#but also the first “gift” Kaiba got her. He made it himself on such short notice which is why you can see the seams everywhere
sugarsweetvirgo · 6 months
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Kyojin ( 巨人 )
(n) giant; great man
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momothegeckho · 4 years
arranged. | 03
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Previous: |01  |02 
Summary: Chiara was living out her days normally, when against her will, she is betrothed to Seto Kaiba for a business deal. She does not approve, and expects Kaiba not to either... until she hears he is the one who facilitated this deal.
The OC is Chiara Fuyu, daughter to one of the best holotech labs internationally, named Fuyu Corp. Her father agrees to have her married to Seto on grounds of uniting Fuyu Corp under Kaiba Corp.
“Dinner will be ready in a few minutes. You should change into something more comfortable.You also have your own bathroom through your closet over there. Don’t take too long.”
As I made my way to the bathroom, I had stopped to take in the closet leading to it. The clothes were nice, but they weren’t mine. In fact, none of my original clothes could be seen amongst the new replacements. Not that they weren’t nice, but it was very rude to me that my clothes are nowhere to be found. I would have to ask Kaiba about this later.
Upon entering the bathroom, I felt as if I was transported into a more futuristic dimension, because everything was so advanced. The bathroom was a fluorescent white with hints of blue in certain areas, and the shower was surrounded by a glass frame, completely clean and had a mirror on the wall next to it. The bathtub looked just as cool, and I found myself drooling over the design. My fangirling only amplified when I heard an automated voice come from the mirror in front of the sink. The bathroom had a damn AI, too?!
“Good evening, Ms. Fuyu! I will be your helpful AI unit from now on! I am named SUNNY, created especially for you by Seto Kaiba, and can be used anywhere in your room, and even on your phone once you download me!”
I was honestly impressed, and also a bit flattered that Kaiba developed a system for me. All of my hate for him took a hiatus as I just stood and admired his efforts because this has to be the first time someone had put so much effort into a gift for me.
“Ms. Fuyu, I have been instructed to start your shower as soon as possible! The temperature of the water is a comfortable 90 degrees, and I have some of your favorite songs cued for the duration of your shower. Kaiba has also instructed me on your outfit for tonight, so no worries!”
Of course Kaiba had picked my clothes as well. A control freak at heart I suppose. Everything else was wonderful! The automated shower system, heat control, it was all very nice of him.
That shower had to be the most comfortable thing I experienced today, and even though everything was accommodating to my comfortability, I still couldn’t help but feel sadness, disgust, and anger at my father for leaving me. Did I even matter to him? This was all like some stupid dramatic stereotype, being sold off to some rich cute guy to be married…
… wait, did I just admit Kaiba was cute?
Ugh. All of this is already getting to me… How do I get out of this mess?
I got out of the shower and went to the sink, and I just looked so tired. So done with everything. From now on, I would be alone here with this utter sociopath, and I no longer knew what to do, let alone think.
“Ms. Fuyu. I sense high stress levels in your heart rate. Do you need assistance?”
This AI is really something. Stress sensors? Kaiba went all out.
“Nothing is wrong, Sunny. Just a bit unnerved. I need some rest.”
“Oh! I am sorry to hear that, Ms. Fuyu. Let us get you dressed and fed so you can sleep.”
Before I could walk to the closet, I watched as the hangers began to shift and move on each side, silently sifting through the clothes, then pushing out one of the hangers, revealing a nice pajama gown, fit with a cover-up and matching slippers.
“Kaiba is literally the definition of too much money, and too much time.”
After getting dressed, I made my way downstairs, slowly making my way to the dining area, and almost being scared to death by one of the staff of the house.
“This way, Ms. Fuyu.”
Why is everyone here so monotone? There’s only so much static I can take…
Walking into the dining room, I am escorted to a seat next to the head of the table. Across from me is Mokuba, Kaiba’s little brother. I smile and wave at him, and he shyly does the same. He clearly is uncomfortable with this, too. I try to strike up a bit of conversation with him, although it is short and very strained with the gigantic elephant in the room, being…
It isn’t long before Kaiba enters the room and sits at the head chair, exchanging a quick smile to Mokuba before turning to me with a stone face.
“You look tired.”
I know this asshat didn’t-
“Why thanks, Kaiba, I feel tired… Can I ask you why I couldn’t find any of my original clothes from home?”
“They weren’t necessary, and inappropriate for you to wear here.”
Inappropriate? Was that his way of calling my clothes ugly? What a guy. 
The food was brought out and we began to eat, in a very awkward silence. I don’t know if it was just me, but I felt so uncomfortable. The food was good, but the silence was almost unbearable. I couldn’t just let this be.
“Kaiba? I have questions, and I’m tired of being left in the dark.”
Before I could continue, Kaiba stopped me and directed his attention to Mokuba, politely asking him to eat in his room. When he had left, he turned his attention to me and sighed.
