#but also there was a shocking amount of disney channel stuff in here for someone who wasn't allowed to watch that stuff
redheadedbrunette · 2 years
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And we’re back with new picks for the month!! Man, this has been some strange times we’re living in. I saw a post that said March felt like 300 days, while April feels like 3. I could not agree more. I’ve watched a lot this month, which isn’t a shocker due to our current circumstances. There’s a pretty big range, so there might be something here that you can check out during quarantine.
Here come the spoilers! 
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I’m going to start with my latest watch from Netflix, The Society. Wow. I really enjoyed this one. Going into it I knew it would be like a Twilight Zone meets Lord of the Flies show, but there was so much unexpected stuff that occurred. Much like Degrassi the Next Generation, they went there. The students from New Ham, Connecticut go off on a field trip, but the buses don’t get too far due to the storm. This forces them back into town only (maybe) a couple hours from when they left. No one is home when they get back. No adults, kids, or others who were not on the school trip. The town is theirs and there is no way out. At first it’s all partying, but things take a dark turn fast and the teens must come up with laws for there to be some sort of order in this new world if they want to survive and find a way back to their real home. The 10 episodes go by really fast. It leaves a nice cliffhanger for season 2 (which is supposed to be in the works, but I don’t know if Corona affected that at all). This show definitely contains a lot of surprising twists including one very early on that is hard to predict. If you have watched this show previously or are interested in giving it a shot know one important thing. 
This is the BEST character on the show. 
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I have not met one person who doesn’t love Grizz. He is the greatest. (The fan love for him really reminds me of the love for Stiles in Teen Wolf.)
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DC’S TITANS- Season 2
At the start of April, I started the second season of Titans. As someone who does not have the DC streaming service I have to wait till the seasons are accessible on DVD. I watched the first season back in December and loved it, so I couldn’t wait to watch season 2. I was excited to see all the characters they were adding to the team. As someone who LOVES superheroes, but gets most of their knowledge through watching TV and movies rather than the comics, I went in not knowing a lot, which made it even more exciting. I would say my only main issue with this season was the staggering of plots. Because there were so many characters to follow and so much going on there were a lot of times when I was excited to start the next episode (because the previous one always ended on the BEST cliffhangers) only to have the episode involve a completely different story-line. While Deathstroke was the main villain for the season, sprinkling in CADMUS and finishing off Raven’s dad at the start felt like a lot for me. Most of the side conflicts added up to involving Slade, but looking back (because I did watch this at the beginning of April) it often felt like a lot in the moment. Some of the moments that were my favorite were finally getting the Nightwing reveal, seeing Bruce and Dick interact, being at Titans tower, hearing Hank sing and all of Connor. I think he was my favorite addition to the show. (I could be biased because I’m a Superman fan.) I’m upset with the ending and they better find a way to reverse it!! I would also like to see more of the team together next season because I really missed that too. 
On a lighter note....
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This is the PERFECT show for the crazy times we are in. It takes your mind off the repetitive news and is a great stress reliever, plus it is super funny and you will find yourself laughing uncontrollable. Maybe more in some episodes than others. Nailed it is the baking game show for people who strive to be better bakers in the kitchen, but are struggling when it comes to appearance (or taste...or both). In the half hour show there are two tasks for the three contestants to perform in order for a chance at the Nailed It trophy and $10,000. They are both often very difficult, with the second creation much harder than the first. Watching the contestants is hilarious as well as their reactions to baking and not having any clue what to do sometimes. I also love the judges. Nicole Byer is too funny and Jacques Torres is one of my new favorite people. 
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Plus Wes is just beautiful and I loved when Nicole called him the human form of Simba from the Lion King. 
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Continuing on with more comedy... 
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I know of several people who quote John Mulaney’s comedy specials on the regular, plus his gifs are EVERYWHERE. So it was about time I watched his specials and what better time than right now when I can use all the laughs I can get. I watched The Come Back Kid and New in Town and was laughing all the way through. If you’re already familiar with his stand-up you can enjoy some of these moments again below. If you aren’t then I HIGHLY suggest you check them out on Netflix or by simply YouTube-ing some of his best moments. (My computer cannot stop putting them in my suggested now.)  
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Returning to some of my past favorites this month....
(Some of these should not come as a shocker)
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One of my February Picks is back (not that it ever really left). Zoey’s is the show that I can’t stop talking about and even if this past Sunday’s episode (not the one airing tonight because I obviously haven’t watched it yet-while he’s been bothering me I can’t wait to hear Max’s rendition of ‘Bye, Bye, Bye’) gave me issues because everyone was blowing up at each other and there were times I wanted to shout at the TV, I would still suggest this show to anyone. This dramedy has so much going on from captivating (and sometimes heartbreaking) plots, to realistic and lovable characters and songs you will quickly want to add to your personal playlist. It’s honestly just a feel good show that usually puts me in such a great mood (again, despite last week’s...) With only a few more to this season I cannot wait to see what happens next!! (If you enjoy the show check out my other posts on this page!) 
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The CW retelling of Nancy Drew is in the top 2 of shows that I currently cannot stop talking about. It’s still a little shocking to me that I have grown to like Nancy Drew SO MUCH. If you told me that at the start of the season I would have been like ‘really?’ But as this first season has progressed I really fell in love with the show and the characters. While we ended on an earlier cliffhanger than was intended it was still an AWESOME one that has left me with so many questions. I am so happy this show was renewed and I cannot wait till they can start filming the second season. Because I need more of these kinds of moments:
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I’m pretty sure I ended my last post this way too. But come on these two are the cutest and deserve to be endgame!
Just like with Zoey’s check out this page for more detailed reviews if you are also a Nancy Drew fan!
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I am SO HAPPY that this show is now on Disney Plus. I have talked about this show since it got canceled from Disney Channel far too soon (much like many of their great shows on that channel). But at least they had gotten 2 seasons and both are now available to watch on the streaming service as much as you’d like. (I think I already made it up to episode 12). In my personal opinion season 2 is stronger than season 1 mainly because it doesn’t follow the classic structure of the “I didn’t do it” episode. What I mean by this is starting the episode out with some sort of hi-jinks and having the 5 best friends exclaim they “didn’t do it” or this isn’t how they thought things would go. Then we flashback to events either earlier in the day or week, etc, leading up to the first scene’s events. This style can get very repetitious, but with funny plots and likable characters certain episodes work better than others. However, by season 2 this structure was gone completely and I think the show strongly benefited from it. I truly believe this group of friends felt like a teenage “Friends” sitcom. They had a hang out at a smoothie cafe, two of them were siblings (here twins) and each member of the group resembled a character from the classic NBC show. They even had the two that felt like Ross and Rachel like each other romantically. Who knows where the show would have gone if it wasn’t cancelled. Check it out and let me know if you find more comparisons.    
