#but five more months and we are so very back indeed babey
wavernot4love · 3 months
oh fob playing my #1 dream 8 ball at the show i was very nearly at/have been trying relentlessly (unsuccessfully) to make happen. oh that is absolutely evil
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garbage-tozier · 5 years
a shocking new development - reddie
prompt number: 19 - “yes, i admit it, you were right.”
fandom: it (richie tozier x eddie kaspbrak)
rating: e for everyone who isn’t a fucking homophobe
warnings: fluff and also trashmouth tozier finally gets called out!
word count: 1k (short and sweet babey!)
five of the seven losers were grouped off in the corner, while the other two, richie and eddie, sat on their couch. an hour ago, the pair had invited their friends over to their house, hinting at a special announcement.
the group whispered on, entirely ignoring their hosts. "you think we should say something?" eddie said quietly to richie.
richie shrugged, staring at their friends. "i don't know?"
"i'm gonna say something," eddie said, making up his mind. "guys, would you mind talking to us, maybe?" he made his voice louder for this, hoping to interrupt their conversation. when no one looked over, he poked mike- who was closest to him- in the arm.
"shhs, shut up, we're trying to bet on what shocking new development might've pushed you to call us all over," stan said from next to mike, leaning over to swat eddie's hand.
"shocking new development is right," richie said, laughing as he made eye contact with eddie. "what have you come up with, anyway, o brilliant ones?"
"are you getting a dog?" bev piped from the backmost place of the group. eddie grinned at his boyfriend, turning back to bev to shake his head no. she pouted, crossing her arms.
"adopting a kid?" mike questioned causing richie's eyes to widen at the thought. "i didn't think so," mike laughed.
"i'm not sure i'm ready for fatherhood," richie cried, sprawling out on the couch elaborately, making sure that at least one of his limbs ended up somewhere on eddie's body.
"asshole!" eddie yelled, pushing richie's leg- which had eventually ended up on him- out of his lap. "you'd be a shit dad,"
"and you'd be a great one, my love," richie grinned, sitting up almost instantaneously and promptly placing a kiss square on the tip of eddie's nose.
"come on, just tell ussss!" ben pleaded, walking over and leaning down so that he was propped up on his elbows on the back of the couch the couple was sitting on
"fine," eddie sighed, looking over at richie. "do you wanna tell them?"
richie nodded eagerly, standing up and running out of the room. he returned a second later, holding a stool that he placed on the floor and stepped on top of. "the reason we called you all here is.... we're getting married!" immediately, the room was filled with sound. the losers club- save richie and eddie- erupted into hoots, howls, screams, and high fives galore.
"i knew it, i knew it, i knew it! i told you, bill!" ben said loudly, grinning at his friend. bill rolled his eyes, pulling a twenty out of his pocket and reluctantly handing it over. "can you believe that bill actually thought you guys were gonna wait?"
"well excuse me for thinking my friends would be rational and wait more than two months before getting engaged-"
"bill, they've been waiting for this for almost thirty years- they don't wanna prolong it anymore," bev weighed in.
"exactly," eddie grinned, passing out glasses of champagne. "we already know everything about each other. what would we even be waiting for?" bill grumbled, taking the glass begrudgingly. 
"a toast!" stan said loudly once the room had quieted a bit, raising his glass of champagne high into the air. "to me! after all, i am the reason you two aren't still pining over each other like idiots, anyway,"
"hey!" eddie said, but richie put his hand on his fiance's arm, stopping him. stan smirked, lowering his drink.
"he's sorta right," richie said. the room went dead silent, all of its occupants stuck gaping at the comedian, absolutely awe-struck. "what?" richie said after a while, noting everyone's strange behavior.
"did the all-knowing richie tozier just admit to being wrong?" bev giggled, giving the man a light jab with her elbow.
"i honestly didn't know he could do that," mike remarked, earning a snort out of bill. richie crossed his arms, narrowing his eyes at the two of them.
"okay, listen here you little shits- first of all, i didn't even say i was wrong! all i said was that stan was-"
"nuh-uh-uh, rich, you said stan disagreeing with you was right." eddie cut him off. "that technically means you think you were wrong,"
"you too, eds?" the man whined, pouting at his fiance. eddie shrugged, laughing with the rest of their friends.
