#but also short yandere i am. immediately intrigued
sophiethewitch1 · 4 months
Just played degrees of lewdity for the first time and got vored by a whale???
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violetosprey · 2 years
What kind of mental disorders do yanderes have?
Hello there. Interesting question, but an honest one I think. We’re talking about a character type after all that is strictly defined by abnormal or excessive behavior.
To give you a short and sweet answer: I personally believe it’s not a good idea to associate specific mental disorders with yanderes. The only definite one that would be okay to say a yandere COULD have (but not always) is “Erotomania.” If you don’t mind a wall of text, you can read below a little bit about what Erotomania is and why I don’t think fictional media does (or should) make it very clear at times what mental disorders may be associated with yanderes.
Before I start: I am not a psychologist. It’s a subject that’s always interested me, but I certainly don’t have a vast knowledge of even the most common types of mental disorders. Not to mention, many of them have different variations of the same type. If I’m not careful, I could very easily confuse one for another.
So getting a question like this is intriguing but hard for me because I simply don’t have the knowledge to even consider constructing a possible list.
The only disorder that immediately popped into my head is one I happened to have found out about a few years ago. Erotomania, according to Wikipedia, is a “delusional disorder where an individual believes that another person is infatuated with them (when they’re not).” So they think they’re S/O is in love with them, when the reality is that that said S/O may not even know the afflicted person even exists.
It’s not as simple as the afflicted person receiving “mixed signals” that could be confused as flirting in a conversation either. No, this is the type of delusional disorder where even the most basic or mundane things the S/O does will be interrupted as a “secret message” to the afflicted person. For example, the S/O opening or closing their house windows at a certain time of day might be viewed as a declaration of love to the afflicted person. I feel people could read the Wikipedia article themselves to get the full gist, but in real life this seems to be a disorder people tend to develop more often towards celebrities or just people that are more likely unobtainable for them. It even mentions the attempted assassination on Ronald Reagan was committed by someone suffering from Erotomania. It was a weird and very terrifying attempt to impress another celebrity.
This is the only disorder I’m okay saying a yandere COULD be suffering from because it’s specifically about infatuation. Not all mental disorders are focused around that. There’s also technically an “Obsessive love disorder” by the way. That’s…pretty self-explanatory I think. It just seems to be a bit more of a subset disorder than even Erotomania from what I can tell.
My main focus here is on fictional yanderes though. So could you have a yandere character written who is afflicted with Erotomania? Absolutely! It would definitely fall into the “delusional yandere” category, but please keep in mind that depending on how the character is written, not all delusional yanderes would necessarily have Erotomania.
Speaking of fictional yanderes, did anyone notice when it comes to webcomics, manga, anime and light novel media, it’s INCREDIBLY rare for any specific mental disorder to be outright stated regarding the character? I think this is done on purpose for a couple of reasons.
The creator may simply lack the knowledge of various mental disorders.
The selected mental disorder may limit the yandere character’s actions (if going for realism).
There’s the risk of falsely portraying a selected mental disorder.
The portrayal could cause the viewer to develop a very negative association with the disorder in real life.
First one is pretty self-explanatory: If you don’t know enough about mental disorders, it’s smarter to just be vague about the subject altogether in one’s works. If you do know enough about the disorder and go for realism, then you could run into the problem where the character might be restricted as to what actions they’ll perform. I don’t have good examples for this, but perhaps if the disorder is highly linked to paranoia or anxiety, it could be more difficult for example to have the yandere appear more cool and calculated at times.
Attempting to stretch the truth a little though and allow the yandere to think or act in ways that don’t line up with a mental disorder could get criticized. Attempting to remove certain handicaps of a mental disorder from a yandere could make the audience wonder why the creator even bothered to focus on the selected disorder. On the other hand, turning some factors of the disorder up to eleven so to speak, may also paint real life people with said disorder in a much more negative light than needed.
Think of how the movie “Jaws” caused a widespread fear of sharks after its release. Yes, sharks can very dangerous and you shouldn’t mess with them, but attacks on humans really don’t happen a lot either. It damaged the reputation of sharks, and the same could happen to mental disorders in fictional media. Mental disorders in fictional media can be tricky to portray accurately. There are definitely some that have a very ugly reality to them. I say this as someone with loved ones who have unfortunately been afflicted by some of the worst aspects of certain disorders. It can be terrifying and heartbreaking. But having a mental disorder also doesn’t necessarily make someone a bad guy (like a yandere will often be portrayed). It really depends on a lot of factors (like the type of disorder and level of severity in a person). Some mental disorders may also be more manageable or harmless to other people than others.
Non-yandere related, you have films for example like “Split.” I really liked the film and multiple personality disorder is definitely something that’s very interesting (and sounds like a nightmare to live with), but I couldn’t tell you if the film portrayed the disorder well. I’ve heard some people say yes and others say no. Hopefully the film also didn’t convince people that anyone with said disorder is a danger.  I’m sure there are some cases where it could turn out bad in real life, but not always. I think in the webcomic “My Deepest Secret,” the author specifically states in one chapter that one of the main characters is not suffering from any specific REAL mental disorder. I think this was very smart of them to avoid the complications I listed above. If you’ve read the comic, I think you’d definitely agree that if a specific mental disorder was assigned to said character, there could have ended up being a lot more criticism and confusion on how the character acted in the end. Said character had a LOT going on with their head.
