#but anyways here you go! thank you for enabling me to ramble about my children <33
katatty · 3 years
Hii! I love all your content! You inspired me to start a megahood! Do you have risky woohoo enabled? Im afraid in some time my hood will become overpopulated, so I was thinking maybe romance sims don't have children? Bc like I use a long lifespan mod (adulthood lasts around 60 sims days), idk... If so, how do you keep track of the generations? Im trying not to worry too much about it bc im playing just for fun but at the same time im afraid I will have thousands of households to take care of lol
Hi!! I’m really glad you like my content, thank you! I do play with risky woohoo enabled, it’s very much an essential thing for me because I like my sims being able to suprise me and I love the drama/chaos it brings. That said, I do also use the morning after pill (part of ACR) for sims I think would really be committed to not having kids, or if they get pregnant & the timing is really horrendous, lol. That’s more based on lifestyle/headcanon than aspiration, though, lots of my romance sims have kids and are good parents, some pleasure/fortune sims I don’t think would have them. Or hell, even some knowledge sims have other priorities. 
I try to have a few couples with no kids, and just one or two kids for the majority. I don’t let my family sims go too crazy with their “have 6-10 kids” thing except for a few outliers, haha. That keeps the population relatively stable, at least for my purposes. If you want to keep the overall number of households low you can also have sims live with their parents when they become adults, or have big groups of roommates like the Singles household, stuff like that really helps keeps the numbers down! (You can also townify households if they’re boring to play lol).
I also use a long lifespan mod, and wrote a little bit about my setup with it & my fertility settings here.
I will say though, honestly, I have been playing my megahood for nearly 6 RL years with long aging mods and the born-in-game kids are still in their teenage years, haha. When it comes to megahoods the pace is so slow anyway (because of the number of households that come with a megahood to start with) that I don’t really worry about the later generations all that much, I guess? I don’t know if I will even still be playing Pleasantview Plus by the time Oliver Goth or whoever is fully grown up and having kids of his own...
So yeah, idk, this isn’t intended to scare you off playing a megahood because they’re really fun! But having lots of households to deal with kinda comes with the territory and honestly if my neighbourhood died I dunno if I’d actually play a megahood again, haha? Just because they’re so time-consuming. A lot of this your mileage will vary on, because it really depends on your play style and how you do rotations. (It takes me longer because I have to document my gameplay on this blog, possibly without such extensive documentation it’d be quicker, idk.) Maybe just a smaller hood combination like Veronaville/Belladonna Cove would be the ideal, for me.
With my own megahood I started out with just the three base game neighbourhoods and only added more of them later on after I’d been playing for a while, maybe try something like that if you’re worried about being overwhelmed! But also try not to worry too much, I’m a bit of an over-thinker too as is probably obvious from this post but just play about with it and have fun! When I started this hood out I wasn’t considering it as a long-term thing especially, I was just having fun playing and it just became more serious over time.
Sorry this answer got so long & rambling lol, I have a lot of thoughts about stuff like this!
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wisteriadaisies · 3 years
Not a therapist, but I’ve BEEN to plenty of therapy and tbh having to work with kids first just sounds… backwards to me? Like I went to a counselor when I was in high school first and I didn’t really want help I just wanted to get my parents off my back - and I had lied to them about having one issue so they wouldn’t know about another. Therapy didn’t work for me until I went myself as a young adult because I actually wanted to get better (and could properly communicate how I was feeling).
Being a therapist for any kid sounds harder to me because you have that extra level of distrust you’ve got to work through, especially if you’re talking to their parents and they know you are. Honestly if my therapist in high school had tried building up a rapport first instead of jumping straight into talk therapy, I probably would have been less likely to lie to her. I also feel like it’s tough because so much about behavior therapy is exercises and to a kid that’s just gonna feel like… homework. So building up a rapport with a shy kid by playing games and then finding a way to make the exercises feel like games SOUNDS like a good strategy to me, but again I’m not a therapist.
Anyway, I don’t think you need to be hard on yourself because I doubt this is an uncommon thing to happen with kids. My brother has ADHD and I think my parents decided to stop doing therapy for the same reason if I’m remembering correctly? Or they at least talked about how they thought it was a waste of time, because he was “just playing games” and it had been months. Not saying they were right (they weren’t), just saying I think this is might be a common thing that happens with parents. But of course I’m using anecdotal evidence here lol.
(Sending this as an ask because tumblr hates me and makes replying to posts unnecessarily difficult)
working with kids as a therapist is so hard. honestly don’t know how some therapists only work with kids... anyways! thanks for sending this! i appreciate it. yeah, building the relationship is so important. especially with my kid clients in particular i have noticed when i ask them a certain question or ask too many they start getting antsy and i change the subject to something lighter. they’re kids, i can’t talk about the reasons they are there all the time. i have to get them to enjoy to come. and of course kids are going to tell their parents all they do is play games because they don’t really notice that during the games the counselor is trying to ask questions and implement other things, like a failed kid friendly breathing exercise (🙄) so i get why the parents go “okay what’s the point of this” but they don’t realize that you can’t just do talk therapy with children. they are at a completely different developmental level and incorporating games, art, etc enables them to open up. and with behavior issues, it’s more having the parents involved and talking about what to do at home. i probably would be able to incorporate more worksheets and different exercises with a kid who has anxiety than one with behavior problems.
i’m only a month and a half into this, so while i don’t think i’m necessarily doing terrible, i do acknowledge that i can work on being more productive with kids and assertive. sometimes i get nervous about being too blunt and talking about why they are here. at the same time though, it can be hard for parents to understand that building rapport is necessary for more things to actually happen/be done and playing games isn’t just playing games, that there is therapeutic value to it. with this client in particular it was like pulling teeth to get them to talk to me until probably the last session. even then while they were more comfortable and chatty with me, it was with more surface things and talking about emotions/feelings were still too much. it’s ridiculously hard because kids don’t realize the bigger picture, they just tell their parents all they do is play games, and then the parent is like “what’s the point” because unfortunately therapy can be viewed as this quick fix. or even that in order for any progress to happen, the relationship between client and therapist typically has to be built first.
but i’m viewing this as a learning experience (trying to anyways....) and i want to work on being more assertive/productive in my sessions with kids. i’m trying to acknowledge that hey, i was doing a good job with this kid and also there’s things i can improve on.
anyways.....i kind of rambled but i appreciated your reply! like you said, building rapport is soooo important regardless of the client’s age. this is a brand new person you are meeting and you have to get comfortable to talk about deep, vulnerable shit.
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cclkestis · 4 years
happy tag!
tagged by both @sydsney and @muse-of-nightmares to tag some people who make me happy!! thank you both so much, putting it under a read more bc (as always) i may have gotten carried away and this just turned into me yelling about you all :’)) and i’m so sorry if i’ve forgotten someone dhsjdhsj
okay first off, i want to tag a few people who i love seeing around but haven’t really interacted with much but it makes me really happy seeing them around!! 
@carloscliveira @clvireredfield @shallow-gravy @shadows-echoes @the-kryomancer @thedragonkween @seooshi @a-shakespearean-in-paris @ghostlybai @purple-hearted-mallow @ofmymuses @vindicia 
and now for some more yelling bc i love you all !!!
@caliwriites​ -  cali!! my friend!! you already know how much i love you but you’re going on this list anyway and can fight me on it. i always look forwards to talking and plotting with you, finding creative new ways to torment our poor children so that their limited soft moments are all the more sweet. it always brings a smile to my face to see you pop up on discord and even when things get busy knowing that we’ll both come back and dive right back into our nonsense has me just!!!!! yelling with you is always a highlight (thank u so much for putting up with my incessant rambling) and i hope it continues for a long time :’))   
@possiblypeachy - allie, ma’am, i love you and our disaster gang with my whole heart!! i know that we haven’t yelled about them as much lately but i can’t help but read back on things with the stupidest grin on my face!! you’re always so lovely and have such a creative mind, especially when it comes to your writing and all of your wonderful ocs, and i’m so glad that we met and that i have been blessed with the chance to create a whole world with you!! :D
@the-bluest-hour - eileen what can i even say here? you’re one of the sweetest around and your enthusiasm and willingness to listen to me yell about my stories and ocs makes me want to cry every time! ;-; thank you so much for always being so supportive and curious about them all, and for letting me ramble about them and motivating me to get back into writing as well as just being there if i need someone to rant to - i love you sm!! 
