#fanalis corps
xx-celestia-xx · 4 months
Ben drowned x reader
Part 1
WARNING !!! English is not my first language :) contain : stalking, school shooting, cursing, gore scene, bad english, and chaos,
You been quiet all the time in class, people would often ignore you or just make fun of you for always being on your phone or just playing video game all day even at scholl you didn't give up on playing, barely studying for you exam which is bad, and you know iot, butr you didn't care you wanted to talk with your friend, from all around the world and online on your ps5, you play so much game yet you still bad in some of the.
You often play survival game, or adventure game you found them atractive you don't know win though.
Right now your in class waiting has time goes by, english class...
you always bored in english class, first because your French but worst is that you know how to speak english and right now you learn boring things, you knew everythings already, video game and watching video helped you a lot to learn english but now you bored has fuck to be in this class, you answer without even listening, the teacher is happy but wish you at least don't draw in class or be on your phone !
each time she grab your phone or ask you to stop drawing, which you still keep doing without having her seeing one thing.
When the bell ring you run out of class, fanaly you can be on a small break to play !
You run out saying bye and go outside behind a bulding under a tree so you can see your screen.
You sit down on the grass and start your game happy now, you play a lot of game on your phone but always get bored since yourphone was not that game, you don't have the money after all so you only play on that small phone of your.
barely 2 minutes later, a bell ring, but not the usual one, saying "the prinsipale is needed in the meeting room".
oh boy you knew what that mean...
did the school just go into shooting mode !?
You stand up and go behing a bush byt decide to go in and look through the leaf, there was people there, the have knife, axe or more like a machet, and they were probably 5 of them there !
You look closely, they look weird, why did that guy have his mouth open like that !?
one even have a clock in her eyes, frolm what you can see.
You hold your breath at that, why did you have to come to school that day ?
You see a guy looking like Link from zelda, is he cosplaying while doing a murder ?!
Before you understand what happen, you see him diseppears into the phone of his friend, you froze in place, how is that posible, does your glass are dirty or something !?
How did he just go into a phone like a fucking glitch in a game !!
You hide even more when you see this.
fuck i'm so screwed, they already have blood on them what the fuck is happening here !?
You look again before you see them heading to your science building.
oh fuck i hope they all locked their room- i don't think the will survive this if they didn't !
After a minutes you hear scream and another alarm in the building, one you didn't hear at all
It hurt your ears so bad it's so loud
You panic and try to get out of here.
A lot of people start to run toward the exit.
But there was other people waiting for them you knew it, you run toward the gymnast, you could climb the fence and run into the small field to get away.
You go there and see corps...
your teacher corps in front of you, blood alll over the place, headless, organ out, they even draw with his blood on the wall, that make you sick
You run past that holding your phone and try to call the police, but your phone was all black, what the hell when did it turn off !?
You jumps over the fence and fall on the floor, your were panting already but keep going, you stand up and run away has fast has you can from this place.
Once far enough you sit behind a tree and gasp for air, you never run this fast in your life ever.
You look at your phone and see it glitch, you look at it shocked but curious.
before you see someone appears smiling, this was this creepy guy from before !!
"well shit-" Your reaction seem to make him look at you amused and surprise by that calm tone
"yeah fuck this, get out of my phone i'm scared enough just kill me at this point-"
He smile even more creepy, he like that you can see it, before you know it and hand come out and grab your neck harshly making you gasp of pain.
You close you eyes but nothing happen, the hand let you go before you see your phone back to normal when you open your eyes.
"what the fuck just happen-..."
You didn't want to figure this out and stand up running away going back home.
It took you a while but once home your brother come to you and look if you ok, he hear of it already, he is just happy to see you alive and safe now
You go to your room to lay down and calm down your phone on the desk.
You hear noise and look at your tv on the wall in front of your bed.
You look scared at that, it was glitching before you see the same guy waving at you amused, you know you can't escape him anymore, even if you try he will be here.
"awwww something wrong little girl~" You try to stay calm when you see the text on the tv, before all the sudden he come out.
You back away when you see him coming closer now on your bed, your bed was on the floor so he just knees down and crawl to you in a creepy way.