Really, I think the fictional media most likely to try to assign a specific mental disorder to a yandere would be anything live action. In the film “Fatal Attraction,” the character of Alex Forrest I believe is hinted to suffer from a form of Borderline Personality Disorder. This would help to explain how the successful and rather cool headed woman you see at the beginning of the film deteriorates slowly over the course of the story. I couldn’t tell you why live action might try to do this more often than other fictional media. I’ve enjoyed shows like Criminal Minds though, so maybe it’s just that with live action, people get more sucked in if they get a better look into the psychology of the characters.
Does that mean I want that kind of same psychological analysis for yanderes in the majority of fictional media? Honestly…not really. I kind of like the separation where it’s never explicitly stated what mental disorder a yandere has…or if they even have one at all. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE seeing how the gears turn in a yandere’s head, but I don’t think I necessarily need or want the restrictions of a mental disorder placed on a lot of the yanderes I look at. I like it if a yandere can surprise me. I can definitely see other characters simply calling the yandere “insane,” and that’s a good enough for me. Some stories aren’t long enough either to go into the specifics of a disorder anyway.
Despite me saying that, could you still give a yandere a mental disorder if you wanted to? Sure. The mental disorder could either be the cause of their obsessive love, or if it’s not the cause, it could exacerbate some of the symptoms of obsessive love. A disorder based around paranoia or anxiety might do the trick. Or the mental disorder could be a completely separate factor altogether. If I think of yandere who also has OCD, ironically the first thing that pops into my head is just a yandere who happens to be a germaphobe, haha. Despite it being called “obsessive compulsive disorder,” I could see it being something entirely separate rather than a cause of obsessive love. I’m not a creative writer, so sadly I have no good advice to give on how to tackle trying to combine the character archetype with a known psychological disorder. Just be mindful of #1-4 that I listed above. Sorry if this seemed a little confusing. I just wrote everything down as I thought of it. My apologies if anything came off as offensive. Again, I try to stick to think of mostly fictional yanderes, but this subject could bleed into people’s views on a real life yanderes. So it’s best to be careful.
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youryanderedaddy · 3 years
Hello, do you accept order? If yes, you could make a single one shot of Yandere! Brat Spoiled, please...
What would it be like if Yandere were the son of wealthy parents who always have everything they want, when they don't always get what they like, always act like a spoiled brat (and also his parents are afraid of their son, as they have already seen what he is capable of when he gets angry)... that's where the reader comes in. She is a new student at school, a nice and kind person, so the yandere knows her and falls in love so strongly that she never felt that way in life, but the reader is always rejecting her advances for being a spoiled brat and the way he treats the people around you.
What happens next?
Title: Eat the poor
Tw: non - consensual touching, obsessive/possessive behavior, violence, low-key bullying, blackmail / coercion, reader is in university
Part 2
It had started during your very first year of college, back when you still felt motivated to go to school and meet new people. You had heard the rumors about him before ever meeting his gaze and oh, did they disappoint.
You met Gabrielle for the first time when the snowdrops bloomed and the birds returned home – in the early autumn, at night, in a small crowded room reeking of alcohol, sweat and cheap cologne which you quickly realized wasn’t his. The man smelt like the cigarettes he never got bored of and sweet caramel. He was wearing a big leather jacket and a pair of dark jeans, yet the simplicity of the outfit seemed to suit the expensive brands displayed on the clothing. In a way the student represented the typical youthful boyish beauty with his golden locks, eyes the color of the sky and frame tall and well – built. Yet his face remained motionless the whole night and his body stayed still despite the mass of bodies dancing around in rhythm. But then some poor unfortunate fool managed to bump into the male, spilling his drink all over him, and his pretty face quickly twisted into a mask of disgust and anger.
“You stupid piece of shit!” The male yelled shortly after as his fist connected with the stuttering boy’s stomach. His clear eyes were now two wild thunderstorms pouring rain and lightning over the tipsy guy who was nervously apologizing and promising to pay for the damages done. “Do you know how much this costs?” Gabrielle spat with venom and pushed the other onto the floor, bringing his black sneakers to that white shirt until there was a mark of dirt formed on the otherwise clean fabric. Everyone else in the room had stopped drinking now and all the eyes were pinned onto the two men yet no one had the courage to do anything. Your own heart was beating hard in your chest at the sudden display of unnecessary violence but you had always been a calm kid, a kind soul too scared of its own shadow to learn how to fight properly. So you had no idea what to do.
“My father can have you expelled, you know.” The blond man suddenly spoke out in a quiet eerie voice as he pressed his foot harder into the shorter boy’s stomach causing him to whimper and squirm. “Unless you are willing to beg for my forgiveness, that is.” The bully proposed with a sly smirk on his pink lips as he glared at the victim underneath. The student on the ground was clenching his eyes tight so no one could see the tears in them when he shook his head no. You finally decided you couldn’t let this inhumane scene go any further.
“Stop this madness right now!” You shouted manically, drawing all the attention to yourself as you made your way between the two men. Gabrielle immediately pinned his burning gaze on you in unhidden intrigue. “This is too cruel. He didn’t mean to bump into you. Please, leave him alone.” As much as you had wanted to curse at the spoiled rich boy there was this suffocating feeling in your lungs telling you to be careful and play the mediator. The others quickly started gasping and some were already gossiping at your reaction proving your point that the guy was indeed dangerous.
Then he looked you straight in the eyes with his deep blue ones. He chuckled softly before smacking his lips in an unpleasant way, his “tsk” sending shivers down your spine. You had fucked up. “Well, well, well… Looks like the new girl wants to play hero. How cliché.” The bully grinned as he let his gaze roam up and down your body, your cheeks turning red in return when having realized he was handsome even while doing something so vulgar. “But if you do want to help him so badly…” The golden – haired man paused for a moment pretending to be deep in thought. “Maybe we could have a little deal, bunny.” He moved his leg away from the sobbing boy and stepped in front of you. From this close you could feel the warmth of his skin and the sweet aroma of burnt sugar it radiated. Gabrielle tilted your chin up almost gently and whispered in your ear “Kiss me.”
