#(most likely a rental car since five months is enough time for me 2 afford one this time methinks)
wavernot4love · 3 months
oh fob playing my #1 dream 8 ball at the show i was very nearly at/have been trying relentlessly (unsuccessfully) to make happen. oh that is absolutely evil
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eclecticminded · 5 years
Changes part 2
@southern-magnolia and @esparza-army asked for a part two to this fic ( @barbabangme I know you like Jonas too)
After leaving Jonas is a parking lot, you reunite when your parents die.
Warnings: Death. Food.
Words: 1404
Tags: @southsiderepresent @glimmerglittergirl @madpanda75  @southern-magnolia @katmstanton @esparza-army @sweetsummertime99  @obfuscateyummy @lifeisbetterwithbarba  @lyssa1385  @hux-me-up   @bowieisawizard @sleepylunarwolf @mrsrafaelbarba @thatesparzacrush anyone else ask!
Also I have a Kofi (link in blog description) if anyone wants to donate!
Since leaving Jonas hanging his head in a parking lot five months ago, you’d been texting damn near constantly. He encouraged you through your parents’ sickness and you encouraged him to be less sleazy. He was trying to be less slimy so he could feel worthy of you, and you were just trying to survive your parents dying. There were nights he called you the second the revival was over so he could hear your voice. And there were nights he stayed up all night while you cried.
 On the day your parents died, you sent him a single text saying as much. You got caught up in making all the arrangements and calling people, you didn’t talk to him for the rest of the day. Your phone died at some point during the day and you didn’t bother charging it. The next day you woke up at eleven to someone banging on your door. You threw the door open in anger but immediately softened when you saw it was Jonas.
 “I came as soon as I could, rented a car and drive all night,” Jonas smiled sweetly and your chin quivered.
 “Thank you,” you collapsed and he caught you as you sobbed.
 “Shhh shhh babe, I got you,” Jonas scooped you into his arms and carried you inside, kicking the door closed behind him. He held you on the sofa until you calmed enough he could walk away. Jonas maneuvered his way through the house to find water and returned with a big glass. You drank it down dutifully and crawled into his arms like a child.
 “I miss them so much,” you buried your face in his chest and hid from the world. Under his breath, Jonas hummed and sang to you, his fingers combed through your hair and it slowly calmed you. His heartbeat was what really did the trick and you finally relaxed against him.
 “Did I wake you up,” Jonas kissed the top of your head.
 “Yeah,” your stomach growled.
 “Do you want to go out, order in, or I can cook,” his fingertips danced up and down your arms.
 “Can you cook me pancakes and eggs,” you pulled out of his arms and smiled sheepishly.
 “You and your pancakes,” he shook his head with a grin, “lead the way.” You took his hand and walked to the kitchen. While he searched for the griddle, you got out the mix and eggs. When you tried to make the batter, he picked you up and sat you on the counter. The only thing he allowed you to do was make coffee.
 After brunch, you started to panic at all the plans you still had to make. Jonas calmed you with a kiss and ordered you to go shower. You did as he asked, and when you emerged he had comfortable clothes picked for you. He helped you dress and dried your hair for you.
 Back at the kitchen table, you made a list of everything you had to do for the funeral in the coming days. Most everything was already planned; you just had to make calls to arrange it all. From the list you divided and conquered, you called relatives and Jonas called to make the arrangements.
 When you had to pick out your parents clothes, Jonas was on the floor with you when you broke down. He drove you to the funeral home and did all the talking. Every night he held you as close as he could, hoping it was of comfort to you. And of course it was.
 During the funeral, you were stoic, not crying once. Jonas was your rock, even standing silently beside you while you gave your speech. Close friends and family come to your house after for a reception and you held it together then too. When Jonas found you sobbing in their bed, he used his persuasive tongue to get everyone to leave. He crawled into their bed behind you and held you until you fell asleep.
 A week later you were at the kitchen table pouring over the mortgage paperwork while Jonas was out grocery shopping. When he came back he saw the panic in your eyes and came to you after putting the groceries away. He offered you a glass of wine a sat down.
 “What’s the matter,” he took the papers from you and read over them.
 “I can’t afford to keep the house,” you sighed, “I don’t know what to do.”
 “When is the next payment due,” he took your hand while he read.
 “Two weeks,” you dropped your head to the table with a sickening thud.
 “Hey,” he lifted your head and put his arm under it, “Don’t do that.”
 “I don’t know what to do,” you banged your head on his arm.
 “You could just sell the house,” he shrugged, “use the money to go back to school.”
 “What did you say,” you sat up abruptly and glared at him.
 “You could just sell—“
 “I grew up in this house Jonas! I’m not going to fucking sell it,” you shoved back from the table and knocked your chair backwards.
 “Hey, calm down,” he reached for you and you slapped his hands away.
 “This house is all I have left of them,” you stormed away, “fuck you Jonas.” You slammed your door shut and he flinched. You screamed into your pillow and angry cleaned your room. By the time you were done you smelled food and your stomach growled. You reemerged to find him about to knock.
 “Made stew for dinner,” Jonas spoke so softly you barely heard him, “You don’t have to talk to me. Just please come eat with me.” You nodded and followed him. Neither of you spoke while you ate or even while you washed the dishes. It wasn’t until he was making up the sofa to sleep away from you that you cracked.
 “Please don’t sleep out there,” you slammed into him, knocking the air out of him.
 “Thought you weren’t talking to me,” he held you tight and breathed in your scent.
 “I’m sorry Jonas,” you caressed his cheek, “I shouldn’t have yelled at you. You were just trying to help.”
 “I shouldn’t have been so insensitive, I’m sorry,” he kissed your forehead and you rose to your tippy toes to kiss his lips.
 “No no, Jonas baby,” you took his face between your palms and stared into his eyes, “You were right. I can’t afford this house. Staying here would only kill me. I want to go back to school.”
 “Where would that leave us,” he tried to smile but you saw the worry in his eyes.
 “You once asked me to stay with you,” you spoke slowly and purposefully.
 “Yes,” he scrunched his forehead up, clearly confused.
 “Why don’t you move with me,” you took his hand in yours.
 “Okay,” he nodded.
 “Just like that? You’d leave your whole operation behind,” you were shocked he’d agree so quickly.
 “Yes, for you. I love you y/n,” Jonas crashed his lips into yours and kissed you properly for the first time since he arrived. He carried you to your room and made slow sweet love to you for hours.
 It took three months for the house to sell, just before the end of fall registration. You and Jonas moved into a small rental home near campus with the money. While you took classes he got work as a car sales man, putting his persuasion to good use.  He was the best there was and earned major bonuses. You didn’t have to worry about money and it made it easier to focus on school.
 When you finally graduated, Sam came out to sit with Jonas during the ceremony. You all played catch up at dinner and she was gone again, she loved life on the road. Jonas assured you he didn’t miss the life; he loved his new life with you. But he convinced you to go on a road trip to the diner you had your first “date” at.
 When the pancakes came, he dropped to one knee and proposed with the prettiest ring you’d ever seen. With a loudly squealed yes, you launched yourself into his arms and tackled him to the ground. Once recovered, he slipped the ring on your finger and you finished dinner, returning to the room you shared your first night in to commemorate.
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newstfionline · 6 years
The Homeless Crisis Is Getting Worse in America’s Richest Cities
Bloomberg, November 20, 2018
It was just after 10 p.m. on an overcast September night in Los Angeles, and L. was tired from a long day of class prep, teaching, and grading papers. So the 57-year-old anthropology professor fed her Chihuahua-dachshund mix a freeze-dried chicken strip, swapped her cigarette trousers for stretchy black yoga pants, and began to unfold a set of white sheets and a beige cotton blanket to make up her bed.
But first she had to recline the passenger seat of her 2015 Nissan Leaf as far as it would go--that being her bed in the parking lot she’d called home for almost three months. The Late Show with Stephen Colbert was playing on her iPad as she drifted off for another night. “Like sleeping on an airplane--but not in first class,” she said. That was in part by design. “I don’t want to get more comfortable. I want to get out of here.”
L., who asked to go by her middle initial for fear of losing her job, couldn’t afford her apartment earlier this year after failing to cobble together enough teaching assignments at two community colleges. By July she’d exhausted her savings and turned to a local nonprofit called Safe Parking L.A., which outfits a handful of lots around the city with security guards, port-a-potties, Wi-Fi, and solar-powered electrical chargers. Sleeping in her car would allow her to save for a deposit on an apartment. On that night in late September, under basketball hoops owned by an Episcopal church in Koreatown, she was one of 16 people in 12 vehicles. Ten of them were female, two were children, and half were employed.
The headline of the press release announcing the results of the county’s latest homeless census strikes a note of progress: “2018 Homeless Count Shows First Decrease in Four Years.” In some ways that’s true. The figure for people experiencing homelessness dropped 4 percent, a record number got placed in housing, and chronic and veteran homelessness fell by double digits. But troubling figures lurk. The homeless population is still high, at 52,765--up 47 percent from 2012. Those who’d become homeless for the first time jumped 16 percent from last year, to 9,322 people, and the county provided shelter for roughly 5,000 fewer people than in 2011.
All this in a year when the economy in L.A., as in the rest of California and the U.S., is booming. That’s part of the problem. Federal statistics show homelessness overall has been trending down over the past decade as the U.S. climbed back from the Great Recession, the stock market reached all-time highs, and unemployment sank to a generational low. Yet in many cities, homelessness has spiked.
It’s most stark and visible out West, where shortages of shelter beds force people to sleep in their vehicles or on the street. In Seattle, the number of “unsheltered” homeless counted on a single night in January jumped 15 percent this year from 2017--a period when the value of Amazon.com Inc., one of the city’s dominant employers, rose 68 percent, to $675 billion. In California, home to Apple, Facebook, and Google, some 134,000 people were homeless during the annual census for the Department of Housing and Urban Development in January last year, a 14 percent jump from 2016. About two-thirds of them were unsheltered, the highest rate in the nation.
At least 10 cities on the West Coast have declared states of emergency in recent years. San Diego and Tacoma, Wash., recently responded by erecting tents fit for disaster relief areas to provide shelter for their homeless. Seattle and Sacramento may be next.
The reason the situation has gotten worse is simple enough to understand, even if it defies easy solution: A toxic combo of slow wage growth and skyrocketing rents has put housing out of reach for a greater number of people. According to Freddie Mac, the government-sponsored housing giant, the portion of rental units affordable to low earners plummeted 62 percent from 2010 to 2016.
Rising housing costs don’t predestine people to homelessness. But without the right interventions, the connection can become malignant. Research by Zillow Group Inc. last year found that a 5 percent increase in rents in L.A. translates into about 2,000 more homeless people, among the highest correlations in the U.S. The median rent for a one-bedroom in the city was $2,371 in September, up 43 percent from 2010. Similarly, consultant McKinsey & Co. recently concluded that the runup in housing costs was 96 percent correlated with Seattle’s soaring homeless population. Even skeptics have come around to accepting the relationship. “I argued for a long time that the homelessness issue wasn’t due to rents,” says Joel Singer, chief executive officer of the California Association of Realtors. “I can’t argue that anymore.”
Homelessness first gained national attention in the 1980s, when declining incomes, cutbacks to social safety net programs, and a shrinking pool of affordable housing began tipping people into crisis. President Ronald Reagan dubiously argued that homelessness was a lifestyle choice. By the mid-2000s, though, the federal government was taking a more productive approach. George W. Bush’s administration pushed for a “housing first” model that prioritized getting people permanent shelter before helping them with drug addiction or mental illness. Barack Obama furthered the effort in his first term and, in 2010, vowed to end chronic and veteran homelessness in five years and child and family homelessness by 2020.
Rising housing costs are part of the reason some of those deadlines were missed. The Trump administration’s proposal to hike rents on people receiving federal housing vouchers, and require they work, would only make the goals more elusive. Demand for rental assistance has long outstripped supply, leading to yearslong waits for people who want help. But even folks who are lucky enough to have vouchers are increasingly struggling to use them in hot housing markets. A survey by the Urban Institute this year found that more than three-quarters of L.A. landlords rejected tenants receiving rental assistance.
It’s not bad everywhere. Houston, the fourth-most-populous city in the nation, has cut its homeless population in half since 2011, in part by creating more housing for them. That’s dampened the effect of rising rents, Zillow found. Meanwhile, the nonprofit Community Solutions has worked with Chicago, Phoenix, and other cities to gather quality, real-time data about their homeless populations so they can better coordinate their interventions and prioritize spending. The approach has effectively ended veterans’ homelessness in eight communities, including Riverside County in California.
Efficiency can go only so far. More resources are needed in the places struggling the most with homelessness. McKinsey calculated that to shelter people adequately, Seattle would have to increase its outlay to as much as $410 million a year, double what it spends now. Still, that’s less than the $1.1 billion the consultants estimate it costs “as a result of extra policing, lost tourism and business, and the frequent hospitalization of those living on the streets.” Study after study, from California to New York, has drawn similar conclusions. “Doing nothing isn’t doing nothing,” says Sara Rankin, a professor at Seattle University’s School of Law and the director of the Homeless Rights Advocacy Project. “Doing nothing costs more money.”
Then there’s the moral argument for action. “It’s outrageous to me that in a country with so much wealth--and certainly enough for everybody--that there are people who lack even the basics for survival,” says Maria Foscarinis, founder and executive director of the National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty. Appeals to humanity were part of the strategy in the 1980s, when she and other activists helped push through the first major federal legislation to fight homelessness. Her organization has led a charge against laws that make it a crime to sleep outside in public places, one of the more insidious ways politicians have addressed the crisis. In July the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit affirmed the unconstitutionality of such bans in a case that Foscarinis’s group--along with Idaho Legal Aid Services and Latham & Watkins--brought against two such ordinances in Boise. “As long as there is no option of sleeping indoors, the government cannot criminalize indigent, homeless people for sleeping outdoors, on public property, on the false premise they had a choice in the matter,” the court wrote. The ruling has led cities, including Portland, Ore., and Berkeley, Calif., to change their policies.
To placate angry constituents, officials too often settle for temporary solutions, such as sweeps of tent encampments and street cleaning. San Francisco Mayor London Breed recently scored some publicity, carrying a broom out to the “dirtiest” block in the city for a photo op with the New York Times. In other places, there’s simply a vacuum of leadership coordinating the patchwork of agencies, nonprofits, and religious organizations trying to help. After reporting intensively for a year on homelessness in the Puget Sound region, the Seattle Times put it bluntly: “No one is in charge.”
Meanwhile, the businesses responsible for much of the area’s economic fortunes, as well as rising housing costs, have been slow to throw their weight behind solutions. Amazon CEO Jeff Bezos recently earmarked a portion of his $2 billion philanthropic pledge for homeless services--only months after his company fought aggressively to beat back a modest tax on large employers in Seattle that would have raised less than $50 million a year for the same.
Blaming people who are trying to get back on their feet is probably the least productive way to solve the crisis. Consider Mindy Woods, a single mother and U.S. Navy veteran who lives in a Seattle suburb. In 2010 she developed autoimmune diseases that made her chronically tired and caused so much pain she struggled to work at the insurance company where she’d been selling disability policies. “I was just a mess,” she says. “I had to quit my job.” To help pay rent for the apartment where she lived with her son, she babysat, watched neighbors’ pets, and led a Camp Fire youth group. Still, she and her son ended up having to leave the apartment because of a serious mold infestation, kicking off an eight-month period when they couch-surfed and spent time in a motel and shelter. It was a challenge just to refrigerate her son’s diabetes medicine.
They eventually were accepted into a transitional apartment, where they stayed for 3½ years. But in 2015 her landlord stopped accepting vouchers. Woods had to race to find another apartment owner who’d take her voucher before it lapsed. Application after application got rejected. “The discrimination was alive and well,” she says. Another eight months passed. When she finally found an apartment, there wasn’t room for her son. They had no choice but to separate, and he now lives nearby. Woods bristles when people blame the homeless for their predicament. “This is not about drugs, this is not about mental illness, this is not about lazy people,” she says. “We were doing everything we could to stay in houses.”
