#but bro heat rash SUCKS
man as someone who's had heat rash I can see why it would drive Snow to murder
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tsarisfanfiction · 3 years
Sicktember, number 3 - rash. Military bros :D
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Spy on Your Sister
Fandom: Thunderbirds Rating: Gen Genre: Family/Hurt/Comfort Characters: Gordon, Kayo, Scott
When Kayo starts acting oddly, the boys decide there's only one way to find out what's going on - some sibling espionage. @sicktember prompt 3: Chicken Pox/Rash
This prompt was also requested by @writerpyre for Kayo, so we have an attempt at Kayo&Military Bros here. It's true that I really don't write her very often, and making her the whumped party is even rarer, but I do like a challenge :D Not quite chicken pox, but why go chicken pox when I have other options at my disposal?
Sicktember 2021 Prompts - I only plan on writing prompts if I get a request for them, so request away :D Doesn’t have to be TAG - characters from any fandom can be requested (although I can only guarantee I’ll work with ones I know)
Gordon lurked in the water, submerged up to his nose, and watched silently. He didn’t want to draw attention to himself – the target of his observations had been in a particularly volatile mood recently – but there were questions that needed answering, and John wasn’t the only one capable of gathering information unnoticed.
Kayo didn’t even glance in his direction as she strode past, back from wherever she’d been on the island and heading for the kitchen. Their security expert not noticing him was just another red flag to add to the list they’d be compiling.
They in this case was all of them except Alan, who with his puppy crush couldn’t be trusted to keep his mouth shut, and with Kayo’s temper on an unusually short fuse, even for her, the last thing they needed was for him to alert their sister to the scrutiny.
It had started with the waspish temper. That was a hindsight observation – to begin with, they’d simply assumed it was a certain time of the month and responded accordingly. Chocolate offerings were left in places where she could snaffle them unseen and a few heat packs lurked in strategic locations throughout the den. Then it had lasted longer than a week with no signs of improving. If anything, Kayo had become even more irritable.
Then her outfits had changed. Not dramatically – they were still practical before fashionable, but her tops were a little bigger, a little baggier. The sleeves went all the way down to her wrists, leaving her arms entirely covered. All of this was accompanied by a slightly higher neckline, and – most importantly – a slight reduction in her daily activities.
Shorter runs, vanishing instead of appearing in the gym for her usual routines, and an even greater disposition than normal for disappearing in general.
The next conclusion they’d drawn seemed unrealistic on the face of things, but after a hushed discussion they’d reasoned it out and realised it made an awful amount of sense, even if they weren’t privy enough to certain details for confirmation.
Which left Gordon where he was – spying on his sister in the hopes of finding something out. John’s own surveillance was coming up blank with anything, but that wasn’t particularly surprising considering Kayo was the only other person who knew exactly where every single camera and microphone on Tracy Island was. Unless he dared violate her privacy and spy on her in her bedroom, it was near enough impossible to get anything from that angle – and John was not suicidal.
It was true that they could just suck it up and ask. Kayo’s temper was fearsome but she wouldn’t actually hurt them. The problem lay somewhat less with their inability to face her wrath, and more in the territory of awkwardness.
How did you ask your sister if she was pregnant?
You didn’t. At least, not if you were a Tracy. Spying was a much safer and less mortifying option.
None the wiser to the fact that she was being observed, Kayo shuffled around the deserted kitchen, locating what looked like lunch. Or maybe a snack, because there really wasn’t much food being added to her plate. Gordon held back a swallow – another mark in the pregnancy column. Kayo might be slender, but she certainly didn’t follow starvation rites masquerading as fad diets.
Then she stumbled.
Nothing big or dramatic, but for a young woman always so gracefully poised and greatly resembling a cat in her movements, it was a glaring red flag. One hand plate rubbed at her right chest vigorously, not far below her collarbone, and Gordon was moving before he knew it.
Sure, he was hardly an expert on pregnancy, but that seemed weird.
She didn’t even notice him until he was standing right in front of her, and he had to duck to avoid the instinctive lashing out when his presence was registered.
“Don’t do that, Gordon!” she snapped, chest heaving as though it had taken a large amount of energy. Subterfuge and spying was out of the question now, but that didn’t mean Gordon was going to leave it alone and slink back to his brothers without a solid answer.
“Are you sick?” he demanded, leaning back in and reaching a hand for her forehead. It was caught and pushed away, but even that was enough to tell him her skin was a bit too warm.
“It’s nothing, Gordon,” she insisted. “Leave it.”
That wasn’t a no, and Gordon wasn’t very good at leaving things be, anyway. Not when it came to family.
“You’ve got a fever,” he accused. She yanked her hand back as though his was the hot one.
“It’s under control.”
Another answer that wasn’t a no. Shifting his weight so that he wasn’t about to be flipped the moment he made contact, his hands snapped out to grab her wrists. Even through the fabric, he could feel the heat.
“Under control?” he asked. “Try again. You’re burning up.”
“Don’t exaggerate,” Kayo retorted, attempting to reclaim her wrists. She failed.
“I’m really not,” Gordon said, keeping a firm hold as she shifted her weight around in a bid for freedom. This close to her, he could see her skin was a touch too pale. “Kayo, you really don’t look too good.”
Her mouth opened as though she had something else to say, but before any sound came out her eyes rolled up and her legs buckled.
His grip on her wrists almost pulled him over, before he yanked backwards sharply and instead changed her momentum to slump against him instead.
Yup, definitely a fever.
The problem was that both the family medics were out; Grandma had another appointment for tea with Lady Penelope, and Virgil was playing chauffer. On the brighter side, Alan was up doing space junk duty and wouldn’t be stumbling across this particular kitchen scene.