And Last But Not Least...
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The most recent show I’ve started watching is currently airing on PBS after previously airing on the BBC. This drama throws us into the beginnings of WWII as we follow several characters from different parts of the globe, from England to Germany and Poland. I’m really loving the diverse cast and seeing through the eyes of so many characters during this turning point of history. While I have only watched 2 episodes so far, I already feel very invested in each of their lives and cannot wait to see what happens next. Already so many twists and turns have occurred in such a short amount of time. The episodes go by really fast and will have you thinking a lot after. If you are a fan of a lot of other Masterpiece’s Classics I would highly suggest checking it out. 
I hope everyone is staying safe and well! 
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tjkiahgb · 5 years
On August 13th, 2018, at 8:20 PM, TJ Kippen performed a basketball-themed apology rap for Buffy Driscoll and completed his redemption arc. In doing so, he became a full and complete hashtag good boi and fulfilled this blog’s ridiculous destiny.
This post is scheduled to go up on August 13th, 2019, at 8:20 PM. It only feels right that I retire this blog on the one year anniversary of that moment.
Okay. It’s not that dramatic. I’m not deleting my account or logging out forever or anything. I’ll be around. I’ll check in and like some posts and hang out like the kid who graduated high school but won’t leave. He keeps coming back and acting chummy with the teachers and it’s like, doesn’t he have better stuff to do?
The point is, my queue is depleted, my drafts are empty. I don’t have a shift in fandoms planned. I don’t have anything planned. It’s time for me to turn my attention to other things and stop thinking about this show and writing about it and working on this blog.
So that’s basically the tl;dr of this whole deal. I’m going to write some rambling personal stuff so if you don’t care, which most people probably won’t, then thanks for reading and thanks for all the memories. It’s been fun.
Okay, lemme ramble. And if you’ve read this blog for a while, you’ve probably heard some of this already, but whatever, this is my goodbye post.
Way back in October of 2017, I came across a post on a website for TV news that said “Disney Channel to Feature Its First Gay Main Character in Andi Mack Season 2″. I didn’t know what Andi Mack was, and I hadn’t watched Disney Channel in well over a decade. I remembered reading about the two moms on Good Luck Charlie when it happened, but I also remembered that it was, you know, mostly nothing. A lot of controversy for what was just a quick little thing. But this headline noted that it was a Main Character. And I’m reading the article and it’s talking about how he’s going to have this journey in season two and the producers had talked to GLAAD and other groups to get it right, and I’m like, wow, this is pretty cool, this really seems like they’re putting some respect into this. (I’m also thinking about how much young, closeted me would’ve killed for something like this.)
So I set my DVR to record it not knowing what to expect. Mostly thinking it was just going to be your standard Disney Channel show: cheesy and corny and bad jokes, but I’ll catch the coming out scene and it’ll be cool to see how they handle it and that’ll probably be that.
And then I’m watching the episode and I’m like, this is... not bad? In fact, more than not bad, this is way better than it has any right to be. And then I got to the coming out scene, which was so well done, and I’m just... shocked. This is like Pixar. Like, it’s for kids, but I can watch it as an adult and pick up on themes and subtleties. This is not like the shows from my childhood. Where was this show when I was growing up?
Next thing I know I’m watching the next episode. And the next one. And I’m starting to care for these characters. I can forgive a lot of issues with plot if I care about the characters and what this show did, maybe as well as any show on television, is made you care for the characters, from top to bottom.
So now I’m watching the show regularly. At some point, I went back and binged through season one on DisneyNow. I’m in, as a casual viewer at this point at least.
And then I get to 2.11, and the swing scene happens, and I watch it wordlessly, and it ends, and I feel like I’m losing my mind. I could not believe what I just saw. I thought for sure this show was just going to have a couple of coming out scenes and that would be the end of it. Had I really just watched a scene that was hinting at a gay romance?
I wanted so badly to talk about it with someone else to see if they were seeing what I was seeing, but, as you may not be surprised to learn, none of my adult friends were watching Andi Mack. So I started looking around online. And I eventually found my way here, to this site, to the tag. And people were seeing what I was seeing. And people were excited about it, and I was like, okay, cool, I might’ve found my community.
So I started lurking around here. And I would check in after 2.12 and 2.13, and I was really starting to enjoy it. Most of the stuff I watch that I care about I’ll watch with friends or family and talk about it with them, so I never really thought being a part of a fandom would be worthwhile. Plus, I’d hear about shipping wars and other nonsense like that, and I’m like, I’m not going to make an account to argue with people over fictional characters’ relationships.
But what I was finding about this community was that it was more positive than that. There were arguments, sure. You’re going to get them in any group of people. But for the most part, people just seemed happy. They were posting theories and memes and gifs and jokes and fanfics. And they were celebrating the characters and developments. I don’t know if that’s special to the Andi Mack fandom or not, but it seemed special to me.
That’s around when I started thinking about making an account, during that hiatus between 2A and 2B. But I was like, do I want to commit to this? What’s the point of my account? What do I want to say? And at some point in the hiatus, I was checking the tag, and I saw a gifset. It was by an account, since deleted and gone, but who, at the time, was very prominent in the fandom. And the gifset was all about attacking Tyrus. It was trying to take everything nice about what had happened between TJ and Cyrus and stomp on it. Tyrus was like a little baby ship at this point. People were just starting to get into it, the numbers weren’t that big. There wasn’t even really a name for the ship back then. The Tyrus tag was mostly that professional wrestler and the CJ tag was even worse. And this account had decided they were going to use their platform to try and make this small group of people in the fandom feel bad about liking their ship. I just remember thinking, why? Why be like that? It just seemed so unnecessary. And for the briefest of moments, I thought, okay, maybe I’ll make an account to be a troll and argue this stuff. And then I was like, nah, that’s just going to make the tag worse. When you see someone trying to ruin things for other people, you can give them attention and power, or you can just do your own thing.
