#but given the choice i would prefer to not face the threat of either of these things actually
maybe paige’s god’s name should be vaughan, since one could make the argument that vaughan was the seed of the wound tree
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coraniaid · 3 months
I'm pretty critical of Buffy's final season (because ... well, I've watched it), but there are some things I think it does well and, since I'm trying to talk myself into working on my S7 AU fic again, I thought it might be worth trying to write down what they are.
I like the sense of completeness there is in going back to some of the show's beginnings. I like seeing Buffy in school again, but this time as an adult with a job. It doesn't just let us re-examine the high school years from a new perspective, it gives Buffy's arc over the last few seasons a nice sense of direction. I like what little we see of Dawn in high school. (I wish there were more episodes like Help.) In principle, I even like the fact that this season's Big Bad is a supernatural threat we've seen on the show before.
While I think there are a lot of problems with the execution (and even with the wider concept) of making the First Evil the primary (frequently the only) antagonist, the First being around does give you a lot of possibilities for having characters literally come face to face with their pasts. I like the final scene of Lessons and I like Conversations With Dead People and I like seeing the Mayor on screen again. I wish the show had done more with this concept.
I like meeting new (Potential) Slayers and finding out more about past Slayers. I like Robin Wood. I like Kennedy. (I wish the show did a better job making the audience care about any of the other Potentials.) I like that Faith comes back. I like that there is a focus on what it means to be a Slayer this season (compare how the show opens, with Buffy taking Dawn on patrol and telling her "it's about power..." [which Dawn doesn't have], to the scene in Chosen where Buffy asks the Potentials "what if you could have that power?").
I also (sorry) really like the fact that the writers resisted the urge to make Dawn a Potential or have her suddenly develop any magical powers as a result of being the Key (which there are at least rumours they were talking about doing). I like that the show stuck with the idea that Dawn is the part of Buffy who gets to be an ordinary girl.
For all its flaws (silly CGI battle against monsters I don't care about which is resolved by a random mcguffin from a different show; weird retcon about Sunnydale apparently being inland; a bunch of other unfortunate writing choices I won't get into here) I really do like Chosen a lot. It feels very fitting that the show ends with Buffy both finally getting to leave Sunnydale and with her no longer having to shoulde the burden of being "the" Slayer (or one of only two Slayers, anyway) anymore. I love how open-ended and hopeful that manages to be.
And speaking of Chosen, I like Buffy's "cookie dough" speech. I like the fact that the show lets Buffy end the series single, and recognizing that she doesn't have to be in a serious romantic relationship if she doesn't feel she's ready for one right now. (I like post-S7 Fuffy as a concept a lot, sure, but I think I prefer it as something that neither of them rushes into.)
I like that Amy comes back? I mean, I don't like anything the season does with her, but still: points for remembering she exists, I guess.
I like the fact that Willow gets to grieve Tara but also move on with her life and start dating again. [I don't know if I would have killed Tara off if I was writing S6 -- I think probably not -- but given that Tara did die I think this is the only good option.]
Empty Places is a good .... name for an episode?
For all my (many, many) issues with Andrew Wells this season (and in particular with just how much Andrew Wells is in this season, which is ... a lot), I think Storyteller is ... pretty good? I liked Jonathan, I think it's sad he dies (and his speech about missing high school now that he's left is another good moment from this season) but I wouldn't really have wanted to have him turn up and help save the day either. Having Andrew kill him (and then have to face up to the fact) feels like the right choice, to me, if you were going to bring either character back [I'm not really sure I would have done that though, to be honest].
Equally, for all my irritation at the time wasted on the "is Giles the First Evil?" subplot and at some of the other character deaths the writers did go for, I'm glad that the Core Four all survive. What the season actually does with Giles isn't very good, and neither Xander nor Willow are in this season enough (especially not in its second half), but at least they all get to live.
Oh, and Anya. I'm glad the writers didn't give in to the temptation to kill off Anya for some sort of cheap shock value, the way some leaked early drafts of Chosen suggest they were thinking of doing. Can you imagine how infuriating that would have been? I don't know if I would ever have accepted it. I might even now be living in denial. Thankfully common sense prevailed there and Anya definitely survived.
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hellsbellschime · 3 months
i think his 'it was a mistake' was also about him realizing that his machinations helped the green's PR team. he is trying to gain support for rhaenyra and now he's made it that much harder when they see her as a kinslayer and baby killer. i will say i truly don't understand why rhaenyra is so shocked by this. not only does she know the type of man daemon is, but what was she expecting to do once she took the crown? if aegon's children still lived they would always be a threat to her and her children. there's no way she thought exiling them or holding them under house arrest or making them bend the knee would have worked in the long run. even if she presented them/heleana with the same deal she did laenor there is always a risk someone would find out or they would grow up to amass an army to take back what they viewed was their's. there's always going to be people scheming to take her off the throne simply for being a woman. leaving an alternative male heir alive makes zero sense in the long run. not me condoning daemon's actions, but i'm just baffled how she seemed so upset by an innocent child dying when the fact that jaehaerys being alive at all would have spelled disaster for her reign and the future of her line.
idk i kind of hate how the writing is making her more passive and stupid when it comes to political intrigue. it's taking away her agency by making daemon the mastermind behind all the evils the blacks were responsible for. i would have much preferred to see her not only be the grief stricken mother looking to go scorched earth, but also the one thinking 10 steps ahead by eliminating any future threat to her crown. i get they don't want to make her monstrous and have her more sympathetic, but i just feel like making daemon the responsible party and her left dealing with the consequences just weakens her character. i know the story basically is making all the terrible deeds in this war the men's fault and the women are left burdened with consequence, but it steals away from their agency imo. i think it made sense in s1 where the men are portrayed as the reason this war started, but this season should have given the women more autonomy over their choices in how the war progresses.
LOL well that would certainly make more sense than him calling it a mistake because he didn't want Jaehaerys to die. And I agree, obviously it's horrific, but this was always the endgame if Rhaenyra wanted to keep the throne and pass it on to her illegitimate children, the entire Green line would have to be extinguished so Jaehaerys was always a goner and it's bizarre to pretend otherwise. I don't like the passivity either, I mean I get why Rhaenyra wouldn't immediately go scorched earth but it was hilariously hard to believe that it didn't even occur to her that Daemon would do something like this until she saw his face, like friend please you just sent Daemon to commit murder and Aegon's heir is suddenly beheaded in the Red Keep, we don't exactly need to put Sherlock Holmes on the case.
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wingedjellyfishflight · 11 months
Viper for the King
CW: threats of non-con, possible death, ambiguous ending, torture briefly mentioned
You have been captured by the enemy with no chance of rescue. There will be no hail Mary operation to extract you and you are at the mercy of the enemy. König is the Colonel, in charge and the scariest person you have ever met.
He threatens to rape you to make you talk when no other form of torture works. His eyes light up at the prospect, thinking he may have found your weakness. You grin up at him with blood-coated teeth.
"Sounds like an interesting cultural exchange. Is that a European thing to brag about being so bad at sex that it's considered torture? Hmm.. anyway, go for it. This is getting boring anyway and I'm near outta fingernails as is."
"We will make you talk," he grinds out.
"Honey, I'll bet you can't even make me scream, let alone talk," you try to wink up at him through the blood and swelling on your face.
He admires your spunk and as much as he wants the information, he will be disappointed when you break as it means no more toying with you. No more carving his initials in your skin. No more spark in your eyes. Hell, you at least look him in the eye, none of his men dare to do that anymore. He has much more respect for you than anyone else he's ever met, he is surprised to realize.
"Do ya hide your face because you're so handsome it's a hazard or because it gives the men heart attacks in fear when they see it? Seems like it could be the latter, given the weak men you have working for you."
He stops the man to his left from striking you. He knows you're right about the quality of men. "I've seen your Ghost. Why does he hide his face? Afraid to be known?"
You chuckle back, spitting out a bit of blood to keep from choking on it. "Makes the girls swoon with his blinding smile. Gotta tuck it away or else he'd be mobbed."
"Ahh... pretty boy. Sounds just your style." He smirks as he goes over the roster of men in his head, thinking to exploit this possible weakness.
You look him up and down, eyes pausing to stare at his beefy arms and thighs. "Too skinny and small for my taste. I prefer... insertion specialists." You see his chest puff up and sigh dramatically. "Too bad the best ones are always the enemy. Though it feels almost as good to crush them under my boots. They never seem to expect it."
König knows you're flattering him on purpose. It's working. He just hasn't worked out why you would. You know he won't go easy, your body can already attest to that. Your voice goes quieter. "I've heard you're called a human battering ram. Wolf among men."
He whispers back, "does that make you the viper, spilling poison into my vein?"
You grin, "No. I'm the raven. Collecting shiny things to line my nest. Can't stand not having the best things to play with, no matter the cost."
He goes quiet, his eyes narrowed as he works out the double-meanings and weighs his options. I should shoot you for having the audacity to label me just another shiny thing, he thinks. But he still considers the offer.
You watch, letting him weigh the choice. Either he ends you now or he helps you escape. Staring him in the eyes, you cant your hips up slightly and lick your lip. If he takes the offer, you're eager to see if he can live up to the hype.
He chooses, unsheathing his firearm. He chooses you. He realizes there was no choice, really. A nebulous offer versus where he is now, feared, but bored. It is a hard choice to make. As he carries your limp body, he thinks about the initials he carved in your body. You will carry his brand to the grave along with his heart, because he will always be yours. He was right, you're a viper dripping poison in his veins and he couldn't get enough.
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blot-squisher · 1 year
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I've been hoping someone would ask this 🥰 Thank you @ninthsheep and @kiruyeen
SFW Alphabet Ask Meme for Surviving the Game Marcus Taylor
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?) Marcus is very affectionate but can be hesitant to show it. He's had far too many partners who have been highly receptive/reciprocative of his attention, only to turn around and blow him off shortly after. Once he's comfortable however, he's very physical with his affection.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?) Marcus can be a bit distant at first, unsure if you're genuinely interested in being his friend or if you're just treating him like a curiosity. Once you find a mutual subject to bond over though, he'll warm up to you pretty quickly. Once you are friends though, he'll try to be there for you any time you need him. From a place to crash to a shoulder to cry on, as long as you make your intentions clear.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?) Is he being given a choice? If the answer is yes, he actually prefers laying either face to face while you hold one another, or laying on/being laid on with one person's head on the others chest.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?) Settling down is a tricky term. Does he want a stable home to go to each day and a job he doesn't wake up dreading? Yes, absolutely. Having a partner or two would be the icing on the cake at that point. He tries to keep things clean but he's usually too busy to get it done in a timely manner. Especially the laundry... Believe it or not, Marcus is an excellent cook. He tends to pick up a lot of things from his partners, and cooking was by far one of the best things he took away from past relationships.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?) He'd be direct about what was happening and why. Marcus values openness and honesty in relationships, and if he feels like that's not happening, he's not going to play games trying to get things to change.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?) Commitment is important, especially when there's more than two people involved. However, Marcus isn't one to get married. He knows that any legally recognized marriage would only be allowed between himself and one other party, and he refuses to make any of his partners feel like he isn't as dedicated to them as he is the other/s.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?) Marcus generally tries to be tactful with his words. It often doesn't work... He's not a particularly aggressive person, and will usually try to talk things out long before he'd throw a punch. It takes a lot to get him to the point that he'll choose violence first.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?) Marcus only likes being hugged by people he considers close friends or his partners. Unwarranted touch has far too often been accompanied by threats or actual violence.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?) It really depends on who he's with, but he usually doesn't say it until he knows for sure. Once he's sure though, he's going to say it without hesitation.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?) Marcus only really gets jealous when things have reached a very serious point with him and his partner. Of course, he's very aware that jealousy is a natural thing to feel and always tries to approach it with a level head. Although he's had partners who've tried to make him jealous or test him on purpose, he knows that's not usually the case and talking about it with his partner is always the best choice.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss their partner? Where do they like to be kissed?) It depends on the situation, but generally soft and sweet. Marcus is very affectionate with his partners and will kiss them damn near any chance he gets. He's not picky about where or how he's kissed, but around his neck and ears will get him squirming in no time.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?) Not great but not bad. Marcus isn't fond of kids unless they're baby goats. Ha puns! He'll be nice to them but he's going to get away from them the first chance he gets.
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?) If he's not sleeping though his alarm and rushing around to get ready for work, usually relaxed. He's by no means an early riser, but he'll gladly stay in bed and cuddle for a little while if you're both awake.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?) Unwinding with a video game or a hot shower is always a good place to start. Otherwise, just relaxing together with a good movie or out under the stars is always a great bet.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?) Marcus doesn't like talking about himself, or his past that much. You can press him now and again to get little bits of information out now and again, but unless he really trusts you or it's really important, don't expect him to suddenly open up out of nowhere.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?) It all depends on the topic or issue, really. Marcus can deal with a lot when it's directed at him, but if you mistreat and animal or someone he cares about, he will snap.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about their partner? Do they remember every little detail they mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?) He makes it a point to remember the things that are important to his partners. Everyone's love languages are different, and knowing what his partner's individual needs are is important to him.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in their relationship?) The moment it became real. It wasn't just a fling. He wasn't just a passing interest. It was real. The moment he knew is a moment he will always cherish.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect their partner? How would they like to be protected?) Unfortunately, this is where he tends to act the most rashly. Marcus will do damn near anything for the people he cares about, even if it means endangering himself. He'll figure out the details later. He's not used to having people actually trying to protect him, so he may be a bit upset at first. He doesn't want people to get hurt because of him, but in the end he's going to make sure you know just how much he appreciates you looking out for him.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?) This poor kid is so broke, but he's going to do what he can to make it special for his partner, even if it's something small.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?) He might have forgotten to eat today... And he may avoid telling his partner/s things in an attempt to take care of the situation himself as long as he's the only one involved.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?) He's not super concerned but he can get a bit self-conscious when people stare. He's heard far too many comments, both unintentionally and purposefully hurtful and it's made him wary of people who pay too much attention to him without making their motives clear.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without their partner?) Yes. Marcus hates being alone and losing someone he's formed such a strong connection with would be very difficult for him to deal with.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.) The Taylor family name goes back for generations and only three members of the family have changed their last name upon marriage. Taylor is his mother's maiden name, not his father's.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?) He can deal with a lot but the second you mistreat an animal, you're gone.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habit of theirs?) He tries to keep a regular sleep schedule, but we all know it's not going to happen. If he's working on something he'll forget to sleep until he's done or someone makes him. When he does sleep, it's usually like a rock. Good luck waking him up!
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c4rdsharp · 2 years
     insights on how i would build a d&d character sheet for luck.
     Class: Rogue ( inquisitive OR mastermind subclass. )
Personally, I’m much more a fan of Inquisitive Rogue than Mastermind for Luck, but I can see either depending on how you want to interpret his skillsets. If you want to lean more into his investigative and insight work for the Gandors, than you should definitely pick Inquisitive. However, if you’d like to focus on his more social skills as the face of the family, than Mastermind ought to be your pick. In my opinion, though, Inquisitive has a much better set of skills that work into Luck’s characterization -- he can’t roll lower than an 8 for insight checks, and Insightful Fighting is a great cover for his mid - Dexterity scores.
     Race: Human / human variant
MOST of the races would work for Luck, but if we’re going straight from canon, then it’s got to be human. You can definitely custom build a human variant, though, to have him included as an immortal or just to spice him up a little! This one isn’t really that important compared to his class or his skills.
     Stats: INT > CHA > DEX ≥ WIS > CON > STR
Regardless of which subclass you go for, Intelligence HAS to be Luck’s highest score, if you’re going to reflect his canon personality. Charisma should be a close second, but it’s definitely not his best stat. Dexterity & Wisdom are actually interchangeable. I would probably put Dexterity a little higher, due to the fact he’s slightly more impulsive in canon, but the two of them can be swapped around. Ideally, I think they should be equal rolls, though. Constitution & Strength are last to reflect the fact Luck is a weak fighter ( obviously ).
     Skills: Insight, Intimidation, Investigation, Sleight of Hand OR Stealth
For the rogue class, you get to pick 4 skills. These are the main 4 - 5 I would lean towards, personally. Between Sleight of Hand or Stealth, I’d go with the former to reflect Luck’s proclivity for cheating in card games, but I could also see him being decent at stealth under the right circumstances. Or, if you just want him to be a useful rogue. That too.
Intimidation SHOULD be his main charisma stat, though. You COULD go persuasion, if you really want to ( i’d recommend that for a mastermind interpretation actually ), but Luck’s idea of persuasion in canon tends to just be thinly veiled threats and/or a gun to the face. Or just straight up torture. I think that falls more in line with intimidation than it does persuasion by DnD standards.
DON’T put anything towards Perception, though. He tends to be pretty bad at noticing things in his immediate environment.
     Expertise: Intimidation, Investigation OR Sleight of Hand/Stealth
Since you get to pick 2 skills to have double proficiency in, these are the ones I would lean towards. To be honest, you could make an argument for any of them, so this isn’t a hard - and - fast rule, but I would consider what Luck does regularly enough for him to be quite skilled at. Considering he’s a mob boss who regularly collects protection money and handles torture, intimidation ought to be one of his expertises. The last one is dependent on how you’d prefer to play him : investigation for his high intelligence & his natural work as a strategist for the Gandors, OR sleight of hand for how subtle & skilled he is with cards. One or the other would work well for Luck’s characterization.
     Feats: Lucky, Alert, Gunner (if available), Keen Mind, Skulker, Tavern Brawler
Not all of these feats are necessary, these are just some suggested options for his build if you want him to use one. A lot of these speak for themselves (Lucky, Alert, Gunner, and Keen Mind). Skulker could be fun as a rogue option, if you want to prioritize his usefulness in combat situations.
