#but for now I'm focusing on creating art for each chapter of The Veil
ell-arts · 2 years
Summary: She knew that she should’ve done something. She should’ve stepped in sooner, to open her eyes and stop the bullying. She was at fault as much as everybody else was. She was guilty.
And yet, he forgave her.
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saturatedboy · 3 years
I was in the mood to write some angst-fluff writing for Donna Beneviento x M!reader so I hope you all enjoy if you chose to read it ^^ (This one shot can be found on my wattpad account Nerd_Dragon_Writes)
Just a sad fluffy chapter
This is a male!reader
Narrator’s POV
(Y/n) was minding his own business tinkering away at fixing the recently broken rocking chair that Angie, the loud and hyperactive doll, loved to bits- literally. Once Angie was sat in the rocking chair you barely could get her out of it. Angie adored the way it would rock, she found it better when her owner Donna would read a book beside her as (Y/n) would gently rock the chair as he normally sat beside it on the ground. However due to some disagreement over the outside world, Angie had thrown a fit and out of anger had broken the chair. Donna on the other hand had silently backed away out of the room and went somewhere in the small mansion to have space to herself. Mostly likely from the distress and headaches she most likely was getting, (Y/n) could only guess.
As (Y/n) hammered in the very last piece of cork into the wooden frame, the all well knowing screech of the wedding dressed doll came from the left side of his ear. "You fixed itttt!" She carried out, floating around the male and sitting in it after getting herself comfy in it. "Ahhhhh! It so good!" Giggling and quickly flying out of the rocking chair, Angie had rammed herself into (Y/n) and engulfed him in a hug as her small wooden arms could reach. The attempt at a hug had lead (Y/n) laughing slightly at her excitement and appreciation. Moving his arm, (Y/n) had cradled the doll with one arm under her to support her weight and used his other hand to gently pat the top of her veiled head. "You're very welcome. It's the least I could do for you after you and Donna didn't kill me-"
A finger was pressed against his lips, the doll's face had a serious look- one that you wouldn't expect Angie to even be able to create from knowing her having a really expressive emotions of being positive. "You were fun to play with and Mother Miranda did say that if you did somehow survive we could keep you for our own needs~ Ow! Hey no fair!"
With an outstretched pointing finger, the male had flicked the doll on her head to keep her thoughts to herself. He was left with a a small frown from the small doll in return."Sooo?" She dragged out, looking up at the male with a sad glint in her eyes. "Shouldn't you go find Donna, I'm sure she's still upset with earlier."
Sighing, (Y/n) could only nod however he didn't move from his spot on the floor next to the chair. He didn't know why but he felt like Donna didn't want to see him at the moment after the disagreement earlier. "Why don't you both want  me to leave- I'll only be going down the the village to go collect some materials?"
Angie had stayed quiet, thinking on how she should word her next words since she didn't want their new playmate to go and leave them after hearing what she had to say. Squirming her way out of his arm, she heaved herself out and floated in front of (Y/n), twiddling her fingers. "You've been with us for a while now and Donna had the sudden idea of maybe you wanted to be a fam-"
"I apologise for my sudden departing. I did not mean to worry you." A soft voice came from behind, the sound of small patters could be heard to along with some scattering on the floor. Turning around, (Y/n) could only be met with a heard of smaller puppets and dolls crawling, running and even skipping towards him with welcoming smiles. However past them, The Lady of the mansion stood with her veil covering her face and still in her black gown stitch and created from her sorrows.
As the dolls climbed onto (Y/n), he could only fight against their resistance to be able to stand up. However with the help on Angie moving some, he finally managed to stay standing with at least a total of twelve dolls hanging and clinging onto him. Taking a step forward, the male had smiled in joy seeing the other stand before him. "Donna," (Y/n) had spoken out gently, using a hand to lift a doll that was about to fall off him back onto his shoulder. "I wish to speak of today's event, however I had no intentions to mean to upset you or Angie."
Donna moved to lay against the door, her shoulder slightly making ridged movements every now again. With worried eyes, (Y/n) continued stepping forward until he was right in front of the doll maker. Being face to veil, the male had tilted his head gently, his smile still plastered sweetly onto his face. "May I take your veil up please?"
As the request left (Y/n) lips, Donna raised a hand to her veil and pressed it against her face. The sudden feeling of self-conscious had fled around her body and made a sudden noise of a sniffle come out from her. She hadn't revealed her face to anyone in a while- except Angie and her own creations. "Ma, it will be okay." Angie had floated next to her owner, whispering to her after that so (Y/n) couldn't hear what she was saying. It seemed it worked though because next thing he saw was Angie backing away with a her hands rapidly shaking happily.
Moving her hand down, Donna had pulled the black sheet up, letting her stray hairs from a bun she had stick to her face. Her pale skin had turned a cherry red on her cheek bones, her eye had steamed up with a blur and a light streak of water and sweat had trail down her face. Shyly looking away from embarrassment, Donna had focused herself on staring at the door frame, running her finger up and down the wood not caring is she would receive a splinter from it. With wide eyes in both wonder and enchantment, (Y/n) spoke out, "Lady Donna- You're-!"
