#but gali uses hers a little too much
maspers · 1 year
Bionicle is weird yall
Okay so let's talk Bionicle. The Lego action figures with surprisingly deep lore and themes, and basically one of the coolest things to ever exist. You either love Bionicle or have not read Bionicle.
Who's your favorite? Mine has got to be Kopaka. For various reasons, including his general competence throughout the whole story. He's just pretty rad.
Now, you might be surprised I like Kopaka, since all things considered he's kind of a prick. He snarks at basically everything that enters his line of sight, and largely acts kind of stuck up due to his (admittedly justified) belief that he's the smartest person around. He spends the entire story fed up with everything else. He is completely and utterly convinced that he is the only sane person in the entire universe, and that nothing in the entirety of Mata Nui is behaving in a logical and rational way.
But see, here's the thing: all of that bluster about being the only rational thing around is complete bullcrap and lies, and here's why:
Kopaka, like all the original six Toa, is an amnesiac. He popped out of a magic canister in the ground and basically has no backstory to speak of since before he woke up he essentially didn't exist. And we know he's not a possible exception to this since, unlike the other Toa, he's the one we actually see it happen to. He has legit no idea who he is until Nuju tells him. What this means is simple: KOPAKA HAS NO FRAME OF REFERENCE. You can't judge something to be insane if you have not experienced sanity. Nothing is "irrational" in the abstract, you need context. Most people have extremely well-developed context obtained by living, but since Kopaka had not yet lived until he woke up he has NONE OF THAT.
And even if he did, he'd still be a massive hypocrite. Sure, the Matoran society and the Makuta are kind of weird, but Kopaka is a TOA, and Toa are a whole new kettle of craziness. Kopaka is a magic space warrior robot with the power to control the very concept of THIS STUFF IS COLD. His face is a magic mask that grants him X-ray vision and then gets even more powers later on. He can physically combine with other Toa to create a weird mega fusion Toa. Heck, after his first upgrade his primary weapon was skis. SKIS. He basically shapeshifts into a new body every time he goes somewhere else. And, as noted before, he legit just popped out of the ground one day, which makes him and his sibling Toa objectively weirder than all other Toa ever, since all the rest are transformed Matoran. Kopaka's entire existence is really freaking weird. He has no legs to stand on in his "I am the only rational being in the universe" belief. So where the heck did he get it from?
The simple answer: Mata Nui himself. When designing the Toa to act as a sort of internal anti-virus for all the weird garbage in his system, Mata Nui decided "You know what let's make the Ice one a prick who thinks he's sane" and somehow that idea perpetuated to the very end of the design process. The only reason Kopaka has to deal with everything else seeming completely bonkers to him is because Mata Nui, massive benevolent Troll that he is, *made him that way*. I bet when Kopaka finally made it to Bara Magna he was probably internally extremely relieved, because now he could judge the Agori by comparing them to the Matoran and vice versa instead of judging the Matoran on no actual justification whatsoever.
TLDR Kopaka is my favorite Bionicle because the entire premise of his personality is absurd and he probably spent the entire plot trying to internally justify it. Also ice powers go brrrrr
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whiteheartlight · 5 months
thinking more about my idea where Artakha has mini versions of the Toa Mata made (Matoran-esque) for personality and neurological testing. they won't remember any of it when they're Toa but it's a test run for him to check some things
little Kopaka hates having any kind of testing done on him and is always aware of experiments. he keeps purposefully skewing results and acting against his impulses whenever Artakha tries to test him in a situation. Artakha takes this to mean that he's perfect
the Matoran on Artakha have gotten very used to peace and quiet and certain mini Toa Mata (one in particular) keep disrupting them... but then reminding them how to throw better parties
balancing Tahu's temper between the lines of "soft-hearted" and "insensibly filled with rage" takes SO many models. when Artakha settles on his final personality Kopaka looks at him like he's lost his mind
Gali gets annoyed with Artakha one day and just surfs out to the edge of the realm and won't come back in. it starts storming and she won't get off her board all day no matter what he tells her. on a similar note, Onua has been found digging straight down Minecraft style and getting himself stuck very contentedly miles below the surface
Pohatu loves living in Artakha and starts picking up every hobby the incredibly skilled craftsmen who live there will teach him
Karzahni hasn't quite lost it completely at this point in time, but when he comes to visit his brother, he's intensely jealous of the little life forms he has running around. he wants Artakha to make a Toa Mata for him too. the mini Mata are generally uncomfortable around him, but Pohatu makes an effort to befriend his uncle, which is when Artakha starts to feel that his creations are not safe around his brother. Karzahni is much too eager to have some company
Artakha tries the marshmallow test where you give a kid a treat and tell them that they can eat it now or wait and have another one later. Lewa and Tahu can't wait for a second one, Onua and Gali can. Kopaka, to Artakha's surprise, eats his immediately, and when Artakha asks if he couldn't be patient, Kopaka tells him he has much more important things to do. When Pohatu gets his second marshmallow, he offers it to Artakha
Artakha designs them carefully to balance each other out, and is very focused on the synthesis of the Kaita. Pohatu should energize Onua and Tahu, Tahu should call Onua and Pohatu to action, Onua should direct them both with a little more wisdom. Kopaka should be Wairuha's cold intellect, Gali should be their stability, and Lewa should be their verve and joy.
there is a point where he makes the Kaita too different from each other, and suddenly he's noticing Tahu sprinting across the hall to get away from Kopaka and Gali because they started prophesying at him while speaking at the same time again and he HATES that. Artakha brings them back down to earth a little
there's also a point where Onua studies and understands Artahka's plans and notes so thoroughly that he figures out exactly what his destiny will be. Artakha looks at him for a second and just goes "I'm going to turn you off now, Onua" and ok that's fair
it's very different for Artakha to have new creations running around, breaking things, causing fights, and getting into trouble when he's been used to nothing but Great Spirits and perfect Matoran for so long. he finds he doesn't mind it too much. when Lewa paints poorly over the masterpieces in the dining hall, Tahu and Gali break ancient weapons while "playing," and Onua gets mud all over the floors, Artakha leaves things messy.
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magicalgirlmascot · 25 days
We know a little about Vakama’s family, and Nuju’s… did you have any details worked out about some of the other Turaga’s families?
A little bit! Not a whole lot tbh.
Vakama has been no contact with his parents at least since he became a Turaga. They were neglectful and very much the kind of parents who check out of their kid's life when he starts showing signs of neurodivergence, blaming him for not being "normal." I mentioned at one point Lhikan sitting the Metru down and telling them they needed a will and a POA, and that was the catalyst for Vakama cutting them out. He suddenly realized that if something happened to him, even if it was just a car accident and not Toa related at all, they'd be the ones making decisions for him and that scared him.
Nuju gets along with Kualus better now than when they were younger. The age gap didn't help (their parents were fairly young when they had Nuju and then Kualus was Baby Oops 10 years later) but Hot Beast Summer ultimately served to make Nuju realize just how much he'd been ignoring that relationship. They argue still, but they are quite close. Their parents live a good distance away so they don't see them often. Possibly in another province. Or maybe they moved to California after retirement and their ice elemental sons refuse to visit them there lol
Whenua is also no contact with his family but didn't do that until a few years into his marriage. They were not happy about him marrying a man (and a disabled one at that) and no matter how much he tried to get through to them they refused to change. He stuck it out for as long as he did because he was raised on the idea of "traditional family values" (and all the bullshit that comes with), but eventually it became too much. He doesn't regret it, he can't, but it does make him deeply sad in a way that Vakama (and Lewa) aren't about their families.
(At one point I was going to have a chapter or two about Whenua dealing with his father passing and all the complicated feelings about that. But I couldn't find a good place for it, and then my grandmother died in the spring and writing about a funeral service was hitting a bit too close to home. It might show up as a short story someday but for now it's pretty firmly tabled.)
Nokama is very much an oldest sibling. Of how many I'm undecided, but she's definitely the oldest. She's used to being in charge, which is where her whole "does whatever she thinks is best without asking" thing comes from. (Contrast with Gali, who also has Oldest Daughter Syndrome but was also the youngest sibling, so not only was she given responsibilities her brothers often weren't, but also her brothers never listened to her ever because she's the baby.)
Matau grew up in a pretty loud and chaotic blended family situation where he was the second youngest of five. It was a home full of love, but also full of yelling kids. So Matau has absolutely no trouble dealing with loud groups of children lol. As far as he's concerned that is childhood's default volume.
Onewa had a tough home life, but unlike the others I haven't really decided what that looks like yet. He strikes me as the sort of person who ran away from home several times before he was even in high school yet.
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xxsycamore · 2 years
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𝗡𝗮𝗽, 𝗡𝗮𝗽𝗼, 𝗡𝗮𝗽𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗿, 𝗡𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗶, 𝗡𝗮𝗽𝗼𝗹𝗲𝗼𝗻𝗰𝗶𝘁𝗼, 𝗲𝘁 𝗰𝗲𝘁𝗲𝗿𝗮 [Napoleon x MC]
► Lately Napoleon notices that MC is using quite a lot of nicknames for him…
Napoleon Bonaparte x MC • rating: G • wordcount: 776 • tags: fluff; nicknames; humor; ‼ slightly suggestive • masterlist
a/n: While talking about how in the ikeseries games there are suitors whose nicknames are the actual names of other suitors and thus making it hard to figure out who the person is speaking about, (see: Leo (midcin) and Leo-nardo/Gali-leo; Liam and Wil-liam (ikemen villains); Leon (ikepri) and Napo-leon) it accidentally turned into a discussion of preferred nicknames for Napoleon.
From @viohasgoneintothewoods : Nap
From @venulus : Leone, Napoleoncito, Leoncito
From @krys-loves-otome : Napster, Naps, Napoleoni
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Lately Napoleon notices that MC is using quite a lot of nicknames for him…
1. As soon as he wakes up.
"Wakey wakey, Nap…"
The sound of MC's voice wakes him up just to the point where he reaches a hand out of the bedsheets to drag her in for his infamous morning kiss. But he pauses. He realizes the nickname she called him with.
"…Nap? Because I sleep a lot?"
"Yes, because you sleep a lot!"
Napoleon hums, nestling himself further in the mess of bedsheets.
"I don't even nap that much, I just sleep in…"
2. At breakfast
"Vincent, can you pass this to Napo?"
"Napo? Oh! Here you go, Napo!"
Napoleon blinks at MC's new nickname for him, quickly adapted by Vincent, barely remembering to take the plate from his hands. He guesses he's Napo now.
"Hah. Napo. I like how it sounds." Leonardo chimes in, not even looking away from his morning paper.
"Napo…" Jean tries. If it sticks with Jean, then it sticks forever.
3. On a date
"Are you falling asleep?"
Napoleon makes a low sound in his throat in reply, enough to let her know that he's not falling asleep. Their picnic date turned into a lazy reading session in nature, and frankly, the book hasn't been too interesting.
"This is why I call you Napster."
There it is again.
He remains silent for a moment. He looks for the line he read last in the book but he can't find it.
"You don't even call me Napster."
4. At the école
"Napoleone! Your fiancée is here!"
Turning to the boy who informs him of MC's arrival, Napoleon nearly misses the incoming attack from his other short opponent. But only nearly. Because he's not their cool teacher for nothing.
"Ahh, did you lie about proposing to me again? Stupid Napoleoni…"
Napoleoni? Napoleoni??!!
The laugher of a dozen kids is too much shame to live with. He will never be their cool teacher again, not with that lame nickname.
5. At night
Being a vampire doesn't mean that you don't deserve a nice massage at the end of a long day. Truly, his muscles aren't given the chance to stiffen too much, but he can't miss the magic touch of MC's hands on him. He's lying on his stomach, with her straddling his waist and working the knots on his shoulders.
He's aware he is being vocal. It's just that good.
MC giggles.
"You're roaring like a lion."
"Mmyeah? Do you have a clever little nickname for that too?"
"I do actually!"
She pauses, and Napoleon thinks she might be coming with it right now.
Oh. So we're spanishing it up now?
"That's a little too long, don't you think? Defeats the purpose."
"Hmm, hmm…"
She's not even moving her hands anymore, but Napoleon is too interested to see where this leads to care.
"Leoncito then. I like it! You're my little lion…"
Now, this is taking it too far.
In one quick and swift movement, Napoleon snakes his way from under MC and throws her down on the bed - so that he's leaning over her with a hand on each side of her head.
"Am I still a little lion?"
MC catches her bottom lip between her teeth, looking him in the eye. He seems quite handsome from this angle, if she has to be frank.
"Please don't eat me."
"Only if you tell me what's up with you and nicknames lately."
She giggles under him, fidgeting with a button of his shirt. Not necessarily with the intention to undo it.
"I just thought you might've gotten bored with the same old every time. You've got your 'Nunuche' for me but my 'Leon' or occasionally 'Leone' is not as creative as yours is."
Napoleon's eyes scan her features while taking in her words. Then he sighs.
"So that's what it was."
"Mm, maybe I should try harder…"
"I didn't say that I'm bored with how you call me."
"I liked Nap… it's keeping it nice and short. Maybe an 's' at the end will help it roll off the tongue better. An elongated one. Napsss…"
He leans in closer while she trails off in voiced out thoughts that he made clear he is not enthusiastic about hearing. She doesn't turn away, but doesn't stop either.
"Or maybe you liked Napster better? I liked Leoncito the best."
He's so close he can practically feel the shiver of her skin as he whispers against her neck, letting his fangs scrape against it.
"Call my name next."
He hears her suck on a breath and a smirk blooms on his lips.
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Taglist: @arsnovacadenza @ale-teodora @kimi00twin @otomelady @privilegedpancake @g-kleran    @pumpumnnnp @thesirenwashere @ravenarld @kimmy-banana @devonares @animeworldsposts @randomanimatedhusbandoseeker @galaxyprison @sadshaxk @starshards26 @pro-cat-stination @acethephoenix256 @ikevamp-shrine-2 @nad-zeta @crystal13unny @keen19thcenturygoatsstudent @lordsister @ikemen-banshou   @themysticalbeing @canaria-blackwell @otome-scribbles @rhodolitesrose @coornn @kpop-and-otome @queen-dahlia @kisara-16 @chaosangel767 @ikemenlibrary @queengiuliettafirstlady @aurora-morning @aquagirl1978 ​ @ikemenlover24 @violettduchess @mcofthemansion @tiny-wooden-robot @joy-the-reader @katriniac @ikemen-writer @tele86 Let me know if you want to be tagged/untagged!
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randomwriteronline · 11 months
Pohatu liked the cold.
Pohatu liked the heat too, to some degree.
But he liked the cold better.
Pohatu didn't know if he liked him because he liked the cold, or if he liked the cold because he liked him.
It could have been both; he didn't know.