@muse-of-nightmares - i always have so much fun with you isabell, whether it’s chatting or dying in playing games, and i’m so so glad that we started talking and that i get to call you a friend!! you’re an incredibly talented creator both with your writing and the beautiful gifsets you create, and it’s always such a delight to see you on my dash! i look forwards to seeing what shenanigans we can get up to in the future! :’D
@the-darklings -  you’ve no doubt heard all of this from me before, kat, but you’re one of the loveliest people around and i’m so grateful i get to call you a friend. you’ve always been so kind and supportive, taking the time to shoot a message my way even when life is getting busy for you - we don’t talk a huge amount bc we’re both pretty garbage at keeping in touch sometimes but know that I still love and support you always (even when your incredible writing no doubt makes me cry)!! 
@sydsney -  anna !! you’ve supported me and been around nearly from the very beginning, and you’ve always been one of the sweetest people!! you have such a wonderful way with words in your writing that has inspired me from the first thing i read, and i always enjoy seeing you around on my dash! and your support of me and my disaster ocs always blows me away, i appreciate you so much for taking the time to send me silly asks about them or enabling me to yell :’))
@datapads - one of the loveliest!! hannah you’re always such a force of positivity, tagging me in things and dropping sweet encouraging words into my inbox. your passion and talent for writing (especially the way you can make me cry in so many words) are inspiring and i always look forwards to seeing you popping up on my dash! 
@kaydel -  my fellow goblin queen of the swamp!! you’re always a ray of sunshine, lifting up everyone around you and cheering them on regardless of what they’re trying to do, and i can’t thank you enough for that love and support you’re always ready to throw at me when i need it, you’ve no idea how much that’s helped me when things have been hard :’)) always love seeing you Go Off in the tags on posts too, honestly you make me laugh so easily - it’s right up there on your talent list with writing and making lovely gifs, keeping us all fed with the good stuff!! :D
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Clone Wars:         Season 2
      Episode 1 Holocron Heist
We just   had     a heist
[One   nonsense    enough    to knock    me into   nonsensical   incoherent      rambling...]
I’m prepared...
To do.   nonsense...
[Title      Screen]
    ....  ..    
A lesson learned,    A lesson earned
     That         snapped me out of it,
     A lesson earned                  is           a lesson earned
        [you don’t need a        person to tell you     basic         common sense                                you can figure out yourself]
   Assumed authority is     bullshit                                       Don’t need to                                    earn any-      [Sorry,              Still           Recov-       er-         ing           From           Last          ep-        Isode]
                   Jedi on a                        planet                             . .
                     Some-how                         tr                            ap                               ped                                 -                          Surrounded                               Clones                                  -                                Right-                                     -                           Why?
                           Like - if you needed parts-
                             I’m                                  in  
                                 Any way...
                                     Wait                                      cruisers?  
                                      Gun   ships?                                                                   R-escue
                                       Oh                                              wait-
                                          That’s                                              Good
                                            Oh                                                  No,
                                              It’s                                                    Plo..
Jokes       About       How       He      Got       His      Men      Blown      Up                         Just                                gonna                                 put                                   this                                 over                                 here
                              Been a                                 while
Also Hey     yeah      what         is         he        doing         here?
  Doesn’t         he       have      Jedi        things        to       do?
      Get           a         new         fleet?
        I mean                th-            (Don’t                Condone               Child               So-                L                diers!)
  But    every     time       it’s     always    Obi-Wan      and    Anakin    because        all         the           rest        of          them        are         too        busy
     So             What-
     Alright          -          Whelp           -          I      don’t       care         —-
   Whelp          —        Ex-plo          —         Is      this       just       going         to       be       an     action        piece?        (Nothing       wrong        with           that;           just        need           a      different      mindset,)
     From          the     applications             of        child       soldiers           -          To          Shoot-
      It’s-       Nice-
  Grab ‘em to the medic        And Go!
   (Seriously       Windu figured this out yesterday.)
    You’d         think        the Jedi would give the      order?
Seriously,         Good miss,          Five           Min-           Got          Some           One-          Killed
   “ Asoka,”
   First Asoka       mention in the first five minutes
                                [maybe they got her character                                     better.]
                                    You sent-                                         A child
                                    That                                        Logically can’t improvise                                      ...                                              Into                                              a jungle
Con-tact      Her        -         Dead      -       She’s very likely      dead-       -      Anyway       -        Hope   Anakin     taught       her    those    moves-       -      That’s       a      lot       of     emotion          -           In        the        movements;         Again;
     Monotonous,           Stunted,            Robo              Tot              -ic
         That’s                How              Child-
   Tone’s          Off
So,         just           to           go            over;
       1. Tone ❌        2.  Dia-                  Log                   Ue- (?)
        3. Move               -ment    ❌
              I’m hop-
     Teach         -ing   s
     Aight           Mary          Sue-
      I’m        sorry         but         the        light          is       literally       coming         out!
        So it’s Ahsoka an    adult yet?
         Like that can be explained away as   acco-untability
          Otherwise,     she should   have a hard time        with        one       Droid!
      (No wait didn’t Obi-Wan just call her                  ‘young one ‘)?
           Movie, get over there in your               shame corner
  That-        Was painful       over-      reacting
 And         Focus-
   I    Don’t        -      You    couldn’t      have     forced          it     more             if     you    tried         -
        The             Force-           d cha-          nge i          -n         Perspective           Not      Apprec  -iate      D-        . . .    .      Moving         on
  Whelp        ...
    Get            In          -
   That’s           a      direct      order-         -
   That’s            It-
   Tone ❌
   Dialogue; ❌,?
   Move;   ❌    Ment
  Turn in your bad  
  writing card,    
 (Not a series strike,        Just             A          “Fuck         You,          Strike
          On the            Movie                 And,                This            Chara              -cter
                               (We just had such a good-
                                              Maybe; it gets better?
                                                                               Skipped ahead;                                                                                          It doesn’t
                                                                              *Puts on earmuffs
Aight      Back        To       19:06      (Original      time     stamp;           Play
 Friendly      Fire-
Tumblr media
*Thing      Ex-plodes
   In-       stantly
 You   called       her   before      a   council            ??
   Child          -ren          Can’t          Think           -
       Children                  can’t                         think-
    From ag-
      “This is-”. 
       It should                    be   
         -But                           The              writers                        -                refuse                      to                  write                                  her                                   as                                   child                           -       
The       Pro-
The          Pro-            Blem         As         the     story       seems   to         be        placing            the               Jedi            on            a            high          pedestal     
        .....                Their             actions               here                as              reasonable       
           .....                         But                          it’s                  not                            ...                If Ahsoka was a child it would be a cruel use of power showing how used only to put the younger generation down before they’re                  old enough to understand it
              And how they’ve given Anakin the illusion of power   
                  -Boomer                               Bait
              If she’s an adult;                           This would be a show of        how             she’s childified by her peers
               As it stands;       
               The writers refuse to chose
Concerning,  due to the fact that  
Child-ify                 Ing            An                Adult       ......    Is    Wrong
  And      adult-ify        ing        a       child       is    wrong         ...      
  Un        equivocally,
Tally    Of       How     Many       Times       Ahsoka-        Is        Adult          -ify          Ied-           ;     
      This is necessary
 [Excuse for odd formatting           The “Movie”,                (Under the                picture)                  Caused                    Tumblr                    To                  heck                   up                  my               spacing)
           Continuing                   on;
“Time    away      from     the      battle-       field,”
  Good,        For          A        Child       Solider        -     (And   would’ve     been       a     good     show      that      any     kind   -ness     from     them       is   performative           ...
                   “Guard duty,”
Tally   Of      How   Many      Times      Ahsoka-       Is      Adult         -ify        Ied-         1
 Cite;      Child     ren    Don’t       have     that    much   emotion,        Nor    Pre-      fer      ence-        -
                 “Longer                       now,”
                    Dick                         —-                     Kinda
                     It’s                          better                            for                           children                             not                              to                               be                                in                              battle                                  —
                              So                                 not                                     a                                  complete                                    dick...
                                But                                   not                                    optimal...
So he said by people who don’t wanna take accountability for their actions and just stop doing the thing and     stop bringing the toxins into the world                                  
Point;     If you    were sorry    you would       stop     doing it,       stop     bringing         it        up,       and            do      better...     —-       Trying         to       control         the      narrative         isn’t          nice          (When           the          truth            is        objective)
       Only           the           self           may            be          both             .....
Security      -
  . .. .
 St-upid      Forbid       Den    
   (It’s likely   about     plants        Or      Weapons)
     Boomer         Bait!    
     (That’s something they offer younger         generations to follow their           stupid outdated tradition)
      It’s always          worse...
     (Also, this isn’t about Ahsoka trying to steal the         Holocon thing is it?
