#but baby!Sheen gives off major bottom vibes
ourtubahero-blog · 7 months
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Why have I never seen this pic of Baby Angel Sheen?
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ingravinoveritas · 9 months
Hey do you have the black and white photo of Michael straddling Stephen Fry, I think it was? I've been trying to find it but Google won't give it to me lmao
Hi there! I know exactly the photo to which you are referring (I'm not sure what that says about me, exactly...), and it's not Stephen Fry. It's actually Michael in a stage production of Le Livre de Spencer in 1994, straddling another actor three years before he rode Stephen in Wilde.
(I would also just like to say that I genuinely appreciate the fact that Michael has professionally (and probably personally) straddled/bragged about straddling enough men that we actually have to try to narrow it down. Haha.)
But yes, here is the photo in question for you, and it is truly a delightful sight to behold. Enjoy!
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ourtubahero-blog · 8 months
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Baby Sheen - Can we talk about that hair, though?
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ingravinoveritas · 1 year
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Baby!Sheen and Sara Sugarman in their RADA days giving off massive Welsh queer energy...
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ingravinoveritas · 4 years
(twink michael pwp anon here) YES THAT'S EXACTLY IT!!! his looks from sean's show!!!! you can also help yourself with the first interview he ever did, in 1991, he was so so pretty my head hurts i just wanna see him getting topped
Excellent! And oh, yes…I think there are a great many of us who’d want to see early ‘90s Michael getting topped. I’ve seen that interview as well, that you are referencing. This is it here, for anyone who hasn’t seen it:
…Of course, this raises the question of exactly how young, twinky, earring-wearing, floofy-haired Michael would get himself topped. He likes loud music, so perhaps he would go cruising at a gay bar…cockily making his way to the center of the dance floor, making everyone want him while waiting for just the right guy to watch him and catch his eye…and then take him outside.
Yes, indeed. That is just one of many enticing possibilities. I’ve got a few other fics to tackle before I get to this one, but this has all got my imagination going, for sure…
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