He have a knife-
You panic and kick him in the jaw
"get away you pervert ! i won't let you rape me or kill me !"
he hold his jaw before he look even more creepy
"aaawwwww but i was just planning on killing you, but i can also have fun with you~"
you push him away in panic, he go back in the tv laughing
"i'm scared to sleep tonight-...."
time goes by and soon it was time to sleep, you did managed somehow to sleep, but what happen that day stay in your mind and wake you up every 2 hours at this point.
But when you do woke up you see your tv glitch, yeah that's it you going to die-
You gasp out and sit yourself seeing that, fear spreading through your body faster than your blood, has you froze in place
cold shiver running down your back while you look at it, soon you see a character that look like link in your tv, standing in a forest.
"what the fuuuck- come on i just want to sleep have mercy-"
The tv glitch again, and again and again making the character appears closer to you, before it jump scared you, you let a scream out at that.
But soon shut up when it crawl out of the tv and is on your bed now.
You hide under your cover has it get on top of you, his creepy voice whispering to you
"come on little girl~ come out or i join you under that~"
You didn't obey and stay hidden, and soon you feel him get off only to feel him under the blanket now grabbing your feet has it crawl closer to you.
soon enough he was on top of you his glowing red eyes on you.
"let's play a game, if you win i let you live, if you don't i kill you~"
you gulp but nob, he get off and get the blanket out of the way, seeing my ps5 already one now.
"let's see what game we can play mmmmmm~ how about this one, simple and easy, roblox but a horror maps"
you just nob having no choice, you already hate that...
Has time goes by you calm down and almost was enjoying, you hated horror game though, and you feel like he do know it somehow
You get a jump scared and fall back curl up holding a scream, and that make that devil laugh sadistic that you are scared.
"fuck you so scared of that, i love it, let's play more~"
"i wanna diiiiie" he look at you at that and smirk
"i was joking please noooo" he shake his head at that before playing again, you didn't even know where did he get that controler from or how is he able to play with you right now but he does, his character look like him in real life, but you never saw all of the feature he have right now on his character, did he hack that too ?
You sit back and start to play again.
"you hack or what i never seen does clothes !"
"yes i did~" you look at him at that.
"really...... you idiot"
"watch you mouth~" you shiver at that voices and look back at the tv in two second, yeah his voices is hot when he try to scared you, but at least that work since you got a shiver.
"h-how about we play a game in team hehe-" You trying to not die tonight ? nooooo nit at all
He look at you the blood falling from his eyes creep you out but say nothing.
"mmmm could be fun to have to revive you every second by how bad you are at gaming" you look at him shocked
At least he do want to team up but calling you bad, what a bitch !
"i'm n-not bad ! i play a lot you idiot !" You put your hand on your mouth, oh he going to kill you
"watch your mouuuth~ or i ripe it open and let your family discover you dead in your bed" You gulp and nob fast at that.
oh shit he is scary-
"focuses now or i just kill you now"
"y-yes sir !!" He look confuse at the sir but keep going amused at how you just got scared at him saying that when it was just a simple sentence for him to say that.
After maybe a hour you were tired, tired has fuck, he still energic how the fuck !?
Soon you gave up laying down KO
"just kill me already..." He look at you and just smirk
"nah, your too much fun to torture~ i see you tomorrow hehehe~"
and with that he disappear in the tv leaving you here all alone
"i wanna die-"
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misquitz · 6 months
tell me more about the red heads.
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More character infortmation below
Ankha was born to a prostitute in a Kou slums, having been an unfortunate side effect of a night with a man from Heliohapt. Her mother was killed at the hands of a client when Ankha was younger, and Ankha almost went out the same way when she had joined the same business. Before then she often took care of other children of prostitutes and thanks to her sisterly personality, she was well liked amongst the poorer population.
It was when she was attacked by the client did she meet Horus and Mustafa, eventually joining them in their journey for the promise of food and sanctuary in exchange for her employment (not as a prostitute for them dw). She was with Horus when he captured his dungeon and, with his trust, she became a member of his household.
