#point is please in the name of all things holy let her not be a one off thing
wavernot4love · 3 months
oh fob playing my #1 dream 8 ball at the show i was very nearly at/have been trying relentlessly (unsuccessfully) to make happen. oh that is absolutely evil
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brainrot-of-a-thot · 9 days
//opens the door and slams my req on the table//
I have come to you today with a marvelous idea, my lord/lady!
Beach day! With Furin + Shishitoren boys!
Their reaction to you asking them out to the beach. Their reaction to seeing fem!reader wearing a cute yet sexy bikini. Some pervs tryna flirt with our dear reader.
beach daze.
or, they underestimated the power of bikinis, featuring: sakura haruka, hajime umemiya, suo hayato, jo togame, hiragi toma, choji tomiyama, ren kaji, kiryu mitsuki, nirei akihiko
a/n: y’all this was supposed to be another headcanon format thing and uh… I got a little crazy. let me know if you like this format (and if I should keep it in the future)
wc: 2.9k
c/w: fem!reader, beach shenanigans, alcohol consumption, established relationships, group beach day!!!, aged up characters, language, possessive!boys!!, mostly sfw, suggestive/spicy content, headcanon format
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↳ bikini blindside (or, how they fuck with your bikini)
↳ oh, god. okay, eyes up. just focus on her eyes. don’t look down, don’t look down, don’t look down — oh, shit.
sakura haruka ↦ flustered to the max. has never seen so much skin in his damn life. tries desperately to keep his eyes above your collarbones, but they keep slipping, running along your creamy skin and curves, noting the way your skin tone makes the color of the bikini pop. he’s trying desperately to fight off a hard-on — you may be his girl, but right now, you’re half naked, and that’s only something he’s imagined late at night in his room and his brain is absolutely short-circuiting right now. someone help him, please.
nirei akihiko ↦ a bumbling, fumbling, mumbling, scattered mess. his eyes are going everywhere, landing on everything and nothing at once, but somehow are always drawn right back to the skin nearly flooding out of your biking top. nirei knew you had some nice boobs; he’s felt them against his chest many times when you hugged him, but seeing them like this — oh, lord, oh no, what were you just saying? he’s trying to pay attention. he swears. but god, he desperately wants to hold them right now.
↳ everyone else here is wearing the same thing. it’s not that big of a deal, it’s just skin — holy shit.
ren kaji ↦ convinced himself he wouldn’t be affected at all, but is combusting at the sight. your skin just looks so smooth and soft, your curves so tantalizing, your boobs nearly falling out of the top and your ass jiggling so deliciously when you walk. your bikini looks more like lingerie to him, and he’s stuck between wanting to openly stare forever and cover your body so that no one else can see (which would unfortunately include him).
hiragi toma ↦ hiragi tries his hardest to be a gentleman — he doesn’t want to openly gawk at you and make you feel sexualized, but he can’t help it. his eyes are just naturally drawn to the strings at your hips, at the way they hug your soft curves so alluringly. can’t help but mentally point out just how much the color makes your eyes pop. can’t help but stir in his shorts at the thought of dragging you off somewhere to look at you in a less innocent way.
↳ goddamn, baby. how am I supposed to keep my hands off of you now?
hajime umemiya ↦ hands on you. lips on you. arms around you. body pressed against yours. umemiya is shameless in the way he ogles and gropes your body, spewing praises and pet names like liquid sin. he absolutely loves seeing you this way — it drives him up the wall with want, makes him want to hold your body to his forever and never let it go. don’t be surprised if he occasionally drags you away from the group to grope you a little more sensually.
jo togame ↦ he can’t keep his hands off of you; albeit in a more subtle way. from skimming his fingers down your ribs to fiddling with the strings at your hips, togame just wants to touch you. the way the bikini hugs your smooth body has him worked up inside, trying desperately to keep it from showing on the outside, and the only way to placate his urges is to touch you. though, if you two are in the water, he may rub his palm between your legs or guide yours between his, just so you can see how much it really affects him.
suo hayato ↦ grabs your ass. a lot. if he isn’t grabbing it, he’s coming up behind you and pressing himself against it using the guise of a hug. suo simply loves your ass; especially so in a bikini. he’s always had a thing for panties — so obviously something like this would be no different. he’s very conscious about how he touches you, though. he doesn’t want to bring others attention to what’s his.
↳ oh, that’s what you’re wearing? it looks so good on you. that color/style suits you, baby.
kiryu mitsuki ↦ one hundred percent matches with you. if your bikini is flowery, he will wear flower-patterned shorts. funny looks be damned. he just likes to dress up with you, and he doesn’t care what looks he gets because of it. definitely finds you sexy as hell in a bikini — and will make sure you know it later tonight.
choji tomiyama ↦ hype man, hype man, hype man. really, it doesn’t matter what you’re wearing. choji will hype you up. though, with your bikini on, he’s using words like ‘sexy’ and ‘hot’ far more than he’s using ‘cute’ or ‘adorable.’ isn’t ashamed to catcall/whistle at you. nor is he ashamed to be caught staring; by you, or anyone else. that’s his, after all.
↳ wet your whistle (or, what they drink at the beach)
↳ if the average human body is 60% water, then they’re 99% water.
sakura haruka ↦ he only drinks water. if someone tries to put something alcoholic in his hand, he’s throwing it back immediately.
nirei akihiko ↦ has been shitfaced a total of once in his life. never again. also, water is far healthier and you should drink more of it, especially in this heat.
ren kaji ↦ kaji just doesn’t like the fuzziness in his head and body when he drinks. he prefers to always be perceptive, and alcohol dulls his ability to do that.
↳ keg kings
hajime umemiya ↦ good lord, this man’s alcohol tolerance is way too high. he can drink a twenty-four pack and barely stumble. one hundred percent will do a keg stand and look absolutely marvelous doing it.
choji tomiyama ↦ drinks straight from the keg. he doesn’t care. alcohol tolerance is incredibly low, but at least he’s an amusing drunk. will do a keg stand and face plant in the middle of it.
↳ mojito sippers
kiryu mitsuki ↦ to be honest, you’ll probably drink more of his drink than he will. it’s not that he hates alcohol; in fact, kiryu quite enjoys it. he’s just more impartial towards light and fruity drinks. and he loves sharing indirect kisses with you.
suo hayato ↦ likes to be buzzed, but not drunk. does have a particular liking to sweeter alcoholic drinks, and he has to watch himself to make sure he doesn’t drink too much. he’s absolutely intolerable when he’s drunk (according to you, who has been the only one to ever witness it).
↳ nurses the same can of beer the entire time they’re on the beach.
hiragi toma ↦ he likes a drink, but doesn’t like the feeling of being buzzed or drunk. he will do that occasionally and in certain situations, but for a day at the beach, he’d rather just sip on something and have fun with you.
jo togame ↦ you’re more likely to catch togame with a ramune than a can of beer — but he does indulge himself every once in a while. he’s very conscientious to drink water as well, so that the effects of the alcohol aren’t as severe on his body. (secret; he’s an extreme lightweight)
↳ take a dip (or, who gravitates to the water and who prefers sand surfing)
↳ takes to the water like a goddamn fish.
hajime umemiya ↦ with or without you, umemiya is in the water. it’s his favorite part of the beach — though he finds the most enjoyment when you’re in the water with him. will have you climb on his back so he can show you that he can swim with you sitting on his back. mother fucker knows how to do every stroke in the known universe.
choji tomiyama ↦ doggy paddle. that’s all choji knows how to do. but it doesn’t stop him from swimming out into the deep ends, sending you into a straight panic every time. he can keep himself afloat, but can’t keep both of you afloat; so for the most part, you can only really hold his hand or shoulder unless his feet can reach the bottom. either way, being in the water is fun with him — because he will initiate a splash battle with everyone except you.
hiragi toma ↦ you know those people who just float on their backs in the water with their eyes closed, just completely relaxed? yeah, that’s hiragi. in some cases, you think he may have actually fallen asleep while bobbing there in the waves — but he’s perfectly awake. will let you use him as a makeshift floatie when your legs get tired.
↳ doesn’t mind the water, but needs frequent breaks from it. doesn’t like it when his fingers prune up.
sakura haruka ↦ he’s in and out quick. depending on how hot he is, he may soak in the water for a few minutes, but he doesn’t like pruny skin. he doesn’t mind standing near the shore with the waves lapping at his feet, though. will stay in the water for a bit longer if you beg him to. hates being splashed, and will yell at anyone who does it — you included.
↳ only if you’re in the water with them; be warned, they may try to dunk you or splash you.
jo togame ↦ will not splash or dunk you — will do it to others. togame actually becomes rather aggressive during splash wars; you learned that the hard way when choji splashed the both of you and togame sent a wave so powerful at him it dragged the smaller boy under the surface. if togame notices someone trying to splash you, he will block it with his own body. keeps his sunglasses on in the water. likes to wade through the water with you on his shoulders. togame can actually spend hours within the water, and even enjoys going off to the deep ends where his feet no longer touch the sea floor.
kiryu mitsuki ↦ one hundred percent holds you in the water. likes to pull you into his chest and wrap his arms around you while the water laps at your chests. kiryu isn’t the type to splash or dunk you; he might cup some water in his hand and pour it over your head randomly just to hear you squeal in surprise though. he also doesn’t like to stay in too long; thirty minutes max.
suo hayato ↦ never ducks his head below water — most of the time, he stays in areas where the water only reaches the middle of his ribs. has no issue dunking you under, though. but he doesn’t do it unprovoked. for the most part, he prefers to just chill in the water; but you shouldn’t expect any mercy if you start a splash war with him.
akihiko nirei ↦ floaties large enough for two. when in the water together, nirei often likes to sit inside a couples floatie. he likes to just ride softly on the waves with you. he will jump in the water or try to splash you every so often — with the claim that he’s just trying to keep you cool.
↳ ew, sea water? I’ll keep my ass here, thank you very much.
ren kaji ↦ hates the taste of sea water. hates feeling weird, slimy things rub against his foot. hates sudden drop offs. kaji is perfectly fine with swimming in a pool, but the sea is a no go. you’re better off just sitting in the sand with him, because you aren’t getting him in that water.
↳ you draw more eyes than just theirs (or, how they react to other men hitting on you)
↳ wants to throw hands, but doesn’t want to make a scene; will posture and attempt to glare the guy away.
sakura haruka ↦ sakura’s eyes are ice-cold and trained only on the guy. his arm is thrown around your bare shoulders and you’re practically crushed to his side. sakura won’t lash out, but he will make sure the man knows that there’s no chance for him. you’re sakura’s, and he will establish that as non-physically-aggressive as possible. (he’s still thinking about laying the douche out though.)
hiragi toma ↦ sometimes, hiragi is downright scary. and that’s never more apparent than when he’s glaring at a man who’s a little too close to you. his posture is set entirely to defense, and the full bulk of his power is displayed through his muscles. in the majority of cases, the sight of hiragi alone is enough to deter any advances; those that aren’t deterred immediately are in only a few seconds of hiragi glaring at them.
ren kaji ↦ man’s has the intent to kill in his eyes when someone checks you out or flirts with you. who knew that a man with a bowl cut and a sucker in his mouth could look so deadly? no one at the beach, obviously. kaji is a true guard dog, stuck to your side and snapping and snarling at any stranger. he just doesn’t want anyone to touch what’s his.
↳ is quite irked, but also too nervous to really say or do anything other than stay very close to you to ensure he doesn’t try anything funny.
akihiko nirei ↦ nirei hates it when other guys check you out or hit on you — but the poor baby hates confrontation just a little bit more. when you’re being hit on, you’re the one who’s defensive, deflecting the guys advances easily and motioning to nirei to solidify that you’re taken by him. if nirei starts to feel threatened by him or if he feels he’s being a little too aggressive towards you, he may employ the help of suo and sakura to scare the guy off.
↳ surprisingly, he isn’t all that bothered by it. you’re hot. of course people are going to hit on you. but you bet your ass he’s right there beside you, listening to everything the man is spewing and ready to (and will) throw hands if he needs to.
choji tomiyama ↦ he knows you’re hot. he knows some may look at your hand in his and wonder how the hell he managed to bag you. but despite that, choji feels secure in your relationship, so when someone is hitting on you, it doesn’t faze him. even when the man’s eyes fall lower than your chin he doesn’t particularly mind; he knows that’s his body, and this jerk would never have a chance. but choji does keep a close eye on the man’s hands, just in case he gets a little too gutsy in the face of choji’s apparent indifference. choji will drop him in .2 seconds.
kiryu mitsuki ↦ kiryu is one of the most mellow guys you’ve ever met. he’s soft spoken and gentle, and despite his inclusion in bofurin, he doesn’t particularly enjoy violence. as such, he’s not aggressive when another guy is hitting on you. he keeps a hand on you, however — wether it’s by holding yours or placing an arm around your waist, he subtly shows the guy that you are indeed taken. and just because he doesn’t particularly enjoy violence doesn’t mean he won’t lay a man flat should he get too ballsy.
suo hayato ↦ suo looks as unaffected as ever; that charming smile still fixed on his face, head tilted only slightly and visible eye closed — but rest assured, he is assessing everything about the man. he’s assessing his stance, his body, his intentions. suo isn’t irked by men hitting on you or checking you out. it’s just something that will happen, and in some ways, it makes suo feel good — because then he has that internal pleasure of being the arm you’re hanging off of. but he doesn’t do well with others trying to touch; that’s a hard no-no. suo will make him eat sand if he tries.
↳ don’t think about it, dude. just don’t. he puts off a presence so large and dangerous that no one would dare approach you — and the ones who do are pissing their trunks only seconds later.
hajime umemiya ↦ umemiya is very intimidating — even more so when he’s around you. of course, when he’s interacting with you it’s similar to watching a lovestruck puppy yap and bounce around their owner; but when he catches the gaze of a man who’s looking a little too intently at you, his entire demeanor changes. he looks less like a puppy and more like a snarling wolf ready to pounce. it certainly deters any potential suitors from you — and the ones who do get gutsy enough to approach when they believe he’s out of earshot are quickly scared away by a sudden and rather aggressive return. again, don’t even think about it, dude.
jo togame ↦ he’s been glued to your side since you arrived at the beach, scoping out the crowd of people from behind dark shades when he wasn’t paying attention to you. togame keeps his eyes primarily on the swarm of men that seem to be inching just slightly closer to your spot on the beach — he’s already caught a few staring openly at you, prompting him to squeeze you close to his body or pull you in for a kiss every time he did. he’s possessive, he can’t help that. and from the way you giggle and stare up at him all dazed, he gets the feeling you don’t mind it one bit.
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omfg I had way too much fun imagining a beach day with all of these boys. like the way they would interact with each other urggghhh <3 amusement part headcanons next anyone?
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fiendishfables · 4 months
hii i just saw ur request page and thought i'd give it a try! soo, can i please have an nsfw oneshot w/dom! lucifer x reader ? i've just been thirsting after him sm...
anyways can it be about like him going down on reader, or just being talented with his fingers, cus we know what he can do with em 🫣
thanks so much!!
a/n: ahh, yes, thank you so much, my lovely, for sending in this request! This is my first attempt at responding to a request, so I hope its to your liking and doesn't disappoint. We love Luci!
warnings: nsfw, sex, cursing, use of pet names, first time as a couple, Luci being a complete dork
word count: 1.2k+
characters: 6646
notes: This is my first fic on here, as well as my first attempt at writing smut, so I apologize if its not any good. But nevertheless, enjoy!
Dom! Lucifer Morningstar x GN! Reader
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Going down on you was something Lucifer had wanted to do the day he first laid eyes on you.
Don't get him wrong, he was a gentleman at heart and would continue to be until the day someone replaced him as King (which you both knew would never happen), but by the fiery skies of Hell- he wanted you. You. No other soul.
Lucifer had met you through Charlie, his own daughter and Princess of Hell. Your kindness had lead you to offer your services with helping his daughter with her whole idea of a rehabilitation hotel, meant for the sinners who wanted a second chance at life; wanting to fix their mistakes and be evolved into a better version of themselves. He had met you there when she had invited him to visit and see her progress. Its safe to say you two hit it off perfectly fine.
