#but everyone here is sososossososo nice
bioethicists · 2 years
i've been at res 4.5 days now and it is a lot better than i expected. i'm still quite ambivalent about recovery but i'm glad to have space to grieve my brother without responsibilities and i'm willing to accept that maybe i need to give up at least some of my behaviors if i want to live a fuller life
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marimo-art · 7 years
Very Big Thank You!
This might be a little long and rambly....sorry.
I really just wanted to say thank you to everyone of you who has started following me in the past few months! Also thank you to my old watchers who have stuck it out since the beginning!!! I really, really appreciate you all so very much. Thanks for the encouragement and fun tags on my art. I love that you guys like my art style and line work and all that. I really do appreciate it all so much.
I know there’s been a whole lot of activity from me recently. Mostly MP100 drawings, but still. It’s really nice to be drawing finished pieces again. When I look back at my archive it’s really sad honestly (go back to January and you’ll see what i mean). In 2016 I posted literally, only like...30 things, none of them finished. I had gone through almost an entire year without drawing anything more than doodles and sketches (which I have yet to scan and post still). It’s not that I stopped drawing, idk what it was. I graduated in 2015 and from AI and I had done so much drawing during school, maybe I just needed a break? I dunno, but also during that year I had just gotten a job and moved and was just getting settled in the place I live now. Maybe that’s why I hadn’t drawn much in an entire year??
But a lot of you guys stuck with me! Even though I didn’t do much at all. I always said I’d start livestreaming, or I’d try to do a weekly drawing to help keep this place active, but I hardly ever followed through with it. Yet a lot of you are still here and that’s really great. I know I don’t draw much of the same things I used to draw, or what some of you used to follow me for. (Like maybe Trigun, One Piece, or....lol idk what else really haha) But I wanted to thank you all again for sticking it out still. I promise I still love all the series I used to draw art for!! (I’m actually really wanting to draw some more Trigun stuff again, but just haven’t yet)
And all you new followers, thank you as well! I’m guessing a lot of you started following because I’ve been going crazy with Mob Psycho drawings. I’m still absolutely in love with this series so there’ll still be more to come, so stay tuned. This show is the first show with a character I’ve come to associated with so sososossososo much. The only show I actually have a character I want to adopt as my son. lol the precious cinnamon roll boy. But that discussion is for another time because this is supposed to just be a big thank you note to everyone. So, all in all, thank you so very much all of you! I love you all very much and greatly appreciate you! Also, feel free to interact with me or send messages/asks whenever you want! I’m always open for talking with new people and getting to know you. :) I don’t bite.
And sorry for this really long post....
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