So what I decided to do instead was to make an account that would add to the positivity I had been seeing. To just be one of the many voices doing fun stuff to drown out the bad. I could put out dumb posts to hopefully make people laugh, or eventually start writing recaps to give people something to do after watching the episode. There wasn’t really any bigger goal than that. Kill some time while celebrating the show and making the tag a more fun place, if only incrementally.
I’d like to think I did that. That I haven’t written or made too many things that have bummed people out and that most of my posts have hopefully made things better for people who wanted to hang out on here and talk about the show.
That’s all. At the end of everything, that was all. Just try to leave a net-positive wherever you go.
So that’s why I joined tumblr. Here’s why I stayed.
I am an unemployed writer. I’m an employed something else, but I would like to be an employed writer and I am currently not. And what that really means is I’m an unread writer. It means I write stuff and I try to convince people to read it and buy it, but most of the time they don’t. Most of the time, my stuff sits around waiting and hoping to be read. And when that’s the case, you can start to feel doubt.
What I didn’t realize when I started this account was that I would also be getting positivity back. I mean, I probably should have. It was the whole reason I started this, because I liked the positivity here. I guess I just didn’t expect it to be returned to me.
But it has. It has tremendously. Just writing this silly stuff that I do and putting it out there and getting feedback on it has meant so much to me. People saying something I’ve written is funny or interesting or just saying that they enjoyed it is such a confidence boost. You feel like, okay, people like my jokes or the way I think or whatever. There’s an audience for me somewhere. People who will get me. I just need to stick with it.
That’s what you all have been for me this last year and a half. More than just making this a fun place to share our love of this show, you’ve made this a place for me to feel seen.
I try not to tie too much of my self-esteem to the amount of interaction my posts get. (Seriously, don’t do that, it can be really unhealthy. I’m like, if a post flops, it flops. No biggie. Move on to the next one.) But every note I do get on something I’ve written lets me know I’ve done something right. The reblogs, the likes, the follows, the nice messages in my inbox, the comments on the posts. Any of it. All of it. It lets me know I’ve been read. It makes me feel like I’ve made a connection. And that means the world to me.
So thank you, to any and all of you who participated in this thing with me. Thank you for reading. Thank you for being a part of my experience on here. Thank you for being so cool that I wanted to join your group in the first place and thank you for being so great afterwards that I’m eternally happy I did.
It’s meant more to me than you could possibly know.
Keep the positivity.
- Jay
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kmmbavcu · 5 years
I Ain’t Missing You
Word Count: 3k+
WARNINGS: Swear words, angst, (don’t worry it has a happy ending), gay
Fandom: My Babysitter’s a Vampire
Like any other Friday night, Benny Weir was in his room, hidden under an absurd amount of blankets, eating pizza, and rewatching all his favorite Disney Channel Original movies. He was about halfway through 'Princess Protection Program' when there was a knock on his door.
“Come in,” he called as he paused the movie. His grandmother walked in, carrying a pair of pants that were much too short for him.
“Mind telling me how these got left here.” She raised her eyebrow. Benny’s cheeks flushed and he let out a nervous chuckle.
I knew I forgot something. Dammit, Benny, he thought to himself.
“Oh yeah. I accidentally shrunk my pants trying to make them, tight, like tight in the sense that they were cooler and-”
“Okay, they’re someone else’s.”
“Benjamin Donald Weir.”
“Okay they’re another dude’s, just please stop giving me that look.”
His grandmother made her way to the bed, folding the pants in her lap as she sat. Benny braced himself for the worst. He expected disgust, disappointment, maybe some yelling. What he didn’t expect was his grandmother looking into his eyes with nothing but love on her face.
“Benny, dear, there’s nothing wrong with liking boys. In fact, your grandmother has brought some girls over to the other side if you know what I mean.”
“First of all, ew I do not want to hear this information about my grandma. Second of all I don’t like boys it’s just experimenting I guess.”
He was thoroughly uncomfortable with his grandmother calling him gay. He wasn't gay. He couldn’t be gay. His dad would hate him forever. Besides, he'd liked plenty of girls before, Sally, Beth, Dela, Erica. And this boy was just a fling, teenage hormones acting up, he’d grow out of it eventually.
“Alright, but let me know when you get some sense knocked into you.” Grandma Weir walked out of the room and Benny continued his movie. Although the conversation left him feeling uneasy, there was nothing like the wholesome friendship between Selena Gomez and Demi Lovato to ease his suffering.
Rory pounded on Erica’s door.
“Come on, let me in.”
Erica made her way to her kitchen.
“I swear if it’s those kids ding-dong-ditching again I’m about to have an early lunch,” Erica said loud enough to be heard on the other side. She opened the door, relieved to see it was Rory. She checked to see if anyone was with him, seeing no one she allowed him inside.
“What’s up, Rory?” she asked, letting her cocky demeanor down for the time being. She could only do this with Rory. And she would never admit to anyone else that she did. For now, though, she softened at the sight of her clearly troubled friend. She gestured for him to come inside and went to the kitchen to get them both something to drink. Soon enough they were both sitting on her couch and holding mugs of hot chocolate (Just because they’re vampires doesn’t mean they can’t enjoy what they once did).
“Alright, spill the tea,” Erica said as soon as they got comfortable.
“Okay, so there’s this guy.”
“There’s a guy,” she butt in “Is he cute?”
“Totally babelicious. And I really like him, and I want things to go further but I don’t know how to mention it.”
It was obvious that Rory was worried, and Erica was not one to let a friend be hurt. His rant was cut short when Erica grabbed his shoulder, probably rather harshly.
“Just tell him. Say it like it is, and if he doesn’t like you back, well, your girl’s always hungry.” She winked, flashing her fangs.
A few days later Benny approached Ethan in the hallway, oddly perky.
“Hey B, what’s got you so happy?”
“Smokin’ hot babe. I met her at a bar. She doesn’t go here.”
“Benny, the only time you’ve ever drunk was with me, and you threw up after one drink. Also, when would you have met her? I’m with you literally all the time.”
Benny furrowed his eyebrows.
