#but han yoojin. han yoojin would never do that to me
ok but imagine you’re one of if not the most powerful person in your country and there’s this random ass guy who’s about as strong as an average person, if with some random useful traits, who, for a moment, isn’t resistant to your mental skill, and when you try and use it on him, it works for about 5 seconds before he suddenly throws it off with something that doesn’t even exist within the system you get your power from and then, when he throws you off, he looks at you and calls you insignificant and then can’t walk for a day
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wovenstarlight · 1 year
(on ao3)
Before Yoohyun even opens his door, Junhwan’s raising his head, ears flicking. Yoohyun eyes him; while he can’t hear anything himself, Junhwan’s ears are still sharper, so he trusts him—but whatever emotion his daemon is feeling, it isn’t alarm. If anything, it reads as pleased surprise.
Yoohyun opens the door to hyung’s laughter and understands immediately. His and Junhwan’s footsteps are cat-light as they enter their house, padding silently through the living room towards… Is the sound coming from the Horned Flame Lion’s enclosure? Yoohyun’s told hyung not to go in there unsupervised for a while! …But hearing him still laughing like that, he can’t be too angry. Not when the little beast has apparently managed to achieve what he hasn’t in the last two days. A curl of jealousy flares inside him, Junhwan’s lips pulling back to bare his teeth in the start of a growl as he presumably arrives at the same thought, but then there’s a soft, breathless giggle-snort from noona and that-
That makes them both very quiet.
They slow down as they get closer. Hyung isn’t immediately visible through the glass walls of the enclosure; Yoohyun dares to get closer, keeping to the side with some of the thicker foliage, and peers through the gaps.
Ah. There. Hyung’s lying on his side on the soft grass, the Lion perched on his hip and staring wide-eyed at… Noona, who’s up on a tree?
Yoohyun doesn’t understand. What’s so funny? He squints at the Lion, who’s doing… a grand total of precisely nothing. It’s just staring at noona and swishing its tail back and forth, the tip occasionally flicking over hyung’s side. Is it tickling him? But hyung isn’t ticklish, as far as he remembers… And even if he was, what’s noona laughing about? She’s halfway up one of the trees—Yoohyun takes a heart-stopping second to study it and make sure it’s not a Gillotinae, even though he knows objectively that she wouldn’t be stupid enough to get close to those—and peering down at hyung, wearing a silly smile.
She shifts as he watches, turning to jump across to another tree close by and scrambling up its branches. “Reckless,” Junhwan mumbles almost inaudibly, and Yoohyun agrees. There’s something almost childish about the fumbling, uncontrolled way in which she climbs. Like she’s not used to all her limbs being where they are. He remembers it from back when she’d first settled—for two weeks after that, Yoohyun and Junhwan had watched her jump off high spots and panic because she’d forgotten she couldn’t fly. (She was a cat, she’d always landed on her feet, of course, but that hadn’t stopped Junhwan from moving to catch her. Just in case.)
She’s climbing really high right now, actually. Yoohyun frowns as she clambers to the top of one particularly tall tree. Shouldn’t that be stretching their distance limit? Even if hyung’s Awakened now? She barely seems to notice, and the same goes for hyung, who continues lying there, watching her affectionately. Noona crawls out to the edge of the branch closest to hyung, peeks down at him, then hunches down and—
Her feet lift off the branch. Yoohyun and Junhwan lunge for the door. There’s rustling of cloth and grass and fur and creaking hinges and then—
And then, Yoohyun and Junhwan are staring at hyung lying on his back on the ground, noona pillowed safely on his chest and the Lion on his knees, all three of them staring back.
“Yoohyun-ah?” Hyung sits up, noona hopping up to his shoulders and winding around his neck. “What’s going on?”
“Nothing,” Yoohyun blurts. It was only in case— “Nothing. Are you okay?”
“I… Yes…?”
“Okay.” Yoohyun nods quickly. “Good.”
There’s words at the tip of his tongue—be careful, didn’t that pull hurt, why are you in here when I said—but he never gets to say any of them, because noona narrows her eyes at Junhwan and says, “Well, in that case, let them talk, I-wanna-play-tag-you’re-it!” and flings herself at him.
Junhwan bolts entirely on 17 years’ worth of reflex, and noona chases him in circles around them, yowling when he goes too far from hyung for her to follow. Hyung snorts when Junhwan sheepishly approaches them again, only to dance away from noona’s batting paws.
“Oh, that’s no fair,” hyung wheezes, and coaxes the Lion off his knees before bracing his hands against the ground, pausing for a moment (…?), then rolling to his feet—no, foot, all his weight is on his left leg (??) for a split second before he relaxes, balanced once more. “Let’s give her a fighting chance, huh?” he says, and Yoohyun's eyes belatedly flick up from his leg to his face when he starts jogging after Junhwan. Noona gleefully gives chase with the new extension to her leash, and Yoohyun’s forced after them as they cross to the far end of the enclosure.
There’s a pleased smile on hyung’s face as he goes, childish glee in noona’s cackling as she runs, and Yoohyun watches them for a moment before deciding to drop it. He can bring up the question another time; it hardly seems fair to ruin their fun now.
He can't stop himself from smiling as he follows.
#star.txt#my writing#my sranks#sranks daemons#han yoojin#han yoohyun#dilemma: do i tag daemon names when they're inextricably attached to their humans and im tagging for those already.#anyway! i had the Leg Agonies yesterday and was possessed to write this#also had someone leave wailing and weeping and screaming and crying tags on the last daemons post so i was like. well i owe you reparations#so here! siblings play tag now that two of them can run again :D#first pass at this was shj pov but i realized hyj would never be so relaxed in front of shj unless this was set in 250s-ish at the earliest#and again. i owed you guys han bros getting sillay#....actually... was this sillay enough.... i fear i need to write more fluff#but yes. please join me and hyj in giggling at the sight of big scary tiger fleeing for his fucking life from tiny cat two handfuls big#i think haeun gets mean with tag. because junhwan is very hard to catch but if he tries to make it easy for her she gets mad#so he goes at full capacity and she keeps up by going crazy going stupid as a chaser#girl probably almost broke a tv once in trying to catch him#but yeah. she's very happy to be able to play with her baby brother again :-)#also i wont lie i find it kind of funny how its like#hyh: do my elder siblings hate me even now that we've reconciled... it'd make sense...#hjh: damn they hate me fr </3 [only not sobbing his eyes out because he is a tiger]#hyj: :-) wow it sure is nice to be back with my baby brothers / hhe: I WILL LOVE THEM AND SHOWER THEM IN KISSES AND PLAY WITH THEM AN#hyj: hey can you dial it back a little you're making us look desperate. / hhe: YEAH CUZ WE ARE? THEY DIED IN OUR ARMS / hyj: ok. fair. but
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jamitin-k · 5 months
Reading both the s-class novel and the comments is PEAK experience.
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Context without major spoilers: Yerim and Yoojin discuss other people’s tastes and love life. Yerim believes Yoohyun would never love anyone but his hyung, let alone go out with. She says his girl would need to at least look like Yoojin. Or the girl would have to like Yoojin and want to protect him as well and be roughly acknowledged by Yoohyun himself…
Yerim trails off, goes silent, realizes something really, really horrible, has goosebumps all over her body, gags, almost throws up and dies from cringe. It’s so bad she wishes she could rewind time to forget whatever her mind cooked up a minute ago while Yoojin is so clueless and just fusses around her, asking if a healer is needed and wondering if it’s some type of mental attack.
When they see Yoohyun afterwards, Yerim screams “DON’T COME NEAR ME HAN YOOHYUN” “…Why are you doing that?”
Chaotic siblings ftw. Other fans type absolutely hilarious comments.
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wisekiwi123 · 10 days
The S class that I raised vampire au: Prologue
( Hi everyone it's Kiwi, I will be officially writing this AU so please let me know if I make any mistakes since I am knew to writing fanfics. Hope you enjoy it )
original post for more info:
“Happy birthday–”
“ Who hurt you hyung”
Yoojin paused as he watched his younger brother storm into the kitchen decorated with birthday decorations with a very sour look on his face. Ignoring the cake with eleven candles on the table Yoohyun began to expect the cast on his older brother's arm carefully, his frown becoming deeper with every second.
“There was a little accident at work today nothing too serious” Yoojin laughed nervously as he avoided direct eye contact with his brother  “ It will be healed in a few weeks anyway so how about we look at the birthday present I got you instead”
“ Hyung this is serious” Yoohyun shook his head “ Was it your co-workers again or maybe you taking on more dangerous jobs without telling me”
“I wouldn’t say dangerous—“
“So you are taking on more deadly jobs!” Yoohyun shouted before he started clenching his teeth tightly.
‘ His integration skills are getting better by the day’Yoojin lampooned to himself as Yoohyun continued to fret over his broken arm.
 It was true he was taking on more dangerous tasks but it was never anything he couldn’t handle. Being a vampire hunter was a very high-demanding job which often had well-paying quests that only a fool would miss out on. Besides it was his brother's birthday and he wanted to make it especially special so he may have taken on more rewarding jobs that were slightly harder than usual.
‘Even so, I should have been more careful’ Yoojin thought to himself as his free hand reached to pat his brother's hand.
 “It's because of me again isn’t…” Yoohyun whispered as his shoulders began to slump downwards “If I were born a normal human hyung would not have to work so hard. If I wasn’t a vampire hyung wouldn't  get hurt—
“Han Yoohyun that is enough” Yoojin firmly said with a solemn look on his face.“I told you before that I am not doing anything I don't want to do and you will never be a burden to me ever”
Yoojin’s hand reached out to pinch the side of Yoohyun’s cheek, he smiled largely as he spoke.
“I am your Big brother it's my job to look after you while it's your job to grow up well and live a good life. Sorry for making you worry  and I promise not to take risks on purpose”
“Promise  not  to take risks ever”
 “Ok now you're pushing it, I still need to make a living you know”
“Fine hyung but when I am older you will never have to work again since I will be strong enough  to protect you”
“Sounds like a plan but  make sure to study as well ok?”
Yoojin hugged Yoohyun as he laughed while Yoohyun smiled back slightly revealing a set of small fangs as he accepted his brother’s embrace.
“Now let me cut the cake after you blow out the candle ”
“Hyung no let me do it instead!”
“Fine if that's what the birthday boy wants”
The snow gently gathered by the window as the night sky remained starless as both brothers munched on cake. The red gift wrapping was discarded in the corner of the old kitchen’s bin along with some empty vials of blood.
The winter nights were often long but it was never lonely. Not on this practical night at least.
Small puffs of cold smoke escaped Yoojin's lips as he looked up at the starless night with nostalgia. Snow piled by his feet as he stood before humongous gates made of silver and gold which opened to a driveway that seemed to be freshly shovelled of any snow speck of snow.
Yoojin turned his eyes away from the sky to look directly at an obnoxiously grand mansion of substantial size at the end of the driveway. His gloved hand gripped a single piece of paper tightly as he swallowed dry spit.
‘I am sorry Yoohyun” Yoojin thought as he took a step past the gate
“Promises can only be kept if I see you again” He muttered dropping the the wrinkled paper on the frozen ground before taking large strides forward. A calculated risk the first of many.
The paper continues to lay upright and undisturbed on the snow. The words wanted vampire , dead and 50,000 are written in bold along with Han Yoohyun's face plastered right in the middle.
(next chapter is currently being made.Hope everyone has a great night/day )
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voolfman · 5 months
Flowers for You
SCTIR fic published on ao3 by voolfman
The first time the stranger was left a message on his new phone with his new number (his carrier sucked), he assumed it was from someone whose number he had forgotten to add.
“Yoohyun-ah, it-i- it's your hyung. You forgot your scarf at home. It's getting cold out, and I saw you walking around without one. Ju-just come home and get it? Please? I'm not mad anymore, I promise. Hyung….hyung is just so, so worried. I love you.”
He should have deleted the message. He should've texted the guy and let him know that his younger brother changed phone numbers. But he was busy; he got the message right at the end of his lunch break and his boss was such a hard-ass about being on time that he forgot. Until, he received another voice-mail a few days later.
“I guess you're not coming back for your scarf? That's alright, it's not a good scarf anyway. Second-hand, you probably want…wanted a nicer scarf. Maybe…maybe you would have stayed if hyung had bought you nicer scarves…I guess there's nothing I can offer you now. Even so, hyung misses you. Please come home.”
Then the texts began to start. And he read them. And listened to the voice-mails. He didn't delete any of them. It felt too cruel to erase the words that reeked of despair and loneliness. As if making them cease to exist would somehow erase the last vestiges of the lonely man. As if the man would cease to exist, never to make up with his younger brother.
“Your guild won't even let me in. I just wanted to drop off some of your favorite snacks… I'm sorry hyung couldn't afford better, but hyung’s budget’s been tight this month. I promise I'll save up better for next time! Happy birthday, Yoohyun-ah.” What a coincidence that Han Yoohyun’s birthday was the same day. And his older brother had decided to cause a scene in front of the Hayeon building that day.