“... What? Kaiba, none of this is making sense to me! No one has been telling me anything and I’m getting impatient!”
“The contract has all of the information you need. I don’t have to answer anything for you and you should accept that this is what we have to do now. Don’t make anything harder than it has to be. Do your duties, and I will fulfill mine.”
A whole new flood gate came loose, and I couldn’t help but cry. I tried not to, because the last thing I need is for Kaiba to have the satisfaction of making me cry, but it was just too much to handle. My eye contact with Kaiba broke as I looked down at my lap, allowing my hair to cover my face as I tried to hold back whimpers, failing miserably. Couldn’t he see how scared this made me? How drastic my life just changed? I know he has an apathy streak, and could care less about others, but this is just cruel.
I noticed Kaiba stand and turn his back to me, looking at the painting on the wall opposite to me. He was quiet, and his silence made me feel worse.
“How can you be like this? Did you do this ro me on purpose? Trying to show me my father could care less about me, taking me away from my home… forcing me to marry you when I don’t feel a shred of love for you? It’s cruel, Kaiba. Even for you.”
Had my words even reached him? Was he even worried? If he cared for me, the least amount, he would say something. Anything. There was nothing, but awkward silence.
This had to be the most awkward moment I’ve had in awhile, and it only became more awkward when I heard shuffling. Looking up, I flinched lightly to see Kaiba’s hand reached towards me, his face had more surprise than mine.
He had stopped reaching when he was close enough to almost touch my face, and then slowly, he retracted and turned back from me.
“You clearly need some time alone. Just, go rest. We can talk in the morning.”
I stood as quietly as I could, and quickly left for my room. Leaving Kaiba behind. I shut off my light and got into bed, tears still streaming down my face onto my pillow.
“Ms. Fuyu, It’s me, Sunny. How are you feeling?”
“Sunny, just call me by my first name.”
There was silence, then the AI spoke again.
“Understood, Ms.Chiara. Your distress levels are very high. Please talk to me.”
I was hesitant at first. Would this AI just report back to Kaiba? I didn’t know, and at that moment, I was too emotionally compromised to care. I told her everything. How I felt, What had happened… As much as I could to make myself feel better.
“I apologize for such a tiring day… You don’t have to worry, Chiara. This is strictly confidential. I am created to serve you, and I will remember our conversations for future discussion and solution making.”
That made me feel a bit better as I laid there under my blanket. At least I had something to vent to. Feeling myself drift off, I felt another question fill my mind, and I asked Sunny before I drifted off.
“Sunny? Kaiba was about to touch me at dinner when I was crying, but he just stopped. Why did he do that?”
There was silence, before Sunny began to speak.
“From the contract I have on file, it states that he is not allowed to touch you until you are 18 and give consent, or unless your father approves. Other than that, touching you directly is forbidden and punishable by annulment of the contract.”
… huh.
I honestly had nothing to say about that, but a lot of speculations about it. The one nagging at me the most was wondering if Kaiba really cared enough to respect the boundaries, and why he would include that in the contract in the first place.
With these thoughts and questions, I fell asleep. This would just have to wait for tomorrow.
Well, Kaiba wasn’t expecting this. 
At All.
The whole situation earlier was one of the possibilities he hadn’t prepared for, and it didn’t help that he wasn’t the best with expressing words, or feelings, to other people. Of course he didn’t want her to cry today. His words were totally misunderstood. Mostly his fault on that front, but he wasn’t expecting Chiara’s personality to be so gentle, yet fiery against his own. Not that this was a bad thing. He liked her. Otherwise he wouldn’t have asked for her hand. Okay, maybe the contract was a bit much, maybe a bit too forceful, but it had to be done, unfortunately. He was being rushed, and the usual steps one would take to marry their significant other, didn’t apply to him now.
“Sir, You have a new blueprint to review. Your team sent it in a few minutes ago.”
“Understood. Leave it to me.”
He wasn’t really paying attention. He was just mentally kicking himself for almost touching her today. He had to get more control if he wanted this to work. And in order to make this work, he had to make her see that he wasn’t a terrible human being, which should be easy.
… right?
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steve0discusses · 5 years
Yugioh Season Zero: Yuugi Gets a Tomagachi Pt 1
Hey you know what? Lets look at Zero again.
For those new here, I’m also going through Yugioh Season Zero, which is not the anime we got in the States, but the anime that came before it. It’s got all sorts of issues that 90′s anime tend to have, so, consider yourself warned.
You can read my recaps of just Season Zero by clicking on this link right here.
Anyway, it’s been kind of a while since I did one of these, and part of the reason is because I need to use a fandub in order to not have subs across the bottom. And that’s normally not a problem, but as you see in the corner of this next cap here, of the villain introduced this episode, this 3-Stooges-all-stuffed-into-one-body-suit-lookin guy, who has a realllllly weird tradition he does after beating people up,
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We have an uhhhhh watermark situation in the bottom right hand corner. As an artist I have a hard time releasing anything with someone else’s watermark on it, but I have literally no other options, so forgive me, Team Millennium, you will probably never see this post because we’re a very smalltime blog. You can find their dubs on Youtube.
