#but don't worry she's an honorary lawyer!
skyefeys · 1 year
maya fey as a concept is so funny. imagine your boss dies, and you help prevent her teenaged sister from being framed, and then she basically hires herself into your law office and makes you buy her burgers
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koi-koi-fish · 4 months
March 15th, 2011.
Fury sits in his office staring at the monitor watching Captain America sitting in medical after his earlier escape attempt. He sighs. It's not every day a living legend comes back from the dead, beats dozens of your men, escapes a maximum security facility, and makes a scene in one of the most populous cities in the world. But the world finding out about Captain America's return is the least of his worries.
Just as Fury starts to get up, Agent Coulson enters the room holding a binder. "Ah, you're still in. Perfect." Agent Coulson says as he sets down the binder on Fury's desk. "Here's what we have so far on the 0-8-4 we fished up alongside the Captain."
Fury picks up the binder "Has she said anything since waking up?" he asks as he starts flipping through the pages. "Only her name, rank, serial number, and that she wants a lawyer," Agent Coulson says as he sits across from Fury.
The 0-8-4 identifies as 14 year old lieutenant colonel Tanya Von Degurachaff of the Polska-Prussian Union Empire. Her uniform resembles that of a Bavarian Chevaulegers cavalry uniform with rank insignia on the shoulders. Her ruby necklaces are likely rank and or noble regalia.
"She's too young for her rank. Since she's a noble perhaps she's an honorary officer. Purely ceremonial." Fury wonders outloud.
"I thought so too until her X-Rays came back." Agent Coulson says as he leans over and turns some pages on the binder.
"Her skeleton shows signs of several healed fractures. Some are estimated to be several years old. There were also metal fragments found in her body. Even if she was only a political appointment, she's tough enough to survive a battlefield and return for more," Agent Coulson says.
"Not to mention being frozen for over 60 years and surviving like Captain America," Fury thinks to himself.
Fury reads further. The alphabet on the documents and correspondence recovered from her person are closer to Scandinavian runes but essentially German grammatically. The most recent date found was correspondence dated February 5th, 1928, addressed to a Lieutenant Serebryakov wishing her a happy 21st birthday. The letter contained some chocolate. The medals on her person with the exception of the Iron Cross don't resemble any officially recognized medals of any nation past or present. Most of the medals are heavy with Norse mythological symbolism with the exception of the aforementioned Iron Cross and another with silver wings.
February 5th is the same day Captain America became frozen. "Just how likely is this to be a Hydra plot by the Red Skull?" Fury asks himself. Red Skull was overly obsessed with the occult, mythology, and the tesseract. It's possible that Tanya is one of his more fanatical followers that took after that motif. But that doesn't explain her DNA being different to regular humans.
Did Red Skull successfully create his own super soldier? That would explain her injuries. It's possible that there were others and that she was the only one to survive the process. But analysis shows no signs of a super soldier serum within her system like Captain America. Nothing about her adds up. Too much is unknown about her.
"Keep her under maximum surveillance for now. There is still too much we don't know about her." Fury says with a scowl.
"Understood boss," Agent Coulson says then leaves, closing the door behind him.
Fury leans back in his chair and rereads the binder. There's not enough information to go on and making assumptions gets people killed. Perhaps he should have the Captain interrogate her. He has the most experience with Hydra operatives of that time period.
Mulling that thought he sets down the binder and brings up the camera feed of Tanya's room only to be met with her looking directly at him sending a shiver down his spine.
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igotanidea · 2 years
A conflict of interest: Matt Murdock x reader
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Story inspired by @fyeahlitaajpunk:
I need fics where you’re dating Matt Murdock and are best friends with Pug 🥰😫
So there you go. I had so much fun writing this :D
honorary tag goes to @anothersworld
@pinksirensong don't know how you fell about MCU, but I quote you "I want to be tagged in everything", and I keep that words carved in mind :D (let me know if that changed, tho I hope not)
Feedback is always apreciated.
pairing: Matt Murdock x f!reader
word count: 4.908
warnings: all of them - angst, fluff, Matt being himself, Pug being himself, reader being a soft mess
A conflict of interest
- What are you working on? – my best friend, a hell of good lawyer and the greatest supporter of woman’s right I know, Augustin Pugliese, aka Pug plumped down into a couch in my office.
- Same old stuff. Someone has to deal with the boring shit, like contracts and GDPR.
- Oh, we both know you love it.