"come on, babe, you know it's true,"
"now wait a second-"
"just admit it, rich," stan said, setting his glass down- but not before putting out a coaster, and walking over to lay on hand on his best friends shoulder. "i was right and you were wrong."
richie muttered something, and everyone leaned in in such a dramatic way that he would've been proud of, had they not been using such exaggerated advances to taunt him. "what was that?" bev said slyly, grinning as she held a cupped hand up to her ear. "did you say something, richie? could you say it again, just a little louder this time, for the people in the back?"
"alright, alright, fine! you win, guys, you win," he gave in, waving his hand so that they would back up. "yes, i admit it, you were right."
"aaaaaannnnnd?" stan drawled. the six of them stared expectantly at richie, who rolled his eyes, crossing his arms again.
"i was wrong! okay? i was wrong! are you happy now?"
and they were indeed, very happy. richie leaned back, and he couldn't help but smile as he watched as his friends all freaked out, whooping loudly and clinking glasses with each other all around. he shook his head, smiling to himself. "idiots," he mumbled.
when the laughter and excitement died down again, stan clinked his glass with a fork, attracting everyone's attention for a second time. he raised his glass once more, smiling fondly at his best friend. "and another toast- to richie tozier and eddie kaspbrak," eddie grinned, moving over to loop his arm through richie's as stan spoke. "the world's most adorable couple,"
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inceptionbigbang · 5 years
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The complete list of fics available for the Inception Big Bang 2019 is here!
Works are numbered, without the authors names to preserve the mystery. Artists, when you're ready to make your decision send us an email or a tumblr message with your top 3 choices. Fics will be claimed depending on availability, on a first come first served basis. 
On this round we will only assign one artist per fic. Artists that wish to claim a second fic, or that wish to work on a fic that has already been claimed should check out the second round, on July 2nd. All fics will be open for all.
Without further delay, here they are:
1. Arthur and Eames meet as trust fund teens in a Manhattan private school. Eames is a new student who's just moved from overseas, and him and Arthur hit it off immediately. Friendship turns to a whirlwind summer romance, until Eames is forced to move back to London. They meet again many years later when Arthur has to kidnap Eames for a job.
Teen and Up
No content warnings apply
2. A songfic featuring Aubrey by Bread, studying Arthur and Eames and what their relationship might have been like before the Fischer job. The characters aren't going to resemble fanon (Arthur's closed-off persona and Eames's flirtiness). I'm going to try to expand more on what Nolan gave us during the movie (Arthur's straightforwardness and Eames's aloof/cold personality). Basically, Eames is distant and Arthur chases.
Side: Dom/Mal
Teen and Up - Mature
Graphic Depictions of Violence*
* There might be a torture scene, but I'm still debating on whether or not I want that in the story.
3. A fic about arthur and eames and their first meeting in the military to all their other meetings in the criminal underworld of dreamshare. not that long, i'm aiming for 2.5k or maybe 3k if i can. i wanted to focus on their totems and how eames could use forging as a totem (because if he can't forge then he must be awake, right?) but he has a totem just in case. and arthur has a totem (the die from the movie) that he uses a lot more except when he happens to be taken and tortured for some secret or another and the only thing that convinces his brain that he isn't dreaming is the way eames stands when arthur aims a gun at him? if that makes sense....
here's a little bit of what i have written so far:
he’s more surprised at the lack of surprise he feels when eames digs a poker chip out of his desk. its blood red with gold and white accents, worth five thousand dollars at the particular casino it came from, disregarding the fact that it was arthur’s shitty first and last attempt at a real world forge after he participated in a poker game eames held on base many years ago and realized half the chips in the set were fake, pocketing a one thousand dollar chip to use as a reference.
“our totems match,” eames murmurs, flipping the chip over his knuckles with a concentration a bit too intense for something he could do in his sleep (ha).
“match how?” he asks, sipping a glass of orange juice, freshly squeezed because eames wanted to use the electric juicer. he's tempted to pull out his die from his pocket and roll to see it land on five, even though he knows this isn’t a dream.
