#not really yakuza but literally no one i know would care about this shit
kamuro-junrenka · 1 year
So ive been obsessed with this minedai fanfic for a few months now and i asked the author i could translate it bc i read it like a million times and i wanted to do something with it and they gave me permission and man i really recommend translating fics bc you start appreciating things more and bc you have to read it very slowly as you translate and you imagine the scenarios way better, its actually very fun
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maddogofshimano · 10 months
The Fist of Reason: Majima Boss Rush
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Happy 5th anniversary to rggo! hard to believe it’s been this long already
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look at our festival boys! anyways lets get into this because I’m very excited
sometime after the events of Y1, Kiryu gets a call that Haruka has a fever. On his way to pick her up, he bumps into someone familiar...
[One day, some time after the strife caused by the Tojo Clan's stolen 10 billion yen was settled...]
Kiryu: Hello. ...Thank you for calling.
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Kiryu: ...Huh? Haruka's got a fever? ...I understand, I'll be there right away. <scene change to outside> Kiryu: .....
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<he bumps into someone> Kiryu: Oh, sorry. ???: Sorry? If sorry was enough to cut it, there wouldn't be yakuza! Majima: Ain't that right? Kiryu-chaaan!
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Kiryu: Majima no nii-san!? What are you doing at a place like this... Majima: What's so weird about that? If Kiryu-chan's somewhere, then Majima is too! Majima: Outside of that, the spot where ya just rammed into me hurts like hell... Majima: Shit, ya probably broke the bone... Hehe, what're ya gonna do? Kiryu: People with broken bones don't laugh about it. Sorry, but I'm in a rush right now. Majima: Why ya bein' so cold~? We ain't seen each other in ages.
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Kiryu: We can talk more next time. Like I said, I'm in a rush. Majima: Too bad! No matter what ya say, ya gotta beat me if ya wanna go!! Hehehe! Kiryu: Tch...! Kiryu: Give it a damn rest already! Haruka has a fever! Majima: ! ........ Majima: What the hell... I didn't know that. Majima: I'm sorry for this. Go on, hurry up 'n' get gone.
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Kiryu: .....Damn. <he runs off>
[And then, 3 months later...]
Kiryu: ...I haven't seen Majima no nii-san around here since then.
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Kiryu: (I thought he was the kind of person to come back the next day for a fight, but...) Kiryu: ........... Kiryu: (Even if I was in a rush at the time, did I speak too harshly to him...?) Kiryu: (Of course I don't think a guy like him would be dejected from that... Well, it is possible...) ???: Kiryu no ojiki (tl note: ojiki is an honorific that's literally "dad's younger brother" which is used for patriarchs less senior than your own. Nishida usually uses it) Kiryu: ...Hm? Kiryu: You're that Majima Family guy...
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Nishida: About that... My boss is going to be put in jail. Kiryu: What...!? Nishida: It happened yesterday... Our family is supposed to be running a festival... Nishida: In the middle of it some thugs started acting up, and they got into a fight with our family members. Nishida: So now they've issued a warrant for my boss, since he was the one in charge... Kiryu: What is Majima no nii-san going to do? Nishida: He thinks it would be futile to resist, so he's waiting at the festival site for the police to arrive. Kiryu: What? Nishida: My boss has been acting oddly for the past 3 months or so. He doesn't have any energy, and seems pretty depressed. Kiryu: 3 months... it can't be. Nishida: And so, my boss really wants to see you before he goes to jail... Kiryu: Me...? Nishida: Yes. He said he has something to tell you, so... Kiryu: ...Got it. Lead the way. Nishida: Y-Yes sir! <they leave> Majima: ......... (tl note: I'm sorry the image of him just holding that pose in that outfit while waiting for the cops to show is so funny to me)
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Kiryu: ...Majima no nii-san. Majima: ...Oh, Kiryu-chan, ya showed.
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Majima: Excuse my appearance. I was up on a float till now. Kiryu: ...I just spoke with Nishida. Are you really going to jail? Majima: ...Yeah. Orders from on high, can't be helped. I'll be awfully lonely during those years... Majima: That said, I won't be botherin' ya any more, Kiryu-chan. Kiryu: ...... Majima: I'm sorry for all the trouble I've caused ya. ...I wanted to at least say that, before I went to jail. Kiryu: ...That's not like you. Kiryu: Are you really going to let your underlings see you leave the outside world with such a pathetic display? Majima: ...I don't really care either way. Kiryu: ........... Kiryu: ...Good grief. You acting this way is completely infuriating to me. Kiryu: It can't be helped, this is a big favor. ...I'll get you all fired up again.
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Majima: Hah...? Kiryu: You know the best way I can cheer you up? ...Come at me, Majima. Majima: ...!
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Majima: Is this... are you pickin' a fight with me?
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Kiryu: Heh, isn't that what I just said? Majima: ........Hee, hehehe! Majima: Kiryu-chan, you're always the best! Majima: Let's get started...! Kiryu-chan!!!!
<event happens, Receive and Bite You is the theme>
Majima: Hehe... As always, Kiryu-chan... you're tough as nails...
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Kiryu: Heh... You are too. (tl note: RARE KIRYU SMILING SPRITE)
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Majima: Oi oi, you're sayin' somethin' nice? Kiryu: Majima no nii-san... I'm sorry. Majima: Ah? Kiryu: For what happened 3 months ago. Kiryu: I was flustered, and I snapped at you. Majima: ........As always, Kiryu-chan, you're soft as a marshmallow~. I'm astounded. Kiryu: ....? Nishida: E-Excuse me! Kiryu no ojiki!
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Nishida: The truth is... My boss going to jail was a lie in order to get you to show up... Kiryu: What? Then... was him being depressed also a lie... Majima: It was aaaaall an act! Majima: I was pretendin' to be put off by how ya talked to me so ya'd feel sympathetic, then after worryin' ya for long enough-- Majima: I'd reveal it was all a ruse, 'n' you'd get pissed off enough to throw down! That was the plan! Majima: It played out a little differently than intended, but, we still had a fight so it's all good. Kiryu: .....Heh, you're such an ass. (tl note: TWO smiles!! unprecedented.)
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Majima: What, you're not mad? Kiryu: I had a feeling that something like this was going on. Majima: Then why'd'ya fight me? Kiryu: ...When it's with you, I can go all out in a fight. Kiryu: ...If I really think on it, I guess I enjoy fighting with you. Just a bit. (tl note: THIRD smile!!!)
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Majima: !!..... Hehehehehe!! Heeey~! I knew it!!
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Majima: C'mon, let's go another round! Hearin' ya say that's gotten me all worked up again! Kiryu: ...Heh, sure. It's a festival, after all. It's a good excuse to really cut loose. Majima: Hell yes!! Let's do this... Kiryu-chaaaaaa~n!!!! Nishida: A-Ah... This won't end until the sun comes up...
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bonus stuff:
oh wow. oh man. that was pretty gay. between this and like a dragon: gaiden: the man who erased his name (lad gai man) thank you ryu ga gotoku studios for sending me birthday presents
obligatory boss rush pic
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also a bonus shot of Kiryu’s apartment
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the two new cards for this are “Mad Dog of the Festival Stage” and “Dragon of the Festival Band”
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and since it was a festival I also put together a very special team to repeatedly kick Majima’s ass 
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Hiiii bonten Rindou hc???? Pleaseee. Love him frr
To be honest, I intended for this to be almost exclusively for haikyuu… BUT FOR YOU MY FRIEND! *pounds chest* I SHALL GIVE YOU THE RINNY OF YOUR DREAMS. Also you didn’t specify what kind you want so ima give you my finest shit, which happens to be my head cannon prowess. (Totally not because I hate writing dialogue, no,no, that’s so stupid 😳) Also important side note: I aint spend days finishing the Tok rev manga not to use it tf outta here. Tokrev and Jjk content is welcomed proudly.
idk if I’ll make a part 2, but on the off chance I do, look foreword to girldad Rinny content.
status: unedited
warnings: cursing, slightly sexual situations (but no smut), mafia bs, blood? Fluffy bullshit, Rindou being a dick hole, the ick, my bad Spanish
💜Bonten Rindou Hataini. Headcannons~💜
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The first thing off the bat, I definitely think he is on the demisexual spectrum. I know everyone else be saying that he would be all about just sleeping around like that, but to be honest, I think that that’s more of a Ran thing. I feel like the only reason he would go to strip clubs and shit like that for work, and would actually be really grossed out when people would coddle him. If he was to have a significant other, it would have to be someone he has known for a long time, or from his old delinquent days. My best idea would be a calm friend who would give him the notes from his skipped classes. And in return he’d take them out for food or some shit. Somewhere along the way y’all would just be like, “we’re totally together right?” “Duh, why else would I put up with you.” Yeah he a lil bitch.
Any way, as for him as an adult, all I gotta say is “Mmmm Papí ¿quieres una besito?~”. Like Jesus Christ man has no right being this freaking fine. Sexy Jellyfish ass boy
Yakuza Daddy🥵. This man will spoil the everlasting shit outta you, and go to Walmart for his own shit. But had does it in the most obnoxious way possible. He gets you a necklace? “Hey babe, gotchu this, your old one was musty af, take better care of your shit.” Awww you want a new dress? “Sure babe, but just know that thing barely covers shit, and will be gone by the end of the night.” You want something just random? “Wtf am I a walking ATM? No, pick it tf up, I’m buying it, you can’t stop me. Quit arguing before I buy you 3 more.”
But when it comes to himself? Yeah he only indulges in suits and Jordan’s. Other than that, he has an avengers shirt he had since he was 12 and a pinball machine. That’s the extent of his possessions. Well that and the watch you got him for his birthday, but shhhhh he can’t let you know he cares ewwwww.
Man is literally the biggest (for lack of better word) Tsundere. Like Top three in anime. Like you got 1.Kageyama 2.Sasuke 3. Him. Like manz would rather die than say he cares. His love language is quality time and gift giving, so he’s more show you he loves you, but won’t say it first. The kinda mf that when you say I love you to them say, “Yeah I know, I love me too if only there was someone out there who loved you.” Like manz is so obvious I wanna kiss him to shut him the fuck up. (I think I have a type.) like bro the me love you tf?
In terms of icks there is one thing I no for fact. This mf wears socks to bed. And not the cute fluffy kind. The musty ass crusty socks he wore all day, then stepped in water, and now you gotta deal with it while yall cuddling. I hate this mf.
On a more serious note, because of his Bonten Bs, he doesn’t have a lot of time for us. So we make time. His time. We just barge in during his meetings, lay across his lap, watch TikTok’s, while everyone (him) are just looking like “is this bitch serious!?” >:|
Anyways, because he’s so busy all the time, the majority of what he wants to do when he gets home is just to sprawl out on the couch and just stay there. You can cuddle with him too or whatever he doesn’t mind🙄. But fair warning, he’s the kinda dude who is only ever in the mood for either ww2 documentary’s or like deep sea documentary’s. Like mf has the same movie taste as my dad, I can’t with him. It’s a good day when you can convince him to try something actually entertaining. And you know what he picks? The Fucking exorcist. He’s an asshole. The kinda dude to pretend he’s unfazed, but his left leg physically won’t stop shaking.
speaking of movies, I know I say this every time, but scream Halloween costumes. Yes. Give me Rinny as ghostface please, I’ll freaking sell my soul. Especially if it’s not the robe but one of the like dry fit and leather harness- *incomprehensible pterodactyl noises* 🥵
anyway back to cuddling, his go to position is literally the Hakari and Kirara thing. Like this mf will always have a hand on your ass. He doesn’t like PDA but this? Yeah you can’t stop him. He is an ass guy, it’s just where his hand naturally gravitates.
I cannot explain the urge to play daddies home by usher every time I see him. Like he and my baby daddy Gojo have partial custody over that song. Like bro. Yes.
Tbh I don’t see him having a big wedding. Or any wedding. I think his thing would be just handing you his debit card and saying “pick some shit out. No, don’t worry bout the price I’m rich for a reason.” And after that yall just elope to some tropical place across the planet for like a month.
speaking of travel it’s a pretty common thing for you. Just that it’s always last minute. Like bro don’t even give you time to brag to the your friends. Man just pulls up 10 minutes before y’all need to go to the airport and says, “get ready, we’re going to France. How long? Idk a month? Boo hoo bitch. Stay home then. Mhm that’s wtf k thought”. Manz is such an ass but you gotta love a walking wallet.