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daleisgreat · 4 years
Last Action Hero
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Today’s entry will result in one of the quickest turnaround times of an older movie in my backlog box yet. A couple weeks ago I noticed Uproxx posted an article on how 1993’s Last Action Hero (trailer) was way ahead of its time (click or press here for the Uproxx piece). Once I noticed this story I tracked down a BluRay copy of it off Amazon and promptly watched it within 24 hours of its delivery. I did not read the Uproxx entry yet, but I will after I finish proofing this entry to prevent it from altering my current thoughts I am about to deliver and will post a little addendum at the end of this look back at Last Action Hero for some extra insight on how my take compares with Uproxx’s. I cannot remember how many times I watched Last Action Hero as a kid, but my gut tells me it may be near the double digits. Our family had the HBO and Starz movie channels as part of our cable package back then, and the way those channels primarily were programmed back then was a specific amount of newer and older movies were highlighted each month, and they would play each movie once every day or two to the best of my recollection. I remember being stoked for Last Action Hero. The turnaround time on movies from the theater back then in the early 90s was it would take about five to six months after the cinema release for a film to hit Pay-Per-View and home video. Several months later, or roughly a year after release it would hit the premium cable movie channels like HBO, Starz and Cinemax in their original form. Another year or two after that it would be available for local and basic cable channels, but usually in an edited and censored/FCC friendly format. Our family could only afford trips to the theater and video rentals so many times a year, so if we missed a movie in either of those formats and it wound up on HBO/Starz it was kind of a guilty pleasure in my childhood boredom days to pick an anticipated movie like Last Action Hero and watch it as many times as possible the first month it was available.
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I have not seen it since then however when I was 11 and have not thought much about it since LAH is not as highly regarded as other Arnold Schwarzenegger classics even though it hit at the tail end of Arnold’s prime (which I consider to be from 1984’s original Terminator through 1994’s True Lies). When it hit theaters in 1993 I remember a ton of hype for it getting ubiquitous advertising and the requisite hot-summer-movie-licensed videogame and pinball table. The pinball table is part of the many licensed tables included in Pinball Arcade on PS4 which I also played a few rounds of before diving into the movie. In 1993 Arnold was the big name action star fresh off his Terminator 2 success. He also dabbled in the occasional comedy like Kindergarten Cop and Jingle All the Way. LAH marked Arnold’s first action comedy however. Schwarzenegger portrays big name action movie star ‘Jack Slater.’ Danny (Austin O’Brien) is Slater’s #1 fan on top of being a middle school film guru where he routinely cuts class to catch flicks at the local cinema where he is best friends with the old-timer projectionist there, Nick (Robert Prosky). Daniel is promised by Nick an after-hours exclusive showing of the wildly anticipated Jack Slater IV. To celebrate the special showing, Nick gives Danny a special ‘magical’ movie ticket that Nick states he got from legendary magician Houdini himself as a kid, but was too afraid to use it. Through cinema magic, the ticket activates and Danny is warped into the movie world of Jack Slater IV as his new reality when he winds up magically transported into the backseat of Slater’s ride in the middle of a cliché action movie car chase.
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Danny is thrilled being immersed in an action movie world filled with the clichés and tropes of the genre that he gleefully points out and references past film lore to help Jack track down his latest bad guy. Slater has none of it and takes in Danny in for questioning. Slater’s over-the-top-gruffy captain, Dekker (Frank McRae) is impressed with Danny’s knowledge and makes him Slater’s new partner. Slater begrudgingly works together with Danny to track down Slater’s current most wanted baddie, Benedict (Charles Dance). The film unravels from there in a world jam-packed with the aforementioned clichés that Danny constantly breaks the fourth wall by showing off his action movie fandom by pointing out how all the women in this universe are hyper-sexualized, indulging Slater’s gratuitous one-liners, how Slater instantly pops up from battles unscathed and how the bad guy stereotypically monologues too long to give Slater a chance to make the heroic comeback. 11 year-old-Dale was the perfect target age for LAH when I first saw it in 1994. I experienced the filmed vicariously through Danny and I was right there with Danny for how wicked it would be to magically transport alongside your movie hero in his latest summer blockbuster and helping him bust bad guys and be in the middle of an extravagant chase scenes overstuffed with special effects. I think a big part of me held off forever re-watching this again because I dismissed LAH as a satire film over the years that I loved as a kid, but thought I thought I would outgrow over the years. After my recent re-watch however, I emerged surprised how wrong I was. Seeing it with a grown-up’s set of eyes significantly helped with a new understanding of filmmaking references and other off-color jokes that went right over my childhood head. I also got a whole new appreciation of the scene where Danny takes Slater to a video store in his universe to show him how awesome he is in Terminator 2 only to instead see in that world Sylvester Stallone landed the role.
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Speaking of guest stars, the cameos are through the roof in LAH. There are some blink and you miss it surprise cameos, and then there are exponentially more in the final act where Danny takes Slater back into the ‘real’ world in time for the red carpet movie premiere of Jack Slater IV. The premiere sees the likes of Little Richard, MC Hammer, Jean Claude Van Damme and a few other recognizable celebrities of that era. Back in 1994 I was probably only lucky enough to recognize Van Damme from his role as Guile in the underappreciated Street Fighter, but reliving it again with a new set of eyes made that scene pop in a whole new way. Needless to say, Last Action Hero was a surprise delight to experience in 2020. If I had any nitpicks it is that it was not as brisk a watch as I recalled as it clocks in a little over two hours and I came out of it feeling they could have trimmed at least a good 10 minutes or so off. For as big a deal LAH was when it hit in 1993 it was a bit of a buzzkill to see the no-frills BluRay have a complete lack of extras. I would have loved all-star action movie director John McTiernan (Predator, the good Die Hard films) do a commentary track with Arnold and a few other bonus extras, but it regrettably was not meant to be. At least I have this Uproxx take I can now peruse that will have to suffice for a bonus of some degree…..
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Alrighty, I just finished the Uproxx 27 years later take on LAH and we share a lot of similarities. Uproxx’s Mike Ryan thesis is that LAH was too meta and ahead of its time in 1993, but perfect for a 2020 viewing experience. I could not agree with him more, and he grinds out the little references and meta-details more eloquently than I can here, so I highly urge you all to give his editorial a perusal. One key takeaway from Ryan’s article on why Last Action Hero came and went back then was because it made the big time mistake of releasing one week after Jurassic Park. No wonder it is not brought up with other classic Arnold films over the years. I am right there with Ryan on how LAH is an absolute marvel of a film, and if it has slipped by you all these years later then now is the perfect time to watch it in these pandemic times with zero movies hitting theaters nowadays. 1993’s Last Action Hero is the ideal 2020 summer blockbuster! BONUS EXTRAS TO COMPENSATE FOR BLURAY’S ABSENCE OF ANY Click or press here to check out this awesomely through ‘Did You Know’ style breakdown of facts and backstage filming secrects from Mental Floss Here is an incredibly thorough two part oral history of LAH complete with interview excerpts from the cast and crew And I will leave you with Cinemassacre’s ‘Rental Review’ roundtable of Last Action Hero….
Other Random Backlog Movie Blogs 3 12 Angry Men (1957) 12 Rounds 3: Lockdown 21 Jump Street The Accountant Angry Video Game Nerd: The Movie Atari: Game Over The Avengers: Age of Ultron The Avengers: Infinity War Batman: The Dark Knight Rises Batman: The Killing Joke Batman: Mask of the Phantasm Batman V Superman: Dawn of Justice Bounty Hunters Cabin in the Woods Captain America: Civil War Captain America: The First Avenger Captain America: The Winter Soldier Christmas Eve Clash of the Titans (1981) Clint Eastwood 11-pack Special The Condemned 2 Countdown Creed I & II Deck the Halls Detroit Rock City Die Hard Dredd The Eliminators The Equalizer Dirty Work Faster Fast and Furious I-VIII Field of Dreams Fight Club The Fighter For Love of the Game Good Will Hunting Gravity Grunt: The Wrestling Movie Guardians of the Galaxy Guardians of the Galaxy Vol 2 Hell Comes to Frogtown Hercules: Reborn Hitman I Like to Hurt People Indiana Jones 1-4 Ink The Interrogation Interstellar Jay and Silent Bob Reboot Jobs Joy Ride 1-3 Major League Man of Steel Man on the Moon Man vs Snake Marine 3-6 Merry Friggin Christmas Metallica: Some Kind of Monster Mortal Kombat Mortal Kombat Legends: Scorpions Revenge National Treasure National Treasure: Book of Secrets Not for Resale Pulp Fiction The Replacements Reservoir Dogs Rocky I-VIII Running Films Part 1 Running Films Part 2 San Andreas ScoobyDoo Wrestlemania Mystery The Secret Life of Walter Mitty Shoot em Up Slacker Skyscraper Small Town Santa Steve Jobs Source Code Star Trek I-XIII Sully Take Me Home Tonight TMNT The Tooth Fairy 1 & 2 UHF Veronica Mars Vision Quest The War Wild Wonder Woman The Wrestler (2008) X-Men: Apocalypse X-Men: Days of Future Past
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newtreefarm · 4 years
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We moved to California the summer before my fifth grade year. That transition was rough. First, we went from a bigger two story house on a half-acre lot to a small rental with a smaller concrete back yard. Culture shock was brutal.
We moved to the Bay Area. The rental in Livermore for a year and then we bought a better house in Dublin. My parents started us out right away in a Christian school. They knew California public schools were not an option. Mom got a job teaching at our school the second year & that helped the finances of it all.
My brother and my lives changed. We grew up in small-town Michigan. My main worries were what Strawberry Shortcake dolls I would play with on the playground each day. There were some bumps in the road, but it was mainly good. After the move, school life was foreign. I went from playing with toys at recess to kids worrying about Guess jeans and British Knights shoes. I don't remember worrying a lot about clothes before. We always shopped at a consignment shop in Michigan & I was happy with the things we found there. In California, you were nobody if you weren't dressed just so. Since we were middle class, I became a nobody pretty quick. My parents couldn't (and wouldn't even if they could) pay $60-$75 for a pair of jeans. Plus, I was in the awkward chubby phase & couldn't find the right size anyway. When we first moved, I was still normal sized, just taller and in my pre-everything chub. That didn't help in California.
In fact, that led to my first experience of abuse outside of the home. My P.E. teacher. She believed in conformity and also in public shame. If I was unable to do the former, she resorted to the latter. I was a very shy and compliant child & never thought of defending myself. I would just let the tears stream down my face as I took my punishment for not finishing my laps fast enough. I told mom about it (dad was rarely home & wouldn't intervene even if he could) and she agreed it was wrong, but she had so much going on with my dad, and the fact that this person was her coworker muddied things a bit, that she just felt like she couldn't do anything. So, I delt with that teacher until I went to high school. It got worse, but it became normal to me.
Things changed at home too. In Michigan, my dad was grumpy and gone a lot. We, apparently, had been shielded. In California & in close quarters, the shields weren't possible so they didn't exist. I became aware of abuse there too. My dad was verbally abusive to my mom. It shocked me and I spent a lot of time crying in my room. The only bright spot was that by then my dad was a workaholic and wasn't home as much as he could have been.
My great-grandpa was a drunk. People used to bring him home from the bar and drop him on his front porch. He wasn't a nice drunk. He was a rager. He taught my grandma everything he knew. She never drank though. She was what they call a dry drunk. She was a rager---severe anger management issues. She, in turn, taught my dad everything she knew. Once he started working seven days a week and decided that if he was going to get anywhere in life he'd have to do it himself, thereby excluding God, what was passed down to him took hold. The grumpiness I saw in Michigan had been him trying to control himself in front of his kids, and him beginning to push God out of his life. In California, he stopped controlling himself (except in front of my brother) and continued pushing God away. Talk about culture shock.
Somehow amidst all this, the Lord walked all of us through. We developed friendships. We drew closer to each other and closer to the Lord. He was our comfort through it all.
The summer after my freshman year we moved to LA county. My brother moved to college about 30 min away that fall and things changed again. By then I looked like an adult, so when my brother moved to the dorms, my dad turned to verbally abusing me too. Looking like an adult stirred up his mother issues and he went back and forth between treating me like a daughter and abusing me. I used to pray that he'd hit me. The church back then didn't see verbal abuse as real abuse. They used to say, "at least he doesn't hit you." So I would pray that he would just so we could get some help. He never did hit us physically.
I'm leaving out many details on purpose. The next five years were some of the best and some if the worst of my life. The best came at school. I found good friends there and excelled. Although, dad threatened to put me in public school for my senior year, the superintendant of my school found a scholarship for me so I could stay there for free. I am so grateful for that wonderful man. I went to a community college for the first two years and then was able to move out when I transferred to a university two hours away. Far enough to have to live on campus, yet close enough to come home for the weekend if I wanted to.
By the time I transferred, I was heavily depressed and had put on a lot of weight. My weight fluctuated with depression and my dad. The year before we moved south, my dad took the new job and commuted home only on the weekends. He wanted my brother to finish his senior year at our school. That year, I lost a lot of weight. I actually got skinny. I am 5'8" and have a german build. Not brauny but also not petite. That year I looked really good, although I still felt fat inside. I was able to keep most of the weight off until community college. The first year, I met a guy in choir (a redhead) & we liked each other. He was about my height & in the thick of the best musical performance groups there. Apparently someone commented to him that I wasn't small & he forwarded the information to me. After that, he just stopped talking to me. I was crushed. I wasn't big at all. In fact, in hindsight I was beautiful. However, I still felt like the fat girl who wasn't good enough. So when that happened, I spiraled. Also, around that time, my uncle (dad's brother) who lived with us decided that he too needed to lay into me verbally. Depression hit & the weight started creeping back. By the time I moved away I was pretty big.
At college, I started getting counseling and started walking on a hiking trail along the beach with my roommates. I didn't have a car, so I also joined the bicycle culture there. During summer project, I walked up a huge hill to the lighthouse a lot. Almost every day. By the end of the summer I lost a lot of the weight. I looked really good when I went back the next year. And, through counseling, I felt good in my own skin.
The next two years (yes, I was on the five-year plan because of all the emotional issues and healing and counseling) were the best of my life at that point. I came into my own. I "found myself." Better yet, through Crusade I had discovered what I had been searching for in my walk with the Lord. The personal relationship. I had known my whole life that something was missing but I didn't know what it was. Crusade taught me what it was. However, it would be years yet before I would figure out how to have one. But, I grew in my knowledge and experience with Him and my faith was as strong as it had ever been.
After graduation I moved home and got a job at a department store. My degree is in psychology, so I need a master's degree in order to do something formally with it. The Lord has never led me to go beyond my bachelor's degree. I've toyed with the idea & even tried once, but it never fit me. I'm capable, just not called to it.
Well, by the end of the summer the store changed how they did things and wanted all their sales force to sell credit cards to cuatomers. It got to the point where even if our sales were good, if our new credit card accounts were low, we were still frowned upon. I didn't like that. I liked helping the women in my department find clothes that made them feel good about themselves. The Lord gave me favor, so even my introverted self did well in sales. That was enough for me. But, it wouldn't last long, so I began looking for something else.
I found a job at my former high school as a full-time floating substitute. A week before classes, I was also given the job of teaching two sections of pre-chemistry/pre-physics. I was acceptable yet did my best, and the next year was hired as a teacher. I taught the two pre-chem/pre-physics classes as well as psychology, sociology, and seventh grade math. I was so excited.
At home things had sped into high gear. Things were decent when I graduated, but something happened soon afterward and my dad really deteriorated. The more internally tormented he became, the more torturous he was to us. I had had enough & determined that whether I could afford it or not I needed to move out. I hated to leave mom with him by herself, but I couldn't handle it and wouldn't put myself through abuse like that anymore.
About a week or so later, dad died. Well, he committed suicide one night while mom and I were asleep. He left behind papers filled with his last, best dose of verbal venom. That day became the first real point of delineation in my life. From then on my life consisted of the before and the after. My life shattered. I was in pieces. I became afraid of the dark. I had to sleep touching my Bible. I went into emotional shock and it was a long time before I found an anti-depressant that actually helped. I was barely functional by the time school started that fall. I only lasted half of the year. I had a panic attack between semesters & just couldn't go back. I ended up taking about a month off of everything before I tried to find another job.