And there was one brother still around, even if last Gordon had seen him he’d been clucking around the den anxiously as Alan did his job. Still, that left him in earshot of the kitchen.
He lowered Kayo down to the floor slowly as he waited for a response. There was no way their biggest brother wouldn’t respond at all to that call, far too used to differentiating between when Gordon was teasing him and when he needed him.
Sure enough, Kayo wasn’t even flat on the floor when thundering footsteps raced across the den above before hurtling down the stairs at a speed anyone else would be scolded for.
“Gordon, what- Kayo!”
Gordon shuffled over as Scott skidded to his knees next to him, sharp blue eyes scrutinising their sister in concern.
“What happened?”
“Not sure,” Gordon admitted. “She stumbled so I came to see what was up, realised she’s got a fever, and she was trying to tell me she was fine when…” he trailed off with a shrug, before remembering the way she’d rubbed at her chest.
Modesty and privacy were fine when well, but they all lost that privilege once they passed out, especially for an unknown reason. Gordon reached for her neckline and tugged it down until the area she’d been rubbing at was visible.
The sharp intake of breath next to him was a fair reaction, he felt.
Bubbling along her skin were lines of raised red marks, almost welt-like in appearance. Blisters just starting to form held a somewhat grotesque appearance and Gordon grimaced. Next to him, Scott cursed lightly.
“Let’s get her to bed,” his big brother muttered, and Gordon obligingly moved out of the way as he slid his arms under Kayo’s body and pulled himself to his feet. “She’s going to be out of action for several days, at least.”
The voice of experience was talking, there. Kayo was not the first person in their family to be accosted by shingles and Scott had been utterly miserable the entire time. Unbearable, too, and Gordon sensed some déjà vu approaching in the near future.
Their sister stirred just as Scott lowered her onto her bed and, rather bravely, in Gordon’s opinion, started tugging off her shoes. Gordon certainly wouldn’t want to be near her feet when she was half asleep, especially when she was in such a volatile mood. Luckily for Scott’s face, she seemed too drained to even try and kick him.
“Why didn’t you tell us you were ill?” Scott demanded once he’d finished tugging shoes and socks off of her feet, revealing chipped yellow nail polish. Gordon approved of the colour.
“It’s not contagious,” Kayo rasped in return. “It doesn’t pose a threat to you.” She wasn’t wrong; they’d all already had the dreaded chicken pox – Virgil in particular had the scars, although some of Alan’s freckles were a little too pale to actually be freckles and the same held true for John. Even Scott had some lurking, although Gordon only rarely caught sight of them and wasn’t entirely sure how many were chicken pox rather than shingles itself, and as for himself – well, there were Other scars criss-crossing over the old sites.
“You pose a threat to yourself,” Scott pointed out, straightening his back and crossing his arms. “You’re grounded until all signs of the rash are gone.”
“Urgh.” That… was a little less argumentative than Gordon had been expecting. Kayo must’ve been feeling really awful if she wasn’t trying to dispute it.
Scott reached up and lightly tugged the hairband out of her hair, leaving the dark brown hair to spill over her pillow. “Get changed. I’ll fetch the medicine.” It was obvious she hadn’t been taking any – Virgil would have noticed that in a heartbeat. Their big brother tossed some pyjamas to land on her chest before leaving the room.
Not interested in watching Kayo change, or the protests he’d get for being in the room while she did, Gordon followed, although he stayed right outside the door just in case she tried to make a break for it. That was unlikely – and if she did, she’d use the window, not the door – but it made him feel a little better. Leaving the door ajar, the soundproofing didn’t engage and he heard the rustling of fabric. Either Kayo was doing as she was told or she was fashioning some elaborate escape from the smother hen.
Said smother hen didn’t take long to reappear, and with a knock elected to walk straight in without stopping. Feeling somewhat superfluous, Gordon followed suit.
There had been no elaborate escape. Instead, Kayo was bundled up in bed, streaks of red just visible above the lower neckline of her pyjamas. She snatched the medicine as Scott held it out and swallowed it down without any hesitation at all, before pointing at the door.
Scott hesitated. Gordon elected to follow his brother’s lead and stay where he was. Kayo scowled at both of them.
“You do not need to watch me sleep. Get out. Shouldn’t you be monitoring Alan? And- Gordon Cooper Tracy, are you trailing water on my carpet?”
Gordon blinked, looked down, and realised that he hadn’t bothered to dry off at any stage between leaving the pool and now. Time for a tactical retreat.
“Uhh… Feel better soon!”
With no remorse, he abandoned Scott to his battle to stay in the room and fled all the way back to the pool. Well, it was either the pool or the towel, and he’d not really been in the pool to swim earlier.
Now the Kayo mystery was solved, his services in espionage were no longer required and he was free to swim to his heart’s content – and breathe a sigh of relief.
No pregnancy. No nine months of hormonal Kayo followed by a few years of heart-in-mouth terror as they tried their best to child-proof their decidedly not child-safe home. No hunting down a father-to-be and giving him the shovel talk as all brothers were duty-bound to do, regardless that their sister was more dangerous than the rest of them put together.
Just shingles.
How the hell had they mistaken shingles for pregnancy, anyway?
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obxfix · 4 years
Tell Me What You Want
JJ x Femme Reader
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Description: Fluff and Smut | You’re new to the Outer Banks, and Sarah introduces you to the pogues. You can’t quite put your finger on why, but you feel drawn to JJ. After a surfing accident, you feel you have to help JJ. Things heat up between the two of you after he opens up about his feelings.