Now, exactly how you two hit it off doesn't really matter- all that mattered to you right now was the fact that his cock was buried so deep inside of you, that you could barley form a coherent sentence, let alone a singular word.
The room was dark, making the moonlight that filtered through the curtains the only source of light; the only thing that allowed for you to see the beautiful fallen angel hovering over you, both of your bodies sweaty and hearts pounding rapidly against your ribcages, as if trying to silently connect with one another through rapid pumps of blood. To express your emotions to one another through anything other than what he was doing now, which was stuffing you to the brim with his cock.
When you first saw it, staying quiet had become a big concern to you in your mind, what with the other residents of the hotel potentially being able to hear you both.
But that fear had quickly flown the coop as soon as he entered you for the first time.
Fuck, it was absolute heaven.
You were convinced that somehow, Lucifer had managed to descend the heavens down upon you in that exact moment; your most intimate moment. That any second, angels would be surrounding the pair of you and begin serenading you with a specific love song just for the two of you, or pointing angelic spears at your throats. Now, that thought did cause some momentary fear to shoot through your body, because the last thing you wanted was for some random angels (especially if they were exorcists, or Adam) to randomly appear in the room, just to be greeted with the sight of you, a moaning mess underneath Lucifer, drunk off of his length as it stretched you so wide you were afraid he might break you. But when you opened your eyes after the so slow, yet so delicious insertion of his cock...the room was still pitch black. No holy light. No angles. No song. Just you and him. You and Lucifer.
And that was the way it was supposed to be. No other soul, no matter angelic or demonic, could compete with what you two had. It was special; a connection that had to reach from the deepest pits of Hell, to the brightest place in all of Heaven.
For being one of the most powerful beings, Lucifer was being very careful with you; his fingers gripped your sides and hips, holding you in place securely as he rutted into you. Those fingers were sure to leave marks tomorrow. Neither of you minded.
"Oh...you're the best choice I've ever made, lovely- fuck..~"
Lucifers words only helped to fuel the fire that burned within your heart; the fire that represented your eternal, undying love for him. The tightening in your abdomen became much more noticeable too, coiling and constricting like a snake fighting to escape its confinements, or the talons of a predatory bird.
Except in this scenario, Lucifer was the bird, who held you oh so tightly in his sharp talons, and the last thing you wanted to do was escape. You'd allow him to devour you to his hearts content; until you passed out, fainted, or hell, till your heart stopped. He had you right where he wanted you and the smug little smirk on his lips whilst he turned you into this blabbering mess, was enough proof to show he knew it too. And he enjoyed it. Every. Single. Second.
His hands stayed perched seriously on your hips, as if you might just disappear if he so much as dared to loosen his hold. Not that you minded. You could hardly think straight.
Your attempt at saying his name fell flat, his next thrust replacing the messy words with a desperate moan from you, making your eyes roll back into your skull and a tremor of pleasure trailing its way through your body. He could reach places inside you that no one else had ever even dared to try. He was special in that way. Although he did lessen his movements after your butchered attempt at speaking. He looked genuinely worried and the sight did just enough to melt your heart.
"Are you alright, love? I didn't hurt you did I? Do you need anything? Do I need to stop? I can get you-"
He started to ramble, which he often did. His worst nightmare was hurting you; even just thinking about it made him shudder, as if he had just been doused with cold water.
But all it took was a weak smile from you and a kiss on his cheek to calm him and get him back in the movement again. You assured him that you were feeling the best you've ever felt in your entire life, both in living and in death, that all the pleasure you were feeling was making it hard for you to speak properly.
"I'm okay, Luci. You're just making me feel so many things-"
A finger then found its way onto your plush lips, slightly moisturized by your saliva having been produced by your fucked out state.
"Shhh, spare your breath, darling. I'm just glade you're holding up so well. Such a good beloved, you are."
Then: "You'll want it for when I make you scream."
Seeing you an absolute wreck because of him- because of his actions- his cock- it was almost better than the orgasm that ripped through him shortly after you came undone due to his words and continuation of his previous actions.
Ropes of his seed shot into you, stuffing you like you've never experienced before. His pale blonde hair stuck to his forehead, both your bodies damp with a light sheen of sweat. Your heavy breaths mixed together, as did the small chuckles that came from both of your lips. Thankfully, he kept his promise about making you scream.
Hell, meeting you had to have been the best thing to ever happen to him. To both of you.
No one would ever find themselves as to be so lucky, to know that the King of Hell found the taste of them the most enchanting out of all the souls both above and below.
Just try and doubt his love for you. He will be sure to give you a night that you won't ever forget, as many times as he needs to, until you're begging him to stop.
You are his, and he refuses to ever let you forget it.
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marksmelodies · 7 months
hiii!! not sure if you’re taking request but if you are could you please make a 127 version of your “nct dream reactions to finding out you’re fwb/ secretly dating another member” ! i really loved your dream version and would love to read a 127 version (≧◡≦) thank you in advance ♡︎
hii thank you so much for requesting!! i am currently taking requests!!
i hope you enjoy!!
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nct127 reactions to finding out you’re fwb/ secretly dating another member
nct127 x fem reader
warnings: suggestive, sexual activity, oral (fem receiving) cussing,slight mentions of drugs
minors dni
the members sit around in the practice room debating on where to eat
“ yo let’s just order food” doyoung says as the group continues to discuss their food options
taeil then looks at his phone immediately getting up and getting his things ready to leave
“ hyung you’re not eating with us?” haechan asks
“ n-no i have somewhere to be” taeil stutters
“ where are you going?” doyoung asks but before he could finish his sentence taeil is out the door
quickly washing up and putting on a nice outfit he heads over to your place as you two go to the restaurant that you and him had planned on going
“ hello, do you have a reservation with us?” the host asked as jazz music played softly in the background
“ yeah it should be under moon taeil”
the host types his name into the computer as she furrows her brows
“ um sir, i have a reservation for the same time next week but nothing is coming up for today” the host says
you look at taeil as he stands there confused
“ what? i swear i made a reservation for tonight” he pulls out his phone to verify
“ oh my god i accidentally scheduled it for next week” he sighs as his shoulders slump
“ i’m sorry sir but we are all booked out for right now, if you give me your phone number i can call you if any reservations get cancelled but there’s a waiting list on that as well” the host explains
taeil felt defeated, he knew how much you wanted to eat at this restaurant, you had been talking about it for weeks
he looks to you as if he’s asking what you want to do
“ that’s alright, it’s no problem we’ll go somewhere else, you can cancel the reservation for next week too please, have a good night ” you say politely
taeil follows you out of the restaurant moping
“ babe i’m so sorry, i made that reservation after practice last week, i so tired i was out of it” taeil tries to apologize
“ awe taeil don’t feel bad it’s okay, honestly that place looked too fancy for me. what would you like to eat? i don’t mind at this point anything sounds good to me” you laugh
you’re always such a good sport in every situation, that’s one thing taeil loves so much about you, he can see right through you though, the restaurant wasn’t “too fancy” for you, you said that just to make him feel better.
“ let’s keep walking and see what else is around here” he suggests
and that’s how you ended up at a family owned korean barbecue place
sitting down at the table both of you already knowing what you want since you’ve been there more times than you can count
“ i’m sorry babe really”
“ taeil sweetheart it’s okay i swear ”
“ i’ll make it up to you tonight” he winks
“ oh come on don’t be all suggestive in the middle of a k- barbecue place please” you laugh
the food quickly arrives as you both start eating, conversations quickly become silent due to the both of you focusing so heavily on the food in front of you
hearing the front door chime neither of you notice that a mark, haechan, johnny, taeyong and doyoung walk through the door
“ holy shit is that taeil and y/n” mark says
“ dude shut up” johnny smacks his arm
spying on the two of you they see you laughing at him as you use your napkin to wipe sauce off his face before quickly kissing his lips
“ no way” the members gasp before shuffling one by one out the door
“ dude they’re on a date” mark says
“ yeah no shit” johnny replies
haechan laughs as he seems to be typing something on this phone and then putting in his back pocket walking away from the restaurant window
everyone’s phone buzzes moments later as they open the message sent to the group chat
a picture capturing you and taeils kiss that had just happened in the restaurant was sent with a message underneath stating “ you two have something to tell us?”
you and taeil pick up your phones at the same time before you eyes widen at the message
“ how did he even-” you begin to say
“ man i get any privacy around here” taeil laughs slightly
“ we have stalkers and their name is lee donghyuck” you roll your eyes laughing
the last time you had talked to johnny was moments ago ending with him saying he was on his way home from practice, quickly you drove over to his place, putting on the lingerie set he bought you last week, setting up your sex playlist to the bluetooth speaker and dimming the lights while some candles around the room burn
you wanted to do something nice for johnny due to how hard he has been working with comeback and promotions, you’ve noticed his mood was more drained than usual this week , so you being the amazing girlfriend you are, you decided to do something special for him tonight
as you hear the door open you situate yourself on his bed, laying in a very revealing position there wasn’t much left to the imagination with the lingerie set you had on
swinging the door open a sweaty jaehyun appeared in the doorway
both taking a second to realize what’s happening you quickly scream pulling a blanket over yourself
“ holy shit..fuck, i’m so sorry” jaehyun yells covering his eyes trying to find the doorknob before practically running out of the room
it doesn’t take long for johnny to come into the room after hearing the commotion
“ y/n what is goi-” johnny stops mid sentence putting two into together
“ oh my god” he can’t help but laugh at your mortified state
“ john stop laughing, my pussy was quite literally in jaehyuns face” you shove your face into the pillow
he catches his breath before opening his mouth again
“ at least it wasn’t mark, he would’ve cum in his pants right then and there”
you shove him off of you as he tries to pull you into a hug
“ i’m never surprising you again” you say as your face remains red
after putting on decent clothes you go out to the living room meeting face to face with jaehyun who is sitting at the kitchen table
“ i’m so sorry” you say
“ no i’m sorry” he laughs it off
“ ouuu your eyes are so red” johnny laughs pointing to jaehyuns ears
“ dude can you blame me, i just saw a naked woman right in front of me”
“ my naked woman” johnny kisses your lips
“ when the fuck did you two get together and why was i not informed?” jaehyun asks
“ i mean technically we’re not together” you say
“ yet” johnny adds
jaehyun rests his head in his arms before looking up at the two of you
“ im sorry i ruined your sex plans, never would i think to be the one cockblocking” jaehyun gets up as he heads to the front door
“ no one speaks a word of what happened” he says as you and johnny agree
“ wait what happened?” johnny says trying to be funny
jaehyun scoffs before walking out of the door leaving you and johnny alone at last
“ well that was fun” johnny lightens the mood
by the look on your face he can tell you were genuinely upset
“ hey it’s okay, i’m sorry this happened baby but i had no idea you would be here especially basically naked” he coos
you look to the ground
“ i just wanted to do something special for you since you’ve been working really hard”
“ let’s do a redo okay?” he says before letting you scurry back to the bedroom as he walks out of his apartment waiting to walk right back through the door on your command
you haven’t heard much from taeyong today, he must have been super busy with work, that was until a “ you up?” text message popped up on your screen
you knew exactly what that meant
and as much as you wanted to deny it, you wanted it too
answering him quickly he tells you to join him in the studio
getting ready didn’t take long considering the clothes you wore to his studio were going to get stripped off of you in the matter of seconds once you got there.
and you were right
walking through the door you saw taeyong his headphones on nodding his head to the beat of the music
walking behind him you placed your hands on his shoulders causing him to slightly jump
“ geez you scared me, at least text me letting me know you’re here” he says
“ sorry i didn’t think about it” you pout
“ oh don’t pout sweet girl i was only joking” he stands up giving you a big hug
he sits down in his hair again but this time pulling you into his lap along with him
it doesn’t take long for you both to become touchy with each other, you kissed his neck as he moves his hands up and down your back
slightly grinding into his clothed cock he begins to whine
taeyong pulls your face up to look at him before he smashes his lips onto yours
“ tae i need you” you plead
he stands up placing you onto the desk before taking your shirt off while sucking on your tits
“ oh my god” you moan as he flips your skirt up moving your underwear to the side and entering his fingers into your pussy
through your loud moans you couldn’t hear anything else around you
not even the door opening as johnny stands there in the doorway
“ jesus christ where’s the decorum” johnny says gaining both of your attention
you quickly scramble off of eachother pulling your shirt and skirt down
“ since when were you two fucking” johnny asks
“ for a while man, what do you need?” taeyong
johnny stands there a second before answering
“ honestly i dont remember, continue whatever your doing i guess but next time for the love of god.. lock the door” he says before leaving
the night was getting later and later as the music played and the members all drunkenly sang along to it
you were hanging out with the members as you usually do, perks of being johnnys best friend
but tonight everyone had way too much to drink and no one’s thoughts were clear
“ let’s play a game” jungwoo suggests
everyone agreed on two truths and a lie
everyone expect yuta.
at first the topics were lame, things such as blacking out before and smoking weed were mentioned but as the game progressed things became a lot more interesting
“ okay umm, i once threw up in johnnys shoe because i was so drunk, i almost accidentally posted a video of me jerking off on bubble and i hooked up with y/n before” haechan says
you immediately looked to haechan and then to yuta
“ oh come on man that’s so easy, we all know you didn’t fuck y/n” mark says
everyone agrees with mark
“ okay fine you’re right that didn’t happen but shit i wish it would’ve” haechan says slurring his words
you can tell that yuta wants nothing more than to bash haechans head in right now
you look to yuta giving him “ it’s okay calm down” look
“ dude i know like she’s so fine” taeyong agrees with haechan
“ i bet her pussy is just as pretty as she is” jaehyun says as he palms the boner in his pants that had occurred due to the topic of you
yutas face is red with anger as he tries his best not to say anything but as he notices all of their hungry eyes on you and jaehyun nearly stroking his clothed dick at the thought of fucking you made yuta snap
“ you guys realize she’s right here, she can hear everything you guys saying, you don’t think that’s completely disgusting” yuta stands up
“ yuta stop” you say trying to calm him down
“ no” he pulls his arm away from you
“the fact that you all can sit here and say those things about my girlfriend when i’m right here is fucking disrespectful, you’re lucky if i don’t beat the shit out of you”
the room goes silent
“ girlfriend?” haechan says completely out of it
“ bro we didn’t know you were dating” jaehyun defends
“ it doesn’t fucking matter whether we are or not it’s so wrong in so many ways to sit here and sexualize her like that” yuta gets up and walks out the front door
you run chasing after him
finally catching up with him you pull his arm so he is facing you
wrapping your arms around him you give him a hug before kissing his lips
“ thank you for doing that babe, really i love you so much” you say
“ you shouldn’t thank me, i didn’t do that just because im your boyfriend you know, i would’ve done it either way”
“ i know, but im grateful for you sticking up for me, i know they’re just drunk and horny but you’re right it doesn’t feel good to be talked about like an object” you place your head into his chest
“ don’t worry about me exposing our relationship, none of them will remember anything from tonight” he says raking his hands through your hair”
“ i don’t care anymore i want everyone to know that we’re together” you say looking up to him
he kisses your lips once more “ lets go back inside im sure they’re all passed out by now” he says leading you back into the dorm
“ does anyone know where my game controller went” haechan shouts as he looks all over the dorms
“ i dont know the last time you had it was when we played with doyoung in his room” marks says
haechan makes his way to doyoungs room, he knew it was wrong to look through doyoung stuff but he really needed his game controller
looking through some of the drawers he still hasn’t found it
pulling out another drawer haechan notices something, amongst the boxers taking up space in the drawer there was a pink lace thong sitting in it as well
“ what the fuck” haechan says closing the drawer
opening up the next one which he had to pull extra hard on for it to open sits a bunch of polaroid pictures, haechan can’t help but pick the pictures up
the imagines showed you sprawled out on his bed naked
haechans eyes widen as he realize that it is you in the photos
“ he’s fucking y/n?”
