#not that anyone here would care either lol but this account was made with the intention of posting whatever yakuza related thing is on my
kamuro-junrenka · 1 year
So ive been obsessed with this minedai fanfic for a few months now and i asked the author i could translate it bc i read it like a million times and i wanted to do something with it and they gave me permission and man i really recommend translating fics bc you start appreciating things more and bc you have to read it very slowly as you translate and you imagine the scenarios way better, its actually very fun
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xomakara · 2 months
Love In Turbulence
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(re-posting from my old account seulrinnie-rinrin/xomakara-secondary)
SUMMARY | You're the maid of honor in your best friend's destination wedding, but you are single and feeling depressed about having to attend solo. Stressed and grumpy on the long flight there, you have a few too many drinks and pass out, drooling on the shoulder of your seatmate. When you arrive at the wedding, you are mortified to discover that your handsome seatmate is Yunho, the best man, and you spend the rest of the wedding weekend trying to avoid him. PAIRING | Yunho x Reader GENRE | non-idol!Yunho, wedding season yo, smut with no (maybe a little) plot, unprotected sex (wrap it up everyone!), vaginal sex, oral sex RATING | Mature, 18+, NSFW, MDNI LENGTH | 4,144 words TAGLIST | -- NETWORKS | AUTHOR’S NOTE | I got invited to a wedding next year and was kind of, somewhat inspired to write this lol. I think it feels a bit rushed hahaha. Enjoy!
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"Jina!" You yanked your best friend, the bride, into the bathroom and locked the door before anyone else came in.
"Are you okay?"
"No! Why didn't I know that we were sitting together?!" You asked her.
She looked at you with a confused look. "Huh?"
"Me and Yunho!" You explained.
"Of course you're sitting at the same table with Yunho. He's Yeosang's best man, just like you’re my maid of honor." She said it as if it made sense to her, but she couldn't figure out why you weren't making any sense either.
"Jina, he's the man I told you that I drooled all over on the plane." You told her the whole story, starting from when you started feeling depressed from being single during take-off, to having one too many drinks and until you woke up later on to find yourself face down on Yunho's shoulder, drooling.
"Oh my god." Jina covered her mouth with her hand. "Oh my god."
She kept repeating herself over and over again while you finished your story. When you were done, Jina leaned against the sink counter and looked at you with wide eyes. "Why didn't you tell me?"
"How was I supposed to know that he was Yeosang's best man?" You groaned. "He's the only one of Yeosang's friends that I haven't met yet."
"So? Who cares? Do you think Yunho will be mad that you drooled on him? If anything he'll probably be flattered."
You rolled your eyes. "There's no way he'll be flattered. Who would be flattered by someone drooling all over them?"
"And you're worried about what he thinks about you? Seriously Y/N, this isn't high school where everyone has the same circle of friends. People come here for weddings alone. You need to start meeting new people or you're going to end up an old maid at this rate." Jina scolded you. "Look, go talk to him."
"I can't do that!" You protested. "I've been running away from him ever since the reception started."
"Why? Because he looks good in a suit? Or maybe because he smells really nice and his voice makes you shiver every time you hear him speak?" Jina teased. "Come on Y/N, don't make this harder than it already is. Talk to him and get this awkward moment over with. I know Yunho. He won't think you're weird, so don't worry about that."
You sighed. "Fine."
After straightening yourself out and silently cursing Jina for making you wear this sexy cocktail dress, you headed towards the table where Yunho sat with the rest of the wedding party. Okay, you had to admit that he was stupidly, insanely hot in a suit. And you also knew that his smoky brown eyes would have caught the attention of most women around him. However, none of that mattered right now. All that mattered was getting past this first conversation with him and praying that it would go smoothly.
When you reached the table, you realized that the only empty seats were beside Yunho, so you went to sit down next to him without even thinking twice about it. As soon as your butt hit the chair, you noticed that Yunho slowly turned his head to face you. You gulped nervously and looked away quickly. This was not happening. Not after everything that happened on the plane. It was too soon. You had to get out of here. Now.
But then, before you could make a move, Yunho moved closer to you and leaned forward to place his left arm around the back of your chair. Your heart skipped a beat and you felt your cheeks burning bright red under his intense stare.
What did you say? What did you say?! But then, before you could figure out how to escape this situation, Yunho spoke. "If you're worried about what happened on the plane, don't worry about it."
His voice was smooth and silky like silk. It was almost hypnotic. The last thing you wanted to do was fall under his spell. "Okay," you replied and slowly turned your head to face him. "Thanks."
Yunho nodded and smiled slightly. His eyes scanned your body, lingering on certain parts of you. "You look really beautiful tonight."
You blinked a few times, dumbfounded by his compliment. You stared back at him and realized that he still hadn't let go of your chair. Oh god.
"Are you alright?" He asked you.
"I'm still mentally embarrassed about the whole plane incident." You said sheepishly.
"Don't worry about it." Yunho assured you. "Besides, you looked cute sleeping on my shoulder."
"Even with all the drool?" You frowned.
"Yes." Yunho confirmed. "You looked very pretty. Even with all the drool."
The corner of your lips twitched up and you realized that you actually liked hearing those words from him. So you decided to take the conversation further. "Well...I didn't know you were the best man until I saw you standing next to Yeosang earlier today. As soon as I saw you, I wanted to avoid you at all costs."
“Well if it makes you feel better, I didn’t know you were the maid of honor until a few hours ago.” Yunho laughed. “It all makes sense why you kept running when someone tried to introduce us to each other. What made you change your mind?"
"The bride." You mumbled.
Yunho laughed and you couldn't help but smile at his cute chuckle. Damn, he had such a gorgeous laugh. You could listen to it forever.
"I'm sure Jina told Yeosang because they look like they're staring at us nonstop." Yunho said, nudging you gently. "But hey, I'm glad you changed your mind and talked to me. I'm really glad to finally meet you."
Your stomach suddenly churned and butterflies started fluttering inside your chest. Even though you just officially met Yunho a few minutes ago, you were strangely attracted to him. How strange was that? You always thought of yourself as a hopeless romantic, but the feeling that you were currently experiencing right now was something entirely different. And it scared you more than anything.
"Do you want to dance?" Yunho asked, getiing up from his seat.
"And give the newlyweds even more ammo to tease us?" You asked him.
Yunho gave you a soft smile. "It's fine if you don't want to dance with me."
"But I DO want to dance with you." You countered. "I promise I won't make a fool of myself."
"Then come on." Yunho grabbed your hand and pulled you up from your chair. "Let's dance."
You knew he was tall. But you didn't think he was this tall. Sure, you were wearing like four inch heels, but he still towered over you like an oak tree. And when he wrapped his strong arms around your waist, your knees felt weak and shaky. The entire time you were walking, your heart raced faster than ever before. What the hell was wrong with you? How was it possible for someone to make you feel this way within seconds of meeting them?
The dance floor was filled with people of all ages. An upbeat song played in the background, filling the room with music and laughter. You smiled as you watched Jina and Yeosang dancing. They looked so happy. You noticed Seonghwa, Mingi and Jongho, three of the groomsmen, dancing in a corner while the other groomsmen and bridesmaids laughed.
He was so close to you. You could feel Yunho's warmth radiating from his body, causing goosebumps to form all over your skin. Every movement that he made was like poetry to your ears. Every breath he took sounded so perfect. You closed your eyes and listened to his voice wash over you. For a second, you forgot who you were, what you were doing, and who you were talking to. Everything just faded away except for Yunho and his amazing presence.
As the music slowed down and into a romantic melody, Yunho moved his hands closer to your body and slid his right hand around your lower back. You sucked in a sharp breath and pressed yourself against him, enjoying the sensation of his hard muscles against yours. Your heart pounded rapidly and the entire world disappeared except for the two of you. You were falling. Falling into this incredible dream.
"Is this alright?" Yunho whispered into your ear.
"More than alright." You breathed out, still clinging onto him for dear life. "Perfect."
He continued to hold you in his arms, swaying to the tune of the song. His hand stayed low on your back while his other hand held onto your wrist. He never let go of you.
After dancing with Yunho for a while, you excused yourself to use the restroom. On your way to the bathroom, you ran into Jina who was heading towards the restrooms as well. She stopped short and looked at you with a wide grin.
"So...looks like you and Yunho are hitting it off." She teased. "I don't even know why you were so freaked out about him earlier."
You let out a laugh and hugged her. "Thank you, Jina. For pushing me to go talk to him."
"Y/N, you're my best friend. Of course I'm going to push you to do things you're afraid of." Jina explained. "I want you to be just as happy as I am. So I know you two officially just met but what do you think of him? Yeosang and I were saying earlier that you two looked cute together."
"I don't know why..." You bit your bottom lip. "But I'm having all these weird feelings that I've never had with other guys before. Like...a sense of...home."
Jina smiled. "That's good, Y/N. Trust your gut. If something feels right, it probably is. And besides, who says you need to rush things? You should be able to enjoy this special time in your life."
"Yeah, but this isn't supposed to happen." You complained. "How does someone fall in love so fast?"
"They don't." Jina shrugged. "You just meet the person that you're meant to be with and things fall into place naturally."
You let out a small sigh and turned around to walk towards the restroom. "I never asked but did you feel this way about Yeosang?"
Jina laughed. "When I first laid eyes on Yeosang, I knew I was going to marry that man."
You stopped and turned around again. "Really?"
"Oh yeah." Jina grinned widely. "I knew we were meant to be together since the day I met him."
You smiled as well. "Wow. That's awesome."
"Now you understand what I mean about trusting your gut, right?" Jina said, clapping you on the back.
You glanced at her out of the corner of your eye and nodded. "Yeah, I think I get it."
Before you entered the restroom, Jina leaned in close and whispered into your ear, "You'll find him too, Y/N. Don't lose hope."
Once you finished using the restroom, you headed back to where you and Yunho were sitting. He let out a smile when he saw you coming. Your eyes lingered on his lips for a brief moment and then snapped back up to his face. "Did you get lost?" He asked you.
"No." You shook your head and sat down next to him. "I ran into Jina and we talked for a bit."
Yunho laughed. "Let me guess. She asked about us."
"Yep." You replied. "She said that we looked cute together."
"And do you think we look cute together?" He asked, cocking his head at you.
"A little too early to tell." You let out a laugh. "But I'd like to keep this momentum going. Only if you want to, though."
"Of course I want to keep this momentum going." Yunho replied and let out a laugh. "I'm a fan of momentum."
Before you knew it, you found yourself holding his hand. Not because you were drunk or high, but because you genuinely wanted to. Maybe he did awaken a dormant desire deep inside you, or maybe you just wanted to have fun with a cute boy and this was the best opportunity to do so. Whatever the reason was, you were completely okay with it. And surprisingly enough, neither of you let go of each other's hand.
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"Mmmm..." You let out a small moan of satisfaction as you snuggled close to Yunho's body.
The air conditioner hummed softly and the windows were tightly shut, blocking out any noise from outside. There wasn't a lot of light in the room; the only source of light came from the moonlight shining through the window. But that wasn't what caught your attention. It was the warmth of his body that surrounded you that caused goosebumps to appear on your skin. You reached out to touch his shoulder and his arm tightened around your waist, preventing you from moving further. He shifted slightly to turn you on your side, wrapping his arm around your body and pulling you closer.
It had been months since Jina's and Yeosang's wedding and here you were, wrapped in Yunho's embrace. You had your first official date a few days after the wedding and it ended in the most intense kiss you had ever experienced in your life. From that moment onwards, your life was flipped upside down and you didn't regret one thing about it.
Your friends were ecstatic that you and Yunho made it exclusively official. Jina and Yeosang even joked that if you two were going to get married in the near future, that they would have to be part of your wedding party. You weren't even thinking of marriage yet. All you wanted was to enjoy your time with him without worrying about making a mistake. And the fact that you could call him 'my boyfriend' was simply icing on the cake.
When Yunho suggested that you stay the night, you jumped at the chance. As much as you loved spending time with him during the day, nothing beat being curled up with him in bed. Being this close to him made you forget everything else in the world.
You closed your eyes and sighed contently. In that moment, nothing mattered except for you and Yunho.
"Y/N?" A soft voice spoke into your ear. "Are you asleep?"
Your eyelids fluttered open and you turned to see Yunho staring at you with adoration. His hair fell into his eyes and his cheeks were rosy red. His smile made your heart skip a beat. God, he was such a beautiful man.
You shook your head, burrowing your face deeper into his chest. "Not anymore."
Yunho chuckled and lightly kissed your forehead. "You're too cute, babe."
"Mmm...keep calling me cute." You pouted playfully.
Yunho wrapped his arm tighter around you and pulled you closer. "Cute. My girlfriend is cute. So precious. Cute, precious, sweet, adorable, perfect, gorgeous, hot, sexy, beautiful. That pretty much covers every adjective there is when describing you."
Your cheeks blushed. "Gosh, Yunho. What will I ever do with you?"
"There's only one answer to that question." Yunho replied and started tracing random patterns on your stomach. "Take care of me."
Your heart skipped a beat as Yunho lowered his head and placed a gentle kiss on your lips. You leaned forward and cupped his cheek, wanting desperately to deepen the kiss. His mouth was warm and his lips felt so soft against yours. You couldn't help but moan as his tongue slowly brushed against your lips.
Your hands gripped onto his shirt and before you knew it, you were straddling his lap, moaning loudly as he continued kissing your neck. One of his hands ran up and down your thigh while the other caressed your cheek. The intensity between you two grew as the kisses became more heated. You grabbed his face with both hands and crushed your lips against his, giving him full access to explore your mouth. Both of your tongues intertwined and you moaned into his mouth, sending chills throughout your body.
His hands traveled up your legs and you quickly lifted your body off of his, leaving him breathless. "Yunho..." You breathed heavily, running your fingers through his hair.
"What do you want, baby?" He asked with lust-filled eyes.
"I need you." You confessed. "Don't you need me?"
Yunho smiled mischievously. "Every damn minute of the day."
You slid your hand underneath his t-shirt, running your fingers over his stomach. He groaned as your fingers pressed firmly against his skin. He moved his hands to cup your face and pull you in for another kiss. His fingers dug into your hips, pulling you tighter to him. Yunho sat up, tugging his shirt off before grabbing the hem of the t-shirt you borrowed from him and pulled it over your head. He threw it on the floor and admired your naked chest. You licked your lips, breathing heavily as he ran his hands up and down your sides, resting them on your breasts. He pulled your nipples into his fingertips and pinched gently, causing a low moan to escape your throat. He chuckled and planted a firm kiss on your lips.
You rolled over onto your back and pulled him on top of you, wrapping your arms around his neck. He ran his hands over your exposed skin and slowly slid your shorts and panties down your legs. Once you were completely naked, he took off his remaining clothes and lay down next to you, continuing to run his hands over your skin. He traced his fingers across your collarbone, dipping lower until he reached your breasts. You arched your back and grabbed hold of his hair, letting out a loud moan as he circled your nipples with his thumb and forefinger. His fingers pinched your nipple lightly, causing you to arch your back even more.
He licked his lips as he stared hungrily at your naked form. "God, you're so fucking sexy." He muttered under his breath.
Your breathing increased as he explored every inch of your body with his hands. You ran your fingers through his hair and watched as his dark eyes searched for yours. You tilted your head to the side and sucked on your bottom lip as he trailed kisses along your jawline. You closed your eyes and let out a moan as he covered your breast with his mouth, sucking hard on your nipple. Your nails dug into his scalp as he began to trail kisses down your stomach. He pushed himself up on his elbows and looked at you, waiting for you to tell him whether he should continue.
"Please." You whispered.
Yunho grinned wickedly and buried his face between your legs. You tensed as he ran his tongue along your wet slit, lightly brushing your clit. "Oh god..." You moaned as he placed small kisses all along your pussy, stopping briefly to tease your sensitive nub. You squeezed your thighs together, squeezing his head as his tongue ran along your clit.
He let out a little laugh against your inner thigh. "Babe, you’re going to suffocate me.”
You laughed, reaching out to grab his hair again. “I can’t help it. It feels so good.”
Yunho licked his lips. “Then don’t fight it, baby. Just enjoy the ride.”
You whimpered as he flicked his tongue against your clit, causing you to buck your hips. His mouth wrapped around your clit and suckled gently, causing an explosion of pleasure to flow through your body. You cried out and dug your fingernails into his scalp as you bucked harder and harder against his mouth.
"Yunho!" You cried out, unable to take it anymore.
Yunho removed his mouth from your dripping sex and stared at you with hooded eyes. "Let go, Y/N." He whispered. "Just let go."
With one last thrust of his tongue, you lost control and let out a scream as waves of ecstasy flooded through your entire body. You clutched Yunho's head, crying out as your orgasm exploded inside of you. Yunho continued licking your pussy until your orgasms subsided, kissing you tenderly afterwards. You laid there with your eyes closed, taking deep breaths as your heart slowed down.
Yunho propped himself up on his elbow and placed a soft kiss on your lips. "You okay?”
You nodded and placed a kiss on his cheek. "I am now."
Yunho laid next to you and you couldn’t help but straddle him again, tugging his pants down to free his cock. With one hand wrapped around his cock, you positioned yourself above him, lowering yourself slowly onto him. The way he gripped your ass made you gasp as you lowered yourself, allowing him to enter you. You held onto his shoulders tightly as he filled you up, his hips grinding against yours. You leaned forward and ran your tongue along his neck and shoulder, loving how his muscles tightened around you.
"Can't get over how good you feel inside me." You whispered.
Yunho smiled. "Feels good to be inside you, baby."
You wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him deeply, enjoying the feeling of him filling you up. He let out a deep sigh as you rocked your hips back and forth. Every movement sent delicious sensations coursing through your body.
Yunho leaned his head back and closed his eyes, groaning softly. "Fuck, I love it when you ride me like this."
"Yunho." You gasped, biting his lower lip as you rode him faster.
"I know, baby." He whispered, tightening his grip on your waist. "I love watching you ride me. Love how you look so fucking hot riding my dick."
"Oh god..." You whispered as he pinched your nipples. "Please...Yunho...don't stop."
You could feel his cock pulsating inside of you and Yunho couldn't help but flip you over unto your back, pinning you down on the mattress. You bit your lip as he ground his hips into yours, causing another surge of pleasure to rush through your body. His mouth found its way to your breast and he kissed it roughly. He took his time sucking on your nipple, making you squirm beneath him. His teeth scraped against your sensitive skin and you arched your back, gripping his hair tightly as he pleasured your breast.
"You're driving me crazy, baby." He whispered against your skin. "Tell me what you want."
You bit your lip and glanced up at him. "Yunho...please..."
"Tell me what you want, baby." He said, still teasing your nipple with his teeth.
You let out a frustrated groan and dug your nails into his shoulders. "Yunho...fuck me...harder...please..."
He growled and slammed into you hard, burying himself to the hilt. "That's it, babe. Take my cock. Take everything I give you."
Yunho grabbed hold of your hips and pounded into you with every thrust, making you cry out in pleasure. His large hands grabbed onto your waist and held you in place as he pumped you harder and harder. You wrapped your legs around his waist, clutching his body close to yours. He moved his mouth to your ear and placed soft kisses against your earlobe. "God, you feel so fucking good. Feels so damn good."
He kept pounding into you until you felt the pressure build up inside of you. "Yunho...oh god...I'm gonna come!" You cried out as you clamped down on him, milking his cock.
"Fuck! Fuck! !" He yelled, pumping his hips faster as he came inside of you. You cried out as you climaxed with him, your body trembling as you fought to keep your legs still. You clung onto him tightly as he slowly pulled out of you, gasping for air as he collapsed next to you.