“i have something that you made, and you have something i made. also, there’s some significance with the number five.”
Side: Dom/Mal
Graphic Depictions of Violence*
*I put the Graphic Depictions of Violence just to be safe but i think it's less than what's shown in the film? because it's supposed to be like an after-torture scene where arthur is like "ouch i'm super hurt and drugged and don't know if i'm dreaming" but again i don't think it's any more graphic than the film at least. might keep that tag just to be safe though idk
4. When dreamshare is first developed, no one has totems. They've always gone into dreams for short amounts of time and always with another person, so there's no chance of someone forgetting their reality. Mal's friend Pip has consistently been pushing the boundaries of dreaming, and one day she decides to go a later deeper without Mal. When Mal wakes up, she realizes that Pip is still asleep and she has to go down after her where she basically incepts Pip with the idea of totems.
General audiences
No content warnings apply
5. There was a small lake behind Arthur's house. The following night, he sat at its edge and stared at the moon's reflection in the water.
See something you like?
Arthur turned. A man was sitting next to him.
"Hello," Arthur said. "Thank you for helping me get home last night."
The moon smiled. "How did you know it was me?"
Arthur rolled his eyes. He picked up a pebble and tossed it into the water, watching the waves ripple the reflection. "How can you be here and there at the same time?"
The moon leaned back on his elbows and stared up at the sky. "Same way I can be in the lake and the sky at the same time."
Arthur frowned. "That's not the same thing. The lake's just reflecting the light from the moon. From you."
The moon turned to smile brightly at him. "Well aren't you a smart one, hm?" He leaned in and whispered, "I'm a reflection, too. We all are, at the end of the day."
Arthur thought about that. It didn't make sense, but that didn't mean it was wrong. He looked up at the moon in the sky, then at the moon sitting next to him.
"My name's Arthur," he offered. "What's your name?"
The moon looked at him strangely. "Eames. You can call me Eames."
"I'm going to be an astronaut, Eames," Arthur said. "Then I can come and visit you in the sky."
Eames smiled again. Arthur wouldn't have thought the moon liked to smile. "I would like that very much," Eames said. "Very much, indeed."
General – Teen and Up
No content Warnings Apply
This fic is a canon AU and will ultimately include the events in Inception.
6. Eames on vacation after inception and stumbling upon Arthur; floppy haired, tanned and just completely the opposite of how Eames has ever seen him before.
Hawaii looked good on him, no better than good...
Teen and Up – Mature
No content warnings apply
7. It’s a follow up story to Cat Person.
First story summary:
Arthur misses his cat and would very much like to get another. He gets Eames instead.
Teen and Up
No content warnings apply
Set in the Star Trek Universe
8. This is an academia AU! Arthur is a struggling young professor trying to find his niche, Eames is the mysterious colleague he keeps (inadvisedly!) hooking up with at conferences.
No content warnings apply
9. When Eames first moved to America, he was at a loss for things to cook. He wasn’t used to the supermarkets and ingredients he needed were expensive. So he Googled food bloggers and found Arthur’s blog. The weekly updates keep Eames going in his boring office job. It takes him a few months before he gets the courage to comment but it’s all downhill from there. Eames is lost with Arthur’s sardonic commentary and when Arthur’s next recipe is one Eames requested, he knows he’s in bad.
Teen and Up – Mature
No content warnings apply
10. Arthur is a flight attendant. Eames is a passenger.
Teen and Up – Mature
No content warnings apply
11. Haunted House AU. Arthur’s working at a popular horror maze escape place to make some extra money over the summer. It’s far from his dream job—making minimum wage crouching behind dark trap doors and chasing random couples and tourists—but at least he gets to vent his frustrations about his coworkers (who are, frankly, driving him insane day by day) by literally screaming at customers. Then there’s Eames, who finds haunted houses boring, overrated, and not the least bit frightening, but is willing to humor a friend (Ariadne?) by accompanying her. But an encounter (and some painfully obvious flirting) with the cute guy under the ghoul mask is enough to make him want to come back again, and again, and again—
- Cobb as the owner/boss and the only guy who actually takes his job seriously. He probably squints a lot because sunlight genuinely hurts his eyes lmao - Mal as his wife, who used to be an actress but left to start a business with Dom. Super sweet and kind of protective of their employees. Plays the main ghost. She’s terrifying. - Yusuf doing their costumes and makeup!!!!
