#but he’s also a skilled sword fighter and it comes in handy in this AU
oakwolves · 2 years
Thinking about my gilded allegro frozen AU. I think Ryan would be a sword fighter.
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legolasghosty · 11 months
Clearly Zombie Apocalypse AU ;D
Hah yesss!!! Okay, someone else asked about it too, so part 1 of this au is here!
Continuing on... (Gosh I'm so sorry for how long this is getting...sorryyyy ignore meeee! I'm just being weird!!!)
It takes them a few weeks into the whole apocalypse situation to find Willie. It's not for a lack of trying, Alex almost runs himself into the ghostly ground looking for him when he's not helping the Molinas. Turns out that Willie got stuck helping clear out the HGC when stuff first hit.
Caleb had been gone a lot before the zombies, and so he'd figured out a magical way to basically tie all of the ghosts he owned the souls of to the physical club location, on a very short leash. And well, rich people aren't really known for taking emergencies like spreading viruses or, say, a zombie apocalypse very seriously. Sooo what happens is that one zombie gets in, starts biting and infecting people, and suddenly you have a bunch of ghosts trapped with a ton of zombies in a fancy jazz club.
The ghosts can't get bit and infected, so eventually they manage to take them all out. And there end up being a handful of new ghosts from the people dying. But Caleb is still gone, so Willie and a few other ghosts figure out how to break into his office. They find all the contracts binding their souls and set em on fire. As soon as Willie knows that everyone at the club is going to be okay, he takes off to find Alex.
SOFT WILLEX REUNION!!!! He finds them in the middle of a supply run and Alex just freezes when he hears them call his name. Julie turns to ask him what's up and sees Willie too. And then Willex are hugging and Reggie is super excited and the adults are yelling at Julie that she can't just stand around, keep moving! Alex makes a joke about them being homophobic and Willie laughs and kisses him and it's just VERY CUTE AND SOFT OKAY?!
So then Willie joins the crew! Ray and Tia and Carlos are VERY confused as to who this fourth invisible person is that Julie is talking to all of a sudden. Julie's drawing skills come in handy, cause no one else has any idea what Willie looks like. Hey, they don't become visible when doing music with Julie, so...
Willie doodles around the edges of Julie's drawing of him to make it look like a wanted poster.
Willie is also really good with vehicles and tech. No one is really sure if that's cause of the ghost magic or if he's just really handy. Willie isn't sure either. But they become the mechanic of the gang!
SWITCHING GEARS, Flynn gets adopted into the crew almost immediately. Her parents were out of town on a business trip when everything started, so she's alone. The Molinas adopt her immediately. She pokes fun(and occasionally her sword) at the ghosts constantly. She takes to firearms rather quickly(which is only slightly terrifying...) and develops a taste for sniping.
And yes you read that right, Flynn also has a frigging sword. Her Mama was really into that kind of thing, so there was just... an actual sword, sharp and everything, on the wall of their house. Flynn isn't the best melee fighter, but that thing is NOT to be messed with. It's really pretty too, leather bound handle and the whole deal.
The only person other than Flynn that's allowed to touch it is Julie. Sometimes Julie will borrow it for a particularly large gang of zombies, since it tends to make faster work of the zombies than her usual arsenal. But it's special. Reggie keeps asking if it has a name. It does NOT, REGINALD! (It totally does in Flynn's head, but it's a nickname her Mama used as a kid, a bit personal to just share...)
Ray is still a pretty basic cook, but he's surprisingly good at the whole survival thing. Who knew he was paying so much attention when Carlos was in boy scouts? He learned a fair amount of first aid too when Rose was sick. (It was largely due to the reoccurring nightmare of his kids getting hurt too and being helpless, but he didn't tell them that.) So he remains the dad figure in the crew, even though most of them aren't his actual kids.
They do find out that ghosts can get hurt the hard way though. Not from zombies and bullets, but if they're focusing on being tangible to carry stuff or something, they can get hurt by natural causes. Mostly it's bruises and stuff, but Reggie falls onto a pile of scrap metal at one point.