Yunho looked down at you with glazed eyes. "That was...one hell of a fuck." He whispered, caressing your cheek with his hand.
You laughed weakly and shook your head. "Mmmhmm."
"Glad I could be of service, ma'am." He teased, stroking your bare hip with his thumb.
"Uh huh." You giggled, running your fingers through his hair. "Anytime."
You snuggled closer to him and he wrapped his arm around you. "How'd I ever get so lucky?" He whispered against your temple.
You cuddled closer to him and ran your hand down his chest. "We both know it wasn't luck." You whispered. "This has always been meant to be."
Yunho smiled. "Meant to be. Sounds right to me."
"You know Seonghwa invited us to his wedding..." You looked up at him. "You wanna go?"
"Depends." Yunho gave you a teasing smile. "You gonna drool on me again?"
"Maybe..." You smirked.
Yunho laughed and pulled you into a tight hug. "Wouldn't miss it for the world, babe."
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wilwheaton · 2 years
the scorpion doesn’t care who it stings
I posted this on my Facebook four days ago, and it seems to have taken on a life of its own for a minute.
I thought I’d repost it, here:
I can not fathom the emptiness, the insecurity, the insatiable need for attention and validation, the staggering arrogance, the malevolence and total void of human experience that is Elon Musk.
He's the richest man on the planet. You can't go anywhere or do anything without interacting with something he's part of in some way. There are literal millions of people who uncritically worship him, in spite of overwhelming evidence that he's a douchebag. Some number of them will come after me, as they come after anyone who points at their naked emperor. They'll spend entire days going after me and people like me, slavishly serving a man who does not even know they exist. They are his army of fools, uncritically serving his every whim. And it still isn't enough.
He can have any material thing he wants, and he will *never* be happy or satisfied. He has no real friends. Every single person around him is either a viper, a parasite, or both.
So what does he do? He bullies and threatens and harasses and trolls and behaves like the weak, scared, insecure child he has always been. That's a tragedy for him, but it's dangerous for us. He doesn't care what he destroys or who he hurts as he chases this existential thing he cannot ever have.
You know the saying "hurt people hurt people"? He's a hurt person who is hurting our society, making people I care about less safe. The consequences of this one man's midlife crisis are global, and that terrifies me.
In a comment, about an hour later, I added:
You know what's really interesting is the tiny number of people who are attacking and harassing me are either typical right wing idiots who all spew the same garbage from behind their wraparound sunglasses, or these weird nerds who are DESPERATE to justify how toxic and cruel and destructive Elon Musk is. Like, nerds, listen to Old Man Wheaton, please. 
Don't hitch your wagon to Elon Musk. There are countless people who are amazing and genuinely good, who do all the things we wish we could do. Stop defending this piece of shit who would push you into a volcano without even learning your name, if it would save him half a second on his way to his next shitpost on $8Chan (formerly known as Twitter).He doesn't stand up to anyone. He doesn't stand up FOR anyone. He is not your champion. He's angry and chaotic and destructive, and you have to understand that the scorpion doesn't care who it stings.
Finally, I want to add two things: 1) It’s interesting to me that a lot of the people who came to my post to be dicks used a lot of MAGA language. It reminds me of this thing my friend says about concerts: the audience looks like the band. Of course there’s substantial overlap between the angry, hateful, terrified, cowards who support Trump and the same who Stan Elon Musk, and it’s real interesting to see it in action.
2) I haven’t used Twitter for years. I quit before it was popular (lol) because it was better for my mental health. I logged in once when my book was published, and I deleted all my tweets when he announced he was buying Twitter. When he took over and immediately amplified a conspiracy theorist, I made my account private. In a perfect world, I would delete my account entirely. But I have to keep it for reasons I hope I don’t have to explain. After I posted this on Facebook, it made its way around Twitter (still is, four days later, which is ... a thing that is happening) and when people went to look at my account, they saw that it was closed. As much of a fucking manbaby Elon Musk clearly is, he didn’t do anything to my account. In fact, the only reason he even knows I exist (if he does) is through a vanity search of his name. I locked my account on my own, and so should you.
I am only on:
Facebook (itswilwheaton)
Instagram (itswilwheaton)
and my blog that I’ve been neglecting for too long at wilwheaton.net.
I’ve had a Reddit account since 2006, predating user-created subs! I’m u/wil there.
Okay that’s all. Thanks for listening. Please choose to be kind.
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viivenn · 5 months
making an important announcement about some things i’ve noticed in the gwendoline christie fandom that really bug me.
disclaimer: read this at your own convenience and discretion. i am not responsible for any sort of hurt feelings and frankly… i don’t care. if you’re mad about this, you are probably the problem. /lh
to start with id like to begin on a positive note so that i’m not diving into negativity, i don’t want to be completely negative about my experiences because i’ve actually met some of the kindest people in the world through this fan base.
the gwen fandom, the gwandom, the gwendoline christie fandom , the lesbian cesspool, has been an incredible experience that i’m grateful i’ve had the pleasure of being apart of.
i went through a rough patch during november, and if i hadn’t found out about gwen, or met such wonderful people during my time here , i honestly wouldn’t be here right now. i owe my life to these people, gwen included. i will forever adore miss christie and what she stands for alongside the friends i’ve made along the way.
and while i know someday this hyperfix will end, it’s really disheartening to me when a fandom is what makes me grow distant from things i enjoy. it happened before, i feel as though it is happening all over again.
and no, i’m not taking issue with anything like the catrissa stuff or the brienne and larissa ship going around or anything like that. i like that we can all be weird together and enjoy aus like catrissa and crackships like bririssa (not sure the official name that was decided lol). my issue is the amount of content i’ve seen that either focuses on gwen herself, or the strange relationship with minors, or the odd artwork of gwen, and the absolute disgusting behaviour towards giles.
gwen would be absolutely appalled seeing fanfictions of herself that involve nsfw or just her in general, anyone would, it’s disgusting to make works of real people in that setting. it’s like you’re treating them as an original character you can mould and manipulate as you see fit and using someone who is real with thought and feeling and consciousness for smut fics is not okay, or any fic in general. i totally get the hype around her characters, i literally have “brienne’s princess” in my bio and i’ve had “jane murdstone’s bloodbag” (in reference to my vamp au) as a name in a discord server.
but i think the fandom has begun to blur the lines between fictional characters and reality settings when it comes to gwen and the personalities she portrays on the television screen. it’s not fair to her. it’s disgusting. i’ve seen a minor do it, i’ve seen a grown adult do it. it’s something i don’t see shamed and frowned upon often enough and it’s really not okay.
on that note i’d like to quickly mention the photos, we alllll know what photos i’m talking about. the bunny one, the nudes, the ones gwen has expressed regret towards and wishes to not have them spread. was there not a “fan” who brought her a book of her nudes and wanted her to sign it? that person who was blocked on instagram by gwen because they reposted her nudes on their story and tagged her???? how can you refer to yourself as a fan after behaving so abhorrently? absolutely disgusting behaviour. as a collective fandom we need to stop touching those photos (metaphorically speaking) and leave them in the past.
i’ve been told of numerous circumstances in which adults have shown their nsfw works to minors in this fandom and it has to fucking stop. it’s disgusting!! how can you do that knowingly? i constantly ponder terminating my account after a minor got ahold of my nsfw work, and upon realising they WERE a minor it was as simple as blocking and moving on. it’s truly not that hard, folks. and the minors on tiktok who fight with others saying silly things like “that’s my wife” or worse. i’ve seen it all, i feel like, and the more i see it the more sick i become. i cannot stand it.
i have seen and heard of fans who have fat shamed gwen for that one pink dress she wore to the met gala. she looked so happy in that dress, and the audacity one must have to fatshame that poor woman on twitter then turn around and continue to proclaim your ‘love for her’ as if you’d done no wrong? are you fucking serious? are you mental?
and the sexualisation over the porcelain doll look, gods some of you are sick. those were not real breasts, people. considering the fact she wholeheartedly regrets her nude photoshoots , what possesses you to believe she would actually flaunt her chest in that outfit?
the blatant mistreatment of poor giles is not fucking okay either. just because you’re jealous of someone who makes her immensely happy does not give you the right to post something so vile and cruel about him. shame on you. why do you believe this is okay to post:
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are you serious? have any of you stopped to consider how HAPPY giles makes her? or is her happiness the last thing you ponder when you look at her? have you even noticed how unhappy she looks lately? have you truly paused to consider how she would feel about seeing this on your page, random twitter user, or the rest of you who think this is okay? bless your hearts.
and some of the absolutely horrific things i’ve seen about her online and the hurtful behaviour towards giles makes me question the difference between a fan and just the general paparazzi. because if you truly loved her and you truly loved giles then i would not be ranting into the fucking void about it for no reason.
i avoid interacting with pages i find problematic on here to keep from stirring the pot but tonight i chose violence and got reeeeeal pissy about how i felt about this place. it’s not okay what i see on here and it’s getting exhausting seeing the same cycle of content on a daily.
that’s everything i have to say, i think. i probably missed a lot that should be discussed in the comments but i’m done for now because i know if i go on i’ll probably cry.
before you post things about real people with real feelings , stop to consider how they will feel those real feelings towards the content you put out. chances are you’ll become less problematic and obnoxious that way. 💘
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Pirates, B****!
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pairings: jake kiszka x reader
warnings!!!: 18+, smut, unprotected sex (don’t be silly wrap ur willy.), kissing, secret relationship (if you squint), Pirate AU, fluff, smut, love confessions, love confessions during sex, oral (f receiving), penetration, female reader.
Author's Note: hi! this is the first fic on this account and my first great van fleet fic lol. i wrote this after waking up to the mirador announcement and honestly who doesn't want a pirate!Jake fic yk? anyways if you would like to check out my other works or read this on AO3 you can do so here.
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Jake is good at what he does. 
We all knew that. 
You admired him for that. His ways of always keeping calm in the face of enemy attack, always coming back strong, leaving your rivals either slaughtered or surrendering within minutes. He had his reputation, that’s for sure - but he was somehow everything and nothing like the standards he was upheld to. On the one hand, he was like the hard-edged man he was known to be, one of the best pirates out there, our ship, the celestial fleet, was one of the most beloved (by our allies) and the most feared (by our enemies). But on the other hand, he was the best partner you could’ve asked for. He was a very compassionate and loving man behind closed doors, especially when you layed in his quarters at night - but the rest of the crew didn’t need to know about that did they? 
His two sides were almost your favorite thing about him, seeing both of them made you special. Only the rest of the crew saw his tough side, but when it came to you, he always ensured you were loved, even if nobody else knew about it. He would assign the easier chores to you, making sure you were always taken care of and never harassed by your fellow crew mates because god damn anyone who dared to hit on you in front of Jake. And nobody knows; everyone just thought he was going easy on you because you were the only lady on the ship. After all, being the only lady on the ship meant two things for you. Number one - respect. Number two - you were damn good at stealing shit, so it was safe to assume everyone around knew you were too good to give up, especially Jake. 
So when you found yourself on the top deck of the ship directing your fellow crew mates, you couldn’t be more thankful for Captain Jake. 
He was sick, down with what he called “the sea coldness making him sick once a year because ‘the sea is a bitch!’” So he was resting in his quarters for the next two or so days until he recovered. Was he faking it because he was probably just lazy and didn’t want to deal with his crew when he knew that they weren’t treading on any enemy waters? Yes, most definitely. Did that make you love him any less? Not a single bit. 
He made you in charge for the foreseeable future as “his illness” had left him bedridden and you leading the ship was the only solution, or so he claimed. And you know what, that had to be the kindest gesture he had given you to date, well besides all the sex and nightly meet-ups in his quarters, but that’s beside the point. 
So here you are watching as your slightly useless crew mates try sweeping the water off the lower deck while the sea is still roaring from the last run-in you had with a storm a day ago.
“Hey, Sam! You realize how fucking useless that is right?” You called from the top deck. He looked back up at you, covering his eyes with his hand to protect you from the sun. “Well, at least I’m trying to get ahead of it!” He called back out. “Suit yourself then! I’m going to check back up on the captain.” You hollered out, walking down the stairs to the lower deck, and entering the trap door leading to the crew quarters. You hopped off the final stair making your way past all of the bunks reserved for your crew, reaching the door that led to Jake’s quarters. 
Knock, Knock. 
“Who is it!” He called out, obviously thinking you were one of your crewmates trying to complain about something. “Jake it’s me.” You called to him. “Oh, c’mon in.” His voice softened at your identity. You open the door to reveal him in only his white button-up shirt, half-buttoned, lying in bed. God was he a sight for sore eyes, his beauty overtaking you every time you laid eyes on him. “Why hello there.” 
You walk into his quarters slowly walking around to the side of his bed, gently laying a hand on his chest. “How are you feeling, Captain?” His gentle breaths make your hand rise and fall as he looks back up at you, putting on his best sickly performance in hopes you wouldn’t call him on his bullshit. “I’m feeling better every second you’re here.” He speaks weakly with a slight smile, god he was dramatic. “God, you’re playing this shit up aren’t you.” You ask, letting out a laugh as you look down to see his face morph into one best resembling an offended barkeeper you would typically manage to piss off after having a few too many, which is something Jake has managed to do many times. He let you a playfully shocked gasp, “How dare you suggest that I would fake an illness!” Laughing, you find yourself pulled on top of him on the bed. 
Jake laughs as he covers your face in playful kisses. “How have the boys been treatin’ ya, love?” He asks, his classic smile enchanting you more. “Well being completely honest, yes but I do believe Sam is a fucking idiot. He was trying to sweep water off the deck when it just kept coming back up onto it, and when I told him how stupid he was he just said that he was trying to get ahead of it.” 
“Well unfortunately hun I think that’s just how he is. You can't fix him, he’s just…Sam.” You let out a laugh at his admission. Jake takes his hands and rests them on your cheeks, soft for a pirate, rough for a human, the gentle median coming across in this perfect man. You look back into his eyes, they’re gentle, relaxed, and simply beautiful, just like him. 
“I love this side of you.”
“What side of me?”
“This one, it’s the only one I get to see.”
“Well…I’m glad you like it. And if it makes you feel better I’ll make sure only you get to see it.” 
You feel yourself smile uncontrollably at that, you feel your cheeks warm up in slight embarrassment. He takes your head and places it in the crook of his neck. “Let’s just rest here.” You hum in agreement with his statement. His warm chest brings such a sense of comfort. You find yourself being lulled to sleep via his rising and falling chest and the gentle rocking of the ship, sleeping peacefully amidst the sea and the only ground you find yourself on, Captain Jake. 
You wake up in the middle of the night.
You slowly gather the courage to get up and look around for Jake. You get up quietly and peek out the door. You see the rest of your crew sleeping in their bunks, Danny snoring while hanging half off the bed, bottle of rum 5 feet away from him. Josh isn’t even bothered enough to get in his bunk, instead opting to cuddle up next to Sam in what one can only assume to be a drunken attempt to sleep anywhere but the floor. But thankfully those three only stood out to you, the rest of them were peacefully sleeping in their bunks. You walk past them and silently open the trap door out to the deck. 
The cool chill of the ocean air makes goosebumps arise on your skin. The white dress you wear flows in the wind, not protected from the elements. You shut the door gently behind you. Looking out across the sea briefly, you call out for Jake. “Hello, darling! Lovely evening isn’t it?” his voice calls from above you. He’s in the crow's nest, looking back down at you. “Jake, what the hell are you doing up here this late? Even the boys went to bed already, and they drank.” You watch as he climbs down on the ratlines making an abrupt landing on the forecastle. “Come on up here m’lady.” He takes a little bow as he holds his hand out for you to join him. You jump up onto the steps leading you to him, being pulled up onto the upper platform as he greets you. 
“Why hello there, Captain.” 
“Why hello there first maiden.” 
“Oh, so I’m first maiden now?”
He embraced you with fervor, his warmth being your grounding point out on the cold night sea. Your lips meet gently under the moonlight sky. Sweet kisses mixed with the faint taste of tobacco threw you for a loop. By the seconds that pass you can feel what started as quiet midnight endearments turn into lustful kisses under a blood moon night. Jake’s hands snaked around your hips, leading you onto the very upper deck of the ship, his hips meeting yours as he stood between your legs. 
You reach your hands down, feeling his half-covered chest, reaching down towards his stomach, then happy trial, till you finally meet the button of his pants. Jake lets out a whimper, muffled by the connection you two had. You feel Jake’s hips buck into your touch. Slowly, you unbutton his pants briefly breaking the connection you had with your lips. Lust fills the air between you both. You gently pull his boxers down pulling out his cock, Jake moans at the feeling of your stroking him, gathering the drops of pre-cum leaking out of his cock. “Baby-” you smile up at him, never slowing your heartless pace. You moan into a kiss with him, his touch electrifying you more than you already have the whole time you’ve been stroking him, mercilessly. 
“Stop, baby-” he lets out a pathetic lust-stricken sigh, catching his breath. “Not yet sweet girl,” You watch as Jake knees down and looks back up at you from his knees. His hands travel up under your dress encouraging you to reveal yourself. You answer the beckoning call, cool chill making you shake a little. You feel his lips gently tease at your thighs, climbing higher up along with you. Looking down, you see a god himself before you, gently teasing you up until he reaches your clit. 
“God I love this-” 
And then he dives in.
The initial shock of his warm tongue steals your breath out of your lungs. Gasping for air you feel the pleasure as he sucks and rubs and does everything right. 
Fuck, he was good at what he did. 
“Jak-” Another moan was unexpectedly stolen from your grasp, almost embarrassingly loud. You could feel the vibrations and hear Jake moan around your vulva. Two of his fingers enter your cunt, already throbbing and waiting for him not-so-patiently. You could already feel it in your gut, just teasing you, just like Jake would with his playful nature, both inside and outside the bedroom. And god, you fucking loved him. 
Then you feel it snap. 
Like a tsunami you feel your orgasm crash over you, leaving you in another astral plane. Blissfully, and proudly, Jake helped you ride out the high on his tongue and fingers. He slowly retracted them, leaving you painfully empty. You need him. Right here, right now. 
Jake quickly rose to his feet, his pants and boxers were already lost on the deck of the ship, presumably, he was touching himself while getting you off. He takes your hips and pulls them towards his painfully hard erection while stroking himself for a moment's relief. “Can I fuck you? Please bab-” “Yes, for the love of god Jake just fuck me-” His hardness slammed into you, quick and hard. A painfully obvious moan ripped through you, you can only pray that the rest of the crew were too drunk to wake up and overhear. 
“God I love you, sweetheart.” 
The world stopped for a brief moment. And although he was still pounding into you mercilessly, you could only feel what you believed to be whatever would be the closest to feeling your heart exploding and repairing itself again. 
“I love you too.” and you did, more than you could ever admit to even yourself. You could see it in Jake’s eyes, the realization of what he confessed. A smile bright as the sun quickly appeared across his face. He mashed his lips into yours begging for some sort of release - anything. And all he could think of was you. Just simply you. 
Jake’s pounds became more sloppy and hard. His moans quickened and turned into slight whimpers here and there. “Give me one more baby.” He made quick work of rubbing his thumb on your clit. You didn’t even know it before you were putty in his hands again. His hips stuttered to a stop, accompanied by his sweet sweet cries of pleasure, truly the best kind of music. You both found yourself slowly riding out an infinite high. He leaned you back on the deck, slowly pulling out of you with a sigh, making quick work of finding your dress and helping it back over your skin. He got himself back into his boxers and pants quickly too, then stopped in front of you, placing a hand on your cheek. 
