#but burning down toga’s family home burning down the orphanage returning to the todoroki family home in the first place etc
snowe-zolynn-rogers · 5 years
Pairings: Blackmist (Watasaeki Kurogiri)/Ragdoll (Shiretoko Tomoko), Dabi (Todoroki Touya)/Mr. Compress (Sako Atsuhiro), Toga Himiko/Eri, Twice (Bubaigawara Jin)/Spinner (Iguchi Shuichi), Overhaul (Chisaki Kai)/Chronostasis (Kurono Hari)/Shigaraki Tomura (Shimura Tenko)
Word Count: 1582 Words
Summary: Kurogiri pretty much accidentally adopts ten teenagers.
Warnings: Blackmail/Extortion/Threats, Child Abuse, Child Neglect, Abandonment, Murder Mention, Suicide Mention, Death Mention, Quirk Inhibitors, Partial Muteness (from past injury), Eating Disorders (technically not but just ot be safe I’ll warn for it, basically one character can’t chew much and it’s an issue with eating), Injury Mentions, Anxiety Attack Mention (Non-Graphic), let me know if I should add anything else.
Note: Based on this AU. Link here to this chapter on ao3. Kurogiri is a pro hero and UA teacher. Ahmya means ‘black rain and Ayeka means ‘someone who thinks quickly, rationally, or logically’. Shinokanri means ‘possessive particle control’, since her family is mainly telekinetic quirks. Yukimura is Todoroki Rei’s maiden name, it means ‘snow village’. Tamijiki is Magne’s chosen name, it means ‘honest beautiful’.
The Leage Of Misfit Heroes: Chapter 1- Becoming The League Of Villains
Getting threatened and blackmailed into doing a villain's dirty work wasn't something on Blackmist's bucket list, nowhere close to it. Let alone did scouting for street kids with powerful Quirks, actually. But here he was, playing mother duck as he led the six street kids to the bar. They all seemed to be thirteen.
The one with brown hair hung onto the one with blue hair, both not touching anything except each other, and even then their hands never seemed to touch anything. The blonde one skipped next to him with the white haired girl running joyfully, both following trustfully, and the one with red and white hair held to his hand, seemingly shy and quiet. The boy with silver hair guided the bluenette and brunette by holding their wrists. It seemed their Quirks came from their hands. Upon reaching the bar, he heard All For One's voice as the stupid television on the wall saw the kids.
'I really wish I took them home to Tomo. Even if she would freak out.' The Warp Hero thought.
"Ah, Blackmist, you've listened well. And so many of them too. What are their Quirks?" The two that clung to each other hid behind him at the sudden voice.
'God, they remind me of Ahmya and Ayeka.' He couldn't help comparing the two to his twin daughters. Given he only knew four of their Quirks, he settled for them.
"The blonde one is Toga Himiko, she can shapeshift. This one is Shinokanri Eri, she can turn her whole body into pure energy. This is Yukimura Touya, he can emit smoke and create snow. And the silver haired is Kurono Hari, he can manipulate molecules and make things slow down or speed up."
"And the other two?"
"I haven't asked them as I haven't engaged theirs."
"Blue boy, what is your Quirk?" He looked to the blue haired boy as he suddenly stood up taller at being addressed.
"Decay and Restore. Anything I touch with all five fingers I can destroy or restore."
"Can you turn it off, child?" Blackmist saw the boy, Shimura Tenko, clench his fists.
"No." His voice was angry and gritted through his teeth.
"Blackmist, the suppressor collars on the five of them. Little boy with brown hair, what is your Quirk?" Unwillingly he took the suppressor collars from the bar counter and put them on the two girls first, seeing as they put up little fight, besides Toga attempting to pull it off. Yukimura was next, the shy boy not stopping him. Kurono fought a bit more than Toga, but he managed it. And, once he got it on Shimura, the blue haired boy stopped fighting, obviously knowing he couldn't really do much about it.
"Destruction and Recreation." The brunette whispered.
"What is your Quirk, boy!?" All For One repeated louder. The brunette looked scared.
"I can destroy things and put them back together." He saw tears sprout up in the brunette's eyes.
"Blackmist, put a suppressor on him immediately." Chisaki actually let go of Shimura and he stuck his neck out willingly.
"Please?" The brunette whispered as he clasped his hands together like he was trying to be docile. It hurt to see a child this scared.
"Of course, Chisaki." He gently moved the brown hair from the boy's neck and put the metal inhibitor around the back of his neck, clicking it shut over his windpipe. The brunette grabbed his own shirt, like testing his Quirk and he suddenly hugged him tightly, sniffling.
"Thank you." The brunette was crying, he couldn't not hug him back.