You tried to break free from the uncomfortable pose but the student simply squeezed your jaw line harder, his eyes cold and calculating, following your every move. You mind went blank and foggy at the forced intimacy and you couldn’t think straight with his breath on your neck. It felt like the time had slowed down just so the sadistic snob could mess with you a little longer. You opened your mouth to voice your protests but fortunately you didn’t have to say anything because at the very same time the host of the party appeared, ready to stop the fight.
“Gabrielle, I’d have to ask you to leave.” The dark – haired junior growled enraged as he pushed the taller male away from you. You couldn’t help but smile at him in appreciation. He was the only one brave enough to help you after all. “You are ruining the party for everyone. ” The stranger continued. The blonde seemed irritated at the sudden interruptance yet it was obvious he was powerless against the owner of the house. Still he grit his teeth and signed in annoyance as he turned to face the host. “Fuck you, Jackson!” The man cursed but eventually moved towards the door, red with anger. “My father will hear about this.” He looked at you as he reached for the golden doorknob, his features softened. “See you around, bunny.”
This was the first time you met Gabrielle. You already wished it was the last.
After the incident the snob seemed interested in you, blatantly so. He would eye you up in the halls like you were a shiny new toy in a claw machine and try to strike a conversation no matter how much you ignored him. The man never once apologized for what happened at the party but at least he didn’t bring it up so you counted it as a small victory. You gradually understood just how much power and money the heir had. His father owned casinos, hotels, banks and apparently even the university you two were studying in received major monthly donations by the big businessman. This explained why everyone was so scared of the blonde, especially when he did nothing but flaunt his status at the slightest inconvenience. And now he wanted you.
In your eyes the boy was just an annoying brat who lived off daddy’s hard work, there really wasn’t much to him that intrigued you. The male was handsome, pretty even, but his grades were terrible and his interests were bland and shallow, mostly involving expensive brands and grand parties. But the worst thing about him was his personality. The snob treated his friends like servants and his enemies like dirt, but you he rather saw as a challenge. Gabrielle would ask you out every time you were unlucky enough to run into him. The first time the man gave you so many roses you couldn’t even count them, the second he demanded your affection with a silver necklace in hand ready to cover your neck in his mark of ownerships. You couldn’t recall all the other gifts the blonde used to try and court you with but you remembered refusing each and every one.
“Why can’t you just give me a chance?” He exclaimed one day after you had just returned the expensive bracelet you had found in your locker. It was a dark winter night and the heir seemed irritated with you for the first time, his eyes a deep electric blue just like the sky. The man had you cornered against the wall but you were used to his pathetic attempts at intimidation. Yet today there was something different in the air around him, some small voice at the back of your head wondered whether this time he wasn’t just joking around. “Are you still angry about that little wimp I expelled, bunny?” Gabrielle asked contemptuously yet his pupils remained cold and distant. Once again he was too close for your liking, too close for you to function properly, but that was probably exactly what he wanted. You to be compliant and obedient like all the others who crawled and kneeled at the very sight of him. “Or are you sulking because I beat up Jones after he asked you out, hmm?” What? The blonde man was the one who gave Tony the black eye? But he had told you it was just a street fight… Why had your friend covered for the bully you both hated?
“Why would you do that to him?” You whispered, staring at the twisted boy in front of you. Your heart was beating fast and your blood was boiling hot in your veins but you couldn’t let him win by showing him how much his actions affected you. Gabrielle reached out and cupped your cheek gently before smirking mischievously. “He was trying to take something that belonged to me.” The heir said casually as if he was talking about the weather. His fingers were cold against your warm skin and you fought the urge to vomit right then and there. “I am not yours.” You spat out with poison and pushed his hand away from your face. Next thing you know his knee was separating your thighs, lifting your short black skirt up, his breath lingering on your neck. “S-stop.” You stuttered and tried to squirm out of his hold but the man easily caught your wrists and brought them above your head, pinning you further into the wall. He was stronger than he looked and you felt so small and helpless in that moment you could have cried if your stubbornness hadn’t prevailed.
“What don’t you like about me?” The blonde suddenly spoke out, his voice unnaturally broken and needy, bordering on a whine, crying out in desperation. You weren’t sure whether he was trying to manipulate you now or if he actually wanted you to answer so you decided to be honest anyways. “I hate the way you treat other people. I could never love someone as cruel as you.” You inhaled deeply, ready to voice all the painful thoughts you had kept inside since the beginning of the semester. “You are spoilt rotten. Metaphorically and literally.” The man was breathing sharply like a wounded animal after hearing your words and as much as you wanted to sympathize with him, you couldn’t bring yourself to after everything he had done to you and your friends. He was irredeemable. “Let me go.” You finally demanded, hoping to use him weakened emotional state to your advantage.
Instead Gabrielle clenched his teeth and squeezed down harder on your already bruised wrists causing you to whimper in dull pain. His eyes were wet but the tears had finally stopped just like his willingness to show you his vulnerable side. The man had tried being nice and sweet to you, patient, then mean and patronizing, and neither worked. So obviously it was time to become the terrifying bratty monster everyone was so keen on believed he was.
