#but he's a strange creature that I'm sure will bite into ice cream
epickiya722 · 9 months
I was thinking of this and um...
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... Gojo, sir...
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xaracosmia · 1 year
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name / alias: mary age: 20+ pronouns: he/she ooc contact: memelt_snail @ twitter other characters in xc: tiphereth
name: muu kusunoki age: 16 pronouns: she / he series: milgram canon point: at the second trial, up to date content warnings: bullying, murder, suicidal ideation, suicide baiting.
personality: pain, pain, go away — mantra, repeat :  until my heart breaks. ( it still hurts. )
an immature mirror-image in the shape of a young girl, wearing a theatre-goer's mask that she deems appropriate for the current situation — simple-minded, someone who craves love and attention no matter the cost. easy to scare to obedience … to easy to validate to overconfidence, a scale too delicate to tip over to one edge or another, an extreme waiting for it's turn.
infant queen bee — blunt, honest, naive. fed so much ideological honey that she burst into the creature she is now. a girl who was spoiled ever since the day she was born who grew up into an entitled person who knows nothing more beyond getting what she wants. an unfortunate worldview coddled by her peers and family.
and here :  a note of importance. muu can't stand— hates pain.
any pain : emotional, physical. she'll bury herself deep in denial, she'll do anything as long as it stops and everything goes back to her perception of normal, as shattered as it may be. push down the agony, lest you feel it ever again. bury it deep, until you forget about how much it hurt that day. control, control, release — desperately safe, another's ego is her shield.
the true core hidden behind mille-layers of false cream. the loved will meet no harm and instead be showered in love : what's the point in being genuine, then? even if this chrysalis means tossing
people away or giving in to impulse … what comes above all is herself. ——— 'all i have to do is gain your favour, right? i'm sorry, i said i was sorry.' repeat, recite : it's not my fault. perhaps, one day, you'll believe.
something your muse struggles with: impulsive and emotional, to the point of extremes. ( + whiny )
your muse’s greatest strength: obedient, listens to what she's told — even if there's a complaint, here and there. she's also generous … in her own way? most likely. 
history / background:
papa is kind, mama generous.  i want to be like them, one day.
a silver spoon on her tongue isn't a fair replacement for the warmth of a cradle. muu may have it all but one : the presence of those that she needed most an empty canvas through her youth. warmth was a foreign idea, only words half-meant and half-said.
gifts and allowance see her doorstep more than her parents ever did. it's not like they didn't love her, it's just that there was no time.
——— so, tell me :  why?
school was full of scary people  —  words that tasted like the bitter cold medicine she swallowed one humid summer night. foreigner, cry the stares of her classmates. prideful, vain, stupid-looking.
to her, companionship was considered a world so unreal. it is a strange, foreign place that she never viewed as something material, but high-school was fast to prove that it is. her classmates — they hover over her like drunk bees on ripened fruit :  you use me, i use you. isn't it great - a benefactory relationship?
this wasn't always the case. once, there was rei — a girl who sat next to her in class, a girl who saw her as she is and not for the gifts and money and unusual features. … was she genuine? those days were warm, like the morning sun — nostalgic, quiet paradise where it was only rei and muu tailing at her like a lost, pathetic puppy. that was the only thing she was sure of. then, the swarm comes. the girls that would stare at rei with disdain in their eyes approach her with honeyed smiles. the temptation of sickly-sweet royal jelly offered up begs for her to take it ; a fleeting bite. then, she's falling.
——— but, maybe…
in hushed tones, they whisper to her of what friendship truly is :  give, then we'll give back to you. companionship like this is friendship. it's not exploitation if anyone benefits, don't you agree? ' what rei and i did was nothing, then? ' they insist so. if they say so, it must be right.
rei sees her laughing with them and a flash of hurt and worry is in her eyes. her— rei's expression is far from placid as she approaches her and talks to her again : a warning, she says. muu dismissed her with a scoff. she's just jealous of her new friends. is that it? that's it. she hates her, she hates her being happy. fine, she'll forget about her and everything, then.
