#but dont shove it down people's throats with shitty arguments like these
cloudjumpervalka · 7 months
i have now seen the live action atla series and god its so bad. it really is all the critics have been saying, it favors the characters telling you exposition over and over again with mediocre fight sequences.
the acting left a lot to be desired. the costuming left a lot to be desired. the writing DEFINITELY left a lot to be desired.
i feel very qualified to... judge the content of this as i was an undiagnosed autistic child with a hyperfixation on atla for the entirety of my middle school years. it was the only thing i cared about or thought about literally
like. the worst part of all of it. is not just the like. cutting of any character developing moments but alao like. these weird little plot differences ????? again these are arguments ive already seen online but, katara isnt allowed to be angry, sokka isnt allowed to be a good leader, aang isnt allowed to have FEELINGS.
god so much of it felt like. how many adults can we get to berate this child that looks like hes about to legitimately cry. the changes to bumis character? made me so angry.
like i guess i can see what the writers were "going for" if you want to call it that. they put so much focus on showing the violence of the fire nation, literally deciding to open the show. showing the genocide of the airbenders, burnt corpses and all. because of this exasperated showing of violence, the message being shoved down aangs throat by nearly every adult character is "you abandoned the world and people died because of you and will continue to die because of you and you will never atone for this"
like what these writers were going for is. aang is not allowed to be a child. none of these kids have been allowed to be kids in the war so we need to punish aang for that so that he can understand their pain. its because we only things you learn about katara and sokka is their tragic backstories and nothing about what makes them.... them..
so we cant possibly have aang be a fun loving kid bc we dont have time to explore that with anyone else !!! these characters cant bond !!!! suffering only !!!!!!!! we live in a time of suffering !!! suffering through these shitty plot changes !!!!!
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natsumiheart · 5 years
A rant talking about and defending Saihara Shuichi from haters for like an hour for his birthday.
(Warning: This post is long, again.)
Over the last (two-three???) years after DRV3 has been released I actually came across Shuichi haters here and there, and I have seen their arguments as to why they think he sucks, why he should’ve died, why Kaede should’ve survived instead, etc. Making full on posts on amino, or just scribbling his face on drawings of him and reposting the edited art on instagram. (Don’t do that to anyone’s art that’s disrespectful as hell, disgusting.)
So after I’ve seen all that, I’m going to explode and defend Shuichi right here on his birthday. I rant a lot so it’s not really new or anything so! Enjoy?
> “Shuichi doesn’t deserve to be a detective, he’s so dumb and afraid of the truth.”
Shuichi IS afraid of the truth, but he’s smart as hell. Let’s discuss something, would you, in all honesty, want Shuichi to be exactly like Kirigiri? Because most of the people who believe Shuichi is actually not smart had these expectations for him.
First off, that would be very unoriginal and unlike the writing in danganronpa. What I like about the games is how every character is written, they are all so different and unique. Just because Shuichi is the ultimate detective doesn’t mean he is going to be Kirigiri level or act like her, same as Nagito and Naegi who have the same talent and yet are so different. 
The second point is that Shuichi’s specialty was doing small cases for his uncle so that he can focus on important things, which basically included finding lost pets and infidelity cases (catching cheaters). He solved only ONE murder case, he isn’t at Kirigiri’s level who may I remind you was born in a family full of detectives and had undergone strict training by her grandfather Fuhito who wanted her to be a detective no matter what. They are two different characters with completely different backgrounds, personalities, and mentalities, so they shouldn’t be compared for having the same talent.
Third thing, Shuichi ended danganronpa. He’s not stupid, he figured out Tsumugi was getting them into a trap with the hope and despair options and exposed her for wanting them to choose hope so danganronpa continues. He also figured out that Kaede’s plan to kill the mastermind failed as soon as he found a shotput ball in a trashcan. He is an actual detective, just went through shit making him afraid of the truth (which I’ll discuss next.)
People who say Shuichi doesn’t deserve to be a detective should be legally not allowed to have ice cream, no cookies and cream flavor, no oreo flavor, nothing is allowed. (I’m jk ahahaha… maybe-)
 > “Shuichi is weak.”
Shuichi didn’t have enough self-confidence in himself at first, but there’s a huge reason for it. It’s the same reason why he started being afraid of the truth. Because every single time he tried doing the right thing, life came back and bit him.