“Did you mean it?” was all you heard, timid, but loud enough to make you feel like you found the fountain of youth. You place your hand on his cheek, a connection between the both of you.
“Of course I did. I always will,” you whisper into the void with him. He was your reality now, and that, to you, is the ultimate comfort. 
You watch as he smiles against your cheek, leaning back into you for another kiss. But it was different. Somehow the same method but the feeling felt like you were strewn across the night sky, as the stars and the moon. Intertwined with a unique love you could only get from him.
He breaks apart for you, locking eyes with you once more. You both let out a tiny laugh of your own. “Well, that was fun.” He confessed. “It’s always meant to be” you answer. Laughs plague the two of you for a brief moment. 
“You know what they say right?”
“Sex with our kind is always the best, after all…” he trailed off, stopping what sounded like needed to be continued. 
“After all, what, Jake?” you laugh.
“We’re pirates, bitch!”
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starcrossedxwriter · 1 year
Wicked Fantasies Part 1 (MBJ x Black OC)
A/N: this started off as 3k andddddd it tripled before my eyes lol (sorry!) Enjoy!
Series Warnings: NSFW, Smut with a plot, Heavy BDSM, Dom/Sub storyline
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Raven checked herself in the mirror outside Helen’s office. She knew Helen hated when they did not look presentable and perfect, even when they were just meeting with her. She prayed Helen would actually have a client for her tonight. After her abysmal first date, she needed an opportunity to redeem herself quickly. However, as she approached her office door to knock, her movements halted as raised voices filled her ears.
“This is unacceptable, Tash!” 
Raven cringed, Helen was terrifying on her good days but when she was mad, whew… she was a tornado and anyone unlucky enough to be in her path was screwed. And if she was angry at her best girl, Raven could not help but shake in her heels at what Helen would have in store for her.
“I can’t control a sick kid!” Raven heard Tasha respond, her exasperation clear in her voice. “My ex can’t take him. I don’t have much of a choice.” 
“Hold on. Come in, Raven. Stop gawking outside the damn door.” 
Raven glanced up in the corner at the camera that Helen positioned in the hallway and sighed. She should have known. She squared her shoulders and pushed in. 
“Hi, I just came to-“ 
“I know why you came,” the older woman waved her hand dismissively. “I don’t have a client for you tonight.” 
Raven’s whole body deflated with disappointment and stress. Another night and no dates. Her mind immediately went to her dwindling bank account. She could not survive many more weeks like this. She needed clients, steady ones, and fast. 
“Really? Nothing?” 
“Sorry.” Raven could tell Helen was not sorry and did not care one bit. The long timers like Tasha made her more than enough money that she did not truly need to concern herself with newbies that would likely crash and burn. And Raven knew they all expected her to do just that. But she needed to succeed, she did not have much of a choice. “It’ll pick up soon.” 
“Ok, t-thank you.” Defeated and frustrated, Raven simply turned to leave, resigned to spending the evening in her apartment when a hand grabbed her arm to stop her. 
“Wait! She can go in my place.” 
Helen’s laugh was visceral, signaling the absurdity of Tasha’s statement. “No. Absolutely not. He is one of your best customers therefore one of my best customers. I’m not a fucking idiot. Can’t send a girl who's never turned a trick before and has only been on one date to him.” 
Tasha shook her head. “Nahhh, she’s perfect. She’s his type, wide hips, a fat ass, small waist, pretty dark skin, and she has a naiveté, innocent factor he’ll eat up.” 
Raven merely stood there, getting whiplash from the onset of both compliments and insults being thrown at her as if she was not standing in the room. However, she knew she could not contribute to the conversation or lobby in either direction because she had no idea what either of them were talking about.
“Look, she’s green as fuck but he ain’t gonna want one of these snow bunnies or redbones you got runnin’ round. Look, the real is it’s her and you still make money tonight or you gotta cancel and you don’t make anything.” 
Though Raven did not know who they were talking about, she did know one thing. If he was on Tasha’s client list, he was one of the biggest fish Helen had reeled in. One night with him would not solve all her problems but it would lessen her stress. 
“I’ll do it!” She piped up immediately, her voice assured and confident as if she knew exactly what they were talking about. “I can do it. I need the money.” 
Internally, Raven could not help but cheer though she kept her excitement subdued. She knew this was not a credit to her or because Helen actually thought she would do a good job. The reality was, all she cared about was money so sending Raven would, at least, ensure the night was not a total waste. 
“But look here, you fuck this up, you’ll never get another client in this town again. Understand?” 
Raven nodded, “I won’t. I promise.” 
“Tasha, find her an outfit in the closet… something expensive so he knows she’s not a girl I pulled off the damn street. Maybe after tonight, you can afford a designer outfit or two.” 
Raven glanced down at her black body con dress. It wasn’t much, even she could admit that, nor was it new or designer like the other girls wore. But it showed off the right assets and looked good on her so she felt like that was enough.
“Thank you! You won’t regret it, seriously.” 
“Somehow I doubt that,” Helen muttered as Tasha dragged Raven out of the room. 
Raven could not wipe the giant grin off her face as Tasha led her to the closet where the girls could borrow clothes for dates. Her body practically bounced after Tasha’s as they walked. 
“Thank you so much. I owe you big time.”
Tasha waved her hand as she started rifling through the options. “Don’t mention it. Just give me 10% of what you make tonight and we’ll call it even.” 
“Deal.” Raven answered immediately, she had no idea how much she’d make or what 10% of it would be but she knew she would still have a hefty sum even after paying both Tasha and Helen their cuts. All part of the investment, she decided quietly. “So who's the client?”
“Size? Look like a 10 or a 12?” 
“Good eye. 10. The client?” She asked again. 
“Michael B. Jordan.” 
Raven’s heart dropped and her jaw nearly unhinged. “Wait wait wait. THE Michael B. Jordan?? Actor, director, Hollywood bad boy, Michael B. Jordan? ‘The MCU just created a whole phase around him in a six movie deal’ Michael B. Jordan? ‘Time’s Magazine just dubbed him our generation’s Denzel’ Michael B. Jordan? He’s the most sought after actor in the game right now.”
Tasha nodded, rolling her eyes at Raven’s fangirling. “Damn, sis. You know his whole IMDB? But yea, that Michael B Jordan. He’s a regular when he’s out here in LA. Tomorrow’s his birthday so his friends hired me for the night. Look, leave that starstruck shit at the door when you get there, he hates that shit. And he’s rough,” she added as a warning as she handed Raven a dress. 
“How rough?” She could feel desire pool at her core at the thought. She thought about all the times she and her exes would dabble in BDSM and control but none of them were ever willing to take it as far as Raven thought she wanted it. Now, maybe it was her shot to test it out. She had figured she would get a client who was into that anyway, seemed like the most popular kink among all the clients she heard about. Raven quickly slid out of her old outfit and into the new one.
“I hate coaching you new girls,” Tasha muttered under her breath as she checked her phone.  
Raven quickly corrected herself. “I-It’s not a problem! I promise. I like rough… I did some stuff with boyfriends and I actually really enjoy it so no problem. I’m just trying to figure out what to expect.”  
“He isn’t gonna actually hurt you if that’s what you’re worried about. He expects obedience and submission but he’ll respect your limit if it goes too far. But since he’s never been with you before, he’ll probably keep it vanilla. Most you can probably expect is him calling you names, maybe he’ll make you beg or spank you a couple times? He ties me up and shit and can get creative but this is a surprise so I doubt he’ll have time to plan anything all that interesting. Don’t expect any warmth… well don’t expect that from any nigga you go in dates with as a rule but I know he seems one way in interviews and shit so people think they know him. When the door closes, you’re there to play a part and serve him. That’s it. He wants control, give him that and you’ll be fine.” 
“Ok. Anything else I should know?” 
“Oh don’t call him by his name.” 
Raven’s nose wrinkled. “Ok what do I call him?” 
“You know, sir, daddy, whatever. Take your pick.”  
Raven nodded, she could tell Tasha was getting bored of her “coaching”. But she only had one last question.  
“Is it normal to be this nervous?” 
Tasha laughed. “The first time? Yea. I almost vomited the first time I went on a date. Once you get regulars, it’s not . You get to know them, they get to know you and it gets comfortable. They are paying you but you got more power and control than you’d think. But just keep your head about you. He acts like a bad boy but he’s cool people, not a bad guy for your first time. Trust me. Dress fits like a glove. You should keep it.” 
Raven turned in the mirror for a few minutes before offering Tasha a sad smile. She coveted so many pieces in the closet but Helen always insisted they be returned unless you wanted to purchase them from her. “I can’t afford it.”
“Helen won’t miss it. It's an old dress of mine I used to wear on early dates. It doesn’t even fit most of these skinny bitches.”
Raven glanced at her. “Why are you being so nice to me? Most of the girls are… awful,” she muttered the last part more to herself than to Tasha. “They wouldn’t have done a fraction of the shit you’ve done in the last 10 minutes.” 
Tasha merely shrugged. “Most of them see every girl who shows up here as competition. You’re pretty, have a nice body and all that. But no shade, you ain’t worth the energy to be mean. Besides, if I let you fail, I could fuck up my best customer. One date with Michael and I have my rent paid for months. Don’t get it twisted, I’m a bitch,” she assured her. “But I’m not a dumb bitch.” She glanced at the clock. “Aight, I gotta go. Nanny’s gonna be gone in a bit and my son is sick. Have fun and don’t mess this up cause you’ll be on your own with Helen if this shit goes left.” 
“Noted. Thanks… again.” 
Tasha chuckled. “I thought I said don’t mention it? You’re gonna have to become more of a bitch to survive around here, newbie. Cause this good girl shit? It’ll get you eaten alive.” 
Tasha gave her one last glance before leaving Raven alone with her thoughts. 
“Such inspiring words,” she mumbled to herself before she glanced at a notification on her phone. 
Dad: Car broke down. Gonna be $700 to get it fixed. Send that with the mortgage
No please, not even framed as a question. Her money was never her own, it was her family’s. And while they blew their own money on vices and frivolous shit, they always knew Raven would swoop in to foot the things that mattered. And so now, they did not even ask. They just presented their bills to the Raven ATM and she always found a way.   
Raven: I’m helping with the mortgage already… any chance you can cover that? 
Dad: Had to set aside money for Kiara’s school… she wants to go back to be a chef. It’s just $700. 
She rolled her eyes, she did not even have the cash from her date in hand yet and the money was already dwindling right before her eyes. She knew she could not say no, there was no point. 
Raven: Yea, I’ll get it to you later this week.
More motivation, she supposed, to make sure the night was flawless.
The club was filled with hazy smoke as Michael and his friends passed around a blunt in his section. The night was young and the drinks were flowing with no signs of slowing down. 
“Aye brah,” Steelo hit his arm softly to get his attention. “We got a surprise for you waiting at the St. Regis,” he held out the hotel room key. 
Michael whistled and dapped the man up. “My nigga!” He was appreciative. It was his first time back in LA since finishing up filming in Atlanta and he had missed burying himself in his favorite girl. He had tried to find temporary release while in Atlanta but no girl was like Tasha and that was a fact. 
Michael grabbed the card and slid it into his pocket. “Aight that’s my cue. Thanks for the birthday present. See y’all niggas tomorrow. Rest of the night’s on me!” 
He said goodbye to everyone before his security led him to his car. Despite the liquor and drugs coursing through his system, he had a clear enough head to envision what he would do to Tasha. That girl was truly up for anything and he loved every second of it. 
He put his phone on DND as he entered the hotel and went up to the room Steelo texted him. 
He did not make much noise as he entered the suite, expecting to find Tasha already naked and ready in the position he liked. Instead, he found a woman standing by the window. He studied her for a moment, in his confusion, taking in her reflection as she marveled at the penthouse suite view of downtown LA. He studied how her fingers barely touched the glass of the window as if that would give her a closer look. He could see her face in the reflection. She was beautiful, her big brown eyes filled with longing and wonder at the twinkling lights across the horizon. She was so taken by it that she did not even notice Michael until he cleared his throat. 
She turned around, Michael suddenly amending his earlier thought. She was not beautiful, that was an insulting understatement. She was painfully breathtaking. He had been in the presence of many beautiful women in his life but she surpassed them all. 
“Oh, I’m so sorry. I-I was j-just waiting and g-got caught up in the v-view. T-this is the perfect room, you can see the whole city. I-I’m Nicole.” She always went by her middle name with Helen and on her first date. Easy enough to remember to ensure she actually answered to it but kept her true identity to herself. 
“Where’s Tasha?” 
“Oh, umm she had an emergency. Helen wanted to make sure your birthday gift was still perfect so she sent me. I hope that’s… alright?” 
Michael watched as she chewed on her plump bottom lip, he wanted to pull it out of her teeth and bite it himself. He could also hear the nervousness and fear in her voice as if she was worried he would throw a fit about the change. And while no one compared to Tasha, he still could have a good time. Besides, they could not have picked a more perfect replacement. Her ass was delectable, his hand twitched with the urge to smack it. Her hip to waist ratio was mouth watering, he could only imagine how she would look with the deep arch he liked, how his fingers would dig into the meat of her hips as he fucked her from behind. Her breasts sat high, looking good enough to devour right then and there. It was not the girl he was expecting, true, but he would not dare complain. 
“All good. We can still have a good time together.” He noted how her entire body physically relaxed at his words, her shoulders coming down from her ears, her jaw relaxing, the tension in her tight limbs releasing.
They stared at each other for a moment before, awkwardness spreading across the room before she glanced down at herself. 
“S-sorry, I s-should probably take this off… or I can wait till you tell me? You were probably expecting me to already be… Tasha didn’t say what I should do when I arrived or how you liked… so… I’m talking a lot. Does it feel like I’m talking a lot to you? There’s probably not this much talking, is there? I’m gonna stop a-and let you talk a-and tell me how you want me.” she clamped her lips shut as she realized she was rambling. She wished she could smack herself in the forehead. This was already not going well. She did not know how she got up and performed in front of ogling men all through her college and her masters program. She had an altar ego when she danced on stage then but it seemed that vixen was nowhere to be found. And she desperately needed her again. She knew she would arrive once they actually got started. This was where her first date went off the rails, the lead up. There was a certain distance with men at the club… this lifestyle though, was the exact opposite and she did not expect how hard it would be for her. She just wanted to do the deed and go but being one of Helen’s girls required so much more. And all that pre-sex conversation and “bonding” with men she’d never talk to regularly was difficult for her. It didn’t come naturally like it did to other women. “Sir.” she added, remembering Tasha’s instructions. “Sorry.” 
Michael could not help but chuckle slightly. He could not explain why but he found her ranting and nervousness endearing. She was like a lamb trapped with a wolf, so sweet and earnest, not realizing that he was the complete opposite of both those things. It was far different from his first date with Tasha who knew exactly what to say and do. This girl seemed to not know either. But he found that charming, authentic. Other women were always playing a role. It seemed as though she showed up as her true self, beautiful, innocent, awkward and all. 
He wondered how long she’d been in the game. Couldn’t be that long,he reasoned, given how nervous she looked. However, she seemed eager to please, which was his favorite type of woman. If she was done for what he had planned, he knew he could still have fun with her. 
“You can stay like that for now. Tasha told you what I expect?” 
Raven nodded. “Yes, sir.” It sounded so odd on her tongue to call anyone sir in this day and age. However, she could not deny there was a certain arousing quality to it. 
Michael perched against the table across from the bed, gesturing for Raven to sit down on the edge of the bed across from him. “And what do I expect, Nicole?” 
“Obedience, sir.” Raven fidgeted with the hem of her dress as she watched him study her. She could feel him undressing her with his eyes. Usually, she did not wilt under the ogling stares of men. Seven years working as a stripper got her over that hang up really quick. However, something about Michael’s stare was unnerving. Not in a creepy way but in an intense one, as if he was trying to learn everything he could about her by simply staring. 
“You nervous?” 
“Clearly Tasha ain’t tell you everything cause one thing I don’t allow is lying. 10 spankings. Lie again and I’ll triple it.” 
Her eyes fell down to his arms, taking in the taut muscles straining against his t-shirt. She wondered how heavy handed his slaps would be. Her panties were growing damp the longer she spoke to him. She could not remember the last time a man elicited this sort of reaction from her body.
He raised an eyebrow, Raven immediately correcting her mistake. 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Good girl,” Raven immediately felt her body warm at the term, she could not hide the small but distinct smile that formed. She liked hearing it on his lips. “And don’t be. It’ll be a fun night for us both. I don’t know your limits and all that shit so I’ll take it easy. Tash and I got a safe word. We can use one for the night if that would make you more comfortable?” 
Raven smiled, grateful that he was even taking that into account. “Yea, that would be great.”
“You pick.” 
“Ummm… Wakanda?” she blurted out, the first word that came to mind as she looked at him. She immediately hit herself in the head, cringing at herself. “I’m sorry, that’s so embarrassing… I’m a Marvel n-nerd and it’s just the first word that popped into my head.” 
Michael tried to hold his laughter in but could not. His laughter filled the room, causing Raven to feel slightly less embarrassed. “That is definitely a first but if that’s what you want then deal. You used a safe word before?” 
Raven shook her head. 
“When you want or need me to stop, something’s too painful or going too far, you say it and everything ends for the night. Understand?” 
She nodded again. 
“When I ask you a question, I also expect you to use your words.” 
“Yes, sir.” 
“Good, now that we got that shit outta the way… we can have some fun.” He folded his arms and stared at her. “Lose the dress.” 
Raven took a deep breath and stood up, her arms stretching behind her back to find the zipper of the dress. Before she knew it, the soft fabric was pooled at her feet. She smirked at how his eyes darkened with lust, how his knuckles gripped the edge of the table as if to control his own urges. Slowly but surely, the nerves in her body started to dissipate as lust replaced them. She started to repeat the motion to remove her bra but his voice stopped her. 
“Did I tell you to take that off too? 5 more.” Raven could not help the way her own eyes flashed with excitement at the thought of punishment, a fact Michael was all too keen to point out. “Oh I see… you want it… want me to spank that fat ass until it’s covered in my handprints?” 
“Y-Yes, sir.” And she did, she wanted his hands on her body as soon as possible.
“Leave everything else on and crawl to me.” 
Her voice hitched. She had never crawled to anyone. She had seen it in porn, men leading women around in leashes, treating them as pets. And while she knew she should have found it degrading and humiliating, it had only turned her on. She could never convince her past boyfriends to take it that far, the most they were willing to do was spank her or call her names. But Michael was clearly a natural at this and knew exactly what he wanted. And she was more than happy to oblige. 
She sank down to her hands and knees, the carpet roughly poking into her skin. She ignored it though as she kept her eyes trained on his, each step closer increasing the ache between her thighs. She could not remember the last time she had been this wet without anyone laying a finger on her. But it was him… his aura, his commanding being, the possessive look in his eyes that let her know she was his, even if it was only for the night. She so desperately wanted to please him and she found that, in her heart, it was not because it was her job. But because she genuinely wanted to hear him praise her. 
By the time she reached him, the march across the room feeling longer than it actually was, every pleasure sensor in her body screamed and begged to be touched, caressed, kissed, or bitten. Whatever he wanted to do, she did not care. 
She sat back on her heels, an innocent doe eyed look on her face as she stared up at him, waiting. Michael could have cum right then and there, the picture of submission beneath him and it was their first time together. 