Content Warnings: medical emergency, fluff, dirty talk, oral sex, fingering
A/N: I thought I’d dabble in some smut for a change. The backstory is a bit turbulent because I’m chaotic and I love some slow burn as well as romantic/sexual tension. Oh and just pretend that they had a mature and informative conversation about their sexual history and if they had been tested for STIs before they had sex, as everyone should :) Anyway, enjoy!
Tonight was beautiful in every possible way. The summer air was warm and inviting, the water a perfect temperature. Your friend Sarah had invited you out to the beach with her boyfriend John B and their friends Kiara, Pope, and JJ. You had been hanging out with them for about a month, and you were sure you’d had more fun in that span of time than your entire life. Figure 8 undoubtedly had its perks, and there were parts of living there with your mom that you loved. The Cut was a whole different experience. It was exhilarating.
You found yourself drawn to JJ. Something about him was exciting, and you felt like you had known him for longer than you had in reality.
Sarah and Pope sat with you on the beach as Kie and the rest of the boys caught some waves. The sand felt nice against your skin.
“JJ was asking about you earlier,” Sarah said, a smile playing at the corners of her lips.
You chuckled, looking at your friends. “Why? To check if I was still bringing snacks?”
She pursed her lips, amused. “Actually…he seemed unconcerned about food for once. He was genuinely wondering if you were coming down, and something tells me it’s because he has a thing for you.”
You rolled your eyes, laughing. “Yeah, right.”
Pope nodded in agreement with Sarah. “I can second that, [Y/N]. I’ve never seen him like this before.”
“Oh come on y’all,” you replied, chuckling.
Sarah and Pope laughed and you shook your head with a smile. They were being ridiculous. You had spent a month hanging out with the pogues, and not once did you pick up any signals from JJ that he was into you.
JJ ran out of the water, surfboard in hand. He fell over by the water’s edge, and you gasped. Sarah whipped her head up and followed your gaze. You were running toward him before your brain could even catch up.
Kie and John B paddled over as fast as possible, and Sarah and Pope hurried beside you. “JJ? Are you okay?” you said, kneeling down and pushing his hair out of his face.
He coughed, spitting up some water. “I’m good. I’m good,” he choked out.
Everyone let out a collective sigh of relief. “You scared the snot out of us, J,” Kie said, helping him to his feet. “What happened?”
JJ stood up shakily as everyone stood around him. He slowly lifted his arm and revealed a massive jellyfish sting. The rash was deep and pulsating.
“Jesus, JJ. Are you allergic?” John B said.
“Well…from the looks of it—” JJ said, collapsing back into the sand.
You immediately picked him up, supporting his weight on one side, Sarah steadying the other. JJ swayed back and forth, unstable.
“We have to get him to a hospital,” Kie said.
“No hospitals,” JJ said quickly.
Everyone shared a concerned look.
“We don’t know how severe your allergy could be, bro, we have to get you to an emergency room,” Pope said, his tone filled with worry.
“No, no, I’m fine,” JJ slurred.
“You’re not fine,” you said, sighing in exasperation. “Okay, how about this? We take you to my house. My mom is a nurse. She’ll know what to do.”
He nodded, slowly being able to stand up on his own again.
Everyone piled into the van and you were off to Figure 8 with an injured JJ.
 The next day, you woke up next to JJ. Your mom had patched him up and made sure he was okay. He ended up staying the night at your house after the rest of the group had gone to John B’s. You gazed at his face, so peaceful and calm. His fluffy hair was draped over your pillow, and his body moved up and down slowly as he breathed. You hoped he was dreaming of nice things.
You went downstairs to find the house was empty. There was a note on the counter. It read: [Y/N], I figured I would give you two some space and go see a few of my friends on a little day trip. I left some extra sting ointment in the bathroom, far right cabinet. Don’t hesitate to call me if you need anything. Enjoy the day ;) –Mom
You chuckled. Your mom was such a G.
After eating some breakfast, you went back upstairs to your room. JJ was still sound asleep. You sat down on the edge of the bed beside him, running your hand through his locks. He started to stir, so you pulled your hand away.
He let out a heavy breath and opened his eyes. “Hey,” he said groggily.
“Hey, you. How’re you feeling?”
“Actually, I feel great. Your mom is magical,” he joked, grinning as he sat up.
“You know, she kinda is,” you laughed. “You really scared me yesterday, you know.”
“What do you mean?” he asked, his eyebrows furrowing.
“I…well I was worried, we all were,” you stammered.
“You seemed especially worked up,” he pressed, a smile playing on his face.
You shook your head, grinning. “Yeah, yeah, whatever.” You looked out the window, afraid you were blushing.
“I feel like I’ve known you for way longer than a month,” JJ said quietly.
Your heart skipped, and you turned to him. “What?”
“I’ve just never met anyone like you before…it sounds dumb, I know. I just feel different around you,” JJ said, looking down.
You smiled, tilting his head up to look at you. “It’s not dumb, J. I feel the same way.”
He shook his head, looking down again. “No, no. You don’t have to reciprocate my feelings, and you don’t have to feel bad for me.”
Your eyebrows furrowed. “JJ, I’m not just saying it because I pity you. I’m saying it because it’s true.”
His eyes were still lowered, not wanting to look directly at you. You put your hand in his. “I’ve never felt the way I feel around you with anyone else before…” you said.
He brought your hand up to his mouth and kissed it gently, now making eye contact. “I love you, [Y/N].”
You noticed him staring at your lips, and your cheeks were burning. Before you knew it, you were kissing him. He wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you closer. You cupped his face with your hand and deepened the embrace. JJ smiled into the kiss, pulling back to take you in.
