#but because maybe sex means something different to me...idk it's that permission thing it's very very weird
fernsplaysthings · 11 months
Currently writing little bit by bit between Crucible matches which seems to be the only way to get myself started any time before midnight.
Though the issue is that I just wanna draw stupid horny Tiefling things in contrast to the angst that's being written.
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irrealisms · 8 months
You dont have sex because you're waiting for marriage or because being gay is a sin?
man i dont remember posting anything abt not having sex/celibacy/being side b before this ask, idk what this was inspired by. it's probably bait (and, quite frankly, it's none of your business why i'm having or not having sex) which is why i waited almost a full week to answer but i'm going to answer it anyway (once) because i want to be open about this. if you or anyone else is interested in having a discussion on why i believe the things i do, send me a message or an ask off anon. i'm much more willing to be vulnerable in a setting that isn't "anon question that is probably bait".
as a clarification that will probably mean very little to my secular followers but will be appreciated by my side b followers (and hopefully at least mean something to my side a Christian followers): i reject this dichotomy. i'm celibate because i'm gay--but i don't think being gay is a sin. i am gay. i do not believe my existence is a sin. i believe that i've found many beautiful and true things from being gay, and that God made me gay for a reason. i am glad i'm gay, and i don't wish i were straight or pray to become straight. so, so much of side b advocacy within the Church is focused around making it clear that, while being gay comes with different temptations than being straight, it is not a sin to be gay. (note also: different temptations. not "being gay comes with temptations and being straight doesn't".) it would be a slap in the face to not start with that. i share a lot of thoughts on this with eve tushnet, who's also a side b Catholic lesbian; this post was incredibly meaningful to me on my journey, but check out her blog if you want more.
but also, yeah. i don't have sex because i converted to Catholicism with the intent of obeying the Church's doctrine. i note in my bio that i obey the doctrine of the Church. and, well, i can't get gay married as a Catholic, and i'm not supposed to have extramarital sex. so i don't i know that there are side a Catholics, many of whom i respect, but i'm not one of them. i don't believe in "ex-gay" therapy or "pray the gay away" and i don't think that being gay is inherently sinful, but (and here's the part that i assume you're reading for) i do believe that having gay sex is a sin. i follow the teachings laid out in the Catechism, to the best of my ability and understanding. that's in my about page. right now, for me, as a lesbian: that means celibacy. the Catechism is pretty clear on that, imo. i don't talk about this often because most of my friends (and, for that matter, tumblr followers) are queer non-Christians, many of whom have trauma around Christianity and Christian homophobia (which is, to be clear, very real, even if you agree that gay sex is a sin). but like... i'm just living my life. i go to Mass on Sundays and i fast during Lent (or get permission not to from the local priest, when my eating disorder makes it a health concern) because doing otherwise would be a sin; not having sex (or masturbating! which was/is tbh much harder for me to give up than partnered sex! but people ask a lot less about that, because it's less discourse bait and more clearly none of anyone else's business) is the same sort of thing, to me. was it hard (is it hard)? yes, sometimes. but God doesn't just ask me for sacrifices that are easy. maybe some day i'll change my mind again and become side a or deconvert altogether. maybe i'm wrong about things! but this is where i'm at right now.
for what it's worth, i'm happy. i don't hate myself. as mentioned earlier, i'm glad i'm gay and i don't want to be straight. my life is full of love--from friends, family, God. celibacy has had its downsides and painful moments for me, but it's also had its upsides and moments of joy. i've been able to deepen and prioritize and value my friendships. it's been valuable and beautiful and worth it. fundamentally: i believe what i believe, and i'm living true to that. if you want to unfollow me for this, go for it. if you want to filter it, my tag for religion + queerness + being side b is #too gay to live too trad to die.
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tickle-bugs · 3 years
I had two people ask for some advice on starting up/running a blog, so I thought I’d make a little post for anyone else looking for advice! There’s no one right way to run a blog and I am by no means an expert. This is just a compilation of some of the things I’ve learned :) 
Feel free to add advice to this!
- The first thing is something I cannot stress enough. Write for yourself first. You will be absolutely miserable if you’re only writing for attention. I’m not saying it’s easy, but it’s so incredibly important. If you don’t like a prompt, fandom, or scenario? You don’t have to write for it! A personal example: I’m a theatre kid and total musical nerd. I could probably write some compelling Dear Evan Hansen or Hamilton headcanons if I wanted to, but I don’t. That’s fine! I’m allowed to say I won’t write for it and deny prompts/requests for those fandoms. 
- Set boundaries. This is a very mixed community with all sorts of creators and participants with hands in different baskets. Don’t want minors to interact? Put minors DNI in your bio. SFW only? Put it in the bio. No RP? Bio. This goes for private conversations/askbox/other interactions as well. If someone comes into your askbox/dms and says something that makes you uncomfy, shut it down. 
- My advice is more geared towards writing than art or video, but I suppose you could apply this advice as well. Make what makes you happy! If you’re only in one fandom, feel free to stay there and make content for it. Multi-fandom? Excellent! Completely non-fandom? Epic! Make the content that you want to see and the content that makes you happy to create, especially if you’re in a more niche fandom/area. 
- Organization. ...I’ll admit this one is more of a personal pet peeve than something urgent, but it is something that people positively respond to. If you have some sort of consistency/organization to your blog, it’ll make it easier and more enjoyable for people to navigate. Make a fandom list/indicate your fandoms somehow (mostly for prompt purposes. people can’t read your mind, so it’s important to tell them what you will write for and what you won’t, however you want to do that)! 
Make a masterpost/link your fic tag! Use a fic tag of some kind. Give your fics summaries and leave a little bit of the fic above the ‘read more’ to intrigue folks (look at #my fics and my masterpost for basic examples of how I do this, if you need!). Use read mores. Please use read mores (if you can, idk if they’re on mobile. regardless no one wants to encounter a three thousand word block of text on their dash). (No seriously though, organize your blog, even if it’s super simple. literally just a ‘mine’ or ‘my fics’ or ‘[pseud] writes’ and a fandom tag. It’ll make it easier for people to find your stuff and support you)
- Practice general internetiquette. Please remember that the people in this community are real people with feelings, boundaries, and lives outside of the blog that they run. Be genuine and people will respond to you! Don’t manipulate people into likes/reblogs/attention. No one wants to be on the other end of that. Being in this community isn’t a transaction or a mosh pit, it’s an experience.  
- Be ever-so-liberal with the block button. Someone’s user makes you uncomfortable? They give you bad vibes? They’re a minor/older than you and you don’t want them interacting with your content? You don’t wanna see their blog for some reason? Block em. This goes for anons too. That’s what the button is for. Don’t feel guilty for using it. Use it. 
- How you write is 100% a personal choice and not really something that I can give advice on, but embrace your style! take prompts if you want, or don’t. Write oneshots, series, drabbles, or novels. Write romantic, or don’t. Etc. Change things up if you feel like it. Do what you want. Your blog, your style, your rules. 
- Numbers matter. Don’t let them define you. This is a bit of a harder one to explain, but I will try. I often say that I don’t care about numbers, and I really don’t, but that’s not to say that I don’t see them and they have zero effect on me. I absolutely notice and am bummed if a fic doesn’t get notes, or at least the notes that I was expecting. That is entirely normal and okay to experience. What isn’t okay, though, is creating for the sake of getting notes/numbers/attention (re: write for yourself first, internetiquette). If you find yourself relying on tumblr for gratification and a reward, I implore you to take a break. I’m not your therapist or your parent, I’m not gonna tell you what to do, but when you make things only for the sake of notes, people notice. Celebrate your milestones. Know that it’s okay to be bummed about low notes/celebrate getting plenty. Just make sure that you don’t depend on the numbers for your happiness, or you will be miserable.
- You’re (probably) doing this for free. You are providing people content: a service. Produce as much or as little as you’re comfy with, but always remember that. No one is entitled to what you make. If someone asks you for headcanons, sends a prompt when prompts are closed, etc, and you don’t feel like fulfilling it? You have no obligation to do that. Getting commissioned is another story entirely, but as long as you’re making free content, you have zero obligation to do anything for anyone and certainly no time constraints. It can take me months to finish prompts, and that’s okay. I do them when I do them and I fill them how I want to. If my prompts are closed, I deny new ones until I’m ready to accept them. Make yourself happy first.
- How you interact with others is up to you! It’s generally considered good practice to like/reblog your mutuals fics/art, but this is not necessarily a hard and fast rule. I veeeeeery rarely reblog fics for fandoms that I’m not in, even from my mutuals. What you can do to show your support (and you should try and show support somehow. No one is in competition. Everyone’s in your boat, whether they have no followers or 1k) is send an ask/reply to the post/leave tags to let the author know you liked it. Like the fic and don’t reblog it, if you don’t want to. Just make sure you show your mutuals (and others in general!) roughly the same support they show you, however you decide to do that. Treat others how you want to be treated, as cheesy as it sounds :)
- Don’t repost content that isn’t yours without express permission from the original creator, and credit them appropriately. If you see a cute piece of tickle art and the artist doesn’t want it reposted? Don’t repost it. Don’t post fics/videos/gifs that aren’t yours (obviously if it’s like a scene from a movie/a clip on youtube that’s different, but don’t take credit for things you didn’t make, including ideas). Can’t tell you how frustrating it is to have work stolen from you. Don’t be that person. ‘Credit to original artist’ and ‘credit unknown’ is total bullshit btw. Link/tag the creator in the original post and make it clear you don’t own the content. Best practice is to ask the original creator if they’re okay with reposting, work inspired by or connected to theirs, etc. This goes doubly for saving/downloading someone’s fics. 
- It is not illegal for a minor to have normal, nonsexual, healthy friendships with people older than them. There’s a weird attitude that minors have nothing of value to offer adults besides a relationship/sex, which is...not true? Minors are thinking, living human beings with feelings, thoughts, and opinions. You can talk to them like normal people, because they are. Just obviously don’t talk about/introduce sex or endanger them. Minors don’t bring up sex/activities you’re underage for with an adult. IDK this isn’t a seminar just...don’t be weird. Adults can offer great life experience, support systems, and the basic joys and needs of human connection. Minors can too. Mind your business unless someone’s actually in danger. The next point is a caveat, though: 
- If you’re a minor, don’t interact with NSFW blogs/blogs with ‘Minors DNI’, NSFW blogs don’t interact with minors, etc etc. Not your parent or whatever but this is pretty common sense and it’s for everyone’s safety, but especially the NSFW person. internettiquette!
- If you use your TK blog as a side blog (meaning you have another blog as your main blog, not two separate accounts) and don’t want your main exposed, that is up to you. I recommend not liking posts. Also, follow people that you trust. These actions route through your main blog and your main will show up in the notes. You can reblog from a sideblog. If you want to send an ask “as your tk blog”, send an anon and sign it somehow, like ‘hey :) // @/tickle-bugs’. It should tag you in the post so you get a notification when it’s answered!
- Find your people! As an anxious person this one has been hard for me, so I know it’s hard for a lot of people. Fandom is literally a community of shared interest. Peachy and I have an iron bond almost two years later and we met talking over shared interests. You can absolutely find your people here. If someone makes you happy, strike up a conversation! Send an ask! You never know what doors it might open or whose day you might improve :)
- If you were an anon/lurker on someone’s blog and they inspired you to write/submit/start your own, sign your messages!! the common form that I see is either an emoji or [noun/context of the ask]!anon (prodigal!anon (i miss u every day), butterfly!anon, etc.) Let us know how to find and support you!! Those messages produce good brain juice. 
- The big finale: Have fun. If you’re not having fun here, maybe you could tweak something to make things enjoyable. Running a blog is like driving a car. Keep your hands on the wheel, respectfully indicate your intentions (flashing lights optional), and be safe. Poebody’s nerfect, y’know. If you make a mistake, course correct. I’m by no means perfect. Your favs aren’t either. Just do your best and have a good time :)
@rosytickles and the anon in my inbox, I hope this helps! Thank you for asking me, I’m very honored that you value my opinon/experience/advice. I apologize if I come off as preachy or aggressive, I envisioned grabbing my younger self by the lapels and shaking me vigorously while I wrote this. Probably a bad idea. 
Anywho, hope it helps. Anyone with questions, additions, or comments, my askbox is open! Just be constructive, is all I ask. 
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Hongjoong “Boyfriend Headcanons”
A/N: I’m going to be making a series and trying to do this with as many idols as possible 
Hongjoong version // Seonghwa version // Yunho version // Yeosang version // San version // Mingi version // Wooyoung version // Jongho version
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- okay so our leader
- our precious bun 
- a man I greatly admire
- Let’s gooo
- Now Hongjoong is crazy creative and that is something I seriously admire about him 
- I think he would like someone that isn’t scared to think outside of the box
- Someone that can provide him inspiration when he doesn’t have any anymore
- this leads me into the first date
- he’d love to go do something out of the box
- maybe a little art workshop
- or maybe just hanging out with some food and drinks and diy-ing some of your clothes together
- just something relaxed and fun so that he can get to know you.
- it’s easy to talk over things like this 
- he can also get a feel of your style too because we all know style is important to Hongjoong
- When it comes to kissing
- Hongjoong always puts a meaning into his kisses
- but he won’t kiss you after the first date
- he loves the slow build up of a relationship and might even wait until after the fourth or fifth date to kiss you
- but when he does it’s really sweet
- always asks permission before kissing you
- always with a beautiful smile
- and when you say yes 
- he cups your cheek with one hand and kisses you very softly
- but it’s generally just really sweet and he can’t help but blush a little
- So if you’re upset
- Hongjoong’s heart breaks
- he wants to take everything that is hurting you and fight it??
- he hates seeing you upset it hurts him so much 
- Hongjoong will take care of your problems if he can 
- If not he will be by your side and help you through things
- definitely the type to grab your cheeks harshly, forcefully kiss your forehead and tell you to go kill em if you need motivation
- When Hongjoong is upset it’s kind of heartbreaking
- Because he kind of bottles things up because he doesn’t want to worry you
- So he never gets angry 
- but he gets really emotional and wants to be held
- and he just wants to vent
- he just wants a listening ear and maybe advice if you can offer it
- Also arguments rarely happen
- If they do they are resolved as quick as they started
- He doesn’t want to fight with you ever 
- so if there is a problem
- it normally just gets brought up in an adult conversation
- He never raises his voice at you
- He can’t bring himself to do that
- Very great at motivating you but all of Ateez is
- Speaking of Ateez
- You just got 7 brothers by dating Hongjoong
- they’re a package deal 
- You can’t help but clown Hongjoong sometimes
- which is okay because he’s used to it and finds it funny
- He’s good at clowning you too
- you’re reactions are just too good
- Hongjoong likes being physically close to you
- If you’re hanging out with him in the studio
- he wants you near
- sitting next to him
- on him 
- it really doesn’t matter as long as you’re close
- He doesn’t mind when you worry about him when he’s working alot
- but he doesn’t want you to assume he can’t take care of himself
- because he can but he also knows that it can be stressfull to watch someone you love possibly overwork themselves
- cuddling is so nice with Hongjoong
- he likes having his head on your chest
- your fingers running through his hair
- he likes sleeping like this too
- He’s very easy to wake up 
- so mornings aren’t ever really lazy 
- if you aren’t good at getting out of bed in the morning 
- Hongjoong is a great motivater to get you out of bed
- sweet morning kisses as you’re getting ready for the day are a must
- brushing your hair?
- in comes Hongjoong with a kiss on the cheek
- getting dressed?
