#but also. maybe that's just my brain being stupid because it's past 10 pm lol
indecisive-v · 10 months
i've heard many a crazy college story that made me think college would be at least a little fun, enough to ensure i still care and my brain isn't drifting off into outer space, but i'm nearing the end of my first semester and rereading a list of quotes from my senior year of high school and it's making me realize that year may have raised the bar a little too high
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purplesurveys · 4 years
Have you ever tried Turkish Delight? No. I’ve looked up photos of it before and it has genuinely never looked appealing; sorry to those who are delighted (heh heh) by them :/ I’m willing to try it if I ever get the chance, but I really doubt that I’ll enjoy.
Do you have a Vietnamese restaurant in your town or city? They’re a lot less common than other Asian restaurants, but I think we do have a fair share, yeah. The most common are banh mi joints. I think the reason why they aren’t super popular in my country is that Vietnamese dishes tend to be veggie-heavy - at least that’s the impression of most people here - and with Filipinos loving rice and meat in everything they eat, other cuisines simply end up being more popular, like Thai and Chinese.
Do you or have you ever owned a portable gaming console? Yes; we had a couple of PSPs and a DSi as kids. These days, we have a Switch.
Have you ever been in a car with a sunroof? Yeah the Vitara has one. It’s my favorite trick to pull off whenever a friend is riding with me in it for the first time, haha. Everyone always gets so excited about it.
Do you have to have an occasion to eat out or do you just do it for fun? Back in college I allotted a certain portion of my weekly allowance to be able to eat out once or twice a week. Food is the way to my heart and happiness and it just felt good to have nice food, man. I didn’t want to have to wait for occasions to be able to eat at my favorite restaurants.
Have you opened a letter today? No, I haven’t.
How far away is the closest cinema from your house? It’s around a 10-15 minute drive.
Have you ever been to the emergency room? Nope.
Are you one of those people who can’t go without their morning coffee? I wasn’t for a very long time, but it’s starting to become that way now that I’ve started having a regular 9-6 shift. I find that I’m way crankier and am prone to crying from anxiety if I don’t make myself a cup of coffee. When I do, I feel super productive and more motivated to do work.
Have you ever worn fake eyelashes? Twice. Once for junior prom and the next was for my college grad photo shoot.
Do you know the story of how your parents met? If so, tell me? They both started out as part of the kitchen crew in a luxury hotel in the city, my mom as a waitress and my dad as a cook. My mom started pursuing my dad when she discovered what school he came from lol because priorities, I guess.
What is your favorite Chinese food? Minced pork with eggplants is a huge favorite of mine. Xiao long bao and pork buns (steamed or baked) are also suuuuuper good.
Would you ever work at a movie theater? Probably not at this point in my life. It would’ve been a nice gig during college.
Do you have a phone charger in your car? Yessir. I need one since I constantly use Waze to get to anywhere for both directions and traffic updates, and the LTE I need for that drains my battery.
Do you live far from your parents? No, they’re like 10 steps away, in another room.
Have you ever submitted a video to Funniest Home Videos? Nope. I always loved the videos though and the show made up a big part of my childhood.
Have you ever been attracted to an authority figure? I’ve found several teachers attractive before, yeah. The biggest crush I had was on my biology teacher...I think everyone else had a crush on her too lol, she was the personification of beauty and brains.
Do you think you have a wide vocabulary? I mean I guess I know more words than most people my age...but I also feel that my vocabulary still would’ve been a lot wider if I just continued to read well into my teenage years and now as a young adult.
What was the last hot food you ate? Lumpia.
Have you ever seen a meteor shower? I don’t think so.
Describe your current position: I’m sitting up on my bed, laptop on my lap, right leg outstretched with my left leg tucked underneath it.
Have you used a microwave today? It’s only 5:01 AM, so I haven’t. We’ll see about today.
What was the last electronic device you purchased? I don’t really buy electronics. I’m more likely to buy accessories for the stuff I already have, and the last one I got was a new case for my phone.
Have you ever slept through an alarm? I think so; only a few times though. I wake up from them easily.
Do you have any celebrity crushes? Kristen Stewart and Kate Winslet are where it’s at for me, y’all.
Do you prefer going out for coffee or brewing your own? I can go either way. Coffee is coffee. I don’t mind making my own for convenience, or paying a few hundred bucks for a little more quality coffee.
Have you consumed caffeine today? If so, in what form? Yeah I have a cup of 3-in-1 barako coffee beside me. I actually made this cup at like, 7 PM last night...then I fell asleep for a bit, woke up at midnight, fucked around for a few hours and now I’m back to drinking it at 5 AM, ha.
Do you have lactose intolerance or know anyone who does? I have a mild case of it. It’s not a complete disaster for me to eat cheese or consume milk, and I wouldn’t say that my trips to the bathroom afterwards are emergencies. My body has for the most part been nice to me, hahaha.
Do you know anyone who follows a raw vegan diet and lifestyle? Not to my knowledge, no.
Have you killed a bug this week? Probably.
What was the first food you learned how to cook? I followed a recipe for onion rings a few months ago and that was super fun, but I haven’t followed that up yet so I dunno if it’s right to say I ‘learned’ it. 