Anyway we’re here for pocket toys.
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TAMAGACHIS. It’s been a hot minute since I’ve thought about Tamagachis.
(read more under the cap)
Mine are all gone now, I think I tossed them a year after I got them, the fad was pretty strong but short. Since most people got their Tomagachis second hand, (they were just impossible to buy because they were sold out everywhere), none of us had any freakin instructions so I had no idea at all how to use them and it died like 30 times. Usually several times a day.
Honestly Tamagachi’s are both the best and absolute worst child’s toy ever made.
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And so Jounouchi’s going to go off about what a Tamagachi is (Tamagatchi? Eh doesn’t matter) but first lets just address the fact that...they’re in History class.
I mean....
...It had to happen eventually.
I’m fine. Don’t worry about me. I’m fine.
I’m just...
I’m fine.
Anyway, lets dive into Tamagachi (tomagachi?) physics. I think I spelled Tamagachi incorrectly in all of these caps and hell will freeze over before I fix them all.
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These kids are WAY to old to be playing with a freakin Tamagachi, but I dunno, maybe it was different in Japan? My older brothers were playing with like Gameboys and the odd hacky sack during this time period. And then my one brother who refused to play video games that weren’t Basketball related got super into rapping into a mixer table (he is half deaf, he was v bad). That was it, that was their portable digital hobbies.
They saw my Tamagachis and were like...no thanks.
Anyway, the Yugioh Tamagachis have a little twist to them that no Tamagachi on earth has ever had the power to do. Like maybe this seems like pretty low tech to the babies out there who don’t remember these things, but listen--Tomagachis barely functioned. I don’t think they were capable of basic math. That is the only explanation to me at least of how they died so freakin often.
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WOW Yugioh. I mean guaranteed, I would have been suuuuper into this when I was 10-11 but also...kind of WEIRD right?
And I mean, no worries, this is Yugioh, so not even Yuugi’s Tamagachi is going to score, but it’s not like they won’t try. TBH, Yuugi’s Tamagachi dates more than Yugi. Yuugi’s Tamagachi goes on more dates than Yugi has in 3 seasons.
Anyway, Jounouchi get’s rightfully scolded out.
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And Honda is still a freakin weirdo, something I tend to forget every time I tune into Season Zero, much like this girl, who I also completely forget is a main character on this cast. Hi, Miho.
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Of course, Anzu does bring up a good point...
...maybe Spanish is NEXT period?
Headcanon restored.
Miho seems entirely inept at life, to the point that she cannot both attend school and occasionally sweep up the feces of her pocket pet. She was kept up apparently all hours of the night, gazing at a little one inch screen and pressing one of three buttons.
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(Anzu’s face trying to understand Miho)
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Like I joke that I think Miho could easily be the super villain of this show but this episode she just pumps up the bastard like 200%.
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(this is how I ended up with 2 Tamagachi’s, before I burned out and got rid of the little assholes)
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So Honda, so horny he can barely think, decides to take care of this pocket pet because he’s pretty sure he can hightail it out of the country with Miho on a romantic trip to Sydney. It sort of makes me kinda miss when Yugioh was vague.
Sensing awkward romantic stuff, Yuugi gets the hell out of there, because weird stuff is happening in this bathroom with his friend, Haiyama, and while most people would leave the bathroom stuff alone, Yuugi has never been able to leave anything alone. Especially if it’s gross and riddled with collusion.
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He finds out that Haiyama is giving money to the giant 3 Stooges guy who’s name is Kujiwara (Kujirada) or something like that. I’m hella bad at names and I had to look it up like four times. I’ll get the names spelled wrong like so, so many times.
All in all, the small little Haiyama is divying up money to the current class bully and Yuugi feels a very strong affinity with Haiyama because of it.
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Sorry I just had to imagine for a hot minute what the Kaibas would bring to a bake sale.
Anyway, like, this is off topic but also on topic, bear with me, so you know how in Evangelion, they show up to class, and they’re like “weird that we’re in the same class with all the kids who man the robots, weird.” and it’s like “why do they all go to this class if they’re living in completely different parts of the city? Like this one kid is covered head to toe in bandages and then this other kid is the son of the head of the robot illuminati and this other kid lives in like a tent a lot of the time? Like wtf is this weird ass class?” and then, basically near the end of Evangelion you get this reveal (spoilers for a 20 year old anime, look away) that everyone in the class has been hand selected to be put inside of giant robots and that is why so many of them are just screwball beyond reason.
