OR SOMETHING haha maybe ill get a flower tattoo one day its pretty cool that you do tattoos UH IM FREE TOMOROW WAIT MAYBE THATS TOO SOON IM SORRY UH IM FREE WEDNESDAYS,
and foggy just kinda laughs and says 'no, tomorrow works,' and hey! they make plans and get coffee together and matt's like so. what tattoos do you have and foggy starts listing a bunch and eventually matt's like :( i wish i could see them they sound beautiful and foggy's like. here. heres my arm can i. yeah ok. and he grabs matts ar,m and he's like ok. feel the skin, its still a little raised can you feel that? ok, run your fingers over here and i can like. tell you wjats there
cue like an hour of sensual arm touching and tattoo explaining and the more matt learns about foggy and his tattoos and the more he hears the way he talks the more he's like A) oh fuck, i kinda really like this guy whos letting me feel up his arms and B) do i want a tattoo? i kind of want a tattoo
anyways. time jump they hang out a bit more, foggy always comes into matt's shop and talks to him in between customers, shows him the patterns he's designing, etc, and one day he comes in with a paper that has a design of some flowers on it and shows it to matt and as he's running his fingers across it he stops and says 'foggy? will you do this to me'
and foggys like 'bud are you sure? first tattoo, right, do you-are you really sure you want to do this, like, when, and wh" and matt's like 'shut up and put this ink in my skin before i chicken out' so matt sits through a PAINFUL ASS TATTOO and when it's done he's like FOGGY CAN I TOUCH IT CAN I TOUCH IT FOGGY CAN I TOUCH IT and foggy has to physically restrain matt from fondling his tattoo because its FRESH MATT
so foggys like 'ok, this is cause for celebration! babys first ink! we;re getting beers cmon' and they both go out to drink and matt's like 'hey foggy...can i touch more of your tattoos' and foggy's like 'uh, sure, i have another armfull,' and they do that for a while untill matt gets to the one foggy did the first time he visited foggy's tattoo parlor and foggy's like hah. remember this one? and matt's like yeah. i do. and they kinda just. sit there for a minute and then foggy's like 'ok. im gonna kiss you now punch me if you hate this, flowerboy' and matt absolutley does not punch him, thank you very much
and when they finish having their moment matt's like 'wow. i shoulda....i shoulda asked to feel you up again way sooner if i knew you were gonna do that' and foggy's like 'hey...i'd let you feel me up anytime' and they both kind of laugh and decide ok, worm, this works, and decide theyre gonna do that more often
they start to go out for drinks / dinner / lunch / any time they possibly can, and matt learns the curvature of foggys (suprisingly muscley?) arms down to a t, but he runs out of space to run his fingers over one night, and foggy kisses him and says 'hey. i've got more tattoos, y'know, but i don't think many people would appreciate it if i showed them off to you here' and matt is like 'wh-O H'
and foggy laughs and drags him to his apartment and pulls of his shirt and says 'ok, we're alone now. tell me what you feel' and matt sits on the bed in front of him and theres lots of sensual chest stroking going on and then yeah. matt gets fed up with all this touching foggy and not enough of foggy touching him and. they fuck oopsie
and after that they decide worm. that was good, wanna do that more often, holy shit, and decide to actually date date and thats like. thats that babey!
but years later they open a joint shop, an absolute mess of soft/punk aesthetics and everyone knows them because matt is still a soft florist who just has a fewwwww dozen flowers inked all over him and foggy is the punk god who flexes his sleeves all over town but flexes his soft boyfriend husband even more tHE END
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i-sveikata · 7 years
Gabby liveblogs the new teen wolf ep
i mean technically it’s not liveblogging since I’m in australia and the delay obvs but here we go guys prepare for death:
-lololololololo the fuck they always gotta start it at the school cause they cant afford another set anymore
-whut scott is the assistant coach???!!!!!
-omg hayden left?????? why do they literally just remove all of their female characters with nonsense explanations??? hello kira???? havent seen her in a while. do females not exist in beacon hills?? apparently even being a love interest isn’t a good enough reason to keep the gals around anymore dear god.
-’you want my whistle? who gave you a whistle???’ omfg coach finstock is the best
-the fuck was that supposed to be a wolf on the field or a coyote??? or malia???? legit can’t even tell, oh nvmind scott and liam followed it into the woods found a pack of dead wolves with weird bugs that are crawling out of their eyes, naturally.
-malia heading out to paris and not wanting to help anyone with the problem is goals. but you know there are other ways to write female characters without making their only interest being climbing dick you know, we can have depth.
-liam and scott bonding, lol, they cute and feels, scotty all worried he’s losing control, making him repeat the werewolf mantra dear god this is dorky. giving it instrumental impressive music wont change that friends.
-lol, ‘i got ducktape’ this is me.
-oh goody more mental asylum stuff and weird frozen mummified rock shit, is this a throwback to pompeii or what?
-yeah touch the petrified ashy human corpse thing, that’s a great idea obvs like what is even happening right now.
-of course some dude exploded out of it, why are we even surprised people? oh that’s right we’re not. wait who the fuck is that? no wait, i can guess, it’s another mediocre white guy.
-’i like latin’ liam you dork, oh poor kid ‘this has been a really hard year for me’ ‘if you want to talk about your girlfriend guidance hours are posted’ damn girl that’s brutal.
-interesting that all the youngins are getting a senior registration and applying to colleges scenes talking about their futures at school but for the veteran characters we barely got a sentence about it.
-’you can see me right’ omg lol corey are you having some visibility issues.
-who wants to guess this new college guidance lady is probably not human- lol the music just changed and went all sinister like bruh we already got this, literally every new character we meet ends up being evil like cmon.
