#but also their movements sorta?? like they slide around yknow
gravitycoill · 9 months
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been getting back into baldis basics...
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iamvegorott · 2 years
"And like it's so sick how the people that made our form so human like, like our skin eyes and hell! Were even smarter then the normal human being! Like take our thoughts for example-" Bing continued to explain on how he and Google were made. Google couldn't remember when Bing started to talk about the process of their existance as human like robots but he just couldn't stop him. Google kept listening too Bing's words even if some phrases didnt even make sense. Google has taken notes from Bing's quick rant but he couldn't help of taking note of how Bing was so fascinated, his smile was so genuine and happy, and his body movements showed the vibrations of excitement. Even if Google couldn't see through those shades he can tell Bing had a spark in his eye that just tells all the emotions running through him. That was until someone had to ruin it. "Bing." Dark snapped his fingers, interrupting the vibrating android form continuing. "Can we have a quick chat in my office? I need to talk to you about something." Bing gave Dark a smile and a thumbs up. "No problem Darkabro! I'll be there in a sec!" He replies. Dark smiles and watches Bing stand up and walks to his office. Dark turns his attention back to Google and smirks at the android who was very much glaring at him. "My apologies, did I interrupt something?" Google curses under his breath before changing his expression to a calm look. "No, not at all." He responded and did not give a single fuck if such sarcasm slipped with his words. Dark actually chuckled at Google's state. "No worries Google, as I said it will be a quick chat. Then you can go all heart eyes on your little Bing again." And walked away. Google watched Dark leave and let out an annoyed groan. He could care less about Dark right now and can only remember Bing. So happy and adorable, making stupid gestures while describing his words. God did Google love him. "Your blushing." Google heard a voice somewhere in front of him and sees Red leaning on the counter. Google did realize after he said that he felt his LED lights on his cheek turn hotter by the second. "You really got it bad for him huh?" Red smiled. "Shut the hell up red." Google grumbled feeling annoyed again. "Google's in love? And no one told me?" Ollie or Yellow spoke up from his laptop on the counter. "No I'm not! That is a false statement!" "The web browser is all lovey dovey with someone?" Anti suddenly popped up from the counter leaving Ollie to scream. "Where did you come from?!" "The cabinet, Dark was tryna beat my ass a while ago after i broke another vase." Anti replied.
Google watched as the others talked and sighed, he wanted to go in his room and wait for Bing to come back and continue talking. Google stood from the couch and walked down the hall where his room was located, he opened and entered his room while shutting the door behind him. "Hey Google." A voice said after the door shut and left Google to scream with a bit of glitching. "JeESus Fu-CK!" He yelled and turned around but sighed in relief when it was only Bing leaning beside the door. "Hello again Bing, done with your quick chat with Dark?" The sarcasm was slipped out once again when the name of the entity was mentioned. Bing giggled. "Yea dude, it was just some lame shit about fixing something. But I do want to talk about something with you." Google tilted his head. "Talk about what?" Bing scratched his neck nervously. "So you know how we didn't like, like each other when we met?" Google already felt guilt slide up to his program and aboslutely hated it. Feelings are nice but they can also be a bitch. He nodded in response. "So uh while we were like hating each other and all that shit. I sorta well felt something for you." Google's shoulder rised up in hope. Did Bing feel the same way? Bing took a few steps forward before taking a deep breath. "I like you dude and its all chill if you yknow, dont feel the same way.." Google almost shut down after that sentence. His program overheating with so much emotion that smoke was slipping out of some parts. "Woah dude are you alright?!" Bing exclaimed, gently grabbing Google's arm. Google couldnt speak or think, so much is running eveywhere through his body but finally he moved his hands to Bing's face and connected their lips together. Google had no words to describe it but perfect was very fittibg for this situation. Bing didn't pull away which led Google to move his hands to his waist and continued the kiss. Bing also moved his hands to hand over Google's shoulders. It felt like they kissed for hours but they did eventually had to break it. When they pulled away Google was left to stare at Bing's stupidly adorable face, his shades slightly crooked as his cheeks were tinted bright orange. "Holy shit.." Bing muttered while Google chuckled in response. "I like you too Bing." He whispered and smiled. Bing smiled back and brought his hands to his hair. "Dude your eyes are shaped like literal hearts! They look so cute!" Bing says, leaving Google to blush. Google decided to just silence him with another kiss. And this, is where their new relationship begins.
(Whew! okay that was long and adorable, hope you like it!)
That was adorable!