He solved a murder case, turns out the killer was taking revenge for his family. He told Kaede about the possibility of a traitor, she ended up using their plan to try and kill the mastermind and was executed for killing Rantaro. He solved Miu’s case and Gonta was executed, Kaito literally stopped talking to him when all he was trying to do is keep them alive.
His parents also neglected him as a kid, probably making him think the problem is with him until he started being bitter towards them instead. These situations and the way Shuichi was raised led to him having self-confidence issues, always doubting what he was doing, if it was the right thing, and if he deserved to be a detective. (and I don’t think he should be blamed for feeling this way, heck.)
But in the end Shuichi had to believe in himself and all his feelings and deductions to end danganronpa in chapter 6. If anything, in my opinion, Shuichi is one of the strongest characters in DR for dealing with so much, he’s no longer “weak” by the end of the game but I don’t think he was in the first place.
TLDR; he’s not weak, just went through a lot and probably suffers from anxiety rip.
 > “Shuichi is also extremely physically weak, a noodle, a twink, etc.”
Shuichi is in fact not weak, he is shown to be able to do up to 50 pushups a day. I can barely do one (yes the real noodle was actually me all along) He may not be the strongest man alive, but he’s not that lacking in physical strength. At some point even during the training with Maki and Kaito he reaches 50, then Kaito says he lost count and makes him start over.
If you check the caged child scene, he lifted the cage with Kokichi (Who was saying he shouldn’t have lied about being strong because it was really heavy.) So he can at least lift up a cage too.
 > “Shuichi’s real self is some murder obsessed psychopath that assaults others.”
That was never confirmed by the game, it is just a fanon version of pregame Shuichi that some fans believe in. We never know if those tapes that Tsumugi showed were real or not, since the pre-memories Shuichi that we saw in the beginning of the game was more of a nervous and scared boy who said he was kidnapped (Also Kaede had to yell at to calm down, which is a notable difference to her reaction when he did the same thing the second time they got out of the lockers.) 
I believe those characters we saw in the beginning were their pregame selves, Kaede wasn’t as nice and had lost her faith in humanity (but she probably knew what DR is because she was trying to ask, and didn’t exactly look happy about it), Rantaro suspected what was going on because he experienced the same thing before, and Shuichi was confused and most probably scared (I have a feeling he’d know what’s going on if he really is a huge fan of DR). The reason Tsumugi got the idea of “a weak detective that gets more confident” is because of his pregame personality. So pregame Shuichi is actually way less confident than his ingame self and it shows mostly in chapter 6.
But that’s just how I view it, take of it as you will. In the end pregame Shuichi and Ingame Shuichi are two different characters, just like pregame Kaede and ingame Kaede. So even if pregame Shuichi was like that I don’t think his ingame character should be held accountable for it. (and like I said, that's just a fanon version of him, not confirmed. You can’t even tell from the tapes if he assaults people like everyone claims he does.)
 > “Kaede should’ve survived instead, she’s a way better protagonist!”
Now this is a controversial topic in the fandom, I think. Because some people love Shuichi more than Kaede and vice versa. I think people can love Shuichi but also want Kaede to be the protagonist, So I’m not going to touch on the topic of whether our favorite pianist could be a good main character or not. (We only experienced a chapter with her, we can’t tell what would’ve happened if Shuichi died instead and we continued the story with her so we can compare who is a “better” protagonist.)
But I’ll explain why Kaede HAD to die.
Kaede didn’t die for Shuichi’s development, she died because she was practically a perfect character. People suspected her dying before the game even came out! She had an actual talent, she was positive as hell, she tried uniting everyone as best as she could, she was confident and sometimes even bossy. Those were all warning flags to the fandom.
But thing is, Kaede isn’t perfect, paranoia got to her too and because she wanted to save everyone so bad she tried to kill the mastermind and died thinking she killed someone. I personally love how everything played out (except for the part where it turns out she didn’t kill anyone anyway, but I can see the appeal of the plot twist) but that’s just my opinion. 
Point is, Kaede didn’t die for Shuichi to become the protagonist, there was a reason everyone suspected she’d die before the game came out and before they knew the role would go to Shuichi instead.
Also a lot of people tend to forget that Shuichi was the one who ended danganronpa. I’m not sure Kaede would’ve been able to because she probably would agree with Kiibo and chose hope, she’s not a detective after all.
 Now onto the smaller arguments that I saw
> “His design is boring”
Let me see you make a better one 👀
I’m just kidding don’t kill me, but I’m pretty sure the thousands of fanarts of him prove that a lot do not agree with that point. (Me included, he is pretty boi.)