haechan closes the drawer before leaving the room
as he exits doyoung room he meets face to face with you
“ y/n um hi, what are you doing here” haechan turns bright red
“ i’m here to return this” you say handing him his controller “ i accidentally grabbed yours instead of mine” you laugh
“ oh thanks i was just looking for it in doyoungs room” he says
looking down at the obvious tent in his pants
his eyes widen looking back to you as you can’t help but laugh at the poor boys state
“ im guessing you opened a certain one of doyoungs drawers” you say
his face becomes red as he scratches the back of his neck
“ i was just looking for the controller” he stutters
“ it’s okay hyuck don’t be embarrassed, i told him to put a lock on it or something, how about we don’t tell anyone about this though huh? it’s our little secret” you say
“ yeah um of course” he replies
before haechan could go back to his room doyoung walks through the door
“ hey y/n” he says leaving soft lingering touches on your body
usually this would go unnoticed by haechan but after what he found out today he was picking up on all the little signs
“ what’s wrong with you, you look like you saw a ghost” doyoung asks haechan as they stand in the hallway
“ oh um. nothing..” haechan says pushing past you both to return to his room
“ he looked nervous” doyoung says looking to you
“ i don’t know maybe he saw something he shouldn’t have” you mumble
“ huh” doyoung furrows his eyebrows not hearing what you said
“ oh i said it’s probably nothing, let’s go lay down” you say smirking as you pull him into his room
jaehyun had just come back from tour but with the members constantly being home there was no way for you two to have any alone time, it was torture for the both of you to be in a room together and not be able to fuck.. let alone look at each other for too long but today the members all had solo schedules so jaehyun took that as his time to spend alone with you
“ where is everyone” you ask as you walk into dorm
“ they’re still out doing schedules, mine ended earlier than everyone else’s” he said
you walk past him putting your belongings in his room before he follows you like a lost puppy
“ baby you’re really not going to give me a kiss” he pouts
you and jaehyun never used to get along, although being close with most of the members you and jaehyun seemed to clash heads more than anyone else
you both fought a lot and would act very petty towards each other often times whispering things under your breath to each other but loud enough for everyone to hear
as time went on you both realized that you didn’t hate each other in fact it was the complete opposite, maybe it was the immense sexual tension between you two that made you act bratty towards one another but you soon realized that instead your so called hate turned into lust and that lust eventually turned into love
as you both got deeper into your “ situationship” you realized there were real feelings involved and so did he
you love jaehyun and jaehyun loves you
it was something that you both weren’t shy to open up about with each other
that’s how you two ended up confessing to each other one night a few months ago which led to a relationship that was kept a secret from everyone, for now just enjoying each other company with no one involved in your business
“ oh my poor boy” you walk up to him giving him a big hug and kiss
you spent most of evening watching movies together and simply enjoying being in eachothers arms
“i’m getting something to drink” you declare walking into the kitchen as jaehyun follows you
grabbing a cup from the cabinet you fill it water before chugging it
“ damn babe you were thirsty” he smerks
you give him a weird look as you place your cup into the sink
“ im thirsty too but not for water” he whispers kissing on your neck
turning you around he smashes his lips onto yours
feeling yourself getting wet at his actions you moan into the kiss
jaehyun picks you up placing you on the edge of the kitchen counter
standing in between your legs he flips your shirt up and pulling your bra down latching his lips onto your tits
trailing kisses down your body, leaving marks where no one else would see them he stops at your heat
kissing you clothed pussy he takes your shorts off along with your underwear
spreading your legs he kneels down pulling you closer to his face so that your pussy is eye level to him
leaving soft kisses and marks on the inside of your thighs before licking a stripe down your heat
completely diving into your pussy causing you to let out a loud moan
he chuckles in between your legs sending vibrations throughout your entire body
sucking on your clit you grab onto his hair arching your back
“ fuck jaehyun it feels so good” you moan
being caught up in the moment you didn’t hear the key turning in the door, as the door opens a loud voice echoed the wall
“ yo what the fuck” mark says turning around
you and jaehyun separate immediately gathering your clothes before putting them on once you are decent mark turns back around staring at the two of you, his face is bright red
“ really man on the kitchen counter, i made my breakfast there this morning” mark groans in annoyance
jaehyun can’t help but laugh
“ im so confused dude, i thought you hated eachother why did i just walk in on you devouring her” mark asks
“ i dont know man i was hungry” jaehyun cracks a joke, mark stares at him straight faced
jaehyun lets out a sigh
“ we’re dating” you spit out
jaehyun give you a quick glance before backing you up
“ wait a minute, dating in like?” mark tries to wrap his head around what you’re telling him
“ dating as in im his girlfriend and he’s my boyfriend” you explain like you’re talking to a child
“ so you don’t hate each other?”
“ no mark obviously we don’t”
“ so it was just an act?”
“ partly, we didn’t get along the best in the beginning but it was really just us having mad sexual tension, as the two of us closer we realized we just needed to have really good sex with each other and then boom we fell in love”
mark looks to for verification
“ yeah i guess you can say that’s what happened” you chuckle
“ could you not tell anyone about us yet, we don’t exactly want anyone to know we’re a couple at least for right now” you ask mark
“ yeah of course your secret is safe with me, im too tired for this, im glad yall are together now or whatever but if you don’t want anyone else finding out about you two i suggest not eating her out on the kitchen counter, im never touching that damn thing again” mark says walking into his room
“ dont worry ill clean it” jaehyun yells to him
“ come on babe let’s take this too the room” jaehyun picks you up kissing your face all over
jungwoo had been on tour for a few weeks now, finally getting back to the hotel from their show that they had just preformed
after washing up and ordering food with mark whom he is sharing the room with, jungwoo got ready for bed and eventually fell fast asleep
“y/n” jungwoo moans in his sleep causing mark to stir awake
mark looks to jungwoo confused as he sees his passive state laying his head pack onto the pillow only to lift it up again when jungwoo begins whimpering
at first mark thought jungwoo was having a nightmare until he turned on a dim light seeing jungwoo erection in his pants and strings of moans leaving his mouth along with your name
“ fuck y/n your pussy feels so good baby” he whimpers subconsciously
“ oh you’ve got to be joking, why me” mark sighs debating on if he should wake him or not
mark turned off the light and placed a pillow over his head to drown out the noise
jungwoo began to trust his hips into a pillow he was once innocently holding
jungwoo sprung awake as soon as he felt himself releasing into his boxers
it took a few seconds to realize what was going on
“ oh fuck” jungwoo curses at the mess he made in his pants
getting up he grabs new boxers and shorts out of his suitcase before heading to the bathroom to wash up
mark sits up as jungwoo comes back from the bathroom
“ had a good dream huh” mark smerks
jungwoo just sighs as he lays back down in bed
“ so you and y/n, are fucking” mark asks
junwoo shot up looking at mark
“ huh? what? what makes you say that” jungwoo says frantically
“ oh i don’t know man, maybe because you were moaning her name and saying how good her pussy feels while humping into a pillow” mark laughs
“ shit”
“ hey dude it’s cool, we’ve all had wet dreams before i sure as hell had my fair share of them” mark says
jungwoo takes a deep breath
“ yeah we’re fucking around with eachother, but she doesn’t want anyone to know, she’d kill me if she knew that you found out”
“ don’t worry about i won’t say anything, i’m glad your getting some finally” mark jokes
“ shut up bro” jungwoo throws a pillow at mark
“ oh he’ll nah that’s the pillow you were thrusting” mark shrieks kicking it off the bed
“ goodnight jungwoo, don’t wake me up again with your obnoxious moaning and shit”
(mark and haechan are in my nct dream ver!)
thank you so much for your request!! i’m so sorry that this took so long my tumblr was glitching for days
( idk why the 127 ver came out so much more smutty than the dream ver lol)
i hope you enjoyed <3
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roosterforme · 1 year
So Fresh, So Clean | Rooster x Reader
Summary: At first, Bradley is mortified when the guys force him to stop at a carwash featuring bikini clad women from a college softball team. But when he meets you there, he starts to think he should thank his friends instead.
Warnings: Fluff and swearing
Length: 2000 words
Pairing: Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw x Female Reader
I wrote this for a request and for @wicked-remarks Summer Festival! Check out my masterlist for more!
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"Dude, stop at In-N-Out. I'm starving," Payback whined from the passenger seat as Bradley zipped down the road in his Bronco.
"Nah, just stop at Starbucks," Jake argued from the backseat. "I need more caffeine."
"We're going to be late," Bradley groaned, passing the fifth fast food place while Payback whined and pointed out the window. 
"We told Nat we'd be there around noon," Coyote said from the back. "I mean, if we stopped for food, we could grab something for her too."
Bradley rubbed his hand over his face, wondering why he had agreed to drive all of these idiots. "Guys, if I stop, I'm only stopping once. Then straight to the beach. So decide what you want."
Then Coyote started stuttering at the same time Payback said, "Holy shit! Pull over! Pull over!" Bradley looked where Payback was pointing, and then he saw a sign that said University of San Diego Softball along with a car wash and a lot of scantily clad women.
"Fuck caffeine. We're stopping here!" Jake said, practically climbing into the front seat. "Come on, Rooster!" He started trying to grab the steering wheel, and Bradley had to smack his arm away.
"Seriously!" Bradley yelled. "Stop reaching for the steering wheel!" He slowed down as all three of his passengers started loudly begging him. "You want to look at a bunch of college girls who couldn't care less about you more than you want burgers?"
"Hell yes!" Payback sang as Bradley put his turn signal on and pulled into the parking lot where the collegiate softball team was holding a very popular looking car wash. There were so many cars lined up, and a lot of men milling around. Bradley parked next to a pickup truck and eyed the women in wet tee shirts and bathing suits while Jake pounded on the back of his seat. 
"They are practically naked! Get out so I can get out!" Jake whined.
"Chill!" Bradley said, loud enough that he had the attention of all three of them. "You guys need to be on your best behavior. I'm not kidding!"
"Look at them," Coyote said, pulling his sunglasses lower on his nose and whistling. "These girls are hot."
Bradley groaned. "Yes, I see them. And don't call them girls. They're women. And please don't touch any of them. Oh my god, I'm already so embarrassed."
"Let's go," Payback said, opening his door. "Time to flirt."
"They don't want to flirt with you," Bradley muttered. "You're thirty five."
"I dunno about that," Jake drawled, fixing his hair. "That redhead looks like she might like a daddy."
"Oh my fucking Lord, we are going to get kicked out of a fundraiser," Bradley groaned as he climbed out of his door and was nearly trampled by Jake.
"Relax man, I'm about to pay for your car to get washed," he said, shoving Bradley out of the way to get over to the redhead holding a hose. "Hey, sweetheart, my name's Jake...."
Bradley headed in the opposite direction, cradling his forehead in his hand. The last thing he wanted was to try to chat up some nineteen year old. He was almost thirty seven, for fuck's sake. But if they wanted to humiliate themselves, that was fine with him. But it didn't mean he needed to watch.
He thought he had found a nice spot to stand and wait while listening to a car stereo blasting Pour Some Sugar On Me. He was out of the way of the guys who were being roped in to helping the girls wash cars now. Jake's shirt was mysteriously missing, and Payback was spraying the hose while a few of the girls screamed.  
"Grown ass men," Bradley muttered, pushing his aviators up higher on his nose.
He heard soft laughter and turned to see you standing next to him. And of course you were gorgeous. And young. And looking up at him with a smirk that he should not have found adorable. 
"Yeah, well, the deans at the college are always amazed by how much money our car wash fundraisers make every summer," you said, smiling at him. He found himself smiling back. 
"My friends almost made me wreck trying to get me to pull over, so I guess that does make sense," Bradley replied with a nod. You were the only one on the team who was still dry, and he could see the straps of your bathing suit tied above the collar of your USD Softball tee shirt. You had on some tiny denim shorts and flip flops, and Bradley bit back a groan and forced himself to look away from you. 
"Your friends look like a bit of a handful," you told him. Bradley was treated to the sight of Coyote dancing to the music in the spray of the water. 
"Just show them women in bathing suits, and this is what they turn into." You were laughing and gaping up at him, as Bradley quickly added, "They're harmless though! I promise! Your teammates have nothing to worry about! They just like to flirt."
"Teammates?" you asked, head cocked to one side.
"Yeah," Bradley grunted, really trying so hard not to look directly at you. Fuck, this was getting difficult. He could tell that your bathing suit was red through your snug fitting white tee shirt, and now he was looking at your chest. He pinched the bridge of his nose over his sunglasses and rolled his shoulders, trying to focus on the dirt being rinsed off a filthy car. "Your teammates? Uh, are you a senior? Or team captain or something?"
Your laughter rang out as you said, "No, not exactly."
"Oh. Uh, what position do you play?" He knew he was rambling now. Really, he should just get out of here. 
"I used to play third base."
And now Bradley was biting his knuckle, because he was thinking about getting to third base with you, unzipping those little shorts in the backseat of his Bronco and slipping his hand inside. "Oh god," he swallowed hard. He was worse than the rest of the guys who were currently covered in soapy water and surrounded by softball players. 
"I'm their coach."
Bradley froze, looking at you out of the corner of his eye. "You're the coach? The softball coach?"
"Yeah. They're not my teammates."
Bradley turned to face you and let his eyes drift down your body and back up to your face. You did look a little older than twenty two. And that's probably why you weren't actively washing the cars. He must have been staring for too long, because you were smirking again as you held out your hand and introduced yourself. "Head coach of USD women's softball."
He took your smaller hand in his. "My name is Bradley, and I'm really hoping you're going to tell me you're like twenty eight years old?"
"I'm thirty," you said slowly, still holding his hand and looking at him with a confused smile. 
"Even better," he said, smiling happily and pulling you a little closer by your hand. "So, you played third base? Which school?"
"University of Oregon."
"Shit. You must be good."
"I'm very good," you told him, and Bradley squeezed your hand a little tighter. 
"I'll bet you are."
"Do you play?" you asked, really sizing him up now. 
"Yeah, just on a Navy rec league. But I'm very good, too."
"Bet I can guess which position you play," you told him before you bit your lip, and Bradley swore he was never going to let go of your hand. 
"Okay. Go ahead and guess."
"But...if I'm right, you owe me a drink," you said coyly.
Bradley's eyebrows shot up. "Then you better fucking get this right."
With a bright laugh, you told him, "You look like a shortstop."
"Damn. You are good."
"I'm right?" you asked, and he nodded. "You owe me a drink."
Bradley took his sunglasses off with his left hand, and your smile grew. "Listen, as soon as you told me you're not a student, I was absolutely going to ask you out. So all you did was make it easier for me."
You pressed your lips together in pleasure, and it was so adorable. "You're still holding my hand."
"I know," he confirmed with a nod. "When are you free? Tomorrow?"
You licked your lips. "I'm coaching a game tomorrow, Bradley. You know, since I'm not a student."
He smirked at the way you were sassing him before asking, "Is it home or away?"
"Home. At USD."
"You gonna invite me to watch?" he asked, and you looked so damn pleased with yourself now. 
"Would you be coming just to ogle the players?" you asked, nodding toward the soaking wet women who were now spraying the hose at Payback. "You know they wear their uniforms to the games instead of bathing suits, right?"
He narrowed his eyes and glared at you playfully. "It's much more likely that I'd be ogling their coach."
"Oh, I like that," you told him. "You can come then. And we can get that drink afterwards?"
"Absolutely," Bradley said, and he finally released your hand as he added, "Can I get your number?"
He retrieved his phone from his pocket, unlocked it and handed it to you. He watched you enter your contact information, and then you handed it back to him, letting your fingers linger on his. "Text me later today, and I'll send you a ticket to the game."
"Sounds good, coach. I can't wait."
You glanced to the side and then met his eyes again. "It looks like your car's done. And your friends look like an actual disaster."
Bradley groaned as he saw the three of them getting the soap hosed off so they could leave. "Yeah, let me go babysit them for the afternoon. I'll see you tomorrow?"
"Yes, you will." And then you put your hand on his chest and kissed his cheek before you turned away to help one of your players who was calling for your attention. 
Bradley tucked his phone away and watched you as he made his way toward the Bronco. You waved to him and he smiled back before turning to assess his three sopping wet friends. 
"Rooster, you idiot!" Coyote said, dripping water on the pavement. "You just stood there like a lump, man."
"We got phone numbers," Jake drawled, holding his wet phone while Bradley snorted. 