It took an embarrassing amount of time to realize it, but eventually, he had to admit, he was receiving messages for THE Han Yooyhun, leader of Hayeon Guild, from THE Han Yoojin, his estranged and publicly renounced older brother. Which, having listened to the older man's heart broken messages and birthday well-wishes, made a lot of what the gossip-rags and mass media busybodies spread sound grossly out of proportion or just outright inaccurate.
One time, partly out of pity, probably out of morbid curiosity, he actually did answer the phone. It was back before he had known who was calling, back when he'd just had the man under the name “The Sad Hyung.”
All it took was the simple tap of an obnoxiously green circle with an outdated symbol of a phone most children wouldn't even recognize anymore from a screen that was too bright for the hour it was calling at.
There was an answering tone. Then silence. Then the whisper of a hushed and choked back sob.
“...Yooyhun-ah?” It was a desperate wish. A whisper of despair. It was the single drop of rain soaking into the ground of a scorched and barren forest.
But he couldn't reply to the voice over the phone, or the gig would be up. The hyung would know that his younger brother had cut off all contact with him. And then what? Who would the hyung talk to? What would he do to himself? He seemed so alone. At least this way his messages would be left on read. His voice-mails would be listened to.
He stayed silent on the other side of the line.
The voice was breaking. The signal was still strong. “Please Yooyhun-ah, what did hyung do wrong? I hate this. I miss you-” another choked back sob crackled through, “Please, can we meet just one last time so you can tell hyung what's going on? I-I’ll make your favorite eggs! Sunny-side up- just…just like you alw-”
The stranger hung up abruptly. He felt sick, his insides twisted like those balloons they gave to children at fairs and theme parks. A voice-mail was left on his phone a few minutes later. He never listened to that one. It was the only one he would never listen to. He thought he was going to throw up.
There were no new texts or voice-mails left for a few weeks afterward.
And that was his routine for the next few years. It wasn't every day he was sent texts and left messages. There were breaks of days, weeks, and as time passed, months.
It was after years that the texts and voice-mails finally stopped. At first he was concerned. It was a couple of months later, when he saw two brothers happily smiling at each other from the colorful pixels of a live broadcast on a billboard on his way home from work, that he was finally able to delete the texts and voice-mails.
Somewhere, in another timeline, the stranger listened for eight long years. As the messages became more bitter. More tinged with anger. Messages and voice-mails splashed with a deadly amount of alcohol and paranoia. Left with broken hearts and pain riddled gasps of leftover affection parsed through poison filled words and cries.
At one point, he learned that the older brother of Hayeon Guild had been sent to the hospital for alcohol poisoning and then sent to rehab. It was all over the news for a while. And then he was released and media mongers were all in a tizzy until they sniffed out something juicier. That was when the texts and the voice-mails started back up again. And that was when he knew. That was when he knew who's phone number he'd been given.
And eventually the messages became far and few between. And then eventually they were erased. And the stranger was erased. And the whole make-up of the world was erased. And the world was reset. And the messages were erased.
Han Yoohyun was not erased.
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yersina · 2 years
I don't know if you're still open for writing prompts but would you be interested in writing Sung Hyunje being Yoohyun's big brother and not Yoojin? 👀 Like Riette and Noah but worse since it's two crazies instead of one.
I hope you know that the first thing I did after reading through this prompt was whisper “oh my god” in a horrified and yet fascinated tone
There’s no love lost between Hyunje and his parents, really. When he decides to stay overseas for an extra two years to get another degree after finishing his bachelor’s and stay away from them for just that slightest bit longer, he knows he’ll find no protest from them even if he’s doing it on their dime.
Looking down at the small boy in his parents’ living room, though, he thinks that maybe he should’ve at least called home once during the five years that he’s been away.
“Who are you?” he asks curiously.
The boy had frozen in the middle of putting away a carton of milk when Hyunje had let himself into the apartment, but now he slams the refrigerator door shut with more force than necessary and scowls at Hyunje with a truly impressive snarl for a child who can’t be older than ten. “Who are you?” he shoots back.
“I asked first.”
“You’re the one who broke in!”
“This was my apartment first.” He doesn’t bother to hide his amusement at the boy’s frustration with his answer. “I used to live here with my parents, but I haven’t been home in a while.”
The boy frowns. “Well, I’ve never seen you before in my life.” Hyunje hums absently and takes a seat at the dining table, sensing that this might take a while. “Hey! Don’t just sit at the table like you didn’t break into my apartment!”
“I live here too.” Hyunje folds his hands together and looks down at the boy. “Are you living here on your own?”
“No,” the boy says venomously, practically radiating hostility. “I live here with my parents.”
“And who are your parents?”
The boy glares at him, obviously reluctant to reveal any more information, but Hyunje just tilts his head and waits patiently. “…Han Eunmi,” he finally grits out. Hyunje crosses his arms. “And Sung Hyunwoo,” he finishes in a mumble.
He’s not surprised. Sung Hyunwoo has never been a shining paragon of smart choices. “Sung Hyunwoo is my father as well,” he offers after a moment.
The boy’s eyes grow wide. “We’re brothers?” His eyes very clearly dart to Hyunje’s hair. “Are you sure?”
“Half,” Hyunje corrects. “My mother is Amélie Beaufort.” Not that it matters—he hasn’t seen his mother since he was born. He watches the boy mouth the French name with a look of perplexity. “What’s your name?”
Instantly, the look of suspicion is back. “You tell me yours first.”
He wonders if the boy is this wary of everyone, or if this is special treatment. “Sung Hyunje.”
“You have a Korean name,” the boy notes.
Hyunje raises an eyebrow. “I’m speaking Korean, aren’t I?” The boy rolls his eyes as if to say, Obviously. “I was raised in Korea. My father named me. Stop avoiding my question: what’s your name?”
“I’m not avoiding your question,” the boy mutters, but Hyunje elects to ignore it. The boy’s face goes through a series of increasingly rebellious expressions, but after another beat, he admits, “Han Yoohyun.”
Interesting. Hyunje’s willing to place all his money on Sung Hyunwoo having no idea that Han Yoohyun existed for the first half of the boy’s life. “How old are you?”
“How old are you?” Yoohyun echoes again.
His urge to strangle the child grows ever stronger. “Under ten, I’m assuming?”
The face that Yoohyun pulls is just as telling as his muttered, “How did you know that?”
“Ew, no. I’m eight. And a half,” Yoohyun stresses. Hyunje just barely refrains from following Yoohyun’s example and rolling his eyes.
“And how long have you been living here?”
“Hey, it’s your turn—” Whatever protest Yoohyun was about to make is cut off by a quiet knock on the door. Both of them freeze at the sound, which makes the sound of the lock clicking open and subsequent creak of the door echo loudly in the silence.
“Hello, Yoohyun-ah? Are you home?”
“Hyung!” Just like that, Yoohyun is out of his chair and sprinting across the room, tackling whoever is in the doorway with his full force.
“Oof,” the person complains, but it’s done with a certain soft fondness that speaks of obvious closeness. “Hi there.”
“I haven’t seen you in forever,” Yoohyun complains, and the way he looks up at the teenager as he closes the door behind himself makes his previous reluctance with Hyunje look like night and day.
“It’s been, like, two days,” the teenager laughs. “You know I can’t come over every day—oh.” A startled gaze meets his own. “Um. Hi.”
“Hello,” Hyunje greets in return, eyeing the newcomer curiously. He’s clearly much older than Yoohyun, so probably not a classmate or even in the same school—perhaps a neighbor? A babysitter?
“…are you… a relative?” the teenager asks tentatively when Hyunje fails to add anything else. “Teacher?”
“He’s my brother,” Yoohyun answers in his stead, nose wrinkling with distaste. “I met him today.”
Surprisingly, the teenager’s expression hardens at that. “Oh? Could I see your ID? Or passport?”
Hyunje suppresses his urge to laugh, but can’t help the smile that trickles onto his face. Protective, he diagnoses, and certainly smarter than the eight year old in the room with them. “Certainly.”
He pulls out his wallet and hands over his ID, taking the opportunity to observe the teenager in closer detail when he steps closer to take the card. He looks younger than Hyunje originally thought, perhaps not even in high school yet, but unfortunately there’s no school crest on his uniform for Hyunje to confirm his guess. “I’m Sung Hyunje. Sung Hyunwoo is my father as well,” he offers while the teenager is scrutinizing the details on his ID and turning it in the light. He’s had to say that particular fact more times in the past ten minutes than he has in the previous ten years.
“It’s nice to meet you, Sung Hyunje-ssi,” the teenager says after another moment, passing the card back to him. “I’m one of Yoohyun’s neighbors. I stop by to check in every now and then to make sure that he’s okay since he’s home alone so often. Sorry for the suspicion.”
“Understandable,” Hyunje says agreeably. “And what’s your name?”
“Han Yoojin.” At Hyunje’s raised eyebrows and pointed look at Yoohyun, he hurries to add, “Uh, no relation. Just a coincidence.”
“I see.”
“Do you know where his—your—parents are?” Yoojin asks abruptly. “I haven’t seen them in ages and I’m worried about Yoohyun.”
“Hyung,” Yoohyun whines. His hands haven’t loosened their grip on Yoojin’s vest this entire time, Hyunje notes. “I told you before: I have money, I can order food on my phone plus there’s a store right down the street, and I know how to get to school.”
Yoojin visibly softens when he turns to look down at Yoohyun. “I know, I know, but you shouldn’t have to stay at home by yourself all the time. It’s not safe.”
“But I have you!” Yoohyun chirps brightly. If Yoojin had softened before, he’s practically melting now. Hyunje wonders if Yoojin’s parents know that he’s so close with their neighbor’s child.
“But I’m not around all the time, Yoohyun-ah.” The admission looks like it physically pains Yoojin to say. Hyunje wants to take their relationship and poke at it. It’s fascinating. “Where have you been, Sung Hyunje-ssi?” he asks, turning his attention back to Hyunje.
“I went to school overseas,” he answers. “I don’t keep in contact with my family.”
Yoojin eyes him with a sizable amount of skepticism. “And are you back in Korea for good?”
Truthfully, Hyunje wasn’t planning on it. He came back to pack up whatever remaining belongings he might’ve still had lying around the apartment and leave Korea entirely after this, but his impulse control has never been terrific and his instincts are telling him to stay right here. “Yes,” he offers cheerfully. “I’ll have to leave momentarily to pack up the rest of my things, but I plan on staying here for the foreseeable future.”
“What?” Yoohyun interjects, scowling up a storm again. “No.”
Hyunje raises an eyebrow at him. “No?”
“No! I don’t know you and I don’t want you to live with me. Go away.”
“Yoohyun-ah…” Yoojin gives him an unreadable look before turning to Yoohyun. “Sung Hyunje-ssi is your brother. Wouldn’t living with him be better than staying here alone?”
“Why can’t you live with me?” Hyunje has never really been susceptible to puppy eyes, but he can tell they’re absolutely devastating on Yoojin. “I like you more.”
“Yoojin-ssi can visit whenever he wants,” Hyunje points out. “In fact, if he wants to stay over some days, he’s welcome to.” With that, he knows that he’s won Yoohyun over. Can be bribed with Yoojin, he notes with satisfaction, and smiles in response to the look Yoojin gives him.
“Really?” Yoohyun gasps. He slaps his hands on the dining table demandingly and leans in close. “You promise?”
For this, Hyunje has no reason to lie. “Of course.”
Yoohyun rocks back on his heels and scrunches his features up in an exaggerated thinking face. Yoojin keeps his attention on Yoohyun, but periodically, Hyunje catches his gaze darting in his direction. He wonders what’s running through the teenager’s mind right now. “Fine,” Yoohyun declares decisively after a few seconds. “You can stay.”
“Thank you,” Hyunje replies magnanimously. Regardless of the opinion of an eight year old, he would’ve stayed, but this makes things easier.
“I’ll… let you two get acquainted then,” Yoojin offers hesitantly, taking a step back towards the door.
Yoohyun immediately pounces in outrage. “What? No, hyung! You’re finally here—let’s watch a movie! Or play a game!”
Yoojin bends down and ruffles the boy’s hair with a reassuring smile. “I’ll come back tomorrow,” he soothes while Yoohyun attempts to comb it back into some semblance of order. “You spend time with Sung Hyunje-ssi today, okay?”
Yoohyun pouts. “Fine.” He sticks out a hand, pinky extended, for Yoojin to shake. “Promise?”
“Promise.” Yoojin links his pinky with Yoohyun and presses their thumbs together. “See you tomorrow, Yoohyun-ah.”
At this, Hyunje stands up. “Let me walk you to the door.”
“The door’s right there—”
“I don’t mind,” Hyunje says with a smile and follows an uneasy Yoojin to the doorway. “It was nice to meet you, Yoojin-ssi. Thank you for looking after Yoohyun in his parents’ absence.”
“Oh, it was no problem, really,” Yoojin hurriedly reassures. “He’s a good kid.”
Hyunje is fairly certain that that is emphatically not true, if Yoohyun’s attitude around Hyunje is anything to go by, but now isn’t the time to be removing Yoojin’s rose-colored glasses. “Would you like compensation for your time? I’m not sure if my father would have offered anything, but I’d be more than happy to.”