And only time, he reminded himself. For some reason, that thought burned uncomfortably in his mind, so much so that he pushed it out just as quickly. 
“Good girl,” he liked how her whole being seemed to beam at his compliment. His hand went to her hair, wrapping his fist around her long kinky curls. 
He held tight as he unbuttoned his pants and his dick sprung into her face. Her eyes grew as she took in his size and girth, he certainly had a package to be proud of. And she yearned for a taste of him, salivating for it. She willed him to shove it down her throat. And she did not have to wait long as his head poked at her lips to part them. Her tongue flicked his head gently. He let her control it for a few minutes, the young woman opting to tease him with soft licks up his shaft that made him moan softly. 
“You’re gonna pay for that later,” he moaned as she continued working him, teasing his dick with her mouth. She spat on him, using her hand to get him as sloppy as possible. 
She looked up and winked at him. “You want me to stop, sir?” 
This girl is gonna be the death of me, he decided right then and there. Submissive but a brat… and she was a natural at it.  
“Nah you ain’t stoppin’ anytime soon.” He unceremoniously pushed into her mouth, this time pushing as deeply as he could, hitting the back of her throat. She gagged immediately, choking and spluttering as her eyes filled with tears. “Want me to stop?” 
She shook her head immediately, her eyes still showed her eagerness. 
And he did not stop again. She moaned around him, sending tiny vibrations through him that drove him wild. He did not give her a chance to breathe or catch her breath as he fucked her mouth like it was a mere convenient hole. And he could tell she loved every second of it as he watched one of her hands drift from his thigh to between her own. He immediately stopped, using her hair to yank her head back. 
Layers of spit kept her mouth connected to his dick. “You don’t touch yourself without asking, understand? That pussy’s mine. Such a desperate and pathetic little slut, already trying to cum.” 
“Y-Yes, sir.” 
As much as Michael had wanted to bust down her throat, he was ready to bury himself inside her sweet pussy. But first, he needed a taste. And before she could receive any pleasure, she had to be punished. 
“Crawl to the bed and bend over the edge. Ass in the air.” 
Her heart sagged as she realized he was not going to let her continue tasting him. 
“Don’t worry, you’ll get your taste again,” he winked at her. “Bed. Now. Make me wait another second and I’ll add another 10.” 
Raven knew his words should have had her hauling ass to the bed, however, she opted to take her sweet time. He liked submission, that was true. But it was clear he also liked a little pushback that allowed him to prove his dominance, reestablish his control. And that was one role Raven had always wanted to play. She took her time crawling back, putting an extra sway in her hips to show him her thick ass. She also knew that he could likely see the glistening of the mess between her thighs as she moved. She could feel the intensity of his stare on her as if he were burning a hole in her head. 
“Oh baby girl… the things I’m gonna do to you,” he whispered, his voice tickling her ears. 
The journey back to the bed was longer, Michael allowing her to continue her show. Finally, she picked herself up and assumed the position he demanded. 
She waited with bated breath, no movement in the room but she could still feel his eyes on her. 
“I hope you enjoyed that,” he offered as she finally felt him move toward her, her pussy clenching in anticipation. “Cause you’re gonna pay for it in a minute.” 
She braced herself for the onslaught of pain and pleasure but it never came. Instead, she felt a gentle touch, his hands gripping her ass. Lower and lower they went until one was hovering right above her pussy. She did not understand how he was so close and yet was not touching her.  
“P-Please,” she whimpered, desperate for any type of contact. 
“Please what? Want me to make you cum like the filthy slut you are?” 
“Y-yes, p-please… I-I’ll d-do anything,” her voice was filled with her desperation. She needed him like her body needed air to breathe. 
“I don’t think you deserve to cum,” he shot back. “Acting like a fuckin’ whore for a man you don’t even know. I bet I could touch you once and you’d cum… so horny, so desperate for me. Just like I knew you would be. Do you think you deserve to cum?” 
She knew the answer she had to give. “N-No, sir.” 
“B-because I’ve b-been a bad girl.” 
“Yes, you have. And bad girls get punished, don’t they?” 
She nodded, her fingers getting tangled up in the comforter on the bed. “Yes, sir.” 
“Good girl. Tonight, you don’t cum without permission. This pussy and all your pleasure is mine to give and take away. When you’re ready, beg. Count ‘em out or I'll start over.” 
She cried out as he ripped her lace thong right off her body, the fabric snapping against her. He quickly followed it up with a swat to her ass that made her moan. 
She steadied her breathing and counted through each one. It got harder and harder to maintain the count, as he would stop at random intervals to touch her. The first time, two fingers slid into her drenched core, curling into her g-spot with every stroke. He slowly finger fucked her and rubbed her clit, her punishment almost completely forgotten as she surrendered to the bliss of his hands. She could feel her own orgasm building, her pussy clenching around his finger. However, he did not even give her a chance to beg before he stopped. He resumed spanking her, Raven almost losing count in the haze of the pain and pleasure he provided. 
“Are you gonna be a good slut for me? Or do I need to add more?” he asked gruffly in her ear as he put more force in each hit. 
Still sporting the strength and weight of Erik Killmonger, his athleticism, strength, and power showed through every single slap. 
“15… y-yessss… I p-promise, I-I’ll b-be good. Six… sixteen…” 
“You’ll be a good what? Say it!” he ordered as his hand rained down on her ass. She knew she would be bruised tomorrow but she could care less.
“20… I-I’ll b-be a good s-slut. A g-good whore. F-fuck me, p-please!” She begged. Her words were strangled, like a dying woman begging for life. He had her right where he wanted her, she knew that much. And she loved it. Loved every second of surrendering to him and accepting whatever he chose to give: pain, pleasure, humiliation. She did not care, she wanted every single thing and more. 
He stopped, resuming his teasing. This time, he spread her legs and ate her out from the back, his tongue doing the work of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit on her clit. 
She panted as she felt her orgasm build. She remembered his instructions and immediately started to beg. 
“P-Please let me c-cum. F-fuck… f-feels so good. Daddy… please!” She had not intended to call him daddy at any point in the night. She always hated the way it sounded and felt. However, it slipped out and she did not hate it so much on him, and neither did he. 
“Cum for daddy, baby,” he whispered, replacing his tongue with his fingers as he fucked her hard and fast. 
She buried her face in the comforter as the most powerful orgasm of her life ripped through her. So powerful, she felt tears streaming down her face, destroying her perfectly done makeup. Her thanks and appreciation for allowing her to cum was incoherent as his fingers continued to pump in and out of her.
While she calmed down, he took a moment to slide a condom on before lining himself with her wet entrance. He used his head to tease her, her entire body jolting with pleasure as he tapped it against her clit. 
“What do you want, baby?” 
Unflinching, she pushed herself to her forearms and glanced over her shoulder. “F-fuck me. Fuck me like a whore.” 
Without a second thought, he slammed his dick into her, Raven letting out a scream of pleasure that made him thankful the rooms around him were empty. His steady, powerful strokes sent her eyes rolling into the back of her head. She had never been fucked like this before, hard and rough. She had never expected pleasure quite like this when she entered the hotel room but she would thank God for it. 
The only sounds were her consistent moans and screams as Michael fucked her viciously, his hips slamming into her hips with every thrust. She used her forearms to meet every thrust, which only turned Michael on even more. She lost track of the amount of times she begged him to cum. He only did not allow her once, savoring the sounds of her pleas as she tried to hold it in. And when she couldn’t, he did not skip a beat in flipping her over and punishing her, this time with his belt, which almost made her cum on the spot again. 
He moved her around the room, fucking her on any surface he deemed strong enough to hold her weight. 
“You like how I’m fuckin’ this pussy?? You gon’ cum again, you fuckin’ whore?” 
Her knuckles were white as she gripped the table he fucked her on. Both of her legs were draped over his shoulders, allowing him to reach regions Raven did not even know were possible. She could barely think since he put her in this particular position, let alone formulate a sentence to respond. 
He hand one hand cradling her neck and head while the other held onto her back, using both as leverage to fuck her. He moved the one on her back to bring down a harsh smack to her outer thigh. 
She gasped. “Y-Yes, yes, yes! P-Please let me c-cum! D-daddy, p-please, please, please.” 
“Cum on this dick, baby. That’s it.” he continued fucking her through her orgasm, Raven left feeling as though she could not withstand much else. As she felt yet another orgasm start to build causing her to shy away from him. “Nah don’t run from me. You wanted it. Acting like a fuckin’ brat. Take this dick!” 
“It-It’s too… fuck! J-Just like that… It’s… t-too much,” she panted out, her words choppy as she still tried to run from him despite his instructions. Her body did not know if she wanted him to stop or continue, to go faster or slower. That is until she let go of the table, all of her weight naturally leaning to one side as her arm gave out beneath her.  
“FUCK,” she cried out as she felt the table slowly tip over. Because Michael was also bracing his weight on it to fuck her, they both toppled to the ground. She groaned, her eyes blurring as her head hit the corner of the tv stand next to them before she fell down to the ground. Her hand clutched the side of her head, now understanding what the phrase seeing stars meant. 
She clenched her eyes shut as she tried to give herself a minute for the pounding in her head to stop. She let out a breathy chuckle, in pain but finding the injury rather hilarious as she felt Michael try to untangle their limbs. Soon, his deep baritone joined in, their laughter filling the room as they laid on the floor. 
“You… alright?” she asked when they both settled down, her hand still pressing into her head. 
“Yea, fell on my arm but it’s not that bad. You good?” 
She nodded. “Y-Yea, just banged my head on the tv thing.” 
“Let me help you up.” 
Michael held out his hand, Raven giving him her free one to pull her to her feet. However, at the fast movement, she immediately felt lightheaded. Her naked body sagged into his as everything started to fade in and out. 
“Oh shit, you’re bleeding,” he muttered, lifting her head up to examine her, his arm immediately going around her waist to hold her up. “Can you stand?” 
“Barely,” she muttered. Her head felt so heavy, all she wanted to do was collapse back down to the ground. 
“Aye aye, ma. Keep your eyes open for me, aight?” He guided her over to the bed and sat her down before running into the bathroom to grab a bathrobe and a towel. He wrapped her in the robe to make sure she was covered before calling an ambulance and calling down to his security to alert them of the situation. 
He figured an ambulance was slight overkill as she likely just had a concussion but he did not want to take any chances. He worried he pushed her too far too fast. He immediately felt guilty. If he had not been fucking her so rough, she would not be half unconscious next to him. He had just gotten completely lost in her. 
He quickly pulled on his own clothes so he could be ready when the EMTs arrived. He grabbed a towel and swatted away her hand to press it into the wound. It did not look that deep but the sight of her face covered in blood was still jarring for him. Her bloody hand rested on his arm as she tried to continue sitting up. Her eyes started to flutter closed, Michael using his grip on her shoulder to keep her upright.
“Eyes open.” She still responded to his commands. “Good girl, that’s it. Keep your eyes on me. Tell me about your tattoo.” It was the first thing he could think of, referencing the ink on her forearm. 
Even through the pain, she managed to give him a funny look. “You fucked me so h-hard, I-I might h-have a c-concussion a-and you c-care about my tattoo?” 
“Gotta keep you awake somehow, baby girl. Tell me.” 
The tattoo, one of a small bird cage, three small birds flying out of the open doors. The word freedom was written beneath it. 
“M-Maya… Angelou… h-her memoir, I Know Why The Caged Bird… Sings. F-first book I r-remember relating t-to… the i-idea that literature and s-storytelling c-could save y-you. She m-made me w-want to be a w-writer.” 
“You’re a writer?” 
Even in her pain, he could see her body sag slightly, sadness rippling across her face. “Yea…w-was anyway,” she mumbled. 
“What kind of books do you write?” 
However, Michael would never get the answer to that question, at least not that night. The edges of her vision were starting to blur and grow black. Her eyes lulled closed and this time, not even the sweet sounds of his voice and commands could force her to open them back up. 
Raven groaned as she woke up in a bed, the beeping of the machines around her filling her ears. She shifted uncomfortably as all of the sensors in her body started to wake up and she began to register everything. The pounding in her skull was overwhelming but her whole body ached. She knew it was likely a combination of Michael’s pension for acrobatics, an ache she’d gladly sign up for again and again, and the fall. Slowly the events that landed her in the hospital came back to her. 
The fall. How embarrassing. She knew she’d never live this one down when it made its way back to Helen and the other women. Falling and ending up in the hospital after her second date overall and first one with one of their biggest clients. She was screwed. 
“Welcome back.” 
She glanced to the side, shocked to find Michael sipping a coffee and sitting in the chair by her window. She was equally shocked to find that it was already light outside. 
How long was I out for? She thought to herself. 
As if he could read her mind and questions, Michael chuckled. “About five hours… longest five hours of my life,” he added under his breath. “How’s your head?” 
“Better than my pride. W-what are you still doing here?” She could not keep the shocked tone out of her voice. It was not that she did not appreciate him sticking around, she just would have never expected it given how Tasha described him. 
“Wanted to make sure you were good,” he shrugged nonchalantly. “I didn’t want you to wake up in the hospital alone.” 
Her heart fluttered, even though she knew it shouldn’t. He was a client, and as soon as he assured she was alive and likely not going to sue him or something, he would be on his way and forget all about her. That was the gig. 
“Oh um… that’s really sweet. T-thank you. And thank you for bringing me here.” 
“It was my fault so it seems only right.” 
“Eh, I think we both shoulder some of the blame there. Not sure why we thought that rickety table could hold both of our weight. Blinded by passion, I suppose,” she mused. “It was fun though,” she muttered, more to herself than to him. “Sorry… for ruining your birthday gift. I k-know I wasn’t the girl you wanted or how it should’ve ended. I feel bad,” she admitted. 
 Michael studied her for a moment, unsure of how to respond to any of that. Sure, she was not the girl he had expected to find in his room. However, he was happy about that. The night had exceeded every expectation he had, until the very end of course. She was a breath of fresh air, a new challenger who had been up for everything he threw at her. And something about her… he just found himself drawn to it. Which is why he was still sitting here in the hospital five hours later instead of leaving. It was not just the great sex or her beauty, it was her. She was sweet and awkward but had fire and could go toe to toe with him when she wanted. He liked that, the challenge she presented. And while he knew she was only supposed to replace Tasha for that one night, the entire time he was buried inside her, all he craved was more of her. And that feeling had not subsided, even as she laid in a hospital bed. 
He shook his head. “I always believe shit goes exactly as it’s supposed to. And don’t sweat it. I had an amazing time last night. You were somethin’ else.” 
He watched as a small smile bloomed on her face. 
“No Tasha, I know,” she admitted, biting her lip. Once again, he resisted the urge to rip it out. A picture of her lips wrapped around his dick flashed in his head. He knew it was inappropriate to lust after her while she laid in the bed. But he could not help it. Having her was like the first hit of a drug, he needed another fix. “But I’m glad it was still fun for you. I had a good time too.” 
Michael closed the distance between them, one hand going to brace on the railing of her bed while the other held his weight as he leaned over her. 
“Don’t compare yourself to Tasha or any other girl out here. You’re one of a kind.” His voice was low, he usually reserved this voice for behind closed doors. It was commanding and authoritative and he could tell she loved it. Out of the corner of his eye, he could see her legs tighten together, the lust clouding her eyes, the way her lips parted to let out a shakily breath. “Understand?” 
She nodded, gulping. 
“Y-Yes, I u-understand.”
But she did not understand. Did not understand why he was still there, why he seemed to care about her, even if it was just to sit in a hospital when she knew he had better things to be doing, or why he at all cared whether she compared herself to anyone. She did not understand him. She had expected what Tasha warned her about… that she would just be there to service, a mere body for him to use as he pleased for the night. That did not bother her, she was there to do a job. However, he seemed to be more than that. You don’t spend all night in a hospital for just a body, right? You don’t care about the low self esteem or self deprecating comments of just a body? And you don���t look at just a body how he was looking at her right now… with such an intense craving and yearning that all Raven wanted to do was to let the ground swallow her whole. 
“Good girl,” he whispered. His hand cradled her face as he took in the bloodied bandage on her forehead. He tilted her head up studying it, his thumb gently caressing her big tresses of kinky hair. 
However, their moment, whatever it was, ended as quickly as it started as Raven’s phone rang loudly next to her. Michael seemed to realize his mistake and looked almost startled, as if he did not know how he ended up so close to her. He took several steps back as Raven grabbed her cell phone from the table. 
She groaned as she realized it was her dad. Michael turned to stare out the window, giving her a bit of privacy as she answered the call. 
“Hey, what do you need?” She knew he was calling because he needed something. None of them ever called to see about her. 
“Hey Rae… could you send whatever money you can today?” 
Raven’s face twisted up in confusion. “Today?? The mortgage isn’t due till the end of the month.” She glanced at Michael who seemed preoccupied in his phone before lowering her voice. “I-I can’t just pull money out of nowhere. Why do you even need it?” 
He sighed. “Kiara got arrested.” 
“Arrested?? For what??” 
“Yea, she got into a fight with her new boyfriend at a bar and they hauled them both off to County. Gotta post bail for both of them by tomorrow afternoon. Or she’ll have to sit there until Monday.”
Raven felt the ache in her head grow but this had nothing to do with the concussion. She would never understand how she was the ugly duckling of the family, the forgotten and unwanted second daughter when Kiara, the prodigal perfect daughter, could barely hold down a job or stay out of trouble for more than a week. Well, that was not true. She completely understood… it did not make it easier to stomach or deal with though. 
“How much?” 
“$10k for them both.” 
“Ten thousand US American dollars??” she cried out loudly, her shock getting the better of her. At that, Michael’s movements did still for a moment, he had been trying not to listen but her outburst made it rather difficult. “I c-can’t come up with that type of money today. Not just because it’s impossible but I’m in the hospital.” 
She heard her dad sigh. “Your sister can’t sit in jail all weekend, she’ll be hurt in there. I’m pulling some money out of savings but it isn’t enough.” 
Raven shook her head. “I’m doing just fine by the way, thanks for asking or caring,” she shot back. Michael could not help but glance over his shoulder at that, taking in the hurt and disappointed tone in her voice that she masked with snark. 
He felt the uncomfortable sting of rage at the despondent look on her face. He wanted to snatch the phone out of her hand and hang up on whoever it was. 
“I’m sorry you aren’t feeling well. But are you gonna send me the money or not? I don’t have time for this. Your sister is rotting in jail right now, only God knows what could be happening to her, and you wanna have an attitude? We are the only family you have. The least you could do is make sure we’re ok while you live it up in LA. I need $6,000.” 
She clenched her eyes shut. She knew that meant handing over her entire cut after she paid Helen and Tasha and then the last bit of savings she had left. But she also knew she could not say no. “Fine. I’ll figure it out and send you the money by tomorrow.” 
“Oh it’s her calling from the jail. I gotta go. Text me when you send it. Bye.” 
She pulled the phone from her ear and shook her head. “You’re welcome,” she muttered to herself. She leaned back in her pillows and forced her eyes to the ceiling to stop the tears that brimmed in her eyes from falling. She did not know why her family’s treatment still got to her, 30 years later. Tasha was right… She needed thicker skin in all areas of her life. 
“You good?” 
She pressed her hands into her cheeks as a couple tears fell. She felt a wave of embarrassment as she remembered Michael was in the room. As if her interaction with him could not get any worse. They went from mind blowing sex to a hospital room and brain injuries to tears. 
You really ruin everything for everyone, she thought to herself. 
“Yea, yea. Just dumb family stuff.” She waved her hand dismissively. “It’s nothing.” 