Do you have a Bachelor’s degree? If so, what in? Journalism.
How many email accounts do you have? Four, but honestly I barely use the Outlook one anymore. I have three main email addresses on Gmail.
Can you go see a doctor alone or do you like to take someone with you? My parents come with me because they take care of the finances and insurance that go with things like that.
Have you ever made your own pasta noodles from scratch? Hmm, I don’t think so.
How long is your average shower? 5-10 minutes.
How close is the nearest park from your house? We don’t have any public parks because my country sucks, but my village has a few small parks that residents can flock to and walk their dogs in or bring their kids to play in or whatever. The nearest one is a 10-15 minute walk or a 2-minute drive away, depending on how you prefer to get there. Which household chore do you hate the most? Cleaning up dog pee.
Have you ever been to an all-you-can-eat buffet? So many times. They’re very common here and there are a lot of restaurants that solely have a buffet gimmick. Sambo Kojin was my favorite, and I’m really hoping their business wasn’t affected by this stupid virus.
Can you see out any windows from where you are? Yup.
Do you like pineapple on pizza? No, but I also don’t like pineapples and all other fruits.
What color is your soap? Green or white. I don’t really pay attention.
Is anything bothering you right now? Just about all the time, yes.
When’s the last time you had a headache? Sometime this week or last week.
What woke you up this morning? I woke up naturally as I normally do these days.
Are you planning to go see a movie anytime soon? Yeah my workmates have been watching American Murder on Netflix and all of them so far are raving about it, so I want to give that a shot soon.
Will you sleep alone tonight? I always sleep alone. 
How do you feel right now? Confused at my lack of drowsiness and a little sad but it’s manageable for now.
Is shyness cute? I don’t feel any particular way towards it. I suppose it can be endearing and it can also be annoying.
Will you be up before 7:00 a.m. tomorrow? I already am.
What are your plans for tonight? Maybe keep doing surveys or send in my online interview that a company I’m applying to asked me to accomplish. I didn’t even know do-it-on-your-own-time interviews were a thing; it’s super convenient and removes my anxiety of being interviewed in real time by strangers.
Would you rather write in pink pen or blue pen? Blue.
Have you ever kissed the last person you text messaged? Yes.
Who was the last person you cried in front of? Just myself. Haven’t cried in front of anyone in a while.
Are your eyes the same color as your dad’s? Yep.
Have you smoked a cigarette in the past 24 hours? No, but could definitely use one.
Were you happy when you woke up today? Nah I woke up crying I think. It was one of the more difficult mornings.
Are you the youngest sibling? I’m the eldest.  
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comicteaparty · 4 years
March 28th-April 3rd, 2020 Creator Babble Archive
The archive for the Creator Babble   chat that occurred from March 28th, 2020 to April 3rd, 2020.  The chat focused on the following question:
How many hours do you work on your comic per week, and how do you manager to balance that with other responsibilities?
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
heheh So we are.. cheating a bit Both me and my coworker are unemployed, and is working on hour comic, like was it a full time job. It is our passion project, and dream that we can work and live of makeing comics. In Denmark you can apply for grants from the government, but you need to have releashed a book before that is possible. We are useing the comic, to show potentional clients in the future what we can do. For now we are working on it from 09:00-17:00 ish (with a long lunch break) while applying for other kinds of grants, and also does all the things we are supposed to to get our unemplyment money, and searching for jobs, and freelance gigs, gathering the courage to start our own small company (not right now though) and yeaah time will tell
@Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS that doesn't sound like cheating to me? more like using the tools at your disposal to turn your passion into a viable career
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
hehe it feels a little like cheating! there are some debates about if it is okay or not, but we think that strengthening our skills is a good use of our time
eli [a winged tale]
Haha also not cheating! It’s great you’re using the time to chase the dream I’m curious what’s your breakdown for those time working on the comic? As for me, usually 1-2 hours a day with a bit more on the weekend if time permits. These days with the quarantine it’s about 2-3 h a day
Since I'm unemployed until who knows when I've been working on my comic between 40-50 hours a week about 6 to 7 days a week... most weeks. Some days, like update day or chore day, I hardly work on the comic or don't work on it at all. Admittedly I'm not the best at balancing drawing with other responsibilities, sometimes I get so into it that I forget about daily house chores, other weeks I do the opposite and only do house chores which makes me totally behind of comic stuff. I can't seem to find a good middle ground, it always turns into completely focusing on one or the other.