> “Playing as him sucks because he cries a lot.”
Are people are not allowed to have feelings now? The portrayal of his feelings is what made him my favorite DR protagonist, so saying you hate him for crying a lot makes it obvious that you’re either grasping at straws for reasons to hate him, or you seriously lack empathy... I don’t even think he whined / cried as much as the haters claim he does.
> “He stands in the way of my ship!”
…. Wow, I’m actually at a loss of words. I only have one advice if you hate a character for standing in the way of your ship: grow up. It’s good for your emotional health I promise.
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nandabell · 5 years
Breaking up is natural
Was bored so writing a break up story with tokoyami comforting reader after she leaves cheating ex. Sorry if it sucks, I dont write often.
He doesn't mean to look in your direction of the cafeteria, but it was kinda inevitable with the scene that you were causing. You, and he assumed the conventionally handsome Male, as your boyfriend, seemed to be in a heated argument. Tokoyami wasn't one for drama, pretty much avoided situations such as this. He found no satisfaction in prying into other people's business. But try as he might to ignore it, he could hear everything you were shouting.
"You're a liar! I know you been seeing her behind my back!" Tears were streaming down your redden cheeks, pointing an accusing finger to the cheating bastards chest. The jerk just rolled his eyes, placing his hands in his pockets. Looking completely put out.
"What do you want me to say, Y/n?" He said. You clench your fist and glare. "I dont want you to say anything! I got the screenshots, I know what went down! You asshole!" You shout as you shoved your ex. Tokoyami watched in slight shock when he shoved you back hard enough to send you falling back onto the floor. "Oh man! Did you guys see that?" Mineta said munching on his lunch loudly. Tokoyami ignored the small teen. "What the fuck is wrong with that dude?! You dont just push a girl like that!" Kirishima fumed, looking ready to intervene, when sero grabbed his shoulder holding him back. "Yo dude chill! It's not our business to get involved. I dont like it either, trust me, I wanna slug that bastard too. But we can't."
While tokoyami agreed with sero, he couldn't help but feel guilty. He watched you get up and cuss out the Male, before you turned around and fled the cafeteria. He had the strangest urge to follow you but shrugged it off. Sero was right, it wasn't any of his business. His gaze shifted back to the Male student, who was laughing at the situation with his friends. The bird boy felt a surge of anger wash over him. How could that guy laugh at another one's pain? "You okay, tokoyami?" Shoji asked nudging said boy. Tokoyami sipped his drink. "Yes." He lied.
After lunch he couldn't get the whole ordeal off his mind. He sat in class trying to focus on his lesson, but your face kept flashing in his mind. Tears and all. It bugged him for some reason, seeing you so hurt. 'Why though? I hardly know her?' I shouldn't care at all' he thought. He sighed and tried to pay more attention to aizawa.
After all his classes were finished he took a stroll outside of U.A. dressed in casual clothes. Enjoying the nice weather after a long day. As he passed by a tree he heard a small sniffle. He stopped immediately glancing at the tree, noticing a figure sitting on the other side. He krept closer to the tree, eyes widened when he saw it was you. Still dressed in your uniform. You were curled into yourself, face buried in you hand as you quietly wept. He noticed you had earphones in, a soft sad medley could be heard.
He listened as you shakily sang along. The lyrics were heartbreaking to him. He should leave you be, he should quietly turn around and pretend to never have noticed you there. But as you let out another soft sound of hurt, he couldn't. He didn't know why he was reaching out to you to tap you on the arm, lightly. You start out of your crying to see tokoyami watching you with a gentle gaze. "Hey." He whispered.
You flush in embarrassment. Quickly wiping away any tears. "U-um hey..." you stutter awkwardly. It wasn't everyday a student from 1-A talked to you. Especially a cute one. You watch as he kneels down to you, his hand still touching your arm. You notice how warm the touch is, it comforting. "Are you alright?" He asked. "Ah uh yes, fumikage-San!" He looks surprised when you call him by his last name.
"You know...me?" You flush again. "Well...yeah? Your in class 1-a. Everyone knows you guys." He nods. "Well since you know my name, may I know yours?" "Oh! I'm Y/n, nice to meet you!" You say quickly. He smiles the smallest cutest smile at you. "Likwise, Y/n." He points to the ground "may i?" You nod. He sits next to you and leans back against the tree. You scoot a little away from him, just so he has more space to be comfortable. Panicked you try and pull yourself together, it was so not cool to look so pathetic in front of a popular guy.