Yoojin’s shaking his head before Hyunje even finishes speaking. “No, no, that’s really not necessary.”
“Are you sure?”
“Then I insist you join us for dinner at least once a week.” Yoojin opens his mouth, no doubt to protest again, so Hyunje cuts him off with, “I’m sure Yoohyun would love your company.”
If Yoohyun’s weakness is clearly Yoojin, Yoojin’s is Yoohyun in equal measure. “I’ll have to check with my mom,” Yoojin hedges, eyes flicking behind Hyunje to where Yoohyun is no doubt lurking, but Hyunje already knows his acquiescence is all but guaranteed.
“Of course,” Hyunje allows graciously. “I’ll see you tomorrow, Yoojin-ssi.”
“Right. Sure. Have a good night, Sung Hyunje-ssi.”
Hyunje waves, lingering in the hallway long enough to note which door Yoojin disappears into, before retreating back into the apartment. He’s immediately confronted by an irate eight year old who looks at him with a level of distaste that’s comical for such a small child. “Yoojin-hyung was my friend first—you can’t have him.”
Hyunje hums, ignoring the invitation for a confrontation that Yoohyun clearly wants, and instead sweeps past him to examine the state of the rest of the apartment. “Why not?”
“Yoojin-hyung is mine.”
The first bedroom he reaches is clearly Yoohyun’s, and he only gives the messy contents a cursory glance before moving on. “What if Yoojin-ssi wants to be friends with me? Would you stop him from doing what he wants?”
In between checking the bathroom (only a single toothbrush and towel) and the hallway closet (everything still in the same place as Hyunje remembers from five years ago), he glances at Yoohyun and catches an expression of pure confusion. “Why would he want to be friends with you, though?”
Hyunje moves on to the next bedroom, striding down the hallway with brisk strides that force Yoohyun to jog to keep up with him. “He might,” he says lightly. He doesn’t recognize the bed or its covers when he steps into the room, and the dresser and desk are covered in a thick layer of dust.
“He wouldn’t.” The statement comes with such confidence that Hyunje pauses in his journey to the next room and looks down at Yoohyun. The boy stares up at him defiantly, a deep furrow between his brows.
“Yoojin-ssi is allowed to have other friends besides you,” Hyunje probes curiously.
Yoohyun immediately scowls. “No. He’s my friend.”
“Hm.” Hyunje considers the child in front of him, along with his overwhelming urge to poke the bear. “I think I’ll make him my friend too.”
“Yes,” Hyunje replies serenely, continuing through the rest of the apartment now that he’s made his decision. The last bedroom, when he checks, is a study as equally covered in dust as the previous bedroom. He wouldn’t claim to be an expert, but it’s clear that Sung Hyunwoo and Han Eunmi have not lived here in a long time.
Curious, he thinks, that Yoojin’s parents have not bothered to report Yoohyun’s situation to any authorities despite their son’s presumably frequent visits.
“I’ll be staying for a while, Yoohyun-ah,” he says, crouching down to be eye level with the fuming boy, amused by his obvious anger. This isn’t what he expected when he came back to Korea to pay his father one final visit before neatly cutting him out of his life forever, but it’s not an entirely unwelcome surprise. He’s always been fond of mysteries. “Let’s get along, hm?”
In response, Yoohyun marches back to his room and slams the door.
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dbgdbw · 1 year
242.Designated Administrator-ssi (2)
전용 관리자 씨 (2)
“To begin, how did this happen, sir? At first, I assumed that Sigma was Sung Hyunjae-ssi–”
좌라락, once again, the events that had transpired after I’d entered this world rapidly flickered across my mind. Reflexively, I snatched up the woolen bundle rolling around in my vicinity and vigorously shook it back and forth in a hard grip.
“From what point did you start watching!”
[ If you insist on shaking me so, it does make me a tad dizzy. ]
“If you don’t answer honestly, sir, I'll unravel this completely.”
I threatened, holding onto the end of the skein. 도로록, as I pulled a single loop of thread from its place, the emoticon that had been displayed over the lump of yarn changed into ‘ㅠㅠ’.
[ I’ve been threatened in various ways over the years, but this is the first time someone’s proposed to use stripping as– ]
“The hell are you saying! Why would this be your clothes, sir?!”
[ Then what else would it be. ]
…well, even if you asked me that. For starters, he was a ball of yarn, so was there something like a core inside? Then, that would be his body, and the yarn itself… I felt slightly revulsed. Let’s not imagine it. I decided to pretend the events from just now had never happened.
[ The first moment I became able to observe young Han Yoojin was immediately prior to the initial shake-up. I’d merely lightly tinkered with the System, prior to that point. ]
By the ‘initial shake-up’, did he mean following the installation of the Disk. Then, at the very least, it meant that he hadn’t been able to see my status window. …though he would’ve been able to see everything afterwards. I wanted to hurl the mass of yarn clutched in my hand away from me at maximum strength. If I struck him in the back of the head, shouldn’t he lose at least some of his memory.
When I asked him directly about the status window, just in case, the answer that returned to me was that it was unviewable.
[ Neither is operating the quest window an easy feat. Having entered in his original body, young Han Yoojin is imbued with a strong level of outside interference; as such, even I was able to approach, but others would be unable to pinpoint my location altogether. ]
That was why, until now, when I had called out to Sung Hyunjae, this liminal space hadn’t existed; he mentioned that the messages to Yoohyunie had only been made possible through myself, as well.
[ The view I am privy to is about a hundred meters or so, around young Han Yoojin? It appears that is the limit. ]
“To say that, though, hadn’t you conveyed a plethora of this and that info via quests, sir.”
[ That was because I ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐– Ah-, so it doesn’t work, after all. ]
Sung Hyunjae shook his head to and fr…o. The ball of yarn rocked side to side, was what it was closer to, but, well.
[ This location, here, is ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐ and so, ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐. ]
^^; the mass of yarn showed what appeared to be a troubled expression. So there wasn’t much that he could speak freely about, huh.
[ Even so–thanks to the second shake-up, it became possible for me to approach you like this, Han Yoojin, lad. The disks are something you’ll need to continue installing, then? ]
“There are three still remaining, sir. I was informed that, once all of them were installed, Newcomer would then convey the conditions needed to complete the raid. Are you able to communicate with Newcomer–the volleyball–perhaps, sir?”
[ Not at all. The notification I received informed me that ‘this current body and world are not real, and that, through quests and hunts, points could be collected, whereupon they are able to be redeemed at the prize store’, and left it at that. ]
Newcomer, do your job right.
[ Once all the disks have been installed, I should be able to divulge more information to you as well. Though, at present, I’m quite soundly incapacitated. ]
I’d have to hurry and install the rest of the disks, I supposed. At least now that I wasn’t alone, it should be finished quickly. Rather than the amount of time spent installing the disks, it was probably the travel time between cities that would become more of an issue. What if, instead of two days, it took longer than a week each even by car. Could I possibly extort a helicopter from Sigma.
At present, there wasn’t much information I could glean from Sung Hyunjae. When I tried to delve in a bit further, I would be met with ‘☐’s floating around. Even so, that he was currently integrated with this world’s System was certain.
‘Is it that installing all the disks will confer info about the System as well.’
This should be something even Newcomer shouldn’t have been able to anticipate. Since, if things had proceeded as normal, in the world of his choosing, Sung Hyunjae would’ve been put into the body of a target he’d chosen. At least in this respect, I felt thankful towards the Filiality Addict that had interfered with the Dungeon. It was enough to make me feel motivated.
“Don’t lose your memories again or whatever, please, and keep a good hold of them.”
[ ☐☐☐☐☐☐ doing ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐. ]
What was he going on about. Cupping the mass of yarn in both hands, I turned my gaze back to the screen. At some point, the top levels of the building had been obliterated. Dark blue flames lapped across the night sky like waves. With the lights of the Defense Association building having gone dark, under the pure white glow of moonlight, flames that had grown a deeper cerulean in hue surged up high.
Beautiful. Even as I admired the sight, simultaneously, I felt embittered.
The fire which bloomed for Han Yoohyun, within my memories, was a noxious black–blackened to the point of having become suffused with the festering miasma that pervaded it; it was that kind of thing. From the scattered drops of blood, had blossomed forth a 'black-blood flame'. It had received admiration, certainly. It was even capable of slowing his opponent’s recovery, while simultaneously being an attack Skill of unparalleled destructive potential.
“...the bluish light that’s mixed in, sir, that should be because of Alpha’s Skill, correct?”
[ No–it should become clear immediately, after verification upon returning, but that the flames wielded by Alpha was an ordinary one ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐☐. ]
“...come again?”
[ Though the flesh may be different, as the one acting as a conduit for the mana is still Han Yoohyun. That strength is the young master’s own. ]
The tenuous hope that I’d had, became resolutely dashed with Sung Hyunjae’s response. The back of my throat prickled.
…how should I explain it, this feeling. That, with Yoohyunie… That Yoohyunie, was changing, was something I’d realized. I hadn’t been given a choice in that, in some respects. Since, when so much around him was changing, remaining just as he was by himself was an impossibility.
Because of that, I knew, but.
“Before, there was a time that you’d mentioned that Yoohyunie was acting in a way unsuited to his original nature, sir.”
That it was fascinating to see him gathering people together, establish a guild, and lead it. That, originally, he would’ve wrought even more wanton violence than Liette with his temperament.
“That’s, for my dongsaeng… was it a bad thing, do you think, sir. Was it, perhaps, the wrong thing to do, to tell him to get along with people.”
[ That would depend on one’s perspective. ]
The hot pink ball of yarn twirled around in my hands.
[ When viewed in light of ☐☐☐☐☐☐☐, had it not been for Han Yoojin, Han Yoohyun would have continued to remain alone. Without the ability to approach anyone, nor the desire to, burning alone to the end until he finally burns himself up, too, at the last. ]
“‘Himself’ as well?”
[ Just so; no matter how outstanding one might be, it’s a difficult world to survive in on one’s own, is it not. Despite the lack of a guild, or dedicated team, even Liette will forgo attacking an S-rank Dungeon on her lonesome. She brings with her either temporary teammates, or her dongsaeng. However–Han Yoohyun would have remained on his own to the end; and had he reached the limits of his abilities, he would have met his end alone in a Dungeon. Without retreating, or evading. ]
That kind of temperament, Sung Hyunjae said.
[ ‘A life that burns brief but brilliant, as the spray of fireworks(1) do’, as it’s oft referred. And Han Yoohyun would have burned all the more intensely. Although he would have gained accolades for his single-handed undertakings of such great dangers, he would toppled before long. ]
Unable to formulate words, I looked down at the yarn. My insides prickled. When a sigh inadvertently slipped out, ^▽^, the ball of yarn smiled. I wanted to kick the shit out of him once.
[ He would have been free, certainly. Because he would have been able to live as he wished, he wouldn’t have had regrets. And as such, there are people who may consider that to have been the preferred outcome. Then, on the other hand, there would be those who believe, despite the self-repression involved, living in accordance with people to be the better choice. And, as for myself. ]
…’myself’? Suddenly, he fell silent. The smiling expression had disappeared as well.
“Sung Hyunjae-ssi?”
The hell, did the connection get cut or something. Just as I was about to call out for him again, a hand shot out from behind my shoulder. The hand grabbed the ball of yarn in a fist. Just when I’d been wondering, whether he’d used the overcoat and gloves to create a ‘body’ again.
“You brought him up well.”
A voice sounded. Reflexively, I turned around. My sight climbed up the hand that held the lump of yarn, to a body clad in a suit, along a neck that went up to a head. The face, irritatingly welcome, smiled at me.
“It is my opinion that Han Yoojin performed admirably, bringing up Han Yoohyun.”
“...because it’s ended up being more fun for you, as a result?”
“Because the transformation had only been made possible due to his being ‘Han Yoohyun, who was raised by Han Yoojin’.”
Sung Hyunjae lightly tossed the yarn into the air and caught it again.
“His temperament is not one that would have him stay his hand, merely because he was instructed to. Were he such a simple mark, I would have hardly felt such a level of interest towards him. However, Han Yoohyun accepted Han Yoojin. A prospective weaker than himself, and lacking besides. For the strong to convince the weak is an easy feat, but the opposite proves difficult.”
My heart pounded. It felt like I was a bit aflutter, too. Like I was a small child, waiting to be praised.
“So, you’ve brought him up well. Diligently, too. Had it not been for you, Han Yoojin, my boy, it would have been an impossible transformation. Though I cannot profess that it was perfect, I will express admiration. Truth be told–there’s no such thing as perfection, when it comes to raising an individual. All one can put forth is one’s utmost, and it is my view that this requisite, at least, was certainly met.”
My face burned crimson. Even as I felt embarrassed, at the same time, I felt pleased as well. Something warm spread throughout my chest, bringing a lump to my throat.
“...thank you, sir.”
“Rather than being the one expressing thanks, it’s my view that young Han Yoojin should be the one receiving it.”
“Even so. At least as far as this time is concerned–genuinely, thank you, sir.”