Ray has to talk Alex through giving Reggie stitches, cause he can't touch or really see Reggie. The drummer has the steadiest hands of any of the people who can touch the ghosts. Luke is too fidgety, Willie gets really bad hand cramps when trying to do anything that delicate, and Julie almost throws up when she first sees the injury.
Alex is freaking out the entire time, but he makes it through. Reggie has to keep his eyes shut and hang on to Luke and Julie's hands. Though after it heals, he boasts all the time about the wicked scar.
Eep okay this is wayyyy too long and probably more than anyone wanted to read ever about this AU. So I'll shut up now! Thanks for humoring me and sending this in!!!
(Send me an AU and I'll give you 5+ headcanons about it!)
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lys-iwm · 5 years
Fire Emblem Three houses Mafia!Au that no one asked for but you’re getting it anyways
For a game that hasn’t even released yet, we’re gonna be throwing them into a semi-modern mafia au where the Church of Seiros is an assassination/spy training organization with the cover of being an actual church for the goddess Seiros. The three countries of Fodlan (now the city in which this takes place) are the biggest most baddest mafia organizations that rule the underground of this city. 
This is long... so bear with me. (Also if you have questions feel free to send in an ask because I am currently in three houses hell)
Adrestian Empire/Black Eagles 
The biggest of the three mafia houses. 
They’re business revolves around the distribution of firearms/weapons and renting out assassins and bodyguards. 
They control half of the southern half of the city where the beach (this is a coastal city just go with it) is their main base of operation - or at least the large skyscrapers near it. 
Their cover is that of an actual, legal business of ruthless lawyers who specialize in criminal cases and getting mafia members out of jail. 
They have connections to the police of Fodlan and have some leeway to pull certain strings to do some maybe, illegal transactions. 
Within the mafia organization, corruption runs wild and the current boss/don has only gotten there due to fighting and asserting their dominance (they t-posed on all of ‘em)
Edelgard is next in line but she has to constantly keep her place as there are many high ranking members who have eyes on the position 
In the school phase, she studies law and business while at the Monastery. Along with mixed martial arts and knives. She’s adept with easy use guns. 
Hubert stands as one of her advisors as their family helped Edelgard’s secure their spot as the leader. 
He studies law alongside Edelgard and often gets deployed as the main lawyer for more serious cases to get mafia members out. 
At the academy, he studies well with projectiles of all kinds - mid ranged guns specifically as well as poisons in depth. 
Ferdinand’s family was one of the ones who - during the previous leader’s death, tried to gain the seat - competing alongside Edelgard’s. It was a bloody fight and many of the higher ranking members who competed were killed. Ferdinand’s family is the only one left from the previous inner circle.
He holds a slight grudge against Edelgard’s family, as her father ended his father’s life. As well as becoming the head of the mafia. 
He studies fighting and blades ( such as swords and long knives). He does well in finding random everyday objects to use as weapons. He studies business and will continue his family’s cover business as marketing for big companies and politicians. 
Bernadetta’s family is one of the newer families within Edelgard’s inner circle. She acts as one of the Black Eagle’s best assassins and hackers. Being among their top snipers. 
It was only her parent’s generation who got caught up with the mafia as before then, they owned an old restaurant that her grandparents still work at (they don’t know that their children are mafia members - bless them). 
This restaurant is a popular hub for people of all walks of life- especially mafia members who guard it carefully. As they often hold meetings in the private rooms. 
Bernie, studies general computer science and does well with sniper-type weapons and hacking. 
Caspar comes from a long line of bodyguards although, he is undoubtedly the most fiery of them all, as he’s ready to throw down at the drop of a hat. 
His family is also new to the inner circle but have been apart of the mafia for generations, heading their bodyguard training and renting section. 
He studies sports medicine/training and excels at close combat fighting with and without weapons. 
Lindhardt is their poisons expert along with sneaky assassinations. 
He’s often asleep but it gives him ample time to pour some foul liquid into his target’s food and such. 
He does rely on Caspar to deal with brawls as he is not much of a frontline fighter.
Lindhardt studies biology and Chemistry along with various poison and assassination techniques. 
Dorothea - a new blood family within the group. They were given a chance by Edelgard to prove their worth. 