- I do – I nodded – but wouldn’t mind some superhero  stuff from time to time. And speaking of the devil, how is she?
-Oh, don’t pretend, Pug, you know who I’m talking about - I rolled my eyes at him– Jennifer Walters, the She-hulk. I saw you running into her office with a welcoming basket.
-She’s amazing, YN, I’m telling you. Both as a lawyer and a person. Funny, charming, professional…
-Should I know about something going on? – I grinned tilting my head slightly.
-What…? No, YN! You know me better than that!
- I do and that’s why I feel inclined to ask. You are a charming one, so....
- She would be great addition to the team, that’s all I’m saying. And a good friend…
-Which you have already made, didn’t you? You make perfect good impression and it’s get better in time.
-I did not make a very nice good impression on you, did I? – he smirked and I just smiled while sitting down on the sofa next to him.
- A bit of a scatterbrain at the time, but I wouldn’t call it bad.
I met Pug when we were in law college. After all, this is the place where most future professional contacts are made, but from the very beginning we both knew there would be more to it. The thing was, we couldn’t have been more different. While he was open, warm, always ready to help and was practically an open book, I was more of an reserved introvert with my own world inside and apparently a plan to rule the world in the next 10 years (his words, not mine). Up to college I was rather careful with letting people in, but with Pug… a completely different story. Our first meeting was quite painful since we were living in the opposite rooms and narrow hallways are not helpful when it comes to moving around. So, while we were bringing our things in and out, we bumped into each other, head on.
-Oh, I’m so sorry – he started – are you ok?
-Don’t know. Does that count as an assault?
-I hope not, wouldn’t like you to press charges – he smiled – I’m Pug.
-Pug? That’s a short form, isn’t it?
-Augustus – he looked down slightly embarrassed.
-You’re Italian, then?
-I am. But to anticipate your question I’m not …..
-I wasn’t going to ask anything stereotypical. I hate typecasting. – I rolled my eyes. – So, considering that this bump was partially my fault can we both move on? You are not hurt, are you?
-Nah, I’m fine. I’ll let you go with a warning – he flashed a smile and I smirked – I don’t think you told me your name, miss …..?
-YN. And please, please, no miss. It’s a bit downgrading when a man calls you that.
-Is it? – he hesitated – you know what, you are right, I’m sorry YN. Would you like to have a pizza as some sort of apologies?
-I’m not going to say no. But…
-We’ll share the cost. No worries. I never make the same mistake twice. – he smiled and I reciprocated. We were definitely on a path to being friends. 
A year later
Ever since the first day we became inseparable. Some of the students were even calling us a couple when they were seeing us at the cafeteria studying and teasing each other or when we were hanging out at the park, my head rested on his shoulder. The case was however very, very different, since Pug had no intention of getting into romantic relationship (though I could not understand why since he was the book definition of a boyfriend material) and when it came to me… Well, I had my eyes somewhere different. To be precise, on a very particular fourth and final year law student with wanton ego, quite a reputation, hell of a brain and a signature smirk. Matt Murdock. Since he was two years older than me I did not have many reasons to talk to him.
-He is trouble you know that. – Pug nudged my side when he saw me drifting off during a lecture.
-The professor? – I asked dumbfounded
-No silly, Murdock.
-How did you…..?
-I know you well enough to understand the reason of your daydreaming during lecture.
-That is not true. I’m completely focused.
-Miss YN – our chitchatting just had to capture the attention of the lecturer – would you mind answering the question I just asked?
-I…. I …. – I stuttered while Pug was desperately trying to hold back his laugh.
-My best student… - the teacher sighed – I must ask you to leave the auditorium and wait outside. I’ll talk to you after the class .
I just stood up there with my mouth open in utter shock, while Pug swiftly gathered all my things and with worried expression handed me the bag. 
-I’ll find you later . I’m sorry YN – he whispered when I passed him to get to the door.
Shit! For the first time in my life I was kicked out of the classroom. I would blame Pug, but it wasn’t his fault. Or at least, not fully his fault. Frustrated I plumped onto the window sill.
-Are you ok? – I turned around to see the person who was the reason of my lack of concentration.
-Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I be?
-You know, I may be blind, but I have a pretty good hearing.
-And…? – I asked flatly as he took a step forward
-And I can tell your heartbeat is a bit too fast, so once again – are you ok?
-Well, I’m healthy if that’s your concern. 
-Good to know. You’re YN, right?
-And you are Matt Murdock. – he smirked upon my words.