And I did feel glad, in truth. The fact that it was none other than Sung Hyunjae telling me so, made it more touching.
I didn’t think of myself as having been perfect, either. The end Yoohyunie had met, was something that could never be labeled a desired outcome. But even so–and though Sung Hyunjae had no way of knowing what had happened pre-regression, even then–the words telling me that I had done my best, and raised him well, felt comforting to me.
I felt thankful that he had given acknowledgement of it.
“It seems about time for you to slowly awaken.”
“Yes, sir–I’ll quickly install the rest of the disks, so we can conduct a proper discussion outsi–”
Just then, the detail I had overlooked registered in my eyes. The side that wasn’t holding onto the yarn–one of Sung Hyunjae’s arms was missing. There was only cloth, draped over the empty space.
“A-arm, what happened to your arm, sir?!”
“To intervene to this extent in person, for there to be no backlash is unlikely. Even so, as this body belongs to another, as an admission fee, it’s quite a bargain.”
“That’s, even if it’s not the real body!”
“If you would oblige to look upon my eye as well, in that case. Now, then.”
Before I could say anything else, my vision bled to black. When I opened my eyes again, the bluish glow from the vast expanse of the Hole filled my entire field of view. Hurriedly, I examined my surroundings. Yoohyunie, holding my body in his arms, was close by.
[ Would you like to resurrect? ]
Along with the message, the remaining respawn time appeared. After immediately opting to resurrect, 스윽, I was pulled back into my body. Just like an actual video game character resurrecting, the body that I was returned to was in pristine condition, without anything injured. What method had I been revived with, I wondered.
- Hyung!
Yoohyunie and Irinie cried out simultaneously.
“H-hyung. Are you okay…?”
“I’m okay. Honestly. I’m perfectly alright.”
Upon being told that he could set me down, the flames that had been surrounding Yoohyunie’s vicinity retreated. But, immediately after he’d set me down from his arms, this time, Yoohyunie suddenly crumpled down to the floor from where he’d been standing.
- Yoohyun-ah!
“Are you perhaps hur… Of course you’re hurt, shit! Hold on, a potion–”
“It’s not, hic, it’s not like that, hyung–”
뚝뚝, as tears that had ceased resumed once more, Yoohyunie stumbled for words.
“J-just suddenly, my legs couldn’t… I-I can’t, remember how, to even stand… so…….”
Taking out a potion first, I treated the wounds that remained on his shoulder and back. As I was doing so, my dongsaeng, who had been quietly hiccuping the whole while, reached out his arms to pull me into a tight hug.
“Me too–I can wait, too.”
Swallowing back tears, Yoohyunie continued on.
“I can trust in hyung too, and wait if I need to. Because I can wait for as long as it takes. So, don’t come on your own. Arrive together with Peace, or Bak Yerim. Without rushing, come and collect me safely. I’ll wait for you until then.”
“...yeah, sorry. I’m sorry, Yoohyun-ah.”
Because I’d felt so panicked. After telling my dongsaeng not to rush, I’d gone and made the very mistake myself.
“You’re not hurt anywhere else? Is your body alright? Damn bastards probably didn’t even bother feeding you properly.”
Even just thinking about it was enough to piss me off. For now, I brought out the water bottle and dried fruit I’d kept in my inventory and fed them to him. I should’ve packed some more things to eat to bring with me. Since the building that contained the cafeteria hadn’t been destroyed yet, should we head in that direction. No, since the dormitories had both a fridge and basic foods stocked, too, if we took the best room… Was there a way I could evict Sigma.
I picked up my dongsaeng, who was still trembling faintly. Flustered, Yoohyunie hastily clutched at me.
“Hyung! But I’m heavy!”
“I’m a C-rank right now, ‘kay. You’re not heavy at all. And I could pick you up before, too.”
Probably. Crossing over to me to clamber up my arm, Irin circled around on top of my shoulder.
- Hyung, Hyung! Should Rinie show you how I can transform?
“I saw. You were amazing.”
- Right?
“But how did that happen? And you’re talking, too.”
- That blue thingy. Near the Blue Hole, Rinie can talk too! Since there’s a whooole lot of mana! And it meshes really well with Rinie, too!
Was it due to the Mana Hole’s power. Maybe when it came to elemental spirits, even without a Mark, they were capable of quickly absorbing the Mana Hole’s mana. As Irin was chattering on, for some reason, Yoohyunie was looking at him with a reproachful expression.
“Why are you calling him hyung, when he’s my hyung.”
- Because he’s Yoohyunie’s Hyung!
At Rinie’s response, Yoohyunie’s expression shifted into one that seemed to convey a sort of acceptance. Hmmm, I wasn’t sure what was going on, but it seemed like they had come to a tacit understanding.
“Is this the time for applause, then?”
Just then, Sigma’s voice rang out. I turned back to look at the man who stood surrounded by the remnants of dying flames.
“Then do see yourself right out, sir, once you've had your fill of applauding.”
“I’d planned to call out for an encore.”
“If you’ll surrender your personal chambers, it’ll be brought under consideration. Or a room of similar quality, really. My dongsaeng requires rest, you see.”
“A dongsaeng, you say.”
Sigma’s gaze flicked back and forth between me and Yoohyunie, with the look of someone who was finding the proceedings to be immensely entertaining.
“Alpha certainly never had a male sibling. It doesn’t appear to be the work of a cognition-modifying Skill, so, what could have transpired, I wonder.”
“I’ll make a formal introduction, sir. This is my one and only dongsaeng, Han Yoohyun. Who I most definitely warned you not to touch. When I told you to quietly sit back and watch while shoving some tteok powder in your mouth or whatever, why the fuck did you think you could wade in here and make a mess of shit, huh.”
Was it because this place didn’t have rice cakes, that he hadn’t understood.
“The terms of the contract merely extended to the point ‘until Alpha is released’.”
“Contract, schmontract–how dare you lay your hands on someone else’s dongsaeng, you son of a bitch.”
[ ◑▽◑ Let’s introduce your Partner as well! ]
…and you could just stay out of it. Someone take Sung Hyunjae’s ability to assign quests away from him. But apparently neither Sigma, nor Sung Hyunjae, had any intention of meekly complying.
(1) 불꽃(fireworks); the kr word for fireworks comprise of 불(fire) + 꽃(flower), which evokes the ‘blooming/blossoming’ effect firework displays have. yoohyunie gets a lot of fire and flower motifs, and this is a good example of how they can ‘naturally’ flow/entwine together in kr.
大人's proofreader here! there are plenty of instances of this blooming/flowering/blossoming language being used in regard to yoohyunie’s skills—”black flames, which bloom forth from blood”, “Han Yoohyun called forth an endless wave of blossoming flames”, “the flames that bloomed”, and so forth. rather than just straightforwardly burning by itself, then, this fire unfurls from its source; it blossoms into being ^^ speculatively, it’s also a testament to his strength and nature—not limited by its fuel, continuously growing, and a flame which consumes everything, even itself in the end—but that’s late-game content ;) ! of course the visual impact is also different, then: gently flowering, but not without heat or force.
there are other ways to describe fire in kr which aren’t quite so poetic, so these are meant to adhere to the flower symbolism that geunseo’s attached to yoohyunie; don’t forget, too, the plum blossoms which bloom from winter leading into spring—from yoohyunie to yoojin.
irin ↔ yh | informal casual
irin → yj | informal polite
yj → irin | informal casual
Q) is there a plot-related reason that yoojinie is unable to use the seedling Skill to look at his own stat window?
A) as a supporting aspect of the Caregiver title, the seedling Skill can only be used on others who hold the potential to become a candidate for ‘caregiving’. to be precise, it is a limit imposed by the System; and, should Han Yoojin make the decision to protect and look after himself as well, he would be able to overcome the bounds of the System and use it on himself, too.
Q) considering that, aside from han yoojin, seok shimyoung was at han yoohyun’s side for a very long time–then, does he have an understanding re:han yoohyun’s original nature, to an extent?
A) seok shimyoung considers han yoohyun to be an incomprehensible entity. from when they had first met, he’d quickly picked up on the fact that han yoohyun’s social sensibilities were less ‘human’, and closer to being a different ‘kind’ altogether; and having judged that, rather than attempting to teach and change han yoohyun, it would be more efficient to leverage that point instead, he structured haeyeon guild to follow after its guild leader. though he does not understand han yoohyun’s true nature, he registers him as a being with the prerogative to move differently from ordinary humans. of course, had han yoohyun attempted to incinerate everything the way his original nature had dictated, then seok shimyoung, too, would have rejected him, and viewed him as a threat; but, as han yoohyun was able to at least mimic basic social conventions through han yoojin’s influence, seok shimyoung thought that that much would suffice. as he’s the kind of person who puts little stock in the true nature of humans, even–rather than a human who would make a blunder of things, it’s his opinion that the intelligent monster who knows how to pretend to be human is the better alternative ^^ only, due to this, he misjudged the weight of the value that han yoojin’s existence holds to han yoohyun. if seok shimyoung had been able to understand han yoohyun a little better, then things would probably have been considerably different, whether for good or ill.
Q) the small yoojinie that sung hyunjae took with him in the epilogue, how does his culinary preferences pan out? in contrast to the yoojinie who refused to acknowledge his preference for sweets, will he come to like sugary/sweet foods as well? or, does he end up taking after sung hyunjae and/or the elder’s food preferences? does he eat bread crusts? if he happens to show signs of 편식(picky eating), how would the elder and sung hyunjae respond??
A) he’s still in his early years yet, and possesses an ordinary preference for snacks ^^ considering his state as a child, there should be a high possibility that he will learn to like the kinds of foods that he becomes exposed to in his environment. it may be that he comes to like some foods that don’t even exist on earth. from the perspective of a young child, sung hyunjae would likely come off as an immensely cool and strong adult. when he sees that kind of grownup avoiding eating bread crusts, wouldn’t he end up thinking so you shouldn’t eat that part, huh. it might be that he ends up assuming that cutting off the bread crusts is a grown-up thing to do. assuming the young chaos doesn’t intervene, that is. both of them veer towards thinking if i don’t eat the things i don’t like, so what. as the young chaos had lived according to his whims as well, he’s the type to just leave things be so long as there’s no outstanding problems, and sung hyunjae would probably either locate or create various ingredients and foods with a similar enough nutritional value. but, of course, since there’s no substitute [for one’s diet], if it began to affect his health, then they would endeavor to address his picky eating.
Q) i was curious whether the reason sung hyunjae doesn’t eat bread crusts is because it’s a metaphor as it relates to sung hyunjae’s narrative, or if it’s simply a trait of sung hyunjae’s pickiness!
A) typically, the trait goes hand-in-hand with the intended metaphor. it’s a longstanding habit of his ^^
> geunseo’s afterword - han yoohyun excerpts
 ‘...to briefly touch on the story of the novel, the ending was formulated alongside the first half of the series in a synopsis, before writing ever started. ‘if, as he develops, han yoojin becomes able to accept han yoohyun as he is, and, as his relationship with sung hyunjae evolves into a reciprocal ‘caretaker’ relationship, he is finally able to come to terms with himself, it will in turn facilitates a happy ending where, even as he must send off the 25-y.o. han yoohyun, he is simultaneously able to reunite with him’, is how it went. and they happen to save the world as a bonus ^^
han yoohyun was designed to be han yoojin’s destination(목표), as the lingering regret of his life(삶의 미련), while sung hyunjae was developed to be the path(과정) to that goal, as a self-assured embodiment of [han yoojin’s] ‘ideal self’. without even names assigned back then, that was their foundational framework…’
(full Q&A entry in footnotes here)
‘...when ‘the s-ranks that i raised’ novel was in its beginning storyboarding stages, one of sung hyunjae’s first keywords was ‘a character who does the things that a protagonist might do from beside the protagonist, and therefore ended up a main character’. by taking a being who held the potential to become a protagonist in whichever world, and then having him go through many worlds in practice–but also providing him with a strong enough ego(self-identity) to endure through the process–the current sung hyunjae ended up coming into being...’
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Bimonthly Media Roundup
- Hellsing Abridged (Webseries) - A rather old one but I do really like the aesthetic of this series - The kind of rough gothic look that was popular in the early 2000s. I appreciate that the author took the Dracula lore and just decided to go really weird with it with the multiple monster designs for Alucard himself, then applying that same "Rule of Cool looks over logic" monster lore for every other character in the series.
- Army of Darkness (Movie) - VHS night at my friends place, While I was familiar with Ash Vs the Evil dead I'd never actually seen this film and uh. Well I don't know what I was expecting but boy this sure wasn't that. I would not exactly call this a 'good' movie but it certainly was a fun one, and an incredible watching experience in a group setting. It reminded me a lot of Big Trouble in Little China with it's campy low budget energy where weird shit is constantly happening that the movie will never explain and the characters react very nonchalantly to the batshit things they are experiencing, Plot wise the movie could be described as Bruce Campbells No-Good Very Bad Day but the things that make it bad are honestly very funny and creative so good for it. I wish they made more movies like this nowadays honestly, just dumb little fun passion projects with obviously fake but still cool practical effects and an unnecessary skeleton army.