——— hey, tell me.
one day, the world as she knew it changed. her friends that would be by her side are now against her. why? what did she do? she did nothing wrong — she has never done something wrong, she's never laid a hand on anyone else, all she did was speak and give gifts and look pretty. and yet, she apologises. they keep pushing her down, even as she begs for them to step. it's lonely. no more warmth.
the honey has dried up, and the half-born queen is starving. she sees rei and approaches her with an apology-- ——— even if… 
' please rethink this, please forgive me — i'm sorry, i said i am! ' ' why are you looking away — i thought we were… friends? we're friends. ' ' you should accept that i'm sorry — then, i'll accept that you are, too. why? ' the way rei casts her gaze towards her was so cold. there was no regret on her features, only deafening silence. is this how it feels, to be a living corpse? …at least it will be over, soon.
lately, she always considered herself to be one foot in the grave. then, the world she knew as changed became shattered, the very moment rei ripped her arm away from her shaking hands. her cries of help and pity fell on deafened ears — ' hey, rei… look. please, don't let go… ' she begged for her to stop, as she brought out the box cutter from her pocket. her words felt like bile on her throat. sunset's fading light downcast. ' do you really not care for me? fine, i'll— you know what i want to do, right? why are you going away? fine, i'll stab myself. i'll stab myself right now… i mean it, you did this. '
( the way you look at me. it's so cold, now. … i can't take it, please— look at me. look at me! )
her body, her instincts — at that very moment, they were nothing more but a desperate mechanism. she saw nothing but red, as she lunged towards rei with a desperate scream. an already fragile hold on her emotions made more apparent as she lashes out — that very same boxcutter that she used to threaten herself with was now plunged into the other's torso.
when she came to, she was breathing heavily, clutching her weapon now drenched in blood. desperation and rage were now brushed over : replaced by pure regret and agony. she would say that she's sorry, but perhaps she was not? …rei was the one that hurt her first. that's it. it's simply … revenge. a fitting punishment for a girl who always acted like the heroine.
i'll decorate your corpse with flowers and egotism. was this her favourite — white lillies?
in the coming days, rumors start to circulate around the school : ' ah, i've heard that kusunoki killed someone. that poverty-stricken girl. ' ' … oh? that's horrifying, actually. it's good that we stayed away. ' ' i knew that she was volatile from the very start! '
when a monarch starts to become reprehensible, what is left to do other than to get rid of her?
she wakes up in a plane so frightening, sterile and cold surrounded by others like her: murderers. who wouldn't be frightened in a situation like this? yet, she was forgiven.
then whispers began to start. it wasn't your fault, you poor thing. was it painful? ( … that's right. it's not my fault. it was never my fault in the first place, i'm faultless. )
lies layered on like her favourite dessert. a sweet cream to protect her fragile heart already at the risk of breaking, elevated to a mask of non-concern. her misery will eat her alive, if she didn't.
sometimes, i still see her in my dreams… i still see rei. i would never forget her name, you know. there's the way she stares at me. standing in the distance. drenched in stagnant water. watching. maybe she's angry. she haunts me — bound to me and my fate, herself and her image.
powers / abilities: n/a
inherent abilities: n/a
items / weapons:
an orange boxcutter that almost appears yellow in the sunlight. a reminder of torment and guilt. her already present discomfort with sharp objects made stronger by the memory.
starting ability: n/a
starting item: the boxcutter. 😀 she'll probably throw it in a ditch right away, but you know.
extra: you made it. happy birthday!
everything is subjective and prone to change. as is the nature of milgram. t3 & more could change what i have written down to the foundation — guesswork is fun. nothing is "complete" until you make it so.
summertime in the north hemisphere is ending soon, it's slightly nostalgic, from the smell of fresh grass and the warm light of sunset … it's a feeling i wanted to portray with this application. a large amount of what i wrote is personal theory crafted by personal feeling. i'm sorry. ( pien ↑↑ )
" isn't friendship supposed to be all about letting them do what they want? it's only beneficial for each other, isn't it? " tread with caution with this one.
16 year olds are scary creatures. i'm scared, i'm scared.
discord id: lovemedont
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finsterhund · 1 year
For you Sly prompt!
What are their pronouns?
What is their favorite food?
What do they do during bad weather (snow storms or thunder storms)
If given money what would they get from the ice cream truck?
If given wooden blocks what would they make?
What do they set their bed up like?
What section of a toy store do they go to right away?