Dorothea herself covers as a well known actress/singer and often uses that to her advantage as an unconventional assassin. Often using whatever it takes to end someone’s life, whether it be by seduction and a gun or a friendly night out and some poison. 
She’s a quick study at the academy - dealing in assassination and poisons with a few bits of close combat (often using dance moves to deal damage). She takes musical theatre courses and acting. 
Petra isn’t your average mafia member. Sent by her family to repay their debts, she serves as Edelgard’s assistant and is kept under close watch. 
She does well in assassination from difficult positions (like through an open bus window or from a moving plane). As well as close combat with a knife. 
She studies law and criminology and at the academy - guns and fighting.   
Faerghus/ The Blue Lions
An old power alongside the Empire, they have a more traditional style - modeled after the Japanese Yakuza, they take honor and pride into everything they do. 
They control the North-West side of Fodlan and deal mainly in loans and a bit of drugs (Not super hard drugs, mainly weed and a few of their own making)
Their cover is that of a regular dojo/athletic training centre organization. Prized for having many of their athletes win medals at the Olympics. 
Dimitri’s family having started the business and kept the mafia running alongside their close business partners and allies - Felix’s family. 
Set to inherit the family business, Dimitri studies business and sports medicine/psychology.
He excels with mid-long range fighting with swords and guns. He’s a prodigy at martial arts - having studied it since he was young. 
 Felix’s family is an old name in the mafia. They have a long history of being rivals turned partners with Dimitri’s family. 
They also own multiple training areas and sports venues around the city. 
Felix himself is forced to study business but actively participates in sports training on multiple varsity level teams. At the academy he studies close combat with martial arts and shooting with various guns. 
Dedue’s family is relatively new. Acting as Dimitri’s bodyguard, his family is just recently apart of the inner circle. In charge of monitoring the interpersonal relationships between the mafia’s members and what not. 
He studies History and Plant-based chemistry along with fighting at both close and long range and poisons - he takes his job very seriously. 
Annette’s family isn’t a stranger to the mafia. Turning to join illegal organizations in order to pursue their scientific discoveries without having pressure from the police. 
Annette herself is a genius inventor who comes up with wacky concoctions to help her allies gain strengths while also new ways to kill their enemies. 
She studies chemistry and engineering along with poison assassination and other various assassination skills. 
Sylvain’s family has had it rough within the mafia ever since his brother up and deserted them to join the police. 
His family has been in and out of the inner circle and have been busy trying to gain favour again, with Sylvain set to inherit the family business of bars around the city. 
Sylvain studies business and chemistry( taking a specific liking to alcohol-based mixtures) and does well in close combat and poisons. He’s very handy in a bar fight - he probably started them all with Felix
Ashe, is new to the mafia, only entering once Lonato took him in from the streets. 
Lonato is an aging advisor to Dimitri’s family and has sent Ashe to take his place. 
Ashe is the Blue Lion’s best assassin with various projectiles and knives. He’s trying his best to learn how to be a good advisor but he’s still pretty new. 
He studies - or tries to study physics and law as well as long-ranged assassination techniques and spy skills at the academy. 
Ingrid along with Sylvain’s family has also had a tough year. Sent to work for the Blue Lions after her family’s business ended in bankruptcy, she works hard to become a good bodyguard.
She aspires to be the head of the security sector to keep outside groups from taking their turf. Although she was forced to join, she came to enjoy the camaraderie between the families as she grew close to Dimitri, Felix, and Sylvain. 
She studies law. At the academy she deals with close combat fighting. 
Mercedes’s family, originally paired with the Black Eagles, defected to the Blue Lions as the bloodbath over leadership began. 
They own many clothing shops around the city, with Mercede’s mother being a well known fashion designer. 
Mercede’s herself is one of their hackers and does well as an informant. They don’t often let her walk without some sort of protection due to the Black Eagles knowing that one of their own inner circle switched sides. 
She studies fashion and spy techniques as well as a little assassination at the academy. 
The Leicester Alliance/ Golden Deer
The newest of the three main mafia groups. Comprised of various smaller groups and defected families of the other two. 
Originally unorganized and corrupt, the Reigan family rose above them all and created a sense of unity - although it is still an unstable power. 