“JJ, I…I want you,” you said, barely a whisper.
“I want you too,” he said softly.
He lifted you up off the bed and pinned you to the wall. You felt his lips by your ear. “Tell me what you want me to do, [Y/N].” His breath against your neck sent a shiver down your spine.
“I want…” you trailed off, feeling silly. Dirty talk was proving to be more intimidating than it seemed.
He placed a kiss on your neck before pulling away to look at you. “I want to make you feel good. If you’ll have me.” JJ smiled slyly, his eyes looking at you with sincerity. This was a side of him that he rarely let out.
You giggled, wrapping your arms around his neck and pulling him close. You opened your mouth to speak but closed it again. He raised his eyebrows encouragingly, which made you laugh. You copied his motions from earlier, angling your head up so that you could whisper into his ear.
“I want you to eat me out,” you said softly.
JJ pressed his lips to yours, and you grabbed a fistful of his hair. You kissed each other at a slow, hungry pace, his hands caressing you by the hips. He bit your lip and then started to pepper kisses down your neck and collarbones. You sighed, letting the pleasure rock through your body.
JJ pulled back for a minute, taking you in while discarding his shirt. You gazed at his toned abs and muscular chest, aroused.
His hands trailed down your sides and played with the hem of your top while you made out. “Can I take this off?” he asked, his voice husky and his pupils dilated.
You nodded, lifting your arms over your head as JJ tenderly removed your shirt and tossed it to the floor. He took this time to plant kisses all over your breasts, grunting as you pulled his hair. “Oh JJ…just like that,” you panted.
JJ rubbed your core through your shorts, and you grinded into his hand, trying to increase the friction. He continued sucking on your neck and massaging your breast with his free hand. He was stimulating every part of your body, and you felt electrified.
JJ lied you down on the bed and peppered kisses over your body, starting with your jaw. He slowly trailed down to your neck, your sternum, your stomach, and your hips.
You helped him slip off your shorts and panties. His warm breath tickled your inner thighs as he caressed the skin around your heat and left subtle kisses around the sensitive area.
You shivered as he licked up your slit. JJ looked up to see you writhe from his actions. He slowly started to suck on your clit, and you let out a breathy moan. He wrapped one hand around your thigh and rested the other one against your lower stomach. Your back arched as he flicked his tongue over your sweet spot. He looked up every now and again to meet your eyes.
“J…” you said lowly, sighing in ecstasy.
He paused his motions, looking up at you.
“Can you…use your fingers while you do that?”
JJ obeyed, returning his mouth to your core and lapping at your slick. He gently inserted one finger into you after rubbing it around in your wetness. You threw you head back and closed your eyes, letting the sensation numb everything else around you.
“Tell me how it feels…” he said quietly, keeping his eyes on you.
“G-good. Stay right there, slowly,” you said between gasps.
JJ sucked on your clit while inserting another finger and curling them both. A moan escaped your lips as your back arched again. He felt your muscles clenching, and he intensified his movements in response. The pressure continued to build until you felt yourself unraveling.
“Look at me while you cum,” he said softly.
You opened your eyes and saw him watching you intently as you rode out your high. The pleasure came in waves, crashing and falling as the tension left your body. After you came down, JJ lapped up your fluids and left wet kisses along your inner thighs.
You tugged on his hair to bring him up to you, and he followed. He hovered over your body, resting his weight on his elbows on either side of you. You smiled at him, cupping his face with your hand as he connected your lips to his in a passionate kiss.
He lied down beside you, and you nuzzled into his chest.
“No one has ever made me feel like that…I mean aside from myself,” you said, your voice low and your body in a state of utter relaxation.
He chuckled, planting a small kiss on your inner wrist. “I had fun too.”
You smiled, moving a piece of his hair back with the rest.
“Okay, let’s get you cleaned up,” JJ said, throwing you over his shoulder.
You squealed, earning a chuckle from him in return. You laughed as he carried you to the bathroom, gently placing you on your feet and then starting to fill the tub.
You could get used to this…
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cherry-nachimbong · 4 years
green bracelet~lee felix
a/n: this is my first time writing and actually posting so i’m v nervous ;-; i might post more if you guys like it though :)) this is loosely based off of my own experiences at the fun-o-rama on short sands, those were some good times bro
‘Game Over’, the screen read. you pouted and dug into your pocket for another quarter. Pac-Man had to be your favorite game at the arcade, even if you sucked at it. even after three years of coming to this beach and playing at the arcade on the boardwalk, you somehow couldn’t find a game you were any better at than when you were eight.
no change in that pocket. try the other one? nope. sigh again. you turned away from the game, but you felt a tap on your shoulder and spun back around.
the boy who tapped you looked about your age, which was around eleven at the time. he wore swim trunks and a rash guard like most of the kids at the beach and a faint pink sunburn shadowed his freckled cheeks.
“here,” he said, holding out a few quarters in his outstretched hand. “i have extra,”
you hesitated, because STRANGER DANGER OBVIOUSLY.
he seemed pretty non-threatening though. very cute and small.
“are you sure?” you said, tentatively reaching out.
“yup! you don’t have to stop playing just yet,” the boy grinned at you. his smile was warm, and reached right up to his eyes.
you let him drop the change into your hand with a clink and watched him go back to the Street Fighter game right next to your Pac-Man. you were able to make it through a few more minutes before the Game Over screen flashed at you in purple, and you were out of quarters again. looking over, you noticed the boy was still playing his game. you watched, and he seemed pretty good but got knocked out soon after you.