My last thought I’m gonna share is how he physically won’t use nicnames. Like babe is the physically most he can bring himself to do. Maybe baby. He gives himself the ick every time he thinks of doing anything else
all in all, he’s the one who is always there for you, and expects the same. He’s a great guy, under all the stress and yakuza bs. Treat him well, or I’ll treat him better😤
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ sorry this took me so long to write, I’m working on another request too, and more importantly, my final exams for collage, love that. But even do, if you liked this, please like and request something, and I will definitely be posting. Love y’all so much, I’ll see yall later.
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Hi, im very sorry if this has already been answered or established somewhere else but im curious, with your Kazumaji stuff, around what time did they start dating (i.e. after the events of Yakuza 0 and all that) and how?
tbh, I dunno!
I don't really have an established date for that cuz sometimes I'm like man they'd be really cute during y0 and then other times I set it between post y0 and the beginning of y1. The latest they would start me thinks is some months after the events of y1 but in general it sorta depends on how I'm feeling and what silly scenarios play in my head
ideas under the cut tho 👀
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if we're talking y0: I like to think Kiryu has to go to Sotenbori for some reason, be it business or he's there with Nishiki for some partying. he sees Majima at the Grand being depressed and is like "damn girl those bags under your eyes makes my dick go *boing sound effect*" and asks him out 🥺 Kiryu gets rejected immediately cuz Majima's in this cycle of 'I deserve nothing but pain and suffering' but Kiryu can't read the room so he is persistently showing up at the Grand despite Majima very obviously wanting to kick his ass. eventually he relents and goes on cute™ dates with Kiryu and realizes oof maybe human intimacy be kinda gucci
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if between y0 and y1: Majima's fresh in his mad dog era starting shit with people just to be annoying and Kiryu's one of his targets mainly due to the events of y0. he's kinda like "lol this goober really did some important plot stuff, huh?" and his curiosity gets the better of him because Kiryu is an enigma who eats bugs and Majima cannot suppress his need to get some sense of understanding on this weirdo. in this timeline, it's more one-sided affection from Majima that comes in the form of stabbing while Kiryu is desperately trying to fight the gay allegations and failing. eventually he caves but it's a sorta unofficial, on and off thing that Kiryu doesn't really know how to evaluate for himself. Majima doesn't really care what they are since he's high on life atm and has a cute dude with big boobs on his arm
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if during y1: literally just everything Majima Everywhere. Goromi. GOROMI 😩💦 Kiryu is all: I LIKE PUSSY but everyone's like okay big man then why's Majima pole dancing for you huh. the two braincells he has start to click and he realizes maybe Majima wants to hold hands or something unthinkable like that. ngl I like to think Kiryu's thing for Yumi is like a demisexual bi thing where he's like, I do love her but she don't zap my brain quite like the bowlcut freak who knows how to punch me real good and it becomes sorta his personal introspective journey during this time. Majima is also floating in the space of am I doing this for his benefit cuz "training" or am I falling for this dork. he's pretty sad about it cuz of the Saejima reminder vibes but eventually Kiryu falls into his own person that Majima really meshes with and the two of them struggle to actually voice how they feel all the while their pants are down in some dirty alley
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if after y1: (going to insert shit from a fic I'm working on) Kiryu's absolutely devastated with what happened in the Millennium Tower + now having to take care of Haruka that he's shut himself off from everyone and everything other than doing the bare minimum to live. in comes Majima being a menace like yo you can't like, let a child parent herself you gotta get outta this slump and Kiryu's all fuck you stop breaking into my house. so it's a long pain in the ass process to help Kiryu deal with his grief while Majima keeps unintentionally making googoo eyes at him and both of them are like boy I sure hope this doesn't awaken anything within me. there's also a lotta dadjima stuff going on and Kiryu's like wowie zowie so you do have a heart and Majima's like no way loser while being just 😳👉👈
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sannoh-rengokai · 1 year
The Worst X Reaction:
Boyfriends, boyfriends everywhere.
Maybe spoilers ahead, if you haven’t seen it yet.
Things I liked:
THEY FINALLY GAVE TSUKASA A REAL ROLE AND STORYLINE 🙌 If you’ve read my reaction to The Worst, you know the lack of depth for Tsukasa and his friendship with Fujio was one of my biggest gripes. I didn’t like the series telling us they were best friends and partners but they never actually showed us their bond. There was no substance to their friendship and I hated it so much BUT THEY HEARD MY COMPLAINTS FIXED IT. Not just on the Tsukasa/Fujio friendship but also on the complete under utilization of Tsukasa as a character. Like the guy was literally the main character in Episode.0 then he was just... there... for The Worst? There was almost no point to him as a character especially after they brought in Fujio’s childhood friends (and yes, I’m still mad about that lmfao) but this time around they actually gave him some depth. Fujio might be the leader but Tsukasa is the core and heart of Oya High and I won’t hear anything different. (I still haven’t seen 6 from The Worst so if this changed before X whoops lol)
If Murayama could see Todoroki now, he would lose his goddamn mind lmfao. TODOROKI SAYING HE HAS FRIENDS TO PROTECT NOW??? I have been waiting SIX YEARS to hear those words coming from his mouth AND IT FINALLY HAPPENED AND HE CALLED FUJIO “HIS” LEADER ON TOP OF THAT? I’m crying my baby boy is all grown up 😭💕 This is the most character development he’s gotten since season 2, where is Murayama to see this?!?!?
“Fishing buddies” Todoroki and Odajima. Listen, LISTEN. I expected like one jokey throwaway line about them being fishing buddies but then I got a full fledged genuine friendship between them?! I’ve been fed, this will fuel me for an eternity. I ship it so much.
Odajima being That Guy for Housen while Sachio is away. He got so much screen time I was shocked lol.
I really liked the way the Raoh storyline went. I figured they were going down this route when they kept stressing the ~legend~ of Raoh then I knew the moment Fujio saw the orphanage he was going to crumble like a wet paper bag for him lol. 
I said this on a personal post but the innocence of this movie compared to The Worst or the main series was really cute. Like, sure they’re being violent little shits but it was purely about teppen and they kept it between themselves. There was no secret drug rings or yakuza, just a bunch of dumb kids being dumb kids. I’m just saying it was nice to not fear for their lives for once lol
Things I didn’t like:
They could have gone a bit farther with the Fujio/Tsukasa friendship still but I’ll let it pass this time around.
Amagai doesn’t deserve Suzaki and no one got to call him out on it. He should have actually stabbed Ryo and showed real remorse if they wanted me to believe he cared about him. I don’t believe it. This is poor writing. This is my issue with Fujio and Tsukasa all over again lol
The repeated scenes from The Worst were a bit meh. Did we really need everyone’s healthy partner to get hurt this time around?
I think that’s it? Idk I don’t take these movies too seriously on the plot side, just the character side and that was chef’s kiss this time so I loved it!!!
Also people who don’t like ~the power of friendship~ cheesiness need to find something else to watch. It’s been this way since season one??? What have you been watching? It’s saved Noboru, Murayama, Hyuga, Chiharu, Kohaku and literally (almost) everyone since then. Hello????? How do you make it this far into the series hating the power of friendship? lmao 
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lara635kookie · 1 year
Ship Analysis pt. 5:
Red Crackle, Carmivy and Carulia.
When Gray says he is that guy, he's always been that guy, Carmen says to him he's not and it's never too late to change, but I think Gray, just like Shadowsan at the start of the series, thought of himself as irredeemable. Because that's how V.I.L.E. works. They don't give a damn shit about you and repeatedly show that but because of their alluring skills they manipulate you into thinking they care about you and staying there it's what's best for you. For example Sonia was almost manipulated into V.I.L.E. by the thought of financial stability. We know for the application video Maelstrom shows that it wasn't the case for Gray as he had a pretty good job, just wanted some something even "more lucrative" so what was in it for Gray? We'll never know for sure, but considering his orphan background it probably was the illusion of the feeling of familiar union and security V.I.L.E. passes. The only character that may be an exception to this rule is Paper Star. I do believe she has a darker background just like everyone else at V.I.L.E. must have but the difference is that just like Maelstrom, she is criminally insane. They are the only persons at V.I.L.E. I would call truly evil. And honestly we need more of that. Villains that are evil just because they are and it has nothing to do with being misunderstood or something. Don't get me wrong, I like villains with that kind of depth but you can show a villain who really is evil and still has depth without a sad and tragic backstory. I feel like we have too much of those and I'm not saying it should stop, but have a balance between the two types of villain, so it won't get boring. Carmen Sandiego made it pretty well since we have villains like Gray and Paper Star. Also, while Gray was a villain, he was also more of an antagonist. He thinks differently and opposes to Carmen, the protagonist. And because of that, I think the stake is being held too high for Gray. As far as we know, Gray never killed anyone. Chief killed Carmen's FATHER and Shadowsan was a part of the YAKUZA. And if you know at least a little bit about Yakuza and how brutal they are, it's delusional to think Shadowsan has never killed anyone for them. His main weapon was a literal samurai sword! If he's never killed anyone, he had at the very least cut someone's legs or arms, or something that made them not die immediately in the moment, but after. The chances that Shadowsan never killed anyone are low. Almost non-existent. I think overall he probably did more harm to people than Gray ever did, even if he regretted before. Do not get it wrong, I like Shadowsan's character, because of how complex he is(it's kinda the same thing with Gray) but I think these aspects about his past actions are things to consider when mentioning his character. Even with these things I said, most people like Shadowsan and Chief(sometimes, it depends on what she's doing). Most people also like PAPER STAR, the truly evil person here, and yet Gray is the character that divides opinions. He's that 8 or 80 character:or you love him or you hate him. There seems to be no middle term between the fandom. Why is that? For me, it's because, out of all the character of the show, he's the one that leaves more room for speculations. Like Chief said:"You're a walking enigma, Calloway." So a lot of his actions can be interpreted in ways we'll never truly know the answer for. This person has a seemingly negative outcome on Gray, forgetting his good side and I'm trying to show both sides here. This person believes those things and can keep believing it because we'll never have confirmation so me, as an optimistic positive person, I choose to see Gray in that light.
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lampochkaart · 7 months
in regards to your danganronpa asks;
#13 and #14?
Hi, anon! Thank you for the question. Sorry it took me so long to answer😅
13. What is your OTP?
My OTP is probably obvious, it's Oumota. But I also wanna list some of the other pairings from all the games.
From THH I think I enjoyed Aoi and Sakura's relationship the most. However you interpret it, they really form an interesting and kinda unexpected duo. They really care about eachother and their story is very tragic💔
I kinda love Makoto x Kyoko x Byakuya as well. I think they have a very fun dynamic and should all hold hands and care for eachother (even though some might not want to show it).
Also, I like Tokomaru! They're very cute and I like how they supported eachother and helped eachother grow throughout the game!
From Goodbye Despair I think I love Komahina the most. I think they have a very complicated, but interesting relationship. I don't know how to properly articulate my thoughts about them, but I really enjoyed their interactions in game x)
I also like Hajime x Fuyuhiko, their dynamic is also really fun. I like how Fuyuhiko treats Hajime with respect, even though he himself is a yakuza, and even tells him, after Hajime's talent (or rather lack thereof) got revealed, that his opinion on Hinata didn't change a bit. They're kinda similar in a way, and I think they can really get along.
From DRV3, well... I think you only have to take one look at my blog to easily tell that I LOVE oumota. They are literally my everything!! I love them so much!! They have such an interesting dynamic. They are polar opposites yet they have so much in common. They have a lot of shared interests and they can really challenge eachother's worldviews. Also, willingly or not, they've become a really important part of eachother's lives. I think, even though they have a lot of conflicts with eachother, they can find a middle ground, not fully agreeing with other's point of view, but accepting and respecting it. I think if they unite, they'll literally become unstoppable💜💫
Honestly, I could talk about them for ages...