“Have you noticed how many people seem to go missing after talking to you just once?” The heir whispered in your ear as his free hand traveled down to your waist, drawing you into his hard chest. You groaned at the sudden realization that the snob was actually right, less and less guys seemed to show up to your shared lectures in the last few months, but you had always assumed they just needed a break from school. University was stressful after all. “Did you…” You started off but couldn’t find the right words. Did you force your father to expel them? Did you harm them? Maybe a part of you didn’t want to know the answer. “I did.” Gabrielle responded before you could even finish the sentence. The sly smirk you knew way too well adorned his lips and it wasn’t hard to see he had already won. “And I will keep doing it until you agree to be mine and mine alone.” The man stated confidently as he sucked the sensitive skin of your neck until you arched your back in shock, your eyes rolling up to the ceiling. “N-nhgg.” You whimpered as you felt his teeth dig into your warm flesh leaving a scarlet mark for all to see. “Come on, baby, we both know you are too good to let them suffer because of your own selfishness.” He taunted you as he left a line of small wet kisses along your exposed collarbone. You wanted to argue, to yell at him how you weren’t the crazy, selfish one, but deep down you knew it was pointless. Gabrielle had power and you had nothing to bargain with. He could have anyone yet he wanted to torment you. “Give into me. I promise I can make you happy if you let me.” The blonde uttered softly as his lips brushed against yours, almost touching them, following your reaction with his clear eyes. Your own were puffy and red from the tears but he didn’t seem to care much about your misery and discomfort. The man wished to own, not to please, but you couldn’t do anything. And of course you wouldn’t let him ruin the lives of the innocent. Of course your stupid heart was too good and human for your own good. So you closed your eyes and slowly connected your lips with him even though they tasted almost metallic, like blood and defeat.
“I knew you would come around, bunny.”
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flowesona · 4 years
foul and fair - yandere! jimin x reader
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happy (late) birthday to my wonderful mutual @jooniescupcakes​! i hope ur day was blessed and i hope you enjoy this :)
Jeering and the feeling of rocks hitting his back were Jimin’s last memories of the village that he’d once called his home. Then, why was someone outside his door?
He’d been called a warlock, a demon and a foul spirit. Every crop he’d attended to wilted and every cattle he touched had collapsed within a matter of days. Girls would hear of these rumours and escalate into claiming he’d bewitched them too. Jimin was only ten at the time, but even his own parents had been sold into the mob mentality and cast him out of their home without a second thought to his wellbeing. The jeers of his former friends, the booming voice of the preacher declaring him to be wicked, the cries on young girls when they so much made eye contact with him - the sounds still rattled in his ears if he let himself gaze upon the town in the distance.
That had been fourteen years ago, and over that time he’d grown used to his own company.
Yet, despite this the woman stood outside his abode with an innocent expression intrigued him. 
Thus he reluctantly opened the door a sliver, half of his face visible.
“Hi! I am new to Royal Gebolwl, my name is (Y/N). It is nice to meet you, what is your name?” She gave him an eager smile, offering him her hand as she spoke a million words at once. Jimin blinked, trying to process it and figure out how to respond when he hadn’t held a conversation in over a decade. 
When he was unable to think of a response, he decided instead to get a proper look at her. Neatly dressed in clothes that seemed to show eloquence but also modesty and clutching a woven basket to her chest.
She caught him staring at the basket intensely and blushed, before dipping her hand inside and pulling out a small paper package.
“I know it is not much, but I wanted to bring you some bread that I baked. I have been working on my recipe so I hope that it tastes nice!” (Y/N) smiled, holding it out to him. His hand snaked out to take the package, their fingers brushing slightly.
The young woman watched him anxiously as he inspected the package with some suspicion.
Finally, when he decided it was safe he finally spoke.
“Thank you.” 
She gave him a gracious nod and turned to walk away, before he spoke again.
“My name is Jimin.” He shut the door immediately afterwards, taking a few seconds to breathe and take in the situation.
“It is nice to meet you.” The words felt strange on his tongue. They lacked the honey-like sweetness of her voice, that was for sure.
The young man sat down at his makeshift kitchen table, unwrapping the brown paper to see a neat brown roll. He tore off a piece and held it to his lips. Paranoia flashed through his body. What if she was sent to kill him? What if the gift she gave him was in fact to euthanize him?
Even so, he put the gift in his mouth and chewed. Instantly he was on the verge of tears. He hadn’t tasted such a delicious treat in years, and suddenly the bread was in his hands and he was eating it as if he was starving.
Once it was all gone, he could only stare at his empty hands and wonder how he’d been so happy with his own company when he was missing out on people like her. And following that realisation, he was more hungry than ever.
Jimin had practiced many times in anticipation for their next meeting. He’d practiced talking in the mirror to rid himself of any hesitation, and even started to grow special, rare flowers in his garden so that he could make her an arrangement. 
The weeks on end without seeing her were starting to wear on him. He’d wondered about wandering into the village to find her, but the thought of her seeing him be shooed away again was enough to stop him dead in his tracks. 
(Y/N) had left him to stew for too long. Almost three weeks after their first meeting did she return, the same woven basket clutched to her chest as if it were glued there.
“Jimin, I do not mean to be an inconvenience but I saw that you have some onions in your garden and was wondering if you could spare a few?”
The young man wasn’t as composed as he’d thought himself to be. The euphoria of (Y/N) remembering his name and showing an interest in his horticultural products made his carefully composed words fall out of his mouth.
“Are you okay?” The young woman was immediately concerned by his pale face and lack of speech. 
“Y-yes. Would you like to come in for some tea?” Jimin managed to choke out, heart pounding.
“Apologises but I am short on time, my daughter is sick and hungry. I need to feed her. Tomorrow, perhaps?” He nodded, heat flushing his face in humiliation as her words set in.