"Yeah, we did," Payback said, high fiving Jake. "And we're going to meet up with Sylvia and Taylor later tonight at a bar on their campus."
Bradley just shook his head. "Wring out your shirts and get in the Bronco. Nat's already going to kill us, I hope you know that."
"Worth it," the three of them said in unison. And while Bradley waited for them to dry off a bit, he sent you a text. 
Can't wait for tomorrow.
And right before he pulled out of the parking lot, you wrote back.
And there was a ticket to the USD softball game for tomorrow afternoon attached. 
"Hey, what the fuck?" Jake said as Bradley drove down the road toward the beach. He had his phone to his ear as he added, "Taylor gave me a bogus phone number!"
Payback scrambled to unlock his phone, and a second later, he had it on speaker. "Oops, it looks like the person who gave you this number is not actually interested in you! Better luck next time!"
"Damn," Coyote said, completely crestfallen. "Sylvia gave us a bogus number, too."
"I spent fifty bucks to get this thing washed for nothing!" Jake complained, gesturing around the Bronco.
"I can't believe we all struck out today," Payback whined. "We should have just stopped at In-N-Out."
Bradley bit his lip and shook with silent laughter. "Yeah, you all struck out. What a shame." But he was already thinking about where he was going to take you out for a second date.
The way Rooster flirts, just holy shit. Thanks @mak-32 and @beyondthesefourwalls.
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juanarc-thethird · 4 months
Animal control with jaune and Blake
I don't know if what I wrote below was what you expected, but what's done is done. ------------
Animal Control
Jaune and Blake drive in their van to their first client.
Jaune: *Driving* So, what kind of job do we have today?
Blake: We have to appease a crocodile.
Jaune: Is it a "catch and release" type of job?
Blake: No, they just need us to relax her.
Jaune: Oh, I see, it's their pet.
Blake: *Quietly* I wouldn't say that.
Jaune: What's her name? The crocodile, I mean.
Blake: Tock
Jaune: Ok, first time I've heard a name like that.
Blake: Make a left here and the house will be on the right.
Jaune: Thanks
Jaune follows Blake's directions and they stop in front of the house.
Jaune: Here we are. I'll go take some tranquilizer darts.
Blake: It won't be necessary.
Jaune: Really? Is a crocodile.
Blake: Trust me, you won't need it.
Jaune: If you say so
They get out of the van, walk to the door and ring the doorbell.
Jaune: After these, do you want to stop and eat at the taqueria I told you about yesterday?
Blake: Sure, if we have time.
Jaune: Great.
Suddenly the door of the house opens. In front of them 5 very scared people appear and start talking at the same time.
Jaune: Wow! Quiet! Don't worry… As you can see, we are animal control and we are already informed of what is happening. You.. *he points to one of the people* ..where is the crocodile?
Stranger 1: T-That way.
He says as he points to a door at the end of the hallway.
Stranger 1: She's in there. Please be very careful.
Jaune: *Smiles* Don't worry, we are professionals.
He says with great confidence.
Stranger 2: If you survive, we will follow you to the depths of hell.
Jaune: (Holy cow, what kind of crocodile do they have?!) T-That's not necessary.
Blake: Jaune, lets go.
Jaune: R-Right.
The two pass between the people towards their objective. The more they do it, the more they hear the chaos happening inside the room.
Jaune: So, how do you plan to appease her?
Blake: By using you.
Jaune: *Surprise* I'm sorry!
Blake grabs the door handle and opens it without any worry.
Jaune: Wait!
When they open the door completely, they find a very upset woman.
Tock: How the hell did I lose that money?!! That bet was supposedly a sure winner!!! *She grabs a chair and throws it against the wall* AAAAH!!!!
Jaune: Blake...
Blake: Hm?
Jaune: That's not a crocodile
Blake: Wrong, she is.
Jaune: She is a person!
Blake: Correction, She is a Crocodile Faunus person.
Jaune: That doesn't matter, you told me that we would work with animals!
Blake: She is an animal.
Jaune: *Gasp!* Now that's racist.
Blake: Ok I lied! Actually this companionship business for women.
Jaune: And I'm the product?
Blake: Y-Yes... *Ashamed, she lowers her head*
Jaune: *Sighs* Look Blake, if you need money, I can help you.
Blake: *Happy* So you'll work for me?!
Jaune: Hell no! I leav-!
Tock: *Grabs his shirt* You finally arrived handsome.
Jaune: *Worry* Hey wait a minute! I was just leav-!
Tock: Enough of the talk, let's fuck!
She pushes Jaune into the room and locks the door. Blake puts her ear to the door and listens.
Jaune: Wait this is all a misunderstanding! If you let me explain-!
Suddenly the sound of clothes falling is heard.
Jaune: O-Oh God~
Tock: You like what you see, big guy~💕 This is all yours for the next hour~
Jaune: I-I don't think it's a good idea-
Tock: If you're worried about my teeth, don't be. I don't bite…hard~
Jaune: Is not that, the thing is...
Then the sound of a zipper is heard.
Jaune: H-Hey!
Tock: Holy fuck~💕 They told me you were big, but I didn't expect such a massive cock~ God, I need it inside me~💕
Jaune: H-Hang on a minute! I don't think she will fit! Hey! WAIT!
The sound of skin slapping skin echoed through the room.
Tock: MoThErfuCkEr!!💕
Jaune: *Worry* Are you ok?!
Tock: I'm fine! Just… fuck~💕… I think I just came. Shit, you sure have a nice cock~ I will definitely book you again. Now let's test your stamina~💕
Jaune: Mu stami-*Gets kissed*-MHH!!💕
Tock: Shut up now, will you, just fuck me~💕 *Kiss* *Kiss* *Kiss*
Blake: (Looks like my plan was a success)
Blake walks away from the door and starts typing on her phone.
Blake(text): I have a space open this Saturday, is that okay?
White_Queen: I take it. It would be at my beach house. I'll send you the address later, along with the deposit.
Blake smiles at the text
Blake: (Oh Jaune~ You don't know how valuable you are.)
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gigabyte-flare · 1 year
There's No Escape (Part 2)
Part 1
Summary: Just when you start to get comfortable in your new lease on life, your past comes rushing back to chase you down. Literally.
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Pairing: yandere!Leon Kennedy x fem!reader (afab)
Word Count: 2.8k
If any of the warnings below trigger you, please kindly pass on this fic 
Disclaimer: This is a work of fiction, actions depicted in this story are not condoned in real life; if you feel this way, please go touch grass
Warnings (may not apply to all parts): Sex, gaslighting, swearing, stalking, acts of violence, blood, dubcon, kidnapping, pet names (baby, doll, angel, sweetheart, etc.), PTSD triggers, unprotected sex, forced breeding, daddy kink, manipulation, oral (m and f receiving), choking, overstimulation, knife play, gunplay, masterbation. Long story short, DEAD DOVE: DO NOT EAT. More warnings may be added in the future
Tags: @lipglossanon, @ghostkennedy, @hxllfiredoll, @nexyswrites, @ilookatlater, @shroomietrip (Shoot me a message or an ask if you want to be added to the list!)
A/N: First off, holy shit thank you so much for over 300 notes on Part 1! This community is one of the nicest I've ever been apart of, I appreciate all of you! Again, please excuse any grammatical errors in here. Dinner is officially served!
You had slept like a goddamn rock for the last few nights
They were the first nights in three months where you were able to get a full night’s sleep without getting abruptly woken up to Leon touching you. You recall at first it was fun, he was an absolute monster in bed; unfortunately as time went by you realized he was quite literally a monster. Each night that he was home, his sexual advances became more and more twisted. Especially that one time he made you suck the end of his loaded handgun.
You’ll never forget the sick grin on his face as he watched your helpless expression.
You jolt yourself awake and shake your head, dispelling the awful memory with it. You were safe now, well away from him. You slowly sat up and stretched your arms out over your head and let out a loud yawn. You slip out of bed and put on a pair of slippers before walking out into the kitchen. Becky was standing at the island reading the newspaper and chewing on a piece of toast.
“Mornin’!” says Becky with a mouthful of toast.
You give her a nod in response as you make your way to the fridge. You grab the jug of orange juice and grab a cup from the cabinet to fill. You fill the cup before putting the jug back into the fridge.
“Still no sign of him, right?” Becky asks.
“Thankfully no, he’s definitely back at his apartment by now. Haven’t heard a peep.”
You can only imagine how violent his reaction to you being gone was. He absolutely hated it when things didn’t go exactly as he wanted. That’s fine, he can have his hissy fit in D.C.. You took gradual sips from the orange juice before discarding the empty cup into the sink.
“Got work today?” Becky inquires.
Becky was able to secure you a tech support job at a law firm for when you moved into Boston. You were extremely grateful for that. Thankfully you had saved up money prior to Leon forcing you to quit your job in D.C., but that money was starting to wear thin. The job was entertaining from what you gathered in the last couple days. Lawyers were extremely tech illiterate to the point where it was almost impossible not to laugh on the phone. 
You go back into your bedroom to get dressed into a polo shirt and a pair of jeans with sneakers. You put your hair up in a ponytail before going into the bathroom to put some light makeup on. Work was extremely close by, you could walk to it, which you decided to do since the weather was so nice. You get into your cubicle and start taking calls.
“Did you charge it last night?”
“Thank you for calling tech support, how can I help you?”
“Hi, yes? My laptop won’t turn on.”
“You know what, no I didn’t. I bet the battery’s dead. Thanks!”“Thank you for calling tech support, how can I help you?”
“My mouse doesn’t work.”
“Is it plugged in?”
“Of course it’s plugged in! I’m not an idiot-- oh… wait… it’s not plugged in. Sorry to bother you.”
“Thank you for calling tech support, how can I help you?”
“Found you, sweetheart.”
Your eyes widen as you hold your breath. This has to be some kind of sick joke. You regain your composure and hang up on the caller; it sounded like Leon but you weren’t 100% sure. You try to track the number they called from, but it came up as an unknown caller. Whoever it was, they were using a burner phone number. The phone rings again immediately and you answer it.
“Who are you and what do you want?!” you scream into your headset.
“Whoa hey, what the hell!? I’m calling because my internet’s not working!” they say, the person clearly being a different caller.
You log out of the call queue to collect yourself. You rub your face into your hands. You hear footsteps walk over to your cube and you look up and find your boss standing there.
“Oh my god… I’m so sorry,” you rub your eyes before continuing, “I just had a prank call. Did you try restarting the router?”
“Oh ok, no worries! No I haven’t, I’ll do that now, thank you miss!”
“Everything alright here? I thought I heard you yell,” your boss asks.
“Yeah sorry, there was a prank caller. I think they were using a burner phone to call in.”
“Ah ok, that doesn’t usually happen here but there’s a first for everything. Definitely take a breather before you log back in, ok?”
You give your boss a nod before he walks away. Before logging back into the queue, you look into the call history. Your stomach drops when you see that the unknown caller called your phone directly, not into the tech support line.
It was just a prank caller, don't psych yourself out, you think to yourself as you close your eyes and take a deep breath.
There was absolutely no way Leon could have found out where you worked that quickly, it had to be a prank.You log back into the tech support queue and finish out your day thankfully with no other prank calls.
Even though your apartment was a 10 minute walk, you decide to order a taxi instead, the prank call still making you anxious. When the taxi driver arrives, you confirm your address for him and he takes you home, the drive takes less than 5 minutes. You thank and pay the driver and quickly enter your apartment. 
Leon was thankful that you hadn’t turned around and seen his familiar lifted Jeep Wrangler with tinted windows parked across the street from your apartment as he watched you hurry inside. He turned his attention to the laptop he had open on the passenger’s seat. After a few keystrokes, several camera feeds popped up on the screen. 
At some point when you and Becky were both out in the last couple of days, Leon had broken into the apartment and installed several hidden cameras. He enlarged one of the cameras where both you and Becky could be seen standing in the kitchen and enabled the audio.
“Hey! How was your day?” Becky asks.
“Eh, it was alright,” you reply, “I got the creepiest prank call today.”
A smirk began to cross Leon’s lips.
“It wasn’t him, was it?” Becky inquires, the concern evident in her voice.
“No way! There is no way he figured out where I went that fast.”
Leon let out a laugh, “Underestimating me is your first and last mistake, dear.”
“I’m going to take a quick shower. Want me to order pizza when I come back out?” you ask.
“Yeah sure!” Becky replies.
Leon immediately switches the camera feed to one that is inside a vent above the shower. He hears you enter the bathroom and shut the door. As he hears the ruffling of clothes, he begins to undo the belt on his jeans, grasping his hardening cock in his left hand. He sees your arm reach into the shower to turn it on and let it warm up. 
If only you knew that you were putting on a personal show just for Leon to enjoy. Picturing your horrified expression only aroused him even more.
Your naked form then came into frame, his cock pulsing in excitement as he began to stroke it vigorously. His eyes were glued to the laptop screen as you lathered soap onto yourself. He began to let out quiet whimpers as he got closer and closer to his release, the whimpers getting progressively louder. Suddenly, with a shudder of his body, he let out a guttural moan and came all over his hand and his jeans. His moment of euphoria was short lived as the disgust of having cum all over himself overtook him. He slammed the laptop shut, grabbed a small towel from the back seat and wiped the cum from his hand and jeans as best as he could before throwing the towel back to the backseat. 
His ice cold eyes glare at your apartment door before he starts the engine in his Wrangler, driving off into the Boston night. 
You and Becky decide to go out that weekend into Chinatown to get hot pot. Becky knew of a great restaurant called Shabu Zen, she claimed they had the best hot pot in town. You haven’t had hot pot before, so you were going to have to take her word for it.
You both enter the restaurant and the hostess seats you two in the corner. You sit on the side where your back was to the wall, you never wanted your back exposed, ever. Your waiter comes over and takes your order for drinks, Becky ordered a margarita, you simply just asked for water.
“We got through the first week in Boston together!” Becky exclaims, lifting her glass, “a toast to being Bostonians and no creepy ass ex-boyfriends!”
“Hell fucking yeah, my friend!” you respond, raising your glass of water and clanking it against her margarita.
The waiter comes back over, and you both put in your order of broth and meats that you’ll be having for hot pot. You two make small talk about work before the waiter comes back over a short time later with plates full of different veggies, noodles and meats. Another waiter behind him sets the broth on the burner in the middle of the table and turns the burner on. 
“For real though, thank fuck you got out of there when you did, I know you haven’t told me everything that fucking prick did to you but… I’m just glad you’re not dead.” Becky states as she starts piling food into the broth.
“I know… I still need to look up a therapist that I can go to so I can move on. I feel like I close my eyes and his face is the only thing I see.”
Becky scoops out noodles, meat and veggies out from the broth and starts eating, “Who would have thought such a hot dude would turn out to be a fucking psychopath.”
“It’s always the ones you least expect, Becky. I should have seen the red flags,” you say as you also scoop food out from the broth. 
Your eyes happen to wander around the restaurant to the other patrons as you slurp up noodles; it was mostly younger people with one older couple seated at the table next to yours. Your eyes settle on a dark corner of the restaurant where you see a man seated by himself. You stop mid bite, your eyes locked on the man. You recognize his short dirty blonde hair immediately. His cobalt eyes burned into your skin. He was even wearing that fitted black shirt that you used to love so much. There is no doubt in your mind, Leon is in the restaurant.
Becky notices your freaked out expression immediately, “Hey, what’s wrong?”
You blink a few times to make sure he wasn’t a figment of your imagination. Much to your dismay, he wasn’t. You watch a devilish smirk spread across his lips before he puckers his lips at you.
You suddenly dig your wallet out of your purse, throwing several twenties onto the table before getting up, “we have to go. Now.”
“Wait, what? What’s going on?”
“No time, we need to leave,” you grab Becky by the arm and practically drag her out of the restaurant. 
You both bolt onto the sidewalk and you walk briskly down the street towards the depths of Chinatown, still pulling Becky along.
“Are you going to tell me why you just dragged me out of Shabu Zen?”
You look back and see Leon step out of the restaurant; he looks around and quickly spots you and Becky, giving chase.
Becky, seeing your panicked expression, looks back and sees what has you spooked, “Holy fucking shit how did he fucking find you?!”