Google having literal hearts in his eyes is just precious!!!
Also, Dark calling out Google's loving stare was perfect XD
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jhupaig · 5 years
thecyberflame The idea of possessed bun man keeps coming to mind though,,, Like probably not the doll one we've been talking about but something that pushes him towards those anger things more. I dunno my meme
K_Renbo heeeeeeeckk,,, gotta,,
thecyberflame It seems like a fun thing,,
K_Renbo super fu n,,,nothin like an anger bun,,
thecyberflame Mmmhhmmmm Sure he's gonna be,, great to a cat boy
K_Renbo mhm super gre at
thecyberflame Especially with that thing that was discovered earlier about him sorta looking like the first boogie man,,, Sure that'll help
K_Renbo y ea h,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, mmm consider his noggin getting a bit hecked to where the lines between you and the boogie man gets blurred and that anger at him gets thrown at you full force wh o op s
thecyberflame G r  e a  t Sure he's gonna have,, g r e a t fun when he wakes up there h u h
K_Renbo gonna heck you the same way you hecked him yknow enjoy branches forever pierced into your back. enjoy not being able to mo ve. enjoy being stuck here with no choice but to accept whatever angry bullshit he decides to throw at you on a whim
thecyberflame Yeah that's freaking co o l
K_Renbo aint i t
thecyberflame Despite the fact that it's n o t and he is going to not be happy about i t
K_Renbo hah, too bad your feelings have no meaning to anyone anymore. that's fun right
thecyberflame Ooooooo f just got an idea. Consider bun man was going to get N.M just gotta heck em and those two fighting. Consider N.F walked in cause gotta check out noises y'know? And bun man throwing an attack towards him. So freaking hECK N.M protect and now we're here But ah e m perhaps that's true but what did he do to deserve this punishme n t?
K_Renbo hmmmmmmmm the image of bun man learning nf is there and just throwing this deep glare, in the same second his hand jutting out to send just a wh ole bu n c h of branches and shadows and everything, cuz he pi s s ed and got no t i m e for a nosy little bo y
thecyberflame Mhm yup all that's gonna go into his back. That's cool
K_Renbo But hah. hah, don't pull that. you know exactly what you did to hi m
thecyberflame I didn't do anything to you
K_Renbo Be quiet
thecyberflame There's usually a reason, right? ... What did I do?
K_Renbo also his voice booming and echoing on certain words is. f un. hoo boy anger is great
thecyberflame S u p e r great
K_Renbo ... his glare intensifying a thousand fold is also fun.  stiff fingers arched as if baring claws shaking and curling and rising to squeeze at some of his own hair. A body hunching forward. You know what you did. YOU KNOW WHAT YOU DID TO ME.
thecyberflame Don't know if there's his hood or not but there is a very surprised and slightly spooked expression
K_Renbo .... He'll pause for a second, just to breathe, but. "... Or do you need a reminder? Am I so insignificant to you that you really forgot?"
thecyberflame "I- I don't know what you're talking about-" There's a- slight shake to that voice but don't mind that. Probably just from all the injuries that've happe ned
K_Renbo ... A cold, bitter, trembling laugh. His fingers squeeze a little tighter, and his hunch grows. "Of course..." "After I'd given my everything to you... It wasn't enough to strip what little remained of me from my own mind.... Of course," An eye will peek through those overhanging bangs, so full of pain and loss, "You would strip it away from yours too.." thecyberflame A... A mix of surprise, confusion, and a little fear is swirling in those eyes on his. "What.. What are you talking about? I don't- I'm just.. N.M.."
K_Renbo "...N.M...?"
thecyberflame "Yeah.. Just.. N.M- I don't know what you're talking about- I don't.. I haven't-... I'm just N.M.."
K_Renbo ... A few small twitches litter over his body, and he straightens out, stepping closer as that glare comes back into place. "... No... No," another short laugh, "No. You are not fleeing from your problems once again. How dare you try-" His hands will leave his own head, instead reaching for his, to grab at and start to rip at those ears. "How dare you try to hide behind that little boy!?"
thecyberflame Screams will start coming from that little boy. He'll try to move away from his hands. But, if those branches are in his back, that yelling will probably only get louder from trying to move against those. "I don't know who you think I am! I'm- I'm really only- Ahh! I'm N.M!"
K_Renbo "Cease! You will not escape your retribution!"