I feel like Yuugi might have a little bit of an Evangelion problem, because we’ve got this class of like maybe...20 students, and they all come from completely different walks of life in this city, and they’re all just a bucket of disturbing psychosis’. Like it is just so crazy that Anzu got completely possessed by Shadi, but this class is filled with so many assholes that no one noticed until she started choking Yuugi to death in the medical ward.
I’m just saying, I think Yuugi’s class was hand selected by the government for scary ulterior robot illuminati motives, and if I were to write a Yugioh spinoff, it would still be Marik’s Boat Time, but in the background of Marik’s Boat Time, these dumb asshole children would be finally forced by the government to use their inner asshole powers to mitigate WWIII against the space aliens (or WW IV, since I figured by that point Kaiba’s already pulled a III just by accident)
Anyway back to little Haiyama, who’s name I cannot spell right to save my life.
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This part was real funny to me because when Yuugi went through this similar problem at the beginning of the series, he turned to a toy (or what he thought was a toy) in the Millennium Puzzle. Maybe in his mind, he’s giving Haiyama a gift to help him make friends like the Puzzle did with Yuugi. Thing is, uh.....this Tamagachi isn’t cursed with darkness or anything, so nice try Yuuge, this is a sort of pointless offering. It is nice, though.
Anyway, cute little Haiyama patiently takes the Tomagachi and walks the other way, as far as he can possibly get away, from Yuugi Muto.
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This note is a note Honda wrote on like a permission slip, and then handed to a dude in class, to hand directly to Honda’s Spanish teacher.
How many jokes have I made that Tristan is the Mom Friend? Wow.
Anyway, this version of Tristan is about as bad at life as Miho is, so he’s going to just peace out in his bedroom playing a pretttttty boring Tomagachi game.
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It really takes like just nothing at all for these kids to skip school, wow.
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Anyways, they come across a rival game shop storefront, so Yuugi can’t help himself but admire the competition. Surprise, it’s just a different color of Tamagachi.
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Before I can contemplate on why this one podunk shop in Domino is selling the only digital pet that is the best in the whole wide world, this happens.
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So...that happens. That just happens.
And then we get this weird, very spooky sort of stalker footage of Kujirada, being developed on this amazing set of old timey software, check this out. Please admire how much 1999 is in these next frames.
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This episode is particularly weird, but the whole thing with the photo taking is just...it is SO weird.
And like sorry to do this to you, but we’ll go over the rest of it in the next update, cuz this episode had a lot of stuff and so I made just so many caps but...holy hell this episode went completely off the rails. Like this first half is a whole lot of weird stuff but then the next half is just...there’s absolutely no way to predict the next half from the first half of events. It just goes completely wild.
Like this episode further proves my theory that everyone in this class has no choice but to destroy all life with giant mechs. There’s no other way. All of Yuugi’s classmates are here to end the world. Him included. This mess of a class.
27 notes · View notes
kaibashadow · 5 years
Seto Kaiba overhears a rumor about KaibaShadow possibly getting over him and goes to investigate the source. He finds Kokichi Ouma standing outside somewhere in the middle of the day and confronts him.
Kokichi decides to tease the CEO of the company, mainly stating that he, himself, is more superior in every way and a much more better choice for her than Kaiba will ever be.
Kaiba knows that this guy has track record of lying so much and thinks that he is up to his usual antics right now. He doesn’t believe that he lost KaibaShadow even for just a second. He smacks Kokichi right across the face, which leave a very distinct red, painful mark on his cheek and a very distraught supreme leader turning away from Kaiba in order to conceal the damage he has done to him.
Kaiba leaves Kokichi and goes to find his so-called “friends” just randomly standing in the middle of the road in some remote location. He tells them in great detail what he has done, and when the others start reacting and retaliating, saying that he shouldn’t have punched Kokichi, Kaiba just laughs. He doesn’t take orders or advice from anyone. He is in this all for himself. As long as he has his fan-base to support him, he thinks that everything that he does will be justified in any way.
He walks away from the group, needing time to spend for himself.
- - -
At night, Kaiba enters his secret base and starts turning on his terminal and his computer. He wants to know if Kokichi really does serve as a competition to him. Kaiba decides to see what KaibaShadow was viewing last time in her search history. He discovers Kokichi Ouma’s biography page and schematics and starts reading through them with such disgust.
Suddenly, one of Kaiba’s cameras starts alerting him of an intruder in the area. He checks the main camera to see what might be going on.
Kokichi Ouma appears right on his computer screen, almost scaring Kaiba in the process. Apparently, Kokichi found Kaiba’s secret base and locates one of his hidden cameras and thought that it would be fun if Kaiba knew that his base was now compromised by his beautiful presence.