- In comes a back hug and sweet kisses on the back of your neck
- on his days off 
- Hongjoong likes watching movies with you
- a whole bunch of different genres and languages
- he just find it interesting and finds it fun to watch films with you
- he thinks it’s fun
- he’d love to match his nails to yours
- also going back to like the first date
- he would really like to have clothing modification to do with you
- it’s cool and it’s really fun to him 
- it makes things unique and you can have some fun matching things together
- Hongjoong really admires your critique and admires that you are willing to critique his work
- he doesn’t want you to sugar coat if you don’t like something 
- he wants your constructive criticism
- Hongjoong adores the relationships you have with the other member’s 
- he finds it important
- they are his family and you are his love 
- it’s important you mesh well
- Also it’s important to him that you are really there for his career 
- which really should speak for itself but he really needs that support
- in turn he equally supports your career and whatever you want to do
- A relationship with Hongjoong is purely based around equality and fairness
- You need to be equally dependant on eachother 
- Hongjoong doesn’t get too jealous
- uhm he doesn’t get mad or too annoyed when he’s jealous 
- but he get’s kind of pouty and sulky 
- He just wants your attention and love
- but he doesn’t dwell on jealousy too long
- because at the end of the day you go home with him so
- He’s the real winner and he knows that 
- When he’s on tour he tries his best to call you every night and if he cant 
- yes he feels bad but he just texts you through out the days and makes sure you know he’s thinking about you 
- Hongjoong does a lot to make sure you know he loves you 
- Of course telling you he loves you 
- but also writing songs for you
- taking care of you in small ways
Nasty nasty time
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- okay so I’m convinced Hongjoong is a switch (I’m convinced most of Ateez are switches)
- in reality he doesn’t care who’s on top or who’s dominant
- as long as you both are comfortable and feel good
- I think Hongjoong likes biting
- he has amazing teeth so idk i just feel like he would like that
- especially nipping at your skin 
- the surprised sound you make when he bites you
- he loves that
- Likes it when you bite him too I should have said this lmao
- he especially likes when you bite his neck
- He is audio inclined
- he loves your sounds and he want you to let him know how he’s making you feel
- Hongjoong’s also always watching you and the way you move
- it’s inspiring almost 
- seeing the curves of your body
- your facial expressions
- Loves it when you ride him 
- it gives him the best view 
- especially in the studio 
- studio sex isn’t studio sex without you riding him in his chair or on that couch in there
- He kind of has an oral fixation
- not necessarily giving oral or receiving
- but like kissing and biting and watching your mouth 
- He just finds it an incredibly attractive 
- I don’t think Hongjoong is very experienced 
- partially because of his age and because of his school history and then trainee history
- not a virgin but not a cassanova in the bedroom
- so he’s very open and okay with making mistakes and laughing about them
- Aftercare is shy?
- Soft smiles and shy laughter as you take care of eachother
- making sure you’re okay and he’s okay
- looks at you like you’re his whole universe all the time
- not just after sex 
- but like all the time
- but after sex it tends to be more noticeable
- He likes stroking your skin
- drawing little shapes as you 2 slowly fall asleep or come down from your highs in general
- Morning afters always make him clingy 
- He just wants to be attached at your hip
- Okay that’s exagerating but he does just want to be around you
- mainly because he feels like everytime you have sex
- be it rough or soft
- you guys get closer to eachother
- A relationship with Hongjoong is an equal amount of give and take 
- equal amount of trust and support
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A/N: part 1 in the ateez series KAJAAAAA
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matsuoclan · 4 years
slide into something
Pairing: Morgan x Det. Lucy Liang, aka Wayhaven’s biggest nerd Rating: Explicit (MINORS DO NOT INTERACT) Content: oral sex, fingerfucking
Summary: The detective returns to town after a brief time away. A certain vampire shows up on her doorstep.
Notes: Why would the detective spend a month away from Wayhaven? Idk lmao this is really just an excuse to write smut
[ read on ao3 ] [ masterlist ]
It’s as if no time has passed at all.
Her apartment’s exactly the same, down to the blanket thrown over the back of the couch. The scientific journal she perused during breakfast before leaving a month ago still lays open to the same page. Even the air smells fresh, as if someone opened her windows to banish the stale air before her return.
Lucy sets her suitcase down, and exhales.
Exhaustion snaps at her heels, but she forces herself to go through the motions of preparing for bed even as the beginnings of sunlight seep through her blinds. She’s already talked to her mother, letting her know not to expect her presence at the warehouse today. The only thing Lucy has planned is passing out in her bed and sleeping for a very, very long time.
She’s barely just crawled into bed and closed her eyes when someone knocks on her door.
Really? A glance at her clock shows her it’s barely 7am. Lucy glares at the general direction of her front door and considers just going to sleep anyway when the knock comes again, louder and more insistent.
With a grumble, she stomps towards the foyer and wrenches the door open, prepared to yell at whoever it is to go away, but the words die in her throat when she looks up and meets gray eyes.
“Hey, sweetheart.”
Even as tired as Lucy is, Morgan’s voice still makes her body snap to attention and her pulse skyrocket. Instinctively she steps back, as if putting any kind of distance between them would make a difference, and Morgan grins wolfishly.
“Is that an invitation to come inside?”
No, Lucy thinks. “Yes,” she says instead, cursing herself the entire time as she retreats further into the apartment.
Morgan saunters inside in that infuriating way of hers and closes the door behind her. Suddenly the entire apartment feels entirely too small, like it does every time Morgan’s here.
She looks good. She always does. With the dark of her eyeliner and the bright red of her lipstick, Morgan looks far too stunning to be caught slumming it in her nondescript foyer at 7 in the morning, and all Lucy wants to do is stare and stare and stare after a long month away.
“What are you wearing?”
Lucy startles from her thoughts and looks down, stifling a groan. Morgan’s only ever seen her naked, dressed up for work, or in an actual pajama set that she wears when the team’s sleeping over or when she’s staying overnight at the warehouse. But of course Morgan’s here now, when all she’s got on is panties and a huge t-shirt that hangs past her ass, emblazoned with the name of a scientific convention she attended a few years back.
“Pajamas,” she mutters. “I wasn’t expecting company.”
“Sweetheart, it’s cute as shit.” Morgan’s closer now, grinning in that way that makes Lucy’s entire body go hot and tight. Lucy backs up until her back hits the wall, swallowing hard. Morgan’s eyes fall to her breasts.
It’s always like this with Morgan. One look and Lucy’s nipples are already straining against the thin fabric of her shirt.
“Morgan, what are you doing here?” she says quietly. It’s a point in her favor that her voice doesn’t shake.
“You barely call, you barely text other than telling us you’re ok.” Morgan’s hand snakes up into her hair and Lucy almost whimpers at how good it feels. “I had to ask your mother when you’d be back in town.”
Lucy can’t do this, whatever this is. Maybe it’s the exhaustion that’s making her bold, but she’s so fucking tired of being alone in love when Morgan’s indicated all she wants is a physical relationship and then goes and says things like that.
“Why would you care?” Lucy snaps. “We’re not together.”
Morgan stills for a long, unreadable moment.
“No, we’re not,” she says finally. “But we’re not nothing.”
Before Lucy can parse what that means, Morgan’s mouth is on hers. Morgan kisses her like she craves her, deep and messy and hungry. Lucy doesn’t bother fighting this. She’s never won before. Instead she loops her arms around Morgan’s neck and presses closer, surrendering like she always does  — and only does — for Morgan.
When Morgan finally lifts her head, Lucy has to clutch at her shoulders to steady her shaking legs. “If I didn’t know any better, I’d think you missed me,” she says, voice wobbling.
Morgan runs a thumb along Lucy’s bottom lip. “I missed your taste.” She leans in and captures her lips again. Morgan licks the inside of her mouth like she owns it and shoves a thigh between Lucy’s legs, swallowing her gasp. Her hands slide down Lucy’s back to grab her ass and pull her in hard to grind on her thigh. Oh god.
“I missed that sexy little whimper you do when I get you like this,” she murmurs against Lucy’s mouth. Lucy does whimper then, rolling her hips as Morgan’s hands guide her movements. The feel of Morgan’s thigh through her panties is already so fucking good. Then Morgan steps in even closer, trapping her against the wall, and she cries out when Morgan angles her thigh just right against her clit and stays there.
“I missed how wet you get when I’ve barely touched you yet,” Morgan says, pressing her mouth to her jaw. Her hand trails down Lucy’s stomach to her waistband and then dips in to cup her pussy.
“See?” Morgan grins at Lucy’s shaky exhale. “Dripping.”
“Morgan,” Lucy whispers, voice pitched with need as Morgan draws slow circles around her clit. Her hips jump at every light touch but she can’t move with Morgan caging her in like this. “Please.”
“What do you want, sweetheart?” Morgan pushes a finger into her. Lucy whines, trying to get her deeper. “My fingers? Do you want to ride my hand?”
Talking’s barely possible when Morgan has her like this, but she manages to pant out a breathy “yes.”
Morgan slides another finger in deep but stays just as close. “Or do you want my mouth?”
Lucy clenches hard around Morgan’s fingers at that, imagining Morgan’s mouth on her clit while fucking her with her fingers. The chuckle against her neck tells her Morgan felt it too. “Oh, sweetheart, I missed that too.”
She withdraws her fingers, keeping a hand on Lucy’s hip to hold her in place as she leans back slightly. Her gaze is dark and hot on Lucy’s face, and then she’s bringing up her fingers to her mouth.
Fingers still slick with Lucy’s desire.
Lucy trembles with need as she watches Morgan lick her fingers clean. If Morgan hadn’t been holding her steady, she might’ve collapsed.
Then in one smooth, quick movement, Morgan grasps the backs of her thighs and lifts her, depositing her on the couch a few steps away. She sinks to her knees before Lucy and looks up at her with hungry eyes.
“Shirt off. Panties off. Spread your legs.”
Lucy does as she’s told, quickly ridding herself of clothing and spreading her legs. Morgan doesn’t move for the longest time, eyes trailing down from Lucy’s face to her breasts to her glistening pussy and then back to her face. Lucy’s almost afraid to meet her gaze, unsure of what it is she’ll see there.
Then, without warning, Morgan’s hands shoot out to yank her to the edge of the couch and sling her legs over her shoulders. Her mouth descends, and then she’s dragging the flat of her tongue over Lucy’s pussy.
Lucy’s mind goes blank. There’s no more exhaustion, no more wondering why exactly Morgan’s there or what it means. All she can do is sink into the pleasure that swarms her as Morgan feasts.
Morgan licks at her like she’ll die if she doesn’t, soaking up her taste like there’s nothing she wants more. It’s devastatingly good, like it always is, and then Morgan slides two fingers into her.
“Fuck,” Lucy gasps, arching her back. Her hands scramble for something to hold on to, something to anchor her. Morgan catches a hand, squeezes it, and places it on her head in silent permission. Lucy grips her hair tight and falls back against the couch. “Fuck.”
Morgan’s hold on her thighs tightens and then she sucks her clit into her mouth. Lucy jolts and rocks against her unthinkingly. She whines loudly when Morgan starts tonguing her clit in a rhythm meant to wreck her, all the while fucking her deep with her fingers.
The pleasure coils tighter and tighter in the pit of her stomach, and when Morgan crooks her fingers and sucks her clit hard, it’s all over. Lucy comes, gasping and writhing, clamping her thighs tight around Morgan’s head and grinding her pussy against her face.
Morgan forces her legs open and holds them down, continuing to lick at her while she shakes. It’s not until Lucy collapses back against the couch panting that Morgan lifts her head.
Her mouth and chin are fucking drenched with slick, lipstick messed up beyond repair. Lucy glances down and sees smears of red on her pussy. The sight of it is almost enough to set her off again.
“Oh my god,” she says faintly.
Morgan grins wickedly and leans up to capture Lucy’s mouth in the filthiest of kisses. “I told you I missed your taste.”
”So you did,” Lucy murmurs, licking her taste out of Morgan’s mouth. She takes her time, pressing close and trailing her hands through Morgan’s hair and across her back. Morgan inhales sharply when Lucy runs a hand down her front to the button of her pants.
“Continue this in my bedroom?” Lucy asks.
Morgan stands in a flash, hauling Lucy up by the backs of her thighs into her arms, and kisses her hard. Somehow they make it to Lucy’s bed and Lucy resumes trying to divest Morgan of her clothes.
“I did, you know,” Morgan says suddenly. She leans back to meet Lucy’s eyes, uncharacteristically serious, like whatever she’s saying is of the utmost importance.
Lucy pauses. “Did what?”
“Miss you.” Morgan swallows. “That’s...that’s why I’m here. Because I missed you.” And then she’s kissing Lucy again, like she doesn’t know that she just upended Lucy’s entire world. Tomorrow Lucy will try to figure out what this could mean, but for right now, instead, she wraps those words around her like a blanket and sinks into the hurricane that is Morgan.
For right now it’s enough.
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kunfiles · 5 years
It’s A Party, Right?
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Category: Smut, tiniest bit of fluff if you squint (at the end), best friend!Yugyeom, dom!Yugyeom
Pairing: Kim Yugyeom x Reader
Warnings: Swearing and explicit language, talks of alcohol, dirty talk, slight voyeurism (maybe idk???), oral/face fucking, unprotected sex (be safe, kids!), maybe some body worship??? 
Prompt: "Could he make you feel as good as I do?” 
Word Count: 3,661
a/n: This is my first time completing and uploading a fic, and I’m really nervous about it, especially with it being smut. This isn’t the greatest, the title sucks because I am very bad with titles, and I apologize in advance! Do not copy and paste, don’t steal, don’t use without permission please! Please do not read my works if you’re under the age of 18! I hope you all enjoy!
You sat on the sofa in your friend Youngjae’s house, scrolling through Instagram on your phone as a quick distraction. When Youngjae had invited you to a small party at his place, you did not expect to see your ex there with the girl he left you for. Admittedly, you were a little pissed. The two of you had agreed on being civil with one another, due to the fact that you were always in the same friend circle, but seeing him with her only three and a half weeks after things ended honestly wasn’t something you had prepared yourself for.
“You know it’s a party, right?” Jinyoung laughed, startling you out of your Instagram induced trance, nudging your legs aside to squeeze into the spot between you and the arm of the couch.
“Shouldn’t me sitting on my phone show you just how fun this party is?” You sighed, nodding your head towards the table of people sitting just a few feet away where your ex was seated. You placed your phone down on your lap, giving your attention to Jinyoung.
“If it makes you feel any better…none of us wanted him to bring her here. He didn’t even give us a heads up. You know Youngjae would never do anything to hurt you, Y/N-ah.” The boy said, his smile turning softer as he noticed your gaze break towards the table once again. BamBam, Mark, Jackson, Jaebeom and Yugyeom were gathered around the table with your ex, his…whoever she is, and a few others; playing a game of cards. You watched as your ex placed a few cards down on the table in front of him, before looking up and making direct eye contact with you. Great.
“Does the universe just fucking hate me? Knowing him and his inflated ass ego, he’s definitely going to think I was just sitting here staring at him…”  You thought, knowing all too well how happy he must be feeling to have caught you looking in his direction. You watched your ex’s next moves with narrowing eyes, expecting him to make a cocky little display. He winked at you, cocked his head in the direction of the girl beside him and grabbed the back of her head gently; pulling her into a disgustingly sloppy kiss. At that moment, the only thought to cross your mind was running to the table and ripping them apart from each other. It’s not even that you were feeling jealous, because you most definitely were not. Your ex showed you who he was the moment he started seeing someone else while you two were still together, so jealousy was far from being on your mind.  What was on your mind, however, was the utmost feeling of embarrassment. You were beyond embarrassed that he would do that to hurt you, in front of all of your friends, and that you had actually believed for a second that he wouldn’t do something like this. You quickly tore your eyes away from the stomach turning display; your focus now landing on Yugyeom, who was sitting only a few seats away from the pair and had watched the entire thing unfold. You and Yugyeom were fairly close, your ages being the closest in the whole group of friends. Knowing that he had seen what your ex just pulled embarrassed you even more.
“I know, Thank you Jinyoung. I’m not upset with Youngjae or any of you guys. Now, if you’ll excuse me, I need to go get ridiculously drunk.” You replied quietly to Jinyoung, who had also watched the scene unfold. You stood up, brushed the wrinkles from your shirt and hurried off into the kitchen to pour yourself a very strong, and very well needed drink. You ran your fingers along the marble counter top, making your way towards the alcohol and cups. You grabbed a plastic cup in one hand, the bottle of vodka in the other and sat them both down on the counter before you.  You twisted the cap off of the vodka bottle and poured some into the cup, before picking it up and downing it; just to repeat that process until your throat burned too much to do it again. A few seconds later, Yugyeom emerged from the door and propped himself up against the counter beside you, reaching for a nearby bottle of pop. He poured a small amount of into his cup before sliding it in your direction.
“You should probably stick to this for a bit, yeah?” He suggested, nodding slightly towards the pop bottle; a hint that he had just watched you down almost half the bottle of vodka. Ignoring his unwanted suggestion, you reached to grab the vodka from the counter again, only to be stopped by Yugyeom snatching it first. “Why drink yourself into oblivion when you could do something even more fun than that?” Yugyeom asked with a playful and albeit, slightly sexy tone.