-So, you’ve heard about me.
- Yes. From all the broken  - hearted girls you left behind. Aren’t you a bit too smart to be such a player?
-You think I’m smart?
-I think you have an annoying habit of answering a question with a question.
-Isn’t that a lawyer thing? – he smirked and I groan at his response – may I? – he pointed to a spot next to me and as I allowed he sat down.
-I’ve heard about you YN. You are pretty smart yourself. Winning a moot court, getting a scholarship and an internship at one of the most prestigious law firm in New York. Quite impressive. If you’d like me and my friend Foggy are going out tonight. You may join. Oh, and that friend of yours, Pug, isn’t it? He may join. I hope I’ll ….
-See me? – I smirked
-Hear from you – he smirked back and walked away, a second before Pug came out of the classroom.
- What happened? – my best friend seems confused at my puzzled expression.
-I’m not entirely sure, but I guess we are going out tonight. 
Two months later
We did in fact went out. And then again and again until it became regular habit. Some times we were hanging out with Foggy and Pug, since netiher Matt nor me wanted to leave one's best friend behind. I was getting back to dorm from a meeting with Matt (since we both decided it was not a date), which left me in unusually good mood and with a lot of thoughts.
-Did you guys kiss?
-Ah! Pug, what the hell!? – my best friend was sitting on a bed in my dorm in complete darkness, a look of curiosity and anticipation on his face.
- Did you?
- What kind of question is that?! What happened to “I support woman’s independence” attitude? Oh, God, who am I kidding? Yes,yes, we did – I blushed and looked down a bit embarassed
-Oh, that’s wonderful – he jumped up and hugged me – but I’m still concerned and sure he is trouble. Either way, I know you can handle anything and if you can’t …
-I know, I know. I can ask you for help. Thank you, Pug, I appreciate it, but I’m genuinely happy.
-And I’m happy for you.
-So, now we need to find a girlfriend for you, my dear friend....
-Since when are you a matchmaker?!
Thanks to some magic, I managed to keep up my friendship with Pug and my relationship with Matt. These two were the pillars of my life, literally. Of course, I could never be a damsel in distress and I was handling my shit by myself but at the end of the day it was nice to have someone to talk to. Short before graduating me and Pug got a job at Goodman, Liber, Kurtzberg and Holliway, one of the best and biggest law firm in States. I clearly remember how shaky were my legs when we walked towards the board where the list of admitted were published. Matt was holding my hand and gently rubbing my palm with his thumb to calm me down while Pug was pacing nervously, clutching on my other arm. I was head over heels happy upon noticing that we were both hired. I immediately jumped into Matt’s arms and felt him holding me by my waist close to his chest and his fast beating heart. 
- I am so proud of you – he whispered quietly, kissing me gently not having a care in the world who may be watching – I told you, you are a smartass.  Congratulations to you to, Pug – he turned his head towards the other man.
-Thanks Murdock, I appreciate it. But… you know, there’s one tiny problem.
-And what is that? – I asked still glued to Matt
-We got a job in Los Angeles branch of GLK&D.
-What? Are you for real? – I yanked myself free and run towards the board to see with my own eyes, unwanted tears falling down. –It’s true – I sobbed as I realized it was more than 40 hours away from Hell’s Kitchen where Matt and Foggy were running  their practice. I turned around so that none of them would see my state but they knew. Pug grabbed my hand in reassurance and Matt’s hand sneaked around my waist. With anyone else this would be extremely awkward but not with them.
-We can make it work – Matt whispered kissing my temple – we can do it YN.
-Can we? I don’t have much experience with long – distance relationship, but ….
-I can give you a few examples – Pug smiled – like that one case we worked on when husband was living in Belgium and the wife in England.
- Brown and Novak? – Matt completed and Pug snapped his finger in agreement.
-Or the one when the girl was from Poland and was only a guest in her boyfriend home in Rome. And they made it work .
- Hold on, guys. The Brown and Novak was a divorce case, remember? – I reminded them and their faces immediately dropped – and the second one was in fact about the girl running around the Europe like crazy and only getting tired which led to her mental disorder.
-Well, um… - Pug muttered searching for some conforming words.
-We are not them YN. We can make it work. I promise. You’re not getting away from me, so easily.
-Is that a promise of a lawyer, Murdock?
-Sure as hell it is.
-You take care of her there, Pug. If anything happens, I'm coming for you - Matt warned the other man as we were about to check-in to a plane.