- Star Trek Strange New Worlds (TV) - Not too far in yet so not much to say, I like court themed episodes so I'm having fun with season 2 so far. Pike and Uhura are my faves as they are just very likable and silly guys who still know when to take their jobs seriously. Also this is a cool poster.
- Star Trek Lower Decks (TV) - Also only 2 episodes in so far but Season 4 is starting strong, I loved The Moopsy and everything about it and the menagerie in general, the vulcan girl getting a larger role with Tendi in particular seems like it will be a fun dynamic, and the humor and overall hyped vibes of the characters is still as strong as ever. Hmm I wonder if it would be worth it to paint myself green to do a Tendi cosplay or if Homestuck made that illegal for everyone forever.
- Dr Stone (Anime) - Yup.
- The S Classes That I Raised (Webnovel) - While I was never not invested in the story I've glad we've moved on to a new arc. Han Yoojin using his abilities to find people with unique non-fighting skills to take business away from what would be an evil mega corporation is a nice use of time-travel based knowledge, so I hope we get a bit more of that. I also would like some more downtime as I like all the characters and wish they got to hang out in low stakes situations more often. I suppose I'm also just a bit worn out of scrolling through action scenes, as while I quite like the art (and especially the coloring) style, the big effect explosions just don't translate super well to the scrolling style still-art pages of K-webcomics. That being said it could be a lot worse as Yoojin's relative powerlessness does make every fight at least interesting in how it needs to be thought through rather than just punched a lot - I just enjoy the fun character banter and political drama more.
- Ace Attorney Vs Professor Layton (Video Game) - Well that ending. happened. In truth I don't hate the twist necessarily on it's own, so much that it's the kind of twist that if you think about it too long it retroactively makes the rest of the story nonsensical. I also find the storyteller and Darklaw's motives to be very dumb which brings it down, not to mention they just axed Barnum from the last part of the game entirely despite him being arguably the best character in the game. Overall I didn't hate the game though, as I found a lot of the little character dialogue, puzzles, and Layton interactions cute - It makes me want to play a Layton game again that's for sure. I'm not sure it's a good Ace Attorney game as it feels very tonally different from the rest of the series, but hey with this I've experienced every Ace Attorney game in the franchise so that's nice, I'll have to do some character and case rankings at some point.
- One Piece (Anime) - Just finished Skypia and thinking about doing a liveblog from this point out. This was a pretty good arc honestly, I loved the villains design aesthetic and powers, lots of good crew bonding moments (Especially for Sanji + Usopp and Luffy + Nami), I liked the setting, the flashback episodes with Mont Blanc had uh questionable politics but the "we both have wives offscreen but are always shown together, think about each other constantly, and die thinking only of the other" gayness of it all made me laugh, and I think it did a good job giving everyone something interesting to do. Other notes would be how funny it is that Robin for the first half was having an entirely different, lovely experience wandering through the woods while everyone fights for their lives, that she nonchalantly snapped a guys neck when he told her to leave, and that poor Chopper had to fight 3/4 of the big bad guys all by himself that poor little deer.
- Genshin Impact (Video Game) - Still here, doing more co-op with my friend now, exploring the bonkers long Chasm quests in Liyue, hoping Kokomi comes back because I want her on my team so bad. Anyway Inazuma has been cool so far, I like the different environments on the islands (other than the lightning island which can sink into the ocean frankly) and there are lots of good character designs. Also I've been listening to the music more and its good!
Listening To: Bones by MSMR, In My Head by Mike Shinoda, Ivy by Taylor Swift, Dancin by Aaron Smith, Make Up Your Mind by Florence + The Machine, Ordinaryish People and World's Smallest Violin by AJR, Ghost by Justin Beiber, IDOL by YOASOBI, Atlantis by Seafret, Doin’ Time by Lana Del Rey, All the Boys by Panic! At The Disco.
0 notes
shjapologist · 3 years
do you have any favorite moments in s-classes that i raised?
sure! spoilers under the cut
song taewon finding out han yoohyun (who was on his team) doesnt know shit about guns like 10 minutes before a full blown gun fight against han yoojin and sung hyunjae
anytime the gang is in a grocery store
han yoojin making everyone crash sung hyunjae's forced christian wedding because he Knew it was a forced christian wedding No yoohyun we are not leaving him behind even if he didnt FUCKING INVITE ME
the entire hyj kidnapping/christmas nightmare arc. all 100 chapters of it.
yerim making friends with a bunch of fish spirits. it was very ghibli yerim is so special
sung hyunjae birthday arc is an all time fave definitely
the time han yoohyun gets his memories briefly snatched by jellyfish and thinks his brother is going to fucking die
Sung Hyunjae S-rank Confiscated. i wish geunseo would bring it back
christmas nightmare needs a mention again
the line that went something like "even if you were to stay at the very bottom of the sea, i will stand on the beach and wait for you" han yoojin you know that you can never truly understand your brother but you'll always try the best you can to HUH !!!!!!!! HUH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
jinjae's "you were only an item to me" "and you a useful skill to me"
Tumblr media
sung hyunjae seeing gyeol for the first time while he's literally about to blow up and subsequent dialogue of (hyj)"SUNG HYUNJAE DONT LOOK AT THE KID THATS TOO MUCH INFORMATION TO TAKE IN AT ONCE" (shj)"i dont care if i die i have to see this"
the jinjae epic scamming team chapter
the few chapters between the end of christian wedding and sung hyunjae getting possessed by himself(again). just sung hyunjae and two people he met 2 days ago going on a trip to the alps
han yoojin assuring his (dead) prereg friends get good jobs/housing postreg.. just a benevolent rich person here.. dont worry about it..
havent read sclass in a while so i may have forgotten some! but yeah these all made my brain fry to varying degrees
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wovenstarlight · 2 years
more soulmate au stuff
part one (dual telepathy) and part two (telepathy + can't lie) on ao3
We have to tell him.
Of course, Hyunjae thinks agreeably, and immediately Taewon is wary. It doesn't have to be now, is all.
"Of course," Taewon repeats exhaustedly, not quite reaching mocking. It's a breach of privacy. It should be as soon as possible.
I don't know about that—
Wouldn't you be angry if ours hadn't been two-way and I hadn't told you?
A wave of—something that Taewon might call anger, if he didn't know better—sweeps through his mind. Whatever it is, it makes his teeth click audibly against each other when he grits them. He only notices the coffee cup crushed in his fist when the spilled drink's heat seeps into his hand.
I would, Hyunjae admits at length.
Taewon doesn't bother forming a thought and focusing on it enough for Hyunjae to make it out clearly, but he's feeling vindication strong enough that he probably gets the message anyway. So we should tell him.
But if you tell him, you won't get answers about your death.
Taewon throws the cup in the trash with a harsh jerk of his hand, and tries not to reflexively focus on his newest soulmate's mind. It's too late. Han Yoojin is thinking about loneliness, and the memories of things that never happened burn so intensely at him that it takes Taewon's own breath away.
This is intrusive, he thinks desperately. This is beyond intrusive. He'll tell us about it when he wants to.
And if he never does? If he gets a blocker and we go our whole lives without knowing about this regression?
Yoojin gets a call from his brother, and Taewon stops feeling like he's suffocating. Then we never know, he snaps.
You'll never find out why you died, Hyunjae repeats warningly. Taewon is silent, and Hyunjae doesn't pick the conversation back up.
For something so inhuman, he's annoyingly good at understanding human fears.
"So what's it like?"
"Less than ideal," Taewon admits reluctantly. How did he get pulled into this conversation? He never talks about this with anyone. "I try and avoid talking to them. It makes it easier."
"But—they're your soulmates." Han Yoojin stares at him, eyes wide. "Why would you avoid them?"
"With my position, not having soulmates is easier."
"What Chief Song means," Sung Hyunjae says, leaning back in his chair across from Han Yoojin and fixing his stare on Taewon, "is that he prefers hiding to vulnerability and honesty."
Taewon keeps his gaze on Han Yoojin and ignores the stare boring into the side of his head. "If that's all, Han Yoojin-ssi, I'll be going."
"No, wait, Chief Song—" Han Yoojin bolts up from his seat. "Are you sure you won't help me leave?"
His expression is impressively pleading. It's probably the extra centuries of practice. Taewon hesitates, and opens his mouth, and what comes out is, "I'd like to."
Han Yoojin blinks. Taewon blinks back. His hands tighten around the monster registration form, and it crumples slightly.
"I'd like to, but—" He swallows. "I do think you'd be better off being watched over. As I said: please bear with it."
"But it's Sung Hyunjae," Han Yoojin pleads. "Chief Song..."
"I know he's a nightmare at best and inhuman at worst, but he's not unreasonable to you, so please, bear with it," Taewon says, and then chokes on his own saliva.
No. No, why did he say that, even if it's what he thought, even then, why would—
No, that can't be it.
There's rapid footsteps, and Taewon looks up from Han Yoojin's wide, stunned eyes just in time to see Sung Hyunjae approach him and yank his blocker off his ear in one quick movement. They inhale sharply in unison, and as a brilliant smile breaks over Sung Hyunjae's face, Taewon squeezes his eyes shut and thinks, no, no, no, no, no—
"Oh, Chief Song, it's hardly that bad," Sung Hyunjae soothes, "isn't it a lovely feeling to find another—"
Taewon sees red. He's snatching the blocker out of Sung Hyunjae's hand (and fuck him for having it ready, he thinks, and hopes vindictively that he heard that) and pressing it into Han Yoojin's instead. "If I'm— If you're," he tries. Starts again. "Clusters are common. I'd wear that from now on, if I were you."
"Cluster— What? Chief Song, I don't have any telepathic soulm—" Han Yoojin's eyes go impossibly wider, and his gaze flicks between Sung Hyunjae and Song Taewon. "Wh— No. How— You didn't say anything!"
Sung Hyunjae raises his hands, an infuriating smile on his face, and as Han Yoojin whirls on him, Taewon seizes the opportunity and speed-walks away.
FUCK, he thinks as soon as the rooftop door closes behind him, and ignores Sung Hyunjae's loud, bright laugh echoing through the door.
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sijjak · 4 years
How was the shoot today?
It’s my first official schedule of 2020, so it was exciting. It sort of felt like waking up from hibernation.
What season do you like the best?
Winter. Since winter will be over soon, each day is precious. (laughs)
Which season do you think suits your voice the best?
I’m not sure, I don’t think it would be summer or winter. So then I guess it has to be either winter or spring?
Last December with the release of “Winter Butterfly,” you finished your <Four Seasons Project>. Was there a reason you released solo songs based on the seasons?
I wanted to communicate with my fans. There are many various ways to meet fans. I thought the way that I can express myself the most sincerely is through music. When I released a song every season, I was able to continuously communicate with the fans for a year.
All the songs are self-composed. When did you start writing songs?
My first self-composed song was “I’ll Hold You.” It was a song I only released online through SoundCloud and Youtube, but luckily a lot of fans liked it. When I listen to my songs, I get excited about composing.
When you’re composing, where do you get your inspiration?
Dramas and movies. After my acting debut, it can also come from the messages and the lingering motives from productions. After I watched the tvN drama <Mister Sunshine,> I wrote my song for summer last year, ‘Way to You.’  In the show, Yoojin, Dongmae, and Heesung all love Aeshin. It’s a love that can’t come true, but all three people want to go towards her. From this, there is the motive ‘the road to you will be my road, my end is you’ and this unfolded into the words to the song. Blindly longing for someone will eventually be a difficult thing.
It’s already been 9 years since your debut. If you look back at the 2010s, what do you think?
In 10 years, of course things change. (laughs) This year, only half of my 20s are left. If I look back, I think that it passed while working really hard.
What do the words “working hard” mean to you?
After I went through a short training period and debuted, I felt a compulsion and pressure that I had to practice more than the other members, so it was hard. I thought that I couldn’t be a nuisance to the members, so after our schedules were over, I headed to the practice room. Even after debut, for 5 years I went to the practice room everyday. Even when I was resting, it was comfortable to rest in the practice room. (laughs) But at some point, it surpassed “effort” and ate away at me. It seemed like it was making even the people around me exhausted and tired. But I would never think that time was bad. It’s just, I lived in that way, so for my remaining 20s, I resolved to live in a different way, more freely.
Looking at previous media and interviews you’ve done, you said you didn’t have certainty or confidence as an artist until 2017. You seem pretty much the same.
Yes, but now I’ve become more relaxed. The biggest difference is that whatever I do, I’ve gained confidence in the things I do myself. Even if I make mistakes, I acknowledge them, and because I can accept them, it puts me at ease. While I’m trying to make music or acting, I’m not really indecisive and I don’t hesitate a lot.
Is it thanks to that? A little while ago, you held your first solo concert. How did it feel to be on stage for over 2 hours by yourself?
Really, I’m comfortable when I’m on stage. Actually, it was hard when I was preparing and practicing for the concert. It can be too much and overwhelming (with emotion). A lot of feelings come and go, but when the show starts and I sing, those sorts of thoughts disappear. The time spent together with the audience, that is happy.
When you do full-scale solo promotions, is there something that’s musically different from previous promotions?