“I thought I told you I didn’t like lies.” 
Raven eyed him for a moment. Part of her would love to talk to someone about her family drama, unload all the pent up feelings she pushed deep down into her soul. However, she knew she could not do it with him of all people. So instead of the vulnerability and honestly he demanded, she instead offered him a cheeky smile. 
“The Nicole that responds to your demands costs $5k a night. And as you heard on the phone, I could most certainly use it,” she added with a wink. 
“Nicole?” The doctor came in just as Michael was about to open his mouth to respond. “How are you feeling?” 
“Like I got hit in the head.” She glanced at Michael with an expression that read what kinda stupid question is that? He merely snickered.   
“Makes sense. Well you have a very mild concussion. You’ll need to rest for at least the next 7 days… avoid a lot of screens and movement and anything that requires a lot of mental power. It was very mild though so you should be back on your feet soon. You’re free to go.” 
“Thank you,” she muttered. A week in bed meant a week of no work. And all the money she had to show for this disastrous night was gone. However, she had no time to really wallow in any of that. One thing Raven always did was figure it out. 
She slid out of bed, immediately swaying slightly causing Michael to rush to her side. He was quick on his feet, all that boxing training went to good use. He caught her before she crumbled fully, guiding her back to the bed. 
“Gotta move a lot slower than you’d think with a concussion, especially the first few days. You sure you’re gonna be good on your own?” he asked as he stared down at her. 
She chuckled, the sound void of any true humor. “Yea I’ll be fine. Always am. Thanks for the assist. C-could you hand me my dress?” 
Michael grabbed her clothes from the table in the corner. He watched her as she slid it back on, her movements far more measured and slow as she heeded his advice. She looked far more weary and exhausted than she did when she first woke up, as if that phone call and whoever was on the other line had aged her considerably. 
Once she was fully dressed and finished her discharge paperwork, she settled onto the bed to slide into her hospital slippers. Not the best shoes to wear home but they beat the uncomfortable heels she could barely walk in on a good day. 
“Thanks again… for waiting with me. You really didn’t have to.” She glanced down at her phone as she waited for him to respond, absentmindedly opening the Uber app so she could get a ride home. 
“What are you doing?” 
Her face twisted up in confusion. “Calling an uber?” 
“You shouldn’t uber home like this. I’ll drop you off.” 
Raven instinctively shook her head, the action causing a spot of pain that forced her to stop. “I-I can’t let you do that. You’ve done more than enough. Seriously.” 
“I wasn’t askin’. Ain’t about to let you uber home. If you don’t want me to know where you live, my driver can take you and he’ll come get me after.” 
Raven’s heart warmed at the thought. She did not like the idea of a client knowing where she laid her head every night. That seemed to be one of the few rules all the girls lived by. However, she trusted him. For some reason. 
“No, no, it’s not a problem. T-thank you.” 
Before she knew it, he and his security were hustling her out of a back entrance the hospital used for high profile guests and into a SUV with tinted windows. The car ride was virtually silent, Raven not knowing what to say or do around him. A night in a hospital meant they had a rapport. But he was still a client and this was the longest and most intimate interaction she had ever had with one. And everything since 3 am last night seemed like it was authentically from the kindness of his heart. She had promised him nothing in return for such kindness and he did not ask for anything. She wondered if he assumed and she just missed the cue? 
However, as they pulled up outside of her apartment building in her neighborhood, she glanced at him expectantly, waiting for the other shoe to drop. But nothing came. 
Instead, he merely said, “You sure you’re gonna be ok alone?” She could tell his eyes were searching the neighborhood, taking in the less than safe area she lived in. 
She nodded. “I, umm, have a roommate. So not fully alone. She’ll be home from work later tonight so I’ll be good. Thank you. A-and sorry again… for ruining your special day. At least, you got a good story for your friends and Tasha next time?” she chuckled. “I’m sure she’ll never let me live it down. Anyway… thanks again for everything a-and it was great to meet you.” 
She knew this was goodbye for good. Their one night together was just that, one night before he went back to being Tasha’s best client. She was the replacement, not the one they came back to for more. 
Though she did not fully know why, she reached over and grabbed his hand that rested between them and squeezed, “You were a hell of a first date,” she winked at him.  
Michael found the part of him he hated most did not want to say goodbye to her yet either. The part he kept caged and usually ignored had full control over him today. It was as if she had pressed all the right buttons to release that specific beast and did not even realize what she had done. Now, the beast roamed free and he found it difficult to herd it and the feelings it created back into their cages. 
He did not want to feel what Nicole made him feel… he did not want to care about whether her neighborhood was safe for her; he did not want to know who she was talking to so he could strangle them for causing that look in her eye; he did not want to know anything else about her like why she said she was a writer in the past tense, what she had written or what she turned to reading and writing to be saved from; and he did not want to feel the urge to reach in his pocket and write her a check for another $5,000 to solve whatever her problems were if it meant she would not look as she had in the hospital ever again. And most of all, he did not want to yearn for all those answers like he needed air. The man who would’ve done all those things, who would have already yielded to those feelings was gone. He needed to remember that. 
“Great meeting you too, Nicole” he offered shortly.  
Raven paused as she jumped out of the SUV, turning back to him. “It’s Raven, actually.”
At his raised eyebrow, she clarified, “My real name. You said you don’t like lies, remember?” Her smile was sweet and innocent. 
“I thought that was gonna cost me another $5k?” 
She smiled playfully, a light in her eyes that hadn’t been there since she woke up. “Spending your birthday in a hospital with a girl you didn’t even know means you earned my real name for free. And where I live… don’t turn out to be a stalker creep though,” she joked. “Cause that would suck.”
He laughed. “No stalking… got it. Thanks for the two birthday gifts then, Raven.” 
She offered him one final smile and wave before she closed the door and walked into her building. 
As he drove away, he was thankful to never see her again. He would return to the comfortability of Tasha who played her role and sparked no other feelings in him but carnal lust. That was all he had room for. All those other feelings Raven elicited would fade and the beast would be locked up once again.
As Raven laid in bed, trying to force herself to rest, she could not help but think a similar refrain. She could not get him out of her head. The duality of the way he fucked her with the care and kindness he showed her after. The genuine concern he seemed to have for her. She wanted more of that, more of him. She wondered what it felt like for him to make love to a woman, and wondered how it would feel to hear him call out her real name. Wondered how it would feel to be held by him… how he took care of her, even if it was only briefly. She thought about how it must feel to be loved by him, the intensity of it must have been intoxicating. She thought back to the night before, flashes of it coming to her. If she focused, she could still feel where his hands were, like fire against her skin. 
However, she knew those fantasies were dangerous and a fool’s errand. She could not fall head over heels for her first real date. That was not the job. And maybe she would find a client of her own like him one day, but she knew she would not last long if she pinned over every man who was nice to her. She thought she had let go of her hopeless romantic phase long ago but it still resurfaced every once in a while. But Tasha was right, she would not survive in their world long wearing her heart on her sleeve. And she needed to survive, her family needed her to survive. So, she would never see the Michael B. Jordan again and she, too, was thankful. Because then she would forget about him and move on.  
She sighed as she settled into bed. Despite ending up in the ER, the night had been a success. Michael had been pleased, which was all that mattered and hopefully he relayed that to Helen. And that meant more clients, more opportunities to make money and get her life, at least financially, back on track. That’s all she needed and wanted to focus on. Anything else, fantasies of a man she could never have again, were foolish and best left for the characters she wrote in her free time. 
Sleep eluded both Michael and Raven that night as they were plagued with fantasies of each other, the person they both knew was foolish to want because they knew they could not have them. 
Tag List: @readinghere2023 @blackerthings @prettyisasprettydoes1306 @physicxal @purplehairgawdess @miyuhpapayuh @rueruesclues @geemamii
A/N: I'm both really excited and nervous about this series so I hoped y'all enjoyed chapter 1! Drop a comment and let me know what you thought!
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cfr749 · 5 months
Initial Thoughts on Chenford in 6x07
All right... I'm feeling... a lot at the moment, so just sharing my initial reactions before seeing anyone else's. I'm sure my feelings will evolve. Also this turned into a GD essay and I'm sorry.
The Good
Grey acknowledging that Lucy was going through a lot ABOVE & BEYOND the break up. I just wish he'd mentioned the shooting, too. Lucy deserves to be more than her relationship with Tim and I need to actually see that in the future.
Lucy laying out 2 key things in her conversation with Grey - how easily Tim walked away and that he had no right to make that decision for her
Prior to the last scene (see The Ugly below), I thought Tim's interactions with the therapist were reasonably well done; if only therapy was that easy in real life lol
"You've always got a home with me" - I loved this final scene between Lucy and Tamara. I don't really have feelings either way about Tamara at this point, and this still hit me right in the heart.
Smitty's poll made me laugh, but also another solid indicator that these writers / producers do in fact really enjoy laughing at the expense of the fandom and shippers (which, whatever, I don't care that they do, I'd prob do the same; but it does irk me when people act like these writers should be worshipped because of all the things they "give" us)
The Tim
"I'm not depressed. I broke up with her."
"I was her TO." Not her friend, cuz god knows Tim has yet to deal with the fact that he started banging his former Rookie I suppose.
I dunno whether to put this in The Good or The Bad at this point; it depends on where they take it, so instead Tim gets a section all about why he's a dick.
To be clear, I do not like that Tim is a dick. But I actually do kind of like that it is very clear TO THE AUDIENCE that Tim is being kind of a dick. Do I still think people will bend over backwards to defend him? Of course they will.
From my perspective, I love Tim, I understand that he thinks he's doing the right thing, and has lots and lots of trauma. I've never seen Tim as a character that magically healed at some point between Seasons 1 & 5 (please see his storyline with his dad, his ongoing issues with UC work and unwillingness to confront or deal with them, his feelings about therapy historically, his inability to dump Ashley, etc. etc.). He's never been perfect and he doesn't need to be.
All of those things are true. None of those things give him a free pass to be kind of a dick. He still has to take accountability for how he treated Lucy (which, to be clear, was like sh*t).
The Bad
Lucy being petty AF with the invites to Tamara's dinner - let her be ANGRY, but give me villain Lucy over this dumb sh*t.
Lucy having no one other than Grey to talk to.
Others acting like Lucy is actually kind of pathetic (why do these writers love sh*tting on her so much? girl could not be down and kicked any harder at this point) -- Celina / Nolan and the double dumping crap, Lucy thinking Grey paid actors and him telling her she was out of her damn mind
The last interaction between Lucy and Tim. I am so angry for her. I needed to see that from her, but instead it felt kind of like her being dumped / a kicked puppy all over again. We got it, thanks. What's next? Lucy being incredibly happy with the hottest man on earth? I'm here for it tbh. Lucy plotting Tim's murder? Also here for it at this point. LOL.
The Ugly
I could not hate the implication of that final scene with Tim and the therapist and the door shutting more. There was ZERO reason they couldn't have had him show up during the day, and it actually disgusts me that they are pushing this line again, but especially with Tim. I am literally NEVER this dramatic, but in this case I really hope they did that to just get a reaction, because if anything were to actually happen between Tim and the therapist, I'd be 100% done with this ship and show as would a whole lot of the audience (I think). If I kept watching, it would only be to see Lucy be absurdly happy without Tim.
Well, what'd I miss? What did y'all think?
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before asking, check this out!
How many comic series do you have?
TLDR: As of currently I have 3!
Reconnecting: my deltarune fan comic. It is completed and the masterpost can be found on my pinned.
SpiderVerse: this is completed… for now. I had more plans but they fell through as the friends I had planned to do them with, left. Link on pinned.
IEYTD: this is just little comics scattered about, masterpost in on my pinned :)
RULE5: coming soon!
(if you would like more masterposts send an ask <3)
Is there going to be more reconnecting??!
TLDR: kind of? vvv
There will be no more COMIC/DRAWN content related to reconnecting (at least no more than the occasional doodle.) but I do plan to keep writing fanfiction on Ao3 to continue the story as long as it will go.
Can I send prompts for fics or art?:
Of course! Just know I might not be able to do them all!
Your art is online and your AO3 is open! aren't you scared AI is going to steal it!?:
TLDR: my ao3 will remain open, my art will always be here vvv
I hate AI stealing creators' content as much as everyone else does. However, more so, I want anyone to be able to access real art. I have selected all of the available options to keep my works from being taken, and am very aware that the only way to keep my work safe on AO3 is to close it to guests. 
It took me, an avid fanfic reader, 4 years to get an Ao3 account. I care more about you guys being able to read what makes you happy and feeds your brain worms, than I care about my writing being stolen for this AI boom we are living in. It would tear me apart if you wanted to access my writing but had to wait so long for an account. 
I do not support AI in any form that replaces human beings, and though I know eventually I may never be able to have my work safe from AI on any platform, I will keep sharing it, and downright refuse to take it down. 
Taking all of my art down in fear of AI will be something I never do. In that way AI will kill me just as much as if it started stealing my work. Art is meant to be seen and shared. They will not take that from us.
I believe there is a group of people who like real artwork and writing made by real people. And I keep my trust in those people to see the value in non AI generated content. 
We will persevere.
Is fanart allowed?
SO MUCH YES. I BEG PLEASE PLEASE if you create fan content of my content or content inspired by my content, that is absolutely as long as I am either credited or @ on the post so I can see!!!
Where can I read RULE5?
TLDR: Rule5 isn't released yet!
Rule 5 is my original comic in progress, I have posted teaser art and some concept stuff. The hope is that it will start releasing weekly in early 2025. I am completing all the art first, so that it can have a consistent upload schedule and I can relax for a while. Trust me when I say- I will not shut up once it is available.
I want to make a comic but don't know where to start…
TLDR: DM me!!
My DMs are always open to genuine questions! I've actually spoken with many people who wanted to start their own series and have been told it's been helpful!
Though my biggest advice is GO FOR IT!!!!! The first couple updates might not gain a ton of traction right away, but persevere, keep going, and @ me so I can reblog it to help support you!!!
Are you LGBTQ+?
TLDR: nope :) cishet.
Many people have asked me this lol
Where can I find the masterposts and links to your other socials?
They are all on my pinned!!!
You have mental disorders + illnesses… What are they?
Respectfully it is none of your business. I try to spread awareness because I believe that is very important, but I also try to keep my personal things personal. If i'm ever outright about something, feel free to ask questions, and if i'm uncomfortable I will just say I do not wish to answer <3
How do I commission you?
There is a link on my Ko-Fi that goes to my comms!
 If you have any questions before ordering you can DM me anytime. Click the option you want, order it, and it will give you instructions from there. I check my orders once a day. If you set your order and I have not gotten back to you, please DM me it's possible I missed it.
Do you/will you draw NSFW and post it?
Not here.
Are you really in my walls?
Yep. I'm not kidding. That skittering you hear? It's me. Go hydrate yourself or I'll steal all your left shoes.
I found your work reposted without credit, should I tell you?
Yes please tell me!! I have not found any of my stuff randomly reposted without credit but I'm sure it will happen someday.
What art program do you use?
I use procreate! I highly recommend, as far as the brushes go, I use all of the base ones that come with the app itself. Nothing fancy.
Will you draw my OC?
If you commission me! sure!
if theres any more questions you think should be added here LMK
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nekropsii · 1 year
this blog is awesome but jas the horroble side effect of making it so anytime i see alpha trolls stiff i get unreasonably mad like. They Are Not Like That. i saw someone call damara chaotic evil and it made mw sooo mad. like i GET IT i get it no one wants to read a billion pages but like. NO ONE IS MAKING U MAKE THESE POSTS... rauaugh. sorry lol
Inflicting you with the horrible knowledge that almost nobody in the god damn fandom actually knows anything about the Alpha Trolls, nor do they care to. And if they do know anything, they often strip them of most if not all of their traits- including their most interesting ones!- for the sake of shipping and/or making an OC with their face and name. It blows. Why do you think you just about never see me reblogging Alpha Troll content? I don't visit any of their tags because if I do, it's just beams of pure unadulterated psychic damage blasted directly into my fucking eyes. Genuinely it feels like people were better at handling them back when Homestuck was still running and the community was still actively a cesspit. At the very least there were some oases of people that had actual brain cells. They've all died out now. They were either chased away by Homestuck's Postcanon- which caused a very real and very, very large exodus- or by the absolutely horrific harassment you'd receive for liking the Alpha Trolls- ESPECIALLY Mituna.
Swerving off topic for a moment to talk about the harassment: I saw a significantly higher number of people that were genuinely normal about Mituna back in the day that handled his disability with more grace than God. Diehard Mituna fans- especially diehard Mituna/Latula shippers- were people you'd be getting intricate guides and long lists of resources surrounding TBIs- including genuinely helpful stuff like the care and treatment of them for anyone who had suffered one recently, that kind of thing- and some of the most touching portrayals of mental disability I'd ever seen. It's a shame a lot of their stuff is either gone or nearly impossible to find nowadays, on account of Tumblr's search system prioritizing new content, and... You know... The vicious harassment people would get for even saying they liked him in the first place. I'm talking, like, Cronus-tier shit. People were getting called slurs and being told to kill themselves, even when what they made was handled with the most tact physically possible. It still happens to this day, at least to me. It's pretty deranged! Always has been.
Back on topic, though... Urgh. Damara being read as Chaotic Evil... Me when I take the bait of a blatantly abusive misogynist with zero ounce of critical thought. Damara isn't evil, she's just reactive. There's a big difference. "Evil" implies she struck first and is totally unjustified in her actions, and is only doing them because she wants to. She's an incredibly tortured soul who is, in my honest opinion, reasonably responding to her situation. If anything, I think she should have done worse. I think she should have straight up killed Rufioh. Meenah too, but... Well, she definitely tried to do that, and almost succeeded, but Aranea put her in her Quest Cocoon, so... She's here and Godtier, instead of dead in the ground. Unfortunate. Damara both needed and deserved that kill more than anything else in the world.