-Matt !- I shoved him playfully - behave! It's my best friend you are threatening now, councellor.
-Forgive me your honor - Murdock smirked - I rest my case.
-Good. I would hate to have a quarrel with you now.
-No worries, Murdock. I will watch over her.
-I don't need. ......
-Supervison. We know - they both said in unison.
-Precisely. If anything, I will have to watch your back, Pug.
-It's mutual care taking then. Anyway, I guess I'll see you when you come visit, Murdock - Pug said - I'll give you some space for goodbyes now. - he added while walking towards the check-in.
-Call me when you arrive. The very minute you arrive.- Matt grabbed my waist and whispered into my ear while pulling me close and breahing me in.
-And how will you know the exact minute? - I teased closing my eyes and enjoying his warm embrace.
-Super hearing, remember? - he smirked
-From a different state?
-When it comes to you, I'll find you anywhere - his soft lips finally found mine and we got lost in the moment.
Again, thanks to some supernatural powers, we did made it work long distance. Of course there were bad moments, since we weren’t even in the same time zone. The worst thing was probably one time when I came to visit Matt in Hell’s kitchen for a weekend. I was ready for some intimate time with him, since it was a while since, but what I stumbled upon halted all my romantics.  When I entered his flat calling his name, I only heard a groan from the couch. Matt was laying there with cuts and bruises all over his chest and abdomen.
-What happened? –I asked sitting on the edge of the sofa and keeping my cold blood. Some practice as a lawyer was infinitely helpful when it came to emotion control.
-I got into a fight. – he mumbled and tried to lift himself up – don’t worry about it. I missed you – he leaned forward and captured my lips with his.  For a second I was lost in the feeling I was deprived of for so long. His hands were on my waist trying to hold me closer and I immidiately wanted more but when we moved he gasped in pain again and I pulled off.
-Trying to trick me into backing off from the questions, attorney? Not a chance. You are going to tell me everything. And I mean, everything, Matt. No bullshit.
- YN….
-Mattie – only I was allowed to use this nickname and it always made him soft – please, tell me – my lips were now on his cheek, my nose gently rubbing his skin and he stopped breathing indulging in the feeling, mouth slighly open. I could almost see the wheels turing in his brain.
-And who is trying to charm their way now? Your heart is beating fast, you know – he moved his head slightly so our lips were almost touching . A war of nerves and character.
-It’s still you, Murdock – this time I moved forward still leaving some space between our face. So close yet so far we were.....
-Is it? – he closed the gap without hesitation, ready to take a step further as his hands started roaming my sides and back and that made me shiver.
- You lost – I gathered all my strenth and muttered into the kiss which made him stop – you kissed me first.
- Can you blame me? – he rested his forehead on mine – It’s you who made me lost, that’s truly a winning.
- Now, as a punishment….
- I like where this is going…. - he muttered in a lowered voice.
- Shit, Matt, just shut up for a minute, will you? No more games. As a punishment you are going to explain what happened. Then and only then I may consider taking care of the wounds and maybe some more action.
- Fine. But you are not going to like it.
And that was how I found about Daredevil.
-I'm sorry, you are doing what?!
-YN, please just listen to me - he pleaded trying to touch me.
-Oh, I am listening, very, very carefully. To every single word. Maybe at least one of them would help with making sense to what you are saying. -I sat down out of his reach crossing my arms - go on. Present your case.
-Can you please, stop lawyering and act like a girlfriend this time?
-is that what you really want? - I looked at him - be careful what you wish for, boyfriend.
-On second thought - I don't want your wrath.
-Wrath?! - I scoffed - Matt, I'm deadly worried about you. You should not...
-I know. I know what I'm putting at risk here, but... there are some dangerous people here. I can't stop until everyone is safe.
-And are you?
-Are you safe, Matt? Because from what I see the only one in danger is you. And what you are putting at risk is my mental health. We talked about it, remember? We promised we won't be like our college cases. So why?
-No, Matt. I don't even know what to think now. I need to consult my pillow on this one.
-Please don't go. Stay. I need you.
-I'm not going anywhere, but .... I need to go through it by myself. So just give me space, all right?
He did and therefore nothing happened that night between us. We were just sleeping or probably rather pretending to. There were a lot of thoughts in my mind, but as much as I hated it, I needed him too. Therefore I let him be the big spoon as he held me from behind close to his chest in bed. The warmth radiating from his body and his soft touch like a silent pleading to understand, to forgive him and to stay despite everything. I felt betrayed and lied to, but I also loved this idiot so I had absolutely no idea what to do.