Tavern Brawler is less for usefulness as so much as a colorful character choice because Luck would be used to that given his background! On top of that, he canonically uses improvised weapons (like chairs and his own detached hand). This would give him some level of proficiency in that, so it’d be a very good reflection of canon material I think!
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chaotic-beautiful · 2 years
Porsche didn't completely rule out the possibility that Korn is hiding parts of the story to him. Two can play at a game and Porsche has already proved that infact he can. Didn't he do just that when Arthee visited him at the Hum bar and told him that there's more to the story ?? He didn't charge face first to Korn's room and started demanding answers. Nor he completely believed his uncle. He was giving no one the benefit of the doubt.
That's something that the old Porsche would have done . This one ?? This one is honed by the mafia world. He's learned. He's evolved. He's still evolving.
But even then he was helpless to find or even search for the truth on his own. And he was acutely aware of his own helplessness AND lack of resources. He literally had to sign in with a person who'd previously betrayed him, tried to kill him, has proven time and again that he's nothing but a two faced snake, had tortured his best friend and just .. evil.
Like I said, he'd no choice, the money, man power , connection and other resources to reach the truth, he'd none of them and he literally had to rely on other people, in this scenario his enemy and the mortal enemy of the man he loves. We all know Porsche prefers relying on himself because that's what he'd done his whole life .
So is this any surprise that he accepted the proposal of becoming the minor family head ?? It gives him agency, power, money, connections, his own stronghold- basically he can build up his own people's empire and won't have to rely on others anymore. Particularly in a world where the potential enemy aka Korn has those resources in spades.
I don't think for a second Porsche has given Korn the clean chit. But he's now learnt the value of patience. The immediate dangers are done with. The minor family is eliminated. Rather their power, money and property have been seized and now belong to him. No immediate threat on Kinn's life. His little brother is safe. They've reunited with their mother. His relationship with Kinn is going strong and getting stronger with each passing day.
Porsche is waiting for his mother to regain her memory now that she's reunited with her children. He's waiting to hear his side of the story ,now that he's heard Korn's side and Gun's story is incomplete as Korn stopped him from spilling that one remaining piece of truth.
A part of me thinks it was his mom who had accidentally killed her husband and since then faking memory loss.
But whatever be the truth, only she can clarify.
Meanwhile Porsche is the ideal candidate for minor family head , since he naturally commands loyalty from his people and in this show , from the very first scene, it has been reiterated and reinforced again and again how important and rare that is in the mafia world. It's a world fraught and poisoned with betrayal.
The guards love and respect him. They were all rooting for him when he was asked to present himself before Korn in episode 11. He's also highly charismatic, likeable and with each passing day getting better with learning the ropes of mafia leadership. Truly the perfect queen for Kinn's king. Together they can take over the world. Their forces when joined together are unstoppable.
Porsche is lurking. Waiting for the right time. Meanwhile gathering power. He's learnt that in this world power and money are literally the only two things that can ensure your loved ones are totally and permanent safe. Only love is not enough.
Truth has many facets. Many layers. When manh people are saying many different stories chances are truth is a combination of them. It's not like Gun is not a whiny liar either. So nothing either him or Korn said can be taken as whole truth.
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be11atrixthestrange · 2 years
The Law
I started this fic for the Romione Trope Fest, and then life got in the way and I wasn't able to finish it on time. Better late than never! Enjoy my indulgent, silly little attempt at Marriage Law, and please don't think too hard about the world-building. ;)
The Law
Even though The Daily Prophet is as light as a feather, Ron feels like he's holding a brick. He scowls at today's headline.
Marriage Law enacted with a unanimous vote. Unless previously engaged, all pure-blood magical folks must marry within two months.
Luckily, Hermione is at work and isn't around to see him crumple up the newspaper and toss it into a nearby bin. But that doesn't mean she won't become aware of the news at her job. They've already faced so much marriage pressure from his mother, and they don't need it from the Ministry too.
"Something wrong?" asks Harry.
Ron's best friend stands at the kitchen counter pouring himself a glass of orange juice. Like Ron, Harry's still wearing his pajamas, but instead of blazing orange and studded with Chudley Cannons emblems, they're dark green with a repeating pattern of gold talons. If Grimmauld Place wasn't already full of Holyhead Harpies gear, Ron would think Harry had chosen to represent Slytherin.
It would have been a safe fashion choice, given the state of the Ministry.
"Oh you know," says Ron. "More propaganda." Ron clears his throat and puts on his best impression of Lucius Malfoy, assistant to the Minister of Magic. "One of the biggest issues facing the modern magical world is the slow dilution of magical blood. We must use all of our resources to combat this."
Harry snorts. "You know they're all talk."
To a certain extent, it's true. Ever since Voldemort 'won the war,' he's proven that his preference for winning is stronger than his penchant for ruling. Since his rise to power, disorganization within the Ministry has prevented any new bills from being passed into law. He's packed his speeches with empty promises to ensure the safety of all pure-blooded citizens by restricting the rights of half-bloods and muggle-borns, yet won't respond to the media's accusations of his own questionable blood status. His attempts to squash rumors of senility don't hold a lot of weight when he can't remember small details of the war, like where the battle took place, who he had been trying to kill, or the fact that he never actually won in the first place.
As it turns out, the best way to remove the threat of a dictatorship is to make them believe they'd succeeded. That way, no Death Eaters are running about hungry for revenge, and the magical world can see what a joke a Voldemort-run Ministry really is.
Harry reaches into the bin and smoothes out the article. "Oh darn. You have to get married. How sad for you."
"Shut up," says Ron, only to get hit in the face by a crumpled-up news article.
"It's not real," states Harry. "I mean... it is. To him. Not to The Order."
"But Harry, it was a 'unanimous vote'," says Ron, using air quotes.
"Who voted?"
"I dunno. Voldemort himself, maybe."
Harry takes a seat at the dining table and opens his laptop. He clacks away at the keyboard, most likely crafting an email to Kingsley about how the order would deal with this new "law." Ron's still impressed at Harry's familiarity with the keyboard — it was quite the learning curve for Ron when The Order transitioned to muggle technology. But he was willing to learn it, as it was the best way to remain undetected by the Ministry. Why would Voldemort bother with archaic means of communication when he could enact something fresh and modern, like a Marriage Law?
"Notice how it doesn't specify we need to marry other pure-bloods?" asks Ron. "Reckon that's an oversight?"
Harry laughs. "Either that or he'd have to make marrying your cousin legal first."
"Good point," says Ron with a chuckle.
Ron's laptop dings, indicating a new message. He's pleased to see that Kingsley has copied Ron into his response.
Harry - we've heard of the new law, yes. We'll have an Order meeting tonight to discuss the best way to handle it. Stay tuned for time and location. 
"You probably won't have to get married," jokes Harry. Since you two are too cool for that."
Ron smiles at his friend, who's fiddling with the gold band on his left ring finger. Little does Harry know, it isn't the only ring in the house. Tucked away in Ron's bedside drawer is a blue sapphire on a gold band, safely protected by a velvet ring box and a disillusionment charm. One of the benefits of learning how to use a computer was the discovery of Hermione's Pinterest page, a blatant contradiction to her assurances that 'marriage is overrated anyway' and she 'doesn't need a fancy ring'. Discovering her account had felt like finding a clear, static-free radio station that hadn't existed before, full of fresh explanations to previously indecipherable mysteries.
"Thank Merlin for that," says Ron, breathing a sigh of relief that he can only hope is convincing. As the news sets in, Ron's palms begin to sweat and his jaw clenches and everything begins to feel less like a joke.
Of course, to The Order, this is a non-issue. Voldemort's laws don't hold any weight with 99% of the magical world — pretty much everyone looks to The Order for real news along with guidance on how to convince the Ministry they still have power. Within the next two weeks, there'll likely be a slew of fake engagements and falsified marriage documents followed by very real parties and celebrations, because why not? In general, the magical community loves how The Order strings the Ministry along like a hopeful suitor. It's childish, sure, but the war has stolen a generation's innocence, and this is their way of reclaiming it. Plus, tricking the dark side requires collaboration and unity. What better way to heal from the war's attempt to isolate and divide?
But Ron doesn't want a fake marriage. He wants a real one, one that isn't overshadowed by hoaxes or inspired by an archaic law. His heart sinks as he thinks back to the ring hiding in his bedside drawer. The thought of having to postpone his proposal or convince Hermione that he's serious makes Ron wonder if they'd truly succeeded in stripping Voldemort of his power.
"You okay?" asked Harry as he glances at Ron from the corner of his eye.
"Yeah. I'm fine." Ron's ears burn with heat and he knows Harry can see right through his response. He stands up from the dining table and pushes his chair back. "I'll be upstairs if you need me," he says as he brushes past Harry.
"Whatever you say," his best friend mutters before Ron proceeds to his bedroom to regroup.
Ron hadn't meant to fall asleep, and he nearly panics when he wakes up to see what time it is. Harry had confirmed the Order meeting at Grimmauld Place, and they will be over any minute, so he reluctantly rolls out of bed with a groan and hobbles to his bathroom to make sure he looks somewhat presentable.
When he deems his appearance professional enough, Ron leaves his bathroom and heads down the stairs, where he nearly collides with Hermione.
"Hermione, hi. What… what are you doing home so early?"
Hermione beams and flings her arms around Ron's neck. "Just wanted to see you."
Ron smiles back and tightens his grip around Hermione's waist. "I have an Order meeting, unfortunately."
"Oh, when?"
"Tonight," he murmurs into her bushy hair. "We're meeting here."
"What's the meeting about?" she presses. Her embrace strengthens, and Ron basks in the warmth of her body against his. Maybe he can miss the Auror meeting… Harry can fill him in later, right?
But he hesitates to tell her what it's about. It would change things
"I guess I'll find out soon," he says.
Hermione pulls away, her hands sliding to meet his. "Well, if you're meeting here, then it makes sense why the drawing-room looks the way it does."
"Yeah. I didn't realize you decorated for Order meetings."
"Uh…we don't." As far as he's concerned, they've never done that. Ron peers over Hermione's shoulder to see a dimly-lit room. The light that emanates is a warm glow. Are those… candles?
"Weird, right?" chirps Hermione.
Why would the Aurors set up candles? Unless they really wanted to make a joke of the whole Marriage Law announcement.
"Hermione." Ron's voice cracks as though he's a teenager entering puberty. "What is this?"
"She meets his gaze and flashes a smile. "Something I should have done yesterday," she says as the tugs his arms toward the drawing-room.
Does she know about the law? Did Harry say something? "Hermione—"
Hermione clears her throat, and says in the most demanding, Hermione-like tone, "Ron, listen. Let me do this right."
When they enter the drawing-room, Ron is instantly reminded of their first date after the war. The first time they'd dressed up for a night out Ron had taken her to a candlelight muggle restaurant, a place where no one would recognize them. Complete privacy. With a flick of her wand, the drawing-room doors shut, closing them off to the rest of the world and its drama, conflict, and outdated laws. "What are you doing—"
"What about the Order meeting?"
When the tone Hermione usually reserves for sparking an argument surfaces, Ron quiets down. Hermione's mischievous smile confirms at least one thing, that there's no Order meeting here tonight.
Harry's such a git.
Hermione clears her throat and continues in a trembling voice, "I've been meaning to do this for ages. I mean, I've had the ring for months. But I kept talking myself out of it because I didn't want you to feel pressured, or I didn't want it to sound like an ultimatum, but with the today's news I didn't want you to think I felt pressured either, and Harry suggested—"
"Yes," he interrupts, his heart racing, his hair standing on end. There's a part of Ron that's annoyed, frankly, that Hermione beat him to the punch. Maybe his traditional upbringing had given him the idea that men were supposed to decide when to move things forward. But it had never been that way with Hermione. He recalls how she slammed into him and kissed him for the first time, her timid, yet confident tone when she asked him to Slughorn's party, and the way she called him out for not taking her to the Yule Ball. She'd always been the one pushing him further down the road while he hesitated, not because he wasn't ready, but because he didn't feel worthy.
Plus, that prickle of annoyance felt like the first time he met her. 'You've got dirt on your nose.' It made his palms sweat and his heart beat faster, like a young boy who doesn't realize he has a crush.
"Yes," he reiterates.
"Ron, let me finish."
The prickle returns, accompanied by an overwhelming desire to squeeze his girlfriend and bury his face in her hair, run his teeth along her skin, tracing the fine tightrope between anger and lust. It had always been like that with Hermione. "Okay, but the answer's yes."
Hermione beams as she reaches into her pocket and pulls out a ring box from her pocket. "Ronald Weasley," she continues in a cracking voice, "Will you marry me?"
She pops open the ring box to reveal a black band with a subtle orange stripe down the middle. Chudley Cannon's colors — just like the ring on his Pinterest board, the gallery he had made for himself when he found Hermione's.
"You saw my board?" he asks, knowing full well that his ears are glowing red.
"Yeah. You're such a dork," she says with a laugh. "So it's still a yes?"
"Yes. A thousand times yes," he says, rushing forward to embrace her and bury his head into the pillow of his hair. He thinks of the ring nestled in his top drawer, and is torn between running to retrieve it or living in her embrace forever, refraining from stealing her thunder. "I wanted to be the one to propose to you."
Hermione chuckles, then in a voice muffled by Ron's jumper, "You shouldn't have taken so long, then."
Normally, it pains him to admit that she's right, but once in a blue moon, she says something he simply can't argue with, and this is one of those times. He pulls her closer. "You're right. I shouldn't have taken so long."
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Draw your swords, pt.9
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Summary: Darkling’s secrets are soon to be unveiled, just in time for a trip to the Fold.
Warnings: angst, swearing, mentions of alcohol, implied sexual content
Part one // Part two // Part three // Part four // Part five // Part six // Part seven // Part eight  
The Darkling walked with a spring in his step. Residents of Little Palace have gotten used to his skulking in black keftas he wore like second skin. Never before had they seen him smile as much as he did on this particular day – as if he found the secret to happiness.
In truth, the Darkling refused to let himself hope for much. He simply hoped she’d allow him to kiss her now without receiving a death threat for it. It felt incredibly dangerous how foolishly addicted he is to his fickle wife. He never wanted anyone as much as he wanted her.
“General”, Fedyor joined him on his right, while Ivan silently took his left side. They both kept a reasonable distance from Kirigan, two steps behind at all times.
“What reason did you have to knock on my door this morning?” Kirigan’s voice is leveled, but his words are a death trap. There’s nothing more the general hates than his Grisha interrupting his private time – regardless if Y/N is with him or not. Unless there’s a burning issue at hand, he disliked being bothered unnecessarily.
“We’ve intercepted a few interesting stories you might like”, Ivan responds calmly, unafraid of his temperamental general. After all the years they’ve known each other, Ivan could read Kirigan’s mood easily. Despite his discontent, Kirigan is chipper for the first time in a long time. In fact, Ivan can’t even remember the last time his general was this happy...or happy at all.
“What kind?” Darkling asked, but his attention was undeniably divided as he caught sight of Y/N. 
She walked across the hallway with a purpose – determined to raise hell and he found it incredibly sexy. She paused for a moment, her gaze meeting his briefly. When she pursed her lips, his twitched at the corners – a smile starting to form.
“Sun Summoner kind”, Fedyor spoke in a hushed voice.
Kirigan’s smile falters, his eyes leaving Y/N’s. “Follow me”, he barked on order before walking in the opposite direction. 
All his life, the Darkling had been searching for the Sun Summoner. Every whisper of their existence turned out to be nothing but a fabrication, but something felt different now.
Once inside the map room, he leaned with his palms on the table. Kirigan didn’t say anything for a moment or ask for more information, but then his mouth moved on their own accord.
“Is it true?”
Glancing at each other, Ivan and Fedyor silently argued who should deliver the news.
“I asked you a question”, the general growled out, looking at them over his shoulder and the intensity of his glare had erased his earlier happiness.
“Nothing is confirmed yet, but we have quite a lot of accounts from the people surrounding the forest.” Ivan replied.
The Darkling made a sort of a grunting noise that Ivan didn’t know what to make of. The shadows covered the windows swiftly, engulfing the room in darkness as his left eye narrowed ever so slightly.
“The forest?”
Fedyor clears his throat, “Near the border.”
“Near the fold”, Ivan adds.
“I want”, he paused. Running his fingers through his hair, his shadows killed every source of outside light. “We need to prepare for a trip to the armies stationed at the fold.”
Nodding, Ivan looked to Fedyor and his deep-set frown.
“Are we to cross?” Fedyor asks.
The Darkling’s face is stone, his eyes unblinking. “Would it be a problem for you?”
Breath caught in his throat, Fedyor’s heart started to race. “No.”
“Good”, Kirigan remarked. “Prepare everything for departure in no more than a week.”
Sending them off, the Darkling sat in his chair. He wants so many things. His fingers graze his chin as he sighs – there would be no leaving without Y/N following. It’s not in her nature to do nothing and if she learns of the reasons behind his departure, he might lose her. The path of less resistance is to convince her the trip is to prove he’s honored his promise to her. He had sent the instructions yesterday and while she did force his hand on it, he didn’t hate her for it. If he’s bound for hell, at least it’s not a false one. She hates him, but she’s honest with him. He appreciated that.
Finding the Sun Summoner will change everything – for once, he will have a partner who can understand the weight of his past choices. He regrets too many things he’s done, but he was rarely given a choice. They broke the wrong parts of him, in the end, he showed them what happens when they laid a hand on those he cares for. That included Y/N now. If anything, she was a priority. Y/N is the only one he has left in this world.
While the Darkling pondered on the possibility of a Sun Summoner being true, Y/N sat in the library with a pile of books at each side.
The lingering effect of Aleksander’s gaze upon her and his devilish smirk had warmed her up in a way she least expected. For a moment, she couldn’t tell if time stopped or her heart did.
