#but at times our fatigue and back pain get so bad we can't stay sat up
thethingything · 11 months
accidentally slept at the wrong time yet again because our back pain got really bad and we needed to lay down because of it.
I'm trying so hard to fix our sleep schedule and it's not working and as usual sleeping at the wrong time is fucking me up and making it way harder to cope with everything else
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tinyybookclub · 2 months
The 3 Heathens: Confronting The Shadows (part 3)
College was supposed to be our fresh start, a chance to leave behind the struggles of our past. For a while, it seemed like everything was falling into place. Ryland thrived on the football field, quickly becoming a standout player. I immersed myself in my studies, joining clubs and working on community projects. Jared, now in a specialized program, was making strides we had only dreamed of. Tina's pride was palpable; we were her success story, proof that her sacrifices had not been in vain.
But the past has a way of catching up, and the cycles we thought we'd escaped began to reappear. It started with Ryland. Despite his outward success, he was struggling to balance the pressures of academics and sports. One night, he called me, his voice shaking. "I messed up, man," he said. "I messed up bad."
He had been seeing a girl, and now she was pregnant. The news spread quickly, and before long, Ryland was called into the dean's office. The school's strict policies meant he was suspended, and his scholarship was revoked. Tina was devastated, and I could see the fear in her eyes—fear that we were falling back into the life she had fought so hard to pull us out of.
I tried to support Ryland, but the stress was taking its toll on me as well. Our father's sporadic appearances became more frequent, as if he could sense our vulnerability. He had always resented our drive to succeed, seeing it as a rejection of his own failures. Now, he seemed determined to drag us back down.
He showed up drunk at one of my campus events, causing a scene and getting me in trouble with the administration. He spread rumors about us in our old neighborhood, painting us as ungrateful sons who had turned our backs on our roots. The weight of his actions pressed down on us, threatening to undo all the progress we had made.
One evening, after another confrontation with our father, Ryland and I sat in the apartment, the silence between us heavy. "We can't keep going like this," I said finally. "We need to face this head-on."
Ryland nodded, but his eyes were distant. "How? We've been fighting our whole lives. I'm tired, man. I don't know how much more I can take."
"We start by breaking the cycle," I said. "We get help. We talk to someone who can guide us through this."
It wasn't easy, but we found a counselor who specialized in trauma and family dynamics. Tina joined us for some sessions, and for the first time, we talked openly about our past. We confronted the pain, the mistakes, and the lingering fears. We learned to recognize the patterns that were holding us back and developed strategies to break free from them.
But as we dug deeper into our trauma, more cracks began to show. Ryland's struggles with becoming a young father and losing his scholarship weighed heavily on him. He took a job, but it barely paid enough to cover his expenses, let alone support a child. His relationship with his girlfriend became strained, leading to constant arguments and stress.
Meanwhile, our father became more aggressive. He broke into our apartment one night, smashing the few belongings we had along with our mothers face and leaving us with nothing but fear and anger. We filed for a restraining order, but the process was slow, and we knew he wouldn't be deterred easily.
Jared, too, faced his own battles. Despite his progress, he was still bullied at school. One day, he came home with bruises on his face, too scared to tell us what had happened. The sight of him beaten and broken tore at our hearts, a stark reminder that our fight was far from over.
Our counselor urged us to stay strong, but the constant pressure was taking its toll. Tina fell ill, the stress of years of struggle manifesting in her body. She tried to hide it, but we could see the pain in her eyes, the fatigue that seemed to weigh her down.
One year later, we gathered once again in our small apartment, now filled with the remnants of broken dreams and unspoken fears. Ryland cradled his baby daughter, a symbol of hope and the future, but his eyes were shadowed with worry. Jared, thriving in his program, showed us his latest art project, his face glowing with pride, yet the bruises were still fresh in our minds. Tina, her eyes filled with tears, raised her glass once more.
"To my boys," she said, her voice steady and strong despite everything. "We faced the darkness and found our way through. We are stronger because of it, and we will continue to rise."
As we clinked our glasses, I felt the weight of the past lift slightly, but I knew the journey was far from over. The future was uncertain, filled with challenges we couldn't yet see. But we were determined to face them together, to break the cycle once and for all.