This group deals mainly in the entertainment industry as their cover with many groups signed under them and game centers opening in their name. 
They really deal in information and hacking as their main income.
They’re in the North-east sector of Fodlan. 
Claude’s family, as the main leaders of the group, have to constantly be wary of assassination attempts from their other higher ranking members. As they have to set an example, if any of the families get caught trying to murder one of their own, they will be “publicly” executed, either social suicide or physical death. 
Claude studies business and acting as well as assassination/spy skills and long-ranged fighting. He’s not bad in a close combat fight, though. 
Leonie is a relatively new member who is often sent out on interrogation missions to try and earn her keep. 
She is one of their best fighters as she can hit hard and take a beating herself.
She studies veterinary subjects and does well in close combat fighting. 
Raphael is a kid who got taken in by one of the mafia members as the Golden Deer often like to give orphans and street roamers a chance. 
He stands out as a great bodyguard and security person. He often accompanies Claude whenever he goes out. 
He studies things like Metal working and close combat fighting. 
Ignatz is probably their best hacker and computer wiz. Coming from a family of software development, he got sent to the mafia to help them pay off some debt. 
He is apart of Claude’s inner circle based on his skills alone. 
He studies Computer sciences and game development as well as other spy activities and guns. 
Lorenz is one of Claude’s advisors as his family also helped create some order within the group. Although his family does push him to overtake Claude at some point. 
He is one of their best informants, being in charge of anything related to the other mafia groups as well as any leaks they may have within their own. 
He studies law and business as well as various assassination techniques and long-ranged fighting. 
Hilda is also an older member. Her family only just bringing her into the mafia business. They manage a few underground gambling sites and pass along information to the mafia. 
She herself isn’t the best at keeping secrets so she’s often sent with a partner to act as the “good cop” to their “bad cop” and gain info that way. 
She studies fashion and close combat fighting along with assassination knife skills. 
Lysithea’s family is one of the most respected families. As they’re known for being informants and have a large network of spies. 
She is often sent out on undercover missions to retrieve pieces of information/evidence. 
She studies assassination, long- range sniping and hacking. With a cover of Techincal theatre (mainly as a stage manager). 
Marianne is their acting doctor. Brought into this work by her adoptive father, she is one of their best field medics and researchers. 
She often is charged with making sure items are safe for use - as she’s adept at detecting poisons and other traps. 
She studies plants and animals, with specialties in assassination (poisons) and guns. 
The Church of Seiros
The most prestigious schools in Fodlan. They train students for everyday University credits and degrees. Along with a compulsory physical education of learning how to wield a weapon (for the “Advanced class”) and regular sports for the non-illegal folk. 
The full-time boarding school is located at the heart of the city, atop a large, forested mountain. 
They take in orphans from the street to train as assassins, which they can then lend to the competing mafia groups. 
They also have underground laboratories for experiments and such.
Among the mafias they’re neutral territory as they train students from each group. 
Because they’re a highly respected church, they don’t get many regular checks by the school board or other public enforcers. 
Rhea was the archbishop who began training orphans as assassins. 
The Knights of Seiros is the church’s most highly ranked assassins who do Rhea’s bidding.
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iimuchakk · 6 years
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Seven seas babies AU
This AU is because I wanted all the generals to still be alive and love each other! I cant draw so writing will hopefully be good enough~ there are also references in three of the children’s names, one a fandom two historical. One you’ll get easily the other two I doubt, so if you do round of applause for you
Hinahoho’s babies xxx
Kikiriku is around 28 now, but of course he’ll always be his dad’s bouncy baby boy~
He’s tall, like d a m n he takes after his mother in stature 
A tad reckless, but very nurturing 
Absolutely no common sense, if you tell him the cookies are in the top shelf he’ll still look in the bottom and complain he cant find them
Tries so hard to become the man his dad’ wants him to be, even though Hinahoho has made it clear he’ll support him no matter what
Still manages to accidentally crush Ja’far in hugs
Spend’s a lot of his time in Sindria with aunt Pipirika away from his dad and siblings, but visits as many times as possible
Catori and Aponi are Hinahoho’s twin daughters, both 26.
