#but callisto recognizes her instantly
saneijeijei · 1 year
One day I woke up as the daughter of a villainess
[This is a fanfiction collaboration with @ship-ovnik​]
[This fanfiction-announcement contains brief descriptions of heavy scenes for fans of Penelope and Judith. I warned you.]
"Is young miss awake?" a quiet voice above her asked.
Judith woke up instantly, sitting up abruptly. She looked dumbfounded at her nanny, whom she hadn't seen for almost ten years.
How did she end up here? Shouldn't she have been in jail awaiting her sentence?
"Melanie?" barely uttering the woman's name, she heard her own thin voice. Raising her hands to her face, Judith saw tiny palms like a five-year-old child.
"Yes, my lady?" the maid asked tensely, "Are you unwell?"
Judith jumped out of bed in horror and ran to the floor mirror. In front of her was not at all an adult girl with sharp facial lines and a beautiful figure, but a small child with plump cheeks.
Had she really gone back fourteen years?
The girl grabbed herself cheek and pinched. The pain was real, so she wasn't dreaming.
"I can't believe it… Just a few hours ago, I was waiting for the court's decision on my execution.. And now I'm here again!" - turning around on short legs, the baby ran to the exit, as she was stopped by the nanny.
"My lady, please! Take your time! Where are you in such a hurry?"
"I want to see Mom! Right now!"
"Do you want to see Lady Penelope?…" the woman turned pale. "Oh, maybe you want to take a walk in that garden? I think there are wonderful flowers there…
"Melanie, I want my mom! I want my mom! And not to the garden!"
"But my lady, you know that your mother has not wanted to see anyone for many years, why did you suddenly start talking about her?"
"W-what?.." Judith couldn't believe her own ears. Her mom is the most affectionate and loving person she has ever met. She never parted with her. Mom always took care for her, supporting her in everything, even when her heart was heavy.
Her mom would never leave her. But then why is it a completely different person now?
The events take place in the real world (without Siyeon). The original Penelope falls in love with Callisto and confessing her feelings to him, it turns out that it is mutual. The couple secretly meets and tries to spend as much time together as possible until the duke finds out about their affair. At first, the man is furious and categorically against their relationship, trying to prevent their meetings. He was even ready to put Penelope under house arrest, but after seeing how happy his daughter is with the Crown Prince and how she suffers and refuses to eat and drink if he forbids her to see him, the duke gives up and blesses their relationship.
At first everything was great, the Eckart family, like the royal family, was preparing for an engagement after Penelope's debut. But on the day of the celebration, the Marquis of Verdandy brings Yvonne home and a terrible poisoning scandal happens. Penelope did not lose hope of proving her innocence and believed that Callisto would support and help her, but to her horror, the groom accused her of poisoning Yvonne and sent her into custody until the circumstances were clarified. For Penelope, as well as the whole family, it was a shock how the man changed in behavior.
A few days after the arrest, when the girl was finally released without finding any evidence, Penelope came face to face with Callisto, whom she did not recognize at all. Even without any evidence, he accused her of all her sins and considered her a terrible woman.
She was well aware that the abrupt change in behavior was due to Yvonne. But the way he behaved and the terrible things he said when he broke off the engagement broke her heart.
The Duke, realizing the horror of what is happening, takes Penelope away, not knowing what to say. After all, he knew that this would happen, but he did not want to remember it, seeing the condition of his daughter. Soon, he finds out that Penelope is pregnant. Fearing that something might happen to her, he sends her to a distant residence of their possessions.
That's where Judith is born. Penelope doted on her and tried to protect and protect her from everything, giving all her love. But the older the daughter got, the more questions she had. The woman did not want to answer them, and avoided or did not say enough so as not to break her baby's heart.
But alas, when Judith celebrated her debut and started attending balls and other events, she began to learn about the world and who her father was. A terrible scandal broke out between her and her daughter, after which, Judith, not wanting to listen to her mother's lies anymore, leaves the residence and leaves for the capital. Due to all the worries and poor health, Penelope remains bedridden, unable to stop her daughter.
A few months later, she receives news that Judith is in custody and awaiting trial. The Duke tried his best to help and save his granddaughter, but everything was to no avail, because the charges were brought by the imperial family itself.
Without a doubt, it was the work of Yvonne. Or whoever was hiding behind that pretty face. She had no doubt guessed who Judith was and had probably arranged everything to make her unbearably hurt.
She couldn't protect her daughter. What a terrible mother she was if she let her child go into the mouth of the beast?..
Having lost herself in grief, Penelope dies. There is a rollback of time.
Expecting to wake up again to the 18-year-old lady of the Eckart family, Penelope, barely opening her eyes, realizes that she is not in the family estate, but in the country residence where Judith was born. The first thing she hears is her daughter's loud crying.
"If I love and cherish her to the point of unconsciousness again, she will try to protect me again and die at the hands of this monster…" - looking at the cradle from which the nurse gently lifted her daughter, Penelope understands that she needs to make a difficult choice to save Judith. "But if I am… I will not let her get attached and I will be a bad mother, she will never know about that pain and will not want to protect me, she will be safe if she lives in ignorance…"
The woman intuitively pressed the girl to herself, after which she called another maid and took the child away. After waiting for the footsteps to subside, Penelope burst into tears, realizing how unbearably painful it would be for her to watch her daughter from afar and not be able to hug her.