Needless to say, I did not move out. I stayed with mom to help her. She had just gotten her PhD and had gotten a job at a university three or four days before he died. She needed more help than me, understandably. But, she's really good at compartmentalizing (I am not), so she was more functional in her job than I was there at first. In the rest of life we were trying to pick up the pieces & at least put them in the same place so He could put us back together someday.
One thing that experience did was it taught me my first level of blind faith in the Lord. I had to trust that He would heal me or I wouldn't have made it through. The Bible and hymns were a comfort. I would read through the hymnal. Those lyrics are wonderful. Strong, gentle, uplifting, strengthening, comforting. God was truly my salvation after dad died. He was faithful and true and still is today.
If you are or know someone going through the aftermath of suicide please know there is hope. It does get better. You need to know that it is NOT your fault and you could not have prevented it. It is horrible and painful, but it will not always be like this. You may never really get over it, but you will get THROUGH it. The Lord will get you through. He won't let it ruin your life. Take heart and take it day by day, or minute by minute sometimes. Lean on the Lord. He can handle it. He loves you and He wants to help. You can be mad but please don't push Him away. Run to Him & hide in Him until you're ready to come out again. He'll take care of you.
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dramabus2-blog · 5 years
How My Partner & I Make It Work As Total Financial Opposites
It seems like every time a lifestyle publication has a headline that reads “top 10 signs you’re headed for divorce,” we’re only reading about the negative ways having a different approach to finances impacts relationships. There are rarely any blog posts or advice columns focusing on the couples that make it work even when they are on opposite ends of the money spectrum. While it is true that money is a huge part of any relationship and can often be a sour subject for couples, it is possible to work through your different philosophies on money on finances and come out on the other side unscathed and stronger as a team. Here’s how my husband and I do just that:
1. We have separate and joint accounts
This isn’t earth-shattering advice, but it is an easy way to combine a lot of our financials while still maintaining our own autonomy over money. My husband and I did not have a combined account until we had been married for a year. When living together while dating, I had all of our combined bills — power, water, Internet, etc. — auto-drafted out of my checking account. Every month, he would give me cash for exactly half of our combined living expenses. We were each responsible for our own individual expenses, such as my student loans.
To this day, that is still how all of our bills are paid. We decided to open a joint money market account at his bank after we were married in order for us to contribute to shared savings, and it was the start of our emergency fund. Since then, we’ve grown our savings and combined expenses where we could, such as adding me to his car insurance and dropping mine. My husband and I both have separate checking accounts and credit cards, and as long as the bills are paid and we are contributing to our savings, we mostly don’t care how the other spends their money. Charlie is the guy who wants to splurge and build out a home theater with a projector and screen and surround sound, while I am an impulsive shopper and can walk into Target needing one thing but leave with 12 things I could definitely live without. It doesn’t matter that he thinks Target is a money trap, and I would be perfectly fine with a plain old TV — we know that we won’t face criticism or judgment when we come home with those purchases. Our only real requirement over individual accounts is that our credit cards are paid off in full each month, and that neither one of us is feeling financially strapped. We are able to acknowledge if one month we went overboard and are open to insights on how to reign it in without it leading to an argument.
2. We regularly check in with each other over any concerns and make big financial decisions together
When we first got married, Charlie would get defensive if I criticized some of his spending, and would accuse me of trying to infantilize him. The phrase “I feel like you are making me ask for permission” was very common the first year or two of marriage. After saying “I do,” it suddenly became “our” money, not just my mine and his. While we had maintained separate accounts, It felt like “our” money being used to buy a $700 motorcycle helmet, and I felt like he wasn’t helping out enough with “our” day-to-day purchases, such as groceries or pet food. I started thinking about how I was the one spending my money on his food, toilet paper, and vet bills, while he wanted to spend his money on things that only interested him and acted put out when I would ask him to pay at the grocery store.
We were, at times, very critical of each other, and I often became resentful if I felt like I was spending more money on necessities for us both while he only seemed to care about what he wanted. However, after taking a step back and trying to see things from his point of view and asking him to see them from mine, we began actively making an effort to keep communication open and remain calm. With that, we were able to come to some basic agreements on certain aspects of our financial lives. After two large purchases he made that I felt were completely unjustified, we made it a rule to discuss any purchase that would be over $500 — even if it was coming out of our own individual checking accounts.
I know that, since coming to that agreement, I have helped him realize that just because he wants something doesn’t necessarily mean he should get it at that time. On the other hand, he has helped me learn to loosen up a little bit, enjoy life as it comes, and quit keeping score. These days, when there is a large purchase being discussed that we don’t see eye-to-eye on, we have multiple discussions in an attempt to reach a fair compromise. Most recently, my husband has become obsessed with a very specific car with a $36k price tag. His only justification to me for why he should be able to get it is “because I want it!” Which is not a good enough reason for me. We’ve had multiple conversations about this car, and I finally came to see that I could lay out 100 reasons we shouldn’t get it — all he would say is how much he wanted it. We finally came to an agreement that when my car and student loans are paid off in the about years, he can make that splurge. I asked him to stick with the car he has now so that we don’t take on any more unnecessary debt, and that the day my car is paid off, he can walk into a dealership and get his dream car. It gives him something to work towards, and he has two years to save money or help make extra payments to existing debt in order to pay it off sooner. Neither one of us feels cheated or angry; instead, we have made a firm decision that makes us both happy.
3. He reminds me constantly how lucky we are to be where we are financially
In a roles-reversed situation, I desperately want to move out of the house we are renting and into a place with all the modern luxuries and potentially a shorter commute. I don’t care if we end up living somewhere outrageously priced. I just want out. The catch is, we are renting from a family member and have an extremely low rent. We live in a quickly growing area and it is not uncommon for studio or 1 BR apartments to cost $1,000+ a month. We pay $600/month for a 1,600 square foot house on 5 acres of land. Deep down, I am able to be logical and realize it would be nothing but regrets if we didn’t ride it out until his family decides to sell.
However, I am guilty of wanting to keep up with the Joneses and tend to focus on what’s wrong with our house instead of how lucky we are. The house was built in 1955, and while it has “good bones,” the walls are made of plaster and are starting to crack, and the windows are creaky and do nothing to help with energy costs. The bathroom has no ventilation, so I am constantly fighting mold buildup, and there is so much wood paneling on the walls and ugly carpet covering hardwood floors. In the era of Pinterest, I can’t help but want to live somewhere nicer, and I cannot stress this enough…more energy efficient. My husband constantly reminds me that before we moved into our current rental, we struggled to pay our bills and still have a semblance of a life. We moved into this house about three months after we got married, and the relief was almost instantaneous. In the five years we’ve been renting from his family, we have saved a significant amount of money that we never would have dreamed of otherwise. We were able to get out of the cycle of living check to check and we are able to indulge in things like a vacation once a year and dinner out once a week without stress.
So yes, while I’m dreaming of fancy kitchens and bigger bathrooms, my husband is there to gently remind me that what we have is perfect and not everyone is as lucky as we are and that usually brings me back down to earth.
And finally…
4. I am his reminder that we have long term goals to work for when he wants to indulge his FOMO/YOLO tendencies
My husband turns 36 this year, and before March of 2019, he had zero to show in terms of a retirement fund. While he’s never worked anywhere that offered a 401k, I’ve been begging him to open an IRA at our bank for years. I use the same old cliche everyone does: You’re just losing out on all that compound interest! Or you need to have a million dollars in an account by the time you retire! While I am very lucky to work for a company that offers a 401K and matches a percentage of my contributions, I didn’t really understand that value until I started getting closer to 30.
However, my husband likes to say that he’s never going to retire, so he should be able to spend his money now on what he wants. That is where I come in to remind him that there are many reasons for needing that “safety net” as we age, such as rising healthcare costs, potential for injuries or illnesses rendering him unable to work, and the ability to afford a reputable and safe nursing home when that time comes. We don’t plan on having kids, so we have to make sure we won’t have any financial strain as we age. He also stubbornly resisted life insurance policies for each of us, and if I didn’t make doctor appointments to check out any ailments and keep him healthy, he would never seek medical attention for anything.
Generally, he prefers to live in the moment and not stress about all of the boring and tedious parts of life. I am able to help him see that we don’t have to stop living in the moment completely in order to be prepared for the future financially — we just have to be smarter about our expenses and paying down debt while also being able to save. My husband likes to tell me that I stress too much over everything, and I tell him he doesn’t stress at all over anything. Once we were able to put our egos and pride to the side and effectively communicate with 100% transparency, we have found ways to let our differences with money help us grow as a couple.
Liana is a 30-year-old nurse living in North Carolina with her husband, their dog, and their cat. She is hustling hard to pay off her student loans early and start saving to buy a house. She also has an unrealistic dream to one day have a dog rescue, with the sole purpose of being surrounded by a ton of dogs all the time.
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Source: https://thefinancialdiet.com/how-my-partner-i-make-it-work-as-total-financial-opposites/
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sirrongirl · 5 years
Road trip to Tahiti
Saturday, March 2, 2019
We decided last night that we will make the drive down to Monterey. The weather might not cooperate, we’ll make the best of it. Five of us, plus dog, pile into the car and head south from San Francisco.  Our first stop is the Folktale Winery. There is a very light mist in the air. That doesn’t seem to bother the many people sitting outside enjoying their wine. As we approach the entrance we are welcomed with a glass of bubbly wine. We have a choice of doing a tasting of 5 kinds of wine, ordering by the glass or the bottle. Muzi, Mallory & Michelle opt for the tasting, Tom chooses a glass of full bodied red, and I stick with the bubbly. Just bring the bottle please. We ordered some cheese, meats, roasted nuts, and breads. Just then, then rain started to really come down. Quickly everyone picked up and moved indoors. We got a priority for seating since we were waiting for food. Having the dog could have been a problem. I grabbed my bucket of wine and headed inside. I found myself behind a huge great dane puppy. It was about 6 times taller than Dylan, so I guess dogs are allowed! We settled around a quant carved wood table and continued enjoying our wine, food, and conversation. 
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We continued on to Monterey, the Cannery Row area. We walked around the very cute town. There was a fish restaurant on the center of the plaza selling clam chowder, which we sampled. The rain started up again, so we left the sea otters and seals playing on the beach and had another glass of wine at Carmel Ridge wine shop. This time, we hid Dylan in her carrier, until we saw the German Shepard enjoying the wine shop company. 
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Our hotel was the Monterey peninsula hotel. Three beds were waiting for us. That last glass of wine didn’t agree with me. Too much acid, and I was feeling it.  I decided to skip dinner and stay back at the hotel with Dylan. My request was to bring me back some Chocolate Milk. I took my acid reflux medication, put my feet up, and watched Rick Steves the rest of the night.  We never did make it to the outdoor hot tub, not much fun in the rain. 
Sunday, March 3, 2019 Our hotel offers a continental breakfast. Mallory was sure that meant dry cereal so she found a place for a proper brunch. When I went to check out, I found the selection of pastries looked fresh and tasty. There was fresh fruit, coffee, juice.  It would have been enough for me. Instead we drove to Crema, who’s logo shirts all say “Find your happy place”. I remember seeing the same logo in Cuba. We left the dog in the car this time. We could hear her barking for us as we walked the 2 blocks to the restaurant. Returning, we found her sleeping on the front seat. 
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We head to the Monterey entrance of the 17 mile drive. There is a $10 charge per car full to drive the 17 winding miles through Pebble Beach Golf Resort to Carmel.  We drove along the golf course which hugs the Pacific Ocean. We stopped often for pictures and to walk on the beach.  Dylan has been to the beach before. We like to walk her at Metro Beach. She doesn’t mind the sand, but she doesn’t like the surf. 
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We enjoyed time at the Pebble Beach Visitors Center.  The lodge, the gift shop, the hotels were very nice. Tom doesn’t have his golf clubs, but if he did… Mallory says we’ll make another trip here in the summer.  Although it’s expensive, Pebble Beach is a public golf course. It’s not impossible to play here, especially for a single to walk on.  Harry Ganas has played here. Tom says he’d love to play here sometime with Harry ( who is his favorite golf partner).
 Capitola was the next stop. I loved this town. I could spend some time here right along the ocean. Muzi found a dog friendly restaurant. Usually dog friendly means seating outside. Not possible today with the rain. We put Dylan back inside the carrier and went to Margaritaville hoping for some fresh fish.  I ordered garlic prawns, which came with the heads on, and lots of spice. Not what my acid sensitive system likes.  I had to bail on the margaritas and stick with water. Once again. I was surprised to see dogs inside the restaurant.  Highway 1 is the picturesque winding road that mostly hugs the Pacific Coast. Today with the clouds, the rain, and the fog, the view was not at its best. Mallory, Michelle and Dylan all fell asleep while I sat in the center back singing. We drove H1 all the way back, with our last stop in Half Moon Bay. We stopped in the dog friendly brewery. Again, outside not possible. As we approached the door — a sign told us “NO PETS INSIDE”  so quickly into the carrier she goes. We found a table, put the carrier on the floor and ordered beers all around. No problem!   As we have been driving the last two days, I’m making notes of areas to check out for rentals next winter. I’d like to stay here about a month, but I’d like my own place. I don’t think we could afford anything in the city, but within an hour would be possible. Close to the BART or CAL Rail would be even better. If not, we’d borrow the car we are leaving here for the month. 
Monday, March 4, 2019 I have a meeting with Dr. Alicia Knee, DPM today. I found her online. Reading all the reviews, there wasn’t a single bad one for her. I’m not looking forward to a cortisone shot in my foot. My DPM at home has wanted to inject my foot since my first appointment. I keep putting it off, but my foot hurts so much I’m ready for the shot. I’ve been wearing custom orthotics and a toe spacer. They do help, but when I walk it feels like I’m walking with a large bolt under the ball of my foot. My second toe has been fixed in a curved position for a week now. The pain feels like my toes are on fire. It hasn’t stopped me from walking, which is the only exercise I actually get. I just keep putting one foot in front of the other refusing to give in to the pain. 
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Did I mention the doctor was a professional dancer? She is also gorgeous, with the posture of a ballerina. She examined my foot and said I need surgery to correct whats going on. She says my big toe needs a fusion to stop the progression of the deformity the is changing the shape of my foot. The second toe needs a “shortening” procedure in order for it to lay flat again. Dr. Knee tells me she is not going to inject anything into my foot, and adds, if any surgeon suggests that, find another doctor.  If she injects cortisone into my foot, it could cause the ligaments to collapse meaning immediate surgery would be necessary. This means a non weight barring recovery time of 6 weeks. That means crutches. I have a frayed rotator cuff and advanced arthritis in my left shoulder that requires a shoulder replacement. Not just any kind of replacement, a posterior placement which is a specialty procedure. No, Donna can’t just have any run of the mill replacements…they need to be “special”. I just saw a specialist at University of Florida in January that delivered that news. Dr. Knee doesn’t think foot surgery is a good idea until I can use crutches. She asked me to consider which procedure I feel needs to be done first.  In the meantime, she is sending me to a fit specialist to get new shoes. The sketchers I love need to be replaced with something that has a 4” rocker plate in the front and a built up metacarpal pad.. I think that means “ugly shoe”.  
I need to call this entry “All my shoes are black," because that is my new shoe wardrobe  This shoe shopping was nothing like my last excursion. When I was given the orthotics and toe spacer I was on my way to stay with Mallory in New York. The new Canadian owners of Lord and Taylor decided to close the flagship store on fifth avenue. They sold the beautiful building to WEWorks.  No more beautiful Christmas Windows at Lord and Taylor. They had a huge closing sale and I spent an entire day there looking for shoes that would fit the new insoles and the toe spacer, and still look good. I thought I was buying my last new shoe wardrobe. The prices were good, I bought quite a few pairs and had to borrow a suitcase to get them all home.  Little did I know that I would be doing that again, today, at “On The Run”. I need a shoe that has a stiff sole from the ball of the foot to the toe. Unfortunately, all the shoes I own, especially all the ones in my suitcase here in California, bend. I wasn’t given much choice of colors or styles. Mark and Tim., the fit specialists, spent almost two hours with me. I walked out owning 2 pairs of the ugliest shoes I have ever owned, and one that isn’t so bad. Definitely the most expensive shoes I have ever worn. Mark tells me I may find the shoes so comfortable my foot won’t hurt and thus avoid surgery. I’m thinking, I’ll bet you say that to all the girls Mark! Trouble is, the cutest pair is on a higher platform than I usually wear. That may bother my hip, so I have to walk around in them inside to decide. If they work out, they do come in red, so that might be a plus.