Defiantly not identical 
Catori is a tall powerful women, favored to become the next tribe leader
Aponi still struggles tying her shoe laces and is the imuchakk version of a mouse, though is very smart
both really spoilt
dads away on a business trip? remember to bring something back for us!
uncle sin is selling some new merchandise? does that come in a yellow?
Bidzill and Bodaway are another pair of twins Rurumu blessed Hinahoho with, 25 years old, and too identical for anyone’s liking.
“Hey Boda- oh sorry Bidzill-”
Impossible to tell apart 
They even act the same, both really mischevious
Only Hinahoho really knows the difference
He says its his parental instincts
He gave them both “matching” broaches but in reality they have slightly different cuts so he knows whose who
Last but no means least Ahanu
Black sheep of the family
Literally never smiles
Equivalent of a 23 year old eskimo emo
Constantly calls his dad old just because he’s over 50 and sometimes hurts his back
Likes swimming, swimming calms him
Ja’far’s babies xxx
Sometime’s Ja’far wishes he never had a child
loves Rabi to bits but he acts like he’s 4 but in reality he’s 16
It’s like having another Sinbad, except this time he actually HAS to love him
Rabi likes magic, wants to be a magician, cant be a magician, settles for magic tricks
magic tricks he uses on his dad
magic tricks that get him in trouble
Sinbad and his mom are so supportive
He has about five different top hats and the palace garden is now filled with rabbits
secretly now hates being a magician
but cant back out now since uncle sin has spent to much money on him
o o p s
looks nothing like his father apart from being covered in freckles
his skin’s tan, his hairs ginger, his eyes actually have life
craves his fathers attention but he’s always busy working
secretly wants to become an advisor like his dad so he can spend more time with him
smokes but no one needs to k n o w t h a t
Sinbads babies xxx
Sadiq is very much a troubled child
illegitimate son of his idiot father
had a hard life
mother abandoned him when he was young
found Sinbad and the others when he was 13
has been living in the castle for 3 years now
Rabi is constantly following him
“No I dont want to see you pull a rabbit from a hat-”
takes a deep interest in Ja’far who unlike Sinbad has no qualms with disciplining him
skilled sword fighter, but foot work needs work
Sinbad always offers to help him but Sadiq never let’s him
Sinbad tries so hard
but it never seems to work
far from being a ladies man
thinks when you find a women you should commit yourself
tries to hard trying to find that woman
commits himself to quickly
boi gets heart break a lot
Kikiriku gives him ice cream
Masrur’s babies xxx
Two wives come in handy
especially when you love family as much as Masrur does
especially when they kick ass better then Masrur does
Sadi’s 18, likes naps like her father, hard working liker her mother Razol
excellent warrior
very smiley
jokes a lot
literally falls asleep standing
has a major sweet tooth
terrible babysitter
once she was playfully throwing Domonic up, and he never came back down
Angelou is 18 to, but born to Masrur’s second wife Rehema
he’s a lot like his father, apart from the fact he never sleeps
lost two fingers off of his left hand from when he was 10 and decided to go looking for a fight
found a fight
lost his fingers
it was a traumatizing time for him but his family helped him through it
has grown up a lot since then
very protective older brother, dosent want what happened to him to happen to the others
Ruby is 17, was Razol’s second born
very jealous of her older sister, acts as if she dosent like her family
they all see through it
grumpy guts, will make anything tiny into a big deal
always tries to start a fight
is always carried off by Angelou, who see’s himself in her
Domonic is Rzaol’s third child, 14 years old, Rehema stopped having children after complications in Angelou’s birth
just wants to explore
is conflicted between becoming part of the fanalis corps or a dancer
keeps his passion for dancing secret, since he thinks his family will want to abandon him
Lo’lo is the only one who knows he likes to dance
covers for him so he can sneak out to go meet his dancing group
Sharrkans babies xxx
Only has the one baby who he’s constantly cradling!