Shaking her head, she flipped the page in frustration. Her skin still burned bright from where he touched her. No amount of bathing can erase the fact she belonged to him now.
Swallowing thickly, she groaned. In all the books she had found, barely few had any information on the shadow summoner. Aside from Morozova creatures that serve as amplifiers, Y/N found mere mentions of a black heretic and the creation of the fold.
Her neck hurt, her eyes felt like they’re being pierced with needles and there was no saving her mind from all the theories she concocted. Leaning back in her chair, she huffed. Rubbing her eyes, she slammed the book closed before standing in frustration.
She didn’t want to love Aleksander, to risk her heart and life. She didn’t want to lay in bed, always afraid of what he might do if one day she’s not careful enough and he learns the truth. Naively, she hoped he’d either stand with her or just walk away but that’s not the Kirigan she knows. He wouldn’t forgive, it’s not in his nature.
Placing the books where she can find them in the morning, she headed to her room. Genya was kind enough to send a servant with lunch, but Y/N missed dinner entirely. Engrossed in books all day, she hardly felt any hunger.
At least not the kind of hunger food could satisfy.
Walking into the room, she hadn’t expected to find Aleksander sat at the bottom of their bed….shirtless.
Standing, he narrowed his eyes at her. “You weren’t at dinner.”
She raised a brow, “Wasn’t hungry.”
Kirigan crossed his arms over his bare chest, the movement making the muscles in his stomach flicker.
“Get dressed”, she quipped.
He smiled, “Do I make you uncomfortable?”
“I’m surprised you don’t have a mirror in every corner of this Palace, since you love yourself so much.”
He laughed wholeheartedly as she just turned away, clamping a hand over her mouth. She couldn’t let herself laugh with him. Every moment like this feels like the world is spinning, making her resolution fragile. She’s aching to let him in, but it would be a mistake. She feels it in his bones, he’s not honest with her.
Caring for a man like him is dangerous, like standing in the eye of a hurricane.
“We’ll leave Little Palace in a week”, Aleksander speaks, “Just as you asked of me.”
She stares at him, disbelief and joy colliding. And it’s the look in his eyes, the hopeful, terrified look in those dark skies that disarms her.
“Why do I feel like there’s a catch?”
Running the tip of his tongue along his lower lip, Aleksander takes a step closer. “You’ll ride with me.”
Pursing her lips, she nods without ever breaking eye contact. “And?”
A breathless chuckle passes his lips, “You’ll have to wear a special kefta. One that won’t let you get hurt easily.”
Taking a deep breath, she tilts her head up, “And?”
Suppressing a smile, he raises an eyebrow. “You’ll be equipped with a weapon of choice. I believe you’re more than familiar with guns as a soldier of the First army.”
Raising both eyebrows in response, she takes a step closer to him. “Swords”, she notes.
Humming, his eyes widen ever so slightly as he waits for her to continue.
“I prefer swords”, she touched his face gently with the back of her hand.
“Of course”, he breathes out. A soft smile spreads across his lips, “Draw your swords if you see an enemy in sight.”
“Even if it’s my husband?” Her lips remain parted, her eyes flickering to his chest where she raised her hand to.
“I don’t care, as long as you keep yourself safe.”
She held her breath as his words resonated with her mind. How can he be so callous one day and then offer up his life for her to take. No game had ever made her question every single word that left someone’s lips before. Sometimes she’d look at him and see through the mask he shows the world and other times she couldn’t see anything other than her own reflection in his eyes as if his soul didn’t exist at all.
“Since when do you care?” She frowns, gnawing on the inside of her cheek.
Letting out a heavy sigh, his eyes flicker to the hand she splayed against his bare chest. Just the simple touch of her hand made him want more. It was becoming too hard to pretend he hates her. What he truly hates is how human she is – what is he supposed to do when her hair turns grey and he’s still young? How will he survive when someone takes her to exact vengeance against him? Will he be too late to save her then?
When your world comes to a stop and the value of life is amplified by those dead before their time in gruesome ways, it feels like an earthquake shakes the very foundations life is built on. But when the walls start falling, past and future no longer exist, only the moment you’re in and the first person that comes to mind when those walls are gone is what your life is all about. For Aleksander, that person is Y/N.
Looking into her eyes, his hands cup her face, “Since I had to spend five days believing you’re dead.”
He wanted to wrap Y/N in his arms and tell her he would never let her walk away, not after he had a taste of what it means to be with her. He wanted to tell her his love is unconditional and that his soul is hers, even if she didn’t want to give him hers. He would wait, as patiently and as stubbornly as he did by now and that she will never lose him because even if he wished, he can’t scrub his heart clean of her. And he never wanted to.
“I thought you’d protect me?” She raised an eyebrow, teasing him.
She had become his heart, his reason to live. She lit a fire within, something he had lost over time and while she’s completely unaware of it, if the world tried to take her from him, the Darkling would wage war to make sure she remains by his side.
Blinking slow, a faint smile upon his lips, the Darkling tilts his head slightly to the left. “Would you allow it?”
There is nothing in the world he wanted more than to kiss her again, but this time around Aleksander decided to let her make the move. She is tender, but fierce. To understand a woman like her, one must realize that the former is who she is and the latter is what life demanded of her.
“Not likely”, she remarks and he throws his head back, chuckling.
Wrapping her arms around his neck, she wets her lips in thought and he can’t help but think this is a well-designed trap for him to say the wrong thing and for her to use it as excuse to put distance between them rather than face her own desires and he was almost certain those desires included him.
“You want me”, he whispers in her ear as his fingertips slide up her spine and to the back of her neck, “And it’s killing you.”
“Physical attraction means nothing”, her voice is low, but unwavering.
Aleksander bites the inside of his lower lip in anticipation of her pushing him away and storming off, but even as he waits, he feels her hips press closer to him as if she’s telling him he won’t be left alone. Not again.
“Yet you’re here”, he grins. Tucking her hair behind her left ear, he admired how firm she stands in her opposition.
“So are you”, she quipped,. 
A cocky smile appears on his lips, tiny wrinkles forming around his dark eyes as he holds her gaze bravely, unwavering even when her gaze becomes a glare.
Biting her lower lip, contemplating the right move, Y/N could hardly fight her desire for him. Her head knew he it would be unwise, but her heart screamed at her to kiss him and those butterflies in her stomach felt more like killer bees as the need to feel him inside her had taken over every rational thought she generated.
One hand caressing his lean cheek, she gave into her primal instincts as she slammed her lips against his and Aleksander’s own heart leapt inside his chest. 
Their need for each other was urgent. Y/N grabbed a handful of flesh and muscle on Aleksander’s back. He gasped and laughed throatily at her haste. When her hands clawed at him again, he grasped both hands in one of his and held them over her head. She struggled to free herself, but he was too strong. When he entered her, she gasped, then moved her hips up to meet his.
He released her hands and she pulled him closer and closer to her. They made love quickly, almost harshly, before they found the sweet release they longed for. Aleksander collapsed on top of her, their bodies still joined as one when their minds gave in, slowly drifting to sleep.
Just like the previous morning, he remained in the bed, his arms wrapped around her tightly. 
She barely saw him during the day as the week progressed, but their nights were spent together – entangled mess of limbs, desperate moans and needy pleas neither held back. She’d close her eyes in his embrace and begin her day the same way.
“You don’t have much time”, Genya warned as Y/N dressed in haste. She decided to dress for the trip, it was the only way she could fit in a few hours in the library.
“I won’t be long”, she smiled at her friend.
Licking her lips, Genya took her by the hand. “What is it that you’re looking for?”
Y/N clenched her teeth, wondering if she should tell Genya. Something inside her warned against it – she didn’t tell anyone his name is Aleksander, feeling privileged to know such information. If she’s wrong and she can trust him, she didn’t want to poison anyone else with her doubt beforehand. A single book remained unread on her pile of very thick books she went through.
“Just trying to learn”, Y/N shrugged.
Nodding, Genya smiles, “In case we don’t see each other before you leave, I have to implore you to reconsider David as an ally.”
“I will”, Y/N promised and she would. Someone in Aleksander’s inner circle could be of use to her.
Going through the pages, she felt exhausted. Spending all her time in ancient books didn’t seem to be of use, but for once the text made sense. It spoke of the black heretic and the many names he’s been called in history.
“He walks the earth with a power only the saints could possess. They call him The Black Heretic, The Shadow King, The Starless Saint, Staski, Eryk, Leonid – numerous names that he exchanged for each lifetime he was given and by now it must be at least a few hundred lifetimes of darkness. His name – true name was lost throughout the centuries, occasionally heard as a whisper carried in the wind.”
Wide eyed, she read through the text of a scholar who described the Black Heretic and his powers, his entire lineage being his mother who remained unnamed and…him.
“He has no descendants?” Y/N’s lips quiver. If he has no descendants and his line begins and ends with him, how would Aleksander even exist?
It would be impossible, would it not?
“Numerous names that he exchanged for each lifetime he was given”, she reads aloud only to cover her own mouth in face of a startling epiphany. It was as she noticed the dark connection between the great mystery, the horrific realization set in.
“Pardon me, miss, but General Kirigan has sent for you”, a servant frightened her.
Taking the book in haste, Y/N stood on her shaky legs. Mouth dry, she pressed her lips in a thin line.
“Thank you”, she walked out so quickly, barely containing her quick and shallow breaths. Sweating profusely, she felt as if the black kefta she wore weighed down on her like battle armor.
Was it not her armor? Was this not a constant war she’s struggled with?
Aleksander…Kirigan…The Darkling…who is he?
“Are you ready?” Aleksander is waiting by the door with a small smile on his lips. His hand is opened for her to take, but she ignores it. If she took his hand, he’d feel the shakiness she’s trying so hard to steady.
Mounting his black stallion, she tucked the book safely inside her inner pocket.
“I’ll take the reins”, she informed him as he took his place behind her.
She heard him scoff, “I’m the general.” 
Is Aleksander even his real name?
Are the stories about him true? 
“On this side of the fold, so am I”, she gripped the reins and the stallion obeyed.
Riding a horse always helped her clear her mind, but this time it seemed impossible. 
When she married Kirigan, she believed she would marry an old, unattractive man…As it turns out, she got the old part right.
A/N - I’m not quite happy with this chapter, but I wanted to post today to keep my streak going. Also, i suck at writing a summary, like WHY IS THAT?! xD It’s Eid, so I’m tired and sleepy, forgive my grammar and prepare for things to heat up in the next chapters. Thank you all for sticking with the story and all the feedback, it honestly gives me life and will to keep writing. I also finally found the books in my native tongue, at least the Grisha trilogy and Six of crows duology and I’m really excited to dive into it and further my understanding of Darkling as a brilliantly written villain that is a multi-dimensional being with, let’s be honest, actually good points. I may not be happy about his willingness to commit mass murder, but I kinda see where he’s coming from and I really can’t wait to know more about the situation as it is in the books.  
Tags: @bruxa0007 @rangotangomango @kaitlyn2907 @thestoryofmylife9 @shelivesindaydreamswme @hxrgreeves @safetyhtom @kaqua @savannah-elliott @all-art-is-quite-useless  @azure23x @girlmadeofavocados @ashdab2611 @acciorudolphx @ladyblablabla @wckedheart @xceafh @sanna2020 @tarkanelima-blog @takethee @mellifluous-cosmos @marvel-ousnesss @tea-effect @starlightofsolaria @p3nny4urth0ught5 @blackbirddaredevil23 @sarcastic-and-cool @slytherinsbiggestproblem @within-thehollowcrown @notthatchhavi @musicconversedance @freakytillthemoon  @lgkoval @honeyofthegods @queenmalhinewahine @misselsbells06  @whatthefluffrichard @aami98 @britriestbr @itsfangirlmendes @padme-parker @readingsssssssss @runawayolives @thehighladyofasgard @emlynblack @keithseabrook27 @dailydoseofchoices @deceivedeer @olympiacosplay @pansysgirlfriend @extrakyloren  @daybleedsintonightfa11 @thoughts-and-funnies @weirdowithnobeardo @folkloresworld​
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067supremacy · 3 years
Ok! This has been a loooong time coming, but I finally got round to finishing it. This may have some mistakes in it as my lazy ass didn't check through, lmao. Anyway! I hope you enjoy :)
Her Maiden - Alcina Dimitrescu
Tw: Smut, smut, and some more smut.
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The dark halls of the castle stretch for miles; the place was a maze, but you had it memorised like the back of your hand. A cool chill runs down your spine, causing you to shiver and rub at the exposed skin of your short-sleeved arm.
You hurry along the stone flooring; the click of your heels do little to mask your panic, but when it came to this family, you knew better than to keep them waiting. You can already hear the impatient call of your name from the leader herself. Fear strikes you as you wonder if today was the day you received a punishment.
The thick red liquid you carry is heavy. The sloshing drink was a request from Lady Dimitrescu, which you immediately tended to. However, there had been a delay when you accidentally collided with one of the daughters. Your life flashed before your eyes, but to your surprise, they were lenient with you. They even went as far as to allow you back on your way without as much as a threat, which you had witnessed many times for far less.
As you enter the master bedroom, the place of rest for Alcina Dimitrescu. She exhales the smoke she was holding in and stands from her colossal seat. Her face doesn't look impressed, and you weigh the options of getting punished or running there and then. But you had heard the stories of others who ran; it became a game, almost like cat and mouse. The girls would chase and hunt you down until they could squeeze out every last drop of your blood.
"My dear, you had me worried that you would never come back, " Alcina Says in her sultry voice, the same voice that could run a chill down your spine every day of the week. Alcina seems surprised to find you panting and sweating from the effort you put into making it back on time. Seeing you like this brings other kinds of thoughts to her head; she was thirsty, that's for sure, but it was no longer for the wine; she wanted you. And what Lady Dimitrescu wants, she damn well gets. Not that you wouldn't accept what happens just shortly after this encounter.
"You have been such a good maiden, recently. How about a reward for my favourite pet?" Alcina struts to your position, eyeing you from head to toe; she loves your shy behaviour, and under her lustful gaze, you certainly feel shy. She takes the wine from you and takes your hand in hers. She kisses your hand and leads you to her bed; that candlelit room provides a romantic atmosphere. Alcina's sweet perfume is just the right amount to keep it from being too overpowering.
"Do you want this, pet?" Lady D breathes out slowly and takes a step back to admire your beauty and give you the required space to say no if necessary. But no wasn't an option; you wanted this, you want Alcina.
You nod in response, but that isn't enough for Alcina. She prefers to hear this type of thing, almost as much as she will love to listen to your whimpers when they arrive. Alcina tuts her disappointment at you shaking her head playfully while she is at it. Her long slender fingers rest at her hips, but how you long for them to be wrapped around your neck or maybe touching you in a place so sacred, you can only dream of the sensation.
"Tell me what you want, pet, " lady Dimitrescu whispers as she pours some of the wine into her crystal glass with the Dimitrescu emblem glossed into the side.
The way she intimidates you is the most attractive part. A woman of class and with great style. Her choice of music was always a pleasant one. The different types of perfume she wears are always delightful on your nose. She is beautiful from head to toe, and there is a lot of her in between. You weigh up the options you have, but the one thing you can't do is leave her waiting. Your answers run through your mind like a marathon runner, but eventually, you land on one that is sure to please the lady of the castle.
"I- I want you." you nervously say; you begin to play with your fingers and divert your gaze in any direction that doesn't include Alcina. Your speech was low, Alcina heard what you said, but for the prospect of bothering the game at stake, Alcina asks you to repeat what you had said.
"I want you," you say again, this time with more force behind your voice. You still hesitate to look her way. Soon, that isn't an option as she places a gloved pointer finger under your chin and raises your head to look her dead in the eyes. The eyes that hold so much passion, but something else twinkles in the depths of her eyes, love.
She softly coos while lowering herself to become face to face with you. The position seems uncomfortable for her, but for you, it was pushed aside immediately without a second thought. You are confident that if someone walks in now, they will find this picture highly amusing, although you doubt their eyes would remain in their sockets should they say anything.
It's the softest pair of lips you can imagine that make contact with yours, a feather flowing through the gentle breeze of a dream location. You sink into a place of bliss; all your worries disappear at the touch of her cherry red lips on yours. At first, you stand stiff while trying to figure out what was happening, but you relax and begin to kiss back as eagerly as Lady Dimitrescu is.
Alcina swipes her tongue along your lip, she doesn't beg for anything, but this was as close as it got. She so badly wanted to taste you on her tongue, a particular taste could wait, but for now, the tip of her tongue drags along yours as they meet in a glorious kiss. You moan slightly at the sensation which is captured in Alcina's mouth; the two of you move in sync with one another; Alcina is gentle, something you appreciate immensely, given her reputation. You feel her hand glide up your leg agonisingly slow; you throb with need, and Alcina can sense this, but the game is all too amusing now. Her hand was entirely up your dress, and her fingers reached the hem of your underwear.
"I could smell you, now I can feel you." Lady Dimitrescu whispers against your lips as she runs her index and middle finger over the damp fabric of your underwear. She teasingly massages you; Alcina soaks up every little sound you make as this gives her the ultimate pleasure. She can feel your blood heating up deliciously, something she takes a strong liking to.
"m-miss, P-please." you whine into the crock of her neck where she holds your head.
Alcina retracts her fingers at your beg, taking her gloves off to show this is moving forward and holds her two digits in front of your face; she taps your lips, and you instantly know what she is asking for. You open your mouth and willingly let her two digits rest on your tongue. You encircle them in the heat of your mouth and lathe your tongue around them; when you make eye contact with Alcina, she almost breaks face and crumbles in front of you, but she wills through your seductive actions.