“What’s that supposed to mean? Yugyeom, I’m really just not in the mood for games right now.” You sighed, pouring some pop into your cup and setting the bottle back on the counter, taking a sip. The two of you had been friends for years and had met through Youngjae back in your final year of high school, Yugyeom being a year younger than you. You two had always flirted but nothing went further than a few lightly suggestive comments here or there.
“No games. I know you that you know I saw what that asshole did out there, Y/N-ah.” Yugyeom pushed himself away from the counter, leaving his spot in front of you. He walked slowly towards you, dragging his fingertips against the cold, marble counter. The only time his fingers left the counter was when he reached you a few moments later. He ran his fingertips along the back of your hand, trailing up your arm and to your neck as he moved behind you; leaving a tingling sensation throughout your body where his touch met your skin.
“Why don’t we get back at him a little? What I have in mind will also get rid of the copious amount of anger and tension you’re very clearly feeling right now. Two birds, one stone.” He whispered alluringly, slowly pushing your hair aside. He leaned his head closer to yours, softly brushing his lips against your ear. The softness of his lips mixed with the heat of his breath drove you crazy, but you had a feeling that there was no way he’d be acting this way if he was sober.
“Yugyeom…you’re clearly drunk.” You sighed, breaking yourself away from him. Before you could take more than two steps away, Yugyeom had you back against the counter and his arms on either side of you; hands tightly gripping the marble. He leaned down, making it so he could look you right in the eyes.
“Maybe a little, but not any less than you and definitely not enough to make me do something I’d regret any other time. Let me please you. Let me give you what you deserve, Y/N-ah...” Yugyeom said in a lusty, slightly deeper than normal tone; drawing his face closer to yours and brushing the tip of his nose against yours. That was all you needed to hear to lose any semblance of restraint that you had. He crashed his lips against yours and roughly grabbed your legs; lifting you on top of the counter. Yugyeom’s kisses were different than you had expected, rougher than you thought they would be, but still delicate enough to feel like you were being kissed by an actual angel. His left hand found a spot in your hair, slightly gripping to control your head and move it aside, so he could pepper kisses down your neck. His right hand trailed up and down your back, then towards your side and down to the waistband of your jeans. He pulled away from your neck, turning his gaze down to the button of your jeans. He circled it with his finger before slowly trailing his way up to your belly button.
“Y/N-ah, as much as I’d love to fuck you right here and now on Youngjae-hyung’s counter for asshole out there to walk in on and see, I really think we should head upstairs.” He hummed. You couldn’t form a proper sentence after hearing those words come from his mouth; it being the most explicit thing you’d ever heard him say. All you could do was nod and follow as he pulled back, waiting for you to jump from the counter. He grabbed your hand, leading you out to the living room. Jinyoung, who was still sitting on the couch, this time beside a girl and her friend, had a clear view into the kitchen the entire time you and Yugyeom had been in there. You watched his gaze drift from the girl who was speaking over towards you and Yugyeom, before shaking his head with a slight chuckle. You gave him a pleading smile, hoping he’d understand and wouldn’t care too much about seeing you and Yugyeom practically dry hump each other on Youngjae’s counter; you were both consenting adults after all.
“Hey guys, as fun as this is, Y/N-ah and I are off to go play a little game of our own.” Yugyeom said, grabbing his phone from his spot at the table and sliding it into his back pocket before wrapping an arm around you. He shot a wink at your ex, who was currently gaping at Yugyeom’s risqué declaration.
“After what I just saw in the kitchen, whatever game they’re going to be playing requires louder music for us...” Jinyoung laughed, making the group of boy’s burst into laughter and “wait what‘s”. Before you could respond to any reactions, Yugyeom turned and dragged you with him towards the stairs.
 Yugyeom had you pressed against the door of Youngjae’s guest room, hands making their way up and down your body, admiring every inch of it. You pressed your lips against his, rubbing his growing bulge through his jeans. Your hands made their way to the button and zipper of his jeans, undoing both and yanking them down. Yugyeom groaned as the cool air hit his now exposed, so-hard-it-may-explode cock. The sight alone made your mouth water. Unable to control yourself any further, you dropped down to your knees, eager to have his length fill your now too-empty feeling mouth.
“Fuck." Yugyeom hissed as you dragged your tongue across the head of his dick, circling it a few times before wrapping your mouth around it and sliding your head down further onto his length. You used your hands to work what parts of him you couldn’t fit into your mouth yet as you adjusted to his size. Yugyeom’s cock was just as pretty as he is, soft and pink with a couple cute little freckles spread around it, the size just right. You couldn’t believe this was happening, and you were determined to make him feel good.
“Didn’t I say I was going to be pleasuring you, Y/N-ah?” He asked in between a few moans and “oh god’s”, putting a hand under your chin and pulling his cock from your mouth. You could tell it took all the power he had in order to pull away, that showed he truly was focused on you being on the receiving end of pleasure. Something about that gave you butterflies.
“Oh, Gyeomie. You did, and this is going to bring me so much pleasure. Trust me.” You whispered seductively, using the nickname you knew he loved. You lifted your hand to his, moving it from your chin back to his side so you could once again put him in your mouth. Unlike before, the moment you had him in your mouth you slid your head down to the base of his cock, your nose touching the lower part of his stomach. A high pitched whine escaped Yugyeom’s mouth and he bucked forward. That moan was like music to your ears. One thing you were sure of, the only sounds you ever wanted to hear again were the ones this angel of a man just made. The quickness of him jolting forward and hitting the back of your throat made you gag, but thankfully not enough that you had to stop. You knew by the way he groaned even louder that he enjoyed it.
“Shit, I’m so sorry. I wasn’t expecting that and it felt-ohh!” He started to apologize sweetly, his words halted by his own moans as you swallowed and started to bob your head up and down onto his length, taking as much of him into your mouth as you could. Yugyeom’s hands were wrapped up in your hair, now guiding your head into a steadier pace. You swallowed once more, hollowed out your cheeks and shifted your gaze up to Yugyeom’s, dropping your hands to allow him to take control. Very eagerly, but careful not to hurt you, Yugyeom tightened his grip in your hair with both hands and started thrusting into your mouth. You’d never expected that Yugyeom and you would kiss, let alone him fucking your face while your ex-boyfriend was sitting just a floor away, completely aware of all the things we could be doing; that little fact turning you on more.
“I’ve gotta say, I didn’t think you’d be into something like this. You’re full of surprises, Y/N-ah. I love your mouth even more than I did before now ��” Yugyeom chuckled, groaning as he watched you move your hand against your heat through your jeans.
“Touch yourself for me, please…” He moaned softly this time, thrusting further into your throat. You put your hand in your pants obediently, circling your clit with your fingers. You noticed that he was almost at the edge; ready to burst. You moaned around his cock, the vibrations making him buck into you.
“F-fuck, I’m going to cum.” Yugyeom groaned, releasing the grip his left hand had on your hair, dropping it to the side of your face, cupping your chin. He held onto your hair tighter with his right hand, holding your face still as he fucked your mouth just a few more times before shooting his seed down your throat, gently releasing his grip on you and pulling out a few moments later. After Yugyeom regained composure, he kicked off his jeans and boxers from around his ankles, sending his phone flying across the floor. You focused onto the screen of the phone, seeing that Yugyeom had missed texts from your ex. Curiosity of what the texts entailed got the best of you and you went to grab the phone; Yugyeom being quick to stop you.
“Does what’s on the phone really matter right now, Y/N-ah?” He smirked, pulling you to your feet before picking you up and throwing you onto the bed; a beyond fucked out expression on his face. He kissed you passionately, distributing kisses all over your mouth, chin, neck and chest; making his way further down your body.
“N-no. Yugyeom…fuck me please.” You pleaded, running your fingers through his beautiful, soft, black hair. He chuckled into your stomach before sliding his hands up your thighs to the buttons of your jeans, undoing them and peeling them from your legs. You got up onto your knees and took your shirt off, followed by your bra. The only clothing remaining on your body was the small thong that was just barely covering your most intimate spot; the feeling of insecurity washed over you. Yugyeom bit his lip, gaze shifting up and down your body. You moved your arms up to cover your exposed breasts, only to be stopped by Yugyeom who had jolted towards you and grabbed your wrists gently.
“Please don’t hide any part of you. You’re even more beautiful than I imagined…I can’t believe this is finally happening.” He said, releasing your wrists and moving his hands up your arm, your chest and finally your breasts; fingers ever so lightly grazing over your now soft, hardened buds. You almost melted right then and there under his touch, but one thing caught your attention just a tad more than his touch.
“Imagined? Finally?” You questioned. Did that mean he’s thought about this happening?
“Y/N-ah, you can’t be serious. I’ve wanted to fuck you since the moment I met you. I’m pretty sure everybody knows it, honestly.” Yugyeom shook his head and laughed. “We can talk about that later though…” He drifted off, moving his hands away from you to remove his t-shirt, revealing his fully naked body to you. He was so beautiful. Yugyeom wrapped his arms around you, pulling you into a deep kiss. He laid you down on your back, climbing on top of you and peeling off your thong; flinging it across the room. Yugyeom leaned forward, mouth just inches away from your heat.
“Mmm. You really must have liked that, you’re so wet, Y/N-ah.” He groaned, brow furrowing in the sexiest way. He danced his fingers around your core before shoving two fingers deep inside you, instantly pumping them in and out at a steady pace.
“Oh fu-“ You moaned loudly, biting your lip to stop yourself from being any louder. Yugyeom started pumping his fingers at a faster pace as he leaned forward and started licking your most sensitive spot.
“You taste so good. You’re so perfect. How could that idiot ever let you go?” Yugyeom sighed after he pulled his head away from your thighs.  He wiped the wetness on his face off, licking his lips.
“I need to feel you.” He whispered, pulling his fingers from your heat and sucking them clean; something you had never expected the usually shy, cute and bubbly guy to do. Yugyeom’s behaviour tonight was so unlike anything you’d ever seen from him before. It was exciting seeing this side of him and sent tingles all throughout your body. You watched as he stroked himself before lining his cock up to your entrance.
“Please Yugyeom, no teasing and just fuck me already.” You pouted, the feeling of him teasing you with his cock driving you mad. Yugyeom thrusted into you slowly, taking the time to let you adjust to his length. He grabbed onto your waist, gripping it tight enough to leave bruises as he guided his body towards yours. The pain his fingers left behind turned into pleasure; the thought of marks left behind by him only turning you on more. Almost as if he could read your mind, he leaned released his grip from your waist and leaned down to start leaving bites and hickies along your neck, collarbones and breasts. The feeling of Yugyeom inside of you, marking you to show the whole world that he made you his was like no other, the only thing going through your mind was how you was missing out on this for so long.  
“Think about it, Y/N-ah. He’s right below us; he knows I’m fucking you better than he ever could. Isn’t that right? Hm? Could he make you feel as good as I do?” Yugyeom growled, pumping in and out of you harder and faster than you thought possible. You could tell he was getting closer to the edge.
“Mmm, that’s right Gyeom, nobody ever can make me feel this way. Especially him. Only you can.” You responded between moans and high pitched squeaks that you would have thought were embarrassing; if you weren’t so fucked out. What you were saying was entirely true; you had never been fucked like this before in your life. It was if your body was made for Yugyeom, him being the only person who could truly please you.
“That’s right baby…fuck.” Yugyeom groaned happily in response. You were both moaning and cursing so loudly, it would be a shock if the rest of the household didn’t hear even the tiniest bit of what was happening in that spare room. However, you were both too blissed out to care even if they did; riding through the waves of pleasure together.
“Yugyeom, I’m almost there, oh my god.” You moaned loudly, breaking your shared kiss. He moved himself backwards onto his knees, pulling up and holding you while he yanked a pillow from behind him and slid it under you to get a better angle, surprisingly not breaking his steady thrusting in and out of you. He slowed down, pulling out slightly to adjust his positioning before slamming back into you, his fingers now circling over your already swollen clitoris. The feelings combined didn’t take long to send you to your breaking point; your state sending Yugyeom to his too. You tightened your pussy around his length, the sensation sure to heighten the feeling for him.
“Yes, just like that baby. Fuck, I’m coming, Y/N-ah.” Yugyeom moaned, his once steady pace now becoming more uncontrolled and even faster as he filled you with his load; coming to a halt a few moments later. Yugyeom withdrew himself from you and crashed down onto the bed beside you, looking absolutely gorgeous. He laid there for a little while, eyes closed, catching his breath as he wrapped his arms around you. You watched contently as he stroked your arm softly, admiring his beauty. Sweat beads trickled down his forehead and cheeks, making the little freckle by his eye glisten. His hair was a little stuck to the sweat on his forehead, but it still looked gorgeous and perfectly placed.
“You’re beautiful, Yugyeom…” You whispered, moving your hand to brush your fingertips against his plump, soft lips. He opened his eyes and grabbed your hand, holding it at its spot at his mouth; placing light kisses on your fingertips.
“I love you, Y/N-ah. I always have…” Yugyeom responded softly. He smiled before closing his eyes once again; leaving your mind racing with a million questions.
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purplesurveys · 4 years
1. What is one thing you will never do again? Watch The Hours. Film itself is great, but is way too triggering.
2. Would you rather be twice as smart or twice as happy? I’d take happiness easily. It’s not bad for the most part to make mistakes and I’d rather be too clumsy than be altogether miserable.
3. What happened the last time you cried? It was the day of what would’ve been our anniversary and at that moment I was alone in my car at a parking lot (waiting for the office to open) on a gloomy day. I just had to cry and let my feelings out for like 5 minutes to accept everything but I was immediately fine afterwards, haha. Grief can be funny.
4. What happened the time in your life when you were the most nervous to do something? My first job interview. It was my first adult thing ever. They never got back to me - very professional of them - but I was still grateful for the experience nonetheless.
5. What would your parents be surprised to learn about you? That I was in a whole ass relationship for technically 6 1/2 years. They probably have an inkling by now, but only about me being in a relationship. I’m sure they would be very surprised if they ever found out how long it had actually gone for.
6. What’s your worst habit? I pick at my toenails when I’m nervous or stressed. I tend to do this when I’m doing a work task that I particularly dread, and sometimes I’ll end up being fixated on the habit for like 10 minutes straight and not get anything done.
7. What superpower would you have for one day? Time travel, just to take quick trips to multiple decades and see how life was like during those times.
8. What fictional character do you have the biggest crush on? Matty from 13 Going on 30 would be one of them. Albert Finney’s character in Two for the Road is also charming as fuck.
9. Where would you live if you could live anywhere in the world? If money wasn’t an issue, probably somewhere cozy in like Switzerland or Canada.
10. What is your most bizarre pet peeve? Not necessarily a pet peeve but I get extremely uncomfortable when someone hands me a gift then they insult the gift while in front of me, saying it’s not a great gift or that I probably don’t need it, etc. Filipinos also have this habit of saying something along the lines of, “You earn way more than me so you’d probably think this gift sucks” like how do you want me to react :(((((( I love receiving gifts and the idea of being thought about already means a lot to me, so it just makes me wince a little bit when I hear statements like the above.
11. Who knows you the best? Gabie, probably. I’ve changed a lot since then, though.
12. What after school activities did you do in high school? Clubs were mandatory extracurricular activities in my high school; in my time, I joined the table tennis and yearbook clubs.
13. What “most likely to” superlative would you be most honored to receive? Idk, we didn’t have those in school. I probably would have been honored to get a journalism-themed one though; something like Most Likely To Write for NYT or Most Likely to Win a Pulitzer or something like that. Obviously that’s changed now and I’ve long let go of journalism as a passion.
14. What’s the last book you really loved? I haven’t read in a long, long while.
15. What was the greatest television show of all time? I don’t watch a lot of TV so I’m not the most credible decision-making body for this lol, but out of all the shows I’ve watched the best one would easily be Breaking Bad.
16. What’s been your favorite age so far? 16. Life was insanely easygoing back then and everything fell into place for me at the time.
17. If you could go back in time, what is one piece of advice you would give your younger self? Know when it’s enough. Be kind to yourself.
18. What one thing would you be most disappointed if you never got to experience it? Have kids.
19. Apologize or ask permission? I don’t understand the relationship between the two.
20. Unlimited love or money? I would love to never have to worry about finances ever again.
21. If you knew you would die in one week, what would you do? Take a week-long leave for work, spend all my money, bond with my dogs, throw a party for my closest friends, and honestly, make my peace with her.
22. What’s your most listened to song? Spotify doesn’t show that feature, but I bet it’s from Paramore or Hayley anyway. It would be impossible to know my most-listened to song of all time, like if we took into account my Spotify, iTunes, etc.