wanted more but his wife died in childbirth
despite the two not being in love, just best friends, he was still devastated
called his son Ozymandias like his wife wanted
he hates the name though and shortens it to Oz whenever he talks to him
Yamariha agrees it’s a terrible name when she visited, but admits the babies cute, acted like a second mom
When Sharrkan questions something Ozymandias does he only ever gets gargles in reply
Ozymandias loves snakes, a bit to much
they’re all scared of him since he constantly tries to hold them, but ends up strangling them
no baby has ever drooled more, Sharrkan has to constantly change his bib
he cries if Sharrkan leaves the room to
being an evil dad, Sharrkan sometimes pretends to disappear and has a little giggle
spoils Ozymandias as an apology
Oz has a wooden toy snake he teethes on,
the toy snake had half a head in the first day of having it
Pisti’s babies xxx
Pisti has no babies
Pisti looks after Tir, her nephew, like he’s her son
Her 42 year old sister Pheme who was Tir’s mother died in a flight accident defending the kingdom, Pisti made a vow to protect him
Pisti wants her own baby as well
she’s trying to find the right man
cannot for the life of her find the right man
has lived in Sindria so long she wants a man who can sweep her off of her feet
not under them
is determined for Tir to grow up brave and fair
Tir is already obsessed with animals
thinks he can fly like a bird
dont tell him he cant
you’ll only make him cry
Pisti dresses Tir in feathers to add to his illusion
plus she knows when he’s older she wont be able to make him look this stupid ever again
Tir is 100% a pervert
Spartos’ babies xxx
Both very religious
Elizabeth is 16 and boi oh boi did puberty hit her well
very curvy, very beautiful
very big problem for the men of her family
spartos cries daily
many suitors try to win her affection
however she is very determined to stay chaste and pure until she marries
very much a relief for the men of her family
Elizabeth is smart and strong willed like her mother
has her father’s hair and eyes
believes world peace can only be followed by world war
strives to bring people together through music
very talented and very promising singer
Mystras jr is named of course after Mystras
people like to call him junior
wants to become a sasan knight
knows how important it is to become a sasan knight
will not stop until he becomes a sasan knight
very skilled fighter for his age
very protective over his sister
loves his sister more then anything and enjoys listening to her sing
he’s adamant that when he’s knight king he will create her the most extravagant theater where she can sing all the songs she wants
really not bothered about women himself
to busy bothering trying to take care of himself
wants to be independant
he cant cook or clean his own clothes
water and soap? on clothes? that’s what the maids do? well that must be easy!
Que explosion
Drakon’s babies xxx
Only had one after what happened to Spyro
boys only 12 and he considers himself a monster
one side of him looks like his mother
brown hair
big beautiful eyes
and the other half looks like his father
covered in scales with claws and sharp pointy teeth
he’s sometimes to scared to look at himself in the mirror
wears shawl and masks a lot
saher tells him he’s beautiful but he dosent listen
blames his father and is ashamed of himself for doing so
plus side he has fire abilities
incredibly skilled fighter since he spends a lot of his time in isolation trying to hide from the world
shy as anything, very mature for his age
Rabi is constantly dragging him to parties along with Sadiq
himself and Sadiq run off whenever they can
gets along surprisingly well with Sadiq
his hair is so long
likes his man buns
dont make fun of his man buns
he’ll get angry if you make fun of his man buns
you won’t like it when he’s angry cause he gets an ugly vein in his forehead 
e w w w w w
Yamraiha’s babies xxx
also has no babies
but shes expecting!
has been for 3 months exactly!
has a cute lil baby bump
already getting very canky
she wants pickles! get her pickles!
if she’s ever practicing magic the baby will kick like mad
Yamraiha thinks it’s because they really like it
or at least she hopes that’s the reason
that is the reason right?
cries a lot and just wants snuggles’
is always contacting the other generals because she complains she misses Sindria and that she wants the baby to meet them all
is the whole reason Sinbad comes up with the idea for them to have a family reunion in Sindria!
yay! family meet baby bump!