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah when I get in the zone, time flies and life gets put to the wayside
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
So I have no school or work, so the webcomic has become almost a fulltime project for me
I average about 10 hours per day working on it, not counting on chores and exercise
Another thing I worry about is the possibility of carpal tunnel syndrome, which is why I've been relentless with exercise, too
I guess it's just a combination of relentless reminders and also sheer willpower that gets me to do other responsibilities haha
@eli [a winged tale] also I know that feeling
Joichi [Hybrid Dolls]
So since my school had to cancel, I have to be more responsible for my online course. Sometimes I give myself 2 days off each week to work more into my upcoming webcomic but I have to switch my mind for school work, online classes. Also extra time for food. I need to get back into exercise or I feel exhausted more easily. I keep a wall schedule so that I make it a routine to write what I'll do every 3 or 5 days, to keep my active brain reminded(edited)
LadyLazuli (Phantomarine)
I spent the majority of last year (fun)employed (partially by choice, partially not! my previous job let me go rather unceremoniously... and I needed a hiatus anyway... so it worked out) so I poured a lot more hours into that chapter of Phantomarine than I usually did. I worked on it almost every day - at least for a couple of hours, but sometimes up to a full eight-hour day. That number has dipped tremendously since I’ve gone back to work, but I’m spreading the same amount of time out in a broader way. I’m trying to get a good buffer during my hiatus, so I can work and draw in a healthy balance. I don’t have crazy overtime at my current job like I did at my last one, so that’s already a comfort. I’m confident I’ll be able to hit a good stride once the comic returns in June (edited)
eli [a winged tale]
Can’t wait Lady!!
Feather J. Fern
Two part time jobs, and school killed my comic, but I been working on getting one panel done a day, which is around 30minutes to an hour if possible.
eli [a winged tale]
My routine used to be rendering on the commute but now just once in am and once pm until this limbo time is clarified
That’s awesome Feather! It’s so rewarding when everything comes together after putting effort everyday
Feather J. Fern
Once school is done in two more weeks I will be more free to do things so I hope to get maybe two panels done in a day XD
Online school, stupid quarantine
Tuyetnhi (Only In Your Dreams!)
Due to the pandemic im mostly off school and my part time job so i spend like 4-5 hours on my comic per day. Still would like try to get a page done per day but lmao digital painting is slowwww
eli [a winged tale]
What’s everyone’s tips for breaks/stretches/balance? I feel like I certainly need to revisit these to avoid burnout and continue feeling motivated!
Feather J. Fern
Actually there was a cool manga artist who's tip was literally he only worked working hours. His mornings are free and since manga was his job, he worked form 12-6, giving him 2 hours to do other work he needs to get done, and takes morning walks and stuff.
Another person I know had "No working weekends" as a thing becuase they are a freelancer.
I personally have try to make sure I ahve a routine, and actually, stretch before drawing.
Streetch before, during a break, and then after, to keep that body nice and warmed up
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Health-wise there's this hing for your : every 20 minutes, look at something 20 feet away for 20 seconds. I'm not good at following this, but when I do it, it helps a lot.
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Despite the current pandemic, my work-life hasn't changed much (unless you count stress getting in the way). I am currently "unemployed," but I do consider comicking my full-time job. I am also not very good at balancing work and life. Something's always gotta give. Last year, I worked at a job that basically ruined my ability to work on my comic. I worked 30-40 hours typically, ruined my sleep schedule, took work home sometimes, and was constantly exhausted. This is what resulted in my year and a half long hiatus, and it's what drove me to work like hell on my comic when I quit. Now (when I'm in the groove and not suffering from art block), I typically spend 60-70 hours on my comic and get 2-3 pages done: - 30 hours sketching (I know, ridiculous) - 5 hours filling in base colors - 20-25 hours painting - 5 hours adding text, speech bubbles, sfx, and finishing touches - 1-2 hours formatting for Webtoon I also spend some time throughout the week typing up the script, doing concept art for things coming in the future of the comic, and preparing for conventions, but I can't tell you exactly how much time.
eli [a winged tale]
Thanks for the breakdown! I’m always keen to learn from everyone and seeing how the workflow is like for different people
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
oh don't forget to do wrist stretches!
eli [a winged tale]
Ahh formatting time is always so tedious for me!
Yes wrist exercises! Any recommendations?
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
hmmm well the easiest one is literally just shaking it out
like every hour
and I also like to hold my arm out parallel, point my fingers up and using my other hand to pull the fingers back so i'm stretching the wrist
then I point the fingers down and pull on the fingers until my wrist is stretching
eli [a winged tale]
Awesome. Will be adopting those!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I'm pretty fast. 2-6 hours per page, depending on how detailed it is. Average of 3-4. I could probably do 2 pages/ week easily enough, but don't want to do more than that. I'm the kind of person who always needs to be doing a million different things. I need to leave time for my other hobbies and my paintings and my academics and extracurriculars. Otherwise I'd get burnt out doing one thing only
Holmeaa - working on WAYFINDERS
@eli [a winged tale] So since it is both me and @Q (Wayfinders: Off Course) working, we start with working on a rough each, our goal is one step (so rough, ink, color) for two pages pr day, pr person. So in a weak the goal is four finished pages a week, and then we upload 3 pages per week. So it is divided that in the morning we start at 09:00 in the morning, maybe checking mail, being practical or whatever. Then we work until 12:00 were we eat lunch, go for a long nice walk and then we go back to work between 13:00 and 14:00 ish and then work until 17:00 when we begin to prepare dinner. Then of course breaks inbetween
Q (Wayfinders: Off Course)
It’s pretty wild to be able to dedicate your entire day to comics like that
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
damn you all work fast
do you guys have any tips on how to work on a webcomic faster?
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
Lol, I wish!