Eventually, she pulls her fingers from your mouth and sets about going to her actual destination. With your spit slicked on her fingers, she pulls your underwear down and finally places them at your entrance. Alcina pushes into your tight hole; the tall woman is careful; she treats you like a fragile vase, but seeing you in pleasure rather than pain, she moves slowly, letting you enjoy the drag of her fingers against your sensitive walls.
"Fuck, t-that feels s - so good." you whimper out as her thumb plays with your clit. Her head moves to place her mouth on your neck; you know how dangerous this situation is. She could bite into your neck at any time, but being overwhelmed with pleasure makes the worry subside before it even starts. Her tongue swipes up the centre of your neck, making you shiver; she makes your body feel electric.
"Don't be quiet; make me proud, pet." Alcina husks into your neck. The more time goes on, the harder she pumps her fingers; the soaked sound emitting from your downstairs region is enough to make Alcina growl; she loves the sound of getting you closer and closer to your high. You don't disappoint the lady. You let out various high pitched moans to tell her that the spot she was slamming into was just right. You feel a heat rising in your stomach, a bubbling feeling that builds like a pressure gauge. The higher it gets, the better you feel. Your legs begin to shake, and Alcina's name sprays from your lips uncontrollably. Just as you are about to tip over the edge, she pulls her fingers from your soaked pussy and chuckles to herself at your need to be fucked.
"Oh, honey. Not yet, I haven't even got to taste you yet."
Alcina brings out her steel claws; much to your surprise, for a split second, you worried about your life. However, she gently places the tip of her blade at the neckline of your dress and slowly slices down. She is cautious in this process, always making sure the dress is slightly lifted from your skin. She finishes her masterpiece; you lay there completely naked, sweaty and panting from the adventures, you spread your legs to give Alcina the best view, you see her lick her lips at the sight of your needy behaviour, how she loves this more than life itself.
With your dress cut in half and spread on either side of your body, you make the mistake of reaching your hand down to touch yourself. This wasn't well-received by the leader of the Dimitrescu bloodline. She quickly slaps your hand away and places a large hand around your throat. The look in her eyes had changed; this was a predator vs prey situation, and you knew your role in that. Her eyes were pitch black with lust but jealousy of the thought of anyone-including you- finishing you off. Your airwaves are trapped for moment, but Alcina knows what she is doing. It's just the right amount of pressure not to harm you but add the effect of danger. Retracting her claws, she gives your breast a harsh slap before soothing it out with her mouth. She sucks, licks, and nibbles, much to your pleasure. You throb with need; the wetness between your legs begins to drip down the curve of your ass.
Alcina takes pity on you, her needy little maiden. Still choking you slightly, she kisses down your perfect body until her warm breath is on your centre; she starts with a kiss, coating her lips in your juices; you chance to look down and catch a glimpse of her licking her lips.
"Mm, divine, my sweetheart." Alcina moans before licking your pussy with her enormous tongue. You fall into complete euphoria. Alcina is amazing; her tongue laps up your juice before entering your heat, the slurping sounds from down your body has your back rising as far as it would allow. Alcina places your legs over her shoulders to get the best angle for you and places both hands on your hips to steady you; from here, she shows no mercy. Fucking you like only she could, and God, does she fuck you. From quiet whimpers to loud screams, you put a smile on the cherry red lips of Alcina. Chants of her name echo around the room, and most likely the entire castle, it doesn't take much, but you are back on the edge you were hanging off of before.
You cry out what is to come, Alcina is far too aware of what is building inside you, but she wants you to let go. She sticks to her task, and before you know it, a burst of ecstasy shoots through your entire being; you shake like a leaf in the arms of the woman who took you in. Lady Dimitrescu builds her way up to your face, leaving kisses along the way. She pulls you into her chest and relaxes you completely. The last thing you hear before drifting into a deep sleep is, "I want to be the lady of this castle with you by my side."
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Continued from this post, Part 3 of my discussion of Essek Thelyss in the context of real-world espionage. This time: what happens to espionage assets in the long run? Do they break contact, and why? What might have been in store for Essek?
At the treaty meeting Essek tells Ludinus to his face that he wants no further contact with the Assembly, not even to learn what the Assembly discovers via their own beacon. He’s far from the first asset to try to sever their relationship, and it ends in one of three ways: they don’t manage to break contact, they break contact but voluntarily return, or (rarest of all) they end the relationship permanently. 
Most attempts don’t go beyond option 1, because intelligence agencies are not in the business of respecting their assets’ choices. Handlers are skilled in keeping the upper hand in their asset relationships and will take any further opportunity to gain leverage by compromising the asset. For instance they’ll often pay for information even if the asset hasn’t requested it, because money changing hands makes it far harder for an asset to frame their activities positively to their own side if they attempt to confess (”You expect us to believe they were blackmailing you when you got $10,000 to hand over the secret manual?” etc.) And when push comes to shove most people aren’t willing to accept the severe punishments for espionage. An asset’s threat to confess is more likely a negotiating ploy than a serious option.
Some assets, especially nervous or ego-driven ones, get the carrot: the KGB did a strong line in awarding secret medals to convince them they were doing important, well-regarded work and that the KGB would protect them - not an empty reassurance, as highly-placed moles like Aldrich Ames warranted elaborate ops involving double and triple agents to avert suspicions. And some assets get the stick: the handler tightens the screws using whatever leverage they’ve gained, implies that they’re already “too far in to go back,” or gives some time for those who were blackmailed into spying to think about the consequences of exposure.[1]
Those who get as far as option two, breaking it off and later returning, are usually driven away by fear but back by finances. Fantasy spies have all sorts of motives but in real life the majority are in it for the money. Assets, as you might imagine, make bad choices. About half start selling secrets just to stave off massive debt from overspending and poor financial decisions (the rest feel underpaid.) So even if these assets stop temporarily, the circumstances that drove them to espionage in the first place are still very much present. In these cases all a handler has to do is shrug and say, “You know where to find us.” Infamous FBI mole Robert Hanssen broke off contact with his Russian handlers when the Soviet Union collapsed, fearing he might get outed in the chaos, but linked back up with them just 10 months later when, surprise surprise, he needed some cash.
And then there are the rare handful who stop completely. There’s a bit of survivor(?) bias here because anyone who passes along secrets, breaks off the relationship before being caught, and manages to get away with it is by definition someone we don’t know about. Those who do manage to break contact long-term are usually able to do so because they left the situation that gave them access to interesting secrets and therefore the controlling agency determined they were no longer a useful resource and not worth pursuing. But even if an asset stops working for an agency, they’re far from forgotten - and far from off the hook. Names and evidence of their espionage would be kept on file for potential use as blackmail, leverage in state-to-state negotiations, or expendable material to prove bona fides in ops involving fake defectors or triple agents. A surprising number of spies are caught/outed years after their espionage ended.
Very few assets permanently sever their espionage relationships the hard way: making a genuine confession and accepting punishment. But it’s not unheard-of, especially if the espionage was brief and the asset believes the damage can be repaired. In 1989 Army signals analyst Michael Peri disappeared from his post in West Germany along with a portable computer containing numerous classified documents. Eleven days later he returned to his previous post with the computer and voluntarily confessed to the theft and sort-of defection to East Germany. When interrogated, Peri - who had been a model soldier until that point - said he felt overworked and underappreciated by his superiors, though he couldn’t entirely explain his decisions either to leave or to return (a sexy female Russian agent might also have been involved). He received a 30-year sentence.
Marine Clayton Lonetree, a guard stationed at the US Embassy in Moscow in 1985, was blackmailed over an affair to hand over details on the embassy compound for a year, but his conscience finally got the better of him and he confessed in late 1986. Being a Marine he faced the very real prospect of death by firing squad, but the court martial ended up giving him a 30-year sentence. It was later reduced to 15 after the Marine Corps Commandant wrote a letter to the Navy Secretary on his behalf attributing the young Marine’s actions not to treason or greed but to loneliness, naivety, and poor judgement.[2]
Going back to Essek’s case, he’s already in the minority of espionage assets because he doesn’t want money in return for the secrets he passes along; though the knowledge the Assembly promises him in return fulfills a similar desire, Essek doesn’t need that knowledge to pay off the equivalent of debt or to maintain his lifestyle. He has no pressures at home that force him to continue spying. With the beacons returned, the fall guys in place, and their tracks seemingly covered, he tells Ludinus that all he wants is to be rid of the entire affair. That rules out option one (he sincerely means to cut the Assembly off) and option two (he won’t be driven back by need.) 
Essek is also in an unusual position in that the worst of the damage he caused is repairable - just return the beacons.[3] A secret, once compromised, can’t be un-compromised. If an asset hands over a cipher machine they can’t fix the situation by stealing the cipher machine back; the foreign agency they sold it to has already studied the machine and learned its secrets, meaning it’s now effectively useless. But returning the beacons restores what the Kryn lost. While keeping dunamancy secret gives the Kryn a tactical edge, and I’m sure the Dynasty would prefer to keep the magical soulstones of their elite hidden from their long-time rival, the beacons don’t need to be secret to work. Essek therefore has a much better chance than most to simply repair the damage, cut off his handlers, and try to forget the whole affair ever happened. He might even think that, now that the Assembly has their own beacon, they’ll have no further use for him and will just leave him alone.
But from the Cerberus Assembly's perspective, this fruit still has plenty of juice in it and they risk nothing by continuing to squeeze. Now that they have their own beacon Essek’s knowledge becomes even more valuable. He has access to hundreds of years of dunamantic spellcrafting - and more importantly the rite of consecution, since the Assembly were probably after beacons in the first place to make themselves immortal. If Essek is caught, it’s treason for him, but the Assembly doesn’t suffer; they were doing it for the good of the Empire, learning about dunamancy to help the war effort. So if he refuses to keep spying voluntarily for the Assembly, they’ll just have to find another way to motivate him. 
As part of evaluating Essek before recruitment, Assembly operatives would have noted that he’s, well, highly motivated to save his own skin. Ludinus’ goal therefore becomes to make Essek see further espionage as the only way to stay alive. So instead of confronting Essek then and there, Ludinus shrugs and goes, “Okay. Sure.” Then he activates the Volstruckers, maybe leaks a little info to the Dynasty about a traitor in their midst, and sets up Essek to stew in fear, feeling isolated and attacked from both sides - targeted by the Assembly for his defiance, under suspicion from the Dynasty, unable to ask for help because of his crimes. Ludinus sits back and waits for Essek to re-establish contact on his own. Of course Ludinus didn’t know that the M9 had confronted Essek and gotten him to confess, making a return to spying impossible even if he tried.
While Essek’s motives revolve around ego, frustration, and rebellion, his situation is more like those of people who end up defecting because they’re unable to pursue their careers or live as they want to back home. He has virtually no social/family ties to leave behind, no loyalty to Dynasty authority, and no religious fervor to defend the Luxon, while the Assembly promises him the company of like minds and free rein in his experiments. Assuming no intervention by the M9 I think Essek would have ended up defecting to the Cerberus Assembly. If he did it early enough in the story he might have even joined the Volstruckers to complete the narrative foil transformation.
If the crew had confronted him at the treaty but not offered mercy I think he would have defected purely out of fear, thinking the Assembly were the only people who could protect him from both the Dynasty and the M9. He was already on edge watching the guy he'd set up to take the fall getting walked away in chains and with the Assembly's Wind of Aeons ship right there it would be the ideal time to make the move. Assuming the treaty confrontation went as it did (the crew makes him confess but lets him live) but the M9 hadn’t shown up in Eiselcross, Essek would likely have fled the outpost and gone into hiding in a bid to outrun his crimes (and probably gotten caught two weeks later given how awful he was at being “Dezrain Thane.”)
Essek is far from the first recruited asset to regret what they did even as they kept doing it. Those who can sell out their nation and not feel even a pang of guilt are thankfully thin on the ground. Most start off doing what seems to be a favor for a friend - or accepting a favor from a friend who wants to help with their “financial difficulties” - and end up so deep they can’t see any way forward other than to keep handing over secrets. He’s one more in a long line of those who compromised information out of frustration, especially through the appeal to shared professional interests (that’s how industrial assets tend to be recruited.)
But he’s also in a much better place to make up for it than most assets. Since he primarily compromised property, not secrets, returning said property can (somewhat, mostly) repair the damage done, which goes a long way towards buying leniency from the powers that be. And now I’m realizing that this post actually needs one final part, which is: how do you try someone for espionage, and should you charge them with it in the first place?
[1]  While spy dramas love sexy blackmail, and handlers will happily collect it to leverage against a balky asset, it works far less often in reality as a main reason for espionage. Social penalties for extramarital affairs pale before actual legal penalties like the death sentence for treason. On the other hand, those with foreign relatives are sometimes coerced by threats against those relatives.
[2]  Lonetree’s case for leniency got a boost in 1994 when Aldrich Ames was finally caught and some serious breaches of embassy security that had been attributed to Lonetree were found to be Ames’ work instead. In 1996 Lonetree was released after having served 9 years total.
[3] Although I did just think of a really messed-up Cerberus Assembly plan: consecute a handful of completely loyal Volstruckers, kill them, and send the beacons back so said agents will be reborn in the Dynasty and work to undermine it from within. How fucked up would that be?? Campaign 3 plot hook anyone?
(This accidentally turned into a series on Essek & IRL espionage: Parts 1, 2, 3, 4)
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sukirichi · 3 years
earned it [07]
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Gojo Satoru is a firm believer that if you work hard for it then you shall earn it. But on the other side, he’s not unfamiliar with his own sins. He also believes that there is punishment due for his sins as he’s earned it.
cw. explicit smut, pool sex, slight angst, i miss naoya :(, mafia business, mentions of blood, lots of drama, mentions of death and murder
note. IDEK ANYMORE. lmao anyways do you guys want faster updates or do you guys want to wait? i can finish the series next week and then we can move on to white lies 😈
series masterlist
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The three of you were seated back at your tables, where the whole dancing fiasco had thankfully ended. Satoru noticed nothing of your behavior – either he was really clueless, or you were a damn good actor – the guy was much too invested with the files Nanami was currently showing.
For a moment, you let yourself loosen as you took a deep breath. The account was much more important than whatever Nanami was scheming.
“I think I may have found where the real money is, or treasure, we should say, since none of us can really figure out what the Zen’ins might be hiding. And from the looks of it, considering Naoya had no idea about what his family kept prior to his death, this is something only his elders wanted to know about,” Nanami pinched the bridge of his nose, sliding a photo of an unsuspecting white manor that you hadn’t seen in a long time. “And it’s been right under our nose the whole time.”
“That’s one of our islands,” you replied with a furrowed brow, “Are you saying you traced the source back there? But that’s impossible, we haven’t used that island for years and even Naoya told me he was going to sell it because it was of no use to us. It’s not on commercial waters and there’s no local people around either. That island is in the middle of nowhere.”
“This is exactly why it’s the best place to hide things – because no one would ever suspect this seemingly harmless middle of nowhere could contain their assets.”
Satoru, who’d kept silent the whole time, inched closer to you. His cologne wafting off to you eased you for a moment – purely because it was familiar – and even though you despised saying it, you were thankful he was here. Currently, the blond man posed a bigger threat, the difference being that Nanami actually had leverage against you while you had more control over Satoru.
You sighed. If Naoya was here, things would’ve been so much better. He never lost his composure in figuring things out on his own. But now that he was gone, now that he’d never be coming back, you had be responsible for his sake, but mostly for yours.
“Take a look at this. The nearest land is a small, uncharted city from Brazil’s outskirts. I’ve been illegally transporting weaponry and firearms somewhere near there since our family started the business – it’s the easiest place to sneak in things without getting caught. All you need to do is pay a few fishermen and they’ll easily transport our load from one place to another, no questions asked,” Satoru announced, seemingly deep in thought as he rubbed his chin. “It would make sense if the Zen’in clan elders found this place useful too. It’s basically a hot site for criminals.”
“But we don’t operate this way. The Zen’in elders are too prideful to handle transactions like this. They would’ve chosen a more…discreet yet formal way of handling things.”
“How does an underwater passage sound?” Nanami pushed the other photo aside to reveal a blurry snap of what seemed like a tunnel under the sea. On the surface, it looked just like an abandoned rig, but it stretched too long, the exterior already covered in mold and seaweed. “About 80 years ago, the Zen’in Clan leader at that time was often heavily targeted by their enemies in business that they preferred to travel under the sea. If my theory is correct, right under that island would be another base of some sort that allows the clan leaders move from one country to another while remaining undetected.”
“So that’s how they easily sent their own shit overseas…”
“It would be a very sound conclusion to assume so,” Nanami crossed his arms at Satoru’s musings, “However, that’s all I know. All I can tell you is where I last got the signal for the source – which is about seven years ago, and a few months right after Toji Zen’in was disowned by his family when Naobito took over. It would also be near around the time he met his wife and had his child, which would increase the possibilities that he may have stored something in this island for his son’s future. Again, it could be money, gold – we don’t really know,” he nodded your way, a sense of finality behind those blue eyes that had now looked so menacing when once it brought you comfort – reassurance. “How you get there is all up to you.”
Something didn’t feel right.
“If the elders really wanted to hide this place, they wouldn’t have passed the rights of the island into my inheritance when Naoya died. They surely wouldn’t have wanted me to find out about this.”
“I could think of two things,” Satoru proposed, “It’s either they trust your potential enough as the clan leader to replace Naoya, or they didn’t think you’d care anyway.”
You let his words sink in. The clan elders have never bothered much with you. They were too prideful about “saving face” and “keeping up images” that they couldn’t even let a word of insult slip past their lips under the belief they were above that. But you weren’t stupid; they had never approved of your marriage to Naoya. An outsider like you, suddenly becoming a part of their family when they could’ve had your husband marry a family friend?
They may have kept silent about their dislike to you, but one way or another, they were going to take action for it.