As we sat there, the silence between us heavy with unspoken fears and hopes, I couldn't help but wonder what lay ahead. The story of our lives was still being written, and the next chapter was just beginning.
(Part 4 posted ✨)
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uzumaki-rebellion · 5 years
“Wet Sugar” [Part 18 of 30]
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Summary: Erik and Yani deal with more than their immediate problem...
"It's taken me a little while to come back I've been working on some thing good Oh, so every now and then I tend to fall back Oh Lord, I've been misunderstood
Till you came along and you saved me You saved me with that good love Oh yeah yeah You came along and you saved me You saved me, ooo, with that good love…"
Gary Clark Jr.—"You Saved Me"
Erik woke up sweating and clutching his side.
His dream-state brain was back in South Africa, running outside during the raid on Klaue's compound.
A police raid supported by what Erik was positive was U.S. C.I.A. and U.S. military Black Ops. Shit was too streamlined and overly professional. He had enough time to put on his merc fatigues and shirt, his weapon locked and loaded.
Linda was just as fast, already moving down the stairs searching for Klaue and an exit strategy with her weapon in hand. They moved in tandem sweeping room to room until they reached a side door that led to vehicles they could use to try and make an escape. Linda jumped into the driver's seat of a jeep as Erik covered her with his Glock.
Attacked from the side, Erik shot a man in the head while another slashed his abdomen with a long blade from behind.
Linda gave warning before she backed into the blade wielder, snapping his legs to splinters as she rolled over him. Erik jumped in the open back holding his side and shooting into the chaotic night.
"There's Klaue!" she yelled.
They saw their boss lighting up men, weapons, and police vehicles with his sonic cannon.
Smoke bombs choked Erik's throat. Linda whipped the jeep in front of Klaue. He dived into the front passenger seat and kept firing his arm doing the most damage out of all of their men. A police vehicle slammed into their jeep and Erik tumbled out landing on his back.
An officer tried to threaten him with an automatic weapon to his head, but Erik's legs helicoptered in a spin too fast for the man to react, and Erik had his gun and his life in a matter of seconds. It was fortunate that the police and their minions had no reinforcement. The power of Klaue's arm had their enemy shook and it didn't take long to overpower the raiders.
Back to back, Erik and Linda kept Klaue covered with their weapons as he was able to enjoy the full power of the arm Erik fashioned for him.
So many bodies.
There was no time to stack the dead or even worry about sweeping the compound. Klaue's crew re-grouped in the house and dispersed once Klaue gave them directions. The compound had to be stripped and abandoned.
"Killmonger, how bad is it?" Linda asked.
He was bleeding through his shirt and when he lifted it, he was glad to see the wound wasn't deep and had clotted on its own. If Yani saw that, she would fret.
If Yani—
Eyes focused.
Our Lady's Manor.
He was in St. Thomas.
His wound still had reddish inflamed skin, but it was from the cut through his keloids. Reaching for Yani next to him he saw that she was gone.
Barefoot, Erik strolled through the house looking for her. He was surprised at how late it was. Already noon. He worked late trying to test and stabilize the vibranium he brought back from South Africa. The gun shipment was arriving that day and Erik needed to prepare for new mercs—and Huntsman—coming onto the property.
"Yani," he called out. She wasn't in Klaue's main house.
He walked out of the main house and followed the path to the middle house. They had packed up all of Yani's and Sydette's things to place into the caretaker apartment. Yani was acting moody, and he thought it was because of the new people coming for a few days. They were arriving early with the boat because of a hurricane forecast, and Erik needed the weapons asap. He was upset because Sydette would have to stay at Leona's or Yani's parents, and he wouldn't be able to see her until the men left. He wanted them gone before the storm passed through.
He saw her walking to the middle house with Sydette fussing with the baby while holding her hand. Sydette started crying and Yani picked her up, still fussing.
"You need to listen to me!"
Her voice was sharp and Sydette arched her back, her wailing voice a shrill piercing to Erik's ears.
"Hey, what's going on?"
Yani's eyes were red like she had been crying.
Sydette was really falling out.
"Stop it!"
"Yani, chill—"
"I've been dealing with her like this all morning!"
Erik took Sydette from her arms and the baby bent her body, her tears and cries for Yani troubling.