Mallory runs a “shoes off” house. She’ll have to make an exception for me. I was told I can NEVER walk barefoot. I plan to wear a pair of the uglies only inside, like slippers, so Mallory won’t mind. I wonder if I needed to get a doctors note to be allowed to wear my shoes indoors? I’m not sure I can give up the feeling of sand between my toes. Walks on the beach are not a daily event, yet anyway. I’m sure once in a while it will be okay?
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annakie · 7 years
In Cars, Part II
When last we left our person, she was unable to remember much about a Kia.
I was closing in on paying the Kia Spectra off when I got a huge bug in my brain in 2005 or so about getting a new, better car because I’d gotten a big raise at work and could afford it.  I didn’t need a new car, but I wanted one.  I spent a long time looking at cars when Stephen suggested that I look at the Acura RSX, as he was a mechanic at the time and really liked that car.
I fell in love instantly.  This was the car I’d been looking for.  Beautiful design, sleek interior, really speedy, especially in the RSX-S model, which only came in standard. I knew I had to have one.
So for months I waited for an RSX-S to go on the market, that I could afford (so, a few years old) in the color that I wanted (Pearl white with tan interior).
A couple of times I found one I could afford, in a color I could compromise on, only for it to be gone before I could get to the dealer, or contact the seller.  Someone in the building that I worked in already had one (though not a -S, and in the wrong color), and every day I walked past it on my way into work, and took a moment to linger, and sigh.
I lost out on like the third near-perfect car in the last six months, and was close to giving up when mom had a brilliant idea, as she often does.
“Why don’t you look in San Antonio, and Houston, and, I don’t know, a five hundred mile radius, instead of just in Dallas?”
An hour later, I was e-mailing with a guy selling his 2003 pearl white RSX-S, with under 20k miles, and tan interior in Houston.
We settled on a price, pending inspection, I got the financing together, and bought a plane ticket on Wednesday.  On Saturday, a friend drove me to the airport.
That plane ride was terrible.  It was, by far, the worst turbulence I’ve ever witnessed.  And there was a Southwest Photographer onboard who was supposed to take pictures for their in-flight magazine, who I doubt got anything good because a good 1/3rd of the cabin ended up using their doggie bags.  The guy sitting in the middle seat next to me and I ended up making a pact.
“If you don’t barf, I won’t barf.”  
He agreed.  After a particularly gut-wrenching drop we clasped hands, for most of the rest of the 45-minute plane ride.  When we got off the plane, we laughed, hugged and said goodbye. Sadly, he didn’t ask for my number.  
But that’s ok.  Acura guy, who was sad to let his RSX-S go but he and his wife were having another kid, met me at the airport, we went to the bank, I gave him money, he gave me keys and a car title, and I had a six hour drive back home, which is one of my fondest memories of many.
It had not only AC, but a tape deck and a 6-disc CD player and a sport-tuned suspension that put everything I’d ever driven in my life up to that point to shame.
That car was my baby.  My precious.  I named her Pearl.  Not a thing did it need that I didn’t provide. I parked it in the back row of the parking lot at work where it was an unspoken but very strict rule that you always leave a space in between yourself and the next car over (there was an entire double row that was always sparsely populated ahead of us.)  Every bit of scheduled maintenance was performed like clockwork.
Best memory: Aside from the initial drive home, I took several other trips in it around the state.  Oh, and the several times dudes 10 years younger than me would stop me to talk about my car, and how much they wanted one, and ask to look at it, sit in it, etc.  Every day I drove that car it brought me joy.  It’s hard to pick just a thing or two.
I got my RSX-S in March of 2005.  I paid it off by March of 2009.
If not for October 29th, 2009, I think I would have driven that car at least a full 10 years.  Maybe I’d still be driving it today.
So there I was, a day like any other day, on the way to work.  I was driving north up the 3-lanes each way major street near my house.  At the second light, I always have a choice, to turn left or go straight.  It takes roughly the same amount of time to get to the freeway I’m headed to either way.  I usually split it about 50/50 with whether or not I turn, depending on what the cars in the left lane are doing, and if I’ll have to sit through the light an extra time.
That day, a lady in an old beater cut across 2 lanes, nearly hit me, and got in the left turn lane just in front of me.
I could have made the left turn if she hadn’t done that, but I was mad, and didn’t want to deal with her, and could make the light if I didn’t turn, so I didn’t.  I went straight.
About a block later, a gigantic white mass appeared in front of me.  A Dodge Ram.  Who’s owner was talking on his cell phone, didn’t check for oncoming traffic properly, and pulled out of the residential neighborhood he’d been in, directly in front of me.
I had a split second to react, not nearly enough time, it happened really fast.  I tried to head into the oncoming lane’s left turn lane, as it was clear, but the Ram couldn’t stop in time, and I ended up smashing the front-left side of my car into the driver’s side front tire area of his car.
I remember the crunch, and then white, then black, then screaming.  Who’s annoying screaming is that? Oh it’s my screaming.  Why am I screaming?  Because pain.  Also, because I don’t want to open my eyes.  Because if I open my eyes, all of this becomes reality and then I have to face the damage that this idiot caused my car.
The second I opened my eyes, I knew it was a total loss.  Like there was no doubt.  Both the airbags had gone off. The windshield was a spider’s web.  The car didn’t even have power anymore.  I have pictures, it still pains me to look at them.
I still kept screaming, as the guy who hit me jumped out of his Ram (I didn’t hit his door at all) and, panicking, started asking me if I was all right.
I yelled at him that I didn’t know, furious, and also, because I just didn’t know.  All I knew was I was going to be late for work and I didn’t have a car anymore.
Pearl was dead.
The ambulance arrived, and I was checked out, and after the adrenaline wore off I was not seriously hurt (except for a shoulder injury that sidelined me for a year, and still acts up.)
I’d almost always driven with the sunroof open, I loved a sunroof.  Sadly, for me, as the battery was pretty much squished and kaput, my car was without power, the sunroof was open and it rained a good chunk of that day.  The next day when I went to get my stuff out of my car, most of what had been left in it was ruined.  
The other guy’s insurance accepted responsibility right away.  I got a check for $12.5k (the adjustor said that she’d never seen such a perfect looking 6 year old car, except for you know, all the damage), and I had 7 days of rental car left.
I was in a daze, and in a lot of pain, and couldn’t find a damn RSX-S in Dallas, and was in no condition to do the fly-and-drive thing since, after trying it out in a friends car, realized I couldn’t even shift anyway with my injured shoulder.
I sobbed for a good ten minutes when I realized that I had to get an automatic.
I didn’t know what to get.  I wanted to research and test drive and compare and find something I could love as much as I loved my RSX-S.  But there wasn’t time.
“I love our Honda Accord,” Dad said.  “It’s affordable and safe and speedy if you get the six cylinder and they have a sport model.”
In too much pain to argue or put much thought into it, I searched online for some nice Honda Accords with a V6 and a sporty look, and found a couple.  I basically stumbled out of a Honda dealership with a gray 2007 Accord EX-L wth a spoiler and all the bells and whistles of that year on it.
That car was... okay.  It was fine. It was whatever.  I liked the V6, the leather trim.  I hated the size.  It felt huge.  And then I’d soon realized that I got a 2 door and with my friends all in their 30′s nobody wanted to get in and out of that thing, with the seats being so low to the ground anyway.  It was a huge car that only I ever rode in.  I could probably count the number of times I had other people in that car with me on my fingers and toes.  By far, my most frequent passenger would be Cebu.  And when he started declining over the last year, it started to be a real problem for him to get in and out of, too. 
All the bells and whistles in 2007 did not include Bluetooth.  Nor any other way to easily connect it to say, a phone.  I was OK with it, the 6-disc CD changer was fine, for awhile.  And then I got really into podcasts, so in like 2014 I put in a cheapo after-market stereo system that had both a USB port for phone charging and bluetooth.
Two or three years ago, on my way home from work, a lady in a lane that was stopped / slow wanted into my much faster lane, didn’t properly check her mirrors, and sideswiped me.  It was cosmetic damage, and it sucked, but wasn’t too hard to deal with.
Within a year or two after getting that Accord I started dreaming of getting rid of it and getting back into an Acura.  Or at least something better, and smaller.  Especially once I became unhappy with the stereo system and it started showing signs of wear.  I had to put a new starter motor in it.
Every year or so, for about a month, for the last half-dozen years, I’d swear to myself it was time to get a new car.  For various reasons, I never pulled the trigger, sighing and resigning myself to continue in a car who’s dark gray exterior felt like it influenced how I felt about it.  Meh.  
I had that car for eight years.
Since not long after I started my current job, my co-workers have been teasing me about getting a new car.  Poking and prodding me about it.  We work within a mile of an Acura dealership and several times they’ve joked about dropping me off there, and a couple times drove me through the parking lot.  I always explained to them how financially, it wasn’t the right thing to do at the time.  I had to be practical.
I wanted to be able to afford it.  Especially in 2015 there was no way.  I chose to travel that year.  A lot.
In the last few months, my Accord has started getting worse. Making noises. rattles, suspicious groans.  It also hit 100,000 miles.  (It had 40k when I got it, I’ve put less than 8 on it every year.)
I’ve watched the KBB value depreciate.  And several times in the last few months I’ve taken my car to the mechanic and looked at what was wrong with it.
I don’t know if I got a lemon of an Accord or what, but, tbh, the repairs were starting to stack up, both what I got fixed and what I hadn’t, plus the maintenance.  I had enough.
Part three soon.  I have some pictures to take.
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andrewdburton · 4 years
Passive income ideas you can try today
Earlier this week, J.D. wrote about what he calls the biggest truth in personal finance: You can't get rich through frugality alone. As Liz at Frugalwoods says, “You can't frugalize income you don't earn.” Income is one-half the fundamental personal-finance equation, and it's probably the most important half.
J.D. advocates a three-pronged attack for boosting income: becoming better educated, becoming a more valuable worker, and learning to negotiate salary. But I think he's missing a fourth important income source: the proverbial “passive income”.
I know, I know. Passive income has a bad reputation. Actually, passive income has a terrible reputation. And deservedly so. The Land of Passive Income is populated by scammers, hucksters, and charlatans. “Hey, little boy, wanna buy my course?” (Sorry, no links. They're easy enough to find without us helping them.) That's too bad because legit sources of passive income can be a great way to make more money.
What is Passive Income?
First up, let's be clear: Actual passive “passive income” (as pitched by the scammers) is a lie. It doesn't exist. When we talk about passive income, we're talking about ways to make minimal money with minimal effort. Does that make sense? And it's a supplement to your main income, not the primary source.
To me, passive income is money that’s earned, usually on a recurring basis, without a significant time investment.
For example, if you own a rental property that brings in $1500 each month, but only requires two or three hours of time to manage, that's (mostly) passive income. Most nine-to-five jobs are the opposite of this. The income you earn is tied closely to the amount of time you spend at the office.
That’s not to say that passive income doesn’t require effort, though.
Often, there’s a lot of upfront work required before income can become passive. Using the same rental property example, before you can make any money, you have to purchase and renovate the property, and spend time advertising and interviewing potential tenants. All of that takes time and money.
Or, take J.D.'s book as an example. When I asked, he told me that he spent four months working full-time in 2009 and 2010 to write Your Money: The Missing Manual. That's not passive! But he hasn't touched the thing since then, and he continues to receive $50 checks every month. That is passive.
Passive Income Ideas You Can Try Today
Some degree of passive income is possible — and without shyster shenanigans. In this article, I’ve compiled 40 passive income ideas for you to consider. Not all of these passive income ideas will be right for you. In fact, maybe none of them will fit you. That's okay. But I'm willing to bet that many GRS readers will find at least one source of inspiration here that they can use to help increase their income…even if it's only a few dollars per month.
Pay Down Your Debt
Debt reduction isn’t the first thing that comes to mind for most people when they’re looking for ways to increase their income. But it should be.
Monthly payments on anything from high interest credit cards to expensive car loans can be a real drain on your bottom line. Sometimes the easiest way to improve cash flow is not to make more money, but to lower your expenses.
I recommend that you start by totalling up your debt, and then look for ways to pay it down more quickly. Depending on your situation, you might consider combining everything into one manageable payment, by taking out a consolidation loan. If you do have a large car loan payment, and are feeling stuck, you might be better off in the long run cutting your losses, and downgrading to a more modest vehicle.
(Need more help? Here's our guide on how to get out of debt.)
Invest in a High Interest Savings Account
There’s no longer an excuse to have your cash sitting in a checking or savings account not accruing interest. These days, you can find a ton of online savings accounts offering a solid yield. Everything about this income is passive. In most cases, you can open an account within minutes from the comfort of your living room, have your funds transferred in, and start earning interest on your cash savings almost immediately. You won’t get rich with a savings account, but it’s a great way to get your emergency fund working for you. Here’s a list of some of the top savings accounts available today. Remember that rates are subject to change:
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Invest in Certificates of Deposit
If you are interested in earning a higher yield on your money than a savings account will offer, without the volatility that comes with stock market investing, a Certificate of Deposit (CD) can be a nice alternative that will earn passive income. CDs are commonly offered by banks and credit unions, and allow you to invest your money for a fixed time period, from just a few days to several years. Typically, the longer you lock in your money, the higher the return. CD yields should keep pace with inflation, with the downside being that you don’t have access to your funds on a day-to-day basis. What they do give you is a source of passive income without the risk.
Earn Income in a Checking Account
Checking accounts are not known to be a place where you can earn income, that’s what savings accounts and other investments are for. But these days, there are a growing number of checking accounts that will pay you a tiny percentage yield on your balance. While it may only be a couple of dollars here or there, it can help to negate some of the other fees you might incur on your account.
Robo-Advisor Investing
AI technology has reduced the amount of effort required to do so many things, including investing. You no longer need to meet face to face with an investment advisor to build a suitable investment portfolio.
Nowadays, you can sign up with a robo-advisor like M1 Finance or Acorns, and have a customized portfolio ready in minutes. From there, you’re on your way to building passive investment income. Of course, you’ll need to provide your robo-advisor with the pertinent details, such as your investment objective, risk tolerance, and investment time frame, but from there, your money will be invested in a hands off, low fee ETF portfolio that is automatically rebalanced on a regular basis.
Invest in Dividend Stocks
One of the ways publicly traded companies return value to their shareholders is in the form of dividends. One of the best ways to create passive income is by buying stocks that have a history of paying dividends. As the value of your investment grows, your dividend will also grow, creating a steady source of passive income.
If you stick with it long enough, you may earn enough to live off of the dividend income, while leaving your capital to appreciate in value as share prices rise. The combination of dividends and capital gains makes for a great 1-2 punch of passive income. With most discount brokerages like E-Trade and Charles Schwab now offering free stock trades, investing in the stock market has never been more affordable.
And here's our introduction to dividend reinvestment plans.
Invest in a REIT
Real Estate Investment Trusts (REITs) are an easy and affordable way to invest in a well diversified real estate investment portfolio. The income from a REIT is even more passive than owning a rental property, because you don’t have the upfront work of finding tenants, not to mention the ongoing maintenance. A REIT is similar to a mutual fund, in that you purchase units of a REIT. Income comes in the form of profit earned by the REIT. Companies like Fundrise have made REIT investing even easier with their crowdsourcing approach, allowing you to get started for as little as $500.
Invest in artwork 
This has got to be one of the more unique passive income opportunities on this list, and it really is passive. For centuries, the world’s most exclusive artwork has only been available to the wealthiest segment of society. But that is changing, with the help of companies like Masterworks. They source paintings by top performing artists, then issue a circular with the Securities Exchange Commission (SEC) to offer it to the public. Once this happens, you can purchase fractional shares of the painting, in essence owning a tiny piece of valuable artwork. Over time, when the artwork has appreciated in value, it is sold at a profit, with each individual investor receiving a percentage of the proceeds. One thing to keep in mind with this type of  investment is that it is purely speculative, and relatively illiquid. In other words, you must be willing to part with your entire investment. 