What Pohatu did know was that he very much did not like the dark.
It hadn't always been like that.
It hadn't always been that bad.
Pohatu could hardly remember much from before he had crashed on Okoto from the sky, but he was certain he hadn't always been so afraid of the dark. He was certain, at some point, to have liked it to some degree: to have gladly traversed it without fear or with greater purpose, and to have associated it at least in part with something friendly, someone nice.
But he could not remember that.
What he could remember was the pitch dark, and a trusted hand clamped around his own tight. Just Pohatu and him, in an endless abyss.
They had both been scared, of course. But they were together.
They would have made it through.
Then suddenly, after ages of wandering in the complete black, the hand had slipped away from Pohatu's grip, never to be found again; and he had cried out for him, over and over, telling him it wasn't the time for jokes like these, and that he thought he didn't like this kind of humor anyways. He had cried out a name he couldn't remember anymore until his voice had turned hoarse, and he had reached out everywhere in the darkness in the hopes of finding that cold palm again: nobody had ever answered.
When Pohatu had stopped calling for him, everything had been quiet.
Quiet, and not cold.
It had always been cold, while he was here.
Always a little bit cold, and it had comforted him.
But now it was only quiet.
Quiet, and not cold.
Pohatu had started being afraid that something, in the dark, had taken him.
Pohatu had started being afraid that something, in the dark, would have taken him too.
"What are you waiting for?" Tahu asked. Pohatu was standing at the entrance of the tunnel, turned towards the hole they'd fallen through instead of following Onua as he lumbered down their only way out. "Do you hear something? Someone following us?"
"Not yet. But I'm staying here," the Toa of Stone replied softly. "I'll cover your back. Keep threats from catching up to you."
"Alone?" his Earth brother's concerned question came from deeper into the darkness.
"You'd never make it like that," Gali argued: "We've managed to handle the obstacles in this city only by working together. Leaving you alone might turn into a death sentence."
"As it almost did for Lewa," Kopaka added. His piqued tone gained an indifferent shrug from the object of his disapproval.
Pohatu stood still: "I can handle it."
"You aren't scared of the dark, are you, now?" Lewa's voice creeped up on his shoulder like a Skull Spider; within it, he could hear a mischievous grin.
He turned around, growling: "Be quiet."
Had he had any less self control, the Toa of Jungle's laugh would have ended abruptly with a fist harder than stone against his teeth.
"He is!" the nimble fighter cackled, a palm over his mask's sockets as though he could not look at his brother without being overwhelmed by the hilarity of the situation: "He truly is scared! Gloomy, fearless Pohatu is scared! This is too much!"
Nowhere near as amused as him, Gali hit him over the head with the blunt end of her trident and almost sent him sprawling on the ground. When she turned towards the Toa of Stone, her eyes told him very clearly that she was not going to entertain any more arguments on whether or not he would be left to hold the defense on his own: "Come along now."
"I said-" Pohatu tried, calling upon every ounce of his stubborness.
"And I said," she stopped him immediately - eroding his futile attempt at imposing himself over her will like a raging river smooths the rocks of its bed into inoffensive pebbles - "That, just to avoid the unsavory possibility of a large swarm of who-knows-what catching you alone here and your heroic sacrifice to keep them at bay leaving us one Toa short, you'll come along now."
Her tone left no room for rebuttals.
With a sigh that sounded more like a growl, her brother turned and followed Onua into the bowels of his element.
"Don't worry," he heard the kind giant reassure him quietly: "We'll keep you safe."
Pohatu would have snarled something much more incredibly nasty at him despite being somewhat aware of his good intentions if he hadn't been so focused on how quickly the light behind them was disappearing the more they walked, and by the time he properly processed the mortifyingly gentle words they were too far along for him to think of any sort of retort amidst his building panic.
It was dark.
Very, very dark.
Almost as dark as back then.
Almost as dark as where he'd lost the hold on that hand.
Pohatu hoped he wasn't heaving loud enough for the others to hear.
If he had turned to look around he would have seen the weak lights of their eyes only barely, not even bright enough to make out anything past the sockets of their masks; but if he had, his own eyes would have given away that he'd moved his head to look somewhere that wasn't simply ahead, and the others would have had no doubts in regards to just how nervous and uneasy he felt at that moment, and he had already decided he had been humiliated enough today to last him the rest of his lifetime, however long that would have been.
So he stared forward, into the dark emptiness that could have stolen him away without a trace at any moment, trying not to breathe too hard, so tense he could have snapped in half.
He needed to think of something else.
Something, anything else.
He thought of him.
Maybe he was here.
Somewhere in the dark.
Maybe, if Pohatu remembered his name and called for him now, loud enough, he would have finally answered.
Maybe he would have rushed over and grabbed his hand, chastising him - where in the name of Jxqx Krf were you? Did you want to scare me like that time in Hl-Txef, while we were looking for your Exr? If you were trying to make me grieve you in front of Qroxdx Lkbtx again, I'm going to freeze you into a cube - taking him away from all of this, away, somewhere cold and comforting and familiar, and Pohatu would have laughed bitterly despite himself and would have screamed that he hadn't let go, you left me there, alone and scared and in the dark, and maybe he would have yelled that everything had been changing so fast and he'd been all he'd had left that was still at least a little solid to hang onto and when he'd left him there he'd been terrified, and if he had changed it had been to be more like him, because nothing used to seem to hurt him and if he'd been anything closer to how cold and steady and rigid he had been then he would have had to survive somehow, no matter what, and then they would have argued more because they had both been so scared and worried, and then they would have made up and they would have gone out in the sun and Pohatu would have seen his face again and remembered him properly.
Maybe something could have pretended to be him.
Maybek, like that, it could have lured him away into the dark.
A horrible choked sound echoed weakly through the tunnel.
By the time the Toa had grouped tighter together against the unseen threat, Pohatu realized it had come from his own mouth.
He did not mention that.
They waited a moment, each with their backs to those of the others; then somebody (he could not tell who, he was too mortified) said: "Let's go," and they all moved again, walking closer to each other. Just in case.
Maybe it was for the better, in the end, because Pohatu inexplicably felt a little more at ease.
It could not be because he was sorrounded by people who cared for his well-being: at least as far as he told himself, he would have rather they'd left him alone back there, because the thought of being coddled like this when he was meant to be a mighty warrior was shaming him all the way down to his bones.
No, he realized with genuine surprise as he wracked his brain to figure this mystery out. It was not the numbers, or the unity; it was the temperature.
It was... Cold.
A gentle cold.
Emitted like one might emit warmth.
From somewhere at his side, near his arm.
Unconsciously, he leaned further into the chill until he softly bumped into a shoulder.
He waited.
Nothing happened.
No cold palm grabbing his hand.
No cold voice chastising him for running off.
Pohatu kept walking, limb brushing against the cold arm at every step, eyes never turning towards it, breathing a little more normally, feeling a little less panicked.
Kopaka had no idea why the Toa of Stone was suddenly so close to him, and he wasn't sure if asking would have gotten himself snarled at or simply knocked out; but through their contact he felt the other's shoulders mellow slightly, heard his footsteps turn a little less stiff as he exhaled softly in what seemed to be relief; so, as he leaned slightly against him without being shoved off, he decided that if his brother needed this at the moment he would not have dreamed of taking it away from him.
His power was a shield, after all, was it not?
And a shield needs not to be asked: it simply protects.
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rrbobani · 1 year
Hii again, I'm just wondering if you have any headcanons/fun facts about the matoran/toa in your au that you'd be willing to share? 👀 the facts/headcanons can be random btw :]
Hello~! Hmm... let me see...
A little character tidbit I probably should get out of the way since I never mentioned it, Macku is trans in my au, so is Tamaru. An element may have a majority of a certain gender, but it's not strange to see other genders or see people transition in their society.
Glasses do exist in this au, for example, Matau needs them - but their design is more geared towards Le-Metru matoran life. So some glasses are typical looking in other Metrus, but Le-Matoran glasses were made to fit their lifestyle of transportation. This doesn't mean that every Le-matoran is visually impaired, but goggles/glasses were more typical for them.
When the time came to migrate to Mata Nui, Matau and/or the other Turaga definitely would've had a problem figuring out how to give matoran who needed glasses to them - most glasses were probably lost or broken during the move. So I imagine Vakama and Matau collaborated together to make a new type of glasses for the matoran and some still go to them for check ups and repairs, though the process of making them is being taught to other matoran.
Another thing about Le-Matoran I imagine is that most are ambidextrous or they throw disks a different way. Imagine every other Matoran on Mata Nui flinging disks from their arms like how they do in the sets (the same side as their throwing arm), but Le-Matoran fling disks like how we throw frisbees (from the other side of their body).
So I didn't get to showcase it much, but if you've noticed it, there are reddish markings on Ta-Matoran's/Tahu's foreheads that is meant to look like a single flame. I might change this fact, but on Tahu it was a sort of birthmark he got in the process of being created by Artahka, meant to signify his leadership. Once Tahu's visage was recorded and shared, some Ta-Matoran took to using that marking as a way showing support for their fire Toa. Though as time went on, the meaning for it changed. In Metru-Nui, it was changed to signifying that these Matoran had done great deeds or have created significant leaps in mask making creation. Though when it came time to migrate to Mata Nui, Vakama changed it to mean the Matoran were given a bit of Tahu's flame to fire up their spirit in battles - pretty much a blessing in a way.
During the Toa Mata's training with Hydraxon, Spinax was actually really nice to the Toa. When they weren't training, the Toa would always hang out with Spinax like he was "the family dog." Spinax especially preferred Pohatu since the both of them could keep up with each other when running and Pohatu was especially excitable around the dog.
Speaking of animals though, the rahi in this au vary in their organic-ness. Some look more robotic than others, but they don't look exactly like the sets. Like Keetongu is more organic than most other rahi, but their musculoskeletal system is more prominent than the Toa or Matoran. That's why the hordika have more metallic parts on their body too.
Gali's long, metal-ringed braid was given to her at a young age. (Since I imagine the Toa Mata were a special case and had been children at one point.) Vortixx had visited the island to drop off weapons designed for the Toa Mata to use, and Gali took notice to the long braid the lead Vortixx had worn and asked if the woman could give her one just like hers. (I kind of imagine the Vortixx were a little friendlier in the past, but time kind of whittled away at their hospitality) The Vortixx had agreed and told Gali exactly what she needed to do to grow and care for it properly. To Vortixx, the braid was a symbol of authority and power, but to matoran on Mata Nui, it turned into "Gali's iconic war braid." Some have tried to imitate one, but most found the commitment to growing one excruciating so most found it easier just to cut it off. Nokama had a hard time not mentioning what the braid actually was, since she knew Roodaka had one that looked similar. But she, and the other Turaga, never revealed what it actually represented to them.
I still think of Mata Nui and Makuta as brothers in this au. And this is a bit of a longshot headcanon, but Mata Nui and Makuta were originally Great Beings that volunteered to use their essences to become "leaders" of this universe. Makuta was jealous that Mata Nui was chosen to be the beating heart of the Matoran Universe, but once they transitioned into becoming a part of the Matoran, they would forget about all of their experiences as Great Beings. (But Makuta's jealousy still lingered in his heart) Speaking of which though, Velika was definitely jealous of Mata Nui and Makuta being the "chosen ones" though. But we all know how their story goes, especially with the whole "rule Spherus Magna" part of their plan too :')
I think I'll stop there for now. More things may pop up as they come along, but that's all I can think of that I haven't mentioned so far. I will always provide more context on my blog posts in the future, so it's always worth it to click those links! (I promise qwq) Thanks for the question, I hope this was the kind of answer you were looking for!
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explodingcelebi · 9 months
💚 The forest beckons... 💚
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Hiya! I'm Tec (he/him) / Galiana or Gali (she/her), 30 y/o
Content warning: suggestive themes, gory content, and some swearing. I will do my best to put anything offensive under a readmore so you aren't blinded, HOWEVER I will NOT be posting NSFW under any circumstance. (And if I mess up, tell me me so I can fix it!)
Welcome to my (remade) little slice on the net. Some stuff before you venture deeper.
💚 Useful tags for my regular posts:
#tec art - for ALL art related media. #tec thoughts - for text posts, quality and substance may vary. #tec stories - for my stories. Character development! #tec refs - for quick references for my characters. Character names will also be used as tags.
(Will be updated with more relevant tags regarding types of content.)
💚 I've been around the roleplaying space since '13, having written posted stories and character biographies since then. I also drew pencil-on-paper for a while starting in around '15, stuff that was on my now-deleted tumblr. Since about '21 I've transitioned to drawing on tablet! Jack-of-some-trades, master of none.
💚 Get me going on my characters and you won't hear the end of it. I love talking about em! My asks are always open for questions, comments and criticism! (For the purposes of this account here, everything's gonna be SFW topics. Sorry-not-sorry. Not taking chances with the rules.)
💚 I enjoy quite a few vidya series! Some of them may also have inspired traits of my OCs. Pokemon, Monster Hunter, Risk of Rain, Dragon Quest, Mario, Zelda, Kirby...and in the past I've played a few MMOs: Maplestory, Runescape, Elsword, La Tale, and a small spattering of WoW. Recently my attention span has grown shorter so I can't spend as much time as I would like with them, as opposed to being productive and creative. The woes of age.
💚 I own too many OCs to give them all equal love...even though a majority of them are Celebi. Oops. Ce-le-bi...er, c'est la vie.
💚 I'll be reblogging stuff here, so content will be mixed. If things that I'd reblog would fall under stuff I'd give a cw for I'll try to also cw my reblogs, but I don't know how that'll pan out with how easy it is to just...not. Be forewarned!
💚 Like my stuff? I'm in other places as well! Active in some more than others.
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afanofmanyhats · 3 years
It occurs to me that we never really get to see much interaction between Takanuva and the Toa Nuva in the span of time between him defeating Makuta and their reunion in Karda Nui. That makes me sad. In Mask of Light, they’re very formal in how they address; they’re quick to call him brother, and there’s clearly respect for him as the Seventh Toa, but I feel like it would quickly be made apparent that while he may be tall with light powers, Takanuva is ultimately still just Takua. So I want to speculate/headcanon as to how his relationships with the Toa Nuva would have shifted on account to his new status, as he did know all of them quite well as a Matoran.
Tahu: Tahu, in many ways, is Takunuva’s mentor. Tahu still sees Takanuva as a member of his tribe, and thus ends up spending the most time with him as they recover what they can from the ruins of Ta-Koro. He can’t help but see Takanuva as Takua, and this makes him a bit protective of the Toa of Light, as he finds himself having to bail him out of trouble. It’s like Onua and Lewa, but with less mind control. He also is the one that helps Takanuva get started on refining his elemental control, as their elements are the most similar. Fire gives off heat and light, after all. Takanuva appreciates how seriously Tahu takes this change in dynamic most of the time, but there can be some harshness as a result of Tahu’s protective nature. Overall, though, there are bounds of mutual respect between the two.