“I don’t know but we need to lose him, got any ideas?”
“Yeah, let's get to the Orange line. We’ll lose him in the subway system.”
Becky grabs your hand and leads the way running. You occasionally look back, each time your heart sinking as you see Leon’s face in the crowd, running after you. Having a military background, it wouldn’t take him long to catch up.
Thankfully, you both get to the Chinatown stop for Boston’s T subway system and bolt down the stairs.
“Listen to me carefully, it’s going to get awfully confusing so I need you to follow me closely, ok?” Becky says, looking back as she scans her Charlie card and goes through the gate.
“Yeah, got it.”
Becky throws her Charlie card to you. You scan it and get through the gate and catch up to Becky. You turn around just in time to watch Leon vault over the subway gate with the grace of a panther. Thankfully, the next train was just pulling in as you two got to the train platform, you both bolt inside one of the cars and try to cram yourselves into the most crowded car.
“Ok, we need to get off at Downtown Crossing, then we pick up the Red line to Park Street and get on the Green line there. Then, we get off at Government Center which will then loop us back to the Orange line, ok?” Becky explained quietly.
You nod before scanning your eyes through the car, but you can’t tell if Leon’s on the train, you’re just going to have to assume that he is.
“Next stop, Downtown Crossing.” the T PA system called out.
“Ok, here’s our stop, as soon as those doors open, we make a b-line to the Red line to Alewife.”
As if on queue, the doors open and you and Becky practically launch yourselves out of the car, you don’t bother to look back to see if Leon is following you. Becky has a vice grip on your hand as you both get to the train platform for the Red line. Again luck was on your side, the doors for the Alewife train just started to open and you and Becky dove inside one of the cars and, once again, made your way to the most crowded car.
You repeated this same maneuver again at the Park Street stop and again at Government Center. Just like Becky had said, that eventually led back to the Orange line, which you both took back towards Forest Hills, getting off at the Back Bay stop, which thankfully was close to your apartment. You both ascended the stairs to the street level and stopped to take a breather.
“Holy shit I can’t believe that worked, where do you think we lost him?” you ask.
“I don’t know, once we were on the first train in Chinatown, I stopped looking for him.”
“Me too.”
When you both finally could catch your breaths, you proceeded to walk down the street back to your apartment.
Neither of you would be sleeping that night.
He lost track of you and your friend after getting off at Park Street. He ascended the stairs to the street, kicking a trash can over in frustration. You were so close to being back in his grasp.
And you would have been if it weren’t for that bitch, Becky. He knew that she smuggled you up here away from him, convinced you to leave him. She filled your head with nasty lies about him, she must have, why else would you leave him? He let his anger boil inside him as he walked down the street. He couldn’t help but notice several women gawking at him as he strolled down the street. He winked at some of them, seeing them visibly swoon at him. Oh how he enjoyed toying with their hearts.
It was a small bit of enjoyment he had since the world started to repeatedly fuck him over. First it was his new life in Raccoon City, then Operation Javier, then the incident in Spain with Los Illuminados. It was a couple years after returning from Spain that he met you at a bar in D.C., you had noticed him sitting alone at the bar and walked over and talked to him. It was the first ounce of normalcy he ever felt in his life since he graduated from the Police Academy. When you two started dating, that was when he decided he was never going to lose you, no matter the cost. 
Again, his thoughts returned to your friend Becky. She took your princess away from him.
And she was going to pay dearly for it.
Part 3
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mull3ts · 1 year
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[ 𝟏𝟎𝟎 𝐃𝐄𝐆𝐑𝐄𝐄𝐒 ]
⚠︎ 𝐖𝐀𝐑𝐍𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒 | Smut (18+), Dilf! Aged Up! Stepfather! Yuta, Unprotected Sex, Infidelity, Daddy Kink, Praise Kink, Voyerism, Public(ish) Sex
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Look at him. Mr. Nakamoto—your very own McDreamy—mowing the yard in impossible heat. You’re 101% sure there’s a heat warning.
He’s handsome and perfect in every way, but unfortunately, isn’t your husband. He’s your mother’s. He’s miserable being your mother’s, but she’s never around enough for him to break it to her. 
You’re stuck in his house until college begins again in August, but for now; you opt to watch him from the patio with all the shade you could possibly need. Just sitting there in nothing but one of his not sweat drenched tank tops all because he told you to, “Wait here like a good fuckin’ girl.” 
And you were—you are—his good girl. Always. 
Just like moments earlier when he very kindly asked you if he could eat you out. You said yes; obviously. 
It doesn’t take long for Mr. Nakamoto to conclude his mowing as the next thing you know—he’s looming right over you! His eyes are incredibly dark when you look up at him. You should’ve trusted him when he said he could handle heat, he’s not sweat-drenched like you thought he’d be. 
“Hi, sweetheart.” he greets, his dark eyes contrasting with the slight smile he gives you. Before you can say a word, he moves you to sit atop the patio table and spreads your legs wide open, lifting up your tank shirt above your chest in the process. You’re about to say something out of the sudden embarrassment, but he manages to stop you. “Were you a good girl?” 
You nod eagerly, “I did everything you said.” 
“You did.” he smirked, “You sat here all nice and pretty for me, honey,” his eyes darted to your tits. He pinched your nipples making you gasp, “and Daddy’s so proud of you, sitting here in all the heat.” 
But suddenly, he pointed to somewhere behind you—“Look over there.”—immediately causing you to turn your head in confusion. “I- I don’t see anything- oh!” you gasped. You felt something hot and hard begin to rub up and down your still soaked pussy. Mr. Nakamoto was dragging his cock up and down your cunt, rubbing your clit with his tip every now and then. You tried to jut your hips forward, whining “Please just fuck me, Daddy, d-don’t tease!” 
Mr. Nakamoto chuckled at you. 
His cock notched at your slit, you braced for him to push in. 
He shoved in. He plunged inside, all the way, making you scream and Mr. Nakamoto groan. 
“Holy fuck,” he muttered, “So good, always so fuckin’ good, baby.” 
His hand held you by your left thigh as he thrust up into you, watching in awe as your tits bounced up and down with every move he made. “So good, so pretty,” he grunted. 
You whined, nodding with your teeth sunken in your bottom lip, “M’good,” you blabbered “m’good…good girl.” 
He chuckled, “That’s right honey,” he landed a small slap to your face with his free hand, he likes seeing his hand print on your body “you’re a very good girl.” 
You smiled in bliss, throwing your head back, just getting lost in the feeling of him. It made Mr. Nakamoto place his hand on your throat, his grasp just tight enough to make you feel a little pressure. With a particular thrust, he hit the good spot inside you and you cried out his name, “Daddy!” 
It was always like this, you screaming and crying when he fucked you. Mr. Nakamoto only constantly let out grunts and curses, though he is just as affected as you are—it makes you burn with embarrassment the more you think about it. 
You reached down to rub your clit, but he quickly swatted your hand away. “Lemme’ do it, sweetheart.” 
You quickly nodded, your mouth agape when he reached down between the both of you to play with your clit. 
Mr. Nakamoto spread your leg to the side just a little farther and his thrusts fastened, becoming more hurried by the second. He was about to cum. You couldn’t imagine if he was hard just thinking about you the entire time he was mowing the yard. 
You whine and try to swallow the spit in your mouth as an attempt at moistening your mouth. Your hips are jutting in his direction, wanting to meet his hips. Neither of you seemed to mind the sound of skin slapping, or the fact you were both so loud with your cries and his grunts, being in your own backyard seemed like being in your own world. 
“Can you cum, baby? Can my good little slut come all over Daddy’s cock?” he asked, his voice raspy and laced with want. 
“M-Mhm,” you nodded “M-M’gonna cum all over y-your dick, Daddy~” 
You threw your head back again, focusing on his thrusts and his hands all over you until you felt a bubbling in your cunt and lower stomach. You closed your eyes and let your whines ring through the air all high-pitched and needy. You could practically see Mr. Nakamoto’s smile when you came all over him. Cries of “Daddy!” escaped from your lips over and over again.
Waves of pleasure rolled over the both of you while you came, your orgasm triggering Mr. Nakamoto’s own. He fucked you even faster than before, murmuring on and on about how much he loves his “little slut”. He groaned all loud and throated, spilling his cum inside of you, his hips twitching and everything. Mr. Nakamoto didn’t dare to pull out. 
He kissed your forehead, your nose, your cheek, your lips, and eventually made it down to your neck and chest where he basically bit you all over leaving soon-to-be hickies in his wake. 
He unfortunately pulled out, watching in amusement as his cum spilled out of you and onto the patio and table as he adjusted himself back into the shorts he wore. 
You wrapped your arms around his neck; pulling him flush to your body, you kissed him, your tongues were fighting for dominance. He’d probably punish you later for that. Not that you cared much, you’d take it.
You pulled back, grinning, “Thank you, Daddy.” 
“My pleasure, bab-”
There was a loud “ahem” that clearly came from the neighbor next door. But to be honest, “next door” was a little far away.
You both stared at each other in embarrassment. 
“Let’s ‘hope’ they don’t tell your mom.” he light-heartedly laughed. Mr. Nakamoto’s (and your) focus went back to kissing you. “Yeah.” You hummed, smiling against his lips, he mirrored your expression before his eyes shot down to your phone. 
It was ringing. It was your mom.
Suddenly, it felt way over a hundred degrees outside. 
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★ 100 Degrees | An “One Way Ticket” work | wc: 1.1k ★ Taglist | @chitaphrrrr @nctdom @shescharlie @marklexleaf @jenos-bbygirl @the-universe-in-you-jjh @shiningdery @aecu @moonlightjaemin @donutswithjaminthemiddle @f4irycoven @meowniee @jenoxygen @yincotton @luvjeongjaehyun @gyyyyyu @sunshinedhyuck @3ranch @pinkynana @dialosthermind @ishireads @icy-thot @fineapplehoe @sbngcha @chaerincl @lookingforangst @skye-is-here @hyuckypjm @airpodbaekuwu @bellamendoza @miyahhhhh @damiien-haas @imrinana @cyclothimikhh @back2jisung @aintdprian @tacojisung @nana-blair @xuxibelle@billboard-singer @yesohhsehun @w0nuuu @lava1004 @kpoplover-19 @allofuswantgwinam @if-i-like-i-reblog @beautywine @anowamij @beautywine
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©earth-to-that-asian/mull3ts, 2023
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tvgals · 1 year
Could we please get more dad eren? I’ve literally became obsessed with the one you did 🥹🥹
too much dad! eren? no such thing !
dad! eren x black! fem! reader!
ok. let’s backtrack to the birth of you and eren’s first kid. your water broke in the midst of you and eren’s sleep. 1:40 am is what the clock read once you felt the wet and somewhat gooey substance under you. once you were atleast 70% awake and realize what’s going on, you fall into a panic. “eren, eren! wake up!” you shake eren with the most force you can as a pregnant- going into labor - woman. after almost a minute of tears falling down your face and shaking legs and hands, eren groggily wakes up.
“whats wrong, baby?” “i’m going into labor! eren please get up! we need to get in the car!” you plead, trying to get yourself out of bed, groaning while sitting on the edge. “shit shit shit…okay hold on,” eren starts panicking alongside with you. he hands you your shoes while trying to find the overnight bag the two of you agreed on just a week before. “baby please! i can feel her kicking!” you sob, trying to slide on your house shoes. “i know i know, just let me find my glasses.” him and those god damn glasses. “eren!” you squeal. “okay okay.” and with that, eren takes his and yours phones and grabs your hand, guiding you to the door. you groan and whine in pain. “holy shit eren..the hospital is like…ten minutes away! i can’t do it!” you tell him, shaking and crying. “yes you can. you’re the strongest woman i’ve ever met.” eren says, hauling you up the apartment stairs and opening up the door, fleeing down the ramp.
“baby i’m not gonna make it!” you wail, making it to the car without your knowledge. “i know it hurts baby, just get in. we’ll make it, okay?” eren sighs himself, this is stressful and he’s not the one pregnant. “okay okay.” you gasp, sitting yourself down in eren’s seat, remembering to lift your feet onto the dashboard. eren runs around the car and plops into the drivers seat, pushing the key into the engine and reversing. “eren please! go 150 if you have to! i swear to god if i have birth in this god damn car you will sleep on the couch for as long as you’re alive!” you threaten, pointing an accusatory finger at him. “got it. no birth in this car!” eren affirms, speeding down the street. just around the corner from the hospital you feel your contractions getting closer, your eyes grow wide. “eren hurry up,” you plead, eyes closing at the sight of the hospital. “cmon cmon,” eren parks the car right in front and pulls the keys out, immediately hurrying to your side. “let’s go.” he practically runs you into the lobby of the hospital, you gasping and groaning in pain.
“she’s going into labor. we just need a room really fast.” eren says, seeing a nurse come around the corner with a wheelchair. he walks you over and sits you down, the nurse hurrying you to the room. eren isn’t too far behind…due to his running. “please! i can feel her coming! hurry up!” you cry, gripping the handles of the wheelchair. “it’s okay. here’s your room right here, you’ll be okay.” after getting you all situated in the hospital bed, the doctor and multiple nurses are surrounding you, your husband by your side. “just breathe in and out.” the doctor says. after three hours of pushing and grueling work and pain (and the breaking of eren’s hand) your beautiful baby girl was born. a beautiful head of curls being presented. all tests were ran and they made sure she was healthy and safe and gave her to you, a bundle of pink.
“hi baby.” you coo, tears threatening to fall. “eren she’s so pretty.” you mumble, looking up into his emerald eyes, glossy and soft. “i know i know…” you cry, wiping your tears on your shoulder. “here eren, hold her.” you smile, handing eren your daughter. “what if i don’t know how to hold her right? what if she doesn’t like me?” eren babbles. you sush him and hand him her. “now…what name are we feeling?” you ask, tilting your head out of love. “nevaeh..”
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pan-annigans · 2 months
Jay x Nya: best ship!!!
Zane x Pixal: they are soulmates and no one can say otherwise.
Kai x Skylor: the two of them balance each other well, plus seeing Kai get all lovey-dovey around Skylor is just cute.
Lloyd x Akita: Akita likes Lloyd for himself and isn’t interested in his status as the Green Ninja, she just might be the one person he could be with without having to worry about keeping up appearances.
Cole x Vania: they’re just great together (as lovers or as friends), their dynamic is sweet and both admire and encourage each other with just simple honest words.
hi!! thank you so much!
I'm going to post art for all of these, along with a few of my thoughts on the ships that have been sent to me. Just for funsies :)
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Fun fact, I used to hate Jaya. I thought it was really forced in the canon, and Jay's really obsessive behavior that is the catalyst for all of the events in Skybound always really bothered me? But tumblr has completely turned me around on this ship. They have their moments in canon, but in fanon they're really wonderful. thanks tumblr <3
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these two...... 🥺they are really good i will admit. I'm a big fan of glaciershipping myself and I tend to prefer it over pixane, but these two are so lovely to each other and i totally see the appeal. I just wish pixal wasn't so sidelined in the canon fr what were they doing with her character??? let her be around more often let her and zane be sweet together. please smh
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SKYLOR ALSO HAS NOTHING TO DO MOST OF THE TIME-- honestly this show sidelines like all of its female characters so hard. but these two are great toooo theyre sweeeet 😊 i just wish skylor was used for more than cameos. i like that she's the only one that can consistently shake kai's ego it's a great dynamic
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lloyd and akita!! i'm gonna be so real with you guys i forget about akita so often ;v; which is a shame... i give her the award for most sidelined female character because she existed for half a season. but she and lloyd are sweet! I don't tend to ship lloyd with anyone personally, but i do love that they meet under the circumstances of "lloyd is in a world where his name and status mean nothing so he has no pressure to perform". it's a fantastic break for him. holy shit he deserves it
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im gonna be so honest with all of you um. i actually. havent seen MotM yet. i was in the middle of my rewatch, and i got up to the point i stopped, right before MotM, and then Netflix changed their watch policies. and then of course i got busy
but from what i've seen of these two in fanon they seem alright! I usually prefer them in other wlw or mlm ships because of ONE ninjago vine compliation thing i saw with the two of them as this one tiktok and i've never been able to think of them as a couple since then. But they seem like they have a lovely friendship, whether that ends up turning to romance or not!