refuses to say who the father is
her kingdom is a very accepting place after she took over, so she wants to keep the magnostadt father a secret for now
feels bad if she gives him to much responsibility all at once
plus she enjoys having complete control over the kingdom
Hinahoho is 52, had Kikiriku (28) when he was 24, twin girls (26) when he was 26, twin boys (25) when he was 27 and Ahanu (23) when he was 29
Ja’far is 46, and had Rabi (16) when he was 30
Sinbad is 50, had Sadiq (16) when he was 29
Masrur is 41, had Sadi (18) at 23 and had Angelou (18) at 23 also, Ruby (17) at 24 and Domonic (14) at 27
Sharrkan is 42, had Ozymandias (4 months old) at 42
Pisti is 39, Tir’s ( 4 years old ) mother Pheme was 38 when she had him
Spartos 43, had Elizabeth (16) at 27 and Mystras (14) at 29
Drakon is 50, had Spyro (12) at 38
Yamraiha is 44, currently expecting
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ganymedesclock · 7 years
I think a while ago you talked about how Pidge would be a Beast Tamer in a fantasy setting and Keith seems to often get compared to a knight in the show (shield&sword for bayard, assigned the knight pieces in the comic, etc) and we all know Allura's a (fairy) princess. So, based on the common troupes/character traits with certain fantasy roles, what do you think Shiro, Lance, Hunk and Coran would be?
Honestly I’d argue that Keith’s not really what I’d put as a knight in a pure high fantasy setting, so, I’m just going to go with a lot of my sensibilities/rough abilities that I sorted them into in Hallowed AU:
Pidge: Rogue (Beast master)
Not much to say here. Pidge offsets her own relative lack of staying power, reach, etc. with stealth, maneuverability, and tricky properties. It’s very popular to make her a wizard, but I’ve always thought it’d be interesting, rather than giving Pidge a massive font of magical power, for her to have a few very limited little magics, things she hasn’t had enough time to study or the materials to perfect since she’s on the road and on a mission, but a lot of experimentation and little flash grenades and glamours and sharp daggers. And probably poisons, too, considering her canon affinity for plant life coupled with, in this continuity, a fondness for cute little guys that just might be a little bitey if you aren’t her friend.
But of course, her bag of tricks is limited by necessity- she herself is small, slight, and not really kitted out for direct engagements. In this sense, the kind of creatures she’s liable to befriend fit nicely- she usually goes for the small ones, with the exception of Green- and even she’s small, nimble, and stealthy compared to her brethren. Just imagine Pidge fitting her faithful companion and steed with a set of saddlebags to carry all kinds of equipment and reagents without fear of them falling out if they run into trouble suddenly and need to launch evasive maneuvers.
Keith: Spellsword (Dark sorcerer)
What’s the point of having a long lost bloodline if it doesn’t give you spooky magic, right? Also, in a high fantasy setting, Keith is just set out to be a wizard. Boy’s a glass cannon, through and through.
My personal favorite spin on this is the idea of Keith’s capabilities being overwhelmingly self-taught, framing him as both kind of a prodigy, and in an awkward position since his particular brand of magic is really not socially acceptable or in fact, usually practiced by good people. Which, again, as a self-taught vagrant in the middle of nowhere puts him in just a bit of a pickle to explain himself to well-meaning local law enforcement.
No, if anybody’s a knight in here, it’s....
Shiro: Paladin (Mounted warrior)
Give him a hand-and-a-half sword, a shield with a royal crest, and some spiffy armor and just watch this guy sit straighter and carry himself as befitting a Defender Of The Realm, Ally of Justice, basically a faux-medieval superhero. While I like to reimagine the Lions in a fantasy setting as steeds, I can imagine Shiro and Black having a unique bond where they’re the most likely to actively wield proper cavalry tactics and fight more together than apart. Not that the others don’t fight together, but Shiro having like... actual training and an education in battlefield tactics and why you don’t leap over your allies’ shield wall when your enemies all have spears and you don’t wear armor, Keith.
The thing about knights is more than just Some Guy With A Sword, there’s a pretty big deal in most high fantasy about honor. “Chivalry” literally comes from the same root as cavalry, and while all of the team arguably fights for a higher, more noble cause, Shiro’s the kind of guy who I can see pursuing a career that lets him really dedicate his life to that higher cause, because frankly, whether or not he had a liege to serve and a sword in his hand, he’d be making a stand against injustice anyway. That’s just the kind of guy he is, and when we have an obvious liege that would look favorably on that sort of thing, it’s pretty clear what the result is.