“Wonderful. Help yourself.” He said shortly before closing the door in her face and rushing to his bed. He collapsed immediately, face screwing up in frustration as he lashed out at whatever he could lay his hands on. Chairs were knocked over, bowls clattered to the floor, feathers fluttered out of his pillow.
How could she deceive him like this? Having a child, and most likely a husband? Jimin had been certain they were soulmates, that she’d reserved herself for him this whole time. Yet, here she was talking about her family, prioritising them over Jimin. Couldn’t she see that he’d dedicated all his time to her, but she couldn’t even give him a few minutes?
Enough is enough, he concluded. She couldn’t play with his feelings and drive him insane any longer. If her mind had wandered astray, he would set it back.
Jimin spent most of his time the next day in the chicken coop. They made excellent company: for one, they never judged him for being born wicked. But the added advantage was a near perfect view of the path to his cottage - as soon as she would approach he was ready. 
He waited, and waited. Until it grew late and the sun retired from the sky, Jimin sat outside with his eyes dead set on the path and only his small array of feathery friends for company.
It was only when they too left him that Jimin realised she wasn’t coming.
A shiver ran down his spine at the thought of what was happening to her. What if the villagers that had once persecuted him had now set her as their next target? The idea of (Y/N) being maltreated felt like Jimin’s heart was being ripped out.
Love. That was the word for it. Jimin loves her, to the point of no return, and he was ready to fight for her to be in his arms. He hadn’t experienced the warm touch of another in years, but his yearning for her was much more than that. 
Before he knew it, his feet were carrying him out of the chicken enclosure, into his house to put on a cloak and pack a small satchel and he was journeying far beyond his home before he was even aware of what he was doing.
The fear of being recognised, of being punished for stepping inside the village boundaries as he was forbidden from doing and worst of all being painted as a monster in front of (Y/N) was jarring. But he felt like there was some kind of string pulling him along, as he skulked through the night inspecting each house to deduct which one was hers. 
Suddenly, from inside the house he’d stopped outside of he heard the faint sound of her angelic voice once again. With cautious steps he approached the building it was coming from, glancing in through a small gap in the wall that had not been filled in with stone..
He saw (Y/N) gently stroking the forehead of a young girl who looked almost identical to her mother, save for the stressed lines that creased (Y/N)’s forehead. (Y/N) was singing a sweet lullaby as she comforted her daughter, accompanied by some washed out ghost of a man who seemed to be her husband. The angel pressed a final kiss to her daughter’s forehead before rising from the young girl’s side and nearly collapsing into the man’s arms. Through the thin walls, Jimin could make out a conversation.
“They turned you away?” 
“It’s far too expensive. More than a year’s wages. There’s nothing we can do.”
(Y/N) let out a loud sob.
Jimin’s heart throbbed hearing the beautiful (Y/N)’s wails of anguish, although he didn’t quite know the cause. But he did know that he had to save her from what was making her upset, and fast.
He continued to quietly observe as the family settled themselves down to sleep for the night. The fear was starting to set in that he’d get caught peeking. What if someone recognised him, what if he was publicly humiliated in front of (Y/N), what if she learnt that he did not love as an outcast voluntarily? Jimin could not bear to see hatred in those beautiful eyes, not towards him.
In his satchel, he’d brought a knife. Nestled in with some bread he’d tried to bake. He’d hoped she would enjoy his bread as he did hers, but evidently there was a more pressing issue at hand.
Using his knife, he’d broken open the simple wooden latch on their door and entered. Whilst he’d expected the heavy smell of hops, as many men of the village drank far too much, there was instead the pleasant smell of leftover broth. Whilst Jimin’s stomach was begging him to indulge in some of the homemade food, his heart was begging for some other relief.
When he entered the other room, his heart fell to his shoes. He saw (Y/N) cuddled up to her “husband”, her eyes still sore but her breathing slow and steady. 
Jimin’s stomach churned, thinking about what he was going to do. What if he was caught in the act by (Y/N)?
But he had to do it, to save her and become the man that she needed in her life. The second her husband was gone, she’d turn to cry on his shoulder. Oh, how wonderful it would be to have a companion in his lonely world. She could love him for who he truly was, no matter how freakish, and surely her daughter would be delighted to have a new father?
With one final seed of doubt destroyed Jimin set to work. He gently turned the man on his back, separating his parasitic limbs from (Y/N). And, pressing a hand to his victim’s mouth, Jimin quickly slit his throat.
The man’s eyes shot open as a response to the pain, but all he could do was gargle blood pathetically, his strength being sapped away by the second. And within a minute it was all over. 
He climbed off the dreaded man, not wanting contact with him to last a second longer. His eyes trailed lovingly to see (Y/N), still fast asleep only with a small bit of blood wetting her hair. He longed to take her back with him, but it would not be right. She had to realise herself that Jimin was the man she needed, not some corpse.
Then he saw the child. The poor, wretched child that had been the product of (Y/N)’s mistaken marriage. What was he to do with the child, if it would only remind her of her past pain?
There was only one thing to do. Jimin knelt next to the child, feeling her pulse. It was racing high, and her forehead was drenched in sweat.
The child had done nothing wrong. She deserved mercy, and Jimin felt at peace with himself as he resolved to give it to her. Placing a hand on her chest, muttering an incantation, and watching her quick breaths slow to a stop.
Jimin finally left the house, breathing in the fresh autumn breeze. And finally, for the first time in fourteen years, he smiled.
That afternoon, as he attended to his crops, Jimin spied the sight he’d been dreaming off. (Y/N).