"Today not a good day, Sweet Pea?"
He tried to smooth over the tension, but Sydette was not having it and Yani was done with the whole situation.
"You go be by yourself, I'll take her."
Yani's eyes looked hollow, but she cut her eyes at Sydette's wailing and stomped into the middle house.
Erik cradled Sydette's head.
"Hey now…shhh…it's okay. We all have bad days baby girl. Today is stressful for all of us…shhh…"
Sydette's little chest shuddered and her tears dried up and her high-pitched whining calmed down enough to allow Erik to take her into the middle house.
He walked around and bounced the baby in his arms, checked her pull-ups, and made her a juice bottle. A half-hour later, she was calm in his arms and nodded off.
Something was wrong.
Yani didn't come to check on Sydette at all.
In fact, she stayed out of the living room the entire time.
Erik took Sydette into the smaller bedroom of the house and laid her on the bed and under the covers. He stroked the baby's hair and checked the room for safety before searching for Yani.
She wasn't in any of the other bedrooms or the kitchen.
A bathroom door was closed. He heard movement inside it.
"You alright in there?"
She didn't answer.
"Aye Ma, what's going on? The baby is sleep. We can talk."
He pressed his forehead against the door and then moved his left ear next to it.
"Yani, open the door."
He heard a whimper and he was ready to break the door down.
"Baby…c'mon. Open up—"
Yani's face was wet with tears and her eyes were closed.
Erik's arms shot out to comfort her, but she stepped back and sat on the closed toilet seat.
"What is it?"
"Mi Sweet Pea…we been fussin' all day. She make mi so vex this mornin'—"
"Slow down. Slow down. I'm right here."
Erik knelt down in front of her. His eyes checked her over, looking for any sign of what was wrong with her. His eyes flicked up to the bathroom sink. A white plastic store bag sat on the counter.
"Being here, I've been able to rest…think. Get back to mi own self, y'know. Lemme do what is good for we, yeah?"
He nodded his head, still not understanding her pain.
Yani reached for the bag and opened it, pulling out a slender box. He saw what it was and his eyes closed.
"I'm two days late, Killmonger."
He touched the side of her face.
"Two days doesn't mean—"
"I can't do this."
"Baby, you've been on the pill. We've been stressed a little bit from the men coming through. Don't jump the gun—"
Her eyes burned into him.
They had made an agreement.
If she were pregnant, they would terminate. That was the plan. Period.
Second thoughts.
"It's early—"
"This test is the most accurate. It can tell you within a couple of days—"
"Just wait a few more days and see if your period comes—"
"I don't want to wait!"
Her shriek was loud in the small bathroom. It shook him to his core and he sat back away from her.
"Take the test. I'll wait outside."
He stood up and she reached up for his hand. A fresh tear streaked down her face and her hand trembled in his.
"I'll be right out here," he said.
Leaving her alone, he exhaled and cursed himself. He allowed the thoughts of a baby to hang around him, and now this. She took her birth control every day on time at the exact time every single morning. He should've pulled out more. Used condoms maybe…
If she were pregnant…
He paced a bit until she opened the bathroom door.
"Have to wait ten minutes," she said.
Her face was puffy, eyes swollen, and lips dry.
He held his hand out for her and she took it. He hugged her and she held onto him tight. He didn't know what to say to her. Nerves on high alert, Erik rocked her and kissed her forehead. They stood together longer than ten minutes, both scared to look he assumed.
Walking into the bathroom together he squeezed her hand and she lifted up the tester and held it for both of them to see.
Not pregnant.
He didn't know if her exhale was louder than his own. When their eyes connected together, her lids pressed out more tears.
"Told you. Just nerves, baby. Stress."
Her hip leaned against the sink as he kissed her.
"Chez got mi pregnant on purpose."
Her eyes were sad dark pools when she gazed up at him. Her words flew fast.
"Mi nuh want, Sydette. Him tear condom to get mi with pickney so I won't leave him."
She pushed back from him and wiped her face. Her chest heaved a bit from crying.
"Mi wahn abortion—"
"Mi need yuh tuh hear mi now. Please."
Erik's stomach twisted up.