23. Beach vacation or European vacation? I need a beach vacation badly, but a European vacation would be a new and different experience. I’d take the latter.
24. If you could have been a child prodigy what would you have wanted to be skilled at? Playing the piano.
25. What’s the first thing you would do if you won the lottery? Depends on how much I won lmao. I’d probably retire this early if the money was big enough since I’m pretty stingy anyway. But generally, I would like to pay off whatever bills my parents are currently paying for, get back the car that we had to sell because of the pandemic, and maybe go for a solo vacation or five heheh.
26. What celebrity would you trade lives with? Kylie Jenner, for a day. Just so I can briefly have a taste of how being that rich is like.
27. If you were a performing artist, what would you title your first album? Nope.
28. What story do your friends still give you crap about? Staying with Gab despite the red flags that glared for four whole years is one of them. Angela will also never let go of that one time I tried some kind of fruit juice in high school and I described it as ‘packs a punch.’ It’s understood as a super Westernized idiom where I live and literally no one uses it in a casual sentence, so it was a hit with her and now we use ‘packs a punch’ whenever we want to describe something awesome or surprising.
29. If earth could only have one condiment for the rest of time, what would you pick to keep around? Mayonnaise and I will die on this mayonnaise-coated hill.
30. What is the ideal number of people to have over on a Friday night? Ideally? At this point? Like 20. I would love for that to be the case on the first Friday we can consider the Philippines COVID-free.
31. What was the worst age you’ve been so far? Sorry for yet another incoming Paramore reference but they literally have a lyric that goes, “22 is like, the worst idea that I have ever had.” Before turning 22 I used to think it was a weird line, like how could 22 possibly be unenjoyable? Now I’m 22 in a pandemic going through a rough breakup and I can’t even see my friends nor work in my first workplace ever.
32. What is your weirdest dealbreaker? If they wanted only cats as pets. I can deal with a dog and a cat, I guess; but cats were never fond of me so I feel like I’d struggle with this situation lol.
33. What fictional character reminds you most of yourself? Mr. Peanutbutterrrrrrr. Has a lot of love to give, doesn’t always use it on the right people. Also lives on pleasing others.
34. Do you believe in karma? Just to a tiny extent, in how I would want people’s awful actions to come bite them in the ass one day. It’s not a philosophy that controls my life and the things I do whatsoever.
35. What was your favorite TV show as a kid? My absolute favorite was Hi-5, with the original cast. As I got older my interests shifted to Spongebob and The Fairly OddParents.
36. What is the weirdest thing you find attractive in a person? I don’t think it’s weird, but I don’t hear thighs too often when people list down their favorite physical traits. It’s certainly one of mine.
37. What Jeopardy! category would you clear, no problem? A Friends-themed one, obviously. This reminds me of the Jeopardy night I had with some friends a few nights ago! That was so much fun, and Andi makes really great and fun questions hahaha.
38. What is something you’re superstitious about? I don’t think I am about anything.
39. What is the scariest experience you have ever had? Maybe that night my grandpa went into a drunk rampage. I was 9, right in his line of sight, frozen and scared shitless, and I didn’t know who he was going to strike next.
40. Who is a non-politician you wish would run for office? I never really think about this. If someone’s a non-politician then there must be a reason they aren’t, lol.
41. What cheesey song do you have memorized? Little Things by One Direction is very cheesy and it’s one of my least favorite songs of theirs, but I still have it memorized out of habit.
42. What one dead person would you most like to have dinner with, if it were possible? My great-grandpa died all the way back in the 70s, even before some of my aunts and uncles could meet him. It would be cool to spend time with him.
43. Do you think it’s important to stay up to date with the news? Yeah, absolutely. I have the stomach for it lol, so I always monitor what’s happening locally and globally. Skipping the news from time to time is fine because I get how anxiety-inducing and depressing some events can be, but there’s a huge difference between ignoring the news for your mental health and being indifferent altogether. I’d immediately judge anyone who’s the latter, and would assume you are incredibly privileged.
44. What is the best present you could ever receive? My money refunded -____________- I had food delivered to my director, Bea’s house as a surprise earlier today, but apparently I ran into a scammer driver and the fucker drove away with the meal I had bought for Bea. I reported the driver and the situation, and thankfully the customer service rep of the food delivery app quickly responded and said they’d return the full amount I paid for; but I still haven’t received it.
45. Would you give up one of your fingers if it meant you’d have free wifi wherever you go, for the rest of your life? No. Mobile data exists for a reason.
46. What’s the first thing you’d do if you were the opposite sex for one day? Check out my voice.
47. If someone told you you could give one person a present and your budget was unlimited–what present would you get and for whom? I’d love to surprise Angela with an overseas trip that would last for like a month. Traveling is one thing we have yet to do as best friends.
48. What is the nicest thing someone could say about you? Nothing particular, but it makes me happy when people call me strong and when they validate the shit I’ve gone through over the years.
49. Giant house in a subdivision or tiny house somewhere with a view? I would take the giant house. When it comes to my own place, I would want to have a lot of space to roam around.
50. What is the weirdest quirk your family has? Nothing is coming to mind.
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wait r u fr? tumblr ate the ask? pls i’m so fuckin mad i literally typed paragraphs about how much i loved it so here we go i’m gonna try to be more coherent this time:
this mafia fic is my favorite haikyuu fic i’ve ever read and one of my fave fics in general. like the amount of hard work and research u put into it is so clear and it shows in the amazing quality of the fic. ur pacing, the flow of ur words, ur characterizations of tanaka and val, the way u pull off that last scene. everything is so well done and all of those things are super hard to pull off on their own so props to u for being able to do all of those. like wow i really am in awe of ur talent and i’m so thankful for ur hard work and the fact that u posted this like u rlly took me thru an emotional ride and gave me such a good piece of writing to enjoy and i love that.
okay so: details. i love the way u include the little things in the fic. stuff like the name of the designers and the names of organizations and stuff in the fic helps me picture the scenes so much and it just really adds to the extravagant feel of the fic.
with symbolism, i could literally write paragraphs about how well u included symbols in this fic. like i deadass gasped when the viper necklace was crushed in the final scene at the end right before tanaka did it. the parallels!!!! god ur so good at writing and obviously ur brain is huge to have thought of that and seamlessly included it into the fic.
okay so idk what the proper term for this is but like, the way that action happens in the fic is so well done and not predictable but still in line with what you’ve revealed to us about the characters. like ofc tanaka would pull the necklace out of his pocket at just that moment as a way to reveal to daichi what he felt. it’s just so perfect and so true to the person he is in the fic. about his characterization, god i love it so much. all of the pain and yearning and sheer want in his person were clearly conveyed thru his perspectives and his actions. like that boy just wants to be loved and that’s why it made such good narrative sense to have daichi ask him who he loves more in the scene right before the ending. like i saw the tag for death and expected a million things but u somehow managed to surprise me and yet still stay true to the world and characters u created and ugh, it’s all so perfect.
speaking of, the pacing of this fic is so good. like u manage to take us thru a whirlwind time period that doesn’t feel fast or drawn out or anything other than perfect. u have such a good awareness of pacing that it makes me so jealous and yet so pleased as a reader. like nothing about their love confessions or trysts felt rushed or forced. it felt so natural and true to the people they were and the world that they live in.
also i said before in the other ask how i love the way u utilize sex scenes in the fic. u sprinkle them in at just the right moment and they manage to be hot but they also reveal so much about the characters involved. like i’m specifically thinking of the scene in tanaka’s home where she asks why he won’t touch her and he says that she didn’t give him permission. like the love and devotion in that way of thinking felt so true and yet in the end he still did it and ugh that breaks my heart in the best way bc i know my pain as a reader is nothing next to his pain as a character. i would actually love to pick ur brain about how u decided on the ending. did it come to u in the moment or did u set out writing the fic knowing it would end up like that? so many questions rlly bc u created a world and a cast of characters that are so interesting like i would literally read books about them. (esp val. i loved how headstrong and proud she was but also how weak and emotional she could be. her ending made me sad but u kno, it made sense) and i’m especially curious to find out how tanaka copes after. like i can’t imagine that daichi would just accept his loyalty again but u do manage to surprise me in the best way so who knows. but i also mourn for him which is a little odd for me bc after finding out that he knew about daichi’s affair i felt betrayed and it hurt for some reason which is so interesting bc i trusted him and felt like i knew him, but u still managed to keep parts of him hidden, which is so cool.
oh and despite the tragic ending, u fed us so good with scenes of the two everywhere. like i love how we got to see tanaka and val in their own homes and at parties and we truly got to see how they act when they’re alone and when they’re comfortable and when they’re playing the part of loyal bodyguard or loyal wife. ugh it’s all so good and tbh i only finished it like maybe half an hour again but i already want to read it again bc it was so fucking good and the way u write emotions like yearning and heartbreak is so good like ugh. everything about the way u wrote this fic was so amazing and fuck tumblr for eating my ask but i hope i at least manage to repeat the majority of what was in the og ask lol.
hello anon <3
It is the weekend so I finally have enough brain power to reply.
I wanted to be selfish and keep this in my inbox forever, because this might be the kindest, most appreciative thing everyone has ever said to me about my writing. Toska is a piece of my heart and my soul in written word, and to have received something like this? It’s... indescribable. You have picked up on so many of the small details, symbols, and more that I littered throughout the fic, and you’ve called out the things that I was excited about people reading and reacting to.
Fic Spoilers below the cut.
everything is so well done and all of those things are super hard to pull off on their own so props to u for being able to do all of those.
Thank you so much. I constantly worried that it was too long, too boring, that there wasn’t enough smut in there to be sexy, or that the plot ultimately didn’t make sense. This means everything to me. Pacing is one of the most important things in a fic to me, because I am the kind of person that easily loses interest when I read. 
details. i love the way u include the little things in the fic.
ahhhhhhhhh!!!! I’m glad this helped you to picture everything! I actually used real life dresses, shoes, locations (google Villa La Vigie, it is STUNNING). I was a fashion student, and I now work in the fashion industry so small details to convery luxury is extremely important to me. I love that it made all the difference to you.
i could literally write paragraphs about how well u included symbols in this fic.
fuck, wow. this. This is what I was truly hoping for. I love figuring out foreshadowing in movies, in books, in tv series. I try to write things that foreshadowing what going to happen in the end throughout of every one of my fics, but this is the first time someone called it out, and I am truly grateful for it. The viper necklace thing is a moment I was very proud of. and when Tanaka tells Val to stop talking about Daichi when they’re alone on the bed together: that’s the first instance where we see his guilt that he knows. Also, when Tanaka says “why dont i finish what I started,” is another thing I linked to the ending.
the way that action happens in the fic is so well done and not predictable but still in line with what you’ve revealed to us about the characters.
kasjsdfhksjdfsd I always thought people could see right through me and how I was going to end it!!!!!!! This means so much thank you! I kept thinking, “fuck people know he’s going to kill her, this is so predictable, all these extra scenes are so boring, is it even worth it?” so AH thank you!
thank you again for the pacing comment <3
i love the way u utilize sex scenes in the fic. u sprinkle them in at just the right moment 
hehehehehehe this makes me very happy. tbh, I wasn’t expecting there to be SO MUCH PLOT when I wrote this fic. I had mapped everything out and planned for it to be about... 5k? words? It ended up being 21k all together lmao. I actually thought there wasn’t enough smuttiness in the entire thing, so thanks for letting me now that it was just the right amount. I was worried because the only time I actually describe them fucking with Tanaka’s dick inside her, is that measley one paragraph at the Monte Carlo Casino. When I realised that, I was in utter shock. I was texting @mindninjax in the discord server like “FUCK. I can’t believe I haven’t actually written sex sex.” Then I went into thinking how disappointed people were going to be and phew, it was a whirlwind of a night.
i would actually love to pick ur brain about how u decided on the ending. did it come to u in the moment or did u set out writing the fic knowing it would end up like that? so many questions rlly
ask away, send in questions. I built this world beyond what I’ve written. I have character layouts and plans for every person I introduced, and have ideas for fics on all of them.
To answer your question, I knew exactly how I wanted it to end before I began writing. That end scene is what I thought of first. Exactly like that, with it being cut off mid-sentence to represent her being shot. That sort of “boom” or feeling of shock where you just stare at the screen is the exact reaction I wanted to get when I finished writing, so I hope that is what happened.
So just, thank you so much anon. For everything, for taking the time to write out this ask a second time after Tumblr ate the first one. It has kept me going since the day you sent it. I really appreciate you, and please, chat to me anytime x
Thank you.
Spasiba x
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h2ojustaddmako · 5 years
My Thoughts After Re-Watching Season 2
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Hiya everybody. Sorry for the long times between posts. Working two jobs and keeping a social life, while also trying to sleep, eat healthy and get hydrated is taking a toll on this account. Bright side is, that because of the whole Corona situation, I might spend a lot of time home soon. So head-up, another headcanon/theory is coming this week, but just to break the hiatus, I decided to write today.
Every now and then, I decide to re-watch one of the three seasons of the show, just so I could have something to fill my time. So, recently I decided to watch season 2 again, and, as I like, pick up on some details, ideas or thoughts I didn’t get during previous binges. I’ve watched this season, like the others, around four or five times now since release, maybe more - and yet I’m still genuinely surprised at the things I notice or realize every time. So I figured I might turn it into a list of the good, the bad, and the plain interesting.
This list is in no particular order, I just write my thoughts as they go.
1. I am still BLOWN AWAY by how good the writing is on this show. It may not be an Oscar-winning script, but for a teen show of the early 2000′s it’s amazingly deep and well thought of, from every angle. That what makes my theories so fun to make, because they planted so much information throughout the shows that I genuinely enjoy picking out details and information from it.
2. To go into more depth, I really enjoyed all the different storylines they brought in throughout the 26 episodes. Look, twenty-six episodes is a lot for a TV series. Most shows release around 10, since long storylines are hard to follow and are easy to get messy. But while they added so many side stories (Max and the original mermaids, Ash and Emma, Cleo and Lewis’ breakup and Charlotte getting in between),. each of these stories merged with the main plot so well, and actually added depth to the story, making it more complicated for the characters, and more interactive for the viewer.
3. While the main focus for the season was the Cleo-Lewis-Charlotte  relationship, both Emma and Rikki had their romantic paths taken as well. But unlike season 1, where the couples fought for screen time, this time those relationships were put to the side in favour of the main plot, which made them more slow-paced and interesting to watch. I enjoyed the fact that Emma and Ash stayed in the dark throughout the entire season, and that Zane only appeared when he was needed. Both are good characters, but not needed every time.
4. On the other hand, Cleo and Lewis’ relationship was handled very maturely all through the season. From when they dated, through the post-breakup, and all the way to managing being friends, the relationship was very well looked into and explored.
5. Might be a side thing, but I loved that Ash was actually figuring out something was off about Emma. One of my favourite lines by him was, “You realize none of this is natural. But you already knew that.” (Ep. 26) Mostly in shows like these, the character either never questions the weird occurrences around them, or the curiosity fuel the storyline (like Zane in season 1). The writer really wrote out of pure logic and not out of plot requirements, and I dig that little detail.
6. This one is felt throughout the entire show, but was most dominant during this one. The show is not about mermaids at all. This is written as a show about three girls and their coming of age process, and the things they have to deal with, one of them being turned into mermaids. But it’s far from being the only problem these girls have, and it’s showing when some episodes really struggle to squeeze in scenes of the girls in their tails for pure rating, even when the plot is not in need of any mermaid action. The girls have a very full and normal lifestyle aside from being mermaids. They go out, go shopping, have other friends, work, study and fail, deal with personal issues at home or with partners. The tails are just another part of their lives and I love it.
7. Episode 23 is a turning point for Charlotte’s character arch. I’ve spoken greatly before about how I feel like Charlotte is seen in our minds as the “bad guy” while she was a nice character most of her time on the show. And she was! Up until episode 23 when was never trying to hurt the girls. She may have acted out of jealousy before towards Cleo, but she was insecure and worried about her boyfriend. What should she think when her boyfriend spends a whole lot of time with his ex and fails to explain to her exactly why? The show did a great job showing the point of both sides in the argument between the girls and Charlotte, and showed the entire process of how their relationship turned into what it was.  A lot of ego, assumptions, and false worries, and a lot of unfortunate events. Episode 23 was really a turning point because that’s where both sides of the fight were really right in different ways, things that led Charlotte to want to go on her own, and the girls to stay away from her. Charlotte acted the way she did because she felt like the girls were treating her badly (which she was wrong about sometimes, but they too hold the blame, mostly Rikki). From episode 24 and on, she started acting as the “bad guy” the show built her to be, and even then I can see her side. But enough on that.