Ankha is not her real name.
Mustafa, like many other fanalis, was a gladiator slave, forced into the ring to make his owner money. He regrets allowing himself to be forced to take the lives of many others while fighting. :( One day, Horus had paid a pretty penny, buying Mustafa from his master. While his intentions were known to no one but himself, Mustafa was strangely given the opportunity by Horus to leave and live his own life, or be dropped off to the Fanalis Corps in Reim.
Instead, Mustafa had voiced his desire to work for Horus, desperate to repay the kindness he was given and knowing no other life than servitude. Since then he has taken up the role as a sort of bodyguard for Horus (however unneeded it may be) and was present when Horus had captured his dungeon, becoming the other and final member of his household.
While his role was somewhat unneeded, he did save Horus' life once before.
Narchis was one of the lucky few fanalis not enslaved into fighting, instead being forced into manual labor. He helped carry heavy equipment, materials, moving, and building. When he wasn't forced to help with construction, he was sent off to help in the fields, unload cargo, and animal handling. Truthfully, Horus didn't have much interest in buying him off his owner, but the fact that he was a fanalis swayed his decision. Now an employee for Horus and not a slave, he was given pretty much the same responsibilities as when he was a slave, just in a lower demand and has since been given better working conditions, rest, and food.
It was his decision to also take up protecting the caravan while on the road and had gone up to Mustafa, the only other fanalis he knows, to ask for training in how to fight. During downtime, he is now often seen training with Mustafa, though ends up on the ground a lot.
Since he's in a more positive environment, he's become more optimistic and talkative.
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teatitty · 2 years
This one of my top Alibaba moments and is one of many dozens of reasons why I still say that Morgiana should’ve been the one to meet the fanalis corps in Reim and Alibaba should’ve stayed in Sindria
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pan-magi · 1 year
I had a post saying how much I appreciate how the female friendships in Magi are portrayed (and I do really appreciate it). It didn't get anywhere and words are hard sometimes.
So instead I'll just say that I find it adorable that Myron decides to adopt Morgiana instantly.
And if we ever get season 3, I will riot if it doesn't have Morgiana meeting the Fanalis Corp. shush I know it's not in the main manga but they've incorporated them into the anime before
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juruna-yudja · 2 years
The Fanalis
If you’re here maybe it’s because of the redirection in my edited meta about Morgiana or because you crave Magi’s meta in general. In either case, buckle in because we’re about to tackle another heavy piece.
The fundamental problem of the Fanalis is how they’re conceptualized by the narrative and boxed in. On top of plenty of unsavory stereotypes, accidental or not, because Ohtaka clearly didn’t do her due diligence research-wise.
Right out of the bat, the Fanalis are a slave race.
It’s not only true to the trope itself but also to how I define it in this case, where every Fanalis we see is a slave or a former slave, and they have no culture or community beyond that.
It’s an unfortunate truth of Magi.
But, you know, instead of just trusting me, let’s prove that.
The only two Fanalis we’re explicitly told weren’t slaves at any point are Muu and Myron. They’re half-blood Fanalis and perfectly content to brandish their filial ties to Pernadius Alexius, the founder of Reim.
Now that’s problematic, in and of itself, because of the surrounding context.
Reim is based on Ancient Rome, and with Ancient Rome being what it is, no matter where their Fanalis ancestor was in the chain, be it their mother to possibly a great-grandfather, it makes no sense to assume they were free.
Rome was built and prospered on slave labor and from what we’ve seen of Reim, it does the same. Moreover the genocide of the Fanalis, to be as complete as it is at the time Morgiana visits the Rift (and before, since Masrur went here too) had to have been well underway for centuries.
Sparring you the IRL historical context because I’m not certain how much of it applies for Magi, even more so with the general habit of Japanese mangakas taking liberal inspiration from these things. But it’s a province of Rome after the Punic Wars. I think in canon Karthago is said to be under Reim’s control or administration but I don’t have the source in mind so that’s under probation.