-who the fuck is this nolan kid- yet another mediocre white boy!!!!!- are they going for the olympics in white boys what is this shit- oh god she wants to talk about the animal attack on the field.
-lol him being like ‘that was no animal’ jesus fucking christ honestly am i in deja vu land are we just repeating tired drama from the first season now.
-liam how do you not know what a scarab is????? have you not seen the mummy what kind of kid are you??
-haha that girl screaming ‘why does this keep happening to our school’ when all the rats show up is the real shit.
-mediocre other mummy white boy appears in the classroom, stares a bit and tries to look interesting and then leaves. wow lifechanging moment.
-naturally liam and mason end up in the pipes again, because where else would teen wolf film things that happen.
-lydia making a bestiary yeah girl. Her mama isn’t being very smart saying no to that- who’s guess is it she dies almost immediately??? yeah girl leave that paperwork in mamas desk. 
-scott trying out his weird electrocution kink with his mum, i am uncomfortable, but also teaching her the ways of electrocution is vaguely sweet.
-mama mccall gonna cover all the werewolf shit when scott is gone i love it. family bonding stuff yeaaaaaahh. oh shit she electrocuted him whilst hugging. family fun times.
-’i held the button, didn’t I?’ ‘you held the buttton’ BEST
-rat king ew is that what they said. gross. lol malia making liam smell the gross dead rat.
-REROUTED. malia is determined to get on a plane to get that french dick apparently.
-how the fuck did mummy white guy end up in the sheriff station???? do the deputies no longer exist?? wheres papa stilinski???
-parrish on the creepy white dude, all is well apparently.
-liam and mason bringing mama mccall a nice dead rat. bring her dinner you sick bastards.
-the fuck??? hallways in flames, parrish meeting another possible hellhound??? what is trying to be said here, fucked if i know.
-weird white guy has some kind of blood kink, sniffing all the injured people in the hospital because of reasons.
-idiot dudes punched liam in the face and he lost his shit. some mantra kid. use the werewolf force. freaky white mummy guy looming in the hallway behind him, cue demon suspense music while he chases for liam now in a closing elevator.
-ANDDDDDD the door closes before mummy white dude can get to him. shocker. i am on the edge of my seat with surprise and  anguish obvs
-lydia showing up to get scott? i thought in the last ep stiles said hed be driving down to campus with lydia together???? does that mean she did and came back for some reason?? or stiles miraculously teleported there on his own. wow i love continuity. good thing im watching teen wolf huh.
-all the lights go out, because its lydia this is teen wolf and EVERYTHING MUST BE DARK AND HARD TO SEE AT ALL TIMES.
-phones ringing are always the most suspenseful thing to happen to me as well, love hearing that dialtone and having a wind machine suddenly blowing hair out of my face before appearing back in... wow you guessed it- the school!!!
-ohhhhhh spideyweb time. love it. gotta touched those creepy webs because otherwise what else could lydias banshee powers possibly do. lots of screaming. love that. was that gunfire? idk here this is stupid. 
-ah yes, lydia miraculously finds the perfect bit of web to touch because of unexplainable reasons.’ YOU LET IT OUT YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO RIDE WITH THE HUNT FOREVER’ k thanks im hanging up the web now byeeeeeee.
-how does nobody lock the fucking school doors at this point. parrish and mummy white dude just walked straight in.
-’what are you?’ ‘you know what i am im the same as you’ lololololololololl this is gonna be some weird hellhound pissing contest.
-’something you let out, something that needs to be stopped’ oh goody something new an differernt for us. so innovative.
-ah yes, the pissing contest begins. or fire contest i guess? idk?/ and oh hey the guidance counsellor lady was not as she seemed!!! wow, i never would have seen that coming in my life. thanks
-hey guys when you take away the fire, it’s just two shirtless dudes homoerotically wrestling with each other.
-oh well time for parrish to sleep it off,
-’if the wild hunt couldn’t keep you nothing can’ this is literally sounds like the fucked up adage ‘if i cant have you no one can’ and i am uncomfortable.
-oh boy white mummy guy isn’t after liam- i could never have guess that would happen.
-’it must be stopped nothing else matters’ wow, no, because here I was thinking just let the monster run free and kill people and pile up bodies and stuff. isnt that what teen wolf is about.
-what the fuck lydia, popping your ass up in the middle of the headlights like some kind of ghost haunting, ‘we cantt leave’ bruh you need to chill. 
-of course they need some scene with mason giving liam a pep talk like hes the most important character in this show, yeah id totally believe that. hey heres an idea instead of making it about comforting him for losing his girlfriend, how bout you dont write his girlfriend out, there i fixed it.
-malia’s flight no longer delayed!!! haha that squeal of excitement, omg she yelled ‘Oui Oui’ i gotchu girl leave this hellhole while you can.
-opp and heres scott and lydia out to ruin her fun. ofc.
-”no, no nonononono  no, its just rats and wolves- and maybe a little bug problem’ see shes got the spirit. let her get french dick in peace. but also, how the fuck are they gonna explain her and scott hooking up in the future because idk what a fucking ride.
-goes to the window instead because her friends are trying to cockblock her- shes DETERMINED PPL U CANT STOP THE DICK.
-lol scott steps aside and then lydia moves into malias way MY GOD before scott pulls her back out, fuckin i cannot.
-two seconds of disappointed looks but cmon guys lets not pretend that malias an independent person who can make decisions outside of the group- aaaannnnnn shes back. wow. quelle surprise.
-but hey at least she hit scott in the face with her bag, get it girl.
-injured white mummy hellhound staggering through the woods then shift to lydia, malia and scott in the car ‘we opened a door to another world and something came out with us’ THIS IS LITERALLY THE PLOT FOR SEASON 3? 4? THE ONE WITH THE NOGITSUNE CMON PPL.