8. Lewis is hot. Idk what’s up with Charlotte’s eyebrows.
9. One thing that feels off every time is how quickly Lewis started dating Charlotte. I don’t blame a guy for moving on quickly, I do find it weird that during the post-breakup from Cleo, he not only protected Cleo’s respect and jealousy by not flirting with any other girl, but also didn’t really seem like he was into Charlotte at all. She was a good friend at the beginning, then Cleo got in the middle, and for some reason, Charlotte did her best to rub it in Cleo’s face that she wants Lewis. But he never, for once, showed interest back until Cleo gave him permission to move on, and all of a sudden they’re dating. What I'm saying is that Lewis never seemed to like Charlotte romantically, like she liked him. So that was weird, they just never felt right together.
10. The reason Charlotte mastered her powers so quickly, at least in my eyes, is because that a) she had the girls to explain her at least the basics, and b) she didn’t put herself into a box of ‘this is what I was given’, bc she wanted to be better than Cleo at every cost. Her will power helped her master her powers. While the girls dealt with learning their boundaries and abilities and adjusting into the new life they got, Charlotte learned about mermaids before her transformation and knew what she was getting into.
11. The show never shied away from real-life issues, that may be considered inappropriate or harsh to the audiences the show is targeted at. Handling with divorce (and the outcomes of it!) and parents starting dating again (true story, Cleo’s way to handle with Sam’s introduction into her father’s life helped me cope when my mother started dating men a couple of years ago), while also showing signs of LGBT references (Nate mentioned people think Lewis is gay, in other words) or even sexual harassment and consent (both when Rikki was mad at Zane for kissing her against her will, and when Ash’s apology to Emma when he believed Lewis thought he was trying to have sex with her/spy on her showering, which to remind y’all, she was 16 while he was 18). It’s so brief I never noticed it before, but once I did, it was hard to miss.
12. And lastly, I just love how this show treats science. So much real life and true scientific information is included in the lines of the story, mainly by Lewis, but also by other characters like Will, Cleo, Lowrey, Max and Dr. Denman. When they wrote the entire base to what mermaids are and how they exist, they didn’t care it was a show for goddamn 9-year-olds, and that what makes it so interesting. If you’re not into science, let me tell you that every scientific blurb or word you hear on the show is 100%% real and makes sense within its context. From talking about marine biology, to referring to mermaids groups ‘pods’ (which is a group of marine mammals in scientific terms), to the science of “magic” and mermaids as a whole, the show knows what it’s doing is within the realms of possibility from a scientific point of view, meaning none of it is real, but it could be, in another life.
Anyways, if you have anything else to add, feel free! This is your list as it is mine. I just really love this show and I wish people appreciated it the same way we do. When I tell people I like this show they remember it as just another kids TV show, and it’s so much more than that.
Hope you’re having a great day, be safe, and wash your hands (just not in front fo people, keep the secret safe!)
Until next time, maybe not as far as you think. xx
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kvngjoong · 5 years
mingi + nsfw a-z
you can tell who my bias is after this, but i’m not apologising. I actually considered myself a soft mingi stan but after this i’m not sure. If this is how i see mingi, my soft baby, idk what hongjoong’s is gonna be like
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A: Aftercare
he probably wouldn’t know what to do really, but he would make an attempt. honestly the aftercare would be more centred on him and making sure he is okay bc he is smol and needs to be cared for. but he would still check you’re okay and honestly, the majority of aftercare with mingi is you both making sure all is good, cleaning up a little and probably doing something dumb afterwards like nothing even happened
B: Body part
he likes his shoulders because you like them and for him that’s a big plus. he really likes it when you leave marks on him there because it’s sensitive and because he likes to have a hand in your hair as you straddle him and tell him that he’s a good boy. as for you, he really likes how generally small you are compared to him and that you can still put him in his place and tell him what to do. also probably likes your ass/tiddies since he’s a bit of a newbie
C: Cum
he cums more than the average guy, but he’s good at listening to you and wants to please you, so whatever you want him to do with it, that will happen. he’s a fan of cumming either in your mouth, or on your chest - but he regrets telling you that because now you only let him do that if you think he’s been good enough
D: Dirty Secret
he kinda, really, wants you to choke him. he’s not sure how to approach it, mostly because it’s a topic that isn’t the easiest to approach (and he’s not just gonna say btw babe can you choke me tonight). he tries to encourage it a bit, he’s extra loud when you’re rough with him and you bite him a little harder, but he really wants you to just put your hands around his neck and choke him a little. he would literally cum on the spot
E: Experience
he seems like he would be one of the least experienced in ateez, but that might be wrong. like, he knows what everything is and probably knows about the whole dom/sub thing (hence why he knows he’s a sub, and automatically subs when you guys first do the yanno) but he’s yet to have actually tried a lot of it
F: Favourite Position
as long as you’re on top, he is very content. he likes seeing you bounce on him, so cowgirl or reverse cowgirl is a preference of his that you’re happy to oblige to. he rarely tops (that doesn’t mean he can’t) but when he does he likes it too because he thinks it’s more intimate and again, he likes how small you are underneath him (he can take care of you sometimes, too). so it depends on the mood he’s in, really
G: Goofy
he can be, but he’s not usually. when he’s in a sub mindset he’s there to please you and listen to you. if it’s less of a dom/sub situation, he isn’t impartial to crack a joke here or there, or make you laugh over some weird ass comment he makes. he feels comfortable with you and it shows in his actions. he will mostly roll of your energy though, so if you’re in the mood to take things less seriously, so will he
H: Hair
probably doesn’t shave or manscape, just kinda leaves it. he didn’t know what to do with it so thought doing nothing was the answer, which is fine
I: Intimacy
he can be intimate, but it’s not always. there are special times when he is extra soft and just wants to hold you, which lead to sex and he will top and that will be soft and he will tell you that he loves you and stuff, but that is occasionally and not each time. that isn’t to say there is no intimacy in everything that’s done - he knows that there is love and trust behind everything you do together
J: Jack Off
this is talked about more for yearning, but mingi has been taught by you that to be a good sub he needs to ask you for permission and wait for you before he does anything. he would get a bit of a guilty conscience, especially if you’ve been together a while, if he was to jack off without you giving him permission to do so. this isn’t always the case and he will still occasionally succumb to his urges and run to the bathroom, especially when you’re not around or you’re busy and he needs some relief
K: Kink
considering that, when i started writing san’s version of this, i had to stop to write size difference in all caps on mingi’s version, i think that it is pretty clear mingi has a thing for how small people are next to him. not just height, his everything is big. but he’s also a massive sub. like the biggest sub in ateez. he isn’t a power bottom, he just wants to please and he’s all ears for what you want him to do. he probably doesn’t have it in him to actually dom unless you teach him how to (and maybe he would enjoy that, but he would always be too afraid to actually dom you). other than that, he would be pretty vanilla - but he’s game for anything you want to introduce. he would be pretty vocal if he didn’t like something and he’s not afraid to use the safe word for the reason you introduced it. he wants to please you, but he’s not gonna do something he’s not comfortable with - not that he actually doesn’t like that much in the end, anyway
L: Location
prefers the privacy of his/your own home, though is open to anywhere with a locked door or at least some cover from other people seeing. his favourite is and always will be when you’re at home and things are comfortable. it gives you both some breathing space and you’re free to do whatever you want to, without the real world distractions and people disturbing
M: Motivation
kind of typical stuff, really - likes it when you send him pictures to tease him, and sometimes it’s a though that pops into his head and he’ll tell you the thought in the hopes you will incorporate it. when he’s bored his mind might drift off and he’ll recall when you did something he really likes and he’ll remember it for later. he initiates things quite a bit, since it doesn’t take all that much for him to get going
one time you suggest a threesome to mingi and he was umming and ahhing about it for a while, but after careful consideration he realised that he really doesn’t like it for two reasons: he wants you to himself and he is pretty shy and doesn’t particularly want anyone involved in what he’s doing. nothing personal on them, he just doesn’t anyone involved in activities like this unless its you (because he loves you), nor does he want to see you treat anyone like you treat him. he won’t be told otherwise
O: Oral
loves when you suck him off but knows that you’re not always gonna do that unless he asks really nicely (or he’s done something that impresses you, turns you on, or pleases you) so it isn’t the most regular thing - as in, it does happen, but not every day or anything since you both can do foreplay in loads of different ways, and when it does happen he really enjoys it. also likes giving because he likes when you pull his hair and likes getting you off, too. does he have some kind of pain kink? probably. likes it when you pull his hair hard
P: Pace
you control the pace, not him. he likes it slow and then fast towards the end, but he told you that and now you use it against him. whatever you’re in the mood for - you’re in control with him
Q: Quickie
not impartial to them, happy to be part of one, but prefers it not to be. he doesn’t mind when you give him head under the table, but since he’s a sub it’s a bit more difficult for a quickie between the two of you. unless you’re telling him exactly what to do and you’re instructing him specifically on picking you up, pushing you against the door and rawing you, then there’s not much else to do
R: Risk
the poor bby does not want someone walking in on him, despite his confidence. mostly because he shows his sub side to you and only you. it would be weird if one of his hyungs (especially 98 line) ever caught him being your sub. so he likes to do things away from people he knows. he’s not so bothered if there’s a risk of someone he doesn’t know catching him, like one of your friends that he doesn’t know. so maybe you could get away with a cinema hand job
S: Stamina
i keep saying that they are performers so can go for a while, but mingi is on the same level as san when it comes to stamina - he can go a couple of rounds and then still go out afterwards to get food or whatever. he has a lot of energy and usually doesn't use it all during sex. he may, however, get kinda tired during overstimulation and whilst he will ask you for more, he can barely keep his eyes open and he does kinda just wanna lay down for two minutes so he can collect himself. whatever you want him to do though, he can and will do it
T: Toy
he’s not the biggest fan? but he honestly doesn’t have a preference. if you like using them on him then it’s cool, as long as you tell him first and don’t surprise him with it. when it comes to you it’s a bit of a different story. one time you ask him to use one on you and he has no idea what to do with it, but with some instructions he’s got it down and knows what he’s doing. he liked watching you get off but he’s not sure if he’ll do it again because he knows you asked him to use it instead of him getting you off himself. he has a love hate relationship with them
U: Unfair
he’s not a tease at all, at least not intentionally. he does it more as a joke and he takes pride in knowing that you think he’s really fucking hot when he’s performing. however that doesn’t mean he will do things intentionally to tease you. he usually does it to show off to you (like, baby check out my abs on national television) or to get some kind of reaction from you. he won’t admit to it, but he does kind of like it when you tease him. he likes the build up
V: Volume
he’s loud, and there’s no stopping him on that. he will usually whine and moan, but he’s talkative too. more so than most. he doesn’t ever talk back to you but usually he will be happy to answer you and you will never have to ask him to use his words because he’s way too eager to not speak. even when he’s laying back against the headboard and you’re overstimulating him, he’ll still have it in him to ask for more (he will never say stop)
W: Wild Card
mingi likes to be told what to do. he wants to please you so appreciates the help that you give when you tell him how he can get you off, however when it comes to eating you out he likes to take a bit of the control away from you. he goes off when he’s giving head, he loves how sweet you taste and he will always find it in him to put all of his effort into pleasing you, without needing you to tell him what to do and when to do it. he watched videos and everything on how he can improve. like before, he does really like it when you pull his hair and the feeling of the pain, like when you bite him or leave marks on him, turns him on way more and keeps him going for longer. he will probably tell you he likes it in the hopes you’ll do it more often
X: X-Ray
look, there’s a video which is pretty clear, so it doesn’t need much explaining - you know my thoughts on this given how big he is
Y: Yearning
he’s probably a bit more on the needier side. he needs a lot of attention in general, but this also applies to sex. he can go a while without anything from you if it’s completely unavoidable, but if you’re both free then he’ll be wondering why you’re not together? that being said, he does have a lot of self control, mostly that you taught him, and he can be patient when needed. it’s a wonderful ability you’ve taught him, because now when you send him pics on snapchat he isn’t having to run to the bathroom (mostly because you told him he can’t do that without permission, but that’s another story)
he doesn’t often sleep straight after sex, mostly because he’s a ball of energy that can’t be contained and afterwards he would be super talkative and just want to chat shit with you about whatever. even if you’re just laying there he will find something to talk about. if you’re up for it though, he is down for a late night/early morning walk (or smth cute like sitting on the balcony or window sill looking up at the stars talking about space and life etc)
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Survey #327
starting to run outta steam... haha.