She was clutching a black shawl around herself. As she got closer, he noticed her eyes were bloodshot and her face was caked with mud.
However, she didn’t even spare him a glance. Moreover, she walked straight past him.
“(Y/N)?” He called out, to get no response. Growing more scared, he vaulted over the fence to catch up to her. “(Y/N)?”
“Why do you want to talk to me?” She finally said, her voice hoarse. “I am a monster.”
Jimin didn’t respond. He stood with his mouth open, trying to articulate the words to tell she was wrong, she was an angel!
“You will not ever have to see me again.” She said, turning away. “You do not deserve to be in the presence of a murderer.”
Suddenly it clicked. And suddenly, Jimin felt like they were closer than ever.
“You have been exiled?”
“They say I am a witch. That I killed my husband and cursed my own child! One of the elders took pity but if not for that I would be burnt at the stake!” (Y/N)’s body started to shake.
“You did not do it.” Jimin replied firmly, proud of how his voice didn’t shake as it used to.
“I did not. But they did not believe me. They took my daughter away and I have nothing left in life but the clothes on my body.”
“And me.”
(Y/N) finally looked him in the eye.
“You can stay with me. Outside the village boundaries.” He recited his rehearsed lines, resisting the urge to smile in acknowledgement of (Y/N)’s somber demeanor. They’d believed it all, fell into the trap he’d concocted 
“You are kind Jimin. Alas, that would be too much a burden.” She replied quietly.
“Never. Stay with me, and I will give you your life.” Jimin repeated.
She looked hesitant, but as her need for survival took over her pride she nodded. He held out his hand, which she took in her own blood caked one as he led her back to his dwelling. 
She seemed blissfully unaware of his own status, or perhaps she no longer cared to hold the hand of a freak, an outcast, a foul spirit. But, with the power granted to him, Jimin wouldn’t have it any other way.
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megan-is-mia · 4 years
Number 7 on the monster prompt for rook please NSFW if possible, female reader
7. “You scream and cry over me but how do you think I feel?" (Yandere! Rook Hunt x Fem! Reader) (WARNING NSFW AND NON-CON AHEAD) “So what’s your type Hunt?” (Y/n) said rather suddenly making Rook’s head shoot up with a bemused expression spreading on his face. Epel and Vil who both had the misfortune of also being present let out grunts and sighs respectively. “What was that Mademoiselle Aeon?” Rook said tilting his head to the side. He hadn’t expected this sort of question out of the second-year girl but that did not mean he was not intrigued by it and her by extension. “You heard me, what’s your type? You like em tall, short? Dark and dusky or pale and fair?” (Y/n) rattled off the list of traits on her fingers. “Everyone has a type Hunt, tell me what’s your?” the girl reiterated smoothly. “I am a fan of all beauty, it’d be a damn shame to discriminate after all” Rook said knowing that his answer would not satisfy the girl and reveling in the knowledge that he was irritating her. “Fine, okay. Personality then! You must have a personality preference! I’m gonna hedge my bets on someone smart but not as smart as you right?” (Y/n) said stoutly refusing to let her annoyance be shown. “You’re wasting your time (Y/n) he isn’t goin to give you a straight a—“ Vil began before being drowned out by a burst of laughter from Rook. The dorm head merely leaned back and resumed reading the cosmetic manual he’d be perusing before. “You’re right on the money Mademoiselle Aeon. I do like them a little less clever than myself, a hunter cannot be outwitted by his prey now can he” Rook said once he had control of himself after laughing so hard. “Ah-hah! I knew it! I knew you liked the clever type! Ohhh Cotton is gonna own me 30 gems for this!” (Y/n) said with a childish grin. “The silly bunny said your type was probably the baby-faced but dirty-mouth type” she went on which caused Epel to choke on his drink nearby. “I do appreciate those too, but my heart cannot resist a wily mind. What can I say? I am but a mortal man” Rook said tilting his head to the side. “Someone with a beautiful mind and a beautiful physique is my dream partner” he added sending a loaded look (Y/n)’s way which she missed as her eyes were directed on Epel. “Well I’m off to bed” (Y/n) declared swinging her legs off the couch she’d been lounging on and preparing to stand when Epel suddenly put his cup down to wrap his arms around her waist. “Do you have to go already?” Epel asked older girl pressing his face into her side. He’d grown attached to her, looking up to her as a big sister figure of sorts. More importantly he didn’t want to be left alone with Rook and Vil who’d get ‘ideas’ when the first-year lingered to long. “I gotta get some sleep, I volunteered to be the student first aid giver at the kendo club’s match tomorrow morning” (Y/n) said affectionately as she ruffled Epel’s hair and gently detangle herself from his arms. Going up the stairs to her room, the girl did not bother locking the door as she undressed and slipped on pajamas to sleep. Turning off the lights and pulling up the covers she was soon asleep. Only to awaken a few hours to the sensation of someone on top of her and her arms bound above her head. “Welcome back to the waking world Mademoiselle Aeon~” Rook chirped from his position atop her as he pulled down the covers of the bed and gazed at her barely covered form in her nightwear. Almost immediately (Y/n) opened her mouth to scream for help when Rook stuffed one of his gloves into her mouth and gave her a chiding look with his finger wagging at her. “Oh we’ll have none of that, we wouldn’t want to wake Vil from his beauty sleep now would we?” Rook said gently tapping (Y/n)’s lips with his still gloved hand. “I need you to stay quiet if this is to remain a pleasant experience for both of us” he added letting his hand drift down to squeeze her throat lightly before releasing its grip and wandering down to her bosom. “You look oh so cute in this pajamas but I’m more curious how cute you’ll look without them” Rook cooed pulling the wide neckline of (Y/n)’s pjs down and under her boobs for his easy access. (Y/n)’s nipples stiffened in the chilled air and she experienced