((talked about how to get the bun to snap out of it for a bit here))
thecyberflame Well he's gonna yell st op cause all of this is a bad time for h i m
K_Renbo Whoops he's just gonna keep ripping at it. ... but hm he could at least start to notice it feels a little too secure for a disguise.
thecyberflame Yeah it freaking hurts s i r
K_Renbo ... His glare may soften, a tad, a bit more toward confusion if anything-- He'll look at you
thecyberflame Enjoy seeing his face and the very pained expression it's wearing
K_Renbo .... He'll grab your hood, and lift it a little more--"... You are N.M... Aren't you.."
thecyberflame "Mm-" He needs to muster up his voice after screaming excuse him. "Mhm-"
K_Renbo "... I..." Those-- branches. will gently let you down, and remove themselves from you. And he'll.. go to his knees, with arms falling around you and shakily clinging.  "My apologies. My greatest apologies."
thecyberflame He... He- is far too weak to push away like he'd like to. Perhaps a little limp in your arms, actually. ".. I.. I didn't do anything..."
K_Renbo "You did not. I was far out of line."
thecyberflame "Why..? I.. I didn't-" There is? some water in his eyes. Don't ask him he doesn't kn o w
K_Renbo "You did not..." I mean there may be some in his own too so like. y ea h. "... I've erred. Your shadows, your eyes, I mistook you for someone else. I am so deeply sorry.."
thecyberflame ... A weak, shaky hand is going to come up to pull his hood down lower..
K_Renbo .... Remembering.. just who you are, though. He'll blink his eyes open, and open his arms for you to pull away
thecyberflame Yeah he- he's gonna do that. Even if it just ends in him laying on the floor. It's- good Likely curl into himself. A hand still gripping the front of his hood and pulling it down
K_Renbo He'll turn... a very sad look to that... And close his eyes, bow his head. "... If I may repay you, in any way..."
thecyberflame If you look close enough you can see him shaking. It's fun But he.. he isn't going to say anything
K_Renbo ... He'll open his eyes again, after a moment. And after another... he'll leave, for a brief time, but only to return with a blanket, that he'll crouch down and gently lay over you.
thecyberflame There will be a flinch and you'll see those ears of his get very alert. Which doesn't feel great cause they were being pulled on but y'kn o w His eyes will watch you too. He'll relax a very little amount after a moment
K_Renbo He's only going to lay it, and then return to a distance
thecyberflame Ack- His eyes will shut but his ears are listening for any movements. 
K_Renbo All you'll hear is a book being flipped open at some point, and a pen scratching into it
thecyberflame His eyes might watch for a moment but they are- much too heavy to keep open He will pass out at some point soon
K_Renbo Mm... But consider, before you do, he looks back over and asks, "Would you like to be taken down?"
thecyberflame .... The smallest nod
K_Renbo ... "Do not be shaken, they will not hurt you," With that, the branches will set to sliding underneath you, weaving together into something like a cradle, that will gently lower you down
thecyberflame He can't help but tense up at this point but yeah he'd- just very much like to be back home. Thanks
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benji-deeds · 6 years
I'll Make Sure You're Safe (An au where Clint and Loki knew each other before the Avengers)
When Clint woke from his hypnotic state, the man who put him there standing in front of him, his first action was to capture Loki by the throat, grinding his teeth. He set his jaw to keep his lip from wobbling, applying more pressure from his palm on Loki's neck. "Answer me, dammit!" He seethed as tears threatened to fall, "Why'd you do it? Why me of all people to have under your hold?" At Loki's silence, Clint forced him back harder against the wall, the impact of Loki's head against it pounding in his ears. With a broken, dry sob, Clint repeated himself, "Why?"
"Because," came Loki's response, his voice raspy under the pressure of Clint's tightening grip, "you were the only one I trusted to be at my side."
Clint shook his head slowly, as if transfixed. He dropped his hand from around Loki's throat to around his shoulders in a swift move. "You're a fuckin' prick, know that?" Clint held Loki tight to his chest, his face buried in the nape of the god's neck, "A big fuckin' prick."
"So I've been told." The reply was distant, cold, lacking the gentle touch it had once had, but it was here. Loki was here. He was tangible, more than just a dream, an aching longing in the middle of the night, he was here and Clint couldn't figure out whether he wanted to strangle him or bring him to bed to hold.
The latter one, eventually. Clint was exhausted and there would be plenty of time to scream at Loki later when he was trying to figure out how in the hell to explain to the rest of the Avengers that hey! I managed to track down and defeat the enemy and I don't even have a scratch! Yeah, that could definitely wait.