Other ship from V3 that I really like is Saimatsu. Although Kaede wasn't there for long, the interactions they've had were really sweet and heartwarming. Plus, I enjoy their contrast in personalities and designs. And I now always think of them when I hear Clair de Lune💔
I also lately found myself kinda interested in Amamatsu. Their interactions in game are really fun, and they seem to enjoy eachother's company. I was neutral to this pairing, but some fanfics made me really like it.
Also, I've come to really like Tenmiko for the same reason. Even though Tenko's obsession with Himiko is kinda weird, but in Chapter 3 we see, that she really cares about Himiko and want's to help her become more open and active. And Tenko actually is important for Himiko. Too bad she realised it too late. But because of Tenko Himiko actually tried her best to improve. It was hard for her, very hard, but she put all the energy she had to try to become the person Tenko would be proud of.
14. What is your NOTP?
I don't think I have any pairings that I actually hate (with exeption of obvious fucked up shit like pedophilia and incest, but that goes without saying). But there are several ships that I'm not a huge fan of.
One of them is Hyoko x Mikan, it just makes me uncomfortable.
And also I'm not a fan of Saiouma/Oumasai. I don't really have an explaination. Any of the things I don't like about it are probably coming from me not liking this ship, rather than being a reason why I don't like it. So, just not my thing, I guess.
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arcplaysgames · 2 years
So as far as beach episodes go: P4G > P3P > P5R
this one was a snoozefest, so let's touch on the important bits that stand out and then talk about Beige Boy and Solid Snake.
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One, I have fully turned against Ryuji on the basis of his frequent and repeated disregard for Morgana as a part of the team and frankly as a full person. I am getting really teed the fuck off because for the last five hours or so of gametime, I have been watching Mona get more and more anxious about his place and about whether anyone on the team cares about him and his journey to the heart of Mementos
and at every fucking opportunity, Ryuji basically reinforces to Morgana yeah, you're not really one of the guys, you're not really part of the team, you're the mascot.
If I had agency in the world of this game, I would take Ryuji aside for a Fucking Discussion about this, because the fuse is lit and I am certain we are headed for a rift between Morgana and the team,a nd you know what? I'm on Morgana's side. He should be pissed, he should be hurt, because I'm hurt on his behalf just watching this unfold.
Fucking Ryuji, you are the bottom barrel of the Token Best Friends. Yosuke would never do me like this*. And if Junpei were here, he'd be Morgana's BFF, are you kidding.
(* in fact yosuke did the Literal Opposite and adopted the 'mascot character' lmao fuck you ryuji)
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Yusuke is the fucking load-bearing column holding this game up, i swear to god. I have never understood the Moronsexual joke until right now. I imagine Reverie is like "I have to marry him, he'd be fucking hopeless without me???? it's just the right thing to DO"
Alas, Atlus hates me.
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Futaba trying to grab the lobsters while Yusuke holds them out of her reach is the best rigging and animation this game has given us thus far.
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Futaba picks her name, Oracle. And she is explicitly here to learn more about her mother's research, less to save people. Which is respectable and she's very up front about it.
THAT'S THE BEACH TRIP. like this one just was..... ugh. it had the weird queerphobic stuff again and it pulled the "the boys try to pull girls and fail" gag again but this time with ZERO charm at all. I remember that scene in P4G with Kanji, Yosuke, and Reverie was one of my favorites because it was genuinely really funny. This had nothing.
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blah blah blah evil evil evil blah blah blah
i have at this point accepted that Persona just sucks at foreshadowing the Big Bad of their games and P3 was a fluke. interested to see how P2 does when I eventually play it.
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oh shit this game caught some of the Sony Hot Sad Dads disease, huh? Iwai has a dweeby looking son named Kaoru and he's ex-yakuza.
Do I like Iwai or do i just miss MGS2 Solid Snake? Who could say.
Also his shop theme tune fucks severely, it sounds like SMT4.
Anyway, after that we're having very domestic funtime at the cafe when
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oh shit Beige Alert
Futaba immediately hides behind Reverie because she got Vibe Radar. Vibedar, if you will.
I feel like when Akechi enters your vicinity, your phone should get one of those emergency PSAs. Like when a tornado touches down in your county.
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Okay so. /points. Eyes closed.
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The fuck is happening here. Like, bruh, you showed up and immediately mentioned the lady who threatened Sojiro's custody of his daughter, and now you are looking like a wounded puppy because it turned the atmosphere frosty.
You did that, homeboy, that was you. I know you are astute enough to know that.
He sadly drinks his coffee and reveals his backstory: he was raised by a single mom who died soon after, then got stuck in the foster care system for a while.
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THAT FAKEASS SMILE AGAIN. See, this is why I know he stirred up the hostile energy on his arrival on purpose, he is extremely good at tone and social cues, enough so that he can use or not use them to his advantage.
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I would tell Reverie to install a deadbolt on his door but he doesn't have a door lmao this is going to be great
I keep saying this but: Bryan Fuller vibes. My god, Bryan Fuller vibes.
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Futaba realizes she missed the fireworks festival so she runs out to get some small fireworks, and Morgana goes with her to make sure she's okay.
Morgana is the fucking best. He really gives a shit and puts himself out there for people and I just want him to be appreciated dammit!
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This is Reverie's family now, yep. See that gurl? She is his sister. See that old man? That's his dad. Yep!
Also Sojiro doesn't even know Morgana is a person and treats him better than Ryuji.
yeah this is me going full kill bill sirens on Ryuji, sorry. i will slam dunk him into a fucking dumpster, i'm so angry with him for his MANY MANY fuck ups and, specifically, how he doesn't seem to learn or grow from any of them.
I think that's my beef with him. Like, P3P, Junpei did multiple big fuck ups, but he both apologized explicitly for them and also learned from them and became a better person for it. He was my ultimate ride or die. I romanced Akihiko but my true love was my broship with Junpei.
Yosuke also fucked up a lot and even went full Joker Mode once, but he also experienced one of the longest arcs of character growth in the game. I remember when I started to like him after being tepid on him for the first third of the game and how annoyed I was that he was growing as a person!!!! But he wound up being a fave.
I need Ryuji to get his shit together and start growing tf up bc I am real sick of his self-important bullshit and how he steps on Morgana's feelings. I am hoping whatever the upcoming blow-up with Morgana is leads him to wake tf up, but also I'm not holding my breath.
At least I have Ann and Yusuke.
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crazy-fangirl2524 · 1 year
Why all for the game series got us all so hooked
An attempt at combining everything I’ve read on tumblr and recent (re)discovery I have from rereading the books for the fourth time:
We all know it’s the characters. But why? Yeah they are real and raw and resonant with us. Neil and Andrew and Kevin and foxes story captivated us. Let’s start with Neil:
Neil Josten. A runaway that stated so many times how alone and lonely he is. How he is a nobody. He insisted on all that and couldn’t care more or less for his teammates throughout the first book. But his character development is astounding. We can see him actually choosing to stay in the end of the first book. When he decided to strike a deal with Andrew who he didn’t trust at all to stay. He rationalised it at Andrew letting him stay because Andrew was the main antagonist throughout the first book even though we have been hinted throughout the book that the real threat to Neil’s life is his father. So he deal with the easier one first.
Then in the second book, we can see glimpse of how he is becoming “real” and how his teammates treat him as a friend but he didn’t even realise and in just less than half a year he managed to have friends and by the end of the second book he is literally willing to die for them. He cares for them. His teammates care for him. And most importantly andrew.
Yeah Andrew is the main focus and let’s just say all of us were as shocked as Neil at his confession in the third book (unless we all knew from the start but) even after reading the books multiple times. It is actually not that obvious that Andrew likes Neil. Because neil himself didn’t notice.
Here is a sidetracked paragraph about the narration. The narration is flawless. The pov is strictly neil and it is so neil that all he cares about is exy and survival and so that’s all we cared about in the first book. But as his priorities shift in the second book. We begin to care for the others too. He doesn’t waste his time describing the setting of places or cloths or people. There are barely any descriptions except for the court and during the exy games. Until the third book when neil begin describing Andrew when he realised his feelings. The narration got us hooked from the start when he didn’t even tell us his real name until riko said it. And the narration allow us to feel his fear and confusion and apathy and did it so seamlessly that we can’t help but fall in love with exy as neil did and slowly for Andrew and the foxes and of course neil himself.
People talked about the plot holes and ridiculous plot of yakuza and a fake sport and shit but is the plot really that ridiculous? There are books about faeries and vampires and romances where it literally would never happen in real life and people want to argue that a make up sport and yakuza is plot holes??? The fast pace plot itself is what got me hooked first and not the characters (but the characters are what made me stay) the pacing and narration is perfect and I don’t know why people cant see it. Everything make sense and it is all possible just because it’s not the usual thing that is written in books and do I have to remind you all this is an entirely fictional series??
Now onto Andrew. Andrew minyard is first presented as the antagonist and one of the threats and then into a teammate Neil valued and then suddenly boom he is the freaking love interest. We were as shock as Neil at first but rereading for the nth time it is so obvious from the way neil can understand Andrew whereas even his family and those closest to him couldn’t. Not for the lack of trying though (yes they all tried, just maybe not hard enough but I’ll say it is also because it’s impossible for them)
Andrew minyard is impossible. He didn’t let anyone in. He doesn’t explain himself at all or anything or his actions. Neil josten is just smart enough and on the same wave length as him. Nicky and Aaron and Kevin and the rest of the foxes couldn’t understand Andrew because they don’t think like him. Neil josten came to the conclusion that Andrew killed his mother for Aaron because he cared for him. Nicky cannot because he could never kill anyone so he cannot imagine why Andrew will do it for someone even though it’s his brother and to his mother of all people. Neil understand because he understand how Andrew works. Yes you can argue others can try harder and try to ask but will you still ask if you never get straight answers? Why is it only renee ever got close with Andrew? Because renee is the same as Andrew and she understands. No of course I’m not blaming Andrew for not explaining himself because god knows he doesn’t have to to people that he know won’t understand him. But I’m also not going to blame the people that doesn’t understand him. Yes we can say the foxes are wrong for always calling Andrew soulless and a monster but what else are they suppose to do? They see Andrew as violent and Andrew never bothered to correct them and Andrew is violent but they just cannot see the reasoning behind it.
Andrew minyard has been through so much and after the foxes realised just what he had been through (they don’t even know about his childhood only know about drake they don’t know it was since seven years old they don’t know it’s more than one person) they begin to understand his boundaries more and that’s when they get closer.
Andrew minyard is so strong for surviving all that. Imagine since a baby, since you are seven. It’s a miracle that he hasn’t killed more people or killed himself. It makes perfect sense why he is the way he is and yeah people get mad that why in the EC Nora was like Andrew will never heal and stuff but that’s just EC you can interpret and imagine after the books yourself. In just the last book you can see how much Andrew has opened up once someone truly truly understands him and see all of him without flinching away.
It can’t be anyone else. Of course it is Neil josten because Neil is the only other person that understands protecting yourself. Using whatever means. And Neil josten understands the possessive claim Andrew has because Andrew never had control over anything in his entire life (just like how Neil runs all the time) and Neil josten is just as possessive of his people as Andrew minyard are (Neil holds on so tightly too. He is willing to die for the foxes by book two already) yeah renee understands Andrew but she was saved whereas Andrew was dammed even more. Wymack has already been there and done that so it is different for him. Bee is still just a psychiatrist she can only understand so much. So of course it is Neil. Neil who can challenge and understand and push andrews buttons just right.
Now Aaron minyard. For as long as I remember the fandom has make Aaron minyard into someone that has always hated Neil josten. That isn’t the case. Aaron didn’t hate Neil josten. He just didn’t care for any of the foxes. He only hates Neil josten when he gets with his brother and justifiably so. He hates Neil josten becaude Aaron minyard tried so hard to get to know his brother and all he got in return is a dead mother and a brother that is not willing to speak to him. Imagine you are Aaron. You are desperate and then you found out you have a brother and you tried with him but he rejected you again and again and then last straw was when he seemingly killed your mother. The one thing you have always had. And then your brother doesn’t talk to you again. Aaron’s grief of course won’t allow him to see it how Neil as an outsider can see. And then this fucking outsider come in and wreck the team got one of the teammates killed even and he’s the fucking son of the butcher and he lies and lies and lies and he gets with your brother. Your brother who has been a sexually assaulted victim for who knows how long. And this liar and mafia kid comes in and get with your brother. Your brother and entire family and team love and trust this guy even though all he does is lie and make trouble for your team. (Yes Aaron understand neil is not really the bad guy and Aaron literally did not care about Neil even after everything until Baltimore and neil and Andrew is obviously a thing) so yeah Aaron justifiably hates Neil because his brother that apparently killed his mother for him and saved him from rapists but is more willing to trust someone he met less than a year ago than Aaron himself.