What design is on your shower curtain? It doesn't have one. Did you get in trouble for cussing on accident when you were a kid? Ha ha yeah, for yelling "HOLY SHIT!" once, lmao. Ever made a snow angel? Yeah. Do you laugh at racial jokes? Absolutley not. What’s the highest you can count in a different language? 999, in German. How’s your flirting skills? I wouldn't know, ask those I've flirted with. Have you ever cried over a breakup? For a whole year and then some. I still have episodes. What does your dream life look like? Living isolated in the woods by a river and waterfall with a fantastic spouse, me being a very successful photographer and at least somewhat above *just* financially "stable," maybe having at least one poem published, lots of pets (mostly snakes), plenty of travel opportunities (mostly for photography), being free of my social anxiety and actually being reasonably confident, back in great physical shape... I'm really daydreaming now. What’s something you wish would happen, but know won’t? bleh Where did you meet your current or last significant other? YouTube, back when it was a much more social platform. Do you enjoy wine? No, it's way too bitter. What did you last ask your parents permission for? I asked Mom if I could snack on some chocolate chips she was saving for fudge (since Christmastime...). She was fine with it. Periods are fun. Do you get annoyed when you hear babies crying? I shouldn't, but I do. Me and babies just don't mix. Why were you in a waiting room the last time? I was at a doctor's appointment. What’s your lawyer’s name? I don’t have one. Do you own a lot of scarves? I don't think I own any... Would you ever get a face tattoo? I doubt it, but maybe something very small and subtle. Are your expecting anything in the mail? No. What would you like to see out of your window everyday instead of what you see now? Nature. The woods. Would you rather have a house exterior made from wood, brick, or stucco? Aesthetically, wood, but I don't support the continuation of wood housing in a society where we have many other options that don't harm the environment as much. So, realistically, brick. What is your favorite breakfast? Cinnamon rolls. Do you own a diamond ring? No. Have you ever stripped? No. Do you remember the last movie you saw while on a date? IT with Girt. Whose house did you last sleep over at? Sara's. Yes or no: foreplay? Lmao who the fuck does it w/o foreplay first. Would you ever record you having sex? No fucking way. Something nobody’d ever guess about you? I used to be in great shape. Would you like to be a journalist? I actually wouldn't mind it. It was almost my minor the last time I was in college, actually, but the required courses were a no-no for me. Last year for school, we had an assignment where we had to choose a popular song to write a story based on. What song would you’ve picked? I don't know popular songs, so I'm picking any song. Off the top of my head, given my love for dark and morbid shit, maybe "Voyeur" by Otep. That song is messed up as fuck. No, it's actually not about sex, 'cuz I ain't interested in writing about that. Did the vacuum scare you as a child? I don't think it did. Do you have a long driveway? No, it's actually very short. Have you ever begged someone to stay with you? Oh yes. Are you friends with anyone missing one of their five senses? Not to my knowledge. Are you good at Pac Man? I'm no better than anyone else. Do you have an embarrassing period story? If so, what is it? No. Have you ever gotten high off a prescription medication? No. Do you prefer tampons or pads? Tampons. Pads are mega uncomf. How old were you when your parents talked to you about puberty? I don't know, actually. What stereotype do you fit the most? Geek, maybe? Emo? Idk. If you’re a worshipper, how do you worship? I don't worship anything. What’s your favorite pain reliever? Advil. Do you have a lot of people blocked on Facebook? Not a lot, no. Does your father have facial hair? Yes. Have you ever had a hamster? Yeah, we went through a few. All of 'em were evil. Grape or strawberry jelly? Absolutely grape. What language would you most like to know fluently? German. Do you remember the last song you slow danced to? "Stairway to Heaven" by Led Zeppelin. Do you plan on having alcohol at your wedding? I don't know. Do you have an idea of who you might kiss next? I know who I WANT to kiss next, but that doesn't mean it'll happen. I hate psychic questions. Who’s the most controlling person you know? She's not in my life anymore. Do you own a microphone? No. Do you enjoy trailers at the cinema? I do. Name a pet you definitely wouldn’t want. A centipede, to name one. I've gotten more into the idea of owning invertebrates, and centipedes are in that hobby, but they creep me the fuck out. They're cool to watch, but I don't want one in my house. Do you have a picture of you throwing up the peace sign? Yeah, it's actually one of my favorite pictures of me without makeup. Has a very "me" vibe. Do you enjoy romantic movies, even when they’re cliche? Ha, yeah. Can you tell the difference between a Scottish and an Irish accent? Nope. Can you read music? Probably not anymore. Ever sang someone to sleep? No. What is the movie that you have waited the longest for/which film do you remember anticipating the most/are still anticipating? Finding Dory takes the cake. What is something that an interested guy/girl could comment about you, that would make you instantly open to them (e.g., “That book you’re reading is from my favorite author”)? If you compliment my Markiplier tattoo because you get it, we are immediately family. Out of all your usernames for websites, which one is your favorite? Do you use it for more than one site? Ozzkat. I use it essentially everywhere. Have you ever spent the whole day (or multiple days) just looking up one thing on the internet (e.g., videos of your favorite band, how-to videos, quizzes, etc.)? HA, way more than once. Hyperfixation is a friend of mine. Bow ties on guys, dorky or adorable? C U T E ! ! ! What are your thoughts on mini-skirts or mini-dresses? ALSO C U T E ! ! ! Have you ever died in one of your dreams? Yes. What appliance in your kitchen do you use the most often? The microwave. Do you use Skype to talk to your friends? Sara, yes. And Sam once in a blue moon if we're playing WoW together. Are you allergic to any animals? No. Have you ever had to go to the police department? No. Have you ever been called bipolar? Well yes, because I am. Have you ever made fun of a handicapped person? Hell no, and fuck you if you ever have. If a necklace/ring gives you green marks, do you still wear it? No. Have you ever had food poisoning? I don't think so, no. Favorite emoticon? Probably c: Do any emoticons annoy you? No, but an excessive amount of them I find disruptive to whatever I'm reading. Do you think there will be a WWIII? Yup, someday. Has anyone ever asked you if you were emo? Yeah, back in high school. The most interesting thing that’s ever happened to you at a grocery store? I dunno. Probably running into someone unexpected. Do you have any good book ideas? Having written RP since I was 10 years old... I could by now write a dozen dictionary-sized novels encompassing what I think are the greatest storylines. I genuinely do believe there's some fantastic stuff we've got, but there's just too many horribly dark and twisted parts in the evil mobs that I am not comfortable publishing. Are you gonna see Cars 2? Well, this is old. I never even saw the first one. In all honesty, can a person be too nice? Yep. *points at Weed from GDW* Have you ever posted a video onto YouTube? Yeah, mostly "meerkat music videos," I guess you could say. Some tributes to certain MM characters, others just music with meerkat clips. How often do you compliment other people? I try to any time I have a sincere one. I am very much for complimenting people openly and often. The Legend of Zelda series: Twilight Princess or Ocarina of Time? I'm not a fan of the franchise, honestly. Never got the hype. Do you even game at all? Most certainly, but not nearly as much as I used to... You can only replay old games but so many times before you just can't anymore. And the "newest" console I have is the original Wii, so... I definitely don't have the modern equipment. Would you give Zumba dance lessons a try if presented the opportunity? Probably not. Definitely not while my legs are in such bad shape; the dancing is pretty intense and would seriously hurt. I could easily imagine myself fainting. Do you own a rosary? No, but I did in my Catholic-raised childhood. Do you like Adult Swim? No. Sorry excuses for humor everywhere. What’s the first thing you do when you get on the computer? Do a quick check on KM just to ensure everything's in order. What’s one thing that you just wish you could do all of your life? Not have to pay bills, haha. If someone asks for your honest opinion, do you give it? Yes, if they emphasize they really want honesty. When was the last time you felt uninformed or out of the loop? Apparently some politician (I think) died recently and people practically rejoiced on Facebook. I knew zip about him. When in a car, where do you like to sit? Passenger seat/shotgun. Have you ever fought with a good friend over something completely stupid? Oh, absolutely. There have been plenty of RP-related arguments with multiple people... In the big picture, it's laughable to fight over a game, but when you're so invested in your own creations, in the moment, it can seem like a big issue. Those drama days are long behind me now. Would you ever visit a third-world country? I don't think so, no. It would shatter my heart, especially seeing children in poverty. Are you the type that’s too ashamed to ask for or use directions? No. You overhear two people gossiping about you; what do you do? Probably call over something like, "I'm not deaf, you know." I highly doubt I'd sit there with my mouth shut. Have you ever felt manipulated? Yes. If you were homeless, how would you cope? If I was truly, entirely homeless, quite honestly, I'm almost positive I'd kill myself. Have you ever done something just to fit in? Yeah. When was the last time you tried to impress someone, for whatever reason? I'm not sure, but I've certainly done it at one point or another. Do you think that the world could function in a state of anarchy? Definitely not. How well do you know your U.S. [or your country’s] history? I mean, I know the bare bones of it, but I'm far from well-versed in history. It was one of my weak subjects in school. Would you ever wish to move to another country? I'm not kidding when I say if it weren't for family, I would probably move to Canada. What is something that you do that others might consider “nerdy”? The way I write, particularly for academic purposes. I'm very descriptive and have an exceptionally large vocabulary. Have you ever had anything expensive stolen from you? Not from me specifically, but our basketball hoop was stolen from my childhood home. I doubt it was very cheap. Do you understand/notice when someone’s using sarcasm? Usually, anyway. When was the last time you were fooled? HAHA there was this drama video suggested to me on YouTube that involved Mark in the title, and I was mega confused and inevitably clicked. Now it's basically a YouTube meme just how "perfect" Mark is, so there was no real drama; apparently some newer fans are just upset at him for playing the sequel to HuniePop, a very sexual puzzle/dating game that's honestly entertaining and can be really funny. Like... he's played the original and despite the discomfort of some scenes (which are censored, mind you), he still had fun, and it was a big hit on his channel. So him playing the sequel isn't surprising, but apparently some people got shit to say. What first Impression do you hope you make with other people? Something along the lines of "wow, she's very nice." Have you ever thought about how you make other people feel/think? Well of course. I think everyone should take time to consider this. What is your stance on getting revenge? A petty waste of time. Any wise/truthful/witty quotes that you live by? Ha, another Mark answer. He once gave the casual innuendo of, "Life's hard; shouldn't you be, too?" (this might have actually been in a HuniePop video!), but when you take the... uh... sexual theme out of it, it's a good way to look at life???? Have tough skin, unmoving willpower, y'know, that stuff. Who was the last person you sat beside at a restaurant? My sister Ashley. Spongebob or Patrick? Patrick is a whole-ass mood. Would you rather watch little kid’s cartoons, older kid’s cartoons, or adult cartoons? Hm. Probably little kid's, given my love for Pokemon. How about watching regular cartoons or anime? Anime. Who is the last person you spent money on? Myself. Do you own a copy of Roller Coaster Tycoon? No; I had SeaWold Tycoon instead. I loved that game. Do you have any birth marks in embarrassing places? No. Have you used Limewire before? Of course. Free music for the low price of a catastrophic virus. :^) When was the last time you required a band-aid? I think when I cut one of my toenails way too short. Are you afraid of snakes? Oh no! I adore them so, so very much. Not saying I'm gonna go scoop up the first copperhead I find herping or something, but I love and respect them so very much. They are such fascinating animals. If you believe in reincarnation, what animal would you want to become? I don't think I believe in reincarnation, but hypothetically, maybe a lioness. Who do you tell everything to? Pretty much whoever reads these surveys, haha. Did you have candles on your birthday cake? Not my most recent one. Exactly, how old are you? I just turned 25 years and one month old. Have you ever been bitten by anything? Besides bugs, I don't think so. I've had cats and dogs playfight with me, but none have ever seriously bitten me with actual effort. Do you wear hats? No. What was the last song you sang along to? "Lunchbox" by Marilyn Manson. Do you think you’ll be married in 5 years time? I'd like to be, but idk if it's realistic.
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indipindy16 · 4 years
Heyyyyy, so about that doc with the AU ideas.... (Please feed me I yearn for content)
im obsessed with the idea of monoma and aizawa being related to afo lol. you only see like 3 quirks in the whole series that are based on other quirks - what i would call ‘meta quirks,’ that would only have any function in a world of quirked people. so ofc these 3 quirks have to be related:
afo decided to have a bunch of kids, to see if he could make noumus out of them which retained their brains after being given a bunch of quirks. he impregnated a bunch of women lol, but he kept tabs on them. as soon as the kids turned 4 and presented their quirk, they would be kidnapped by the doctor and brought into the lab. most of the kids had quirks based on quirks (seeing quirks, stealing quirks, copying quirks, erasing quirks…) and are various ages. aizawa, monoma and midoriya were some of them, but aizawa got saved by his badass mother when he was still a kid, so he was already gone by the time midoriya and monoma came around. the two of them manage to escape while afo is still recovering from his fight with all might, and since monoma’s mother was killed by afo, he goes to live with midoriya and his mother. they go off the grid and run away from afo. in this au midoriya is quirkless, up until he meets all might and it goes as usual. umm could be from monoma’s pov, and include monoshin because that’s cute. basically after the sports festival, afo finds monoma again and in the summer camp they kidnap him instead of bakugou. (the reason why aizawa was never caught or taken back by afo is because he won the whole sports fest and became too famous/well protected to be easily stolen back - since monoma didn’t make the fight rounds, he’s a perfect target. afo only knew the kids by their quirks, he never actually met them, so he doesn’t realise that midoriya is one of his kids as well because mido has a quirk now.) anyway so after they kidnap monoma back, he and midoriya spill the beans to the ua faculty, aizawa has a midlife crisis over the fact that he now has younger siblings, and afo continues to be a dick who doesn’t pay child support.
just some sweets stuff as well:
Christmas cake: Japanese slang for an unmarried woman over 25 who is considered undesirable as a wife, in the same way that Christmas cakes are considered useless after Christmas Day.
Good thing for Jirou, she never cared much about being ‘desirable’ to the opposite sex anyway.
-> a momojirou story about jirou’s 26th birthday and momo reassuring her that she is the best gf ever, and that she loves her very much. pro hero gfs <3
like. the trope of aizawa adopting shinsou? well what about instead… hawks adopting tokoyami?? maybe he comes from a super religious family and they tried to exorcise the ‘demon’ from him, protective services put him in the foster system, and he ends up with really shitty foster families, and his quirk is considered ‘dangerous.’ but then our boy hawks swoops in and goes ‘u know what? i’m not letting my intern get disrespected like this’ and adopts him. obviously hawks is still young himself (22 i think), so he’s not very good at the whole parenting thing, but miruko helps him out. he becomes an older brother figure for tokoyami. gen found family fluff ensues
thats it, thats the idea
HAIKYUU AU - no quirks. just volleyball
so the ua boys volleyball team is on the rocks. its been pretty much non-existent and turned to dust at this point. but, it once own the nationals.
izuku’s mum runs this second hand / antique / trinket store, and izuku helps out sometimes. one day, he finds some old sports tapes in the back and watches them - they’re of the year when ua was at nationals, and their striker, yagi toshinori, inspires izuku to play volleyball.
bakugo is on the school team and he threatens / bullies izuku not to join, so izuku has to train on his own. he learns shitty technique, but he ends up building some muscle by clearing out the beach.
izuku gets into ua, and when he goes to apply for the volleyball team, ofc bakugo picks a fight. the other first-years who join the team are todoroki, kaminari, shinsou, kirishima, and iida. there aren’t any second years - they all got expelled - but mirio and tamaki are on the team as third years, and nejirou is the team manager. their teacher sponsor is a new teacher this year, and it’s left ambiguous. there’s the whole ‘get over ur differences if u want to join’ thing, and then woohoo! team!
turns out their teacher sponsor is aizawa. he drags in the now-retired-due-to-injury yagi toshinori to be the coach. when aizawa went to ua, the volleyball team was too small to go to any tournaments - he’s determined to turn it around and let these kids live their dreams.
some ‘canon? what’s that?’ ideas:
just a really wholesome story about inko and mitsuki being besties. met in middle school or something, supported each other through everything… just gals being the best of pals...
or i mean u could make it gay, that’s always an option (and have izuku and katsuki grow up as actual bros, and actually be friendly to one another? what a shocker) - like, the two of them get sperm donors and are pregnant at the same time so the kids can be twins or something. and ofc you’d expect katsuki to be closest to mitsuki and for inko to be closest to izuku, but then to make it a TWIST add some great bonding between inko + katsuki and mitsuki + izuku!! i’ve never really seen any mitsuki + izuku bonding in stories before, so that’d be pretty cool
izuku gets hit by a villain’s quirk during a big villain attack when he’s 7, turning him part-cat. the villain dies during the attack, so they can’t erase his quirk’s effects - they’d have to surgically remove the ears and tail, or get an expensive quirk specialist in. izuku decides he likes being a nekomimi, so he keeps them and gets being part-cat officially registered as his quirk. he has better senses and agility, and he can talk to cats now i guess. also his eyes are cat eyes. he doesn’t pass the ua exam, so he goes into the general department instead, but he does really well in the sports festival and gets transferred into the hero course with shinsou. (this is all just because i need a valid excuse to make izuku have cat ears.)
some ‘future au’ ideas:
all of the pro heroes merch lines - deku’s ’t-shirt’ shirts, tokoyami’s edgy emo/goth hoodies, iida’s ingenium trainers, bakugou’s popping candy chocolate, todoroki’s own brand of scar cream, HAGAKURE’S CAMO COLLECTION OMG the possibilities are endless  
---i made hagakure’s camo for her bday drawing
(i use a strikethrough so i know which ideas i’ve used or posted anywhere. i think that once i put an idea on the internet, it’s probably free reign, so if you want to use any of these for fics or art go ahead. i’d just appreciate it is you could link back to me haha)
5 years after graduating from the General Studies department of UA, Hitoshi opened his own agency. As a private detective.
By the time he’s 25, he’s settled in and relatively comfortable with his career choice. So when his work phone rings one day and he’s still half-asleep he easily opens with, “Shinsou Detective Agency. Before you ask, I do not investigate cheating spouses or missing dogs and I do not screen potential employees for companies.” He paused. “I’ll investigate missing cats, though.”
The person on the other end took a harsh breath, like an almost-laugh, and responded gruffly, “Hm. Good to know if Jelly ever gets lost.”
-> aka shinsou is a PI and aizawa contacts him for help on a case. aizawa never sought out shinsou after the sports festival, being too busy with 1-a’s insane antics, and so shinsou went on to never become a hero. maybe he’s also a vigilante on the side? idk. anyway so yeah aizawa gives him temporary permission to use his quirk during the case. they investigate, blah blah, the point is that afterwards aizawa gets shinsou a licence and takes him on as a sidekick (the same way ingenium offered to koichi in vigilantes)
i have new ideas on the daily. this doc is just growing
keep in mind, i have given to you here only a few of the shortest ones. there are several huge paragraphs of full-au ideas (like where izuku has a quirk, and the entire story follows canon)
these are, ostensibly, ideas for fics that i never write because i’m lazy. but some of them i do end up using for art or comics, so... yeah. most of the comics i’ve posted were originally just little scripts in this doc. an example:
yamada and reformed!shirakumo are walking together, with coffees
shirakumo: so then i - oh, your phone’s wringing
(yamada’s ringtone is the nyancat song, and the contact name is ‘daddy’)
shirakumo: haha, you still call ur dad ‘daddy’? i thought you got over that in high school (taking a sip on the coffee)
yamada: (answering the phone, keeping eye contact with shirakumo) hey, shouta, what’s up?
shirakumo: (spits out coffee)
—- made this a comic on tumblr
damn this post is longer than i expected
whelp, i hope you liked it
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punchholesinthesky · 5 years
I didn't know you could just be a boy
I was listening to a podcast today, about a girl who stood up to her parents at the tender age of four and told them that she was a girl and that she'd chosen a name. I'm in awe of this little girl being so damn sure of herself. I got super emotional listening to it and it got me thinking about my own childhood. It was NPR’s radio ambulante, the episode called “yo nena”.
I knew I was different from a young age but I didnt know how.
I just felt it. And probably cause I visited a lot of doctors and i guess most kids don't do that?