“you did good!” you said, as he collected the tickets from the machine. “thank you,” he smiled, “by the way, what’s your name?”
“y/n, what’s yours?”
“i’m felix, let’s be friends,” felix told you. you grinned. “okay,”
noticing that you each had a similar amount of tickets, you decided to pool them so you could at least get some prizes.
which ended up being a popsicle for each of you, a handful of Tootsie Rolls and a two cheap green friendship bracelets. outside on the edge of the boardwalk, you sat side by side, talking and watching people walk by getting their food stolen by seagulls. you sucked absentmindedly on the popsicle, twisting the green bracelet around your wrist and swinging your legs over the edge. beside you, felix had already finished his popsicle and was reading you the joke on the wooden stick. he too, wore the matching bracelet but on the opposite hand from yours. the sea breeze blew through his dark brown hair and made him scrunch up his nose. you smiled and looked away, this new friend was much too adorable for you to handle.
“what do you call a sleeping cow?”
“i don’t know,” you said.
“a bull-dozer,” felix said, trying not to laugh at the dumb joke.
you rolled your eyes, grinning. “that’s bull-crap, i bet mine’s better,” you told him.
“what is it then?”
“let me finish it first!!”
“okay, okay! don’t yell at me,” felix pouted. you made a face at him, and both of you burst out laughing.
just then, you saw two girls walking towards you, who felix waved at.
“lix, where have you been? mum says she wants you back at our spot to check in,” the taller of the two said. they were probably his sisters, or something like that.
“okay,” felix said. he turned back to you. “do you want to come back here when i’m done and i can bring my boogie board?”
“yeah, i’ll bring mine too!” you said, and waved as you each started walking in different directions.
after checking in with your own parents, you grabbed your board and skipped back to the boardwalk, in front of the arcade where the pair of you had sat before . felix wasn’t there yet, so you thought he was probably still just walking back from his family’s spot. you waited, swinging your legs over the edge and finishing the popsicle.
‘how did the telephone propose to his girlfriend? he gave her a ring,’ it read, and you rolled your eyes again. too cheesy. you waited about ten more minutes, but felix never showed up. he probably had to go home, you thought sadly. you twisted the bracelet around your wrist again. maybe you’ll see him another day you visit the beach, and you could tell him the joke.
you didn’t. at least not that summer. and not for several more. about six years had passed since you met the boy, and you had pretty much forgotten about him except for the cheap green bracelet you still wore on your wrist every time you went to that beach.
you were working shifts at the ice cream shop on the boardwalk of that same beach you had been going to since you were small. it was minimum wage, but you were broke, needed a summer job and the ice cream was tasty.
“how can i help you today?” you stepped up to the cash register, where a dark haired boy was waiting-the only customer in line during one of the quieter times.
“a strawberry cone with rainbow sprinkles, please,” he said, and handed you a five-dollar bill. you handed the boy back his change and went to scoop the ice cream. since your back was turned, you didn’t see the small smile on the boy’s face after you gave him the change. he couldn’t help but notice the old and faded bracelet tied around your wrist-almost identical to the one on his own, and the passing of quarters gave him a strange sense of deja vu.
you turned back around and handed the boy his ice cream with a smile. “have a nice day,” you said, but he didn’t leave quite yet.
“excuse me, but your name wouldn’t happen to be y/n, right?” he asked, to your confusion.
“who’s asking?” you raised an eyebrow.
“felix,” he said. your eyes widened when he held up his wrist that had an old , worn out green bracelet on it.
“you’re kidding,” you looked closely at his face, recognizing the boy you had made friends with so long ago. “you’re joking! i didn’t even realize it was you at first!”
“well, it has been a couple years,” felix laughed. man, his voice had gotten deep. but, you noticed his smile was the same you vaguely remembered from the old memory, and so the same were the freckles splayed across his nose that you hadn’t noticed earlier.
you couldn’t keep your own smile from spreading across your face. it might sound stupid, because kids do that sort of thing-meet, play for a few hours, and never see each other again-all the time, but you had always worn the cheap green bracelet in hopes you might see your friend again.
“this is starting to feel like a soulmate au,” you joked, and felix laughed again. you wished you could hear that laugh all the time. six years really makes you realize how much you can miss the simple sound of someone laughing.
“well then,” felix said, “if i remember correctly, you never ended up telling me your popsicle joke, so the first order of business would be for me to get your number so you can tell me on, like, a date or something,” he finished, with a shy smile.
are you BLUSHING
you smiled at him again, praying that the summer heat might hide your peach-tinged cheeks.
silly y/n, the ice-cream shop has ac
“and if i remember correctly, you never ended up going boogie boarding with me, so i guess we gotta go out on a date or something.” you told felix, shrugging, and his grin grew wider.
“alright then, maybe at the arcade? bring enough quarters this time,” felix told you, and you laughed.
“where’s the romance in that? maybe i’ll forget my money so you’ll have to pay for me again, and we can relive the special moment” you said.
“okay, okay, sucker. you win,” felix chuckled, pulling out his phone.
you each saved your contact info into the other’s phone, both not realizing yet that the other put a green heart next to their name that matched the old bracelets. 💚
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blarrghe · 4 years
“ you’re bleeding— how long have you been hiding this?! ” for Theo and whoever else you would like :3
In this episode of Lavellan Bros, I nearly kill Theo ;) -- If no one else was going to say it, he would.
“The desert fucking sucks.” Theo groaned from the rear of the party. Just ahead of him, Taren was walking with slow, deliberate steps, sinking his staff into the sand as he pulled himself forward.