“Not all the time...okay fine she does go here but you don’t know her. She’s in one of my other classes. Her name’s….Rochelle” Ethan gave him a skeptical look but Benny ignored it. The bell rang and he proceeded to go to class. Ethan actually had a free period and made his way to the lounge.
“Hey, Ethan!”
Ethan jumped, “Rory, don’t do that!”
“Sorry buddy, I’m feelin’ hella fine today. Last night I had sex with this smokin' hot babe.” he grinned, showing his teeth.
He was suddenly taller than Ethan and he had to pull Rory back down to the ground. Ethan didn’t usually hang out with Rory during his free period, but he was curious, so he invited him to sit.
“So, who is this smokin’ hot babe?”
“Oh, it’s Be--rick…”
Rory chuckled nervously. “You know? Like Derek, but with a B. Isn’t it awesome? It’s German I think.”
“So how long have you been seeing...Berek?”
“Two whole weeks.”
“Oh, so that’s where you’ve been, and these past few weeks Benny’s always doing magic stuff with his grandma.”
The conversation died off and they each continued to do their own activities This was difficult for Ethan because Rory could not stop humming. Ethan looked over and caught a glimpse of what he was writing.
‘We’ve been seeing each other for like ever.’
‘We’ve been seeing each other for a while now and I love you.’
‘We’ve been seeing each other for a while now and I have developed strong feelings for you. I feel like we’re Kirk and Spock.’
‘We’ve been seeing each other for a while now and I have developed strong feelings for you. I feel like we’re meant to be together. I’ve never felt this way about anyone before and I know–”
It was hard to read because Rory had ended up scribbling his pencil through the whole letter. He didn’t want to pry but at the same time, Ethan was dying to know who this kid was. He’d never seen Rory like this he was acting so… what was that word from Bambi again? Twitterpated or something. Either way, Rory was in deep and Ethan was really hoping it would work out for him. Though he could tend to be overbearing, he was still his friend and he didn’t want to see his heart broken.
The bell rang and Ethan was plunged out of his thoughts. He walked through the halls thinking about what he had seen. Benny slammed his hand onto Ethan’s locker.
“Guess who scored a 100 on their calculus test.”
“Dude, nice you’ve been studying for like a week.”
“I know.”
The bell rang and they made their way to class.
Wait….Benny and Rory got laid on the same night….what a coincidence.
That night Rory made his way to Benny’s house to...try out his new video game. At least that’s what they were to tell anyone if they asked. In reality, they would never get to the video games, clothes ending up strewn on the floor before they had even opened the case. Rory often tried to slow things down, make sure nobody got hurt, but Benny was the opposite. He needed Rory, he needed to feel him, to hold him, to be underneath of him. When Rory was on top of him, Benny was putty in his hands. He was lustful and rough, immediately pushing himself onto the blonde in a completely animalistic passion.
The sex was sweet but the aftercare was sweeter. Rory had Benny on his chest, hands carding through the tangled locks of his hair. They were both sweaty, but it didn’t really matter, neither cared. Benny hummed in contentment; he’d never admit it, but he felt safe in Rory’s arms.
He’s always so warm, and strong, and sweet and- wait. No. What am I thinking? He’s a plaything. A toy. An experiment….A mistake.
Rory looked down at Benny and was surprised to see his face had changed. He was pouting. Rory’s heart skipped a beat. Though he hated to see Benny sad, he couldn’t deny he had the cutest little pout.
I’m gonna marry this man, I think.
Hoping it would snap him out of whatever seemed to be bumming Benny out, Rory pulled him into his lap and started rubbing circles on the palms of his hands. This conflicted Benny even further. He took a deep breath, mentally preparing himself for the conversation they were about to have.
“Hey, Love?” Benny cringed at the word. It gave him a weird feeling in his chest; he didn’t know what it was, and he didn’t like it.
“Do you ever think about taking this a step further?” Rory questioned.
“You mean like bondage?”
“Not quite, but we’ll put that on a shelf for later. I mean like us. You and me?”
Benny turned his head, he looked up at Rory with big eyes and a soft™ expression. He furrowed his eyebrows. It took him a while to finally form words.
“Rory, do you think this is a relationship? This is just sex. There are no feelings, no emotions. Just sex Rory.”
Rory immediately tensed.
Things were going so good. What happened? What did I do wrong?
“I...have to go eat.”
He shoved Benny off of him, trying to get out of the suddenly suffocating room as fast as possible. The quick change of environment was a shock to them both. So much so, that Benny couldn’t stop his hand from trailing after Rory as he left.
“Will you be back?” Benny was confused. Why was he feeling so empty?
It’s kind of cold in here. He tried to lay down and rest. Has my bed always been this big?
Meanwhile, Rory walked aimlessly throughout Whitechapel sidewalks. He spotted a tall figure, curly hair. He was hungry.
It took Benny a while to sleep. He kept hearing noises and getting up to invite Rory in, only for it to be a squirrel. He was used to Rory’s warm body to cuddle with. He was used to Rory taking him in his arms and humming him lullabies until he fell asleep.
Eventually, Rory found himself back at Benny’s, underneath the windowsill. He was hoping if he stood there long enough Benny might run out of the house and into his arms and say he changed his mind, say he was lying. He never did. So, Rory went home, completely ignoring his worried mother’s questions. He changed, kissed her cheek, and left for school.
Benny spent the entire morning looking for Rory between classes. Rory spent the entire morning avoiding Benny between classes. If Rory saw Benny, he would immediately turn around. Both of them zoned out entirely during class all day. Benny finally caught him in the hallway. Before Rory had a chance to run, he grabbed his arm.
“Dude, what’s up.” Benny was confused, Rory had been ignoring him all day.
The bell rang, to Rory’s relief.
“I have to go.” he jerked out of Benny’s grip. Benny took the hint.
It’s just Rory what’s wrong with me? It’s just dumb Rory. It’s just my dumb friend Rory who I happen to sleep with, or used to sleep with. Ugh… This is so emo.
Benny lay under the covers that evening. He stared at the ceiling, hoping his fan would lull him to sleep. Something felt off; like he was missing something. He couldn’t tell what though. Whatever it was, it was bumming him out. He didn’t eat supper that night. He refused to watch the news with his father when he got off work. He didn’t even offer to play Knights of Ninjutsu 4 with Ethan. That was a bad sign. He only passed out due to exhaustion around two in the morning.