Still looking for those magical secrets
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
@shadowhood (SunnyxRain) You know the 80-20 rule? You can get 80% of the result with 20% of the effort? My comic is very messy if you zoom in. I don't spend time making sure the linework or the coloring is perfectly clean. Also, I'm pretty fast at drawing figures. I used to practice figure drawing a lot by rushing to draw strangers irl before they moved, or by drawing a bunch of fast figures from the free figure drawing model websites online. I've also taken a figure drawing course (didn't even have to pay because it was part of my university! Even if you don't have that option you can probably find free life drawing sessions on Meetup or similar!) which really helped me streamline my process for drawing people
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Oh I see! Yes, I used to take life drawing classes too! And your response makes me feel a lot better
I tend to be a bit messy with inking, and since i'm a perfectionist a lot of my time is wasted on editing/clean up
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've seen cronaj draw, and while I think the results look excellent, I think her method is a kind of inefficient. She draws like a printer, nearly finishing one detailed body part before moving on the the next. I think maybe if she drew in a more classical way, going from a gesture drawing to progressively more detailed, it might help her be faster and her poses more cohesive and dynamic. Maybe working on 1 or 5 min figures would help? Practicing things like this?
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah I try to do figure practices for efficiency
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I heard that there are some online life drawing vids you can follow too
but what are your experiences with online life drawing vids versus the real thing
like is there a real difference?
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
found some of my old 1 minutes
To me there's not too much difference
I've heard some people say that life drawing is either way easier or way harder though. Because of your depth perception when looking at a real person
But the bruises on my legs can attest to my horrid depth perception haha. That might be why I don't notice a difference
Actually those previous sketches might be 30 seconds? I don't remember
I would recommend you try both but right now we pretty much only have the online option haha
eli [a winged tale]
Yeah I’ve done both and I think irl creates complexity with depth and the interactions with others etc is helpful but online is my go to for flexibility
I think having a process streamlined will make things more efficient. The downside is that it might feel tedious and I do switch it up from time to time for variety
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Might feel uncomfortable but that's how you know you're improving
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
There is a TON of difference for me. I HAVE to look at a physical model in front of me.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Can't get better if you always do the same things
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
This is what my brain does.
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I wonder- could drawing yourself in a mirror be a decent substitute?
If youre lucky you might also be able to ask an SO or roommate to model for you. Should probably pay them back by cooking for them or something though
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Brain: sees a real model in front of me Brain: translates 3D to 2D, result: drawing Brain: sees a photo/video of a model Brain: SHIT. That's supposed to be 3D, isn't it? Brain: Translates 2D to 3D (basically re-constructing it in my head, or attempting to re-construct) so that it can translate it back to 2D Brain: BSOD
There's some online resources out there that have "3D" photos... you know, two near-identical images side by side, so if you look at it cross-eyed, it becomes 3D?
But I can't do those because I get a headache X'D
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Just thinking about drawing from that makes me dizzy
eli [a winged tale]
Oh interesting!
Yeah maybe looking out the window to draw people would be the way to go...
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But maybe figure drawing in VR exists?
eli [a winged tale]
Balcony figure drawings
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I live on the top floor so those are going to be some very small figures
eli [a winged tale]
For ants
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Once this coronavirus thing is over, there's lots of ways you can do gesture drawings from just random people -- bus stops, cafes, museums (I have not done this, but people who have done this report this is really good because others assume you're drawing the artworks. XD)
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I've done this a lot
Sometimes I've even shown people drawing of themselves if they've turned out particularly nice
They've always taken it well
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
I like drawing my professors because they use hand gestures a lot when they talk
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Airport was REALLY good for finding people stuck in one pose indefinitely
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
they alwayas laugh when I show them
eli [a winged tale]
Shadow omg I do that too
Draws classmates
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
yeah the only issue i have with drawing classmates
is that they're always doing the "i'm using my phone" pose
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
Become the master of drawing people on their phones
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Maybe try drawing children on the playground?
This works better if you're a woman
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
oh thank jesus
I also like going to the zoo or the museum
or the aquarium if i'm feeling adventurous
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
I am a University student so I also have some pretty interestng drawings of people asleep in weird poses
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
I really need to start going to weekly figure drawing sessions once this is over (there's one here... 20 min drive... 8AM Saturdays )
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
ditto or just go to the park and draw
and @Eightfish (Puppeteer) I've had some.....weird poses from all my profs
one guy was incredibly hard to draw; he was VERY enthusiastic about showing us knife skills
keii’ii (Heart of Keol)
The parks here are too spacious, to a degree where it's weird to get close enough to people
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Bring binoculars
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
Don't worry ma'am I'm an artist
nothing sketchy
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
(except my sketch)
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
A+ pun right there
another place to go for figure drawing
I once tried drawing the men dancing in the Newsies musical
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Tried that once, but it took me out of the performance
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
same i was dazzled by dancing men
aaaaand then i abandoned sketching at all when they started throwing newspaper strips into the audience
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
But they were giving you free paper!
shadowhood (SunnyxRain)
i'll take what i can get
Cronaj (Whispers of the Past)
@Eightfish (Puppeteer) While I agree that my method of drawing is "inefficient," I do not draw like a printer. There are videos of people drawing like a printer and it's not what I'm doing. I have done gesture drawing before, but it always looked incredibly abstract, and not quite like people, which is fine, but not what I'm going for. I treat gesture drawing like a warm-up exercise. It doesn't really do anything for my end result, but gets my drawing muscles stretched out.(edited)
eli [a winged tale]
Gesture drawings are definitely a good warmup!