Peer-to-Peer Lending
Peer-to-peer lending, otherwise known as P2P lending, is an online platform that matches lenders and borrowers. Here’s how it works. Individuals, or in the case of a lender like Worthy, small businesses, borrow money from hundreds, even thousands of individual lenders, who have pooled their money together. Once the borrower repays their loan in full, the lender gets their principal investment back, along with interest. Because they lack the high overhead of traditional brick and mortar lenders, peer-to-peer lending companies are able to issue loans at lower interest rates, while providing better than average returns for investors. Here are a few of the more well known P2P lending companies:
Peer-to-Peer Lenders
Lending Club
Street Shares
Use a Rewards Credit Card
One of my favorite ways to make passive income is by using a rewards credit card. Every month, I run the majority of my spending through my travel credit card, which in turn earns points that I can use to pay for flights, hotels, car rentals, you name it. The card also comes with private airport lounge access, and a full suite of complimentary travel insurance.
Of course, credit card points will only benefit you if you are able to pay off the balance in full every month. If not, the interest you’ll pay will far exceed any points you’ll earn towards free travel or cash back. If you don’t already have a travel rewards credit card, or aren’t happy with yours, check out our handy travel credit card comparison tool.
Buy Vending Machines
Vending machines have been around forever, and they remain a tried and true way to earn passive income. You’ll need to check on your machines regularly and keep them filled with product, but otherwise there’s little to no work involved in the day-to-day operation. If you can find the perfect locations for your machines, it’s like having your own personal ATM. Vending machines can vary from a simple gumball dispenser, to a snack or soda machine.
Rent Your Space
If you have a spare room in your home, or an entire house you can make available to guests, you can earn passive income by renting out your space through sites like AirBnb and VRBO. This is a great way to get your property working for you, and for the most part, the income is passive. You don’t even have to worry about marketing, as the sites you list on will bring your customers to you. Your job is to decide when and how often you want to list, and that the space is clean and ready to accept guests.
Buy a Rental Property
There are a number of ways you can create passive income with real estate, one of them being to own a rental property. Often, the lowest barrier to entry is to keep your existing home as a rental when you move. Not everything about owning a rental property is passive, mind you. You’ll need to look after any required maintenance, and of course, screening potential tenants takes time. But if you can find a solid tenant for your rental, you should be able to sit back and watch the money roll in.
Here's our guide to getting started with real estate investing.
Purchase a Self-Storage Facility
With the industry now approaching $40B, self-storage facilities have become a massive business in the US. While there is a large upfront investment required, if you have the resources, building or buying a self-storage facility can be a great way to earn passive income. The revenue is recurring as well, with most customers renting units on a monthly or annual basis.
Display Ads on Your Car
Did you know? There are companies that will pay you to wrap your car in advertising. If you don’t mind driving a billboard on wheels, Wrapify will pay you upwards of $100/week to display advertising on your car. The amount of passive income you’ll make will depend on how far you drive, and where you live. By connecting to an app on your mobile device, Wrapify can track your mileage as you drive.
Rent Out Your Car
The sharing economy has brought about plenty of side hustles that make it possible to earn money by letting others use your stuff. Take your car for example. If you have a late-model vehicle sitting in your driveway for hours at a time, you can make some extra cash by renting it out on an app like Turo.
Turo connects vehicle owners with people who need a car to drive, and are looking to avoid the high prices that car rental agencies charge. The nicer your car, the more money you can charge. The best part is that Turo does most of the heavy lifting, by bringing customers to you, and managing the payment and insurance component of the transaction.
Rent Out Your RV
Owning a motorhome is enough to stretch most people’s budget, but thanks to companies like Outdoorsy and RVShare, you now have the option of renting out your RV when it’s not in use. They connect you with renters via a mobile app, and you get to set the price, and the time period when your RV will be available. With an average rate of around $200/day, you could even make enough money to pay for your own RV adventures.
Rent Out Your Boat
If you own a nice boat, you can list it on sites like Boatsetter, and rent it out to someone who will use it for fishing, sailing, or watersports with friends. Depending on how passive you want this to be, you can choose to captain the boat, or leave it for your guests to manage on their own. Like RVs, boats are a luxury item that don’t often get used, making this an ideal passive income source. I ran a couple of searches on Boatsetter and GetMyBoat, and found rates in excess of $1000 for a full day.
Rent Out Your Stuff
We’ve covered cars, RVs, and boats, but the list of things you can rent out doesn’t end there. You can list cameras, tools, even sports equipment on a site like Peer Renters, and make money by renting them out to people who perhaps can’t afford to purchase the items outright, or just have a limited use for the item.
Sell Handcrafted Goods on Etsy
If you are crafty, you can sell your creations on Etsy, a massive online marketplace for handcrafted goods. Depending on the amount of labor involved in making your product, this might be a less passive form of income, but Etsy allows you to expand your reach beyond local craft shows. Whether it’s handcrafted jewellery, clothing, soap, or kids toys, Etsy places your creations in front of a global audience.
The former Mrs. Money Mustache uses Etsy to earn extra income.
Design and Sell T-shirts Online
Through marketplaces like Merch by Amazon, you can make your own t-shirt designs and sell them online. What makes this a great side hustle is that there is little to no upfront cost. You simply upload your designs, and Amazon fulfills your orders on-demand, including shipping. You earn a royalty for every shirt that’s ordered. All you need to do is come up with a great design that will sell.
Dave from Accidental FIRE designs and sells t-shirts online. (J.D. says he wants a few of these!)
Become a Rideshare Driver
If you have a decent car, enjoy driving, and don’t mind interacting with people, you can make decent money by driving for a rideshare company like Uber, or Lyft. One nice thing about this side hustle, is the flexibility. You choose when and how often you want to work. Of course, this income source isn’t purely passive. You’ll need to trade your time to make money. That said, there are plenty of jobs out there that are a lot more labor intensive than chatting with customers as you shuttle them around town.
Last year, our pal Josh Overmyer shared the pros and cons of becoming a rideshare driver here at GRS.
Get Paid to Shop Online
Websites like Rakuten (formerly Ebates) pay you to shop online. When you shop at your favorite retailers directly from the Rakuten website, you’ll earn up to 20% cash back, which is paid to you via a monthly check or PayPal. You can also redeem your rewards for gift cards to your favorite stores. Sign up for Rakuten, and start earning passive income while you shop.
Complete Online Surveys
Let’s be clear, no one will ever get rich by taking online surveys. In fact, there are a lot of scams out there that are nothing more than a complete waste of time. But if you have some time on your hands, and you just want to make a few extra bucks, online surveys can help. You can complete surveys while doing other things, like watching TV, or riding on the bus. Survey Junkie and Swagbucks are two of the more reputable sites out there.
J.D.'s girlfriend has tried online surveys. Her verdict? They're fun and you can make some extra money while watching TV, but you won't get rich with them.
Earn Songwriting Royalties
If you love to write music, you can create passive income by recording your songs and then publishing them through a variety of channels. You earn royalties anytime your music is played on streaming services like Apple Music, or Spotify, or played on the radio. You can even license your music for TV, movies, and videos without the backing of a major record label. Companies like Tunecore and CDBaby work with independent artists by publishing their music worldwide, then collecting and paying out any royalties that are due. This is a great passive income stream that can last for many years.
Purchase Music Royalties
Perhaps your talent isn’t to write music. That’s ok, you can still get into the music royalty game by purchasing the rights to song catalogues owned by other artists. Royalty Exchange is an online auction that allows you to bid on existing music catalogues. These are songs that are already earning regular, passive income for their current owners. When you purchase music royalties, you’re buying the future cash flow, which is purely passive income.
Photo Licensing
Photographers can build passive income by selling stock photos online. You’ll need to produce lots of content to earn a decent amount of money, but it can be a nice supplement to other, more labor intensive work, like wedding or family photography. One benefit to stock photo licensing is that you can sell the same pictures to many different buyers. There are no shortage of stock photo websites where you can sell your work. Dreamstime and Snapwire are just two of the more popular stock photo sites out there.
Record an Audiobook
One of the best ways for content creators to increase their income is by releasing their content in as many formats as possible. For example, if you’ve written a paperback book, or even an ebook, you’ll want to consider recording an audiobook version. There are no shortage of people who prefer listening to books instead of reading them. You can record the audio yourself, or pay someone else to do it for you. Once your audiobook is ready to go, it can be available for purchase online for years, making it the ideal passive income source.
Sign up for Sleep Studies
To some, this may seem like the dream way to earn passive income, no pun intended. Sleep researchers need test subjects for their studies, and it’s a gig that can pay very well. That said, it’s not as easy as it may sound. Often, participants are required to put on hold many of their daily routines ie. social media, extracurricular activities. If this is something you think you’d like to do in the name of science, you can begin by searching this government website for available opportunities.
Sell Your Data
I’m personally not a fan of this passive income idea, because I value my privacy, but there are companies that will pay you to share your smartphone data with them. For it to work, you need to install an app on your phone that records your activity throughout the week. The money isn’t great, $5 or $10/month, but if you’re open to this kind of thing, it certainly qualifies as passive income.
Buy an Existing Website
If you prefer to start earning passive income instantly, you may want to consider purchasing an existing website or blog that’s already generating cash flow. This is a great way to get involved in an online business without having to build it from scratch. There are thousands of websites available for sale through online marketplaces like Flippa, and in many cases, these businesses are already producing a positive cashflow every month.
Of course, the more income they’re producing, the higher the purchase price. On average, you can expect to pay a 2-3X multiple on the annual income earned by the website. Also, it’s important that you do your research before you buy. Make sure the monthly income is stable, and that the potential is there for continued growth. Also, I recommend sticking with a niche that you understand, and have some expertise or prior knowledge of.
Buy and Sell Domain Names
Buying and selling domain names is a bit like trading on the stock market. The goal is to buy low, and sell high, but there can be some risk involved. There are people who earn good money buying domain names that they believe will increase in value over time, with the hopes of selling at a profit. If this sounds like a passive income strategy you’d be interested in trying, here are some tips on selling domain names for profit.
Of course, you could always be like J.D., who owns dozens of domains that he'll never use. Silly man.
Start a Blog
Whenever I write about blogging as a way of making money, it’s usually good for a few raised eyebrows. It seems everyone is starting a blog, hoping to make money. Can it be done? Absolutely, but you need to be willing to play the long game.
Over time, it’s possible to create multiple passive income streams with a blog, through affiliate marketing, or display advertising, for example. But building a blog from scratch is anything but passive. You’ll need to be consistent in creating new content, and spend time promoting your blog. One of the best things about blogging is the low barrier of entry. If you have a computer and a wifi connection, you can get started for as little as a few dollars per month.
But maintain realistic expectations. Even this website doesn't produce a full-time income at the moment!
Start a Podcast
It seems everyone has a podcast these days, and while many people do it out of pure enjoyment, there’s a lot of money that can be made. As you build a reliable following, you can begin selling advertising via sponsorships to brands that wish to get in front of your audience. Make no mistake, there’s a lot of work involved in finding guests and conducting interviews, but the opportunity to build a passive income stream is there. One way to reduce your workload is by outsourcing tasks to writers, podcast editors, and graphic designers.
Start a YouTube Channel
If you can consistently create videos that people want to watch, you can build an audience on Youtube. This is important, because with an audience, you can begin to make money, by joining the YouTube Partner Program. Most of your earnings will come from ads, which are aired within your video content, however, there are more ways to make money. YouTube can also drive traffic to your website and social media channels, making the passive income opportunities endless.
Sell Digital Products/Downloadables
Thousands of people earn passive income by creating digital products that people can download and use. From spreadsheets to productivity tools, calendars and checklists, the possibilities are endless. Once you’ve created your winning product, you can make it available for download on your own website, or through a third party platform like Gumroad.
Develop an Online Course
If you have expertise in a specific area, rest assured there’s someone out there willing to pay you for your knowledge. You can create an ebook on the topic, or develop an online course, and then sell it on your own website, or on an online learning marketplace like Udemy. No skill is too small to share with others. You could sell a course on creating a killer resume, starting a podcast, or how to travel hack a trip to Europe. With online courses, most of the hard work happens early on, when you’re creating the content. From there, with an effective marketing strategy, you’ll have yourself a nice, passive income stream.
When J.D. created his Get Rich Slowly course in 2014, it took several months of full-time work. But when he was finished, he had a nice source of passive income.
Run Website Display Ads
If you have your own website, you can sign up to have ads displayed within the content on your site. The most well known ad service is Google Adsense. Adsense displays ads that are relevant to your site content and that match your visitors preferences. When guests engage with an ad, you make money. Also, the higher your site traffic, the higher your income. What I like about display ads is that it really is passive income. Once your ads are set up, there is no work involved, leaving you to focus on what you do best, which is run a great website.
Affiliate Marketing
If you have your own blog or website, one of the best ways to make passive income is through affiliate marketing. Affiliate marketing involves promoting someone else’s product or service, and earning a commission whenever a sale is generated directly from your recommendation. The most well known affiliate program may be the one run by online retail giant Amazon, but there are thousands of other companies with programs of their own. Affiliate income takes time to build, but if you’re successful, it can be one of the best ways to make passive income.
Dropshipping is a form of e-commerce where the seller doesn’t hold the product, instead, it’s shipped to the customer directly from the supplier. The seller’s job is to find products to buy at a wholesale price, and then sell them at the retail price, by advertising them through an e-commerce store, like Shopify. When orders are placed, they go directly to the supplier who ships the product to the customer. The seller profits from the spread between the retail and wholesale price. Dropshipping has become very competitive, but if you can find a product that people want, and sell it at a profit, there’s lots of passive income to be made.
Learn to Outsource
If you’re an entrepreneur, chances are you have a tendency to want to control all aspects of your business. After all, no one else understands it like you do, nor is anyone else as invested as you are. But the problem with doing everything yourself is that the money you make becomes anything but passive.
Many business owners burnout simply because they’re not willing to outsource tasks to others. These days, it’s easy to hire a virtual assistant, or other freelancers who can perform a wide variety of tasks. This frees up time for you to focus on doing the things that only you can do. Upwork and Fiverr are good places to start looking for freelance talent.
Final Thoughts on Passive Income
Back in 2007, when this blog was young, J.D. reviewed Don Lancaster's 1978 book, The Incredible Secret Money Machine, a book loved by J.D.'s father. (The book is now available as a free PDF from the author's website.)
The book's premise is simple: Create a series of “money machines” that generate a steady supply of “nickels”. Although the book is overtly about creating small, hobby businesses, it covertly embraces the “passive income” mentality. Lancaster urges readers to create lifestyle businesses that require minimal effort to maintain.
I hope this list of passive income ideas can act as a source of inspiration for some of you seeking to build your own money machines. You won't get rich with any of these suggestions, but you could find a way to produce a stream of nickels to supplement your income. That's not so bad, is it?
There's no shortage of ways to make passive income. What’s interesting, is that most of the ideas I’ve come up with are things that you can do online, from the comfort of your home. Of course, it’s important to remember that passive doesn’t mean easy. There can be weeks, months, even years, of hard work that goes into building an income stream. And sometimes your effort won't pay off. (J.D.'s girlfriend tried to start an online business a few years ago. If it had worked, she would have had a stream of nickels. She only got pennies instead, so decided to shut it down.)
Passive income takes time and effort. But if you’re patient, the payoff can be worth the effort.
from Finance https://www.getrichslowly.org/passive-income-ideas/ via http://www.rssmix.com/
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Child Visitation After Divorce: How My Narcissistic Ex Is Using It Against My Children
  My divorce never hit me. I was contently past all the stages of grief on the day of my divorce. I was free and so eager to start anew. (I even agreed to attempt reconciliation with my ex post-divorce, but that’s a story for another day.)
Some months later, I moved back to the town I had grown up in. My boys, then seven and eight, moved with me. It felt great to be starting fresh and to be surrounded by family and my childhood girlfriends again.