Benny lay under the covers Tuesday. He hadn’t eaten again. He went straight home to his room. That sinking feeling still lay in his stomach. It hurt, and he felt like he’d never get rid of it. He tossed and turned and tossed and turned. The harder he tried to sleep the more awake he felt.
What is wrong with me? Why can’t I just stop? Nothing’s wrong. The only difference is I didn’t see Rory today. It’s not like I see him every day anyway.
The hours passed slowly. Each second seemed like a minute. Each minute like its own hour.
Benny never made it under the covers Wednesday night. He finally realized what was wrong. He felt stupid for not realizing it sooner. It was Rory. He missed him. He missed their late night talks. He missed Rory’s dumb jokes. He missed Rory ranting about something that the council had said. He missed Rory. But Rory probably hated him now. He had ruined what they had because he was afraid. He was afraid of his dad, who had always preached about traditional marriage. He was afraid of his peers, who already thought he was lame. He was afraid of himself, of hurting Rory and ruining it all. He had been afraid and he lost Rory. He didn’t sleep Wednesday. His eyes stared down the clock until his alarm went off. He went to school in yesterday’s clothes, not caring enough to change, or brush his hair, or do anything really.
Benny lay underneath his window Thursday night. He cradled one of Rory’s plaids. Benny found it when his dad had forced him to clean his room. He had left it there on Sunday.
It still smells like him. Benny put his arms through the sleeves and for the first time this week, the little sleep he got wasn’t plagued with nightmares.
Despite the fact he was able to sleep peacefully, he woke up in even worse condition than when he went to bed. He was still wearing the shirt. It was just another example of how much he missed Rory and how badly he fucked things up. He didn’t bother changing again. It’s not like Rory would see him in it. He probably smelled something awful. He showed up to school on time at least.
Rory wasn’t doing much better than Benny. He usually stuck mostly to stray animals when hunting, but all week he had been draining human after human. He tried to tell himself it was just a coincidence that all his victims wore striped polos and fluffy hair and were ridiculously tall, at least in Rory’s perspective.
It’s just a growth spurt. Vampire’s get growth spurts right? That’s why I’m eating so much. Right?
He told himself stuff like this all week but once he started to feel sick from overeating, he knew he had to face the real reason he was upset. Benny. He missed him. He hated it but if he was going to get any closure he would have to talk to him. He couldn’t just continue dodging him in the halls. That’s why on Friday morning he decided he would deliberately seek Benny out.
He mentally ran through what he would say in his head. He was expecting awkwardness and maybe a little resentment but he was hoping eventually they could be friends again. What he wasn’t expecting was to see Benny walking down the halls in one of his plaid shirts.
“Hey, uh, Benny.” The brunette jumped at the sight of him. Somehow he hadn’t noticed Rory walk up to him from across the hallway.
“Rory, you’re talking to me?” Benny asked, his tone almost hopeful. Rory was about to respond when suddenly the bell rung. He was about to tell Benny he would talk to him later but before he could he was pulled into a nearby empty classroom.
“What the hell dude we’re gonna be late,” Rory said sharply.
“I just…” Benny whispered
“You just what?”
There was a slight pause, then Benny slid the plaid shirt off of himself and held it out to Rory.
“I was gonna give you your shirt back.” Rory looked down at this piece of clothing. It was wrinkled and clearly hadn’t been washed since he left it. He didn’t even care enough to wash it. Did he even notice it was mine when he put it on this morning? Rory thought bitterly. With renewed anger, he grabbed the plaid but was surprised when he felt a slight tug.
“Benny?” That’s weird why isn’t he letting it go? With one more try Rory was able to get it, but he still wondered why it took him a second attempt. No, he didn’t do it on purpose. He didn’t have a random realization that he’s in love with you at some point during this agonizing week.
At least that’s what Rory thought until he felt Benny’s hand lightly grab onto his arm. It was nowhere near strong enough to actually hold him but it still got him to stop and turn around.  When he saw what was behind him he couldn’t stop himself from gasping.
Benny was silently sobbing. Tears rolled down his face. One look into the other boy’s eyes and Rory finally saw that Benny wasn’t okay either. He didn’t know what happened, he didn’t know what Benny was really feeling, he didn’t even know if there was hope for them, but in spite of it all Rory still loved him and he couldn’t bear to see him in this state. So despite his anger, he put his arms around the other boy and didn’t stumble when he absolutely collapsed into him.
When Benny had finally calmed down a little, Rory pulled away to look him in the eyes.
“How about I come over tonight? We can have an honest talk,” Rory suggested. Benny was still sniffling too hard and clearly tired from crying so he simply nodded. He gave him one last quick hug before finally going to class. Mr. G was not happy with him. He let him off easy because he could see that Benny had been crying.
For the first time since their fight, Rory made his way up Benny’s front porch and rang the doorbell with anticipation. Benny opened the door and happily invited Rory inside. They both walked into the living room where Benny had one cup of root beer and one cup of blood sitting on the table.
“Okay, Benny before we get back into-” Rory was cut off by Benny’s mouth on his. If Rory thought he was fast and needy before that was nothing compared to him now. Rory was half afraid Benny would actually eat his lip. As much as he enjoyed it Rory pulled Benny off of him.
“I said we’d talk, you can’t just avoid it by sucking my face,” Rory said as he sat back on the couch.
“It was worth a shot,” Benny replied, defeated, and plopped down on the couch next to him,
“I need you to be completely honest with me. Whatever your answer is I won’t get mad I just need to know the truth. Do you have any feelings for me… Any at all?” Rory asked, praying he got the answer he’d been wanting to hear since they first started their little fling. Benny took a long pause before speaking up.
“...Yes,” Benny said quietly. He didn’t look at Rory.
“Why didn’t you tell me?”
“I just… I was scared, of my own feelings and of my dad, you know how he is, and I do have feelings for you. I love you Rory and I fucked up,” Benny exclaimed, talking so fast it was a wonder he didn’t run out of breath.
Rory was taken aback. Love? He really loves me?
Benny and Rory both had tears streaming down their cheeks at this point. Rory pulled Benny into the crook of his neck, his tears staining Rory’s shirt.