Kokichi has a proposition for Kaiba. “Heeeeyyy, Kaiba! You want to know why KaibaShadow has been so interested in me lately? Well, I’m gonna tell you now. So, get ready!” Kokichi takes a deep breath as if he is ready to explain in great detail his whole life story, but then, he states, “That was just a lie! If you really want to know, then meet me later tonight at this location.” Kokichi tapes a piece of paper to Kaiba’s camera, completely obscuring the camera’s view in the process. Kokichi later leaves the premises without Kaiba knowing how or when Kokichi was able to enter or leave his base.
Kaiba is shocked that Kokichi was easily able to track down his current secret base and is appalled to even think that Kokichi would have revealed himself and shed some light on the matter right then and there. He contemplates whether he should go find out the truth from the talented trickster. In the back of his mind, he has a feeling that Kokichi won’t really say anything about it and thinks that he is going to trick Kaiba again. But, what choice does Kaiba have? If he wants to find out what really happened, then he has no choice but to go, right?
Kaiba gets up and closes his monitor and his lights. He goes out late at night, thinking that he might have a lead.
- - -
When Kaiba meets up at the given location with Kokichi, he at first didn’t recognize him. He thought it was just some kid outside just trick-or-treating really late at night, which he finds to be odd considering that this kid was alone by himself with no parent or guardian around to watch him. Kaiba has a quick thought about whether or not his little brother, Mokuba, was still outside trick-or-treating by himself or even if his brother was even doing such a thing in the first place when suddenly, the kid in front of him starts speaking, “So, what do you think about my costume?”
Kaiba scrutinizes at the kid more closely and finally notices the short stature and small features of the boy in front of him. He can now see that this person is his newest rival. “What are you supposed to even be?” he questions with a glaring tone.
Kokichi smiles and says, “Isn’t it obvious? I’m just a skeleton! Or a Soul Reaper! Or maybe even the Grim Reaper! Pick or choose whichever. Anyways, where’s your costume?”
Kaiba doesn’t answer his question. Instead, he remarks and laughs maniacally, “Your costume is lame! Hahahahaha!” He gloats with a wide-open smile when he sees Kokichi about to be in tears and ponders that this guy has no chance over winning KaibaShadow’s heart. He thinks that coming here was just a waste of time and he leaves abruptly.
What Kaiba doesn’t know is that this was all an act just to see how desperate he was to getting the information. Kokichi wanted to know if he was bothering Kaiba just by the mere sight of him, and he definitely got his answer right then. He has everything falling into place, especially KaibaShadow’s undivided attention.
Kokichi tries to give a fair warning to Kaiba, but he’s already out of sight. “If you try to break me…”
- - -
Kokichi changes out of his costume and into his own clothing. He snickers and grins, knowing that he has everything now at his fingertips. Now, all he has to do to Kaiba… “I’m gonna burn you down!” Kokichi is a force to be reckoned with, and Kaiba has no idea what he’s in for.
- - -
The next day, Kokichi challenges Kaiba to play a game at the gym.
For some reason, Kaiba just doesn’t seem to know how to say no to this person, and they start the game.
Some time passes, and Kokichi appears to be the one who is winning so far. But, Kaiba doesn’t give in. He knows he is capable of bouncing right back to win the game just as he did countless times before.
However, Kokichi finds this moment as an opportunity to finally reveal to Kaiba the whereabouts of KaibaShadow. KaibaShadow has apparently have two interests in mind, and neither one of them happens to be the beholder of the Blue-Eyes White Dragon cards. Kokichi states with such veracity, “Baby, KaibaShadow’s done with you. She’s not coming back for you.”
And, with that statement, Kokichi automatically wins the duel. He beats Kaiba in his own game and mischievously teases, “I didn’t know we were playing Duel Links.”
 Devastated with the loss, Kaiba decides to find a way to enter the after life to find the Pharaoh for a duel without trying to harm himself in order to get there.
Instead, he finds himself in another place and in a different school currently wearing school clothes at this time. He didn’t want to cause a scene, so he plans on waiting until school is over to see where exactly did he end up.
However, Uryu Ishida just happens to notice Seto Kaiba, whereas, the rest of the class didn’t. He knows that Kaiba doesn’t belong here and senses that his spiritual pressure is a threat to this world. He also knows that Kaiba was once a favorite of KaibaShadow’s, but now there is no room for him to be on her mind. Uryu makes it his mission to eliminate the being as quickly as he can.
Uryu glares intensely at Kaiba while skillfully sewing during his free time.
Kaiba, trying to read a book that he clearly can’t understand as if it was written in a new language he has never seen before, notices Uryu and thinks that maybe he’s been made. But, Kaiba makes this the least of his worries. He’s been trying to figure out who Kokichi Ouma was talking about when he mentioned that there are two interests that KaibaShadow has in mind. One of them just has to be Kokichi Ouma, which she has made a definitive mistake on, but who is this other one? he contemplates to himself.
- - -
The school bell finally rings for the end of the day. Kaiba gets out of his school clothes and dresses himself in his normal attire. However, he was not expecting to come face-to-face with another person.