For now, Clint took Loki by the hand and led him to his bed upstairs. "It's been some time, hasn't it?" Loki must've cleared his throat; he sounded much better now. "Last time you brought me here, we were clutching onto each other for dear life, scratching, caressing, kissing." A little smirk appeared on the god's tired face, "If I recall, you'd done the whole choking bit then, too, albeit it was coupled with some more fun activities."
"Jesus, Loki." Clint ran a hand over his face, "You need some sleep before I kill ya, I swear." As much as he tried to put a bit of humour to his voice, he couldn't summon it well. "I think the bags under your eyes have bags."
"It's true, asshole, and it's concernin' as all hell." Once Clint convinced Loki to sit on the bed, he made his way to a spot beside him, "I mean, Jesus, do ya never sleep anymore? Yknow, for a god who calls himself fashionable, y'aint takin' care of yourself all that much."
Clint had really been started now. He continued, "No, seriously, Loki, I might actually look a little less shitty next to you right now. We need to get ya back to the times where I was a dumpster pile compared to you."
Loki's mouth went dry, "We?"
Clint felt those tears pricking at his eyes again, and he promptly wiped them away roughly with the back of his hand, "Yeah, yeah, we." He set his hand on Loki's cheek, "We're doin' this together, I guess. Like it or not."
Loki allowed himself to smile, leaning into the calloused hand on his cheek, "I think I'm okay with that, my hawk."
Clint almost flinched at the petname, recovering just in time to speak again. "Yeah, yeah, now I'm gonna be back in a sex-" he tripped over his words, then corrected himself, "sec."
Loki had that old, little twinkle in his eyes again, "Sex, hm?"
The archer groaned, "C'mon, Lokes, let one slide, would ya?" He let himself relax back onto the bed. Making up the couch for himself could wait, he supposed. Clint felt Loki's hand over his, his pointer finger running a few smooth circles over Clint's palm. He stilled, spying Loki from the corner of his eyes. "Whatcha doin' there, Elsa?"
Loki scrunched up his nose in a way that was oddly comical, but he didn't pull away just yet. He spoke in a quiet volume, "Do you think it's forgivable? What I've done."
With his free hand, Clint tussled his hair, thinking for a moment before he nodded, "I think everythin' can be forgave-"
"Oh, leave me alone. I dropped outta school. Forgiven." He corrected himself. "Anyway, uh, I was sayin' that everyone can be forgiven if they put effort in, man." He shrugged, "I mean, hell, you were in my head, so you know all the shit I've done 'nd look at me now."
"Sitting in bed, holding a criminal's hand," Loki replied with a trace of bitterness.
Clint snorted, "I meant bein' an Avenger, but hey this isn't all that bad. I mean, this is...this is kinda nice still, ain't it? Bein' this close."
Loki leaned in just a hair, which from the way they had been sitting before, brought their lips all too close together, "Some would argue that being this close to me is a fate far worse than death."
Clint's gaze dropped, focusing on their hands, which weren't really holding each other, more like just sorta stacked. Like pancakes. Damn, that reminded him; he was hungry. Eh, food could wait. What was he sayin'? Yeah, yeah, Loki's hand over his. Right. He slowly locked their fingers, "There's probably truth to that, Lokes," he smiled at the flush the nickname brought to Loki's cheeks, "Hey, look, pink suits you. Makes your face have a bit 'o colour. Kinda nice."
"You've lost the forest for the trees, my hawk."
Clint shook his head, "Right, anyway, what was I sayin'. Uhhh, okay, so yeah, there's truth to it probably, but hey, I'm not dead yet, am I? I know you could kill me in a snap with all of your wizard powers-" Loki rolled his eyes; Clint laughed, "-but you haven't. And that says somethin' whether you like it or not, Loki."
There was a few solid beats of silence, and almost Clint opened his mouth to speak again, only to be cut off by the light pressure of Loki's lips against his. His eyes shut from impulse, and he applied a bit more pressure to the kiss. They moved slowly, if they did move at all. Fine by Clint. This alone caused his breath to hitch, the old ticker in his chest to beat rapidly, as if on steroids. "Loki..."
"Yes, my hawk?" The words were murmured against his lips between soft touches. The hand that wasn't holding his, Loki had on his waist just under the hoodie Clint wore.
"We can't do this forever, man. Much as I'd like to." Clint pulled away just enough that Loki could see the expression he wore; something tender, sad, concerned, but also wise. Clint knew that if they continued this game, there would never be a winner.