“I’m sorry, Rory. I’m so sorry. I’m sorry. I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it. I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry.” He repeated himself until Rory hushed him.
“Hey, no. I’m sorry too. I left. And Benny, I… I love you too, like…  a lot, like mega a lot.”
“That’s a lot.” Benny sniffled and looked up at Rory. He wiped his tears and gave a soft™ smile.
“I hope I don’t look as bad as you do.”
Rory chuckled and leaned his forehead against Benny’s. They were both able to let out the breaths they had been holding. They let go of the tensions that built up that week. Things weren’t quite alright yet, but they would be.
“So...sexy times?” Benny cocked an eyebrow.
“Sexy times.”
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fangirlingabout · 8 years
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You Have My Attention, Disney
Isn’t it nice to be excited for a reboot? Or, at the very least, cautiously optimistic? 
Granted, I more than understand the hesitation. I don’t think reboots have ever had a great reputation, and they can take away resources from potential, original properties making their debut (especially in today’s sequel-driven, nostalgia-loving, cinematic-universe-mass-producing market). Which is why the phrase “reboot potential” sounds like execu-speak that leaves you feeling ... kind of dirty.
But, if you know me, you know I love another show that was just a reboot made to sell toys because, ultimately, the new team of creatives put in so much thought, love, and creativity into that it became its own thing.
Clearly I’m talking about Voltron: Legendary Defenders.
Oh, alright, and Pony (if you’re ever not sure, just assume I’m talking about Pony again; you’ll be right 90% of the time). And aside from the fans I’m told the franchise had originally, no one was expecting it to be a good show-- that’s a case where the reboot surpassed its predecessors and in a huge way.
And, hell, I wouldn’t be doing my job right if I didn’t reference how well the Star Wars franchise is doing again, even after the infamously abysmal prequels! 
Pretty much the entirety of 80s and 90s culture either has or will get some kind of love. Hey! Arnold’s creator Craig Bartlett is finally getting to make The Jungle Movie, Samurai Jack’s getting a 4th season on Adult Swim, Power Rangers are back on the big screen next year, and just about every other property you can think of has something. And if not, they’re probably just saving them for the NickToons movie (which is also a thing that’s happening).
Meanwhile, Millennials just aren’t nostalgically profitable yet, I guess. Seems like all of our properties either get reboots that aren’t marketed towards us at all:
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get continuations that get screwed over by the network
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(If you’re wondering, that’s official artwork by co-creator Bryan Konietzko; I just felt the need to use it because wow dat’s gay)
or don’t get reboots period, even when the creators express direct interest in making a return.
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Or, you know, made a deal with someone and found a way to never leave to begin with.
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*Pokemon’s started in the mid-90s, but if you grew up in 2000s, you’d count it, too, it was huge for us.
My point being that while reboots and revivals have troubling downsides, take it from a Millennial whose starved for them: getting a good reboot can still be a thing to be celebrated.
Especially when you’ve got one that looks this intriguing.
Back to DuckTales
So, the voice cast looks like they’re kicking ass. It’s only one element of a show, of course, but whether or not the star-power wows you, the idea that it just might be in good hands may. 
See, Disney XD is sort of a weird channel. If I’m remembering correctly, it’s not included in some number of cable packages, but Disney Channel (prime) is---meaning, this should be where shows go to die.
It’s also technically Disney’s animation channel. Which says a lot about where Disney is now. (If you want some real insight into Disney’s television history, Saberspark made a video about it---“Why does the one of the greatest animations studios of all time struggle to provide animated content for television? It doesn’t make any sense!”)
You 90s kids will remember the Disney Afternoons on the main channel---the program block DuckTales originally thrived in. A lot’s changed since then (the video goes into how and why), and the Disney channels DuckTales is returning to greatly needs its help.
Wander Over Yonder, for all the love it got, suffered the consequences of airing on an off-shoot of the Disney Channel instead of the real deal. Not every show that ends up there is doomed, but for instance, Gravity Falls made the switch to XD early in its lifespan, and OH MY GOD WAS IT JERKED AROUND IN TERMS OF ITS AIRING SCHEDULE. 
We’ve recently seen worse, and it’s not exactly uncommon, but for a show that became that popular that quickly, it’s shocking to remember just how wonky the airing schedule was.
The remaining survivors on Disney XD are Star v.s. the Forces of Evil, Milo Murphy’s Law, Star Wars Rebels, and Penn-Zero Part Time Hero (... well, okay, and Pickle and Peanut and something called Future Worm). What’s working for them now is a mix between action and comedy---which is what we’ve been lacking in Western cartoons for a while now.
Voltron, which just today released its second season on Netflix, is probably the best example of a classic action cartoon. It’s sort of got an overaching narrative, but each episode focuses the action in an episodic, beat-up-the-baddies and/or solve-this-team-and/or-character-issue vain. 
It’s been traditionally true, on the whole, that Western animation holds its roots in comedy---from Walt Disney himself to Disney XD today. But the rise in action cartoons around the late 70s--late 90s (don’t quote me on that) could sometimes elevate the animation towards more adult themes without it being... well, what we call “adult” animation. 
We know for a fact that any show---whether it’s deceptively cutesy or even downright cheesy---can approach darker and/or mature subject matter nowadays, but that’s partially why the fact that we don’t have a lot of Voltrons (which is super 80s in a loving we-know-where-our-roots-are kind of way) is a little disheartening.
Plus, action cartoons can choreograph cool fight sequences or chase scenes and I like when the cartoon box makes the booms.
DuckTales, for as silly an idea as it sounds like it would be on paper, apparently rocked. I’ve gotta full-disclosure this bad-boy and admit I was too young to catch the original properly, but from what I can tell, there’s a reason for that nostalgia. And what I’m getting at with all this is that DuckTales 2017 joining the ranks of the other action comedies on Disney XD is absolutely a step in the right direction. 
Who knows what kinds of adventures and subjects it will actually cover, but continually proving that action shows are marketable (especially on a channel that’s only in 68.8% of American households with T.V.s v.s. the 82.7% the main channel enjoys), only welcomes more good action shows in the future.
So, yeah, not only does DuckTales itself have potential to be something fun and awesome, but it has the potential to build off the successes of shows like Star v.s. and show executives people will respond to this kinda stuff. When you think about what reboots would do some genuine good to bring back, you might not think DuckTales, but who knows?