With the group VIXX, because we show a conceptual and active performance, I wanted to show an image opposite to that. Comfortable, calm, healing music. Now, I’m trying to catch both of the rabbits!* (laughs)
T/N: This is a kind of Korean phrase that refers to when someone is trying to do many things. So on top of doing the high concept and energy of VIXX, he is also doing calm and quiet music.
You mentioned it a little bit ago. You can’t leave out the stories in acting. When you are both an actor and a singer, there must be some positives and negatives.
When you’re acting, you need a wide range of experiences. While I was an idol, I was accustomed to restraining myself. It was difficult, but now I’m trying to shed that off. At the same time, I think I can express my emotions more freely than before. Before, singing on stage, even if I was so overwhelmed I could die, I hid it, but now I express that. Looking at it like that, I think the stages (I do) have become more rich and have more sincerity.
Acting and singing, using both of these talents, you have taken up the challenge this time of becoming a musical actor. Your first show <The Eyes of Dawn>, doesn’t have much time left before it opens.
From the Japanese occupation to the division of North Korea, this is a production with a distinct narration with the historical pain of a nation. It’s our history, and if we go a little forward, it’s my story. So I was able to immerse myself better. Actually, before I picked this show, I considered the influence of it and how it could make the fans who came to see me aware of some historical facts. Young fans, foreign fans, people of various ages and races, people that could learn the facts of our history. I thought if only I do well, it could be a good opportunity for everyone.
By the time this musical is finished, it’ll be spring. This coming spring, is there a place you would like to travel to?
Incheon, Ganghwa or a quiet domestic place like Gangnam, Namhae. Make a plan that’s enough for about a week, and I want to just stay in a quiet and cozy place. Just like a resident! (laughs).
It’s the start of 2020, so I’ll ask. As an artist, until where do you think Han Sanghyuk will go?
Of the emotions and messages that I want to express, one point where I can make some sort of outcome is now I really want to become an ‘artist.’ I’m not sure what sort of modifiers I should attach to the word ‘artist,’ but I guess that will depend on what I do, right? (laughs)
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lordsicheng · 7 years
Masterlist v.1
Edited: 181102
This masterlist consists of all my writings for Produce 101 Season 2 contestants. For other groups, click here
If you were to request a writing, please check my request guide!
Posts with ** contain mature and/or suggestive content
Wanna One
Where they would bring their girlfriend on first date
Cursing for the first time (maknae line)
Serious vs. Chill types in relationships (ft. JBJ)
Pros/cons dating them (Seongwoo, Jaehwan, Daniel, Guanlin)
Pride vs. apologizing first in arguments
You bending down to get something + you’re wearing a low v-neck shirt (Seongwoo, Minhyun, Jaehwan, Daniel) **
MTL to like someone with a sassy/fiery personality
Reaction to you going crazy and doing aegyo after getting drunk (hyung line)
Being in a K-Drama with their favorite actress (maknae line)
Meeting their favorite idol (maknae line)
Having a s/o that’s sexy/provocative (Jihoon, Jinyoung, Daehwi)
Cute vs Sexy girl preference
As boyfriends
MTL to date older/younger than them
Reaction to them walking in on you wearing nothing but their shirt + dancing to their song
First date 
Music video scenario (Kenta, Yongguk, Hyunbin)
Serious vs. Chill types in relationships (ft. Wanna One)
Reaction to you wearing a sexy dress for the first time on date night  **
Pros/cons dating them
Kim Yongguk confessing to his crush
Reaction to you fangirling to another member
Arguments (special post)
Reaction to going into the haunted house with them
Reaction to finally going down on them (nsfw)  **
MTL to date an introvert vs extrovert (ft. MXM)
Seasons fit for the members
Reaction to best friend wanting to cuddle
When their gf tells them they’re horny **
When you surprise them with a kitten/puppy
Ideal Types (special post)
Reaction to when you say another member looked hot in Fantasy MV
When they find out they’re dating a sibling of another 101 trainee
MTL to date an introvert vs extrovert (ft. JBJ)
MTL to date a younger girl
Wanna One
Yoon Jisung
Chocolate  (Yoon Jisung x OC) 
Ha Sungwoon
Not Yours to Keep (Ha Sungwoon x OC) 
Little Did He Know (Ha Sungwoon x OC) 
Hwang Minhyun
She’s Mine (Minhyun x OC ft. Yoo Seonho) 
A Different Tomorrow (Minhyun x OC) [1 , 2 , 3, 4, 5, 6]  **
“Kilig” (Minhyun x OC) 
Clumsy (mini drabble; Minhyun x OC)
Athlete (mini drabble; Minhyun x OC)
Treasure  (mini drabble; Minhyun x OC)
Radio Romance (Minhyun x OC)
Ong Seongwoo
Emptiness (Seongwoo x OC)
A Letter to My Wife (Seongwoo x OC) 
Crush du Jour (Seongwoo x OC) [ 1, 2. 3, 4 ] 
Can I? (Seongwoo x Kim Jaehwan x OC)  **
Best Mistake (Seongwoo x OC) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]  **
Coffee (mini drabble ; Seongwoo x OC)
“Hippopotomonstrosesquipedaliophobia“ (mini drabble ; Seongwoo x OC)
Kim Jaehwan
Can I? (Ong Seongwoo x Kim Jaehwan x OC)  **
Winter (mini drabble; Kim Jaehwan x OC)
Kang Daniel
Beautiful in White (Kang Daniel x OC) 
Time to Love (Kang Daniel x OC) 
Bloom (Kang Daniel x OC)
Change Your Mind (Kang Daniel x OC)
Park Jihoon
Sea of Lost Love (Park Jihoon x OC) [1, 2, 3] 
“Maybe? Perhaps, Possibly.” (Park Jihoon x OC)
Iridescent (mini drabble; Jihoon x OC)
Park Woojin
Noona scenario (Woojin x OC) [1, 2] 
Summertime Madness (Woojin x OC) [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
For The First Time (Woojin x OC) [1, 2, 3]
Bae Jinyoung
Polaroid (Bae Jinyoung x OC)
Gust (Bae Jinyoung x OC) 
Delicat | [1, 2]
Flowers  (mini drabble; Jinyoung x OC)
Lee Daehwi
Princess (mini drabble; Daehwi x OC)
Swoon (mini drabble ; Daehwi x OC)
Lai Guanlin
Kismet (Guanlin x OC) 
Noh Taehyun
none yet
Takada Kenta
none yet
Kim Sanggyun
Midnight Stroll (Sanggyun x OC) 
Stand By (Sanggyun x OC) **
Kim Yongguk/Jin Longguo
Western Sky (Yongguk x OC) 
Hot and Bothered (Kim Yongguk x OC) **
Contrast (Kim Yongguk x OC) 
Kwon Hyunbin
When I Was In Love (Hyunbin x OC) 
Free Spirit (One Last Bite character epilogue) 
Red (Hyunbin x OC)
Kim Taedong
Something Special (One Last Bite character epilogue) 
Kim Donghan
One Last Bite (Donghan x OC) [1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5] [epilogue: 1 / 2]  **
Into You (Donghan x Idol!OC) 
Raindrops (Donghan x OC)
Im Youngmin
Don’t Let Me Be Yours (Youngmin x OC) [1 / 2]   **
Forbidden (Youngmin x OC)  (nsfw/smut) **
Kim Donghyun
Autumn Breeze (Donghyun x OC) [1 / 2 / 3 / 4] 
Zhu Zhengting / Jung Jung
Purple Skies and Brown Eyes (Jung Jung x OC) 
Justin Huang
3 is a Charm (Justin Huang x Yoo Seonho x OC) [1 / 2 / 3 / 4] 
Cupid’s Target (Justin Huang x OC)  
Kim Seongri
Foolish Heart (Kim Seongri x Ju Wontak x OC) 
Ju Wontak
Foolish Heart (Kim Seongri x Ju Wontak x OC) 
Lee Kiwon
Nothing into Something (Lee Kiwon x OC; fluff)  [1 / 2]  
My Little Angel (Lee Kiwon x OC)
Other Trainees:
Yoo Seonho
3 is a Charm (Justin Huang x Yoo Seonho x OC) [1 / 2 / 3 / 4] 
She’s Mine (Minhyun x OC ft. Yoo Seonho) 
From a Distance (Yoo Seonho x OC) 
Other Writings: 
Wanna One Music Video Scenarios
Yoon Jisung - Scandal - Ailee
Kim Jaehwan - 11:11 - Taeyeon
Park Jihoon - Ex Girl - Monsta X ft. Wheein of Mamamoo
Ong Seongwoo - Goodbye Love - Taein ft. Namolla Family
Ha Sungwoon - Rose - ELO
Kang Daniel - Big Girls Cry - Sia
Bae Jinyoung - La Da Dee - Cody Simpson
Hwang Minhyun - A Bitter Day - Hyuna ft. Yong Junhyung, G.NA
Lai Guanlin - Don’t You Worry - Brown Eyes
Lee Daehwi - Don’t Be Mad Anymore - G.NA
Park Woojin - I Know What You Did Last Summer - Shawn Mendes, Camila Cabello
JBJ Enemies to Lovers Series:
Kim Donghan - Never My Type
Kim Yongguk - “Perhaps, Love?”
Kwon Hyunbin - Accidentally, Purposely
Takada Kenta - Exchanged Student
Noh Taehyun - The Boy Next Door
Kim Sanggyun - Notes on a Journal
Kim Taedong - Not In Your Lane
JBJ Soulmates series 
Kwon Hyunbin
Kim Sanggyun 
Kim Yongguk
Kim Donghan
Holidays with JBJ
Noh Taehyun
Kwon Hyunbin
Takada Kenta
Kim Yongguk
Kim Donghan
100 Ways to Say I Love You Series
*note: please refer to this post; all are requests
# 65 - Noh Taehyun
# 94 - Bae Jinyoung
# 29 - Lai Guanlin
# 24 - Kang Daniel
# 82 - Park Jihoon
# 19 - Lee Woojin
# 19 - Bae Jinyoung
# 83 - Park Jihoon
# 32 - Hwang Minhyun
# 17 - Lee Kiwon
# 12 - Jang Daehyeon
# 40 - Kim Donghan
# 71 - Kim Yongguk 
# 86 - Yoon Jisung
# 25 - Kwon Hyunbin 
# 49 - Hwang Minhyun 
# 29 - Kang Daniel 
# 74 - Kim Donghan
# 47 - Justin Huang
# 84 - Kim Shihyun 
# 18 - Ong Seongwoo
# 12 - Kim Yongguk
# 20 - Woo Jinyoung
# 23 - Lai Guanlin
# 66 - Im Youngmin
# 39 - Park Woojin
# 15 - Kim Shihyun
# 64 - Kim Donghyun
# 83 - Hwang Minhyun
#39, #50 - Lee Daehwi
#70 - Hwang Minhyun
#83 - Hwang Minhyun
Writing Prompt: Prompts for Days
* note: please refer to this post; all are requests 
# 49 - Park Woojin 
# 30 - Han Minho
# 18 - Bae Jinyoung
# 15 - Takada Kenta
# 71 - Kim Donghan
# 23 - Kwon Hyunbin
# 81 - Takada Kenta
# 84 - Kim Donghan
# 42 - Jung Jung / Zhu Zhengting
# 43 - Lee Daehwi
# 68 - Han Minho
# 100 - Kim Taedong
# 92 - Im Youngmin
# 88 + # 31 - Kim Donghan
# 93 + # 97 - Takada Kenta 
Song Drabble Challenge
Ong Seongwoo
Justin Huang
Kim Sanggyun
Park Jihoon
Park Woojin
Kang Daniel
Lai Guanlin
Jung Sewoon
Kim Jaehwan
Kim Samuel
Kang Dongho
Kim Jonghyun
Yoon Jisung
Zhu Zhengting
Kim Taedong
Kim Jonghyun
Kang Daniel
Kim Yongguk
Hwang Minhyun
Lee Daehwi
Takada Kenta
Noh Taehyun
Ha Sungwoon
Kim Donghan
Im Youngmin
Seo Sunghyuk
Kwon Hyunbin
Takada Kenta
Bae Jinyoung
Ong Seongwoo
Zhu Zhengting
Lee Yoojin
Jung Sewoon
Kim Donghan
Kim Yongguk
Yoon Jisung
Kim Donghan
Lai Guanlin
Hwang Minhyun
Noh Taehyun
Kang Daniel
Ong Seongwoo
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irrationalityi · 6 years
A year in books, 2017
* Worth a read.