Thank you so much for sending me an ask, this was a lot of fun and I got to draw a lot of characters that I've never drawn before! To those of you who have sent me asks and reblogs and comments on the original post, I will be working through all of them in chronological order from when I received them in my activity tab :)
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drchucktingle · 10 months
hello buckaroos and WELCOME BACK for another edition of DECONSTRUCTING DAMASCUS. as before please remember there are huge spoilers ahead and you should absolutely not read this way if you have not already read camp damascus. however if you are all finished with the dang book then trot right ahead.
this is the third in a series of posts so if you are just now finding this way you should probably trot on back and start from the first post here are links
alright buckaroo now that this is out of the dang way lets dive right in. WARNING: CAMP DAMASCUS SPOILERS BEYOND THIS POINT
i have talked a lot about way of layers that make up camp damascus. previously we tackled FAIRYTALE LAYER and this time we will focus on way of BIBLICAL LAYER.
FAIRYTALE layer makes for pretty complete allegory that stretches from beginning to end of story. it moves in specific order to create a full narrative. however BIBLICAL layer is much more abstract in its trot, taking in bits and pieces from various religious stories and texts and ideas and letting them weave over the top of each other. because of this, i will not be as explicit with TRUE MEANING as i have with other posts, but i will give the buckaroos some starter information on their journey to pick this one apart.
FIRST lets see what the bible has to say about some of these characters
ISAIAH is one of the first characters we meet in chapter one of camp damascus, and although he is not around for the rest of the story, his early appearance has a lot to say metaphorically. ISAIAH in the bible says this in ISAIAH 17:1 - 'a prophecy against damascus: 'see, damascus will no longer be a city, but will become a heap of ruins.''
there is a contemporary language bible name of MSG that translates isaiahs prophecy to this 'a message concerning damascus: “watch this: damascus undone as a city, a pile of dust and rubble! her towns emptied of people. the sheep and goats will move in and take over the towns as if they owned them—which they will!'
in other words if you read into name of this character in first few pages you can unlock everything about the trot of the demons and what happens the last few pages of the book.
another interesting name is SAUL GREEN. in bible saul is known for his CONVERSION ON THE ROAD TO DAMASCUS.
i will write out book of ACTS 9 where this story appears in the bible (gonna cut out a few things to make shorter for you but i will keep line numbers)
ACTS 9 (talkin about saul)
3 as he journeyed he came near damascus, and suddenly a light shone around him from heaven.
6 so he, trembling and astonished, said, “lord, what do you want me to do?”
then the lord said to him, “arise and go into the city, and you will be told what you must do.”
7 and the men who journeyed with him stood speechless, hearing a voice but seeing no one.
8 then saul arose from the ground, and when his eyes were opened he saw no one. but they led him by the hand and brought him into damascus.
9 and he was three days without sight, and neither ate nor drank.
AND THAT IS THAT BUCKAROOS. thing to consider here is that saul green went to camp damascus. he was asked to go not taken like the others (he is counselor) and on his journey he could not see (this is metaphor for memory loss) yet he walked away full of faith.
final name i would like to talk about is WILLOW. she is seen as heathen and seductress by community, especially by LISA DARLING who is roses mother. lisa is righteous and ANGRY, painting herself as the CORRECT and HOLY voice, while believing willow is a sinner and bad influence.
near end of book we learn willows legal name is MAGDALENE which is reference to mary magdalene. in bible mary magdalene is a bud of jesus, they are always hanging out and trotting around together. it is believed by most that mary magdalene was a prostitute (or former prostitute) although this is not specifically in the dang text so who the heck knows.
marys story is about the townspeople treating her badly because of her reputation, believing THEY are the morally superior folks and she is the sinner. HOWEVER jesus will not condemn mary. stepping in jesus says 'actually you townsfolk are wrong, this is my bud, who the heck are YOU to judge? you are all much worse'
so in case of camp damascus this is reflected as a way of saying, 'actually lisa, according to the bible story YOU are the ignorant one for judging willow (mary magdalene) YOU ARE IN THE WRONG.' once you connect these dots you begin to see that lisas main character trait is JUDGEMENT (like in walking game)
a few more quick notes:
all demons mentioned in camp damascus, as well as additional occult texts mentioned like THE BOOK OF THE SACRED MAGIC OF ABRAMELIN THE MAGE, are actual demon titles and real books.
there is a chapter in camp damascus titled STRAIGHT STREET. the main road down middle of the actual city of damascus is 'straight street'
the innermost layer of hell being cold is actually what is written in dantes DEVINE COMEDY. this is the ninth circle of hell and it is described as a freezing, icy landscape where buckaroos are buried up to their necks in ice and tortured.
finally i will leave you buckaroos reading this with an image of a REAL PAINTING name of THE HOLY FAMILY WITH THE MAYFLY. this is an actual painting from 1495. as you can see there is tiny mayfly in the bottom right corner. nobody knows why it is there
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maleyanderecafe · 8 months
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I tried to escape from being a villainous daughter but the earnest good-natured Yandere Highness did not give me the peace I wanted (Manga)
Created by: Hatori Hato
Genre: Isekai/Smut
If you remember me translating some of their other works I will never let you go, so please be preyed on by me ~ The younger man I met in the countryside was a former Yandere boy from hell~ and Please Know That I’m Really Jealous ~A Former Yandere Boy Can Be Brutal To Get Married, I've come back and holy it is so difficult to translate isekai things. The same face is also killing me internally. Nevertheless, here's a good 70 pages of yandere smut stuff.
The story starts out with Mei worried about meeting up with one of the capture targets, before explaining how she was isekaied into this world, an r18 otome fantasy. Her goal is to basically get a harem route, however, she has to compete with two other villianesses, Ann and Julia who are much better at the game then him. Mei has died about four times, as she is often killed by the other villiannesses. While greeting Julia, she is interrupted by Prince Remy (yes, that's his name) who is happy to be with Mei. Mei refuses to dance with Prince Remy as he doesn't want to go to that route, but ends up sleeping with Prince Remy. A couple months pass and she seems to be living happily though she hasn't really met with the other capture targets. Soon after meeting up with Prince Remy, she dies after being beheaded by one of the villianesses, only to reincarnate the fifth time. She decides to live at home secluded from the outside world and happily does for many years until Prince Remy comes to visit. Prince Remy basically traps Mei in a room using a magic seal and has sex with her. He reveals that he remembers his past lives as well, wanting to protect Mei from the world. The next day while Mei is trying to escape, Prince Remy gives her a box that has the hairs of all the capture targets and villianesses. Mei realizes that the reason she's had such a peaceful life was because of Remy and the two have sex. While having sex, Mei realizes that she actually was really afraid of dying in all of her lives and the prince makes her vow to be with him forever. We learn soon after that the Prince basically forced the capture target Mage, Leo to create the spell, the one that locks them into the room and the one that bounds the Prince and Mei for the next lifetime, which ends up sucking up all of the Mage's powers forcing him to retire as a mage. While Prince Remy doesn't kill them thanks to his promise with Mei, he does torture Leo afterwards. The two have sex with each other one last time.
I got to say that this artist's same face is really uh, noticeable in this smut. I know a lot of smut artists (and just artists in general) tend to have problem with same face but man... It's pretty jarring. The plot on this one is more interesting than the two snake ones I will say, even if it is an isekai. The concept of having to fight with two other people in an isekai to get a harem ending is actually a pretty interesting concept, though of course the main character is the "weakest" out of them not wanting to even get the harem ending at one point, just wanting to survive. I will say that the way the plot goes is very confusing- it jumps between time so easily that it's easy to get confused. Especially when she dies in her fourth life, I didn't even realize that she had died until they mentioned it straight after and they don't even show any of the moments of what led to her death or anything. And the fact she just stayed inside for years on end without issue is very strange, especially to this world. We don't even know what technically happened to either of the other villianesses, whether or not they died or were tortured or get jailed. I also don't really know what took her so long to realize that this guy has memories of their past life together since it seemed pretty obvious the first time they met in this smut that they have. I also don't know why it took her so long to, you know, not deal with getting a harem route. She was murdered like 4 different times before she realized she could just be in the house, which has got to be painful considering she got beheaded once and poisoned once, I feel like you should have just stuck with the staying at home kind of thing first. But who knows after all, this is a smut and you shouldn't think about it.
Prince Remy, despite having a pretty dumb name, is a protective yandere which is different then Ren in the previous iterations. It makes sense that after seeing Mei die so many times because she was too kind or not ruthless enough that he would become overprotective, locking her in a room (through magic) and torturing anyone that hurt her. I do like the concept of a yandere that becomes the way they are because they have to protect their love. In this case, it's watching and failing to protect her from being beheaded (and possibly poisoned, though I'm not sure how long or even when Prince Remy retained his memory from), probably drove him to be overprotective and lock her up. I do like this concept of a yandere since it's the darling's actions that lead him to be overprotective.
At some point I'll probably be ready to do the Omegaverse yandere that this author has made but it will take me a bit so just be patient. It's weirdly complicated for a smut plot and honestly is confusing with the way it jumps around and inserts sex scenes in places it doesn't really need to be, but you know, smut is smut so.
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ixiot-ghostrebel · 1 year
Assuming that you know about the lore of The Primordial One and his Four Shades, I’ve got a small idea that I would like to share:
Sagau, but Reader and their three friends are the said Four Shades. Since we know only of Istaroth from the Shades, reader will be her. Istaroth is the God of Time and Wind and one of the Four Shades. She was worshipped in Mondstadt alongside Barbatos. She was formerly worshipped in Enkanomiya by the name "Kairos." She once made a deal with Raiden Makoto and is responsible for the creation of the Sacred Sakura. Maybe Istaroth!Reader kind of disappeared due to her not being worshipped anymore, but someone (maybe Traveller or Barbatos) resurrect her by worshipping on her lost altar.
Interesting, Anon! I do know a few things of the Primordial One and his Four Shades, but this oneshot post of mine won't go too into the lore about it. And please remember, I don't do Fem!Reader, so I'll have to switch it to GN!Reader. Sorry!
Here's a little oneshot about this idea :) Enjoy!
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𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐝𝐬 𝐨𝐟 𝐓𝐢𝐦𝐞.
Warnings - The One Shot Includes: Spoilers to Genshin Impact Lore!
So. You were iskeaied in Genshin.
There was no imposter, and no one's chasing after you. You were isekaied with three of your friends, to where you don't even know where they were.
You were standing at a cliff were it showed Mondstadt in the distance. This was fine, this was cool. It was peaceful and all, so you didn't have anything to worry about.
You entered Mondstadt, and you were relieved that nobody even noticed you standing there like an idiot. Everything was fine and peaceful. You really did have nothing to worry about.
Except for one problem: Apparently, Venti was shocked to see you. Everyone treats you like you're not there, and then there's this bard that treats you like you were a walking skeleton of a T-Rex that grew an extra limb or something.
Yeah, you have absolutely no idea why the heck he's staring at you like that. Did you die and come back or something, being isekaied or something?
You had no idea, so you did what you thought was the best idea at the time.
You walked up to the bard, and bluntly asked, "Did I die before I got here now?" in his face. You don't know how he does it, but somehow, this man looks even more shocked than he was before.
"Istaroth, you can't be serious!" he exclaims, minding his tone to not make it a public drama film on the streets. "You—You literally disappeared, and then come back out of nowhere, and you think you died somehow?"
Holy cow. You were the freaking GOD OF TIME?! One of the Four SHINING SHADES OR WHATEVER THEY'RE CALLED?
You blink, trying to process this information being dumped into your face and one-braincell-ed brain.
So, you might really be the God of Time. Either that, or you're going insane and you're just hearing Venti wrong. So, just to double check that you heard it right, you ask.
"I'm Istaroth?" You pointed to yourself dumbly. Listen, it's hard to take in, alright? Sagau fanfics barely have this concept here! "So there's no like, Almighty Creator or something?"
"What? No, of course not! Where are you getting these—" The Bard sighs. "Come on, let's go to the Tree of Vanessa." He starts walking towards the gates of Mondstadt, with you quickly following him.
Once you're there, you get info-dumped a lot of crap. Sure, you knew a few things about Istaroth in the Genshin Impact lore, but holy cow was there still a lot you don't know.
For starters, Venti—Barbatos, whatever—made it very clear that there was no "Almighty Creator" of sorts. You were Istaroth, the God of Time, and one of the Gods of Celestia (oh goodie, not). And, not that Venti knew this, One of the Four Shades of the Primordial One.
You were, once upon a time, worshipped alongside Barbatos, as the people of Mondstadt saw you as the "Greater Lord of the Winds," which probably is the reason why you also got the Thousand Winds Temple built. But, of course, history practically threw you out the window. With no one worshipping you anymore, you basically faded off (which, to your equivalent, meant that you fell into a deep sleep and became who you are as of right now, in the present).
For some reason or whatever, before Mondstadt "adopted" you, you were formerly worshipped as the Overseer God of Enkanomiya, under the name of "Kairos."
Kind of funny, honestly, because you were literally naming yourself after the Greek God of Opportunity/Fitness/time (Who's other name is Caerus. Son of Zeus and all that). You can see how the name was fit for you.
Of course, you knew other information Venti didn't know—You knew that Istaroth and Raiden Makoto struck a deal because the Destruction of Khaen'riah caused an absolute world-breakdown. Kind of like a monster apocalypse, now that you think about it. Oh—and you were probably also a part of the reason why the Sovereign Dragons got poofed off of Teyvat.
That only left one question in your head: How the mac n cheese frick did you get "re-summoned" or whatever? And where the heck were you previous memories of being Istaroth?
"So...how exactly am I here, then?" You ask, placing a hand to your chin, as you repeat what you had thought. "And why can't I remember anything about being Istaroth?"
Venti shrugs. It seems he also doesn't anything, but knowing him through the game, you have a slight doubt that he does have a hunch of some sort and he's just hiding it from you. "I'm not sure, Istaroth—"
"Please, just call me Y/N." You roll your eyes. Seriously, if you can't even remember being Istaroth, how the hell are you ever going to even remember to answer when someone does call you Istaroth?
"I'm not sure, Y/N," he corrects himself, fiddling with his lyre. "Bbut, I do have a hunch!" Called it. He really did save it for the dramatics, did he?
"What is the hunch?" You ask, trying to pry answers quickly before this dude starts to confiscate information from you.
"I think it might have to do with—"
"Hey, it's Venti and—uh, who is that?" A voice from behind you both came. Venti smiles and gives a glance over your shoulder.
"—with the Traveler." Oh goodie, the Traveler really do be getting those Main Character Gameplay vibes now. You sigh, standing up. You might as well go ahead and introduce yourself to them before Paimon throws a freaking dialogue at you first.
Besides, if Venti's hunch is correct, the Traveler might just be your ticket to understanding who you truly are.
There's only one way to find out if this theory works.
The End...
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Also! I updated my Info Page, so please check it out! :D And dw, I'm working (or trying to) on the Finale Part of the Forever Within My Hold series :) It'll be out, it's just taking very slow.
✦ Check out The Ghost Rebel's Blog Description & Info Page to See if Their Mailbox is Open! ✦
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liyawritesss · 1 year
ʟᴏᴠɪɴɢ ᴇʟʟɪᴇ ᴡɪʟʟɪᴀᴍꜱ ᴡᴏᴜʟᴅ ɪɴᴄʟᴜᴅᴇ...
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Characters: Ellie Williams x Black!Fem!Reader
From: The Last Of Us Part II (Game Series)
Type: Headcanons
Synopsis: What would it be like to fall in love with the smart-mouthed badass Ellie Williams in a world recovering from a zombie apocalypse?
Warnings: mentions of game-canon violence, mentions of weapons (primarily guns), mentions of blood, mentions of mental illness, cursing
A/N: Yet another tag I gotta fill with x black!reader, cuz lets be honest - let Ellie get a black gf; all manners and common sense are going out the window. JOEL IS ALIVE AND WELL IN THIS
Tags: @verachii @percsane
Sign up for my tag list here!