-of course guidance counsellor college lady is gonna kill white mummy hellhound boy. i support her.
-’what kind of price a big price?” ‘big’ wow, A+ dialogue here, someone give them an emmy for this shit.
-oh no guidance counsellor lady in trouble. bu t of course when push comes to shove, shoot white mummy hellhound boy in the head. but white guy actually died for once???? props. lets see how long hell stay dead before theres a reason that makes no sense to bring him back. cough cough theo.
-two seconds later cause apparently thats enough time for her to escape without the Gang sans stiles noticing. even though two of them have increased hearing and sense of smell?!!!??!! because it wouldnt be teen wolf otherwise.
-lydia ‘i thought you couldnt kill a hellhound’ WHEN WAS THAT EVER SAID??? I LITERALLY DO NOT REMEMBER THAT BEING STATED???
-scott, picking up the bullet casing which apparently killed an unkillable hellhound but hes just so good its not an issue. oh hey, is that a fleur de lis?
-’argent’ ooooooooohhh more suspense. dont think i can take it.
-’the sound of someone who’s never lifted a hand against a human being’ you can says shes a hunter lydia, her trunk was full of murdery shit we get it.
-also whats with teen wolfs repetitive need to make girls have an emotional distressing response to something before they go all ‘i kill you, ill kill everyone, ill kill myself idgaf’ and their expression goes all Tough Girl. like cmon. u realise girls dont all react the same way to the same things right?
-but hey props to guidance lady for not dying, though i mean she’s a girl and shes not white so lets assume her chances arent strong for future eps.
-lol all three of them sitting on scotts bed together. is it just me or should they all just make out, im just saying.
-’can we say we forgot?’ omg lydia PHRASING, u literally forgot stiles barely a few eps ago, dont crush him already.
-’we almost lost him last time’ i just love how the girls have all the emotional lines and scott just gets to sit there a nod like stiles hasnt been his best friend for years and years. but apparently connection on teen wolf means only if you want to fuck each other since scott magically forgot stiles without much effort and the entire season was about lydia getting him back even though they literally werent even dating and theyd given no indication shed even liked him when he was taken. but suddenly shes magically interested in him and the connection with scott, his best fucking friend for life somehow wasnt strong enough and I AM SALTY.
-malia- ’if this turns out to be somthing big and we don’t call him-’ ‘he would kill us’ hey look Scott got to say something accurate about his best friend, yay!
-’you guys didn’t hear his voice, he was really excited to be there’ aww scott, but seriously you asshole writers are still telling me their connection wasn’t enough for scott to bring him back? for shame.
-’lets just play the voicemail’ lol here comes the swelling emotional music.
-but seriously fuck you guys, heres stiles telling scott to leave beacon hills behind him and that its not his responsibility and not to worry about it and take stiles’ jeep (which we know he loves more than anything) and drive, and the instrumentals are getting really emotional showing stiles at the fbi and youre still trying to tell me that scott wouldnt have remembered his best friend without lydia???? fuck off.
-omg the nerd stopped at the fbi seal and straightened his tie i fucking love it.
-seriously whats with this music??? like stiles just won the damn noble peace prize or something just for showing up. its no wonder ppl think scott isnt the main when the writers give stiles all these storylines and attention, like this is not subtle ppl.
-stiles constantly interrupting the fbi dude in the middle of the presentation gives me life omg.
-’one recent manhunt had our crisis response team chasing down a bizarrely feral unsub in the wilderness of north carolina-”
-are they literally trying to sell that this is current??? like that is clearly season 1 footage of derek what the fuck is happening right now. why cant he just have a vacation for fun, why do the writers have to ruin everything for him but nope, mass hunting derek time ofc,
-the way stiles put his hand over his mouth as if that would cover up the fact that he literally spat water everywhere. smooth stilinski.
-omg the presenter dude look down at the list of names seeing Mieczyslaw Stilinski and legit being like ‘uh... young man’ thats awesome.
-’just got a little excited’ honestly what the fuck teen wolf. you baiting sterek fans or what?
-stiles trying to find out what they’re after him for- ‘Murder’ but what type of murder. “Mass murder’
-suspenseful music AGAIN jesus fucking c h r i s t.
-OMG now they’re just zooming in on dereks tattoo, increasing the music. dude we fucking get it, thats derek hale and you, the writers, fucking hate him. chill.
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tzudism · 7 years
Chapter 4:
Today was our last day of freedom before we had to leave Korea. We’ve packed all our things so we could leave bright and early tomorrow morning. It was sad we had to leave Korea after all this fun we’ve been having especially with Twice, so we decided to just focus and be in the moment.
“So how are the girls gonna come get us?” Mark asks
“Well I gave them the name of our hotel, and then all they said was that we should wait in the lobby and they’ll find us.” I say
“Wouldn’t that be bad if they’re there waiting for us? Paparazzi would be swarming them right now wouldn’t they?” Mark continues
“Yeah we should head down now, and I doubt all of them came out to get us, so hopefully it shouldn’t be that bad.” Joshua replies
We head down to the lobby and thankfully there were no problems in sight. Although there was also nobody from Twice in sight as well. We decide to sit in the lobby and wait for them. As we sit down Joshua calls us out,
“Hey do you guys see that strange person in the hoodie on the left side of the lobby?”
We turn to our left and nobody is there.
“Dude there’s nothing, I don’t see anything.” Mark says confused
“Look that’s them right there! They’re coming this way! Right there by the couch!” Joshua exclaims
And sure enough there’s someone there in a hoodie creeping towards us. I was worried at first, but something seemed familiar about this scene. I told the guys to relax and act natural as if they didn't notice. The person comes closer and closer and I realize who it is.