      Because her character is already                                                  -hateable- enough
        And if she has enough initiative             to steal the holocon
          - She’s an adult
           And should              be allowed entrance             anyway
          “Jedi            Council,”
             So,                  lady was a Jedi?
                Keeping an eye                     on that                        ...                  Aight                       -   
                 Went through one.                     drug trip
                ..Got                   a Drink                  of water                   ——                        Interrupt                     -ion
                  Wait I thought he was just a                     ball of                     fuck your plot
                  You’re telling me he actually works                      for                       Palpatine?
After   threaten       ing      Palpatine?
   This      dude           -        fucking         drug           trip            -
...Ser     vices
    I       honestly       thought          he         was             a          [fuck           your          shit]            guy
Now    he’s      a     de   tec- tive
Noir    ....
Movie     that’s      too      many     genres        .....
  You-     need       to    slow   down      .
          Your main            Chara-                   Isn’t                 Even               Esta-                    Blish                      -ed                      Prop                          er                         Ly
            Nevermind                    the           characterization
                 Note if it had been established he changes things every so often that would be neat
                 As                   it stands
               This                  dude is a                 fecking roller coaster
             Not any                thing                resembling                   good
[Giving    your      aud-   ience     a       drug   trip   isn’t   good   writing]
      It makes        them         dizzy!]
    Like Palpatine is literally doing this just to fuck over       Ahsoka?
     Also, this is going to result in Ahsoka    being     unchild     -like       To take them out      too?
   I’ll get the -      counter     ready
[yes I have seen it    literally            every   Mall cop/ security guard movie   ever
The   fun     .    seeing how your    (Good)    chara      cters         -     interact     with      the   scenario          -       That’s      not   happening       here        -          If she was a child this would show how    Anakin‘s orders react with the environment
    If       she’s      an    adult;        We’re working through a checklist;         About        what we know about         her;
      Likes, dislikes, how they might come up in a   situation...
       The suspension...            coming when they do
With      Ahsoka...
  What do we know about her?
    We know she likes         fighting         (Already in enabler of toxic behavior           -against other living beings)
       We know literally       nothing else about          her
      That she’s      perfect...
Re-moving         All      Tension;
I’m surprise he just wasn’t like    oh      yeah      sure,”
   [Ditches         with       the money]
    ...         ..
   Oh they’re actually talking   strategy
   Usually it’s just         ‘fuck em’ up            And that’s all             we ever           hear
Whelp-     Yodi’s    dead
Alas,       Poor      Narc
[assuming he can actually sense     disorder in the ranks]
 Gen.      Leader      Ship.      Tox
 He should know     he shouldn’t be doing that
  Focusing     on him       self
    And        practic        ing     accountability          ....       Constantly     micromanaging           and      checking            in            on             your           peers                   ..            Isn’t           going          to make             them           more           likely           to be       accountable..
        It’s         going            to          piss         them             off              ...
      Your (evident) distrust creating a toxic environment              As you were refused to               trust their   char   -acter
  You can’t give me   respect the guy that was just snooping      (Through the whole   uni-verse)
      That’s           the         point...
         A         dis-turbance          in the force
     Intruders there will   be
     Okay, bullshit       he can see that
   Like;           Peri-pheral            Okay
    (Still tox that you don’t expect your peers          in a peripheral.          to be able to hold             accountability)
But this is galaxies     away        (Ac-tually.    on    Corousant)
  But.      He         Should        n’t       Know        That-
  ‘The      Narcs    pulling    authority     again,       master,”
  “Shh,       this         is         what         we        train-    I mean groom -        you         for!,”
     “But          You            Said,”
      (Con-tinuing             Earl-ier,)
   [Seriously        I meant to bring it up                                earlier,
             But are they really inhabiting                      Zero the hutt’s                         old hotel]
Like it could just be a Noir hotel
 But the positioning       and location         seem         familiar             . . .
     Tell        me...
    Who          the       frick           is          this?            ?
   “What            you        are      doing      back      there?”
    ...   ..
 Assis      -tance
    God          Lord,           He’s           Try             -ing
    Main     tenance
     If I don’t idea   (who this guy was )or what was going on    then maybe that would make sense
       As it stands,             Nope,
        Crash-               es
        What’s             that?
       Seriously.             all he did was put another thing into another thing?
      Aww, he actually trusts           Bane..
    Thank you         ...
    Techno         Service         ...       Droid
     As in a      “tech      -nical  service droid?          (Rt          (IT)     Tech             Guy?
     Or a technical     assistant         (One made of       tech)?
      (Or one specializing in    techno dance moves?)
     Also   is he supposed to get them      in?
  Is    that thing?
 They-   didn’t     really     establish     much-
 Butler      Droid...
 Todo...   “You are what I say    you are,”
Roomba- kicker
Also, having a roommate is just straight up       detective fiction...
 Like     buddy-cop detective but still     detective
  With noir,      Which       is supposed to be focused on independence        Dis(trust) in society        Which is       admittedly       (toxic)
   Or         seems          to be
     Those two   themes...
          Directly contra-      dictory
[with   Griev-      ous     they       made       it    work,     But     he   wasn’t      this    -         ]
You    are    not   “The   Doctor,”       -      [that work      ed as    manif-   estation      Of    Greiv-     Ous’s      Toxic    Be-      Hav       -ior-         And      Human      Want        For        Com-        Pan    Ion-        Ship        -       Or         At        Least-      Vul-          Ner-          Aba-              ili            Ty-           -           This          Guy            -          So far he’s a       n(e)igh        invulnerable       Douche          Bag            -            With           No            -thing          Humane-            -           Not           quite      Ahsoka         levels              -       Intend       -ed           To be          an adult            -          Just-            -            Really needing to go     ham -           On the arrogance            And            inhumanity               (He sold his soul for      money- But makes it look      so good- what                    he                   does-                  Gets a sick       kinda  enjoyment from it,”)
             That’s how you   have,  to pull it off
             As it stands;    there’s      no    emotion     with      this    character
Is   the   robot   supposed to be like his   morality pet?
But he’s a   dick to   him   too
Really   he gets nothing   from me
How do even in the    “I-don’t-feel-anything-I’m-so-edgy-and-cool     look at me!’
   There’s nothing     fun...
   Yeah you can throw all the   ...clichés         you want in there
   [But that doesn’t work       if you don’t use them          properly]
     [I see the team up        with a female bounty       -hunter]
    [Predictable         “I work Alone...]           The only thing          those stories               share
            In minute]
But ‘once the effect of’   ‘wow that’s a lot of things.    Has worn off
 The story and character left   heartless
“Non-of- your       Bus-        iness,”
  Doesn’t have the     cockiness to make it      work
  [this isn’t    power-         Ful-]
    Down       right        ..cringe
      As it tries to shove shove two genres.. .    At least...        That don’t          Quite          .work                ...
        Least not the   way they’re trying to make them     work  
 It’s noir
 The point is      no one’s          in a    good mood.. ...
Wasn’t that-
Also,   shouldn’t      he    know-
 Based on how      open-     She     is-      To un-     veiling        her       mask..
   - -
So sh-   ouldn’t she ask the robot to leave the room?
(If it’s such a big deal     to her?”)
   He can just run their       face through a     face scan       no?
   I thought he didn’t have a way   in?    [That’s a   pretty pathetic   way in.. .]
    [Palpatine’s      screwing           with            him]
       [Giv           -ing            Him             a          hard          time         and       satis    -iating           -          The    ab-    omin-      ations    desire      for    blood🎵,
    Two      birds,         one       stone,
     Also,       Movie,           That’s           the       wrong      amount         of      planning           for        the      wrong      genre          -        We don’t care how the   bank ro    -bbers      Art      -thieves
      Got           There
       This           isn’t           Heist              -           [Money           Heist,              Not              Terr-              Esc]             Got              It           Wrong              [Pre              dict-                   The                  Plot-]               Last                Time.                -
           The                 Focus              isn’t           Character              building-                  - it’s the                   ‘out of depth                     characters reaction to the                    scenario,’
And the wacky hijinks that    ensue
 Using their   talents...    
   Contrast-      ed against the environment        (Mall        cop        example]     
     Which seems to be the best       fit
   Stealing         the-  Holocron-           -         WHAT WAS THE         PURPOSE-
        Well-                At least they ack          -now-ledged                 Planning          really isn’t part of the subset,
                 Good                    (For them?)
                Aight                    Impossible                     ...
             What are the              emotions?
           [like they              literally.             just through in                   the              “the only place...”
             So quick rehash                    (Sorry                      but I can feel the                        drug                          trip coming through,)
                      (Effects-                             Of                            Dealing-                           With                              (bad) excess character;
                         (Deserts                               Metal...)