“I think I’m going to cut off all my hair.” Taren muttered, matching his tone as he gathered up his hair and tied it high over his head for the third time since they had started walking. It fluffed out from the band he wrapped around it, tugging at the restraint and already beginning to slump back down toward his neck under its own weight and the oppressive heat.
“Now let’s not do anything rash, the keep isn’t much further.” Dorian was several paces ahead of them both, wrapped dramatically in light flowing fabrics that drifted breezily behind him, even though there was no breeze. Was he keeping some kind of wind spell going? And if so, how was he finding the energy for that?
Theo’s head was starting to throb under the beaming sun. He dug into the pouch at his belt for the jar of sun cream Bull had given him, and scraped at it’s walls. He had already used all but the last dregs of it up, and he could still feel the heat settling into the skin on his cheeks. He was going to look like a tomato after this.
Taren handed him a piece of ice he had formed with a spell, it was small and already melting, but Theo wrapped it in the collar of his shirt and pressed it to his neck eagerly. “Remind me not to volunteer to hunt beasts with you in any more deserts.” He complained.
“I thought you were excited to see a varghest.” Bull commented from the front.
“That was before we had to fight in this.” Theo moaned, wiping sweat from his brow for what felt like the thousandth time in the last ten minutes.
Somehow, both Dorian and the Iron Bull seemed completely unaffected by the heat. Bull lifted his face to the sun while making a sound like he had just downed a refreshing beverage. “Feels good to get some real sun on these horns!” He enthused, “reminds me of home.”
“Is it just me, or is everything spinning?” Theo muttered as the world became foggier. The heat felt like a physical weight in the air that got heavier with every step he took against it. His back was hot, the cold water that dripped from Taren’s melting block of ice quickly turned warm and mixed with his sweat, leaving his back wet and uncomfortable while his insides were sucked of all their moisture. He breathed in and could swear he heard the dry air rattle its way through his lungs.
“It’s not just you.” Taren croaked beside him, “here, have some more water.” He unclipped a canteen from his pack and held it out, his arm lifted limply up from his side. Theo grabbed the canteen and shook it, listening close to hear the insignificant amount of water within it quietly slosh around.
“No Inquisitor, I can’t take the last of your water… you can’t die out here…”
Ahead of them, the hazy figure of the Qunari turned around laughing. He seemed to bend in the nonexistent breeze, too. “We have extra canteens, kid. Here, catch.”
Something flew toward him and landed with a thud at his feet. He looked down at it, watching it spin into the swirling sand. He reached out to try to save it from drowning, his arm straining to stretch to the far away ground. A shadow fell over him and something lifted the canteen up into his hand. It was cooler in the shade, he was sure of it.
Theo took a swig of the water, which was the temperature of a warm bath, and the canteen betrayed him, leaving a hefty splash of the stuff over his shirt. He moved his head too fast in surprise and suddenly felt like throwing up. “You all go on, I’m going to rest in this shade for a minute…” 
“Theo, that’s my shadow.” Theo ignored the wobbly Qunari and sank down onto the soft sand.
Cassandra was leaning over him with a glint in her eye. She looked so serious. He poked at her nose and laughed.
“You think this is funny, do you?” She splashed him with something, cool water in his face. A hand squeezed at his waist. That felt nice. Now she was laughing at him and the sound of it was so pretty. Maybe he should kiss her… he reached an arm out.
“Theo, hey!” Dorian was yelling at him, interrupting his moment with Cassandra. Rude. “You’re bleeding! How long have you been hiding this?”
He looked around. Blurry Taren was sitting beside him in a cross legged slump, drinking from another canteen, while a blurry Dorian peered into his face and the blurry Iron Bull pulled a red-spackled cloth away from his side. No Cassandra. He closed his eyes. Something cool and wet slapped him in the face again.
“Stupid varghest, did you get it’s claw?” He muttered to blurry Dorian, who didn’t answer him. Rude mage. There was a tingling sensation at his side, and then it felt better. He hadn’t realised that it had felt achy and sharp until the feeling went away.
The shadow fell over him again. It had to be at least two degrees cooler in the shade.
“I think we’re going to have to carry them.” He heard the Qunari say.
Carry them? He didn’t want to carry anyone. Make Cassandra do it. Cassandra’s strong.
 “You get the tall one then.” Dorian sighed. Then the world was spinning out from under him again and his head was bobbing along at a quick pace. 
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artikgato · 7 years
Souyowrimo day 28
Prompt list here, other completed prompts in this tag.
Posting two today and the last one tomorrow!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA-
Day 28 - After School Hangouts
The window was open, the fan was on full blast, and they had both stripped out of their shirts nearly an hour ago to try to cool down.
It was still way too hot.
“Man, I never thought I’d say this but I wish Saturdays were a full day at school,” Yosuke complained, sprawled out on Souji’s floor with a wet towel on his face that was rapidly drying out. “Least there’s air conditioning there…”
“Sorry,” Souji groaned from where he, too, was sprawled out on the floor, in a puddle of his own sweat and misery. “Uncle says it isn’t worth it to have an air unit installed when it’s only this hot for a few weeks out of the year.” And it was true: it rarely got quite this bad in Inaba. The news was calling it a ‘record high heat wave’.
“This sucks,” Yosuke said, for probably what was the fiftieth time today. “How the hell are we supposed to study in this heat wave?”
“Maybe if we study we’ll be able to focus on something else other than how hot it is?” Souji suggested. Even though he couldn’t see it, he could practically hear Yosuke roll his eyes in response.