Knowing the Zen’ins, being a Zen’in, you knew there was one thing they hated the most: not being in control.
“Neither,” you finally concluded while mumbling down at your lap. The theory was hazy, incomplete, based only on mere emotions but slowly, you were coming together to piece it. You felt Satoru turn your way, his large hand caressing your knee as if coaxing the words out of you. “It’s neither. Naoya’s elders…they never liked me. It’s been made pretty clear to me that I’m dispensable without my husband, and I will never be a Zen’in in their eyes. I wouldn’t be surprised if they asked me to give up all my inheritance from Naoya because I’m not related to them by blood.”
The silence in the table stretched.
No matter how grandiose the hotel restaurant may be, you felt suffocated in that seat. How didn’t you realize it sooner? You were in a land that stretched past your territory, with both men accompanying you people you couldn’t wholeheartedly trust, while your husband rotted away back at home – probably covered in dust and not even given a proper burial like he deserved.
There was only one way out of this, to put an end to everything. It would prove to be a daunting task, but you didn’t have a choice. No, in fact, this was your only choice if you wanted to survive.
Satoru’s voice softened upon seeing the grimness of how you turned mum. “I’ll follow you wherever you go. I promise to help you in finding out whatever is in there,” he met your eyes; yours filled with contempt, with fear, with desperation, and his filled with regret. “It’s the least I could do…after everything I’ve done to you.”
You took a deep breath.
You couldn’t lie to yourself. There was no way you could trust him with his empty promises. He’d shown enough times that he wasn’t a man of his word, and you’d be a fool to fall for it again. However, Nanami’s glance was curious and suspecting, hiding his true colors with an innocent gesture of sipping his wine. He may seem unbothered and only here to ‘help’, but this man was cunning, possibly more so than Naoya could ever be, and one wrong move would be similar to stepping on a land mine.
Satoru received no response from you, and soon the three of you were standing outside the hotel’s lobby to escort Nanami back where he came from. The dinner was tense, so much so that you’d unknowingly been clutching Satoru’s bicep the whole time.
He tapped your shoulder, bringing you back to life as he gestured to his phone. “Sorry, it’s Geto.”
“Oh,” you muttered and stepped away from him, feeling your heart sink in your chest as you watched him retreat behind the glass doors. Beside you, Nanami snickered.
“Made up your mind, agent?” he taunted, “This is your final chance to prove yourself. Gather enough intel for us to intrude whatever that mighty clan is hiding underneath that island, surrender Gojo to us, and we’ll give you everything as promised.”
You faced him with fiery eyes, prepared for whatever he’d throw your way when he showed you that cursed red coin again. Realizing its power, the true meaning it held, you immediately shut your lips. It must’ve satisfied to know he was the one in charge here, and how could he not be when your life was literally at the palm of his hands, your days growing more numbered if you didn’t follow everything he asked for?
If you had just…if you had just done everything the Organization had asked you for, you wouldn’t have been here. You wouldn’t have felt this torn.
Nanami flipped the coin before tucking it into his pocket, sending one last salute your way. He hailed a cab and disappeared afterwards, leaving you alone to ponder over the consequences of your actions, your emotions. For the first time in his life, Naoya had lied to you.
He wasn’t correct when he said you were strong.
Because after all this time, you still held onto something that you should’ve let go of a long time ago, and you had nothing but your weak, sensitive, hopeless heart to blame for. Said hurdle appeared not long afterwards, his touch warm on your shoulder as he gazed at the empty spot beside you.
“Oh, Nanami left,” he noted, turning your shoulders to him until you were completely exposed. There was no more hiding from him, or more like you didn’t have enough energy to. You felt dull, tiredness lining your eyes and lips pressed into a flat line. “Are you okay?”
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
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Ten days. That was how much you’ve wasted your time here in Milan, and you weren’t even remotely close to figuring things out. Your resources were much more limited the farther you were from the Zen’in Estate, and your lawyer was a family one, meaning they held more loyalty to the actual Zen’ins instead of law-affiliated people like you were.
Simply put, you were all alone to solve this by yourself.
Satoru promised to help, but he kept disappearing in the morning along with Geto. You never asked where they went or what they did; it simply didn’t matter anymore.
You would only spend hours locked in your room as you researched everything you could on your private island near Brazil. Just like Satoru said, it seemed like the perfect place to hide things for the spot seemed remote enough to offer privacy for the family’s getaway. You could somewhat recall Naoya proposing once to take you there for your honeymoon, but business got in the way, and it wasn’t like you truly trusted him then to spend such an intimate with him that you said no.
Sighing, you put all the papers away. Not even a single clue led you to what could be possibly be there, but there was an underwater passage. The fact the Zen’ins was capable of building that made you wonder just what the extent of their powers and influence stretched to, and you contemplated for a bit if you could hold that same ability now that you had his name.
Whatever was there, you would look for it.
Your mission was clear – the success of it would determine the fate of your life. Find out what they’re hiding, surrender Satoru Gojo to the Organization, and then everything would be over.
It sounded simple, yet your heart knew it wasn’t. Naoya died with the confidence of his trust over you, the trust you worked so hard to earn. But wasn’t that point? You needed him to trust you for you to be able to pull this mission off, but things happened, emotions and conscience got in the way, and you banged your knuckles on the table until your ring throbbed on your finger.
You just wanted it all to end. You never meant to hurt Naoya, never meant to betray anyone, but it fucking pissed you off that Naoya wasn’t the real problem. He wasn’t the one holding you back.
With not much thought to your next actions, you slipped past the guards and into the pool that had long been closed since 10PM. Being at your room’s tub reminded you of memories you’d rather forget, and you slowly undid your robe and stepped out of your underwear before dipping in the cold, freezing water.
It felt good. It may have been temporary, but the numbing bite of the water helped you feel more placated. Even for a little while, it was nice to not worry about anything. There were no titles, no mafia drama, no anything, just you and the water that you would’ve easily fooled yourself to be simply enjoying your little trip in Milan until –
“I’ve been looking for you everywhere. You had me worried sick,” You sighed. Of course. Opening your eyes, you raised a brow as Satoru towered over you, a standard hotel towel in his arms. He’d change out of his suit and into cotton shorts and a shirt this time around, possibly on his way to sleep when he realized the room was empty. With no energy to deal with him, you swam away from the man, earning a groan in response. “What the hell is your problem? You’ve been acting weird ever since Nanami came. Listen, if this is about that island, you don’t have to worry too much about anything. I have enough people and resources to help you in every step of the way.”
You ignored him. After everything that happened, what was there to talk about anymore? Even if you told him everything, he might not understand.
So you swam in the middle of the pool, thankful that it was dark enough from the maintenance shutting the lights off that Satoru struggled to find you. However, you’d underestimated him because soon you heard the splashing of the water, and you were harshly tugged by the wrist before Satoru cornered you at the edge of the pool.
He was breathing hard; both of you were, and tried to push past his chest, only to be met with a solid plane of muscle that wouldn’t budge. You sighed and turned away from him, covering your exposed chest with your arms.
“Whatever Naoya is looking for…you’ll find it, okay?”
“Yeah, sure.”
“I’m serious,” the scorn in his tone had been so biting you turned back to him, about to hit him with something, scold him for something, but your words died down in your throat before you even had the chance to.
Satoru hadn’t been demanding. His face, illuminated by the moonlight, made his azure eyes twinkle like stardust exploding. Once in your life, you found so much comfort into staring at such beauty, but that was when everything was still a perfect lie. Funny how the truth ruined everything for its darkness, and you could only look back at him weakly, throat running dry from all the emotions that threatened to pour out of you.
Regret and desperation was written all over his face.
“Please,” he rested his forehead on yours, eyes closed as he mumbled, “You’re not alone in this. I don’t want to ask for much because I know I don’t deserve it, but please at least understand you don’t have to solve everything on your own. You’re not…you’re not alone. I’m here now.”
“When you left me,” your voice cracked, “It’s because you thought I wouldn’t love you anymore if I found out your true nature,” Satoru opened his eyes, anxiety swimming in those eyes that had once been so sweet. Perhaps he still held that sweetness now, albeit it was less tender and more cautious as he waited for you to continue. “If I told you about every sin I’ve committed, the name of each person I killed and everything I’ve done, would you stay with me? Or would you leave me again, only this time it’s because you think I’m no longer someone you could love?”
“I don’t understand.”
“I didn’t expect you to,” was all you said before you felt a tear prick the back of your eyes. You didn’t want him to see, god, you wanted to disappear in that moment you couldn’t think of anything else. Crashing your lips to his, you brought him down by the back of his neck to hide the tears freely falling from your face.
He froze for a split second before he eagerly pushed back, clenching the pool edges with his hands so hard his knuckles turned white. You were panting, moaning in his mouth as he pressed you harder against the edge, skin to skin, breath to breath, soul to soul.
Threading your hands to his hair, you grinded down on his shorts where he was already beginning to grow hard. Satoru groaned inside your mouth from your teasing but made no move to stop to – after all, why would he want to stop? It had been years, seven fucking years, and even you wouldn’t want to stop. It was wrong, it was dirty, it was immoral – but you needed this. You needed this more than ever.
Satoru’s hands tickled your waist as he squeezed them harsher than he intended, his calloused fingers travelling until he was kneading your breasts. You pulled away from him, head thrown back to rest on the edge.
And it was romantic.
The moon had never been so big, sprinkles of star shining in the vast darkness, the scene just perfect for two lovers in a getaway from the harshness of life. You knew it wasn’t real and the spell would break sooner than later, but did it matter? He rolled your beaded nipples into his fingers before he ducked down, lips suctioned to suck heavy bruises on the sensitive patch of skin on your neck that had you twitching in his hold.
Along with your moans, you cried harder. From heartbreak, from regret, from guilt; there was no turning back from this.
“Satoru, please, please, please. Make me feel better, make me feel good, I just want to forget everything.”
He nodded eagerly against your neck, letting your eager hands help him push his shorts down before his cock sprang free. His length grazed your lower abdomen for a moment, though he didn’t waste any time in entering your hole. You gritted your teeth at the intrusion, nails dug so hard in his shoulders that he bled.
The both of you had your foreheads connected, noses brushing and breaths mixing as you moaned and he sighed, eyes shut tight from finally being engulfed in your warmth.
“Right there, ‘Toru, oh fuck.”
“F-fuck,” he hitched one of your legs to wrap around his waist, “You’re still so tight after all this time,” Satoru praised, molding his lips with yours once again. He picked up his pace and watched as you desperately clung from one surface to another – his shoulders, his hair, the edge of the pool, flailing your arms each time his deep thrusts knocked the wind out of you – breasts bouncing as he bounced you on his cock.
“You look so fucking beautiful – my sweet, sweet angel. I missed you, missed you so fucking much.”
You didn’t say anything. No words were needed to be exchanged; actions spoke louder than words. At least right now, you could promise you wouldn’t lie.
Pulling him down for another kiss, you bit down on his bottom lip to muffle your moans, too speechless at each movement of his dick grazing past your walls. Fuck, he still felt so good, still knew your body way too well and your pussy hugged him so tight like you didn’t ever want to let go.
But you knew you had to, even as he came inside you and brought you back to your room, uncaring of the dripping mess you’ve both made before he locked the door.
You forgot how many hours you spent underneath him writhing in his bed. He took you each way he wanted – knees folded beside your head, on your side where he whispered all the filthy things he’d been wanting to do to you while he took you from behind, or your head squished on the pillow as he repeatedly smacked your ass, pulling your ass cheeks apart to praise you on how you took him so well. Satoru didn’t stop; you knew what you were getting into the moment you pulled him into you, that his sex drive was insane and he’d take long to tire himself out.
By the time the first shy fingertips of the sunlight extending across the horizon arrived, you were emptily staring at the window, Satoru fast asleep beside you.
It was time.
Silently, you pulled his arm away from you and quickly got dressed. He seemed to still be deep in slumber, and you carried the only bag previously packed with everything you might need. You were on the process of wearing your stilettos when he stirred awake, sleepily eyeing you from the bed you both devoted yourselves to in pleasuring one another.
“Where are you going?”
“Away,” you answered, tight-lipped. “From you.”
“Because…I lied,” you inhaled sharply, gloved hands frozen on the golden knobs.
Just open it, you screamed at yourself, walk away before it’s too late.
But you couldn’t move, pathetic that even after everything Naoya had worked so hard for, you still remained a slave to your past.
“No matter how much I hate everything you’ve done to me, I can’t bring myself to forget I once loved you. Maybe I still do – I don’t know. But what I do know is that I’m not as strong as I thought I was,” you cried, losing grip on the bag before it fell. You watched emptily as all the contents poured out – your money, your clothes, your phone, your ring – it all served as a reminder of who you were, of who you’d forgotten to be, of who you were supposed to be.
Your shoulders slumped in defeat.
“I don’t have enough strength to kill you.”
“Hey, angel,” he cooed, reaching you in three long strides before he caged you in his arms. Satoru was so warm, so strong, and the safety he provided you with only made you cry harder. You wanted to hate him, wanted to keep lying yourself since you’d been doing a great job at doing that for the past seven years, but it wasn’t that easy. Deep down…you still harbored the most miniscule affection, and that enough was capable of destroying you.
“What’s wrong?”
“Everything,” you whispered brokenly as you banged a weak fist to his chest, “Everything is wrong.”
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Finavice Pharmaceuticals didn’t disappoint.
You were beyond impressed the moment you stepped through the door, a horde of eager chemists guiding you through the upper floors. Finavice was one of the biggest – if not the biggest – companies that were known for harboring the rarest or hard to get elements that not even you and Naoya could get your hands on.
Not by yourselves, anyway, so you took it upon yourself to strike a sponsorship to their research program in developing a cure to cancer under the guise of being an advocate to the improvement of the medical field.
Truthfully, you just wanted to please Naoya, show him you were useful and that he didn’t need to kill you. Desperate times called for desperate measures, and there you were, your prettiest smile plastered on as you scanned the towering buildings with unmasked interest.
“Here is the laboratory for the Finavice Pharmaceuticals where we test…”
“Mrs. Zen’in?”
The entire team stopped as a tall man, cloaked in a beige suit instead of a lab coat appearhed out of nowhere. Judging by how everyone had ducked their heads down and turned silent, you could only guess he must be the boss. Flashing your most charming smile, you hitched your bag higher up your arm. “Yes?”
“May I have a word with you?”
You fought the urge to sigh. His question was spoken much more of a statement that you weren’t really given a room to decline, and the young chemists gazed at you curiously under their lashes.
Not wanting to create a commotion that would lead into unwanted attention, you nodded, following the man through a set of double doors, guarded by two heavily armed men from the outside.
The man, who was Kento Nanami, the founder of Finavice himself leaned back into his seat as he made himself comfortable. “So you signed a contract with us two weeks ago to partner on our latest medicine, am I right? I’ve read over your proposals and I must say, they are rather interesting and innovative. I didn’t expect that a businessman’s wife would be a chemist who is interested in expanding to the pharmaceuticals as well. The Zen’ins has never been much invested in that.”
Gladly accepting the tea he’d slid your way, you made sure to clink the teaspoon against the porcelain as you played along. “People change, Mr. Kento. My husband and I’s goals are rather different from their former, traditional ones. Surely, steel exchange couldn’t support us for the rest of our lives.”
“I can’t say no to that. Kudos to you and your husband for your rather…ambitious shared goals then.”
Your hand froze on the utensil, and you narrowed your eyes at him in warning. “Are you implying we should not have trusted you with this, Mr. Kento?”
“No, I am merely letting you know that your act won’t fool me,” he chuckled, leaning forwards to rest his chin on his clasped knuckles, his blue eyes growing dark and serious. “I know what you and your husband’s family does. The Organization knows a lot more about your actions than you think you know we do. Correct me if I’m wrong, but you’re only here because we’re the only company who has access to an element you need for your drug, isn’t that the case, Mrs. Zen’in?”
Well…this was certainly unexpected. You’ve been effortlessly deceiving countless businessmen, government leaders and officials even, that this took you by your surprise. Two could play at this game.
Even if he saw through you long ago, it wouldn’t take much to grab his letter opener that was right beside you and puncture it through a jugular vein. If his guards came, you could easily take them down too. Today was one of those few moments you were thankful for Naoya’s hellish training.
But you didn’t want him to feel satisfied, so you leaned back into your seat and crossed your leg over the other.
“If you knew this whole time, why didn’t you kill me already? A lot of people wouldn’t miss the chance to do so.”
Nanami chuckled. “It’s because like you, I’m not just a pioneer. I, too, have my goals and loyalty laid out for someone else. Most specifically, the Organization, an international collaborative effort of stopping and reducing mafia movement for the safety of our people. Obviously, I’ve been assigned in the Yakuza Division, and it’s no coincidence I read through your file. You are, after all, one of our precious targets.”
You stared at him boredly. Why couldn’t he just get straight to the point?
“Is this a threat? I’m not sure it’s working.”
“Oh, no, I’m not threatening you,” he snatched your tea and took a long sip from it, and it was the first time you learned of his habit of concealing his curious gaze through drinking; a perfect act to seem inconspicuous.
“I am offering you a path to redemption. You may fool everyone, but I know an unhappy woman when I see one, Mrs. Zen’in, and I can tell you find no pleasure in the life you live – running errands for your criminal husband, constantly fearing for your life, wishing you’d just been a regular person like everyone else…” At the lack of response, he took it a gesture for him to continue, and he set the cup down, pushing his glasses right back up his nose. “The Organization has labeled you a target, but I think you’re more of a victim caught in a series of unfortunate events. I merely wish to save you from it.”
You guffawed in laughter at his last statement.
“You men really are ridiculous!” you slapped your palm on his table, losing every bit of that elegant composure to be perfected by a Zen’in wife. “Always preaching about saving me and protecting me – what actually are you pathetic losers even capable of?”