Gali: Gali and Takua/Takanuva’s relationship has always been unique. Sometimes I’ve headcanoned this as Takua having some kind of crush on her, given that he interacted with her in Karda Nui way back when, and then was the only Ta-Matoran (or so we thought) with blue armor. That’s not even getting into their interactions in MNOG. Now, though, I prefer it being more of a deep destined friendship. Takanuva certainly feels a lot of respect for her in particular, as evidenced in that his armor most closely resembles her own, and Gali definitely notices this. She’s extremely fond of him, viewing him as a little brother, and takes the time to teach him more on the philosophical duties of the Toa. She focuses on his ability to mediate and resolve conflicts without violence, helping him take advantage of his own good nature and the power of the Avohkii for that. In fact, he ends up being a better mediator of the Nuva’s bickering than Gali ever was, which occasionally irks her, but she soon washes that away with the assurance that at least her brothers are getting along now.
Onua: Onua and Takua, admittedly, never interacted much, so it’s difficult to come up with a way their relationship may have shifted. Actually, this is probably how they built a friendship in the first place. Onua views Takanuva in a similar manner he does Lewa: brash, reckless, but earnest and brave too. His solid advice and warm demeanor do a lot to ground Takanuva when he’s feeling the weight of the world on his shoulders following the defeat of Makuta, and he’s always willing to hear Takanuva’s stories as the former Chronicler. He certainly hears a lot of tales from Turaga Whenua, so at this point he’s used to it.
Lewa: Lewa is ecstatic that the adventurous little Chronicler is now his little brother. Though there may not be a canon age difference between the Toa, Lewa is certainly viewed as the least mature a lot of the time, so he’s glad to have a new partner in shenanigans and someone he can blame those shenanigans on. Almost like a Sokka/Aang friendship. Sometimes they even rope Pohatu in, which results in the Toa of Stone having the brain cell. Takauva frequently plays hookey from Tahu’s lessons by dashing over to Le-Koro and spending time with the treedwellers, resulting in lots of laughs from everyone.  
Pohatu: Speaking of him, Pohatu is likewise glad to see Takanuva join their ranks. Ever since the incident with the infected Kohlii balls, Pohatu’s been fond of Mata Nui’s roamer, and enjoys being able to spend more time with him as a brother. Sometimes he convinces Lewa and Onua to play with them in games of Kohlii, which are surprisingly evenly matched despite Pohatu and Takanuva being way more familiar with it.
Kopaka: The Toa of Ice, like Tahu, takes a protective, mentor role with Takanuva. They mainly practice sparring, as Kopaka’s blades combined into a  staff is the closest tool they have to Takanuva’s. He’s a bit annoyed at the influence that Lewa and, to a lesser extent, Pohatu have on their newest member, as Takanuva had a hard enough time focusing as it was. He does not doubt Takanuva’s dedication to the Matoran at all, though, and has a deep respect for the young Toa’s defeat of Makuta. He rarely speaks to Takanuva, but when he does, noticeably it is always either encouragement or a critique to do better. Takanuva has noticed this, and is glad that the coldest of the Toa is still looking out for him.
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tiredspacedragon · 3 years
Adaptive Armour concepts
For some time now I’ve enjoyed the idea of the Adaptive Armour working like Bayards in Voltron, in that the armour automatically takes on a number of default forms based on the wearer and the situation, but as the Toa Nuva grow more used to the armour and more skilled in wielding it, they’ll be able to consciously control its transformations, letting them create custom forms and effectively shapeshift on the fly.
Some examples of how this might be used: 
Tahu finds himself in a duel with someone wielding a cleverly-crafted sword that is immune to extreme heat, so he can’t just melt it in two like Nektann’s scythe. Tahu is an expert swordsman, so this isn’t really a problem, but the fight is getting a little drawn out and he has other things to be doing, so he catches his opponent’s blade on his own, morphs his sword into his Mistika Rotating Blades, and snaps his enemy’s sword in two.
Gali fires about 8 different kinds of projectiles per minute. You really never know what she’s going to hit you with, and there’s an ongoing debate among the Dark Hunters and various villainous factions over whether Gali specifically chooses her weapons for each target or if she just switches randomly for fun.
Pohatu is the good-natured sort and generally doesn’t like hurting people too much if it can be avoided. But every now and then some uppity Skakdi or undead warrior comes along that just gets on his nerves, so Pohatu deploys some jet thrusters to give his feet a little extra kick, if you know what I mean.
Lewa is at his most powerful in the sky, same goes for any Toa of Air. The best way to win a battle against a Le-Toa is to get them on the ground, where they’re clumsy, and if you can pin them down they’re effectively helpless. A few people have tried this technique on Lewa, only to have him spontaneously sprout rocket boosters on his shoulders and activate them in their faces.
Kopaka usually favours a blaster/shield combo, preferring to focus on long-range combat like Gali, using his mask to aid in targeting. Some opponents make the mistake of believing this choice makes him an easy mark, and attempt to rush in to confront him at close range. Those that make this mistake are often confused when they find what used to be Kopaka’s shield is now a 13-foot Ice Pike going clean through their shoulder.
Few are strong enough to go toe-to-toe with someone wearing a Pakari Nuva, but occasionally some brute will come along who thinks he’s got what it takes, and Onua will gladly humour them. The resulting brawl is pretty standard fare until Onua’s opponent manages to pin his weapon arm, at which point the brute is rather shocked to see Onua’s weapon absorbed back into his armour and redeployed in his free hand. The brute does not remain conscious for long.
And of course there are numerous other potential scenarios involving sudden wings, rockets, scuba gear, and shapeshifting weaponry. I’m pretty sure canon does not support me on this and the Adaptive Armour is always automatic, but I have enough hubris to say my idea is better and canon can stuff itself.
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ctrl-alt-tahu · 3 years
Strife Revealed
“Where is Vakama?” asked Voriki. “Surely, if the rest of you haven’t died up here, our fearless leader is still living? Or is he perhaps using his Mask.”
There was stony silence. Onewa was glaring, his eyes a burning orange, but not at the stranger. He was looking over his fellow Turaga, as if daring them to be courteous to Voriki and face his wrath.
“Vakama’s business is his own,” said Tahu Nuva, stepping forward. “Who are you, stranger? What is your business on our island?”
“Island?” asked Voriki, looking about the chamber. “Is there actually an end to the ceilings--is there still a sky above? After all this time, I’ve forgotten it.”
“You haven’t answered my question,” said Tahu darkly.
“I am Voriki Vo-Toa, last Toa of Metru Nui,” said he proudly. “Who are you, brothers?”
“We are the Toa Nuva,” said Tahu, “Guardians of Mata Nui.”
“Mata Nui?” Voriki’s voice was deadpan, and he looked at the Turaga. 
“The island,” offered Pohatu, helpfully. “The Turaga did not mention you, brother, in their recap of the city below.”
“It was a brief recap,” said Nokama. “Voriki, why are you here?”
“A hole is blown in the dome of Metru Nui by a blast of light, and you wonder why the city’s guardian comes to see what strange thing this betides?” 
“You’ve found your answer,” said Onewa. “Now turn around and go back.”
Sparks burst from the head of Voriki’s staff, but he did not move. Perhaps he noted the tenseness of the Toa Nuva and their weapons close to hand. None of them were sitting, and Gali had begun to nudge the Ga-Matoran behind her. The Ta-Matoran looked between Tahu and Jaller. Tahu did not even see them, his eyes not leaving Voriki, but Jaller nodded crisply, and the Ta-Matoran also began to move back in the chamber.
“It has been a long time,” said Voriki. “And this is how you greet me? We were brothers once, Onewa, and I have too little left of those days in this world. Do you mean to tell me that you have not opened this way to return to Metru Nui? To return home?”
“We have not,” said Onewa. 
“Speak for yourself,” said Whenua, and Onewa very nearly did smack him with his hammer, but Whenua shook his own staff. Perhaps alone on Mata Nui, he’d never feared Onewa’s harsher edge.
“We thought Metru Nui was destroyed,” he said, as much to argue as for Voriki’s benefit.
“Metru Nui as it was is destroyed,” said Onewa, and the Toa Nuva all backed up just a little (the Matoran had no further to go, though they were eyeing the exit). “The dark, ruined pit down that tunnel is not Metru Nui, Whenua, and it never will be, not matter how you pine for what is lost.”
“Do not try using your Mask on me,” warned Whenua.
“Brothers, please,” said Nokama in a forceful voice that had the Ga-Matoran hiding behind Gali, “this is unbecoming and it is not the time.” Nuju chittered and Matau shook his head.
“The right time is never-now,” he said. “Or whatever Nuju said. Onewa is right, though--the skies-blue are here and not in the city-pit. And Voriki is a two-masked liar.”
“Nice to see you again too, Matau,” said Voriki. “You think Metru Nui is a pit, and in truth, it is not the city it once was, but it could be again! Imagine what five Turaga and five more Toa could do with me, now that you know the city is still there! The Matoran Empire could be reignited, the ancient seagates reopened!”
“And then we could bring a second Cataclysm down on it,” said Onewa. “Return to your ruin, Voriki, and I will return to my Koro, and we will have peace. Take Whenua with you, if you want a Turaga! He’ll do a better job than Dume, anyway.”
“Whenua is going nowhere!” said Nokama. “We are a team: we go or stay together, and we do no make that decision when one of us is missing.”
“You have before,” said Voriki.
“You are not a part of our team,” said Nokama. “You made that choice at the Mills, but neither Whenua nor Onewa has done anything so drastic.”
“Yet,” said Nuju. Pohatu gasped, Lewa let out a low whistle, and the Matoran whispered amongst themselves.
“Turaga?” came the voice of Kopaka Nuva, reentering the chamber fro above with Vakama and Hahli behind him. 
“Ah, there are six of you Nuva, then,” said Voriki. “Or is there a Seventh Toa?”
Kopaka glanced at Tahu, who managed to give him a shrug and expression that was both a warning and a gesture of bewilderment. Tahu glanced at Vakama, but then shook his head.
“Voriki,” Vakama said calmly. “What a surprise to see you here. Alive.”
The strange, purple Toa was about to reply when Takutanuva began to wake and the chamber shuddered.
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whiteheartlight · 2 months
who's your favorite Makuta and why?
I HAVE INTERNET AGAIN I'M HERE. Please imagine me bursting into the room covered in blood and grabbing this letter desperately off my desk.
seriously I finished moving which is great but unfortunately it's been rough. someone stole all my clothes out of our moving trailer and it has been. not great. and I miss all my nice dresses and skirts and sweatpants. so yes let's talk about Makuta!
so the answer is Krika, but I'm a little reluctant to admit that because I think it suggests that I have some sympathy for him and. I don't. I don't think Krika's more nuanced or more redeemable than the other Makuta because he's secretly opposed to the plan and has some regrets about how much pain he's put into the world. I actually think it makes him the worst of all of them, and a total fucking coward too. but I like Krika because he takes the time to talk to Gali and recognizes that Toa are not actually stupid or even that weak. he respects his enemies, he thinks through plans, and he's a leader, even though he's following Teridax in the end. the way he repulses Gorast into the mud for threatening him - chucking her back without lifting a finger - is very appealing to me. he's too thoughtful and has submitted to the whole "evil plan" thing, but I like that he's still so dangerous that he's considered a leader of other Makuta, equal to Antroz. on that note, I like the thought of him and Antroz as old friends. you can see this in my Mata Hagah AU where Krika is watching numbly as Antroz devolves into the darkness.
and Krika spares Miserix. it's a little pathetic, in some ways, that he couldn't commit either to killing him or helping him fight back against Teridax, but he did have enough emotional range to protect his older brother. I imagine that Krika was close to Miserix and that they would balance each other out well - the huge, ferocious, action-forward, roaring dragon king of Makuta and the more patient, more quiet, more sly Makuta who used to advise him.
Miserix is definitely my second favorite though. GO DRAGON MAKUTA GO. EAT SOME PEOPLE YEAH
thanks for asking!!
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randomwriteronline · 6 months
Lewa sounds... Worried?
Something must have happened. Hopefully it wasn't a Makuta attack. It'd be weird if neither Krika nor Pohatu were there to fight with their siblings - although the Toa have no reason to believe their brother of Stone has any business with the Brotherhood beyond knocking their masks into the bog water with a roundhouse kick, so really there's nothing to worry about. If he mentions he met a Makuta they'll likely assume he simply came across one and was briefly busied with not being pummelled into protodermis hummus against the nearest tree.
He touches down bouncing once, twice, to slow his momentum before he comes too close to that coward's trap; his Le-brother lunges for him to wrap his arms tight around his neck in a nearly suffocating hug.
His own limbs encircle the other's back in a lukewarm embrace, half stunned, half puzzled.
Alright. Something has happened.
The question now is, frustratingly: what, exactly?
"Where have you been?" Onua, for once, is quicker than him and gets to ask first. He sounds almost... distraught.
Pohatu turns to him with the unpleasant feeling of being in the dark about something squirming familiarly around his heartlight: "Swamp?" he replies a little dumbly pointing behind himself. "There aren't that many places to be down here, I met a big bugger-"
"All these years?" Gali continues. She is not talking about the swamp. She is worried, heartbreakingly worried, just as much as her brothers. "What happened to you? Where were you?"
Kopaka says nothing, but he looks at him. His eyes seem guilty.
Pohatu looks back at him in earnest confusion.
"The Codrex," Tahu visibly struggles as he searches for the correct string of words in his choked up throat for a moment, torn between reaching out with his hand and holding back.
The fog clears instantly.
"You weren't in the Codrex," he tries. "You weren't with--"
Pohatu shoves Lewa off of himself with a stiff thoughtless movement: "Ah," he says. "Good."
The other five blank.
Something shifts in the world around them and tilts it all askew, paints the air with a strange imperceptible color that makes their heads light, their footing unstable, their eyes unfocused. Their Stone brother is the same - his silhouette has been changed by the adaptive armor but he looks the same, they recognize him, they know him, right? He is still their sibling, he is still the same, the exact same, in his usual body with his usual gaze and his usual voice, but then why - why does this Toa look nothing like him?
Tahu flinches when his shoulder is grasped.
"Do you remember the energy storm?" Pohatu asks, sounding the exact same and yet completely, impossibly, horribly different.
"Do you remember the energy storm?"
"Pohatu, I - you - where, how did you-?"
"The energy storm, do you remember it?"
"You weren't with us, all this time- how did you get to-"
They recoil.