** I would evangelize for this volume, but like, gently.
*** Shook.
A History of Wolves, Emily Fridlund*
A King is Always Above The People, Daniel Alarcón
A Tale for the Time Being, Ruth Ozeki**
All the Light We Cannot See, Anthony Doerr*
An Artist of the Floating World, Kazuo Ishiguro**
An Unnecessary Woman, Rabih Alameddine*
Association of Small Bombs, Karan Mahajan*
Autumn, Ali Smith
Behold the Dreamers, Imbolo Mbue***
Do Not Say We Have Nothing, Madeleine Thien**
The Door, Magda Szabo*
Everyday is for the Thief, Teju Cole*
Everyone’s an Alien When Ur An Aliebn Too, Jonny Sun*
Everything Belongs to Us, Yoojin Grace Wuertz*
Everything I Never Told You, Celeste Ng
Exit West, Mohsin Hamid*
Fates and Furies, Lauren Groff***
Gilead, Marilynn Robinson
The Goldfinch, Donna Tartt*
Good Kings, Bad Kings, Susan Nussbaum**
The Group, Mary McCarthy*
Her Body and Other Parties, Carmen Maria Machado***
Home Fire, Kamila Shamsie**
Homegoing, Yaa Gyasi***
The Idiot, Elif Batuman*
La Rose, Louis Erdich**
Lincoln in the Bardo, George Saunders**
Little Fires Everywhere, Celeste Ng*
The Loved Ones, Sonya Chung**
The Lucky Ones, Julianne Pachico
Manhattan Beach, Jennifer Egan*
Marlena, Julie Buntin**
Miss Burma, Charmaine Craig
The Moor’s Account, Laila Lalami***
The Mothers, Brit Bennett*
Pachinko, Min Jin Lee***
The Paper Menagerie and Other Stories, Ken Liu***
Salt Houses, Hala Alyan*
Salvage the Bones, Jesmyn Ward**
Sing, Unburied, Sing, Jesmyn Ward***
The Sound of Things Falling, Juan Gabriel Vasquez
Swing Time, Zadie Smith*
The Sympathizer, Viet Thanh Nguyen*
Third Girl from the Left, Martha Southgate**
The Tsar of Love and Techno, Anthony Marra**
The Turner House, Angela Flournoy**
The Unit, Ninni Holmqvist**
The Vegetarian, Han Kang*
We Love You, Charlie Freeman, Kaitlyn Greenidge*
What It Means When A Man Falls From the Sky, Lesley Nneka Arimah***
What We Lose, Zinzi Clemmons*
A Bestiary, Lily Hoang
Other nonfiction
$2 A Day, Kathryn J. Edin and H. Luke Shaefer**
Against Purity, Alexis Shotwell**
All the Single Ladies, Rebecca Traister**
Bad Feminist, Roxane Gay**
Between the World and Me, Ta-Nehisi Coates***
Brother, I Am Dying, Edwidge Danticat***
The Color of Law, Richard Rothstein**
Crazy Brave, Joy Harjo*
Evicted, Matthew Desmond***
The Fire Next Time, James Baldwin***
The Fire This Time, Jesmyn Ward (ed.)**
The Great Derangement, Amitav Ghosh
H is for Hawk, Helen MacDonald
The History of White People, Nell Irvin Painter**
Hope in the Dark, Rebecca Solnit**
Hunger, Roxane Gay***
The Internationalists, Oona A. Hathaway*
Kids These Days, Malcom Harris*
Lower Ed, Tressie McMillan Cottom***
Regarding the Pain of Others, Susan Sontag
The Return, Hisham Matar*
Too Much and Not the Mood, Durga Chew-Bose**
The Warmth of Other Suns, Isabel Wilkerson***
We Are Never Meeting in Real Life, Samantha Irby*
We Gon’ Be Alright, Jeff Chang*
We Should All be Feminists, Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie
Weapons of Math Destruction, Cathy O’Neil*
9 notes · View notes
sweetest-chocolate · 7 years
Tis time for me to release my Produce 101 Pre-show Top 11 lol, I know it’s gonna change so much once the show starts whew
First my Preseason top 11 list:
1. Lai Quan Lin: Cube - designated multi-lingual member - he’s a cutie ok, i watch his intro vid regularly for a good chuckle
2. Jung Se Woon: Starship - lead vocal - those guitar skillz got me and he seems so precious ok
3. Kang Daniel: MMO - main rapper - harry pote in the building, idk y i like him i just do!!?!??!
4. Joo Hak Nyeon: Cre.Ker - visual - the piggy intro vid will never die, i loved it too much, he was so nervous lol
5. Kim Tae Dong: The Vibe Label - main dancer - his talent speaks for himself, das all, not to mention he’s a lovely bean
6. Ha Min Ho: The Vibe Label - lead rapper - this one grew on me but have u seen him smile!??! and hes so smol
7. Kim Ye Hyeon: Widmay - designated ‘4d’ member - he’s a loser and i love him, his intro vid was my fave
8. Ong Seung Woo: lead dancer - he had the best dance in all the intro vids, hands down, he’s so good
9. Kim Samuel: Brave - center - talk about all rounder, name one thing samuel cant do, i dare you
10. Park Woo Dam: HF Music Company - main vocal - vocals on point, added him last cos idk if any of the other guys have strong vocals and he’s my fave strong vocalist from what i’ve seen
11. Lee Woo Jin: Medialine - designated cute talented maknae - i cant wait to see him on the show cos if he’s in A then he must be gr8 and at his age with all dat cuteness pls
(My runner ups were also: Namoo Actors Yoojin, The Vibe Label Jaechan, FNC Hwesung, Pledis Jonghyun, RBW Gunmin)
Anyway the 11 I’m actually voting for cos some of my top 11 are popular enough to not need my votes at the start, and I want to get to know some others better:
1. Choi Dong Ha: Independent Trainee - added him last, he really grew on me, he seems sweet, wanna see more of him
2. Lee Gun Min: RBW - his intro video was one of my faves but need to see more of him
3. Kim Tae Dong: The Vibe Label - this boi better make top 11, he’s very likely a permanent top 11 for me along with samuel and seungwoo
4. Yoon Jae Chan: The Vibe Label - he’s likable but i have to admit i havent seen any musically related talent yet so i wanna see what he has to offer.
5. Jang Dae Hyeon: Oui - i liked his rap a lot, and he seems pretty straightforward which i like
6. Lee Yoo Jin: Namoo Actors - im on the fence with this guy, i like him but i wanna see how determined he is to make it on the show cos im hoping hes not just doing this for a free promo for his acting career.
7. Kim Ye Hyeon: Widmay - i just really like this nerd, i hope he can sing or dance cos it would be sad to remove him ;-; he’s in group c so he cant be awful right?
8. Lee Ji Han: Pan - ngl i mostly just like his face, his intro was the only well done saeguk rip off imo, wanna see more of him and see if he has any talents
9. Park Woo Dam: HF Music Company - he seems so nice and desperate and i hope he makes it, next yeonjung incoming?
10. Yoo Hwe Sung: FNC - firstly fnc ayyye, i welcome ppl from my fave gg’s company always, he can sing and he’s a qt pie, need to see more of him.
11. Kim Jae Hwan: Independent Trainee - his dream cover was too damn good okay, need to see him more too.
(Was hard to remove Sewoon and Ha Minho but I think they’ll have enough votes, I hope :( they should for top 61.)
Ppl I really really like that haven’t been mentioned at all are: Starship Gwanghyun, Star Road Kenta & Ginistars Heeseok. I like a few others a bit like both SHow guys, Wontak, Hyunmin, Woo Jinyoung & Moonbok.
0 notes
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yersina · 2 years
👀 How about an AU where Han Yoojin was a sugar baby in order to make enough money to feed and house teenager Yoohyun (before Yoohyun became a S ranked hunter) while also having a flexible enough schedule to be able to spend so much time with his brother. From here, there's so many different ways this can go. Do we have Yoohyun who leaves his older brother behind, so Yoojin returns to sugaring - and he has a very rich and powerful sugar daddy? Yoohyun discovering & freaking out?
((sldkjfjsd the amount of actual sugar baby content in this is minimal, but uh, the spirit of it is kinda there??))
If Yoojin told anyone that he knew pro-tennis player Moon Hyuna, absolutely zero people would believe him, least of all himself. But the world is smaller than anyone would think, and when one of Yoojin’s high school friends hears that he’s in some financial trouble after his parents leave the moment he becomes of age, he points Yoojin in her direction with a shrug and says something to the effect of, “She’s nice, mostly, when you get to know her.”
A ringing endorsement.
Still, he’s starting to get desperate, and there’s only so much that a high school graduate with no time to earn a college degree and a teenager to support can do on his own. So he calls her, arranges a meeting, and heads to the restaurant that she suggests in the nicest shirt that he owns.
“So, Yoojin-ssi,” she says, collecting water droplets from her cup on her fingers and flicking them onto the tablecloth in the way that people do when they’re quite bored at a restaurant. “You need a few hundred more a month to help support yourself and your brother?”
It’s uncomfortable, having it put in stark terms like that, but he nods. “Just until he’s out of high school.” He should have enough by then to put Yoohyun through college.
Hyuna hums consideringly and takes a drink of her water. Yoojin watches her swallow apprehensively. “Okay,” she says decisively, setting the glass down on the table. “You said he just started high school, right?” Yoojin nods again. “I can do that. There are worse spending habits for an athlete to have,” she says, grinning.
The tension in Yoojin’s shoulders slowly relaxes. It’s not a contract or anything, he doesn’t know how long this promise will last, or even if Hyuna will change her mind as soon as they leave the restaurant, but. It’s something. “Does Hyuna-ssi want anything in return?” he offers. “It’d be very unfair, otherwise.” He’s a little concerned about what she might suggest, but Hyuna has been very generous so far, and she’s not… unattractive, and—
Hyuna grins and leans in. “I’ve been thinking about this for a while, and I think I have an idea. Yoojin-ssi, would you be comfortable pretending to be my boyfriend?”
Yoojin is already opening his mouth to agree when he actually processes what she says. “‘Pretend’?”
Hyuna waves a hand. “I’m at the age where my parents keep hounding me to start dating,” she says with a grimace, “but I’m not very interested in the idea. Never have been. And even if I was, you’re not my type. In any way.”
Hyuna raises an eyebrow at him pointedly.
Well, that’s good.
“I think that’ll be fine,” he says, not bothering to hide his relief. It doesn’t even feel that embarrassing when Hyuna laughs. 
“So, Yoojin-ah,” she says, propping her head up on a hand and looking at him through half-lidded eyes. Yoojin is starting to get the strong sense that he’s going to have to start growing some more backbone in this relationship if he doesn’t want Hyuna to just bulldoze over him. “Now that we’re dating, should you call me noona?”
“Hyuna… noona,” he says, and winces when she laughs at him again. 
“It’s okay, we’ll work up to that one,” she says brightly. “Now, what do you want to order?”
To his surprise, Hyuna sends him a contract a few days later with some more details on what their agreement will actually entail, written in surprisingly formal and official-sounding language. “You might want to get it looked at by a lawyer or something,” she suggests seriously. “Especially since it involves money.”
Yoojin doesn’t have the guts to take something like this to a lawyer, especially since it has section titles like ‘Duties of the Pretend Relationship’ and ‘Physical Boundaries of Relationship’, but he does look it over carefully himself and makes sure to bring up any questions that he has with her. 
“Why is there a clause in the section about the pretend relationship about cooking?” he asks one weekend, balancing his phone between his ear and his shoulder as he slices a mushroom.
Hyuna groans, loud enough that it crackles over the connection. “My mom is one of those old fashioned people who thinks I should take care of all the housework and do all of the cooking, so whenever she sees us together, you should always mention my food or let me cook.”
“Oh.” Come to think of it, his own mother had always been the one to cook in his family too, even if Yoojin was convinced that his father was better at it. “If you ever want me to cook, I can cook for you.”
Hyuna laughs. “We’re not actually dating, Yoojin-ah, I think you’ll be fine.”
Just as Yoojin starts to flounder for another topic of conversation, Yoohyun pops his head into the room. “Hyung, who are you talking to? Hyung, how many times have I told you that you’re going to get a cramp if you keep trying to talk on the phone in that position?”
“Is that your brother?”
Yoohyun jogs over and tugs the phone from between Yoojin’s ear and shoulder, putting it on speakerphone and setting it on the counter. “Thanks, Yoohyun-ah,” he says, ruffling Yoohyun’s hair, before answering Hyuna. “Yeah, this is Yoohyun. Say hi.”
“Hi,” Yoohyun says, sounding confused.
“Hi, Yoojin’s brother!” Hyuna chirps.
“...who are you?” he asks hesitantly. Yoojin has approximately half of a second to recognize the impending doom, and then he’s rushing to push him out of the kitchen.
“I’m your brother’s—”
“Oh, look, Yoohyun-ah, you’re still not done with your homework!” Yoojin shouts loudly over whatever lies Hyuna is telling over the phone. “You should get back to that!”
Yoohyun, visibly confused, still obediently returns to his room. He pauses at the entrance to his room, though, one hand on the doorframe. “Does hyung like her?” he asks, and there’s a gravitas in the question that makes Yoojin consider the question carefully. 
“She likes to joke around a lot, but she’s a good person,” he says after a pause. He’s not sure if the pretend aspect of their relationship should extend to his own family too. Maybe that should be added to the contract. “Yoohyun doesn’t need to worry about her.”