"I hope I'm not being rude, but I saw what happened at lunch earlier...and I just wanted to know if you were really okay." Tokoyami says awkwardly. Not sure if bringing up your fight was the right thing to do. He didn't want to unintentionally hurt you. "Oh...you saw that?" You mutter looking down. "Not that I wanted to..." he says honestly. "It wasn't right of him to hurt you like that." You bite your lip to keep from whimpering, you dont want to cry in front of tokoyami. "You seem like a sweet girl, Y/n. I dont understand how he would so blatantly treat you as if you were nothing."
"Its because I let him..." tokoyami stares at you, confused. Tears slowly drip down your face, frustrated, you wipe them away. " it-it's not the first time he's done this to me...but he always promises to never do it again! Even when I know it a lie. I try to leave him but he always knows what to say...to keep me. I hate it! I hate him and how shitty he makes me feel! Am I just not good enough for him?! I-I know I'm not the prettiest girl but..." your lips tremble as a sob wrecked its way out your throat. You cry again, you cant help it, the tears just keep coming.
You dont realise it at first, but tokoyami has wrapped and arm around your shoulders, pulling you to lean on his shoulder. He let's you cry into his favorite black sweater, not caring that your tears are making a wet spot. He gently rocks side to side. You continue to cry, then minutes later your cries have turned to tired hiccups. Its then that you notice how tokoyami has you. You quickly try to apologize, but he just shakes his head. Smiles at you as he wipes a stray tear away. "Its okay...crying when your hurt is natural. But dont cry over him forever, he doesn't deserve your tears. And for what its worth...I think your very pretty."
You look at him in awe at his kind words. "Thank you." You say. He ruffles your hair. You giggle, finally feeling a little better. Tokoyami is dazzled by your smile and giggles, a warm feeling fluttering in his chest. You spend the rest of the day with tokoyami, as he invited you back to the dorms. There you meet his friends and classmates, play games, and chat.
When you take your leave, you hug the bird boy, when you let go, hes looking at you with wide eyes. You smile and blush lightly, happily thanking him. You dont know if your seeing things, but his cheeks look just the tiniest bit pink. "If you want...we could hangout again. But only if you want, Y/n." He says rubbing the back of his head. You beam at him. "I would love that."
Welp. There you go. Hope you liked it. Okay bye 🙈 *hides*
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nightglider124 · 6 years
I am so tired.
So. It’s come to it. I have so many thoughts floating around in my head and I can’t express them enough so looks like we’re doing a big fat post which is fucking stupid anyway.
This whole Dickkory/Dickbabs darma... I’m seeing it in the tags and I’m just... why? I thought people were done with this pathetic ship war stuff. It’s so childish?
So, I’ve only really noticed an influx of this hatred since that anon went on a hate spree to dickkory fans’ inboxes. Otherwise, I don’t really notice anything between dickbabs and dickkory fans. 
Let’s be clear about this - That anon doesn’t represent the entirety of dickbabs fans; they really don’t. From the looks of it, they were just a bully and a troll, intent on causing some drama between the two ships. I doubt they’re even a dickbabs fan for real - and if they are, they are certainly not one that the fans would want to associate themselves with, I imagine.
In response to that, can we all stop the shitty back and forth? That anon (or in some cases not anon for those who were also aware of their username) is a nobody who honestly just wants to be a dick and doesn’t care about the fandom itself. If you’re a dickbabs fan and you’re sticking up for them and the things they have been saying to dickkory fans, you need to reevaluate. Likewise, if you’re a dickkory fan that has been lashing out at dickbabs fans for no other reason than being triggered by that pathetic anon, stop it.
Like chill the fuck out with all this abuse between the two ships; it’s so high school and irrelevant and exhausting. Just stop; don’t be children because it’s just embarrassing. That is to both sides of this.
Which leads me to the next thing - dickbabs and dickkory fans are no better or worse than the other. In both fandoms, you have the bad apples who are honestly just such assholes, even you dislike them. I can tell you right now, there are many dickkory fans in the past that I have blocked because they are so negative and atrocious - they’re just not worth being linked to. 
But, neither fan can turn round and say “my fandom is perfect; no one gives hate” because you’re either just not seeing it or you’re not being truthful. There are crappy, hateful fans in ever corner of fandom - any fandom. 