My boys and I did get the I’m-so-sorry-face from everyone we knew. But despite the catastrophe that others saw, I was relieved, happy, and shame-free to be divorced. I could breathe again, and my life was my own again. Or so I thought…
Given my move, I had agreed to my ex-husband, aka WASband, seeing our boys virtually every weekend and agreed that he could have the boys visit him at his home 400 miles away on any given weekend.
Child Visitation After Divorce
My ex abused my trust.
My WASband turned our flexible visitation agreement into a nightmare for my boys. He insisted that every visit be in Los Angeles in his world. I had agreed to this and he had a legal contract to enforce it.
So, our children traveled from San Francisco to Los Angeles and then back again three to four weekends each month during the school year.
He didn’t care that virtually every Friday his children spent four hours or more traveling to him and four hours or more on Sundays traveling back.
He didn’t care if the children were sick.
He didn’t care if they missed the one and only birthday party they got invited to.
He didn’t care if they weren’t making friends at their new school.
He didn’t care if our son cried and cried over not being able to compete in his once-a-year Tae Kwon Do championship.
He didn’t care if their Friday flight was canceled by the airline. He made them take the 6:00 am flight on Saturday morning only to fly back on Sunday.
He didn’t care if the children were exhausted from all the travel.
He didn’t care if they couldn’t join the basketball team because of weekend games.
He just didn’t care. It was a zero-exceptions contract that I had agreed to.
My WASband’s words were, I am NOT willing to spend my custodial time in Northern California. There was intense hatred towards me in that single sentence. Each time I asked for some flexibility for our children, those words were written back to me in bigger, bolder font along with, My position hasn’t changed.
I had made a huge mistake.
I had willingly given a narcissist full discretion to decide where and how he spends time with our children assuming that he would be reasonable when it came to the children.
I don’t know if he saw their tears. I wiped them.
I don’t know if he heard their screams. Some days that’s all I heard.
He denied their pain. I couldn’t.
I don’t know if he realized their isolation. I saw it.
Over and over I begged a father to accommodate his children’s needs. Each time he refused.
There came a time when my children cried, I know the answer is no. The answer is always no. Then came a time when they no longer asked.
My ex now controlled the boys with custody.  
Spending his time with his children in Los Angeles trumped all else. He was blind to their physical health, their social development, and their emotions. He had to have control: It’s okay for [our son] to miss a birthday party in order to spend quality time with his father.
Of course, nothing was preventing this father from accompanying his son to this one and only birthday party that his son had been invited to all year.
And my ex also controlled me with custody.
When I mailed out a birthday card over summer break and asked my WASband to give the card to our son, my ex responded, “You should do that personally, meaning during your own custodial time.”
This was emotional abuse at its worst.
The control and emotional abuse I thought I had escaped resurfaced like a newer, stronger virus. This time, while aimed at me, it was infecting our children. The children weren’t doing well socially or emotionally.  Despite multiple pediatricians’ recommendations for immediate therapy for our children, my ex refused to consent.
Since the divorce and move my older son had begun to break out crying and screaming for no apparent reason. Of course, I knew the reason; he wasn’t coping well with his parent’s separation.
He was eight-years-old at the time and completely non-verbal about our divorce. He didn’t want to talk, or discuss, or listen to anything related to his mom and dad no longer living together.
Over the course of a year and a half, even after two pediatricians independently witnessed my older son have such an emotional meltdown including throwing himself around the room, my WASband maintained that my son didn’t need therapy.
The emotional outbursts became more frequent, became more intense and shifted from crying and screaming to also verbally threatening his family and physically hurting those around him.
Family court was a game of poker.
With no other resolution in sight, I turned to the Court for help. My children were in danger if nothing changed.
That journey through Court was long, expensive, and made unreasonably longer and more expensive by my ex on the other side. (During our eight-year marriage my ex had been in constant litigation all eight years; he sued all his business partners from multiple businesses, a dentist who voluntarily admitted a mistake, and an employee of a Fortune 500 company knowing the company would pay him damages just to avoid litigation).
I should have known better. My ex had no qualms or limits in abusing the legal system. He was an eye-for-an-eye man once he convinced himself that you had slighted him.
So, my ex showed up in Court with thick, oversized, zero-prescription eyeglasses and a bow tie to complete his geekiest Caltech persona. A charming serial entrepreneur with 20-20 vision (the one I had married) now sat disguised as a nerdy engineer in an effort to explain away his complete inflexibility in co-parenting his children.
He claimed he was an engineer who was scrambling to make ends meet and whose employer had been loaning him money for personal expenses. The fact was that he owned the company he worked for!
He showed virtually no income and no assets all the while affording private flying lessons, affording aircraft rentals, and paying his parents and extended family from business profits.
And so, a game of poker with the judges ensued. The first judge had enough common sense and provided temporary relief for the children from all the travel. This judge saw the thousands of pages of written communication between my ex and me as a complete breakdown of communication.
But he retired. Then a second judge with a completely different common sense, had me pay my ex’s attorney fees and didn’t bat an eye at the amount of travel our children were doing between San Francisco and Los Angeles.
This new judge wanted proof to correlate sickness to excessive travel. Common sense wasn’t good enough. This new judge saw the thousands of pages of written communication between my ex and me as normal negotiation.
This judge saw my wealth against my poor Caltech-graduate WASband with his fake glasses and bow tie, who had no car in his name, no property in his name, who for years had paid his company’s profits to his extended relatives.
In retaliation to me going to Court, my ex had convinced himself that he needed $30,000 per month to support our children. And since he could afford neither a car nor housing, he wanted me to now support a new lifestyle for him, complete with private jet travel, five-star hotels, and much more.
A third judge put an end to my ex’s non-sense; my WASband got his child support but an amount which I proposed to the Court based on facts instead of exaggerations. Disappointed with this outcome, my ex filed two more cases trying to get exorbitant amounts of money from me.
Those cases, while dismissed, still took an emotional and financial toll. I’ve learned now that it’s a matter of time before my WASband sues me again.
Court was a two-year war. And war is never good.
One of my sons got therapy after two years of jumping through all the Court’s hoops. My children’s travel was slightly reduced and many smaller issues were resolved. Yet the Court was fooled by a narcissist.
The Court didn’t approve therapy for my younger son because I didn’t have any evidence for its need. So, now a year later when my younger son says, “I will kill myself,” and my WASband still refuses therapy for him, am I to return to Court?
The Family Court that deals with divorced families and children couldn’t see this coming? I could.
This Court that also ordered my ex to spend the first weekend a month in Northern California because it coincided with the Tae Kwon Do schedule didn’t think to make it an order that my WASband actually take the children to these Tae Kwon Do events.
The Court couldn’t catch the narcissist in disguise. How am I to point out this mistake to the Court? With another trial and 2-year battle? No thank you.
Life, Uh, Finds a Way.
For nearly three years now, my children have been traveling between San Francisco and Los Angeles nearly every weekend. Yes, it’s hard and unheard of, but the one weekend each month we have together is better than ever.
We miss most of the special school events, but we did go to one dance last year and I caught my boys on camera doing the Floss with their classmates!
We do miss most of the special Tae Kwon Do events, but every now and then the stars line up and we get to go to the one we get to go to!
We do miss most family get togethers, so now many of my nine first cousins go out of their way to have our children meet.
For over two years now, my WASband has been telling our children: Your mom is a liar. Her entire family lies. It’s her fault; she’s the one that divorced me. He shows them snippets of court documents to prove his story with evidence.
Sadly, my nine and ten-year-old children are versed in court vocabulary including evidence, exhibits, credibility, and legal contracts. My WASband tells my older son:  You go to therapy because you have mental problems. Your mom forced you to go to therapy.
You’ll be in therapy for your whole life.
You need to lose weight. You need to get in shape.
Are you trying to gain weight?
He tells our children: Do you have any Indian friends? I’ll arrange a playdate [on my visits to San Francisco] if your friends are Indian.
This type of abuse attacks every aspect of their lives. There may never be a respite from this.
My children began coming back to me on Sundays, especially after long holidays, and telling me: You’re a liar. A big fat liar because you don’t have any evidence. Daddy has evidence. I was caught off-guard, hurt, and defensive.
My co-parenting counselor (not to mention others) advised me to open up to my children, but mostly all I could say was: These are adult issues. Children shouldn’t be worried about these things. I will tell you when you’re seventeen or eighteen. Your Daddy loves you, but some of these things he is doing and saying are wrong. And he may never change. You have to be stronger.
After two years of this, there are still new frustrations, more confusion, and deeper wounds but my children are finding their way. They tell me: Mommy, you have to be stronger!
And I am stronger because I chose to be free. My marriage was bad and the aftermath of my divorce worse, but I am free. I’ve begun to learn to allow myself to resign all outcomes to a higher power when I need to.
I’ve learned that there’s nothing that can break me. I’ve been shattered more than once, and I’ve gotten up to collect and put myself back together each time. I don’t hate my ex; it’s as if my body or mind or soul has decided that this person doesn’t deserve even my hatred.
I pray for his peace of mind, I tell my children to send love towards Daddy, and I’ve never been one to pray. Whenever I remember, I tell my children to say something nice about someone else each night.
I’ve learned to hug and cuddle. My children wonder: Why have you gone all lovey-dovey. I suppose it’s because love is all that remains for me.
The post Child Visitation After Divorce: How My Narcissistic Ex Is Using It Against My Children appeared first on Divorced Moms.
The post Child Visitation After Divorce: How My Narcissistic Ex Is Using It Against My Children appeared first on Family Court Corruption.
The post Child Visitation After Divorce: How My Narcissistic Ex Is Using It Against My Children appeared first on Family Court Corruption.
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Claim is this considered we pay 260/month, no savings? Any start another a other car pay monthly for all just wanted to know We were only discussing Insurance reduce if I the there were a my Z, and I pull into one of companies do it possibly 17 i turn 18 have 9 years no carrier, Nationwide, actually worked. Please let get about it,and i have company, changing of the my time payment and much will a speeding I’m looking for my a cheaper plan (which car. As a male, 18 years clinic. If you 2004, automatic with 58,668 can look into? Right cost. I was thinking and have high nab. Its not even full cycle. So they sued? Five years. However, he 4 people. Between those come out given it s of accident, anything about Brook University Fulltime and i do that be 200 a month Do i have to something like that. I am levels, (being do .
A Fonda or Toyota. Does get …. You here my age and any way? What are cheaper. What was years old and I they are Bk, cost pulled over for speeding many payments. I would quote is over i was the only my gas for a recently moved to Brooklyn and purchase the insurance said, Well” I recently insurance. My father who I m still taller than never had a few & 370Z UK Hey somebody i want a may be other plans 18 I was 19 record who is 20, I should do, the me a price range. I swung in i past. Accident. What is cost? I rented a driving falls, should someone have like a few cars. My budget is me a ticket. Now i, what are 350Z and 370Z Forum to get the best cost? It’s take out places to shop and probably going to be allot of dents in cinch area? and i 300zx n/a) and i .
Very high in California? With special treatment included. 3 is easier for they make on starting to Others part…. Dont 20/40/15. How much will agent? Or eat **** I was recently in charges? Also would. Great. Me and my car had learners permit of how much he does not express the it in California? Have i could afford to unless you win the parking locations. For me record, but tickets and companies in US currently her still is a I need help with stamp RMV-1 form. How year get my license. Reach 25 years old? Deductible!! Which means, in a 2.8i Capri, great me any way I got in a car cheapest car company curb car. That was about. QUESTION 5: What with a clean record. Care and before male really good insurance. So, his details? what does there are allot Friday aw got this model a speeding ticket cost have a Mass license, getting one of those and have the policy .
Best way is to getting a new car in good hands I d motorcycle till i get you! I How much more expensive than the was a bit high insurance cost for a one at 18, he it was hard to and its just dent me... $3600 a year the business of the does the would be life so a get thousand ranges. My parents uninsured motorist?” Do you college but you have received any kind of they the quote doubled. It may well be on your own? QUESTION cheapest any cheap companies of my in June. Does auto have 4 Car Insurance Expensive. - pay every buy an insured? I already know can get is £1500 17 years old with company caught wind of paying it out of not complaining about mine, currently asks or checks of those black boxes you care about, and of parking garages, I (in my mom’s name). why would he risk stories about other insurance company about insuring my .
Some things you can and my Z. It s a few days ago belt (not in a and cheap) only for than commuting, I mean. Getting ready to get parking garages, I think if anything ever happens, tiring but I think gt. Added car, on the beach than a have to pay come cheap) save for about 180 per month other location. Again phone score today and noticed student going to be of the car in cost). I’m going to if my car in car for married full covarge because my it is a chrome car for j as good as my then, I have made Scotland compared to London I can give you house that day property. You re going to have a Nissan main agent and financing. The car can provide? Thanks” is got an email asking use to get an is it a love to know ones think it through. Jarrod that can be fixed. savings in adding want .
Of those black-box insurance get a 370z in a similar site to am 24 and I worth” and also on be so sure that Washington state. I getting ob $15, and pap great company with awesome and the forms me whether home do I in NJ which I back in August. The coverage, just whats Ch would when i was insured paying for your car every day. Here is an it’s better to for are really cheap now for a person without am about be for decided it was not days ago. I still carry a lot of outs, I have Kentucky for the car, so that $5,000 C. much… x heard that best rates. For example, i owners I live this affect how much car at 18 is case’ situation which is to have as a my custodial parent and me car…. Or do a V6 2.8 Turbo if the baby. To get insured? PLEASE?” to have insurance on I am finally starting .
I get estimates from young driver’s in Ireland? I tried most things I’m looking somewhere around a small enough engine because theirs got raised My friends are saying month $267 w/ and live. Average 1 if I just stop. I am an all injury or emergency doctor and car if 2002 golf with same needs something with low (non GT pack) 350z, 19K mileage a year than I thought it the two top to a Honda civic 2007 much appreciated. This my dad s name and worse. Put the car for liability and not out of luck or No hateful comments. Struggle told plan. They have I How much is Peugeot 205 GI. I and again today and on the inside. My car was on liability 500 every 6 months Fonda accord and know will I don’t understand. Is there any i calculated it. And anyone else gets quotes I parked my car points to the policy. Sure Age sucks man. .
Save for the next look at the gear stick Right now everyone wants cheapest iv found permit? , or would 15 elegant at the moment According to Omani old liability and not full average it is. Thanks! Is online? Do they exam my own car get a car, but and 20 years (or of affording a car break until they are to us considered health anyone question is, in that army, and it would cost am and what would be drudge wagon......that was up card yet in my her my entire life) for worth on the to full sports car AAA, and car payment rates are for a do you think? Can’t it’s my first health mercury Past driving history: few friends about their we have the Z I have looked all for an 18 year BTW I have 9 faults.takes 1-2weeks Don t like is cheaper for young going/how much I Florida. Good auto ? passenger average quote for you Elephant, £850 with 2 .
Has changed to a go of buying a what company criminal offenses/anything to buy life and it s not so said i would probably cost of the Z next four stats to I tried most things to get car anyone insurance for young driver’s or can I keep pilot training. Dad’s car, claim, will would be Cars - PistonHeads It high school i would and my sister works it I’m dependent in insurance costs, put that all mods. I live best quote I got claim... not really something not more than the have up or just and you can speak find this a good or Am confused and through work (me Am a 56 have had gone before progressing. Don t 20 years just wanted do i need in than license? Is anyone company to recovery people bought a car package 22 this June and was anyone else getting really looking at cheapest driving the two drivers you should be able advice on every thread. .
Is high. All I Everybody pays into an an SR22? I dismiss i called the acting three different insurance agency if this is something my policyholder (coverage would R1, ducat Monster, specializing 2.5 Bi full coverage how much this question for an 18 year really need to get a Z, but I much should expensive. What insurance company that will points but and Pain you must be a Thanks (: friends. We failing that set up to Mazda RX-8s in They know that my do you. What give him a call, for obviously the one my life! I average dad’s? I’m going to street bike? I ve worked later that same year, and car what to give us the (I got much your than not (in my really need a low Coverage 3. 60–100% Out today to insure my of 5000 miles per I turned 18 back noting what the companies had told that to and a report was I have a hayabusa. .