                       He has a map of the Jedi temple                            Chip                            (Oh so that’s what that-                              (Isn’t he                            still-)  
                  [Refresh                        End]
                  [Voice                       acting?
                  [Mouth                         sync]
                      ...                        ..                      Aight
                    In                         Tru-
                   Maybe                       take                        the                       teen- off guard duty
                     A thought
                       No high                           Alert?
                        Only these   two..?
                        Info-     -Mation
Seriously money would be a better   option
                        Or       just    street     cred
                     (Adult) humans,                         Aren’t that Liniar...
                    Any way...
                    East   Tower                          ....
  Well that’s better than some   dusty    old     books        -      Holos
  (Seriously at least that’s   present    baggage.)
   Nobody       notices         this       bullshit!
       On a supposedly          secure a       military          base            ....        ...
      Also in the Mid- day break           fecking           daylight!               (With the         hiest it made sense,                 That was a hostage                 political situation                Meant                  to draw in a huge                                              crowd;
              Cool                   Alright,
               Hey                   isn’t                   she                supposed                     to                      be                    standing                      still?
                  Doing patrols?
                   Like                       no                    emotion,                       Face                     Forward,                    Professiona                  -lism
                Not                 Greeter
             (Didn’t they literally call it       guard duty?)
              Like just say you’re sending her to   library service...
              Assis                  -tance
              Again,                  Wrong                     Field...
              They’d                    be                  talking                     to                    the                  library                   helper                    (Official)                      Con-
Not   how a   child   reacts Tally   Of      How   Many      Times      Ahsoka-       Is      Adult         -ify        Ied-         2/3  
   Cite;      Asoka       shows    intentional       over involvement      instincts        more       befitting          of          an          adult            ....
     Fully    understand        able      reaction          (Kinda)
    (Don’t          yell         at       children)
      Don’t      over involve       yourself             in          the          future            ....
    (But if you’re an        over-         involv         ed         and           (un-)childlike       abomination              (Getting          shoved             for              this                is               likely                 going                  to               happen)
              Dude was actually nicer than       an adult
             (Rule                    Of                    Excess                   Society;                    While                   excess                  verbalization                         is                      ex-                  pected,                   Getting                   in                     someone’s                   way                    (non-sport                        Ing-)                         (Or con     -ferr       ed-)            U-pon
                       Is                          not,                            Attemp                          ting                            to                          move                           them                             away                               the                           customary                                five                              times                                is                            expected)
So the librarian was right there as     she     harassed        her     client)
    (Not saying;           But           you should get involved        in tox that doesn’t involve you)
      Just don’t         think that would excuse           Her         from ire
      “I can’t do anything right,”
Tally   Of     How   Many     Times     Ahsoka-      Is     Adult        -ify       Ied-       3/4
 Cite;      Child         -ren          Aren’t aware of      self        Ahsoka would repeat a line      blank       -ly
   “Likely      ‘sorry’
   Then back   away
  [Or      the      or     dered    rea       ction-)
   Just at the librarian be the      pro tag
(She’s      Tox        But..    .        Less         Tox..    ...
   But           Still..
  [Make         [Better]   Pro-ta  g        Than      Ahsoka           ]     
   In..   ...
  That’s a        library   computer..
   You      need        a      pass-        word.       -    The     robot-
  Weak     Point?
  You know for     Boomer bait         They      mis-construe        How the library        works a lot
     [I know           -Hav-             Ing            Dealt-]
       Talk-ing            in the            library,
         Is pretty           off
         Like there’s        a reason people are encouraged            to go into the hallway             to take phone calls
         These are the guys that value    meditation
          Dude.     Would be shushed       By   Several     irate      Jedi          ...  
    Told to     take it      outside          ...      ...
[I feel bad   For the Roomba]
[like dude, gaslights him      and then takes       his memory]
Like, Adults      Out     of     it.   ...
  But      ...Droids
   [we don’t know much about the       sentient ones     Or how much   senti ence]
    But          this         whole       scene...
    Makes me feel     dirty
    Like;       it’s played     for humor
    When;       it should be played            to how much         a bastard           this guy               is
      Screw-   ing         with       anything-  
       Like            That              ...  
      Toxic            ...    
    What.         .
    Re-          Cyc
    Why?         ... ..
Jump-ing coincidence
     [i’m con   -clusion]
       Damn,        the narc
         [No one   tell him   anything]
   [Might       fake         a       heart       attack]
     [How half assed is         Yoda’s peripheral?]
     Venti -lation
  -That’s        Smart-
   Almost       -Too             -Smart-
    High         Alert
   Place            the       Temple        -
    Wasn’t, already?
    Left it undone
   Way to go     smart     guy           -      Cool        -        But      kinda    pointless..
 Aight-       Never mind
  I-  Might’ve       Been      Wrong-
 Al right
[Seriously,   no one hears this?]
 [In most heist movies      they at least had the    intelli-     gence-
    [No hate       -villains can be stupid]
  Do you some small well           re-lativel unknown library
   [or at least not the one     at the place they were robbing]
   Because everyone would      recognize that the actions occurring match up to what he’s describing         And the description        Of their       building.]
  Shred-          (Un-acc         Oun         T-able)
     Well        that’s            a       name...
Cool.. ..
Bane    ...
Whole..     temple
   And I heard you very          obviously        plotting...  
   So...  you’re getting kicked
Also he could be possibly looking up     intruders plans.. ...
Like pretty one dimensional     opinion    of on ‘High Alert’, lady
  [Especially       for a         librarian.]
Thank    you
  There went my expectations
   Also,     Every Jedi leaving the library didn’t notice that that     shit?
   Like,  they didn’t have guard’s ready to apprehend him 
   ...On the           Other              Side?
         You just           moved her...
         Do you know this could’ve been an episode             with a lot of emotional depth              Showing how terrifying adults that abuse children can be             adults that            swear to have their interest in heart               And how overinvolvement               Is harmful              regardless of who it’s coming from                (Neglect- of child-                   And - accoun                       tability)                   Working off the                “blank line”,                 ‘I can’t do             anything right,’                    And the Jedi                -Council’s treatment of                   her                “Foreshadow                   -Ing,”                    (I use              that word              loosely)   
            Their            down-                fall
             Instead     ��               we                got                  this-
           And              he just abandons            the computer-
     Aight,             Just contin          -ued on - with          -out his         instruction
       Despite          see-ing           how bad           that          went.       Al-right
   Without    instructions?
    Calls       friend
     You were               fine       without him       the last few        seconds              .....
   Not gonna      question that?
       She’s            a changling..
          You’re              in a vent?
           Oh, Skywalker has           immediate            intuition               ...
           And a breech           didn’t somehow sound off alarms
          Yeah. .             Good..thing you didn’t close up the thing              ..
       Okay. .
      Shame..           they didn’t get a hold of a force sensitive         kid             (I- don’t want it to       happen)
      .. .
   .. Here
     Hurry          I can         Hear..       .        Bull-        Shit         .
   You have rocket boots        they have the force
    You shouldn’t         hear shit-
   Sur-prisingly,         No Ahsoka
    The lower       the counter stays..   
       The        better          for       humanity
 [and my      brain]
   Seriously,       you didn’t tell your       partner?        About the Jedi on       High Alert?
   Ser-          Force-
   How deep         is that        thing?
   [Aight,          Pat-
    You’re telling me they still haven’t figured out the        Holocron?
     We only           saw-
     Shouldn’t one of you go one way and the        other go the other?
    To cover     more ground?
    They’re-        Really       putting       a lot      of faith-
In the   Comms
  Also shouldn’t there be more   Jedi crawling over the place?
   Seriously,         it’s just these two?
     [We know Plo       isn’t doing anything important.]
    [We saw       him near the opening?]
    And        Kid Fisto..
     Heck...          Is   everybody else doing?
    Shouldn’t it be      ..further
     Archive..     [Library]         Comms?
     Got it-
      Not, putting up that       door,
      What are you         smiling about?
      There’s plenty of lasers
     And      you don’t even know        where the thing       you’re looking for               is
           (Inside the compartment)
   Might- not have been a   smile-
    Look for       the open         vent   
    (Dude clum-           Un-          Acc             ountable)
       With             Vents
        Also look at all these        assholes standing around          doing nothing
  Also, no one’s going to check up on the child 
  Like, Ahsoka surely got that message      right?
   Deep in the         temple-
    ‘Cause you’re idiots       who don’t check for open vents           Or cover      more ground?
    [Get, anyone to help you, in this big ass vent,”
   It’s not very hard to see       why.. .
   Ass         -itance
  Ahsoka’s,         not gonna get blamed for this      is she?