Much to your dismay, Nanami didn’t seem the least bit affected by your mockery.
“Please, don’t group me in with your husband and your former lover. Unlike them, I harbor no interest in you as a woman, I only want to fulfill my duty as an Agent and save you not because you’re a damsel in distress, but rather because…I could kill two birds with one stone,” his eyes shone in mischief, and you swallowed in discomfort as he gazed you up and down.
You’ve had enough experience with being seen as a meal, but this was different. Nanami was viewing you like you were a secret weapon he intended on using as much as he could to achieve his goals.
“You are a very convenient woman, Mrs. Zen’in. Similar to how your husband adores your abilities, I would like to take advantage of your connections. The only difference between me and them is that I can actually give you something money can’t even buy.”
“Such as?”
“A second chance at a normal life.”
“What makes you think I’ll accept your offer? I’m the wife of a mafia leader – my loyalty resides in him.”
“Only because you fear for your life,” he flashed you a red coin, crescents of a Latin quote scripted inside. Mori quam foedari – death before dishonor.
“Join the Organization, Y/N. With your connections, we could easily take down these families and protect the country. Hand over Satoru Gojo and Naoya Zen’in to us, and I promise the Organization will do everything in its power to give you the life you always wanted. A safe, normal one. No more worrying about being killed as you ride your car, no more beating yourself up as you make drugs to promise your usefulness to your husband and no more pretending you are someone who you’re not,” he flipped the coin between his fingers, and tantalized, you couldn’t keep your eyes off it. “Don’t you want that? You’d be able to live freely if you cooperate with us.”
You could hear the gears in your head turning. Part of you would’ve assumed this was a trap had you not known better, but Naoya taught you that if something was a trap, it would sound too easy, too good.
None of this was easy. It would require facing a demon from your past and handling things differently than what Naoya had planned, but that wasn’t the worst.
It was the fact that if you accepted, you’d have to come home tonight and lie in the face of your husband who could easily read through you. He smelled lies and treachery before you could realize you were even thinking of doing something, and knowing Naoya, he wouldn’t hesitate to put a bullet between your eyes the instant he felt something was off.
But his offer… it was a risk you had to take. You wouldn’t ever get an opportunity like this again.
“Do you promise…that I’ll really go back to normal after this? That I won’t be involved in this mess anymore?”
“I can only promise that if you also promise to do your part. You see, I strongly believe you are the one that can put an end to this all. All you have to do is join us, and soon it’ll feel like this nightmare never happened at all. You’ll be free from Naoya Zen’in and Gojo Satoru before you realize it.”
You stared at his coin harder. Death before dishonor. This Organization he was a part of obviously didn’t fuck around, and it seemed scarier because they had their eyes on you for a while now. What were the odds they offered a deal instead of outright killing you, even going as far as to provide you a second chance at life, one that you genuinely wanted to enjoy? It would be a shame to say no, and even if the chances of this turning out well were low, you would damn well take it. A small chance was better than nothing.
“What do I have to do?”
Nanami grinned and pocketed his coin. “A very wise decision, Mrs. Zen’in,” he congratulated, “Please, meet me at my office tomorrow, eight on the dot. Oh, and remember, the Organization will now be watching you wherever you go. You’re one of us now.”
The next day, Nanami had cut your palm.
He spilled your blood into an empty metal casing with engraved letters, mori quam foedari, the phrase both comforting and ominous. Soon, you came home with your blood solidified into a coin to prove your membership and loyalty, that they quite owned you in more ways than one. Your blood meant your loyalty, and the coin felt heavy in your pocket with the implication it was also your blood they wouldn’t hesitate to spill should you betray them.
Mori quam foedari.
Death before dishonor.
Your life over Naoya’s, your future over Gojo’s.
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The next few days had been tense. After telling Satoru everything down from the smallest detail, things had shifted between you. Quite frankly, you expected that maybe he’d kill you right then and there after explicitly stating that just because you couldn’t kill him, didn’t mean you wouldn’t turn him in.
“Angel,” he begged, “Will you never really give me the chance to do everything right this time around?”
However, you were too firm on your plans. You originally wanted to leave and go to the island yourself; it was easier to leave Satoru open and vulnerable for the Organization to attack him in your absence. He loved you, that was much clear, and if he looked for you, he’d make himself vulnerable to the Organization, but recent plans had to be altered now that he wasn’t willing to let go of you. Though no matter what he said, you valued your life and future more than you could ever love him.
It was an act of kindness to yourself.
“I don’t want this life anymore, Satoru. Either way, I don’t have a choice, not when I could die literally anytime before I could even say goodbye.”
It had been hours since ‘that’ talk and now you were on a plane back to Tokyo. You had to pull out some archives from Naoya’s files to know more about the island before you could visit it, and it was important for Satoru to know details such as security measures over there.
You’d long fallen asleep from exhaustion, bundled up in a fleece blanket while Geto glared at you.
“Are you sure about this, Sir? I think we should just keep her with us even if she doesn’t want to. The Gojo clan is powerful enough that no one would dare cross us. Not even this Organization she speaks of has ever done anything to us. Without her, they stand no chance against us,” he sat in front his boss and kept sending wary glances your way. “Letting her go like you did before wasn’t a good idea. She knows too much about everyone to live normally now. Do you really believe the Organization will protect her?”
“Knowing the strings the government could pull – and add on to the fact Nanami Kento, one of the richest men in this country works for them that it’s safe to assume each figure in them is a powerhouse – I don’t doubt their promise one bit.”
“But you’ll go to jail if you let her surrender you. Or worse, they’ll destroy the clan from the bottom up.”
“I know that, Geto.”
Geto groaned, brushing his hands through his hair from how indifferent his boss was being, drinking champagne as if he wasn’t willingly walking into his own death. “Then why aren’t you thinking more clearly about this? I understand you love her and you want to make it up to her, but we can’t let her do whatever she pleases! In order to keep herself safe, she’s going to sacrifice you! She’s dangerous, Sir, she’s been lying to her husband the whole time and who’s to say she isn’t capable of doing something worse to a stranger like you?”
“I told you already, Geto,” Satoru swirled the pink liquid in his flute, his face empty and unreadable. “I know.”
“With all due respect, Sir, I don’t agree with your decision. The clan would fall without you and you don’t have siblings or an heir. No one is powerful to hold the clan together aside from you so if you leave – there’s no more hope for us,” he sighed when Satoru didn’t budge. “I at least want you to reconsider your actions. She’s just a woman, Sir. It’s either we kill her or we imprison her. You let her go before because you believed she would be your downfall, and quite frankly, it’s happening all over again.”
Satoru gazed out the window, bringing the flute to his lips with a dark glint in his eye that Geto recognized meant trouble, or worse, an actual solution to this hellish situation.
“Which is why we’re going to pay an old friend a visit, Geto. There’s only one person who could turn the tables around.”
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ADDITIONAL NOTE: TOJI IS COMING SOON!!! what are your theories on what might be on that island and *drum roll* WHO IS GOJO’S OLD FRIEND?! 
taglist open:
@tete027 @sixeyesgojo @shingekiyofeels @q-the-rockaholic @whatthefuckisthatthing @rogueofbullshit @kat-su-ki @kellyyween @sebootyforlife @asshxcm @charlie-xo @aoi-turtle @ladywaifuuwrites @savantsoulfinder @my-reality-is-in-my-head @hannya-quinn @90s-belladonna @tinyfrogsinmybrain @kinekyuroo @evesmores @ambiguous-something @lilith412426 @kakashiharusohma @aizawap @yumeneji @dora-the-grownup @jotazinha @themrsgojo @d34r-s4t4n @marai-t @toji-bee @hai-cool @badsadbby​ @stesphy @peach-buns-unicorns @misslezah @gracefullyfallinglikeanime @iwaplant @mikiminaccch @riri-marley​ | bolded users cannot be tagged
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“My ambitions and the path laid before me are not always congruent, Bren.” -Astrid Beck, c2e110.
Let’s talk about Astrid and Eadwulf, what they were doing in Nicodranas, and why I have a theory that they are in immediate danger and neither they nor Caleb have realized it yet.
There have been implications sprinkled throughout their episodes that Astrid and Eadwulf have been slowly getting things in place to eliminate Ikithon since before Caleb/Bren was even officially back in the picture.
First, I want to draw attention to the fact that Astrid did not seem to expect Caleb/Bren to return. She expressed surprise that Caleb/Bren has recovered as fully as he has; that seems to have been beyond what she hoped for while he was in the sanitarium. Whatever plans she was making prior to receiving that letter, she was making them under the assumption that Bren was gone for good.
She says something in that meeting that makes Caleb assume she is planning to take Trent’s seat. If I had to guess, the comment that tipped him off to that was “I understand your anger. And as much as he’s been our teacher, he’s not infallible. He’s just an old man, with the right connections, who will one day pass, like they all do.”
Now, these are very carefully chosen words. Astrid is not the sort of person who is going to come right out and admit to plotting against her mentor. But Caleb heard something more in them...
In c2e110, Caleb asks Astrid and Eadwulf if they support “mangl[ing] more children to feed the fields of Wynandir.” He is speaking directly to Wulf when he asks his question. He is looking at Wulf when he asks this question.
Wulf says nothing and looks to Astrid to answer for them both. I find that extremely revealing about the power dynamic between them, and it’s an indication that Wulf is already envisioning a future where he’d be following Astrid’s lead on these things.
Astrid’s initial response is that if Caleb were to supplant Trent, they would, of course, follow Caleb’s lead. This is a safe answer. Ikithon expects Caleb to plot to kill him. He may even want that.
But Caleb pushes, and says that when he last spoke to Astrid, she seemed to be preparing to take over Trent’s seat on the Assembly. Astrid gives several indications that he needs to Stop Talking About That, which imo is as good as a confession. If you don’t agree, her actual confession is in bold above.
Trent laughs it off, there at the dinner table, and basically says that he assumes that everyone close to him is plotting to kill him. The implication is supposed to be that Astrid is off the hook.
But come on, people. Come on. Astrid was never off the hook. If Trent wasn’t [uniquely] suspicious of her before that, he certainly was afterwards. It should have been extremely obvious to Trent as of c2e110 that Astrid was plotting against him. Based on what Caleb said about Astrid reminding Trent of himself, I doubt this realization surprised him.
“I struggle with trust and I want very much to trust you. I think we both know that’s not entirely possible.” -Caleb Widogast, c2e126.
When Caleb meets Astrid at the dance hall, he immediately asks her if everything has been okay since he left. Her response is “They’ve been interesting,” which I’m pretty sure means “Bad,” in coded spy language. I bring that up because I think it helps account for her crying after she left the dance hall. She didn’t go back to her house on Ikithon’s estate to cry, even though my general experience is that most people would prefer to cry in their own homes rather than in public; she headed down a random alleyway and collapsed just long enough to pull herself back together. It wasn’t just Bren she was hiding those tears from. Obviously, she was hiding them from one group to avoid arousing suspicion and from the other group to save face. But there were two groups she was hiding from.
Let’s assume positive intent from Astrid. Astrid had nothing to gain from leading the Nein into a trap. She’s made it clear that she sees Caleb as a competitor, but right now, Caleb is more of an ally than a threat to her, even before we touch on her personal feelings for Bren. The only circumstance where it makes sense for Astrid to be knowingly leading the Nein into a trap is if Trent was behind it, and Astrid was simply the bait.
That doesn’t make sense. How could Trent possibly have known that the Nein were going to end up in the situation they ended up in with Lucien and reach out to Astrid for help? Trent could not possibly have planned this plan, because it depends on things that are completely out of Trent’s control and that Trent could not possibly have known about. Trent cannot be involved at this stage, therefore it is just Astrid. Astrid has nothing to gain from handing Caleb over to Trent. (She does have a great deal to gain from Caleb killing Trent, though, which would explain why she encouraged him to do so.)
So Astrid gets them the maps and the location of the amulets in good faith. She tells them Trent won’t be there in good faith. Maybe Trent showing up is a coincidence, or maybe Trent was already watching Astrid very closely and he knew something was up.
Maybe it wasn’t such a surprise to see Bren standing there. Maybe he chuckles about the tragic love story these two must think they live in.
Trent is in an interesting position, now. He knows what Astrid has done, but Astrid doesn’t know he knows. Astrid might be his most promising lead on Bren. Why show his hand now just because Astrid and Bren have shown theirs?
Trent is concerned too, about Eadwulf. How could he not be? If 2/3 are plotting against you, you put the third through at least a basic loyalty test. Like sending him to hunt his old friend.
Astrid has to go too, of course. This is Trent’s plot, and this time, Astrid is the bait.
It’s not Caleb, but Eadwulf, who takes the bait, hook and all. Eadwulf fails his loyalty test. Astrid failed hers before they left. They run to warn Bren. Astrid admits to her involvement in the Vergessen break-in right in front of Eadwulf. It should be very clear to the audience whose side Eadwulf is on, at this point. (It isn’t Trent’s.) It is almost certainly clear to Trent as well.
It doesn’t make sense for Trent to have sent them to the Chateau. Trent gained nothing from that. If their orders were to get Bren to talk, they would not have left without speaking directly to Bren. If their orders were to capture or kill the Nein, they could easily have picked them off one-by-one, rather than… speaking to them calmly and leaving without doing that. Telling the Nein that the Vollstruckers are there and that the Nein and their families should leave immediately is also an interesting move if they were there on Trent’s orders. Giving up the element of surprise and inviting your prey to escape is... an odd choice, unless you actually want them to escape. So is allowing them to escape.
Now, let’s talk about Trent showing up.
One of two things happened: Either Astrid and Eadwulf lied to the Nein, or Trent lied to Astrid and Eadwulf. It does not make sense for Astrid and Eadwulf to have lied. Neither they nor Trent had anything to gain from them telling that lie to Bren. They had already given up the element of surprise.
So Trent lied to Astrid and Eadwulf. Which brings us back to my theory that this was a loyalty test, which Eadwulf failed and Astrid pre-failed.
Why bring them to Yussa’s tower? Because the alternative was to call them out then and there, which would guarantee that at least one of them got away. He couldn’t possibly go after Bren and contain Astrid and Eadwulf at the same time. It was much easier to chase the one who was running and let the other two follow along willingly, for now. If Bren got away, well, there were ways of luring him back, especially while he still had Astrid and Eadwulf.
Astrid and Eadwulf don’t want to fight Trent right now. There are too many pieces that aren’t where Astrid would like them. They can’t out-right attack Trent, either. Even in their world, that’s a felony. I think in all the talk of assassinating an Archmage of the Cerberus Assembly, we’ve forgotten that you can’t just assassinate an Archmage of the Cerberus Assembly. It is both extremely difficult and you are not allowed. You can’t just--
I think Astrid and Eadwulf are in more danger than they realize.
Disclaimer: Analysis of an evolving story is always a difficult thing, because one is necessarily looking at an incomplete puzzle. This is a THEORY, and it is possible that, as often happens to theories, new evidence will arise later and disprove it.
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honestgrins · 3 years
Can you write a Klaroline drabble where Caroline shows up in NOLA and shocks everyone but maybe Kol or Katherine when she says she's Klaus's wife? Cannon Caroline not original.
I Heard a Rumor
The club was filled with people and the chaos of a Friday night. Klaus preferred to avoid the rush of tourists, but Marcel kept the VIP lounge to a more tolerable set even during peak hours - usually.
“Don’t you just love this place?” Janet was hanging over the balcony to watch the crowds below, none too subtly pushing her ass back toward him. As one of the humans on staff to provide a live blood source, she was perfectly amiable to Klaus. He’d even become something of a regular customer for her given his penchant for the tinge of bourbon in her taste. However, it seemed she took the friendly flirtation of their transactions to heart, and she was testing his patience for more. 
Unfortunately for her, his patience was wearing thin. With a barely polite grimace, he downed the rest of his drink and made to stand. “It’s a bit rowdier than I like, love, so—”
She gave a rapturous giggle, only to fall into his lap and sprawl across him. “I like that you call me ‘love,’” she murmured, her mouth clumsy against his ear. “Let’s get out of here, and I’ll show you how much I like it.”
Rolling his eyes, Klaus was ready to speed out of there without bothering to set her back on her feet. The only thing that kept him in his crowded seat was the biting and all too familiar voice coming from behind him.
“Sorry, love, he won’t be available to accept whatever appreciation you have in mind.”
Both surprised — though for very different reasons — they turned to see Caroline Forbes facing them with a pageant-ready smile and murder in her eyes. She was stunning. Klaus couldn’t help a grin despite his earlier annoyance, and his brow arched in challenge. “Hello, sweetheart. Fancy meeting you here.”
Her jaw shifted almost imperceptibly to the left, but his companion didn’t seem to sense the rising tension as a threat. “Who the hell are you?”
Just like that, Caroline’s smile turned sharp with her fangs on full display. “I’m his wife, and you’re in my seat.”
The club was home to any number of vampires who heard her perfectly over the music, and more than a few froze at the sudden silence coming from him. The Klaus Mikaelson they knew would have reacted instantly, either with murder or some other violence, and they all seemed to wait for the ensuing mayhem. Even Janet finally grasped the discomfort of the moment, and she extricated herself from his lap with all the delicacy a human could manage. “I’ll just— Yeah, bye.”
Whatever show the club was waiting for, Klaus had more pressing concerns. “Shall we continue this interesting discussion at home?” he asked, though they both knew it wasn’t a question. Gently gripping Caroline’s arm, he flashed them back to the manor. He heard Kol and Rebekah meandering somewhere, and Elijah was likely on the premises as well. With that in mind, he brought her to the privacy of his studio and its soundproofing spell. Wisely, she waited until the door was shut to yank her arm free with a disgruntled huff. He merely smiled as he went to pour them some blooded wine. “That was quite the display you gave, sweetheart,” he said lightly, handing her a glass. “I have to admit: I didn’t see it coming.”