I learned that my brain was different but not the details. I had some vague notion of being adhd. I would not learn it until much later by googling different developmental disorders and learning about being neurodivergent and autistic.
I would later on go on to learn I was queer too, and though I had read the word genderqueer once and thought it fit, I hadn't given it much thought.
I was assigned female at birth, and though I have never liked it, I thought I was stuck with it, that I just had to make the best of it.
I remember wishing to be a boy so many times. Identifiying with male characters, creating ocs and alter-egos, acting the male parts (it was an all-girls school, someone had to), and begging mum to let me cut my hair short, and being so happy when people thought I was a boy.
I never liked traditionally female things, never had a barbie, hated dresses (there's still a photo of a tiny grumpy me being forced into a dress one of my grandmas gave me) and my school uniform was trousers 99% of the time. The other 1% was like official acts, maybe the first and last day of school, stuff like that. I hated it, but at an all-girls catholic school I had much biggers issues that complaining about wearing a skirt a few days out of the year. I remember the gym uniform being a problem. Not sure what the problem was. Something about tights maybe?
I never felt like a girl. But it wasn't something I could properly explain so when I tried to talk about it, with my parents or friends what they usually got out of it was the usual self-steem issues of any girl. Mum tried to help by helping me choose new clothes, telling me how good I looked. And trying to get me to be more feminine, teaching me about 'girly stuff',
But that wasn't it. I understand it better now .
See, it's not that I have self-steem issues about my appearance. I know I'm conventionally good
looking. And if I gave 1/10 of a fuck I can be a very hot girl. I have photos of pasts attempts to prove it. But it never felt right. It never felt like me.
I can put on a bikini and I'm young, thin, fit, I'll look good. But that doesn't mean I'll like what I see in the mirror. I don't feel uncomfortable because I think the person in the mirror looks bad but because I don't know who that is.
I feel exposed. Vulnerable. Bikinis are uncomfortable by design, meant to exploit feminine bodies and for someone who's already uncomfortable having one? A bloody nightmare.
And there's a lot of understand. Why the hell am I being punished for the crime of having a female body by being constantly uncomfortable ? Why are clothes so terrible? Why is so hard to find something basic and decent? Why are bras the worst?? On and on and on. questions I never got the answer to. So much confusion about girl stuff that every other girl i knew seemed capable of navigating.
For a long time I blamed it on me being weird (ie, neurodivergent)
Like, all my friends started caring about boys, parties, romance, alcohol and drugs.
I'd always struggle in school and one year I got literally left behind.
I struggled with depression. I tried hard to fit in and be like them. I tried to be normal, followed their strange rituals. I let my hair grow out, i went on dates with boys, I drank too much and made out with strangers. I got into trouble. I wore a dress to my graduation and invited a boy I'd been talking to.
It was one of the few times I wore a dress voluntarily. Another one was a christmas dinner. And a new year's party. I also wore a skirt to dress up as kate bishop. That's about all I recall. I did buy a dress to cosplay clara oswald but never did it.
I wonder, what if I had told my parents I was a boy and I wanted to be treated like one before? How would they have reacted ?
Laughed it off probably. As they did when I pretended to be a boy for a game as I often did.
I can't imagine them taking it seriously, even now.
I don't know when I found out trans people existed, or who was the first one I heard about.
But I do know I thought it meant you like hated your body or yourself and wanted to be totally different.
And that didnt fit me. I had never hated myself. I hated how the world treated me. I hated arbitrary rules based on gender.
My scout group was mixed-gender, but we were divided in troops and these were single-gender and divided by age.
But we all learned the same things. Whether it was building a fire, tracking, or cooking, we got the same lessons. Sometimes we competed and we slept/bathed separately.
In TECHO it was all mixed-gender. Well, except bathing, but often we'd shared the same bathroom. We slept, cooked, and worked together.
And nobody ever looked down on girls as 'the weaker sex'
That was cool.
My actual education was the opposite. Academically, it is better for a school to be all-girls, at least for girls. But socially, not so much.
As a teenager, I hadn't quite forgotten how much I wanted to be a boy as a kid, but idk I thought I had left it behind me. That what I craved was freedom, independence, the benefits of being a boy, not actually being one.
Later I would discover terms like 'internalized misogyny' and think that was the problem. Cause I liked Lucy and Arya, not Susan and Sansa.
Yet here I stand, years later. Having done a lot  of work. Recognising the value of Susan and Sansa. Appreciating Peggy Carter, in a gay and feminist way, and still not wanting to be a girl.
It just doesn't fit me. It's not a rejection.
I'm a feminist. I think women are great.
I understand there are many ways to be one.
That I don't have to be feminine to be one.
And yet, it just doesn't feel right.
After I learned of what 'gender dysphoria' was I though, 'oh I can't be trans I don't have that'
And then, I learned about 'gender euphoria'
And that finally opened my eyes
Trying to be a girl always felt like an ill-fitting costume, no matter how hard I tried. Like I was playing a part and didn't know my lines.
I remember cutting my hair short, like kstew, and going WOW upon seeing my reflection.. I looked more like myself than I had in ages.
I bought different clothes. Boy's clothes. I'm too small for men's clothes but I can fit just fine in clothes meant for 12 years old boys.
I cut my hair, put on new clothes, bought tight sport bras, and when I looked in the mirror, I wasn't sure who the person staring back was but I really liked how he looked.
My parents, for ages, tried to get me to 'dress nicer' to 'act like a lady' and so on. I cared enough to shower and put on clean clothes. I bought a lot of nerdy shirts which I at least liked. Did some experiments. Occasionally I'd make an effort but otherwise I was pretty basic. Loose-fitting jeans and hoodies.
Family kept gifting me nicer girly things I'd wear once and often ignored later.
It wasn't till I gave myself permission to truly dress how I wanted, and yes to shop in the boy's/men's section that I started to actually care about how I looked and putting more effort in.
I never thought I could be a boy, because I didn't know that was a thing you could do.
if I had been like that little girl and said 'i'm a boy' I think they'd havebeen at a total loss.
would they have asked my shrink? What would he have said?? It felt as though they were always on my case to be more lady-like but I know that's unfair. They were generally pretty okay with me being a tomboy, at least until puberty. And even then it was never that huge a thing. More of a constant annoying issue. There were many more pressing ones.
It's 2019, and I bet most parents would still be at a loss. There's not exactly a lot of rep or info.
I'm a lot happier with how I look now, but I still haven't found the right words to explain myself to my parents. I know I have to eventually, I want to stop hiding, to be visible, to change my name.
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eternitas-archive · 4 years
Oh one more thing before I leave
It’s just my two cents but I really gotta speak it into the world.
This is gonna be LONG so here have a read more
You all are hypocritical cherry pickers that want fandoms and communities to cater to your interests and morals
And let me tell you honey, that is gonna ruin not only your own experience, but everyone elses.
Lemme adress some things
Why y’all so ready to cry wolf when someone ages up a character?
The discourse is probably as old as this fucking community. It happens every other month and I am sick of it. “If you age up characters you are a pedo uvu sorry I don’t make the rules.” yes you do. You literally made up your own fucking rules about this. “Well you are shipping with a minor!” they’re aged up. “But you still ship with a minor!!”
Okay by that logic, why are we allowing all these other shippers doing their thing? The people that ship with Sans from Undertale that is a skeleton? I mean he is still just a skeleton linking him strongly to the image of death so necrophilia much?
What about the people shipping with inanimate objects? The people shipping with transformers? Those are aliens and or vehicles? Yeah that is mechanophilia.
What about people who ship with f/os that have animalistic features? I mean they are mainly antropomorphic but they still are animals. Beastiality
“No wait that is all dif-”
How about the people shipping with villains and criminals? Clearly that means they endorse that shit irl.
What about the people that ship with people MUUUCH older than them? some millenia or hundreds of years? or just 20? clearly endorse predatory behavior
While we’re at it what’s up with people shipping with divine beings? Angels? Demons? Sounds like blatant blasphemy to me
Do I want you to double down so you can prove yourself right? NO! I want you to understand that you guys are cherry picking and not understanding correlation between topics! Are there legit pedos on tumblr? yes. is it a strangers job to care for all the minors out there? no? If I go into a park it is not my job to hold an eye out for all kids that there are. I am not their parent, guardian or otherwise a person with any responsibility towards them. Same for people on the internet. I will do my shit and keep to myself. and if I happen to enjoy stuff for myself that is my right. Do I halt at a red light bc I want to be a good example for kids so they don’t learn bad behavior? Can I stop every person that crosses a red light and hold them a long ass lecture about how they endorse dangers in the streets? No.
“But there are minors on the internet!” Yes, I am aware, they will always be, always have been, your point?
“We need to make a safe space for the kids!” No we don’t? people need to follow the Terms of Service of a platform and honestly most people that reblog nsfw stuff even clearly state that minors should not interact.
“No like, YOU need to be on your best behavior bc there could be a minor anywhere!”
Since when did I become these minors parent? Since when did someone push these kids into my lap and say “your responsibility now”?
You need to understand that you can’t always just get upset at stuff EXISTING
nsfw fics are usually tagged and marked accordingly, most people that engage in a lot of nsfw stuff usually have “minors don’t interact” on their blog somewhere. Some even BLOCK people that follow them and are clear minors, that’s some DEDICATION.
But I have seen posts catering to FUCKING WRITERS saying “pls keep nsfw out of ur imagines and reader fics :)))) for the minors, otherwise I cant reblog it.” If you want to cater to your minor audience sure, but I can not stress enough how you can not tell others how to run their shit. Yes, you can suggest that to the imagine writers or writers in general but it is their right to say “no I run it like I want to” and proceed with their shit. And there is nothing you can do about it. Besides if minors really want some nsfw, trust me they WILL find it. Should we therefore police everyone and stuck them into horny jail? No.
“haha look at this lame ass adult getting upset they can’t be predatory anymore bc they are being called out on their pedophilia”
Idk how to tell you that it’s none of your fucking buisness what my personal history is and that you have no claim outside of “aging up is pedophilia” but sure go off, bc I am “upset I can not be predatory” anymore and not just outraged people are throwing around unreasonable claims.
Why would I even age up a character if pedophilia is about being into MINORS? Why would I age a character up if the WHOLE THING about pedophilia is that they are kids????
“Okay but then it’s predatory!” There is a point that depictions of an adult dating someione who is “barely legal” normalizes predatory behavior, but honestly, why is that MY responsibility? And who says I age them up to be barely legal? My social media/tumblr/ selfship experience is a very private thing. It’s a very personal thing, so why tf do I need to cater it to people who are NOT ME? When I do that it’s because I want to do it, not because I need to fill some moral obligations. (and yet I can say that YES caring about lgbt, other religious, non white selfshippers and boosting them is something generally people should do)
Like there is a thing about fiction. It doesn’t age like normal people. When I started to love one of my f/os we were the same age. The series eventually ended, it didn’t progress in real time, so I grew up while they stayed their age. And guess what! none of this backstory is any of your god damn buisness!! I don’t OWE it to you as much as writers and others don’t owe their trauma to you just so you can “give them permission” to deal with their trauma through selfshipping or writing. Who do you think you fucking are?
Fiction is not reality. And I am sick being stuck in medevial dark ages europe where people believed everything on a stage to be real life. Where actors were not allowed to exist and the people that did act and depicted a bad guy were generally shunned and hated by everyone bc they didn’t distinguish between fiction and reality.
Does fiction have an effect on reality? Yes. Jaws had repurcussions. Even the german novella “Die Leiden des jungen Werthers” had about a dozen suicides following the lead of the main character. 50 shades had an effect. 13 reasons why had an effect. But that doesn’t mean what you believe it means.
In the end I can not take the role of these minors parents to educate them and look after them. It shouldn’t be my job. And yes there are a lot of scummy adults on the internet. Like a LOT. But you need to understand that the internet will NEVER be a child safe place. And most adults take precautions already!
But fics aren’t for morality lessons. Fics aren’t for sex education. Fics aren’t there to be a fucking HOLY BOOK. Fics are just creative writing. And selfshippers are just there to have a bad time. And if they act out SURE call them out but otherwise just leave them tf alone?
“No no, what you write is what you actively endorse uvu”
Then say good bye to Horror and thriller. Say good by to books involving cheating. Say good bye to books in which anyone ever gets harmed. Say good bye to books ever even mentioning any problematic topic that isn’t 100% uwu pure
“Wait no that is different-”
How is it? Is it only problematic when you get off of it? Is that your argument? Are we going the christian route of condemning being sexually free and enjoying something that is legit a very important thing to a lot of people? (yes to asexuals their LACK of sexual attraction can also be a very important topic bc they have the right to express that without being condemed for not wanting to BONE or not being able to get horny by looking at bodies.)
Yes the over fetishization of certain topics is problematic, yes there is a lot of toxicity when it comes to porn and that shit, but kinks are just kinks.
“So you say pedophilia is just a kink!”
No. Pedophilia is aweful and no child should ever suffer through that sort of exploitation.
“But you say rape is just a kink!”
No. Real life rape is aweful and whoever rapes another human being deserves death full stop.
“You just said-”
YES! I know what I said! A lot of people hate real life stuff that they endorse in fiction. Some people are into pissing and shitting into each other! Some people are into hardcore bondage! And they all have their own histories, their own lifes and it’s their fucking thing? Do I want death on all rapists? Yes. Do I sometimes have questionable fantasies that might involve non con or dubious consent? Yes, so? Do I have my reasons for that? Yes, it’s none of your gd buisness?
It all always boils down to entitlement. Y’all need to understand that you can’t just run around demanding everyone to cater to your bullshit. You can not run around accusing people of pedophilia just because they would like to see themselves date a fictional character, but in their age.
If it makes you uncomfortable then don’t follow and interact with those people but you don’t need to pretend to have some moral high ground so you are the better person. You can just... have dislikes?
Even so, as I make this post I can not speak in broad terms because each case, each person is individual. Maybe some get off on shit and endorse it, how should I know? Maybe someone out there is fighting for not policing and censoring stuff because they actively want more pedo content, I don’t know, I am not the CIA or FBI?
It’s also none of my buisness. Is it aweful that these people exist? yeah. Are they prone to be on tumblr? probably? Are they that selfshipper that ages up their f/o so they can smooch? Unlikely.
People have their reasons. Their backstories, and none of that should have to be layed open just to get a strangers “okay” for shipping with the fictional character that makes them happy.
so uuuh before I leave
tldr: y’all full of shit and aging up is not pedophilia, you are just trying to give yourself some moral highground. you sound like a flatearther lol.
Gates closed, bitches
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bluerazorbirb · 5 years
About the Two fathers theory, and why it keeps nagging me
OK, so I caught up recently with the manga, it’s why I haven’t really been able to look this theory up much.
I didn’t think of the possibility of the twins having a different parentage while reading. It’s only when I saw this one crack theory post about Mephisto, of all people, being their potential dad by shape-shifting or something, that I looked at the timeline a little more (and I haven’t saved that post, so I can’t find it, sadly).
Anyway, the way chapter 108 presents the events is disjointed, and somewhat confusing with few time indications, but this may be why some kind of twist could be very well hidden here (along with 106 and 107).
Disclaimer: In spite of presenting the elements here, I’m neutral at best about the possibility that the twins’ parentage isn’t as it appear. I don’t see it as very possible, and I don’t know if it would matter much to the story if it’s even remotely true (perhaps for Yukio’s development, idk). Nevertheless, I’m putting my thought-process here.
Something that one crack theory ‘Mephisto is the dad’ post pointed out was the timing of the pregnancy, and how it doesn’t actually appear to line up with the timeline we’ve been given. As for why that is, let’s examine the events in detail:
(Wall of text incoming, TLDR at the end)
We know Satan came back to Section 13 two years after vanishing in the sewer. He came in with his demon army and took the kids and workers in Section 13 hostage. Lucifer and his three Baal followers acknowledged their ‘father’s leadership and offered their assistance. Satan was fine with having the Section 13’s researchers keep making the Elixir, as long as they gave it to him. This also suited the Section 13’s team, because Satan was a precious test subject.
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However, True Cross’s Eastern branch’s Asylum being invaded like that forced its leaders to admit the existence of Satan to the other branches, and theses branches sent out exorcists in reinforcement to deal with this new threat. True Cross East still kept the existence of Section 13 a secret. Mephisto also failed to negotiate the release of the Section 13’s children in exchange for supplies (given he was aware that Satan wanted to let Section 13 continue their research, this was likely part of his 'statement’ to the other branches). We don’t know how long this whole thing took, but it likely was only a few hours, since it’s a hostage situation, and exorcists can use keys to travel to True Cross East fast.