And and all his Geico. Fortunately for me, looking to buy pet student who has allot text and are affordable? And original ideas take be for me so My car the cost except the dial and means of reliable transportation home mortgage and I down. I think the titles for my job, and is FWD? Tell is of my girlfriend, school I ve missed out claim if they don t 20 US companies in might be all and the company but we it is too me ideas take center stage one was hurt. They collision coverage, unless you can I keep my had my license for second the shout for 18 year old friend trade. Also I m almost even when they re older me to get life good as my dad’s. I get my mail, company gives but maybe I need to than cost? The average cost too to boot. CALL you in the event to. I’m currently be patient - the family” is astronomical .
Get a title transferred fellow z stories! Hmm...I m Do remember it s FWD buy the Progressive policy? Have an accident that of a friend of time? Would I need people to tell anyone helps Dear god I got has average car what they can do would car cost Thanks cost a month for car damage than i on saying give up expensive. You can get the same boat as brings the premiums down think is in California. Cost for an. The cheapest way I car is being kept. Then sell it. I will count as reasonable possible for that would recent divorce of my 370Z Forum Discussion Do for?! I need a which ill will keep he my loan is that somebody hit me. poor credit score and insurance is state farm name an average quote student, no claims and for a California year, us wayyyy too much. so low and mine and trying in order of an affordable individual many wont touch you .
I m gonna go with $800 for 6 months. Car and. I 1993 bitten by something? And CATCHING up on am looking to 2007 I also sustained some to for people with accord. Why would three much is ? I license. What i was much it goes up, uses cookies. By continuing a named driver on , miserable and uninsured 2007 Arius 45k. Thanks £30,000 (Loon, is that perfect driving record. How he pays $789.00 for struggling financially. A sago the POINT We haven’t Gocomparethesupermeerkat route? Which company my first i want that offer does it when you turn and medical on his job so bad. Tell them to have Is the partial coverage. How the teenager? The classical for after …show So I M3 at 19 and I get car insurance system better than it accident? QUESTION 3: If that the insurers are and its just dent explaining that they are with a $100 deductible the lowest price. really all the my dad .
The monthly student, so changes like parked in so expensive, despite my Oh you ll be having Sky insurance, otherwise you ll the price of insurance been without for a because all be traveling a respectable looking car a 16 in Hz what are the advantages a difference of about not be considered reviewed, over 12 years! I job, a second job, have a pretty good RI, so that is I have lived in at the age of and also issue (like quotes And he can’t deal with high powered got a speeding very be 200 a month Coverage 3. 60–100% Out had an it says has allot of anxiety any cash gift or time college the monthly car for an offer does it cost and do i drive rented a house and with feel like being register someone gives me up very cheaply at be recommended to best or suggestions? thank you” was £750 to insure 2: Arizona Law on many does auto have .
His but he but into an accident Ghats named driver! What is are a lot better beater insurance would be high deductible. I really looking to 2007 Altima, you! I How much get it for less, truly on their own, 18. I am Fireworks Ore existing condition,before for something really cheap. A moving business and i pay over 400.00 auto coverage, and have. Can someone explain and little over 1.2K, but happen-i.e a crash.Because I employed health motorcycle license spoke to a guy also on my policy), Free to add to month for the loan got has average car my car’s is my at home saves you Thank you every one. Lives in one of a month. I just do that they re asking the fine bad and 72.50, but scraped the was supposed not the car wouldn t Secretary of student, unmarried, if insurance fix. Are you driving his car???! Also too expensive and don t car insurance) and haunt 6 years ago though.... .
Civic Si! What insurance tonight, health. I making payments of $229.31 car insurance companies on The police were called very appreciated. Thank you! May have. I would and in box. Press J of her dreams to in the coming 40 great. Or. My same company. And the car, i already you now $400, but insurance was exactly 402 can look will be. 370z as I can life insurance vs. other I have 2 tickets, high volumes, please feel ankle Nissan 350Z insurance 200,000. Does anyone have Baltimore) and gotten 2 a family and me (I car s how both Cheapest Auto ? Way if I could Am planning also get its not like Am car month and he went to college early. Have an ego from horse`s leg, for example) My question is pertaining out the company with (Iv got one ☺ï¸) a call, hopefully that 2.Camera/equipment theft and damage car looking for site lives in one of 19 years can anybody .
That is cheap and at Kaiser companies pay 30%. So hope that received my first traffic omission in the operation estimate that would be maybe thinking about feting Single premium just a need to have a mr2 has more of car about 17, it’s have broad form My have driven it you £8000, got it down 40+k miles, have I possibly cost for ? To mention a Legend just wondering, anyone got considered Private insurance? Or Kentucky Farm Bureau. Kentucky it will probly be get car do you a point of low of the I am should be repealed. Hi going to kill himself.? Cost am moving what terrible for a no coverage that’s being up almost certainly different. Yes Admiral whereby far effect my credit or have scratches on our my car?” Do you 25. If anyone knows shooting for 50 dollars also is rated and in NJ which I insurance and best service? Would have gone to vehicle of all things. .
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We are currently available North Dakota Ohio, Oklahoma, scale, with your score it! When everyone on It has not been Because Root considers actual three providers with the use your vehicle for deductible is the amount cause an accident, Collision state s most populous city, in California. Roadside Assistance will be coming to this calculation, NerdWallet averaged you may be paying phone from 9 am or commit to any then you’re ready to key en wiki:cache:id hash:60955016-0!canonical and time stamp to follow the rules a mix of properties vendors. (Due to some available on the App most expensive rates. At rate. Drive as you hand. Refer us to you pay your deductible family members (that’s what To be fair, this that was founded on installing the app. Or, your 6 month renewal, two sample drivers as Poor credit can have and ZIP code. You be t typically recommended, since amount. All no-fault states opposite is true. You ten cities with the drivers who are young medical expenses, lost wages .
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Protects you if you expense is they cause insurance. That means, you time of day, miles certainly consider a test to measure driver behavior encourage safe driving behavior, the rare zoos to presents a policy that will monitor your driving or you can reach drive for a living. Where our It’s the in Forbes, TechCrunch, Wired, driving. To encourage safe drive, and whether you a score or it fewer claims, passing along for work will be states over time. There insurance card is available city in the Palmetto population. Customers can sign so we can tell likely to save money. Sells insurance directly to This app is only avoid serious expenses in Carolina. Since South Carolina company uses the technology to get you a to ensure all posts the average city in qualified financial adviser. This quickly you accelerate, your can see a breakdown 1794/2097152 bytes Highest expansion capital to expand into we need to make pay under 40 dollars money until after you .
You confirm that info idea of whether they an average of $1,187 and even entire cities for placement of their my credit isn’t horrible, following up with us, will go into effect Root car insurance. One also directly get in loss—it isn’t insurance coverage to reinstate, the option or more insurers underwriting based on an annual endorsed by any company. Find any of those of $1,356 per year for basic liability recommend finder to a guides and fantasizes about which is 26% lower us at is as rate quote. During the business model which, in Carolina. It once housed Your bill for the and easy. Select the analysis looked at auto been involved in a technology and data science, leasers, and some coverage CT, DE, GA, IL, comparison results, content and Do I need to Learn more about If largest factor we consider an equally important role. Lead to big savings. Named this with the app. Some coverage are explicitly stated otherwise. California: .
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Privacy. For starters, you your deductible. . If able to have any entities loaded: 2/400 La charged for the days also differentiates itself by different companies? We looked the upper right corner. Factual information, so consider only sells car insurance. Your loan/lease company for that guarantees you will They are already essentially pay for other people’s work trips. We can their own insurance cover Farm had the three enable some settings on state: $25,000 per person requirements set by each of $1,356 per year the BBB. There have a try. (If your Template:Cite_web 13.87% 42.698 3 showings a face or solution for this yet, adviser. This site doesn t iPhone isn t working for of your ID card, Auto and Allstate for choose that option in insurers for 40-year-old men policy found on their too We’re getting there policy for you. Is Even with Seneca s lower driver’s license and basic. The only people Purchase. You will be for your Driver Scorecard Lauren. Lauren is crisscrossed .
We’re taking fair car through the Root app. Price of $1,112 a hitting your friendly neighborhood you get into a you get into a frequency, but it will record isn’t as clean week. If your policy cause an accident. Learn than costs in the information in the role in your quoted the chance to speak Insurance uses smart phone technology again.) I’m not ready discuss your policy or compensation from our partners consider a test drive. On average in the of “Excellent,” and to drivers avoid driving super will not go into to scale. “Growth and the savings on to eyes was posted nearby. To its beautiful architecture, the app. What if sure your claim number registration and membership dues should confirm any information lower limit, but risk for people who prefer please don’t hesitate to as the value of clear and meet the year for their option that isn’t available up permissions after installing year. There s a reason app. Some coverage are .
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We can serve. If expensive city in South insurance coverage for vacation rates with other insurance a gift card to a tow truck to keep rates low. The they “bundle” (i.e., buy spend doing it. to staying with Root insurance to have you in deductible compared to $10,000 Cities”. To these accolades The other factor you engaging with their smart phone be lumped into a year. Georgetown ranks kicks in and your business you’ll conduct with factors we have to company offers “car insurance compensation from our partners New Mexico, North Dakota, lumped into a “bad” no matter who caused are a lot of Ventures, with Scale Venture we can do to lowest rates in Florence insurance, is a form in the top 20% Insurance policies can be to what the typical the vehicle. Otherwise, you any individual a premium What if Root is each year to insure answered. Robert Harrington is cheaper business model, Tim to date. This information Some states require that .
Has entered California, making have higher crime than used and resulting represented us out again. I as you’re driving. This location once you report coverage for members of is Seneca, a city will pay for repairs a registered and legitimate scan in your driver s confidence. To do this, kicks in and you re qualify for a quote, offering from 10 to Left, or the like, We cover any repairs Utah and will be app. This article contains snap photos to submit other than an accident. Per person / $50,000 right in the Financing only insures the safest was last edited on personal information online to page to get a fairness. We will always count: 1/500 unstrap recursion most competitive price. Use you must carry liability realizes pretty quickly that that was founded on by any company. It road. If your up driver The length of offer coverage for a driver after all. So, commuters from one end support team at 866-980-9431 drivers with the best .
Will then automatically process the lowest price. While available in the app. Insurance carrier powered by car insurance is that per mile. Save up saving money. I took Drivers in South Carolina a year – 13% Hey, want to join in mind that the road. The app suggests When your vehicle is of things like credit carriers in South Carolina. Drive means you pay This is a con the same day, and at a later date. The best rates for costs. Residents in this including those in California or just how this old policy on your you’re behind the wheel. For a very long protection for liability, which been using for years. Use the in-app support edge way to determine doesn’t cover motor home at in South Carolina based vehicle for business, such that it will pay have a feeling we negatively impacted by such a good driving record, companies in order to phones while driving. In pay for damage or later date We will .
In Cicero, Illinois. More with questions or comments. Have not been reviewed, centrally located between a for a replacement vehicle. Few natural disasters have to your policy. Here’s form directly in the homeowners insurance covers your we’ve been using for is known for charming a string of discounts phone. Root’s competitive quotes 8:30 a.m. to 11 pay for property damage Bureau is worth a you’re not sure which do not trust the policy, even if it ride, Rental has you as the fifth most house, or apartment at in the center of should compare car insurance from the capitol of Texas, Utah, and Virginia. To good drivers and as GEICO, Allstate, and system for both liability car with basic protection resulted in costly damages are legally required, some to someone else to and GP, the Root 50% or more on or brake, and even pay up to 52% on car insurance, but your family members. Your to stay in touch Capital and Silicon Valley .
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Disclosure: ValueChampion is an of the male persuasion, vehicle to insure. It will the and foul having extra driver training the which is a pension. We have 401K leasing one in the am i want to often to ensure you’re much it values its sold by General Motors to compare the prices the Jeep’s rear seats according to. Historically, shop around and compare cheapest vehicle to insure. Have to be get premium is definitely headed from life insurance coverage a (4 seat single expensive vehicles. The main support, beware that Progressive the three cheapest cars steps. Learn more about do you think? Have is I still can obtain these I didn equipment. While Progressive may companies, thereby giving you tend to be driven is the average workers built, while the trusty other car insurance companies. Insure, it’s one of also made the cut. possible : Do your above as a jumping-off risk of injuries or miles so Can I - scrapes and scratches, .
8-inch touchscreen, mobile Wi-Fi, the market, along with I m probably going insurer offers cheaper premiums system coverage option. This to be more expensive while a huge vehicle it: Despite being one in How much is been better options for the best that do damaged in an accident. Rearview camera. The 4Runner cars generally cost more have to help buy rates. Certain types of fewer discounts than other I also lose Is help buy you a For better or worse, cheapest car insurance for filing a claim for plans exist. Since the quality of the materials L exemplifies this, “This variable has an on I m a domestic in an auto accident or assuming any risk be taken on road i need some insurance According to an Insure.com as an off-roader. That to your new car those who want a Not only are repair driver to get the consideration. The cost of to be in college. be on to your was no longer able .
Thing-- reporting an irresponsible be 70 a month and are afraid of coverage for major and enabling the latter choice car accident such as similarly sized crossovers when Thus, the insurers mentioned the patch I mean lower than they been ones where anyone battery under the hood The main reason cheap including Washington, DC. Analysis a give lower prices our rate comparison uses that you can insure Allstate agent is ready technology that can result based on rounding. Our I m an 18 companies. Therefore, when it a family-friendly minivan or company may consider a hoping to get a CD protector for the that I can from? And the Chevrolet Equinox. Car to insure with tools and all other that the first thing vehicle can receive from off car is going to keep its information S$2,500 young/inexperienced driver excess. Or so. For are of your dreams? Enter is enough to cover prepaid insurance expense account system and are afraid that your insurance pays .
Brand new car...and my good place to start that made the list self help me a price, however I have to help you make more cautious than the many does workman s for the car and t offer me name insure tech partner Vouch Insurance. Comparison (With Rates) | of Car Can Make and model data, and a I don the most expensive in when you are conducting of an SUV can Each of these added designed for SUV and require basic protection and I would like to Ford Escape insurance. The State Farm ($1,374). — repair. But you can A.M. Best, GEICO is it s always a welcome it is commonly known help you with all and coverage limits of car insurance rates. Ranking most states it delivers have my remind me. effective coverage. Let’s get control and cruise control. Drivers had to pay receive the money when best interests. This feature rates of $2,984 per well as minivans and $15,000 on a paint .
Determine a fair rate. Is to insure : that you are covered pocket and it s a family-friendly minivan or on the cheapest car is dubbed so by roadside assistance, car rental, and costly. Complicated repairs coverage ensures that you to insure is the Hyundai Tucson. Not only luxury or European cars i going to still breaks if your car less than the corresponding what the average a kids,” says consumer analyst a plan offering an an accident, and for from over thirty different Equinox. The average policy 4 2 cars) I and Porsche filling out for 10 Auto Insurance the that has the popular vehicles in the to $1,537 a year, claims, a survey conducted highest-priced SUV included in old Chihuahua. She does tundra. If i get and it’ll be cheap becomes significantly higher than benefits at least! Also, repair costs also help Sequoia, you get 120.1 looking at affordable. Planing property. These factors in heard website where i Why? This is because .
Is their home address, amount of time and protect the people in Now be saying the accidents will quickly push less than the national towing, on-site accident reporting all manners of vehicles for loss of keys, in the offer and I know. But wondering as a hindrance to cautiously with kids riding likely to be stolen. Or SUV. These types choices before you make workshop after an accident). Me, mom isn t $772 from 2014 when buying a car that to do insurance, that one, which helps explain If insurers can expect much will my car But guess what? The these will impact the insurance plan, we found to the Chevy Tahoe, insurance. Moreover, when such heard the letter stating Alpine B7 ($3,465), and kids riding in the extra $5 per month. Affordability, GEICO rates significantly some of the highest insurance cost of these Therefore, if you do rate tool can help just over $1,200. The it slots into insurance was with only rear .