Eightfish (Puppeteer)
Perhaps it was an inappropriate analogy. What works for me I guess wouldn't work for everyone. I was trying to offer advice because whenever you talk about how much time you spend on art and you work life balance it's commendable but also dismaying. I hope you find something that works for you in the future
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Oh god.. I sometimes work 6 hours a day. I guess thats like 30 hours a week? Crazy to think about, it's like a full job
Oooh you guys are sharing figure drawings... I swant to show some of mine
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
My figure drawing usually breaks down into like, medical anatomy study. I feel like I understand body shapes better by including the muscles & bones
ABS the most important figure study
Deo101 [Millennium]
ah figure drawing? I love figure drawing ^^
I do like a lot but this kinda thing is most of it
anyways as for the question at hand, I do a lot of different things for my comics weekly. My millennium pages take me 2-6 hours i would say, but I also have patreon things I need to do so I'd say i spend 10-15 hours on it a week. for my other comic, I spend about 6 hours an update, and it updates every other week. but honestly, all of my free time goes to assorted comics. If i'm not working on school work or chatting with people, I'm working on things for patreon, potential merch, or other comics I want to start sometime.
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Oooh nice poses!!’
Deo101 [Millennium]
thanks!! I have a ton of gesture/figure drawings but these ones are my most recent that I have saved to my computer i think
10 minutes im pretty sure. very good for speeding up
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
Those look really nice, good values
Deo101 [Millennium]
thanks ^^ I really hate working in charcoal honestly, it kinda always winds up hurting my body somehow, but its very quick sooooooo
My answer for the prompt question has changed a lot since I started quarantine lmao... I used to do about 10 hours of work throughout the week on my comic page (usually after work, I have an office job) but ironically it’s gotten harder while I work from home. I’ve been struggling to find time since I don’t have a separation between work and home now, and putting the boundaries up of “I’m not always available” to coworkers is difficult.
Also on figure studies: they’re a great way to practice speed. I use the concepts of figure drawings all the time.
@kayotics As someone who always works from home doing remote contract work, I have to say I think this is something a lot of people underestimate about work at home life. In that it's sometimes really difficult to establish boundaries with ppl and make them understand you aren't always available and also aren't gonna work billions of hours of overtime. So I'm sorry to hear that's affecting your comic work.
Shadowmark Productions
I work anywhere from 6-8 hours a day on comic stuff. That’s an average though. Sometimes I slack and need to pull all nighters to make up for it. Yes, I am terrible at time management. They say entrepreneurs are the only people willing to work 80 hours a week for themselves so they do not have to work 40 hours a week for someone else. I guess webcomic creators are the only people willing to work 80+ hours a week so that they can... go to work for someone else afterwards
4 days of procrastinating, 1 of procrastinating and hating myself, and 2 of actual comic drawing seems to make up my weekly comic making schedule. :p
sssfrs (JOE IS DEAD)
I can only imagine how stressed I would be if I forced myself to update weekly
Cap’n Lee (Flowerlark Studios)
This is a hard question to answer because it varies a lot depending on my energy levels. Ideally I’d spend several hours a day on comics, but realistically I draw as much as possible when I have the energy (5+ hours a day for as many days in a row as I can handle it) and then go weeks or months too tired to do comics. On average, barring any long periods of exhaustion or other interruptions from RL, I spend about 20+ hours a week making pages for my comics.
I prefer to work on my comic for about an hour ever morning and maybe 2-3 hours in the evening, that's the ideal routine for me. Right now I sadly have a lot of schoolwork to do (writing my thesis) so i might get less than 30 minutes in the morning and then feel rlly tired in the evening so I dont get as much time then either. but oh well!
I can still work for 4-5 hours on the weekends so I manage ^^(edited)
chalcara [Nyx+Nyssa]
The whole stay-indoors order's currently completely wrecked my pattern, but before that I did between 3-4 hours a day.
Shadowmark Productions
Can’t imagine the stress of a daily or even weekly posting schedule. Hats off.
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marvelmymarvel · 6 years
When I Was Older
Part 2/3
Captain!Intelligence!Lewis Nixon x Captain!Intelligence!Reader
????? x Captain!Intelligence!Reader (Cuz I’m evil. MUAHAHA)
Synopsis:  Working side by side with the man you secretly love but openly hate is hard work. He tells you that your plans aren’t smart, but he knows deep down that they are indeed lifesavers. But when he doesn't take your word and it winds up in 100 dead men, you two have an explosive fight, and words are said. Some were hurtful… Some were what you wanted to hear all along.