Pohatu doesn't shout like that. Pohatu doesn't speak like that, quick and far too straight to the point. Pohatu doesn't grind his fingers that hard into what little of a shoulder a piece of armor might expose. Pohatu doesn't stare that harshly. Pohatu isn't that furious.
"The energy storm!" he insists, snarling - Pohatu doesn't snarl - "Do you remember that!"
"Yes," Tahu spits out.
"Good!" and his tendons hurts when they are released.
Pohatu doesn't stand like that. Pohatu doesn't look at his siblings like that - with a growling scowl so sour it almost makes their stomachs twist. Pohatu doesn't look like Takanuva does since a shadow leech bit him, he doesn't look like the Shadow Matoran, he just looks like himself; but Pohatu doesn't act like that.
He gives them all a quick glance, looking for confirmation on their faces beyond the stunned concern. The storm's mention and his cold eyes seem to do the trick as he catches small affirmations.
"Call it a feeling or a hunch or what you will, but something tells me there's going be another one coming down soon," he tells them with that voice that is his own yet doesn't sound like him - to them, at least, because they had yet to hear this facet of it which he's allowed to stew silently with the rest of his bitter fury. "And it'll turn Karda Nui into a nice big open air common grave, if you five keep sitting around this chunk of metal waiting for our little siblings to get fried out of the air like Nui-Rama."
The information takes a moment to sink in.
He watches their eyes widen, understanding dawning within them. They know now as they knew then what an energy storm is, what it means, the destruction it brings.
They begin speaking, they ask him how he knows - he answers harshly, flippantly, relishing in how they wince back as if stung or bitten each time he responds to their kind tones with hisses and growls that are so deeply wrong to their audio receptors - they start planning, and he retains no information whatsoever of whatever Tahu starts prattling about (a strategy, of course, because he is the leader, and a leader makes strategies and plans escapes and runs away when the ship begins sinking) because he sees his foot shift, he sees his hand beckon the rest of them towards him, he sees him make his way toward the inside of the Codrex, and white hot rage bursts out of him in a shout that he can't hear himself.
He can only tell he's shouted because his body is tense as it leanse forward, his lungs are empty, and his disgustingly spineless siblings are shaken and terrified as they turn to him.
He's not letting them escape on their own this time.
"None of you will be doing anything until we get the Matoran out of here!" he roars again. "Especially getting into that thing!"
"It could hold answers - helpful tools," Onua speaks in his warm enveloping tone. A hand reaches out for him, to soothe him, to try and calm him, return him to his normal self--
He's swatted away sharply, so hard that his wrist hurts.
His brother glares venomously: "It doesn't," he decides snapping back at him, "You're just trying to escape again, aren't you?"
"Don't play dumb with me! You said you remembered!"
"But it wasn't--"
"We're doing it my way this time! And you'll better comply or upon the name of the Great Spirit I swear I'll crack that infernal machine open like a Pokawi egg if you try to set a single foot in it!"
He has no idea who is speaking: the voices and masks and colors melt together, his head spins, the heat of his anger turns his thoughts into a tangled mess that starts wrapping tight around his lungs to squeeze every breath of air out of him; so he flies away, diving briefly into the swamp, terribly close to the water, before rising back up along one of the trees, towards the stalactites.
(Somewhere far away a chunk of stalagmite blows up, scaring the wits out of Bitil. As his heartlight flashes madly the Makuta curses the Toa of Stone under his breath.)
Someone calls for him.
He ignores them and continues flying.
He's so furious that he nearly crashes through the branches.
A sense of nausea builds up in his throat like vomit.
The voice reaches him, shouting his name almost right in his audio receptor: his arm is grasped, wrenched up, his body unbalanced and turned upside down. He twists in the air aimlessly for a few seconds before he manages to stabilize himself again and regain his bearings enough to search for whoever jumped him.
Gali floats slightly above him, her eyes disbelieving and hard behind her mask: "What is happening?" she demands to know.
Pohatu glares at her. Then, out of nowhere, his brows unfurrow, his face softens, he breaks into his easygoing smile: "Nothing," he blatantly lies with his playful tone and no intention of masking his rage nor his sarcasm behind it, "Nothing ever happens. Didn't you know that, sister? This afternoon we're going to have a tea party with the Makuta and wait for the energy storm to decide the air is a bit too brisk to come down this week, and then tomorrow we'll all attend a nice Kohlii match the Av-Matoran are setting up with the Piraka as the referees."
"Stop it!" she shouts. His little show unsettles her immensely, and the fact only makes him glad. "What's happening to you?"
He laughs: "Nothing, I told you," and he does a little loop to keep from shattering a fallen stalactite in half, "Nothing ever happens to me! Why would anything happen to me?"
It scares her even more. "I said stop it! You're not like this!"
Oh, he isn't?
He isn't like this?
If she knew. If only she knew.
She would hate him as much as he hates her again.
"What's wrong with you, brother?" she cries. She really does sound like she's going to sob. "What happened to you? What is making you act like this?"
Oh, but didn't she say she remembered?
Didn't they say they remembered?
Liars. Liars. Liars. The bile surges back to cover his eyes, to coat his mouth with its horrid taste. He can barely breathe.
"It can't be 'nothing'!"
"I said, it's nothing!"
"Pohatu, please!"
He thinks of driving his hand right through her heartlight.
Gali watches her brother stutter, suddenly frightened by something she cannot see nor hear not imagine, she watches him lose height for only a moment in which he seems to plummet into the bog below: before she can fly down to his rescue he spins up again, twirling away from her. She follows his trajectory until he lands, heavy and tired, on a sturdy enough branch.
He hears her touch down a few steps away from him much more gracefully. Keeping his eyes shut at least spares him from having to look at her.
He is a Toa. He has a code to follow. Even when it's hard.
Even when it would make it all so much simpler.
Even when it would be so deserved.
But he is a Toa.
Not a Bohrok.
Not a Rahkshi.
A Toa.
And he doesn't want to kill.
"Pohatu," she calls again, so gentle, so sweet. Her hand sits on his shoulder, pulls away slightly when he flinches at the contact, lays once more with an even lighter weight. "Brother, I'm begging you. Speak to me. Share what hurts you."
You know exactly what it is, sister.
All of you do, and you pretend otherwise.
You left me. You planned your escape and went through with it.
You left me to do the work of six Toa alone because you were too scared of dying like the Matoran you didn't care for.
It was your plan from the beginning, wasn't it? It must have been. Otherwise it makes no sense. I was never part of your escape either, was I now. Because I was never as good as any of you.
You left me. You left me, and you planned to leave me. You didn't tell me anything. You didn't care if I would have looked for you while I was dying. You didn't care if our little brothers would have called for you. You left us all to die and you planned for it. From the start.
You disgust me. You left me. You left me. You left me.
"I'm worried," he says, because that too is true.
Gali's arms embrace him kindly, pushing his head to lay on her shoulder. He'll let her believe the shiver that courses through him is out of a need for comfort instead of repulsion.
"We'll get them all to safety," she whispers. Her tone is soft, almost lulling him to sleep.
"When?" he asks. He feels so tired. "Is there even enough time?"
"There will be," his sister reassures him as her hand cradles his nape. "I promise they'll all be on their way to Metru Nui before the storm can start forming. We'll make sure of that. Me, our brothers, and you. United, it won't take long."
It wouldn't have taken long back then either, he thinks, but the bite in his thoughts is too weak to voice them. He is so tired. So exhausted from his anger. Gali is so comfortable. So kind.
It's a trick.
It's all a trick.
He has to remember that.
Anger helps him remember that.
His siblings hate him.
It's all a trick.
Just a trick.
The stuttering sound of a pair of rockets approching them has his sister turn slightly. Her grasp on him loosens, and he pries himself away from her hold despite some traitorous speck of his mind begging to be allowed to lean on her. It's a trick, he chastises it as he finally opens his eyes to see who's coming: just another dirty trick.
Lewa touches down almost next to them, jittery and anxious. He looks at Pohatu with a certain fear behind the goggles of his mask.
His brother replies to his frightened gaze with silence.
He and Gali speak - of what, Pohatu can't tell. He's so tired. When at last he forces himself to be mentally present to the conversation, it seems they have reached an agreement.
"I will reassure our brothers, then," she says. "We'll be there to help you before you know it."
"Heartthanks, Watersister," Lewa nods relieved.
They watch her disappear downwards again. So it seems they will be handling the first few evacuations on their own, and then the others will join them.
It's good to see they have a bigger sense of duty than they used to.
Or at least, that his rage scares them more than death.
Fingers grab him before he can lift off, in an unsteady grip: "Pohatu," his brother calls with a trembling voice.
When he turns to finally face him fully, Lewa looks at him no different than he did when he first arrived on the branch: frightened, concerned, jittering. He grasps his forearm with both hands, like he's afraid he'll slip away from him.
"We need to go," Pohatu tells him simply. He is so tired.
"You," his brother begins softly, but it takes him another moment to word his thoughts properly: "You... How... Are you?"
"Are there - offvoices, like the mindkraana, in--"
"I am just tired. Let's go."
He winces hard at the harsh words, but he holds onto him still: "Stonebrother - you were... You weren't with us. In..."
"I wasn't. Let's go."
"Wait - wait, please..."
He sighs. He feels so tired. So tired. Why is he so tired.
"If you weren't... If you..." Lewa struggles. He is deeply worried. For him. "Where... What... Happened, to you? During all this time?"
His legs ache and twitch to kick him off this blasted branch. His body screams at him to knee the Air Toa in the torso hard enough to cave his armor into his lungs.
But the building bitterness hemorrhaging from his every joint after he allowed his tightly compressed rage to blow out of him is eroding his strength the more poisonous it becomes instead of fueling him as it has so diligently done for the past one hundred thousand years, and he is so tired.
"Now isn't the time to talk about this," he snaps.
"But it will be?" his brother insists.
He is so, so, so tired.
"Later." he concedes. "Once all this is done."
Somehow, he manages to fake a convincing smile: "Heartpromise."
Lewa smiles back at him, heartlight a little lighter.
They lift off together.
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beetlegoose01 · 3 years
Frostbite Chapter 5- Toxic
AN: Happy Friday y’all! Here’s a longer chapter to celebrate! It’s a little intense, but I hope you enjoy.
Morning came sooner than any of the turtles anticipated, but especially to Donnie who was running on three hours of sleep. He counted on snoozing for another twenty minutes before training, but luck wasn't on his side. Even before his own carefully crafted alarm clock robot beeped, a loud voice woke him.
"Donnie!" came Michaelangelo bounding in with the energy of a golden retriever puppy. He bounced on the crooked bed with a loud creak of movement.
He groaned, still half asleep and bleary. "I'm sleeping, Mikey."
His baby blue eyes sparkled with mischief, prepared to annoy his older brother with his charming, but obnoxious grin. "No you're not. If you were asleep, how could you be talking to me?" He poked Donnie's head playfully. "Duh. I missed you, bro." He lay flat on his back, taking up most of the space and nearly smacking Don in the face. "It was like peanut butter without the jelly. Batman without Robin. Raph without Chompy! Elphaba without Gali-"
Rolling over, Donnie sat up begrudgingly. "I get the point. But you saw me last night." He stated obviously. "Remember?"
He scrunched his nose thoughtfully. "That was forever ago! And you were all cooped up in your lab for most of the time. We never hang anymore. Like, doing fun stuff."
"I guess you're right about that." He shrugged. "Sorry, I promise we'll hang out again sometime. Maybe tonight?"
"Dude, that's gregarious!" He looked immensely proud that he used a big word, even if it was used incorrectly.
"We can have pizza, play video games, ooh! Have a monster movie marathon!" He exclaimed, listing each activity on his stubby fingers. 
"That sounds great."
"Come on bro, I'm making everyone breakfast! So you better hurry before Raph hogs it all." Mikey leapt off the bed, springing into action. Most likely the kitchen. 
It took a good five minutes for Donatello to physically move out of bed. He wasn't one for sleeping in, but he was never opposed to it either. Whereas Leo was always awake in the early morning and Mikey was chipper no matter what. And Raph...well, Raph was Raph.
The kitchen was bustling with energy, at least from Mikey's angle. He was cheerfully serving up omelettes on plates, carrying the ones he couldn't hold on top of his head with the balance of a ninja. Mikey had a talent for making even the fouled stench of the sewers comfortable and hospitable with only his charm and sweet demeanor. Not to mention his excellent cooking skills.
"Omelette au fromage made especially for Master Splinter." He said, passing the first plate to the wise rat. "Fromage means cheese in Spanish!" He explained. "Or...one of those languages."
"Thank you, Michaelangelo."
"Looks delicious, Mikey." April complimented, still residing in the lair. It was an hour or so before school, so she enjoyed having breakfast with the brothers. It felt as though she was part of their little family.
"Eh, don't forget me! I'm starved." Raph complained, eagerly stabbing his food with a fork as he dug in. Smiling softly, he cut up neat pieces for Chompy Picasso.
"Where is Leonardo?" Splinter glanced around the kitchen, noticing the blue masked turtle seemed to be missing.
"I thought he was mediating still." Raph said, puzzled.
"No, he wasn't." said Mikey. "I checked." He looked innocently at his brothers and April. "I made a plate of food for him and everything! Now it's gonna get cold." He looked down glumly.
"Maybe he's still asleep?" April suggested.
The three youngest turtles shook their heads in unison.
"Leo's always the first one awake. It's weird that he isn't here." Raph lifted Chompy onto his shoulder. "Not that I mind. I like the peace and quiet and lack of Space Heroes references to start my morning right."
"Donatello, perhaps you should check your brother's room?" Splinter suggested, stroking his beard thoughtfully. "It is possible he is still resting or feeling unwell."
"Hai Sensei."
April, sensing his apprehensiveness, stood up and rested her hand on his shoulder. "It'll be alright. I promise."
Feeling comforted by her warm tone, Donnie nodded firmly, and left the kitchen with high hopes that Leo was just snoozing longer than usual.
Something wasn't right. Donatello knew this, deep down, despite his optimism. His worry was growing the closer he moved to Leo's room, silently praying that everything would be alright. Raising a shaking hand, he opened the door.
He breathed a sigh of relief. There Leo lay in a deep slumber, even snoring lightly. It felt awful to simply wake him up, but he didn't really have a choice.
"Rise and shine, sleepyhead." He murmured, patting him. "Training time."
Unexpectedly Leo retracted his head into his shell, snoring even louder. This was beyond unusual- heck, even out of character. Leo was always extremely punctual and neat, refusing to be late for any training session.
"Why are you so tired?" Donnie wondered aloud. "We went to bed at the same time..."
Leo yawned, sluggishly moving forward out of his shell and stretching. "M' awake." He blinked. "Were you talking to me?" The blank expression that he gave was enough to cause further anxiety.
"Yeah? We have training."