“Bullshit,” she snapped, setting aside the drink without indulging. His lips pursed; it was an excellent vintage, yet he was more perturbed at her outright refusal of his hospitality. Perhaps this wasn’t their usual spat to be easily resolved. Proving just that, she seemed truly distraught. “You promised to leave Mystic Falls, that my life was my own.”
“It is. I haven’t stepped foot in Virginia since that day.” Brow furrowed, Klaus felt an urgent need to reassure her. “I understand you need time to accept what I’m offering, and I am prepared to wait however long it takes. What on earth made you believe I’m encroaching on that promise?”
Last he heard, she wasn’t even in the States. They did chat by phone every so often, and when she’d mentioned a tour abroad, he had offered a list of his various estates that would be available to her should she wish. It was the caretaker of his dacha outside of Moscow who alerted him to her softening boundaries. He certainly had no intention of making her regret the change, let alone whatever caused this latest upset.
Watching him with suspicion, Caroline apparently wasn’t sure of his intentions at all. “Seriously? It wasn’t bad enough I ran into the stalkers you have ‘looking out for me’ in every city, but the one time I take you up on borrowing a place, you have the staff literally bowing to me. I wrote it off as a cultural thing at first, then I heard the whispers.”
“Though I refute your accusations of stalking, I will admit to warning some friends and enemies you are not to be trifled with in your travels. As for Dmitri, I merely asked him to welcome you as an honored guest, which you are.” 
She scoffed and crossed her arms in defiance. “Yeah, well, he wasn’t welcoming me as an honored guest. I overheard him chatting with his wife about meeting ‘the new mistress of the house.’”
Klaus shrugged, unconcerned. Satisfied the situation wasn’t more dire, he allowed himself to relax on his sofa, daring to pat the spot next to him. Caroline remained unmoved, and he rolled his eyes. “Perhaps the nature of your significance was lost in translation. You’re the one who came to my town and introduced yourself as my wife.”
“Because half of Russia thinks I am your wife!” With an indignant stamp of her foot, she seemed ready to tear her hair out — but she frowned more sedately at the blankness on his face. “You didn’t know?” 
Shaking his head, he honestly had no idea. “What happened, Caroline?”
Finally taking her drink, she dropped to the couch beside him with an embarrassed groan. “I stepped into exactly one vampire club, and people practically threw themselves out of my path. I assumed it was more of the same from you, until the guy I was flirting with was suddenly yanked away by a friend. He went white when he was told my husband would tear out his intestines and shove them down his throat.”
“A bit uncreative, that.”
“I don’t know,” he insisted, his frustration growing to match hers. Rubbing a hand across his mouth, he genuinely had no idea why anyone would think him married. Though he had many hopes and plans involving Caroline in his future, matrimony was a human tradition he’d never once considered. “Truly, this didn’t come from me.”
Sighing, she leaned back into the couch and nursed her wine, defeated. “Oh. Then, sorry for cockblocking, I guess.”
Klaus smirked at that, and he turned to face her more fully. “Are you really?” The lightest blush stained her cheeks, and he knew she was biting her tongue at the faint scent of her blood. Unable to resist, he reached his hand to rest on the back of her neck, his thumb rubbing into her hair. “New Orleans is a small town at heart, love, and you effectively announced yourself as my wife in the middle of town square.”
“To be fair, I thought you had told the whole world, and I wasn’t going to be the only one not getting laid because of it.”
“Ah.” He was torn between a wince and a laugh, so he settled for another sip of his drink instead. His other hand continued to massage her scalp, and he felt the tension slowly loosening within her. “I never meant to restrict your choices,” he promised. “Tempt you into choosing me, absolutely, but not like this.”
Finally, she relaxed into him, slouching until he could tuck her against his side. Some doubt lingered, though, he could tell. Perhaps it was a sign of growth on both their parts that he didn’t take offense and that she trusted him enough be honest. “But who else would want to spread a rumor like that about us? It’s not like anyone benefits if we really did do the Vegas wedding thing.”
His mouth twitched, and he flashed to the door, barely sparing a brief kiss to the top of her head. He tore it open, only for her to slam it shut again. Pressing her back to the wood, she kept a heavy glare on him. “Put those away, we both know you’re not going to bite me.”
With a reluctant growl, he forced his fangs to recede. “It’s not your blood I want at the moment, and it’s certainly not pleasure I seek.”
“Yeah, ‘cause revenge isn’t a pleasure for you,” she answered snidely. “Tell me what’s going on before you kill the blabbermouth.”
“This is something I have to do myself, sweetheart.”
“Hi, I might want to help! They screwed with both of us here, not just you.”
A half-smile formed without permission, the fondness he felt for her softer than he was comfortable acknowledging at the moment — especially when someone had proven all too willing to use their connection against him. “Few in New Orleans know about you, let alone your...effect on me. Only two would maliciously speak out of turn about that. And just one of those would dare to bind you to me forever, lest I be challenged to follow through.”
Her face was an open book to him, and he hoped she never lost that human nature to share every feeling she had as it happened. Confusion, calculation, consternation, they all boiled down to an annoyed scrunch of her nose. “Your family knows I exist, at least, I think so. I never actually met Elijah, but you two seem to have gotten over whatever grudge match was going on at home.” He gave a brief nod, fascinated at the determined way she thought it through. “I also doubt you told him about your fling with a baby vampire. Kol and Rebekah, on the other hand, probably didn’t need to be told.”
“Bekah still likes to complain that we defiled the entire wood within earshot,” he muttered, not that he could be particularly aggrieved at the memory of a sunny afternoon. “And you are no mere fling, Caroline.”
That lovely blush rose again, and she looked anywhere but at him as he crowded her against the door. Gently brushing the curtain of her hair back from her face, Klaus waited for her to gather herself. After a deep breath, she finally met him with a half-hearted glare. “Which Rebekah loathes, so she’s definitely not daring you to marry me by telling everyone else you already have.”
Silently agreeing, he hadn’t lowered his hand from where it settled on her cheek, and a thrill came when she leaned into it. “Kol, however, enjoys sowing chaos wherever he goes.”
“Yeah,” she groaned. “That sounds on brand, and I played right into it with this stupid payback stunt.”
“We always did share a flair for the dramatic.”
The laugh built in her throat before it burst out, filling the air between them until they were both smiling like fools. Her hands had curled into his shirt, one at his hip and the other over his heart. The slight tug of fabric was tempting, but he still kept his tentative distance. “I promised you time, and I meant it.”
Biting her lip, Caroline nodded. She didn’t let go of his shirt, either. “Does it have be all or nothing right now?” It was half a whisper, the barest hint of whine in her voice endearing. “Because you smell really good and it’s been a long time thanks to your stupid brother, and I might have missed you more than I realized, so can you just kiss me alrea—”
There would be consequences from the rumors of their marriage, and more than just those Kol would face. Caroline would be a target, either for those seeking Klaus’s favor or those out to destroy him. Her presence or absence from his daily life would be a noted occurrence, and more rumors would arise should they be seen with others instead. New pressures would exert force on the evolution of their relationship, something he had measured in decades and centuries without such attention. But they could deal with those consequences in time, together.
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babyboibucky · 4 years
Babysitting Bucky - Part 4
Pairing: FATWS!Bucky x Reader
Word Count: 1,644
Summary: You’ve been assigned by the government to keep an eye on the Winter Soldier to ensure that he was no longer a threat to the world.
A/N: Things are getting interesting for these two lol, if I missed out on anyone in the tag list, please let me know. If you would like to be added, please also inform me whether it’s for this series only or for everything Bucky xoxo
It was a little past nine in the morning when you heard Sam and Bucky arrive back at the compound. You leaned against the counter in the kitchen as you waited for the two men to show up and when they finally sauntered in, you immediately cleared your throat.
"How was your run, Mister Barnes?" you asked, lifting a brow at Bucky.
Sam rolled his eyes and groaned, "Please don't tell me you need to join us on our daily morning jog too."
You held up a hand at Sam, "Mister Wilson, I do not care for you." Turning your gaze back to Bucky, you crossed your arms over your chest. "So, how was the run?" you asked again.
"Damn, lady." you heard Sam utter under his breath as he walked towards the fridge to fetch himself a glass of water.
Bucky merely shrugged, "It was good. I mean, I was three laps ahead of Sam the entire time so yeah." he explained and smirked at Sam who grunted in response.
"Oh and we passed by a civilian who tried to use my trigger words and it almost worked. Almost."
Bucky must've have noticed the slight change in your demeanor because he immediately let out a chuckle, "I was kidding, Agent. Nothing happened. We literally just ran."
You scoffed, "Do you really think that this is all a joke, Mister Barnes? I asked because I need to send a weekly report to the government and if they notice even the slightest discrepancy, they will apprehend you. Like I said, I am not an enemy. I may not be a friend either but I reassure you, Mister Barnes, I am more than willing to vouch for your stability. That is if you participate and help me out here."
As much as you hated the fact that you needed to always be around Bucky wherever he went, it wasn't like you had a choice. Besides, you believed that he was no longer a threat but you needed evidence. You needed something to present to the government to make them believe so. You also understood why Bucky behaved the way he did but was it really so hard to participate?
Bucky heaved out a sigh, "I'm sorry." he mumbled. "It's weird...to have someone follow you around when you do normal stuff, y'know?"
Taken aback at how quickly Bucky apologized, you nodded in understanding and apologized for being aggressive as well.
"We have training later, maybe it'd be better to have you spar with Bucky instead. Might make things less weird for him. Only if you can handle the cyborg." Sam chuckled.
"I look forward to it." you smirked.
It was three in the afternoon when you went to the compound’s gym. Sam and Bucky were already inside the boxing ring, sparring. You watched for a while as you wrapped your hands with bandages; you eye the Winter Soldier carefully, analyzing his every move.
Hit, evade, kick, punch, evade, punch.
Every single time he tried to hit Sam, the latter was able to avoid him. You noticed that Bucky had a certain pattern that he followed. A few more attacks later and Sam was able to knock him off, pinning him down on the ground.
“Man, you’re getting rusty.” Sam commented, offering a hand at Bucky who remained on the ground.
“He was restraining his moves.” You interjected as you walked towards the ring, bending down as you slid beneath the ropes.
Sam lifted a brow at you as he watched you enter the ring, “And why would he be restraining his moves?” He asked.
You shrugged, “If Mister Barnes stopped pulling his punches, you would’ve been sent to the ER by now.”
Sam scoffed in offense. It wasn’t your intention to belittle the Falcon, in fact, he was holding up against a super soldier pretty well. However, Bucky was an enhanced human being and had vibranium for an arm. He knew the extent of his skills and was aware of the fact that Sam wouldn’t be able to take every single blow if he wouldn’t restrain himself.
The Winter Soldier would injure Sam without a doubt, but Bucky Barnes? He wouldn’t hurt a fly.
“The Winter Soldier wouldn’t have given you a chance to evade his attack. Am I right?” You turned to Bucky who was obviously surprised at how you easily figured him out.
He shrugged, “You tell me, Agent. I’m not the one tasked to find out the answer to that.”
Sam hummed, “Yeah, okay. Point taken.” He said. “Barnes is yours, Agent.” He smirked and moved out of the ring.
He sat on the bench facing the ring, looking forward to see you spar with Bucky. You, on the other hand, was just as excited. You could sense that the two still doubted your skills; maybe showing off your capabilities would help in gaining their respect and cooperation.
“Do I need to pull my punches, Agent?” Bucky cracked his neck.
“I don’t know, Mister Barnes. Do you?”
You didn’t give Bucky any chance to respond to your question and immediately ran towards him, using a foot sweep to trip him. Bucky was caught off guard and found himself on his back with you quickly moving to straddle his metal arm with your legs, pinning him to the ground.
“Holy shit!” You heard Sam guffaw as he clapped his hands.
“Shut up, Sam!” Bucky choked out before using the entire strength of his metal arm to throw you off of him.
You groaned when you landed on your front, quickly rolling to the side when you sensed Bucky’s attempt to hold you down. A combination of punches and kicks were exchanged between the both of you, with Bucky gaining the upper hand when he twisted your arm behind your back, holding you tightly against his chest.
“I don’t think you’ll like it if I stopped restraining myself, Agent.” Bucky said, voice deep and rough.
His grip on you tightened as you tried to fight him off. Heaving out a deep breath, you relaxed and let out a groan. Thinking that you probably realized that winning over him was futile, Bucky loosened his grip on you and you took it as a chance to stomp on his foot before throwing your head back, hitting his nose with the back of your skull.
“I think I can take it, Mister Barnes. Try me.” You boasted, quickly moving away from Bucky.
“I’d rather not.” Bucky responded.
No words were exchange from then on, only grunts and breaths as the two of you continued to spar. At times, Bucky would have you tackled on the ground only for you to choke him with your thighs, flipping him over as you tried to land a hard punch that he easily caught with his metal hand.
“That all you can give me, Mister Barnes?” you leaned forward as you straddled him, your fist still in Bucky’s metal hand.
He darkly chuckled, “You know I can do more, I just prefer not to.” he said and let go of your hand before grabbing your arm and throwing you over to the side.
“Yeah, well I guess you’re a coward for holding back.” you panted and sprinted towards Bucky, using the momentum to throw your legs over his shoulder, twisting your body as you brought him back down to the ground ala Black Widow.
You immediately got up and moved away from Bucky who lifted his head and stared at you with a frown, “Where did you learn that?” he asked curiously.
“Your babysitter Black Widow-ed the shit outta you.” Sam chuckled.
Bucky rolled his eyes as he got up from the ground, “Do you ever shut the fuck up, Sam?”
“Do better, Mister Barnes. You’re putting the Soldat to shame.”
 A split second. All it took was a split second for Bucky to tackle you onto the ground with his metal hand loosely wrapped around your neck. Your eyes were wide as you looked up at Bucky, the glint in his eyes long gone and replaced with something else.
“Do not ever compare me to the Soldat.” he said through gritted teeth.
His hand remained wrapped around your throat but they didn’t budge, didn’t tighten nor shook in an attempt to do so.
“Why not?” you lifted a brow.
“I may still be the Winter Soldier, but I’m not the same man I used to be. I’d rather hold back and lose to you, Agent. Because the Soldat doesn’t exist, not anymore.” he said.
You knew it was a low blow to try and trigger him. You felt bad for doing so, seeing how he reacted to your statement when you brought up his dark past. But at the same time, his actions relieved you. Even with him hovering over you, metal hand wrapped around your neck, you didn’t experience any sort of worry nor fear. He was firm yet gentle with how his fingers remained loose around you.
Bucky was in full control of his actions.
You stared up at Bucky’s eyes and realized how blue they were. When you didn’t budge beneath him, Bucky let go of your neck and got up but immediately fell to the ground when you tripped him with your leg.
“That’s what I thought, Mister Barnes.” you said as you stood up, dusting your hands off. “You’re not dangerous. Thanks for the cooperation, I’ll include that in my weekly reports.” you said and slide out of the ring.
“All that for a test?” Sam incredulously asked as he watched you retreat from the gym.
You turned around, “It wasn’t a test, Mister Wilson. That was me trying to get to know Mister Barnes better.” you said and left the gym but not before hearing Sam’s comment about you.
“Man, we underestimated your babysitter.”
Babysitting Bucky Tag List:
@chipilerendi @procrastinationinawriter @supraveng @sammypotato67
Everything Bucky Tag List:
@ddowii @jessou893 
Sign up on my tag list here - https://forms.gle/b5haFXewSKqnXxxh7
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animeyanderelover · 4 years
Hi dear! Can I ask for yandere headcanons for Ino, Shikamaru,Karin, Mei and Yagura?
I combined this and another request together since they’re basically the same.
Tw: Yandere themes, stalking, possessiveness, delusional thinking, manipulating, blackmailing, threatening, kidnapping, isolation, vicious behavior, violence, killing
Yandere Naruto Hc’s
Ino Yamanaka
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🌼Ino would be similar to Sakura. She’s the clingy and delusional Yandere. She thinks her and her darling are perfect together and there’s no way her s/o will be able to go anywhere without her.
🌼Also the manipulative Yandere. Ino can be so charming if she wants to be and how can her darling reject her when she looks so gorgeous and asks so sweetly? Her abilities can be useful in here as well since she might use them on the darling to control them without them realizing it. But just like Sakura she’ll use the ‘Please don’t act like Sasuke’ card on her s/o to guilt trip them. To my huge surprise I can see her as the controlling Yandere. She wants her darling to rely and trust her with everything they do. She wants them to depend on her as much as possible.
🌼Ino doesn’t have the calmest and most patient character and everyone will notice her jealousy. They should better leave her darling alone before Ino snaps and starts throwing a tantrum. She’s truly scary when she’s jealous.
🌼Why killing when her jutsu is so much more effective? She can just control someone with her jutsu and make them screw up big without doing much. Since she has been taught by Tsunade she isn’t all into killing. With her mind controlling jutsu she can cause much more damage.
🌼I think given her charm she’ll be most likely able to go into a relationship with her darling. She doesn’t really like the idea of kidnapping her darling and why do that if a little bit mind controlling is all that is needed? But she would only do that if she confesses to her darling and they reject her or want to break up with her.
🌼Ino would be a really gorgeous and charming girlfriend and it might be able to work out in a more or less “normal” relationship if we put her terrible jealousy and her wish that you depend on her aside. But the moment she’s forced to use her jutsu on you is the moment it gets twisted since she’s able to control you without you even realizing that you’re being controlled. You were just about to break up with her? Suddenly it feels like you fall in love with her all over again. How could you even think about leaving her? She has you wrapped around her fingers when she does this. Don’t get the wrong idea. She wants you to love her without needing to use her powers, but a little push might help, right?