“Joshua they’re probably gonna go to you, don’t freak out, just pretend you don’t notice her.” I chuckle
“Uh ok, wait…her?” Joshua asks curiously
Soon the person comes over and positions themselves next to Joshua, as I thought. They tugg on Joshua’s sleeve and whisper,
Joshua turns and a big smile appears on his face.
“Oh Mina! Where’d you come from?” He asks
“You didn’t notice me huh? We were deciding who should come get you guys and I said I would because I’m the stealthiest one.” She says happily
“Oh yeah it totally worked, you’re sooo stealthy Mina.” Mark says sarcastically
Joshua then gives Mark a look as if to say don’t ruin Mina’s fun or he’ll kill you.
“Cmon guys I’ll bring you to the van, Jeongyeon parked outside near the hotel.” Mina says, “Remember! Be stealthy just like me.” She then crouches near the floor and crawls across the lobby.
“Oh my god she’s so extra I love her.” Joshua says, as he crouches down and joins her in stealth mode.
“Doesn’t that bring more attention to themselves instead of the other way around?” Mark says laughing
“Let them have their fun, um but let’s walk a few steps behind them though.” I say
As we go outside, Mina leads us to an alley by the hotel where Jeongyeon parked the van. Mina opens the door and the girls start laughing.
“Did you really crawl all the way from the hotel to here like that with your hood on?” Nayeon says as she laughs
“Of course I did, that’s how I activate my stealth mode.” She says proudly.
“Did you guys really not notice anything? That actually worked on you?” Dahyun asks
“Oh no, it totally-” Mark tries to speak but Joshua covers his mouth and gives him another death look, “-totally worked, yeah that stealth mode is no joke man.” Joshua finishes
Mina sees Joshua sticking up for her, and grabs his hand and brings him in the van and they sit next to each other.
“Mark come sit over here!” Sana yells out
Seeming as if it was planned the only seat left is next to Tzuyu and I take it trying not to smile too obviously.
“Everybody ready?” Jihyo asks
“We’re gonna head out now so get comfy!” Jeongyeon says
“How did you manage to get the van Jeongyeon? Aren’t your managers going to find out?” I ask
“Don’t worry about it we took care of it.” She says laughing and hi fives Chaeyoung and they start laughing together.
“Should we be worried about this?” I ask Tzuyu
“Nah, they told Jaljari manager if he didn’t let them borrow the van they’re going to tell Sadness manager that he has a crush on her.” She says laughing a little
“Oh ok…wait does he really!?” I ask surprised
“Well he handed them the keys so who knows?” She says with a smile
You would think after spending about two weeks with each other I would get used to Tzuyu’s smile, but nope.
“You’re still as stunning as the first time I saw you.”
“OHHHHH!” The whole van lights up with noise
“Oh my god I said that out loud. How could I be so stupid!” I yell at myself
I turn to Tzuyu and I see her trying to hide her smile as she turns away. After seeing that reaction, maybe totally embarrassing myself wasn’t so bad. As we drive to Bukhansan National Park I can see the change of scenery. It went from miles of city lights to beautiful mountains and forest. After a while, we arrive at the park.
“Ok guys, should I park here and we can go hike up the mountain?” Jeongyeon asks
“Yeah! Let’s get out of here we’ve been in this van for an hour!” Dahyun exclaims
Momo joins in, “Yeah let’s get out! I need fresh air! I need food!”
Jeongyeon parks the van and everyone is excited to start hiking. When we all get out I notice the girls start putting on glasses and put up their hoodies, and some of them even put on face masks. I start thinking about how hard it must be for them when they want to go out together or with their families. I start feeling bad, but then Dahyun and Chaeyoung start running up the mountain yelling out
“Cmon guys hurry up the mountain let’s race!”
I’m happy to see that they can have fun even if they have to hide their faces to go out. I run up the mountain to catch up. The fresh mountain air was so refreshing, especially when a small breeze would pass through. Then Joshua calls us out
“Guys… look ahead.”
We turn in front of us as the breeze blows, and we see the wind blow through the hair of all the girls, it was like something out of a drama. Suddenly…
“Hey did you notice that!?” I yell out
“Notice what? I was too focused on Sana dude, you know she’s the only thing that matters to me.” Mark says
“Yeah dude, I didn’t see anything either, Mina was just too beautiful. How could I see anything else?” Joshua says
“Hmm…maybe it was just me, cuz the girls didn’t say anything either.” I say, but in the back of my mind I was still worried.
We reach a certain point and see a cliff where we see Momo sitting down on a bench with Jeongyeon out of breath.
“Hey guys, where’s everyone else?” I ask
“I…don’t…know..ahhhh I’m tired and we still never got food!.” Momo says with a big sigh
“I think…they went their…separate ways…you can go look for them on your own…we’re gonna take a break here.” Jeongyeon says
“I’m gonna look for Mina, see you guys.” Joshua runs off.
“Yeaaah I’m gonna go find Sana too, catch you later.” Marks runs off in the other direction.
I was on my own, I figured I’d go find Tzuyu. I walk for a while and notice Joshua found Mina and they’re holding hands. I walk past quickly to give them some space, but as I walk past them I see Sana holding Mark’s arm ahead of me and I hide.
“Wait…if Mark went in the other direction earlier how did he and Sana end up ahead of me?” I say aloud to myself
“There’s another path that goes all the way around to get here.”
Surprised I turn next to me and there’s Tzuyu.
“Oh Tzuyu! I was actually looking for you. How’d you end up here? Did you take the same path?”
“Well I was with Chaeyoung and Dahyun and they ran off to follow a squirrel Dahyun named Sana #2 but, they were too fast and I got lost and ended up here. I saw you and came over. So why were you looking for me?”