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You and Ellie first met when she was sent to your little garden/apothecary to assist you in finding some plants that had been rebudding around the Jackson community area. At first, she was apprehensive to the idea - why did she of all people had to go out and collect fucking flowers and leaves? - but her mouth had already gotten her into trouble today, and she couldn’t bear another lecture from anyone, so she bit her tongue hard and went to find your little greenhouse near the center of town.
Her amazement comes across as a look of confusion when she steps into the greenhouse. She’s met with a pleasant scent of lavender, bundles of it hanging from the doorframe. She finds you tending to some plants in the middle of the room, and when your eyes lock, her breath catches in her throat, because holy fuck, no one told her that this herbalist lady was her age, and fine as fuck.
You greet her with a smile and hand her the list of things needed, telling her to take her time since you know that some of them may be difficult to find. She flips through the notebook you’ve given her, paying special attention to the detailed drawings, commemorating them to memory, before she sets off with only the thought of pleasing the herbalist girl with her findings.
When she comes back, it’s the dead of night, and she’s a bit durtied and bruised from what you’re sure to be a fight with some undead, but she has every item on the list you’d given her. From that point on, the two of you became close acquaintances, friends, and more.
She finds your presence so peaceful. When you’re up making ointments and remedies for the patrol squads, she joins you with her sketchpad. The two of you sit together in perfect silence, some jokes being shared here and there. Her sketchpad quickly fills up with drawings of you doing various activities - drinking tea, watering plants, grinding leaves into powders, making dyes, etc. Watching you becomes her favorite pastime.
After a while of knowing each other, she becomes more comfortable with being a smartmouth with you, and is excited when you match her energy. You always have a rebuttal to one of her remarks and it sparks something in Ellie that urges her on more and more. 
She becomes more touchy, too, though that aspect is primarily reassured by you. Although neither of you have disclosed much information about your past, you can tell she’s been through a lot, and could only imagine the worst when she would pull away from your touch in the beginning. It takes a long time, but the sweet hugs shared after accomplishing yet another supply run for you were definitely worth the wait.
And they’re quite literally the best hugs you’ve ever had. It could be a simple side hug with her pulling you by your hip to her chest, or it could be one of the longer ones, where her arms slip around your waist, her head dipping into your neck as she inhales your scent. You love them all.
Ellie claims that all your plant stuff is boring and lame, but she’s so very attentive when you’re rambling off a new herb or a new concoction you’ve made, and learns the names of the flowers you like the most. She soon learns that lavender is your favorite, which is why it hangs everywhere around the greenhouse, but also because it smells heavenly and reduces anxiety and provokes calmness. It quickly becomes her own, too.
She loves when you braid her hair. The two french braids leading into a bun is her favorite style, and even though she’s always messing it up when she’s on patrol, fighting and escaping from zombies and enemy groups alike, you’re happy to wash and redo her hair every time.
Ellie’s confession obviously doesn’t go the way she planned. And yes, she did plan on confessing to you her affections at some point, but she tells herself that she’s waiting for the right time. While part of that may be true, the bigger picture was her general fear of rejection - which was absurd to her, she never gave two fucks about what people thought about her. But when it came to you, everything mattered.
You’d never looked at Ellie’s notebook before. It was her privacy, and you were one to respect boundaries, but when she left the book open to go talk to Dina and Jesse about something, especially on a particular page that had your face drawn onto the cream paper of the sketchbook, your curiosity took over your senses.
It was a drawing of you drinking tea and reading a book. You remember that day - she was exceptionally quiet that day and only wanted to be around you. So you let her chill in the greenhouse with you while you did your normal routines. The intricate and detailed lines on the page sparked something in you that you thought you had pushed away, a surge of emotions reawakening in your stomach.
Ellie comes back in and nearly goes into a rage when she sees you seemingly flipping pages in her sketchbook, and although you try to reason with her, she’s not having it. She thinks you invaded her privacy, and she continues to think so as she leaves the greenhouse for the evening.
She comes back though, at the dead of night as you’re cleaning up and setting things up for the next morning, looking remorseful like a lost puppy. She apologizes, and you come to sit next to her, your legs touching, and you tell her that you accept her apology.
Ellie pauses for a moment, looking into your eyes for what seems like forever, before she begins speaking. The way she speaks is damn near contradicting about she feels about you, but in the end she gets her point across - she likes you, a lot, and needs to know how you feel about her in order for her to get some form of clarity and sanity back to her brain
And you tell her that you feel the same, that you’re attracted to her in such a way and so strongly that it shouldn’t even be possible - surely isn’t wise or sane considering the times the two of you currently live in, and yet, you still found yourself yearning for the brunette when you knew you shouldn’t
At this point the two of you are impossibly close, and the way Ellie’s eyes keep darting between your own and your lips, it’s definitely got a pool of heat swirling in your stomach. And before either of you realize it, her lips are on yours, and you’re experiencing your first and the most electrifying kiss of your life. And just like that, you become Ellie’s and she becomes yours
She  makes a vow to protect you in every possible way she can. When and if you do go out on the search for supplies, she’s always accompanying you regardless of whatever she may have been doing prior. She teaches you how to use a gun and a bow and arrow (of which, you favor the latter) so that you have the skills to protect yourself when she’s not there. 
She never let anyone talk to you any kind of way, but its amplified now because she has an obligation to make sure people know who the fuck they’re talking to. No one talks out the side of their neck to her girl and gets away with it. If all she does is curse them out, as long as they get the idea and don’t pull anything anymore, all is good.
Introducing you to Joel as your girlfriend is the most awkward thing for her…and you better believe he’s poking fun at her about her stellar choice in a significant other (trust me, he’s been waiting for this moment, because he just knew that she’d go after you of all people in the community. In fact, you wouldn’t be surprised if he was in on organizing your initial meeting. He’s definitely the wingman Ellie didn’t know she needed.
She doesn’t engage in PDA, but when it’s just the two of you alone? Best believe she’s getting her fill of hugs and kisses whenever she can. You’re not promised tomorrow, so she wants to love you to the fullest extent she can. 
Brings you back flowers from her patrols that you don’t even ask for, but because they’re pretty and remind her of you. You can try as you might to tell her you don’t need them - it’ll only provoke her to bring you more
On the longer nights where she’s too exhausted mentally and physically to speak, she curls into you and just lets you take over her senses. It’s a rather rare occasion, so you savor it while it lasts. You take care of Ellie at her most vulnerable and that’s all she could ever really ask for from someone.
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justmeinadaze · 1 year
Take It Out On Me Part 7 (Steddie X Plus Size Reader)
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A/N: I am having a bad day and what I wouldn't get to have these two take care of me right now.
Warning: Dom Steddie/ Plus Size Sub reader and all that that implies! (I regret nothing!) , Jealous Steddie as well, Degrading, slapping, first time use of titles (we'll be seeing more of that from here on in), Billy being a dick to Steve. I think that's all. Smut, a dash of fluff, with a sprinkle of angst.
Word Count: 4055
This past summer was more than perfect. Spending two months in New York was the break you desperately needed from Hawkins and all the stress that came with it. You did miss Eddie and Steve but it was nice to be away from them for a while to clear your mind. You called them a couple of times but it was hard to be on the phone for long in house full of people. 
When you got back home, you were ready to start your senior year. You had bought a whole new wardrobe, wanting to show people like Tommy and Carol you weren’t the same meek, scared girl anymore. 
“Holy shit. Is that my sexy best friend?”, Masie grinned as she picked you up from your house on the first day. “You look so good.”
“Thank you.” You flashed her your silky, red tank top under Eddie’s leather jacket. The blue jean shorts showed off your legs and the cute black, velvet boots made you feel extremely powerful. 
“I missed you so much.” You smile as she leans over to give you hug. 
The school was full of electricity with student’s hugging each other and comparing class schedules. You couldn’t help but giggle when some of the boys did a double take as you walked by. 
“Hm. I guess you’re going to be popular this year.” She smiles as she links her arm into yours. “Eddie Munson definitely has some competition.”
“Oh my god, Maze. Let it go!”, you sigh, rolling your eyes as you point to a room across from you both. “This is my first class.”
“Alright. I’ll see you at lunch later, okay?”
“Ah, Miss Y/N. I saw you were in my class this year. Hopefully you’ll behave, yeah?” Mr. C smiled with you nodded. “Good. I gave Steve the same warning. Now I’m just waiting for—”
Eddie skids into the classroom with his hands high into the air. “Mr. C! My favorite teacher!”
“Mhmm. Mr. Munson, please, for my old heart can you keep it together for me this year?”
“No promises.” Red paints your face as the metalhead’s eyes finally land on you, drinking you in. “But who knows. Obviously, people can surprise you. Hey sweetheart.”
“Ay yi yi. Ok, none of that. Both of you take a seat.”
As you turn, your eyes meet Steve’s as he lets out a shaky breath and flashes you a tender smile. Unfortunately, there weren’t three seats together so you were a bit farther from them than you would have preferred but at least you had one class together. 
You hadn’t realized how much you actually missed them until they were in front of you again. Eddie still looked the same with his torn up blue jeans and heavy metal shirt blanketed under the smell of cigarette smoke. Steve had grown his hair out a bit more and seemed like he got some sun this summer. Currently, they were radiating that softness that you enjoyed when they were taking care of you. 
That was short lived however when a new face entered the classroom. 
You’d be lying if you didn’t say you thought the boy that came in was incredibly attractive. His blue eyes penetrated your own as he sauntered over and stopped at the seat in front of yours. 
“Hey, man. Do you mind finding another desk?”, he asked the boy sitting in the desk. When he didn’t immediately stand, his beautiful eyes clouded over with intensity. “Move. Now.”
The kid promptly collected his things and quickly shuffled away as the man grinned, turning to you as he extended his hand. “I’m Billy Hargrove. What’s your name, pretty girl?”
“I’m, uh, I’m Y/N.”
Billy smirked as you stuttered out your answer. There was something intimating about the man in front of you that scared you slightly but not in the same way Eddie and Steve had. The boys originally frightened you because of the way they made you feel. Billy, on the other hand, had this air about him that practically screamed he liked things his way whether you liked it or not. You imagined he knew how to satisfy a woman but with that extra sense of arrogance he wasn’t going to stay with one for long. 
As you scanned the room again, you found both Eddie and Steve glaring at him with immense anger. Shit. This may be a long year.
The rest of the day went by much too slowly for your liking. You found out you did have one more class each with the guys and you three still shared a lunch period. As the day went on though they started to feel more distant as they huffed at the people around you who gawked as you walked by. 
After your basketball practice as you and the team started to head in to get showered and leave for the day, you passed the guys team having their own practice.
As you entered the gym, you noticed Eddie leaning against the risers with his arms folded as he watched the display in front of him. Billy was in front of Steve bouncing the basketball mockingly in front of him as he cockily grinned in his direction. 
“What’s going on?”
Eddie glanced at you before turning back to the court. 
“Seems your new boyfriend is trying to take Steve’s place on the team.”
“Really? My boyfriend.”, you sighed as you rolled your eyes.
“Roll your eyes like that again, Y/N. I dare you.” His eyes never leave the game as he speaks. “Seems this summer made you believe things are different. I’m sorry, sweetheart, but they aren’t. We still own you.”
“What makes you angrier, Eddie? The fact he sat in front of me or the fact that he showed more control by moving someone to sit with me? Makes you wonder else he’d do to be near me.”
As if on cue, Billy shoulder checks Steve knocking him to the ground as he runs around him to make a basket. The teams claps as he grins before he notices you watching, giving a subtle wink before focusing on the game again. 
“Hm. I can’t wait to tell Steve you said that. I’m very curious to see what he thinks.”
With that you turn and head for the locker room as nerves fill your stomach. You’re going to regret saying that but you weren’t sure how or where it would come from. 
They practically ignored you for the rest of the week which made you both furious and heartbroken. You spent all summer missing them even falling asleep in Steve’s sweatshirt or Eddie’s jacket just to have them close in some way. Why weren’t they as desperate to have you as you were to have them?
“Hey, pretty girl.” You head swiveled around to meet Billy’s cocky smile as he threw his shirt on the risers behind you while you were sitting in the gym during your free period. “Come to watch me play?” Steve passed you both, his eyes full of fire as he walked by. “Oh, I see. You have crush on ‘King’ Steve Harrington. Trust me, baby girl. He’s not worth your time.”
“Don’t call me that. You don’t get to call me things like that.”
“Ooo… do I have to earn it? I’m really good at that game.”
He chuckles as he runs out onto the court and the team begins practice. Billy is just as ruthless as he was the last time you watched them practice, him taunting Steve any chance he could but like the fighter he was Steve was always right back in front of him trying to take the ball. 
“Do you know she has a crush on you? Is that way you’re trying so hard, Harrington?” Billy shoves around him, knocking him down as he makes a basket. You get to your feet and run to help him up, but the other boy beats you reaching out his hand for him to take. “Oh, I get it. You like her to. This is going to be fun for me.” He chuckles as he pushes Steve back down to the floor. 
Your hand reaches for his and he aggressively smacks it out of the way, jumping to his feet and exiting the double doors to the outside the gym. Running after him, you find him pacing as he fumes. 
“Steve? Are you okay?”
When you extend your hand again, his palms grip either side of your face as he backs you against the brick wall, crashing his lips to yours. You mewled at the taste of him as you pulled his hips to yours. 
“You think he shows more control than we do? That he’d do anything to be with you?”
He cut you off with his mouth on yours as he unbuttoned your jeans and slid his hand through the waistband of your panties. You moaned, gripping the back of his neck as his fingers breached your entrance. 
“You really did forget a lot while you were away. This pussy and your body belong to us. Only we can make you feel this good.” All you can do is nod as he steadily builds you up. “You think because you come home with this new look and attitude that you can do better than us?”
“No…no, Steve. I—mmm—I only want you two. I missed you both so much.” He curled his fingers inside of you practically lifting you on to your toes as you hand flew down to grab his wrist. “Steve, please.”
Your other hand tugged on his sweaty shirt as your head fell to his chest, your moans muffled as you came. You continued to pant as he removed his hand and buttoned your jeans back around your waist. “Don’t let him get under your skin.” Your tone was soft as you pressed your body to his. 
Steve sighed heavily before you felt his arms finally wrap around you. “I don’t like the way he looks at you.”
“I don’t either. He calls me names you guys call me and it just feels weird.”
“Weird how?” His tone shifts back into authoritative as he pulls your head back to look at your face. “Does he make you uncomfortable? We can talk to him. I can knock him on his ass.”
“No, baby, no. Don’t worry about him. Just ignore him. I, um, I hope it’s ok but I got you guys something while I was gone. Can I come over after school and give them to you?”
“Yeah, of course.” You grin as he kisses your forehead before running back into the gym.
“Where are your parents?”
“Uh, my dad is in Europe…I think…and my mom went with him.”, Steve shrugs as Eddie lights a cigarette and leans back against one of the lawn chairs by the pool. 
“I hear you bought us things.”
Smiling, you reach into your bag and hand them each a box. Steve beams as he holds up a pair of sunglasses and places them over his eyes. 
“They’re like the ones Tom Cruise wears in that movie you like.”
“Risky Business. Yeah! How do I look? Do I look just like him?”
“Better.”, you giggle as you turn to Eddie, pausing when you notice his vacant expression as he stares at the gorgeous, gemstone Dungeons and Dragons dice in his hand. “Did I get the right kind? I don’t know much about D&D but the guy in the store said these were perfect for a… Dungeon Master? I think that’s what you said you were, right?”
“I did. Um, yeah, no, princess these are beautiful. No one’s ever got me a thoughtful gift like this before.” His arms wrap around you as he kisses your temple before pulling you down with him against the chair making you laugh. “Thank you.”
There’s a comfortable silence that follows as Eddie continues smoking with you laying on his chest between his legs, his hand occasionally rubbing your arm while Steve stares off into the distance still wearing the sunglasses.
Was this what they meant when they said they wanted to just be? You didn’t mind it, feeling like you could stay this way forever. The only problem was Steve was so far away…
“What are you thinking about, pretty girl?”
“You just sighed. What’s running through your mind?”, Eddie asked with that syrupy sweet tone you dreamed about while you were away. 
“I’m just thinking about how far Steve is right now.”
