#but anyways i thought of this bc i just watched a tiktok about jeremy and candace
foxpile · 9 months
do we think we all collectively hallucinated blond jeremy because we were associating him with jeremy from phineas and ferb
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tehesunnysbright · 4 years
jatp tag game :) i did not proof read this so it’s kind of a mess...
i was tagged by @willexx and @julesdreambox so thanks for the tag 💕💕💕
favorite character: alex mercer... the only right answer ;) (julie is my second favorite though <3)
character you relate to the most: julie molina and ALEX MERCER
top 3 songs: 1. bright, 2. wake up, and 3. i can never decide but rn i’m going to sayyyyyyy ummmmm wow i’m super indecisive ummmmm stand tall but i seriously love them all and can never choose!
favorite episode: episode 6 or 7 i can never choose because both are too iconic!
most iconic lines: we’re all a little crazy, does anyone know the Heimlich cause julie’s choking, i wish i couldn’t see you, ripping off the bandaid, sunset swerve, julie and the fat ones, when she says deep dish is she like talking about pizza, t-shirt size beautiful, making me blush, you got this, wait were those holograms, put me back in coach, ok, don’t ghost me, demon, because i care about you alex, i still would have followed you, we were gonna be legends, your welcome, girls am i right? yeah! no❤️...
best moment: all of them ... ummm julie singing wake up, the speech before stand tall and when julie is in the alley, alex dancing with dirty candy, the locket scene, the chemistry scene, the part where julie finds out who emily is, i still could have followed you, willex meet cute, luke giving julie bright...the list goes on :)! also all the performances (honorable mention: i got the music bc i love that song and it never gets the hype it deserves)
moment that made you cry the most: ok so i know this is technically not in the show but the behind the band episode 3 i think (the one where they record). i cried a lot during bc i just love the show and the cast so much and they’re so inspiring and i just wanna sing and dance and act tooo!!!!! a show moment (i didn’t cry while watching the show don’t kill me ) that made me cry or almost cry would be bright during my many rewatches and also stand tall :)
moment that made you SQUEEEE the most: literally every willex scene ... like all of them ... also edge of great song guitar riff, the part where we find out alex is gay, stand tall, and alex with dirty candy!
favorite ship: ahhhhh i like so many ahhh i’m a multi shipper too so... favorite cannon ship would be willex and favorite non cannon ship would probably be flarrie or lalex or whatever their ship name is but i like all of the ships like reggie/nick is great and underrated goodie. also luke and reggie (i prefer luke to be reggies bi awakening and one sided crush though ) .... anddddd may i present carrie/reggie, ik that kinda comes out of nowhere but i think it would be sooooooooooo cute!
how/why you started the show: i saw a cover of flying solo on tiktok so then i thought why not start this show... then i watched the trailer and didn’t think i would like it (crazy ik especially since i watch the trailer for fun sometimes... 😳) anyways i ended up watching episode 1 and 2 then went to bed and the next day i continued.
why i love the show: the representation. madison reyes having the lead role is so big and important and special to me... especially as a young latina/hispanic girl. seeing her as julie has changed my life completely and madi is such an amazing role model and makes me want to sing and dance and follow my dreams. the story. grief/loss is one of the main themes of the show and it’s something i don’t have a ton of experience with on a large scale (of course i’ve lost things like friends,etc but a parent and life are huge things ) . it was nice to see this topic showcased in a real and authentic way. the friendships. on screen and off screen. i LOVE the friendship between the phantoms as well and with julie and i love julie’s friendship with flynn. it was really refreshing to see these relationships and such strong bonds in a tv show. the cast is super close and so amazing and cute and they are just so so so talented. the music. of course i love the music and musica elements of the show. the songs and performances are so amazing! the whole cast is so talented and make it look so easy ! i feel like i could pick up a guitar and be just as great as charlie and/or jeremy or wail on some drums and replicate the magic that owen creates (which just attests to the talents of the cast). DIRTY CANDY/DIRTY CANDI. savanah, tori and the other dirty candy(i) girls are so talented and the songs slap i don’t care what anyone says. wow and all eyes on me are bops... i’ll say that til the day i die haha also the dancing is so good like pls can i dance like sav!!!!
tags: everyone who is reading this :)
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PLEASE write about Andrew & Jean being chaotic and bitter bffs on the same team the power they would have the intimidation level the fashionable goth energy,,, w ow also I want Andrew to learn French so badly which we all know he would if Jean started insulting him in French
IT WON’T BE UP ANY TIME SOON but I’m writing a fic about Andrew visiting Renee’s for winter break in his final year of college in which he’s forced to spend the week sharing a space with Jean. 