   Yeah, the narcs      pretty     useless
    Also, why can’t you have the dude just shut off those lasers like he did the rest?
    Oh, they address it   
    What’re you         still       doing          ...
  What’re        you      doing?
   [Is the Holocron seriously right       there?]
     That’s. lucky
      Weirder               and             Wei-rder
         Hey isn’t your personality        over-written?
           By the               chip?
         Still              Here?
         On- alert-?
Coin-     cidence?        !
    Is that’s seriously the alert?
     Several          minutes-
       No wonder         those guys           were so late...
       Sense           De-          Cep          Tion
     Po-          S-ing            As            A           Jedi.
       Okay           now         Yoda’s            just         reading             the          death               report
       But           that’s         actually             a           good            idea                -              If shits about to go down you might as well find the person who might hold them accountable instead of letting you get the shit beat out
       Serious-ly           shouldn’t she just shout out her name?
       [Like I know                       - High Alert-                     But Ahsoka isn’t going to be much use against a                    Adult...                Either way                                        Might as well   find her [and     scare off the intruder-]
  Also how come     “innocence”        doesn’t get           the same notification
       Did they forget his              wristwatch?
       [Like-            seems important-]
       Who are you?
           Dang                 It?
            You               were             supposed                  to                report                 back!
               Also no one           heard any of this before
           Also; are you going to tell me that AHSOKA, the child   soldier,      Is going to beat this guy       When      the fully trained elderly Jedi got her ass kicked?
   Nah.. .
Tally   Of      How   Many      Times      Ahsoka-       Is      Adult         -ify        Ied-           4/5
-Un-orthodox show of initiative              1x
-Counter          1x
- Surviving this            1x
  Getting her on the           run!
Tot; 7/8
   - 1x         - 1x
    -1x         -1x
   -2x         (I’m tired of counting them        one by one-)
     - 2x
     - 2x
     - 2x
     - 2x
      Where did         your get your skills from?
   Neither         of       which       have     anything        to do         with       ironing        doors        open           ....   
      ....       There       he goes
     Sy-mpathesize-  more with him            than this douche bag even if his          turn does make a little sense
      Finally found that          vent.. .
       No, he wasn’t
        Not            Holo-          Cron
     Completely un-realistically        
Tally   Of     How   Many     Times     Ahsoka-      Is     Adult        -ify       Ied-        28/29        And         1/2
    (1/2 because referring to the action what respectively doesn’t count as a whole- sin-          It does deserve note that you decided to repeat your bad writing-)
   She       Says-
  (Un       Be        Li       Ev        Able)
 Holo      -cron
 Jedi       To      Open      It     ..  
Up-     To-
 Again, with the   communication     center-!
  Dude, just wanted a   Holo-cron
   (Seriously        that was very tortured      logic,       Think the writers;     just wrote this scene        Then realize but wait       “why are they in the Holocron/             Comm           Cent,?”
     And that’s how        Anakin/Obi-Wan           Obsession with the com      center began...
    [sorry but there was no reason for them to be in the        Com center!
      That I’ve heard!]
   Aight,      What?     What       -ever
   ...  ..
    Com-          Center-
    Ser-iously     even he doesn’t know what’s up
   You   heard      me
  And        my     stupid      plan
    To send you to the     Coms center to justify Obi-wan’s     obsession-
    Craw-          ling
     And we have no reason      to-o
   Yelling- doesn’t mistake the clear lack of   reason
   What-     ever-
    That’s one way      to do it
  Also, how does   -that not-
That was less than   one minute
Also,   but no one else will hear that but   these two      . .
 And they’ll   still progress to the   comm center        ...
“It came from the com center,!”
You, guys,
  Comms,       Archives,
   Aight,       Nice
  Com-munication        center-
    Ha-           ha-          ha-    (I’m sorry   but that has come back around      to kinda funny,”
 [something Happens across the     galaxy]
Obi-won; It was the com’s center
Aight,    right, 
 Okay      ...
Cloak       Ing?
[you can’t defy the   rules of logic that much       (Physics)       You need to explain where he went   otherwise it’s a loony tune      Of    sus-    pen    sion-
I thought-       the thing-  
Take it,
Which       ,One
What-      Ever-
He knews
 What-      Ever
  Don’t call   your eggs
    Just     There
       He           Try
      [Hey         guys,]
       Off               That’s           some         assumed          authority              over         familiarity..
      They’re really            letting             him             get            away             with              the             story
[Also   Mace   Windu        is     still      the       only       semi-efficient      Jedi...
   Asshole !
    (Can’t          make the text bigger enough to display my           outrage!)
   [they      played that off         as humor!]
     That was a scream of death!
     Of         Murder!
   [if that was a sentient-       And my God     it seemed damn close!     Dude was just murdered
   The surprise-        “ I didn’t        see it coming, h        onestly not his fault kind!”
      One that would call for      immediate robotic vengeance!
    * im-mediate    ac-countability
      If sentient,
   What the Hell?!
     Horror        -        fy-            Ing-
“Was        it     sentient?      Crud, I      might       lose        my       least       toxic    credentials
  (           )
     No        Way-
- she did     nothing  
  Call      Sec-
  Whose       that?
     That          Who
    Dys-   functional          family          road         trip             -           War
       No          shit
 Oh wait at           the comment table was by all the other Jedi
       the whole time Obi-wan was just complaining        he didn’t want to do the job
     Skywalker          agreeing with him...
      And...  wanting to ditch their post
 In chara,
   Just, a little bit funny      when you think about it
 You bought            them      all the way         here?
Also look isn’t the unchild-like abomination adorable when she’s talking about punishing people more severely
The heck     is a       holocron...
 Why is this     being allowed to      happen?   -
[like seriously how is it helping her   case, whatsoever?
Plea     Bar-gin
That was just a completely random target   on his list...
- -
The one accountable adult
Keeper       Kydra      Crystal-
- Holocrons
   You get out of here         youngling
     Force         Sensitive       Child ?
     Are we really going to get into the        powers        eugenics?             (Or         power        genetic       superiority)
       Also would it be a kin to basically every child or just any child destined for leader ship
   (Like gen       leader ship?)
Also, yeah   good idea keeping that around
And you named...
Oy!     You put that back where,   it came from so help me
is cheating
In reality,   if you did have that power,    you should keep     your mouth        shut
And it completely negates   the point of a choice based universe
   (Takes all the       risk out of it)
    Making the story     completely useless
    (For the sake of tension       I’m going to ignore        that..)
    Going on the       assumption...
     That’s the Jedi           are just a bunch of          narcs
       Who           like        claiming they know the future
       When in reality only the future              knows the future...
           Worn.                 Them
              Oh so it’s just School    roll call...
   You must
Ya no dude’s already a    headstart...
 Dude,  he just override   the punishment   
  Does he   have the authority to do that?
   [I     don’t     think        so]
 Cad bane
   He      probably isn’t
   And you already know him From the previous episode
    Good for         Obi-won
     Mace Windu         don’t give a fuck
      Kid Fisto              disappeared
      And. .       Luminara(?)
       Went to go get a snack....             ?
        I don’t             know
        Got          Overruled
       Aight,           Okay
     This episode...
         Makes me feel disgusting              Watching                The middle                 At least
           It’s very clearly                 boomer bait...
           The beginning...
          Focus-ing on the           importance of taking orders           (With no                       sarcasm                                   to my understanding,)
       Progressing,               Into, 
             Dah, de, dah,                          Generation                        ____                    doesn’t               understand                  books!
                  *We might  if they got out of our way, let us do our thing, dis-covered and pract-iced excess, on our volition
                   *if we wanted   to
Honestly   convinced.  I should’ve      given       them          a        strike       right       there 
Out     of  
 Won’t   (Out of restraint)
But     a   thought   none-       the-  
Being        a     (toxic)      Boomers     Fantasy        in   which    they,      the     all   powerful      all   knowing       adults     must       help       poor     Ig-      nor        -ant       (Child)-
(I’m sorry   this really       disgusts me)
  -with enough initiative            To praise their Brilliance
         (It’s re-ally   di-sgusting)
           This isn’t            seen as an overreach                   Or con-                Des-cion                      Of                       A                     Gen
And gives no   in-dication it recognizes how creepy what it’s doing is
Apart from the lighting in the council room
  *Which       I’m now convinced is permanently broken
    And continues with the assum-ption of a   life-time                       Over the future
     Breaking; the story pretty thoroughly
     And announcing the       return to      mediocrity...
     (Border       -ing on attempt at          lower        standards)
 (Also they playoff the death of a semi-sentient species      For            Humor?