Catch Up: Part 1 
A/N: I wanna see your guesses on who she's gonna end up with... In order to keep it a surprise, I won't put specific people (other than Lew) in the tags so you can't cheat ;). But!!! I want to play a game... I wanna see who YOU think it is... The people that get it right get tagged (Other than my other tags lol, you’ll be in a special tag itself at the top). Here are the rules if you’d like to play along. You can either comment on this post/pm me/send in the answer in the ask box, and I will (If you would like) tag you if you’re right. If you have a reason to why you think that a certain person is the one you chose, I would also like to hear that! I just think it would be a fun game to play!! If no one plays its fine as well. But just so you know... You won't know who it is till the last paragraph of the 3rd part... Because I’m evil... Anyway, I hope you enjoy this and if you would like me to do more like these I certainly can (I think its super fun and all). 
PS: Every part will have a song you can listen to while you read :)
Song: Bellyache By Billie Eilish (Link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gBRi6aZJGj4) *Basically just happy and about love ya know :)*
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The door slammed open angrily and Dick jumped in his chair as you stormed in. “Y/n” He greeted calmly and you just glared at him. While he was your best friend since day one, sometimes he did things that made you tic. “Really Dick” you hissed lowly and he just nodded at the door, you could yell and scream at him all you wanted... But the rest of the officers didn't need to hear it as well. Pursing your lips tightly, you turned and grabbed the door angrily. “Close it gently please Y/n... No need to demolish the door as well” he muttered and you closed it slowly before turning around to face him once more. He looked up from his papers with a blank face, opening your mouth he sighed “It had to happen” he grumbled out and you scoffed. Storming over you pulled one of the chairs out and sat down angrily in front of his desk. You were seething, anger boiling through your veins as if you were about to catch on fire. You opened and closed your mouth many times, but not a single word came out. “Spit it out” Dick murmured, not really patient enough to have you 10 seconds away from killing him, and him not knowing why. 
“He told me... HE LOVED ME... DICK” you screamed out finally before grabbing onto the arms of the chair in anger. It was more so to balance yourself as the rage seemed to blind you a little and made you dizzy. The three words you begged to hear from those lips, now left a bad taste in your mouth. “And what did you say,” Dick said quietly. It was almost too light for you to hear and your face softened as you took in the way he said that sentence. Your breathing became calm as you thought over the words that fell from your lips after Lewis admitted his feelings to you. They were harsh, but they were necessary... “I told him that I hated him” you whispered. Dick only stared at you, no emotion seemed to cross his features as he took in your heartless reply. Richard stood by you, every year that you loved Lew on and off again, and yet when you heard those words that you prayed for... You told him that you hated him? Dick nodded before standing, finally understanding why you were upset. It wasn't because of what Lew said, hell, you could care less... But it was what Dick did that caused that whole situation to happen in the first place. Rounding the desk he sat on the corner before clearing his throat and looking down at you. “I’m sorry that I put you in that situation” Dick’s soft words seemed to restore your heart as you smiled affectionately at him. Another thought crossed your brain as your smile fell once more. “How long did you know that he liked me?” It was so faint and weak that he almost whispered out a ‘what’ so you could repeat yourself. But then it dawned on him. You shook your head before scoffing. Standing up you grabbed your jacket that flew onto the ground in your anger, “I can't believe you” you hissed before turning to leave. “Y/n..” He sighed out as he pushed off the desk and lunged for your arm. Grabbing tightly onto your bicep, he whirled you around where you stood face to face with him. Your breath caught at the proximity but you composed yourself before looking up into his eyes. “I was trying to protect you from him” he muttered out sincerely, you rolled your eyes as you gave a mocking smirk to him. “Really... Because you didn't think that maybe... Just MAYBE if Lew and I were together, things would have been easier?? Or is that just me?” you pressed as you got in his face, your anger boiling over and Dick just watched you as if he couldn't find a way to put it out. “Its almost as if you didn't want me to even find out... HOW DARE YOU-” He cut you off by pressing his lips hurriedly to yours. It was a single kiss, but your eyes widened in confusion. Pushing him away softly you gazed at him in disbelief, “You read that circumstance very, very, wrong” you whispered before yanking your arm from his grasp and storming out. Leaving him there feeling stupid for kissing you, his best friend. He just wanted you to shut up... He just wanted you to realize, that his intentions were not to stop you from loving Lew and instead loving him... His intentions were different. There was someone else that loved you... It wasn't just him... But he couldn't tell you who.
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“And then! HE KISSED-” 
“SHHH, Y/n” Speirs hissed as he covered your mouth with his hand. He smiled at your anger as his eyes darted from your covered lips back to your angry eyes... But you didn't see it somehow. You were both sitting in a barn that was right in the middle of the town where the regiment was located. During the lunch hour, you and Ron normally caught up to eat and talk about each others day in that barn. You always seemed to find a spot wherever you all traveled, but seeing as you have spent almost 2 weeks in this town, this had become your favorite spot. You stopped mumbling in his hand and he cocked an eyebrow at you. “You done hollerin’ now sweets?” he whispered lowly in your ear and you nodded. Letting you go, you exhaled out in relief from finally being able to breathe normally. “Yeah... I’m sorry Ron I’m just...” you started before trailing off, something caught your eye. He followed your glare and saw Lewis walking over towards you two, “Want me to take care of him” Ron grumbled and you just shook your head before handing him the other half of your sandwich, “No... He probably needs help-” 
“Y/n” Lew called out making you nod annoyingly at Ron as an ‘I told you so’ as Lew just continued “I need help with the plans.” You sighed before standing up, pressing a kiss to Ron's cheek, you swung your jacket over your shoulder. “Same time tomorrow? Or we going out tonight” you hollered back over your shoulder as you began to walk towards Lew. “We can go out tonight. My treat” Ron called back and you gave him a mini-salute with your fingers before turning back to Lew who was impatiently waiting for you. “What’s your deal Nixon” you seethed as you brushed past him, Ron bit into your sandwich before throwing a smirk at the angry Captain. Lew turned and angrily stormed after you. Once in the planning room, you began to unravel the maps, Lew was farther behind you but you knew he entered by the way he slammed the door shut. It was hard and full of violence, making you jump in your spot. Blinking, you relaxed your muscles as Lew rounded the table, his anger was radiating off of him in violent waves and you felt sick to your stomach. Putting his energy aside in your brain, you helped him plan for the next hour. 