“We both know that’s not gonna work,” Yosuke sighed. “God, I almost wanna go to Junes…”
“Whoa now, let’s not do anything rash,” Souji joked. He sat up, looking out the window contemplatively. “It’s obvious we aren’t getting anything accomplished until it cools off. “ He gestured to the abandoned books and pencils on the table nearby. “Why don’t we go down to the Samegawa?”
“Ugh...go outside? In this heat? You’re crazy, Partner,” Yosuke protested, but he too sat up, letting the no longer damp towel slide off of his face and into his lap.
“At least there will be a breeze. And we can get in the water...though it’s not deep enough to swim…” Souji explained. He reached for his discarded shirt, pulling it back on with finality.
“It’s better than sitting around here, I guess,” Yosuke remarked, also reaching for his shirt. Souji watched him lift it over his head and tug it on, trying and failing not to notice his friend’s toned chest and abs. Had he been working out, or was that all from the TV world?
“Got something on my face, Partner?” Yosuke asked, and Souji shook his head, trying not to blush at having been caught staring.
“I was just noticing that you’ve put on some muscle,” he said, and Yosuke grinned.
“Yeah?” Yosuke asked, looking proud. “The TV world is one hell of a workout, right? You’re getting pretty ripped yourself.” This time, Souji did blush, turning away and standing up to hide it.
“We should get going. The sooner the better, right? Hopefully by the time we come back it’ll have cooled off a little in here…” Souji said, heading for the door. Yosuke was right behind him.
“Yeah right. I think it’ll still be stupid hot up here even after sunset,” Yosuke complained. “I’d have to sleep over if you want to wait until it’s cool to study.”
“You could,” Souji responded, throwing the suggestion over his shoulder as they went down the stairs.
“Really? You don’t think Dojima-san would mind?” Yosuke asked in response.
“I can ask, but I don’t think he’ll care as long as we aren’t loud and we don’t do anything dumb,” Souji answered. “And one extra person for dinner shouldn’t be a big deal...I always make way too much when I cook anyway.”
“Man...a home-cooked meal and a sleepover with my best bro...it’s almost worth having to deal with this heat,” Yosuke said, with a laugh. “What’re you cooking, anyway?”
“Ginger pork,” Souji answered, and Yosuke made a delighted noise, punching the air.
“Awesome! I love your ginger pork, man!” he cheered, and Souji laughed.
“You only love me for my cooking,” Souji teased, as they headed for the front door. Yosuke made a choked noise in response, not registering the teasing tone at first.
“Th-that’s not -- I mean -- your cooking is really good!” he protested, and Souji laughed again.
They chatted about everything and nothing on their way to the Samegawa, the sun glaring down on them harshly, but a nice breeze blowing through that made the walk at least bearable. To their surprise, there wasn’t anybody at the river bank - even the old fisherman that always seemed to be there. The breeze was a little stronger here, and the water was nice and cool when they waded out into the river, shoes and shirts left on the bank.
“This was a great idea, Partner,” Yosuke complimented, cupping his hands in the water and splashing himself in the face, making a contented noise as he cooled off. Souji copied him, if only so that he had something else to focus on other than watching the water trickle down Yosuke’s chest. This heat wave was definitely getting to him.
He heard Yosuke snicker, then a splash, and he was suddenly hit with a wave of cool water. He smirked over at a laughing Yosuke and splashed him back. Soon enough they were having a splash fight, which turned into them attempting to grapple with each-other, hands slipping and sliding over wet skin. Finally, they both ended up falling into the river, Souji managing to drag Yosuke down with him as he tripped. Falling onto the rocks hurt a little, but the pain was quickly forgotten as he realized the position they were in. Yosuke had fallen on top of him, managing to catch himself before he fell totally onto him, but their faces were only a few inches apart. Between the way his face was burning and the hot afternoon sun, the cold water he was now laying in was a huge blessing.
“You okay, Bro?” Yosuke asked, his voice quiet. Strangely, he hadn’t moved at all, looking down at Souji with wide eyes. Souji swallowed, nervous for reasons he wasn’t too keen on observing at the moment.
“Yeah, probably a little bruised. You?” he asked, his voice equally quiet. Yosuke nodded. He just kept staring down at Souji, almost like he was entranced. Souji opened his mouth to ask what was wrong, but Yosuke chose that moment to lean down and kiss him. It was a quick kiss, just a soft press of Yosuke’s lips against his, more of a question than a kiss, really. When he pulled back he was wide-eyed, and Souji could see the precise moment he started to panic.
“Oh - oh shit, man, I’m sorry, I don’t know what came over me, dude, I wasn’t thinking and-” Yosuke babbled. Souji just reached up and grabbed him by the back of the head, using his other arm to prop himself up a little out of the water, and pressed a much firmer, much longer kiss to his lips. Yosuke was trembling, and he felt him take a sudden, deep breath through his nose, but then he seemed to melt into the kiss, reciprocating with fervor. When Souji pulled away, Yosuke was giving him an adorably confused look.
“S-Souji, I...I don’t…” he started, trailing off with a helpless look on his face. Souji sat up a little more, and Yosuke moved back to let him. He was opening and shutting his mouth like a fish, and as funny as that was, Souji had other plans for that mouth. He pulled Yosuke back toward him, kissing him again and again, until he felt him relax in his grip. He felt Yosuke reach up and cup his cheek with one cold, wet hand, and he pulled away from a kiss to lean into his hand with a contented sigh.
“Souji...I…” Yosuke started.
“It’s okay. I’m not mad,” Souji said, looking over at him with what he hoped was a calming expression. Yosuke made a quiet, distressed sound, bit his lip and closed his eyes, and dropped his hands to his sides with a little splash.