Satisfied with that, Yoohyun turns back to his homework and Yoojin returns to the kitchen. Hyuna, shockingly, is still on the call. “Yah, Yoojin-ah, you better not leave me alone again next time,” she squawks when Yoojin greets her. Yoojin goes through the motions of promising not to do that again, but he thinks that deciding to stay on the line speaks more than her words.
Hyuna sends him two payments before she asks him to attend a family dinner with her. “I just brought it up with my family for the first time, so they want to meet you,” she complains over a bowl of jjajangmyeon. 
Yoojin swallows a bite of his own jjamppong before replying. “It’s just a dinner, right?”
“Yeah. It’ll be my mom and dad, and maybe my younger sister if she decides to come. I’ll let you know what her decision is later.” Hyuna suddenly slaps a hand on her thigh. “I just remembered—what do you do for a living? My parents will ask and I don’t want to be caught off-guard.”
Yoojin bites his lip. “I… work a few jobs right now,” he hedges, not quite wanting to come out and say it.
Hyuna cocks her head to the side, like a hawk intent on catching its prey. Yoojin avoids her gaze and takes another bite of his noodles. Hyuna is the person that Yoojin is probably the most vulnerable with—out of necessity, by their agreement, but it still feels painful to try to reveal that part of himself purposefully. “I can send you more money, you know.”
Yoojin jerks his head up. “Noona!”
She shrugs. “I earn enough that it’s really not too big of a burden to me. I have brand deals during the tournament off season, and I’m still a high-ranking championship player.” She grins at him unabashedly. “Seriously. Let me know if you need more.” She doesn’t insist after that, just leaves the offer open, and that’s what makes Yoojin stop and consider.
“Not right now, but… maybe later,” he says slowly. If he takes more money, then he can work less and spend more time with Yoohyun. 
Later. He’ll think about it later. 
“Okay.” Hyuna takes a bite of her lunch and turns the conversation back in the direction of her family’s dinner. Yoojin once again lets out tension that he didn’t know he was holding, and wonders if this is something like trust.
The dinner ends up going fine.
“Did you know that your sister calls me for homework advice now?” Yoojin calls to where Hyuna is sitting on her couch, scrolling through Netflix for the movie that she insisted on showing Yoojin. 
“She called me last night to ask about how to solve quadratic equations.” Yoojin grabs another set of chopsticks from Hyuna’s utensil drawer and heads over to the living room with the pot of ramyeon. “She’s your sister, why isn’t she calling you about this?”
“Hey, the two years between us is a long time to spend forgetting about math you did seven years ago,” Hyuna protests. “I didn’t even learn it that well when I was in school myself.”
“Noona is a true jock, huh?”
Hyuna grabs a throw pillow off of the couch and swats Yoojin in the head with it. “Hey, don’t be a brat.” Yoojin is still gracious enough after this to offer her the extra pair of chopsticks and sit down next to her on the couch. “Okay, have you watched any of the other movies in this series?”
“No,” Yoojin tells her truthfully. Hyuna stares at him. “What? I haven’t!”
“Ooookay,” she says slowly, exiting the title screen of the movie and selecting a different one. “We’re starting from the beginning then.”
“Why can’t we just watch the other one?”
“And miss all of the context?”
“I looked up the reviews before coming over and the consensus seems to be that it’s just a mediocre action movie.”
“So? It can still have context.”
Yoojin snorts, but he’s sitting on Hyuna’s couch in Hyuna’s apartment, eating Hyuna’s ramen from Hyuna’s pot with Hyuna’s chopsticks, so he figures that he doesn’t really have a leg to stand on. If she really wants to watch a mediocre action movie so badly, well, he has enough experience doing that with Yoohyun.
It’s different though, he finds about twenty minutes into the movie. Yoohyun likes to watch movies quietly, in a movie theater if possible, and hates it when anyone talks during them. Hyuna, on the other hand, talks to the characters as if they can hear her, has entire conversations with Yoojin after which they have to hastily rewind the video, and comments on Yoojin’s cooking ability loudly while eating the ramyeon. 
Hyuna is a friend, he realizes all at once while he’s watching her shout at the TV. A friend who is a professional tennis player and sends him money every month and tells her family that she’s dating him. 
It’s not a bad feeling.
Hyuna is the first person that he thinks to contact after he watches Yoohyun break a table by stumbling into it and walk right out of the door without listening to anything that Yoojin tried to say to him. 
“Hey, Yoojin-ah,” she says when she picks up, voice… odd. “Not that I don’t like getting calls from you, but this better be important.”
Fuck. He gives in to the urge to curl up towards his knees where he’s sitting on his bed. “Noona,” he says shakily. 
“Oh, Yoojin,” she says, soft in a way that she rarely ever is, even around him, and Yoojin feels the unstable foundation holding him up unravel just a tiny bit more. “What’s wrong?”
“He—” is all he manages to get out before his throat closes up and refuses to let anything out. He’s not sure that he even has anything to say concretely. All he can do is replay that moment that Yoojin begged Yoohyun to stop and explain what was going on, and all Yoohyun did was leave. 
Hyuna lets the pause linger for a long time. Longer, Yoojin is sure, than is polite. Than most people would. Yoojin still can’t make himself say anything. “Yoojin-ah,” she says, and she sounds tired. Yoojin feels awful—she must’ve had a long night or something, and he’s making it worse. “I’ve got—you caught me at a really bad time. It’s… a miracle I managed to pick up the phone, actually.” He catches her muttering something like literally, but it’s hard to tell over the connection. “I can come over later?”
Yoojin inhales a shaky breath and hates himself a little bit for feeling like he’s going to fall apart over such a little thing. He shouldn’t need Hyuna to put aside time for him, right? He should just be able to accept that Yoohyun just… needed to go, right? He should be used to people leaving him, right? He can accept that. He can. He should. “Yeah,” he says quietly instead, because he’s talked to Hyuna about this before, and tries to let himself feel relieved about it. “Yeah, that would be—please. Do you know… when?”
Hyuna groans quietly. “Not really,” she says. Yoojin can hear the unspoken apology in her voice. “I’ll explain it later, but I, uh, probably shouldn’t be around anyone right now. I’ll let you know as soon as I can go over, though, okay?”
“Is there anything I can do to help?” Yoojin asks, now concerned. “If your thing is more important—”
“I don’t think either of our things is more important, really,” Hyuna interrupts. “But my thing is keeping me from helping you with your thing, so I gotta deal with it first.”
It seems so simple, when she puts it like that. “Okay,” Yoojin says. He knows this is the point in the conversation when he should hang up, but he can’t bring himself to say the words.
“Yoojin-ah,” she says, fond, and Yoojin feels like he has an actual older sister when she takes that tone with him. “I’ll see you soon.”
“Bye, noona,” he croaks, and makes himself press the end call button. 
He’s not really sure what happens after that, but at some point, he gets a text from Hyuna. Gonna take longer than expected, sorry, it says. 
That’s okay, he tells himself. 
It still doesn’t stop him from being overly aware of how the apartment is quiet again after five years. 
In the end, it’s better that she takes two days to come over, Yoojin decides. It takes a while for everything to sink in, anyway, and to realize that Yoohyun really isn’t coming back. He left a few—a lot, really—messages on Yoohyun’s phone, but he doesn’t get any calls or texts back, even though Yoohyun’s never done that before. 
“Yo,” she says when Yoojin opens the door. “You look different,” she immediately adds, frowning at him. Yoojin is too busy trying to figure out if there’s something different about her too. Something feels different, but he’s not sure what. “Bad,” she clarifies after a moment. “You look bad.”
“Thanks,” Yoojin deadpans, and lets her into the apartment. “What was the thing that you had to take care of?”
She ignores his question in favor of asking her own after glancing around. “Hey, where’s Yoohyun? I thought he’d be with you.”
And right at that moment, Yoojin abruptly realizes that he is less okay with what is going on than he thought he was approximately two seconds ago. “Yoohyun… He, uh. He’s not here,” is what he manages to say, because admitting that Yoohyun left feels like admitting that Yoojin still thinks about the way his back looked as he let the door close behind him.
“Yeah, that’s what I just said,” Hyuna says, turning around to give Yoojin a weird look before doing a double take as soon as she sees his face. “Whoa, okay. Did something happen to Yoohyun?”
Yoojin doesn’t know, and that’s the worst part. “I’m not sure,” he says, and he just feels… exhausted, now. That’s not even why he made Hyuna come over, and he already feels scooped hollow. “I don’t think I can talk about this right now, noona. What happened while you were on the call with me?”
She gives him a look that says she knows what he’s doing and very deliberately allowing it. “You wouldn’t believe me,” she says and continues regardless. “Look at this.” And then she reaches over and bends Yoojin’s lamp into a coil.
Yoojin’s ability to comprehend any of what’s going on is practically non-existent, so he sets aside the disbelief that weakly raises its head and instead points at the lamp. “I bought that lamp myself, don’t hurt it,” he protests nonsensically. Hyuna carefully untangles the stand and sets it back down on its base, though her handprints are still twisted into the metal. 
He makes sure to carefully listen through the rest of her explanation, her description of her skills and stats and everything that sounds like it’s out of a manhwa or a webnovel. Part of him, though, is still devoted to thinking about the fingerprints that Yoohyun left dented into his bedroom door and the table that still lies broken next to the window. 
“Hey, Yoojin-ah.”
“Your brother’s a hunter.”
“Your brother’s an idiot, Yoojin-ah.”
“Are the headlines true?”
“Yeah. He’s calling it Haeyeon.”
Hyuna likes to think of herself as an easygoing person, generally. Straightforward, at least, if she can’t manage easygoing. It’s why she likes Yoojin: even if the start of their relationship couldn’t be called conventional by any standard, it was straightforward and easy to understand, and Yoojin has never complicated anything about it. 
She even liked his brother for a while, though they never really ran into each other. They were united by their fondness for Yoojin, and that made it simple enough to get along. 
Now, though, Hyuna kind of wants to rip his face off.
“Moon Hyuna-ssi,” he says coldly. She doesn’t know how she ever thought he could be cute. “Breaker Guild may have the most members, but that doesn’t automatically entitle you to the most dungeons.”
“Doesn’t it?” She leans back in her chair and kicks up her feet because she knows that it pisses him off to no end. “More people means I can handle more dungeons, which means better safety for the people of Seoul. Or did you forget that we’re here to protect people, Haeyeon Guild Leader?” 
Yoohyun grinds his teeth, but he knows that she’s got him there. The Hunter’s Association still acts as the tiebreaker in any guild disputes, and with that defense, he doesn’t have any way of refuting. 
The meeting ends shortly after, but Yoohyun hangs back and gestures for Hyuna to do the same. She debates flipping him off and leaving anyway, which usually puts her in a good mood, but she’s about to head to lunch with Yoojin, and looking at him after she does anything mean to his brother always makes her feel guilty. “What do you want, Haeyeon Guild Leader?” she sighs. She hopes Yoojin appreciates this, even though she’ll never tell him about it.
He glares. “Explain why you’re always the last person to continue protesting any of Haeyeon’s activities. Even when everyone else agrees, I can trust that you’ll disagree.”
“Hm.” She taps a finger to her chin. “Maybe I just really want to piss you off. Have you thought about that?”
He growls and goes for his sword, which is exactly why all of them have stopped bringing their weapons to these meetings. When his hand grasps air, he clenches his hands into fists instead. “We barely even know each other,” he says. Hyuna almost laughs in his face. “Why does it matter to you so much?”
“‘Why?’” She leans in closer and sends a silent apology to Yoojin for what she’s about to say. Let’s just not involve him, he’d said tiredly after she’d finally managed to pry the very short story out of him. She knows there’s more there, more in their past that Yoojin refuses to talk about, but Yoohyun’s involvement in it was brief. Yoohyun… he can do what he wants, but we can stay friends, right? “Yoohyun-ah,” she coos, and enjoys watching him coil backwards in disgust. “Listen to me, okay? I’m about to go have lunch with your lovely brother, who misses you very much. He doesn’t really talk about you anymore, but he likes it when I give him updates on how you’re doing sometimes. Actually, not much of our conversation revolves around you nowadays, but I can tell you hurt him a lot, Yoohyun-ah.”
She takes a great amount of petty pleasure in watching him flinch. He believes her, of course. There’s no reason not to when he knows that she’s been Yoojin’s friend for years now. “You have lunch?” he asks. There’s a lost note to his confusion, like he genuinely can’t understand how she’s managed to do that.
She nods. “At least twice a week when I’m not in a dungeon.” 
“Doesn’t he have work?”
Hyuna doesn't know how much Yoojin had chosen to reveal to Yoohyun back when their arrangement had first started, but she’s guessing the answer is not much. That part of their past isn’t her place to reveal, but now— “Yoohyun-ah, you know as much as I do that the salary of an S-Rank is more than enough to support one extra person.”
He bares his teeth at her like a cornered cat. “Stop calling me that.”
This conversation is over, anyway. “Yoohyun-ah,” she says, because seeing Yoohyun angry at her makes up just a little bit for the way Yoojin still looks at Yoohyun’s bedroom door when he thinks she isn’t paying attention. “Get your head out of your ass.”
And then she leaves, because it’s not her job to help Yoohyun realize that his brother still loves him in spite of everything.
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