Sorry if these are off the wall prompts lol, I work with preschool kids and we use these prompts to get to know kids better!
Awesome! Here goes.
He/him but also accepts they/them. The original toy clearly uses he/him according to his paper tags. In the OC universe I have the creatures in Underbed base a lot of their own language on human language so monsters will generally have similar basis for pronoun use as we do with many being also okay with it/it's due to how humans generally refer to them. Underbed monsters reproduce asexually by making their little babies out of scraps of themselves so gender hasn't ever been tied to any sort of societal or behavioral roles. Underbed monsters I'm thinking don't have their own unique language and use human languages with their own words thrown in.
Sly's favourite food is... well... this is awkward... There's not much to eat in Underbed (except Underbed monsters! Back home he's not exactly the top of the food chain!) So you'd imagine that when these creatures are slithering out from under kids' beds and closets they're looking for a bite to eat. Now Underbed monsters will claim pretty consistently that their favourite food is human children. (More like that's their only food but I digress) But Sly through the course of his adventures befriends a human boy and as a result gets to sample the delights from a strange human device that otherwise would be off limits to him because its door is guarded by a light whenever it's open: a fridge! As a result he's grown quite fond of salami and bacon and particularly enjoys salty foods.
According to the stuffed animal's paper tag Sly's favourite foods are presumably saltines and toes. With the former being something he likes to eat when taking over a human's bed. Presumably eating crackers makes a huge mess of crumbs.
Bad weather in the human world is the ideal time to go looking for food although things like lightning can be dangerous. Underbed monsters must be very cautious so as not to be caught in the flashes of the lightning so they culturally know about counting after hearing thunder. Bad weather in Underbed though is generally always unsafe so Sly's immediate response is to curl up for a snooze waiting out the worst of it. Closet beasts, a larger creature made from kites and umbrellas are naturally inclined to be out during Underbed's windstorms and they are a natural predator to Sly.
Sly's got no understanding of money but assuming he did he'd definitely get one of those cones with chocolate and peanuts on it. Little guy loves peanuts. He's more the type to try and sneak into the back of the truck and slither into one of the freezers to slowly eat as much ice cream as he could at his own leisure though.
Sly would probably try to build a little fortress out of the blocks with which to hide within. He'd probably eat a couple first to make sure they're not actually some kind of food though. 50/50 on whether he'd spit them back out.
Underbed monsters all pretty much build the same type of beds for themselves. I had the idea that they're some kind of marsupial lizard and babies are reared in pouches. Once big enough they will make their own little fabric pouches/pods/bags that hang from the walls or roofs of their familial caves. These bag-like structures are filled with textile scraps and rags and Underbed monsters will nest in them. Only the softest little pieces of fabric go into these bags and monsters are always on the lookout for fabric pieces they can take. As well as scraps of textile, Sly's tucked little trinkets and curiosities into his bed like a small treasure hoard. Many monsters like to collect things such as buttons, coins, keys, and other small items that humans may lose under their own beds. Underbed monsters when food isn't involved are generally attracted to two things: shiny items and fabric scraps.
Now the toy store question is intriguing on the level of Sly technically being a living toy! Most Underbed monsters are intimidated by stuffed animals and the presence of stuffed animals can dissuade an underbed monster from trying to eat you! It's probably a territorial thing with monsters thinking that this is the territory of the stuffy. They don't fare well against dogs or cats so risk aversion makes them hesitant to get on the bad side of the furry critters with unblinking forward facing eyes that appear to be standing on guard for their child owners. Sly however is clever enough to realize that stuffed animals are probably not alive and like the rare member of his kind he may try to collect one for his own. Actually being able to go into a toy store would probably strengthen his beliefs that they are not alive. He'd probably get very overstimulate very fast in a toy store. Usually he's only seen one person's worth of toys at any given time so seeing so many all in one place would be a shock. Handmade stuffed animals is probably what he'd immediately be drawn towards and a small loosely stuffed or blanket-like stuffy would be his ultimate choice and he'd put it in his mouth for storage before bringing it back home and stashing his new companion in his little nest for bedtime cuddles.
No worries on that whatsoever! These prompts were all really fun and I feel very fitting as these creatures are definitely a kidlore concept.
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