Now Kevin day. I’ll be honest and say I didn’t care for him at all in my first read. After rereading again and all the tumblr post I’m literally in love with the man. People say he is a coward but we all know he isnt. The way he manage to relearn an entire sport with his nondominant is not only impressive but also nearly impossible. He did it through sheer determination and spite and fear. Exy is all he has and he’s so goddamn good at it. His relationship with Andrew is so precious. He is the first one to see something in Andrew and actually try to give Andrew something. He is andrews first friend that isn’t related by blood that isn’t forced to be by Andrew’s side through any family obligation or whatever. And Andrew trusts Kevin enough with his medicine. Kevin trusts Andrew to protect him from his biggest fear and nightmare and abuser. Kevin is willing to teach Neil even when he knows Neil doesn’t have a future. He is willing to waste time and effort in neil because Neil cares about exy as much as he does. Neil chose to sign with the foxes because of kevin. Neil wants kevin to make it. When he realised kevin hasn’t escaped either he does his damn best to get kevin out of it through winning exy games and trying his best to get them to championship. The book doesn’t end with Neil beating his father. The book ends with the foxes beating the ravens. Ends with kevin winning against riko. All for the game. Neil played and survived all for exy and half of it is also for kevin. All for the game. These two are like twin flames that their lives are nothing compare to their love for exy and obsession for each other.
Nicky hemmick. The guy that doesn’t have to take care of his cousins and were under absolute no obligation to help them and provide them a home and drop his entire life in Germany and leave his boyfriend and get treated like shit by them and as a joke by everyone on his team. Yeah nicky assaulted neil and that’s no excuse and it’s not justified at all. Andrew minyard assaulted neil and drugged him too. All the monsters assaulted neil. Just because Nicky’s assaults are different from Andrew doesn’t make them more wrong. It’s all wrong. And if we are going to hold accountability to the characters every single one of the foxes including wymack are all wrong and should go to jail. So yes I don’t condone nicky on kissing Neil but I don’t think that’s what the fandom should always hold against nicky. If nicky had punched Neil instead yall wouldn’t have this big of a reaction. (And yes of course I understand why the fandom is more freaked out over Nicky’s sexual assault but I don’t think we should all hate nicky for it) nicky knows it’s wrong and yeah his commenst are too much but he toned it down and even stopped after Andrew said so and after he can see how Neil is genuinely not interested. If nicky is really the predator yall make him to be Andrew minyard will be the first one to kill him.
Also about exy. The way neil describes it oh my gods how can you NOT be obsess with exy as well? And the way Andrew Kevin and neil is so so good at exy that you just feel it like most of us aren’t sport fans but exy makes us into one. Imagine being the FASTEST STRIKER like you don’t get it the fastest fucking striker and then you earn 3 MILLION per year on average as a pro exy player like. And and. Andrew minyard shutting down the goal. Someone recently calculated that remember the 150 goals shot and he only let in 13??? The games are 90 minutes. That’s more than one goal per minute. No wonder Andrew couldn’t lift his arms afterwards. And they were playing against the “best” college team. Andrew minyard doesn’t even train. It’s all raw talent. And Kevin day. Already drafted to court before he even graduated university. Exy stadium seats (at least the foxhole court one) has 65k seats. It’s Taylor Swift concert seats. Imagine that many people watching and obsessing over exy. And remember Neil’s awe when he first practiced with the cousins and he’s like you guys are so good. Every single one of the foxes are so so good at exy. How can you not love them and they genuinely love and care for the sport and that makes you care for exy too.
And they are all so fucking smart. Everyone hates dumb characters. Not a single one of the characters are dumb. They are all smart as fuck. Aaron studies med alongside with fucking exy (and all the mafia and trauma and a gf). Andrew minyard has an eidetic memory. Neil josten survived on the run for eight years. He is fluent in three languages and know at least five. Kevin day is a history major.
And you know how good a series has to be one the author hasn’t given us any content since 2016? It’s 2023 right now it’s been seven years and this fandom is THRIVING. I have genuinely never seen a fandom where there’s no more content yet it is still this active. Yeah some people leave. But most don’t. And there’s always new people. New content. Yeah maybe this fandom can sometimes get toxic but most of it is so so amazing. We genuinely has amazing edits and fanarts and the fanfictions oh my gods and just you guys are amazing.
In conclusion if you have make it this far congratulations I just love aftg too much this is literally just a love letter to aftg. I’m so tempted to write an actual thesis on aftg with quotations and sources but I’m too lazy and yeah maybe I’m just repeating everything people had already said and pointed out before but I just want to remind everyone again why we love this series it’s because of the characters and how real they are and how they show us that there are second and third and fourth and fifth chances and that we all deserve it and that we will make it we can survive and if even the foxes can then why can’t we?
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matenrou-fan · 2 years
hi hi ! congrats on getting all those requests done:D
i habe a request for hypmic if its okay, could you write some headcanons on dating both samatoki and sasara at the same time? especially with the uh rough end to mad comic dialogue, i think it would be interesting having them getting along again and dating the same person. and if its not too much, maybe both sfw and nsfw headcanons for the threesome?
thank you !!❤️❤️ hope u have a great day btw !
Samatoki x reader x Sasara General HC (SFW + NSFW)
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ooh hii star!! thank you for all your kind words <3 I wish you also have a great day!!! writing for poly is so fun and hard in the same time..
NBreader, fluff, swearing, just wholesome stuff;; also teasing, fingering, oral (giving/receiving), threesome;;
-Fuck. Samatoki has no idea how he ended up in this shit. And the stupidest thing here is that he actually likes this shit.
-Let's be honest, he was feeling something for Sasara due to the Mad Comic Dialogue era. Even if they don't talk all this time he was still thinking about why his friend changed his behavior so suddenly back then.
-But now here he is. Not only talking with this airheaded clown but literally sharing his precious lover with him! Maybe it's a great opportunity to finally shed some light on the rough end of their duo.. But honestly all Samatoki can't think about is burning jealousy inside him.
-He would be so so envious in the beginning of this polyamorous relationship, as it's all kinda new for him and he still can't understand what he's feeling now.
-When Sasara is so chill about it..! Well if you love them both then why not? He's kinda open minded so he doesn't mind trying something like this.
-"Maybe back then me and Samatoki didn't work out together.." - he sighs, then this casual goofy smile appears on his lips - "But you know what they say? If at first you don't succeed, try triad again..!"
"The heck do you mean?! I'm gonna kill you..!" - Samatoki mumble with soft blush while you start laughing.
-Sasara will always try to cheer up Samatoki with jokes, reminding him of good old days when he annoyed Yakuza the same way. But now you are also here, helping comedian come up with new jokes.
-Your life has become a little bit more chaotic because now almost every day something funny is happening with you three and Sasara's terrible puns adding fuel to the fire.
-So you were a little afraid that Samatoki would soonly lose his patience and just leave you two but one situation changed your mind.
-You were on a little cute date in the library. Bad decision, really, especially how loud Samatoki can be and how Sasara can't keep his mouth shut for more than five minutes.
-So very soon the young Yakuza showed his hot temperament and accidentally hit one of the bookshelves, too angry. Various encyclopedias and journals fall down to your legs.
-"Woah, buddy! You have no shelf control…!" - Sasara whistled but you froze in place, thinking that it's gonna be the last step before Samatoki snapped. He looks at you two with the most angriest annoyance in his eyes, and then..
-.. he laugh. To your (and Sasara's) surprise he just burst out laughing, his pale face softened almost immediately and a slight blush appeared on his cheeks.
-You were kicked out of the library anyway. But as you walk away, Samatoki gets between you two and hugs you by shoulders, still with a wild smirk on his amused face.
-"Hehe, they're such sissies..! Don't let us have some fun.." - he mumbled while Sasara sigh nervously.
-"Aren't you the one who ruined everything..?" - you chuckle without malice but your boyfriend just scoffs.
-"Blame this funny fella, not me."
-He becomes more chill after that, and less jealous. After all, Samatoki can see that Sasara also really loves you and him and all his worries about being abandoned again disappeared.
-And honestly, it's hard to be angry at someone who shows his love and care with such goofiness. Brilliant comedians always have a bunch of half compliments - half puns about your appearance, or just some joke to light up your or Samatoki's mood.
-He's just so silly, you absolutely love to tease him a little. The way Sasara's face becomes hot and red when you interrupt his chatter with a sudden kiss is so cute. Extra points to his shyness if you do this in front of Samatoki who's now smirking at him, asking what's wrong.
-It goes in a circle - these two men teasing you, sitting on both sides of your trembling figure, kissing you passionately, arms roaming around your body, as they can stop to touching you, their pretty darling.. then you and Sasara keep making Samatoki blush with stupid jokes and quick sudden kisses there and there, your arms in his white hair while comedian stroking his trembling hands, and Samatoki tries to act like he's just annoyed, not embarrassed. But you two can hear how fast his heart beats.. And then, finally, you and Yakuza confuse this poor goofy man with more smooches and strokes, his face almost lit red when Samatoki kisses him roughly and you keep squeezing his waist. He even has no single thought or pun to calm down himself.
-But actually every one of you can say that two others enjoy that really much.
-People get so confused sometimes, when with one hand you hold such a cheerful and funny young guy, so many puns break out from his mouth.. when with another one you are holding such a big cold well-known member of Yakuza who keeps piercing at strangers who dare to look at you three strangely.
-But who's give a fuck when the main thing is that you all so happy now?
-You didn't expect but your relationship has become much softer and calmer now, as you three support each other. It even looks like Samatoki becomes more chill with you and Sasara around and Sasara looks more at ease now, as if he wants everything to be like that for a long time.. And your own confidence has risen as now you have not one, but two men who're always ready to listen to your vent and take care of all your problems.
-It's like a comeback of Mad Comic Dialogue, but only for you to see, darling. And for you to reward these boys..
-Your time in bed would be a little bit messy the first few times.
-Samatoki has a habit to get too passionate during sexy times and prefers some rough fast pounding when Sasara likes to be playful, teasing you for some time until you start begging in a whiny voice and only then give you some deep long thrusts.
-So you all have to talk a little first, before you want to have a threesome. And oh god you feel like it was a mistake.
-God know what these two were talking about when you were not with them, but now they both suddenly get down to you, Samatoki keeps your legs spread as Sasara starts teasing you with such light strokes to your crotch, sending tingles to your already heated core.
-You never saw them with such smuggy smirks, Sasara's jokes took such a playful mocking tone and Samatoki got along with that so quickly, also threw in a few teasing comments about your blushing face and pathetic gaze.
-Having one man go down to you is good, but two? It was the best orgasm in your life as you keep squirming around, voice so high pitched as you grasp sheets around you, almost tearing it from intensive pulsing waves of pleasure between your legs.
-Samatoki would like it if you would go down to him together with Sasara. He doesn't want to admit it but the view of these two blushing faces with needy eyes and hot tongues around his dick sends him to heaven. And vice versa, as Sasara also would like a double attention to his throbbing cock from his lovers, he quickly becomes a whiny moaning mess so you two need to hold his trembling legs tight while sucking him.
-And what do you think about trying to take them both, as you kneeling in front of two smirking men, both dicks in your hands as they cooed to you how good and obedient you are?
-If we start talking about oral, why don't you try the daisy chain too? Cause it would be such an interesting experience due to the fact that you all have different paces.
-And to the main act: most of time Samatoki is the one who's preparing you, his fingers so deep inside your wet hot hole while Sasara keep playing with your body, squeezing nipples and leaving hickeys on your collarbone (Samatoki doing the same on your thighs).
-The tower bridge, golden classic. Their favorite position, it doesn't matter who is in what place, as it's just perfect thing to have fun and pleasure to y'all in the same time.
-Sasara learn Samatoki to play with you longer and Samatoki learn Sasara to love fast and aggressive sex so now be prepared for a long night with these two men teasing you in such different but pleasuring ways..