His eyes widened. "Training! Oh, sewer apples!" He stumbled out of bed clumsily. "I'm here, I'm-" He yawned again. "Awake."
Donnie frowned, trying to analyze why Leo was so exhausted. Sure, they went to bed fairly late, but they've gone to bed later before and Leo hadn't been nearly as tired as he was now. But he wasn't about to start an argument either.
Training was...awkward to say the least. Leonardo, who was usually extremely precise and swift with his movements, was now sloppy and uncoordinated. Everyone seemed to notice, but no one made a comment until Mikey had successfully pinned his oldest brother to the ground after a Barai.
"Booyakasha!" Mikey cheered. "I did it!"
"Yeah, because Leo barely put any effort into it." Raph said smugly, holding Donnie in a headlock.
"Yame!" Splinter commanded.
Dropping Donnie casually, Raphael glanced at their sensei with a bored expression on his face.
April, looking uncomfortable, placed her tessen back in her bag. "Class starts soon. I should probably get to school." Turning to Splinter, she smiled. "Arigato, Sensei. See ya later guys."
Splinter nodded. "Excellent work, April."
Leo groaned, rubbing his back. Humiliated, he bowed miserably.
"Leonardo, I think it would be best for you to rest."
"Arigato Sensei." He replied gratefully.
Raph crossed his arms. "That was pathetic. Even for you." He sneered. "Sorry we can't have you leadin' without your little nap time. Should I tuck you in too?"
He glared. But he didn't seem to have the energy to argue.
Donnie watched him leave, a pensive look on his face.
April found herself trudging to school, regretting leaving the lair after remembering she had a math quiz that she forgot to study for. Funny how she'd rather be in the sewers over a classroom.
A long time ago she craved a normal life, but now she loathed it.
Though there wasn't much normality in crushing on both a deranged hockey player and a mutated turtle. With the Kraang, mutants still running rampage- her life was destined to be abnormal.
She placed her bags away in her locker, sighing loudly. The bell was about to ring, and she hadn't seen any sign of Casey. She had been hoping to chat with him at least a little bit.
"Hey April!" A pretty girl with afro puffs came towards her, beaming.
"Hi Summer," She breathed, tension breaking at the sight of her friend. Well...not really friends. But they were friendly, and that was good enough. "How was your weekend?"
"Fine." Summer said. "Very productive. The yearbook committee is in full swing!" Glancing at her quizzically, she giggled. "Are you okay? You seem a bit distracted."
"Hm? Oh yeah, I'm fine. Listen...have you seen Casey?"
Summer, who was fairly popular and seemed to know everyone at the school thought for a moment. "Casey Jones? Senior?" After April nodded, she shook her head. "Nope, I don't think so. Sorry, I know you two are close."
April felt herself blush. "It's complicated."
"Don't I know it. Come on, it's time for homeroom."
Her mind wandered throughout the day, wondering how she could possibly concentrate on physics, when the growing uneasy feeling in her stomach.
It was all going to be alright.
Convincing Donnie was one thing. But convincing herself? A totally different problem.
Instead of going to sleep as he was instructed, Leo found himself topside again. The sun was setting a beautiful peach orange color over the skyline of smoke. Teenagers roamed the streets, and he swore he caught April with a group of girls chatting animatedly about something. He smiled, happy she was having fun and some resemblance of a normal, mutant free life.
He felt like a lousy leader. Hell, a lousy brother. Sneaking out like a kid, over some girl? A gorgeous mutant girl...but still. Without even telling his own brothers, let alone father where he was going.
There was that annoying feeling. Guilt. But...he was making the right choice. By getting his siblings involved, it would only lead to trouble.
"Leonardo..." That sultry voice cooed from behind.
"Nova." He gasped, releasing his katanas back in their holders.
"Sorry I'm late, my darling. My sleep schedule has been quite difficult."
He cringed.  "Don't call me that. But, it's okay."
She curled her muscular tail around his waist comfortably. "My apologies." She slithered beside him, golden eyes meeting his ocean blue ones. His heart rate increased.
Changing the subject, he smiled easily. "Have you reconsidered my offer?"
"I have. My hunger has been satisfied for now, but that won't last long."
"What have you been eating?" Leo looked at her wearily, afraid of the answer.
"Shh...that isn't important." Lifting his chin gently with her claws, he melted at the touch.
"If you say so." Leo hugged his knees, then grazed her gnarled scales, admiring their shimmering form. Her claws brushed against him casually and he winced.
"Sorry, I didn't mean-"
"It's...okay. It didn't hurt. I promise."  They were faint. Surely no one would notice.
Relaxing, she nuzzled him. "Good."
Her eyes were big, wide. The moon reflecting in her pupils made him move closer. Then he stopped.
"This is a bad idea." He said, taking his hand back. "I barely know you. Maybe...you should meet my family first? Or get to know each other? This is happening so fast I-"
"Soon." She vowed. "I trust you though. I think."
"I think so too." He uttered, soft lips pressing against hers. If this was wrong, why did he feel so right? Why did he feel so shaky, yet so bubbly inside.
This was one of his worst decisions. Why wasn't he stopping? He didn't know her. He didn't-
"It's a pretty good bad idea, isn't it though?" She smirked, stealing another tender kiss.
All he had to do was say no. That he couldn't put his family in danger.
Just say no.
Don't make the same mistake.
But he didn't want to.
"God yes."
His head felt foggy and tired, he hadn't gotten any closer to convincing Nova to stay but...he was alright. Leo hadn't had a chance to retreat to his bedroom before he was cornered by his taller brother. He hid his grimace with a forced grin.
"Donnie, I don't have time for this. I've got..."
"This'll only take a minute."
"Alright. What's up?"
"Did you really have trouble sleeping last night?" He asked, then jumped to a stronger conclusion.  "Or...did you not go to sleep at all?"
"Don't be stupid, Don, of course I went to bed." Leo said. "I just..." He raised his left arm casually, and his younger brother once again caught the scars littering. Worse, they looked fresh.
"Your arms..."
Leo flinched away. "It's nothing."
His dark eyes narrowed.
"You're lying, aren't you?"
"I don't know what you're talking about." Leo brushed him off, but Donnie wasn't about to give up. He grabbed a hold of his forearm, pulling him back, though Leo was unaffected by the sudden jerk of movement.
"What happened to your arm?" Donnie demanded bluntly. "And tell me the truth this time."
"Donnie, I'm really tired. I...just want to meditate for a spell. We can talk later." He hadn't meant to sound dismissive, but his tired tone and increasing frustration made it seem that way.
"How much longer are you going to keep avoiding us all, Leonardo?" Donnie asked weakly.
Leo hastily moved his arm out of the way. The hostile motion made Donnie recoil.  "I'm not."
"You keep shutting us all out. We aren't naive. We know you're stressed, but we're a family. We can help.  Don't you see? First with Karai, now..."
"This is nothing like Karai." Leo blurted out. "Nova isn't like her." When Donnie looked confused, he elaborated. "That's her name. The mutant."
"She did that to you." He said, referring to his injured arms. The dots were slowly connecting.
Silence. "Not on purpose."
"You told me you were going back to bed. You promised! And you went out and tried to fight that dangerous mutant alone? Are you crazy?"
"I was trying to protect you!" Leo snapped, temper rising, though his voice still felt oddly robotic. "It wasn't done out of a whim. I didn't try to find her for fun. I was protecting you and the others."
"By lying to us? Your family?"
"Fighting her was not an option. I wanted to persuade her to join our side. She wasn't too dangerous, just scared. And I didn't lie, I did go to bed. Just not when you did."
"Do the others know?" He was mainly referring to Raph, who he knew would be as furious as he was. Maybe even more so. Mikey would have been heartbroken had he knew that Leo was going behind their backs.
"Why? We could have gone together." 
The thought of Donnie watching Leo and Nova's last encounter made him blush profusely in horror.
"If we had gone as a group, it would have ended horribly. I needed to talk to her alone. I think..." He paused. "I think she's starting to trust me." His cheeks felt suddenly hot. He didn't want his brother to know that he had been out again, though this time with no moral intentions involved. The less Donnie knew, the better.
"Trust you?" Donnie repeated in disbelief. "You barely know her."
"You barely know her."  Leo retorted.  "You haven't even seen her. What could you possibly know?"
Those careless words set Donnie's rage into flames. "I know that you're my brother and she's hurt you, quite obviously!" Furious tears filled his eyes. "If you just listened to me- if we had a chance to go as a team, maybe she would have joined us. Willingly!" He took a deep breath. "I know what it's like to care about someone." His mind brought up sweet April, then the smirk of Casey Jones. "But it's so risky to do this. You've got to think logically. You're the leader."
Regret was hidden in his deep blue eyes, but he masked it with a scowl. "I didn't ask for this burden, to be lectured. Logic- inventions, all your science-y bullshit won't help us now. So stay out of my way. I know what I'm doing." The tone of his voice, mixed with his expressions were jarring and cold. Unlike the older, wiser brother Donatello had grown to admire as a hero.
Stunned and hurt by the harsh tone, Donnie blinked, taking a step back, as if he feared him.
Leo's eyes widened, immediately realizing his mistake. "Wait, Donnie I didn't mean-"
"Please, just let me-"
But as his older brother had done so many times before, Donnie dismissed his desperate pleas, stormed by him as the words flooded out of his ear slits and away from his mind.
The second Donnie climbed out of the manhole cover, he realized he had no idea where he was going. He knew the city by heart, sure, but he was never one to go topside for emotional reasons. Usually he locked himself in his lab. Now...he didn't know what to do or where to go. Each direction felt wrong. And the increasing feeling of wrongness calculated by the feeling of dread equaled an equation he didn't quite understand.
"I don't even know where to go..." He groaned. "I'm such an idiot." Wiping his tears, adjusting his staff, he kept walking the unknown direction, hoping to find an answer.
School had to be out, since the stars were already dotting the sky. Maybe he could swing by April's...
No, she was still living at the lair. How could he have forgotten? And he doubted her aunt would be thrilled to see a six foot tall turtle standing in front of her. That would only leave...
He stopped, looking at the cluster of apartment complexes. It would be risky, but he couldn't imagine going anywhere else. As he climbed the fire escape with ease, he had already made his decision.
As much as he longed for April's hugs or comforting words, he knew Jones was the best bet. So he carefully used his bō to tap lightly on the window, while still remaining hidden.
It swung open, and there was Casey Jones. Handsome, cocky, hair even messier than usual without its iconic black and white bandana holding it in place. He seemed ready to go to bed as he was dressed in a tank top and pajama bottoms.
"The fuck?" He rubbed his eyes. "Donnie?"
"Hey there Jones." He mused, awkwardly rubbing his neck. "Is ...this a bad time?" He couldn't tell if Jones was simply tired or had been crying, since his eyes appeared too red and dusty.
"Nah, Riley's in bed." He confirmed. "Asleep."
"And your parents?"
Casey waved him off. "Hang on a sec," and he swung over the window to the metal fire escape. Climbing up the spare ladder casually, he glanced back at Donnie. "This place is more private." He was now perched on the roof, smirking. "You comin' or d'ya need an invitation?"
Donnie joined him, sitting on the ledge with their legs hanging over. "Is everything okay?"
"It's...fine, I guess." He chewed at his lip moodily. "Well not really. It's family bullshit."
He huffed a laugh. "Boy, do I know how that feels."
"I'm assuming you didn't just come here to chat. Something happen?"
Donnie nodded meekly.
"Hey, you don't need to tell me." Casey stared at his calloused hands. "I guess I can tell you what's been going on." He picked up a stone, flicking it across the roof. It fell loudly into a dumpster. Donnie winced. "My dad is a huge dick." He stated bluntly. "But it's complicated. Normally I'd talk with Raph about this but..."
"You don't have to..."
"Nah, it's chill. Here's the Cliff Notes version of it. Basically my dad decided to drop this major bomb on me n' Ri. That he proposed to Sara. His girlfriend." He made a vomit noise. "And I can't believe it."
"Is she not nice?" Donnie wondered.
"She's okay, I guess. No, but they haven't been dating that long and- I can't believe he decided to replace Riley's mom like that."
"Riley's mom? But you..."
"She's only my half sister. My real mom died forever ago. He was cheating on my mom with Riley's mom- Grace. He's a mess. It's all a mess."
"What happened to Grace?"
"Divorced her. Like I said, he's a dick." He looked back wearily. "Sorry, I know that was a lot. I'm not good at...dealing with my feelings but I shouldn't have dumped that on you with no warning."
"No, please don't apologize. I understand."
"Cool. So...your turn."
"My turn?"
"I just dramatically revealed my trauma. That shit doesn't come for free, yo. And I know you came here for a reason. So what is it? Because I think we're at that stage where we can talk about it. Whatever it is."
The purple masked turtle hesitated.
"There's only so many Electric Skullz albums we can talk about..."
Donnie took a deep breath, finally settling on revealing his troubles. "It was just an argument."
"With Raph?"
"No, Leo. He's been acting so strange lately. With the new mutant and everything. I think he likes her. As in, having feelings for her.  I swear, this is a Karai situation all over again." He frowned. "And then we started yelling and..." Head in his hands, he groaned. "It's troubling. He's been acting so distant and it's making me so ..."
Casey waited a moment for Donnie to find the word.
"So, what you're saying is: it's all a mess."
Donnie laughed. "It sure is, Jones." Their shoulders bumped together. "Thanks for letting me vent."
"Hey, no worries. You let me rant, it's only fair. But I do know one thing for sure, families are complicated as fuck."
"Here here. But um, why did you bring me here again?" Donnie cocked his head to one side.
Casey stood up, hands on his hips. "Come on."
Donnie followed suit, raising a curious eyebrow. "And?"
"Start yelling."
"Start. Yelling. It ain't rocket science. You're pissed off, I'm pissed off, so let it out! Go nuts!" 
"But it's night out."
"This is the city that never sleeps, genius. Look, I'll do it first."
He let out a loud, ear splitting bellow from above, hands spread out and wind hitting his cheeks. When he finished, he turned to Donnie eagerly.
"Go on."
Donnie exhaled. "If you say so..." And with that, he too joined in with the screaming. At first, it felt silly but then it surprisingly felt therapeutic. As if he was letting out his pent up frustrations with life.
"How'd that feel?" Casey moved closer to him until they were inches apart.
"It felt...good." Donnie admitted. "And you're sure no one can hear us?"
"Pshaw." Casey said smugly. "Anyone who does hear us will think we're a couple of drunks. I got ya, D." He took his hand in his, squeezing it. The difference between their hands- one large, green with three fingers. The other pale, smaller, five perfectly normal fingers. Casey didn't seem to mind.
"It doesn't solve our problems though." Donnie said.
"No, but it releases a little tension. I've done this with my friends a lot from the hockey team whenever we lose. Which rarely happens, but on that off chance we do? We scream. Fuck the system!"