“Oh umm no reason, I…just like being with you.”
“Ahhh I see. You’re fun too.” She says with a smile
She grabs my hand with two fingers and I can feel my heart beating a million miles an hour.
“Oh there’s a leaf in your hair.” I say, “Let me get it for you.”
I reach for the leaf in Tzuyu’s hair and as I reach for it, suddenly..
“Ok this time I definitely saw something! Show yourself!” I scream
I look to my right and see someone running away.
“I’m sorry Tzuyu I’ll be right back, but in case I don’t, walk down this path and you’ll find Momo and Jeongyeon resting on the bench.” I run as fast as I can to catch whoever it was that ran away. After a few minutes of running, I finally catch up and tackle the person down. They had a camera and I take it from him.
“David! What’s going on!?”
I turn around and see Mark and Joshua running to catch up.
“We heard you scream and run in this direction, what happened?” Joshua asks concerned
“Well you know those clicks and flashes we kept seeing and hearing every now and then? It’s been this guy the whole time!” I say catching my breath, “Who are you anyway!?” I pass the camera to Mark and turn the guy over so he can explain himself.
“I’m Jacob, I’m trying to start up a Jeongyeon fansite. I’ve noticed you guys hanging around Twice these past few weeks and been taking pictures. I wouldn't have been found out if my camera didn't reset itself and turn flash on whenever I activate it.”
“What!? Why can’t you just mind your own buisness!?” I yell out in anger.
“Well what about you!? Why can’t you just be regular fans like the rest of us!? What exactly made you so special that you get to hang out with Twice for weeks!?”
Before I can reply Mark calls me,
“Hey David, you should check this out.”
I grab the camera and I couldn’t believe my eyes, “You’ve really been here the whole time huh?” I ask in disbelief
The camera had pictures from the very beginning, from the convenience store till here in Bukhansan. I saw the most recent pictures and saw a picture of Mina resting her head on Joshua’s shoulder, a picture of Sana holding on to Mark’s arm and them looking in each other’s eyes, and I even found the picture of Tzuyu looking at me as I reached for the leaf in her hair. I was furious.
“You’re no Jeongyeon fansite, you’re a freaking saseng!” I scream
In anger I toss the camera across the forest, and Jacob pushes me off him
He runs off to go retrieve it, and we chase after him. He sees his broken camera and yells
“How could you do that to my camera! You’ll pay for this!”
“Whatever, at least all your stalker pictures are gone!” I yell back
“Hah! I saved all the pictures on this sd card beforehand just in case while you were chasing me. I’m gonna post them all on the Internet!” He yells
“Do you have any idea what you’re saying!?” Joshua yells out
“Yeah! If you post those it’ll affect Twice too and not in a good way!” Mark says
“I don’t care! After what you guys have done to me? Hanging out with Twice like its no big deal, you chased me down, broke my camera! What makes you guys so special anyway!? I've been here longer than you, and suddenly you guys show up and get to hang out with Twice right away!? If this ruins you it’ll be worth it.” He scoffs
“You said you’re trying to start a Jeongyeon fansite right? Don’t you care what happens to Twice at all? Not even a little?” I plead with him, “I don’t care what happens to us, just leave Twice alone.”
Jacob calms down and thinks for a minute.
“Ok you’re right, I’ll delete the pictures.”
“Thank you so mu-”
“ON ONE CONDITION!” He screams
“Alright fine what is it?” I say irritated
“You’re leaving tomorrow morning right?” He asks
“Yeah so what?” Mark says frustrated
“Leave tonight, don’t say anything to Twice, don’t say goodbye, nothing, you leave now.” He says
“What? How are we even supposed to do that!?” Joshua yells
“I don’t care. Leave now.”
To be continued…
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superunnatural6667 · 7 years
The Apple Pie Life (pt.12)
(DeanxReader, Sam, Cas, Bobby) WARNING: language ***= flashback … Nothing but silence... so silent you could hear a pin drop. Dean was staring at you, jaw clenched. Bobby was running his hands up and down his face, Sam still eating. "Was is something I said?" Cas asked. "I sense a lot of tension." "Go Cas." Dean said not taking his eyes off you. Without question, Cas was gone. "You too Sam." Dean commanded, throwing him Baby's keys. "Believe it or not, but I wanna see what happened next." Sam smiled. You looked over at Sam, as did Dean. He usually would listen without question. He's not the nosey type. "Sam go." You said as a tear rolled down your cheek. Sam nodded and got up, but as he turned he rolled his eyes. That caught you off guard. The only sound then, was the rumble of the impala pulling out of the driveway. "Bobby you said you'd call if something happened." Dean growled. "I took care of the problem Dean, I didn't see the point." Bobby replied. "Didn't see the point!" Dean yelled standing up. "Your telling me-" "Dean stop he was just doing what I asked!" You yelled back. "I asked him not to tell you, so if you wanna yell at me go ahead; but don't yell at Bobby." You calmly stated. You looked over at Bobby and he nodded, standing up. "I've got a car to fix." He said walking out the door. "Why?" Dean harshly said. "Because I feel broken Dean. I feel like someone just ripped out a piece of my heart." You shakily said. "You don't think I feel that way?" Dean growled. "You've got a funny way of showing it. You just left Dean. Left with Sam. Why was the Bobby the one that had to help me through this? I needed you here! I needed you to tell me everything was gonna be ok! That we were gonna get through this together, but know. After a year of being out of the life, when something tragic happens, that's when you decided to take on a case." "Excuse me for getting my brother back! For seeing family I didn't know existed! Of course I'm upset Y/N, I wanted to live the Apple Pie Life with you! But your just thinking about you-" "I was gonna kill myself Dean..." you cried. "Sweetheart-" "I'm not done. I couldn't leave you. I love you too much. We just got Sammy back. I'm suffering here, but once I'm dead I'd suffer in hell most likely." At this point Dean was crying too. Pulling you into his arms, holding onto you tight. "I should've been here sweetheart." He kissed the top of your head. "I'm not going anywhere." He cried. "I know." You replied, wiping away the tears. "I should probably call Cas, tell him that everything's fine. He said he had something to tell us." Dean nodded and let go of you. After whispering that he loved you in your ear. 