The point is, by the time Morgiana get here, it’s nothing more than a ruined land populated by bandits and slave traders. That doesn’t really bode well for a place that we’ve been told has been the homeland of Fanalis. They’re warriors of the Dark Continent yeah, but specifically we’re told by Morgiana that Karthago is her homeland.
If Ohtaka didn’t want us to make logical assumptions from here she could’ve refuted this at any point. But she didn’t.
So, Karthago = the Fanalis Homeland.
Except that it’s a ruin so there’s literally nothing to come back to. Which is doubly yikes because IRL Carthage, both before and after the Roman conquest, was a tradding hubbud and more generally a city with a rich and vast history.
But let’s get back to the Fanalis at large, next up on the list, the Fanalis Corps.
Indentured servitude out of their gratitude to Muu for having freed them is not exactly what I’d consider a step up. Especially since the man acted with the Emperor’s benediction and now the Fanalis Corps are part of the army, nay a special division of the army.
It is never, at any point, mentioned that they could leave if they wanted to.
For proper citizens of Reim, again if we go with an understanding of its IRL equivalent, it’s both a duty and a privilege to serve the country. On top of being an avenue of upward mobility in the promotion to general and then, maybe senator, with several steps in-between of course.
For slaves, though? Not so much. Fredmen weren’t allowed in the army regardless of their wealth. Except for very late in the Punic Wars when the situation was especially dire. Let’s phrase that another way, fredmen carried such a social stigma with them that even after they were freed, the Roman Empire refused them in its army until it couldn’t anymore.
In the Fanalis case, even though they are emancipated, I doubt it’s sufficient to afford them the respect of normal citizens. The stigma to being a former slave is a permanent stain. And at this point Fanalis have been nothing but for centuries.
In regard to their social status, who’s to say that the Fanalis were even given the option to refuse enrolment? Muu sets out in search of them under the Emperor’s decree, for a reason. We are not told who, if anyone, pitched the idea of an army of supersoldiers, but it’s what they are.
The Fanalis corps are conscripted soldiers probably not free to retire. Granted this part is mostly speculation I’ll admit, but still.
Zooming in on another level of that problem though, let’s consider Lolo. The archetype of the barbarian badass with hints of bloodthirsty berserker.
He’s beast-like and thinks with his fists, constantly put into a comedic sketch with Myron, who for her part tries her best to deny the less seemly and refined part of her personality to be seen as a “proper” lady.
The contrast between what she wants and what she’s able to achieve while her nature always surges back is supposed to be funny. It isn’t.
At best it informs us of how aware she is of the precariousness of her position (and that of her brother’s) and she covers it up aggressively and in doing so condescends to Lolo and feels justified insulting him.
But speaking of the Fanalis as a slave race, let’s bring up another thorny issue.
Their forms beyond the Rift.
Now I know it’s part of the worldbuilding Ohtaka established for Alma Torran that no one except the magicians is human prior to the migration and the races were transformed to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past. Which would excuse somewhat except for two things:
One, Fanalis were apparently immune to that, they couldn’t be changed against their will.
Two, we’re only given that explanation after it was revealed the Fanalis’ “true form” is nonhuman.
Considering the racist explanations and justifications that dominated the transatlantic slave trade for three centuries, I’ll only say it’s in poor taste.
So, though I like the early concept of Fanalis and think it looks actually really cool, I understand why Ohtaka scrapped the idea of them being dark-skinned due to real-world parallels and implications.
Albeit, with what has been raised above, maybe she shouldn’t have bothered. Because with the disappearance of that early concept, we also lost any inkling of a culture the Fanalis could’ve had. No distinct clothing or hairstyles, no Amazon-esque vibes with what’s possibly a war elephant. Hell, not even Fanalis being peaceful farmers in their little corner of the world. I don’t know what it is they’re gathering in the first image, but it could have been so cool to see! Alas, it wasn’t to be.
We’re presented almost all the cultures of the people we interact with in Magi, except for Kina which, I consider how a symptom of the final arc. All but one. Glaring in its absence.
That is the ultimate problem with the Fanalis in Magi.
Nowhere is the Fanalis’ disappearance — of their culture and of their people — ever faced by the narration head-on. If you start with the premise of a culture that got utterly destroyed and thus lost, it can lead to a very strong storyline about reclamation and reparations.