"You ...consider me like one of your human friends?"
Casey's hazel eyes squinted back at him, as if he was confused by the question. "Of course. Why wouldn't you be? We're friends."
"But I'm..."
"Don't." Casey stopped him, pressing a finger to his lips. "I don't say this to just anyone, okay? But you're a cool dude, Donnie. And the smartest guy I know."
Donnie swallowed. "Jones I..."
"You're perfect the way you are, you hear me? Don't go moping around. It's a little sad to watch." He punched his shoulder affectionately. "Alright?" He looked back into Donnie's mahogany eyes.
"Alright." He nodded, now fully aware how close they were. He stopped himself from staring too hard at Casey's individual freckles, dotting his cheeks like a galaxy of stars. Or his deep hazel eyes, or his perfect peach lips...
An embrace felt too forward, so Donnie simply smiled, revealing his adorable gap. Casey's heart warmed, loving every time he saw that smile. He wasn't lying. He thought Donnie was beautiful in his own way. Turtle or not. As beautiful as April, maybe but in a different way. He wanted to stay the entire night, watching the stars with him.
"I promised Mikey I'd hang with him." Donnie remembered.
"Oh," His eyes looked down, disappointed. "I can walk you there? It's getting kinda late."
"Listen, um, Donnie...there's something you gotta know..."
There was a rustling noise behind them. Donnie froze. "Shut up."
"Excuse me? Did you just tell Casey Jones to shut up?"
"Shut up!" He hissed. "Someone's listening. You idiot, we shouldn't have been screaming our heads off!"
Casey mumbled a curse under his breath.
"Ah, so you are the clever one. Good to know." An unfamiliar voice snarled.
"Who said that?" Casey yelled, grabbing his trusty hockey stick and taser. Donnie gripped his own bō tightly.
"How cute."
Out of the shadows approached the two boys. A mutant reptile at least twenty feet in length with massive yellow eyes staring them down.
"Yeah, Donnie?"
"I think we found the mutant."
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silverbluedust · 3 years
Unexpected Dream
Where shall I start?
I don't know but, I think I already wrote something about this lowkey instagram crush of mine. His name is Jasper Ivan Iturriaga, a photographer, content creator, missionary, and a pastor. I accidentally saw him tagged in one of Erwan Heusaff's Instagram posts. I got curious because of the "ptr," so I immediately checked his profile. To make the long story short, I followed him in Facebook and eventually knew he is from Isabela, Negros Occidental, I got so kilig when I knew that, and yet I was like, "Oh okaaaay," with my lips pouting. Why? hehehe he is an Adventist pastor, you know me I am from a Baptist family. Moving on, I always follow his stories in IG and FB, I always smile a lot every time he speaks in his stories, he really is good in speaking, and I admire him for that. Ika nga, lowkey crush ko na siya.
You know what, who wouldn't? One of my friends told me, "Who are you checking at that you're smiling from ear to ear?" Showed her the picture and she said, "He isn't that looking good though, but kind of appealing." I just laughed and said, "Whatever!" I am not really that particular when it comes to the physical features but, of course if a guy looks good, that's totally plus points! I don't know but, I really enjoy reading his updates about his whereabouts, his trips and everything that he shares. I even thought that if ever it's okay to ask God for him, I would, but you know having this doctrine of mine compared to his, it's going to be difficult. Both Adventist and Baptist religions are Bible believing and known to be under Protestantism but, there are doctrines that actually differ from each other. I am enjoying his posts and admiring him so much but, of course limited and will stop only there because of our different views. As in, gusto ko siya pangayuon kay Lord! Hahahahahaha, crazy!
So what's really the dream?
Okay, last Friday, January 28th, my mom was trying to wake me up because of the heavy down pour. I could hardly open my eyes so I decided to go back to sleep.
Here it is, I only remember meeting him in an open space, probably in an airport. Hahahaha, I even said gaano ko di? I said Hi and asked, "Diba you're Pastor Jasper?", he said, "Yeah, you know me? Wow." The next thing I know, (I CANT REMEMBER THE OTHER PARTS, LOL) we are already in front of their church, the Seventh Day Adventist Church. We were in front of his friends, and guess what? We're holding hands looking at each other with our brows meeting, as if asking ourselves if we will give it a shot. If you're wondering what is it, then I am too. Hahahaha, I realized then that we are actually in a relationship by that time, sa damgo ko ha.
He was asking his friends, but can't understand what he is trying to ask and his friends would say, "Hala ay, ara nana sa inyo pero kabalo kamo nga daw alang alang kamo duwa." So, we asked another friend, again holding each others hand, pero still we were answered the same, "Sure kamo? Bahala kamo. You know na the answer to that." I looked at him, he smiled and hugged me. Kasadya kuno samon duwa, gina lisensya niya na ko sa mga tawo. Funny! It's seems like I wanna cry na by that time tungod daw disgusto gid sila.
Next thing I know, we are inside the Adventist church. Kulbaan kami duwa basta the service is already starting and we don't want to make a scene so we just decided to be at the back part. Pero, may nanawag sa iya, we are both shocked. When he turned his back, we immediately parted ways, ginkwa ko akon kamot and I ran outside the church. Little did I know, aga na gali. Adlaw na ko bugtaw. Hahahahahaha it was surreal but, awkward. See? Indi gid ya kami pwede, I can't ask God for him. Tungod sa amon different doctrines we can't be together because life will be hard for us, I think that's what the dream is all about.
AHAY, LOWKEY CRUSH LANG FROM A FAR. HAHAHAHAHA Nan, indi gid bi akon crush sa akon muh, hahahaha diba sir?
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duet-duo · 5 years
👻🧡🎞🌩 for the Banshee Blossom Ball asks!
👻 Friends with any other ghostsonas?
Luther is good friends with @steenastudio‘s Lucianna, @rubyswirls‘ Remy, and @es744019‘s Mariachi…at least, I hope I can say so :’)
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And I like to imagine Gali would be friends with your Lysandra as well…they’d probably get along great. She’s also good friends with es744019′s Siren…mermaid power.
🧡 Something they truly admire about their fave(s)?
(I chose to answer these questions from my OCs POV and not mine, since they aren’t technically ghostsonas).Luther admires Morty’s vast imagination, talent, and determination. The things he creates are astounding in Luther’s opinion, and he’s a genuine guy too. He admires Dr. Potter’s patience and intelligence…the gardens he looks after are amazing, and MacFrights he admires for his leadership, which despite everything he is a kind king. And Lucianna well…he loves that she loves the arts and has amazing talent, plus she’s very down to earth and a kind soul.Gali admires Johnny’s strength, patience with her, and genuine kindness. Underneath his tough guy exterior is a guy who just cares so much, and she loves that about him. Whenever she gets herself into trouble or does something that upsets someone, he’s always there to help her out or just hang out with. She doesn’t need to be able to talk to him; they just kind of get each other. Plus! He’s fun and loves the water!
🎞 If Morty made a movie about them, what would it be called?
If they were together in it, it would be exactly my blog title: A bard and a fish walk into a bar…idec that fish can’t walk. Okay but seriously…Luther’s would probably have theatre in the title or something…or A Sunflowers Song. Something cheesy. Gali would be…A Mermaid’s Tale…Tail…The Little Mermaid. Trouble in Paradise. Idk adkjhgkjbf
🌩 Any grudges?
Over the years, Luther has learned to let a lot of things go. He used to hold a grudge against the individual who killed him. It was a mugging gone wrong. And he was kind of mad at the world for a bit for taking him at such a young age, but he soon learned that being a ghost kind of had its perks! He does kind of get a little bristly at people who think the arts are useless or a waste of time and money.I don’t know if this counts, but Gali hates fire. She thinks it’s dangerous and destructive, especially because she’s seen how it’s been used for evil over the years. She also holds a grudge over the pirates that killed her, and thus doesn’t trust pirates very much. Sorry Fishhook. They are her favourites to mess with though. Also King Boo. She’s mad at him for destroying the entire hotel and thus her floor…that’s a lot of fish without water.
Banshee Blossom Ball and associated asks belong to: @queenieboo22
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mrneighbourlove · 4 years
The Rising Sun: Ch 5. Power Exchanged
"Oh thank the goddesses we're here."
"I thought we'd never hear the prattle end from your grandfather about his glory days."
"Give him a break, he's old and just wants to give an impression that he can still kick ass."
"Can he still kick ass?"
"I... think so? To a degree? If you're close enough to hit with his cane, perhaps."
"Or his farts, those are lethal."
“Oh, hush the lot of you.” Ganondorf, former King of Hyrule, had grown older with age. Man was just over a century of age. Even kept his build up over all the decades. Up until Zelda passed away. His wife’s death shook him to the core, and over the last few years since her passing, he lost muscle mass. No need to work out, but also a loss of spirit. Still, he held joy for his family: children, grandchildren, friends. And this day was one of the most joyous he’d ever have in a long time.
With all his children and grandchildren finally gathered, with their significant others, they were traveling to Taiyo Town in a large caravan.
"We would have been here sooner if you didn't have to stop to pee ten times."
"Shut it, you were the one that kept complaining about being hungry."
"I was hungry! What's wrong with being hungry?"
"Ganonpa," Luimaya sighed in annoyance, listening to her siblings and cousins’ bicker. "How did you do it with Dad and his siblings?"
“To be honest, it was your grand mother that was the level headed one. I often encouraged some healthy bickering. Was also easy to haul you all by the scruffs when you’ve been misbehaving. Also helped to have Rinku and Leere step in once in a while.” The Mortuus had a nice cloak to protect her skin from the sun. Sunny was letting little Joy play with Skyla. “Well that became difficult when all our younger siblings become rebellious giants.”
"Hmph, when you could catch us by the scruff, old man."
"Remember that time when we pranked him with the stink bomb with Skull Kid?"
"He chased us through the halls for hours before giving up."
"I told you it wasn't a good idea at the time."
"What do you mean, Lui? It was your idea."
"Yes, my idea, just not at that time. He was in a mood that day and we set it off."
"What are we even doing here, anyway? I thought the future queen couldn't leave the castle unless it was for diplomatic reasons."
"It is." Luimaya clarified. "I'm here to meet the leaders of Taiyo Town."
"But you're going to be the queen, and you're Gerudo. So, doesn't that make you their leader?"
Revan cleared his throat, sitting next to Nakeso and Luimaya. There were so many grandkids he’d barely known here now. Not to mention, he was finally about to enter the town his father put so much time and attention into. The whole feeling was daunting, but he did his best to relax. Heck, Kanisa’s kids didn’t even look like Gerudo. “Well, yes and no. All the tribes of Hyrule ha e either sworn fealty to the crown of Hyrule or formed alliances. So technically, my father and anyone else who’s in charge here could lead without outright obeying Covarog and later Luimaya.”
Luimaya and Ganondorf both shot Revan a glare at his words. Like grandfather, like granddaughter, it seemed. She definitely inherited his scowl. Evidently, the two of them agreed on the premise that the Gerudo of Taiyo Town should still hold some respect for the original King, his son, and granddaughter. "We don't want a repeat of the past, Revan. We're going to ensure it stays peaceful, but there has to be some grounds of respect." Luimaya told her bodyguard. "Your father or another leader, it matters not."
“I never suggested that.” Revan drew closer to Nakeso, freezing when his thigh touched hers. “And I’m sure my dad isn’t a fool. Just stubborn. Something I’ve heard and know you two can have in common.”
The cart laughed as Ganondorf merely smiled lightly in agreement. It wasn’t something he could deny.
"That's right, you're the fool and he's just stubborn." Luimaya teased, earning another round of snickers from everyone in the caravan. "You've nearly gotten yourself killed numerous times, not counting the times you were trying to watch my back."
"I don't know who is the worst, Revan or you."
"Revan." The grandkids all responded in unisons.
"He has more tallies." Nakeso held up a notebook. "Revan has nearly gotten killed 158 times while Luimaya is only at 37."
"What? Really? I thought she'd have more."
"She's reckless, but she's not stupid enough to put herself in situations to die."
"Hey! Your future queen is hearing all this!"
"Yeah, yeah, yeah, you know it's true."
Revan was bright red in the face. “It hasn’t even been a year since- Wait, how long have you kept that book around for?”
"Since you were five and almost stuck your head into a forge to prove you were fireproof like your sister." Nakeso remarked, earning a snort from Donoma. "I still can't believe you did that."
"He was just jealous that I could walk in fire without getting burned." Donoma giggled. "And pouted when I held fire in my hands like a ball. Insisted he could do it too. I don't think I've ever seen Mama scold him like that for an hour."
Revan was growing uncomfortable. Pretty much every grandchild was not only older than him, Ralnor’s children themselves being in their mid thirties to cap the height of age, but they were all together on his misery. Even Donoma seemed to be more suited with them. “Yeah. Sure.” When he saw Skyla looking at him, he sighed, secretly signing to her. “ Least I’m not afraid of spiders.”
"You in trouble. A lot." Skyla signed in return with a small smile. She was still shy, like she was when a tiny girl, but had opened up to her cousins and was flourishing in her studies to be a veterinarian. "But good fighter. Luimaya lucky to have you. Don't worry. Everyone loves you. Just tease you cause love you."
“Could fool me.”
“Hey ya’ll!” Rinku shouted from the front of the horse cart. “We’re here. You all behaving back there? Hate to turn this ride around~”
"Hey, if we're not behaving, it's only because we learned it from you." Covarog snickered.
Orana jested with him. "Yeah, you tell her."
“Well, you got me there.” They could hear the putter patter of her feet walking on the sand to the doors. Opening them, sunlight poured inside. “To those unaccustomed by desert heat, please apply sunscreen that’s been provided. This mostly applies to my gothic sister pale as a vampire and Kanisa’s one eyed, blue skinned, always a pleasurable attitude husband and my adorable nephew and niece from Uskar. My sister in law Sunny has provided sun hats for those who prefer them.”
"Is your sister always this cheery?" Vidar grumbled in Uskarian to Kanisa. He absolutely loathed the desert and the heat. The poor man looked miserable. "I don't see how it's possible with all this sand and sun."
"Just deal with it a little while longer please, love." Kanisa assured her husband. "We'll be back in Uskar soon enough."
"If I don't melt first."
Leere addressed Skyla and Joy together with Tebanem. “Since you’re both the youngest, I’d like you both to stay together at all times. Stay within eyeshot of an adult.”
"Hey! I'm not a kid." Tebanam huffed. "I'm an adult!"
"She means Skyla and Joy, Teb." Faris clarified, amused, to his husband. "She doesn't want them wandering off."