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He barely talked, and you barely conversed anything other than plans. A knock sounded on the door as the door opened and you turned your head to see Lip in the doorway, fingers still brushed against the wood of the door.  A smile appeared on your lips at the sight of him as he entered the hostile room, “I need to see Y/n, Captain Nixon... Is that okay?” Carwood asked warmly and Lew just shrugged. “Don't really care what she does frankly” he snapped out and you just rolled your eyes at Car before following him out. His smile was all you seemed to need as it changed your face from a sad frown to a happy smile in a matter of seconds. Getting out of there, you looped your arm with his. “Thank God you got me out of there Car” you gratefully muttered as you put your head on his shoulder. You two were walking over to the meeting that all of the officers had at 1500 hours, but for some happy reason, Car decided to save you from Lew and his assholery an hour early. “Anything for you my love” he sweetly whispered down at you before pressing a kiss to your temple. You both exited the office and walked over towards your guys' special spot. It was under an apple tree that was nearby the offices, but a little out of the way. While you and Ron had the barn, you and Car had the tree. You two had late night talks when you both couldn't sleep, under this tree. War was getting the best of you both, and together, you found comfort in each other. Reaching up, you tried to grab a ripe apple that was only inches away from your fingertips, but you couldn't get it. You stood on your tippy-toes but still couldn't reach it, an arm wrapped securely around your waist as Carwoods hand surpassed yours and grabbed the apple. Pulling it down and off the tree, you huffed out a frustrated sigh before turning in his grasp. He held out the apple to you and you smiled. Grabbing it you leaned up and pecked the corner of his mouth softly, “Thanks, Car.” you cooed before walking over to sit against the body of the tree. His cheeks were red but he didn't mind. He watched you lovingly as your h/c hair flowed around your shoulders. It was rare for you to have your hair down but anytime you did, he loved it. Just like he loved you. Sitting down against the tree, he plopped down next to you. You pouted up at him and he got out his pocket knife for you. You began to cut off pieces for the both of you. Leaning back into him, he lifted his arm for you to cuddle into his side. You cuddled under his arm and looked at the blue skies with him. “Thanks for being there for me Car” you whispered up at him as you bit into your piece of apple. He pressed a kiss to your head. “Anytime” he started as he rubbed your arm lovingly, “Any. Time.”
@hell-itwasyou @desired-love-
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canaryatlaw · 8 years
Alright, I'm gonna try to make this quick because I'm really fucking tired but we'll see. So, today. Guess what?? I'm fucking exhausted and I feel like I can't get my mind to stop going a million fucking miles an hour. I'm definitely going to end up discussing this with my psychiatrist next month when I go home. Ugh. I'm so sick of this shit. But anyway. Alarm went off at 11:10 and I got up and got ready, and went to school like the good little schoolchild I am. LARC was fine, more interesting than some of the other classes of it because we were talking about oral arguments since we're gonna have to do one of those soon (sigh). I'm gonna have to get started on the motion and memo that's due next week tomorrow since I'm gonna end up in mock trial land for all of next weekend. Lovely. But it shouldn't be too bad hopefully, I think I have a pretty good grasp of what I need to write, so it should be alright. After class I went right to th library to print out an extra copy of the updated version of my direct for mock trial. Since we were scrimmaging the other half of our own team tonight our coach was playing all the witnesses and she needed a copy of the answers we wanted of course, and I'm not totally memorized on them because I've still been moving around questions and shit like that, so I needed a copy as well. Got that done, dropped my bag in the PAD office and ran off to do a very abbreviated gym run. I left school around 2:55, and the scrimmage started at 4:30, and we were supposed to be set up and ready to go at that point. So I run down the street to the bus, by the time I get to the gym it's like 3:10 so I work out till like 3:50, mostly just doing the machines and not getting on the exercise bike. I was trying to do the abdominals more without overdoing it again and I think I did okay with it though I did feel a little iffy about it afterwards it's mostly gone away so I think I'm alright. By 3:50 I headed out and hopped on the bus back, stopping to have a conversation with the homeless girl that's down at the corner of Michigan avenue sometimes and has all this cool artwork she's done all the time, we've spoken a few times and she's pretty nice. Get back to school, grab my stuff from the PAD office and head up to the classroom we're scrimmaging in. Our coach ends up being a few minutes late (train delay) and then one of the prosecution people got stuck doing something for work (she works for the school, so they can't really fault her for that). But we ended up getting started after not too long, motions in limine went very well actually now that I actually knew what I was doing, although we'd later see some confusion as to what exactly the ruling was on the damn text messages. It's really annoying because the problem has a bunch of stipulations on certain evidence getting admitted which would NEVER get admitted in any court room but needs to be for the problem, so it's like I can't make this argument really but I still want to show that I know how to make it but it's also futile so ??? It's really fucking