Lance: Bard (Longbow fighter)
Not only is Lance a quintessential support class- he very naturally and easily falls back to let other people shine and picks off enemies with rather fearsome precision from a cozy distance- he’s someone who loves people, and, frankly, has a rather effective way with them. No, he’s not the casanova he sort of pretends he is, but he’s an actor, a charmer, a showman, and specific to Hallowed AU, he might just have a pinch of supernatural assistance in that regard.
My first reflex as weapon of choice would be a crossbow, since it has a lovely silhouette very similar to canon Lance’s rifle, but the longbow spoke to me, because the thing about Lance, is he’s very not a prodigy. This is a major point of contrast between him and Keith- and yet on several occasions in canon, we’re shown that people who are hard to impress (Commander Iverson, and the Red Lion) find Lance worthy of standing where Keith, the actual prodigy, once stood. This tells us that Lance is a hard worker. 
The longbow is a very difficult weapon- they say to train a longbowman, you start with his grandfather. That saying, for me, makes me want to put one in Lance’s hands in a fantasy setting for what it implies- about him, about his family. That he started young, that he likely hails from a family of, perhaps even generations of, archers. And of course he’s not going to say that, acknowledge training until his fingers bleed, or anything like that- he’ll goof off and show off- but there’s a certain obvious respect just him having that weapon and using it effectively and when he notches an arrow, draws that fairly heavy bow back, and fires with deadly accuracy.
Hunk: Fighter (Alchemist)
Hunk seems commonly sorted as a cleric and while I can appreciate that, I think personally Hunk doesn’t have the kind of patience to pursue a skill set where he can’t barge up to the thing chewing on his friends, who he is trying to keep healthy, thank you very much, and crack ‘em solidly in the teeth. He certainly has the muscle of a frontline fighter, and I can see Hunk wielding a simple, but sturdy crooked staff.
The real danger comes in the fact that while Pidge has a foot in the magical and the alchemical, higher education likely pointing to a more aristocratic background- I can see Hunk being someone of humble roots who, out of a combination of necessity and curiosity, learned how to fix, stitch, patch, scratch, and brew, just about everything.
Hunk who smugly goes “Yeah, well, I’m no wizard, but if all you need to knock a wall down,” lights the fuse on a homemade tied-off little packet and lobs it to a satisfyingly sized explosion, or who heard you were picking a fight and brewed up a batch of greek fire for the occasion. He’d probably leave the poisons to Pidge, though- someone who takes as much pride in the culinary arts as he does isn’t going to sully his cooking with anything if he can help it.
Allura: Mage Knight (multiple weapons)
Allura’s handiness with the bladed whip makes a lot of sense as athletic royalty who has the time and leisure to acquire unusual weapons and train with them heavily, though supplementing her more eclectic decision with something as ubiquitous and versatile as a pikestaff means that even caught unarmed, she only needs to lay hands on the nearest broom, or whatever other straight, sturdy piece of wood is around to be seized.
Her being a sacred princess possessing a grand holy power able to work miracles with the right setup frankly needs absolutely no modification for a high fantasy setting except more practice and proficiency in it given it’s more common and ubiquitous in this sort of world. As a personal addition for fun in this setting, the mice are full-tilt shapeshifters able to reconfigure themselves into different forms for Allura’s needs- able to be anything from horses to handmaidens to small but aggressive dragons.
Coran: Spymaster (swordsman)
I sort of like the idea of largely nonmagical Coran, following in the wake of magic using Alfor and Allura, and yet in a context where Allura would be surrounded by a proper royal court and a lot more attendants and advisers, I’d make changes to make sure Coran properly stands out himself- because really, he’s the royal family’s steadfast blade in the dark. If there is anything they need, he’s the kind of person they can trust absolutely.
And absolutely nobody is going to suspect the older, foppish nobleman loudly recounting the time he got peas stuck up his nose to a vaguely disquieted audience is an obstacle to an assassination plot until he very politely rests a blade against their jugular and informs them that they’re going to have a friendly little talk, over there, in the room full of surly guards, about trying to drop unapproved things in the princess’s drink.
Because frankly having quick reflexes, a keen eye, and a couple of shortswords hidden up your sleeves is a very fast route to being plenty dangerous. 
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