What cannot be recovered because it’s simply gone. The mourning process of facing that and having to construct an identity out of scraps or out of nothing.
Though it’d be best to start from Morgiana’s point of view since she’s a third of our main trio, it’s not solely constrained to her. Lolo could, for example, be struggling with the fact that such a young Fanalis know nothing of her culture because by then it was already far too late. That despite their best efforts to keep their culture alive there are still things that are irretrievably lost because a lot of people are gone.
It’d also work with the themes Magi established as a series, that the world might be cruel and uncaring, but it’s the people in it trying to do their best despite that who are important.
Sometimes those efforts might not be rewarded, but it was significant they tried. People striving for a better and kinder world. After all, isn’t what Alma Torran did? They didn’t succeed, but the magicians of the Orthodox Church changing their minds for the better with Solomon’s influence are the reason it wasn’t a total annihilation in the end.
In light of that, what better way to reinforce these themes than acknowledging the Fanalis genocide, trying to recover what can be, and then moving forward?
Not forgiving the perpetrators or the rampant slavery (another thing Ohtaka left hanging) but rebuilding from the ashes to spite the destruction and give them something to look forward to. What's a better way to show that the world is healing and improving than by acknowledging the injustices and trying to make up for them?
This lack of acknowledgment from the narrative about the Fanalis’ situation informs and impacts Morgiana’s character and her development as well.
Outside of being former slaves who were hunted for their strength and senses, the Fanalis are nothing. It’s that very lack that harms Morgiana in the long run because it means she cannot compete with Alibaba or Aladdin, who both have established pasts still affecting their actions and outlooks.
Morgiana is a former slave desperately looking for connections with her people and culture but since neither of these two are allowed to exist within the setting, her development stales.
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magisettei · 2 years
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mgi2_cha53-01 Fanalis corps Fullbody mgi2_cha53-02 Fanalis corps Expressions
note: Roroh’s name being on cha53-02 is a mistake from the original
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sunshine-alibaba · 3 years
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aladdins-attic · 3 years
Hi, can I get hc for mu, Lolo masrur their reaction to the quirks of their pregnant o/s??? And what will they do??
sorry for disappearing lmao I hope you like this
Muu Alexius
He'd be very attentive and very happy.
Immediately after finding out he'd sweep his s/o up into his arms and carefully swing them around, happier than ever.
Doesn't let his s/o do anything. Heavy lifting? Not a chance. Getting something from the cabinets? Absolutely not.
He sees it as his job to make sure his s/o is happy and safe and healthy during the whole ordeal and will do anything to do his job well.
When it comes to pregnancy cravings, Muu will fly to the moon to grant his s/o's wishes. No matter how weird he finds the combinations, he won't speak a word about it to his s/o. The Fanalis Corps, on the other hand...
Myron doesn't stop hearing about the pregnancy. He comes to her with any questions and concerns and boasts about how well his s/o is doing.
Dotes on his s/o every second he can.
Is honestly kind of freaked out by the whole thing.
To him this is just the natural flow of things, but he still can't help but feel afraid.
When his s/o told him of the news he just kind of blinked and then laughed and hugged them, immediately loosening up after remembering his s/o was now carrying precious cargo.
It'd take about a day for the worry to set in.
He worries about what kind of father he'll be and if his face will frighten them. (His s/o assures him that it won't, but he doesn't believe them.)
When his s/o complains about the aches and pains he tries to relate to them by talking about injuries he's sustained in fighting and starts telling stories to distract them.
Like Muu he would do anything and everything for them, but it'd take some gentle reminding from Muu and Myron that his s/o is going through a lot of changes so he should try to be gentler with his approach.
Gets annoyed by the cravings but not really- he'd act like it's a pain but he really doesn't mind all that much.
Becomes incredibly protective and territorial. Only like three people would be allowed around his s/o during the pregnancy if it were up to him. (The three people being himself, Muu, and Myron.)
Isn't freaked out at all. He's got this under control.
Remains cool and calm through the pregnancy.