"Mistress, it's time to feed the young lady-"
"Take her away"
"W-what? But My Lady-"
"Are you deaf? I said take her away, I won't feed her."
Let Judith grow up away from her, not knowing all the pain. Let her be a happy child with a happy childhood, she will do everything so that she does not need anything. Let her think that her mother is an evil woman who does not deserve love.
"I so want to forget all this…" pressing her palms to her face, Penelope used ancient magic and erased all memories of Callisto and her family, feeling all the pain dissolve in her heart in an instant. Peace reigns in the soul. She no longer feels anything but absolute emptiness and cold inside herself.
All she needs to remember is Judith and her well-being.
Jei: This fanfiction is a mixture of two fanfics (more precisely, my impressions from reading two fanfics about the brainwashing of Callisto and the tragic fate of Judith by kuroneko1815) and a huge reference to another manhwa.
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x-mencomics · 6 months
The Uncanny X-Men #178 - Hell Hath No Fury...
Colossus has been turned to cracking, fragile stone due to Pyro super-heating him followed by Avalanche exploding a liquid nitrogen truck, covering Colossus in liquid nitrogen which instantly freezes his super-heated body. It's not pretty, folks. Kitty cries out for Professor Xavier.
And the Professor hears her, telepathically. Xavier telepathically contacts Wolverine and Storm and sends them to help Kitty. The Professor doesn't tell Rogue anything, knowing that Rogue has only recently defected from Mystique's Brotherhood. During all this telepathic communication, the Professor senses a psychic "scanning wave" that was looking inside of him for something. He doesn't who was scanning him or why...
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Back at the construction zone where Colossus's stone body stands, Kitty decides to contact the Fantastic Four to ask for help against the Brotherhood. She hails a taxi and heads for the Baxter Building.
Elsewhere in the city, Callisto and two other Morlocks, Masque and Sunder, stumble upon a dead body in an alley. Callisto makes a plan to get back at the X-Men for taking over leadership of the Morlocks. Masque uses his power to alter the face on the body, making it resemble Kitty. Weird.
Back at the ballet, Kurt and Amanda are still waiting for Peter and Kitty and they're starting to wonder what's taking so long to park the car. Suddenly, they see a huge pink/red dragon made of fire in the sky and it's coming towards them! Kurt teleports away with Amanda, refusing to put her in harm's way. Unfortunately, they teleport near Avalanche, who makes the ground lift up and throw them into the sky. The fire dragon comes after them again, and Amanda casts a protection spell to counter it. Then the Blob tries to jump on them and crush them! The Blob grabs them both by their necks.
But that's when Storm and Wolverine arrive. Storm demands that the Blob release Kurt and Amanda. He does, but then he throws a HUGE piece of concrete at Storm. Stupid idea though, because Storm simply uses her powers to create a powerful wind that blows the concrete right back at the Blob. It smashes on top of his head.
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Kitty arrives at the Baxter Building. It's empty except for a robotic receptionist. Kitty phases through the receptionist to short circuit it (her powers do that to electrical equipment). She heads to the third floor to find Dr. Richards' "Alpha Heat Source Module," which she previously read about in a newspaper article (last issue, I think). The robotic receptionist recovers and activates a security alert. Kitty finds the device she's looking for and heads back to the construction site. She tries leaving from the roof, phasing on the air to walk on it. But she falls!
Meanwhile, Storm, Wolverine, and Nightcrawler are fighting the Brotherhood. It's an intense battle with claws, wind, rain, teleporting. Suddenly the Brotherhood just... gives up. The Blob says the fight was just a diversion and that they'll either have to find themselves a new teacher or learn to raise the current one from the dead. The Professor is in danger!
Back at the mansion, Xavier realizes he recognizes the scanning wave from earlier. He last felt it when Mystique was jamming his powers. Rogue comes in to bring the Professor some tea. AND THEN SHOOTS HIM! It's not Rogue at all! It's Mystique in disguise! The real Rogue rushes into the room as Mystique transforms back into herself. Mystique tells Rogue she's come to save her from Xavier and the X-Men and their brainwashing. Rogue says she's here on her own free will because she needs the Professor's help to control her powers.
Mystique contacts the X-Men and the Brotherhood. She says she won't hurt Xavier as long as the X-Men stop fighting her Brotherhood. Storm agrees. Destiny warns the X-Men that Kitty is in trouble. Back at the Baxter Building, Kitty lies in the street, bloody and unconscious, the Alpha Heat Source Module is in pieces around her.
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keyofjetwolf · 4 years
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This exchange is done SO well. The flashes they allow us to see, just beneath the surface. What they’re saying and how they’re saying it, all true, but not the WHOLE truth.
Callisto, sincerely missing Xena. Xena gives her life meaning, after all. But the hatred there, always there, seething.
And Xena, unflappable and canny, able to think quick with the power to back it up. But also in her bag of Many Skills is the person she used to be. While Xena may every day make choices not to be that person, that person is still there, ready and able and in some cases EAGER to come back out and play.
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