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declaawed · 1 year
My one discord server reminded me that the Hunger Games simulator thing existed, so I threw Yakuza characters into it. If you wanna read the cliff notes of the absolute CHAOS this was, I'll put everything else under the cut. This made me laugh a lot, considering I don't know shit about Hunger Games LOL.
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WELL FUCK, AKIYAMA. they really threw large and/or crazy at you, homie had no fucking chance akljsdklg; this was literally the FIRST FUCKING THING THAT HAPPENED AHAHA
I'm not even gonna talk about the daddy issues on that second one. nope. not gonna go there.
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Joon-gi keeping Ichi alive is oddly wholesome despite the fact that it's the OG Joon-gi KLSADJFKLSDA;
everyone better keep they distance from wagi, he's had enough.
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Nishiki really gets shit on in every circumstance, don't he?
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W E L P. i'm so sorry, tanimura.
also, ichi, saejima, shinada, and kashiwagi are KIND OF A POWER TEAM LIKE??? damn. also majima totally started that fire for funsies.
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y3 alternative ending.
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I already regret putting oda's ass in this akljfdkls; AND I'M SORRY MASA, THAT MADE ME CACKLE.
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... remember when i said they were a power team?
... so do i.
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WELL. that's upsetting.
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the manipulative girlies are fighting while majima's gettin' ready to single-handedly win this whole fucking shit WHO IS GIVING THIS MAN EXPLOSIVES ???
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i don't... i don't think shinada knows what's actually going on here...
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Oh. Ooooooooh.
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sera, where the fUCK did you get a trident???
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ryuji has literally done NOTHING WRONG this whole time, damn man, you can't just cuddle a man and then raid his camp;; the MIXED SIGNALS
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no one cares about sohei dojima i don't even remember how he died.
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SHINADA, MY MAN, I JUST.... don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't laugh, don't ---
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well, i'm fucking glad nishitani's having a good time I GUESS
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day 5 was boring but damn we lost some real ones.
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oda out here getting his sillygoofy revenge for his not-boyfriend. that or he knew that if he chose kiryu, majima would have his head on a damn stake next.
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... I forgot he was here.
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M A J I M A. / sprays with water.
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yknow. i can't blame him for this. they had an intimate cuddle sesh and then kiryu went behind his back and raided his camp? i'd be a lil mad too sklajfkdls
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we are truly coming down to the WIRE. day 6 was wildin'.
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Literally nothing happened on day 7.
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running out of images i can have in one post, but sera strangled oda and fucking stabbed mine, he's an absolute UNIT in this.
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ryuji, my guy... his scaredy cat moment really was his kryptonite.
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once we started getting into like the second half of this, i wasn't surprised this absolute MACHINE OF A HUMAN BEING ended up winning this simulation LMFAOOOO.
he took no prisoners. he came for the win. and he didn't care who he had to take out i'm LoSING IT.
so anyways, that was me playing with the Hunger Games simulator, hope this entertained people (':
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kreideprinz69 · 1 year
DR3 really did rob us of some comfy friendship moments between Nagito and the others in Class 77-B. The writers played so much into the fan perception of him that it ended up making the others look absurdly unreasonable with how they treated him. Making him the class outcast BEFORE he actually did anything bad with that gym incident. When compared to the sexual antics Teruteru was getting up to and Hiyoko's bratty behavior, Nagito making cringey hope speeches is pretty inoffensive. Me personally, I choose to headcanon that he actually did start to form some bonds during his time at Hope's Peak. Not just with pre-Kamukura Hajime and human Chiaki. But I think there's some good potential between him and Sonia, Mahiru, Fuyuhiko, Peko, Imposter, Nekomaru, Ibuki, and Gundham. Maybe they don't become full-on friends before the Tragedy hit. But they start to see him as more than just the class weirdo and recognize some of his more likable qualities. And he in turn develops a fondness that goes beyond idolization of them as Ultimates. Oh, and I like the idea of him being Matsuda's only real friend too...Possibly with a little romantic flame. I mean I love Komahina just fine, but the boy deserves some romantic alts too. Komanami, Matsukoma, Komazumi, Kuzukoma, and Nekomaeda are all very fun to me.
i definitely have things i like and dislike about dr3, but one big gripe was how much nagito was outcasted before he even did anything bad. it doesn't even bother me on a personal level, its more of just from a writing standpoint because i really dont understand it, like it's inconsistent with the characters. because there are definitely some weirdos (lovingly! unless you're teruteru) in that class besides nagito, yet he got the most shit for it.
the most he did was just be offputting and go on some weird hope speeches (nagito did make a comment about how he got intense on a speech and apologized, which shows he had SOME self awareness at least then) and everyone really disliked him, hardly any concern when he was gone for a lot of the school year. but then when he have characters in the class that i think could be comparable to nagito at least before the gym bombing issue, in terms of being an outcast or oddball. people such as; gundam, teruteru, hiyoko, mikan, and even fuyuhiko who is literally the heir to the yakuza. but the class still cared about all of them and were good friends with them, but nagito is where they drew the line.
it just, doesn't really make sense? it would have made much more sense if they had all disliked nagito AFTER the bombing incident. there could have been some angst about how they WERE friends with him, but felt uncomfortable around him after he planted a bomb in their gym. it just would have made a lot more sense. it just felt inconsistent to me and like lazy writing.
i also like to headcannon that he was at least friends with some of them too though! i've always felt like he could have an interesting friendship with fuyuhiko, sonia, and even ibuki just for the chaos lol. i can't say much about matsuda because i have yet to read danganronpa zero, but yeah, give nagito some friends smh.
i do think nagito might have a difficult time learning to like the ultimates as people though, because he's only really loved them for being symbols of hope. he knows nothing about them just as people, because of how warped his perception is. which again, could have been an interesting plot point so see developed. but, oh well! i do like to think after they all woke up, he did start learning to see them just as people and even make some friendships, since they're not really symbols of hope considering yknow... destroying the world lol. he did look to be on better terms with everyone in the brief moments of the cast we saw during hope arc. it's just a little thought i like to indulge myself in!
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majjiktricks · 1 year
9, 10, 17 for MGS
ehehe ty for sending in ^_^
metal gear:
9. worst part of canon i feel like im beating a dead horse a little with how much i talk about how i dont like mgs4 LMAO i watched that "mgs4 was a mistake" video and that guy really makes a lot of good points. but i think the worst part is that mgs4 really doesnt feel like any of the other metal gear games before it because it lacks a distinct set of villains. and i think that makes it boring. literally they couldve done anything else. anyone else as the villains. but they decided to reuse concepts from previous games instead of coming up with the cohesive group of villains that makes sense for the story. even mgr follows the same pattern as 1-3, and look how fucking awesome that was! we didnt know who a single one of those guys was before the game came out and yet theyre probably some of the most iconic villains in the entire series. and they make sense for the story and setting. the beauty and beast unit MAKES NO FUCKING SENSE. NOR DO I CARE ABOUT THEM BECAUSE THEY ARENT INTERESTING AT ALL. i know pw and v dont really follow that pattern either, and i like those games much more, so obviously thats not my ONLY problem with mgs4, but its definitely one of the bigger ones. at least pw and v were FUN. 10. worst part of fanon im gonna be honest my experience with the metal gear fandom has been incredibly pleasant and positive. theres not a lot that makes me mad in fan interpretations. probably the only thing ive seen thats fucking stupid is when people take kaz and make him kind of?? the moral high ground???? in bbkaz divorce. no he fucking wasnt LOL kaz didnt leave bb because he realized bb was a bad person or doing bad things (i think he knew that already and didnt care. hes also a bad person who does plenty of bad things). he left because he was no longer treated like an equal to bb and he didnt like it. thankfully the people i interact with all see it the same way. if someone talked to me and tried to argue something else i would explode. or any of the dudebro homophobic shit. if youre denying queer characters' existence when its explicitly stated in text. youre just a fucking idiot.
17. there should be more of this type of fic/art i havent done much of a deep-dive into mgs fic so i dont actually know whats common/uncommon but i do really like it when a fic takes a character who originally wasnt part of the situation and puts them into the situation. writing them into the story while still remaining relatively canon-compliant. some of my favorite examples of this come out of the yakuza fandom, where the character put into the story is there for their own development, or to expand upon a part of the lore that doesnt really get touched on by canon, rather than the character's overarching impact on the media's story as a whole (because in order to remain canon-compliant they dont DRASTICALLY change things, but what they do/affect can change the meaning of what ultimately happens, etc). ive seen a few things about kaz lives and joins philanthropy and i really would love to see a long fic about that and how he helps them. i also really enjoy in-between-games nonsense. i wanna see all the shenanigans everyone's up to. post-mgs3 filler with bb and ocelot, 70s kaz and ocelot building DD, between 2 and 4 philanthropy. i love me some good fun filler <3
more questions here!
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alfredosauce50 · 2 years
What makes me human
[Cyberpunk! America x reader] 08
Wordcount: 4, 490 Rating: MA+ for strong language, violence, and gore. Viewer discretion advised. Chapter synopsis: When Allen finally uncovers the truth, he walks out of his job, but it costs him his life. Meanwhile, you and Alfred have been captured by extremists. Heads will literally roll.
On my way to hell
Nothing had even happened yet, but Allen could sense it a mile away—he was screwed, and to what degree, he didn’t know. His boss always made a point to keep things ambiguous. And up until a crucial moment to keep an unshakeable hold on him.
“You must have a lot of questions.”
A right-hand man was too generous of a title when he didn’t know shit. A glorified bodyguard was more like it. His importance was solely physical, and that didn’t bode well in a digitized world like this.
“Right, yeah.” Allen spared him a tight smile. He always knew those facts, but remembering it now sent chills down his spine. “I was just wondering if your secret parking space was really all that.”
Mizumoto didn’t answer him, and the silence ate away at him faster than he could deal. So he kept rambling, desperate to preserve the atmosphere. 
“I, uh, found somebody down there.” He continued, tensing at the memory. “The hell happened to him?”
“An experiment of mine.”
“Sheesh. What kinda experiment would leave them looking like a prune?” Allen asked. He was speaking the most, yet, he wasn’t the one dominating the conversation. “Did you bake him or something?”
Even in silence, the kumicho held all the power.
“Not at all. He mummified on his own,” The other looked him right in the eye. “But his death wasn’t in vain. I would say it served a purpose equal in value, which is the driving force of all scientific discovery.”
“Oh, yeah? And how did he die?”
“Brain death.”
Allen’s brow twitched, profoundly disturbed by the thought. But he played it off with curiosity. If not, there were grisly fates for those who reacted wrongly to the company’s doings—with empathy, not apathy.
“Damn.” He rubbed his neck. “Sucks to be him.”
And he wasn’t getting his ticket punched today.
“He was a part of the most ambitious experiment to date. One that began long before you were born.” Mizumoto explained, pausing momentarily before continuing. “Fifty years ago, this company was nothing but a lowly yakuza hiding in abandoned buildings. So, when we had the opportunity to make a name for ourselves, we took it without hesitation.”
Pulling out a long pipe, he lit the end and gave it a few puffs. While he tapped it to get rid of the residue, he sensed Allen’s growing confusion at his recount that seemingly came out of nowhere.
“You won’t rest until you have the truth. I know.” Mizumoto remarked lowly. “Even if it isn’t your place. But I’ve always admired that about you, Allen. You’ve always tried your best to live beyond your means.”
Taking on gangsters, joining the yakuza, doing everything he could to protect who he cared about. Forgetting his own heritage to adopt another, he lost and gained everything by becoming a Mizumoto.
“Even if it kills you.”
“I’m still here,” Allen laughed awkwardly.
He was used to being belittled. No matter how spunky he was, talking back to his boss was like asking for a death wish. So he never did—only this felt different. Foreboding, even. But he was too afraid to even entertain the possibility of that tone of voice.
“We made something of ourselves by developing technology decades ahead of our time,” Mizumoto turned back to the window, watching the distant blinking of lights, the airborne traffic of spinners. “Appliances, vehicles, weapons. We quickly realized we needed to protect what we were building.”
He turned back to give the other a hard stare.
“That was when I met Alfred.”
