#but also yea if you know more than 1 language i highly recommend translating fics you like that youve read a trillion times it gives it a
kamuro-junrenka · 1 year
So ive been obsessed with this minedai fanfic for a few months now and i asked the author i could translate it bc i read it like a million times and i wanted to do something with it and they gave me permission and man i really recommend translating fics bc you start appreciating things more and bc you have to read it very slowly as you translate and you imagine the scenarios way better, its actually very fun
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violixs · 2 years
omg good job mae ! i’m going into the last grading period of this school year so it’s a little stressful.. trying to boost all my grades even more ! my day was tbh very stressful 🥲 i feel like i have so much to do and not enough time to complete them all !! my sisters wedding is this weekend and i’m giving a little speech but i’m a little nervous if people will view my speech as dumb.. but !! me and my mom are going shopping for a dress to wear to my cousins wedding in a few weeks to mexico !! so yea.. def a lot to do but i’m exited at the same time !! i’m practicing with my contacts again but my eyes balls just get so dry and i prefer glasses way more but anyways ! that lino drabble so cute !! love the siblings friends plots heh i will need to translate the end but my hangul skills i’ve forgotten them all since last summer but i hope to start again this summer ! anyways how was your day mae ?
omg that sounds so stressful my love :( i’m sure you’ll get the grades you want because.. you’re you and i believe that you will do well!!! but even if you don’t get exactly what you want i know you can get at the very least what you need so i hope you don’t worry too much and make sure to have some down time too to relax !!
i hope the wedding is fun!! and congratulations to her~ if it’s your speech for your sister then it can’t be dumb because?? you probably know her better than anyone else does and if she loves it that’s your job sorted! she is the main goal and the person you want to make happy so if others find it weird then excuse my language but?? fuck them?? because i’m sure you’ve done a great job and spent lots of time on it so well done from me at the very least <3 But MEXICO AHHH that sounds so much fun !!!! and a new dress for it too ??!!!!!!!! so exciting wtf :,) contacts sound like they SUCK but i’m sure it’ll be worth it by the end of the day and if it’s not then? make sure u take them out bc i’m 100% sure u look just as pretty w glasses on 😠😠
om i can’t wait to write the lino one… so many ideas and so many plots but they’re all so long ㅠㅠㅠ 5k in to for the most recent one i’m doing and it’s still like 1/4 or less finished… it will be a while but people like long fics right?? i’m hoping the effort will pay off in the end 🫠🫠 i’m sure it will!! but omg i love studying korean idk why i find it quite relaxing so… i highly recommend you do! and also if u need any help with any of it (like recourses and stuff!) feel free to ask bc i have a few!!
my day was good! it was very windy so my hair went everywhere ㅠㅠ but i had a physics test and the only revision i did was this morning at like.. 6:40AM when i remembered he set smth online due today that he can see if i’ve done or not… but considering that was IT it went extremely well i think! i quite want to get it back but my only lesson w him before the holiday is tomorrow so i don’t have high hopes </3 other than that it was pretty boring… i learnt some of the stereotype dance by stayc though and now i’m just gonna finish the innie drabble, shower, do some korean and sleep i think? :0 was your day good nat?
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