Here’s hoping all that potential amounts to something.
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6 7 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Business Blog
7 Questions To Ask Yourself Before Starting A Business Blog Aside from the need to have a very blog first of all blogging for cash is in fact pretty easy. If you love to write you can make a decent experiencing your blog post. There are a few blueprint to spotlight when it comes to the opportunity of blogging for cash, website is diversity. It is challenging to make a considerable amount of money regularly using a blog if you only employ one way of monetization. Grabbing your readers' attention is the most important take into account web marketing and promotion. Most of the time great ideas are trashed out simply due to insufficient smart presentation tactics. You have to first attract your potential client prior to them getting to find out your merchandise and services better. Use the right words and specify them in a manner about buy your targeted audiences' attention. Having a blog design solution that is practical and personable is obviously one section of the website marketing arsenal for all web site owners. Indeed, any successful online business employs conditions blog. Craigslist is but one such place in which a blog design solution is proven to work to direct designated website visitors to your internet site. The popular social site was created with a person (yes, his real name is Craig) who sought to provide a supper party place on the web for anyone who seeks to locate compatible friends and acquaintances of varied interests. By having no less than one or even more entries daily in your blog, Craigslist members who may have an interest in your site will flock for your business in countless volumes. Blogging at similar sites like MySpace and Facebook offer similar advantages. The next type which is popular is affiliate marketing. This type might be slightly difficult unlike the ad sense. Here the blogger is required to search and collect products that they feels are of help to the consumers. When such products have been located the blogger can write reviews regarding them and as well as quality writing pasting a link with the technique is the important thing. The more the amount of people pick the product via your posted link the greater money you obtain. However it is essential that you post items that are related to your blog. For example blogging about weight-loss is great for hosting links of exercise equipments. (more info) AT THIS JUNCTURE -- As you can see using this little info already given this article is within some form or manner related to blog dewasa. It is not only related but can even be very helpful when looking for information about blog software free, blogthings, disney cruise line cruise forums and blogs, frank. It's about time that business organizations and brands wake up for the thought of the significance of websites and blogs or web journals. Many brands have included techniques like social media and blogging for marketing operations. The present marketplace is highly competitive and no business organization would like to leave any page unturned in their book of selling strategies. So, optimal using the Internet, the boon from the twenty-first century, should be stressed upon highly. The total quantity of Internet surfers increased by 14% that year 2010. Moreover, the Internet is one of the mass mediums where targeting a big audience painless. It is a win win situation for both the site owner along with the writer who visitor post. The site owner have an quick time for you to add articles for his website which are rather time-consuming and has a lots of effort. While visitor posts added benefits in the traffic that the internet site gets. The visitor writer has got the privilege to insert his websites link into his write-up and possess the vital back-links. Many realtors or property investors who may have properties or businesses may use blogs to keep talking to their readers or produce a community of readers considering their subject material. If you are a realtor who focuses on condos it is possible to speak about condos, if you're a wholesale investor who sells fixer uppers you'll be able to blog about fixer uppers and expand on your expertise. Some of your site content can include your listings or projects that you are working on. You can subtly ask readers about fascination with your real estate inventory. By offering quality expertise in your field you get trust among readers and perchance a potential buyer. While typical blogs have text based content, advancements in web page design now permits the posting of video with a blog. The ability to post video has brought with regards to a new type of blogging referred to video blogs which a person would definitely not have to certainly be a writer to participate in video blogging. Rather than journaling or posting content in word form, video bloggers record themselves speaking of a topic orally. Video doubles as a way to present other content including demonstrations or instructions as will be the case in a hobby or product themed blog. (more info) u Interaction - With the help of blogs you can connect to your prospective customers. You can see the customers' comments on your posts and updates. The negative or positive feedbacks from your customers enables you to streamline the online strategy of the company. This could potentially save you thousands. Having your own private blog can indeed be regarded as demanding, but when you contemplate it, creating your own blog is quite uncomplicated. The point that makes things demanding is the matter you need to you could make your blog seem intriguing for a followers and also to make sure they are liked by your viewers. This may require serious amounts of devotion certainly. To have a professional blog site, it must have standout content. You should create many pieces to maintain your blog refreshed on the continual basis. To support you in building your individual blog, the 3 things enumerated below could possibly be instrumental to you personally. Search engines love quality content, and a website cannot tackle your blog in terms of content. The search engines know this and thus blog are quickly contained in serp's to ensure highest quality inside search. The more content you will find the better position your blog gets inside search engines. Whilst writing your blog post will be receiving increasingly popular, specially as more everyone is studying how to earn more from their blog. What is a much bigger difficult is in fact choosing excellent articles yet again and in addition again. The key to developing a productive weblog will be to manage to provide price meaning your audience go back to your website once more in addition to again. You must be driving traffic in your site therefore by giving beneficial articles that's appealing to your niche may help you push traffic. Even though this alone should be reason enough to wish to formulate an automated blog empire, the actual fact in the matter is in fact that you're going to discover further benefits that you can obtain by doing this. Every single automated blog that you simply build is actually gonna be a customers magnet and drive several viewers for it. These particular viewers are then channeled towards your moneymaking website - but there are additional stuff that you can employ this traffic as well. (more info) 1) Keep a diary or even a journal along mostly. ideas is triggered by everything else you may hear, see, or smell. Your senses will be the radar to find nice ideas. Write all of them into a journal whilst it along with you for future reference. you may additionally jot down something that you only have scan or heard, someone's ideas enables you to develop your personal ideas and this can be not stealing. be aware that concepts and creativity will return everywhere; it does not take continuing development of prospect that can cause it unique. Your Dallas SEO experts discover how to work with a blog to increase the revenue for your online business by increasing visitors to your web site. Some with the postive aspects of using blogs to market your site include an increase in traffic to your site, more awareness about your web site, and also the power to control the perception in the public about your website. The same Dallas web site design techniques which might be suited for your organization website should also be incorporated on your blog so they really are clearly connected. Instead because the dot com bubble burst within the late 90's the internet yet again became a wasteland of nerd experimentation these days the nerd seed had been planted in individuals that previously could have been turned off by every one of the science fiction and also the math. As the aughts progressed and the internet took over as the hot bed of commerce folks always did actually know it might become another world grew plus a number of ways it turned out just an outgrowth of the the world wide web ended up being to commence with. Those discussion boards were becoming your website. "The Blog" was becoming only the simplest component of Web 2.0. A world of "user generated content." No longer were people logging onto the world wide web to attend sites about things they wanted to read about. Now they were created sites. The shock waves with this were felt quickly and became compounded as new platforms particularly social network sites (Friendster begat MySpace, MySpace begat Facebook etc.) made people a growing number of comfortable and in many cases hooked on sharing themselves in addition to their opinions on the world wide web. This will receive the Google spider to index a new sites or web pages in just a day or two and consider your site for the database because of the criteria of their you are searching for a fast, inexpensive and efficient strategy to develop a large amount of content on your site, which the search engines like google will get, check out Blogger and start a free of charge blogging account and join the blogosphere.