Uryu carefully draws his bow and releases the arrow with such grace, surrounding Kaiba in a bright and intense light.
Kaiba isn’t sure how or what exactly set this person off or what was bothering him when suddenly, he gets a sinking feeling that this might be the other “interest” that the little gremlin was talking about. He questions the guy in front of him, “So tell me, who or what are you?”
Uryu stands his ground and wears a serious look on his face. “Uryu Ishida. I’m a Quincy.” He eyes the person in front of him meticulously and points assertively at him. “Seto Kaiba, you are my enemy!”
Kaiba certainly isn’t one who backs down from a fight, but he has never met a person who has powers like Uryu, or so he thinks. Kaiba concludes that it might be best to stay out of Uryu’s way, not that this so called “Quincy” poses any kind of threat to him. He’d rather just not get himself involved with the situation as of yet.
- - -
Kaiba walks alone at night by himself just trying to figure out where he still is and if he’s any closer to getting to the after life to meet the Pharaoh. Being alone with his own thoughts makes him feel susceptible to thinking about anything, especially his encounter with Uryu. “So, he has special powers, wears glasses, and knows how to sew. What exactly makes him so special?” he continues to ponder, “This is just a phase KaibaShadow is going through. She’s going to get over him and come back to me. Same goes for that Kokichi.”
He continues to walk on, but suddenly, he hears something and looks over his shoulder. He certainly wasn’t expecting to see him tonight.
Uryu Ishida was just out walking in the street by himself when he senses Kaiba’s awful spiritual pressure. As if reading his mind, he warns Kaiba, “Know I’m nothing like the others.”
(Note: KaibaShadow has plushies of some of her favorite characters from various franchises. Some were given as gifts, and others she bought for herself. So, guess which plushies she recently added to her collection?)
Uryu takes it upon himself to take Kaiba to the Soul Society for two reasons: 1. To get Kaiba away from his world and his town. 2. The Soul Society is overfilling with reishi, which he can utilize his own powers and defeat Kaiba once and for all.
Once they arrive at the Soul Society, however, Kaiba manages to knock Uryu off of the roof. Kaiba appears to be all high and mighty and is smug about the whole situation. He doesn’t believe he lost KaibaShadow in any way, shape, or form. He warns Uryu, “Stay out of my way! You’re no match compared to me anyways!” Kaiba gets off the roof and walks away.
Uryu takes great offense to that statement as he continues to use his fingers to latch on to the roof to prevent him from falling a great amount of distance towards the ground. He relies on his pride as a Quincy to release his powers and to regain control over this battle. Uryu responds to the CEO, “You shouldn’t have messed with me ‘cuz I heard…” With the use of his powers, he plants himself firmly on his feet and vows to exact revenge, or at least, set them both on the same leverage. He goes to find the wandering Kaiba in the Soul Society.
- - -
Later that night, Uryu finds Kaiba and decides to go beyond his current capabilities in order to set the record straight. Uryu breaks off his glove and immediately feels this new set of powers overflowing almost beyond his control, but Uryu doesn’t quit. He is determined to stop Kaiba at all costs and send him anywhere else but his world and here.
Kaiba finds himself in deep trouble, knowing that a simple card games can’t help him out with this problem. He know that in a fight against this Quincy, he will lose, but his own pride has prevented him from making smart choices. If Kaiba hasn’t felt fear or death before, then he certainly will now. He watches Uryu with careful consideration, knowing that he should probably start running, but he is unable to at that moment. He is frozen in place while he just stands there dumbfounded.
Uryu is fast and gets the high ground before Kaiba could even react. He is ready to take aim at his opponent and send him far away from this place.
Kaiba glances up at Uryu and gases at him like he is an angel. An Angel of Death, that is. He can hear and feel his breath being hitched and his heart painfully pounding in his body. He sees his whole life flash right before his very eyes at the mere sight of seeing Uryu draw his arrow from his bow.
Uryu locks onto his opponent. As his final words to him, ironically, as if to mock Kaiba, he tells him, “You’re afraid of monsters! Monster!” He releases that arrow from his heart, which sends shockwaves throughout the Soul Society.
What do you think happens next? Is Kaiba still alive after an attack like this? Does Kaiba get to meet the Pharaoh in the after life? Will Kaiba find a way to win KaibaShadow’s heart once again? You decide how this goes.
- KᴀɪʙᴀSʜᴀᴅᴏᴡ ♥
Maki Harukawa, Shuichi Saihara, and Kokichi Ouma Plushies: Yoshee G
Beta Kokichi Ouma: @nona-nightingale
Edited: September (Uryu’s part) - October (Kokichi’s part) 2019 Uploaded: October 31, 2019 「EMS」Kokichi Ouma vs Seto Kaiba vs Uryu Ishida - Monster
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over-roaming-waves · 6 years
Turn Turn Turn
Rating: SFW
Charaters: Yuma Tsukumo, Yugi Mouto, Atem, Yusei Fudo, Jaden Yuki, Carly Nagisa, Jack Atlas, Yami Bakura, Ryou Bakura, Malik Ishtar, Isis ishtar, Mai Valentine, Jounouchi Katsuya Mentioned: Seto Kaiba, Mokuba Kaiba
Pairings: Puzzleship, Visionship, Theifship (slowburn), Scoopship, More to be added.