"Blackmist, you'll be training their Quirks. Attend to it that they don't get noticed." And he turned to the preteens as he heard the transmission end.
"Is anyone hungry?" He asked them. All of them nodded except the scarred boy. Yukimura didn't respond. "Yukimura?" He asked the half and half boy.
"He can't eat solid foods." Toga alerted him.
"How does miso soup sound then?" He offered. Yukimura's head bolted up and nodded.
"Touya can't speak much because of the scars or else I'll hurt so he uses JSL, Mister Blackmist Sir." Shinokanri told him.
"Ah. Well, I understand JSL, Young Touya. I can't do it well myself with all the mist." He told the half and half.
He ended up staying at the bar the rest of the day, listening to the preteens telling him of what had happened to make them homeless, in varying circumstances. As it turned, Toga Himiko's parents died in a horrific fire, Chisaki Kai had become a runaway after years of abuse from his parents, Yukimura Touya had run away after his father burned him to the point of being unable the speak. Shimura Tenko had become homeless after his father was shot and killed by a mugger and his mother blamed him and threw him out, Kurono Hari was an orphan who ran away from an orphanage run by a child trafficker, and Shinokanri Eri had been thrown onto the street for her Quirk being nothing like her family's.
Over the next year, he ended up bringing home four more young people, Sako Atsuhiro, who was a homeless magician kid who was his first that he took back to the bar. From what he gathered in what Atsuhiro was willing to admit, his father had been a villain named Paralysis and his mother a Pro Hero named Miss Marble, something that hadn't meant much until he found on record that Sako Shinju died the same day she gave birth to a son; thirteen years ago. And, it seemed by the both death certificate, her husband, not the villain Paralysis but the Pro Hero: Seer, had flew into a jealous rage and killed her for having a villain's child.
Touya immediately took a liking to Sako, not that he would stop them but he was happy that they were happy together. Next he brought back Hikiishi Tamijiki, a trans girl who had been thrown out by her transphobic parents. Her, Toga, and Eri became best friends quickly. After that came Iguchi Shuichi, a boy who had been abandoned by his parents for his mutant looks, and Bubaigawara Jin, a boy who ran away after his parents died and his quirkless and quirk-hateful aunt and uncle got custody of him.
So now he had ten misfit teenagers. It was another year, when they were all fifteen that he was actually told what they should do now that they kids had finished their training: attack the USJ with them uninhibited. And it went relatively okay, save for the gunshot injuries the kids attained from his colleague, Snipe, and Chisaki having an anxiety attack afterward, crying and curling up in the corner, hiding away from the others. Kurono and Shimura sat with him, quiet and not touching him but close by, talking him through it, even with Shimura holding his shot left shoulder and Kurono nursing his ankle wound. Kurogiri was answering a call from Tomoko. She was angry, he could tell, but she was containing herself.
"Darling, what happened today? Why did I hear that a villain with a black mist-like portal Quirk attacked the USJ?" Her voice was tight and angry but she was seemingly trying to stay calm, likely because she was with the twins and their new son.
"Darling, it's nothing you should be concerned about." He kept his voice steady to hopefully bring some calm to their conversation.
"Not concerned? Kurogiri, I'm very concerned. The kids are concerned. Please just come home and explain this to the police and maybe they'll be lenient on you." She grit out.
"Tomoko, I can't." Gods it hurt to say. "Tomoko, I can't go back now and I know you're concerned but there's nothing you can do now either. I can't even control this now. I can't tell you why but I have to do this, for your safety and for the kids to be safe. I'm sorry but I need to do this." It hurt to hear her hiccup because he knew she was crying, knew he'd made her cry.
"Okay." She sniffled and he could sense her wiping her eyes. "I'm not mad. Kuro just...just please don't get hurt. Don't make Ayeka, Yamiyo, and Ahmya lose their father. Ahmya still needs you to show her how to work her Portal Creation." She was softer.
"I'm still sorry, Tomo. I wish it was different."
"I still love you, Kuro. No matter what."
"I love you too."
"I have to go. Pixie-Bob needs me." And she hung up. His heart felt like it had been stabbed even though it hadn't. He couldn't tell her why he was doing these horrible things. He hated not telling her.
"Was the mission successful, Blackmist?" Came All For One's voice from the transmission.
"No, sir."
"As expected. Where is the Nomu?"
"I couldn't locate his coordinates and so we had to leave him."
"Well, it's too late to mourn that. We have a strong team still. One that will bring AllMight to his knees. One that will grow soon." That didn't bode well. But he was too busy helping to care for the injured teenagers to really even care to hear the transmission even end. He silently mourned that he wouldn't be returning to teach his students at UA after the break, he'd be arrested immediately if he did. It hurt that he couldn't watch them progress in their goals of becoming heroes.
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