"I'm hideous. This is what happened to me after the...incident." Biting her bottom lip and splitting it a small amount, she scrunched her eye up and stopped running her finger up and down the frame. Breathing deeply, she gathered the courage to stare at the other with a forced tone of happiness and curved lips "I didn't want you to leave because I thought I had everything back. I thought you would like to be a family. We acted like one and I believed that, you were the one to fix everything."
Angie looked at (Y/n) to see his reactions. Although she couldn't do that much in the very moment, all she knew was that the fate of everyone in that house, was laid in the male's hands. Using his hand to place the dolls and puppets on him onto the ground, he walked forward towards Donna and grabbed her chin gently with one hand and used the other to stroke her cheek-leaving Donna to be very flustered. "Oh Donna, hideous is no way to describe a women who laughter is the most perfect composed music to ever exist. Hideous is no way to describe a women who's hands fit perfectly with my own and create the most alluring pieces of art in my opinion."
"But!-" Her argument was cut short with a gentle kiss against her cheek. With her mouth left hanging open slightly and Angie laughing in the background, she felt sudden comfort wrap around her frame and brought her closer to them.
"And hideous is no way to describe the women who deserves a family which I am willing to hopefully be accepted in." (Y/n)'s soft whispers in her ear had left her speechless. It felt like the first time in forever she felt safe in the arms of someone. No more hiding herself away from the guilt she thought she deserved to feel. The warmth and sweet smell of flowers that came off (Y/n) had made those thoughts stop, like they were just stories from a fairy-tale. Slowly lifting her own arms up, she rested her head between the shoulder-blade and neck of her other, hugging tightly and letting tears that showed compassion and love fall from he eyes. Opening them slightly, she was met with Angie sitting back in her rocking chair and the other dolls and puppets surrounding her as she read a book to them, trying to mimic Donna when she would show the pages when reading.
It was Donna's turn to sniffle out a giggle when she watched Angie struggle with turning the page since it was so far away from her. Pulling out of the loving embrace (Y/n) was giving her, she moved her hand down to wrap around his hand and gently brought them both of them over to the chair. "Would you like me to read it Angie?" She asked watching the bride doll swell in happiness and nodding swiftly.
"Yes please mama!" She screeched out, jumping out of the chair and moving the other creations about so she could sit down on the floor with them. Donna let go of (Y/n)'s hand but once again she was left without words as he kissed her cheek again. "Ooooo~ mama and papa are kissing each otherrrr~" Angie sang out, leaving the room to be filled with other voices from the other creations. Feeling flustered and worried that them words aren't correct, she stand corrected when (Y/n) had sat down in the rocking chair and gently pulled her onto his lap. His arms once again wrapped around her as he leaned his head onto her shoulder looking at the others.
"I'm just showing my love to my wife, is that an issue children?" He said leaving the doll's to quickly quieten down, only a few whispered were left.
"Wife?" Donna muttered and she moved her eye to stare down at the other.
"That is, if you'll let me love you?" (Y/n) asked slowly. Donna smiled, a real smile and nodded.
"That's more than fine by me," She said as she felt her heart race in speed.
"Well that's good now can we hear the storyyyy?" Angie whined out, crossing her arms in a huff as she let the book lay in front of her. Donna turned to her and nodded.
"Of course you can."
Within the office room was the two new lovers. Donna was still in her mourn clothing, however pinned to the clothing where a breast pocket may of been was a flower. A daisy to be precise to signify new beginnings for her and (Y/n). Donna had leaned back against a green leather sofa facing the projector in the room. The faint noise of snoring was heard above in the more safer rooms, the snores and sounds were mostly likely coming from her creations of her handy craft.
Soon a pair of footsteps had lead in her way, only for them to stop and the sound of a sneeze coming out. Donna looked behind her to see (Y/n) walking towards her with two glasses of water. Gently giving her one from behind the sofa, (Y/n) had walked around and sat next to her, him taking a sip of water. "Say Donna," (Y/n) had started, turning to face her. "How do you feel about you coming out with me tomorrow. We don't have to go to the village so instead how about we explore? That way we both get what we want. I go outside and you don't have to worry about me leaving hm?"
Donna stayed quiet, focusing on drinking her water. She normally wasn't much of a talker but she talked so much today that she felt breathless. Bringing her glass down from her lips, she sighed.
"Maybe," she spoke out. A short laughter was heard from the other as he leaned behind himself and placed his glass on the table behind. After he gracefully wrapped an arm around Donna and brought her into a side hug which she was more than happy to accept and snuggle into.
"Don't worry my love," (Y/n) spoke out as he gave her a kiss on her forehead, letting his lips linger there for  while to pull away soon after with a toothy grin. "I understand my maker."
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