“Hm. Kinda greedy today, huh? I heard Steve made you cum outside the gym, naughty girl.”
“But I haven’t seen you both in over two months. I missed you. D-Did you miss me?”
“Uh oh, Eds. She’s reverting back to that shy little girl again. It must be you, dude.”
“I’m not a little girl!”
“Hm. Sound like a little girl to me.”
You know what you’re doing and so do they, you three waiting for someone to make the next move. You decide it will be you, hoping they respond the way you want them to; NEED them to. 
“Well, fine then. If I’m such a little girl and you didn’t miss me, I guess I’ll go home.” Pushing Eddie’s arm out of the way you march back into Steve’s house and head for the front door. As you open it, a ringed hand cuts you off, and slams it shut.
“Where do you think you’re going, little girl?” He starts to slowly walk you backwards towards the living room. “You think you can talk to us like that and then just leave? I thought you were smarter than that.”
“Seems like she still needs a reminder of who’s in charge.”, Steve grins as he closes the back door and leans against it. 
“Is that what you need, little girl?”, Eddie taunts. 
“I’m NOT a little girl.”, you growl. 
He towers over you as his eyes stare you down. “Yes, you are. You’re a bratty…slutty…bad…little girl.” Between each word he gave you a small but forceful shove until you stumbled onto the couch. He sat beside you, his fingers pinching your cheeks as he turned your head to look at him. “Say it.”
When you shake your head, Eddie loosens his grip, running his thumb along your bottom lip. “Steve?” The other boy descends to the floor between your legs, unbuttoning your jeans, and tugs them off your body. 
Abruptly, a palm connects with your face eliciting a squeak from you. Your eyes meet the metalheads as he searches within them, gauging your reaction. When you don’t respond or protest, his fingers grip your cheeks again. 
“Do you remember what we talked about before you left? About us having titles and taking care of you?”
“And…in return I show you the…respect you deserve?”, you pant; completely turned on by his words and the slap he delivered you. 
“Yeah, sweetheart, that’s right.” He pauses when your breathing stutters as you feel Steve pull down your panties and toss them aside. “Is that something you want to try…with us? For example, I just hit you. Did…f-fuck… did you like it? Say yes or no and then follow it with Sir or Master.”
You moaned, feeling Steve’s breath hit your core as your legs opened wider for him. “Yes, S-sir. I liked you slapping me.” His tongue licked a stripe between your folds and you practically melted into the couch. 
“See? You’re a natural.” Eddie’s lips delicately traced your jawline down to your neck. That combined with Steve wrapping his mouth around your clit was having you seeing stars. 
“Wh-what should I—mmm—what should I call, Steve?”
“What feels right? I have a feeling when it comes to Stevie, there’s been something in the forefront of your mind. Just say it and see if he likes it.”
You lick your lips as your fingers tangle in his soft hair, pressing him further into your cunt. “Daddy…” 
They both groan as Steve’s tongue flicks faster against your nub. Eddie unbuttons his jeans and lifts his hips to push them and his boxers down his legs. His lips roughly find yours for a moment before clinging to your face again. 
“Say it. Say you’re a fucking little girl.” Your eyes start to flutter closed and he pulls his hand back to smack you again. “Harrington! Don’t let her cum until she says it.” 
“I’m…I’m a…” You struggle to find the words as you hurtle quickly towards the edge.
“If you cum before you say it, I’m going to use my belt to punish you again and I won’t be as nice as he was!”
“Fuck! I’m a little girl! Please…please!” Your thighs close around his head as you cum, lifting your hips off the couch. Steve’s fingers force your legs open as he continues licking you clean. 
When he sits up on his knees, you bring your lips to his, tasting yourself on his breath. You don’t see it but both men glance at each other as Eddie nods his approval. Steve lifts off his shirt as you reach down to unbuckle his belt and tug at his jeans. 
As he leans back to take them off, the metalhead’s fingers turn you to face him. “Now, be honest, we…we have to ask. Were you with anyone in New York?” His tone is gentle, not carrying any accusation within his words. 
“We just need to know if we need to use condoms.”, Steve follows as he runs his palms along your thighs. 
“No, I swear I wasn’t. Were…were you…with anyone?” Your eyes squeeze shut and a thankful sigh escapes your lips when they both shake their heads. 
Eddie lifts off your shirt and Steve leaned forward to passionately kiss your lips. Your eyes rolled back as he reached between you both to guide his cock into your entrance as his arms wrapped around your back. He clung to your body as thrust into you at a steady pace, his mouth and tongue attaching to your nipple making you whimper. 
“Say it again, baby girl. Mmm…call me that name again.”
“Fuck me…” His hips rolled into yours as you lifted your own off the couch to meet his pushing him deeper into you. Your head lulls to side to search for Eddie but he was still in the same place stroking his cock as he watched you. 
“Fuck, princess. I can’t wait to have you after him. I’m gonna fuck you so hard you’ll be feeling me for weeks.”
“God damn it.”, Steve grunted as your pussy clenched at Eddie’s promise. His head fell beside yours as he pumped into you faster. “Beg me, honey. Beg Daddy to make you cum.”
Your lips pressed against the shell of his ear as your fingers pulled at his hair. “Please, Daddy. Please make me cum. Mmm… fuck…I missed you so much. You feel so good inside me.”
His mouth sloppily kissed your own, swallowing your moans as you came. “That’s it. Fuck…such a good girl…” Steve’s voice trailed off as he pushed up on his hands and slammed his hip into you as released his seed deep inside of your cunt.
As soon as the other boy pulled out, Eddie was on you, wrapping his arm around your stomach as he tugged you back against the couch until you were laying on your side with him behind you. His fingers roughly gripped your thigh, holding your leg in the air as he slid his throbbing cock into your dripping hole. 
True to his word, he thrust into aggressively, bordering the line between pleasure and pain. His blown-out eyes met yours when your hand reached out to hold the one the that was dangling off the couch behind your head. 
“Steve’s right. Mmm…such a good…beautiful girl.” His lips kissed yours before your whimper vibrated against them as his fingers circled your clit. “Look at me, Y/N. Don’t…take your eyes off me.” Eddie’s mouth opened in a silent O as he watched you struggle to keep them open. “Does that feel good, baby?”
His fingers left your bundle of nerves as they flew to your face so he could pinch your cheeks. “I asked you a fucking question. You answer me, little girl. Does my cock feel good?”
“Yes—mmm—yes, Sir. Your cock…feels so fucking good.”
“Don’t you dare take those eyes off of me, ok?” He places his hand back between your legs as you moan. Eddie’s hips start to faulter as he watches you come undone, screaming his name as tumble over the edge. As your pussy clings to him, he drops your leg as he clings to hips, grunting as he cums inside you. 
You both pant as you try to catch your breath. A hand pets at your hair and you turn your head to see Steve’s soft eyes glancing over your face. 
“Are you okay?”
“Yeah…” When you respond your voice comes out hoarse giving him pause. 
“I’m going to grab a bottle of water.”
After you watch him leave, you turn back to see Eddie’s eyes are closed. Delicately treading the waters again, you lift your arm, placing it under his head and to your pleasant surprise he scoots closer to you, pulling your body to his. 
“Alright, honey. Drink some of this.” Steve places his hand behind you as he guides the bottle of liquid to your lips. “Atta girl. Eddie, do you want some?”
The metalhead declines with a cute nu uh sound that makes you giggle as you feel him smile against your skin. 
“Come on, Munson. We still have to clean her so she can go home.” Your eyes swivel around to find Steve as he tilts his head. “Don’t you? Your parents expect you home at a certain time.”
“Yes, but I don’t want to go home yet.”
“We don’t want you to go either, baby, but we don’t want you to get in trouble.” You sigh as Eddie releases you so you can both sit up. “Do you want to use my shower or…”
“I don’t think I can make it up the stairs.”
“I can carry you—”
“No…no, Steve. I’m ok.” You lean against Eddie’s shoulder as Steve heads back towards the kitchen to find a washcloth. “Eddie? Did I do good?”
He chuckles through his nose as he reaches down to hold your hand. “Princess, you were more than good. Did you…like it?”
You nod as the other boy reappears and sits beside you, gently opening your legs as he cleans between them. Steve stops when you hiss and bite you bottom lip. 
“Y/N, um, we’ve been thinking a lot and talking over the summer…” Your eyes shoot open as you look at him, terrified of what he’s about to say next. “We still don’t know how to define this but we do want you to be comfortable.”
“You said you liked being used and degraded but we’ve never talked about anything that may be a step too far.”
“Well…what would be a step too far for you?” They both laugh at your question making you pout. 
“We asked you first, honey.”
“I-I don’t know how to answer that. I just know that I didn’t like what I had before with guys. So far, I’ve enjoyed everything. I’m open to trying anything with you two. I’m yours.”
“Fuck, you’re going to make me hard again.”, Steve sighs as he starts helping you get dressed. 
“Um, I have a question. Do I call you by your titles now? All the time?”
Eddie finishes sliding on his jeans before extending his hand to help you off the couch. “Do you want that?”
“I asked you first.”, you parrot back as you grin. 
“How about yes when it’s just the three of us?”
“I’m ok with that, Sir.”
“Jesus Christ.”, he mewls before leaning down to kiss your lips. 
“Still so fascinating.” Steve kisses you as well, taking your hand as he walks you both outside to your vehicles. “Can you call us when you get home?”
“Of course, Daddy.”
He smirks as he opens your car door for you. 
“Glad your back home, honey. We missed you to.”
@manda-panda-monium @sherrylyn628 @local-stoner-bitch
@katethetank @danandphilequalsmemes @luna-munson83
@sidthedollface2 @mandyjo8719 @chelebelletx @shayeddie
@emmalee-01 @anaibis @wroteclassicaly
@fireeyes-on-teller-dixon-grimes @siriuslysmoking
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odetodilfs · 1 year
can you do joel miller reuniting with his cowboy/vaquero husband at the wyoming commune and they catch-up and have very romantic sex, praising each other and promising that they’ll never leave eachother again? (power bottom joel please?)
Together again
Hey anon!! Sorry for taking so long, but here it is!! Pairing: softdom! bottom Joel x sub top male!reader
Warnings: Smut, praising, names, reunion sex, established relationship (marriage), shower sex and breeding.
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Apart from losing Sarah that day, Joel had also lost you, his husband, the love of his life, his dear, the man of his dreams… but he didn’t know that you were actually alive and had met up with Tommy ever since he arrived in Wyoming, you two started to get along really well, but your heart ached for Joel, you needed him, ever since that day you parted you cried into your pillow, holding it, wanting to believe it was him. But your heart kept grieving him, he was the man you loved, the one made for you, and he was gone.
That changed when you heard of Joel and this girl named Ellie coming in through the gates of the town, you immediately ran out, not caring if it was cold and you were in your bed clothes, you ran out and sprinted. Then…
You saw Joel…
It was like the moment you first met all over again, you ran at each other and hugged each other hard, when you felt his arms around you, you felt a peace that hadn’t been with you for 20 years… Joel might not have had the best smell at that moment, but you didn’t care, you looked at each other and kissed each other passionately in front of the crowd, you didn’t care who saw you, in fact, some even cheered as your lips meshed against each other’s.
“My dear…” he said, starting to sob out of happiness, 
“Joel…” you placed your hand on his cheek, “You look so beautiful” he smiled, tears streaming out of his eyes now, “You too” you chuckled lightly, getting closer to your house, 
“Nah, but thanks for the compliment” “Let’s go inside” you said, 
“Oh, this is Ellie by the way” he said, pointing at her, 
“Nice to meet you” the girl smiled and shook your hand “you two need to catch up on things…” she said and went off, you looked at each other.
“Well…” Joel said, “Look at you, let’s go take a shower love” you smiled as he followed you to your house, “Woah, running water” he said like a kid who just discovered something, “Yeah, you can use it as much as you want” you smiled, turning the shower on, Joel started to undress.
His body had some scars, but you found him beautiful, just like you always had, “Are we still husbands?” he asked, fear in his eyes, “We always will be, Joel” you said as you started to undress too, “after today, we’ll never leave each other alone” you held his hand, Joel just leaned in and kissed you as you went into the warm shower, his cock instantly hardening.
As you cleaned your husband you looked at each other, hands not being able to be off the other, both of you desperate, once he was all cleaned, you started to kiss him desperately as the hot water continued to wash over your body, you looked at each other, “I want you” Joel confessed, “Me too” 
“Then…” he smiled, looking at the ground, you smirked and sat on there, “Let’s get you ready," you smiled as you grabbed vaseline from a drawer you had in the shower, slicking up your fingers. He looked so impatient and desperately needed you inside him, “Please baby- please-” he begged, opening his legs, showing you his hole, you put a finger inside the tight entrance, “Holy shit Joel, you’re so fuckin’ tight!” you said as your finger barely managed to pass through, Joel’s legs quivered as you put in another finger. When your two fingers brushed against his prostate he screamed in pleasure, whimpering, you kissed him and held him towards you, “My love, I’m here for you, we’ll be together for the rest of our lives okay? I’m yours” you smiled, that sentence stirred up something in you, “Finger me more” he demanded, “Joel are you su-” you asked, immediately getting cut off, “Yes, third finger, now, please love” he demanded, you did as he told you to.
He moaned happily as you fingered him, Joel was feeling so many things… he hadn’t had your fingers in him for 20 years, he was at the top of the world, he couldn’t even say anything as you played with his prostate, making him writhe and scream in pleasure, however he didn’t close his eyes in pleasure, instead he looked at you, his husband who was now with him, and who he’d be with forever, he didn’t even realize it had been a full 10 minutes since you started to finger him. You pulled out and he looked at you confused, only to smile when he saw you lube up your cock and press it against his ass, he immediately stood up and positioned himself to ride you, “I love you, Joel” you told him, “I love you too” he said, as he took your length inside him.
He started to take you in slowly as he started to ride you, “You alright my love?” you asked him, worried if he was feeling any pain, he kept slowly riding you, trying to take you after so long, “Y-yes- just let me- fuck- kiss me-” he said, you immediately followed orders and kissed at his neck, then going down and kissing his collarbone, you sucked on the skin, both of you knowing that’d leave a mark, but that turned you on, suddenly, Joel bit down at your collarbone too and left a bright red mark, he was claiming you as his again, “Fuck- you really took care of yourself these 20 years baby” he praised you, now riding your dick at full speed.
You couldn’t even speak, he was so tight, his warm walls squeezed your cock just right, he was going to make you cum if he started riding you any faster, “Gonna cum, baby?” he smirked, you were panting and gasping in pleasure, it was the best you’d ever felt ever since the last time you’d had sex over 20 years ago, Joel looked majestic riding you, his gray hair wet by the shower, hands all over each other. You felt yourself getting close, but when you looked up you heard Joel scream your name loudly as he came all over you, his walls squeezing your cock to such an extent that it became almost impossible to keep your orgasm in, but he kept riding you…
“Fuck… Joel-” you moaned, holding back as much as you could, 
“Please baby, please just a little longer” he said as your dick hit his prostate every time he went down, “Just a little longer baby, do it for your cowboy…” he smirked, making it even harder to hold back, he used to call himself that name to flirt with you, when you got married, he said “I’m your cowboy now…” those words had an effect on you, “J-Joel- I don’t think I can-” you moaned, squeezing his hand, “It’s okay baby, cum for me, be a good boy and cum for me” those words pushed you over the edge as the pent up pleasure inside you released inside your husband, jet after jet of hot cum as you were in heaven, when you finished you only realized Joel was speaking to you, 
“-such a good boy, you’ve been holding back a lot haven’t you?” he smiled, you had almost forgotten to speak after that orgasm, “Y-yes- I always believed in the chance that you were alive somewhere, I missed my cowboy” you hugged him, “I missed you too, my cowboy” he said as he held you. You switched off the shower and dried off, then dressed up and went into bed.
“Joel, I want you to know that even if you want to leave, I’ll go with you” you confessed, “Really?” he asked, surprised you’d want to leave the comfort of the commune, “Yes Joel, I wanna spend my life with you, I was made for you” “And you were made for me, I love you” he held you, “I love you too” you caressed his face as you went to sleep in each other’s arms.
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