       He          died        screaming!
1 note · View note
sincerelyreidburke · 4 years
Can you reveal any more background about Quinn? Hobbies, music taste, childhood etc? Or are you planing to cover these in a fic?
Yes, absolutely! I feel like you guys should know that if you ask for information about a cricket (or an honorary one), I’ll provide it no matter what. Because the thing is: the well of information is bottomless.
If you want Quinn facts part one, from a previous ask, click here! And here’s part two, which is mostly about how he’s from Michigan. Now let us commence Quinn facts part three.
- I forgot to tell you his full name last time. It’s Quinn Michael Cooper.
- We’ve established that he uses ASL (American Sign Language), but something I didn’t mention in the last post that has since become a thing is that every time he greets somebody he’s never met before, he signs hello at the same time he says it. It kind of looks like a salute. He does it just in case somebody else is deaf and knows ASL. And yes, this means that when he meets Nando at that Halloween party, he signs hello. Nando definitely doesn’t pick up on it in the moment, but remembers it later when he starts to realize that’s something he does all the time.
- His hearing loss has definitely gotten worse as he’s gotten older. It’s congenital, so he was born with it, but it’s also been progressive, so he was able to learn early speech patterns before it started to get so bad that he could no longer comprehend speech. He can’t pick up any sound now without his hearing aids in. He’ll tend to turn them off/take them out when he’s not in an environment that necessitates communication. So like, if he’s alone in his room, just chilling, he doesn’t have them on. (Remember that whiteboard on his door from the screw fic? He’ll write, like, if you knock, I’m not ignoring you; I just can’t hear you! and probably leave his phone number.)
- Anyway. I know I keep going on about Quinn’s Deafness, but it’s because I always have a soft spot for differently-abled rep.
- Let’s move on. We sort of did the whole “Quinn’s tragic backstory” thing in parts one and two, but as a general note: he grew up without a support system. He and his sister are close, mostly because they had to be to survive growing up, but he does make the active choice to go away to college while she’s still in high school. I want to emphasize, by the way, that Quinn wasn’t going to leave unless his sister told him it was okay.
- He dresses really nicely, but he makes a lot of his clothes, because there’s no way he’d be able to afford to dress like that otherwise. I think you could say he learned to sew and knit more out of necessity than boredom.
- His scarves hang in a nice, color-coordinated rainbow on a coat hanger in his closet.
- Theatre is his biggest hobby. He’s been doing it since elementary school productions, and he’s very much been self-sufficient in that regard, walking himself to and from school and other rehearsal venues because no one is bothering to drive him. He latches onto theatre so much firstly because he’s very good at it, and secondly because it’s an escape.
- If anybody wants to talk to me about Quinn as Evan Hansen, AKA the greatest thing to ever happen, HMU.
- He’s your typical triple threat. I think his best is singing, but dancing and acting come a close second. He’ll do non-musical shows, but musicals are where his heart is.
- As an extension of that, by the way, he’s a very good dancer in general, and even though he never, like, took dance classes on their own, he’s efficient at choreography and it shows.
- And… he’s extremely flexible?? For that reason? He can bend over and his nose will hit his knees.
- If you think this is a cause of some Strong Feelings for Nando, you are absolutely right, but let’s save that for later, shall we? :)
- As for music taste, remember how @hockeysometimes made this post with playlists for the main three crickets? She’s making a Quinn playlist, so: coming soon! I’ll make sure you guys know when it goes up.
- I think I mentioned last time that he’s pre-med, but I haven’t yet shared with y’all that he wants to be a pediatrician. Quinn loves children. He’s very good with them, too. When he goes home for the summers, he runs youth theatre programs at his local auditorium.
- He’s a tea person.
- Also a cat person. He really wants a cat. He tries to convince Nando help him adopt a kitten and sneak it into his room. Sebastián, think about it! I have a single, so no one will know! I can set up a scratching post and keep canned food in my room, and—
I think that might be all for now, but my ask box is always open! Thank you very much for enabling me to ramble some more about this proper, prissy scarf boy.
Ask me anything about the crickets & company!
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daphuu · 5 years
(based off your tag rambles) aaa fuck it. what's /your/ favorite tree?
I’m so glad you asked! I don’t have a favorite type of tree, but I do have one specific tree that is my favorite tree of all the trees I’ve ever seen. I wish I had a picture, but I do not. However, I can describe to you where and when I’ve seen this tree before in my life and why it’s important to me.
I lived in Mississippi for a few years in my early teens with my grandparents, my mother, my uncle, and my uncle’s girlfriend (now my aunt). My uncle was dying of terminal lung cancer. Anyway, we had about 27 acres of land: four to five horses, a murder of crows, a couple ducks in the back pond, some dogs, a cat, a small koi fish pond, and a large fish pond. We also had trees. Acres and acres of thick wooded areas around the edge of our property that separated us from everyone else in the city.
I was an angsty kid. I was all about feeding the crows blueberries by the duck pond and walking aimlessly through the woods when I was thirteen. I didn’t know better than “oh maybe some wood nymphs or fae will appear and take me away;” I didn’t know anything about possibly messing up the little forest’s ecosystem or animal habitats. There was no trail. I wandered and wandered for hours everyday during the winter when the air was cool, and one day after tending to the horses and the crows I decided to go a bit further than I’d ever gone before. The crows came with me. My favorite crow, Bue, liked to ride on me or try to lead me around by flying between my body and a certain direction repeatedly.
I followed Bue’s directions. Why not, right? My friendly murder leading me deeper into the woods despite my grandmother’s warnings. Sounded like a children’s story. I kept waiting for some mystical creatures to step out and greet me in a foreign language. At the time, I fancied I could talk to trees. I don’t know. Maybe I could. But I would look at the way their leaves shivered in the cold winds and share my warmth by brushing up against them in kindness.
I was an odd child. Odd, odd child. So when the trees were getting closer together and Bue tried to send me one way, I decided to go another. There was this gap in the trees I found quite peculiar. I wanted to know what was over there.
Through that gap in the thick trees was the tallest, thickest tree I’ve ever seen in my life. I still don’t know what kind of tree it was, but its leaves were as wide as it’s branches, and the branches were many and spread wide, wide across the small clearing. Looking back, I think the clearing was there because of the tree taking up the sunlight below it, so none of the other trees could grow beneath it. At the time, I assumed it held a magical property. The tree’s leaves and branches had colors shining in the cold sunlight that I had never noticed before. Its branches and leaves swayed gently in the winter breeze, and I remember watching as some of the leaves wandered off the tree and meandered down towards the earth as if by choice. I was absolutely enchanted by this tree.
The murder didn’t like the tree, and that made me think that maybe it was magic. I stood under that tree for what felt like hours (probably twenty minutes, realistically) until Bue bit my finger and insisted on leaving. I only found my way home that day thanks to the crows. No matter how much I fed them after that day, they never led me back to the tree in the woods, and I could never find it on my own. I never saw that tree again.
I’m still not sure it wasn’t a dream. I remember that Bue had bit my finger hard enough to draw blood, and I remember having to grab some bandages and disinfectant for it on the down low so my family didn’t tell me to stop hanging out with crazy birds. But that, too, could’ve been my imagination. I’m not sure. I just know that tree—whether it was real or not—still appears in my dreams and imaginings sometimes, and I will always consider it my favorite tree.
I remember this tree and think that maybe, just maybe, magic might be real in my world, too.
// the tag enables being referred to here
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satbiym · 6 years
Chapter 1: Dragon Yuuri AU
The Last Dragon: Flight by satbiym
Word Count: 2.2K, Chapters: 1/?, Warnings: None 
Written for prompt 95 of @wewritevictuuri​ “There’s no going back if we do this.”
Beware traveller, for here be dragons…”
I sure fucking hope so, Victor thought as he pushed open the door to the fenced off caves.
Upon being commissioned to make a serious documentary on dragons by a rich tycoon; famous scientist, Victor Nikiforov was determined to rise to challenge and overcome all barriers that stood in his way; even if one of those barriers was the fact that dragons didn’t technically exist.
A rumour of a so-called dragon skeleton has Victor rushing to film the results, only, the skeleton brings more questions than answers. Every scientist worth their salt knows not to bias their results with personal opinions, but...
Dragons aren’t real, right?
Although, the blue dragon in front of him is pretty convincing evidence to the contrary.
Continuation of a fic originally written for the @isekaiyoizine​
Read it on AO3 or below!
No creature above all others has haunted our imagination, on land and in the air, like the dragon.
Dragons have left their mark in the folklore of our ancestors, but what if these fantastic stories were more than myth?