"Him promise money for mi not to have a baby. He lied. Made excuses until it too late. Him say he take care of mi and mi pickney. I believed him, Killmonger. Then him get she pregnant…that bitch. Mi give up University…family put me out. I took some herbs and try to abort on mi own—"
Erik grabbed her and pulled her in tight.
"I had her. Do mi best to make up for not wanting her at first. At the hospital, when dem nurse put she in mi arms…I was so happy I didn't…"
She looked down at the tester in her hand.
"I have to finish school. Have to get a good-paying job so I can take care of we. Another baby would kill me right now. It took me so long to get here, and if I had another one…you could be like him. Leave me all alone. Not because you want to but because of what you do with Klaue. And mi can't…mi can't…"
"We should go see a doctor and make sure that test is accurate," he said.
She nodded.
"I want you to finish school. I want you to be independent. Okay? I won't trick you."
"I know you won't.
In his gut he felt bad for wanting to get her pregnant on the beach. He never wanted her to fear that from him ever again. She was a wreck. To go through all that with Chez and Sydette.
His eyes snapped toward the glass patio doors leading to the pool. Three of the six dragonfly drones he used around the compound buzzed past heading down toward the main house.
"Security Alert! Boat Dock. Security Alert! Boat Dock!"
The men had arrived. Early.
"Listen to me. I need you to take Sydette and leave here until tomorrow afternoon. I will call you with the exact number of people who are here. If I don't think these men are trustworthy, I will let you know not to come back until they are gone. Can you do that?"
"We're okay, baby. I promise. I'm sorry Chez put you through that with Sydette. You are a great mother."
She threw her arms around him and he hugged her with compassion.
"Go. I need to get my Glock and get these fools settled."
Worry creased her face.
"Be scared for them," he said.
She smiled. He pressed his warm lips into her cheek.
She wrapped the tester in the plastic bag and slipped into the side bedroom to retrieve Sydette. He waited for them both to come back out. Sydette was still asleep. Yani kissed her little girl and Erik touched the baby's hair.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
There was no time to properly comfort her. They split directions outside by the pool. Yani went up with the baby and he went down, passing Jerome perched in a tree fast asleep.
Once he had his Glock, Erik headed down to the private dock. His mind tried to put Yani in a safe place as he stalked down to the intruders of their paradise.
Huntsman stepped onto the dock as their boat captain tied the boat down. Gray clouds rolled in from a distance, but they were still five days out from the oncoming storm.
"They clean?" Erik asked.
Erik was not friendly at all. Strictly business.
"Like a baby's bottom."
"Y'all stay in the middle house."
"Have any good food ready for us?"
"Nah. Self-serve for today. Housekeeper not in until tomorrow afternoon."
"Hmmm. The young one, right? Yani?"
Erik's eyes narrowed.
"We'll take the load up now," Huntsman said.
Erik's drones scanned the men. There were five in total.
Erik led them to the gun range and watched them secure the weapons Klaue wanted him to convert inside a large locker shed.
As the new men ate sandwiches and drank beer from the middle house, Erik turned on all security systems and cameras and linked them to his cell and his bedroom. He only allowed access to the middle house and called Klaue to let him know the goods had arrived.
Klaue's eyes were bloodshot, not from drink, but from lack of sleep. He was still in South Africa.
"There's word coming out from Wakanda that King T'Chaka is going on a speaking tour next year. U.N. The World Peace Foundation. The summit in Switzerland early spring. Might be able to take advantage," Klaue said.
Erik clenched his teeth. He could taste the throne. But he needed Klaue on the continent. Easier to move a body that way.
"I'll have a prototype ready for you next month," Erik said, keeping focus on his work, trying his best to keep his brain on that and not worrying about Yani being in any shape to drive to Leona's.
"The storm is tracking fast. Will they be gone in time?" Klaue asked.
"Three days is enough time based on the weather reports here. They could always go to Puerto Rico for a pit stop."
"Get them rested and out."
"Talk soon."
Klaue flicked out on the viewscreen and Erik headed back up to the middle house.
"We'll get fuel for the boat in the morning. Can we get Yani to whip up some steaks and shrimp for dinner tomorrow?" Huntsman asked guzzling down a bottle of Rum leftover from his last visit. He shared it with a new merc, a Black man with tats and a scowl to match Erik's. He didn't like the idea of new blood being at the compound without him knowing anything about them.