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forcebookish · 9 months
either take ofs away from me or let me rewrite it
for example: what was the fucking point of those sus "ooooh is top cheeeeeeating" shots with beam and boeing when we already knew the circumstances of why he slept with boston? like. if they were going to do something like that, why show us all the build-up and boston's creepy, predatory behavior from the jump? that boston had to go out of his way to trick top into sleeping with him? and that top wasn't interested in anyone other than mew?
boston's desire for top is established as one-sided in the first episode and they don't bother to write in any instance of top cheating on a previous boyfriend (even though they very easily could have with boeing; that could have been the actual reason they broke up, not just that top "ditched" him because he got "bored," a reason that was only ever implied - and for some reason no one bothered to take into account the fact that boeing only dated top for his money/power in the first place lmao). his sleeping with boston is in direct response to thinking that mew is cheating on him. of course, there are ways to make that work from a possessive, double-standard angle, but they never establish if top is interested in anyone other than mew or has wandering eyes - in fact, they deliberately do the opposite in ep5. he's always all about mew - that's why boston has to go to such drastic measures to coerce top into sleeping with him.
the only way the fake-outs would have worked (from a writing standpoint, not from a "the fandom was so braindead they believed anything that confirmed their bias" standpoint lol) was if we didn't see why top slept with boston and it was only revealed when mew found out - and mew has to find out the whole truth, including the assaults, and listen to the whole recording.
how it would go down under the cut because i can't stop thinking about it and i wrote way too much. i also wanted to solve the boeing problem and some other things... i wrote this in a fugue state ok:
ep 1:
we only see boston ogling top's dick, but not him touching his hand; here it shows their first time together (instead of in ep2), but not that boston has been trying to get into his pants again ever since and top has repeatedly rejected him. top still gets annoyed at the implication that he will break mew's heart
ep2, after the cookie scene:
top and yo have an actual conversation lol she comments that he seems to be very serious about mew and that she's never seen either of them like this before, warns him not to fuck it up and he's very earnest about his interest. he could also talk on the phone with a friend (boeing, but the name is all we know) about how he's never felt this way about someone - it has to be well-established even when he's alone that he's genuinely into and willing to fall for mew to make it clear that none of his feelings and actions with mew are fake.
boston goes into top's shower (THAT'S IT, we don't see him shove him or grope him; it's just established that he wants him and the implication is that top wants him back because there hasn't been any evidence otherwise) -> cut back to mew and everyone else chatting about how great top is, mew walks to shower and calls out to top -> cut to top and boston freaking out about being caught
top and mew go to the silent disco, same shit goes down with beam - HOWEVER instead of keeping the scene with beam showing up at top's house after boston attacks him in the elevator in ep4 (the silent disco date was in ep4 in the original script). mew tells him that he can't stay over
top finds that he's out of sleeping pills and calls beam, thus implying that he might have chosen to have sex with someone else. that 'sup nod still works.
at the party, top speaks affectionately about mew and that he'll take care of him to boston, it's made clear that he really cares for him and that he's serious about him
he's visibly uncomfortable with boston's flirting, but the audience can glean that it's because he doesn't want to "cheat" again
nick sees boston hold up his phone and top being agitated about it, but we don't learn the details
the audience is made to believe that boston has video evidence of their first time at the bar in the photobooth as nick thinks back to the "hot night!" film strip he found
we don't see top and boston fuck until it's revealed that nick bugged boston's car and he's standing there crying
the confrontation with boston in the elevator can go down almost exactly as it did, although the references to the photos/videos (and in this version, there would be a sex tape, it's just ludicrous that top would freak out that bad over a kiss two years ago) are vague and can still be interpreted as ones about top and boston by the audience. boston can still reiterate that mew is messing with his head and that he and ray are probably screwing, which can plant the seed in the audience's mind that boston is lying to top and there's something more going on
top and mew have their fight about ray and mew admits that ray kissed him last night (it'd also be nice if mew said, like, fucking anything to ray about him being a total shitweasel to top but whatever)
mew asks about beam -> we find out that beam is a drug dealer and top admits they used to sleep together sometimes -> a flashback shows us that beam took advantage of top when he was high, but he doesn't mention it to mew, establishing his shame around being assaulted and freezing up when there are unwanted sexual advances
now there COULD be a flashback to the shower scene when top and boston make eye contact at the pool - but it also could be shown in ep7, i'll say at what point when we get there.
it's explicit that sand edits the audio to only include the moans and nick only knows that sand copied it (if he stole it, there could be a whole thing in ep7 where he finds out that he edited it and gets it for mew). everything else goes down the same, except that when mew asks about top lying about his dad and driving back to the party, a flashback shows top getting into the car and boston manipulating him. when mew screams, "did you!?" the flashback ends and it's clear that top has stayed silent.
OR!!!!!!! both flashbacks could be moved to ep7:
top tells mew about boston tricking him with a video of him and ray
to make the boeing gotcha work, it'd have to be here that he calls him and asks him to come over without the flashbacks in ep5 and 6, it's explicitly shown on his phone that the person he's calling is boeing
mew realizes there may be more to the tape and asks ray where he got it
(there would have to be something else that happens that doesn't involve ray that makes top think that he'll never get mew back and he tries to move on for this to work but) top brings a man over, implied to be boeing (but it's a the rando like in the original cut) and we see them kiss and start to get busy
mew confronts sand about the tape and sand admits that he edited it, explains that he did it to hurt top because he stole his ex, boeing, but that he didn't think it'd go this far and get all messed up; this can also be how mew finds out about ray's injury
during their confrontation, boston implies that it was hard getting top back and he wonders aloud how a "top-tier" could possibly like mew, this can be what sets him off but also makes him think there could be a clue to top's feelings in the full audio
mew confronts nick about the rest of the recording and NOW there is the full flashback of the car scene when nick plays it for him; mew is horrified and actually understands the gravity of what boston did lol
after mew steals the sex tape from gap, he promises boston that he won't leak is as long as he tells him every last morbid detail of his and top's sexual relationship and what he meant by having a hard time getting with him and how he got ahold of the photos/videos (in this version, the video can be another of gap's where you can't see the faces and boston could have told top that it was taken at the hostel after nick installed the cameras... although i guess that would have been established in the tape already. sorry i'm mostly making this up as i go. they're not all winners jdfkljdlkg); boston is obviously mortified but (remorselessly) admits that top didn't really want it in the shower and AGAIN we can have that flashback here instead of in ep5
when boston asks if that's enough for mew to not leak the footage, mew tells him that he never planned to but that outside of the hostel project, he's dead to him and that he's telling ray and cheum what he did
now, the confrontation between top and ray with mew getting accidentally punched WOULD have to go down differently; OR it could be cut entirely. mew could be sympathetic to what happened but still angry at top for lying, still having a hard time looking at him without thinking of boston.
mew mournfully stalks top's instagram and sees that boeing has been liking/commenting on his posts - this could send him over the edge that no matter what boston did, top is still a liar and that he should turn to ray instead
we return to top and the guy we assumed he was going to sleep with: top stops it, cries, and asks him to leave like in the original cut but before he has his sad fantasy, he gets a message or call from boeing thus signifying that that guy and boeing were not the same - maybe he could ask if he's tried to move on? top admits that he still loves him and he doesn't know what he can do to get him back or if he should let him go and the hurt is irreparable
at this point the audience should be coming around to top and his plight, right? you've been thoroughly manipulated?
throughout the rest of the series there's no more emphasis on his having to become a better person, but instead a journey of him having to be more honest. instead of, "why do you have to be an asshole?" it's "why do you have to be a liar?" mew is still convinced that top could be capable of cheating because of the boeing thing and in order to keep the "these two are fucking" line, ray or sand (likely sand) could imply that top would have cheated on him eventually anyway based on his own bias against him, especially since it would be likely for mew to bring up that top and boeing appear to still be in contact with each other. this could also reveal how his and boeing's relationship really was and how top and boeing got together. wow!! an actual flashback of boeing!!!!!
same shit goes down with sand and ray, except that mew actually gets mad about it because it's yet another person lying to him aka how he would actually react because seriously what the fuck was that. anyway, when he finds out that top knew and didn't tell him, that is part of what pisses him off when he finds out about boeing because he's still lying. (again, what was up with mew having No reaction to top knowing that ray was cheating on him and not telling him? he kind of just is like "huh?" and then completely drops it. the writing is so half-assed omg)
OBVIOUSLY HE'S NOT AS ANGRY AS HE IS IN THE ORIGINAL EPISODE SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK. mew still invites boeing over, but it's mostly to ask why he and top broke up because he wants to find out if it was also cheating (if this is a pattern or if it really was boston's fault). he learns a little bit about their relationship but he leaves out a lot of stuff and it's mostly half-truths - while he's talking, there are real flashbacks of what actually happened, which is a lot of boeing being emotionally and verbally abusive (which, lbr, is kind of already established in the canon).
the rage room scene works as long as you don't make mew act like a fucking serial killer lmao it could be good catharsis for top too and they can talk about what top is angry about and actually have a heart-to-heart about the fact that what boston did to top was wrong and top could admit what happened with him and boeing. this makes mew realize that, despite the fact that he will no longer tolerate it, there's a reason why top has lied.
rather than mew trying to get with boeing to get back at top (a gambit that didn't make any god damn sense seeing as he couldn't get it up for gap or ray, why would he suddenly be okay fucking boeing? stupid), he's still secretly meeting with boeing to gather more information about top's life before they met
top confronts him about boeing and that boeing told him about the kiss, mew stays resolutely silent like in the original but instead of top "trying to be a better person" (again wtf does that even mean in that context? it literally doesn't make sense), top says that he's "trying to be totally honest" with mew but mew won't do the same for him, that they can't keep going if mew doesn't trust him. you don't have to change much about their getting back together
not every fucking conversation between top and mew has to mention boston for FUCK'S sake. sand fucking gets over himself since he realizes that boeing is an asshole and top did him a favor by "stealing" him, this can be done by mew telling him about boeing pursuing top for his money. boeing isn't trying to get back with sand because uhhh *checks notes* top doesn't want him. none of his motivations make seeeeeeense what a half-assed character. idek what to do with him here, it could just be that he realizes he was an abusive dickhead, perhaps mew could tell him about how terribly boeing treated top.
in the spirit of honesty, top tells mew about his fight with sand (this could be in an earlier episode, like in the rage room scene). if i were to reeeeally get my way i would have mew cut ray out of his life, but if we have to do this then it wouldn't be mew's idea that TOP has to be the one to play nice with ray since that's what he's been fucking doing since episode 4, ffs mew sees ray insult and bully him again and again and top taking it nine times out of ten but yeah sure top is the one who has to be nice.
they can still bury the hatchet on, like, a double date but in this case ray and sand are the ones who actual get some fucking growth lol. sand admits that he was wrong to hold the grudge since boeing was obviously a huge douche bag; ray apologizes for being a dickhead since the second they met and that he was wrong to judge him just because of his crush on mew. he can still threaten top if he gets out of line again, but mew can be like hey remember when you cheated on me lol don't worry i'll take care of that :) because i guess we have to have some serial killer mew still in there
(but yes, i would also cut the scene where mew fantasizes about beating top to a bloody pulp in ep7- in fact, instead of the fight scene between top and ray, i'd want that parking lot scene to be real - mew gets extremely drunk after ray screams at him about not fucking him in ep9 and top offers to drive him home when he tries to call a taxi. mew can barely stand so top tries to physically carry him, mew shakes him off and tries to punch him, they grapple and fall to the ground and mew shakes him and yells something like, "you didn't just break my heart, you broke me!" and how it feels like he can't be with anyone else because he's still in love with him. then he kisses him desperately and they cling to one another and then mew passes out and top takes him home)
obviously boston apologizes to top, and it'd be nice if ray could actually act like top's friend and demand he apologize to top lmao one can dream i'm begging for some character development
no one plays spin the bottle because they're all twenty-two not fifteen.
oh shit, i forgot about atom. uh, write him out, who fucking cares. he was a useless character, everyone should have already hated boston for what he did to top and mew. stupid fucking plot cul de sac.
i don't mind there being something to humanize boston a little bit (for example, his dad walking in on him and nick kissing; a different jilted lover coming back for revenge of some kind but it's someone boston slept with after he and nick became boyfriends - you know, not just him MAKING OUT WITH SOMEONE WHILE ON A DATE BECAUSE THAT IS BEWILDERING if he's a sex addict, whatever fine, but that was never established), but the shit with atom and boston was a huge time-waster. replace all that stupid shit with aprilcheum and plugyo, who were criminally under-utilized for boring drama. it's like they didn't know what to do with them.
anyway uhhh congrats on reading this long ass post. sorry
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lindszeppelin · 3 months
Hi, I wanted to say I really enjoy your blog. I've been reading a lot of your past asks, and this feels like a place I can vent about things I've noticed in this fandom the last month.
I've had to unfollow so many Austin accounts on twitter in the last month. I've been following them for a long time and never really had an issue. But lately, in the last month especially, majority of them have been bringing up Kaia all the time. Anytime Austin talks about something or does something quote on quote 'sexy' they also quote it with 'Kaia I hope you can fight' or "Kaia's boyfriend"...that one really irks me. I'm a fan of Austin. I really don't care about Kaia. I've unfollowed most of the Austin stans on Twitter b/c it's too much of this. I really only followed because they have some good updates about Austin's projects or provide pics and videos of his press stuff. But they bring up Kaia all the damn time now. For no reason. I didn't think because we love Austin we have to love Kaia to? No thank you.
I came across your blog recently and it's been rather eye opening. I've been hot and cold about Austin and Kaia since I joined the fandom about a year ago. Sometimes they could be cute. But at the same time something about them has always been off. They just seem like they don't like each other most of the time? I understand couples want privacy, but this is far beyond that.
I've been looking through your blog, and a lot of what I'm reading here makes a lot of sense. I think what really made me question things was that People Magazine article that came out back in May. It came so out of left field. Because was anyone asking about their status as a couple? I didn't think they got press like that. Austin seems to not talk about her, ever. Usually if you really are in love and happy, you don't need to put a statement out there like that. To me that comes off like deflection and you're trying to hide something. It sounded like it came from Kaia's side. We were talking about it on reddit, and a lot of people agreed it seemed weird. Because they did look miserable together in NYC right before that.
Then a couple days later another article came out and it talked about how Austin and Kaia have nothing in common. I don't know how these things work but I immediately assumed that was coming from Austin's side of things. Especially reading some of the language used. The source said Austin's hopes and dreams are finally coming true. Austin has said that so many times recently. But it's a detail I feel like only fans would pick up on. Not the media. So it couldn't just be a fluff, gossip peice. It's actually legit from Austin's PR. I was like, "Oh wow. He really is not in love with this girl". The timing of all this felt very weird. I have a feeling they are headed for splitsville but again, I don't know how this stuff works. It's just been something I noticed.
Until I saw Kaia show up at the Bikeriders premiere in LA. Then I thought, "Oh maybe this is just gossip or something". Because the way that source wrote out that article and Austin seemed like he was ready to break up. But then he kisses her on the red carpet. Maybe he is happy? It's all so confusing lol.
Anyways, I know this is ridiculously long lol. I just wanted to say that I really enjoy your blog and the view points a lot of people seem to have. It's been hard to find a place in the fandom that doesn't bring up Kaia all the time. I couldn't care less about that girl. She is a model, nothing really else to say about her. Not enough to stan her. I mean people can do as they please. But it comes off very fake. I doubt Austin cares if you stan his girlfriend or not.
hi! im so glad that you have a safe space in my blog to look over things and vent freely. we as fans are not obligated to blindly like everybody that austin is around/is with. liking every single person he's with doesn't make you a good fan either. it just makes you a bit of an overachieving simp that blindly likes who austin likes just for brownie points. like who YOU like because YOU like them. we are fans of the person, not their entourage. so enjoy the person you're a fan of first and foremost. don't let anybody tell you anything else.
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goldensunset · 11 months
first they complained that nonnumbered kh games come out on like eleven different consoles from eleven different companies thereby making it inaccessible and difficult for the average consumer to be able to play all of them (pre fm or collections) and now that the nonumbereds are releasing on a console virtually everyone has (phones) they r still mad about it. blehgh
and like y’know. tbh that isn’t a ridiculous complaint. the series has historically been inaccessible. it’s still inaccessible to me (because i personally can’t justify the financial investment of a playstation; i’ve poured everything into my switch) but like that’s my issue not theirs lol. (i mean i am mad that they kinda like acknowledged there’s a demand for kh on the switch yet made it cloud-only which is almost disrespectful and totally not gonna happen here. but like. i can get over it). i don’t see anyone out there actually complaining about kh being a playstation series like lbr that’s totally fair
BUT they’ve updated them with the all-in-one-playstation collections now! if you have a playstation there is no excuse! it’s not that hard and not that expensive! smh!!! and yeah, even with the updated collections now you do sorta miss out on some of the stuff that was removed or changed from the original versions. the mobile games only offer theater mode now. but like… it’s ok to have to go on youtube or wiki or second-hand sources to dig up old easter eggs and trivia sometimes…
and it’s ok to not have physically played every game yourself!!! like i honestly think if you take every single game up until now into account you’d be hard pressed to find a person who’s done literally everything from the console games to the handheld games to the mobile games etc themselves. like i’m sure they exist but there aren’t a lot of them. it is perfectly fine to just watch cutscenes. and if you care about the story of this series as a whole you really need to
like… i get it. it’s a video game series. one would expect to be able to play a video game instead of essentially watching a bunch of movies. that’s fair. but if you care about kingdom hearts as a franchise, whether you’re an old nostalgic vet or a newbie, doesn’t the story matter to you??? wouldn’t you do what it takes to be immersed in this world in order to fully understand the story going forward? if it’s just the gameplay you’re after like idk man i feel like you could find a similar style of gameplay as a replacement out there but idk
point is. one would have to be completely blind at this point to not realize that the mobile games are full of lore that are relevant to sora’s own journey and especially will be going forward. nomura has made it clear he’s not forgetting about sora and he’s never gonna replace him as the protagonist and heart and soul of the series. it is simply not possible to jump between numerical titles and still comprehend this stuff. this is where the series is going. there’s this thing in fiction called plot progression where some narrative threads will be resolved and left behind while new ones will be picked up. and it’s up to the author to determine this, not the nostalgia of fans. either drop the series as a whole or get on board with where it’s going
the original khχ came out like what, 10 years ago? almost half the runtime of the franchise. it is not new anymore. this is not new information. anyone who still hasn’t bothered to pay attention to that whole storyline at this point, even given all the hard work that fans have put to make it more accessible to either casuals or specifically stubborn people like that, then like. skill issue tbh.
and people complaining it’s all way too complicated? man.., find another series. i feel like it should be self-evident that this series is not known for narrative simplicity. it’s known for making everyone insane in a good way. even back in kh1 stuff was always kind of wild. everyone’s beloved kh2 is especially where we start ramping up the insanity. i fail to see how all that’s ok but the concepts of more keyblade wielders and like a lengthy timeline aren’t. after 20+ years it should be evident that things aren’t so simple and clean.
rant over *drops mic*
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chronicbeans · 1 year
Hello! Just a little heads up from me about my Welcome Home content!
So, if you notice that I am starting to produce less Welcome Home content, I just want to let you know why. I am still going to be producing it, I just might not make as much. The reasons are posted underneath the read more!
I am pretty sure I have been respectful to Clown's wishes so far. I do not believe I have been making NSFW content, though, I have seen some definitions of it that include disturbing or dark topics, which I believe have been writing (hence the warnings at the top of my posts. I have been desensitized to those types of topics, so I am not completely sure, but I put them there anyways). I usually hear NSFW in the context of just sexual content, but I want to be sure I am not breaking those boundaries. I believe I have heard Clown say that horror is allowed, as long as you put warnings for it, so I really don't know if I have broken it. This is just to be extra careful, because they are under a lot of stress. So, while I will still be writing for it, I might be doing so a bit less or slower.
Just in case anybody is worried that someone said something to make me make this decision, don't worry! This was completely my own doing, and nobody influenced me to make it. I just like to be careful when it comes to the topic of stress, anxiety, trauma, and the likes. I have experienced it myself, to a very high degree, so I am always striving to make others feel as comfortable as possible with my actions. I enjoy writing for Welcome Home, but I don't want to overwhelm anyone, especially Clown, with the topics discussed in my writings if that is a part of what they meant by NSFW. I will probably update the Illustrator Wally AU the most, due to it being the most tame with its subject matter.
There is also the topic of my passion project (I know, I feel like I am being a bit pushy with how much I discuss it. Sorry if you feel that way), which I really adore working on! A part of why I have already been a bit slow with updating the Welcome Home writing. That world has currently been what is floating around in my mind a lot these days, so it has been easier to write for that than Welcome Home. Tales from the Iolite Hospital has also been something I have been working on for about two years, now, so I am very excited to share it! If you like the sorts of topics I try to discuss in the Illustrator Wally AU (accepting others, regardless of disability/mental health status, as well as the struggles one can face with those disabilities/mental health status) and want to see a more in-depth (and a little dark) version of it, I think you might like it. Idk tho, because I am not you!