“I...I’m not gay,” he said. Souji couldn’t help the disappointed look that came over his face, but Yosuke’s eyes were still closed, so he didn’t see it. He managed to get control over himself, his face falling back into his usual mask of indifference.
“Okay?” he asked. Yosuke opened his eyes and looked over at him, timidly.
“I...I don’t know what made me want to...d-do that,” he stammered, blushing hotly.
“Did you like kissing me?” Souji asked, after a moment of watching Yosuke fidget in silence. Yosuke blushed even harder.
“I shouldn’t have,” he answered, and Souji frowned.
“But did you?” he asked. Yosuke nodded, after a moment, averting his gaze to the water below them. “So you kissed me, and you like kissing me. That’s a start.”
“I-I’m not gay!” Yosuke repeated, almost sounding desperate. “I can’t be gay, I like girls!”
“You could be bisexual,” Souji pointed out. Yosuke made a pained face at him. “Or this could have nothing to do with sexuality at all. You could just like kissing me.” Yosuke drew back further and put his face in his hands, making a muffled whining noise.
“I can’t, I don’t - I just wanna be normal!” he protested. “I c-can’t be weird in a town like this, man, I just can’t.”
“Yosuke…” Souji sighed out. Yosuke shook his head, lowering his hands again but not looking up at Souji.
“Sorry, man, I don’t know what to do,” he muttered.
“We can just pretend this never happened, alright?” Souji suggested. It was painful, but if it was what Yosuke needed… but Yosuke shook his head.
“Can’t,” he said. He finally looked up at Souji again. “I can’t just forget it…’cause I still want to kiss you.” Souji sucked in a surprised breath, staring at him. “I’m not gay but I wanna kiss you, and hug you, and hold your hand, a-and do more than that. It’s stupid, I’m stupid-”
“You aren’t stupid,” Souji reprimanded, reaching forward and putting his hands gently on both of Yosuke’s burning cheeks, tilting his head to look up at him. He looked so lost, so confused. So in need of comfort. He leaned forward, giving Yosuke plenty of time to protest, and kissed him again. He drew back and settled his forehead against Yosuke’s, arms around his shoulders, staring deeply into his eyes. “You aren’t gay, but you want to kiss me and hold my hand. That’s pretty gay if you ask me.”
“I can’t be gay,” Yosuke protested again, not even attempting to draw back away from him.
“‘Can’t or...shouldn’t?” he asked. Yosuke sighed and closed his eyes, and that was all the answer he needed. “Yosuke?” he asked, prompting Yosuke to open his eyes and look at him. “It’s alright. We’ll figure this out… we can take this one step at a time.”
“You...you aren’t going to stop being my friend?” Yosuke asked, timidly.
“Of course not. We’re Partners, right? Let me help you,” Souji urged. Yosuke nodded, then tilted his face and slotted their mouths together again. When he finally pulled away, Souji gave him a warm smile. “Now then...let’s get out of the water. I’m actually starting to get cold!” Yosuke smiled down at him, and he instantly forgot about being cold, that smile warming him all over. Yosuke stood up and helped him to his feet, and they waded back over to shore. They ended up sitting side-by-side on one of the picnic tables in the gazebo area, both worried about getting sunburnt. They sat side-by-side and watched the sun set as they dried off, content to listen to the cicadas buzz instead of talking.
“So, uh...what now?” Yosuke eventually asked. They were walking back to the Dojima residence, the fading light of the sunset and the streetlights illuminating their path. Souji looked over at Yosuke, weighing his options.
“That’s up to you to decide,” he finally answered. “I’ll go along with whatever you’re comfortable with.”
“Are you sure?” Yosuke asked, and Souji nodded.
“I meant what I said before, Yosuke. I want to help you,” he answered. He smiled shyly, looking away. “And for what it’s worth...I really like you. I’d go out with you if you asked.”
“Oh,” Yosuke wheezed in response, surprised. Things were tense for a few quiet moments, before the Dojima house came into view. Yosuke sucked in a breath, as if psyching himself up.
“I’d like that,” he said. When Souji gave him a baffled look, he clarified: “Going out with you. I think I’d like that. I want to try it, at least.” Souji tried really hard not to get too excited, but couldn’t help grinning over at a blushing Yosuke.
“I’m glad,” he answered, watching Yosuke’s cheeks darken. “Okay. Why don’t we go to Okina tomorrow, for our first date? We can go see a movie, get some coffee, maybe browse around the mall…”
“S-so soon?!” Yosuke asked. Souji chuckled quietly.
“It’ll be air conditioned,” he pointed out. Yosuke blinked, then laughed.
“Okay then, sign me up!” he replied. Souji laughed with him. They approached the Dojima house, and Souji noted the car in the driveway, and the lights on in the kitchen. He glanced around, noting that there wasn’t anybody around, and pulled Yosuke into a quick, cautious kiss before opening the door.
“I’m home! And I brought Yosuke with me, is that alright?” he called. Yosuke just stood there for a few seconds, utterly bewildered, before following Souji into the house.
Souji did end up making ginger pork, to the delight of both Yosuke and Nanako. Yosuke did end up staying over for the night, and they did eventually get some actual studying done. Things settled into something approaching normal, except that occasionally Souji would lean across the table between them and give him a soft kiss, or Yosuke would reach across the table and thread his hand into Souji’s. Yosuke seemed to get more and more confident with each new gesture. By the time they fell asleep it was nice and cool, and Souji was pretty confident that their date was going to go well. They had plenty of time to figure things out - the anxiety, the doubt, the guilt - but for now, Souji was content with things as they were. It was more than he could have ever hoped would happen between them, after all.
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