'Dear Cas, get your feathery ass down here. Everything is ok.' You prayed. Just like that, Cas was standing behind Dean. "Dean, Y/N." Cas nodded. "I'm sorry for-" "Don't worry about it." You stopped him. "What did you have to tell us." "Can we go in your guys room?" Cas asked. "Castile you devil, if that's all you wanted you should've asked." You winked passing by him, heading upstairs. "I do not understand what she means." Cas told Dean. Dean rolled his eyes, patting Cas shoulder; heading upstairs. ____ "Get comfortable." Cas said. "Look dude, I don't know if it's a kinky thing but-" Dean started. "I do not know what that word means, but I've been given permission by heaven to give something back to you." "So we need to lay in bed to do this?" You laughed. "Unless you would rather lose consciousness, and hit the floor then yes." You held up your hands, showing surrender. You laid on your side of the bed, snugging up to Dean. "This shouldn't hurt." Cas said touching two fingers to your and Deans forehead. *** October 8, 1997 It was an ordinary day at Lakewood High, Colorado. It's been a year sense your dad died, you knew he would be proud of you for making it to senior year. School was never your favorite thing, but your dad wanted you to have a good life and education, so you pushed yourself to make him proud. But sometimes, you acted out. Today was the day you needed a break. Only a few times a month would you skip classes. Today was just one of them. Looking behind you to make sure nobody saw, you walked out of the school. Facing forward, you ran into someone; knocking you right onto your ass. "Son of a bitch." You groaned. "Sorry about that sweetheart." A voice said. Looking up you saw the most gorgeous green eyes staring back at you, you saw a sparkle in his eyes. This man was gorgeous. He reached out his calloused hand, helping you up. "You know you should be in class." He smiled. "I hope your not skipping." He sarcastically said. "You should be in class. I hope your not late." You smiled. "Dean." He smiled putting out his hand. "Y/N." You said shaking his hand. "Sammy why don't you go to the office, check in and tell them I'm sick or somthin." He said to the boy next to him. "Dean, dad-" Sam started. "Hey, it's all good. Anyone gives you a tuff time call me." He slapped Sam's shoulder. He nodded and headed inside. "Shall we?" He asked, putting his hand on the small of your back. You nodded, and followed him. ____ "You must be new?" You asked Dean. "Yeah, moved in about... last night." He said, making you laugh. "So that boy, was your brother? Sammy?" You asked. "Yes. But if you called him Sammy, he wouldn't be to happy." "Noted." You laughed. "I like your laugh." Dean said making you blush. After a few moments of silence you looked around, to where you were walking too; seeing that you were on a trail in the woods. "I was only gonna skip one period, I should probably get back." You said stopping. " 'Cmon just skip today. I could pretend to be your dad, say your sick." You pulled out your phone and dialed the schools number. Dean held out his hand, for you to give him the phone; but you shook your head. His eyebrows furrowed, confused at what you were doing. "Hi Ms. Welch, I came down with something and won't be able to make it into school today…ok yeah…I will thank you." You put your phone back in your pocket. "How in the hell are you able to do that." He questioned. "Well" you started, walking out of the woods and into a cemetery. "My mom died when I was born, and my... my dad died last year." You said stopping in front of two tombstone. "People kinda take pity on me... cut me some slack." 'Here lies Y/F/N Y/L/N, loving father and husband.' 'Here lies Y/M/N Y/L/N, loving mother and wife.' "I'm sorry to hear that sweetheart." Dean said, putting his hand on your arm. You instantly felt warm, it felt right for Dean to be here, with you. You smiled and kneeled down, taking your backpack off. You unzipped it and pulled out two flowers, placing one on each tombstone. "I'm sorry." You said standing up. "This isn't a good first impression." You wiped away a tear. "Hey no don't be." Dean assured, pulling you into a hug. He stroked your hair, as you gripped his jacket tighter. He smelt like leather, mint and a hint of whiskey. Comforting. "Um" you said pulling away "my house is just a block away." You said. "Alright I'll walk you home." Dean smiled. Dean went on explaining how he's not planning on staying in town long. His dad was just working a job and then they were leaving. For some reason you felt hurt. You didn't want Dean to leave. You felt...attached to him. "My uh-my mom died when I was four... a house fire." "Oh Dean I'm so sorry." You said grabbing his hand. He smirked and squeezed your hand. "What's that smirk for?" You asked. "Nothin- I just... for some reason I feel so drawn to you." He said rubbing his neck. "Well lets quiz you... favorite band?" You asked smiling. "Zeppelin." He replied with a grin. "Gosh I already love you." You smiled, it soon faded after you realized what you said. "I don't mean-" "It's ok sweetheart." Dean smiled. "You like Bob Seger?" He asked. "God yes. My favorite song is Night Moves." You told him. "Well I've gotta show you mine sometime." Dean winked at you. "In your dreams." You said pulling out your house key. "Oh you bet." He smiled. Opening up the front door you threw your bag on the couch. You then proceeded to walk into the kitchen, Dean right behind. You opened up the fridge and pulled out two beers, handing one to Dean. "My my Ms. Y/N it's only 1:30." Dean stated. "It's 5:00 somewhere." You smiled. "Out you even manage to get this?" Dean asked taking a swig. "Like I said, people take pity on