“O.K., you can do this Yuma. Just go in there and say you want to join. Right then, it’s not like they’re going to kick you out because you’re just start, or you’re too young, or anything like that. And it’s definitely not likely that they will call my sister and tell her everything. O.K., O.K. …Kattobingu! “
He opened the door.
“Hey there, I’m Tsukumo Yuma and I’m here to-“
“Join the gaming club, but don’t tell your sister because she doesn’t know.”
Yuma look where the answer came from and saw a man with platinum blond hair and skin that was several shades darker than his own. He was reading a guide book for a game called Monster World.
“How did you-“
“Please, you were stand in front of the building for 30 minutes. Most everyone heard some part of your inner monologue when they came in.”
“Malik, please don’t be so rude. It was not long ago that you were in his position,” a woman with the same shade of skin and the distinct air of an older sister around her came in. She bowed, which made her black hair flow over her shoulder, “Welcome, I am Isis Ishtar and this is my younger brother, Malik. If you’d like, I’ll take you to the next room and we’ll see about getting you some more information, as well as creating your character for our role-playing game.”
Yuma was escorted inside, thou he saw Malik mimicking his sister behind her back.
He was brought into a big room, with a table near a kitchen area. The table was occupied a figure hunched over an RPG… thingy that kept them hidden from view, only allowing a view of the person’s arms.  In a chair on the left side farthest from the cover, there was a man with two different shades pf brown in his hair, the top part being lighter than the bottom part. He seems occupied by his phone. On the brunet’s opposing side, he spotted two blonds, a man and a woman, with a chair between them. On the man’s left, there was a black-haired woman. She and the man were holding hands.
Deep breath and…
“Hello, I’m Tsukumo Yuma and I wish to join your Game Club. I am going into my third year of middle school and want to be more honest with who I am. Please take care of me!”
He bowed so far down, he felt like one of those wooden birds that go up and down, mimicking a drinking bird. He doesn’t hear anything from the other members but he could feel their stare as they look at him and his outfit that he bought behind his sister’s back. He’s sure that grandma knows already but…he’s scared that Akari would hate him if he told her. He’s still starting out and… this was really the first place that he went to as a man. That poster on the pole felt like a sign that he should be himself. That there were people would accept him as Yuma.
He felt like maybe this was a mistake. Maybe he’s too young. Maybe he needs to do more to be able to join. Maybe-
He smells a chocolatey scent. Someone was walking, put something down (cups maybe?), and walking again. He felt someone guide him up, where he saw bright blue eyes stare down at him.
“It’s O.K., you’re doing fine.”
The blue-eyed masterpiece escorted him to an empty chair, where he gave Yuma a hot chocolate. (Was that what he put on the table?)  he then started talking again in his velvety voice.
“We’d be glad to have you as a member. Isis is just getting some paper work for you to make it all official. Unfortunately, several members including the founder are not here at the moment but you can be introduced to the members that are here. I am Fudo Yusei, and I am like you in body.”
“wow, that pretty good up until that last part. Hey there, I’m Jaden Yuki. Oh, right, I meant Yuki Jaden. Well, what I mean is my personal name is Jaden. I was born and raised in the USA, so I’ll warn ya right now that I will mess up on social niceties. And like Yusei so weirdly said it, I’m a Trans Man. I’ll get your character sheet, ‘kay?” shouted the two-toned brunet, who had put his phone down to look at him with his soft brown eyes. He left his chair to get the sheet.
“Right”, the blond woman said, “You can call me Mai Valentine and I was assigned male at birth. As you can see, I disagreed with that decision. The idiot next to me is Jake Atlas, who is Cis and is dating the only other Trans woman in the place, Carly. The silent Dungeon Master who is rudely ignoring our guest is Bakura. (he heard a grunt by the covered man) You probably have already met Isis and Malik, so that would be a bit redundant and the others can introduce themselves when they come in.”
Then Mai started to explain the rules of the game, how to set up his character, how to roll for the stats, and other such thing while he was filling out the papers Isis gave him … until he heard Jaden yell.
“So, you’re preggers, hon?”
“… I wanted to tell you AFTER I told our close family and friends. I already expressed my displeasure in my IDIOTIC, BUBBLE-HEADED, TRATOROUS SISTER telling everyone with an internet connection my current status about something I told her in private!”
“While I’m sure got that by how quickly the post got deleted. I’ll put the congratulatory gifts given to you away for a better time. Call me Curious George but when would you have told your more… distant relatives?”