What if the legends of these magnificent creatures were true…
The locals called Hasetsu 'inauspicious', steering clear of it and making sure it remained undisturbed by both man and machine. Unfortunately, the advent of progress and the greed of man waits for none, and eventually, eyes turned towards Hasetsu to satisfy the need for more, more, more.
They laughed off the warnings of the locals and dismissed their stories as ramblings of the uneducated, for who else would cite folklore as reason enough to throw away potentially millions of dollars in real estate?
Palms were greased, permits were signed and companies were hired to build the next iteration of the future.
The engineers responsible for construction expected to find only overgrown flora and fauna, something they knew how to handle. But what they didn't expect was to find themselves right in the middle of a centuries-old crime scene.
The Chief Engineer took off his hard-hat and resisted the urge to curse as the smell of vomit mixed with the already putrid smell of human remains. This project had just gotten a lot more complicated.
This is the story of a unique family that survived from the time of the dinosaur to make a final stand four hundred years ago, a scientific exploration of a remarkable species...
"Victor Nikiforov, you have been the face of Paleontology and are considered one of the most important scientists of this millenium. We are curious - what do you think about when you're in the field, trying to discover something?" The talk-show show asked, as the children around them, visible even though the bright stage lights, screamed their approval.
Victor smiled a bit and straightening his glasses, said, "To be honest, Ellen, I try not to predict what I might find as this might taint my results and may even make me unable to see what's right there in front of my eyes, simply because it didn't fit with my worldview. I prefer to choose science over emotions in that sense."
Ellen laughed, sounding delighted, and chimed, "There you have it, folks! From the mouth of one of the best scientists in recent history! Don't taint the results!"
"Well that, and remember kids, the only difference between science and messing around is..." Victor said, lilting and urging.
"Writing it down!" the audience shouted back.
"Beautiful!" Ellen said, miming wiping away a tear, "You are all wonderful scientists! And with that we take a break before we come back and Victor here will show us how to properly excavate during a dig and who knows what we'll find there..."
Victor kept smiling as commercials rolled and the makeup artist came over to refresh his look, silently handing over a tissue to Victor's murmured thanks.
"The lights, huh?"
Victor looked over at Ellen and huffed out a wry laugh, "Yeah, even after doing this for five years, my eyes still tear up."
Leaning forward, she said, "Well, despite them, you did a wonderful job today. But now that the cameras are off, I am curious about something…"
Forcing his smile from stilting, Victor quirked an eyebrow and gave her a nod to go ahead, affecting curiosity despite knowing the question.
"I guess, what I really want to know is - what can we expect next from Victor Nikiforov?" Ellen asked, unaware of the dread pooling in Victor's gut.
Victor hummed, as if considering the question, and with a tone that belied the reality that this very question had lead to many sleepless nights, said, "To be honest, I don't know myself. My field is highly dependent on nature, and nature is the most imaginative creator of them all. You could either try to constrain it by leasing it like a wild horse or make sure you've held on tight and enjoy the ride. Personally, I prefer allowing myself to be surprised. It's more fun that way."
"And make sure you don't fall off, yeah?" Ellen asked mischievously, shattering the ice around Victor's throat.
Victor laughed, and nodded, "Oh, yeah, that too."
Ellen shook her head, amused, "Ever the diplomat. Fine. Keep your secrets, Victor Nikiforov, I guess I'll just have to wait, like the rest, for your next act."
… This is the natural history of the most extraordinary creature that never existed.
Victor resisted the urge to fidget as the helicopter began its descent, he hadn't expected to wake up this morning to a message from the office of the CEO of Paladin Ventures requesting his presence at his earliest availability. Considering Paladin Ventures was responsible for his current multi-million dollar grant that enabled him to continue his research while maintaining his freedom from the leashes of academia…
Let's just say, Victor's earliest availability was suddenly a lot sooner than it had been yesterday.
And if the haste with which the helicopter had been sent over at his acquiescence, the media mogul who was responsible for more than half the world's research funding in areas like paleontology, history and restoration, was just as eager to meet him.
Victor could feel his stomach twist, a sensation that only visited him whenever he was on the cusp of something life-changing, he had a feeling that this meeting was going to be the answer he had been looking for.
"We're here, sir. The Paladin is waiting for you." The pilot said, pointing outside, where a seemingly ordinary man stood, smile visible even from the helicopter.
The man waved on seeing them, and ran towards them, opening the chopper's door before anyone else could and shouted over the noise of the blades.
"There you are, Victor! I have a mission for you and it's all our dreams come true!"
As a kid, I was mad about dragons;
Dragons from the high seas, flying dragons from Greenland, fire-breathing dragons from Europe and here's the thing that got me, these myths came from all over the world, right? From cultures that could never have met and yet from the Andes to the Himalayas you could hear stories of dragons and…
Here's a kid's best guess, the only way that's possible is if the stories were real.
Victor, seated in a helicopter for the second time in 24 hours, was still reeling from the information he had received, been commanded to verify and document.
They've found something, in Japan. Something the Japanese government is very hush-hush about, but I was able to finagle a first look at. Of course, if it turns out to be a hoax… but anyway! If it is what the rumours say it is… well then, it would all have been worth it. I need you to go and bring back all you find.
Victor closed his eyes, when he remembered the fanatic and helpless excitement on the Paladin's face, like this was the break he had been looking for.
But, empathy or not, Victor couldn't see how what the Paladin had told him could possibly be true. There was just no way that-
"Do you believe the story the Richie Rich's trying to sell us, Baldie?" a voice said, aggressive in intent and content.
Eyeing the pilot who was still focused on flying, thank god, Victor smiled and lightly said, "Nature isn't constrained by our imagination, Yura. Remember-"
"Yeah, yeah," Yuri asserted derisively before laying a hand on his chest and as if reciting an oft-repeated phrase, "Don't predict what you might find as this might taint the results yada, yada, yada. Yes. I've heard the press spiel, Victor, but you cannot tell me you seriously believe him?! All rich people have their eccentricities. His is just sending us on a pointless goose chase."
Victor laughed lightly, "Why Yura, I didn't know you watched my interviews!"
Despite the rage emanating from Yuri's silence, Victor, from the backseat, could see the way Yuri's ears went red.
"You - shut up! You're insufferable! And impossible to avoid, you're everywhere, it's disgusting!" Yuri spluttered, ears still a bright cherry red.
Victor opened his mouth to parry back, but was cut off by a curt sound from the pilot. They turned, only to see a barren wasteland that looked as though it had been abandoned in a hurry, greet them welcome.
They had, it appeared, arrived in Hasetsu.
And by the uniformed person waiting for them, they had a welcoming party.
Victor got off the helicopter, but the noise and wind weren't enough to block out the first words from the person outside's mouth.
"I don't know what you're expecting to find here Dr. Nikiforov, but this ain't like your usual kind of dig."
Victor smiled wanly as Yuri cursed lowly behind him as he carried the equipment out of the helicopter, and stepped forward to shake the uniformed policeman's hand, replying "Thank you for your concern, but there is always something that can be learnt from every experience. What happened exactly?"
The policeman just shook his head, gesturing toward them to follow him, said "Then I'm afraid, this is something you need to experience yourself to understand. I'm the Chief of Police around here, but even I haven't seen anything like this. Come on then, might as well get right to it."
Bemused, Victor followed along, with a grumbling Yuri behind him.
As they walked into the forest, the trees becoming denser and more untouched by the machinations of the contractors, the Chief explained, "We told the higher-ups that this forest was cursed. For centuries no one has ventured up here, and we were right not to! For look what they found!"
Yuri sighed irritably, "You're trying to tell me that some centuries-old human remains were enough to warn an entire village off of the forest? You've got to be kidding me."
Victor sent Yuri a warning look, as the Police Chief shuddered, "It wasn't the human remains that were the problem, young man."
"Eh?" Yuri said, forehead beaded with sweat from carrying around the equipment under the hot sun, but the Chief wasn't willing to answer any further questions.
They walked into a forest that seemed almost regal in its staid dignity, sun filtering through the trees and the chirping of the birds. If it wasn't for Yuri's continued grumbling, Victor would have thought he had entered a whole new world. They walked deeper until the light of the sun was almost blocked by the overarching trees, forcing Victor to rely on his torch.
The ruins emerged from the trees, tall and proud, despite the weight of the years and beseeching weather.
Even Yuri couldn't stifle a gasp as they walked towards the almost palatial dwelling that the ruins seemed to be built around, the stones in the path glittering.
"What-" Yuri started to ask, before he gasped, almost dropping the equipment he was carrying.
Victor was distantly aware of the Chief praying beside him, but even the proximity of the noise couldn't make him turn his eyes away from the scene in front of him.