a full body shiver. “It’s almost a shame you hide such magnificent breasts under an ill-fitting uniform every day” Rook said with a sigh cupping a boob in each hand and massaging them lightly. The difference between the cool leather on one side and warm skin on the other made (Y/n) lurch violently as tears formed in her eyes as she tried to scream through the impromptu gag that was the leather glove in her mouth. “You scream and cry over me but how do you think I feel? How I’ve pined for you ever since you became a member of this dorm?” Rook said pinching both of (Y/n)’s nipples harshly making her flail in pain until he released his grip. “How I’ve tried to catch your eye only for you to be oblivious or worse mistake my interest in you for friendly banter?” he went on dipping his head down to suck feverishly at one peak and then the other to turn them red and puffy. “Tonight for a moment... I hoped. When you asked me those silly questions I thought that was your way of confessing your feelings back” Rook said staring up at (Y/n) with lusty eyes. “But it seems I was mistaken, you only have eyes for Epel as it were” he added with a sigh moving down and taking both the sheets and (Y/n)’s pajama bottoms with him. He let out an approving hum at the sight of how soaked his darling already was from his ministrations. “I respect your taste, but you could have done better. You could have had me after all” Rook proclaimed as he began to strip down, tossing his clothes around the room willy-nilly in his excitement. “You’re so clever after all, how could you have missed out what I was offering you (Y/n)?” the blonde went on before sticking his fingers in his mouth to lube them up before slipping them one by one into (Y/n)’s exposed cunt. (Y/n)’s toes curled in response to Rook’s probing fingers as they mercilessly pressed her sweet spot. “But I suppose you were still not smart enough to realize what could have been. That’s alright though, I’ll just have to show you what you’re missing, what you could have” Rook crooned pulling his fingers free of (Y/n)’s pussy to coat his cock in her fluids and his remaining salvia. “I almost forgot to ask, are you by chance a virgin?” Rook questioned as he positioned himself right at (Y/n)’s entrance. The averted eyes and lack of a clear nod or shake game him his answer as he slowly plunged in. Rook lowered his head to his darling’s neck planting kisses and lovebites to distract her from the pain of loosing her maidenhood. (Y/n) kept her eyes squeezed shut trying to block out the experience both of having her virginity stolen and Rook’s efforts to comfort her through the pain. The glove in her mouth was removed as Rook pressed his lips against hers, his tongue teasing her own gently. “That’s it almost there, just hold on a little longer love” Rook cooed softly as he fully sank into (Y/n)’s heat. He was still for a moment to allow her muscles to grow accustomed to his presence, then he slowly shifted into action using his years of experience to make it more pleasurable. One hand slipped down to toy with (Y/n)’s clit to help her relax more while the other braced against the headboard to hold one of the girl’s captive hands. Rook played (Y/n)’s body like an instrument. Able to pull out all kinds of cute little gasps, moans, and whines from her unwilling lips. He was also determined to make her cum before he himself lost it in her inviting depths. Picking up speed he pounded her into the mattress, giving no heed to the possibility that their dormmates might hear the sound of the headboard banging against the wall from the force of their lovemaking. (Y/n) was starting to see stars as her vision began to blur and the ecstasy of orgasm overtook her. She was too dazed to realize that Rook has cum in her not long after until he’s pulled out and jizz dripped out of her bloated cunt. She was also too weak to resist the kiss he forced on her as he undid her restraints and yanked the pj top she was still wearing off onto the floor. “I think you can see my point now (Y/n). No man will be able to satisfy you like I can” Rook murmured as he made himself comfortable beside (Y/n) and wrapped his arms around her waist pulling her close. “Tomorrow we can make it all official to the rest of the dorm that we’re dating alright?” he added kissing her nose and nuzzling his face against her chest as he drifted off. (Y/n) stared out the window at the moon unable, unwilling to accept the terrible fate she’d been dealt... THE END
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thekuroiookami · 7 years
Otome Mania
This is no longer a secret, I have played, do play and will play a fair number of otome games. I’m weak to cliched romantic plotlines, okay?
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Since I did promise @lethesomething a list, here it is. The summary is...I’ve played a lot of games.
Games organized by console, arranged from meh to great.
PS Vita
I pretty much got a Vita so I could play otomes. Don’t judge me too harshly. And while a lot of these are incomplete (i.e. I haven’t played through every route), I feel like I can give an opinion.
Norn 9: Var Commons - Admittedly I haven’t gotten far into this, but lord is the plot confusing. Like, what is happening? What is happening? So many pretty people, though...
Sweet Fuse - Cute, fun, though not high on replay value. The characters are really weird, but don’t let that stop you. They have charm, and the parody elements are worth it. Plus blowing your top has never been so satisfying.
Collar x Malice - I almost finished one route and I’m really enjoying it. The heroine has so much personality and she chews out the dude whose route I was doing, and the mystery is so intriguing, if a tad weirdly investigated...
Code Realize: Guardian of Rebirth - By far the best otome game I’ve played on anything. A beautifully built world, excellent artwork, a heroine with backbone, massively diverging plotlines, and just about every love interest is actually interesting. I’d encourage everyone to play this when it comes out on PC. The Suwabe character is just the icing on the cake for once.
Hakuoki: Demon of the Fleeting Blossom - Hugely overrated, I think, though not many games can match the artwork. Incredibly long, painful storylines that made me yawn. Heroine has zero presence. I do love Saito though.