- Arthur getting the job in the first place because his screams are so full of rage (let! him! rest!)
- Eames blowing all his cash on haunted house admission fees so he can flirt with Arthur (who plays different roles on different days, maybe? but Eames can always recognize him, even under the masks/makeup)
- he’s not trying to be creepy, he just wants to ask if he can see him outside of work/get his number—but something always goes wrong before he can
- Arthur being frustrated because Eames is a) distracting, and b) not easily scared, which doesn’t look good for his job. And it annoys him because he has a track record of being able to freak out anyone. He takes it upon himself to make him scream at least once (I haven’t decided how he does, but he does, eventually. Eames probably jokes about screaming with something other than fear, but i am too babey to write any sexytimes)
- maybe??? mild h/c?? Dumbass Drunk College Students coming in all wanting to prove to their friends that they're the Alpha Male, picking a fight and being super violent/rowdy/destructive, + arthur getting hurt/generally kind of shaken up; that’s the first night he lets eames really talk to him outside of the job, maybe even lets him take him home (i dont know if im including this scene for sure but..perhaps)
- Ariadne getting them banned from the haunted house after reflexively slapping Arthur in the face with a rubber snake (Cobb takes the ‘no touching the actors’ rule seriously—especially after what happened^). Eames thinks he’s lost his chance for good, but Arthur finds him outside and finally makes the first move :)
General – Teen and Up
No content warnings apply
12. Arthur is in love with Eames, and he's pretty sure Eames is at least interested in him back. Only problem? Arthur is ace, and not at all sure how Eames is going to react to that. But Arthur's going to talk to him about it, because the alternative is to lose even his friendship with the forger, and that's just not on.
Only the team is also determined to set the two of them up. Will that end up being a wrecking ball to Arthur's fragile attempts at making things work with Eames?
Arthur is ace, and no one knows. When Eames invites Arthur to join him for Christmas, Arthur panics and says no - and spends the whole of Christmas regretting it. The team comes back from Christmas break, and everything is awkward. Arthur knows he has to say something or ruin his relationship with Eames forever, and he's going to do that at the New Year's party where Eames will hopefully be in a good enough
But unbeknownst to him, he's not the only one who's realized something needs to happen. Cobb, Ariadne and Yusuf agree that an intervention is in order. And when better to set their two friends up than at New Years? Get them kissing and surely the tension between them will resolve itself.
What could possibly go wrong?
At the New Year's party, Ariadne suggests playing a game of spin the bottle. Arthur is less than enthused, but Cobb and Yusuf both back up the idea. They play a few rounds before it lands on Eames, whom Ariadne dares to make out with Arthur.
There's an awkward beat before Eames moves to do it. Arthur reacts by freezing and shying away physically. Eames takes this a rejection and leaves the room. Arthur sits there, frozen, and then leaves too.
He goes to the bathroom and breaks down, blaming himself for being so stupid and backwards. Eames hears him, and comes in and comforts him. Once Eames realizes what the problem is - that Arthur is ace - he promises Arthur that it doesn't matter to him, he just wants to be close to him. Cue happy end credits.
No content warnings apply
13. Arthur learned a long time ago that he was special, and no else could see the strings.
Or, ‘everything is still the same, but Arthur can see Red Strings of Fate’ AU.
There are moments when Arthur thinks he needs to tell Eames about the strings. Owes him the truth, he thinks, Eames deserves to know. Other times – well.
Eames knows enough, and he has secrets of his own. Arthur is allowed this one.
Maybe someday it will come up on Sunday brunch, or something.
“Oh yeah, by the way, I can see red strings that I’m pretty sure are tied up to being literal soulmates and we have one. Get it? Tied up hehe. Anyway, no pressure or anything. Love the sex.”
Yeah, Arthur, that would go lovely.