Over the course of said week, they form a tentative alliance that’s essentially that We’re Not So Different You And I bit by John Mulaney 
Anyway, that’s like mid-way through Andrew’s fourth year. They don’t speak again until a little before Andrew’s graduation. The Foxes have just won the Championships they made it to finals last year and lost the last  game :’( and so they’re having a party. Andrew needed some air so he stepped outside and, a little while later, he hears footsteps on the porch behind him. Jean sits down, leaving some space between the two of them so as not to crowd Andrew, and just sort of slides a piece of paper over. Andrew keeps up his cool guy facade for a while, assuming Jean will break first. He does. 
“Would you just look at it?” Jean snarled. Andrew flicked him a cool look before, picking up the paper painstakingly slowly. He held it up to his own face, not bothering to actually read it. “Illiterate too, I see.” Andrew could barely keep the scowl off his face. He squinted at the stack of papers he picked up. 
“Why?” he asked. 
“Our goalkeep is, how you say? A piece of shit.”  
“You’re giving him more credit than he deserves,” Andrew cut in, his lips curling in a sneer. 
“I’m getting tired of being the last line of defense. It’s hard not having anyone to watch your back,” Jean said, shooting a meaningful look at Andrew. He elected to ignore it in favor of taking another drag of his cigarette. Jean muttered something that sounded like a curse before standing up and disappearing back into Abby’s house.
A month later, Jean stepped out of his apartment wondering which horrid little monsters the Cardinals had signed now. Turning towards the stairs, he found his answer waiting for him. 
“There’s no point in both of us driving down there. You make breakfast and I’ll drive,” the gremlin said. It wasn’t an offer or even a demand. He said it as though he were stating a fact. 
“The arrogance of Americans never fails to amaze me,” Jean shot back. 
“You’ve got dual citizenship, Frenchie. I’m sorry to say it, but that makes you one of us.” With that, the little monster turned on his heel and headed down the stairs. Jean muttered a steady stream of curses as he followed Andrew out to the Maserati
Having Andrew on his team is literally the worst. All he ever does is laze around. Sometimes, he’ll just lay down in the middle of the goal and stare at the ceiling. Jean gets a lot of shit for it bc he’s the one that recommended him for the line. It’s the day of their first game and tensions are high at practice when Jean loses his temper. He picks up an exy ball and hurls it at Andrew. Without even looking up, Andrew catches it with one hand. He stands slowly and throws it back so fast that Jean doesn’t have time to react. The ball wedges itself into the grate of his helmet, the force of it knocking him off his feet. Everyone assumes that Andrew isn’t going to play that night or will just be his asshole self but, when Jean finds himself struggling to hold the line, Andrew gets sent out and he’s an absolute monster in the goal. Every shot that comes his way gets deflected all the way down the court. The last goal of the night is made in the final seven seconds when Andrew slams a shot all the way down the court into the opposing goal. It lights up red and the crowd loses their shit. Exhausted, Jean collapses on the floor. 
“It’s hard not having anyone to have your back,” Andrew said as he passed by. By the time Jean found his voice, Andrew was already gone. Catching a ride home with one of the strikers, Jean felt a tightness in his chest. Andrew was an annoyingly lazy little bastard but Jean should have trusted him.
Jean doesn’t know how to apologize. Words are wasted on the likes of Andrew so he says nothing. He wakes early to make breakfast the next morning and says a silent prayer. Andrew is never late to anything but, when 6:30 rolls around and he isn’t there Jean’s heart plummets. He leaves the plate out on the counter while he eats. The ticking of the clock is deafeningly loud. At 6:47 there’s a knock at the door and Jean nearly faceplants in his hurry to answer it. 
“Your food’s gone cold,” Jean blurted out. Andrew turned a glare on him but said nothing as he shouldered his way into the apartment. Dark circles rimmed his eyes. His shoulders sagged, weighed down by exhaustion. There was no way he’d gotten a wink of sleep last night. 
“Moreau,” a voice said from the door. Jean whipped around to see Matt Boyd standing at the door. How he’d missed such a tall person standing in his doorway, Jean didn’t know. “Mind if I come in?” Jean stepped aside and Matt moved in. 
“Are you hungry?” Jean asked, haltingly. Boyd was the starting backliner for the Virginia Cavaliers, a whole state over. What the hell was he doing here? 
“I could eat,” Matt said brightly. He grabbed hold of a chair and dragged it over to where Andrew sat. 
“Not out of my plate,” Andrew snapped when Matt made to steal his eggs. Jean made his way to the kitchen to fix a third plate. From the dining room he could hear Andrew’s voice and Boyd’s laughter. Handing the plate over to him, Jean took his seat at the far end of the table. For the next quarter of an hour, Boyd rambled on about something or the other. If you asked Jean what he’d talked about, he wouldn’t have been able to say. He was far too absorbed in watching Andrew. 