Shikamaru Nara
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🦌That’s a hard one to grasp as a Yandere, but let’s see. Shikamaru is the obsessive and aware Yandere. This guy is terrifying smart and knows that his feelings can’t be seen as normal. He might even feel a bit ashamed that he feels that way. He might appear uninterested in his darling when he talks to them, but that’s a lie. He sneaks slyly questions or sentences in to get a reaction from his darling. Their language, way of speaking, movements, behavior, he’ll analyze it all carefully and attentively. This makes him a perfect manipulative one. He doesn’t really want to use that on the s/o, but sometimes he can’t help, but let the one or other sentence in to get the wanted reaction from them. He knows what he has to do and say.
🦌A stalker. This gives him the perfect opportunity to analyze his darling when they’re confronted with other situations and he also knows that if he spends too much time with his darling others might get suspicious. To be honest, stalking them is such a drag, but he has no other choice. I guess after he lost his sensei he might also become the overprotective one, realizing how fast he can lose people in this world.
🦌Shikamaru is pretty chill about his darling interacting with other people. He doesn’t have much of a problem. But he gets jealous when he notices that you show a liking to someone or the other way around, he knows it from the body language and the behavior. If he is stalking them he won’t interfere as long as no one gets too touchy. If he’s with his s/o at that time he reacts passive aggressive towards the other person.
🦌That’s too much of a drag. Shikamaru is very reasonable with the people around his s/o. He’ll rely more on manipulation and might spread some rumors about them or might humiliate them in public with his shadow possession jutsu. To bring this guy to kill someone they would have to attempt to kill his darling and hurt them. Then he’ll get flashbacks from how his sensei died and will come up with a cruel strategy how to get rid of that person.
🦌He’s as mentioned ashamed that he feels like this and will try to avoid this possibility. But if he witnesses his darling getting harmed his overprotectiveness will get the better of him. He’ll use manipulations to bring the s/o “willingly” to stay in their house, telling them that he’s just worried and that he doesn’t want to lose another person precious to him.
🦌Shikamaru is a very chill Yandere as long as he isn’t triggered enough. He tries to not show his Yandere tendencies too much and with him it might be able to have a not too messed up relationship. But don’t underestimate him. His intelligence makes him really dangerous for you and those who managed to anger him enough.
Karin Uzumaki
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♦️Karin is the clingy and lovestruck one. You do remember how she acted towards Sasuke and it’s much more worse with her darling. There’s no space left to breathe and she’s absolutely the type to force her affections on her s/o. Cuddles, kisses, holding hands, whatever you can think of. Her darling is in her eyes the most beautiful and amazing person that has ever walked on this planet. Obsessive and more than just obvious with it. The type to steal your clothes and wear them.
♦️Also the overprotective Yandere. She was used and mistreated after all in her past because she’s an Uzumaki and has no intention on ever letting something like this happen to her darling. Delusional, she believes that everything is fine between the two of you and that you are in love with each other. Probably even a small masochistic because do you remember the scene in the fight with Killer B where Sasuke bit her so that he could heal and her reaction to it?
♦️Bad temper! She starts yelling and cursing as soon as someone looks at you. It’s honestly a bit embarrassing for her darling. If someone dares to make a comment about her s/o they need to hold Karin back or else she’ll smack that asshole.
♦️She does have a bad temper and curses at anyone near you, but dogs who bark don’t bite. Most of the time. Karin beats the living shit out of everyone who doesn’t treat you like the perfect being she thinks you are. As long as no one hurts or makes her darling cry that’s enough for her. But god forbid the person who sinned that badly to scratch her darling or make them cry because then Karin will lose it.
♦️It’s not kidnapping. It’s spending time with the love of her life. Karin requires a lot of time with her s/o and if they ignore her or don’t want to spend time with her she’ll see it as a sign that they want to spend time with her. She has the key to your house and will invite herself in whenever she wants too. Don’t ask her how she got it. Trying to escape won’t be from use either, she’ll just sense your chakra and will always find you.
♦️Karin is a terrible Yandere. Not because she’s mean or hurts you, but because she’s so extremely clingy. She mistakes every sign of rejection you show her for the complete opposite. Her jealousy is horrible as well and people will start to avoid you because they don’t want to get yelled at. She steals all of your things and wears them herself. In short she’s annoying.
Shisui Uchiha
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🍂Shisui is the aware type of Yandere. He knows that this isn’t really love, but something darker and is ashamed of it. He is the overprotective Yandere. He feels still guilty for letting his friend die back then because he refused to help him and is on a daily base faced with dangerous situations and he swore to himself that he will protect his s/o.
🍂Shisui is also a stalker, choosing to watch from a distance. He’s very sharp in noticing smaller details, making him an obsessive one as well. This guy has also talent for the manipulative type since he can see through the emotional nature of others and is in general a very clever person.
🍂Shisui hates himself for feeling this way and wishes his darling to be happy. With the amount of patience he possesses he can stand a lot of talking and even slight flirting. He only starts feeling jealous when his s/o shows very strongly that they like someone.
🍂Shisui wouldn’t kill if it isn’t needed. Most of the time he can give persons a warning and can discuss the issue more politely with them. If someone won’t stand away from his darling despite the warning he’ll use genjutsu at first and trap them in with their greatest nightmare. He only kills as a last resort when someone exposes himself as a serious threat to his darling or is about to tell everyone about his unhealthy felling for the s/o. Then he sees himself cornered.
🍂He would really, really like to avoid this topic for preferably forever since he would never be able to look at himself properly again when he does this. But here again, if he’s cornered enough and with no other options left he’ll do it. Two possibilities where this might happen are when you’re either attacked and he couldn’t protect you or when you find out about his obsession with you and try to warn his clan and ask for help.
🍂Shisui can be a great boyfriend as long as he isn’t triggered enough. He has a lot of patience and awareness of his feelings mixed together with amazing self control. But he’s also really dangerous. He is respected by his clan and the third Hokage, he possesses strong powers and is really smart what makes a more than deadly mix for those who anger him enough and for you because you won’t be able to escape him. And don’t forget that even though he is really calm and gentle with you that this doesn’t mean you can do whatever you want. He hates punishing you, but he’ll do it if you give him no other option. He’ll use genjutsu on you if he punishes you.
Mei Terumi
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��Mei is the lovestruck, delusional and obsessive Yandere. She adores her darling a lot and believes that they are the person she has waited for her whole life and this fuels her desire to get to know them better as often and much as possible. This makes her the clingy type as well and the both of you will often be seen doing PDA.
🔵She’s also the manipulative type. Let’s be honest, Mei is beautiful and very witty and charming and also the Mizukage. She has the looks and powers and she can make her darling almost enchanted with her if she wants too.
🔵She’s rather sensitive to the topic of her darling being with other people, but she can hold for a short while on. But she loses her cool rather fastly when someone insults her darling. Then she’ll threaten to kill that person. She misunderstands things often so there’ll be a lot of people who she threatens to kill. Not like anyone would dare to make a move on the Mizukage’s darling.
🔵No villager is dumb enough to harm the s/o so there might not even be a reason for her to kill someone. Her darling is greatly protected by the Shinobi of Kirigakure and Mei herself. If a villager however does harm the s/o there will be harsh and cruel punishments, but she won’t kill as long as the person apologizes and won’t do it again. This is special treatment for villagers. If it’s someone from outside the village then this might turn out really ugly.
🔵Mei won’t kidnap them if they don’t reject her affections or are in danger. She’s someone who likes to show her darling off to the village and who likes it when the both of you are seen together. She loves it when people talk about how happy and great you look together.
🔵Mei is the type to spoil her darling if they behave well and to be honest you should consider yourself as lucky to have her as your girlfriend. She has everything someone could ask for. However, Mei doesn’t fear to manipulate, bribe and blackmail you if she has to since she believes that you are meant to be together. I can see her as someone who would go as far as paying people to attack you so she can step in and save you so you’ll see her as a hero. She really just wants to take care of you. But I think it isn’t necessary to go that far since she already has you hooked up with her charm and wits. It is hard to not fall in love with this woman here.
Yugito Nii
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🐅I didn’t see much of her, but I tried my best. She’s the aware type of Yandere. She knows that her feelings aren’t normal and will try to control them. She does have her tailed beast under control, but she can’t be careful enough. Also on the bit stricter side, not terribly, but there are some things she wishes her darling would act to her opinion accordingly on and she will scold them if they don’t act the way she wishes them to.
🐅She’s also the overprotective Yandere. Even though she is now respected by everyone she was hated when she was younger and there might be still some people who hate her and might use her darling as a bait. Also the manipulative Yandere. She’s calm and smart and will manipulate her darling if she’s forced to.
🐅As mentioned rather calm. She’ll let her darling interact with other people and can control her jealousy. But when she realizes that she reaches her limits she will come in and interrupt the interaction. She’ll never admit openly that she’s jealous since she’s a pretty proud person.
🐅It would be rather easy for her to dispose her enemies since she’s a jinchuriki, but that would break all the trust the villagers now have in her. Trust that she worked her ass off for. So she won’t kill unless it’s not a very serious situation where you’re being attacked and the enemy is dead serious about killing her s/o. She isn’t someone who misuses the power given to her unless she faces a strong enemy.
🐅She wouldn’t want to use such methods if there’s a way to avoid it. She would only does it if someone targets her darling. Yugito will most like be able to talk her darling into staying at home in such situations since she knows what she has to say.
🐅Yugito is a proud and wise woman who is sometimes a bit harsh on you, but she also knows that she shouldn’t feel that way and will try to not show her Yandere side too much. She’s also reasonable with you and would never force you to anything unless you’re in danger. And she does have a soft spot for you even though she doesn’t show it too often.
Yagura Karatachi
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🐢His Yandere type depends on whether he was at that time under Tobi’s control or not. If not he’s the obsessive, calm and aware one. He knows about his wrong feelings and will try to keep them under control. He is very calm and composed, but can also be very talkative and curious when it comes to his darling and might steal here and there some things from them. I can also see him as the overprotective and clingy type. Kirigakure has this brutal ritual that everyone has to undergo in order to become a genin and became the jinchuriki of the three-tailed at a very young age. He might be able to handle all this, but he isn’t too sure about his darling and will try to stick to their side as long and often as possible.
🐢If he’s being manipulated from Tobi then he’s the obsessive, aware, possessive, manipulative and violent type. He’ll be much more forceful with his obsessive tendencies and will steal whatever he likes from his darling and uses his influence to get all the informations he wants. He still knows that his feelings are wrong, but now he doesn’t care anymore and will just take what he desires. Shamelessly blackmails and threatens his s/o to get them to stay with him and at least pretend to love him or else he’ll kill their closed ones. He’ll be more willing to hurt them both, physically and mentally if they don’t behave. Also the controlling, isolating and removal type. He wants to control his darling’s life and if they anger him he’ll not only make sure that they never see other humans again, no, he’ll also kill everyone they love so he’s their only option left.
🐢If he’s not under Tobi’s control he’ll hold on for a while, but he gets jealous rather fastly and will after some time tell the other person politely to go. If someone mentions his rather childish looks he might have a small outburst since this is a sensitive topic for him. If both of you are in private and you pay attention to something else he might even have a more childish reaction and pout for your attention. If he’s being controlled then it’s unlikely that he has reasons to be jealous since he keeps his darling somewhere locked up, but if they pay attention to something else then he’ll have a scary outburst. They should better pay attention to him if they don’t want to get punished.
🐢Yagura is the Mizukage and holds some power which he will use to ruin someone’s life if the situation calls for it, but only if someone really gave him a reason to. That doesn’t count for the manipulated Yagura. If he finds out that someone searches for his darling which is kept in a safe house that person is as good as dead. Same goes for if his darling loves someone else even if it’s just sibling-like love. His possessiveness of being the only one to own their heart shines through in here.
🐢Yagura tries to hide his Yandere side and since he’s the clingy one and is most of the time near his darling there’s no reason for him to lock them in. Only if he’s needy for their attention and love or if there might be danger he’ll keep his darling trapped in a place. If he’s being controlled then there’s no question that he’ll kidnap the s/o almost instantly after discovering his dark feelings.
🐢It’s kind of obvious that he’s all messed up after put under Tobi’s genjutsu. He’s nothing, but terrifying and will use any means necessary to ensure that you can’t escape his grip. But before that he’s a much more easier Yandere who was much more patient with his darling and far more harmless. He’s not to blame, it’s Tobi’s fault.
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▪️Utakata is the aware and overprotective Yandere. He knows that these feelings he has for his s/o are dangerous and tries to cover them most of the time up. He experienced some shocking events in the past and believes that his master has betrayed him and since he went rogue he’s constantly hunted by the hunter-nin from Kirigakure so it’s understandable that he’s very overprotective.
▪️Also the possessive and slightly harsh, yet at the same time soft and desperate Yandere. He left his village and everything he ever trusted and believed in was shattered so he grasps almost desperately onto the only thing that this world left him. You. He has problems in acknowledging his strong feelings for his darling and might sometimes be a bit mean to them because of this, but he can also become really gentle and caring if he wants to be. He doesn’t have anyone left anymore so all he really wants is at least one person who he can trust and love.
▪️He’s constantly on the run so there aren’t many chances for him to be jealous. If they do come under people he’s fine with his darling talking to other people since he knows that they won’t stay long anyways. However, if someone gets too close to his darling he does step in. He can come over as quite impolite with his way of speaking and is the type to act passive aggressive.
▪️He has already enough troubles with being hunted down so the last thing he wants to do is killing someone and dealing with all the problems. It isn’t very smart to kill someone because this might lead to the hunting-nin finding him faster and he’s also the type who wants to avoid troubles. He only kills someone if this person attacks his darling and won’t back off.
▪️He needed to kidnap his s/o in order to keep them with him. He didn’t want to do it, but he couldn’t fight his inner desire.
▪️Utakata isn’t the worst one from this list. He has patience with you and knows that he ruined your whole life when forcing you to come with him. He is angry with himself that he feels this way and will sometimes let his frustration out on you, but he apologizes later on and tries to make it up for you. But the circumstances you’re under are pretty bad. You’ll most likely never see your family again and can’t even contact them because the Hunter-nin might find out about it. It’s exhausting to wander from place to place.
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🐛Fuu is the lovestruck and clingy Yandere. She’s so in love with her darling and sees them as pure beauty. She supports whatever her darling does and believes that whatever they say is right. If someone disagrees with her darling’s opinion this girl won’t stop arguing with the person until they admit that her darling is right. She’s all over her darling and probably one of the biggest fans of PDA.
🐛Also the delusional Yandere. She’s convinced that her darling and her are perfect for each other and that no one else is better for her darling than her.
🐛She gets fastly jealous since she’s needy for her darling’s attention. She’ll clinge desperately onto her darling’s arm and will constantly tug on their sleeves or poke them until they give her attention. If someone makes her darling uncomfortable or gets too touchy with them she’ll interrupt quickly and won’t stop talking about how they shouldn’t do this and that you are already taken and and and.
🐛I honestly can’t see her as someone who would ever attempt to kill someone, she’s way too innocent and social for that. She’s more the type to embarrass the person in public.
🐛She also isn’t the type to kidnap. She’s basically glued to her darling’s side 24/7 so there’s no need to kidnap them. The closest that gets to kidnapping when she forces her darling to let her spend the night in her house for a pyjama party.
🐛Fuu is a pretty innocent bean and a very tame Yandere. You can easily manipulate her since she’s almost blinded by her love for you. Would never harm you or manipulate you. The only thing annoying in here is her constant need for attention and that she smothers you in affection.
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🎇Does anyone even remember him? He was so briefly introduced, but for some reason popped in my head up whilst I was doing this so I decided to put him in. C is the aware and strict type of Yandere. He knows that his feelings are completely wrong and was at the beginning annoyed by this because it kept him distracted from focusing fully on his duties, but eventually he learned to accept them. It’s more than important for him that no one finds out how forced his relationship with his darling is and expects them to behave properly. This makes him the controlling one since he needs to make sure that his darling doesn’t get the chance of telling someone how he really is.
🎇Also the obsessive, possessive and manipulative type. I can imagine him as a really charming one who is talented in lying and will get his darling to dedicate most of their time with him. He has never experienced such abnormal feelings and that sparks his curiosity in why he feels this way about the s/o. What is it that makes them so special? He doesn’t know, but he’ll make sure to find out. His feelings also lead him to the point where he’ll become incredibly possessive over his darling, wanting to keep them for himself.
🎇He dislikes it when his darling spends time with other people and enjoys their presence. The only persons where he will hold back if they want to talk with his s/o are Darui, Killer B and the Raikage. But with everyone else it’ll be different. He’ll start telling his darling rumors about their family and friends. You want to see them? How funny. He overheard them talking about how annoying you are recently. Due to his manipulation you’ll start to avoid and isolate yourself from other people.
🎇He has a high position and is respected by the Raikage so he has to be smart about this. He’ll rely more on manipulation in such situations. Killing would only be used as a last resort and he has to plan carefully for this so that no trace will lead to him.
🎇Kidnapping is under his dignity. He makes it smarter. He’ll wrap his darling up in enough lies until they believe that they can’t trust anyone except him and will come willingly to him. If you should however try to escape him he’ll lock you up in a dark and empty room, not letting you see any sunlight or even the trace of a human anywhere near. Not even he will spend much time with you, only bringing you food and then leave. He keeps this up until you beg and cry for his attention and affection.
🎇If he would be a Yandere he would be a horrible one. Manipulative Yanderes are never funny to be with. He’ll have you think that you’re alone in this world and will make you paranoid around people so that you won’t leave his side. He’ll manipulate you until you’re exactly like he wants you to be. Dependent on only him.
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