The name caused Allen’s face to contort. Flawless ivory skin, youthful vigor, and the naivety to match. The suggestion that Alfred was older than him was far-fetched enough, but by such a wide margin?
“What? But he doesn’t look a day over twenty!”
“Yes. Twenty-three. In the mind and body.” The man elaborated, watching his puzzled expression deepen.“My men found him on the streets on the brink of starvation. He was only a child, then. Ran away from his orphanage. So we took him in and raised him.”
It sounded too familiar for his comfort, ‘taken in’ by the syndicate. First, Alfred, then him. You were born into it, but what difference did that make? You were all children, lured in by the promise of protection.
“Taught him how to fight. He was exceedingly talented, so we planned to have him join our ranks when he turned sixteen. When he refused, we warned him we would be coming back for him.”
“But how is he…?”
“You didn’t let me finish.” Mizumoto walked closer and closer to him until the proximity was menacing. “In four years’ time, we brought him back to our lab. We put him to sleep for fifty years so he could wake up to a world when we made a name for ourselves.”
Allen took a step back, heart racing. He could feel himself coming apart, starting from the inside out.
“By the time he gained consciousness, we turned him into a fully-enhanced killing machine.”
His loyalty to the company and his protection in it.
“Even to this day, he remains my greatest creation.”
The way he spoke of him made his stomach churn, and the nausea went up his throat. He talked about Alfred like he was his, an object to be owned, controlled, and programmed to do his bidding.
“Let me guess. He didn’t want that.”
“He struggled until the anesthesia did its work.”
Allen closed his eyes. Sweat dampened his forehead as he processed what he was told. Forced sedation, nonconsensual body modification, just what the fuck else was he capable of? He didn’t even want to know.
“Then what about that body in the basement?”
“Oh, that?”
He opened his eyes, his complexion pale.
“That was Alfred.”
“What?” Allen strained. “What do you mean?”
“That body belonged to Alfred.” The man elaborated firmly. “The Soulkiller was a success. He was the first subject to allow for a complete transfer of the mind. His old body couldn’t accept the enhancements, so we gave him a new one—the one he has now.”
He threw his head back as heat rushed to his face. Allen didn’t think it was possible to feel so furious in someone else’s stead, let alone Alfred’s. But this?
“He is the first fully-functioning cyborg with a soul. Human thought and emotion, if you will.”
This was insanity.
“You lied to me,” Allen glared at him through his rapidly blurring vision. “You said the Soulkiller was a prototype. That you were gonna test it on him. But you were just saying that to cover up what you did!”
“And you were fine with killing him the exact same way. It would be hypocritical to blame me for it.”
“Things are different now!” He cried, digging his hands through his hair. Pointing an accusing finger at him, which wouldn’t stop trembling, his face warped with angry betrayal. “I thought he was just another cyberpsycho, but you’re the one who’s insane.”
It was disheartening to see how nonchalant his superior was, how little he cared. He stood there with his arms behind his back, waiting for him to finish.
“I can’t work for you anymore,” He turned his back on him, teeth clenched. “I’m getting out of here.”
“I didn’t think you would,” Mizumoto slid a hand into one of the flaps of his kimono. Allen was already on his way to the door, ready to put everything behind him. “My men shall escort you out of the building.”
Even then, he still wanted to look back for old times’ sake. He spent a great deal of his youth here, somewhere he used to fall asleep after work. There by the kotatsu, or on that couch. You sometimes came here to study, so he made it a habit to visit you.
But that was all in the past, now.
You weren’t here, and he was never coming back. So did that mean he would never see you again? Allen choked back a sob at the thought. As tears bubbled out of his eyes, he turned back for one last look.
But rather than a bittersweet sight of nostalgia, he found himself staring at death in the face. And to feel fear in a place he used to call home was alien to him.
Mizumoto had drawn out his katana.
He was paralyzed as he watched on. A part of him was in disbelief that the old man could even raise a hand against him. Another part of him knew this was his true self, a heartless wretch that didn’t know love.
Before he could do so little as take another step, they lunged forward and thrust the blade into his torso.
“Gh—!” Allen’s eyes flew open as a sharp pain engulfed his chest. He grabbed the handle with both hands and staggered backward, each wobbly step causing blood to pour onto the wooden floorboards.
Sweat rolled down his chin. His mouth fell agape. Lowering his gaze to where the sword plunged into, he watched a bright red patch spread on his shirt. His lung was punctured, and he was suffocating.
“You—” He looked up, face contorting. “—agh!”
While he gasped desperately for air, clinging to each breath to somehow survive, the blade pushed deeper in until it came curving out his back. To be stabbed and suffocated at the same time left him trembling with so much agony, he wished he died right there.
But his enhancements prolonged his death, letting him feel each and every part of his body shut down.
“I sensed you were in conflict with your loyalty, Allen. If you want to side with Alfred, you can do that in the afterlife.” Mizumoto smiled darkly. Raising the katana so he could be lifted a few inches off the ground, he leaned into his paling face for one final reckoning.
He kicked once, but the action only caused him to slide down on the katana, cutting him on the inside.
“Like yours, his death will be slow and humiliating. The chip will plant a virus in his system and cripple him. Then, he’ll become brain-dead so he can be put out of his misery. The most fitting end for him.”
Blood bubbled out of his mouth like a fountain, and he gritted his teeth just to stop more from spewing out. Not a word was spoken, but Allen’s expression did all the talking. His glare burned with the anger of ages, with a ferocity that would stay even after death.
You’ll never get away with this.
But perhaps, he already had.
Allen was the only one who knew of his diabolical plans, and here he was, fading away. Eventually, his eyes rolled to the back of his head, showing the whites. Only then did Mizumoto retract his sword, letting his body fall to the ground in a heavy thump.
He gave the katana a strong flick, leaving a thin line of red on the floor. The door burst open a few moments later, letting men in suits pour in.
“Take him to the dump.”
The katana came down on his mantis blades, severing them in one clean slice. They clattered on the floor and went up in sparks. Alfred reared back and let out a bloodcurdling scream. Then, he started kicking his feet against the ground, wailing in agony.
Your jaw dropped, horrified by the sound of his voice. But what you saw made you cover your mouth. His mantis blades were reduced to stubs sticking out of his forearms, which twitched every so often.
Two men stood with you in the crowd, one on each side. They made it a point to hold you back, for what was about to begin would have you fighting to get onstage. Alfred was moved onto a medical table, and for what, you didn’t know. But it couldn’t be good.
The theater murmured restlessly, only to be silenced by their leader raising both hands in the air.
“Year by year, we lose hundreds to cyberpsycho attacks around the city. This man—”
The speaker pointed at him.
“—is one of thousands to instigate the senseless violence that is destroying the greatest megalopolis in the world.” He boomed, filling the stadium with his truth. The crowd went up in a passionate uproar, acknowledging the irrefutable reality that was their new norm: a widespread epidemic of psychopathy.
Alfred was laid flat on his back. The second they tied him down, he started pulling at his restraints.
But the pain was too much.
“Now, he may look like your average joe from 2070’s America, but do not be mistaken,” They continued, pulling a knife from their sleeve and holding it up. “He’s made of nothing but plastic and metal. Not a single organ is made of flesh, not even his heart!”
Your face fell, hypnotized by the glint of the blade.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I hope you all go to sleep tonight with the relief that you never strayed from the path of God. We embraced ourselves for how we were created—in his image—but folks like him have lost sight of who we are as human beings.”
Alfred’s eyes widened, manic with rage.
“This is not a human being.”
He pulled harder and harder on his restraints, fueled by a growing fire in his chest. He’d been afraid before, but hearing that changed something inside him. If he really was a freak, he’d show them a freak.
The more he strained, the warmer his wrists grew. Soon, they’d be hot enough for him to break free. Small wisps of smoke curled up from his hands, and the stench of melting rope filled his nose.
“If he were, he would bleed.” The speaker cut him across his neck, and like he said, not a single drop of red appeared. Just a transparent slither of fluid. When the audience caught on, gasps went around.
You thrashed as hard as you could in the grips of the two strongmen, but to no avail. One of them resorted to holding your neck, quelling any and all resistance. If you wanted to look away, you couldn’t now.
“Imagine what he’d be capable of when he turns full cyber psycho.” The man mused, holding the knife above his head. “Are we just going to wait for him to slay ten innocents before he’s finally put down?”
The crowd yelled in dissent.
You lunged forward, screaming for him.
“Or do we kill him now and free him from the confines of his corrupted vessel?”
Just like that, your fear for him overcame the fear for yourself. And you did what you never thought you would—take on two grown men unarmed—but you’ve never been this sure of anything in your life.
Kicking one in the groin, they released your arm and stumbled backward. That let you throw a hard punch into the other’s temple. They fell on their side with next to no grace. Then, you raced towards the stage.
The next three seconds happened in slow-motion.
The outstretching of your hand, the beating of your legs, Alfred’s head turning to you.
Before you could get close enough, you were forced to the ground by the man you kicked. They slammed your head to the floor and twisted your arm behind your back, getting you to cry out in pain.
But that wasn’t all.
When you looked up with your teeth clenched, your nose was bleeding. And Alfred saw.
The redness of your blood, their hand on your face, their nails digging into your skin. And it gave him a real taste of the madness he was accused of.
Rage was all he knew as his wrists lit up in flames. Giving his hands a strong tug, he snapped himself free to rip the knife from his captor. Then, he rolled off the table and jumped back onto his feet.
The sight of an unrestrained cyberpsycho sent the audience fleeing, including the man holding you down. As you slowly rose to your feet, you found yourself watching the most gruesome scene unfold.
Alfred marched up to their leader, swinging the knife from side to side. It cut through the air in sharp ‘fwip’ sounds, but the weapon wasn’t nearly as terrifying as its wielder—a cyborg gone rogue. There was nothing behind his eyes but mindless bloodlust.
The man stumbled backward and fell on their back.
“Help me!” He cried. His underlings ran onstage from behind, training their guns at Alfred.
You dove offstage before they opened fire.
A few bangs went off, lodging bullets into his leg and shoulder. His body jolted back from the force of being shot at, but he kept standing. And there he waited, all until all their last bullet was fired.
Then, he dashed forward, slicing their necks. Blood sprayed onto his face, but he never stopped, driven by the uncontrollable urge to mow down every last son of a bitch that dared cross his path.
The last man onstage drew another gun. His mouth fell agape in fear as he fired uncontrollably at the unkillable monstrosity that came at him. Once Alfred passed him, a horizontal line formed on his neck.
His head came off, falling down his back.
But Alfred was far from done.
The man you punched had suffered a concussion, and only now did he have it in him to draw iron. Alfred leaped offstage and onto him with his knife raised above his head. His face sparked from a bullet ricochet, but that did nothing to stop him.
Sinking that into their skull, he killed him instantly.
That left the man who started it all, their leader, who was busy shuffling away from the head onstage.
He picked up the gun by his foot and trained it at the fucker’s head. Curling his finger around the trigger, his glare deepened when he pulled it, ending it all.
Four bangs went off.
Gun shells clinked and clattered on the ground.
When he lowered his arm, they were unrecognizable. The top half of his head was gone. Chunks of flesh, bone, and brain were blasted all over the stage like a painting. What was left of him was the bottom set of his teeth, tongue, and smoking hot flesh.
Alfred took you to the first bathroom he could find. He didn’t have to pay a dime, not when his face and clothes were doused with blood. And the first thing he did was tear off the bottom of his shirt.
Twisting that into a thin tube, he put it up your nose.
Only then did he start washing himself.
Soon, you were back on the street with him again, only more exhausted than before. Your hold on his hand tightened. Then, you slowed down, clutching your stomach with a pained frown.
“What’s wrong?” He turned to you.
“I’m hungry.” You uttered.
It wasn’t the first time he heard you say it, but he was crushed. His brows trembled together as he walked, towing you along. If what happened took as long as he thought it did, you couldn’t have eaten for days.
He’d been so occupied looking for a place to stay, he completely forgot about you. He didn’t feel hunger, nor did he depend on food like you did. His strength and appearance didn’t wax or wane. But you?
“Come on. Let’s get you some real food.” Alfred kept his eyes forward as he led you down the next block.
“Like organic food?”
“Not that real.”