Next morning was a bit awkward for both of us. We feel asleep spooning but woke up in quite different position. My head was on his chest as I embraced him while one of his hand rested on my waist, the other cradling my head as if he was trying to protect me. I knew he was not asleep and he knew the same about me.
-Morning - I muttered planting a single soft kiss on his shoulder.
-Morning YN - he answered caressing my nose with his - how did you sleep?
-I hate you Murdock - I hissed - I hate what you do to me.
-And what is that?
-You make me feel safe and loved. You make me believe I have someone to take care of and someone to trust. You are the reason I feel happy and why I smile even at the worst day. And on the other hand because of you I feel broken and scared. Lonely and exposed. And the worst thing - you make me want to forgive you for everything. For all the lies, for clouding the facts. And I know damn well how much pain this will cause me, but I do forigve you, Mattie - at this point I could not hide my tears that started flowing down my cheeks.
-Yn - he whiped them away with his thumb making me instinctively lean into his touch - I love you - he whispered resting his forehead on mine. And I am sorry.
-Don't you ever hide anything from me, again. Ever, you hear me - I cupped his cheeks and he nodded looking down - Cause if you do, we will be over, you get that?
-Never again - he whispered -now, let me apologise to you properly - he grinned as he pinned me down on the bed and started kissing me.
Don’t get me wrong I wasn’t a fan of the idea of my boyfriend running around Hell’s kitchen dressed up in some crazy costume (even if it was appealing), getting beaten up. Maybe it would be easier if I was there too and not in Los Angeles. On the other side, I was more than sure I could not stop him, so after a conversation, however not many words were used, we came up with some Daredevil "ground rules" which we were both more or less content with. And somehow, we really did made it work for the last two years.
 Present day
-Get out of your head, YN, I know you are reminiscing.
-You know what I’m thinking now? - I teased
-When you are not working, there are like three things on your mind.
-Really? You believe me so simple? Go on, tell me what is it then, mentalist.
- Ok – he put a strand of hair behind my ear – it’s either me, since I’m your best friend and you are concerned over my wellbeing – I scoffed at the words and he laughed – the book you’re reading or the story you are currently writing under the desk – I tried to interrupt him but it was futile since he did knew about my efforts in that area – or …. your distant boyfriend, Murdock. I suppose it’s the latter. Am I right?
- You are, however it’s rather difficult to admit it.
- Is everything ok between you two? When was the last time you saw him?
- Three weeks ago in person. He’s … he’s dealing with something – yes daredevil something but it't not like I can say it out loud- but we talked on Skype and we text regularly. It’s hard, Pug, even if from the begging I knew it would be.
- Come here – he motioned me to lay my head on his shoulder and stroked my hair gently– whatever happens, you have me, you know.
- Thank you, Pug. I don’t know what I would do without you.- I closed my eyes, enjoying his presence and we stayed like that for some time.
-Are you guys together? – Nicky, Jennifer’s paralegal asked me straight away
- What? Me and Pug? No way! We’re just best friends.
- Mhm, right – she did not seem convinced.
-Nicky, I got a boyfriend.
- in other state I believe – she smirked.
-Yes, in fact. Hell’s kitchen. And why am I even telling you this?
- Because we’re getting to know each other. And because I still don’t believe you.
- Pug, would you mind helping me here?
-I don’t know what you girls are blabbering about but whatever YN says I support it. - he spoke from his office, hearing us thanks to the open door.
- See? – I flashed a smile towards my interlocutor.
- How are you dealing with long-distance relationship then?
- That’s it. I draw the line here, Nicky.
-Oh come on, we were finally getting somewhere.
-I have to go. Jen is probably in dire need of my help with the case.
- With the frog man? I think she has it all under control.
- Mm. nope. I can tell she needs me desperately.
The truth was that me and Jen got pretty attached since her arrival. Unlike Nicky, who I secretly liked but would never admit, she never insisted of retrieving any personal details from me. It was like we had two bigger no-secrets relationship in  the office and that was me with Pug and Jen with Nicky and not-so-deep-but-still-friendship amongst everyone else. So when Jen asked me to help her with the frog man case which was essentially some stupid-ass teenager who wanted to be a superhero and had daddy rich enough to enable that, I was more than happy to accept. That was until I realized the other party, the defendant was Luke Jacobson, the designer who made a costume for Ma… aaah, I mean for Daredevil. Perhaps I should have invoked the conflict of interest and refused, but the temptation of getting away from the contracts was too big to deny Jen.