The shit eating grin on Leere’s face filled up until she couldn’t help but keel over in laughter. “If you need the advice of the oldest siblings, talk to me or Luimaya, Tebby. I’m sure Kanny will love to be your pair buddy~”
"Oh shut it, I knew what you meant, I was just joking." Tebanam refused to look her in the eye, crossing his arms.
Once all the others had stepped outside, Ganondorf made his way out of the cart. It had been too long since he breathed desert air and tasted life upon the winds. With light robes he turned to the massive walls of the town. Was like a fortress. “Impressive.” The gates opened as Revan and Donoma handed out passes to the men that their father had given them in advance. What awaited inside amazed the old king. Gerudo of all shapes and sizes interacting as a community. Everyone of them shouted out one big greeting when they saw the family gathering. “VASAAQ!!! SAV’AAQ!!!”
Revan himself blinked, surprised by how many red headed women there were. He looked at his sister surprised. “You’ve been coming here?”
"Yeah, what of it?" Donoma was taken aback by her brother's surprise. "I've learned a lot about our history. Mama taught me all I needed to know of what we had of Lorleidian history. Dad taught us what he knew of Gerudo history, but there's only so much he can teach. The rest of it needs to be experienced. Besides," She waved at a few of her friends. "I've made a lot of progress in my studies and I have friends here. It's nice to have a second home."
“Must be nice.” Revan couldn’t help but let his bitterness out. Was he not Gerudo enough to belong here? The man of the hour appeared. Malik opted for stylized, yet comfortable robes. Beside him, Gali was wearing a nice Vai dress. The Lord of Taiyo Town smiled to Zarazu before addressing the group as a whole. “My extended family, and royal family of Hyrule. I am honoured that you can finally see the hard work all of our generations have worked towards. The Gerudo people prosperous once again. I welcome you to Taiyo town.”
Each family member extended their greeting politely before the King spoke. "I am impressed by the amount of work here, and absolutely delighted that we finally are able to see the restoration of our people." Covarog then noted Gali. "Please let me to express my thanks in allowing Lord Malik to help you oversee the construction of Taiyo Town. May I present my wife, Queen Zarazu of the Lorleidians," He gestured to his lover. "And my children. Marena and Syrena are the youngest twins, then Zahirog, then Turagor and Luimaya are my eldest. My Luimaya is next in line to rule our kingdom."
Gali bowed her head politely to Luimaya. “It is a privilege to learn the next high Queen will be a Gerudo Woman on the throne. Strong, and fiery from what Donoma has told me in her studies. You will make a remarkable queen, I’m sure. We encourage you to explore Taiyo Town on your own. We want to be an organic experience for all of you.”
"It is a privilege to be here in your town, to learn more of my history and to walk with the fierce warriors that I have read so much about in books. I feel like this is something out of a fairy tale, even though I know it's simply history." Luimaya returned a respectful nod of her head to Gali. "I ask that you teach me, my siblings, and cousins all that you know and anything you wish for us to learn; whether it be ways of combat or simple knowledge." Then the future queen gestured to Skyla. "I ask you have patience with my family, but especially my cousin, Skyla. She is deaf and reads lips. I don't suppose any of you know sign? She can write in Gerudo, but that takes a time." "Hi!" Skyla signed to Gali with a bright smile. "I do read lips, but accents make lips move odd. Please talk slowly for me." Luimaya then translated, "She is greeting you and asking for you and the other members of the town to speak slower for her, to give her time to read your lips."
Gali nodded, addressing the town in Gerudo to look out for the little one. Turning to Skyla, she got on a knee to kneel down to her and speak in Sign. “Hello Skyla. I am Gali. I think I’ve met you and your father’s people on my travels before. Hard to forget a tribe as pretty as you.”
"You tall lady." Skyla motioned to the women surrounding Gali. "All tall. Garai women like me, not so tall. Sister tribe, you come visit sometime." She then stomped the sand with her foot and made a sailing wave with her arm. "Ride Sand Rays! Learn of Gerudo now. You learn of Garai too. Too much time pass without sister tribe. Sand here. Stone there. Much to know." "Skyla, don't sign so fast, she might not get it all." Tebanam hopped down from his camel, Loogie, and signed to his daughter. "They go slow for you, you go slow for them. Not too fast." Skyla blushed and sheepishly signed, "Sorry. Excited!"
"That's more than fine Skyla. We'll get to learning about each others culture very quickly." Gali patted Skyla on the shoulder as she stood up. "We have tour guides in green patched shoulders who'd love to take you around our markets, bars, training grounds, schools, saunas, spas, and the rest of the joyous spots in Taiyo Town. If you'd like to explore on your own that's fine too. I hope you all enjoy the joys Taiyo Town can bring!"
Ganondorf was lost in thought as he looked around the town. While Gali was addressing the crowd, he watched small Gerudo children kick a ball back and forth. A woman was beating an old styled blanket he used to wrap himself in previous lives from her balcony. And there was a Hylian in the background laughing with a Gerudo. A union he had been working hard since with his wife to normalized. A view he knew his cousin had struggled to come to grips with. Yet here they were.
Donoma was struggling to pull her brother through the throng of women. This was a headache. She kept politely asking for the ladies to step aside, but they were more interested in talking to Revan. "Girls... girls, for fuck's sake!!!" Donoma shouted over the crowd. "You can feel his pecs later, we're going to see my mom now."
“Come on Donoma! This is the virgin brother you have! Can’t we just, you know, kiss him. For homework purposes?” Her roommate asked in a little sexy voice for her brother.
Revan wasn’t expecting so many of the girls around Donoma’s age to be so horny. This wasn’t the type of attention he wanted. “I have someone else...”
"No. At least, not now. Later." Donoma yanked Revan into the tent that her mother and father shared. Finally, maybe the crowd would go away. "Damn vultures, I swear..."
"Revan!" Asakonigei was on bed rest, currently trying her hand at knitting and failing miserably. Although, her face lit up when she saw her son and daughter. "Donoma! I'm so happy you're both here!"
“Mom!” Revan ran forward, hugging her close. “Are you ok? I can’t believe Dad got you pregnant again.”
"I'm fine, Revan, just a little uncomfortable with all this extra weight." Asakonigei hugged her son tightly. "We were not exactly planning this, but nonetheless, it happened. I've been very well cared for while I've been here."
"Do you know what the baby is now?" Donoma asked her mother. "I've been wanting to know for so long!"
"Yes, actually, I do know the baby is going to be." Asakonigei smiled widely. "You're both going to have a little brother."
"Queen Zarazu birthed three Gerudo boys and now, I suppose I'm lucky to have a second one." Asakonigei then added. "Though your father and I have been at odds about a name."
“You have?” Revan sat beside her, wanting to not leave her side. Been months since he saw his mother.
"Get a load of this," Donoma plopped onto the bed, opposite to Revan, their mother in the middle. "Dad says he wants another Gerudo name, but Mom is insisting on a combination between Gerudo and Lorleidian since my name is Lorleidian and yours is Gerudo."
"It's only fair." Asakonigei defended her point. "I doubt I'm having another baby, so half it, right?"
“Well knowing father, he most likely doesn’t want a Frankenstein name put together.”
"It's not that bad, I don't think." Donoma shrugged her shoulders. "Mufratir is all right, isn't it?" Asakonigei asked her son.
Revan couldn’t hide his displeasure at the name as his face contorted at the corners. “Keep it simple?”
"Or she could go all out like Zarazu and Covarog did with Zahirog and name the kid Malikonigei." Donoma snorted.
"Oh, hush you!" Asakonigei gently shoved at Donoma's shoulder.
“Could call him Dad’s first name?” Revan pondered on the possibilities.
"One Malik in the world is enough, the world has enough stubbornness." Asakonigei laughed.
"The world didn't need even more with Revan, what have you done, Mom?"
"Your brother is not that bad."
"He went into a match without magic."
"That's just his ego."
“Excuse me?!” The comment of the world not needing him stung Revan to his core. “I’m sorry I tried to prove that I had value in the skills I crafted for myself. I’m sorry I’m not daddies favourite child!”
"Oh, stop being a brat." Donoma snapped at Revan. "You know that's not what I meant. I implied the world doesn't need more of your 'I'm-undefeatable' attitude." She then scoffed and said, "Favorite? Dad doesn't choose favorites, but if you really believe that's true, it's only because I actually listen and behave."
"Hush, you two, stop fighting." Asakonigei scolded both of her children. "I shall not have you two fighting in front of me or your father. He has enough to worry about as it is."
“Oh you know what, fuck dad too. Too important with all of this to give a damn about me.” Revan gestured all around the village with wide arms. “Skipping dinners, celebrations, and ceremonies to be here. Except while I’m stuck out busting my ass, he chooses you to live here with him. You’re probably aware he’s never once invited me here.”
"He didn't choose me to live with him here, you dumbass! I'm a woman, for starters, and at least I look Gerudo!!!" Donoma spat back at Revan. "He's trying his best to rebuild some semblance of what our ancestors lost! If you're so upset about not receiving a personal invitation, it's not Dad's fault! The Gerudo women here don't trust men! The only reason they trust Dad is because he is Gerudo!"
"ENOUGH!!!" Asakonigei shouted so loud that Revan's ears and Donoma's rang something fierce. "If the both of you are going to squabble like children, then you can do so elsewhere! I do not need the stress of seeing you two fight and neither does your little sibling! Out! Right now!"
"But Mom---"
"I said, OUT!!!"
“You hit the nail exactly on the head. In his eyes I’m not Gerudo. And if I am, I’ll only carry the worst aspects. So how about you go crawl back to your sisterhood like the good little girl you are.” Revan looked to his mom, daring to glare at her something fierce. “A baby will kill you. Why would you risk putting us through something like that?”
"At least I don't follow around a girl who doesn't love me!" Donoma shot back. "Luimaya will never like you in that aspect and you think being her bodyguard will make her view you as some romantic hero? You're an ass." With that, Donoma tromped out of the tent.
Asakonigei gave Revan a hard stare. "I had complications with you, I lost too much blood with Donoma, and yet, both of you are still here and alive." Asakonigei said very sternly. "Your father and I didn't plan this. I did not even think I could get pregnant again with the trauma my body suffered. Yet, this baby is growing within me and will need you and your sister. I would gladly die for you and Donoma, and this baby. It's part of me and part of your father, and will be your sibling. Don't you dare patronize me, son."
“Is this because you want to give father his large family. You really think it’ll be fair to the baby to grow up in a world without a mother?” Revan sat down next to her, disbelief wrapped around his face. “You think that’s fair to me and Donoma to lose you for another one of father’s grand dreams? Honestly, are you even thinking properly here?”
"No, I don't think it's fair. Not for me, not for you, not for your sister or father, and certainly not the baby." Asakonigei stated as her son sat beside of her. "As I said previously, your father nor I planned this. It simply happened. And I am thinking very clearly. I am a mother. You will not be able to understand until you have children of your own, Revan. I want this baby to be born surrounded by love regardless of what happens to me. I may or may not survive... but at least this time, I will have more help."
“How? What makes you believe that? Your body will kill you. Dr. Bovier made that perfectly clear.”
"Yes, Doctor Boveir did. Yet, these women believe differently. So now, the only thing I have left is faith."
“Faith? Are you out of your mind?” Revan sneered at the very thought. “We should just get on our hands and knees and pray? Or perhaps we should get some shaman to throw flowers on top of you.”
"Don't. Patronize. Me." Asakonigei yanked her son forward by the collar of his armor. She was pregnant, but still strong enough to get Revan's attention. "I prayed to Kovina for you. You are here. If you are going to be like this, then you can leave. I will not have your attitude around myself or your new sibling-to-be when the time comes. Either you can support me, or go. What is it going to be?"
“I’ll leave when her royal highness deems it ready to go.” He held her hand, his fingers gentle, yet firm on her. His eyes were angry, but his lips trembled small hesitation. “I don’t want Klinge’s ego to take you away from me.”
"... you know I'll fight the Goddess of Death to stay here with you." Asakonigei held the side of his face with a small sigh. "If you don't have faith in the deities, at least have faith in me. Your mother is a tough old woman."
Revan’s eyes were heavy as he slowly nodded in agreement. “Alright...” Careful to not hurt her, he hugged his mother closely. “I don’t trust Father to look after you. So you have to be strong enough to look after yourself.”
As Revan hugged her, Asakonigei slowly stroked the back of his hair, trying her best to soothe him. "I have a lot of women here ready to help me. I'll have help, Revan. And if you decide to stay for a little while, then you can help me too."
Revan choose to ignore that last part. “I hope they can help you...”
The first day of the royal family visit was going smoothly. Malik was incredibly proud of his people. Seeing Luimaya, he waved the girl and her siblings over. “Young princess. Princes and princess’. How are you this afternoon?”
Luimaya had been exploring the town with her siblings and cousins. All of them were currently enjoying a recipe of the Gerudo heritage. Poor Turagor was coughing from the spiciness, the younger twins barely batted an eye, and Zahirog merely nibbled on his, trying to save face. "This is... a different experience for sure. It's not exactly what I've read in books." Zahirog admitted to Malik.
"I guess history left out a few parts." Turagor said in-between sputters from the spicy chicken leg.
"I really enjoyed seeing such beautiful custom clothes!" Marena smiled.
"And hearing the music!" Syrena added.
Luimaya stayed silent for a while, thinking. "Though... Ganonpa won't stay here to lead them." She then asked. "So I suppose Gail is going to?"
“Ganondorf is too old to lead. The man has lived long enough for this lifetime to be a ruler. Gali certainly makes a qualified Chieftain in my absence.”
The siblings exchanged glances.
"... you?" Zahirog appeared to be confused. "You're a man. I thought the Gerudo wanted a female leader like Nabooru in the old days?"
“There have been Kings and Queens in our past too.”
"Yeah, though Zahi and Turagor needed a pass just to come in here." Marena noted. "So... it's safe to assume they're not too trusting of men." Syrena pointed out to her uncle.
"I know Mom and Dad will probably want to talk to them about keeping good ties with Hyrule." Luimaya told Malik. "I know Dad is King and a descendant of Ganondorf, so surely there will be peace from here on out."
“That’s something we are working out. I just don’t want these people to be taken advantage of.” Malik smiled softly, speaking gently to them all. “Just how I didn’t want your father, uncles, aunts and all of you taken advantage. History can sometimes be tricky and like to repeat itself.”
"Do you think they'll allow Lorleidians here too? Maybe some Hylian civilians?" Luimaya inquired. "For trading purposes?"
“Yes. It’s what I want. It’s what we are already trying to integrate. Look closely, and you’ll be able to spot one or two amongst the town even now.”
"As long as there is prosperity and peace, that's what matters the most." Luimaya stated.
"Though, I really wish you wouldn't stay here."
"Yeah, the castle would fall apart without you." Turagor remarked as he chugged down some water, trying to wash away some of the spiciness of the chicken. "I mean, you did keep our aunts and uncles from arguing all the time. Sort of."