The usual tension that pervaded his form had fallen away. Despite the obvious lack of sleep, Andrew seemed far more relaxed than usual. Every now and again, Jean saw his lips twitch up into the barest hint of a smile. From what he’d heard, Andrew had never had a good relationship with any of his teammates save Josten. But that made sense. Neil was his lover. What was it about Boyd that softened him so much? 
As soon as breakfast was finished and the plates cleaned, Jean disappeared back into his room to grab his phone. By the time he’d returned, both Andrew and Boyd were gone from the dining room. Jean found the pair blocking the open door. He stopped short when he heard Boyd’s voice. 
“I’ve missed you so much, Andy.” His words shook Jean to his core. 
“Yes or no?” Andrew asked quietly. Jean watched in stunned silence as Matt leaned down, mumbling yes a hair’s breadth away from Andrew’s lips. The second the word left his mouth, Andrew closed the distance between them. A soft moan slipped from Boyd’s lips and Jean watched in horror as he tangled his hands in Andrew’s hair. “Stop staring, Moreau,” Andrew said as he broke the kiss. 
“I thought that you and Josten-”
“We are,” Andrew cut in dismissively. “Matt is too.”
“Oh,” was all Jean could think to say. Back at the Nest, there had been no exclusive relationships. While most relationships in the real world weren’t like that, Jean had heard there were still a few. Boyd said his goodbyes before heading down the hall to the back stairwell. Andrew started off in the other direction. Jean had to run after him once he’d locked the door. Neither of them spoke in the car. They never did but there was a weight to the silence now that Jean didn’t know what to do about. A thousand small talk topics flitted through his head but he knew Andrew wouldn’t appreciate any of it so he kept his mouth shut, contenting himself to stare out the window. 
Jean is ready to run by the time that they pull up at the court but he doesn't. He needs to prove that he’s going to have Andrew’s back so he stays with him. 
It’s kind of awkward for a while. Andrew doesn’t like having Jean towering over him from behind bc it makes him feel vulnerable so he’s always really tense. 
The turning point in their relationship is when a striker from another team tries to start a twitter feud with Andrew. He gets asked about it in an interview and the interviewer pulls a Kathy Ferdinand and reveals that the striker is backstage. Jean is sitting with Andrew for the interview and when they try to start shit live on air, Jean snaps. He cuts the striker a new one, roasting them within an inch of their life and the interview is forced to end bc the striker throws a punch. Andrew steps in front of Jean, catching the punch with ease and judo flipping them. 
Neither of them really acknowledge that it happened but, when Andrew comes to breakfast the following Monday, he brings a loaf of sweet bread that he baked over the weekend. 
Things kind of settle after that. Sometimes Andrew leaves recipes for foods he wants and Jean starts filling their silences with something other than the news. He complains about Americans and moons over Jeremy and starts teaching Andrew French too. 
Jean has his own tiktok and most of his vids are of himself cooking and have Andrew reacting at the end but there’s a few subsections tho. One of them is Andrew and Jean and their baking escapades. It’s always super messy. Another is their ‘date nights’. On the weekends, the two of them get a little extra dressed up and go out to sample new restaurants.  They’re both massive foodies so they like to try new restaurants together. Andrew is a surprisingly picky eater and listening to him critic food is the most Jean has ever heard him speak. Platonic dates are actually incredibly nice n more ppl need to indulge in them. 
The final subsection is fashion/makeup. Jean likes to do makeup bc… why not? Sometimes, he manages to convince Andrew to let him be his model and does some really interesting looks on Andrew. Those videos never see the light of day but it’s something they do and it’s very important to Andrew. There’s something very intimate about letting Jean touch his face for hours on end but it also kind of feels nice. Also he loves the way Neil and Matt fawn over him when he skypes them with his makeup done. The fashion videos,  however, do go up. The two of them go to the mall p often and take turns styling each other. They do style challenges too where they’re both given the same horrible item (something like crocs or a really ugly sweater) and they have to make the other person look good in them. 
They do little nice things for each other. When Neil has a game against Bluefield, Jean gets Andrew front row tickets for him and manages to convince Matt to come down too. Andrew learns how to make french pastries that he leaves on Jean’s counter pretty often bc it reminds him of home. He also gets Allison to help him pull some strings and arrange for Jean to spend Christmas break in France with Jeremy. Jean doesn’t cry but he does tear up a little bit. 
Andrew is still a menace and you see that on his tiktok. He rigs ridiculous pranks like setting up a tripwire to dump glue and feather on him or wrapping all his stuff in plastic wrap.
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