Understands his s/o is still a functioning human- they just need some help with a few things is all.
It would make him very happy for his s/o to ask him for help with something, like picking up a dropped object or getting something from the kitchen.
He wouldn't really tell anyone about the pregenancy, so they'd either have to find out through gossip, his s/o themselves, or by seeing the bump.
Takes care of his s/o and makes sure they have everything they need to be content and comfortable.
Asks Yamraiha to check in on them and make sure everything's going okay.
When weird quirks pop up, such as cravings and sudden hatred for certain things, Masrur would take it in stride and accept it as it is.
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mashed-tots · 3 years
what if... Morgiana was in the Fanalis Corps 😳
haha jk jk
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strangehellhole · 3 years
I just had this thought: If the Fanalis Corps joined the Squid game, they would be all dead just because of the Honeycomb game..
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hanighul · 4 years
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Working on a little something new 👊
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ohmygodquitaskingme · 4 years
Ren Koutoku was half Fanalis- change my mind
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OKAY SO you Cannot convince me that Ren Koutoku wasn’t part Fanalis. Like, look at his children compared with the Fanalis corps, Masrur, and Morgiana. Like, I color dropped all their hair colors (well, except for the bald guy in the corps) and they’ve almost all got a similar hair color palette (surprisingly Kouha’s hair is more of a salmon-y light red and not a pink) and the one’s that don’t, like Morgiana and Kougyoku share a similar hair color palette. 
Aside from the hair color, they all share a similar champagne-y pink/red eye color. Now, for a lot of anime I would just dismiss that as being a color palette and not a secretly related thing bc sometimes it feels like the creators don’t understand inherited traits. I’ve... only somewhat accepted that lmao
BUT Ohtaka has shown throughout the series that the kids typically resemble the parents at least a lil bit. (Aladdin looks like Solomon, Sinbad like his Badr, Alibaba like Rashid, the Haku Ren’s like Gyokuen, Tess like Falan, and so on) so I refuse to let this go. Thank you Ohtaka, for understanding genetics and easing my pain
Now, how could this logically work? It’s stated that Koutoku had kids with at least three different women although it’s probably more considering Kouen and Koumei share a mom and presumably she had no other children, Kouha’s mother... well, I’m going to assume she had no other children considering the two of them were alone in their wing, and Kougyoku is probably her mother’s only child with Koutoku considering she was a low-ranked courtesan. So, it’s really really unlikely that any Fanalis’ genes would come from their mothers. 
So that leaves Koutoku. Now, Koutoku is the second emperor of the Kou empire. He was also Hakutoku’s younger brother. Meaning they could potentially be half-brothers. Now, the Kou empire is fairly new for an empire. Hakutoku formed it by unifying Kai and Gou with the og small kingdom that it originally was.  This matters because of the Kou empire’s stance on slavery.
As awful as it is, slavery is legal in the Kou empire (although mistreatment is illegal and slaves are freed after five years.) Slavery in general isn’t an uncommon thing in this universe, which leads me to believe that it was probably also legal in the kingdom that the Ren family ruled over before the empire. It is also know that the Fanalis have often been sold into slavery. 
So, my theory is that Ren Koutoku’s father fucked a Fanalis slave, and Koutoku was his bastard child. Since Koutoku was male, and it seems they didn’t have any other siblings, so it could be that Koutoku’s father took him in as the spare to Hakutoku. Interestingly enough, this could be an explanation for why Koutoku was named Koutoku, since in Chinese his name is 红得-- 红 meaning crimson or red. This is also the character used in all his (known) children’s names. And to link that to the Fanalis-- well, they’re known for all having red hair and eyes. 
Now, I mention this because there is a clear naming scheme among Koutoku and Hakutoku’s children. Meaning, the first character of their first name is always ‘crimson’ or ‘white’ respectively. Now, assuming this naming scheme isn’t a new thing for their bloodline... then why did their father deviate from tradition? Instead, it is the second characters of their first names that share a character. So I figure, the “Kou” part of their names comes from their appearances.... which greatly resemble the Fanalis. 