Mystic Messenger - Is entertaining, but every love interest needs immediate help from a psychologist. The format works to the game’s advantage, and the voice acting is good, I spent a ton of money on it. But the romance doesn’t always feel like a romance.
Liar: Uncover the Truth - This is a surprisingly fun game, but I didn’t have the patience to wait for tickets, or spend money on the black hole. Sad but true.
Games you should definitely never play:
Amnesia: Memories - out and out horror, that one. I don’t know why player character has a sprite, because her personality is non-existent.
Ozmafia - Theoretically very interesting, but in practice, suffers from a spineless heroine. I have a knack for finding the yandere route the second time I play any game, and...let’s say if you play the doctor’s route you’re in for some surprises. Yeah.
Men of Yoshiwara: Sigh. Terrible translation, first off, backed up by terrible writing. Just don’t.
Games that are okay to pass the time:
Seduce Me and Seduce Me 2: Demon War - It’s not like this one is bad, just not amazing. It’s decently voice acted, and the first one is a cute rom-com. The second game gets a lot more complex and weird, and it’s super easy to die. The first game is free.
The Lady’s Choice - A Regency romance otome game with only two choices, but it’s nice how much you can shape the MC’s personality. Free on itch.io.
Dandelion and Nameless - Both of these are Korean-origin, produced by the same company that did Mystic Messenger, and while they do have strong writing plus original concepts, somehow the games never keep my attention for long. Nameless is a bit dark in tone, if that appeals to you. Dandelion is a stat-raising sim, which I hate with a passion.
Loren the Amazon Princess - I think this was one of the first ones I played, and it was pretty ahead in the range of LGBTQ characters, but now that I think back on it, the RPG/romance combination was a tad strange. But I do recommend it.
Days of the Divine - Another of those free itch.io ones, I can barely remember this. It was passable.
How to Take Off Your Mask - Cute, but I can’t remember what the point was.
Games that are super cute and definitely need to be played at least once:
Cute Demon Crashers - It’s a pretty short game, but utterly wonderful in its simplicity and earnestness. An R-18 novel that is very high on sex positivity, I’d recommend this one a lot. Free on itch.io.
The Blind Griffin - An odd but good work set in the age of flapper dresses and speakeasies, following a Chinese heroine who accidentally stumbles upon a secret magician’s guild and trains as an apprentice. Great art, comes with a slang dictionary, and makes up for its abruptness with cuteness. Free on itch.io.
Heartbaked - Lots of aggressive pastry references in this one, and one guy who is? a sheep? Or something? I dunno, it’s adorable. Free on itch.io.
Hustle Cat - A cat cafe, only the staff are the cats. Light hearted fun, though it is easy to mess the game up and get a bad ending.
Autumn’s Journey - So cute. So much fluff. Dragon boys. A girl knight. Enough said. Free on itch.io.
Magical Otoge Ciel - If you want to simultaneously have your soul uplifted and go “WTF is this meta”, play this. It’s so irreverent and sweet, and the art grows on you. @batensan‘s Magical Otoge Anholly is a good read as well, though it is technically a linear novel. Free on itch.io.
Taarradhin - A beautiful fantasy short, but incredibly hard to figure out. The high probability of getting it wrong kind of put me off. Free on itch.io.
Lads in Distress - Exactly what it says on the tin. Overly competent princess with pink hair takes matters into her own hands and saves the princes. I only wish we also had the option to date the childhood fried cum fairy advisor.  Free on itch.io.
Re: Alistair - This one is really good, and honestly would have been included in the best games list if it had more LIs. There’s a cute mystery to sort of solve, and I don’t even mind the stat-raising elements. Free on itch.io.
Ristorante Amore - Gorgeous art, and a major plot twist once the story really gets started. I can’t give away anything for fear of ruining it, so just go play it.  Free on itch.io.
Yo-Jin-Bo - One of my guilty pleasures, honestly. Yes the MC is a wimp, but the absolute comedy that passes for dialogue is worth it.
Games that sink their claws in and don’t let go:
Cinders - I cannot recommend this enough. Sublime story-telling, the option to be Machiavellian, naively sweet or something in between. The LI’s are good, of course (guess who’s my favourite), but the real star of the show is female relationships - Cinders and her stepsisters, the daughters and the mother, the godmother in disguise. There’s so many possible outcomes as well. I wish the original fairytale were half as interesting.
Cinderella Phenomenon - A free game I backed on Kickstarter, and it’s looking pretty good. The heroine is unapologetically bitchy, but goes through some satisfying character development in the routse I played. Intrigue abounds, and even though I wish there was a little less blushing to go around, it’s pretty good overall.
Demonheart - I am a little torn about this, because it’s an ongoing game on Steam (released in chapters). On the one hand, I feel like romance things happened really abruptly in the last chapter. On the other, the concept is executed very well and there are so many choices. Plus, excellent worldbuilding.
Nachtigal - A really good shorter game about a spunky heroine trapped with two vampires. There’s a whole variety of ways to die in this one, so it’s extra satisfying when you do land the guy.
The Royal Trap - Say what you will about it, but as one of the first VNs I read, I still quite like this one. So many romance options, and so much intrigue. Each route reveals something different about the overall plot. Good stuff. 
The Second Reproduction - Starts off typical, but then it goes down some truly unexpected routes. Strong heroine, attractive demon king. Be sure to play it with a guide to get the whole story.
There are plenty I haven’t played at all, or not enough to comment, but this is the list I’d give out to anyone who wanted some recs.
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