me." ____ Four beers and three shots later you are more waisted then a sailor. "You know Dean." You slurred. "You have reeeeeeally pretty eyes. And a pretty face. And pretty hair. Also a pretty butt". You giggled. "Why thank you." Dean smiled. He was not drunk at all. The man could hold his alcohol. "Is his what you do everyday after school?" He laughed. "Only on the days I visit my parents grave. I just ddddrink the pain away." You stood up and started to stumble. Before you fell Dean wrapped his arm around your waist, pulling you up against his chest. Your face was inches away from his. You could see all the freckles on his face. You could see how his eyes had flakes of gold. "I reeeeeally wanna kiss you." "I wanna kiss you too sweetheart, but not like this." He scooped you up bridal style, walking up the stairs. "Left or right?" He asked once he got to the top of the stairs. "Left." Dean walked into your room, reveling the most... boring room ever. "I always work, so I have nooooo time to decorate." You told him. "That's alright." He chuckled. "Get somethin to sleep in sweetheart, I'm sure once you lay down you'll pass out." You groaned and started stripping. Dean turned around, trying not to think about how you were practically getting naked in front of him. "Most guys would try and take advantage." You slurred. "But your not like most guys Dean. Your warm, and I get the feeling you'd do aaaaanything to protect the people you love." "You could say that." "Can you help me?" You asked. Dean turned around and saw that you had a giant lynyard Skynard shirt on. "With?" He asked. "Well I stiiiill have my bra on, I can't reach it." You pouted. Dean walked over and put his hands under your shirt. His fingers grazed against your back as he made his way up. His fingers found the clasp and he undid it. You stared up at his eyes, taking in every detail of his face. "Better?" He breathed out. "Much." You said sliding it off from under the shirt. His eyes were flickering from your lips to your eyes. You leaned in and pressed your lips against his. Reaching up you ran your fingers threw his hair, his hand finding the small of your back. His tongue danced across your lip, asking for access which you granted. You put your hand on the hem of his shirt when he pulled away. "Not when your like this Y/N." he whispered, putting his forehead against yours. You couldn't even form words. That. Was. Amazing. So instead you just nodded. "You should get some sleep." He said rubbing his neck. "Your probably right." You huffed. "Hopefully I'll remember everything once I wake up." You giggled. "Hopefully..." "Dean? Can you stay?" "Yeah, sure thing sweetheart." Dean said laying next to you on the bed. You put your head on his chest, his arm wrapping around you. "I really like you Dean." You mumbled, your eyes going heavy. "I really like you too." ____ When you opened your eyes you had a pounding headache, the biggest problem was that you weren't in bed alone. "Dean." You said shaking his shoulder. "Dean wake up." "Where the fire sweetheart?" Dean said in a sleepy voice. God was it sexy. "You have to get home to Sam its-" you looked over at the clock. "10:00!" "Sammy knows how to take care of himself Y/N. Also I called him." "Oh well... what happened?" You asked stretching. "Well you drank... a lot, then you told me I had a nice ass and I was pretty." "Oh god." You said placing your head in your hands. "I'm not done." He smiled. "You had me unclip your bra cause you were to drunk to manage. The gentlemen I am I helped you, which resulted in you and me making out." He chuckled. "Why are you laughing! I've never done that before I'm so sorry." You mumbled falling onto the bed. "Did I-" "Try and get in my pants? Yes." "Oh my god." You said pulling a pillow over your head. "If it helps your a great kisser." "Dean!" You said hitting his shoulder. "What? I wouldn't mind doing it again." He smirked. "Well sober me doesn't work like that." You smiled. ____ Weeks later Dean has taken you out on six dates. Nothing fancy just you and him, either at the movies or somewhere else simple. It didn't matter as long as you were with him. On the fourth date you and Dean may have stayed home all night. And man was Dean right, his Night Moves were fan freakin tastic. You were sitting on the couch one day when someone knocked on your door. Answering it, there stood Sam and Dean. "Hey guys." You'd said letting them in. You looked outside and saw a beautiful black car outside, with a man in the driver seat. You turned around with tears building up, looking at the boys. "Your leaving." "Yeah...yeah sweetheart we are." Sam walked over and hugged you. You hugged him back. Telling him that you'll see him in the future. "I'll miss you Y/N." Sam said. "I'll miss you too." You whined. Sam let go and looked at you, he smiled. "No one can make a better peanut butter, banana sandwich then you." He laughed. "Don't tell Dean." You said kissing his forehead. "I'll tell dad it'll be a minute." Sam said walking out the door. Turning and facing Dean, he strides over and kisses you, causing you to instantly melt into it. "I love you Y/N." "I love you too Dean." You cried. "I'll call everyday. Well text. I'll come see you when I can." He assured. "I know you will Dean." You smiled, cupping his cheek. He smiled and pressed his lips against yours again. ____ Dean has been gone for a month. A whole month you have gone without your boyfriend and it's killing you. But tomorrow he's coming to visit. His dads working a case in Wyoming, which means he'll come visit with Sam. Later in the day someone knocked on the door. Was it Dean?! Did he come early?! Opening up the door you saw a man you didn't know at the steps. "Y/N?" He asked. "Uh yes?" "You know Dean Winchester?" He smiled. "What's it to you?" "I'm an old pal. You can call me... yellow eyes." And just like that his eyes turned yellow. "What the fuck!" You yelled as you slammed the door. 