When it comes to fandom writing, I plan to maybe start writing down the ideas for my Five Nights at Freddy's AU, as well as my What Remains of Edith Finch AU, too! So, if you enjoy either of those series and want to see my takes on it, stay tuned! They might come out eventually! I just don't want to make any promises, due to how much Tales from the Iolite Hospital is taking over my brain. I hate breaking promises, because I then feel unreliable.
If you made it this far, again, please note that nobody has made me make this decision other than myself! I would hate for people to blame others for my own decisions. I also hope you can understand why I am making it, as well as stick around. I am aware a lot of you joined and followed for my Welcome Home content (I won't blame you, that was why I even got a Tumblr account in the first place lol), so I hope you aren't too disappointed. Y'all have been so nice to me, so far, and I am more than glad to have met such kind people through this fandom! I was honestly pretty scared when I first posted, lol.
Here's a little cheers! To good health, love, and good fortune for Clown! 🥂 CHEERS! ❤️
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auroralix · 9 months
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✩ fairly odd christmas - part 1 ✩
read parts two and three here!
pairing: chanlix. everything on this account is chanlix.
summary: single and lonely on christmas, felix makes an offhand wish to have someone to love. the man who appears in his kitchen the next morning to make that wish come true is the last thing he expects.
song: fictional ~ khloe rose
this section’s word count: 4.2k
warnings: uhhhhhhh i don’t think there are many ?? some vEry light swearing, felix is already lowkey thirsting for chan’s ass bc aren’t we all, this is so sappy lovey dovey i love them, mentions of getting murdered bc felix thinks chan is an intruder at first, felix also tries to use a pen as a weapon, why am i treating this like ao3 tags
small a/n: welcome to my first fruity series! i’m still in the process of writing and polishing this but i had to post it before it became too long after christmas lol. everything should be posted by new year’s (: also forever big thanks to @awooghan for the fic title ilysm and thank you to both her and @ujimoo for beta reading and giving input ilyb 🫶
Felix trudged into his apartment, closing the door behind himself and slumping against it. He got dumped again, and right before Christmas. It shouldn’t have surprised him but every time he hopes this time it might be the One. The one and only he couldn’t live without.
He made his way to the kitchen and opened the freezer, pulling out a tub of ice cream and a spoon. It wasn’t the most glamorous way to spend his night but he was past caring at this point.
After securing his ice cream, Felix crashed on the couch in his living room and turned on the tv. It was time to nurse his emotional wounds with any one of his favorite movies. He had a secret soft spot on his heart for sappier, more cliche movies; those normally seen as “girly.” He couldn’t help it, maybe it was the consequence of living with his sisters until he moved out after college.
Felix had always loved the idea of finding that one person who he loved more than anything else and that would love him back just as much. The books he read and movies he watched did nothing to help those notions; he was the notorious hopeless romantic in his friend group and had been since he was young.
It wasn’t his fault, he couldn’t help that the men in his books and movies were miles better than anyone he’d met in real life. He’d dated multiple people, men and women, and yet nobody ever compared to the people in his stories that lived day and night in his brain. It wasn’t that most of them were bad people (although he’d had his fair share of bad dates), it was just that none of them could give Felix half the amount of love he gave them.
When Felix loved someone, he jumped all in with both feet, not caring what may come. He knew he was being naïve about it, but he couldn’t help that either; it was just in his personality to love wholly and completely and to give as much of himself as he could to the other person. It led to him getting his heart stomped on more than once, like it had tonight.
He’d heard yet again that he was sweet and nice and everything else, but he just wasn’t what his date was looking for. Felix had nodded and smiled and taken it well, dragging himself out of the restaurant to walk home.
Of course it was just his luck that it started raining on his way. And of course it was his luck that he didn’t have anyone to be cliche in the rain with at that moment, under the bright city lights that were decked out in full Christmas decor. It was like the world loved to taunt him by dangling something he wanted desperately right in front of his face. So he had shuffled home through the cold, sludgy rain as quickly as he could, which was how he ended up where he was now.
Curled under a blanket and nursing a tub of melting ice cream while he dreamed about a love he’d probably never see. He just wanted someone that would love him as much as he loved them, was that too much to ask for?
Felix set the nearly empty ice cream tub on the coffee table in front of him and tucked his feet under himself, moving to lie on his side as he watched his movie. Before long, without him even realizing it, Felix was drifting off to sleep on the couch, sending a half asleep wish to the powers that be for a Christmas miracle– someone he could love unconditionally.
Felix blinked his eyes open blearily, adjusting to the blinding sunlight streaming in through his curtains. He rolled onto his side, belatedly realizing he was in his bed, not on the couch as he had been when he fell asleep the night before.
He frowned a little to himself. He was sure he’d fallen asleep on the couch, but maybe he’d woken up long enough to drag himself into his room for the rest of the night.
He stretched his arms above his head and yawned before slowly hauling himself out of bed and trudging to clean up in the bathroom, not giving it a second thought.
When he was finished with his morning routine, Felix waddled out of his room and to the kitchen. He stilled just a second when he walked through the small living room, his mostly empty bucket of ice cream was gone. That made him pause, he knew he didn’t pick it up the night before. Maybe one of his friends randomly came over and threw it out, he rationalized to himself as he turned toward the kitchen.
His kitchen, that was currently occupied by another man that Felix didn’t know. Felix stopped right in his tracks at the sight of the intruder, heart rate immediately going through the roof.
“Who are you?!” he screeched at the man who looked up in surprise from whatever he was doing at the counter. Felix immediately started looking for something, anything to defend himself with.
The other man slowly put his hands up to show he meant no ill will. “I-I’m not here to hurt you, I promise.”
The kitchen knife in one of his hands gave Felix no confidence that what he said was true.
In another situation, Felix would be swooning at the sight and sound of the other man, but right now, he just wanted answers. He grabbed a nearby pen, his only weapon of defense against the mystery intruder and his kitchen knife.
“Who are you?! Why are you here?!” Felix asked again, his panic growing as he held the pen up, like it’d do anything against the impressive muscles on the other man.
“I’m not here to hurt you,” the other man started, lowering one hand to put the knife down as he spoke. “I- I was sent here, for… for you.”
Felix choked on a scoff as he shook his head. “You actually expect me to believe that? What the fuck do you want from me? Why are you here?!”
The other man blinked a couple times and looked like he was trying to think over the best way to answer Felix’s questions. “I-… I don’t know how to explain it. Um, y-you made a wish last night and brought me here. I’d never hurt you though, I promise.”
That stopped Felix dead in his defensive rampage. Yes, he had made a wish to the nonexistent Christmas fairies as he was falling asleep, but he didn’t expect anything to come from it. Much less it being answered with a random hot man deposited in his kitchen. He didn’t even know how it could’ve been answered.
Despite what the man in his kitchen said, Felix couldn’t and wouldn’t just trust whatever the he said. Not without substantial evidence of his claims or some very good persuading.
“How do I know I can trust you or- or that you won’t hurt me? You showed up in the middle of the night out of literally nowhere and- and started acting like you own the place! You’re- you’re just here! In my kitchen and eating my food!” Felix spit out, keeping his pen held high as he questioned the other man. “You haven’t even told me your name!”
“It’s, um, it’s Chan,” the man gulped nervously. “You’re going to think I’m crazy, but please, just hear me out. The reason I’m here is I’m a spirit of Christmas, here to answer your wish.”
Felix could do nothing but gawk at the man in disbelief. Surely he’d misheard? He must still be dreaming, there was no other explanation. It was just a dream that Felix’s lovesick brain had conjured up to make him feel worse when he woke up and saw it indeed wasn’t real.
“Y-You- you’re a what?” he sputtered, at a loss for all other words.
Chan just nodded his head slowly. “It’s true, I’m a spirit of Christmas. We go around this time of year spreading love and joy and sometimes we answer Christmas wishes. I- I heard your wish last night as you were falling asleep and I had to answer; I’d never heard such a sincere wish as yours.”
Felix took a shuddering breath. This man—Chan— had to be crazy. But, somehow he’d known about the wish half asleep Felix had sent into the ether the previous night. How had he known?
“If- if you’re a real Christmas spirit or whatever, then you must have some sort of powers, right?” he asked, deciding to put the whole thing to the test before he chose whether to listen to more of Chan’s story or call the police.
“I do, they’re not very powerful powers, but they get the job done, you know? I can show you if you’d like,” Chan said, giving Felix a hopeful little smile that brought out a pair of cute little dimples that definitely did nothing to Felix’s already racing pulse.
“Yes please. But nothing weird, okay?” Felix still did not loosen his grip on his pen. It may not do much if the other man tried to attack him, but he would go down swinging, if nothing else.
“I promise.” Chan gave him a quick wink before disappearing in a cloud of sparkles that looked like snow and reappeared in that same cloud of sparkles on the other side of the living room. He had stayed out of arm’s reach of Felix, which was appreciated.
“I can also fly, but it’s kind of impractical when nobody else on this planet can,” Chan mentioned like it was no big deal as his feet slowly lifted off the ground before he floated in Felix’s general direction, still staying out of his personal space bubble.
Felix couldn’t believe his eyes, or ears as he watched the man across the room from him. He could barely wrap his head around all that happened the past fifteen minutes.
“You- you’re- that was all true?” Felix was not having a good day with his words; although who could blame him? It’s not everyday he gets visited by beautiful Christmas spirits promising to fix his loveless life.
“Everything I told you is completely true. I’m here to make your Christmas wishes come to life.” Chan set his feet back on the floor, still a respectable amount of space away, a bright smile gracing his features once again.
Felix let out a small, disbelieving laugh and shook his head as he thought everything over. Either he was really going crazy, or there truly was a Christmas fairy in his living room offering to give him the best Christmas season he’d ever had. The spirit seemed to have no ill will and was admittedly one of the hottest people—beings?— Felix had ever seen.
With a shrug he decided that if this spirit was really out here to murder him, he would let him. At least he’d get murdered by a beautiful creature that, before now, were only thought to have existed in fiction. Felix would have a great death, but he really hoped it wouldn’t come to that.
Since there weren’t many downsides in his eyes, Felix thought it’d be fine to see where things went from here.
“Okay,” he said, releasing a deep breath. “As long as you don’t try and kill me, you can… grant my wish? How does that work?”
Chan chuckled, shrugging his broad shoulders just slightly. “Mostly, I’m here so you have someone to be with over Christmas. We’ll go on dates, you can take me to meet your friends, and I’ll take care of you the best I can this season.”
Felix considered the other’s words. It sounded too good to be true, but the hopeless romantic in him was screaming to give this a chance and see what would happen. He only had one question before he gave in completely.
“What do you get out of it?”
“For us spirits, trying to spread joy and happiness and granting wishes like this isn’t just what we do, it’s who we are. If your wish hadn’t called out to me as strongly as it did, I’d probably still be floating around, granting minor wishes to others without them even knowing it,” the spirit explained, a look of pure sincerity on his face as he spoke. “It’s something we do not for what we can get out of it, but for what we can give to others.”
If that didn’t sound like music to Felix’s ears. This wasn’t just some little thing, this was exactly what he wished for, dropped right in his lap. And Felix was a weak, weak man, especially when it came to other pretty men who offered to grant his wishes and take him on dates and be the perfect Christmas boyfriend.
“Okay,” he said again, “I guess let’s see where this goes.”
“You won’t be disappointed, Felix, I promise.” And there Chan was, smiling like it was his wish getting granted, not the other way around. His dimples were on full display, cheeks pushing his eyes into crescents, and right that moment, Felix knew he was already in deep trouble.
He blinked a couple times and forced his still racing heart to calm down a little lest it give out on him. Felix had more questions but before he could get one out, his stomach gave a loud growl, reminding him that it was time to eat. He laughed sheepishly and looked over at where Chan was still standing, looking none the wiser to the loud grumble that came from Felix’s stomach.
“What, um, what were you doing in the kitchen?” Felix asked as he meandered toward the kitchen. He’d finally put his makeshift pen weapon down and shook out his cramping fingers as he walked.
At his question, Chan perked up and hurried back to the kitchen to show Felix what he’d been working on.
“I- I knew me just… appearing like I did might have freaked you out, which it did, oops? But, I thought maybe making you food might help you calm down, so- so I was trying to make you pancakes,” Chan said with a tiny, sheepish smile crossing his face. “I didn’t really know what you liked, so I tried to find a bunch of different toppings.”
Felix hated to admit it but he couldn’t deny how his heart melted just a little at the gesture and hopeful expression on the other’s face. As he looked at the bowls of cut up fruit and chocolate chips scattered around a big batter bowl, he felt more and more sure that he’d made the right decision. This pancake-making spirit meant him no harm.
“Oh, Chan, this- this is actually really sweet.” Felix picked up a couple chips from one bowl and popped them into his mouth before adding, “Pancakes are always a nice touch, a surefire way to win over anyone who’s house you break into.”
At that, Chan’s eyes widened in concern, making him look more like a wounded puppy than a powerful being that could fly and teleport at will. Felix cringed internally, maybe 10 minutes into their—relationship? Was it a relationship? Could Felix call it that yet? He wasn’t sure— but maybe 10 minutes into their… thing was too early to break out the sarcasm.
“I’m sorry!” He hurried to correct himself, “That was a joke, a really bad one for right now. The pancakes are a really nice touch, end of sentence.”
“Do you mean it? I can just clean up if you don’t want any.” Chan still looked unsure and Felix felt like the worst person ever for making him feel bad.
“I promise,” Felix attempted to console the other. “I love pancakes and sweet things, you can ask any of my friends when you meet them.”
“If you’re sure then, I’ll start cooking them for you.” And just like that, the clouds lifted from Chan’s expression and he went back to his previously smiley self.
Chan promptly set back about his previous pancake mission focused, with one goal in mind. When Felix offered to help, Chan simply gave him disarmingly sweet smile and waved him off, stating he wanted to learn the kitchen for himself. It was no trouble really, and he was happy to do it, he wanted to do it, he reassured Felix and shooed him over to the living room to find a movie for them both to watch while they ate.
Felix wasn’t sure how he felt at first about being (albeit nicely) pushed out of his own kitchen. Although once he started smelling the delightful scent of fresh pancakes wafting his way, he decided he didn’t care quite as much. Plus, it wasn’t like he could’ve made anything better on his own. Felix was a phenomenal baker, but all of his attempts to make anything other than baked goods in the kitchen were far less than stellar at best.
He flopped on his couch and started scrolling through the list of movies he had saved, trying to find anything that didn’t scream “I’m very lonely and available and live out those feelings through the movies I watch, please love me!” He didn’t like his odds.
But finally, he decided that if Chan was going to be with him, he should know all the weird, sappy parts of him. Chan was the one who wanted to answer his wish and cure his loneliness, it would only be right to truly let him know what he was getting himself into. So, Felix picked out one of his favorite sappy Christmas movies and waited for Chan to announce when the pancakes were ready.
Breakfast went smoothly and Chan didn’t say a word about the movie choice. As they ate, Felix’s confidence in his decision completely solidified; Chan’s pancakes were out of this world.
The rest of the day passed without many mishaps, Felix showed Chan the rest of his apartment even though Chan already knew his way around from carrying Felix to bed the night before. Felix tidied up around the apartment and Chan insisted on helping even when he was told he didn’t need to.
Felix didn’t quite know how to treat Chan just yet. They weren’t an item but also they already were. Chan was a guest but also he wasn’t. In addition, Felix didn’t know what he was going to do about extra clothes for Chan yet or if the spirit had any money or if making things appear was another one of his abilities.
Chan certainly couldn’t wear Felix’s clothes, as despite them being roughly the same height, Chan had far more bulked out muscles than Felix. While Felix’s muscles were lean, Chan’s were thicker, much like his ass, that Felix had definitely not spent half the day trying not to look at when the spirit walked by. Felix could spend the next day or so figuring everything out and take him shopping for more clothes either way. He also made a mental note to ask the spirit about what other hidden abilities he may have.
Throughout the day, Felix had also taken plenty of opportunities to look at his new roommate. He didn’t want to seem creepy and stare at Chan, so he’d just sneak peeks out of the corner of his eye or when the other would turn his back.
There was no denying the spirit was beautiful, he was practically Felix’s perfect type. They were about the same height, but Chan was much more broad and muscular, he looked like he could lift Felix right off the ground without much strain at all. Chan’s face didn’t seem to match his strong body completely with dark curly hair that fluffed around his head and warm brown eyes that crinkled around the edges when he smiled. And Felix couldn’t get started on those dimples; he’d always been weak for them and now was no exception.
Felix was grateful that the Christmas spirit that heard his wish was as pretty as Chan. He didn’t know if all the spirits were this pretty, yet he still felt lucky that his not only seemed too sweet to be real, but was also just as nice to look at.
Felix was happy to have someone around for the day and just enjoyed slowly getting used to having another person in the house with him. Chan was sweet and insisted on making dinner after Felix beat him to lunch-making earlier in the day. He was phenomenal in the kitchen as Felix was quickly discovering and who was Felix to deny his new beautiful roommate the pleasure of making wonderful food for them?
It was after dinner, as they were planning to go to sleep that Felix realized a big mistake in he’d made when he agreed to let Chan stay with him.
Felix only had one bed.
He only had a couple options that he could think of to solve this. Let Chan have his bed while he took the couch; he wasn’t about to make Chan sleep on the couch, he was still new and Felix felt like it’d just be mean to take the bed from him.
There was one other option but he didn’t know he felt about it yet. They could both share Felix’s bed, it was big enough to fit them both comfortably but Felix was unsure if he should even bring that up. He and Chan had just met earlier that day and he didn’t know if this was truly moving too fast. Granted, they both knew why Chan was there so Felix was more inclined to give into his a bit too rapidly growing feelings, but he didn’t know if this step was too quick even for their situation.
“You can take the bed, I’ll sleep on the couch,” Felix said, trying to stay nonchalant as he handed Chan extra toiletries to use.
“O-Oh, um, that’s okay,” Chan replied, looking the smallest bit disappointed by Felix’s words. “I can sleep on the couch.”
Felix shook his head quickly. “No, you- you shouldn’t have to do that, it’d be wrong of me to make you sleep there. It’s okay, I promise.”
Chan just nodded, giving Felix a tiny, unsure smile back, looking very much like he’d just been accused of doing something wrong.
“Have- have I done something wrong?” Chan’s voice was hesitant and timid as he spoke, afraid of upsetting the human he now lived with.
Felix paused in the middle of putting toothpaste of his toothbrush to give Chan a look. “Of course not, why would you think that?”
Chan shrugged, looking down and fiddling with the toothbrush he still held in his hands. “Just… I thought we could both stay in your bed. That’s- that’s what I came I here for, to keep you safe and give you company. I can’t do that with either of us on the couch.”
Felix really hadn’t thought this through. He never would’ve imagined something like this could’ve hurt Chan so badly. The more he pondered, the more it made sense; this was what the spirit came to him for, so turning him down after spending the whole day together must have felt like a horrible rejection.
“Oh… I understand that, I didn’t mean to make you feel unwanted,” Felix started, giving Chan a genuine smile. “I just didn’t want to make you uncomfortable but I’m okay staying in the same bed if you are.”
At his words, Chan’s shoulders seemed to sag slightly in relief and his face lightened up immediately.
“Really? Are you sure?”
“I’m positive. Plus, I- I like cuddles before sleeping,” Felix chuckled shyly, trying desperately to ignore the way his face flushed the more he spoke.