"I'll see what she has planned."
"Just you two here?"
"She comes and goes."
"Neal, wait until you see this girl. She doesn't talk much, but a looker…you okay Killmonger? Need a drink?"
Erik's eyes looked Neal over before he glanced at Huntsman. The brotha was muscular, but lean. Burn marks covered part of his neck and chin.
"I'm good. Glad the package is delivered. Klaue knows what's up."
"Don't understand why Boss stays there when he has all of this," Huntsman said holding his hands out. They stood around the pool area and Erik was ready for them to go away.
Leaving the men, he texted Yani, and when he slipped into the main house, he secured the domain and called her direct.
"You make it okay?"
"Yeah. We're here. The men alright?"
"Yeah. How are you? For real, Yani. Don't bullshit me—"
"I'm fine. Promise."
"I miss you already. What you said earlier, about you and Sydette-"
"I'm glad you had her. I know it wasn't easy, baby…but, I'll make sure you two are fine—"
"I will make sure we are fine—"
"I can help you."
"I know you can."
"So let me…"
He could hear Sydette in the background.
"She wahn talk to you."
"Sweet Pea." "Baba!"
"She is always yelling when she gets on the phone," Yani said laughing.
"You being a good girl?
"Yes! Come here."
"I can't Sweet Pea. Baba has to deal with some stuff. I'll see you in three days, okay?"
"Can you give Baba a kiss?"
He heard the sound of her mouth trying to send him a kiss.
"Don't spit, love," Yani said.
The sound of Yani laughing made him feel better.
"Huntsman is asking for steak and shrimp tomorrow night."
"How many there?"
"There's meat in the freezer. Ten steaks. Still good. You'll have to thaw them out tonight. Don't know about the shrimp. Be expensive at the last minute."
"Do whatever you want. They don't have to have shrimp. Call me tonight?"
"I will."
"I can't sleep without you."
"I know."
"Be scarce when you do come here. Got some hounds over here. Huntsman already has you on the brain."
She sucked her teeth.'
"That wasteman. Pervert."
"I'll keep him in check."
"I love my baby. I love her. I don't want you thinkin' bad of me for what I wanted to do when I was desperate back then. She ah blessing. I know this."
"I know where your heart is, Yani. It's all good, Baby."
"See you tomorrow."
"Don't forget to call me tonight. More likely I'll call you. Love you."
"Love you back."
She sounded good. He was able to relax a bit.
Music played from the middle house. Killmonger didn't want to interact with them. But he had to.
Cigar smoke, raucous laughter, and bawdy humor greeted Erik.
He hung out with them until a couple of them passed out on the patio and the others tumbled into the house to sleep off heavy drinking. Erik secured the compound and slipped out with the S.U.V.
He ran up the steps of Leona's apartment complex and knocked on the door. It was late.
Yani was wrapped in a yellow robe, her hair covered in a blue satin durag.
He moved into the living room and saw the couch bed pulled out. Sydette was curled up under the covers.
He hugged her and sat down on the couch bed with her.
"I'm going back, but I need to—"
She laid back on the couch bed and he curled around her. The movement woke Sydette up.
"Hey Sweet Pea."
His baby girl crawled over Yani and tucked herself on Erik's chest.
He had to accept some hard truths.
His life was different. Having Yani and Sydette was not easy, but he needed them more than they knew. He had been turning into a robotic killing machine…one with a purpose…but losing his humanity. He felt it. The coldness.
He pulled Yani closer to him. Sydette's heartbeat thumped on his chest. They were anchoring him. He gently rubbed Sydette's back and felt comfort with Yani's arm thrown across them both. He stayed awake long enough to listen to them breath easy in their sleep.
Baba is this how you felt with Mama and me?
The longer he stayed on the island, the more he thought of his parents and his past.
He was acting out his father's life with Yani. The thought humbled him. The secrecy. The limited time to be together. He didn't want to end up like his father.
The plot to go into Wakanda had consequences. The biggest was not succeeding. He was prepared to die and leave an impact when he was alone. But he wasn't alone now. He made the foolish decision to align himself with this young woman and her baby. Willingly took responsibility for them and their future.