Your arms were thinner, and your collarbones weren’t as prominent as they were now. He couldn’t bear to look at you, knowing he would crumble the second he did. Even then, you could barely keep up with him, and he felt it—every pull, every pause.
Staying the night in a traditional Japanese inn was your idea. A ‘ryokan,’ you called it. Night City was rich with all kinds of cultures, especially East Asian ones. Stepping into one transported him to Japan, and as an American who never left the country, he couldn’t really complain. When you walked inside with him, he was immediately taken by the neat line of shoes.
But Alfred seemed to know what he was doing.
And you never brought it up. He slipped out of his shoes, put them together, then moved them so they could point toward the door. You only followed suit, placing your flats next to his boots.
A line of women in uniform bowed deeply at your arrival. You bowed in return, and so did Alfred. After a friendly albeit frenzied exchange in Japanese, they whisked you away, so he jogged over to catch up.
“You seem to know them,” He commented.
“It’s just hospitality.” You replied.
“But they said they’d give you your favorite room,” Alfred quirked a brow. He walked with you down the warmly-lit hall, led by the innkeepers in the front. “And all sorts of things. The soup, what vegetables are in season, the mains, desserts, and blah.”
You turned to him, stifling a smile.
“You didn’t even check in yet.” He finished.
“So you do understand.” You walked into the elevator with him, watching his expression change. Sadness pulsed through him, and it flickered in his eyes. Something beautiful was reduced to a bad memory.
After getting settled in your room, you took a nice hot soak in the private hot spring. Alfred washed up next, and the food arrived while he was neck-up in water. An elaborate array of dishes was laid out on the kotatsu, ranging from warm and cold, soft and hard.
Sashimi, tofu, rice, soup, everything fermented, dried, and marinated among other delicacies.
Before you dug into the mouth-watering dishes, you sat back and called Alfred over. He showed up a few minutes later in his yukata, his hair a damp mess and obi tied in a ribbon. Giving your head a light shake, you stood up with a small smile. It was impressive how he could manage to make anything look untidy.
“You tied it wrong.” You pulled the sash apart.
“Woah—” His yukata loosened, but before his chest could be exposed, you pulled them together again. While you fixed his sash for him, he stood over you, watching every movement of your nimble fingers, every twist and pull you made. “—right.”
Alfred was so close, you could feel his breath fanning all over your forehead. And it was quiet, save for the rustling of fabric. Fortunately, not a minute passed before you were done, gazing up at him again.
“There. Tied like a proper samurai.”
What you weren’t prepared for was how close his lips were to yours. You were quick to notice, and you looked down almost instantly. Alfred didn’t falter. He just smiled at your coyness, only it was so subtle, you missed it when you scrambled to sit down.
“What are you standing around for? Come eat.”
“Alright,” Alfred laughed, giving the table a brief scan. He had never seen so much food in one place, but weirdly enough, that wasn’t what captivated him. “So, which one am I meant to eat first?”
He looked at you several times over the course of the meal. He wished he could say it was because he wanted to, but the injuries they left you with, no matter how minor, bothered him to no end.
You were too ravenous to notice, not lifting your head once as you ate for the first time in days.
Dinner went by without a hitch, bringing the night to a close. Two futons were laid out in the bedroom with a slight gap between them. It was no coincidence that a shoji screen stood conveniently in the corner.
The innkeepers were considerate of your privacies, but that wasn’t how things worked around here.
“Well—” He strained, dragging his futon to yours. One corner even overlapped yours before he fixed it. He stood up, satisfied by his work. “Now we won’t have to worry about separation anxiety anymore.”
“We?” You raised your brows.
“Right, sorry. Just you.” He dropped onto his futon. He leaned back and rested on his palms, watching you do the same. Not a minute passed before he backpedaled on his joke. “Wanna share a futon?”
You shot him a heated look. When you realized he was being serious, you just shook your head.
“One is too small.”
“No it isn’t.” He got under the blanket and scooted to the side, patting a spot for you. “C’mon. Just try.”
“But it won’t be comfortable,” You frowned.
Regardless, you humored Alfred on his suggestion, getting under the covers with him. It should’ve been strange, sleeping so close without reservation. But this was just the norm now. Every past motel room had one bed so he could keep an eye on you.
What made this so different was the choice. He could sleep apart from you, and you him.
Yet, you both elected to be together.
“If you can’t sleep, I’ll just move to the other futon.”
He laid on his side to face you.
“Dinner was great, by the way.”
“Yeah,” You softened your gaze on him. “I haven’t had something that good in ages. I’m stuffed.”
“I’m glad,” He smiled. A comfortable silence fell as you stared at each other, heads on one pillow. As he lay with you, relief overcame him until it became pure ecstasy. You were here, and you were safe.
But with that pleasure was pain all the same.
What happened to you was all his fault.
Alfred pulled you into a hug, his face warped with sadness. You hugged him right back. As he buried himself into the crooked of your neck, a shudder ran down your spine. You’d been in shock until now, and when you finally processed what you’d seen, tears streamed relentlessly down the side of your face.
He kissed your forehead tenderly, closing his eyes.
Alfred felt no remorse for killing them.
His only regret was that you saw him do it.
Holding your face with one hand, he consoled you until you drifted away beside him. Even then, he never stopped caressing your cheek, comforting you as you slept. And he kept at it until morning.
“We have to go to the dump,” Alfred murmured, stroking your back as you laid on him.
“Why don’t we go to a ripperdoc?” You rolled your head to him, tone unwilling. After a good night’s rest, you were well enough to hear of his plans, however headache-inducing they may be. “I’m not letting you put anything in your body otherwise.”
“I don’t have the money,” He sighed. Before you could say anything, he took the words out right of your mouth. “And using yours is out of the question. We just have to work with what we got, okay?”
Next chapter: Coming soon
Tag-list: @sunnysssol, @chicha027
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majimasleftasscheek · 2 years
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YES OF COURSE AND TY!! also sorry I had to put this on a new post instead of answering directly. the format totally broke so it worked better here kjdfkljfd
note! if anything seems particularly gender™, my hcs for Majima are genderfluid so just speaking from my own experiences/feelings! peeps are more than welcome to hc things as they like 💖
long post ahead because Goromi makes me FEEL
ooey gooey lore stuff
Majima's interest in fem ideations began at an early age, somewhere in the teens - a passing intrigue in fashion and feminine looks. it was something different compared to the more or less samey, conservative fits men would have (not that women weren’t also the same but there’s certainly a difference between a salary worker and a hostess)
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did girly shit with Yasuko that Saejima didn't have any interest in - putting on makeup, painting nails, etc and even tho her personal supply was limited, he enjoyed doing that sorta thing with her when he’d spend days at their place just hanging out. something about that clicked for Majima. something about the work and craft was fun tho not something he'd readily admit even if it was obvious to everyone else. 
he never really thought any of it made him pretty. thought it made him very unattractive really but it made him something else, something not "him" and he really liked that part about it. it’s transformative
Majima never wholly felt comfortable around only men due to his smaller, slender frame and traits like his curvier waist. in a time where being a manly man was the thing™ and tbh still is, he felt excluded and bullied often, especially if he hung around a brick wall like Saejima. he'd often act out aggressively to overcompensate and try to play the brodude with other guys around 
Majima's first explorations into Goromi often made him feel like the things other guys would gossip about him were right all along (”oh he’s a lil sissy,” “why you walking around with a body like that in the yakuza,” “you’d look good in a dress (derogatory)”) so much of his interest in drag was very much suppressed and felt shameful 
during his Sotenbori stint, his interest in femininity really started to take a more serious turn after hanging around cabaret girls - seeing all the glitz and glamour seemed fun and the idea he could just pretend to be someone else for a time was a nice escape especially since it was a place where he was more or less unknown to old associates. not that Goromi is literally a different person, but it meant something certainly, that he would be treated different, for better or worse
as such, his Goromi persona was shaped by this treatment. catty, non subservient, and bitchy was a response to give herself confidence and bite back. early Goromi however was more quiet and reserved due to the circumstances at the time but modern Goromi is loud and proud
80s Goromi was more of a private thing she did in secret, not really ready or confident enough to be public about except with those she really trusted which wasn't many at the time. hostesses would notice Majima took unusual interest in what they were doing during work prep and friends like Yuki would be those he confided in. the girls appreciated his help with hair and makeup, something that gave him fond memories of simpler days with the Saejimas. 
his concerns were often not being passable enough no matter how feminine he'd try to look but he took solace in that his long hair was good enough to hide much of his face
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conversely modern Goromi doesn't care how passable she is and her stereotypical look is meant to be obnoxiously feminine. she's a lady and doesn't give a shit if she’s not ”good enough.” that's not to say she doesn't still hold reservations about it. for all her confidence, it's still somewhat of a façade when she knows that the more excessively fem she looks, the more she feels satirical and it’s a battle to keep up her confidence but she has more loved ones around to remind her she’s fine the way she is
I will acknowledge the in game canon that modern Goromi was used as a way to rile Kiryu up for the sake of haha man in dress butttttt in my own spin, Goromi did that because every other man in her life treated her the same way - where the idea of a man in a dress is laughable. figuring Kiryu as one of the guys™ she expected the same but got the opposite, Kiryu totally going along with it. tho they fought at the end to her insistence, it was one of the few times where she genuinely felt validated for being herself, even if it was under the guise of tricking him. she thought, huh, maybe it could be different with him. maybe I could do this unironically. he’s a dumbass but he’s an honest dumbass. it certainly activated something in Kiryu for sure 
my own dealio: I draw Goromi with very obvious cis male features cuz for me, being cis is part of my own genderfluid experience. so I try not to make her lose too much of her masc traits like her muscles, square jaw, facial hair, etc. it’s very important to me that she’s gnc, no matter how passable she looks
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general stuff
fav colors to wear are black, red and pink. white is for special occasions
has numerous blonde wigs but the default Goromi one is her favorite with the typical messy tied back style. rarely goes without a wig but more likely to with trusted friends
likes to be pampered and waited on, big on date nights and gift giving (for herself and treating her booboobear)
very proud of her legs so always happy to wear something short and revealing. will do so when it’s cold out and does not want to hear your advice against it (will complain loudly about having sniffles later)
Saejima doesn’t have any particular feelings about Goromi, like with most things he’s like yeah whatever do whatchu want. as far as he’s concerned, Goromi is still the same prickly ass Majima and she appreciates that greatly
Kiryu does treat her differently since he has his naïve, googoo ass traditional ways of behaving around women and it does annoy her because she wants him to know she’s still Majima regardless of how she acts or looks. he’s mad simpo mode for her and it does blind him to some of her grievances when he tries to be helpful. he does mean well but it’s still a learning process
very much loves Haruka and turns into a puddle when called auntie. is a bit more knowledgeable on girl™ things from what she’s learned from Yasuko and the cabaret girls so she’s often the one to help with things like that. her pseudo confidence helps a lot when she has zero idea what to do and it’s more important to Haruka that someone tries and fails than never trying at all. Goromi knows she’s not a traditional stand in for a woman in this case but Haruka’s kindness and acceptance means the world
does her own nails but has Minami do more complex designs. occasionally Daigo helps but you didn’t hear it from me. getting custom dresses is done thru Nishida who is very very tired of early morning rush orders
big into roleplay and especially likes to rope Kiryu into her bullshit. catch me watching from the bushes when she finds him as Suzuki in y5 and goes along with it by constantly languishing about her ex-BF while shaking her ass like “oh woe is me, if only someone depressed and hunky were to comfort me in my time of need” 😪
Ishin Goromi because I’m ill
night life as a murderous courtesan, dresses up in traditional oiran fashion except for the loud, blonde wig. I know it’s not really something you’d see people wearing but Ryuji is blonde and Joon-gi is “silver ash” so I can have this okay kljdfskljdfkl. carries an extra pair of sandals so she can ditch her geta (tall sandals) if she needs a quick gettaway
friends with the working ladies in town so if there’s any *problems,* they go to her. she’s got multiple hideouts in various brothels with changes of clothes and other disguises
I like my Majima hcs to be more murdery than canon and Okita is especially murdery so ishin Goromi bumps it up a notch ☝ very thrill of the kill vibes and I just think being covered in viscera is kinda hot 👉👈
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Nagakura (Saejima) helps her put on her makeup. he complains about it every time, mostly because she doesn’t stop squirming while he works
traditional makeup at the time was made outta harmful shit so I’m just gonna say hers is made from rice powder and whatnot because I said so lol
usually wears a hannya mask with a flower strapped to the left eye. often a peony or spider lily. very keen on making sure no one knows who she is. will lift her mask just enough to give Ryoma a smooch tho
something I’m still developing in my fic is that she feels a big sense of guilt for having to hide who she is, not really guilt for killing people lol but rather that she does so knowing it makes her life harder and that parts of her life are always going to have to be secret to protect herself and those around her. it makes getting closer to people more difficult but she’s stubborn in the way she doesn’t want to change for someone else
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icharchivist · 1 year
so there's lucifer, lucifaa, and... lucio? though that last guy may just be lucifer or lucifaa's beach mode, i'm not sure. i've literally only seen him with sunglasses i think.