Chan positively beamed, the confirmation he was doing a good job was all he needed to fully relax once again. “I’m glad I can help with that, then. I quite literally live for joy and feelings like these.”
Felix’s face heated up more and he quickly went back about his business of brushing his teeth. It had been less than a full day and already this spirit was wiggling his way deep into Felix’s heart. Not that he was complaining, it seemed like for once, Felix might actually have a love that lasts.
The two went about their business of getting ready for sleep and tucked themselves into bed. It was a little awkward at first as Felix was completely overthinking every little twitch and move he or Chan made. That was until Chan let out a sleepy sigh and turned onto his side, throwing an arm over Felix’s middle and pulling him flush against his chest.
“I could hear you overthinking, stop stressing so much and just let it happen,” came the sleep-riddled mumble from behind Felix.
Truly, Felix didn’t know how Chan expected him to relax and fall asleep after that move. He had a beautiful man right behind him, his breath warm against the back of Felix’s neck and Felix was sure he’d never been quite as aware of his own existence as he was in that moment.
Eventually, through soft little reassurances that it was alright and sleep was good and that he didn’t need to worry so much, Felix slowly succumbed to the exhaustion that had overtaken him. And if the comforting weight of Chan’s arm across his middle did anything to push him closer to sleep, Felix would never admit it aloud.
read part two here!
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rat-rosemary · 1 year
Hi! This may seem strange but I would like to see your side of things, as someone who has not kept up with mcyt in like. A year at this point. I thought dream had groomed people? Was that a rumor or am I confusing him with someone else? And what do you mean about quackity? I'm coming into all of this very very very late lol
I dont blame you at all for not knowing what going on. I'll try to explain quickly but those are multiple complicated situations, so the post will probably get a bit long,sorry
Ok, so starting with the first one. There was a girl, called Amanda, who claimed that she was groomed by Dream. That was a lie, most of her claims being debunked either by herself, by people who knew her irl or by her ex-online friends. What we found out from those online friends is that Amanda was actually the one doing shady stuff, and you can find all about it on the doc her victim (mascara) put together
(And i think someone just recently came with even more things forward about Amanda, but that was recent and I hadn't had the chance to read it)
(Just went and read trought the stuff the other person posted and holy shit! Amanda fucking SA'd someone! Fully r4p3d them! The exclamation marks are of pure shock and disgust!)
So, thats the grooming situation. Dream did not groom anyone and the person who accused him of doing so should 100% be in jail
The Quackity situation, on the most basic level is that Dream and Quackity made similar smps and Quackity started ghosting Dream
At first it was just that. But it started evolving when Q fans started attacking and harassing Dream and his fans more and more, doxxing and stalking Dream and his family. Thats what prompted Dream to write a big text and post it publicly on twt, after spending almost a month trying to contact Quackity privately so they could talk and Quackity could say something to try to slow the hate down.
Quackity said and did nothing, and multiple Dream fans came forward talking about how people showed up to their houses and got arrested because of the Qsmp/Usmp situation.
I can find yoy specific threads talking about it later, but the Smile community actually made a doc with all the kind of hate and threats we got
Found it! But the document cannot be displayed anymore because of what it had in it. The people behind it are working on a solution, their account is https://twitter.com/Burner16610314?s=20
Individual threads \/ \/
Im finding individual threads so im going to put them here
If you go on twt right now you might have a hard time finding many Dream fans because we're all going on private again because the video Tommy posted made us start getting doxxed again
Thanks for genuinely wanting to understand our side of the entire thing, hope you ahve a lovely day/night
Dont forget to take breaks from social media and to take care of yourself!
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trickstarbrave · 1 year
concubine au part 4. part 3 can be found here
content warnings: abuse and slavery mentioned, but mostly this is just them acting to throw off some shitheads off their trail. i recommend looking at the other parts too tbh
no actual smut this part but def in the next part lol
In the days that followed, Nerevar was genuinely embarrassed he got so into the act. He couldn’t believe himself--getting so turned on from something like that? Luckily, Voryn didn’t seem to mind, acting as though nothing was unusual. Likely, he thought it was just pretend on Nerevar’s part, or just him blowing off steam and relaxing to the thought of someone familiar touching him. 
But Nerevar knew. He knew he was playing with fire. But they were too far in it now to turn back, so he had to just be careful not to get burned. 
They continued their practice, Nerevar slowly developing the persona he intended to put on that played off Voryn well. They continued establishing boundaries, getting used to each other’s touch to the point anyone would think they were lovers rather than two friends acting. They did everything Nerevar could think of as necessary to practice--not just sex, but touching, flirting, eating… He sat on the floor at Voryn’s feet sometimes while Voryn worked, letting the other play with his hand absentmindedly. He ate from Voryn’s hand, both docility and stubbornly, getting used to Voryn acting angry. They even discussed how to fake ‘punishments’ and settled on illusion magic with some light slapping to sell it.
And then it finally came--a letter was delivered by a servant of House Dres, asking if Voryn had any idea where Nerevar was. Voryn had been acting innocent enough, not paying House Dres any mind now that his ‘business deal’ was taken care of. Just as they planned, he acted annoyed, sending a letter explaining Anaryl sold Nerevar off to Voryn and he had all the paperwork in order, sending copies. He didn’t even let on that he knew he was dead.
House Dres acted similarly. No doubt their initial plan was to corner him and demand answers when he denied it, but seeing him being open and covering his tracks so thoroughly must have thrown them off. Predictable, at least to Nerevar. Instead they changed tactics, now explaining there was something unusual going on in House Dres and they wanted to come speak in person to sort out all the details. 
Just in the nick of time, Nerevar’s new clothes befitting his status as ‘concubine’ were finished. They were of much finer quality than anything he wore in House Dres--luxurious fabrics with careful details and embroidery, leaving more of his body exposed. Plenty of gold and even ebony jewelry was added on top, selling the look. Voryn even left a few love bites here and there across his skin; a few on his neck, collarbone, even a couple on his inner thighs you’d only catch a few glimpses of as he walked. The goal was to sell the illusion he was Voryn’s most prized possession, and every inch of Nerevar’s appearance made that clear. But probably, the nicest part of it all, was the level of care Voryn put into picking the outfits. He made sure they were comfortable for Nerevar, and also gave him the freedom of movement he preferred. When relaxing he could stretch out, walk around comfortably, or even run if need be. 
Before when he was dressed in such a way he hated every second of it. He hated the fabric either being too heavy or clinging to his skin too much. He hated the feminine cut of the clothes being too tight in some areas and too baggy in others. Nerevar felt like a joke in House Dres, and Anaryl practically treated him like one, doing everything to either humiliate or hurt him. But here… Here he felt like he had agency. Like he was important. Voryn cared, always accounting for Nerevar’s tastes and comfort every step of the way. 
And then the noblemen of House Dres arrived: five nobles total, along with several servants and a handful of scribes. An excess of people for what should be just discussing a prior business deal they didn’t know about, ruffling a few feathers of other people in House Dagoth. 
“Are you ready?” Voryn asked quietly, fussing over Nerevar’s clothes and hair one final time. The servants put a few braids and beds in it, before styling his mohawk. They even added a bit of kohl to his eyes, per Nerevar’s request; Nerevar thought it both suited the clothes, and if he cried it would be very apparent, appealing to the sadism of the noblemen who wanted to see him brought low. 
“I’ll be fine.” Nerevar smiled, taking one of Voryn’s hands into his own. “Are your spies in place?” 
“Yes.” Voryn replied. Nerevar had anticipated some of the ‘servants’ they were bringing were actually spies trying to find dirt on them. But this was the territory and stronghold of House Dagoth; Voryn would allow the spies only so much freedom, just enough to get ‘evidence’ that proved their story true. If any of them actually tried to dig through paperwork, or even actually enter Voryn and Nerevar’s rooms, they would be killed swiftly and used against House Dres. “We’ll play it by ear, alright?” Voryn finished with Nerevar’s hair, before his hand slid down the side of his neck. “One more thing…”
“What…?” Nerevar asked, suppressing a shiver from the touch, before gasping softly as Voryn moved down, sucking on a spot that would be very visible. Nerevar moaned softly, clinging to him as Voryn made sure it was nice and dark, before pulling away and rubbing his thumb across the new bruise.
“Just the finishing touch.” Voryn smiled, almost apologetically, but with a little mischief in his eyes. Nerevar chucked softly.
“C’mon…” Nerevar let himself get led out of the bedroom, Voryn now tugging him roughly by the wrist. He hid his smile well, instead staring down at the floor as they walked, following behind Voryn obediently. Part of him was still anxious seeing the noblemen again, but not as much as he anticipated. He felt well supported and protected here; the walls of the stronghold were familiar and comforting, and Voryn would be sure to remove him from the situation if the need arose. They even worked out a non-verbal way for Nerevar to say he wanted out, in case talking was impossible or would be more suspicious. 
Entering the room, Voryn looked annoyed and disgruntled, though trying to be polite. “Apologies for the delay,” Voryn said, taking a seat on a luxurious chair in the sitting room, a cushion already prepared to the side by a servant. There, Nerevar kneeled as though trained, moving slowly and hesitantly to put his head on Voryn’s thigh. After a few seconds of waiting, Voryn tugged him closer, making Nerevar lay his head on his lap, cheek pressed to his thigh. Despite the sour look on his face, it was oddly comforting for Nerevar; he could smell Voryn clearly with his face practically buried in his robes, the scent grounding him despite the other noblemen in their presence. Voryn then began stroking Nerevar’s hair, leaving the brand new bruise exposed. “I was simply taking care of a few things.”
“No apologies needed,” The highest member, Dres Galar replied, “In fact, I would like to apologize for coming so suddenly.”
Voryn rested his face on his hand, looking at them skeptically. Nothing about his posture was closed off; he looked like he had absolutely nothing to hide. He even brought Nerevar with him as though he dragged Nerevar everywhere, something they hadn’t been anticipating. Already, they were off to a good start. “I trust you came for something important…?”
Galar cleared his throat now, taking on a more serious tone as he looked over the document a servant from House Dres handed him. 
“The documents you provided seem to be in order,” He explained. “And the transfer of ownership seems legitimate.” Of course it did, Nerevar thought to himself, Voryn and his spies were experts at faking documents, especially with Nerevar’s knowledge helping them. “We simply find it…” Dres Galar’s eyes locked with Nerevar’s, earning him a harsh glare from the other chimer. “Unusual that one of our own would die so soon after selling off his favorite slave.” 
A servant from House Dagoth came over with a long pipe in hand, filled with various fragrant herbs. Voryn only really smoked in front of others, adding to his air of maturity and authority. Seeing Nerevar was glaring though he gave a sharp tug to his hair, making Nerevar hiss, before giving a short, barely suppressed whimper as he buried his face into Voryn’s robes. 
“It’s quite unfortunate timing.” Voryn remarked, blowing out smoke as he talked, his tone entirely unsympathetic.. “As sad as it is though, it’s beyond my control whether he lives or dies, so I fail to see why you’re bringing it up to me.” 
“He was executed by the Morag Tong mere hours after you left his residence.” Galar said firmly.
“And what? Should I have known and stayed later to prevent it? Intervened? Paid them off?” Voryn scoffed, as though he believed they were accusing him of not preventing it rather than orchestrating it. “Their duty is to fulfill their writ with as few witnesses as possible. As a worshiper of Mephala, why would I get in the way of it even if I knew?”
“Did you have him killed?” Galar asked outright, eyes boring into Voryn’s. Voryn’s face remained impassive, his mask not cracking for an instant. 
“There was no need.” Voryn said dismissively. “I hardly even knew him. We had one business transaction.” Voryn brough the long, elegant pipe to his lips, inhaling, before blowing out another cloud of fragrant smoke. “Even if I did, for whatever reason, it’s not as though it’s illegal. I’d discourage you from seeking out whoever paid for his death.” He said that with the same tone someone would scold a child with, making a vein in Dres Galar’s face grow prominent, though he continued to try and act polite. 
“... He seems much more docile than he was under Anaryl’s care.” Galar instead turned his attention to Nerevar. Nerevar tensed slightly, but Voryn kept his cool. 
“He needed some discipline, that’s all.” Voryn explained. “He can still be disobedient from time to time,” Voryn was now playing with Nerevar’s hair, running through the long waves that ran down his back, before twirling a strand around his finger. “But I know just how to keep him in line.”
“I’ve been told you knew him before all this.” Galar smiled, thinking he had found a way to get under Voryn’s skin. “That the two of you were quite close, in fact, and that you had been looking for him.”
It wasn’t a secret, of course. But Voryn still remained calm and collected, smoking absentmindedly. 
“I did know him well, since childhood in fact.” He elaborated. “He ran off after a little…. Spat, shall we say.” The corners of Voryn’s mouth twitched up into a barely suppressed sly grin. “I was beside myself trying to bring him back, only to find out Dres Anaryl had him…” He blew another cloud of smoke, before his fingers moved to brush against Nerevar’s ear, making him hiss and squirm. It felt good, but Nerevar acted disgusted and annoyed with the action, his hips shifting on the pillow. “Not that I can blame Anaryl; he’s quite a beautiful little thing,” Voryn now looked down, tilting Nerevar’s chin up to look at him. Nerevar bared his teeth slightly, his cheeks flushed. “Aren’t you?” He asked, his voice dropping to an almost seductive tone. 
“Fuck you.” Nerevar muttered, barely audible. At that, Voryn’s eyes went dark as he took Nerevar by the jaw firmly. 
“Don’t make me reprimand you again, Neht.” His voice was gravely and deep like this, and Nerevar almost felt ashamed at how arousing it was to hear. His nails dug into Nerevar’s skin just enough to leave crescent shaped marks. “Just sit there and be a good boy,” Voryn’s voice was very low now, as though it was only for Nerevar to hear, “Understood?” 
“... Yes sir…” Came Nerevar’s reluctant response, as he looked away in faux disgust. 
“I didn’t think you would be so cruel as to keep a former friend in such a state.” Galar added, watching the scene unfold with heavy skepticism in his eyes. 
“Our relationship is very… Complex.” Voryn explained. “Friendship can be such a fragile thing in the end, easily disrupted by things such as duty, battle…” Voryn then smirked softly and sadistically as he forced Nerevar’s mouth open, sliding his thumb against his teeth as Nerevar’s eyes screwed shut in pure revulsion. “... Even affection.” He then ran his thumb against Nerevar’s tongue, watching him groan and try to pull away to no avail. “Circumstances change, and sometimes you need to make sacrifices.” Voryn then pulled his thumb out of Nerevar’s mouth, wiping the spit on Nerevar’s cheek, admiring the look of defiance in his eyes. 
“But do trust I will protect what’s mine, in my own way.” Voryn spoke, still looking at Nerevar’s eyes as if it was something specifically for the chimer at his feet to hear rather than anyone else. And then, he looked back up at Galar. “It may be cruel in the eyes of some, but our relationship is very layered and deep. We understand each other better than anyone.” Voryn looked absolutely sick with desire as he looked down at Nerevar, making him shudder involuntarily. Goosebumps broke out over his skin, though not from disgust as others might think. “Isn’t that right, Neht?” 
Nerevar didn’t have a good response, so instead he held his tongue, trying to look away. Voryn tugged his chin up more, his eyes demanding a response. His lips formed a thin line, refusing to respond, making Voryn give a long, disappointed sigh. “You always try my patience as of late, don’t you…” Voryn muttered, before letting go with a bit of aggression in his movements. 
“I suppose your relationships are none of my business.” Galar seemed to be convinced of their act for now, looking a little disgusted at the display. “Apologies again for the interruption. We would just hate to find out there might have been some foul play and theft at work.”
“You would accuse me of theft?” Voryn raised an eyebrow.
“No no,” Galar back peddled, laughing awkwardly. “I would never go so far as to accuse you of theft. I’m certain the young lord of House Dagoth has more than enough gold to buy one measly little slave.” He elaborated, trying to smooth it over. “But from an outsider's perspective the timing was quite ill fated, and if we don’t at least act like we’re looking into it, well…” Galar gave an apologetic smile. “Others might assume we are weak willed or fool hardy.” 
“Well we wouldn’t want that.” Voryn replied. “The dignity of Great Houses should always be preserved.” Voryn added, playing into the unity House Dres clung to. One might think House Dres would be combative and petty given their reputation as slave and plantation owners, but they actually supported the other Great Houses strongly, wanting to stand united. It’s why they appealed to law and the court system rather than only handling disputes themselves, after all. 
“I’m glad you feel the same.” Galar rose from his seat. “If it won’t trouble you, Lord Dagoth, we’ll only stay a few days and then leave back to Tear to finish sorting this out.” Voryn nodded as though he didn’t care one way or the other. “Rest assured, once we return back we’ll make sure your name is cleared.”
“That would be appreciated.” Voryn continued to rest in his seat, now stroking Nerevar’s hair once again. The men filed out to be escorted to their guest rooms, while Nerevar inwardly sighed in relief they were finally gone. After confirming the room was in fact entirely empty, Voryn set the pipe aside, inviting Nerevar to move up onto his lap. 
Nerevar could excuse it even though they weren’t acting at the moment as simply a precaution. After all, it was possible one of the noblemen would return claiming they “forgot” something. If Nerevar was seated on Voryn’s lap whispering in his ear, that was expected of a concubine. 
“You did well.” Voryn praised him as Nerevar rested comfortably against him, his head on Voryn’s shoulder. 
“Mm,” Nerevar hummed. “I barely did anything. You’re the one who did most of it.” 
“But your actions sold it.” Voryn smiled softly. “You aren’t uncomfortable anywhere, right?” 
Well, he wasn’t, except for his underwear getting soaked. But Voryn didn’t need to know that, so Nerevar shook his head. 
“I’m fine…” Gods Nerevar wished he could kiss him, but he knew he couldn’t afford to risk everything just to satisfy himself. Kissing was fine during practice or acting, but he reminded himself he wasn’t actually Voryn’s lover. They were friends--good friends who had to act like this due to circumstances. Nothing more or less. Voryn was doing him a favor, and Nerevar didn’t want to take advantage of it. 
“Should we put on another show?” Nerevar offered. “Plenty of time before dinner,” He continued, “And I’m sure it would really convince them of it.” He was telling the truth; from their act they would think Voryn could barely keep his hands off Nerevar, eager to take advantage of him now that Nerevar couldn’t escape. It would be unusual for them to not hear a lord and his new, beloved little concubine having sex, wouldn’t it? 
“What did you have in mind?” Voryn asked, rubbing gently at Nerevar’s scalp just like he knew Nerevar liked it. 
“Hmm…” Nerevar hummed contemplatively. “The baths could work,” The public bath was closer to the guest rooms after all, just within ear shot. “Or if you don’t mind the servants seeing us, you could take me in the hall.” Voryn’s fingers stopped their slow, small circles on his scalp for a brief moment, before they continued. 
“... The hall might be more convincing.” Voryn’s voice was slightly quieter. 
“We don’t have to if you don’t want to.” Nerevar stressed. “No no,” Voryn replied, “It would work the best. Besides,” Voryn gave a soft, reassuring smile. “I have an idea in mind.” Nerevar raised a brow, earning a chuckle. 
“How about this,” Voryn whispered softly in his ear. “I’ll act like I’m reprimanding you, scolding and spanking you while you struggle,” Nerevar already liked the sound of that; spanking was one of the few ‘punishments’ he really didn’t mind. “Before I take you hard and fast right against the wall.” 
“Sounds good.” Nerevar answered, trying hard to not let his own arousal show. Instead, he offered a mischievous grin as he and Voryn stood up.
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