I’m not going to involve the politics of Koutoku and his children being a side branch until Hakutoku’s death because quite frankly I don’t know enough about Chinese or Japanese court politics to be able to make a reasonable judgement here.
NOW, you may say “but the Kou Ren’s aren’t as physically strong as the Fanalis corps or Morgiana or Masrur!!” I hear you. I understand where you’re coming from. But. Koutoku’s children are only like a quarter Fanalis if this theory is true. And it is also known that non-”pureblood” Fanalis like Muu are physically not as strong as ‘pureblood’ Fanalis. Also interesting, non-’pureblood’ Fanalis also have more magoi, which leaves Koutoku’s children with the likelihood of having enough magoi to have a Djinn metal vessel. 
Okay onto personality traits. Okay, uh, I don’t really have much to say here other than that during the Magnostadt arc the Fanalis corps appeared to v much be enjoying the battle for the most part. And uh, my only connection here is with Kouha’s... Kouha-ness and that. And the omake where child Kouha was attacking child Koumei and Kouen was cheering Kouha on. Also Kouha and Lo’lo remind me of each other and Koumei and Myron remind me of each other. 
Sorry if that got a little incomprehensible by the end but its late and I’m tired haha. Alright I’m going to bed now. I just had to share this because I think about it a lot. (Also I really wish we knew more about the unnamed princesses and Kourin they’re so pretty!!!!)
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katecruz18 · 5 years
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Such a soft boy 💗
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makeroffanalisstuff · 4 years
Fanalis Fact I Made Up #11
Fanalis babies and toddlers are super active and clingy! And it’s the father who cares/watches for them at this stage of life!
For the first half, I have some evidence that’s mainly from the manga, specifically of Masrur and his three-four (daughters?). They are tiny and very active and climby like baby apes or monkeys, and seem to either run around or cling to his head.
The other half is my assuming things. Since Sadi and her siblings are the youngest Fanalis we ever see (it at least that I ever see), and we don’t see Masrur’s wives caring for them.
(Is Masrur married to two ladies or is one an ex?)
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Hey there! Could I get some hcs for Lo'lo when his s/o was kidnapped by the son of his old master?
Lo’lo was furious. 
Not just at their kidnappers
But himself too.
He had let them out of his sight and this happened.
He was so furious at himself. 
He immediately decided to go find them right away. 
He was sure to make sure the bastard paid, especially if a hand had been laid wrong on his s/o. 
It was Muu who stops him from rampaging to take his s/o back. 
He tells Lo’lo to let him help get them back, without anyone getting hurt physically. 
Lo’lo is very grateful to Muu for the offer. 
He has to blow off steam before he can think even a little rationally about anything though. 
He’s very worried for his s/o.
He won’t rest until he has them back in his arms and safe. 
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itsdanystormborn · 6 years
Is it bad to really like the fanalis corps, despite the fact they can be pretty ruthless. I mean I really like morgiana and she isn’t like that.
Of course is not wrong! As most of the Magi characters, the people in the fanalis corps are fighting for what they believe and taking care of what’s importan and meaninful to them! There are many good aspects about them, and even if there are things about them you might not agree with, those aspects doesn’t make them bad people. There’s really cool people in there, personally i really like Muu ^^ 
A lot of characters in Magi have flaws, and many of them are morally ambiguous but that doesn’t mean it’s “wrong” to like them or really love them! ( one of the aspects I love the most about Ohtaka’s writing is her ability to flesh out characters in a way that they feel very human. A real life person, as well intentioned as they might be, won’t always do “the right thing”, or make the right choice in their lives; a good person can even make a decision that will affect otheer people in a bad way, but that doesn’t make them the devil. I think Ohtaka is really good at depicting this grey aspect about people) and even if you liked a really ruthless character, i don’t think that would be wrong either, you can appreciate a well written villain, antagonist, or antihero and even feel sympathy for them depending on how that character is developed ^^ And the fact that we like a character who does “bad” stuff doesn’t mean that we agree on everything they do, or that we will run around doing “bad stuff” ourselves, haha ^^
And, I love Morgiana too! she’s precious
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