"I think what he's trying to say is you're a peacemaker and we don't want anymore food fight incidents between Uncle Corsaire and his crew against the Hylian guards." Zahirog blanched. "I was pulling noodles out of my hair for weeks."
“Children...” Malik tried to sound soft to counteract how tired he was of this particular conversation. “I’ve been a peacemaker before your parents were even born. If you still need to rely on my guidance, I fear for the stability of Hyrule.”
"What they're trying to say is, they're going to miss you if you stay here." Marena clarified.
"Yeah. It would suck, cause we wouldn't get to see you as often." Syrena added to her twin's statement.
“Your Aunt Kanisa lives a whole ocean away. I’m still less then a days travel away. Besides, distance makes the heart grow fonder.” He gently patted Syrena on the shoulder.
"Yeah, but at least she has a dragon to bring her here to see us." Syrena sulked slightly. "If you move away, you might not come back cause Uncle Ralnor annoys you."
"We all know that Uncle Ralnor can annoy anyone with his 'proper-ness'." Marena snickered. "I hold my pinky finger out when I sip tea, look at me, I'm so proper." The siblings did exchange giggles at that mentioning.
“What? You can’t travel here to see me?”
"We can but who knows when we'll be able to." Luimaya admitted with a heavy sigh. "Come on, Uncle Malik. Even Mom and Dad don't get out of the palace that much. You know that."
"And when Lui becomes queen, it will be harder for to do so." Turagor frowned slightly. "Maybe for us if we have to stay at home too."
"At least we have each other." Zahirog noted. "That's what counts."
"But on a lighter note, Mama told us that Aunt Asa is pregnant again." Marena smiled. "What are you going to name the baby?"
"Is it a boy or a girl?" Syrena asked.
“I don’t know yet.” Malik didn’t want to know, least, not quite yet. Sighing, he figured out how to approach their worries. “The same way home will keep you busy in central Hyrule, my home here will keep me busy. This is simply part of life though children.”
"We know." Zahirog shrugged, holding his siblings together with his arms around their shoulders. "Though you better find the time to visit if we do."
“I-“ Malik saw Ganondorf from afar. The man held an expression of light urgency, waving the Lord with the wrist of a hand. “If you will excuse me children.”
Reaching Ganondorf’s side, Malik still felt slightly humbled in his presence. “Is something the matter?”
“No. Not at all. However, there is something of great importance I wish to discuss with you.”
“I understand.”
“I think privately will be best.”
Privately? This intrigued Malik. “Very well. Inside the eyes of the goddess statue then?” Ganondorf looked to the edge of the town where a giant woman of stone observed the town.
“You can go inside?”
“Yes. I made it a place of pray and to chronicle our people.”
“How spiritual of you. Let’s not waste time. Still a night of celebration to share.” The two Gerudo men reminisced on their shared past as they made their way to the temple. Inside, Ganondorf and Malik took their seat in front of a mural of great Gerudo’s past. “Cousin, don’t think me rude, but I invited two others.”
"I swear, if Malik wanted me to drag my ass in here for another stupid test of his, I'mma choke him. Getting too old for that."
"Now, now, Rinku, I'm sure he just wants to talk without a ton of eyes upon us."
"I'm serious, I'm so over these tests of his, Zarazu! At least he learned his lesson with you."
"How so?"
"... you took the man's arm; he should be grateful you didn't take his dick." Rinku and Zarazu had no idea that the words in the temple could... echo.
Ganondorf turned to daughter as she made herself visible with Zarazu. “Colourful vocabulary.” Malik was surprised to see Zarazu and Rinku together. “I didn’t expect you both to be here.”
"You invited us?" Zarazu held a tone of questioning to her voice. "Unless I misunderstood, you wanted to meet with the holders of the Tri-Force?"
"Hey, I've heard worse from you, Ganondad." Rinku pointed a finger at Ganondorf.
“I did.”
“What is this all about?” Malik stiffened, uncertainty filling his being. His words said otherwise, but deep down his heart knew why they were all gathered now.
Ganondorf changed his gaze over to Malik, a deep and heavy look falling on him. “We are here to talk about The Triforce of Power’s new owner.”
Silence was cast over the room, and a shocking realization hit Malik now it was in the open air. “Me?”
"...?! WHAT?!" Rinku shook her head. "Wait, I thought Covarog was supposed to get the Tri-Force? He's next in line, no offense, Malik."
"I am... surprised myself." Zarazu stated slowly, not expecting this. "Might I ask why?"
“Rinku...” Ganondorf waiter until his eldest daughter was a little calmer before continuing. “Every child of mine, with the exception of you, carries a seed of darkness that I share. I fear the Triforce might corrupt them as it corrupted me.”
"Corrupt them?!" Rinku took offense to that. "All your kids are the best of you and Mom. Do you truly think that if you give the Tri-Force to Covarog that he'll turn dark?" She then said, "If you don't want to trust Covarog with it, then give it to Ralnor. Hell, give it to Orana or Kanisa, even Teb! They're not going to be corrupted! None of them are part of this curse that you, Mom, and I have repeated!"
“No. They both struggle with darkness in their choices. And I won’t expose Orana, Kanisa, or Tebanem to temptation of abuse. I need someone who’s motives are incorruptible. That knows the weight of true magic and power.”
"You have so little faith in them! Look at how much they all have overcome!" Rinku frowned and gestured to Zarazu. "They're married. They have families. They're happy! And not once ounce of lust for power within them! And you think Malik is the one? Good goddesses, look at what you both have done in the past!" Rinku exclaimed. "Look at how much bloodshed both of you have on your hands! He's a carbon copy of you, Ganondorf! This is not a good idea!"
“Have we not redeemed ourselves? Has he not suffered enough under my hands as much as any of my other past victims? He rose from being my tool to regaining his humanity.” Ganondorf sent a penetrating look at his daughter. “What’s more, he has never broken my trust. Even in the deepest depths of depravity he was always honest with his intentions.”
"Yeah, he regained his humanity, but not due to you." Rinku remarked with a glare of her own. "Due to her," She motioned to Zarazu, and then added, "And his wife. What do you think will happen if they're no longer around to keep him in check? Do you want me to have to strike him down like I had to do you in our past lives if he loses control?"
“I regained it due to me wanting my humanity back. I worked hard for it. I earned it.” Malik was about done with the hero talking down on him. “You speak as though you aren’t without blood on your hands. So many of your past lives ended entire bloodlines due and the ramifications can still be felt today. We keep each other in check. I was kept around to keep you in check since you were a child. So don’t patronize me.”
"I know I have blood on my hands and I regret my actions. Yet, I've never been influenced by power. That's your lot. You still seek it today, and you're blind to it." Rinku shook her head. "I don't agree with this. When Chaos comes, he'll use it against you to turn you to his side and you'll end up fighting with Luimaya instead of with her. I'm out of here." The heroine tromped out of the cave, steaming. Zarazu, on the other hand, had remained silent the entire time. Thinking.
Malik couldn’t help but laugh at the old Princess. Even now, she still had a young spirit. “You’re going down to a dead end.”
As she stomped around, Ganondorf was less amused. “Rinku. You aren’t being fair here. As Zelda trusted Zarazu, I trust Malik. Please... sit.” The old king was also tired. He didn’t want to argue this point.
Rinku was done with this conversation and refused to be a part of it further. She turned around, found another tunnel, and exited the cave to prove her point and kept walking.
"Maybe we should give her some space to think as well." Zarazu suggested, trying to keep Rinku and Ganondorf from arguing again as her sister-in-law left the temple.
“She’ll have to accept it.” With Rinku gone, Ganondorf sighed. “She’s in the dark, but I know you’re no fool to Ralnor’s darker actions in protecting Hyrule, even now. And for my eldest, I wasn’t completely sure until I heard Malik show Zannah respect where Covarog couldn’t let go of it his hatred of the Hasai. That is ultimately why I choose Malik over your husband Zarazu. Malik has shed his hate.”
Malik looked softly at Zarazu, wondering what she was thinking. “Rupee for your thoughts?”
"I can understand Rinku's view and your view, because I'm trying to be fair from a standpoint." Zarazu admitted to the men. "I'm well aware that my husband has flaws. Everyone does, we're human. However, I do think you should tell Covarog why he is not getting the Tri-Force of power. I won't lie, I'm sure it will hurt him. He has been looking forward to succeeding you in being a carrier because he wants to make you proud." She then continued, "Though, if Malik has the Tri-Force, I know you trust him and I know that he has more respect for the Hasai than my husband. I cannot help but wonder if you too will be immune to the temptation of power, my oldest friend." The queen was wise, for sure, though still cautious. "Many times in history, power has corrupted... are you sure that it's temptation will not affect you like it has Ganondorf?"
“I don’t know for sure. That’s why I want my friends and family to keep me honest. To use a seat and source of power for the betterment of all people.” Malik glanced over to Ganondorf, a sudden frown on his face. “If you give me your greatest source of power, you will lose your immortality. You might not live for long.”
“Who wants to live forever? No. Not me. As for Covarog, he knows how plenty proud I am of him.”
Finally, Ganondorf stood up from his bench. “Zarazu. I want your support on this. Do you think Malik is a good man? Do you think he can wield power in the name of peace?”
"... I do believe Malik is a good man. I do believe he sincerely wants the best for our people, for the Gerudo as well. Though, as said previously, there is always temptation." Zarazu looked at her own hand. There she saw the slight glow of the Tri-Force piece of Wisdom, reminding her there were always two sides to every tale. Those years ago before Zelda's death, she entrusted the Lorleidian queen with the Tri-Force of Wisdom. She did not want her daughters to carry the burden and trusted Zarazu to keep it safe. "Though we are only human, Ganondorf. Sometimes, even I feel the slight pull of the Tri-Force, calling me to use it. To dip into that magical essence that is so pure and addictive, that I have to be careful. I resist it for the sake of my family, my friends, and my kingdom." She held up her fingers glowing with magic. "If you want my support, and my utmost trust... then I must ask that we form a bind. This way, no matter where these pieces may end up... we will not let them fight against one another again." The queen then stated. "We'll revoke this curse."
“I can agree to that. If the pieces of the Triforce, ever, ever need to come together, then it will be for a wish of healing to the people.” Malik’s breath didn’t hitch as he reached a hand out to Zarazu to shake on this sacred pact.
"Not to destroy, but for peace." Zarazu took Malik's hand. "No longer destruction, but healing."
“For love, not hatred.”
"Agreed." Zarazu used her magic to implement the contract of the binding. A ring of runes in the Lorleidian language formed on her wrist and Malik's, identical in nature. "And if we break it... we die."
Malik nodded. When finished, he seemed almost somber when he spoke. Perhaps now was the time to tell his friend. “You should know that I’m not coming back to Hyrule. This is my home. With my people. They want to elect me to the position of Gerudo King. The sworn guardian. I’ve waited to be here again since I was a boy.”
"... I know." Zarazu simply replied to her friend. "I want you to be happy. Though I must be blunt with my next question." She took a small breath and said, "When the time comes... you will still remain loyal to my daughter?"
“I will be a friend that she can rely on.”
"She will need you." Zarazu actually looked... concerned. "As much as that snake gives me the creeps, I cannot deny his magic or his status. He said it will be soon... and I am worried."
“The Triforce bearers and the sages will need to protect the world.” Ganondorf stretched out, taking a deep breath. “Are you both prepared for that?”
"I am prepared for that. I am ready to give my life if it means my family will be safe." Zarazu clasped her hands together, her gaze downcast. "I am not ready to... to sacrifice my daughter. If what Bonegrinder says is true, and... his prophecy is correct..." It was hard for her to speak the words. "I've seen what has happened to Bonegrinder's mind. It is warped. He shares two souls in one body. He is a host for a deity and no longer his original self... if that happens to my Luimaya..."
“Bonegrinder is a freak. I won’t let him or anyone else hurt your daughter Zarazu.”
"... I trust you." Zarazu sighed, still thinking of what the future could hold. "I do think you need to check on Asa, Malik. From what Nakeso overheard when she went to take your wife some food from Gail, Revan and Donoma were... disagreeing."
“It is.” Ganondorf took a few sound breaths. Opening his right palm, a feint and soft glow emerged as a small golden triangle appeared. There was no celebration of grand ceremony behind it. The earth didn’t shake, and the sky didn’t change colour. It simply appeared. Ganondorf gently handed it to Malik to hold with both hands. “Take it.”
Zarazu simply waited in slight apprehension. She did not know what would occur once Malik took the piece.
Ganondorf stepped back as his cousin held the Triforce. Malik didn’t expect it to feel so warm, like a campfire. But with a squeeze of his right fist around it, he felt his heart light in a blaze of might. The Triforce connected to him physically, mentally, and spiritually. His breath felt freer, and he felt more alive then ever. One his palm, the triangle of the Triforce emerged from nothing, looking like tattoo. The top triangle lightly glowed, signifying the merger was a success. Malik, son of the desert and blade of the Gerudo, was now the weirder of Power.
"... Malik?" Zarazu finally spoke. "Are you all right?"
"I can relate." Zarazu took a slow inhale. It seemed he was still himself... for now. Maybe the fail-safe spell was keeping everything in check. Maybe Rinku was wrong and Malik would not be corrupted. Yet, personally, though she might not admit it, Zarazu was not willing to take that chance when it came to her daughter. If he tried to use it for evil... no, it was best not to think about it.
Malik took a few moments to self reflect. With the Triforce, he felt connected to life and magic on a deeper level in a near instant. To be truthful, it suddenly became overbearing. “I think I need to sit down.”
Zarazu formed a chair of ice for him to sit upon in the cave. "... the magic is overwhelming for a new holder." The queen then offered. "I can help you channel it for a bit to get you used to it."
“Give me a moment. I just need to adjust.”
"Close your eyes and try to imagine the flow of the magic." Zarazu instructed Malik, trying to make it easier for him. "You feel it within you, within your surroundings, and others... let it talk to you."
“Cousin, imagine the Triforce as a heart within you. It beats within you as a generator of life and magic. Ease into it. Should be similar to the magic you know.”
Malik nodded, feeling deep within and focusing on himself. Over the course of five minutes the man finally felt he had control over the new weight of his soul. “I’ll be fine now.”
"All right... let's just walk slow then. We'll need to help Ganondorf."
Malik took another breath, looking down at the yellow triangle burned upon his hand. He knew in his heart of hearts this was the key to bringing glory to the Gerudo and all of Hyrule.  
Previous Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/622576982282141697/the-rising-sun-ch-4-uncertain-future
Next Ch. https://mrneighbourlove.tumblr.com/post/622772431507062784/the-rising-sun-ch-6-like-father-like-son
Crossover with @ridersoftheapocalypse
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