anyways. i come bearing riddles three! not riddles. just things. the first two are: well. hm. to be a bit shameless i posted two a3 fics on ao3 lately so. if youd like to have a gander at them they are There. so onto #3: i went through a springtime snooze! just a few thoughts regarding that:
firstly i almost went and watched conquering misoshiosa island by accident instead lol. luckily they mentioned the spring winter trip and i was like huh... i dont remember that event... and then i realized my mistake. the intro scene was very nice. specifically hisoka sleeping up in a tree. and the fact that tasuku knew that he was there.
it did make me think tho like. i REALLY have got to make a chart that lists out how each character calls each character. like yuki calls tenma "hack" but has he ever called him just tenma before? who knows... it's difficult writing fic!! >< (if u know of a chart that exists already please do let me know lol like. i'll make one if i have to but i'd rather not. though the chart probably has azami and guy on it huh... is that spoilers......)
anyways im obsessed with chikage being like. ah it would be good to have data for my incredibly shady spy work and tsuzuru reacting to it by calling him technology-addicted along with itaru. never change my guy. this is why i think the tsuzuru & chikage dynamic has so much potential it's bc like In My Head chikage is like. how did this man write a play that was incredibly targeted towards my own issues... who Is He... and he doesnt realize that tsuzuru kind of does this to everyone and therefore chikage is kind of Just Some Guy to him. i mean there's like nuance to it but i enjoy the idea of this.
i'd known the trip was expensive because they mentioned it in the next event, but the moment azuma took care of trip planning i was like. ah. that's how they got past sakyo. like if anyone would just lie to sakyo's face. it'd be him. doesn't sakyo assume azuma's yakuza at some point.
I also love that tasuku was in charge of the like training parts because. well I assume that means azuma talked with him about timing somewhat and it's like oh... they're bonding post-nocturnality... like when they're doing the family skit later and azuma and tasuku r both parents i was just sitting there like oh! them!! also loved chikage ribbing tasuku a little by suggested he be the mom. not as outside the box as either of them think tho imo but. i kind of really enjoy him being a little shit since he was so empty smiles at the beginning.
also citron getting them all to do red light green light was so fun. like considering how he mentioned being gifted dango at the beginning its just so delightful to me that citron like. seems to interact with so many people and make friends. he's lovely. also liked that tasuku made it into practice. it's like yeah ofc the guy who (with tsumugi) was like. our free time away from theatre is extra theatre (have a great trip) it makes perfect sense.
i thought masumi was trying to take a secret picture of everyone for izumi, not like... be her first instagram like, but that's kind of like. so stupid yet teenager-charming you know. i actually really liked this event in terms of how masumi was? like he's not... mean to everybody in favor of izumi, you know. and it was sweet seeing everyone like pay attention to him and take care of him. hisoka finding him a napping spot was so nice and the cg was so cute!!! just so peaceful. i also loved the small moment where chikage and hisoka met up in the dead of night. it was just. rly nice to see chikage be like oh how can i help. its like... theyre brothers!!! (wait. hang on. is the reason theyre called gekkabros bc gekka is like. month or something. sudden realization i was just like huh wow its close to gekkan shoujo....)
i was so not normal about tsuzuru's 180 on his poor family plotline. like the rags to riches was just. one the guy is clearly going thru it two i just had sever mizuno thoughts. do u ever think tsuzuru dreamed about winning it big on the lottery and seeing mizuno again. and then felt deeply angry and frustrated at himself for even considering it. I don’t think that guy has bought a lotto ticket in his life actually. but he must’ve known in heart that was why they weren’t friends. anyways him as a southern belle was. hilarious. should've been one of the cards like. imagine him dressed as. you know the really old fancy shoujo wakamatsu reads in gsnk (ch 14 or 23 show examples) i imagine him like that. speaking of gsnk every once in a while i pretend that kashima yuzo and kashima yuu are related just bc i think it would be fun. i'm glad people laughed. honestly for all izumi said it was unrealistic i felt that was very like. New Money vibes.
sakyo finding out they lied was such a good moment like. when izumi got a video call request i out loud said "oh. he's right behind me, isn't he" so seeing them be like izumi look at whos right behind kazunari made me laugh very hard. love that sakyo calls out azuma and chikage in specific abt doing shady forgery. like azuma what a Vibe u have. i
anyways. just a nice event! sorry abt sakyo's wrath but i'm glad everyone had a good time. it’s late where I am so sorry if I said anything incoherent… autumns up next!! excited :)
HELPPP yes indeed, it's Lucifer, Lucifaa/Lucilius, and then Lucio. Lucio is his own separate character to the other two yes. But yeah he's famous for his beach look especially since it drives Sandalphon crazy and Lucio is a messy bitch who loves drama. those are the three Lucifaces. so you're already good remembering them!!
AND OOOH I'LL DEF CHECK THEM OUT!! it's a bit late rn so i'm answering to that and be done for today but i'll def need to check that!!!
and heyooo Springtime snooze!!!
ok read more time!
oh god, mixing up the two events is unfortunate but thanks god you caught on what was going on then ahah
gotta love Sleepy Hisoka, my favorite Hisoka type (along with all the others Hisoka type)
The yaycupcake pages do list at least the general nickname by character if you check the relationship tab, but it's from the fantranslation rather than the official EN translation (for example for Yuki: https://yaycupcake.com/a3/index.php?title=Yuki_Rurikawa#tab=Relationships it shows you the list of characters, how Yuki is addressed as by these characters, and how Yuki addresses them as, as well as the name of their relationship in the Coin Talk corner. But yeah it'll be fantranslation, so you'll see "Hack" translated "Useless Actor" for example) idk if there's a chart with the official nicknames though. and it doesn't help for like, how regularly they call each other that way, esp for like "when does Yuki stop using the nicknamme" yaknow? but yeah also any charts will include Guy and Azami on the lists, and while for Azami it should be clear for you, Guy will come with spoilers for certain.
to answer you, Yuki usually calls Tenma 'hack" so often that the one of the few times he did call him Tenma (when Tenma came back to the troupe after his father forced him to leave in the first summer chap) Tenma is shocked Yuki calls him by his name.
on some easy ones for fics if it helps, Sakyo and Tasuku for instance always refers to everyone by their last names, except for the chara without last name (obviously), and, in Tasuku's case, Tsumugi who's called by his first name, and Azuma who's called "Azuma-san" no matter what, and for Sakyo, Azami who's called usually his name or "bon" / "kid". This type of details. (it's silly but it does sometimes happen to me that i see Tasuku being written in fancontent where he refers to chara by their first name and it breaks my immersion like "he wouldn't say that." terrible icha moment.)
AND HELPP I LOVE WHAT YOU SAY ABOUT CHIKAGE and especially his dynamic with Tsuzuru. Tsuzuru making him Just Some Guy because he does that with everyone while Chikage is in full blown spy worry about it all. priceless. And i do love the way Tsuzuru puts him on the same level of Itaru. Pros: you keep your secret. Cons: you're considered a gamer trash just like your roommate.
Azuma being evil on purpose <3 the absolute disaster duo that Chikage and Azuma made this whole event like yes we're going to manipulate Sakyo into it, no worries, we have it covered. And yeah there's an early backstage (Azuma's first SR, [About to Bloom] - "A Lively Home") where they play a sort of boardgame where they have to build a Yakuza empire, and Azuma comes in like "oh i'm not sure i know how to play" before just destroying everyone and coming toe to toe with Sakyo in term of how to build an empire. And everyone is a bit shocked except Sakyo who's like "yeah no, makes sense to me, i've met yakuza with the same behavior he has, and they're the most terrifying ones because you never know what to expect out of them". and then Azuma replies "i would never do anything bad. maybe you want to see it for yourself, in my bed, tonight, i can be so gentle." and Sakyo stares at him, dead inside. So yeah Azuma, official menace, that Sakyo sees as "at his full potential, he could be a dangerous yakuza type." And Azuma knows it and uses it against Sakyo and it's brilliant.
And waaa what you bring up about Tasuku's training parts that's so sweet. any bonding between those two is always nice. And yeah loving Chikage's whole "you forced me to join your found family so now i'm going to become your own personal menace" character arc. he opens up one teasing at a time and it's so sweet.
Citron is sooo good aahh he's always so so good. And Tasuku always managing to make all of those things some more theater addict moment god bless him;
and yeah aahh so true for Masumi. The first time i read it i actually was so found of Masumi the whole time and then learning he was just waiting to be the first to like Izumi's insta post kinda bummed me out because the scenes were really soft about how he is less mean to people and enjoy being with them more and is definitely growing closer to them at his own rhythm that it made me sad to make it back about Izumi again, but you're right it still fits him so well and it's still sweet, and the interpersonal relationship development is still there so it's so nice.
the CG was so so sweet!! and Hisoka joining it was adorable. and yeah sobs i loved the Chikage and Hisoka scene it's so soft. AND HDLFKJD YEAH. YEAH… "Gekka" is a way to say "moon" which is also the way to say "month" (since the writting for "month" is the writting for "moon" in Japanese as well). So they are "the months" and "the moons". In Chikage's first solo, when he says "All alone beneath the moon, aah I'm filled with thoughts of you", the term he uses is "Gekka" as well. "gekka" tends to specifically ties them back to the organization in general. the usual term being used online about them is therefore Gekkagumi (gumi being how to say "troupe", re fuyugumi = winter troupe), and when we want to especially refers to them being brothers we call them gekkabros ahah
AND HELPP THAT'S SO TRUE POOR TSUAURU. and oh god i love this scenario so much. I could see yeah, Tsuzuru would never have bought a lotto ticket bc with their money situation they would need to focus everything on making sure the kids are all well cared for, and he didn't have money to leave to chance and would find it preposturous. But with how much he loves to fantasize i could totally imagine him wondering sometimes if maybe winning big, getting rich, would bring him closer to Mizuno again. He knew it was never Mizuno's intends and that it was his parents that tore them apart, so i could honestly see Tsuzuru put together that their class divide was probably a reason why, and perhaps ending up thinking about what if this gap could be filled even like that yaknow? but yeah i feel like he'd probably try to stay as rational as he can about all of this :( ANd HELPP I LOVE THE IDEA. Tsuzuru dressing in fancy dresses would be amazing i want him. Yuzo and Kashima being related would be hilarious. and hey, Kashima is also a theater kid, so why not having her related to Yuzo. It works out. It explains so much about why she'd be like this. And yeah it was really fun aahh
AND HELPP YEAH. YEAH. The moment Sakyo catches them in the lie is so funny. They really just ended up betraying themselves so readily. and i love how Sakyo knew how to single out those two, while also they were the two being all ":)? us? we did nothing wrong :) except for all the attrocities :) but it is nothing :)" meanwhile some of the rest could easily freak out because "oh Sakyo is going to kill us".
Honestly that CHIKAGE ends up being like that, as a spy, yeah, sure, alright even, but Azuma is so funny since he's supposed to be more on the normal side. Azuma you shouldn't be standing to the same level as a yakuza and a spy in term of "chill over lying and fooling people with forgery". He's so cool.
I'm glad you had fun with the event!! <3 And yeah, the good time but at the price of Sakyo's anger. worth it.
Anyway! thank you for sharing, as always, it's always a blast to read!
Autumn next!! hype to see your thoughts ;D
Take care and rest well!!!
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