There will always be a few that ruin it for other fans who simply want to enjoy their ship without any abuse or drama. There will always be the hateful, nasty fans who like to try and tear down their “rival” ship and make the fandom look bad. 
It’s not an individual thing so can we please not act like it is? Dickbabs fans need to stop coming for dickkory fans saying we’re all toxic and vice versa; dickkory fans need to remember that dickbabs fans are not these demons - they are just fans trying to enjoy their ship. 
Everyone just leave each other alone if you don’t have nice things to say.
Just be happy with what you have - Dickkory is clearly a thing going on in Titans and some other forms of media. Dickbabs is going on YJ - Let each other have the media forms. Like, who cares? Just be happy with the content you get - don’t be spiteful and angry and pathetic towards fans who are happy to have their ship in something, regardless of who has had more or whatever. 
The thing I have seen a lot of is this slut shaming as well which isn’t cool. This whole hate on Kory as a character is just not acceptable. Whether you dislike her or not, stay out of Kory related tags and stay away from the actress portraying her in Titans. If you’re sending hate to Anna Diop, you are just such a shitty person. The woman is doing her job; leave her the fuck alone. 
Just because you don’t like the character or you don’t like who has been chosen to play her, does not give you the right to be sending threats and racial slurs towards the actress. I thought that was basic human principals but I guess some are still in the baby stages of learning that one; y’know, how to respect others around them. 
Likewise, I’ve seen some dickkory fans bashing on Babs as a character as well which isn’t fair either. Babs is a wonderful character in her own right and if you don’t like her or you hate on her solely because you dislike dickbabs; get in the damn corner and take a time out. I’m not a huge fangirl of Babs; not for a particular reason, I’m just neither here nor there for her. 
But, you don’t see me going to posts and fanart and fanfics and fans’ inboxes, giving them shit just for liking the character. Each to their own on who they like, who they ship, who they don’t like but stop trying to shove it down other fans’ throats. 
Do not push your opinions and thoughts on characters and ships on people who are fans of what you hate. It’s not fair and honestly just makes you a douchebag. 
A big rule in fandoms which... I really thought some people would have learned by this point - if you don’t like something, scroll past it or blacklist it. If you don’t like a user on this site/fandom or they post stuff you don’t like? That block button is there for a reason. Keep the negative stuff away from your dashboard. 
Don’t start giving people hate and making drama and just being unpleasant when all you need to do it blacklist or block. It’s not difficult. 
The same goes for - if you’re making a hate post or if you’re stating how you don’t like “X ship” - for the love of God, don’t tag it. Don’t be that person. Please.
If you tag stuff that you know if gonna piss off a fan, then you get no sympathy when they come stomping through. You are clearly provoking them with that.
Don’t tag bullshit and don’t do it when you know fans go to the tags to enjoy their ship; not to see it be torn down or spat on. 
Just be respectful and nice?? I don’t know why the select few fans on both sides of Dickkory and Dickbabs find that so damn hard? It’s not.
Both ships are valid and wonderful - accept and embrace this; please. And move on.
I am so sick of seeing spitefulness to each other when at the end of the day, we’re all just trying to enjoy out fictional characters and our ships. No one should be getting harassed or abused over something like that.
Fandom world, for most is supposed to be a haven and people who give shit and hate and make unnecessary drama are the ones who ruin the haven.
I can’t believe I actually have to reiterate to just be nice? It’s a basic human concept. Be nice to others and be respectful of things that whilst you might not like, others do. Accept and move on.
I feel like I’ve been fair in this little rant so if I get hate on either side lmao, I will be either deleting or giving you blunt af replies bc honestly I am so done with childish arguments. 
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This is why we can't have nice things Gabby. Please read if you have time, just sharing my thoughts a little.