He had no fear of his mission before coming to St. Thomas. Now he was very afraid. He had to survive. Had to make it out alive. The baby sleeping peacefully on his broad chest was his now. He was shaping her life along with Yani's. His justice claim was bigger than just for his mother and father. He wanted to turn the world on its head for Yani and Sydette too.
He loved them but was afraid that their love for him would weaken him. Would he second guess his moves while plotting against Klaue? Would worrying about them cloud his judgment? It already affected his behavior in South Africa during the raid. Instead of acting, he reacted to everything going on around him, his focus on just getting back to Yani instead of looking out for Klaue. That focus allowed an officer to cut him with a blade, allowed someone to sneak up on him when that would never have happened before. He would have to go back to killer mode if Wakanda was going to be his reality.
And a pregnancy scare?
She couldn't have another baby now, but he wanted to have one with her in the future.
He was a dispossessed Prince. About to snatch his birthright. Yani could be his Queen. Sydette his Princess.
Erik dozed off, but his cell vibrated. The sun was three hours from rising.
Slipping away from his woman and child, Erik drove himself back to the compound.
Pulling the steaks out from the front house standing freezer, Erik took a moment to set his energy. He didn't want these men here. But he was following Klaue's orders.
He found Huntsman and Neal awake and drinking coffee in the middle house kitchen.
"Storm is moving faster," Huntsman said.
"It will touch down sooner. Might have to stay here," Neal said.
"We'll see," Erik said taking a mug from the cupboard and pouring coffee for himself.
The men spent time poolside and playing pool in the middle house den. They ate sandwiches again for lunch until Yani showed up. She immediately prepped for dinner and he kept his feelings in check when he caught Neal checking her out as she checked for propane in the outdoor grill outside the front house kitchen.
"Any chance for shrimp?" Neal asked.
Erik stood outside the front house with two of the mercs. Yani rolled up the sleeves of her sweatshirt and walked around Neal as she grabbed cleaning supplies to wipe down the grill itself. She didn't make eye contact with the man, but he kept pressing her.
"Yani…that's your name right?"
She stopped and put a hand on her hip.
"No shrimp. I have to get this together so I can cook. Whatchu need, man?"
Her voice was curt and it reminded Erik of how she sounded with him when he first saw her. He smirked and kept his eye on the stranger.
"Just asking a question."
"Excuse me," Yani said walking back into the house.
Neal watched her, took a sip of the beer he was drinking and followed her. Erik zoned in after him.
Yani had the kitchen in prep mode, steaks marinating, potatoes grated to make potato and cheese fritters, with asparagus tips stacked on a tray.
"You have a nasty attitude," Neal said.
Yani stared at the man, as she washed her hands in the sink.
"Yo…bruh…I need you to stop bothering her while she's trying to work."
Erik moved in close to Neal. Yani stepped back behind him and grabbed a hand towel.
"She can't be pleasant to guests? She does work for us."
Erik grit his teeth.
"She's not here to entertain you. Let her cook."
Neal gave Erik a bit of reckless eyeballing. He looked over at Yani again.
"Be nicer. I know jobs are hard to come by on these little islands. Hate to see you mess up a good gig."
"Mr. Klaue is my boss. Not you," Yani said.
Huntsman walked in. His eyes flickered over Yani and he waved for Neal to follow him out. The moment they were gone, Yani held onto the sink and took a deep breath. Erik reached out and touched her hand, but they kept the contact brief.
"Has he been coming at you like this a lot?"
"Just staring. Asking for shit…"
"Water. Soda. I keep away from the middle house, but he comes up here."
"I'll keep my eye on him."
"He has a bad vibe. Like Huntsman."
He wanted to hold her, but she went back to work and he left her alone.
Neal stood by the pool area with his cell out. Huntsman and the boat captain walked down toward the bottom of the pool patio steps to admire the view of plants and flowers framing a view of the sea.
"That you up there?" Neal asked.
Erik played dumb. He didn't like being called Youngblood. This dude was probably only a few years older than him.
"You know what I'm saying to you. You bust up in there like captain-save-a-hoe."
"Respect the staff, man. That's all.''
"I'm respecting it. But you know how these lil island freaks be. I'm trying not to be a line stepper, so that's why I'm asking. That bitch hefting around something I want to sample. S'why I'm asking. That you?"