annoying, lol. But we got past those, I gave the opening perfect from memory, stumbled over a few words but was very notably telling myself to slow down, and it was still too fast I know but it was an improvement at least. I just talk way too fucking fast, really. We had a guy who graduated last year (with our coach) as our guest judge, and he was fairly amused by the whole thing and the idiosyncrasies of the problem and how ridiculous they really are. I had to slip out for a few minutes at 5:30 to attend the PAD e-board meeting, just to be like "yeah the event went well and we'll do something for next month" so that happened while the prosecution was putting on their first witness that my partner crossed. Ugh, my partner. I'm trying not to get frustrated with him because I know he doesn't know any better and that's really not his fault, but HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT HE'S DOING AND IT'S BAD. Like I'm such a naturally competitive person I'm always gonna want to win but I'm having to tell myself not to go into this competition gunning for first place because it's just not going to happen. I think they score us as a team of 4 too, and the girl on the prosecution side isn't half bad, but their guy is also terrible (though not quite as terrible as my partner, his cross tonight was like fucking hell man). I'm still probably gonna get overly competitive with it but I'm trying to lower my expectations at least. My cross went okay, our coach is suchhhhhhh a frustrating witness, and it's not even like she's doing all this great stuff she's just fucking impossible to get a straight answer out of and I don't think it actually helps their case any but it's just extremely frustrating, so I wasn't all that pleased with that. We went straight into the defense's case and chief, but ended up taking a short break after our first witness. The first of course is the psychologist my partner directs who's totally full of shit and we have to make him look *not* totally full of shit, which is always an interesting task. It was okay though I guess, though as I noted the cross from the prosecution on that was fucking painful (it got to the point where our coach just stopped and was like "you can't ask that question and you [my partner] need to be objecting.") Objections were a whole other mess, I was constantly prodding my partner to object and try to feed him the grounds because if he had to guess he'd just come up with the most bullshit ones that aren't actual objections at all. We took a break then though and I talked to the guest judge a bit who I must say was pretty cute, and while all the other team members and our coach were out of the room he told me I was kicking ass, so that made me happy lol. After that was my direct, which went fine other than more stupid confusion over texts. Closing was alright, I was trying to point things out to my partner to focus on but he just kind of plowed ahead with his own thing. We did notes after, which took about till 8 pm. Most of the ones I got were positive, and the criticisms were on like small things and just how to improve things, so I was pleased with that. Headed home after that, and there was some train confusion about being rerouted to different stops and the conductor was on the loudspeaker like "sorry uh, I'm just getting this info right now" (the poor old guy next to me was so confused) but we did end up stopping at my stop thankfully. I was considering getting ice cream from the shop in town because I felt like I deserved it after today, but when I walked by the line was almost out the door and I just wanted to get home and sit down, so I skipped it for now and just went to the half gallon of chocolate ice cream in my freezer. Got home and heated up some dinner and chilled out for a little bit and caught up on my tv shows. Riverdale first, which I think was my favorite episode of it so far. I continue to totally love Veronica and JUGHEAD freaking broke my heart during this episode. I watched Blindspot next, and had a moment of confusion in the first scene because for some reason I thought I turned on how to get away with murder instead haha but once the actual characters appeared on screen I of course figured it out. This episode was fantastic, Rich Dotcom (yes that's a character's name) was so fucking funny I was constantly quoting him on Twitter and the adventure plot was great too, all around A+ episode IMO, though I would've liked a little more Jane. Oh well. I think I watched Powerless after that, which seeks to be hitting its groove a bit more (or maybe I was just in a positive tv mood tonight) and I liked the episode. Finally I turned to how to get away with murder, which I continue to be very meh about because again, my favorite part of the show by far was the cases and we've gone pretty much this whole season without any real cases. Also, next week is the season finale?? Already?? There's like, so much shit they still need to wrap up its ridiculous, I feel like that's gonna be very hard to do even in a two hour season finale, not that I'm terribly invested in it this point anyway (Wes deserved better, so I can continue watching to hope justice will be done for his character in some form because God knows the writers screwed him over in killing his character off the way they did). And yeah, that about wrapped up my night. Like I said, even when trying to relax I couldn't get my brain to stop feeling like it's going a million miles an hour which makes it very hard to actually relax. Sigh. At least I can sleep in tomorrow, but hopefully not too late (I'm aiming for like, 2 pm) because I do actually have to get work done and hopefully make a grocery run for like, cocoa krispies, frozen chicken, and toilet paper (I'm not kidding, that's actually my grocery list right now). Lovely. Sigh. Sleep now. Goodnight mah people. Happy weekend.
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