Got assaulted by my sister over a pair of leggins, if she had just let it go i could have looked tomorrow but she had to punch me when i asked her to leave. And i did find a pair of leggins i can't remember if they're mine. So i did the only thing someone salty af would do, marked them with my initials, shoved them in her face and told her they were mine. But as my sister is the biggest failure in humanity i know she still believed they were hers. But it looks like i won for now, She acts as she owns everything in our house including the house itself, she owns 95% in our shared bathroom because she places her million of things on every available space there is and i have one tiny shelf, there's like no reason for me to have anything nice because she will take it. i'm so enclosed and store everything in my own room because sooner or later that shit will disappear. She's disgusting, annoying and the litteral worst type of person there is. So utterly selfish, stuck up, can't think for her self kind of person. And me as her sister is only good for serving her, there's so much fucking wrong and fucked up things with me because i'm not living up to her standards in what a little sister should be. Because apparantly i'm suposed to humor her and agree with everything she says...is she fucking insane? Just because i like sitting around in my underwear and play videogames and my room is "boy-ish" and i only care about essential hygene products and clothes rather then lots of lots of makeup and being a godamn fahsionista i'm not "normal". She calls herself a feminist but shoves that gender role bullshit down my fucking throat. Like different opinions doesn't even exsist in her dictionary, she is correct, she has the only will. Ofc she will think that because she only values her own opinion and can't respect anyone elses. She's like an obstinate fucking toddler and idk how to deal with this. So this scenario when mom bought her some soda, like a 2 L bottle. The one mom bought me today is 1.5 L. I would not say anything because maybe the store only had that soda, or maybe mom just grabbed one, or she didn't remember what she bought and is really tired from work and i'm just glad she didn't forget to pick that soda up from the store. But oh boy, my sister though, she would have screamed bloody murder at mom then start a fucking civil war with me because she wants half of what i have then. I'll still come out with less because she thinks she deserves more. Because it's unfair, well newsflash asshole, life aint fair. It annoys me to death how unacceptable she is of someone having more or better then her..... I don't fucking understand how she thinks, shes so stupid and overdramatic.... She has no fucking shame or compassion or humanity and it's honestly so sad that it is this way. My family is litterly the weirdest collection of selfish, racist, homophobic, biggoted cheating assholes i know and all i can say is thank fucking god i became nothing of that, thank god i don't drink, smoke, do drugs or is a garbage piece of human shit. I have a bad example of pretty much all bad there is in my closest family. I mean, i became a ball of anxiety and depression but hey thats waaaaay better then some fucking redneck biggoted asshole. My family is like a bunch of hardcore christians in a way except it's for the swedish lineage. YOU CAN ONLY BE SWEDISH IN THIS HOUSE. is basicly what my parents say aka i'm banned for speaking another language or things they don't understand or want to hear. I love my dads argument that only retarded fucking toddlers speak english. I would call that a gifted toddler u piece of shit. AHHH MAN, they hate me for being so "cultural" just because i can speak like 3 languages and some fucking latin, because i'm not interested in swedish culture. Because i'm different. Like i said different and different opinions is a bad thing here. And i'm not suprised parents don't understand anything whats going on the times and this world. Stuck in their little rutine and safe bubble of their work and home. Ofc they wont think anything different because they dont get involved with something else. As someone who invests in a lot of time on social media and see a lot of whats going on the world and different cultures and opinions, ofc i would have a broader perspective and way of seeing things. Thats not gonna change. I'm not gonna force any parents to see my way because thats a shitty thing to do. But i just wish, if someone bothered to read all this shit. No matter what, why can't parents be supportive, you don't need to understand it, you don't need be a part of it. Why can't u just tell ur own child like "ohh u wanna do that thing, well good on u! And have fun" is that too much too ask? Supportive parents could change childrens lifes, because no matter what happens you know mom and dad got ur back. So why is it that people like my parents cant even talk to their own kid unless its to relay information about something they have planned, or when they want me to do somethint. They dont ask about me, how im doing or what im thinking. It's probably been 10 years since i last trusted my mom to tell her anything i felt. And ive never talked to my dad that way unless its to defend myself for some bullshit. They cant even remember the names of my friends ive had for the past 7 years. They honestly couldnt give 2 shits about me as a person and it breaks my fucking heart having to deal with this shit. In like 90% of my conversations with my parents its either an argument or im lying trough my teeth to make it seem like im fine, that everything is fine. Because i can't trust the bastards with even my life, which why i fear for my godamn life everyday that they will get tired of me. Which is hella unfair seeming as my sister is barely employed and works like 3 months a year the last 3-4 years. For now i'm being forced to get a drivers license so i can get a job. But when i do get a job and make a decent wage im gonna move into town which litterly makes my cars useless as monthly bus card is probably cheaper then maintaining a car and paying for a parking spot and i would have to look for an apartment with a garage....no thanks..and everyday....just a parking spot at work would be like 1/3 of my salary. Because thise things aint foe free. But i guess i'm gonna be glad once i have a drivers license, even if i dont use it. But i am petty as hell that theyre gonna force it on me and not my sister. If you actually read this you deserve a godamn gold star. Or like an entire cake.
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