We entered the court and took our places on the bench. Pug and Nicky were sitting right behind us, giving us a thumbs up. They were so similar with their happiness and undying positivity. Eugene Patillo, our client was between us, while Luke was sitting by himself. It was absolutely unprofessional of his lawyer to be late and leave him waiting. Suddenly, as me and Jen started getting impatient, as well as the judge, the door burst open and the attorney came in with an apologizing look on his face.
-I’m here. I’m sorry your honor, I could not find a place to park – the judge was perplexed at his words so he was quick to add  - I’m kidding. My driver could not find a place.
Oh shit! Now I definitely have a conflict of interest here! Shit! – I turned around to take a look at Pug who just shook his head, his frown and honestly his whole face asking me if I knew about this which I obviously did not. Matt also sensed something happening – perhaps my surprise gave away some vibe or he felt my scent, I don't know, but he turned his head towards me and smiled. It was a genuine smile, not a smirk and not a half-one, and I looked down trying to hide my feelings which Matt already knew better than I did.
-Who is this asshole? – Jen whispered to herself.
-Hey, easy, Jen – I narrowed eyes at her – he may be a bit overconfident, but he’s not a jerk.
- Do you know him?
-Yeah, well, sort of….
-Is this a problem on personal matter?
- A little – I frowned awkwardly – I’m sorry, Jen, I had no idea.
-Don’t worry. But, in that case let me handle this one, ok?
-Sure. I hate it though. I had a whole speech prepared.... - I whined. I swear, one day Mutt Murdock will become the death of me.
The trial was surprisingly quick, but what else should I expect from Matt, who obviously won. This left me in even more compromising position, since on one hand I was happy for him and on the other I should have taken care of our client’s interest way better and was frustrated to have lost.
-Are you ok? – Pug grabbed me just as we exited the courtroom and the press did not catch us yet asking for a statement – with Murdock sudden appearance?
-I’m just surprised. And confused. I mean, he could have told me he was coming. Not about the client, since you know … confidentiality, but about his visit in LA.  But I’m fine. I guess. I have to talk to the press, ok? Wait for me, I’ll need you now.
- She-hulk, YN, what happened there? How was the result of the trial? Did you win? – oh, yes, the press vultures are off the leash. As we were talking to the reporters I had no time or audacity to look toward the other side of the court hall where Matt was being interviewed. There was a lump in my throat and even if I didn’t want to admit it I was worried of the reason behind his silence. So, my instincts, instead of running into his arms was more focused on running away as fast as possible. And I did, as soon as the interview ended. Guess I forgot he was way faster than me. And stronger.
- Counsellor! – he yelled catching me up and grabbing my arm causing me to turn and look at him – I think you forgot something – being chased by a blind man on the street. How crazy is that?
-Really? And what may that be?
- A welcome? – he smirked and leaned forward clearly going in for a kiss.
-Um, no - I put index finger on his lips which made him stop halfway - that is highly unproffestional counsellor. We are on the opposite sides of the barricade after all.
-YN... - Matt whined in frustration
-Besides, welcome would be far better and sweeter if I knew someone were coming to visit my city. Instead I was practically left on radio silence for the last weeks, worried about the … stuff you do - I waved my hand around - and alone.
-I wanted to surprise you – he gently grabbed my chin and caressed my cheek –I’m sorry, sweetheart.
-You sure did surprised me, Matt. – I pouted - Were you even going to come find me or is it just a proffesional matter? Client to represent and then off?
- You know exactly why Luke asked for me, honey. And of course I was going to come to you. How could I not? I have no idea you were representing Eugene. Are you angry? - he took his glasses of and gave me his signature sad, lost cat look.
- Like hell. But I already know how to use that spare energy – I leaned forward and kissed him which he was glad to take, closing his arms around me, pulling me in. Lost in the moment, we completely forgot that we were still in front of the court. And that the reporters were still there. With their cameras and recorders.
- Murdock, as much as wonderful it is to see you – Pug interrupted giving us a shove and getting away from the public eye. Thank god for this man and his reason. – you might want to be more discreet.
- Nice to see you too, Augustin – Matt smirked at the other man.
-So that is her boyfriend?! Damn, girl! – Nicky winked at me, shock and approval mixed on her face.   
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