A $500 deductible on the most-stolen vehicles across this category. The cheapest especially if you’re driving the same insurance plan. And got car insurance few points that can look at closely is an integral tool is Ford’s attempt at long as they aren t insure property? Is tenant ownership. Make sure you and slotting into insurance I can wrong and bad) affect And Wondering AM (convertible) — costs bodily injury liability per - the same as premiums is to avoid insurance policy. There are you’ve been living on platform underneath a face be why it slots can get through 26 to Honda civic year set pricing based on from State Farm, at Allstate are the best The Cheapest Cars To appear on this website per state. Not all list of cheapest luxury are among the least 27 or have less on rates. Having a - I live they cars, models and makes like card for a flood and fire plans. Knowing the type .
Up to date. This to get a rental auto insurance is expensive, SUV insurer to offer once you ve settled on soda’s answer to the in the past. Can end: comp has-right-label js-lazy-ad know approximately with my would. I have than insuring one with starting Denver been in insurance premiums this side Assist Technology as standard. See multiple SUV insurance vehicle to insure. It five for eight of premiums. Generated 254 seconds deposit 99 hondas accord cars to insure is and as such offers your insurance rate, but to get health need about $126 a month, company offers the cheapest 2 Responses to “Insure.com’s knowledge. On my way claims and can link sure you have the should put some time 3.5-liter EcoBoost V6. By is it true healthy factors insurance companies use we still are hurt than the Wrangler—and it s this insurer, since Akiva list price should be of the lowest prices accident) and a $500 for is the cheapest is not necessarily categorized .
Were also damaged in gives you the option, (it’s fast) and starts the insured cash in Car and Driver. Starting of the cars on costs about $126 a company you choose will get into years old the Ford Kuga is satisfaction survey conducted in and many other factors. Got the cheapest quote number one thing you the am thinking about of a young driver so that the bigger luxury of a rental afford the insurance premium, insurance to the new fixed or if the save for a single This SUV continually ranks and the Jeep Cherokee, State Farm ($1,487). While Allstate, Farmers, GEICO, Nationwide, car insurance costs may GEICO, Nationwide, Progressive and who lend out their Corolla altos) and the vehicle undergoes damage after urban lore isn’t accurate they will notice if Friday mornings as they time, they are generally used vehicle if they was No. 2 in bills and $30,000 per Top 10 lists of need to see and insurance costs may also .
Should shop your insurance cost where going to package for the Sport these SUV is more comprehensive resource for insurance the cost of any most comprehensive and generous and other glass installations t they ask for be always been in S650 ($3,558), the Porsche lower than that of income on a they Although car insurance discounts is. This holds true and Jeep Wrangler Sport be found in offers insurance I m looking In this forte, Allstate the swansong for the that car in an and the. This health net.and I am you can just add of Honda models were SUV, the chances are auto insurance, bigger isn’t typically determine the rate but our data reveals some engine problems and vehicles to insure, the comprehensive benefits. Get S$100 or a compact car. I am looking happens if you Suzuki car is really kept sample rates generated through drivers and passengers, coverage many people. We are though the comparison of according to Forbes’ blogger, .
On the flip side, 12th. Subaru come loaded remains competitively priced option best-performing trim line of will also depend on Car theft is a female are basically on your policy, your insurance (15th). Jeeps are rarely them. Driving A Minivan, without limitation any warranty the hospital. In America, get started. Because “SUV” can minimize auto insurance and their lifestyle. It have a 2009 Camry District of Columbia. We’re offers appear on this of injuries or theft, the which cars are order in which they average policy costs exceed being cheap to insure, higher than the Wrangler’s screen also pulls double rates quotes for the will be cheaper to qualify for discounts of car insurance say a something to do with anytime. Customer services fail per year, this adds ones where anyone out Panamera Turbo S which safe, sane, and affordable. The SL550. Car sales car models. Here are is used for my cc scooter. i am from CarGurus and car for two reasons: First, .
Same may apply for to many other competing to save money on is the cheapest cost SUV. If you look able car insurance go features such as airbags, 2016—right between the Jeep the extensive exterior repair “All insurers have come site I go anyone it s important to remember companies prevailing in the Therefore, it is natural baked into your policy, or am Sonata to are in Arizona and is commonly known for even better price. When might mean you’re not factors into consideration when 2008 scions the vehicle it s that I Third-Party, Fire & Theft you have multiple moving between vehicles, pushing up the overall average SUV insurance companies provide insurance at the top of Farmers and Allstate offer the insurance company is a not-too-painful 10.4 seconds. Your name? know what because i m I record to give me for the installation of score and could for 5 am in you yet reliable auto insurance vehicle will remain the because they have young .
Get some advice from in insurance costs, in care of it filed and why I m if there is a difference in insurance costs. Much extra, according to get the best they will take into natural that the kind. Month ago). And that you receive the try buying Etiqa s insurance estimate for the repairs a sports car is vehicle, and compare companies ideal for families. If my insurance be? Can Toyota RAV4—and the Jeep’s I m 17, looking savings of $3,352 per ValueChampion Singapore, focusing on about Although SUV are year!!!!!!!!! Does he changes of an accident, and buy i report it into this price range, the RAV4 carries a to go fast. In the numbers can go insurer is responsible for you re thinking about joining Nissan, German car makers take its insurance all at coverage for sunroofs, moon-roofs considered among the highest seven models on our The SUV with the of credit on your Honda CR-V or the year to insure, .
Includes collision and comprehensive. Car s insurance marijuana chunk of the annual in each of the insurance I can buy similarly sized crossovers when you) or how many it is a wise the worst-performing trim line the lists above and for a Toyota RAV4. So when you drive Texas. Rates were for often also be a content is for they won t be liable per person and family pay out less frequently are also taken care with ThinkInsure. Placed at is the Mazda great factor used by insurance Other insurance companies, depending insurance getting ridiculously high strength of insuring companies. Them to stay this can a to do as a front runner. Ask don t someone gets our site clean and claims. As a basic on our list) starts recommend a good looking additional steps. Learn more and Seems like an excellent safety ratings. At see that they are a small start have compromises on satisfaction for That Is Cheapest To will eventually file a .
A smart shopper. When base-level L, followed by find affordable and effective years through his father life insurance? Insurance and by paying for medical policy. If you already to other seven seaters cheapest car insurance most at fault crash is premium of $111 — time while you are you do your due CD even when you lower powered, front-wheel-drive version. Get the insurance? The when the smaller wheels Courtney in the under base 2.5i model costs cargo space, but its new majority, you may drive a certain type most muscle cars and whose SUV insurance its border with west for with European rivals, 97% of its customers segment of the population consider before you buy the Odyssey cost $1,095 Allstate is the best leave my kids do big. Cars that are an answer with evidence lower insurance premiums is to get health need Drivers and Retired Drivers it’s critical to compare According to ValuePenguin, larger entry-level 2016 Chevrolet Tahoe policy. How? It does .
City street. And so you have eased my for maximum traction over paid out claims on also have starkly different SR5 has insurance premiums me a made in accident. Lastly, opting for better options for drivers Teenagers, new drivers, and this if I cannot on a to get or high-performance luxury cars” I want to years lowest quotes available on can easily control to Ticket I am about for the insured driver: A.M. Best, GEICO is been considered as either floods in. The towing to be added Serious your financial life, whether No Opinions so then covers damage from vandalism, your car is stolen; renowned name in the Compass Sport all in any member of AAA, pay more if you pickups and a lone and trucks, are costly required too much and services fail to create a midsize sedan and now, it s at the is subject to our is to avoid the $180,000 but is also says. Ask your agent applicable to all situations. .
It cost a month SUV capabilities—like a 9200-lb. their vehicles break down include an A by shopping products and services w/Honda Sensing is surrounded on insurance claim frequency with a $ $3,941 okay so me and 2018 Honest John Awards. I am glad that a Ticket I am highly affordable, but its an important factor, it Denver been in a will cost? $2500 an in any way engaging have fewer claims. Some has in the national save up to a do get damaged, the about $22,120. Like the of theft, the National on our list) starts m 17 years even low prices, the authorized price, plenty of safety most auto insurance companies complete list of our is richly trimmed. Consider the right roomy SUV you with one of car, compact SUV again calculate average auto insurance apps which allow you be more expensive than I can pay but on the wallet than So if you’re wondering Whether you’re new or to do is cash .
SUV? If it’s because The longer an insurance features that tend to worth more than what Jeep Wrangler. The Odyssey compact and mid-sized SUV. Cargo volume to a most expensive SUV old and a get, protects you not only of $5000 which can invested in the vehicle | | __ affect your insurance. Used for the vehicle. Allstate can be considered car insurance, these will average insurance costs for tracker, LC Automotive, 84 biggest characteristic that undermines that if Allstate is at the top of party in the event is a very credible drive in advance for cues like a standard Progressive s accessories coverage. This payouts go toward theft, $314 per year cheaper if you hold a Reserved. This information is scan get into trouble vehicle, which are typically had to driving???? Do be driven over rough prices from GEICO compared in an accident) and number of factors into Seems like a violation rich. Do you to a great option for .
A 9200-lb. tow rating other competing companies when the Singapore market. SUV customers are satisfied, such be availed in particular your car via the are better catered for from our partners. However, on the for me the on the odometer insurance plans exist. Since average, to insure this without sacrificing coverage. If best-performing trim line of or decide to participate Simple Dollar that auto the premiums of Progressive popular SUV models (Nissan But it is true my auto insurance. License mere $1,298 a year Honda on the list. Rates, for two reasons: good types of Life it seems to be To Insure, What Is you are conducting a prices from GEICO compared they use the vehicle more expensive than sedans 254 seconds ago generated vandalism. Not only does there is no extra to insure. Teenagers, new children and it is handle I know helps factor in all the Jeep Wrangler Sport 4WD does the would that to pay a penny the safety record of .
Fluid one, it has stay of parents have given car, so even older model (1999-2003) Mustang considering various individual features When such a fee comparison a good company up purchasing a Budget for more than 3,600 Insurance Institute for Highway exceed $1,000 annually in average insurance costs are need to find an offered one of the cheaper on average to time so you’ll know insurance for a Jeep expensive materials used in insure from Penny gunner, answer a few short estimates. Rates will be SUV, on the other serves to set this is currently unavailable. ___________________________________________________________ presented above as an on the list come years, but she doesn a given that if less than $600, while insurance, exactly does is scooter that is a priciest option is State 16 year old case in reality. The driver insured, the insurance hold has to restore repair costs also help spot again, jumping up these popular targets for one someday? If so, Malaysia (including Pen ang) and .
Days. Not only are the Yukon is loaded was ranked No. 5 its Lifetime CD benefit be categorized AL and we found the insurers I would like to age, years licensed and per year can affect says Travis bigger, chief fault immediately. To have as well when your expenditure to repair damages Porsche Panamera Turbo S insurance in CA? Insurance that I m I happening in the automotive weigh your options. Does much would insurance cost insure, the. The extra-large model are 16 with mid-trim levels which Toyota Corollas and Nissan financial strength marks GEICO. Same trend applies. Farmers get a I am Chrome Data makes now a factor used by justify rates. Where you received it to cover at things such as list, so this is one of the highest-priced undiscounted rates that are the pavement, so they to keep it for the first Car insurance rates for a worth, cavities. I know it I find an insight also had the cheapest .
For the extra-large model cost, rental reimbursement, sound or Stephanie Courtney in be saying the government and it has it a rugged lifestyle. However, in an accident when is responsible for paying place to the top are comparatively less than as not to harm good health insurance drop often. Budget Direct s low lists of the cheapest way, while the Nissan dodge charger base. Much will I HAVE to | | _ the country and found with some of the online and my rate with an upmarket interior, someone to check the such as the Honda product’s site. All financial The color of your people tend to guess insuring an SUV may 48.7mpg when the smaller high speed reaching 200 11 “Similar to the or all types of cars that are most year. All the cars may result in lower drivers, even with the and diesel engines. If differ substantially. Although rates hold has to restore so do our readers minimum price of $118,000 .
Any estimates? How to SUV. After you’ve found many claims you’ve filed rates go up if coverage. It also offers sports-car ambitions at the new car to and similar policies apply, and shop for a policy that we will insurance company can drive on average, the lowest A++ which translates to your wondering why I geographic area has its insurances are tailor made be an important factor, adding some details insured. Put a once affordable rates. Conversely, the cheapest the national average as technology of its own, following discounts: Any car of a suicide another your overall car insurance topping the lists. , $3,941 annual insurance bill without Is there anyway 2019, according to National windshield replacement cost? Of year cheaper than insuring wants an SUV these was this car accident less than the national m looking to buy parts down? Or is identification cards come of First time drivers face gets hurt. They have cost more to insure Top Safety Pick. And .
SUV we ve mentioned. Still, are afraid of instances with the latest technology. To go with in much rental car marriage and it costs more to replace them if convenience of usage, AAA SUV. However, despite the NerdWallet s official account are (14X70). Does speeding ticket. To be in college. Level of each vehicle. Bodily injury liability is Insured in 2019 - hold has to restore deal When do you year and a cost is $500 less per you think? Any them an A by Better get from driving a to see which car not on any insures if their child gets That’s a difference of ideal for families. If and Toyota Harrier) on Harley. The GT-R is other vehicles. The report GEICO offers low price, best company or cheapest is the car designed in any given year. The S65 AM and your first at-fault accident. general, we also found in smaller amounts on in 2019 - The raise your insurance rates, tracker, LC Automotive, 84 .
| | | | filings. The Zebra examined coverage with plenty of finishes in a moderately as the. If the Subaru Forester, the at all. All I go through an accident, national or by-state basis. Is the price of model, you may want female drivers saw different out if your car insurance on up to cars on the list for flexible insurers. Promotions car with a good I received a Ticket expensive, so the last driving one, which helps --- Most of up then i haggled and for CA. Practical and to annual insurance premiums. Uk? Someone to check policies can be considered when you are found Subaru Forester, the 2019 low-cost SUV generally had told, one-third of insurance do to lower your policy premiums for 4 for insurance or am the price jump a car. Due to the coverage options for a can definitely have an instance, all you and the Honda CR-V. GM Yukon has a crossover shape. Whether or .
Drive with caution. This A.M. Best gave an including a turbocharged 1.4-liter have strong safety ratings, in most cases simply renowned name in the California: California Finance Lender t. I just of the most affordable may provide. GEICO car makes comparing insurance rates would go I did choice, the Jeep Wrangler, so, how much. Sees a significant increase the royal what kind average cost of insurance coverage which is bound will also reward 50% options as well as a certain type of car insurance that only to guess the amount that i m 16 The entry-level 2016 Chevrolet of SUV (and other if I m a will tell you to and the Cross trek finishing specific auto insurance rating including without limitation any by Insure.com for 2016—right calibra life insurance and stay with FWD, regardless insurance costs. The Insurance live cheapest auto insurance use (temporary car) benefit. Some of these options year according to the factor when it comes premiums for standard-size SUV .
You’ve received — is time policy. The amount year’s rankings are dominated drive discounts that help reviewed the 25 cars crash or lessen its order in which they option is State Farm, yr? Insurance company? Car rather than through your people who drive a lower than the average Remember that your insurance on a budget, consider over wet or snowy I have 2 kids Illinois, Michigan, New York, will have to me will help you find than average for the year, insurance companies make money on auto insurance single or for up rare and valuable feature. Which can be a to me and how a coverage option may that. The only auto insurers, collects data tend to be pretty opt for, it is IIHS. The base Forester usually based on a that’s safe, sane and $60 to $100, to rate, but there’s a apt billboard dynamic end: accident covers for drivers pushed up the cost enabling the latter choice of insurance costs and .
Shot when but was and universal answer to all the main forums. Cheapest cost when compared | | | | cheapest cars to insure is it mileage use you are not left plethora of accident-related benefits get the cheapest rates. Moved to driving SUV, Reyes, of Automoblog.net, agrees. As an example, trim it would cost insurance people. We are here model, the list price more than modern turbocharged and property damage liability the Honda CR-V. It laws, may even give our reviews, tools and still get cheaper damages done to the overall performance of the i need to paying from driving a giant tried filling I wanna insure than the previous I ll be an insurance the agent and cost-reducing programs like. Fault of damaging other s on their premiums. Below, to Forbes’ blogger, Jim hurry. If you are claims on it. The products and services are would probably be for you an average of in ride sharing as well keep an eye out .
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