'Gotta call Dean. Got call Dean' you thought as you ran upstairs to get your phone. A few seconds after ringing he finally picked up. "Hey sweetheart." "Dean!" "Hey, whoah what's wrong?" "Some-someone named yellow eyes is here and his-his eyes-" "Sweetheart just lock yourself in your room alright. I uh, I put a flask under your bed. If he comes upstairs splash whatever's in it on him. I'll get there as fast as I can." "O-ok." You said hanging up. You looked under your bed and saw a silver flask. You untwisted the lid and sat on your bed, knees up to your chin. You heard the floors creek, as someone was walking towards your room. You got to the side of the bed and readied, so splash the liquid in the flask on him. "Y/N" he said as he knocked on the bedroom door. "Room service." A tear rolled down your cheek. Terrified to say anything, maybe he'd just leave. Wrong. Your door bursts off the hinges, flying across your room. Yellow eyes slowly walked across your room towards you. You splashed the liquid towards him, causing him to yell and some smoke rise from him. "Well that's not very nice now is it." He said as he flicked his wrist, sending you across the room. You hit your head on the wall, the impact making you unconscious. ____ When you opened your eyes you were no longer in your room, you were in your living room; tied to a chair. "Glad your finally up." Yellow eyes said. "Wouldn't want you missing Dean-o." "Go to hell." You barely made out. "Oh, I have, didn't agree with me." "What do you want with me. Just please let me go. I'll give you anything you want." You whined. "Your really not what I want." Yellow eyes said walking into the kitchen. "What I want is Sammy." He said walking out with a knife in hand. "He'll kill you if you call him that." You spat. "Oh he can try." He smiled. "Your more like a bargaining chip. So in order for that to work... I'm gonna have to get to work." He said, slicing a deep cut in your arm. "Son of a bitch!" You yelled, gritting your teeth. "My my you've been hanging out with Dean Winchester far to long." He chuckled as he cut your cheek. "What are you anyways?" "Well sweetheart I'm a demon." He said as his eyes flashed yellow. You looked at him, confused. How are demons real. There not real. Are they? "Oh Dean-o didn't give you the talk? Well I guess I will if you insist. His mom... I killed her. Sliced her stomach and burned her on the ceiling." He smiled. "John, there father started to train them to; you know... hunt monsters." "Well Dean will be here soon, so you better get your sorry ass outta here." "I better get to work then." He said as his fist connected with the side of your head, making you black out. ____ "Wakey, wakey. It's show time." You heard as you opened your eyes. Yellow eyes was standing in front of you, big smile in his face. "One more for good measure." He said cutting from your collar bone to your chest. As you were screaming, The front door flew open, Dean running inside. "Ah Dean... howya been?" "Let her go Azazel." "See now that's not how this is gonna work. I want you to bring me Sam. And if you don't." He put the end of the knife to your stomach, causing the tears you've been holding back to fall. "You can say bye bye to Ms. Y/N. Simple as that." "That's not gonna happen." Dean growled. "And why is that? You can't kill me. So chose Dean. Who's it gonna be?" "Dean...I love you." You cried as you pushed yourself forward, causing the knife to impale you. "Well that's no fun." Azazel said, disappearing. "Y/n!" Dean yelled running towards you, untying you from the chair. "Hey sweetheart stay with me ok. Your gonna be ok." He pulled you into his lap. "You shouldn't have to chose Dean." You said limply grabbing his hand. "I meant it Dean. I-I-" "Shh shh I know. I love you too." A tear rolled down Deans cheek. "Tell Sam there's peanut butter and bananas in the kitchen." You smiled. "You can tell him yourself. Your gonna be alright." He said pushing harder on the wound. "Dean you know I'm not." You cried. "Im so sorry Y/N. I should've told you the truth." "It's not your fault. I don't regret for one second running into you at school. I love you boys." You said taking your last breath. "Y/N, open your eyes sweetheart." Dean cried. He put his head the the crook of your neck, sobbing when he saw a bright light. Looking up, there stood a man looking down at him. "Who's are you?" Dean asked. "I'm Castiel." He said bringing two fingers forward and touching your and Deans head. *** You and Dean opened your eyes at the same time, looking at each other. Confusion written all over your face. "Cas what was that?" You asked. "That a memory I was forced to take away. Anyone that new about you and Dean being a thing, had that memory wiped away. You were not suppose to die Y/N. we had no idea that Azazel would come for you. For that, we brought you back to life, forgetting about meeting Dean." "So we-we meet before?" Dean asked. "Yes." "Cool." You smiled. "Y/N there's nothing cool about that. You died." Dean said turning towards you. "I died for a good reason, and look I'm alive right now aren't I?" "Yeah but-" "But nothing Dean. We have a second chance, take it." You assured him. Dean nodded and kissed your forehead, a smile plastering your face. "So do we give Sam back the memory?" You asked. "I did already, but he seemed weird about it." "Weird how?" Dean asked. "Well when I gave it to him, he... hesitated. He was trying to think if something to say. All he said was 'cool', then he walked away." "Have you guys noticed he's been a little off?" Dean asked. "Somewhat, but he just came back from the cage Dean..." "And I don't sense he is no other but himself." Cas assured. ____ Walking out of the house with Dean, you saw Sam loading his duffel in his car. "Where are you off to?" Dean asked. "To Samuels, he says he's got a case. You comin?" The mention of Samuels named made you cringe. Something about hi made you uneasy. Something about all of the Campbell's made you uneasy. "Yeah sure just give me ten." Dean added. "Y/N?" "Um I'll just stay back with Bobby. If you need anything though just call..." "Sweetheart-" "Dean, I'm fine. Seriously. Just go." ... A/N: this one is kinda long. Idk. I am kinda going out of order on how things actually happen in the seasons. Does that make sense? Let me know if you wanna be tagged! @moose-and-sqruille-lover
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