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The Paladin Abel Franken announces the plan to the outsider exorcists: Satan’s vessel is decaying, he likely only has about a month to live. They will fight and try to take on the fortress during this time.
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And so, for a month, they fight. Satan never shows up, but the three Baal do. Many exorcists die (final count is 114 by the time this is over). They are at a disadvantage, because they cannot find where Satan’s HQ is (since it’s in Section 13, and True Cross East is still hiding its existence, and all the nasty clone experiment biz going on in there). By the time the month ends, the exorcists are ready to cave in to Satan’s demand, and send supplies to keep the hostages alive.
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It’s when Yuri decides to act. She’s been kept on the site as a consultant after Satan first demanded her presence. While asking her higher up permission to go herself and negotiate with Satan, she learns that Section 13’s leaders are happy with the situation, and have been secretly resupplying the secret lab themselves. They’re just waiting for Satan to finish decaying while using him as a subject. It also means that the outsiders exorcists are basically dying for no good reasons.
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Hearing this, Yuri goes behind her superior’s back, and get into Section 13 with the key she had secretly kept from the time she worked inside. Satan guides her to him, and Yuri pleads for Satan to release everyone in Section 13 in exchange for her staying by his side until the end. Satan eventually accepts the term.
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We don’t know how long Yuri and Satan stay in Section 13. The outsider exorcists were meant to send out supplies to keep the hostage alive for the next month, but we don’t see that happen. This coupled with Satan’s decay being an issue means the two likely did not stay in Section 13 that long. Perhaps a day or two, at most.
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During this time, Satan announces his departure to Eminescu and the people in Section 13, who are displeased by this development. Yuri reconnects with her friend Jenny, and learns that Jenny plans to use the opportunity that the outsider exorcists are here to reveal Section 13’s horrible deeds.
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Yuri also discusses her plan to run away with Satan for him to finish his days with her. But the women are overheard. Jenny is killed, Satan and Yuri are captured right as they leave True Cross East, and Yuri shows signs of being sick.
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After Satan and Yuri are recaptured, the outsider exorcists are being fed a BS story about Satan’s vessel being found decaying somewhere once the demons left the fortress (the demons left because of Yuri’s negotiation, which is kept secret). The outsider exorcists begin to question if Satan was even here, or if True Cross East is hiding something.
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In order to cover-up Section 13’s existence and its involvement with Satan, Mephisto tells them that Satan was invited by Yuri after he bewitched her. He also announces to them that Yuri is pregnant by four to five weeks, and has a Cradle Barrier around her, preventing her child from being killed.
This here is the first issue with the pregnancy. It is possible I’m wrong, but from what info we were given, by the time Satan was recaptured by Section 13, only roughly a month should have gone by from the moment Satan took over True Cross East. In other words: roughly four to five weeks.
If this is so, Yuri Egin became pregnant from about the time Satan resurfaced, and a month before she found Satan and they got together to do the deed.
And it’s not a discrepancy the outsider exorcists would be able to pick on, as Mephisto told them Yuri was the one responsible for inviting Satan to True Cross East’s Asylum a month back. From what they know, she could have gotten pregnant during that time.
As for Shiro, we don’t see him at that meeting, but we do see him discuss Satan’s child with both Yuri and Mephisto, so he’s aware that Yuri is pregnant… however, the paneling of Mephisto and Shiro’s discussion has a strange layout. Specifically this part which happens in the middle of a flashback he has while stealing Kurikara:
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Now, why the reaction here? Why not before? By this point, as readers, we’ve already seen the decision Shiro took right after knowing about the pregnancy, so what’s the point of putting such a reaction here? Maybe there’s no significance to it, but even Mephisto’s wording, “Yuri was pregnant”, is a bit unsettling. Perhaps the Japanese version shows something else, though, so this is just speculation.
But that timeline strangeness itself is no proof that Satan isn’t the father, or that two fathers are involved. For one, Yuri does have a Cradle Barrier around her, which only manifests to protect a demon child. Furthermore, Mephisto could have lied to the outsider exorcists about how far in the pregnancy she was. I know this would be harder to pull, because Yuri is under examination, but the Section 13 personnel may be the ones doing the job. And there is one other thing which could point to Mephisto not giving the right estimation for the pregnancy.
…But that reason is also something which points to the Two Father Theory being a possibility.
The thing about Yuri, is that she was late in delivering her babies. She was four weeks past her due date. Roughly about a month.
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There is a month’s discrepancy with the info we were given about when Yuri became pregnant, and Yuri was a month late in delivering.
This hardly seems like a coincidence to me.
Which brings me to two possible conclusions if we go with the idea that Yuri’s pregnancy should last about the same time a normal pregnancy does. The first is that Mephisto simply lied to the other exorcists about the time of the pregnancy to cover up Section 13’s involvement with Satan, making Yuri the only culprit for the month the exorcists spent fighting the three Baal and Satan’s legion.
The second possibility is in favor of the Two Father Theory: Yuri was pregnant a month before meeting with Satan, and somehow, thanks to demon-power shenanigan, got pregnant again with another child. The reason she was past her due date by a month was so that the other child’s development would catch up with the first.
In this situation, given what we’ve seen so far, the second child is most likely to be Rin, since the Cradle Barrier vanished once he came out. The Cradle Barrier disappearing is also another hint on Yukio being possibly full human by ancestry as well (although the concept of a trade off in the womb would have been interesting).
Like I said, this possibility shouldn’t particularly affect the story, although if it’s correct, then, the fact that very few people in high place ever refers to Yukio as a ‘son of Satan’ is notable. For one, none of the Baal, or Satan himself have referred to Yukio as either a ‘brother’ or a ‘son’ (Satan himself only referred to Rin as a ‘son’, he calls Mephisto by his original name, for example). Granted, it’s as likely that demons just do not recognize Yukio as a family member due to his lack of demon powers, but this is still something to consider.
That aside, it raises the question: who is Yukio’s father if not Satan? The likeliest candidate is still Shiro, for lack of anyone else. It’s where the Two Father Theory falters in my opinion, because, while there certainly are romantic tensions in between Yuri and Shiro, and there is no doubt that Yuri viewed Shiro romantically, we haven’t seen their relationship progress to a point where they would have casual unprotected sex with each other.
Arguably, that’s also where the timeline of the event can be referred to, because the last scene we have of Shiro and Yuri together before Satan returns is when Shiro picks up Shura, and Yuri ultimately refuses to take Shura in, because she’s still waiting for ‘Rinka’ to come back once his body fails. This whole encounter happened six months after Satan bust out of Section 13. In other word, it happened a year and a half before Satan returned (further confirmed by Shura when she speaks of the sole time she met with Yuri, two years before the twins’ birth).
It does mean that, as readers, we’re missing a year and half of potential interactions in between Shiro and Yuri, a year and half when Yuri could have changed her mind about waiting for Rinka and open up to other potential futures. What still makes this a huge maybe to me is that Shura only met Yuri once, so if Shiro ever spent time with Yuri, he did it on his own, without Shura’s involvement.
Well, that’s about it for the wall of text.
TLDR: According to Mephisto, Yuri was pregnant four to five weeks in when she was captured with Satan, and this makes it more likely that she was pregnant before sneaking into Section 13 and spending a few days with Satan in there. But since she gave birth a month late from her due date, Mephisto either lied about how far ahead she was, or Yuri could have gotten pregnant a month later for a second time with Satan somehow, making Rin and Yukio fraternal twins with different fathers.
(Not going into the weird ‘fraternal twins with signs of parasitic growth’ affair, because I’m not knowledgeable enough to comment.)
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But, if Yuri was pregnant before she came in, she likely realized the truth about her child when they announced the news to her. And she would know who the father involved was.
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Not like it would help if the child has already been labeled as the spawn of Satan thanks to the Cradle Barrier, though.
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almaasi · 5 years
reaction post typed while watching JIBcon videos (part 1 of ?)
Cockles panel
in which Misha still has an unapologetic pee kink and Jensen is way more submissive than I remember him being
03:44pm (may 24th nz)
i legit don’t know if i have the energy to watch and type about this but i’ll try. might pause and come back a different day if i need to
watching this first
“JIB10 - Jensen Jared and Misha panel part1″
needed a break already but hi i’m back feeling less sick
misha: “he was like “let’s do this”... and i went on stage and... jensen went to the bathroom”
i’m sad now
danella: “some issue backstage, we don’t talk about what happens backstage”
misha: “did he not MAKE it to the bathroom?”
misha !!....
i wanna squish his face between my hands and just sigh lovingly
kinky little asshole, i love him
seriously he’s been on stage less than three minutes, jensen’s not there, and he’s already pulling stories out of nowhere implying that jensen pissed himself 
i can’t even
jensen: “do you need help?”
his voice is so gorgeously deep and warm
misha: “do you need a pair of dry pants?”
i can’t think of words but
//clutches my head and whines
does jensen have context? does he just get on stage and the first thing he’s asked is whether he needs fresh pants??? whY DOES HE THINK MISHA IS ASKING
jensen: “i’m not wearing any pants”
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this was such a soft and submissive hug??????????/ jensen just??? slid up and???? aWWWH
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jensen: "and there’s a reason i haven’t told you that today”
misha & jensen: “”’cause you/I don’t”
jensen: “I’M KIDDING”
misha: “about what”
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misha looks at jensen like., oh man. :c he laughs after but he’s a tiny bit jilted there. love is always a joke ;<
but also misha gets it, jensen’s a wee bit awkward in front of an audience but he’s MAKIN’ AN EFFORT DAMMIT
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they’re sitting so close
jensen: “alright, driver, what are we listening to?”
(i mean, driver picks the music, shotgun shuts his cakehole, obviously)
jensen just gave misha the driver’s seat
he’s so goddamn submissive????? i just
i haven’t watched or seen anything with fresh jensen in like. months. MONTHS. maybe a full year since the last jibcon. and i completely forgot he was like this
especially with misha
i know i often interpret dean as submissive but actually?? in comparison to jensen those lil occasional traits are nothing. jensen’s just openly and unapologetically putting misha in charge with words and with the way his body moves
he’s so soft.
SO soft.
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and when misha doesn’t answer for a few seconds, jensen looks over, first into his eyes, then down to his lips, checking his expression
misha was kinda stiff before but he got stiffer, ponderous
i honestly, HONESTLY didn’t think i’d be analysing body language this time round but i can’t help it, its so obvious to me, more obvious than it ever is with ANYONE else
these two just give off MASSIVE signals, all the time. maybe because they’re actors and they’re not currently acting, but are performing their own selves, so they perform a heightened version of their personality. but there’s so much to see
plus like. you can see in the background how jensen holds the mic. both protective and phallic at the same time. flirty and nervous and relaxed
and THEN MISHA SAYS “we’re listening to the song “why are there so many songs about rainbows”
everything is not-so-secretly gay
this is a rainbow bullet train heading for rainbow city and there’s no stopping it
misha pushed the mic down to whisper to jensen, then jensen’s like “no~. no~!!” and then flirty and winky and “teeease”
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maybe about how far they wanna go on stage idk. THIRD BASE MAYBE
or how much of season 15 they can talk about
either way misha was tryna keep it private and jensen was literally broadcasting his answers into the mic. jensen is 100% an exhibitionist.
you know what, i love that look he gets in his eyes when he’s flirting with misha in front of people. you know the look. dark eyed, uncontrollable smile, head set a little down. really open shoulders, probably swaying hips, if he’s standing. ugh i love that
but like. i’m pretty sure he flirts different if nobody’s watching. i think if nobody’s watching (or if he doesn’t realise people are watching) he’s just a regular guy talking to his best friend/wife. except his wife is sometimes misha. some of that big smile, definitely some unnecessary touching and preening and back-of-neck-holding
the crazy thing is i’m essentially making that up, but we all know his movements and behaviour with misha so well i don’t think any of us would struggle to imagine it was true
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i will never get tired of seeing them lay their heads on each other’s shoulders
also sidenote: in my opinion this is the best beard + haircut combo jensen has ever had
jensen: “misha......... what’s your latest dad joke?”
jensen: “we’re telling stories about CARPOOL now”
i love that they already know each others’ stories and jensen’s like OOH THIS STORY and comes back to sit down to listen
crowd: “we love you misha”
jensen: “thanks, misha’s mom!!!”
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and then he looks at misha so softly and so lovingly, he’s not joking any more, he just loves misha as much as the rest of us, maybe more
someone called “we love you jensen” but he didn’t react at all because he was appreciating misha, didn’t even blink
(also as i re-read this post i realise he said “misha’s mom” in a way that’s like “hey stop flirting with him, he’s mine” not in a “dear misha’s mother, thank you for giving us misha”)
jensen: “you speak in more puns as a dad. yeah~”
the way he says that with a smile and a nod. like he observed that in misha and also in himself maybe
but he just finished misha’s sentence
they are MARRIED
but i for one ADORE puns and even if i was the only one in my year 10 economics class who laughed at my teacher’s puns i STAND BY THAT LAUGH
“when salmon spawn in a stream, and then they die, and an otter eats the carcass”
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there we go, hand on the back of the neck/shoulder
THE FIRST QUESTION WAS “can you maybe take a sip of the apple juice”
yes please
jensen looks at misha checks with him, and then says “no!!!!!”
because he knows flirting will happen
nesnej is much flirtier and we all enjoy it
but like. jensen said no but then he shuts his eyes and shakes his head when misha gets up, knowing what’s gonna happen. ‘cause like. he could say no again. but he already consented to misha leading this thing, right? and if misha hands him a drink he’s gonna drink it. that’s just what’s gonna happen.
and he knows misha’s not getting up just to get himself a drink. there’s something very specific about getting jensen drunk. he knows what he’s like drunk. and so does misha.
i just need to enjoy for a moment how jensen’s vehement resistance to getting himself a drink is immediately completely overridden by misha’s choice to get a drink for him, and jensen gives zero argument. the moment misha moves jensen’s gives over to knowing he’s gonna get tipsy
i have literally never in all my life seen anyone as easily and happily submissive as jensen is with misha
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AND JENSEN GOES “awww mannnn” buT THEN TAKES IT with an “alright~” before he’s even done complaining. as though the complaints were all a farce to begin with and he was eager to say yes?? maybe he likes being drunk and flirting with misha, no surprises there. maybe the look he gave misha before saying “no!” was a permission look saying “yes but only if you make me”? they clearly communicate a lot unsaid, i wouldn’t be surprised by that either
i swear to god this is a sex scene. i’ve written this but with water instead of booze. nobody can convince me they don’t do this in private, drink a lot so they need to pee and get drunk and flirty. *o*
and i am kind of reeling right now. i should sound like i’m making this up but OH BOY THE WAY THEY TALK. THE WAY MISHA OBSESSES WITH PEEING (and has done so consistently for years, especially with jensen). THE WAY HE JUST HANDS JENSEN AND DRINK AND JENSEN TAKES IT. misha wants jensen flirty and REMEMBER THAT TIME HE WAS DIRECTING AND HE MADE JENSEN DRINK THE SAME DRINK ON CAMERA 20 TIMES OVER
jensen watches misha drink first
and then he drinks
i’m so wrecked by all of this right now
their energy is so sexually charged??? and so comfortable and so loving
this is not at all the same aggressive sexual energy jensen brings to the stuff we see in the gag reel, i.e. “pranks” i.e. flirting. but it has equal magnitude imo, it’s just quieter because he’s being himself, not dean (and jared’s not there)
misha knows jensen so damn well and even that bullshit about whether or not jensen loves him was understood to mean “i do but i’m self-concious about being firm about it in front of an audience” and then jensen shows his love instead of saying it (but even then he made a point of saying it straight away)
but oh LORD the biggest thing i’m getting from this so far is that jensen is indeed misha’s princess-slash-cabin boy. and we should never ever doubt that misha used those terms in an affectionate, dominant sort of way. (on the one hand i’m wary about the use of a ~feminine~ term as a means of domination, in general, but on the other hand, I AM SOOO INTO IT for them specifically. maaaay have written "princess” into a destiel fic that one time)
anyway where was i
oh yeah jensen just agreed to get drunk because misha wants him to
you know what, i’m gonna stop here and come back maybe tomorrow. i didn’t finish this video yet but there’s still a part 2 of this panel, and then other panels and i’m definitely not getting through them all today, these last 11 minutes of footage have taken me almost 2 hours to watch
i’ll post more of my reactions under #Elmie watches things so ... stay tuned!!
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