Loki slid his hand down to rest on Clint's thigh, "I know you're right, and I know I must leave you eventually. Whether it be to some ugly prison on Asgard, or banished to a desolate realm to spend my next 4000 years alone and self-loathing. I know this, and for this, I am prepared, but for now, I beg of thee, mine hawk, give me a bit of time with you."
Clint felt the hard lump in his throat swell up until he was absolutely drowning in it. He suddenly felt all too real, as if aware of how each muscle in his limbs contracted as he moved but an inch. "Lokes, this is..." he shook his head, "Goddammit, I'm so pissed because I actually like you, you fucknut. And we coulda just been happy if you hadn't taken that stupid Tesseract." He set his hands on Loki's chest, searching for the right words to say, "Fuck, fuck, *fuck*, Loki."
He felt so stupidly helpless, slumped against a god's chest like this. What the hell, man. Clint couldn't find the right words, the right movements, the right breaths. It stung like the blades in his ears had, like dropping out of school had, like being mind controlled had...
Next thing he knew, he was on his back, the hand that had been on his hip now gently raking through his hair, lips that had been on his now on his cheeks, kissing away tears that had apparently fallen. Loki's body was over his, his touches gentle, making Clint keen.
"Clint," a kiss to his cheek, "all of this," to his lips, "all of this hel that's going on," a long, biting kiss to his throat, "it's not going to last forever." His breath was hot against Clint's neck, his limbs tangled with Clint's, "I'm sorry that I did this to you." The words were desperately quiet, and Clint had to strain to hear, piecing together little bits of sound.
His heart ached, and he shook his head slowly, unable to get words to work for him. Instead, Clint just gave Loki a comforting smile, cupping his cheeks to bring him down closer to him. He rested his forehead against Loki's, their noses almost touching, "Hey, it's gonna be okay." He tried to keep his breathing slow to make his heart stop racing, "You're right. This ain't gonna last forever, Lokes. It's gonna get a lot better 'cause I'm gonna defend you to make sure you end up somewhere safe."
Loki dropped his head down to bury his face in Clint's shoulder, "I don't know how much that'll help, Clinton."
With the movement, Clint had to move his hands from his cheeks to Loki's back, "We're going to get this figured out. Yeah, I can't just...just get you off the hook cause I mean, yeah, you're guilty and no way is the government gonna let you free, but you're not going to end up banished somewhere or in a shithole of a prison. You're gonna...gonna get books and decent food, and I'm gonna try to visit you, okay?"
Loki nodded slowly as he spoke, turning on his side so that he could look up at Clint, drinking in the soft, hurt expression the archer held. He said, "They're not going to let you see me without questioning you heavily. Why would the one taken over, forced to serve this lowly god, want to see him? Well, ha, I suppose you could always make the excuse that you want to see me suffering. That you want to...to get your revenge on me. I'm sure Odin would allow that."
"Is your dad really that bad?" Clint asked in a way that said Loki didn't have to answer if he didn't want to.
Loki set his jaw, "Odin is not my father. He is nothing to me but the man who picked me up off the street when Laufey threw me away to die." A pause, "But...yes, Odin never cared for me as he did Thor. I understand that. Anyone that's spent a minute with the three of us can see that, but that's not the point."
"I'm sorry, Loki, I really am." After he got a little nod of dismissal from Loki, Clint gave his arm a soft squeeze, "Let me up. I'm going to get changed." Clint pushed himself out of bed to get some loose, fleece bottoms. After going out to the bathroom to change, he came back to sit at the edge of the bed.
He pressed a kiss to Loki's temple, "You should get some sleep, you know. It's good for you."
"You're one to talk."
"Hey, I sleep. I'm the asshole that just never gets out of bed." Clint retorted with a grin. He said with a more gentle tone, "Sleep. Tomorrow mornin' I gotta go to back to HQ and explain where the fuck I've been and how the fuck I'm myself again."
"Right." Loki whispered. Then, "Take off your binder before you go to bed, would you." It was more of a caring demand than a question.
"Yeah, yeah, I know. I try to remember, man."
"Good." Was Loki's only reply before he turned over, apparently forcing himself to sleep before Clint could badger him more.
Clint turned to go back downstairs, repressing his groan when he remembered that he had to make the couch for bed before he could sleep. Before he left, he looked over his shoulder to Loki, a weary smile crossing his features. "It'll be okay, Clint, it'll be okay."
It was better to tell himself this. Better to convince himself that Loki would be okay before he was ripped from him forever.
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