Teen and Up – Mature
No content warnings apply
Ok folks, the next fics are or may eventually get explicit. Minors, we love you guys! Stay safe. Don’t claim them.
14. Arthur has a goldfish which, long story short, he has convinced himself he only needs to keep alive to prove he is not a hot mess. Except now it’s not looking so good and has a weird sore on its side and he doesn’t know what to do but he can’t just let it DIE. So he takes it to the vet and is scoffed at and told it is a feeder goldfish, they cost less than a dollar, just get a new one.
Two vets later and he’s at the end of his rope when he meets Dr Eames, whose dog is introduced as his PA and goes on all his rounds with him. Dr Eames doesn’t even question it, just starts the exam and tells Arthur to pet the dog and start at the beginning while he works.
Teen and Up – Mature - Explicit
No Content warnings apply*
* Discussions of parental death.
15. Eames is working with Arthur the first time in a long while, only now it seems that he has a huge crush on Arthur. He doesn't know how else to get rid of the crush and he really can't concentrate on the job when he's thinking about Arthur all the time, so he asks Arthur to have sex with him, to get the crush out of his system. Arthur agrees surprisingly easily and sex is great, but afterwards Arthur doesn't seem happy and Eames' crush is worse than ever. The more Eames tries to get rid of his crush, the more it sticks, and the less Arthur is talking to him. After the job, Eames has some time to think and he realises that maybe neither of them really wanted for him to get over Arthur. He goes to see Arthur to talk to him about it, but they end up kissing and stuff as well.
Mature – Explicit
No content warnings apply
16. Summary: Eames hasn't seen Arthur in almost four years.
Pseudo- Winter Soldier AU.
There's no response from Arthur, no recognition in his eyes. No banter, no teasing – a coldness that would leave any lesser man with severe frostbite.
"... Arthur?" The words sound so raw, so gutted in Eames’ mouth. "Are you-" are you alive? Are you dead? Am I dreaming?
He reaches for his poker chip.
But before he can trace the ridges for the familiar grooves, a shot rings out loud like a crack of lightning.
And the last thing that Eames sees is Arthur and how he always remembers him: in his whip-black suit and a smoking gun in his hand.
A single bullet tears through Eames' temples, and he is ripped open, pain lighting every nerve in his body like a pinball machine – and he prays to god that this is merely a dream so he can finally wake up.
Mature – Explicit
No content warnings apply
17. “Taxiing an injured delivery boy around the neighbourhood to help him complete his remaining orders had not been a contender on Eames’ list of potential scenarios for the night. Instead of the morose teenager bleeding onto the synthetic leather of the passenger seat, and the short stack of pizza boxes sliding to and fro across the backseat, the Brit had rather imagined his rental car would serve far more nefarious purposes tonight." -- Essentially, Pizza Delivery Porn Guy Crack A/E AU. Aim: comedic tone with bowchikkawowow.
*Arthur isn't the teenager. He is a customer who ordered pizza.
Mature – Explicit
No content warnings apply*
*There is mention of a traffic accident - no detail, but it might not be someone's cup of tea. Also, not yet at the sexual scene so don't know whether I'll stop at M or go to E.
18. In the court of the vampire supreme Saito, ambitious human noblemen Eames and Arthur battle for the coveted position of favorite bestower. Winner takes life everlasting.
Side: Arthur/Eames
Arthur/Dom Cobb
Graphic Depictions of Violence
Bloodplay, Extreme Sadomasochism. Possible Necrophilia
19. Arthur is an undercover narcotics officer posing as a high school senior. Eames is his teacher, who is taken with Arthur and who feels terrible for lusting after a student. Arthur takes down the bad guys, saves Eames' life, then they smash (after Eames finds out he's a fully grown adult person).
No content warnings apply*
*Eames is (shamefully) interested in Arthur, who he thinks is 18 and also his student.
20. Pre-movie: Dom and Mal are a dominant/dominant couple who want to find a sub they can play with together. Arthur is interested in trying to fill that role.
Arthur/Dom Cobb/Mal Cobb
Mature – Explicit
No content warnings apply*
*BDSM, bondage, dominance/submission, spanking/flogging, roleplay.
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