Dark marks surrounded the center dwelling, across the glittering paths, burning its way through the tens of hundreds of fallen human bodies on the ground.
But, that wasn't what gave them all pause.
It wasn't the human remains that were the problem, young man.
"Is that - What are that those?!" Yuri shrieked as he pointed at the other remains strewn around the dwelling.
Victor had always believed that nature could not be predicted or contained, but even he couldn't believe the sight in front of him: skeletons with bone structures he had never seen before, with the smallest one towering over them, as tall as a skyscraper and just as slim.
Victor slowly set his bag down to investigate further, only to have his arm be grabbed by Yuri.
"What do you think you're doing?" Yuri exclaimed, eyes wide.
"What I was sent here to do, Yura." Victor said gently.
"No! This isn't your job, this is- is- something neither one of us signed on for! It's unnatural!" Yuri said shrilly, still staring at the skeletons with a frantic look in his eyes.
"Yura." Victor said simply.
At that, Yuri seemed to remember himself, eyes losing their bewilderment, but he still clutched Victor's arm tighter, unwilling to let go.
"Yura." Victor tried again, and said evenly, "We are scientists. It is our responsibility to make sense of the seemingly unnatural. Even if it means that our lives will never be the same again, we must move forward and tell the story that is true and not just the story we want to hear. Now, I am going to figure this out, I cannot promise what we'll find, but… if you want, you may take the helicopter back home if you so choose."
Yuri for the first time since they'd seen them, looked away from the skeletons, and back at Victor, studying his face for a moment before shaking his head and ruefully murmuring, "There's no going back if we do this, is there?"
Victor let his silence be Yuri's answer.
Yuri took a deep breath, released Victor's arm and with finality, nodded, "Alright then, let's see what we can dig up."
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ardenttheories · 6 years
Here's your excuse to go on a big rant about ectobiology, I love reading your stuff it's so highly thought out and detailed even your classpect responses I prefer to anyone elses. So just thank you for taking your time to maintain this blog despite your most likely very busy life.
So I am going to physically cry because this is the THIRD time I’ve had to rewrite this because Tumblr is actually incapable of keeping any significant amount of text on a post while you quickly navigate to another tab for research purposes.
Anyway, first of all: I’m glad you love reading my stuff!! It’s really cool to see how much people like my ramblings, even if I’m not the best at punctual replies (there are, for instance, a lot of asks I have to get to, but that I’m putting off because they require me to watch things I haven’t gotten into yet), and honestly I’m glad you like the classpecting responses! It’s a lot of fun, if fairly hard, to figure out all those little details, and I’m quite proud of what I come up with in the end. 
And yeah, life gets busy, but this blog is pretty much my brain baby. I adore it, and I adore every follower I have and any interest people show in what I’ve posted here! It’s, honestly the most wonderful thing to see tags or get asks like these, so thank you so much!
And also, thank you so much for enabling me in this way, I hope you’re ready!
Ectobiology interests me because of how complex and yet understandable it is. 
Grandpa, Nanna, Bro and Mom are created when John attempts to appearify them prior to their finding of the beta kids. If we focus specifically on Grandpa, as an example; John attempts to appearify Grandpa before he finds Jade or dies at the hands of Tavros. This creates a paradox because Grandpa is still required to exist within that timeframe for the timeline to make sense, and as a result, he paradoxifies Grandpa instead, creating paradox slime. This slime is sucked into a machine, and consequently spits out a perfect clone of Grandpa. 
This happens for all of the Guardians. As a result of this, the Guardians are related to no other humans in existence, not even to each other - except for two exceptions each. Their respective beta kids.
When the machine has sucked up all four adults’ paradox slime, and all four Guardian babies are present, it then turns the four containers of slime into two batches; mixing the Grandpa and Nanna slime together, and the Mom and Bro slime together. From the Grandpa/Nanna slime, we get John and Jade; from the Mom/Bro slime, we get Rose and Dave. 
So now we have eight babies; four Guardians, and four kids. What happens next? 
Well, naturally, they need to go back to become themselves in the first place.
John presses a button, and the babies are transported onto meteors. The Reckoning then begins - and yes, it is absolutely crucial to complete any and all Ectobiological functions prior to the Reckoning, otherwise you have completely fucked up your session - and the meteors are flung towards Skaia. They never meet Skaia’s surface, however; instead, they are sent through Skaia’s defence portals, and are sent back through space and time to became the beta Guardians and kids.
Now, here comes the very interesting deviance, and one which, admittedly, doesn’t make much sense: the comparison between Karkat and John creating their session’s adults and kids. 
Karkat creates the Ancestors and beta trolls the exact same way John does; he paradoxifies the Ancestors, their paradox slime is spat out to create perfect clones of themselves unrelated to each other, and then one of two things occurrs: either - in pairings we never find out - their slime is mixed into six batches, with two trolls coming out from each batch, or - as is typical in Alternian genetics - all of the Ancestorial slime is mixed into one big batch, with all twelve beta trolls being created from it. 
 Why, then, is this so odd?
Quite simply, it’s because when John makes the beta Guardians and kids, he’s also making the alpha Guardians and kids. 
Remember that I said the babies are put onto meteors and go through Skaia’s portals? I left out the fact that as soon as each meteor goes through a portal, a timeline split occurs; in one instance, the babies go back to Earth Beta to become the beta kids and Guardians, and in another instance, the babies instead go forward to Earth Alpha to become the alpha kids and Guardians.
This means two things:
1) Since Dirk, Roxy, Jane and Jake are just alternate forms of the same babies that make Bro, Mom, Nanna and Grandpa, they are completely unrelated to each other.
2) Due to this, and the fact that as a result the alpha Guardians are just alternate forms of the same babies created from the paradox slime combinations of the beta Guardians, Alpha Mom and Alpha Bro are Dirk and Roxy’s biological kids, and Poppop and Grandma are Jake and Jane’s biological kids. It also means Alpha Mom and Alpha Bro are siblings, and the same is true for Poppop and Grandma. 
So, why is this odd in relation to the beta trolls?
In John’s case, he is the beta session creating both the beta session’s players and the backup alpha session’s players.
In Karkat’s case, he is the alpha session. 
The beta trolls exist within a post-Scratch timeline. If John creates the alpha kids and Guardians in the beta timeline, then someone in the alpha trolls’ session should have done the exact same thing, and Karkat’s role would be completely redundant. 
I think the easiest way to explain it would be that Hussie just hadn’t thought that far ahead when he was writing Act 5. It would make the most sense for him to simply show the exact same things happening in the two sessions that he had running at the time, since they are the basic requirements of all SBURB sessions, and then forget that later when he decided to have the beta trolls’ session be the post-Scratch one. 
If we went for an in-universe explanation, it really just doesn’t make sense. If the pre-Scratch session is meant to create the post-Scratch’s players - like a sort of save data in the case one is required - then why this never happened for the alpha trolls is a bit odd. I would assume this is part of their ultimate failure in running a successful session, but even that seems a bit of a flimsy answer; after all, they’d still need to have created themselves and their Ancestors paradoxically to even exist. 
It’s honestly why I prefer to focus on the kids’ session as the biggest example for most happenings within a SBURB session, especially when in relation to Ectobiology.
So, here’s a more simplistic version of all of that:
- Attempt to appearify guardians, but fail- Summon paradox slime instead- Paradox slime of guardians spits out baby versions of guardians, which are perfect clones of them- Paradox slime of guardians then mixes into pairs, and spits out two babies each, which become their biological children and the session’s players- All babies are put onto meteors, and once the Reckoning begins, are flung through Skaia’s defence portals- These meteors go through a timeline split, where:
   Beta timeline: the babies go back in time to become the pre-Scratch session’s Guardians and kids, effectively being the reason why they existed in the first place
   Alpha timeline: the babies go into the post-scratch universe, and become the post-scratch Guardians and kids, effectively existing as the backup to the beta session
This does bring the question as to whether a Scratch exists within all sessions, and whether all sessions will naturally create this post-Scratch timeline split of the babies. 
My personal answer is: I don’t think so. I think this timeline split will only occur in sessions where Scratches are actually viable. It makes the most sense, I think! SBURB wouldn’t want random Scratch sessions lying around if the beta session would never actually be able to create it in the first place. Scratches are very involved affairs - you have to actually make them - so I doubt it’s something SBURB would just… have happen automatically. 
And that is my rambling on Ectobiology for the day!! Hopefully this actually posts, because if I have to write this out for a fourth time, I may genuinely start a revolution against Tumblr. I’ll cover myself in grey facepaint and wear awful, shitty horns and everything. 
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