- The Love Affair between the Search Engines, Blogs and RSSI are already extolling the SEO benefits of Blogs since almost two years ago. Although blogs and search engines are not appearing to take pleasure from the free for many love affair they had, the engines like google and blogs apparently still be married 'for better or worst'.The romance and infatuation phase between search engines and blogs has waned as a consequence of blog spam. However search engines like yahoo dare not divorce blogs since they have a tendency to prepare regularly updated content.Blogs are also internet search engine friendly in design. As publishers we love to blogs because it's a simple way for all of us to update our sites with new content. Your content additionally must be participating this means your audience not just reveal your website via the many different social media networks but additionally abandon comments. This therefore not only helps with getting visitors for a website but additionally tends to make your website far more credible in order that it helps the idea get short article ought to be among 500-800 words. This also helps with SEO. Use images inside your internet site to separation the actual posts. Also take into account adding to get a blog. Make confident somebody keep the site linked to your audience. Write about what are the future prospect want. There are lots of strategies to earn money received from blogging. You could market online products, market the services you provide as well as other goods too. You must ensure your blog will likely be straightforward to find their way as well as tons quickly. (more info) Make sure that this issue you select is something that will interest others at the same time. What you'll be able to do is visit a site called or because these are great websites to get what people are talking about should you not think about anything. Don't worry, it is possible to write about anything. I know your blog owner that has thousands of readers and so they write about bicycles. Blogging is large right now and growing every single day. Along with social networks, it really is truely the building blocks with the internet. Blogs can range from a real diverse plethora of subjects there really are too many to even make an effort to mention. It's also all to easy to start a blog based on a topic of interest or expertise and expound and share one's understanding of a topic. If you're hunting for information linked to blog dewasa or another like top blogging sites,books, online blogshop orcruise forum blogs cruise photos and videos you've come to the proper article. This piece will probably be promoting not merely general blog dewasa information but also specific and favourable data. Like it. Once you have a summary of possible topics to base your website on, take some time to check out the Internet for similar blogs. Pay close attention to the kind of content that's being posted and if it available, read many of the questions and comments left by readers around the blog. This will present you with a perception of what direction to go and what not to perform determined by reader feedback. You might come across areas that may be without other blogs of similar topics and incorporate those into the own blog. Additionally, it is possible to take note of many of the blog formats that are used and the way simple to use they may be for ideas for your individual blog format. The next type that is popular is online marketing. This type could be slightly difficult unlike the ad sense. Here the blogger is necessary to search and collect products which she or he feels are helpful to the consumers. When such products have been discovered the blogger can write reviews regarding them and together with quality writing pasting a link in the technique is the important thing. The more the amount of people pick the product via your posted link the greater money you receive. However it is important that you post products which are related to your blog. For example blogging about fat loss is excellent for hosting links of exercise equipments. (more info) Submitting your blog post posts to social bookmarking sites like Reddit, Digg, StumbleUpon and Delicious is also something slowly change do. These sites may offer a significant rise in traffic though it may well not appear to be you do much. If you can provide quality content, sites including Digg are recognized for starting a lots of traffic. There are plenty of tools online that will automate the submission process with a quantity of social bookmarking sites simply, and that means you should be with them. Blogs are everywhere. From the political towards the informational, if you possibly could create a genre, itrrrs likely that, you will find your blog post concentrating on it. So what is your site? A portmanteau from the term ?web log?, blogs basically allow users to interact together in an open platform. More simply stated, your site is an much easier to use and more search engine friendly version from the early 90?s perl based forums. Though intellectual debate may never cease for the reason it becomes an exclusive entity, it should be admitted that distinct English for business people do exist. It may seem exclusive because the rest from the world doesn't have it or be aware of it. However, it would be wrong to believe that a business English blog caters to the requirements of the few who belong to the corporate world. These blogs are helpful to everyone looking to hone their English communication skills. They are the site of posts, discussions along with other exchange over new terms, sticky grammar issues and related topics. You could pick-up facts about anything from college admissions to IELTS and TOEFL examinations. When English Is Your Second Language For those who speak English as a second language, a company English blog can ease plenty of communication trouble. You could take everyday grammar lessons at these blogs and learn new vocabulary. Not just that, your site can facilitate constant engagement with and exercise in the new terms learnt. Regular readers of blogs have learned to to dig through blogs by scanning for almost any specific topic that catch their attention in lieu of reading the whole blog entry. Understanding this reader filtering technique should show you must follow suit by creating attention getting information which makes the various readers desire to find out more after just a few seconds. Use the following tips to increase your blog posts. Search for templates on any search engines like Google and you will run into many choices to choose from; this search is very important due to the fact the first thing prospective readers will see is the general layout and appearance in the blog that really wants to be inviting. Efficient Blogging and Make Money Blogging demand you to definitely use a template that either is associated for your topic or nature of weblog or is simply good-looking and classic. Possibly the key aspect essential for a sustainably popular weblog is passion and the power to translate the enthusiasm into words regularly. As soon as the readers work through your initial appear using the blog, they are going to examine then information hence; this item need to be in the utmost priority. (more info) To others, the thought of blogging may seem like such a delightful concept - being able to have your own personal little space on cyberspace which you could mention how you feel and ideas alike, and have the ability to communicate with other bloggers for example yourself. Blog writing can be a easily approach to promote your products. Here are some blogging tips to help you get the maximum blog writing.Stick to your niche. Try to keep the main focus of your respective blog as narrow as is possible.
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