One thing Erik was never able to do was hide emotion on his face. This nigga had his pressure up.
"Mmmhmmm,…yeah. You all over that. Shit must be real good since your face is about to crack."
"You talk too damn much. And assume a lot."
"How that ass feel-?"
"Watch your mouth, bruh—"
"She gonna like some new dick. I break bitch's backs—"
Erik's hands wrapped around Neal's throat and he threw the man off balance.
Yani heard the commotion down at the second house. It took her a moment to realize something was wrong because the men had been loud all afternoon and she was doing what Erik advised and stayed out of their way.
When she heard Huntsman shouting with rage, she left the grill and ran down to the noise.
Erik and the new guy Neal were trading punches, and the other men tried to separate them. The imbalance of men pulling Erik back made him fall and Neal leaped on him and battered Erik's face with his fists.
Yani wanted to run down and help Erik, but he told her to act like she didn't know him or like him the way she did when she first met him. She stood away from them with her fists balled up to her face.
When he was able to shake the other men from pulling on him, Erik's hands became like hooks and he ran them hard against Neal's chest and stomach. Neal grimaced and Erik gave a solid hit to his face with his elbow and the man staggered back grabbing onto his head.
They all jumped when Huntsman shot off a weapon above their heads.
"For fuck's sake…what are you two fighting about?" Huntsman yelled.
Wild-eyed, Neal wiped his bloody mouth with his hand.
"Youngblood is mad that I asked about him fucking the housekeeper."
Huntsman's eyes landed on Yani and she felt her face get hot. The other men stared at her too. Erik fixed his shirt and rubbed his face. There was no blood on him.
"The man is out of line and disrespecting Klaue's housekeeper. I'm not wit it. She works too hard to be harassed—"
"He's just pissing a circle around her. No big deal," Neal said.
"You are disrespectful," Yani said.
The men stared at her again. Erik gave her a look to be quiet, but she couldn't.
"Him pester mi, the second I get here—"
"No one is listening to you—"
"Everyone gwine hear me. You annoy the fuck out mi—"
"Go back up to the house, Yani. He won't bother you again," Erik said.
"Alla you stay out mi way. Dinner will be ready in thirty minutes. If yuh late I'm not heating nothin' up!"
She stomped back up to the kitchen of the first house and pulled on grilling gloves. She was still agitated when she put the first rack of steaks onto the grill. All would be medium-well. The moment the steaks were on, she went inside to fry up the fritters. It would only take a few minutes to cook the asparagus.
Being in the kitchen alone she found her groove and the repetition of frying and draining potatoes calmed her down. Neal was going to push Erik's buttons. She didn't think that would be the last fight between him and Erik. She had no idea how he figured out her and Erik's situation because she knew for sure she played her part with no slip-ups. He must've said something to Erik to set him off.
Yani moved back and forth from the kitchen to the grill. She saw the mercs heading up to the dining room and she quickly put the asparagus on after cleaning the grill from traces of steak meat. She was fast and had the food on the serving tables ready to go by the time Erik showed up. He sat at the head of the table and Neal sat at the far end.
The men ate in silence most of the time and every now and then they all looked outside and commented on the small gusts of wind that rattled the trees. Hurricane season was always touch and go, but the upcoming storm was shifting constantly. She texted Twyla to check on Sydette making sure to stand where Erik could see her in case anyone came into the kitchen for ice.
It was challenging having the men back. They changed the atmosphere of the compound instantly. Where she had once frolicked around the estate with her baby and walked nude when she felt like it for herself and her man, she now felt like she was in a prison. She couldn't smile, move around freely, and worse still, she couldn't touch Erik or be touched by him. She saw the irritation on his face all day as he had to interact with the mercs, and she wanted to rub his back for him. When she first arrived, she saw his face get tight because it was normally their time to cuddle on the couch and have him suck on her breasts while she stroked him to a pleasurable release in her hand. She did her best to wear the most boring work clothes, but Erik's eyes were still watching her with desire. Maybe Neal saw that and put two and two together.
Finished with their meal, Yani cleaned up the dining room. Halfway through her work, she went to the restroom, and right when she was done peeing, she felt a familiar rush of blood release from her.
Thank God.