“ …. When everyone else would know. By the way, how would you think the members of our gaming club would feel about being part of a ceremony that my family is putting together?”
“Pay for the outfits and you’ve got ‘em, Sweetheart.”
The Kame Game Shop was always slow at 2 in the afternoon. Jaden liked it that was. It gave him time to work on his secret job. Only three people on the planet know that Haou, the author of the hit series Gates of Eterniea, was a trans man living in Japan. He loved taking people to new world with amazing adventures.  He also liked his privacy. Honestly, Jaden probably needed his job at Kame more for his mental heath more then anything.
It keeps him from going into that place he can’t go. where bad things lurk. Wher-
“Yug’ why didn’t ya tell me sooner”, shouted the blond that just came in. The blond was none other than Yugi’s best friend from high school, Katsuya Jonouchi, who goes by Jou.
“da baby!”
“Well, that’s why I called you. And sent an email. And texted you.”
“… Ya know da Kaiba takes things when we’re testin’, buddy.”
“Really? Well, maybe Seto-kun should revise his policies then. I’ll talk about it with Mokuba when he comes to the next meeting.”
“… Sorry, I fucked up, Yug’”
“By the way, do you have a suit?”
“…why ’da ask about ‘dat?”
“Well, Mama, Ji-chan, and Atem’s parents want to have a wedding.”
“But ya already married ta ‘im!”
“Yeah, but they probably wanted to have a ‘proper’ ceremony. Plus, it could be a fun anniversary gift.”
“Tch, Rich Folks.”
“By the way, can you please tell Anzu, Hiroto, and the others about the Ceremony?”
Jou leaves, no doubt to tell Yugi’s other friends about the party that’s going to happen.
“Yeah, boss?”
“Let us tell the others about the ceremony, O.K.?”
Now then, how do the Band of the Pejuleum get through the Cave of Despair….
At the second ever time that he came into the Domino City Gaming Club, he saw two people with spikey black hair that had a rim of red at the edges. Thou they had the same hair, they had vastly different styles, one in head to toe black clothes with a tattoo on his right arm, the other in a grey business suit. He was too far away to hear the words so he jogged over to the two.
“Hi there, I’m Tsukumo Yuma.  I’m a new member of the Domino City Gaming Club. I hope we can be good friends,” Yuma exclaimed as he bowed to his seniors of the club.
The two turned and… whoa, they both looked so weird. The tattooed one had blond bangs that frames his purple eyes, who looked at him kindly. The other, who somehow had darker skin than Yuma’s own, looked so excited at him(?) with his red (?!?) eyes. The red-eye guy, who had blond streaks in his hair to go with his blond bangs, went into a speech that he said with such enthusiasm that it felt like he was trying to sell him on an epic game that he just played that he wanted to share with everyone.
“Welcome once again to the Domino City Gaming Club! I am the founder and fanatical backer of the club, Atem La Lune. The handsome man next to me in my Husband, Yugi. I’m sure you’ve met the secretary of the DCGC, a little nickname I gave our illustrious club, Isis Ishtar, as well as one of our greeters. The brunet giant setting up the duel disks is Seto Kaiba, and the child with the wild black mane is Mokuba. Mokuba is genderfluid, and they indicate what gender they are by wearing a bow in their hair if they wish to be referred to as female, and leaving their hair down if they want to be man at that time. If I’ve read the notes from last time correctly, you were already introduced to Mai, Jaden, Yusei, Jack, Carly, Malik, and Bakura. I apologize for anything that the latter two would have done t-“
“Oy, don’t try that shit with me, you short-ass brat. You were telling your blond Bunny that you got knocked up last time. The least you could due is not act like some fucking saint.”
Yuma saw the white-haired Bakura (he saw him fully when he knocked out the cardboard-thingy after Jaden say that Atem was going to be a papa) charge at Atem. Atem looked ready to fight the white-head when Yugi stopped it in its tracks before proclaimed the weirdest announcement.
“O.k. just want everyone here to know that Atem and I and having a Wedding ceremony, courtesy of the matriarch of the La Lune clan, and all DCGC members are invited and are allowed to bring a guest. This is a formal affair so Atem will pay for any clothes that you would need. I expect to see most of you there.”
“You’re already married,” Shouted Jake.
“Mother insisted on it as an anniversary gift. But if you don’t want to go…”
“Hell yeah I’m going!”
Yuma stared on as each person there offered their congratulations, their condolences, and their RSVP.
“Things tend to hectic here,” Yuma turned to see another white-haired guy looking on, “But I think that it just gives this group a unique character, don’t you think so?” The snowy haired guy looked at him in fondness. “Bakura Ryou, my brother’s looking for the right personal name, so he’s been going by the familial name for now.”
Yuma smiled, “Yeah, I think it’s good.”
He just knows that this will be a good year.
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