There was no need for a doctor's appointment.
She stuffed toilet paper into her underwear and made a quick dash to the apartment under the house. She had tampons stashed there and cleaned herself up better. She took time to give prayerful thanks. Before she ran back up to finish cleaning, she wiped her face with a clean warm rag in the bathroom.
The men were back down at the pool drinking hard and playing rock and roll oldies and goodies. Erik was not with them.
Yani moved in stealth mode and used a seldom-used path to sneak down to Klaue's main house.
The retina scanner gave her instant access, and she found Erik staring at the living room viewscreen. A storm tracker channel was on.
"Did he hurt you?"
Yani ran her hands over his face and chest. He smiled at her and pulled her hands away. When his arms wrapped around her, she gave out a sigh of relief. Together alone at last.
"Why did you fight?"
"It was stupid on my part. You have to keep away from that creep. He wants to fuck you."
"He said that?"
"Nigga bold as fuck. He asked about you and figured out shit…and I reacted like a dummy."
"I can survive two more days…"
Her eyes held his.
She held him tighter.
"My period finally came. Right after I cleaned up."
"Told you," he said.
Yani stared up into his eyes and saw something she didn't expect.
Did he want her pregnant?
"Incoming message. Chambers, Linda."
"Go to the bedroom," he said, pushing her that way.
Yani backed away from him, then turned to make it into the room before he answered the call. She kept near the open bedroom door. Her eyes were just able to see the viewscreen from where she stood.
"Linda. Talk to me."
Erik's voice sounded worried.
Yani felt worried the moment she saw Linda's face filling up the entire viewscreen that covered a whole wall.
She was dressed like the mercs Yani had seen at the compound before, but her eyes, they didn't look at Erik like he was a fellow co-worker. She looked at him like she knew him in a biblical way.
"Boss man wanted me to check up on you all. We're watching the storm. Category 2 now heading past Barbados."
"We're good. Why you and not him?"
"Staying off radar. You know. Are the boys aggravating you yet?"
"Always. Tell Boss man all is well."
"Will do….but uh…you and I still need to have a little discussion about some things. We didn't get to work some stuff out in Joburg."
Yani leaned in as far as she could. She didn't like how easy going this woman was talking to Erik. And Erik, he sounded stilted in his speech, like he was trying to get her to shut up…
"Klaue needs you to check out some contacts. Sending you intel now."
"Later," Erik said.
He shut off the viewscreen.
"Yani. Come out here."
Yani stepped out of their bedroom and sauntered over to him.
"I know you heard her."
"You fucking her?"
She didn't mean to say that so abrupt. She wanted him to confess.
"I fucked her. But before you. Before us—"
"Please don't lie—"
"I'm not lying."
"What she mean 'bout you not finishing some stuff? You were with her when you were gone?"
"She was with me, and Huntsman, and Klaue…all of us. Together."
Her side hurt. Late cramps squeezed her.
She believed him.
"You finished with the Kitchen?"
"Go on to Leona's and be with the baby. If I can get away from here I will."
He reached out for her and she stepped into his arms.
"Please don't fight. I don't care what that bum says about me."
"I'll keep my hands to myself."
"For serious, Killmonger. You don't know how you look when you fight. It's scary. My heart can't take it."
He kissed her lips before he released her and slapped her butt.
"Get out of here. See you in the morning."
Yani blew him a kiss and slipped out the front door.
"So, it's true."
Yani froze.
Huntsman stood at the bottom of the porch deck smoking a cigar. He blew smoke her way.
"You and Killmonger."
Yani ran past him.
Chapter 19 Here
Tag List:
@fd-writes​ @soufcakmistress  @cherrystainedlipsbaby @tclaybon  @thadelightfulone
@allhailqueennel @bartierbakarimobisson @cpwtwot @shookmcgookqueen @yoyolovesbucky
@raysunshine78 @the-illllest @terrablaze514  @l-auteuse @amirra88 @jimizwidow @janelledarling
@chaneajoyyy @sweetestdream92 @purple-apricots @blackpinup22 @hennessystevens-udaku
@scrumptiouslytenaciouscrusade @bugngiz @stariamrry  @honeytoffee @meilintheempressofdreams
@tyees @eye-raq @writerbee-ffs
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